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Software Engineering

Software engineering is the application of scientific and engineering efforts in the development of software systems. Our research addresses every stage of the development process, from requirements analysis to the maintenance of existing implementations. Areas of particular interest include information modelling, requirements engineering, model-based development, research informatics, systems security, and sensor networks.



Past Members

Mohammed Aboulsamh
Vivian Ansell
Radu Calinescu
Jonathan Cooper
Charles Crichton
Edward Crichton
Grace Eden
Shamal Faily
Ruslan Fayzrakhmanov
Ettore Ferranti
Ross Gales
Nalin Asanka
Tom Harper
Steve Harris
(James Martin Research Fellow)
Ralf Hinze
Muzammil Hussain
Jaco Jacobs
Eric Kerfoot
Pascal Kesseli
Daniel Kroening
Anthony W. Lin
Joe Loughry
John Lyle
Steve McKeever
Conor Muldoon
Fernando Muradas
Cornelius Namiluko
Sarfraz Nawaz
Norbert Nthala
Savvas Papaioannou
David Power
Philipp Ruemmer
Douglas Russell
Janet Sadler
Aadya Shukla
Clint Sieunarine
Mark Slaymaker
Simon Smith
Ib Holm Sørensen
Andrew Symington
Pui Wo (Andrew) Tsui
Sonia Waharte
Christian Wallenta
Jackie Wang
Zhihua Wang
James Welch
Jim Whitehead
Geoff Williams
Ricklef Wohlers
Peter Wong
Nicolas Wu

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