Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative - OAEI-2021 Campaign

Large BioMed Track

Results OAEI 2021::Large BioMed Track


If you have any question/suggestion related to the results of this track or if you notice any kind of error (wrong numbers, incorrect information on a matching system, etc.), feel free to write an email to ernesto [.] jimenez [.] ruiz [at] gmail [.] com

Evaluation setting

We have run the evaluation in a Ubuntu 20 Laptop with an Intel Core i5-6300HQ CPU @ 2.30GHz x 4 and allocating 15Gb of RAM.

Precision, Recall and F-measure have been computed with respect to a UMLS-based reference alignment. Systems have been ordered in terms of F-measure.

Unique mappings show the number of mappings computed by a system that are not predicted by any of the other participants (including variants).

Check out the supporting scripts to reproduce the evaluation: https://github.com/ernestojimenezruiz/oaei-evaluation

Participation and success

In the OAEI 2021 largebio track 12 participating systems have been able to complete at least one of the tasks of the largebio track within a 8 hours timeout. ALOD2Vec and ATMacher could not complete some tasks due to a runtime error. Five systems completed all 6 tasks. GMap and AMD produced an "OutOfMemoryException" while Lily gave an error during the matching process.

Use of background knowledge

LogMapBio uses BioPortal as mediating ontology provider, that is, it retrieves from BioPortal the most suitable top-10 ontologies for the matching task.

LogMap uses normalisations and spelling variants from the general (biomedical) purpose SPECIALIST Lexicon.

AML has three sources of background knowledge which can be used as mediators between the input ontologies: the Uber Anatomy Ontology (Uberon), the Human Disease Ontology (DOID) and the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH).

Alignment coherence

Together with Precision, Recall, F-measure and Runtimes we have also evaluated the coherence of alignments. We have reported (1) number of unsatisfiabilities when reasoning with the input ontologies together with the computed mappings, and (2) the ratio/degree of unsatisfiable classes with respect to the size of the union of the input ontologies.

We have used the OWL 2 reasoner HermiT to compute the number of unsatisfiable classes. For the cases in which HermiT could not cope with the input ontologies and the mappings (in less than 2 hours) we have provided a lower bound on the number of unsatisfiable classes (indicated by ≥) using the OWL 2 EL reasoner ELK.

As in previous OAEI editions, only two systems have shown mapping repair facilities, namely: AML and LogMap (including its LogMapBio variant). Both systems produce relatively clean outputs for all 6 tasks. The results also show that even the most precise alignment sets may lead to a large amount of unsatisfiable classes. This proves the importance of using techniques to assess the coherence of the generated alignments.

1. System runtimes and task completion

System Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task 6 Average # Tasks
KGMatcher 7 18 9 31 27 39 22 6
LogMapLt 13 28 16 36 27 40 27 6
AML 44 92 124 183 1,026 375 307 6
LogMap 24 142 95 761 397 1,386 468 6
LogMapBio 1,190 2,582 1,434 4,921 4,652 10,486 4,211 6
ATMatcher 19 - 30 77 - - 42 3
OTMapOnto 42 - 326 - - - 184 2
ALOD2Vec 193 - 674 - - - 434 2
LSMatch 4,854 - 8,632 - - - 6,743 2
TOM 231 - - - - - 231 1
Fine-TOM 231 - - - - - 209 1
Wiktionary 13,435 - - - - - 13,435 1
# Systems 12 5 9 6 5 5 2,194 42
Table 1: System runtimes (s) and task completion.

2. Results for the FMA-NCI matching problem

Task 1: FMA-NCI small fragments

System Time (s) # Mappings # Unique Scores Incoherence Analysis
Precision  Recall  F-measure Unsat. Degree
AML 44 2,723 60 0.958 0.910 0.933 2 0.020%
LogMap 24 2,769 5 0.940 0.898 0.919 2 0.020%
Wiktionary 13,435 2,611 2 0.967 0.864 0.913 2,552 25.1%
LogMapBio 1,190 2,949 110 0.904 0.920 0.912 4 0.039%
ALOD2Vec 193 2,751 114 0.918 0.868 0.892 7,844 77.0%
LogMapLt 13 2,477 7 0.967 0.818 0.886 2,104 20.7%
LSMatch 4,854 2,355 0 0.979 0.792 0.876 1,549 15.2%
ATMatcher 19 2,332 20 0.974 0.781 0.867 314 3.1%
OTMapOnto 42 5,217 2,664 0.451 0.840 0.587 10,122 99.4%
Fine-TOM 231 870 19 0.949 0.277 0.429 43 0.4%
TOM 231 867 19 0.946 0.275 0.426 791 7.8%
KGMatcher 7 242 0 0.981 0.077 0.143 18 0.2%
Table 2: Results for the largebio task 1.

Task 2: FMA-NCI whole ontologies

System Time (s) # Mappings # Unique Scores Incoherence Analysis
Precision  Recall  F-measure Unsat. Degree
AML 92 3,109 313 0.806 0.881 0.842 2 0.015%
LogMap 142 2,702 0 0.845 0.796 0.820 2 0.015%
LogMapBio 2,582 3,371 288 0.726 0.861 0.788 4 0.029%
LogMapLt 28 3,471 798 0.673 0.818 0.738 5,190 38.1%
KGMatcher 18 303 5 0.754 0.076 0.138 68 0.5%
Table 3: Results for the largebio task 2.

3. Results for the FMA-SNOMED matching problem

Task 3: FMA-SNOMED small fragments

System Time (s) # Mappings # Unique Scores Incoherence Analysis
Precision  Recall  F-measure Unsat. Degree
AML 124 6,988 454 0.923 0.762 0.835 0 0%
LogMapBio 1,434 6,725 175 0.911 0.711 0.799 1 0.004%
LogMap 95 6,313 4 0.941 0.689 0.796 1 0.004%
ATMatcher 30 6,226 163 0.959 0.647 0.773 8,563 36.3%
OTMapOnto 326 12,797 6,486 0.381 0.678 0.488 23,565 100.0%
LogMapLt 16 1,641 2 0.969 0.208 0.342 774 3.3%
LSMatch 8,632 1,535 0 0.988 0.198 0.330 760 3.2%
ALOD2Vec 674 3,755 1,616 0.446 0.246 0.317 19,431 82.4%
KGMatcher 9 236 0 0.983 0.038 0.073 0 0%
Table 4: Results for the largebio task 3.

Task 4: FMA whole ontology with SNOMED large fragment

System Time (s) # Mappings # Unique Scores Incoherence Analysis
Precision  Recall  F-measure Unsat. Degree
LogMap 761 6,463 0 0.825 0.644 0.723 0 0%
LogMapBio 4,921 7,377 529 0.753 0.682 0.716 0 0%
AML 183 8,163 2,567 0.685 0.710 0.697 0 0%
LogMapLt 36 1,820 31 0.852 0.208 0.334 983 3.0%
ATMatcher 77 1,890 162 0.794 0.206 0.327 962 2.9%
KGMatcher 31 252 0 0.920 0.038 0.073 0 0%
Table 5: Results for the largebio task 4.

4. Results for the SNOMED-NCI matching problem

Task 5: SNOMED-NCI small fragments

System Time (s) # Mappings # Unique Scores Incoherence Analysis
Precision  Recall  F-measure Unsat. Degree
AML 1,026 14,739 2,573 0.906 0.746 0.818 ≥8 ≥0.011%
LogMapBio 4,652 13,704 817 0.909 0.696 0.788 ≥0 ≥0%
LogMap 397 12,522 11 0.954 0.667 0.785 ≥0 ≥0%
LogMapLt 27 10,891 311 0.949 0.564 0.708 ≥60,366 ≥80.4%
KGMatcher 27 2,358 0 0.977 0.124 0.220 ≥14,216 ≥18.9%
Table 6: Results for the largebio task 5.

Task 6: NCI whole ontology with SNOMED large fragment

System Time (s) # Mappings # Unique Scores Incoherence Analysis
Precision  Recall  F-measure Unsat. Degree
AML 375 14,195 2,380 0.862 0.687 0.765 ≥0 ≥0%
LogMapBio 10,486 14,594 1,026 0.825 0.676 0.743 ≥0 ≥0%
LogMap 1,386 12,298 41 0.866 0.598 0.707 ≥0 ≥0%
LogMapLt 40 12,837 1,568 0.797 0.564 0.661 ≥71,454 ≥87.6%
KGMatcher 39 2,494 2 0.916 0.124 0.218 ≥19,777 ≥24.2%
Table 7: Results for the largebio task 6.