(0) In this exercise you will harvest the experience you gained on natural degrees of freedom in WP2 and on optimization algorithms in WP3 to to optimize the conformation of fragments in 2cky (pdb code) riboswitch. Riboswitches are non coding segments (or untranslated regions UTRs) of an mRNA and they are responsible for directly binding to and sensing the presence of small metabolites resulting in change of gene expression encoded by the mRNA. More information can be found in the article that describes the structure determination of the 2cky riboswitch. S.Thore et al. (2006). Structure of the eukaryotic thiamine pyrophosphate riboswitch with its regulatory ligand. Science, 312, 1208-1211 To start with, please open the figure (image file WP4/figure.jpg). Figure (a) shows the secondary structure of 2cky chain A. In this chain there are 5 helical (containing base pairs) (P1 - P5) and 5 loop (no base pairing of nucleotides) (L1 - L5) regions. Figure (b) describes the region definition for P1. A regional decomposition for the whole chain is also provided: WP4/examples/2cky_A/region.data. For this exercise we chose two chain fragments (2cky_j23 and 2cky_j124), whose secondary structure is shown in figure (c). (1) As usual, please set up your links to "mosaics.x", pot_database, top_database libraries so that your WP4/examples library has this structure drwxr-xr-x 2cky_A drwxr-xr-x 2cky_j124 drwxr-xr-x 2cky_j124_opt drwxr-xr-x 2cky_j23_opt_L1 drwxr-xr-x 2cky_j23_opt_P2_P3 lrwxr-xr-x mosaics.x -> ../../MOSAICS/version.3.9.1_bgq/examples/mosaics.x lrwxr-xr-x pot_database -> ../../TOPPOT/pot_database/ lrwxr-xr-x top_database -> ../../TOPPOT/top_database/ where the paths to the executable may vary whether you have installed mosaics own your own or used an executable already available in your desktop. (2) Based on techniques you learned in WP2 and WP3, please design a protocol to find the optimal (lowest energy) conformation of loop L1 shown in figure (c). Please work in directory 2cky_j23_opt_L1, where we already set up an example optimization protocol for you to start with but we ask you to build the region file 2cky_j23_opt_L1/region/region.opt_L1.data for this type of optimization. If you open this file you could see that we gave you the overall structure but we ask you fill in the missing lines. Hint: You could copy and paste quite a few lines from 2cky_A/region.data. Once you have the file you can run a few optimization trajectories each can be represented by a plot of the potential energy vs the number of MC iterations. Please make one overall plot with the best (you found the lowest energy value) three optimization trajectories you obtained. (3) Repeat the same exercise, but optimize the whole structure of 2cky_j23 fragment and please work in directory 2cky_j23_opt_P2_P3. As a first step you have to complete the region file: 2cky_j23_opt_P2_P3/region/region.opt_P2_P3.data As you could see in the structure we provide we recommend that you join regions P3 and L3. As before, please make a summary plot with your top three optimization trajectories (energy vs. number of steps). (4) Run high temperature "entropic sampling" of the conformational space of fragment 2cky_j124. In this final exercise, we provide all the files you need including the initial setup in directory 2cky_j124. Visualize your trajectories using Pymol or VMD software packages. Plot the RMSD (Root-Mean-Square Deviation) of your visited conformational states from the initial structure. We recommend you to download the ANALYSE tools provided for this work package. (5) Please switch to directory 2cky_j124_opt Run long optimization trajectories (same \simulation_typ and \minimize_type you used for (2) and (3)) for the 2cky_j124 fragment. Use stsamc period so that you have at least 5 full period temperature fluctuations. Depending on the speed of your desktop, perform N (5, 10, 20) x 100,0000 production steps. I would suggest running some preliminary shorter N x 10,000 trajectories to to find the best amplitude (\stsamc_ampl) so that you get trajectories visiting the lowest energy conformations. This may be a good set of initial parameters to start with \simulation_typ{MIN} \stsamc_type{trigonom} \stsamc_period{50000} \stsamc_ampl{1200} \stsamc_shift{0} \total_step_mc{250000} 2000 100 number > 1 \statistics_freq{2000} 10 Please analyse your production run and generate the following figures: (You may find the provided ANALYSE tools useful) (a) Plot the RMSD from initial structure (b) Plot the RMSD distribution (c) Plot the ENERGY vs RMSD (d) Overlay your figure (b) over your figure (c)