Trusted Computing and Trusted Infrastructure Research at Oxford

We study Trusted Computing technologies, and ways to apply them to active trusted infrastructure: particularly in grid and cloud scenarios, and in service-oriented architectures.

The best way to understand this perspective is to look at the publications below. Much has been written about Trusted Computing at the lower levels of the hardware-software stack, but the most interesting applications arise in complex distributed systems. These also give rise to the greatest security challenges: and those which presently have no alternate evident solutions.

We also run a course on trusted computing infrastructure within the MSc in Software and Systems Security.

Group Members

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Prospective Students

Applications are welcome. Unfortunately, no funded studentships are available at the moment.

Current Projects


These are some events we have hosted here, or participated in elsewhere.

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Selected Publications

The Ten Page Introduction to Trusted Computing

Andrew Martin

RR-08-11, Technical Report, OUCL. December 2008.

On the Feasibility of Remote Attestation for Web Services

John Lyle, Andrew Martin

SecureCom09: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Secure Computing, pages 283-288. IEEE, 2009.

Trustworthy Log Reconciliation for Distributed Virtual Organisations

Jun Ho Huh, John Lyle

In Liqun Chen, Chris J. Mitchell and Andrew Martin, editors, TRUST pages 169-182. Springer, 2009.

Trustable Remote Verification of Web Services

John Lyle

In Liqun Chen, Chris J. Mitchell and Andrew Martin, editors, TRUST pages 153-168. Springer, 2009.

Towards a Trustable Virtual Organisation

Jun Ho Huh, Andrew Martin

In IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications IEEE Computer Society Press, 2009.

Grid security: Next steps

Andrew Martin and Po-Wah Yau

Information Security Technical Report, Vol. 12, No. 3. (2007), pp. 113-122.

Trusted Logging for Grid Computing

Jun Ho Huh, Andrew Martin

In Asia-Pacific Trusted Infrastructure Technologies Conference Vol. 0, pages 30-42. Los Alamitos, CA, USA. 2008. IEEE Computer Society.

Towards a Secure, Tamper-Proof Grid Platform

Andrew Cooper, Andrew Martin

In Sixth IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGRID'06) pages 373-380. IEEE Computer Society, May 2006.

Towards an open, trusted digital rights management platform

Andrew Cooper, Andrew Martin

In DRM '06: Proceedings of the ACM workshop on Digital rights management pages 79—88. New York, NY, USA. 2006. ACM.

Vulnerability Analysis of BOINC

Andrew Cooper

PRG-RR-05-01, Technical Report, University of OxfordOxford, UK. October 2005.

Innovations for Grid Security from Trusted Computing

Wenbo Mao, Andrew Martin, Hai Jin and Huanguo Zhang

In Fourteenth International Workshop on Security Protocols Springer-Verlag, 2006.

To appear.

Editorial, Guest Editors, Special issue on Grid Security

Howard Chivers, Andrew Martin

Software—-Practice and Experience, Vol. 35, No. 9, July 2005.

A Critical Survey of Grid Security Requirements and Technologies

Philippa J. Broadfoot, Andrew P. Martin

No. RR-03-15, Technical Report, Oxford University Computing Laboratory. August 2003.

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