Andrew Symington

My research focuses on exploiting opportunistic encounters between pairs of sensors to track mobile objects as they move through two-dimensional space. The key idea is that whenever two sensors encounter one another it relates them in space and time, and we can use this information to improve the accuracy of tracking over long periods. I have proposed a novel algorithm, Encounter Based Tracking (EBT) that models the encounters between pairs of sensors, or between sensors and anchors, as a connected graph. The model uses planar graph realization to obtain the relative two-dimensional positions of the vertices from graph edges alone. EBT uses this realized graph to drift-correct a sensor’s estimated trajectory, which may be estimated by inertial, visual or mechanical odometry.
I am currently working on an extension to EBT, in which a map is used to improve the performance of tracking. In some scenarios the encounter graph has an insufficient number of edges to be uniquely realized in two dimensions. In this case the configuration space represents all valid realizations of the graph, given the edges. I believe that it is possible to use graph rigidity theory to efficiently optimize over this configuration space. The goal of the proposed algorithm, EBT-MAP, will be to identify a candidate realization in this configuration space, that agrees with the free space in the given map.
MSc (Computer Science), University of Cape Town, 2009
BBusSci (Computer Science) Hons., University of Cape Town, 2006
Selected Publications
Encounter Based Sensor Tracking
Andrew Symington and Niki Trigoni
In The Thirteenth ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MobiHoc 2012). June, 2012.
Details about Encounter Based Sensor Tracking | BibTeX data for Encounter Based Sensor Tracking | Download (pdf) of Encounter Based Sensor Tracking | DOI (10.1145/2248371.2248377)
Probabilistic Target Detection by Camera−Equipped UAVs
Andrew Symington‚ Sonia Waharte‚ Simon Justin Julier and Niki Trigoni
In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). 2010.
Details about Probabilistic Target Detection by Camera−Equipped UAVs | BibTeX data for Probabilistic Target Detection by Camera−Equipped UAVs | DOI (10.1109/ROBOT.2010.5509355)
A Hardware Test Bed for Measuring IEEE 802.11g Distribution Coordination Function Performance
Andrew Symington and Pieter Kritzinger
In Modelling‚ Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems‚ 17th Annual Meeting of the IEEE International Symposium on. 2009.
Details about A Hardware Test Bed for Measuring IEEE 802.11g Distribution Coordination Function Performance | BibTeX data for A Hardware Test Bed for Measuring IEEE 802.11g Distribution Coordination Function Performance | DOI (10.1109/MASCOT.2009.5366313)