Marco Diciolla

I'm a third year DPhil student working on VERIWARE. VERIWARE is a five year project at the Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford, funded by the European Research Council Advanced Investigators Grant and led by Marta Kwiatkowska. Prior to this, I studied for a Master Degree in Computer Engineering at Politecnico of Milan. During my last year of university I worked on the PoplMark Challenge with Professor Mads Dam at the Royal Institute of Technology, KTH.
The central premise of the VERIWARE project is that there is a need for a paradigm shift in verification to enable ‘everyware’ verification, which can be achieved through a model-based approach that admits discrete and continuous dynamics, the replacement of offline methods with online techniques such as machine learning, and the use of game-theoretic and planning techniques. The project will significantly advance quantitative probabilistic verification in new and previously unexplored directions. This will involve investigating the fundamental principles of ‘everyware’ verification, development of algorithms and prototype implementations, and experimenting with case studies.
Selected Publications
Quantitative Verification of Implantable Cardiac Pacemakers
Taolue Chen‚ Marco Diciolla‚ Marta Kwiatkowska and Alexandru Mereacre
In Real Time Systems Symposium (RTSS) 2012. Real Time Systems Symposium (RTSS) 2012.
Details about Quantitative Verification of Implantable Cardiac Pacemakers | BibTeX data for Quantitative Verification of Implantable Cardiac Pacemakers
Synthesising Optimal Timing Delays for Timed I/O Automata
Marco Diciolla‚ Chang Hwan Peter Kim‚ Marta Kwiatkowska and Alexandru Mereacre
DCS. 2014.
Details about Synthesising Optimal Timing Delays for Timed I/O Automata | BibTeX data for Synthesising Optimal Timing Delays for Timed I/O Automata | Download (pdf) of Synthesising Optimal Timing Delays for Timed I/O Automata
A Simulink Hybrid Heart Model for Quantitative Verification of Cardiac Pacemakers
Taolue Chen‚ Marco Diciolla‚ Marta Kwiatkowska and Alexandru Mereacre
In Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC 2013). 2013.
Details about A Simulink Hybrid Heart Model for Quantitative Verification of Cardiac Pacemakers | BibTeX data for A Simulink Hybrid Heart Model for Quantitative Verification of Cardiac Pacemakers