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University of Oxford Department of Computer Science
Marta Kwiatkowska - Fellowships and Professional Service
Fellowships and Awards
Elected member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences , 2023
Professorship, Presented by President of the Republic of Poland , 2023
Fellow, Alan Turing Institute , 2021
Van Wijngaarden Award , 2021
Fellow, ELLIS Program (Semantic, Symbolic and Interpretable AI ), 2020
Awarded the British Computer Society Lovelace Medal , 2019
Principal Investigator, ERC
Advanced Grant FUN2MODEL , 2019-24
Fellow, Royal Society , 2019
Royal Society Milner Award , 2018
Fellow, Association for Computing Machinery , 2017
Fellow, European Association for Theoretical Computer Science , 2017
Fellow, Polish Society of Arts & Sciences Abroad, 2017
Haifa Verification Conference, HVC Award , 2016
Doctor of Science honoris causa, KTH Royal Institute of Technology , Stockholm, 2014
Member, Academia Europea , 2011
Fellow, the British Computer Society , 2008
Principal Investigator, ERC
Advanced Grant VERIWARE , 2010-15
Professional Service
Member, Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI ), Responsible AI Working Group , 2020-
Member, Royal Society's Digital Technology and the Planet Working Group, 2019-
Member, REF 2021
Subpanel 11 (Computer Science and Informatics)
Member, EATCS Award Committee, 2019-22
Advisor, Suffrage Science Awards , MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences, (2018)
Member, REF 2014
Subpanel 11 (Computer Science and Informatics)
Chair, ERC
Starting Grants Panel (PE6)
Member, Scientific Steering Committee of the Isaac Newton Institute in Cambridge, 2015-17
Member, Presburger Award Committee, 2016-18
Member, Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowships Committee, 2012-18
Member, CAV Award Committee, 2010-14
Member, SystemX Scientific and Technology Council, 2014
Member, Digiteo Scientific Committee, 2010-15
Member, Advisory Board, MT-LAB
Member, KTH ACCESS Scientific Advisory Committee
Member, Dutch Informatics Review Panel, 2009
Member, Royal Society International Fellowships Committee, 2008-2010
Member, UK Computing Research Committee (UKCRC) , expert panel of the BCS and the IEE
Member, BBSRC
Committee C Research Committee, 2008-10
Member, EPSRC
Computing College
Senior Member, Steering Committee, OxWoCS (Oxford Women in Computer Science Society)
Subject Editor, Royal Society Open Society , 2017-
Editorial Board, Information and Computation
Guest Editor, Special Issue of Theoretical Computer Science C devoted to VEMDP 2014
Guest Editor, Special Issue of Information and Computation devoted to ICALP 2013
PC Chair, 40th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP'13 Track B) , Riga, Latvia, July 8-12, 2013
Guest Editor, Special Issue of Formal Methods in System Design on Probabilistic Model Checking
Editorial Board, Formal Methods in System Design
Editorial Board, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A , 2010-2015
Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering , 2010-
Editorial Board, Science of Computer Programming
Editorial Board, Transactions
on Computational Systems Biology, LNCS Journal Subline
Editorial Board, Journal
on Logical Methods in Computer Science (LMCS)
Guest editor, Proceedings of the Royal Society Discussion Meeting From computers to ubiquitous computing, by 2020 , Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A: 366 (1881)
Guest Editor, Special Issue of IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering on Quantitative Evaluation of Computer Systems
Conferences Organised
Federated Logic Conference, (FLoC 2018 ), 'Machine Learning Meets Formal Methods' summit, Oxford, 6-19 July 2018. Visit the FLoC Conference 2018 YouTube Channel for videos of FLoC plenaries, keynotes, the public lecture, public debate, and a special invited talk by Dana Scott.
Foundations of Programming and Software Systems (FOPSS ), Logic and Learning Summer School, Oxford, 1-6 July 2018. See here for slides, videos and other resources.
Public debate in The Oxford Union 'Ethics and Morality of Robotics ' 16th July 2018.
Morality and Social Trust in Autonomous Robots , July 2017
Morality and Social Trust in Autonomous Robots , June 2016
Social Trust in Autonomous Robots
Dagstuhl Seminar on Approximate and Probabilistic Computing: Design, Coding, Verification
CAV Workshop on Verification of Engineered Molecular Devices and Programs
VEMDP 2015 , San Francisco
Dagstuhl Seminar on Model-driven Algorithms and Architectures for Self-Aware Computing Systems
CAV Workshop on Verification of Engineered Molecular Devices and Programs
VEMDP 2014 , Vienna
Dagstuhl Seminar on Quantative and Qualitative Analysis of Network Protocols
Lead organiser, From computers to ubiquitous computing, by 2020 , Royal Society Discussion Meeting, 17-18 March 2008
Dagstuhl Seminar on Probabilistic Methods in Verification and Planning
Probabilistic Methods in Verification Workshops (PROBMIV)
Dagstuhl Seminar on Probabilistic Methods in Verification