Peter Jeavons

Professor Peter Jeavons
Completed Projects:
I'm interested in algorithms and computational complexity. Most of my own research has focused on constraint satisfaction problems. More details about this research can be found on the Constraints Group page.
I'm also interested in computational biology. My recent DPhil student, Dan Nichol, was jointly supervised by Alexander Anderson, in the Integrated Mathematical Oncology Lab at the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center in Florida. My current DPhil student, Artem Kaznatcheev, is sponsored by Jacob Scott, at the Taussig Cancer Institute in Cleveland, Ohio.
Selected Publications
Minimal Weighted Clones with Boolean Support
Peter G. Jeavons‚ Andrius Vaicenavičius and Stanislav Živný
In Takahiro Hanyu, editor, Proceedings of the 46th IEEE International Symposium on Multiple−Valued Logic‚ ISMVL 2016‚ Sapporo‚ Japan‚ May 18−20‚ 2016. Pages 90–95. IEEE Computer Society. May, 2016.
Details about Minimal Weighted Clones with Boolean Support | BibTeX data for Minimal Weighted Clones with Boolean Support | Link to Minimal Weighted Clones with Boolean Support
Steering Evolution with Sequential Therapy to Prevent the Emergence of Bacterial Antibiotic Resistance
Daniel Nichol‚ Peter Jeavons‚ Alexander G. Fletcher‚ Robert A. Bonomo‚ Philip K. Maini‚ Jerome L. Paul‚ Robert A. Gatenby‚ Alexander R.A. Anderson and Jacob G. Scott
In PLoS Computational Biology. 2015.
Details about Steering Evolution with Sequential Therapy to Prevent the Emergence of Bacterial Antibiotic Resistance | BibTeX data for Steering Evolution with Sequential Therapy to Prevent the Emergence of Bacterial Antibiotic Resistance | DOI (10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004493)
Simple Algorithms for Distributed Leader Election in Anonymous Synchronous Rings and Complete Networks Inspired by Neural Development in Fruit Flies
Lei Xu and Peter Jeavons
In International Journal of Neural Systems. 2015.
Details about Simple Algorithms for Distributed Leader Election in Anonymous Synchronous Rings and Complete Networks Inspired by Neural Development in Fruit Flies | BibTeX data for Simple Algorithms for Distributed Leader Election in Anonymous Synchronous Rings and Complete Networks Inspired by Neural Development in Fruit Flies | DOI (10.1142/S0129065715500252) | Link to Simple Algorithms for Distributed Leader Election in Anonymous Synchronous Rings and Complete Networks Inspired by Neural Development in Fruit Flies