Robin Neatherway

Mr Robin Neatherway
Selected Publications
A type−directed abstraction refinement approach to higher−order model checking
Steven James Ramsay‚ Robin P. Neatherway and C.−H. Luke Ong
In Suresh Jagannathan and Peter Sewell, editors, The 41st Annual ACM SIGPLAN−SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages‚ POPL '14‚ San Diego‚ CA‚ USA‚ January 20−21‚ 2014. Pages 61−72. ACM. 2014.
Details about A type−directed abstraction refinement approach to higher−order model checking | BibTeX data for A type−directed abstraction refinement approach to higher−order model checking
A Traversal Based Algorithm for Higher−Order Model Checking
Robin P. Neatherway‚ C.−H. Luke Ong and Steven J. Ramsay
In Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP '12). 2012.
Details about A Traversal Based Algorithm for Higher−Order Model Checking | BibTeX data for A Traversal Based Algorithm for Higher−Order Model Checking
Model Checking Liveness Properties of Higher−Order Functional Programs
Martin M. Lester‚ Robin P. Neatherway‚ C.−H. Luke Ong and Steven J. Ramsay
Details about Model Checking Liveness Properties of Higher−Order Functional Programs | BibTeX data for Model Checking Liveness Properties of Higher−Order Functional Programs