Björn Wachter

Dr Björn Wachter
My research focuses on the formal verification and quantitative analysis of computing systems.
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Björn Wachter is currently a postdoctoral research assisant at the Computer Science Department of the University of Oxford. He received a PhD in computer science from Saarland University in 2010.
Selected Publications
Symbolic state traversal for WCET analysis
Stephan Wilhelm and Björn Wachter
EMSOFT 2009.
Details about Symbolic state traversal for WCET analysis | BibTeX data for Symbolic state traversal for WCET analysis | Download (pdf) of Symbolic state traversal for WCET analysis
Verifying Multi−threaded Software with Impact
Björn Wachter‚ Daniel Kroening and Joel Ouakine
In FMCAD. 2013.
Details about Verifying Multi−threaded Software with Impact | BibTeX data for Verifying Multi−threaded Software with Impact
Language Equivalence for Probabilistic Automata
James Worrell Stefan Kiefer Andrzej S. Murawski Joel Ouaknine Björn Wachter
Details about Language Equivalence for Probabilistic Automata | BibTeX data for Language Equivalence for Probabilistic Automata | Download (pdf) of Language Equivalence for Probabilistic Automata