The Oxford Advanced Seminar on Informatic Structures
Introduction to OASIS Michaelmas 2004 Hilary 2005 Trinity 2005 Michaelmas 2005 Hilary 2006 Mathieu Marion
Samson Abramsky
Stephen Clark
Jens Eisert
Stefan Milius
Emmanuel Haven
Pasquale Malacaria
Trinity 2006 Michaelmas 2006 Hilary 2007 Trinity 2007 Michaelmas 2007 Hilary 2008 Trinity 2008
Hilary 2006
This term promisses to be the most eclectic multi-and cross-disciplinary mix of topics we have had so far, including several tuples taken within: pure mathematics, logic, philosophy, physics, economy, linguistics, information theory, game theory, and, computing of course! As usual, talks are Friday afternoons at 2:00pm in the Lecture Theatre of the Computing Laboratory, which is at the corner of Parks road and Keble road. Since the Lecture Theatre is only available till 3.00pm this term we will respect the 2:00pm starting time stricter than usually, and discussions will proceed after 3pm upstairs in the lounge, with coffee, tea and cookies! Everyone is welcome! Click on the name of the speaker to get some information and see his abstract.
- Friday 20 January (week 1) Mathieu Marion (University of Quebec at Montreal) Why playing logical games? Some philosophical answers
- Friday 27 January (week 2) Samson Abramsky (OUCL) Socially Responsive, Environmentally Friendly Logic
- Friday 3 February (week 3) Stephen Clark (OUCL) Vector Space Models of Meaning
- Friday 10 February (week 4) Jens Eisert (Imperial College, London) Looking at linear optics quantum computing with the eye of a computer scientist
- Friday 17 February (week 5) Stefan Milius (University of Braunschweig, Germany) Recursive coalgebras
- Friday 24 February (week 6) Emmanuel Haven (University of Essex) Quantum Physics and Economics? A Survey of Possible Links
- Friday 3 March (week 7) Pasquale Malacaria (Queen Mary, London) Measuring Interference via Entropy
- Friday 10 March (week 8) TBA