The Oxford Advanced Seminar on Informatic Structures
Introduction to OASIS Michaelmas 2004 Hilary 2005 Trinity 2005 Michaelmas 2005 Greg Restall
Dan Ghica
Andrea Schalk
Jim Laird
Luke Ong
Hilary 2006 Trinity 2006 Michaelmas 2006 Hilary 2007 Trinity 2007 Michaelmas 2007 Hilary 2008 Trinity 2008
Michaelmas 2005
Talks are Friday afternoons at 2:00pm in the Lecture Theatre of the Computing Laboratory, which is at the corner of Parks road and Keble road. Everyone is welcome! Click on the name of the speaker to get some information and see his abstract.
We also plan to have two more talks on games by Mathieu Marion and Igor Walukiewicz in Hilary 2006, a term devoted to the theme Crossing Disciplines.
- Friday 14 October (week 1) Introductory talk on Algorithmic Game Semantics by OUCL's Samson Abramsky [www] one of the fathers of game semantics
- Friday 21 October (week 2) Tutorial on Game Semantics by OUCL's Andrzej Murawski [www]
- Friday 28 October (week 3) Greg Restall (University of Melbourne) Proofnets for the modal logic S5
- Friday 4 November (week 4) Dan Ghica (University of Birmingham) Abstract Interpretation Revisited
- Friday 11 November (week 5) Andrea Schalk (University of Manchester) Graph Games Revisited
- Friday 18 November (week 6) Jim Laird (University of Sussex at Brighton) A Game Semantics of Names and Pointers
- Friday 25 November (week 7) POSTPONED TO HILARY TERM 2006: Pasquale Malacaria (Queen Mary, London) Measuring interference via entropy
- Friday 2 December (week 8) Luke Ong (Oxford University Computing Laboratory) Infinite trees, higher-order recursion schemes and game semantics