Dario Stein

Room 375
Dept. of Computer Science
Wolfson Building
University of Oxford
Parks Road
United Kingdom
About me
Since October 2017 I've been a PhD student at the University of Oxford, working with Sam Staton. I am also a member of Balliol College. Previously, I obtained an MASt in Pure Mathematics at the University of Cambridge and a Bachelor in Mathematics from University of Hamburg. You can find my complete CV here.
Research Interests
My research interests include programming language semantics, category theory, and probability theory, which come together in the field of probabilistic programming.
I'm furthermore very interested in (Bayesian) machine learning, quantum computation, functional programming, algebraic effects and type theory. I have a pure-maths background in logic, topology and algebraic geometry.
- Compositional Semantics for Probabilistic Programs with Exact Conditioning
Dario Stein, Sam Staton. LICS 2021 Distinguished Paper - Probabilistic Programming Semantics for Name
Marcin Sabok, Sam Staton, Dario Stein, Michael Wolman. POPL 2021
- The
Beta-Bernoulli process and Algebraic Effects
Sam Staton, Dario Stein, Hongseok Yang, Nathanael L. Ackerman, Cameron E. Freer, Daniel M. Roy. ICALP 2018
- Jul 2021, Mathematical Foundations Seminar, Bath
- Jul 2021, VeriProP 2021
- Jun 2021, LICS 2021
- Jan 2021, Oxford Quantum Group Workshop
- Jan 2021, POPL 2021 (View on Clowdr)
- Jan 2021, LAFI. Slides
- Oct 2020, ProbProg workshop, MIT/Online
- Feb 2020, PIHOC workshop, IRIF, Paris. Slides
- Jan 2020, LAFI workshop, POPL, New Orleans. Slides
- 2019, Junior Semantics Seminar x 2, Oxford
- Jul 2018, ICALP 2018, Prague.
- 2018, Quantum Lunch, Quantum Group, Oxford
- Michaelmas 2020, Tutor for Categories, Proofs and Processes at University of Oxford
- Hilary 2020, Tutor for Quantum Information at University of Oxford
- Michaelmas 2019, Tutor for Principles of Programming Languages at University of Oxford.
- Hilary 2019, Tutor for Probability and Computing at University of Oxford.
- Compositionality, MSCS, ProbProg'21