Edward Crichton

Mr Edward Crichton BSc (Hons)
Completed Projects:
Software development; Web applications; Databases; Software Engineering.
BSc in Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science, Birmingham University; B-Core (UK) Ltd; Oxford University Software Engineering Programme; Oxford University Computing Laboratory (now Department of Computer Science)
Selected Publications
Model−driven Engineering of Information Systems: 10 years and 1000 versions
Jim Davies‚ Jeremy Gibbons‚ James Welch and Edward Crichton
In Science of Computer Programming. Vol. 89B. Pages 88−104. September, 2014.
Details about Model−driven Engineering of Information Systems: 10 years and 1000 versions | BibTeX data for Model−driven Engineering of Information Systems: 10 years and 1000 versions | DOI (10.1016/j.scico.2013.02.002)
Model−Driven Data Migration
Mohammed A. Aboulsamh‚ Edward Crichton‚ Jim Davies and James Welch
In Advances in Conceptual Modeling − Applications and Challenges‚ ER 2010 Workshops ACM−L‚ CMLSA‚ CMS‚ DE@ER‚ FP−UML‚ SeCoGIS‚ WISM‚ Vancouver‚ BC‚ Canada‚ November 1−4‚ 2010.. Vol. 6413 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Pages 285–294. 2010.
Details about Model−Driven Data Migration | BibTeX data for Model−Driven Data Migration | DOI (10.1007/978-3-642-16385-2_35)
On the Generation of Object Databases using Booster
Jim Davies‚ James Welch‚ Alessandra Cavarra and Edward Crichton
In Proceedings of the 11th IEEE Conference on the Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS 2006). IEEE Computer Society. 2006.
Details about On the Generation of Object Databases using Booster | BibTeX data for On the Generation of Object Databases using Booster | DOI (10.1109/ICECCS.2006.1690374)