Elias Koutsoupias
Professor of Computer Science
University of Oxford

Department of Computer Science
University of Oxford
Wolfson Building, Parks Road
Oxford, OX1 3QD, UK

Office: 368
Tel: +44 (0) 1865 610738
Email: firstname.surname@cs.ox.ac.uk

Short Biography

I am a professor of computer science at the University of Oxford.

My research interests include algorithmic aspects of game theory, economics and networks, online algorithms, decision-making under uncertainty, design and analysis of algorithms, computational complexity.

I was awarded the Gödel Prize in theoretical computer science for my foundational work on the price of anarchy, a key concept in algorithmic game theory. I am also a recipient of the ERC Advanced Grant, “Algorithms, Games, Mechanisms, and the Price of Anarchy.”

Prior to my current position, I held faculty appointments at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and the University of Athens. I received my Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering from the National Technical University of Athens and my Doctor of Philosophy in computer science from the University of California, San Diego (UCSD).


Research interests

Here are some of my papers. An almost complete list can be found at DBLP and at Google Scholar.

Price of anarchy

The concept of the price of anarchy appeared in a joint paper with Christos Papadimitriou in 1999:

  • Worst-case equilibria (with Christos Papadimitriou). Its influence was recognized by the Gödel Prize in 2012.

The following papers contain some followup work on the price of anarchy of finite congestion games:

Coordination mechanisms is one way to try to re-design systems to improve their price of anarchy:

The following paper considers the interplay between price of anarchy and social inequality

Mechanism design

Together with George Christodoulou and Annamaria Kovacs, we have proved the Nisan-Ronen conjecture, a major open problem in algorithmic mechanism design.

The proof and a general overview of it are in

Earlier papers made progress on special cases and developed useful mechanism characterizations.

We have also established positive results for specific input instances.

The following are some of my earlier publications on this or related topics.

Game-theoretic issues of blockchains

Blockchains raise some challenging game-theoretic questions.

The following papers study equilibria of mining games:

The next paper explores mechanisms for incentivising blockchain stakeholders to organize into pools

Optimal auctions

The following papers aim to design profit-maximising auctions in Bayesian settings. This is achieved through a duality framework involving partial differential inequalities, which facilitates both the construction and validation of optimal auction designs.

Online algorithms

A large part of my research is about online algorithms.

The k-server conjecture is a central and highly challenging problem in online algorithms. Even after many years, this paper remains the state-of-the-art result:

The following is a review article on the k-server problem:

Here are some recent relevant papers on the k-server problem and its variants

Another challenging online problem is the carpool fairness problem:

Combining markets and online algorithms:


My research extends to several other areas. Here are a few examples.

EFX allocations on graphs

EFX envy-freeness has received considerable attention recently. The following paper considers the special case where each good can only be allocated between two specific agents.

Beyond worst-case analysis

Our chapter “Beyond Competitive Analysis,” co-authored with Anna Karlin, appears in Tim Roughgarden’s recent collection “Beyond Worst-Case Analysis” and draws partially on

Distributed computing

Given a finite task, is there a wait-free distributed algorithm for it? With Eli Gafni, we showed that this problem is undecidable even for extremely simple cases.

Traveling salesman problem

With Michelangelo Grigni and Christos Papadimitriou, we provided an approximation scheme for a limited case of Euclidean TSP, which was subsumed by Sanjeev Arora’s more general solution.

Created: 2025-03-15 Sat 21:09