Evgeny Kharlamov

Evgeny Kharlamov
Evgeny's research interests span different aspects of Artificial Intelligence and Semantic Technologies with applications in Industry 4.0. He has been actively working on (Big) Data Integration, light-weight ontology reasoning, ontology-to-DB mapping bootstrapping, end-users oriented data access interfaces, and ontology evolution and privacy.
Evgeny is a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Oxford; he was previously a visiting researcher at the Universities of Oxford and Edinburgh and a researcher at the University of Bolzano and INRIA Saclay.
Evgeny's work has led to more than 70 publications including top tier conferences and journals such as TODS, PVLDB, JCSS, JWS, JSW, IJCAI, AAAI, CIKM, and ISWC. His work on semantic equipment diagnostics won the best in-use paper award at ISWC'17, on industrial model management was a runner-up at ISWC'16, and on semantic access to Siemens turbine data won the best demo at ISWC'15.
Evgeny played a leading role in Oxford's participation in a large scale EU funded Optique project on end-user oriented access to industrial Big Data. He was one of the co-authors and a research co-investigator of the EPSRC grant on data analytics (\pounds 866,527). He is the PI on several projects including an industry-funded with Siemens (\pounds 200,000) on semantic diagnostics of complex industrial production systems and on analytics and model management.
See also
Selected Publications
Faceted search over RDF−based knowledge graphs
Marcelo Arenas‚ Bernardo Cuenca Grau‚ Evgeny Kharlamov‚ Sarunas Marciuska and Dmitriy Zheleznyakov
In Journal of Web Semantics. Vol. 37. Pages 55−74. 2016.
Details about Faceted search over RDF−based knowledge graphs | BibTeX data for Faceted search over RDF−based knowledge graphs | Download (pdf) of Faceted search over RDF−based knowledge graphs
Trust−Sensitive Evolution of DL−Lite Knowledge Bases
Dmitriy Zheleznyakov‚ Evgeny Kharlamov and Ian Horrocks
Details about Trust−Sensitive Evolution of DL−Lite Knowledge Bases | BibTeX data for Trust−Sensitive Evolution of DL−Lite Knowledge Bases
Using Semantic Technology to Tame the Data Variety Challenge
Ian Horrocks‚ Martin Giese‚ Evgeny Kharlamov and Arild Waaler
In IEEE Internet Computing. Vol. 20. No. 6. Pages 62–66. 2016.
Details about Using Semantic Technology to Tame the Data Variety Challenge | BibTeX data for Using Semantic Technology to Tame the Data Variety Challenge | DOI (10.1109/MIC.2016.121)