Interrupt this thread.
Interrupt this thread.
Has this tester been interrupted?
Has this tester been interrupted?
Note that the solve method must detect that this variable has been set, and return Solver.Interrupted.
Make an invocation event.
Make an invocation event.
Make a return event.
Make a return event.
Test whether the history given by events is linearizable, returning one of the values defined in Solver.
Test whether the history given by events is linearizable, returning one of the values defined in Solver.
one of the values defined in the Solver companion object.
A tester for linearizabilty.
This is the tester referred to as the breadth-first search just-in-time linearization tester in the paper Testing for Linearizability, Gavin Lowe. See that paper for more explanation of the technique.
the type of states of the corresponding sequential datatype