- SIEEEM 2007 Symposium of the IEEE in Monterrey, Monterrey, Mexico November 1-3, 2007. - ESWC 2007: 4th European Semantic Web Conference Innsbruck, Austria, June 3-7, 2007. - AutoMathA 2007 - Automata: From Mathematics to Applications, Palermo, Italy, June 18- 22, 2007. - CILC 2007 Italian Conference on Computational Logic, Messina, Italy, June 2007. - BCTCS 2007: British Colloquium for Theoretical Computer Science, Oxford, April 2007. - British Logic Colloquium, Oxford, September 2006. - ODSA 2006: Optimal Discrete Structures and Algorithms, Rostock (Germany), September 04 - 06, 2006 - BNCOD 2006: 23rd British National Conference on Databases Queen's University Belfast, Northern Ireland, July 18- 20, 2006. - MathCSP 2006: International Workshop on Mathematics of Constraint Satisfaction: Algebra, Logic and Graph Theory. St. Anne's College, University of Oxford, March 20-24, 2006. - Information Sciences of New Era: Brain, Mind and Society, Sendai, Japan, Sept. 26-27, 2005. - WG 2005: 31st International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, Metz, France, June 23-25, 2005. - BTW 2005: 12th Conference of the German Computer Science Society on Database Systems for Business, Technology, and the Web ( 12. GI-Fachtagung Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web), Karlsruhe, Germany, Winter 2005. - IJCAR 2004: International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning. Cork, Ireland, July 4-8, 2004. - 23 ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT- SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS 2004) Paris, France - June 14-16, 2004 - Third International Symposium on Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems (FoIKS 2004), Vienna (Austria), February 17 - 20, 2004. - IEEE/WIC International Conferences on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology, (WI/IAT-03), Halifax, Canada, Oct. 13-16, 2003. - LICS 2002, IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 2002. - Logics in Artificial Intelligence JELIA'02, Calabria, Italy, September 2002. - Ninth International Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning NMR 2002, Toulouse, France, April 2002. - Symposium on the Effectiveness of Logic in Computer Science (ELICS), Saarbruecken, Germany, March 4-6, 2002. - Invited system demo and paper at Intern. Workshop on Logic Programming and NonmonotonicReasoning (LPNMR), Vienna, 2001. - 26th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS'01), Mariánské Lázne, CFR, 2001. - 5th International Conference on Developments in Language Theory (DLT'01), Vienna, July 16-21, 2001. - 7th International Conference on Logic Programming and Automated Reasoning (LPAR 2000), Reunion Island, France, November 2000. - DEXA'99 Database and Expert Systems Applications, Florence, Italy, August/September 1999 - International Symposium on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR'96), Cambridge, MA, Nov. 1996. - 11th International Logic Programming Symposium (ILPS), Ithaca, NY, 1994. - Logics in Artificial Intelligence JELIA'94, York, UK, 1994. - 12th International Conference on Fundamentals of Computation Theory, (FCT'97), Krakow, September 1997. - Second Intern. Workshop on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (LPNMR), Lisbon, 1993. - International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS), Prague, 1995. - International Summer School on Logic Programming, Alghero, Italy, June 1996. - Conference on Inductive Logic programming (ILP'97), Prague, September 1997. - Italian Artificial Intelligence Conference 1997, Rome, Sept. 1997. - LLC'99 Third International Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation, Batumi, Georgia, September 1999. - Workshop on Proof Theory, Complexity and Meta-mathematics, Kurt Gödel Society, Vienna, April 1994. - European Conference on Computer Assisted Systems Theory (EUROCAST), Innsbruck, 1995. - First COMPULOG Net Meeting on Knowledge Bases, Munich, 1992. - Logic Colloquium 95, Haifa, Israel, 1995. Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning. - Finite Model Theory Workshop, Oberwolfach, Germany, 1998. - Workshop on Finite Model Theory and Implicit Complexity, at FLOC'99, Trento, July 1999.