author = {Bernardo {Cuenca Grau} and Boris Motik and Giorgos Stoilos and Ian Horrocks},
date-added = {2013-07-22 21:56:17 +0000},
date-modified = {2013-07-22 21:56:17 +0000},
journal = {J.\ of Artificial Intelligence Research},
month = {March},
pages = {419--476},
title = {Completeness Guarantees for Incomplete Ontology Reasoners: Theory and Practice},
url = {download/2011/CMSH11a.pdf},
volume = {43},
year = {2012},
bdsk-url-1 = {download/2011/CMSH11a.pdf}
author = {Ana {Armas Romero} and Bernardo {Cuenca Grau} and Ian Horrocks},
booktitle = {Proc.\ of the 11th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2012)},
date-added = {2013-02-16 19:39:26 +0000},
date-modified = {2013-02-16 22:19:42 +0000},
pages = {1--16},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
title = {{MORe}: Modular Combination of {OWL} Reasoners for Ontology Classification},
url = {download/2012/ArCH12b.pdf},
volume = {7649},
year = {2012},
bdsk-url-1 = {download/2012/ArCH12a.pdf},
bdsk-url-2 = {download/2012/ArCH12b.pdf}
author = {Ernesto Jim\'{e}nez-Ruiz and Bernardo {Cuenca Grau} and Yujiao Zhou and Ian Horrocks},
booktitle = {Proc.\ of the 20th Eur.\ Conf.\ on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI~2012)},
date-added = {2013-02-16 19:25:46 +0000},
date-modified = {2013-02-16 19:33:40 +0000},
pages = {444--449},
publisher = {IOS Press},
title = {Large-scale Interactive Ontology Matching: Algorithms and Implementation},
url = {download/2012/JCZH12a.pdf},
year = {2012},
bdsk-url-1 = {download/2012/JCZH12a.pdf}
author = {Yujiao Zhou and Bernardo {Cuenca Grau} and Ian Horrocks},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de},
booktitle = {Proc.\ of the 2012 Description Logic Workshop (DL~2012)},
date-added = {2012-06-23 15:05:02 +0100},
date-modified = {2013-02-16 22:50:37 +0000},
ee = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-846/paper_43.pdf},
series = {CEUR (\url{http://ceur-ws.org/})},
title = {Efficient Upper Bound Computation of Query Answers in Expressive Description Logics},
url = {download/2012/ZhCH12a.pdf},
volume = {846},
year = {2012},
bdsk-url-1 = {download/2012/ZhCH12a.pdf}
author = {Despoina Magka and Boris Motik and Ian Horrocks},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de},
booktitle = {Proc.\ of the 2012 Description Logic Workshop (DL~2012)},
date-added = {2012-06-23 15:03:17 +0100},
date-modified = {2012-06-23 15:04:26 +0100},
ee = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-846/paper_22.pdf},
series = {CEUR (\url{http://ceur-ws.org/})},
title = {Modelling Structured Domains Using Description Graphs and Logic Programming},
url = {download/2012/MaMH12c.pdf},
volume = {846},
year = {2012},
bdsk-url-1 = {download/2012/MaMH12c.pdf}
author = {Ana {Armas Romero} and Bernardo {Cuenca Grau} and Ian Horrocks},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de},
booktitle = {Proc.\ of the 2012 Description Logic Workshop (DL~2012)},
date-added = {2012-06-23 14:59:10 +0100},
date-modified = {2012-06-23 15:02:36 +0100},
ee = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-846/paper_35.pdf},
series = {CEUR (\url{http://ceur-ws.org/})},
title = {Modular Combination of Reasoners for Ontology Classification},
url = {download/2012/ArCH12a.pdf},
volume = {846},
year = {2012},
bdsk-url-1 = {download/2012/ArCH12a.pdf}
author = {Giorgio Stefanoni and Boris Motik and Ian Horrocks},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de},
booktitle = {Proc.\ of the 2012 Description Logic Workshop (DL~2012)},
date-added = {2012-06-23 14:57:10 +0100},
date-modified = {2012-06-23 15:01:27 +0100},
ee = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-846/paper_27.pdf},
series = {CEUR (\url{http://ceur-ws.org/})},
title = {Small Datalog Query Rewritings for EL},
url = {download/2012/StMH12a.pdf},
volume = {846},
year = {2012},
bdsk-url-1 = {download/2012/StMH12a.pdf}
author = {Despoina Magka and Boris Motik and Ian Horrocks},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de},
booktitle = {Proc.\ of the 9th European Semantic Web Conf.\ (ESWC 2012)},
date-added = {2012-06-23 12:52:04 +0100},
date-modified = {2012-06-23 14:49:53 +0100},
ee = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-30284-8_29},
pages = {330-344},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
title = {Modelling Structured Domains Using Description Graphs and Logic Programming},
url = {download/2012/MaMH12a.pdf},
volume = {7295},
year = {2012},
bdsk-url-1 = {download/2012/MaMH12a.pdf}
author = {Despoina Magka and Boris Motik and Ian Horrocks},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de},
booktitle = {Proc.\ of the 9th Int.\ Workshop on OWL Experiences and Directions (OWLED 2012)},
date-added = {2012-06-23 12:46:36 +0100},
date-modified = {2012-06-23 14:49:40 +0100},
ee = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-849/paper_23.pdf},
title = {Classifying Chemicals Using Description Graphs and Logic Programming},
url = {download/2012/MaMH12b.pdf},
year = {2012},
bdsk-url-1 = {download/2012/MaMH12b.pdf}
author = {Ian Horrocks},
date-added = {2012-04-06 09:02:39 +0100},
date-modified = {2012-04-06 09:12:05 +0100},
doi = {10.1631/jzus.C1101001},
journal = {Journal of Zhejiang University - Science C},
number = {4},
pages = {241--244},
title = {$\mbox{Semantics} \sqcap \mbox{scalability} \models \bot$?},
url = {download/2012/Horr12a.pdf},
volume = {13},
year = {2012},
bdsk-url-1 = {download/2012/Horr12a.pdf},
bdsk-url-2 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1631/jzus.C1101001}
author = {Bernardo {Cuenca Grau} and Ian Horrocks and Markus Kr\"{o}tzsch and Clemens Kupke and Despoina Magka and Boris Motik and Zhe Wang},
booktitle = {Proc.\ of the 13th Int.\ Conf.\ on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR~2012)},
date-added = {2012-02-08 19:12:20 +0000},
date-modified = {2012-04-23 11:16:36 +0100},
title = {Acyclicity Conditions and their Application to Query Answering in Description Logics},
url = {download/2012/CHKKMMW12a.pdf},
year = {2012},
bdsk-url-1 = {download/2012/CHKKMMW12a},
bdsk-url-2 = {download/2012/CHKKMMW12a.pdf}
author = {Boris Motik and Ian Horrocks and {Su Myeon} Kim},
booktitle = {Proc.\ of the Twentyfirst International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2012)},
date-added = {2012-02-04 17:38:22 +0000},
date-modified = {2012-02-05 15:06:52 +0000},
publisher = {ACM},
title = {Delta-Reasoner: a Semantic Web Reasoner for an Intelligent Mobile Platform},
url = {download/2012/MoHK12a.pdf},
year = {2012},
bdsk-url-1 = {download/2012/MoHK12a.pdf}
author = {Markus Kr\"{o}tzsch and Franti\v{s}ek Siman\v{c}\'{i}k and Ian Horrocks},
date-added = {2012-01-20 10:30:50 +0000},
date-modified = {2012-01-20 10:46:15 +0000},
ee = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1201.4089},
journal = {CoRR},
title = {A Description Logic Primer},
url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1201.4089},
volume = {abs/1201.4089},
year = {2012},
bdsk-url-1 = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1201.4089}
author = {Birte Glimm and Ian Horrocks and Boris Motik and Rob Shearer and Giorgos Stoilos},
date-added = {2011-10-04 17:06:28 +0100},
date-modified = {2012-06-23 12:44:18 +0100},
journal = {J.\ of Web Semantics},
pages = {84--101},
title = {A Novel Approach to Ontology Classification},
url = {download/2011/HMSS11a.pdf},
volume = {14},
year = {2012},
bdsk-url-1 = {download/2011/HMSS11a.pdf}
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