Prof. Alberto Pettorossi (U. of Rome II, Italy) &
Prof. Maurizio Proietti (IASI-CNR, Italy)
hosted by
Bob Paige (NYU)
The following minicourse was presented at NYU with sustained attendence of around 15 participants, almost all NYU graduate students. Alberto Pettorossi was also the NYU colloquium speaker on Dec. 15. Both Alberto and Maurizio stopped at NYU to present their minicourse on their way home in Rome from a Conference in Portland.
Dec. 11: 1pm - 2:30pm:
Correctness of Unfold/Fold Rules for Transforming Functional and
Logic Programs.
Dec. 12: 1pm - 2:30pm:
Application of Unfold/Fold Program Transformation to Theorem Proving
and Program Synthesis.
Dec. 13: 1pm - 2:30pm:
Strategies for Program Transformation: Basic Techniques
and Applications.
Dec. 14: 1pm - 2:30pm:
Partial Evaluation and Program Specialization.
For more details, please email (Alberto Pettorossi) or (Bob Paige)