Julian Gutierrez Ph.D., University of Edinburgh, 2011
University of Oxford, Computer Science Department
Wolfson Building, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QD, UK.
Office: 254
Tel: +44(0)18652 73862
Email: Julian.Gutierrez at cs.ox.ac.uk
I am an Oxford University Lecturer in the Computer Science Department.
I did my PhD in the University of Edinburgh (Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science)
and was a postdoctoral researcher in the University of Cambridge (Computer Laboratory) and
in the University of Oxford (Department of Computer Science).
Research interests
Theoretical Computer Science and Foundations of AI: Logic, games, concurrency, and multi-agent systems; in particular:
Logic and games in computer science and artificial intelligence.
Semantics and mathematical foundations of concurrent computation.
Synthesis and verification of concurrent and multi-agent systems.
Fixpoint, modal, and temporal logics; Partial order models.