Teaching Resources for "An Introduction to Multiagent Systems (Second Edition)"

This page collects together a range of teaching resources to accompany the book An Introduction to Multiagent Systems (Second Edition) by Mike Wooldridge.

Please note: These resources are intended for the second edition, a legacy site for the 1st edition is available here.

The following are avaiable:

iTunes University Course

Terry Payne at the University of Liverpool, has created an iTunes University Course to accompany the book, with a complete set of beautiful slides accompanying them. Terry plans to put video lectures online when possible.

Lecture Slides

A complete set of lecture slides is available, in both PostScript and PDF formats. The complete set can be downloaded in one gzipped tar file, which unpacks to a directory called distrib. This directory contains the following:

Alternative Lecture Slides

Georg Groh from TU Munich generously contributed his alternative slides from the book (in PowerPoint format) which cover lectures 1-6. They can be downloaded as a single zip archive, which unpacks to a directory alt-slides.

Syllabus/Course/Module Description

Most teaching institutes, when they initiate a new course or module on a degree or other programme, are required to write something which we at Liverpool call a "module description", which sets out the aims of the course/module, the learning outcomes for students, and the syllabus that will be followed. For convenience, I include here:

Sample Exam Questions

The following exam questions are intended to help students revise and study, by giving them some questions to help focus their studies. If you are a teacher, and you are setting an exam based on this book, then I would strongly advise against simply setting these questions. Your students can use the Web as well!