Paul W. Goldberg

professor of Computer Science
office phone: 01865-610756
email: Paul.Goldberg “at”
picture of Paul Goldberg

Current teaching: Algorithms and Data Structures course, HT 2025; Course materials on Moodle

Link to project web page for EPSRC-funded project Optimisation for Game Theory and Machine Learning.
Link to project web page for EPSRC-funded project Driving Behaviour in Multi-winner Voting.
Link to doctoral research opportunity: industry co-funded DPhil studentship ‘Decentralised Arbitration’
Link to some detail on projects and topics I’m interested in.
Some general topics/key phrases:
  • Algorithmic game theory, related topics in AI
  • machine learning; game-theoretic models for data
  • decentralized computation of economic equilibria
  • Computational complexity and NP total search problems

Some further information (mostly in the CV above)

Publications (list maintained by me, includes some general narrative discussion)
Publications on Google scholar; DBLP; ORCID; ACM DL; arXiv
I am currently serving as editor-in-chief of ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation, jointly with M. Utku Ünver. We welcome submitted articles in all areas of Algorithmic Game Theory; mainly original research but we also consider also survey and expository papers. Feel free to email me if you have questions about the journal.

I’m interested in hearing from prospective research students or other collaborators.

I am currently director of the MSc in Mathematics and the Foundations of Computer Science (MFoCS, pronounced “em-fox”) (Link). Previously I served for a few years as director of the MSc in CS (Link). I supervise MSc and undergraduate projects on a range of topics, some (but not all!) of which are described further at the link above.

Paul Goldberg