@inproceedings{Dijkshoorn2011RoboCup, title = "Amsterdam Oxford Joint Rescue Forces - Team Description Paper - Virtual Robot competition - Rescue Simulation League - RoboCup 2011", author = "Nick Dijkshoorn and Helen Flynn and Okke Formsma and Sander van Noort and Carsten van Weelden and Chaim Bastiaan and Niels Out and Olaf Zwennes and Sevaztian Soffia Otarola and Julian de Hoog and Stephen Cameron and Arnoud Visser", year = "2011", booktitle = "Proceedings CD of the 15th RoboCup Symposium", location = "Istanbul, Turkey", month = "July", url = "http://www.juliandehoog.com/publications/2011_RoboCup_AOJRF-TDP.pdf", } @inproceedings{Lowe2011SMC, title = "Using Rendezvous to Overcome Communication Limitations in Multirobot Exploration", author = "Briana Lowe Wellman and Julian de Hoog and Shameka Dawson and Monika Anderson", year = "2011", booktitle = "Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics", location = "Anchorage, Alaska", month = "October", url = "http://www.juliandehoog.com/publications/2011_SMC_UsingRendezvous.pdf", } @phdthesis{deHoog2011PhD, title = "Role-Based Multi-Robot Exploration", author = "Julian de Hoog", year = "2011", institution = "Department of Computer Science", school = "University of Oxford", url = "http://www.juliandehoog.com/publications/2011_PhD_deHoog_RoleBasedExploration.pdf", } @inproceedings{deHoog2010TAROS, title = "Autonomous Multi-Robot Exploration in Communication-Limited Environments", author = "Julian de Hoog and Stephen Cameron and Arnoud Visser", year = "2010", booktitle = "Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems (TAROS)", location = "Plymouth, UK", month = "September", } @inproceedings{deHoog2010SSRR, title = "Dynamic Team Hierarchies in Communication-Limited Multi-Robot Exploration", author = "Julian de Hoog and Stephen Cameron and Arnoud Visser", year = "2010", booktitle = "IEEE International Workshop on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR)", location = "Bremen, Germany", month = "July", url = "http://www.juliandehoog.com/publications/2010_SSRR_DynamicHierarchies.pdf", } @inproceedings{deHoog2010AAMAS, title = "Selection of Rendezvous Points for Multi-Robot Exploration in Dynamic Environments", author = "Julian de Hoog and Stephen Cameron and Arnoud Visser", year = "2010", booktitle = "Workshop on Agents in Realtime and Dynamic Environments, International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS)", location = "Toronto, Canada", month = "May", url = "http://www.juliandehoog.com/publications/2010_AAMAS_RendezvousPoints.pdf", } @inproceedings{Visser_RoboCup09, title = "Amsterdam Oxford Joint Rescue Forces - Team Description Paper - Virtual Robot competition - Rescue Simulation League - RoboCup 2009", author = "A. Visser, G. de Buy Wenniger, H. Nijhuis, F. Alnajar, B. Huijten, M. van der Velden, W. Josemans, B. Terwijn, R. Sobolewski, H. Flynn and J. de Hoog", year = "2009", booktitle = "Proceedings CD of the 13th RoboCup Symposium", location = "Graz, Austria", month = "June -- July", url = "http://www.juliandehoog.com/publications/2009_RoboCup_AOJRF-TDP.pdf", } @inproceedings{Flynn2009IROS, title = "Integrating Automated Object Detection into Mapping in USARSim", author = "Helen Flynn and Julian de Hoog and Stephen Cameron", year = "2009", booktitle = "IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Robots (IROS)", location = "St. Louis, USA", month = "October", url = "http://www.juliandehoog.com/publications/2009_IROS_ObjectDetectionInUSARSim.pdf", } @inproceedings{deHoog2009, title = "Role-Based Autonomous Multi-Robot Exploration", author = "Julian de Hoog and Stephen Cameron and Arnoud Visser", year = "2009", booktitle = "International Conference on Advanced Cognitive Technologies and Applications (COGNITIVE)", location = "Athens, Greece", month = "November", url = "http://www.juliandehoog.com/publications/2009_COGNITIVE_RoleBasedExploration.pdf", } @inproceedings{Visser_RoboCup08, title = "Amsterdam Oxford Joint Rescue Forces - Team Description Paper - Virtual Robot competition - Rescue Simulation League - RoboCup 2008", author = "A. Visser, T. Schmits, S. Roebert and J. de Hoog", year = "2008", booktitle = "Proceedings CD of the 12th RoboCup Symposium", location = "Suzhou, China", month = "July", url = "http://www.juliandehoog.com/publications/2008_RoboCup_AOJRF-TDP.pdf", } @inproceedings{deHoog2008, title = "Robotic Search-and-Rescue: An Integrated Approach", author = "Julian de Hoog and Stephen Cameron and Arnoud Visser", year = "2008", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Oxford University Computing Laboratory Student Conference", location = "Oxford, UK", month = "October", note = "Won Best Presentation", } @mastersthesis{deHoog2007, title = "Machine Learning Techniques Applied to Multi-Agent Cooperation", author = "Julian de Hoog", year = "2007", institution = "Department of Computer Science", month = "September", school = "University of Oxford", }