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CRANE NetworkPlus in Cyber Security

Whilst cyber security has become part of ‘business as usual’ , daily news headlines demonstrate that despite many years of intense activity, we cannot trust the systems we rely upon. New technologies promise to exacerbate such problems indefinitely. Those unwelcome imperatives raise perennial and persistent needs for research within both technical and social disciplines, and in novel combinations of .

CRANE will make a lasting enhancement to the pursuit of cyber security research in the UK

  • We will unite researchers in a new inter-disciplinary permanent learned society.
  • We will develop a rigorous community-led methodology and use it to identify emerging global trends and national strengths in cyber security.
  • We will support career development and equality of voice of diverse researchers able to understand and exploit the cross-disciplinary nature of our subject.
  • We will build our inclusive community regionally and nationally through Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and shared events with local areas of interest and through EDI improvement.
  • We will provide a connection-point allowing businesses, government, and the third sector to access relevant researchers and experts nationally and internationally.

Principal Investigator

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