Marcin Jurdzinski‚ Marta Z. Kwiatkowska‚ Gethin Norman and Ashutosh Trivedi
Concavely-priced probabilistic timed automata, an extension of probabilistic timed automata, are introduced. In this paper we consider expected reachability, discounted, and average price problems for concavely-priced probabilistic timed automata for arbitrary initial states. We prove that these problems are EXPTIME-complete for probabilistic timed automata with two or more clocks and PTIME-complete for automata with one clock. Previous work on expected price problems for probabilistic timed automata was restricted to expected reachability for linearly-priced automata and integer valued initial states. This work uses the boundary region graph introduced by Jurdzi�nski and Trivedi to analyse properties of concavely-priced (non-probabilistic) timed automata.