The Optique Project: Towards OBDA Systems for Industry (Short Paper)
D. Calvanese‚ M. Giese‚ P. Haase‚ I. Horrocks‚ T. Hubauer‚ Y. Ioannidis‚ E. Jiménez−Ruiz‚ E. Kharlamov‚ H. Kllapi‚ J. Klüwer‚ M. Koubarakis‚ S. Lamparter‚ R. Möller‚ C. Neuenstadt‚ T. Nordtveit‚ Ö. Özcep‚ M. driguez−Muro‚Ro M. Roshchin‚ Marco Ruzzi‚ F. Savo‚ M. Schmidt‚ A. Soylu‚ A. Waaler and D. Zheleznyakov
Book Title
OWL Experiences and Directions Workshop (OWLED)