Cyber Security and Resource Scheduling in Cloud Systems
Meikang Qiu (Associate Professor, San Jose State University)
Date |
8th April 2014 (week , Hilary Term 2014) |
Time |
17:00 |
Place |
Lecture Theatre A (Wolfson Building) |
Cyber Security and Resource Scheduling are two critical aspects of cloud systems. First, it is critical to defend cloud system against malicious attack due to their usage in military and critical commercial applications such as telehealth, battleship, router, aircraft, etc. A hostile penetration in such facilities could cause dramatic damage. It is known that buffer overflow attacks have been causing serious security problems. I proposed a hardware/software codesign method to solve the buffer overflow problem. Combining hardware/compiler, our approach provides different levels of strength to solve two types of attacks: For the most common stack smashing attacks, it provides a complete protection. For the function pointer attack, it makes a hacker extremely hard to change a function pointer leading to his hostile code. Second, for cloud computing, it is necessary to implement a mechanism to allocate resource and schedule the execution order of tasks. A resource optimization mechanism with preemptable task execution can increase the utilization of clouds. We propose two online dynamic resource allocation algorithms for the IaaS cloud system with preemptable tasks. Our algorithms adjust the resource allocation dynamically based on the updated of the actual task executions. In future, we will study the trade off between security level and performance in cloud systems.
Speaker bio
Meikang Qiu received the BE and ME degrees from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China. He received the M.S. and Ph.D. degree of Computer Science from University of Texas at Dallas in 2003 and 2007, respectively. Currently, he is an associate professor of Computer Engineering at San Jose State University. Before that, he was an assistant professor at University of Kentucky. He had worked at Chinese Helicopter R&D Institute, IBM, etc. for 9 years. Currently, he is an IEEE Senior member and ACM Senior member. His research interests include cloud computing, cyber security, big data, hybrid memory, heterogeneous systems, embedded systems, operating systems, sensor networks, etc. A lot of novel results have been produced and most of them have already been reported to research community through high-quality journal and conference papers. He has published 3 books, 180 peer-reviewed journal and conference papers (including 80 journal articles, 100 conference papers, 20+ IEEE/ACM Transactions papers), and 3 patents. He has won ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electrical Systems (TODAES) 2011 Best Paper Award. His paper about cloud computing has been published in JPDC (Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Elsevier) and ranked #1 in Top Hottest 25 Papers of JPDC 2012. He has won another 4 Conference Best Paper Award (IEEE/ACM ICESS’12, IEEE GreenCom’10, IEEE EUC’10, IEEE CSE’09) in recent four years. His research is supported by US government such as NSF, Air Force, Navy and companies such as Nokia, TCL, and Cavium.Further info
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