Selected Topics in Database Theory
Reading Course for DPhil students only.
AIMS AND PREREQUISITES: This is a special reading course for DPhil students
interested in Database Theory. They should acquire a deep understanding of
specific topics in database theory. A number of papers related to data
the Chase algorithm, and hypertree decompositions will be discussed. Students
will read and discuss papers and will present them in form of
seminar-style talks. A secondary
aim is to improve the students' presentation skills.
OUTCOME: By the end of the course the students should have a deep
understanding of data exchanges techniques,
SYNOPSIS: The following topics will be covered:
Principles of Data Exchange (papers by Fagin, Kolaitis et al.)
Core Computation (paper by Gottlob and Nash)
Chase (paper by Nash, Deutsch and Remmel)
Hypertree Decompositions (papers by Gottlob et al)
Weakly guarded TGDs (paper by Cali, Gottlob, and Kifer)
DL-Lite Description Logig (paper by Calvanese et al)
TIMETABLE: The course takes place in Room 358, Department of Computer Science (Prof.
Gottlob's office) . It consists of eight meetings of 2 hours each, from 4pm to 6pm
(unless announced otherwise).
Dates: 30 April, 1 May, 9 May, 27 May, 30 May, 6 June, 27 June, 4 July.
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