Physics of Information
The Physics of Information Seminar Series deals with all topics concerning information, from it's experimental control to it's mathematical foundations.Upcoming seminarsPrevious seminars

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- 14:00 Tuesday 20th April ( week 0, Trinity Term 2010 ) in LTB ComlabGiulio Chiribella ( Perimeter Institute )
- 15:00 Tuesday 2nd February ( week 3rd week, Hilary Term 2010 ) in Lecture Theatre A ComlabPhilip Goyal ( Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics )
- 15:00 Tuesday 22nd July ( Trinity Term 2009 ) in Computing Labatory (LTA)James D Whitfield ( Harvard University )
- 15:00 Wednesday 15th July ( Trinity Term 2009 ) in comlab, Lecture Theatre ABenjamin P. Lanyon ( University of Queensland )
- 15:00 Tuesday 7th July ( week 9, Trinity Term 2009 ) in comlab, Lecture Theatre BMark Williamson ( Centre for Quantum Technologies, NUS, Singapore )
- 14:00 22nd June ( Trinity Term 2009 ) in Common Room, computing labatoryCozmin Ududec ( Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics )