Oxford has long been one of the main centres of concurrency research. The theory of concurrency is the study of how multiple, independently controlled threads of behaviour behave when running together and interacting with each other. We develop and analyse models of concurrency and their operational, denotational and other semantics, always with practical applications in mind. Historically, most of the work on concurrency at Oxford has centred on CSP (Communicating Sequential Processes). CSP is one of the original process algebras - mathematical notations for describing the patterns of communication and interaction between agents that interact via explicit (usually handshaken) message passing. CSP now has a rich mathematical theory and has been used in a wide range of applications, which have in turn been facilitated by the availability of a number of automated tools.
Current work on concurrency includes a number of topics related to computer security, techniques to help overcome the state explosion problem, and various efforts linking work on CSP to work in other formalisms.
Our key achievements include Roscoe's solution to the problem of modelling in CSP beyond possible divergence, the publication of Walker's book on the pi-calculus, and a $295K research grant from the US ONR on interoperability that led to the discovery of new models of concurrency fully abstract with respect to responsiveness.
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Selected Publications
Scalable Performance for Scala Message−Passing Concurrency
Andrew Bate
In Peter H. Welch‚ Frederick R. M. Barnes‚ Jan F. Broenink‚ Kevin Chalmers‚ Jan Bækgaard Pedersen and Adam T. Sampson, editors, Communicating Process Architectures 2013. Pages 113–132. November, 2013.
Details about Scalable Performance for Scala Message−Passing Concurrency | BibTeX data for Scalable Performance for Scala Message−Passing Concurrency | Download Bate13.pdf of Scalable Performance for Scala Message−Passing Concurrency | Download Bate13-slides.pdf of Scalable Performance for Scala Message−Passing Concurrency
A Debugger for Communicating Scala Objects
Andrew Bate and Gavin Lowe
In Peter H. Welch‚ Frederick R. M. Barnes‚ Kevin Chalmers‚ Jan Bækgaard Pedersen and Adam T. Sampson, editors, Communicating Process Architectures 2012. Pages 135–154. August, 2012.
Details about A Debugger for Communicating Scala Objects | BibTeX data for A Debugger for Communicating Scala Objects | Download (pdf) of A Debugger for Communicating Scala Objects
Model Checking Concurrent Linux Device Drivers
Thomas Witkowski‚ Nicolas Blanc‚ Georg Weissenbacher and Daniel Kroening
In 22nd IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE). Pages 501–504. IEEE. 2007.
Details about Model Checking Concurrent Linux Device Drivers | BibTeX data for Model Checking Concurrent Linux Device Drivers | DOI (10.1145/1321631.1321719) | Link to Model Checking Concurrent Linux Device Drivers