The teaching of concurrency within the Laboratory conforms well with
objective, by ensuring that theory and practice support and complement
each other. Hoare's CSP (Communicating Sequential Processes) is used to
model processes, and the refinement checker FDR (Failures Divergence Refinement)
is used extensively in practical exercises to support this theory.
The lectures, practicals and classes on Concurrency in the Laboratory
are usually taught by members of the Group.
Lecture Courses on Concurrency
Concurrency: CSP
is introduced and used to illustrate basic concepts in concurrency.
Advanced Concurrency Tools: An
advanced course in the applications of CSP which teaches powerful techniques
for the analysis and verification of behavioural models.
Concurrent Programming: A course about the foundations of concurrent programming and effective ways of structuring concurrent and distributed programs.
External Courses on Concurrency
Software Engineering Programme
offers a variety of courses in formal development techniques, including
two courses on concurrency.
Members of the group supervise students performing research in the area
of concurrency at all levels and for all awards. Some students DPhil theses
have been made available in the Group's
Timetables for the currently running courses are available through the Calendar page.