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InspireHer! Challenge and Inspire Her Brilliant Young Mind.

An event for mothers and daughters.

Normally runs annually. Not runing in 2021.

Year 7 (11-12 year old) female students at UK state schools in the Oxfordshire area.


InspireHer! aims to increase girls interest and curiosity in Computer Science by introducing coding in a fun and interactive way. Not enough girls are getting into STEM, we set out to change that by:

- Making parents aware of the need to motivate their daughters to pursue a career in technology.

- Provide the resources and advice to parents on how to nourish their daughter's curiosity and interest in Computer Science.

- Encourage parent and daughter collaboration in coding projects to provide a relatable role model.

InspireHer! supported by OxWoCs - the Oxford Women in Computer Science Society - and University of Oxford's Department of Computer Science bring you an exciting day, with plenty of hands on activities and exciting coding challenges for mothers and their daughters. Activities will include:


This event is open to mother and daughter teams from the Oxfordshire area. (i.e. the student lives and/or goes to school in Oxfordshire.) Daughters need to be in Year 7 (age 11-12) at a state school. No experience is necessary from mother or daughter. We are aiming to offer places to a maximum of two students at any one school. When allocating places for this event, priority will be given to applicants from low socio-economic status backgrounds. (See FAQs below for more on how we will prioritise students.)

When and where

Department of Computer Science, Wolfson Building, Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3QD. Normally runs 9:45am to 4:30pm one day per year. Booking essential.


How much does the event cost?

This event is free. Attendees should bring their own packed lunches. There is no canteen available on site. Attendees will also need to organize their own transport to Oxford. (See below).

How do I book?

This event is not running in 2021. .

Do attendees need to have studied computer science or ICT to attend?

No, we don't expect any previous knowledge. All we ask for is enthusiasm to learn.

A student's mother can't attend the event, can a student bring another family member?

Yes: if for any reason the student’s mother is unable to attend, the student is welcome to bring another adult family member/guardian.

You talk about ACORN data above. What do you mean and how will my data be used?

ACORN is a classification of residential neighbourhoods which measures the socio-economic wealth of the area you live in. ACORN looks at the attributes of households in your area and covers health, retail and leisure aspects. We will prioritize students who come from a low socio-economic status background, which is classed as an ACORN 4 or 5 category. You can check which ACORN category your postcode comes under on the ACORN website. Please note that you do need to register before accessing this information.

How do I get to the venue?

The Department of Computer Science - Wolfson Building - is on the corner of Keble Road and Parks Road in the St Giles area of Oxford — maps and directions can be found here. Please use the No. 7 Keble Road entrance, labelled "OERC". We strongly recommended that you use public transport, if at all possible. If you do travel by car or minibus, please note that parking in the city centre is very limited. There are several Park & Ride bus services which run from car parks on the outskirts of Oxford. If you are brining a minibus please note the Council's pages on access for High Sided Vehicles at Park and Rides.

What should I bring with me?

A packed lunch. (Tea, coffee and juice will be available free of charge.) There is nowhere on site to purchase food, and there won't be enough time in the busy schedule to pop out and buy food. Something to make notes with would be useful. As part of the day you'll take a college tour. It will take about an hour, so sensible shoes should be worn, as you will be walking to the college and back (even if it is raining) during this time.

Do I need to come really smartly dressed?

It's entirely up to you. It's going to be a long day, so the most important thing is that you're comfortable. As part of the day you'll take a college tour. It will take about an hour, so sensible shoes should be worn, as you will be walking to the college and back during this time. You are also likely to spend some time on your hands and knees with the robots.

Tell me more about the history of this event?

The InspireHer! initiative was started by Bushra Alahmadi as part of her Google Women Techmakers scholarship (previously Anita Borg Scholarship) and is being carried forward in collaboration with OxWoCS - the Oxford Women in Computer Science Society.

I've got a question — who do I talk to?

Please contact:

Please note the organisers reserve the right to change the programme without notification or to make alterations to the advertised details for the day at short notice.
