Affiliated with ETAPS 2018
Thessaloniki, Greece
April 15th, 2018 Cancelled
This workshop is intended to be a less formal counterpart to the Principles of Security and Trust (POST) conference at ETAPS with an emphasis on “hot topics”, both of security and of its theoretical foundations and analysis.
Submissions about new and emerging topics (for example, those that have not appeared prominently in conferences and workshops until now) are particularly encouraged. Submissions of preliminary, tentative work are also encouraged.
This workshop is organized by IFIP WG 1.7: Theoretical Foundations of Security Analysis and Design.
Paper submission will be via EasyChair. Please follow the instructions given there. Note that only pdf files may be submitted.
There is no page limit. Given the informal setting of the workshop, one page abstracts may already suffice.
There will be no formal proceedings. Inclusion in informal proceedings is optional.
Cas Cremers (program chair)