News (01/11/2020): All results available online. Back to challenge description.

SemTab 2020: Semantic Web Challenge on Tabular Data to Knowledge Graph Matching

Rounds 1-3 of SemTab 2020 were run with the support of AICrowd and relied on an automatic dataset generator. Round 4 was a blind round combining: (1) an automatically generated (AG) dataset, and (2) the Tough Tables (2T) dataset (CEA and CTA).



9 (core) participating systems produced results across rounds and tasks.

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 4 - 2T
Participants 18 16 18 10 9
CEA 10 10 9 9 9
CTA 15 13 16 9 8
CPA 9 11 8 7 -
Table 1: Number of participants in the challenge.

Results overview

The Tough Tables dataset brings an interesting complexity as the Table 2 shows below. See summary results in the SemTab-2020 slides presented during the ISWC conference.

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 4 - 2T
CEA       0.93 0.95 0.94 0.92 0.54
CTA 0.83 0.93 0.94 0.92 0.59
CPA 0.93 0.97 0.93 0.96 -
Table 2: Average F1-score of top-10 systems (discarding outliers).

Round 4 - 2T Results

CEA Task

Team F1-Score Precision
MTab4Wikidata 0.907 0.907
bbw 0.863 0.927
LinkingPark 0.81 0.811
LexMa 0.587 0.795
Team_DAGOBAH 0.412 0.749
Unimib/MantisTable/MantisTable 0.4 0.804
JenTab 0.374 0.541
AMALGAM 0.323 0.553
SSL 0.198 0.198
Table 3: CEA (Round 4 - 2T) results.

CTA Task

Team Average F1-Score Average Precision
MTab4Wikidata 0.728 0.73
Team_DAGOBAH 0.718 0.747
LinkingPark 0.686 0.687
JenTab 0.624 0.669
AMALGAM 0.606 0.608
bbw 0.516 0.789
Unimib/MantisTable/MantisTable 0.474 0.639
SSL 0.363 0.363
Table 4: CTA (Round 4 - 2T) results.

Round 4 Results

CEA Task

Team F1-Score Precision
MTab4Wikidata 0.993 0.993
LinkingPark 0.985 0.985
Team_DAGOBAH 0.984 0.985
bbw 0.978 0.984
JenTab 0.973 0.975
AMALGAM 0.892 0.914
LexMa 0.845 0.911
SSL 0.833 0.833
Unimib/MantisTable 0.812 0.985
Table 5: CEA (Round 4) results.

CTA Task

Team Average F1-Score Average Precision
MTab4Wikidata 0.981 0.982
bbw 0.98 0.98
Team_DAGOBAH 0.972 0.972
LinkingPark 0.953 0.953
SSL 0.946 0.946
JenTab 0.93 0.93
AMALGAM 0.858 0.861
Unimib/MantisTable 0.725 0.989
Kepler-aSI 0.253 0.676
Table 6: CTA (Round 4) results.

CPA Task

Team F1-Score Precision
MTab4Wikidata 0.997 0.997
bbw 0.995 0.996
Team_DAGOBAH 0.995 0.995
JenTab 0.994 0.994
LinkingPark 0.985 0.988
SSL 0.924 0.924
Unimib/MantisTable 0.803 0.988
Table 7: CPA (Round 4) results.

Round 3 Results

CEA Task

Team F1-Score Precision
MTab4Wikidata 0.991 0.992
LinkingPark 0.986 0.986
Team_DAGOBAH 0.985 0.985
Unimib/MantisTable 0.974 0.979
bbw 0.954 0.974
JenTab 0.935 0.952
SSL 0.906 0.906
AMALGAM 0.877 0.892
LexMa 0.863 0.907
Table 8: CEA (Round 3) results.

CTA Task

Team Average F1-Score Average Precision
LinkingPark 0.978 0.979
MTab4Wikidata 0.976 0.976
Team_DAGOBAH 0.974 0.974
Unimib/MantisTable 0.958 0.965
SSL 0.913 0.913
AMALGAM 0.869 0.873
bbw 0.96 0.966
JenTab 0.859 0.863
Kepler-aSI 0.275 0.701
W_B_A_95 0.273 0.701
baha 0.252 0.705
C8T8A 0.244 0.708
wael 0.212 0.692
W_B_2020 0.208 0.693
ZM889 0.202 0.696
B_w_2020 0.192 0.698
Table 9: CTA (Round 3) results.

CPA Task

Team F1-Score Precision
MTab4Wikidata 0.995 0.995
Team_DAGOBAH 0.993 0.994
LinkingPark 0.985 0.988
bbw 0.949 0.957
Unimib/MantisTable 0.941 0.957
JenTab 0.917 0.928
TeamTR 0.837 0.931
SSL 0.815 0.815
Table 10: CPA (Round 3) results.

Round 2 Results

CEA Task

10 systems produced results in the CEA task.

Team F1-Score Precision
MTab4Wikidata 0.995 0.995
Team_DAGOBAH 0.993 0.993
LinkingPark 0.993 0.993
Unimib/MantisTable 0.991 0.993
SSL 0.961 0.961
JenTab 0.953 0.969
AMALGAM 0.921 0.927
tacko 0.920 0.934
LexMa 0.915 0.927
bbw 0.865 0.865
Table 11: CEA (Round 2) results.

CTA Task

13 systems produced results in the CTA task.

Team Average F1-Score Average Precision
LinkingPark 0.984 0.985
MTab4Wikidata 0.984 0.984
Team_DAGOBAH 0.983 0.983
Unimib/MantisTable 0.966 0.973
SSL 0.966 0.966
AMALGAM 0.926 0.928
bbw 0.914 0.929
JenTab 0.904 0.906
tacko 0.857 0.916
ahmad_alobaid 0.834 0.834
Kepler-aSI 0.295 0.784
baha 0.294 0.783
wael 0.281 0.781
Table 12: CTA (Round 2) results.

CPA Task

11 systems produced results in the CTA task.

Team F1-Score Precision
MTab4Wikidata 0.997 0.997
LinkingPark 0.993 0.994
Team_DAGOBAH 0.992 0.994
bbw 0.991 0.992
SSL 0.973 0.973
Unimib/MantisTable 0.961 0.966
JenTab 0.955 0.965
magwari 0.916 0.935
tacko 0.892 0.946
TeamTR 0.873 0.932
ahmad_alobaid 0.611 0.611
Table 13: CPA (Round 2) results.

Round 1 Results

CEA Task

10 systems produced results in the CEA task.

Team F1-Score Precision
MTab4Wikidata 0.987 0.988
LinkingPark 0.987 0.988
Unimib/MantisTable (*) 0.982 0.989
tacko 0.954 0.962
SSL 0.936 0.936
Team_DAGOBAH 0.922 0.944
AMALGAM 0.913 0.914
LexMa 0.909 0.913
Random/chalerislin 0.865 0.865
JenTab 0.828 0.906
Table 14: CEA (Round 1) results. (*)Submission after the deadline.

CTA Task

15 systems produced results in the CTA task.

Team Average F1-Score Average Precision
LinkingPark 0.926 0.926
MTab4Wikidata 0.885 0.884
tacko 0.875 0.891
SSL 0.861 0.860
fresh2020 0.858 0.858
Team_DAGOBAH 0.834 0.854
Random/chalerislin 0.815 0.815
SSLteam5 0.768 0.768
Unimib/MantisTable 0.746 0.753
Team_4 0.739 0.739
MapleSyrup 0.739 0.739
AMALGAM 0.724 0.717
mitloehn 0.643 0.643
LexMa 0.638 0.734
JenTab 0.574 0.626
Table 15: CTA (Round 1) results.

CPA Task

9 systems produced results in the CTA task.

Team F1-Score Precision
MTab4Wikidata 0.971 0.991
LinkingPark 0.967 0.978
magwari 0.959 0.960
SSL 0.943 0.943
tacko 0.918 0.932
TeamTR 0.916 0.916
Team_DAGOBAH 0.914 0.962
Unimib/MantisTable (*) 0.888 0.942
SAAS_ANU 0.120 0.120
Table 16: CPA (Round 1) results. (*)Submission after the deadline.


The challenge is currently supported by the SIRIUS Centre for Research-driven Innovation and IBM Research.