Online demos of the KRR systems
A hybrid architecture for conjunctive query answering over OWL 2 DL
A bootstrapper of OWL 2 ontologies and R2RML mappings from RDBs
Highly-efficient consequence-based reasoner for the Horn fragment of OWL 2
A CVS-based Concurrent ONTology ENgineering Tool
A logiC-based ONtology inTEgration Tool using MAPpings
Parallelised consequence-based reasoner for OWL 2 EL
CQ answering system for EL knowledge bases with transitive and reflexive roles
Highly optimised hypertableau based reasoner that fully support OWL 2
A combined approach to answering conjunctive queries over ELHO ontologies
Extraction and logic-based assessment of ontology mappings
Locality-based extraction of ontology modules
Modular Combination of OWL Reasoners for Ontology Classification
Pay-as-you-go OWL 2 Query Answering
Ontology module extractor parameterised by different inseparability relations
A highly scalable in-memory RDF triple store
Prototypical implementation of a query rewriting algorithm for OWL 2 QL and beyond
A Benchmark to Evaluate Relational-to-Ontology Mapping Generation
Combined approach for Conjunctive Query answering in RSA
Semantic facet search system
Consequence-based reasoner for the SRIQ subset of OWL 2 DL
Siemens-Oxford Model Manager
Query Size Estimator for RDF data
Data generator for University Ontology Benchmark