Andrew Martin

Professor Andrew Martin
I have been interested in security in distributed systems for some time. Mostly of late that's been explored through looking at applications of Trusted Computing technologies, particularly in cloud, mobile, and embedded applications - embodied now in the concept of the Internet of Things. With my students, I have been looking for the architectural elements and design patterns necessary to make trusted clouds and secure IoT a reality. These ideas have the potential to transform how we think about distributed systems and the security of information. I also have diversified interests around the security of systems and devices in distributed systems, cloud and IoT.
If you contact me about a DPhil place, please have something to say about what kind of research you would like to do - and why. Show me that you have a fair idea what doing research in these areas would entail. I'm looking for a couple of pages of technical dicussion - not a narrative form of your CV. Make sure you show you have read and understood a few relevant published research papers.
I am on my third 'life' in Oxford: I studied for my first degree here, before working as an industrial Software Engineer at Praxis in Bath. After a DPhil back in Oxford, I escaped to the other side of the world to be a Research Fellow at the Software Verification Research Centre in the University of Queensland. Eventually the excellent weather and relaxed way of life got the better of me, and so I returned to the UK, briefly as a lecturer in the University of Southampton, before entering my current post in 1999.
See also
Selected Publications
Uncertainty in the predictions of the climate response to rising levels of greenhouse gases
D. A. Stainforth‚ T. Aina‚ C. Christensen‚ M. Collins‚ N. Faull‚ D. J. Frame‚ J. A. Kettleborough‚ S. Knight‚ A. Martin‚ J. M. Murphy‚ C. Piani‚ D. Sexton‚ L. A. Smith‚ R. A. Spicer‚ A. J. Thorpe and M. R. Allen
In Nature. Vol. 433. No. 7024. Pages 403–406. January, 2005.
Details about Uncertainty in the predictions of the climate response to rising levels of greenhouse gases | BibTeX data for Uncertainty in the predictions of the climate response to rising levels of greenhouse gases | DOI (10.1038/nature03301)
The Ten Page Introduction to Trusted Computing
Andrew Martin
No. RR−08−11. OUCL. December, 2008.
Details about The Ten Page Introduction to Trusted Computing | BibTeX data for The Ten Page Introduction to Trusted Computing | Download of The Ten Page Introduction to Trusted Computing
Trusted Delegation for Grid Computing
Andrew Cooper and Andrew Martin
In The Second Workshop on Advances in Trusted Computing. 2006.
Details about Trusted Delegation for Grid Computing | BibTeX data for Trusted Delegation for Grid Computing
- Software Engineering
- Software and Systems Security
- Cyber Security Oxford
- Trusted Computing
- Systems Security