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Federico Igne

Personal photo - Federico Igne

Federico Igne

Doctoral Student

Leaving date: 11th December 2022


Throughout my academic career I worked in the area of Knowledge Representation and Keasoning (KRR) and more in general Artificial Intelligence.

During my DPhil, my research focused on conjunctive query (CQ) answering over unrestricted ontologies. This lead to the design of novel algorithms to answer CQs via approximation techniques and the development of two tools:

  • RSAComb, an efficient implementation of the combined approach algorithm for RSA, first introduced by Cristina Feier et a. (2015), and reorganized to fit the new implementation design and the integration of RDFox as a backend reasoner.
  • ACQuA, a reference implementation of the hybrid architecture proposed in my final dissertation, combining RSAComb, PAGOdA, and HermiT to provide a "pay-as-you-go" CQ answering service for OWL.


I obtained my master's degree in Computer Science at the University of Udine and in collaboration with the New Mexico State University in 2017 under the supervision of Prof. Agostino Dovier and Prof. Enrico Pontelli. During that time, I worked on a distributed ASP solver using the MapReduce paradigm.
During my time at the University of Udine, I received a scholarship from the Scuola Superiore of Udine, an institution of higher education within the University of Udine.

In 2022 I completed my DPhil in Computer Science at the University of Oxford under the supervision of Prof. Ian Horrocks and Dr Stefano Germano, as part of the KRR group and in collaboration with the SIRIUS research centre at the University of Olso.

I'm also a member and IT officer of the OxRAM society for robotics and 3D printing.

I tend to spend my free time reading, tinkering and coding.
I'm passionate about free and open source software, a small, sustainable and decentralised web, electronics and embedded systems, tech education and art in all its forms.




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