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Niki Trigoni

Personal photo - Niki Trigoni

Professor Niki Trigoni

Professor of Computing Science

Governing Body Fellow, Kellogg College

T: Office: +44 1865 610681
T: Mobile: +44 7841 522300


Professor Trigoni's interests lie in intelligent and autonomous sensor systems with applications in positioning, healthcare, environmental monitoring and smart cities. Please contact her if you are interested in applying for a DPhil, postdoc or senior software engineer position in one of the following areas: Indoor positioning systems, data fusion, inference and learning from sensor data, human-robot interaction, communication protocols and quality assurance for sensor networks, innovative mobile sensing platforms and architectures including participatory and social sensing, sensor tasking, control, coordination, decision making and actuation. We currently have a number of funded open positions.  


Niki Trigoni is a Professor at the Oxford University Department of Computer Science and a fellow of Kellogg College. She obtained her DPhil at the University of Cambridge (2001), became a postdoctoral researcher at Cornell University (2002-2004), and a Lecturer at Birkbeck College (2004-2007). At Oxford, she is currently Director of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training on Autonomous Intelligent Machines and Systems, a program that combines machine learning, robotics, sensor systems and verification/control. She also leads the Cyber Physical Systems Group, which is focusing on intelligent and autonomous sensor systems with applications in positioning, healthcare, environmental monitoring and smart cities. The group’s research ranges from novel sensor modalities and low level signal processing to high level inference and learning. 


  • Nov 2017: If you are interested in doing a DPhil in Computer Science in the area of cyberphysical systems, please find information on how to apply here. Deadlines 8th January/9th March 2018.
  • Nov 2017: Several funded PhD positions are available every year at the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Autonomous Intelligent Machines and Systems (AIMS) - directed by N. Trigoni and M. Osborne. It combines four themes: Robotics, Machine Learning, Verification&Control and Sensor&Actuator Networks. Next Deadline: 19th January 2018.
  • Nov 2017: TPC chair of Sensys 2017, with Prof. L. Mottola
  • June 2017: Trigoni and Markham receive a 3-year NIST grant to develop indoor positioning systems for emergency responders
  • April 2016: TPC chair of IPSN 2016, with Prof. D. Culler and S. Nath

Selected Publications

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Completed Projects

Current Students


Xinyu Hou
Research Associate
Sangyun  Shin
Research Associate

Past Students

Ada Alevizaki
Yasin Almalioglu
Ta-Ying Cheng
Ettore Ferranti
Qingyong Hu
Muzammil Hussain
Chris Xiaoxuan Lu
Savvas Papaioannou
Marion Sbai
Andrew Symington
Christian Wallenta
Yiming  Wan
Wei Wang
Ricklef Wohlers
Zhuoling Xiao
Linhai Xie
Bo Yang
Peijun Zhao
Kaichen Zhou

Past Researchers

Traian Abrudan
Changhao Chen
Stuart Golodetz
Pedro Porto Buarque de Gusmão
Conor Muldoon
Nhat Pham
Stefano Rosa
Muhamad Risqi U. Saputra
Vu Tran
Johan Wahlstrom
Sen Wang
Hongkai Wen
Research Associate
Qian  Xie
Yang Xing
Mohd Asyraf Zulkifley