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Patricia Esteve-Gonzalez

Personal photo - Patricia Esteve-Gonzalez

Patricia Esteve-Gonzalez

Research Fellow


Wolfson Building, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QD



My research interests are in Applied Microeconomic Theory, particularly in the study of the role of institutions in competitive settings and the mechanism design of their policies. My published and ongoing research uses theoretical and empirical methodologies in a variety of contexts - public procurement, affirmative action, European integration and cybersecurity. 


Published articles
  1. Axon, L., Saunders, J., Esteve-González, P., Carver, J., Dutton, W.H., Goldsmith, M., and Creese, S. 2025. Private-Public Initiatives for Cybersecurity: The Case of Ukraine. Journal of Cyber Policy, 1-24.
  2. Chowdhury, S.M., Esteve-González, P., Mukherjee, A., 2022. Heterogeneity, Leveling the Playing Field, and Affirmative Action in Contests. Sourthern Economic Association, 1-51.  
  3. Bispham, M., Creese, S., Dutton, W.H., Esteve-González, P., Goldsmith, M. 2022. An Exploratory Study of Cybersecurity in Working from Home: Problem or Enabler? Journal of Information Policy, 12.
  4. Shillair, R., Esteve-González, P., Dutton, W.H.,  Creese, S., Nagyfejeo, E., and von Solms, B. 2022. Cybersecurity Education, Awareness Raising, and Training Initiatives: National Level Evidence-based Results, Challenges, and Promise. Computers & Security, 119.
  5. Creese, S., Dutton, W.H., Esteve-González, P., and Shillair, R. 2021. Cybersecurity Capacity Building: Cross-National Benefits and International Divides. Journal of Cyber Policy, 6(2): 214-235.
  6. Creese, S., Dutton, W.H., and Esteve-González, P. 2021. The Social and Cultural Shaping of Cybersecurity Capacity Building: A Comparative Study of Nations and Regions. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 25: 941-955.
  7. Esteve-González, P., Herwartz, H., and Theilen, B. 2020. National Support for the European Integration Project: Does Financial Integration Matter? Economics & Politics, 33(2): 357-378.
  8. Dahm, M., and Esteve-González, P. 2018. Affirmative Action through Extra Prizes. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 153: 123-142. 
  9. Esteve-González, P., and Theilen, B. 2018. The economic determinants of party support for European integration. Acta Politica, 53(3): 348-366. A comment on our earlier findings was published on the LSE blog EUROPP, available at
  10. Esteve-González, P. 2016. Moral hazard in repeated procurement of services. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 48: 244-269.


Patricia is a Senior Research Associate at the Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre. Her main role is supporting the research programme in cybersecurity capacity-building.

Patricia has a PhD in Economics from Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Spain) and her research interests are in Applied Microeconomic Theory, with a special focus on institutions, mechanism design and competitions. Her published and ongoing research uses theoretical and empirical methodologies in a variety of contexts - public procurement, affirmative action, European integration, and cybersecurity capacity. She is an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and has conducted classes of the MPhil course in Microeconomics at the Department of Economics, University of Oxford. You can find more information at her personal website.

