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Sebastian Köhler

Personal photo - Sebastian Köhler

Dr Sebastian Köhler

Senior Research Associate

Junior Research Fellow, Kellogg College

Department of Computer Science,
Robert Hooke Building
Directions Postal Address



Sebastian is a Senior Research Associate and Royal Academy of Engineering UK Intelligence Community Fellow in the Systems Security Lab, Department of Computer Science at the University of Oxford, where he coordinates the research activities in wireless and physical-layer security. His work focuses on the security of various systems ranging from space and satellite systems to autonomous and electric vehicles. For his work during his D.Phil, which revealed a serious vulnerability in a widely used electric vehicle charging protocol, he was awarded the EPSRC Doctoral Prize and MPLS Early-Career Research Impact Award.

Sebastian began to specialise in cyber security during his undergraduate studies in Computer Science at the Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt, Germany. Due to his interest in the security of modern cars, he completed his bachelor's degree with a thesis at the Research and Development Centre of the Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG. Prior to his D.Phil in Oxford, he obtained a Master's degree in Computing & Security and was awarded the prize for the best overall performance in the MSc in Computing & Security for the academic year 2017/18 by King's College London.

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