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Tim Rocktäschel

Personal photo - Tim Rocktäschel

Dr Tim Rocktäschel


Junior Research Fellow, Jesus College
Stipendiary Lecturer, Hertford College

Leaving date: 18th September 2018


My research focus is on machine learning models that learn reusable abstractions and that generalize from few training examples by incorporating various forms of prior knowledge. My work is at the intersection of deep learning, reinforcement learning, program induction, logic, and natural language processing.


I did my Ph.D. in the Machine Reading group at University College London under the supervision of Sebastian Riedel. I was a recipient of a Google Ph.D. Fellowship in Natural Language Processing and a Microsoft Research Ph.D. ScholarshipI worked as a Research Intern at Google DeepMind in Summer 2015. In 2012, I received my Diploma (equivalent to M.Sc) in Computer Science from the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Between 2010 and 2012, I worked as a student assistant and in 2013 as a research assistant in the Knowledge Management in Bioinformatics group.

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