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Yashovardhan Sharma

Personal photo - Yashovardhan Sharma

Yashovardhan Sharma


Student, Keble College

T: +44 1865 83548

Department of Computer Science,
Robert Hooke Building, Room 119
Directions Postal Address


My current research interests revolve around the intersection of malware detection, machine learning, and network security; based on which I designs systems to better profile and leverage adversarial behaviour for cyber defence. A lot of my research looks at detecting malware in large-scale computer networks using techniques that leverage algorithmic learning and existing human domain knowledge.

My previous research has included investigating the safety and security of avionic systems, diving into the world of cybercrime and DDoS attacks, designing secure systems with novel cryptographic primitives, and creating a cost-effective method for diagnosing hard-to-detect sleep disorders using off-the-shelf sensors and a mobile phone. Outside the world of privacy and security, I ardently support and take part in work to address climate change and promote universal education, and frequently use my technological skills to aid these tasks.


I was a Departmental Lecturer for Computer Networks at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Oxford, where I taught 2nd and 3rd year undergraduates in Computer Science, Computer Science and Philosophy, and Mathematics and Computer Science.


Yashovardhan Sharma is a Doctoral Researcher at the Centre for Doctoral Training in Cybersecurity within the Department of Computer Science at the University of Oxford. He is a Commonwealth Scholar, being the only computer scientist to receive the Commonwealth PhD scholarship from India in his year. He is also a GLI (Global Leader Initiative) Scholar and a winner of the Cyber 9/12 UK Strategy Challenge. In a previous avatar, he received an MPhil in Advanced Computer Science from the University of Cambridge where he was both a BP-Clare Hall Scholar and a J.N. Tata Scholar. He received his BTech (Honours) in Computer Science and Engineering from IIIT-Delhi where he was on the Dean's List, an S.N. Bose Scholar, and one of the few recipients of the prestigious Gandhian Young Technological Innovation Award.

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