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Andrzej Murawski

Personal photo - Andrzej Murawski

Andrzej Murawski

Professor of Computer Science

Tutorial Fellow, Worcester College

E: Andrzej.Murawski at

Room 467, Wolfson Building, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QD
United Kingdom


I welcome applications from prospective doctoral students with interests in semantics of programming languages, automata theory and software verification.

My research concerns the semantics of programing languages and its applications in software verification. I am interested in a broad spectrum of programming paradigms. Some recent examples include higher-order recursion, probabilistic computation, first- and higher-order state, concurrency, exceptions and objects.

Much of my work is based on game semantics, a modelling theory that uses games to model computation (a brief introduction to the area can be found here).

I like to blend research in semantics with automata theory. The latest examples are collapsible pushdown automata, automata over infinite alphabets and tree-stack automata. I am also interested in probabilistic systems in the context of differential privacy and machine learning. For more details, please see my publications page.

I'm involved in the activities of SIGLOG and currently serve as its Vice-Chair. Between 2014 and 2022 I was the Editor of SIGLOG News, which features highly readable surveys of research relevant to SIGLOG. I am also on the Steering Committee of FoSSaCS.

Recent events: LICS 2024 (paper, pc), ICALP 2024 (pc), LICS 2023 (paper), MFPS XXXIX (talk), NCIPLS (oc), POPL 2023 (pc), PERR 2022 (talk), LICS 2022 (talk), APLAS 2022(pc), LICS 2021 (paper), FSTTCS 2021 (pc), FCT 2021 (pc), ESOP 2021 (paper), FOSSACS 2021 (paper), CSL 2021 (pc), Highlights 2020 (talk), FSTTCS 2020 (pc), HOPE 2020 (paper), PERR 2020 (oc), GaLoP 2020 (pc), LSCSB (talk), FoSSaCS 2020 (pc), POPL 2020 (pc), ATVA 2019 (paper), Highlights 2019 (talk), FoPPS 2019 (course), CONCUR 2019 (paper), MFCS 2019 (paper, pc), ESSLLI 2019 (course), PERR 2019 (pc), POPL 2018 (paper), ATVA 2018 (paper), MFCS 2018 (paper), Dagstuhl 18151 (oc), FoSSaCS 2018 (pc), FLoC 2018 (oc), CONCUR 2017 (paper), ESOP 2017 (paper), FOSSACS 2017 (co-chair), POPL 2017 (erc), ···.


Completed Projects

Current Students

Past Students

Conrad Cotton-Barratt
David Hopkins
Dominik Wagner