Elizabeth Phillips

Elizabeth Phillips
Thesis Title:- Assessing the Threats and Benefits posed by Extracting Influence and Community structure from Communication Metadata on Dark Web Forums
My work sets out to investigate the risk and any potential benefits associate with the collection of Metadata. In particular, it sets to identify and mitigate potential threats posed by extracting influence and hierarchy from the communication metadata of communities of interest on Dark Web Forums. In order to help answer this question, we investigate the ability of SNA to extract hierarchy from the data and establish individuals with high influence within the network using metadata communication alone.
Elizabeth is currently a second year DPhil Student at the Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Cyber Security and a Graduate Teaching and Research Scholar at Oriel College.
In June 2014, she was elected the new president for Oxford University's Women in Computer Science Society (OxWoCS). As president, she has helped secure new sponsors for our society in addition to securing departmental funding for two students to attend the Grace Hopper Conference each year. As co-founder, she was responsible for arranging the first Women in Computer Science conference in Cambridge on 27th February 2014 for over 50 attendees. As conference coordinator in 2015-2016, she helped expand the conference to over 150 attendees. She also helps arrange coffee meetings and help provide direction for our new society. She also participate in Women in Computer Science events for potential students as well as additional mentoring events as a Computer Science ambassador and a university Widening Participation mentor.
In addition to her academic commitments, she is also a member of the department's Social Committee and their Equality and Diversity Committee, Commitee of Graduate Students (CoGS) and Joint Consultative Committee for Graduates (JCCG). As one of the student representatives on these committees, her role is to voice the opinions of the students to the rest of the department and encourage greater equality across the department. These tasks include helping write the department's successful Athena Swan Application, helping organise rounders tournaments and other social activities. She was also a member of the Department's Student Conference programme committee for 2014 and 2015.
Elizabeth has received numerous scholarships and awards during her time as a student including the Gender Representation in Security (GREPSEC), Google Women in Tech Travel award, Blackhat Executive Women Forum scholarship, ABI GHC scholarship, and in 2014 received the first Outreach Award for the Oxford MPLS for her work as a CS and STEM ambassador. A summary of my results and scholarships can be found here.
Personal Website:- http://www.elizabethphillips.co.uk
Selected Publications
Extracting Social Structure from DarkWeb Forums
Elizabeth Phillips‚ Jason R.C. Nurse‚ Michael Goldsmith and Sadie Creese
In 5th International Conference on Social Media Technologies‚ Communication‚ and Informatics (SOTICS '15). 2015.
Details about Extracting Social Structure from DarkWeb Forums | BibTeX data for Extracting Social Structure from DarkWeb Forums | Download (pdf) of Extracting Social Structure from DarkWeb Forums
Applying Social Network Analysis to Security
Elizabeth Phillips‚ Jason R. C. Nurse‚ Michael Goldsmith and Sadie Creese
In International Conference on Cyber Security for Sustainable Society. Pages 11–27. 2015.
Details about Applying Social Network Analysis to Security | BibTeX data for Applying Social Network Analysis to Security | Download (pdf) of Applying Social Network Analysis to Security
Applying Social Network Analysis to Security − Appendix
Elizabeth Phillips
Details about Applying Social Network Analysis to Security − Appendix | BibTeX data for Applying Social Network Analysis to Security − Appendix | Download (pdf) of Applying Social Network Analysis to Security − Appendix