Fabrizio Romano Genovese

Fabrizio Romano Genovese
I am mainly interested in:
- Categorical models of meaning, particularly in those based on concepts borrowed from cognitive theory and neuroscience. I am working to find categorical semantics different from the distributional ones based on vector spaces, density matrices and the like. Going a bit more in detail I am using generalizatiosn of the category of sets and relations (over arbitrary algebras, arbitrary truth values and arbitrary toposes) to formalize Peter Gärdenfor's conceptual spaces approach to cognition.
- Generalizations of categorical quantum mechanics to infinite dimensions. I am investigating how to extend the current categorical formalism of quantum mechanics to countable and uncountable dimensions borrowing tools from nonstandard analisys. This approach is particularly nice because it preserves nearly everything of the CQM diagrammatic formalism. Moreover, it allows for an easy formalization of non-separable Hilbert spaces without having to resort to C*-Algebras and von Neumann algebras. This makes the construction of "traditionally obnoxious objects" as quantum fields rather easy.
I got my BSc degree in pure maths at the University Federico II of Naples (my hometown). Then I moved to University of Siena for my MSc, again in pure maths. Finally, I moved to Oxford where I'm currently a DPhil student.
I won the Most Obnoxious Student Talk Award at QPL 2017.
Selected Publications
Towards Quantum Field Theory in Categorical Quantum Mechanics
Stefano Gogioso and Fabrizio Genovese
In Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (Forthcoming). March, 2018.
Details about Towards Quantum Field Theory in Categorical Quantum Mechanics | BibTeX data for Towards Quantum Field Theory in Categorical Quantum Mechanics | Link to Towards Quantum Field Theory in Categorical Quantum Mechanics
Uniqueness of composition in quantum theory and linguistics
Bob Coecke‚ Fabrizio Genovese‚ Stefano Gogioso‚ Dan Marsden and Robin Piedeleu
In Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (Forthcoming). 2018.
Details about Uniqueness of composition in quantum theory and linguistics | BibTeX data for Uniqueness of composition in quantum theory and linguistics | Download (pdf) of Uniqueness of composition in quantum theory and linguistics
Infinite−dimensional Categorical Quantum Mechanics
Stefano Gogioso and Fabrizio Genovese
In Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science. Vol. 236. Pages 51–69. January, 2017.
Details about Infinite−dimensional Categorical Quantum Mechanics | BibTeX data for Infinite−dimensional Categorical Quantum Mechanics | DOI (10.4204/EPTCS.236.4) | Link to Infinite−dimensional Categorical Quantum Mechanics