Lijun Zhang

Oxford University,
Computing Laboratory,
Office: Room 415, Wolfson Building
Address:Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QD, UK

This page is outdated: I moved to Technical University of Denmark.

About me:

I am a postdoctoral researcher working with Andrzej Murawski, Joel Ouaknine, and James Worrel at Oxford University Computing Laboratory. Before this I was a Ph.D. student and later a postdoc at the chair of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Hermanns, the head of the Dependable Systems and Software Group of the Universität des Saarlandes. I defended my the thesis in December 2008. More Information about me please find in my curriculum vitae.

Research Interests:

Probabilistic models, simulation reduction, decision algorithms for probabilistic simulation preorders, abstraction and model checking.

I am involved in the following tools:

I am currently involved in the following projects:

Involved projects in the past (at Saarland University):


Recent Papers:

Refereed Papers:

Technical Reports and Non-Refereed Papers:


Student Projects:

Teaching activities (at Saarland University)

As an Instructor:

As an Assistant:

Last modified: Fri Jan 29 12:40:41 GMT 2010