ERAID Rank Title FoR1 FoR1 Name FoR2 FoR2 Name FoR3 FoR2 Name ISSN1 ISSN2 ISSN3 ISSN4
11662 C 1913: a journal of forms 2005 Literary Studies         1548-9914      
34647 B 3CMedia 20 Language, Communication and Culture         1832-6161 1445-971X    
39853 C 4OR: A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research 0102 Applied Mathematics 1503 Business and Management     1619-4500 0390-8127    
32180 C A St A: Advances in Statistical Analysis 0104 Statistics          1863-8171 1863-818X 0002-6018  
30533 A AA files: annals of the Architectural Association School of Architecture 1201 Architecture         0261-6823      
36072 B AACE International Transactions 15 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services 12 Built Environment and Design     1528-7106      
35966 B AACE Journal 13 Education         1551-3696      
15571 C AACN Advanced Critical Care 1103 Clinical Sciences         1559-7768 1559-7776 1079-0713  
44322 C AANA Journal 1103 Clinical Sciences 1110 Nursing     0094-6354      
44323 C AAOHN Journal 1110 Nursing         0891-0162      
1704 A AAPG Bulletin 0403 Geology         0149-1423 1558-9153    
31090 C AAPS Journal 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1550-7416      
14674 B AAPS PharmSciTech 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1530-9932      
6714 C Aarboeger for Nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historie 2101 Archaeology         0084-585X      
19953 C AASA Journal of Scholarship and Practice 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1931-6569 0898-252X    
33045 B ABA Journal: the lawyer's magazine 1801 Law         0747-0088      
19052 A Abacus: a Journal of Accounting and Business Studies 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         0001-3072 1467-6281    
15573 C Abdominal Imaging 1103 Clinical Sciences         0942-8925 0364-2356    
30123 C Abhandlungen fuer die Kunde des Morgenlandes MD Multidisciplinary         0567-4980      
36885 C Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal: a national resource journal for Aboriginal and Islander community education workers 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1037-3403      
34911 B Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Unit Research Report Series 1601 Anthropology  2101 Archaeology     1322-7157      
6715 A Aboriginal History 2103 Historical Studies 2005 Literary Studies     0314-8769      
35596 A About Performance 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2002 Cultural Studies 1324-6089      
1 B Abstract and Applied Analysis 0101 Pure Mathematics         1085-3375 1687-0409    
44324 C Academe 1301 Education Systems          0190-2946      
30703 C Academia de Stiinte a Republicii Moldova. Buletinul. Matematica 0101 Pure Mathematics         1024-7696 0236-3089    
18241 C Academia Economic Papers 14 Economics         1018-161X      
32182 C Academia Paedagogica Nyiregyhaziensis. Acta Mathematica 0101 Pure Mathematics         1786-0091 0866-0182    
3043 C Academiae Scientiarum Hungarica. Acta Zoologica 0608 Zoology         1217-8837 0236-7130 0001-7264  
15574 B Academic Emergency Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         1069-6563 1553-2712    
13369 C Academic Exchange Quarterly 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1096-1453      
44325 C Academic Journal of Second Military Medical University 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences     0258-879X      
44326 C Academic Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University MD Multidisciplinary         1671-8267      
19961 C Academic Leadership 1301 Education Systems          1533-7812      
20514 A* Academic Medicine 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1040-2446 1938-808X    
21788 B Academic Monthly MD Multidisciplinary         0439-8041      
15622 B Academic Pediatrics 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1876-2859 1530-1567    
20534 C Academic Psychiatry 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1042-9670 1545-7230    
15575 B Academic Radiology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1076-6332 1878-4046    
11667 B Academic.Writing: interdisciplinary perspectives on communication across the curriculum 2005 Literary Studies         1552-325X      
2071 C Academie des Sciences. Comptes Rendus. Biologies 06 Biological Sciences         1631-0691 1768-3238 0764-4469  
1334 B Academie des Sciences. Comptes Rendus. Chimie 03 Chemical Sciences         1631-0748      
34460 C Academie des Sciences. Comptes Rendus. Geoscience 0403 Geology         1631-0713 1778-7025    
107 B Academie des Sciences. Comptes Rendus. Mathematique 0101 Pure Mathematics         1631-073X 1778-3569 0764-4442  
35073 C Academie des Sciences. Comptes Rendus. Palevol 0403 Geology         1631-0683 1777-571X    
8038 B Academie Polonaise des Sciences. Centre d'Archeologie Mediterraneenne. Etudes et Travaux 2101 Archaeology         0079-3566      
17518 C Academie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique. Classe des Sciences. Bullet MD Multidisciplinary         0001-4141      
32185 C Academie Serbe des Sciences et des Arts. Classe des Sciences Mathematiques et Naturelles. Bulletin S 0101 Pure Mathematics         0561-7332      
41358 C Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment     1096-3685 1528-2635    
19871 C Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal 1503 Business and Management         1087-9595 1528-2686    
32000 C Academy of Information and Management Sciences Journal 0806 Information Systems         1524-7252 1532-5806    
19152 A* Academy of Management Journal 1503 Business and Management         0001-4273 1535-3990    
39998 A* Academy of Management Learning and Education 1503 Business and Management         1537-260X 1944-9585    
19149 A* Academy of Management Review 1503 Business and Management         0363-7425 1930-3807    
19785 C Academy of Marketing Science Review 1505 Marketing         1526-1794      
19862 C Academy of Marketing Studies Journal 1505 Marketing         1095-6298 1528-2678    
40538 B Academy of Taiwan Business Management Revie 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1813-0534      
6716 A* Acadiensis: journal of the history of the Atlantic region 2103 Historical Studies         0044-5851      
44328 C ACC Cardiosource Review Journal 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology 0104 Statistics      1556-8571      
32186 C Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Atti. Matematica e Applicazioni. Rendiconti 0101 Pure Mathematics         1120-6330 1720-0768    
7958 A Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Atti. Notizie degli Scavi di Antichita 2101 Archaeology         0391-8157      
17563 C Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Atti. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali. Rendiconti MD Multidisciplinary         1120-6349 1720-0776    
17564 C Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti. Classe di Scienze Fisiche Matematiche e Naturali. Atti MD Multidisciplinary         0365-0359 1825-1242    
36948 C Accademia: Revue de la SociŽtŽ Marsile Ficin 2203 Philosophy          1296-7645      
20294 B Access 0807 Library and Information Studies         1030-0155      
34724 A Access: critical perspectives on communication, cultural and policy studies 2002 Cultural Studies 0807 Library and Information Studies 2001 Communication and Media Studies 0111-8889      
13370 A* Accident Analysis and Prevention 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1507 Transportation and Freight Services 1701 Psychology 0001-4575      
7851 B Accordia Research Papers 2101 Archaeology         0968-1116      
44329 C Accountability in research MD Multidisciplinary         0898-9621      
19056 C Accountancy Business and the Public Interest 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1745-7718      
19058 A Accounting and Business Research 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         0001-4788      
19059 B Accounting and Finance 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment     0810-5391 1467-629X    
19060 B Accounting and the Public Interest 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1530-9320      
19061 A* Accounting Auditing and Accountability Journal 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1368-0668 1758-4205 0951-3574  
31096 C Accounting Commerce and Finance: The Islamic Perspective Journal 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1328-8261      
19328 B Accounting Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0963-9284 1468-4489    
35977 C Accounting Educators' Journal 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1041-0392      
19063 B Accounting Forum 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         0155-9982 1467-6303    
19064 B Accounting Historians Journal 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         0148-4184      
19065 A Accounting History 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1032-3732 1749-3374    
19122 A Accounting Horizons 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         0888-7993 1558-7975    
41359 B Accounting in Europe 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability 1503 Business and Management     1744-9480 1744-9499    
41360 C Accounting Perspectives 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment     1911-382X 1911-3838 1499-8653  
19067 B Accounting Research Journal 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1030-9616      
19068 A* Accounting Review 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         0001-4826 1558-7967    
19057 C Accounting, Accountability and Performance 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1445-954X 1323-711X    
35644 A Accounting, Business and Financial History 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability 1503 Business and Management 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 0958-5206 1466-4275    
19066 A* Accounting, Organizations and Society 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         0361-3682 1873-6289    
41361 A* Accounts of Chemical Research 03 Chemical Sciences         0001-4842 1520-4898    
44330 C Accreditation and Quality Assurance 0301 Analytical Chemistry         0949-1775      
1554 C ACGC Chemical Research Communications 0301 Analytical Chemistry 0305 Organic Chemistry     1020-5586      
35686 C ACH: The Journal of the History of Culture in Australia 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0728-8433      
4858 A ACI Materials Journal 1202 Building 0905 Civil Engineering 0912 Materials Engineering 0889-325X 1944-737X    
4142 A* ACI Structural Journal 0905 Civil Engineering 1202 Building     0889-3241 1944-7361    
44331 C ACIMED 1103 Clinical Sciences 1117 Public Health and Health Services     1024-9435      
34850 B ACM Computers in Entertainment 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing     1544-3574 1544-3981    
39574 A* ACM Computing Surveys 0803 Computer Software         0360-0300 1557-7341    
32001 C ACM Journal of Computer Documentation 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences         1527-6805 1557-9441    
44332 C ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems 1007 Nanotechnology 1006 Computer Hardware     1550-4832      
17724 A ACM Transactions on Algorithms 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics         1549-6325 1549-6333    
17725 B ACM Transactions on Applied Perception 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science     1544-3558 1544-3965    
17726 A ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization 0803 Computer Software         1544-3566 1544-3973    
17727 B ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing 0804 Data Format 0806 Information Systems     1530-0226 1558-3430    
17728 B ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science     1556-4665 1556-4703    
17729 A ACM Transactions on Computational Logic 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics         1529-3785 1557-945X    
36114 A* ACM Transactions on Computer - Human Interaction 0806 Information Systems         1073-0516 1557-7325    
17730 A* ACM Transactions on Computer Systems 0803 Computer Software 0806 Information Systems     0734-2071 1557-7333    
17732 A* ACM Transactions on Database Systems 0804 Data Format 0806 Information Systems     0362-5915 1557-4644    
32178 A ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems 0803 Computer Software         1084-4309 1557-7309    
17733 A ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems 0803 Computer Software         1539-9087 1558-3465    
17734 A* ACM Transactions on Graphics 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0806 Information Systems     0730-0301 1557-7368    
17735 A ACM Transactions on Information and System Security 0803 Computer Software 0806 Information Systems     1094-9224 1557-7406    
36115 A ACM Transactions on Information Systems 0806 Information Systems         1046-8188 1558-2868    
32003 A ACM Transactions on Internet Technology 0805 Distributed Computing 0806 Information Systems     1533-5399 1557-6051    
17737 B ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing         1556-4681 1556-472X    
2 A* ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 0806 Information Systems     0098-3500 1557-7295    
17739 B ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 0806 Information Systems     1049-3301 1558-1195    
17740 B ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications 0803 Computer Software 0806 Information Systems     1551-6857 1551-6865    
17741 A* ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems 0803 Computer Software 0806 Information Systems     0164-0925 1558-4593 1057-4514  
17742 C ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks 0805 Distributed Computing         1550-4859 1550-4867    
17743 A* ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology 0803 Computer Software 0806 Information Systems     1049-331X 1557-7392    
17744 B ACM Transactions on Speech and Language Processing 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science     1550-4875 1550-4883    
17745 B ACM Transactions on Storage 0804 Data Format         1553-3077 1553-3093    
17746 B ACM Transactions on the Web 0805 Distributed Computing         1559-1131 1559-114X    
44333 C ACME 1606 Political Science 1604 Human Geography     1492-9732      
35169 C Acme: annali della Facolta di Lettere e Filosofia dell'Universita degli Studi di Milano 2005 Literary Studies 2103 Historical Studies 2203 Philosophy  0001-494X      
10220 C ACMR Reports 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         1071-0639      
44334 C ACOG Clinical Review 1103 Clinical Sciences 0104 Statistics      1085-6862      
34706 B Acoma 2005 Literary Studies         1122-6218      
36332 C ACORN: the journal of perioperative nursing in Australia 1110 Nursing         1448-7535      
44335 C Acoustical Physics 0203 Classical Physics         1063-7710      
1283 C Acoustical Science and Technology 0203 Classical Physics         1346-3969 0369-4232 1347-5177 0388-2861
1284 C Acoustics Australia 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0203 Classical Physics     0814-6039 0310-1029    
44336 C Acoustics Bulletin 0203 Classical Physics         0308-437X      
13372 C ACP Journal Club 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1103 Clinical Sciences     1056-8751 1539-8560    
40504 B ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing 2004 Linguistics         1441-6727      
9312 C Across Languages and Cultures: a multidisciplinary journal for translation and interpreting studies 2002 Cultural Studies 2003 Language Studies     1585-1923 1588-2519    
9313 C Across the Disciplines 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  2003 Language Studies     1554-8244 1091-7098    
39810 B ACS Chemical Biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1554-8929 1554-8937    
36346 C ACS M's Health and Fitness Journal 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1091-5397 1536-593X    
35029 A ACS Nano 0912 Materials Engineering         1936-0851 1936-086X    
7852 B Acta ad Archaeologiam et Artium Historiam Pertinentia 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 2101 Archaeology     0065-0900      
44337 C Acta Adriatica 0405 Oceanography 0704 Fisheries Sciences     0001-5113      
5443 C Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica. Section A. Animal Science 0702 Animal Production         0906-4702 1651-1972    
5244 C Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica. Section B. Soil and Plant Science 0503 Soil Sciences 0703 Crop and Pasture Production 0607 Plant Biology 0906-4710 1651-1913    
5331 C Acta Agriculturae Slovenica 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         1581-9175 1854-1941 1408-340X 0459-6404
31053 C Acta Agronomica Hungarica: an international multidisciplinary journal in agricultural science 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         0238-0161 1588-2527    
44338 C Acta Agronomica Sinica 0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management         1875-2780      
9679 B Acta Alimentaria: an international journal of food science 0908 Food Sciences         0139-3006 1588-2535    
17565 C Acta Amazonica MD Multidisciplinary         0044-5967      
44339 C Acta Anaesthesiologica Belgica 1103 Clinical Sciences         0001-5164      
16603 C Acta Anaesthesiologica Italica and Anaesthesia and Intensive Care in Italy: rivista di anestesia e cure pre e post-operatorie 1103 Clinical Sciences         1124-8882      
15577 B Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica: an international journal of anaesthesiology and intensive care, pain and emergency medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         0001-5172 1399-6576    
44340 C Acta Anaesthesiologica Taiwanica 1103 Clinical Sciences         0254-1319      
8292 B Acta Analytica 2203 Philosophy          0353-5150 1874-6349    
44341 C Acta Anatomica Sinica 1103 Clinical Sciences         0529-1356      
44342 C Acta Angiologica 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1234-950X      
6720 B Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 2103 Historical Studies         0044-5975 1588-2543    
3 B Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 0102 Applied Mathematics         0167-8019 1572-9036    
3044 C Acta Arachnologica 0608 Zoology         0001-5202 1880-7852    
7853 B Acta Archaelogica Carpathica 2101 Archaeology         0001-5229      
44343 C Acta Archaeologica 2101 Archaeology         0065-101X      
7854 B Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 2101 Archaeology         0001-5210 1588-2551    
7856 C Acta Archaeologica Lovaniensia - Monographiae 2101 Archaeology         0776-2984      
4 B Acta Arithmetica 0101 Pure Mathematics         0065-1036 1730-6264    
21114 B Acta Asiatica MD Multidisciplinary         0567-7254      
3572 C Acta Astronautica 0901 Aerospace Engineering         0094-5765      
1044 B Acta Astronomica: an international quarterly journal 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences         0001-5237      
17747 C Acta Automatica Sinica 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing         1874-1029 0254-4156    
2302 C Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1672-9145 1745-7270 0582-9879  
2303 C Acta Biochimica Polonica 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0001-527X 1734-154X    
44344 B Acta Bioethica 2201 Applied Ethics         0717-5906      
2673 C Acta Biologica Colombiana 0607 Plant Biology         0120-548X 1900-1649    
2779 C Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Series Zoologia 0608 Zoology         0001-530X      
2674 C Acta Biologica Cracoviensia. Botanica 0607 Plant Biology         0001-5296      
2043 C Acta Biologica Hungarica 06 Biological Sciences         0236-5383 1588-256X    
44345 C Acta Biologica Szegediensis 06 Biological Sciences         1588-385X      
3385 A Acta Biomaterialia 0903 Biomedical Engineering  1004 Medical Biotechnology     1742-7061 1878-7568    
44346 C Acta Biomedica de l'Ateneo Parmense 11 Medical and Health Sciences 06 Biological Sciences     0392-4203      
2304 C Acta Bioquimica Clinica Latinoamericana 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics     0325-2957 0006-3533    
2044 C Acta Biotheoretica 06 Biological Sciences         0001-5342 1572-8358    
7857 C Acta Borealia: a Nordic journal of circumpolar societies 2101 Archaeology         0800-3831 1503-111X    
2675 C Acta Botanica Barcinonensia 0607 Plant Biology         0210-7597 0210-6574    
44347 C Acta Botanica Brasilica 0607 Plant Biology 0499 Other Earth Sciences     0102-3306      
2676 C Acta Botanica Croatica 0607 Plant Biology         0365-0588      
2677 C Acta Botanica Fennica 0607 Plant Biology         0001-5369      
2678 C Acta Botanica Gallica 0607 Plant Biology         1253-8078 0181-1789    
44348 C Acta Botanica Hungarica 06 Biological Sciences 04 Earth Sciences     0236-6495      
2679 C Acta Botanica Indica 0607 Plant Biology         0379-508X      
2680 C Acta Botanica Malacitana 0607 Plant Biology         0210-9506      
44349 C Acta Botanica Venezuelica 0607 Plant Biology 0499 Other Earth Sciences     0084-5906      
36344 C Acta Cardiologica: an international journal of cardiology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0373-7934 0001-5385    
44351 C Acta Chimica Slovenica 03 Chemical Sciences 09 Engineering     1318-0207      
2780 C Acta Chiropterologica: international journal of bat biology 0608 Zoology         1508-1109      
44352 C Acta Chirurgiae Orthopaedicae et Traumatologiae Cechoslovaca 1103 Clinical Sciences         0001-5415      
44353 C Acta Chirurgiae Plasticae 1103 Clinical Sciences         0001-5423      
44354 C Acta Chirurgica Belgica 1103 Clinical Sciences         0001-5458      
44355 C Acta chirurgica Iugoslavica 1103 Clinical Sciences         0354-950X      
30169 C Acta Chromatographicae 0301 Analytical Chemistry         1233-2356      
429 C Acta Ciencia Indica. Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         0970-0455      
17566 C Acta Cientifica Venezolana MD Multidisciplinary         0001-5504      
44356 C Acta Cirurgica Brasileira 1103 Clinical Sciences         0102-8650      
35588 C Acta Classica 2103 Historical Studies         0065-1141      
40971 C Acta Clinica Belgica 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics         1784-3286 0001-5512 0567-7386  
44358 C Acta Clinica Croatica 1103 Clinical Sciences         0353-9466      
44359 C Acta Colombiana de Psicologia 17 Psychology and Cognitive Sciences         0123-9155      
6722 A Acta Comeniana 2103 Historical Studies         0231-5955      
16959 B Acta Criminologica 1602 Criminology         1012-8093      
34295 A Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations of Crystallography 0204 Condensed Matter Physics 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)     0108-7673      
34324 A Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)         0108-7681      
34323 C Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)         0108-2701 1600-5759    
40284 B Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography 03 Chemical Sciences 06 Biological Sciences     0907-4449 1399-0047    
34322 C Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 03 Chemical Sciences         1600-5368      
34360 C Acta CrystallographicaSection F: Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications Online 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1744-3091      
44360 C Acta Cybernetica 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics     0324-721X      
15578 C Acta Cytologica: the journal of clinical cytology and cytopathology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0001-5547 1938-2650    
15579 B Acta Dermato-Venereologica 1103 Clinical Sciences         0001-5555      
44361 C Acta Dermatovenerologica Alpina, Panonica et Adriatica 1103 Clinical Sciences         1318-4458      
44362 C Acta Dermatovenerologica Croatica 1103 Clinical Sciences         1330-027X      
15580 C Acta Diabetologica: an international journal devoted to the study of clinical and experimental diabetes and metabolism 1103 Clinical Sciences         0940-5429 1432-5233    
12608 C Acta Ecclesiastica Sloveniae 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0351-2789      
44363 C Acta Ecologica Sinica 0501 Ecological Applications 0602 Ecology     1000-0933      
4517 C Acta Electrotehnica 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1224-2497      
15581 C Acta Endoscopica 1103 Clinical Sciences         0240-642X 1765-3134    
430 C Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis de Mathematica 0101 Pure Mathematics         1406-2283 0132-053X    
9834 C Acta Ethnographica Hungarica: an international journal of ethnography 1601 Anthropology          1216-9803 1588-2586 0001-5628  
2782 C Acta Ethologica 0608 Zoology         0873-9749 1437-9546 1130-3204  
44364 C Acta Facultatis Medicae Naissensis 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0351-6083      
44365 C Acta Facultatis Xylologiae 0705 Forestry Sciences 0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management     1336-3824      
41364 C Acta Gastro-Enterologica Belgica 1103 Clinical Sciences         1784-3227 0001-5644    
44368 C Acta Gastroenterologica Latinoamericana 1103 Clinical Sciences         0300-9033      
44369 C Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica 0909 Geomatic Engineering          1001-1595      
44370 C Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica Hungarica 0909 Geomatic Engineering  0404 Geophysics     1217-8977      
35062 C Acta Geographica Slovenica 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         1581-6613 1581-8314 1854-5106 0351-1731
35060 C Acta Geologica Polonica 0403 Geology         0001-5709      
34498 B Acta Geologica Sinica 04 Earth Sciences         1000-9515 1755-6724 0001-5717  
44371 C Acta Geophysica 0404 Geophysics         1895-6572      
40357 B Acta Geotechnica 0905 Civil Engineering         1861-1125 1861-1133    
44372 C Acta Ginecologica 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0001-5776      
15582 B Acta Haematologica 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0001-5792 1421-9662    
44373 C Acta Haematologica Polonica 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0001-5814      
44374 C Acta Hepatologica Japonica 1103 Clinical Sciences         0451-4203      
15256 C Acta Histochemica 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics         0065-1281 1618-0372    
2129 C Acta Histochemica et Cytochemica (Print) 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0044-5991 1347-5800    
10221 C Acta Historiae Artis Slovenica 1901 Art Theory and Criticism         1408-0419      
11260 C Acta Historiae Rerum Naturalium nec non Technicarum 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0231-6005      
6723 B Acta Historica Tallinnensia 2103 Historical Studies         1406-2925      
6724 B Acta Histriae 2103 Historical Studies         1318-0185      
5408 C Acta Horti Botanici Bucurestiensis 0706 Horticultural Production         0374-1273      
5378 B Acta Horticulturae 0706 Horticultural Production         0567-7572      
5409 B Acta Horticulturae et Regiotecturae: the scientific journal for horticulture, landscape engineering, architecture and ecology 0706 Horticultural Production         1335-2563      
44375 C Acta Hospitalia 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0044-6009      
5769 C Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria 0704 Fisheries Sciences         0137-1592 1734-1515    
19224 A Acta Informatica 0803 Computer Software 0804 Data Format     0001-5903 1432-0525    
33046 C Acta Juridica 1801 Law         0065-1346 1996-2088    
9735 C Acta Kinesiologiae Universitatis Tartuensis 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1406-9822      
21116 B Acta Koreana MD Multidisciplinary         1520-7412      
8703 A Acta Linguistica Hafniensia: international journal of linguistics 2004 Linguistics         0374-0463      
8704 B Acta Linguistica Hungarica: an international journal of linguistics 2004 Linguistics         1216-8076 1588-2624 0001-5946  
44377 C Acta Literaria 2005 Literary Studies         0716-0909      
4742 A* Acta Materialia 0912 Materials Engineering         1359-6454 1873-2453 0956-7151  
5 A* Acta Mathematica 0101 Pure Mathematics         0001-5962 1871-2509    
7 B Acta Mathematica Hungarica 0101 Pure Mathematics         0236-5294 1588-2632    
30631 B Acta Mathematica Scientia 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     0252-9602 1003-3998 1572-9087  
9 B Acta Mathematica Sinica 0101 Pure Mathematics         1439-8516 0583-1431 1439-7617  
32188 C Acta Mathematica Universitatis Ostraviensis 0101 Pure Mathematics         1214-8148 1211-4774    
10 C Acta Mathematica Vietnamica 0101 Pure Mathematics         0251-4184      
433 C Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica English Series 0102 Applied Mathematics         0168-9673 1618-3932    
3655 B Acta Mechanica 09 Engineering 01 Mathematical Sciences     0001-5970 1619-6937    
3656 B Acta Mechanica Sinica 0913 Mechanical Engineering         0567-7718 1614-3116 0459-1879  
4860 C Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica 0912 Materials Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering 0894-9166 1860-2134    
44378 C Acta medica (Hradec Kralove) / Universitas Carolina, Facultas Medica Hradec Kralove 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1211-4286      
44379 C Acta Medica Bulgarica: Medicine and Physical Culture 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0324-1750      
44380 C Acta Medica Croatica 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1330-0164      
44381 C Acta Medica et Biologica 1103 Clinical Sciences         0567-7734      
44382 C Acta medica Indonesiana 1103 Clinical Sciences         0125-9326      
44383 C Acta Medica Iranica 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0044-6025      
44384 C Acta Medica Mediterranea 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology 1103 Clinical Sciences     0393-6384      
44385 C Acta Medica Nagasakiensia 1103 Clinical Sciences         0001-6055      
15290 C Acta Medica Okayama 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0386-300X      
44386 C Acta Medica Portuguesa 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0870-399X      
44387 C Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1006-7191      
44388 C Acta Meteorologica Sinica 0401 Atmospheric Sciences         0894-0525      
15052 C Acta Microbiologica et Immunologica Hungarica 1108 Medical Microbiology         1217-8950 1588-2640    
44389 C Acta Microbiologica Hellenica 1103 Clinical Sciences 0605 Microbiology      0438-9573      
4080 C Acta Montanistica Slovaca 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy 0403 Geology     1335-1788      
9835 B Acta Mozartiana 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0001-6233      
9518 C Acta Musei Moraviae. Supplementum: Folia Ethnographica 1601 Anthropology          0862-1209 0323-0570 0425-4570  
9836 A Acta Musicologica 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0001-6241      
44390 C Acta Myologica 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology 1103 Clinical Sciences     1128-2460      
44391 C Acta Naturalia de l'Ateneo Parmense 0403 Geology         0392-419X      
6725 C Acta Neophilologica 2005 Literary Studies 2103 Historical Studies     1509-1619      
36229 C Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis 1701 Psychology 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science 0065-1400 1689-0035    
42191 C Acta Neurochirurgica. Supplementum 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     0065-1419      
15583 C Acta Neurochirurgica: the European journal of neurosurgery 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     0001-6268 0942-0940    
15584 C Acta Neurologica Belgica 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     0300-9009      
15585 B Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 1103 Clinical Sciences         0001-6314 1600-0404    
44392 C Acta Neurologica Taiwanica 1109 Neurosciences 1103 Clinical Sciences     1028-768X      
15586 B Acta Neuropathologica 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     0001-6322 1432-0533    
13122 C Acta Neuropsychiatrica 17 Psychology and Cognitive Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences     0924-2708 1601-5215    
13123 C Acta Neuropsychologica 17 Psychology and Cognitive Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences     1730-7503      
11 A* Acta Numerica 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     0962-4929 1474-0508    
15588 A Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine     0001-6349 1600-0412    
34494 C Acta Oceanologica Sinica 0405 Oceanography         0253-505X 0253-4193    
44393 C Acta odontologica latinoamericana : AOL 1105 Dentistry         0326-4815      
32527 A Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 1105 Dentistry         0001-6357      
3189 B Acta Oecologica 0602 Ecology         1146-609X 1873-6238    
44394 C Acta Oeconomica 1401 Economic Theory 1503 Business and Management 1499 Other Economics 0001-6373      
44395 B Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics 0903 Biomedical Engineering  1106 Human Movement and Sports Science 1103 Clinical Sciences 1509-409X      
15589 B Acta Oncologica 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         0284-186X 1651-226X    
8705 C Acta Onomastica 2004 Linguistics         1211-4413      
15590 C Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences 1755-375X 1755-3768 1395-3907  
9837 B Acta Organologica 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0567-7874      
21118 B Acta Orientalia MD Multidisciplinary         0001-6438 1600-0439    
6726 B Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae MD Multidisciplinary         0001-6446 1588-2667    
2784 C Acta Ornithologica 0608 Zoology         0001-6454      
15591 A Acta Orthopaedica 1103 Clinical Sciences 0903 Biomedical Engineering      1745-3674 1745-3682 0001-6470  
44396 C Acta orthopaedica et traumatologica turcica 1103 Clinical Sciences         1017-995X      
44397 C Acta Ortopedica Brasileira 1103 Clinical Sciences 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences     1413-7852      
15594 C Acta Oto-Laryngologica 1103 Clinical Sciences         0001-6489 1651-2553    
44398 C Acta Otorhinolaryngologica Italica 1103 Clinical Sciences         0392-100X      
44399 C Acta Otorrinolaringologica Espanola 1103 Clinical Sciences         0001-6519      
15595 B Acta Paediatrica 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0803-5253 1651-2227    
44400 C Acta Palaeobotanica 0403 Geology 0607 Plant Biology     0001-6594      
1762 B Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 0403 Geology         0567-7920 1732-2421    
1763 C Acta Palaeontologica Sinica 0403 Geology         0001-6616      
15054 C Acta Parasitologica 1108 Medical Microbiology         1230-2821 1896-1851    
15539 C Acta Pathologica et Microbiologica Scandinavica 1103 Clinical Sciences 1107 Immunology 1108 Medical Microbiology 0903-4641 1600-0463    
31419 C Acta Patristica et Byzantina 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1022-6486      
44401 C ACTA Paulista de Enfermagem 1110 Nursing         0103-2100      
44402 C Acta Pediatrica Espanola 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0001-6640      
44403 C Acta Periodica Technologica 10 Technology         1450-7188      
14878 C Acta Pharmaceutica 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1330-0075      
44404 C Acta Pharmaceutica Hungarica 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0001-6659      
44405 C Acta Pharmaceutica Sciencia 11 Medical and Health Sciences 03 Chemical Sciences     1307-2080      
14669 B Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1671-4083 1745-7254    
8293 B Acta Philosophica Fennica 2203 Philosophy          0355-1792      
36949 C Acta Philosophica: rivista internazionale di filosofia 2203 Philosophy          1121-2179 1825-6562    
976 C Acta Physica Hungarica. A. Heavy Ion Physics 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics         1219-7580 1588-2675    
939 C Acta Physica Polonica. Series A: General Physics, Physics of Condensed Matter, Optics and Quantum Electrodynamics 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     0587-4246      
940 C Acta Physica Polonica. Series B: Elementary Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics, Statistical Physics, Theory of Relativity, Field Theory 01 Mathematical Sciences 02 Physical Sciences     0587-4254 1509-5770 0001-673X  
941 C Acta Physica Sinica 02 Physical Sciences 09 Engineering 01 Mathematical Sciences 1000-3290 1674-1056 1741-4199 1009-1963
40411 C Acta Physica Slovaca: journal for experimental and theoretical physics 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics         0323-0465      
44406 C Acta Physico - Chimica Sinica 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)         1000-6818      
2681 C Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 0607 Plant Biology         0137-5881 1861-1664    
14574 A Acta Physiologica 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science 1116 Medical Physiology     1748-1708 1748-1716 0001-6772  
44407 C Acta Physiologica Hungarica 11 Medical and Health Sciences 06 Biological Sciences     0231-424X      
14639 C Acta Physiologica Pharmacologica et Therapeutica Latinoamericana 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences 1116 Medical Physiology     0327-6309      
3187 C Acta Physiologica Sinica 0606 Physiology  1116 Medical Physiology     0371-0874      
2785 C Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica 0608 Zoology         0238-1249 1588-2691    
44408 C Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 0607 Plant Biology         0529-1526      
18698 B Acta Politica: international journal of political science 1606 Political Science         0001-6810 1741-1416    
6727 B Acta Poloniae Historica 2103 Historical Studies         0001-6829      
14880 C Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica: drug research 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0001-6837      
11670 C Acta Polono-Ruthenica 2005 Literary Studies         1427-549X      
4143 C Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica.  Civil Engineering and Building Construction Series 0905 Civil Engineering         0355-2705      
20934 C Acta Polytechnica: journal of advanced engineering 1201 Architecture         1210-2709      
7859 B Acta Praehistorica et Archaeologica 2101 Archaeology         0341-1184      
2444 C Acta Protozoologica 0605 Microbiology          0065-1583 1689-0027    
13124 C Acta Psiquiatrica y Psicologica de America Latina 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0001-6896      
13062 A Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 1103 Clinical Sciences         0001-690X 1600-0447    
6057 A Acta Psychologica 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0001-6918 1873-6297    
15597 C Acta Radiologica 1103 Clinical Sciences         0284-1851 1600-0455    
44409 C Acta Reumatologica Portuguesa 1103 Clinical Sciences         0303-464X      
5572 C Acta Scientiae Veterinariae 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1678-0345      
44410 C Acta Scientiarum - Biological Sciences 06 Biological Sciences         1679-9283      
44411 C Acta Scientiarum - Health Sciences 1103 Clinical Sciences         1679-9291      
44412 C Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Normalis Hunanensis MD Multidisciplinary         1000-2537      
20935 C Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Administratio Locorum 1201 Architecture         1644-0749      
20936 C Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Architectura 1201 Architecture         1644-0633      
3386 C Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Biotechnologia 10 Technology 06 Biological Sciences     1644-065X      
5410 C Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Hortorum Cultus 0706 Horticultural Production         1644-0692      
5573 C Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Medicina Veterinaria 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1644-0676      
5770 C Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Piscaria 0704 Fisheries Sciences         1644-0706      
5694 C Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Silvarum Colendarum Ratio et Industria Lignaria 0705 Forestry Sciences         1644-0722      
9680 C Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Technologia Alimentaria 0908 Food Sciences         1644-0730      
44413 C Acta Seismologica Sinica 0404 Geophysics         0253-3782      
44414 C Acta Seismologica Sinica English Edition 0404 Geophysics         1000-9116      
34897 C Acta Slavica Iaponica 2103 Historical Studies         0288-3503      
2682 C Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae 0607 Plant Biology         0001-6977      
2786 C Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae 0608 Zoology         1211-376X      
30292 A Acta Sociologica 1608 Sociology         0001-6993 1502-3869    
32528 C Acta Stomatologica Croatica 1105 Dentistry         0001-7019 1846-0410    
32529 C Acta Stomatologica Naissi 1105 Dentistry         0352-5252 1820-1202 0354-7957  
40801 C Acta Structilia 0905 Civil Engineering         1023-0564      
4518 C Acta Technica CSAV 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0001-7043      
12609 B Acta Theologica 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1015-8758      
2787 C Acta Theriologica 0608 Zoology         0001-7051 1509-4537    
44415 C Acta Toxicologica 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1731-6383      
15598 B Acta Tropica 1103 Clinical Sciences         0001-706X 1873-6254    
40114 C Acta Turistica 1506 Tourism         0353-4316      
44416 C Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis 0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management         1211-8516      
18242 C Acta Universitatis Bohemiae Meridionales: vedecky casopis pro ekonomiku, rizeni a obchod 14 Economics         1212-3285      
44417 C Acta Universitatis Carolinae - Environmentalica 0502 Environmental Science and Management         0862-6529      
8294 C Acta Universitatis Carolinae Philosophica et Historica 2203 Philosophy          0567-8293      
44418 C Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Medica. Monographia 1103 Clinical Sciences         0567-8250      
36525 B Acta Universitatis Cibiniensis 0912 Materials Engineering         1221-4973      
32189 B Acta Universitatis Szegediensis. Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum 0101 Pure Mathematics         0001-6969      
44419 C Acta Urologica Japonica 1103 Clinical Sciences         0018-1994      
5574 C Acta Veterinaria 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0567-8315      
5575 C Acta Veterinaria Brno 0707 Veterinary Sciences 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences     0001-7213 1801-7576    
5486 B Acta Veterinaria Hungarica 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0236-6290 1588-2705    
5487 B Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 0707 Veterinary Sciences 0702 Animal Production 0799 Other Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 0044-605X 1751-0147    
11671 C Acta Victoriana 2005 Literary Studies         0700-8406      
2445 C Acta Virologica: international journal 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     0001-723X 1336-2305    
3040 C Acta Zoologica 0608 Zoology         0001-7272 1463-6395    
3046 C Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia 0608 Zoology         0065-1710 1734-915X    
3047 C Acta Zoologica Fennica 0608 Zoology         0001-7299      
3048 C Acta Zoologica Taiwanica 0608 Zoology         1019-5858      
44420 C Actas Dermo-Sifiliograficas 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0001-7310      
13125 C Actas Espanolas de Psiquiatria 1103 Clinical Sciences         1139-9287 1578-2735    
42195 C Actas Espanolas de Psiquiatria. Monografias 1103 Clinical Sciences         1575-071X      
44421 C Actas Urologicas Espanolas 1103 Clinical Sciences         0210-4806      
34896 B Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales 2103 Historical Studies         0335-5322 1955-2564    
11956 C Actes de Lecture 2005 Literary Studies         0758-1475      
30256 C Actes de l'Histoire de l'Immigration (Print Edition) 1603 Demography          1630-7356      
10222 C Action Criticism and Theory for Music Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1545-4517      
20766 B Action in Teacher Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0162-6620      
36116 C Action Learning and Action Research Journal 1503 Business and Management         1326-964X      
35690 C Action Learning: research and practice 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1476-7333 1476-7341    
41365 C Action Research 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1476-7503 1741-2617    
35234 B Action Research International 1503 Business and Management 1117 Public Health and Health Services     1445-6125      
4519 C Active and Passive Electronic Components 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0882-7516 1563-5031    
19324 B Active Learning in Higher Education 1301 Education Systems          1469-7874 1741-2625    
44422 C Actividad Dietetica 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics         1138-0322      
40865 C Activities, Adaptation and Aging: the journal of activities management 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science 1117 Public Health and Health Services     0192-4788 1544-4368    
11672 C Actual Virtual 2005 Literary Studies         1752-5624      
44423 C Actualite Chimique 03 Chemical Sciences         0151-9093      
44424 C Actualites Pharmaceutiques 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0515-3700      
44425 C Actualites Pharmaceutiques Hospitalieres 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1769-7344      
44426 C Actualizaciones en Anestesiologia y Reanimacion 1103 Clinical Sciences         1132-0095      
35979 C Actuarial Research Clearinghouse 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         0732-5428      
36950 B Actuel Marx 2203 Philosophy          0994-4524 0718-0179    
34141 C Acupuncture and Electro-Therapeutics Research: the international journal 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         0360-1293      
34127 C Acupuncture in medicine 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         0964-5284      
1285 C Acustica United with Acta Acustica 0203 Classical Physics         1610-1928 1861-9959 1436-7947 0001-7884
44427 C Acute Cardiac Care 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1748-2941      
44428 C Acute Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         1747-4884      
44429 C Acute Pain 1103 Clinical Sciences         1366-0071      
40972 C Ad Hoc Networks 1005 Communications Technologies 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering     1570-8705 1570-8713    
9838 B Ad Parnassum: a journal of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century instrumental music 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1722-3954      
44430 C Ada User Journal 10 Technology         1381-6551      
7860 C ADALYA 2101 Archaeology         1301-2746      
12610 A Adamantius 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1126-6244      
2767 C Adansonia 0607 Plant Biology         1280-8571 0240-8937    
34578 Not ranked Adaptation 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         1755-0637 1755-0645    
9736 C Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         0736-5829 1543-2777    
6059 A Adaptive Behavior: animals, animats, software agents, robots, adaptive systems 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science 1059-7123 1741-2633    
13373 A Addiction 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0965-2140 1360-0443    
13374 A Addiction Biology 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1355-6215 1369-1600    
13375 B Addiction Research and Theory 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1606-6359 1476-7392    
44431 C Addiction Science and Clinical Practice 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1940-0632      
6060 B Addictive Behaviors 1701 Psychology         0306-4603 1873-6327    
14671 C Addictive Disorders and Their Treatment 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences 1701 Psychology     1531-5754 1535-1122    
33852 B Adelaide Law Review 1801 Law         0065-1915      
35177 C Aden (GIEN: Groupe Interdisciplinaire d'Žtudes nizaniennes) 2005 Literary Studies         1638-9867      
13377 C ADF Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1443-1033      
41355 Not ranked ADHD - Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders 1109 Neurosciences         1866-6116 1866-6647    
3833 C Adhesives Age 0904 Chemical Engineering          0001-821X      
44432 C Adicciones 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0214-4840      
36481 C Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1103 Clinical Sciences     0894-587X 1573-3289 1522-3434  
18700 A Administration and Society 1605 Policy and Administration         0095-3997 1552-3039    
34181 B Administration in Social Work: the quarterly journal of human services management 1607 Social Work         0364-3107 1544-4376    
33047 B Administrative Law Review 1801 Law         0001-8368      
19153 A* Administrative Science Quarterly 1503 Business and Management         0001-8392 1930-3815    
35996 B Administrative Theory and Praxis: a quarterly journal of dialogue in public administration theory 1503 Business and Management         1084-1806      
6061 C Adolescence 1701 Psychology         0001-8449      
44433 C Adolescent Medicine: State of the Art Reviews 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences     1934-4287      
36231 C Adoption and Fostering 1701 Psychology         0308-5759 1740-469X    
44434 C Adoption Quarterly 16 Studies In Human Society 18 Law and Legal Studies     1092-6755      
3834 A Adsorption 0904 Chemical Engineering  0912 Materials Engineering     0929-5607 1572-8757    
3835 B Adsorption Science and Technology 0904 Chemical Engineering          0263-6174      
20815 B Adult Basic Education and Literacy Journal 1301 Education Systems          1934-2322 1052-231X    
20794 A Adult Education Quarterly: a journal of research and theory 1301 Education Systems          0741-7136 1552-3047    
44435 C Adultspan Journal 1701 Psychology 1608 Sociology     1524-6817      
6728 B Adumatu: a semi-annual archaeological refereed journal on the Arab World 2103 Historical Studies         1319-8947      
41369 C Advance for Physician Assistants 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1096-6315      
4861 C Advanced Composite Materials 0912 Materials Engineering         0924-3046 1568-5519    
4862 C Advanced Composites Letters 0912 Materials Engineering         0963-6935      
14672 A* Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0169-409X 1872-8294    
41370 B Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal 1110 Nursing         1931-4485 1931-4493 0164-2340  
36524 B Advanced Engineering Informatics: the science of supporting knowledge-intensive activities 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering         1474-0346 1873-5320 0954-1810  
4863 A Advanced Engineering Materials 0912 Materials Engineering         1438-1656 1527-2648    
1397 A* Advanced Functional Materials 0912 Materials Engineering 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry 0904 Chemical Engineering  1616-301X 1616-3028 1057-9257  
4865 A* Advanced Materials 0912 Materials Engineering 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry 0904 Chemical Engineering  0935-9648 1521-4095    
40869 B Advanced Materials Research 0912 Materials Engineering         1022-6680      
13 A Advanced Nonlinear Studies 0101 Pure Mathematics         1536-1365      
3837 B Advanced Powder Technology 0904 Chemical Engineering          0921-8831 1568-5527    
3585 B Advanced Robotics 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science     0169-1864 1568-5535    
44436 C Advanced Studies in Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         1530-3004 1558-0334    
44437 C Advanced Studies in Theoretical Physics 02 Physical Sciences         1313-1311      
34332 A* Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis 0305 Organic Chemistry 0904 Chemical Engineering      1615-4150 1615-4169    
40973 C Advanced Technology for Learning 1301 Education Systems          1710-2251      
41577 Not ranked Advances and Applications in Discrete Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0974-1658      
41581 C Advances and Applications in Fluid Mechanics 0102 Applied Mathematics         0973-4686      
41583 C Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences 0102 Applied Mathematics         0974-6803      
41719 C Advances and applications in statistics 0104 Statistics          0972-3617      
15599 C Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     0095-4829      
19069 A Advances in Accounting : a Research Annual 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         0882-6110      
19139 B Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1475-1488      
40221 C Advances in Accounting Education: teaching and curriculum innovations 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1527-893X 1085-4622    
39996 C Advances in Acoustics and Vibration 0102 Applied Mathematics         1687-6261 1687-627X    
13126 C Advances in ADHD 1103 Clinical Sciences         1750-8681      
5296 A* Advances in Agronomy 0703 Crop and Pasture Production 0607 Plant Biology 0503 Soil Sciences 0065-2113      
32191 C Advances in Algebra 0101 Pure Mathematics         0973-6964      
40026 B Advances in Anatomic Pathology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1072-4109 1533-4031    
2130 C Advances in Anatomy, Embryology and Cell Biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1116 Medical Physiology     0301-5556      
4866 B Advances in Applied Ceramics 0912 Materials Engineering         1743-6753 1743-6761 0967-9782  
32520 C Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 0101 Pure Mathematics         0188-7009      
32192 C Advances in Applied Mathematical Analysis 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     0973-5313      
16 B Advances in Applied Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics         0196-8858 1090-2074    
2446 C Advances in Applied Microbiology 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     0065-2164      
769 A Advances in Applied Probability 0104 Statistics  0102 Applied Mathematics     0001-8678 1475-6064    
39820 Not ranked Advances in Artificial Neural Systems 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0102 Applied Mathematics     1687-7594 1687-7608    
39819 Not ranked Advances in Astronomy 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences         1687-7969 1687-7977    
1907 B Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 0401 Atmospheric Sciences         0256-1530 1861-9533    
2545 C Advances in Botanical Research 0607 Plant Biology         0065-2296      
44439 C Advances in Breast Cancer 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1742-0946      
15600 A Advances in Cancer Research 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         0065-230X      
34321 B Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry 0305 Organic Chemistry 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0065-2318      
1399 A Advances in Catalysis 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)         0360-0564 0065-2342    
4146 B Advances in Cement Research 0905 Civil Engineering         0951-7197 1751-7605    
3939 A* Advances in Chemical Engineering 0904 Chemical Engineering          0065-2377      
1159 A Advances in Chemical Physics 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural) 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics     0065-2385 1934-4791    
6063 C Advances in Child Development and Behavior 1701 Psychology         0065-2407      
1606 B Advances in Chromatography 0301 Analytical Chemistry         0065-2415      
15601 C Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease 1103 Clinical Sciences         1548-5595 1548-5609 1073-4449  
44883 Not ranked Advances in Civil Engineering 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1687-8086 1687-8094    
44440 C Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1230-025X      
15257 C Advances in Clinical Chemistry 1103 Clinical Sciences         0065-2423      
30332 C Advances in Cognitive Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1895-1171      
1400 A Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural) 0904 Chemical Engineering  0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy 0001-8686 1873-3727    
39995 C Advances in Complex Systems 0102 Applied Mathematics         0219-5259 1793-6802    
17 A Advances in Computational Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1019-7168 1572-9044    
32194 C Advances in Computational Sciences and Technology 10 Technology 08 Information and Computing Sciences     0973-6107      
19786 A Advances in Consumer Research 1505 Marketing         0098-9258      
14041 B Advances in Contemporary Nursing 1110 Nursing         1832-9861      
16962 A Advances in Criminological Theory 1602 Criminology         0894-2366      
32195 C Advances in Data Analysis and Classification 0104 Statistics          1862-5347 1862-5355    
44441 B Advances in Dental Research 1105 Dentistry         0895-9374      
19306 C Advances in Developing Human Resources 1503 Business and Management         1523-4223 1552-3055    
437 B Advances in Difference Equations 0101 Pure Mathematics         1687-1839 1687-1847    
18 A Advances in Differential Equations 0101 Pure Mathematics         1079-9389      
41584 Not ranked Advances in Differential Equations and Control Processes 0102 Applied Mathematics         0974-3243      
14881 C Advances in Drug Research 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0065-2490      
32196 C Advances in Dynamical Systems and Applications 0101 Pure Mathematics         0973-5321 0974-021X    
3190 B Advances in Ecological Research 0602 Ecology         0065-2504      
44442 B Advances in Engineering Education 13 Education 09 Engineering     1941-1766      
22083 B Advances in Engineering Software 08 Information and Computing Sciences 09 Engineering     0965-9978 1873-5339    
40252 C Advances in Environmental Accounting and Management 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1479-3598      
2132 B Advances in Enzyme Regulation 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0065-2571 1873-2437    
2133 A Advances in Enzymology and Related Areas of Molecular Biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0065-258X 1934-4694    
15291 C Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0065-2598      
6065 A Advances in Experimental Social Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0065-2601 1557-8410    
35978 B Advances in Financial Education 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1553-9784      
30201 A Advances in Fluid Mechanics 0904 Chemical Engineering  0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 1353-808X      
9681 C Advances in Food Sciences 0908 Food Sciences         1431-7737 0366-7154    
32197 C Advances in Fuzzy Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         0973-533X 0974-0201    
41592 C Advances in Fuzzy Sets and Systems 0102 Applied Mathematics         0973-421X      
39693 C Advances in Fuzzy Systems 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0102 Applied Mathematics     1687-7101 1687-711X    
44443 C Advances in Gastrointestinal Cancers 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis 1103 Clinical Sciences     1479-9995      
44444 C Advances in Gender Research 1601 Anthropology  1699 Other Studies In Human Society     1529-2126      
19 B Advances in Geometry 0101 Pure Mathematics         1615-715X 1615-7168    
1866 B Advances in Geophysics 0404 Geophysics         0065-2687      
34540 C Advances in Geosciences 04 Earth Sciences         1680-7340 1680-7359    
44445 C Advances in Gerontology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1561-9125      
20516 A Advances in Health Sciences Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1382-4996 1573-1677    
41175 C Advances in Health Sociology 1608 Sociology         1836-4993 1836-5000    
1557 C Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry 0305 Organic Chemistry         0065-2725 1557-8429    
39994 C Advances in High Energy Physics 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     1687-7357 1687-7365    
5379 A Advances in Horticultural Science 0706 Horticultural Production         0394-6169 1592-1573    
5411 B Advances in Horticulture and Forestry 0706 Horticultural Production         0971-0507      
41372 C Advances in Hospitality and Leisure 1506 Tourism         1745-3542      
943 B Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics 0204 Condensed Matter Physics 0205 Optical Physics     1076-5670 0065-2539    
15446 A Advances in Immunology 1107 Immunology         0065-2776 1557-8445    
41174 B Advances in Innovation Research 1503 Business and Management         1837-5957 1836-5965    
1518 A Advances in Inorganic Chemistry 0302 Inorganic Chemistry         0898-8838 1557-8917    
2793 A* Advances in Insect Physiology 0608 Zoology         0065-2806      
19070 B Advances in International Accounting 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         0897-3660 1543-6551    
19781 C Advances in International Marketing 1505 Marketing         1474-7979      
44446 C Advances in Learning and Behavioral Disabilities 1301 Education Systems  1701 Psychology     0735-004X      
44447 C Advances in Limnology 0602 Ecology         1612-166X      
4520 C Advances in Magnetic and Optical Resonance 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1057-2732      
44884 Not ranked Advances in Management 1503 Business and Management         0974-2611      
19071 B Advances in Management Accounting 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1474-7871      
41173 C Advances in Management and Organization 1503 Business and Management         1836-5973 1836-5981    
39809 B Advances in Marine Biology 06 Biological Sciences         0065-2881      
44448 Not ranked Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 02 Physical Sciences 03 Chemical Sciences 09 Engineering 1687-8434      
39818 Not ranked Advances in Mathematical Physics 01 Mathematical Sciences 02 Physical Sciences     1687-9120 1687-9139    
39692 C Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications 0102 Applied Mathematics         1343-4373      
20 A* Advances in Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         0001-8708 1090-2082    
36622 B Advances in Mathematics of Commmunications 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 1930-5346      
36343 C Advances in Medical and Dental Sciences 1105 Dentistry         1995-0764      
44449 C Advances in Medical Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1896-1126      
3191 B Advances in Microbial Ecology 0602 Ecology 1108 Medical Microbiology     0147-4863      
2447 A Advances in Microbial Physiology 0605 Microbiology          0065-2911      
44450 C Advances in Modeling and Analysis C 01 Mathematical Sciences 08 Information and Computing Sciences     1240-4535      
44451 C Advances in Modelling and Analysis B: Signals, Information, Data, Patterns 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics         1240-4543      
41373 C Advances in Modelling and Analysis. A: General Mathematical and Computer Tools 01 Mathematical Sciences 08 Information and Computing Sciences     1258-5769      
15604 C Advances in Neonatal Care 1103 Clinical Sciences         1536-0903 1536-0911    
36458 A Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1049-5258      
15605 C Advances in Neurology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     0091-3952      
39993 C Advances in Nonlinear Optics 0205 Optical Physics         1687-7276 1687-7284    
30644 B Advances in Nonlinear Variational Inequalities 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1092-910X      
14042 A Advances in Nursing Science 1110 Nursing         0161-9268 1550-5014    
13378 C Advances in Nutritional Research 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics         0149-9483      
39817 Not ranked Advances in Operations Research 0102 Applied Mathematics         1687-9147 1687-9155    
44452 C Advances in OptoElectronics 0205 Optical Physics 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering     1687-563X      
1519 A Advances in Organometallic Chemistry 0399 Other Chemical Sciences 0302 Inorganic Chemistry 0305 Organic Chemistry 0065-3055      
14506 C Advances in Pain Research and Therapy 1109 Neurosciences         0146-0722      
5488 A* Advances in Parasitology 0707 Veterinary Sciences 1108 Medical Microbiology 0605 Microbiology  0065-308X      
14882 C Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0065-3136      
44454 C Advances in Pharmacological Sciences 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1687-6334 1687-6342    
14884 B Advances in Pharmacology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1054-3589 1557-8925    
44455 Not ranked Advances in Physical Chemistry 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)         1687-7985      
1401 B Advances in Physical Organic Chemistry 0305 Organic Chemistry 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)     0065-3160      
1086 A* Advances in Physics 0204 Condensed Matter Physics 0206 Quantum Physics     0001-8732 1460-6976    
20658 B Advances in Physiology Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1043-4046 1522-1229    
15607 C Advances in Physiotherapy 1103 Clinical Sciences         1403-8196      
2683 C Advances in Plant Pathology 0607 Plant Biology 0605 Microbiology  0703 Crop and Pasture Production 0736-4539      
1665 A Advances in Polymer Science 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry 0912 Materials Engineering     0065-3195 1436-5030    
44456 B Advances in Polymer Technology 0912 Materials Engineering         0730-6679      
3631 C Advances in Production Engineering and Management 0910 Manufacturing Engineering         1854-6250      
2135 B Advances in Protein Chemistry 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry     0065-3233 1557-8941    
36886 C Advances in Psychiatric Treatment 1103 Clinical Sciences         1355-5146 1472-1481    
40506 C Advances in Psychological Science 1701 Psychology 2004 Linguistics     1671-3710      
19130 B Advances in Public Interest Accounting 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1041-7060      
36117 B Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Finance and Accounting 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1061-8910      
1402 C Advances in Quantum Chemistry 0307 Theoretical and Computational Chemistry         0065-3276      
44457 C Advances in Radio Science - Kleinheubacher Berichte 09 Engineering 02 Physical Sciences     1684-9965      
13127 C Advances in Schizophrenia and Clinical Psychiatry 1103 Clinical Sciences 1701 Psychology     1743-0550 1461-0035    
41377 C Advances in School Mental Health Promotion 1701 Psychology         1754-730X      
2136 C Advances in Second Messenger and Phosphoprotein Research 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1040-7952      
36342 C Advances in Sepsis 1103 Clinical Sciences         1472-2445      
40049 C Advances in Skin and Wound Care: the journal for wound prevention and healing 1103 Clinical Sciences 1110 Nursing     1527-7941 1538-8654    
44458 C Advances in Small Animal Medicine and Surgery 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1041-7826      
34182 C Advances in Social Work 1607 Social Work         1527-8565      
34184 C Advances in Social Work and Welfare Education 1607 Social Work         1329-0584      
1097 C Advances in Solid State Physics 0204 Condensed Matter Physics 0206 Quantum Physics     1438-4329 1617-5034 0430-3393  
1950 C Advances in Space Research 0901 Aerospace Engineering 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences     0273-1177      
4147 A Advances in Structural Engineering: an international journal 0905 Civil Engineering         1369-4332      
19072 B Advances in Taxation 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability 1801 Law     1058-7497      
11673 C Advances in the History of Rhetoric 2005 Literary Studies         1536-2426 1936-0835    
1160 A Advances in the Physics of Particles and Nuclei 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics         0065-2970      
32199 C Advances in Theoretical and Applied Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         0973-4554      
41596 Not ranked Advances in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 0101 Pure Mathematics 0105 Mathematical Physics 0913 Mechanical Engineering 1313-6550      
21 A* Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 0105 Mathematical Physics 0206 Quantum Physics     1095-0761 1095-0753    
36341 C Advances in Therapy 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0741-238X 1865-8652    
3725 C Advances in Tribology 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1687-5915 1687-5923    
44459 C Advances in Urology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1687-6369      
5576 C Advances in Veterinary Dermatology 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1366-185X      
5489 B Advances in Veterinary Medicine 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0065-3519      
2448 A* Advances in Virus Research 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     0065-3527 1557-8399    
4148 A Advances in Water Resources 0905 Civil Engineering 0907 Environmental Engineering     0309-1708 1872-9657    
11083 C Advancing Women in Leadership 1503 Business and Management         1093-7099      
41378 C Advertising and Society Review 1505 Marketing         1534-7311      
35395 C Advocates' Quarterly 1801 Law         0704-0288      
7861 C Aegaeum : annales d'archéologie égéenne de l'Université de Liège 2101 Archaeology         0776-3808      
7862 C Aegean Archaeology 2101 Archaeology         1233-6246      
6729 B Aegyptus: rivista italiana di egittologia e di papirologia 2101 Archaeology         0001-9046 1827-7888    
44460 C AEJ - Alexandria Engineering Journal 09 Engineering         1110-0168      
22 B Aequationes Mathematicae 0101 Pure Mathematics         0001-9054 1420-8903    
41474 B Aerial Archaeology: Studies in Archaeological Aerial Photography. 2101 Archaeology         2035-7540      
44461 C Aerobiologia 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences     0393-5965      
44462 C Aerosol and Air Quality Research 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 03 Chemical Sciences 1680-8584      
44463 C Aerosol Science and Technology 03 Chemical Sciences         0278-6826      
44773 C Aerospace and environmental medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         0233-528X      
3574 C Aerospace Science and Technology 0901 Aerospace Engineering         1270-9638 1626-3219    
10027 C AES 1005 Communications Technologies         1549-4950 0004-7554    
40681 C Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         0364-216X 1432-5241    
44464 C Aesthetic Surgery Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1090-820X      
36951 C Aesthetics 2203 Philosophy          0289-0895      
34725 B Aesthetik und Kommunikation 2099 Other Language, Communication and Culture         0341-7212      
6730 B Aetas 2103 Historical Studies         0237-7934      
12611 B Aethiopica: Internationale Zeitschrift fuer Aethiopistik 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1430-1938      
11674 C Aethlon: the journal of sport literature 2005 Literary Studies         1048-3756 0894-0827    
41029 C AEUe: International Journal of Electronics and Communication 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1434-8411      
6731 A Aevum Antiquum: Istituto di Filologia Classica e di Papirologia 2103 Historical Studies         1121-8932 1827-7861    
6732 C Aevum: rassegna di scienze storiche, linguistiche e filologiche 2103 Historical Studies         0001-9593 1827-787X    
18243 C Afaq Iqtisadiyyah 14 Economics         1024-266X      
40713 C AFBM Journal 0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management         1449-5937 1449-7875    
12612 C AFER: African ecclesiastical review 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0250-4650 0001-1134    
3940 A Affilia: journal of women and social work 1607 Social Work         0886-1099 1552-3020    
44465 C Afinidad 03 Chemical Sciences 09 Engineering     0001-9704      
9408 A Africa 1601 Anthropology          0001-9720 1750-0184    
40206 C Africa Bibliography 2103 Historical Studies         0266-6731      
44466 C Africa Development/Afrique et Developpement 14 Economics 15 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services     0850-3907      
44467 C Africa Journal of Nursing and Midwifery 1110 Nursing         1682-5055      
9197 C Africa Media Review 2001 Communication and Media Studies         0258-4913      
12613 C Africa Theological Journal 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0856-0048      
41379 C Africa Today MD Multidisciplinary         0001-9887 1527-1978    
44468 C African Affairs 1606 Political Science         0001-9909      
30590 B African American Review 2103 Historical Studies         1062-4783      
21121 C African and Asian Studies MD Multidisciplinary         1569-2094 1569-2108    
40935 Not ranked African and Black Diaspora: an international journal 2103 Historical Studies         1752-8631 1752-864X    
9409 B African Anthropologist 1601 Anthropology          1024-0969      
7864 B African Archaeological Review 2101 Archaeology         0263-0338 1572-9842    
9839 C African Arts 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         0001-9933 1937-2108    
12614 C African Christian Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1013-171X      
5332 C African Crop Science Journal: a journal of tropical crop science and production 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         1021-9730      
40947 C African Development Review 1605 Policy and Administration 1604 Human Geography     1017-6772 1467-8268    
30645 B African Diaspora Journal of Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         1539-851X      
18655 C African Economic History 1402 Applied Economics 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     0145-2258      
2794 C African Entomology: journal of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa 0608 Zoology         1021-3589      
36264 C African Geographical Review 1604 Human Geography         1937-6812 0070-7961    
44469 C African Health Sciences 1103 Clinical Sciences         1680-6905      
34895 A African Historical Review 2103 Historical Studies         1753-2523 1753-2531 0023-2084  
41380 C African Human Rights Law Journal 1801 Law 1602 Criminology     1609-073X 1996-2096    
34705 A African Identities 2002 Cultural Studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society     1472-5843 1472-5851    
3326 C African Invertebrates: a journal of biodiversity research 0608 Zoology         1681-5556 0304-0798    
10223 C African Journal for Physical Health Education Recreation and Dance 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1117-4315      
41381 C African Journal of Accounting, Economics, Finance and Banking Research 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment     1933-3404 1933-3463    
41382 C African Journal of AIDS Research 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1608-5906 1727-9445    
44470 C African Journal of Aquatic Science 06 Biological Sciences 04 Earth Sciences     1608-5914      
3387 C African Journal of Biotechnology 10 Technology 06 Biological Sciences     1684-5315      
18495 C African Journal of Business and Economic Research 14 Economics 15 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services     1750-4554 1750-4562    
36244 C African Journal of Criminology and Justice Studies 1602 Criminology         1554-3897      
3192 C African Journal of Ecology 0602 Ecology         0141-6707 1365-2028    
5873 C African Journal of Environmental Assessment and Management 0502 Environmental Science and Management 0907 Environmental Engineering 1605 Policy and Administration 1436-7890      
9682 C African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development 0908 Food Sciences         1684-5358 1684-5374 1681-7303  
2414 C African Journal of Genetics 0604 Genetics          0795-6762      
13379 C African Journal of Health Sciences 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1022-9272      
2795 C African Journal of Herpetology 0608 Zoology         0441-6651      
32005 C African Journal of Information and Communication Technology 1005 Communications Technologies 1702 Cognitive Science     1449-2679      
33049 A African Journal of International and Comparative Law 1801 Law         0954-8890 1755-1609    
33050 C African Journal of Legal Studies 1801 Law         1708-7384      
5771 C African Journal of Marine Science 0704 Fisheries Sciences         1814-232X 1814-2338 0257-7615  
15343 C African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1116-4077      
40043 C African Journal of Midwifery and Women's Health 1110 Nursing         1759-7374      
44472 C African Journal of Neurological Sciences 1109 Neurosciences         1015-8618      
13118 C African Journal of Psychiatry 1103 Clinical Sciences         1994-8220 1811-7805    
44474 C African Journal of Range and Forage Science 0607 Plant Biology 0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management     1022-0119      
44475 C African Journal of Reproductive Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1118-4841      
44476 C African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines 1103 Clinical Sciences         0189-6016      
5772 C African Journal of Tropical Hydrobiology and Fisheries 0704 Fisheries Sciences         0002-0036      
9840 B African Music 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0065-4019      
36952 C African Philosophy 2203 Philosophy          1533-1067      
2684 C African Plant Protection 0607 Plant Biology         1023-3121      
5995 B African Population Studies 1603 Demography          0850-5780      
9410 B African Studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         0002-0184 1469-2872    
44477 C African Studies Quarterly 16 Studies In Human Society 20 Language, Communication and Culture     1093-2658      
36599 B African Studies Review: the journal of the African Studies Association MD Multidisciplinary         0002-0206      
2796 C African Zoology 0608 Zoology         1562-7020 0254-1858    
18244 C Afrika Spectrum: Zeitschrift fuer gegenwartsbezogene Afrikaforschung 15 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services 16 Studies In Human Society     0002-0397      
44478 C Afrique Contemporaine 1606 Political Science         0002-0478      
41217 Not ranked Afro-Asian Journal of Finance and Accounting 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability     1751-6447 1751-6455    
3439 Not ranked AFS Transactions 09 Engineering         1942-5120      
35703 B Afterimage: the journal of media arts and cultural criticism 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 0300-7472      
44479 C AgBioForum 1402 Applied Economics 0799 Other Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences     1522-936X      
44480 C Age 1103 Clinical Sciences         0161-9152      
15610 B Age and Ageing 1701 Psychology 1103 Clinical Sciences     0002-0729 1468-2834    
11520 B Age of Johnson: a scholarly annual 2005 Literary Studies         0884-5816      
15611 A Ageing and Society 1701 Psychology 1607 Social Work     0144-686X 1469-1779    
36233 C Ageing International: information bulletin of the International Federation on Ageing 1701 Psychology 1103 Clinical Sciences     0163-5158 1936-606X    
39808 B Ageing Research Reviews 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1103 Clinical Sciences     1568-1637 1872-9649    
11085 B Agenda (London) 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2005 Literary Studies     0002-0796      
40194 C Agenda: a journal of policy analysis and reform 1605 Policy and Administration 1402 Applied Economics     1322-1833 1447-4735    
40457 C Agenda: empowering women for gender equity 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 1606 Political Science     1013-0950      
6066 B Aggression and Violent Behavior 1602 Criminology 1701 Psychology     1359-1789 1873-6335    
6067 B Aggressive Behavior 1701 Psychology         0096-140X 1098-2337    
39992 C Aging and Mental Health 1607 Social Work 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science 1360-7863 1364-6915    
2137 A Aging Cell 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1474-9718 1474-9726    
15612 B Aging Clinical and Experimental Research 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science     1594-0667 1720-8319    
40823 C Aging Health 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences         1745-509X 1745-5103    
36179 C Aging Male 1701 Psychology         1368-5538 1473-0790    
40620 C Agora 2103 Historical Studies         0044-6726      
44481 C Agora (Rio de Janeiro) 1701 Psychology 1103 Clinical Sciences     1516-1498      
34960 C Agora (Santiago de Compostela): papeles de filosofia 2203 Philosophy          0211-6642      
35215 C Agora Philosophica 2203 Philosophy          1515-3142      
8295 C Agora: tidsskrift for forskning, udvikling og ideudveksling 2203 Philosophy          1603-3280      
5215 C Agrarforschung 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences         1022-663X 0023-8171 0036-763X 1013-3054
41383 C Agrekon 1503 Business and Management 1402 Applied Economics 1604 Human Geography 0303-1853      
40134 C Agri Centuriati: an international journal of landscape archaeology 2101 Archaeology         1724-904X 1825-1277    
44482 C Agri Dergisi 1103 Clinical Sciences         1300-0012      
5196 C Agribiological Research: Zeitschrift fuer Agrarbiologie - Agrikulturchemie - Oekologie 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences         0938-0337 0023-8147    
32845 C Agribusiness (New York): an international journal 0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management         0742-4477 1520-6297    
44484 C Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus 0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management         1331-7768      
3357 B Agricultural and Environmental Biotechnology Abstracts (Online) 1002 Environmental Biotechnology         1555-6085      
5227 B Agricultural and Food Science 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences         1459-6067 1795-1895 1239-0992  
2797 A Agricultural and Forest Entomology 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences         1461-9555 1461-9563    
1951 A Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 0705 Forestry Sciences 0401 Atmospheric Sciences     0168-1923 1873-2240    
30498 B Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 1402 Applied Economics         1068-2805 0899-367X 0163-5484  
18314 A Agricultural Economics 1402 Applied Economics         0169-5150 1574-0862    
44485 C Agricultural Economics 1402 Applied Economics         0139-570X      
31188 C Agricultural Finance Review 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         0002-1466      
6733 A Agricultural History 2103 Historical Studies         0002-1482 1533-8290    
6734 A* Agricultural History Review 2103 Historical Studies         0002-1490      
44486 C Agricultural Sciences in China 0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management 0707 Veterinary Sciences     1671-2927      
5173 A Agricultural Systems 0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management         0308-521X 1873-2267    
5245 A Agricultural Water Management 0799 Other Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management 0905 Civil Engineering 0378-3774 1873-2283    
5233 B Agriculture and Human Values 1402 Applied Economics 1608 Sociology     0889-048X 1572-8366    
36361 A Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 05 Environmental Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences     0167-8809 1873-2305    
44487 C Agroalimentaria 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics 1608 Sociology     1316-0354      
31055 C Agrochimica 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         0002-1857      
5174 C Agrociencia 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences         1405-3195 0188-302X 0188-3089  
5665 B Agroforestry Systems 0705 Forestry Sciences         0167-4366 1572-9680    
44488 C Agrokemia es Talajtan 0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management         0002-1873      
5893 C Agronomy for Sustainable Development: sciences des productions vegetales et de l'environnement 0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management         1774-0746 1773-0155 0249-5627  
5298 A Agronomy Journal 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         0002-1962 1435-0645 0890-8524  
5333 C Agronomy New Zealand 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         0110-6589      
44489 C AHIP Coverage 1103 Clinical Sciences 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment     1551-8442      
44490 C AHP journal / Association for Healthcare Philanthropy 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1608 Sociology     1551-840X      
8296 C AI and Society: the journal of human-centered systems and machine intelligence 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science 0951-5666 1435-5655    
17751 B AI Communications: the European journal on artificial intelligence 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science     0921-7126 1875-8452    
32006 C AI Magazine 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science     0738-4602      
3575 A* AIAA Journal: devoted to aerospace research and development 0901 Aerospace Engineering         0001-1452 1533-385X    
35396 C AIAL National Lecture Series on Administrative Law 1801 Law         1832-4037 1322-9869    
3838 A* AIChE Journal 0904 Chemical Engineering          0001-1541 1547-5905    
6735 C Aichi Bunkyo University Studies in Comparative Culture MD Multidisciplinary         1345-1081      
44492 C Aide Soignante 1110 Nursing         1166-3413      
15613 A* AIDS 1103 Clinical Sciences 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology 0269-9370 1473-5571    
13380 C AIDS and Behavior 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1090-7165 1573-3254    
6072 B AIDS Care: psychological and socio-medical aspects of AIDS-HIV 1701 Psychology 1117 Public Health and Health Services     0954-0121 1360-0451    
13383 C AIDS Education and Prevention: an interdisciplinary journal 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0899-9546 1943-2755    
13384 C AIDS Patient Care and Stds 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1087-2914 1557-7449 0893-5068  
44493 C AIDS Reader 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1053-0894      
15614 C AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses 1103 Clinical Sciences         0889-2229 1931-8405    
42222 C AIDS Research and Therapy 1107 Immunology         1742-6405      
34704 B AILA Review 2004 Linguistics         1461-0213 1570-5595    
44494 C AIMS Journal 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0265-5004      
33051 C AIPLA Quarterly Journal 1801 Law         0883-6078      
35540 B Air and Space Law 1801 Law         0927-3379 1875-8339    
44495 C Air and Space Power Journal 0901 Aerospace Engineering 1605 Policy and Administration     0897-0823      
33053 B Air Force Law Review 1801 Law         0094-8381 1554-981X    
41336 C Air Medical Journal 1110 Nursing         1067-991X 1532-6497    
5811 C Air Quality and Climate Change 05 Environmental Sciences 04 Earth Sciences 03 Chemical Sciences 1444-2841 0009-8647    
40821 Not ranked Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1873-9318 1873-9326    
41386 C Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: an international journal 0901 Aerospace Engineering         1748-8842 1758-4213    
6737 B Ajalooline Ajakiri 2103 Historical Studies         1406-3859      
6871 B AJAS 2103 Historical Studies 2005 Literary Studies     0705-7113      
8297 C Ajatus 2203 Philosophy          0355-1725      
12650 C AJL: Australian Academy of Liturgy 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1030-617X      
34576 A AJS Review 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0364-0094 1475-4541    
3049 C Akademia Rolnicza w Szczecinie Rozprawy 0608 Zoology         0239-6467      
17567 C Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Goettingen. Jahrbuch MD Multidisciplinary         0373-9767 1868-9191    
36620 C AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics 0101 Pure Mathematics         0972-8600      
7866 B Akkadica 2101 Archaeology         1378-5087 0772-1331    
33054 C Akron Intellecutal Property Journal 1801 Law         1938-4572 1938-4580    
33055 C Akron Law Review 1801 Law         0002-371X 1930-8922    
33056 C Akron Tax Journal 1801 Law         1044-4130      
34760 C Akroterion: journal for the classics in South Africa 2099 Other Language, Communication and Culture 2103 Historical Studies     0303-1896 0023-2033    
44496 C Aktuality v Nefrologii 1103 Clinical Sciences         1210-955X      
44497 C Aktualnosci Neurologiczne 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1641-9227      
44498 C Aktuelle Dermatologie 1103 Clinical Sciences         0340-2541      
44499 C Aktuelle Ernahrungsmedizin Klinik und Praxis 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics         0341-0501      
44500 C Aktuelle Neurologie 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     0302-4350      
44501 C Aktuelle Rheumatologie 1103 Clinical Sciences         0341-051X      
44502 C Aktuelle Traumatologie 1103 Clinical Sciences         0044-6173      
15615 C Aktuelle Urologie 1103 Clinical Sciences         0001-7868 1438-8820    
44503 C Akupunktur und Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         1614-6891      
44504 C Akzente 2005 Literary Studies         0002-3957      
11675 C Al Liamm: tir na nOg 2005 Literary Studies         0024-1733      
5175 C Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station. Research Report Series 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences         1072-074X      
33057 B Alabama Law Review 1801 Law         0002-4279      
31316 C Al-Abhath 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 2103 Historical Studies     1811-5586      
31315 A Al-Arabiyya Monograph Series 20 Language, Communication and Culture 16 Studies In Human Society 13 Education 0889-8731 0003-2387    
33058 C Alaska Law Review 1801 Law         0883-0568 1930-6598    
44505 C Alauda 0608 Zoology         0002-4619      
41387 C Albanian Journal of Mathematics 01 Mathematical Sciences         1930-1235      
33059 C Albany Government Law Review 1801 Law         1085-3634      
35397 C Albany Law Journal of Science and Technology 1801 Law         1059-4280      
33061 C Albany Law Review 1801 Law         0002-4678      
20028 B Alberta Journal of Educational Research 13 Education         0002-4805      
33062 B Alberta Law Review 1801 Law         0002-4821      
3050 C Alces: a journal devoted to the biology and management of moose 0608 Zoology         0835-5851      
1764 C Alcheringa: an Australian journal of palaeontology 0403 Geology 0603 Evolutionary Biology     0311-5518 1752-0754    
13385 C Alcohol 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0741-8329 1873-6823    
13386 A Alcohol and Alcoholism 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0735-0414 1464-3502    
13387 C Alcohol Research and Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1701 Psychology     1535-7414 1930-0573 0090-838X  
44506 C Alcoholism 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0002-502X      
15616 B Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 1103 Clinical Sciences 1701 Psychology     0145-6008 1530-0277    
44507 C Alea 2004 Linguistics         1517-106X      
39879 C Alea (Rio de Janeiro): Latin American journal of probability and mathematical statistics 0104 Statistics  0102 Applied Mathematics     1980-0436      
36953 C ALEPH: Historical Studies in Science and Judaism 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1565-1525 1553-3956    
44508 C Alergia Astma Immunologia 1107 Immunology         1427-3101      
44509 C Alergie 1107 Immunology         1212-3536      
35564 C Aletheia: an international yearbook of philosophy 2203 Philosophy          0149-2004      
17568 C Alexandria Science Exchange MD Multidisciplinary         1110-0176      
11677 C Alfa: revista de linguistica 2005 Literary Studies         0002-5216 1981-5794    
35218 B Alfinge: Revista de filolog’a 2005 Literary Studies         0213-1854      
2546 C Algae 0607 Plant Biology         1226-2617 1016-2607    
39644 C Algebra and Discrete Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         1726-3255      
443 B Algebra and Logic 0101 Pure Mathematics         0002-5232 1573-8302 0373-9252  
39991 B Algebra and Number Theory 0101 Pure Mathematics         1937-0652 1944-7833    
32202 C Algebra Colloquium 0101 Pure Mathematics         1005-3867 0219-1733    
32203 B Algebra Universalis 0101 Pure Mathematics         0002-5240 1420-8911    
24 A Algebraic and Geometric Topology 0101 Pure Mathematics         1472-2747 1472-2739    
25 B Algebras and Representation Theory 0101 Pure Mathematics         1386-923X 1572-9079    
445 C Algebras, Groups and Geometries 0101 Pure Mathematics         0741-9937      
8298 C Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 2203 Philosophy          0002-5275      
2685 C Al'gologiya 0607 Plant Biology         0868-8540      
26 A* Algorithmica: an international journal in computer science 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics         0178-4617 1432-0541    
40769 B Algorithms for Molecular Biology 0604 Genetics          1748-7188      
33063 C ALI - ABA Business Law Course Materials Journal 1801 Law         1536-4445 0145-6342    
33064 C ALI - ABA Estate Planning Course Materials Journal 1801 Law         1082-8206      
11663 C ALIF: journal of comparative poetics 2005 Literary Studies         1110-8673      
35997 C Aligarh Journal of Statistics 0104 Statistics          0971-0388      
9684 C Alimenta 0908 Food Sciences         0002-5402      
14673 A Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 1103 Clinical Sciences 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences     0269-2813 1365-2036    
44510 C Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics Symposium Series 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1746-6334      
9685 C Alimentos e Nutricao 0908 Food Sciences         0103-4235      
2686 C Aliso: a journal of taxonomic and evolutionary botany 0607 Plant Biology         0065-6275      
446 C Alkalmazott Matematikai Lapok 0101 Pure Mathematics         0133-3399 0025-035X    
11678 B Al-Karmil 2005 Literary Studies         0334-8547      
31056 C Allelopathy Journal 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         0971-4693 0974-1240    
35642 C Allemagne d'Aujourd'hui: politique, economie, societe, culture MD Multidisciplinary         0002-5712 0223-3363    
44511 C Allergo Journal 1107 Immunology         0941-8849      
15447 C Allergologie 1107 Immunology         0344-5062      
15448 C Allergology International 1107 Immunology         1323-8930 1440-1592    
15449 A Allergy 1107 Immunology         0105-4538 1398-9995    
15450 C Allergy and Asthma Proceedings 1107 Immunology         1088-5412 1539-6304    
44512 C Allergy and Clinical Immunology International 1107 Immunology         0838-1925      
15451 C Allergy and Clinical Immunology International: journal of the World Allergy Organization 1103 Clinical Sciences 1107 Immunology     1097-1424      
15541 C Allergy Asthma and Clinical Immunology 1107 Immunology         1710-1492 1710-1484 1203-844X  
8299 A Allgemeine Zeitschrift fuer Philosophie 2203 Philosophy          0340-7969      
35970 C Alliance Journal of Business Research 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         0973-0850      
2687 C Allionia 0607 Plant Biology         0065-6429      
4744 C Alloy Digest 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0002-614X      
6740 C Al-Masaq Islam and the Medieval Mediterranean 2103 Historical Studies         0950-3110 1473-348X    
8708 C Almen Semiotik 2004 Linguistics         0905-4545      
31402 C Al-Mushir 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0254-7856      
2688 C Aloe 0607 Plant Biology         0002-6301      
15197 C Alpe Adria Microbiology Journal 1108 Medical Microbiology         1121-9750      
44513 C Alpha 2004 Linguistics         0716-4254      
34959 C Alpha Omega: rivista di filosofia e teologia dell'Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum 2203 Philosophy          1126-8557      
6741 C Al-Qantara: revista de estudios arabes 2103 Historical Studies         0211-3589 1988-2955    
8709 C Altalanos Nyelveszeti Tanulmanyok 2004 Linguistics         0569-1338      
44514 C Alter 11 Medical and Health Sciences 16 Studies In Human Society     1875-0672      
9314 C Alternation: international journal for the study of Southern African literature and languages 2003 Language Studies 2005 Literary Studies     1023-1757      
34144 C Alternative and Complementary Therapies: a bimonthly publication for health care practitioners 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         1076-2809 1557-9085    
35399 B Alternative Law Journal  1801 Law         1037-969X 0817-3516    
34128 C Alternative Medicine Review: a journal of clinical therapeutics 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         1089-5159      
34145 C Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         1078-6791      
44515 C Alternative Therapies in Womens Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1522-3396      
40493 C AlterNative: an international journal of indigenous scholarship 2002 Cultural Studies         1177-1801      
40974 C Alternatives Journal MD Multidisciplinary         1205-7398      
5497 B Alternatives to Laboratory Animals 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0261-1929      
18701 B Alternatives: global, local, political 1606 Political Science         0304-3754      
44516 C ALTEX : Alternativen zu Tierexperimenten 11 Medical and Health Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences     0946-7785      
35337 C Altitude: A Journal of Emerging Humanities Work 2002 Cultural Studies 1608 Sociology     1444-1160      
20266 A ALTJ - Association for Learning Technology Journal 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0968-7769 1741-1629    
12615 B Altorientalische Forschungen MD Multidisciplinary         0232-8461      
9281 C AltreItalie: international journal of studies on the peoples of Italian origin in the world 1601 Anthropology  2003 Language Studies     1120-0413      
7867 C Alt-Thuringen 2101 Archaeology         0065-6585      
4745 C Aluminum Transactions 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1521-0200      
40954 C Alvissmal: Forschungen zur mittelalterlichen Kultur Skandinaviens 2005 Literary Studies         0942-4555      
3051 C Alytes: international journal of batrachology 0608 Zoology         0753-4973      
15620 B Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0893-0341 1546-4156    
40975 C Alzheimer's and Dementia 1109 Neurosciences         1552-5260 1552-5279    
44517 C Alzheimer's Care Today 1109 Neurosciences 1608 Sociology     1936-3001      
44518 C AMA, Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences         0084-5841      
4667 B Ambio MD Multidisciplinary         0044-7447 1654-7209    
11680 C Ambit 2005 Literary Studies         0002-6972      
11266 C Ambix 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0002-6980 1745-8234    
15623 C Ambulatory Surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences 1110 Nursing     0966-6532      
1765 C Ameghiniana 0403 Geology         0002-7014 1851-8044    
3052 C Amemboa: news and results on Thai heteroptera 0608 Zoology         1028-2831      
34703 A Amerasia Journal: the national interdisciplinary journal of scholarship, criticism, and literature on Asian and Pacific American 2002 Cultural Studies 2103 Historical Studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 0044-7471      
9412 C America Indigena 1601 Anthropology          0185-1179 0304-2596    
5524 B American Animal Hospital Association. Journal 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0587-2871 0002-7251    
15624 B American Annals of the Deaf 1103 Clinical Sciences         0002-726X 1543-0375 0093-1284  
9413 A* American Anthropologist 1601 Anthropology          0002-7294 1548-1433    
31282 A* American Antiquity 2101 Archaeology         0002-7316      
39990 A American archivist 0807 Library and Information Studies         0360-9081      
10225 B American Art: the journal of the Smithsonian American Art Museum 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts     1073-9300 1549-6503    
18702 C American Asian Review 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         0737-6650 1930-6563    
33066 B American Bankruptcy Institute Law Review 1801 Law         1068-0861      
33854 B American Bankruptcy Law Journal 1801 Law         0027-9048      
6073 B American Behavioral Scientist 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0002-7642 1552-3381    
33067 A American Business Law Journal 1801 Law         0002-7766 1744-1714    
19188 C American Business Review 1503 Business and Management         0743-2348      
8301 A American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 2203 Philosophy  2204 Religion and Religious Studies     1051-3558      
44519 C American Communication Journal 1608 Sociology 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media     1532-5865      
40639 B American Communist History 2103 Historical Studies         1474-3892 1474-3906    
33069 A American Criminal Law Review 1801 Law         0164-0364      
11682 B American Drama 2005 Literary Studies         1061-0057      
18247 C American Economist 14 Economics         0569-4345      
20430 C American Educational History Journal 2103 Historical Studies         1535-0584 0092-2986    
20004 A* American Educational Research Journal 13 Education         0002-8312 1935-1011    
3011 C American Entomological Society. Transactions 0608 Zoology         0002-8320      
9414 A* American Ethnologist 1601 Anthropology          0094-0496 1548-1425    
13388 C American Family Physician 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0002-838X 1532-0650    
2547 C American Fern Journal 0607 Plant Biology         0002-8444 1938-422X    
15626 A American Heart Journal 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0002-8703 1097-6744    
6745 A* American Historical Review 2103 Historical Studies         0002-8762 1937-5239    
6746 C American History (Leesburg) 2103 Historical Studies         1076-8866 0002-8770    
34758 A American Imago: psychoanalysis and the human sciences MD Multidisciplinary         0065-860X 1085-7931    
44520 C American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research 1608 Sociology 1701 Psychology     0893-5394      
6747 A* American Indian Culture and Research Journal MD Multidisciplinary         0161-6463      
33070 B American Indian Law Review 1801 Law         0094-002X 1930-7918    
34910 B American Indian Quarterly MD Multidisciplinary         0095-182X 1534-1828    
6748 C American Jewish History 2103 Historical Studies         0164-0178 1086-3141 0146-5511 0002-9068
44521 C American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 06 Biological Sciences     1557-4989      
18315 A* American Journal of Agricultural Economics 1402 Applied Economics         0002-9092 1467-8276    
41433 C American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias 1103 Clinical Sciences         1533-3175 1938-2731    
6749 A American Journal of Ancient History 2103 Historical Studies         0362-8914      
5580 C American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1557-4555      
1161 C American Journal of Applied Sciences MD Multidisciplinary         1546-9239 1554-3641    
7868 A* American Journal of Archaeology 2101 Archaeology         0002-9114 1939-828X    
36340 C American Journal of Audiology: a journal of clinical practice 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences         1059-0889 1558-9137    
2305 C American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology 10 Technology 03 Chemical Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 1553-3468 1558-6332    
2548 A American Journal of Botany: the journal for all plant biologists 0607 Plant Biology         0002-9122 1537-2197    
40241 Not ranked American Journal of Business Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1942-2504 1942-2512    
15627 C American Journal of Cancer 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1175-6357      
15628 B American Journal of Cardiology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0002-9149 1879-1913    
15629 C American Journal of Cardiovascular Drugs 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1175-3277      
11475 B American Journal of Chinese Studies MD Multidisciplinary         0742-5929      
15630 B American Journal of Clinical Dermatology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1175-0561      
6075 C American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis 1701 Psychology         0002-9157      
13389 A* American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics     0002-9165 1938-3207    
15631 B American Journal of Clinical Oncology: cancer clinical trials 1105 Dentistry         0277-3732 1537-453X    
15632 A American Journal of Clinical Pathology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0002-9173 1943-7722    
6076 A American Journal of Community Psychology 1701 Psychology         0091-0562 1573-2770    
33855 A* American Journal of Comparative Law 1801 Law         0002-919X      
36245 C American Journal of Criminal Justice 1602 Criminology         1066-2316 1936-1351    
33071 B American Journal of Criminal Law 1801 Law         0092-2315      
30436 A American Journal of Critical Care 1110 Nursing         1062-3264 1937-710X    
10228 C American Journal of Dance Therapy 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0146-3721 1573-3262    
32531 A American Journal of Dentistry 1105 Dentistry         0894-8275      
15634 B American Journal of Dermatopathology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0193-1091 1533-0311    
44522 C American journal of disaster medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences 1608 Sociology     1932-149X      
20816 C American Journal of Distance Education 1301 Education Systems          0892-3647 1538-9286    
6077 B American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 1701 Psychology 1117 Public Health and Health Services     0095-2990 1097-9891    
14675 C American Journal of Drug Delivery 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1175-9038      
10811 B American Journal of Economics and Sociology 1402 Applied Economics         0002-9246 1536-7150    
20018 A American Journal of Education 13 Education         0195-6744 1549-6511    
44523 C American Journal of Electroneurodiagnostic Technology 1109 Neurosciences         1086-508X      
40976 C American Journal of Emergency Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         0735-6757 1532-8171    
5380 B American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 0706 Horticultural Production         0002-9254 1943-7749    
44524 C American Journal of Environmental Sciences 05 Environmental Sciences         1553-345X      
13392 A* American Journal of Epidemiology 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0002-9262 1476-6256    
39989 B American Journal of Evaluation 1503 Business and Management         1098-2140 1557-0878    
33072 B American Journal of Family Law 1801 Law         0891-6330      
6078 C American Journal of Family Therapy 1701 Psychology 1607 Social Work     0192-6187 1521-0383    
41216 Not ranked American Journal of Finance and Accounting 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1752-7767 1752-7775    
9686 C American Journal of Food Technology 0908 Food Sciences         1557-4571 1557-458X    
15635 B American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0195-7910 1533-404X    
44525 C American Journal of Forensic Psychiatry 1103 Clinical Sciences 1801 Law     0163-1942      
44526 C American Journal of Forensic Psychology 1701 Psychology 1801 Law     0733-1290      
15636 A American Journal of Gastroenterology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0002-9270 1572-0241    
36339 C American Journal of Geriatric Cardiology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1076-7460 1751-715X    
14885 C American Journal of Geriatric Pharmacotherapy 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1543-5946 1876-7761    
13063 B American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry: official journal of thre American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry 1103 Clinical Sciences         1064-7481 1545-7214    
13393 C American Journal of Health Behavior 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1087-3244 1945-7359 0147-0353  
20570 C American Journal of Health Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1932-5037 1055-6699    
13394 C American Journal of Health Promotion 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0890-1171      
14676 B American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1079-2082 1535-2900    
15638 B American Journal of Hematology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0361-8609 1096-8652    
14044 C American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care 1110 Nursing         1049-9091 1938-2715    
39807 B American Journal of Human Biology 0603 Evolutionary Biology         1042-0533 1520-6300    
15639 A* American Journal of Human Genetics 1103 Clinical Sciences 0604 Genetics  1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine 0002-9297 1537-6605    
15640 B American Journal of Hypertension 1103 Clinical Sciences         0895-7061 1941-7225    
15543 C American Journal of Immunology 1107 Immunology         1553-619X 1558-3775    
13396 C American Journal of Industrial Medicine 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0271-3586 1097-0274    
15641 A* American Journal of Infection Control 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1110 Nursing     0196-6553 1527-3296 0161-6005  
44527 C American Journal of Infectious Diseases 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1553-6203      
33073 A* American Journal of International Law 1801 Law         0002-9300      
21128 C American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0887-7653 0742-6763    
33074 A American Journal of Jurisprudence: an international forum for legal philosophy 1801 Law         0065-8995 0199-9702    
15642 A American Journal of Kidney Diseases 1103 Clinical Sciences         0272-6386 1523-6838    
35401 A American Journal of Law and Medicine 1801 Law         0098-8588      
33856 A American Journal of Legal History 1801 Law         0002-9319      
13397 C American Journal of Managed Care 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1096-1860 1936-2692    
878 C American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences 0104 Statistics  0102 Applied Mathematics 1503 Business and Management 0196-6324      
27 A* American Journal of Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         0002-9327 1080-6377    
15644 B American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A 1103 Clinical Sciences         1552-4825 1552-4833 0148-7299  
15645 B American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics 1103 Clinical Sciences 0604 Genetics  1109 Neurosciences 1552-4841 1552-485X    
36824 B American Journal of Medical Genetics Part C: Seminars in Medical Genetics 0604 Genetics  1103 Clinical Sciences     1552-4868 1552-4876    
13398 C American Journal of Medical Quality 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1062-8606 1555-824X    
15292 A American Journal of Medicine 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0002-9343 1555-7162    
9738 C American Journal of Medicine and Sports 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1524-2196      
44529 C American Journal of Men's Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1557-9883      
15646 B American Journal of Nephrology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0250-8095 1421-9670    
15647 B American Journal of Neuroradiology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     0195-6108 1936-959X    
40963 C American Journal of Numismatics 21 History and Archaeology         1053-8356      
14046 A* American Journal of Nursing 1110 Nursing         0002-936X 1538-7488    
15648 A American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0002-9378 1097-6868    
15649 B American Journal of Occupational Therapy 1103 Clinical Sciences 1117 Public Health and Health Services     0272-9490 1943-7676    
44530 C American Journal of Oncology Review 1103 Clinical Sciences         1542-9520      
15650 B American Journal of Ophthalmology 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry 1103 Clinical Sciences 1117 Public Health and Health Services 0002-9394 1879-1891    
32532 A American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 1105 Dentistry         0889-5406 1097-6752    
44531 C American Journal of Orthopedics 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1078-4519 1934-3418    
40380 B American Journal of Orthopsychiatry: interdisciplinary approaches to mental health and social justice 1701 Psychology         0002-9432 1939-0025    
44532 C American Journal of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Medicine and Surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         0196-0709      
15651 A* American Journal of Pathology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0002-9440 1525-2191 0097-3599  
15652 C American Journal of Perinatology: neonatal and maternal-fetal medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         0735-1631 1098-8785    
20535 C American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0002-9459 1553-6467    
14886 C American Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1557-4962 1557-4970    
6750 A* American Journal of Philology 2003 Language Studies 2005 Literary Studies 2103 Historical Studies 0002-9475 1086-3168    
9415 A* American Journal of Physical Anthropology 1601 Anthropology  0603 Evolutionary Biology     0002-9483 1096-8644    
15653 B American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science 1103 Clinical Sciences     0894-9115 1537-7385    
944 B American Journal of Physics 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     0002-9505      
3150 A American Journal of Physiology: Cell Physiology 0606 Physiology  0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology     0363-6143 1522-1563    
14579 A American Journal of Physiology: Endocrinology and Metabolism 1116 Medical Physiology 0606 Physiology      0193-1849      
14580 A American Journal of Physiology: Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology 1116 Medical Physiology 0606 Physiology      0193-1857 1522-1547    
14581 A American Journal of Physiology: Heart and Circulatory Physiology 1116 Medical Physiology 0606 Physiology      0363-6135      
14583 A American Journal of Physiology: Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 1116 Medical Physiology 0606 Physiology      1040-0605      
3151 A American Journal of Physiology: Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 0606 Physiology  1116 Medical Physiology     0363-6119 1522-1490    
15654 A American Journal of Physiology: Renal Physiology 1116 Medical Physiology 0606 Physiology      1931-857X 1522-1466    
2689 C American Journal of Plant Physiology 0607 Plant Biology         1557-4539 1557-4547    
18703 A* American Journal of Political Science 1606 Political Science         0092-5853 1540-5907    
5381 B American Journal of Potato Research 0706 Horticultural Production         1099-209X 1874-9380 0003-0589  
13399 B American Journal of Preventive Medicine 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0749-3797 1873-2607    
2799 A American Journal of Primatology 0608 Zoology         0275-2565 1098-2345    
44533 C American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation 1103 Clinical Sciences         1548-7768      
13064 A* American Journal of Psychiatry 1103 Clinical Sciences 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science 0002-953X 1535-7228    
44534 C American Journal of Psychoanalysis 1701 Psychology 1103 Clinical Sciences     0002-9548      
6080 B American Journal of Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0002-9556 1939-8298    
6081 B American Journal of Psychotherapy 1103 Clinical Sciences 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science 0002-9564      
13400 A* American Journal of Public Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0090-0036 1541-0048    
31232 C American Journal of Recreation Therapy 1504 Commercial Services         1539-4131      
15454 C American Journal of Reproductive Immunology 1107 Immunology         1046-7408 1600-0897    
42196 C American Journal of Reproductive Immunology. Supplement 1107 Immunology         1745-0004 1745-0012    
15655 A* American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1073-449X 1535-4970    
15656 A American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1044-1549 1535-4989    
15658 B American Journal of Rhinology and Allergy 1103 Clinical Sciences         1945-8924 1945-8932 1050-6586  
15659 B American Journal of Roentgenology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0361-803X 1546-3141    
30190 A* American Journal of Science: an international earth science journal 0401 Atmospheric Sciences 0402 Geochemistry 0403 Geology 0002-9599 0099-5363 0271-681X  
44536 C American Journal of Sexuality Education 1701 Psychology 1117 Public Health and Health Services     1554-6128      
10812 A* American Journal of Sociology 1608 Sociology         0002-9602 1537-5390    
15660 B American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science     1058-0360 1558-9110    
9739 B American Journal of Sports Medicine 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         0363-5465 1552-3365    
15662 A American Journal of Surgical Pathology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0147-5185 1532-0979    
15346 C American Journal of the Medical Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0002-9629 1538-2990    
35246 C American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 2203 Philosophy          0194-3448      
13401 C American Journal of Therapeutics 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1075-2765 1536-3686    
15663 A* American Journal of Transplantation 1103 Clinical Sciences         1600-6135 1600-6143    
33076 C American Journal of Trial Advocacy 1801 Law         0160-0281      
13403 B American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0002-9637 1476-1645    
17570 C American Journal of Undergraduate Research: a refereed undergraduate research journal in the pure and applied sciences MD Multidisciplinary         1536-4585      
44537 C American Journal of Urology Review 1103 Clinical Sciences         1542-8745      
5490 A American Journal of Veterinary Research 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0002-9645 1943-5681    
40376 C American Journal on Addictions 1701 Psychology         1055-0496 1521-0391    
15664 A American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilites 1103 Clinical Sciences 1701 Psychology 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 0895-8017      
44538 C American journal on intellectual and developmental disabilities 1109 Neurosciences         1944-7515      
9255 C American Journalism 1903 Journalism and Professional Writing         0882-1127      
1607 C American Laboratory 0301 Analytical Chemistry         0044-7749      
18316 B American Law and Economics Review 1402 Applied Economics 1801 Law     1465-7252 1465-7260    
11683 A American Literary History 2005 Literary Studies         0896-7148 1468-4365    
11684 C American Literary Realism 2005 Literary Studies         1540-3084 1940-5103    
11685 B American Literature 2005 Literary Studies         0002-9831 1527-2117    
2800 C American Malacological Bulletin 0608 Zoology         0740-2783      
28 B American Mathematical Monthly 0101 Pure Mathematics         0002-9890 1930-0972    
342 B American Mathematical Society. Notices 0101 Pure Mathematics         0002-9920 1088-9477    
1961 A American Meteorological Society. Bulletin 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences 0401 Atmospheric Sciences     0003-0007 1520-0477    
3194 C American Midland Naturalist 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences     0003-0031 1938-4238    
34483 A American Mineralogist: an international journal of earth and planetary materials 0403 Geology         0003-004X      
2971 C American Mosquito Control Association. Journal 0608 Zoology         8756-971X 1943-6270    
3195 C American Museum Novitates 2102 Curatorial and Related Studies         0003-0082 1937-352X    
3216 C American Museum of Natural History. Bulletin 06 Biological Sciences 04 Earth Sciences 05 Environmental Sciences 0003-0090 1937-3546    
9841 B American Music 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0734-4392      
10230 C American Music Research Center Journal 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1058-3572      
30591 B American Nineteenth Century History 2103 Historical Studies         1466-4658 1743-7903    
11686 B American Periodicals: a journal of history, criticism and bibliography 2005 Literary Studies         1054-7479 1548-4238    
8303 A* American Philosophical Quarterly 2203 Philosophy          0003-0481      
18704 A American Political Science Review 1606 Political Science         0003-0554 1537-5943    
18706 B American Politics Research 1606 Political Science         1532-673X 1552-3373 0044-7803  
42255 C American Professional Constructor 1202 Building         0146-7557      
6082 A* American Psychologist 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0003-066X 1935-990X    
30581 A* American Quarterly 2103 Historical Studies         0003-0678 1080-6490    
44540 C American Review of Canadian Studies MD Multidisciplinary         0272-2011      
33857 C American Review of International Arbitration 1801 Law         1050-4109      
41435 C American Review of Political Economy 1499 Other Economics 1503 Business and Management     1551-1383      
30391 C American Review of Politics 1606 Political Science         1051-5054      
18707 B American Review of Public Administration 1605 Policy and Administration         0275-0740 1552-3357    
5413 C American Rhododendron Society Journal 0706 Horticultural Production         0745-7839      
17486 C American Scientist: the Magazine of Sigma XI, the Scientific Research Society MD Multidisciplinary         0003-0996 1545-2786    
20060 C American Secondary Education 1301 Education Systems          0003-1003      
35104 A American Society for Mass Spectrometry. Journal 0301 Analytical Chemistry 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)     1044-0305      
3727 A American Society of Mechanical Engineers Transactions 0913 Mechanical Engineering         0097-6822      
10813 A* American Sociological Review 1608 Sociology         0003-1224 1939-8271    
8711 B American Speech: a quarterly of linguistic usage 2004 Linguistics         0003-1283 1527-2133    
770 B American Statistician 0104 Statistics          0003-1305 1537-2731    
20116 C American String Teacher 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0003-1313      
34702 B American Studies 2005 Literary Studies         0026-3079      
44541 C American Studies in Scandinavia 2103 Historical Studies         0044-8060      
15665 B American Surgeon 1103 Clinical Sciences         0003-1348 1555-9823    
35870 C American Theatre 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         8750-3255      
33078 A American University International Law Review 1801 Law         1520-460X      
33080 B American University Law Review 1801 Law         0003-1453 1943-5673    
5525 B American Veterinary Medical Association. Journal 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0003-1488 1943-569X    
40933 C Americana (Hollywood): the journal of American popular culture (1900-present) 2103 Historical Studies         1553-8931      
6753 C Amerikastudien 2002 Cultural Studies         0340-2827      
9416 C Amerindia 1601 Anthropology  2004 Linguistics     0221-8852      
44542 C AMHA - Acta Medico-Historica Adriatica 11 Medical and Health Sciences 21 History and Archaeology     1334-4366      
15258 B Amino Acids 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics         0939-4451 1438-2199    
37082 B Amis de Valentin Bru 2005 Literary Studies         1254-7824 0299-1950    
2802 C Amphibia-Reptilia 0608 Zoology         0173-5373 1568-5381    
10234 C Amrit Kirtan 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         0972-2335      
6754 B Amsterdam Studies in Jewish Thought 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1385-2353      
8712 B Amsterdamer Beitrage zur Alteren Germanistik 2003 Language Studies 2005 Literary Studies 2103 Historical Studies 0165-7305 1875-6719    
40275 B Amsterdamer BeitrŠge zur neueren Germanistik 2005 Literary Studies         0304-6257      
34186 C Amsterdams Sociologisch Tijdshrift 1607 Social Work         1574-3314 1875-7138 0038-0334 0921-4933
15666 B Amyloid: international journal of experimental and clinical investigation 1103 Clinical Sciences         1350-6129 1744-2818    
15667 B Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Other Motor Neuron Disorders 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science 1748-2968 1471-180X    
30753 B An international journal of Dynamical Systems 0101 Pure Mathematics         1468-9367 1468-9375 0268-1110  
6755 C Anadolu 2103 Historical Studies         1081-8448      
44543 C Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi 1103 Clinical Sciences         1302-8723      
44544 C Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi 1109 Neurosciences         1302-6631      
44545 C ANAE - Approche Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages chez l'Enfant 1109 Neurosciences         0999-792X      
2449 C Anaerobe 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     1075-9964 1095-8274    
15668 B Anaesthesia 1103 Clinical Sciences         0003-2409 1365-2044    
15669 C Anaesthesia and Intensive Care 1103 Clinical Sciences         0310-057X 1448-0271    
44546 C Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         1472-0299      
44547 C Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care 1103 Clinical Sciences         1310-4284      
44548 C Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia 1103 Clinical Sciences         0365-0596      
41087 C Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias MD Multidisciplinary         0001-3765      
6756 B Anais de Historia de Alem-Mar 2103 Historical Studies         0874-9671      
12617 B Analecta Augustiniana 2103 Historical Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0392-2855      
6758 A* Analecta Bollandiana: revue critique d'hagiographie - journal of critical hagiography 2103 Historical Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0003-2468      
11688 C Analecta Cartusiana: review for Carthusian history and spirituality 2005 Literary Studies         0253-1593      
6760 B Analecta Gregoriana 2103 Historical Studies         0066-1376      
6761 A Analecta Hibernica 2103 Historical Studies         0791-6167      
37045 C Analecta Husserliana: the yearbook of phenomenological research 2203 Philosophy          0167-7276      
6762 A Analecta Papyrologica 2103 Historical Studies         1122-2336      
6764 B Analecta Romana Instituti Danici. Supplementum 2103 Historical Studies         0066-1406      
5582 C Analecta Veterinaria 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0365-5148 1514-2590    
30610 C Analecta: studia i materialy z dziejow nauki 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1230-1159      
6766 B Analele Bucovinei 2103 Historical Studies         1221-9975      
8304 C Analele Universitatii din Craiova, Seria Filosofie 2203 Philosophy          1841-8325 1582-1633 1224-3590 1224-5690
44549 C Anales de Cirugia Cardiaca y Cirugia Vascular 1103 Clinical Sciences         1135-2760      
35064 C Anales de Geografia de la Universidad Complutense 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         0211-9803 1988-2378    
11689 A* Anales de la Literatura Espanola Contemporanea 2005 Literary Studies         0272-1635      
44550 C Anales de la Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1697-4271      
44551 C Anales de la Real Academia Nacional de Medicina 1103 Clinical Sciences         0034-0634      
6768 A Anales de la Universidad de Alicante. Historia Contemporanea 2103 Historical Studies         0212-5080      
44552 C Anales de Literatura Hispanoamericana 2005 Literary Studies         0210-4547      
44553 C Anales de Medicina Interna 1103 Clinical Sciences         0212-7199      
44554 C Anales de Pediatria 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1695-4033      
44555 C Anales de Pediatria Continuada 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1696-2818      
44556 C Anales de Pediatria Monografias 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1696-2737      
13130 C Anales de Psiquiatria 1103 Clinical Sciences         0213-0599      
37053 C Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosof’a 2203 Philosophy          0211-2337      
44557 C Anales del Sistema Sanitario de Navarra 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1137-6627      
11690 A Anales Galdosianos 2005 Literary Studies         0569-9924      
44558 C Anales Otorrinolaringologicos Ibero-Americanos 1103 Clinical Sciences         0303-8874      
44559 C Anales Venezolanos de Nutricion 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics         0798-0752      
18711 A Anali 1606 Political Science         0861-3095      
37054 C An‡lisis Filos—fico 2203 Philosophy          0326-1301      
18155 C Analisis: cuadernos de investigacion 2203 Philosophy          0252-8851      
4398 C Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0925-1030 1573-1979    
37055 C Analogia 2203 Philosophy          0188-896X      
36314 C Analyse and Kritik: Zeitschrift fuer Sozialtheorie 1605 Policy and Administration         0171-5860      
41442 A Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy 1608 Sociology 1605 Policy and Administration     1529-7489 1530-2415    
31 A Analysis 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0003-2638 1467-8284    
41443 B Analysis (Melbourne) 1799 Other Psychology and Cognitive Sciences  1701 Psychology     1324-5155      
32208 C Analysis and Applications 0102 Applied Mathematics         0219-5305 1793-6861    
454 C Analysis in Theory and Applications 0101 Pure Mathematics         1672-4070 1573-8175 1000-9221  
30658 B Analysis Mathematica 0101 Pure Mathematics         0133-3852 1588-273X    
39988 B Analysis: international mathematical journal of analysis and its applications 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     0174-4747      
1609 A Analytica Chimica Acta 0301 Analytical Chemistry         0003-2670 1873-4324    
1610 B Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 0301 Analytical Chemistry         1618-2642 1618-2650 0937-0633 0016-1152
15671 C Analytical and Quantitative Cytology and Histology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0884-6812      
1611 A Analytical Biochemistry 0301 Analytical Chemistry 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology     0003-2697 1096-0309    
1612 A* Analytical Chemistry 0301 Analytical Chemistry 0904 Chemical Engineering      0003-2700 1086-4377 0096-4484  
44561 C Analytical Chemistry Insights 0301 Analytical Chemistry         1177-3901      
1613 C Analytical Letters 0301 Analytical Chemistry         0003-2719 1532-236X    
1614 C Analytical Sciences 0301 Analytical Chemistry         0910-6340 1348-2246    
6084 C Analytische Psychologie: Zeitschrift fuer Psychotherapie und Psychoanalyse 1701 Psychology         0301-3006 1421-9689    
6770 C Anarchist Studies 1606 Political Science 2103 Historical Studies     0967-3393      
44562 C Anasthesiologie und Intensivmedizin 1103 Clinical Sciences         0170-5334      
44563 C Anasthesiologie, Intensivmedizin, Notfallmedizin, Schmerztherapie : AINS 1103 Clinical Sciences         0939-2661      
40090 C Anatolia: an international journal of tourism and hospitality research 1506 Tourism         1303-2917      
6771 A Anatolian Studies 2101 Archaeology 2103 Historical Studies     0066-1546      
6772 B Anatolica: annuaire internationale pour les civilisations de l'Asie anterieure 2101 Archaeology 2103 Historical Studies     0066-1554 1875-6654    
5583 B Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia: journal of veterinary medicine series C 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0340-2096 1439-0264    
14585 B Anatomical Record 1116 Medical Physiology 0606 Physiology      1932-8486 1932-8494 1552-4884 0749-3002
14586 C Anatomical Science International 1116 Medical Physiology         1447-6959 1447-073X    
35665 C Anatomical Sciences Education 13 Education         1935-9772 1935-9780    
6773 B Ancient Civilizations from Scythia to Siberia: an international journal of comparative studies in history and archaeology 2101 Archaeology 2103 Historical Studies     0929-077X 1570-0577    
6775 C Ancient History Bulletin 2103 Historical Studies         0835-3638 1700-3334    
6774 C Ancient History: resources for teachers 2103 Historical Studies         1032-3686      
7877 A Ancient Mesoamerica 2101 Archaeology         0956-5361 1469-1787    
8276 C Ancient Monuments Society Transactions 2101 Archaeology         0951-001X      
6776 A Ancient Narrative 2005 Literary Studies 2103 Historical Studies     1568-3532 1568-3540    
12620 A Ancient Near Eastern Studies 2002 Cultural Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies 2101 Archaeology 1378-4641 1783-1326    
6777 A Ancient Philosophy 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 2203 Philosophy      0740-2007      
6778 C Ancient Society: journal of ancient history of the Greek, Hellenistic and Roman worlds 2103 Historical Studies         0066-1619 1783-1334    
40394 C Ancient TL 0403 Geology         0735-1348      
7875 C Ancient West and East 2101 Archaeology         1783-8363 1783-8398    
10235 C Andon: shedding light on Japanese art 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         0168-2997      
31379 B Andrews University Seminary Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0003-2980      
15672 B Andrologia 1103 Clinical Sciences         0303-4569 1439-0272    
44564 C Andrologie 1103 Clinical Sciences         1166-2654      
44565 C Anestezi Dergisi 1103 Clinical Sciences         1300-0578      
44566 C Anesteziologie a Intenzivni Medicina 1103 Clinical Sciences         1214-2158      
44567 C Anesteziologiya i Reanimatologiya 1103 Clinical Sciences         0201-7563      
44568 C Anestezjologia Intensywna Terapia 1103 Clinical Sciences         0209-1712      
15673 B Anesthesia and Analgesia 1103 Clinical Sciences         0003-2999 1526-7598 1138-1868  
44569 C Anesthesia and Resuscitation 1103 Clinical Sciences         0385-1664      
32533 C Anesthesia Progress: a journal for pain and anxiety control 1105 Dentistry         0003-3006      
15674 A Anesthesiology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0003-3022 1528-1175    
15675 C Anesthesiology Clinics 1103 Clinical Sciences         1932-2275 0889-8537    
44571 C Angeiologie 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0003-3049      
8310 A* Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities 2002 Cultural Studies 2005 Literary Studies 2203 Philosophy  0969-725X 1469-2899    
8311 B Angelicum: periodicum trimestre pontificae studiorum universitatis a Santo Thoma Aquinate in Urbe 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1123-5772      
41445 C Angewandte Chemie 0399 Other Chemical Sciences         0044-8249 1521-3757    
1313 A* Angewandte Chemie (International Edition) 06 Biological Sciences 03 Chemical Sciences 09 Engineering 1433-7851 1521-3773    
15676 C Angiogenesis 1103 Clinical Sciences         0969-6970 1573-7209    
15677 C Angiology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0003-3197 1940-1574 1087-2531  
44572 C Angiology and vascular surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         1027-6661      
32534 B Angle Orthodontist 1105 Dentistry         0003-3219 1945-7103    
8715 C Anglia: Zeitschrift fuer Englische Philologie 2003 Language Studies         0340-5222 1865-8938    
31362 B Anglican Theological Review 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0003-3286      
11692 C Anglophonia: French journal of English studies 2005 Literary Studies         1278-3331 0575-2124 0223-0100  
11693 C Ani 2005 Literary Studies         0116-4791      
44574 C Anil Aggrawal's Internet Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0972-8074      
2803 A Animal Behaviour 0608 Zoology 1702 Cognitive Science     0003-3472 1095-8282    
3197 C Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 1578-665X 0211-6529    
2804 C Animal Biology 0608 Zoology         1570-7555 1570-7563 0028-2960  
3328 C Animal Biotechnology 1001 Agricultural Biotechnology         1049-5398 1532-2378    
2096 C Animal Cells and Systems 06 Biological Sciences         1976-8354 2151-2485 1738-6357 1226-5071
2806 C Animal Cognition 0608 Zoology 1702 Cognitive Science     1435-9448 1435-9456    
3198 B Animal Conservation 06 Biological Sciences 22 Philosophy and Religious Studies 05 Environmental Sciences 1367-9430 1469-1795    
5444 A Animal Feed Science and Technology 0702 Animal Production         0377-8401 1873-2216    
41447 B Animal Genetic Resources Information 0604 Genetics          1014-2339      
3053 A Animal Genetics 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0268-9146 1365-2052    
5492 B Animal Health Research Reviews 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1466-2523 1475-2654    
3054 C Animal Keepers' Forum 0608 Zoology         0164-9531      
33081 C Animal Law 1801 Law         1088-8802      
44575 C Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology 0702 Animal Production         0972-2963      
5483 C Animal Production Research Advances 0702 Animal Production         0794-4721      
5178 A Animal Production Science 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences         1836-0939 0816-1089    
3055 C Animal Reproduction 0608 Zoology         1806-9614      
5493 A Animal Reproduction Science 0707 Veterinary Sciences 0702 Animal Production     0378-4320 1873-2232    
5445 B Animal Science 06 Biological Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences     1357-7298 1748-748X    
41448 B Animal Science Journal 0608 Zoology 0702 Animal Production     1344-3941 1740-0929    
44576 C Animal Science Papers and Reports 0702 Animal Production         0860-4037      
44577 C Animal Technology and Welfare 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1742-0385      
2809 C Animal Welfare 0608 Zoology 0707 Veterinary Sciences     0962-7286      
22088 B Animal: the international journal of animal biosciences 06 Biological Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences     1751-7311 1751-732X 1627-3583 0003-424X
41449 A Animation Journal 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 2002 Cultural Studies     1061-0308      
34575 B Animation: an interdisciplinary journal 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         1746-8477 1746-8485    
10236 C Animatrix: a journal of the UCLA Animation Workshop 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         1069-2088      
44578 C Ankara Universitesi Eczacilik Fakultesi Dergisi 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1015-3918      
44579 C Ankara Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1300-0861      
945 B Annalen der Physik 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     0003-3804 1521-3889    
44580 C Annales Academiae Medicae Gedanensis 1103 Clinical Sciences         0303-4135      
44581 C Annales Academiae Medicae Stetinensis 1103 Clinical Sciences         0066-1945      
39987 B Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Mathematica 01 Mathematical Sciences         1239-629X 1239-6303    
6784 C Annales Aequatoria 2103 Historical Studies         0254-4296      
7878 B Annales Archeologiques Arabes Syriennes 2002 Cultural Studies 2101 Archaeology     0570-1554      
2549 C Annales Botanici Fennici 0607 Plant Biology         0003-3847      
44582 C Annales de Biologie Clinique 06 Biological Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences     0003-3898      
6785 C Annales de Bourgogne: revue historique trimestrielle 2103 Historical Studies         0003-3901      
6786 C Annales de Bretagne et des Pays de l'Ouest 2103 Historical Studies         0399-0826      
44583 C Annales de Cardiologie et d'Angeiologie 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0003-3928      
44584 C Annales de Chimie: Science des Materiaux 03 Chemical Sciences         0151-9107      
44586 C Annales de Chirurgie Plastique et Esthetique 1103 Clinical Sciences         0294-1260      
6787 C Annales de Demographie Historique 2103 Historical Studies         0066-2062 1776-2774    
44587 C Annales de Dermatologie et de Venereologie 1103 Clinical Sciences         0151-9638      
44588 C Annales de Geographie 1604 Human Geography         0003-4010      
44589 C Annales de la Fondation Louis de Broglie 02 Physical Sciences         0182-4295      
5695 C Annales de la Recherche Forestiere Au Maroc 0705 Forestry Sciences         0483-8009      
6789 B Annales de la Societe Royale d'archeologie de Bruxelles 2101 Archaeology         1370-4192      
44590 C Annales de Limnologie 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         0003-4088      
32522 A* Annales de l'Institut Henri PoincarŽ (C) Analyse Non LinŽaire 0102 Applied Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics     0294-1449 1873-1430    
5586 C Annales de Medecine Veterinaire (Online Edition) 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0003-4118      
6790 C Annales de Normandie: revue d'etudes regionales 2103 Historical Studies         0003-4134      
34582 C Annales de Paleontologie 0403 Geology         0753-3969      
15679 C Annales de Pathologie 1103 Clinical Sciences         0242-6498      
15678 C Annales d'Endocrinologie 1103 Clinical Sciences         0003-4266      
44591 C Annales d'Oto-Laryngologie et de Chirurgie Cervico-Faciale 1103 Clinical Sciences         0003-438X      
6791 C Annales du Cercle Archeologique de Mons 2101 Archaeology         0776-135X      
7879 A Annales du Midi: revue de la France Meridionale 2101 Archaeology 2103 Historical Studies     0003-4398      
44592 C Annales d'Urologie 1103 Clinical Sciences         0003-4401      
44593 C Annales Francaises d'Anesthesie et de Reanimation 1103 Clinical Sciences         0750-7658      
34482 C Annales Geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences 0401 Atmospheric Sciences 0404 Geophysics     0992-7689 1432-0576    
946 B Annales Henri Poincare 0105 Mathematical Physics 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics 0105 Mathematical Physics 1424-0637 1424-0661 0018-0238 0246-0211
6792 B Annales Historiques de la Revolution Francaise 2103 Historical Studies         0003-4436 1952-403X    
6793 C Annales Historiques de l'electricite 2103 Historical Studies         1762-3227      
37047 B Annales Jean-Jacques Rousseau 2203 Philosophy          0259-6563      
44594 C Annales Medico-Psychologiques 1701 Psychology 1103 Clinical Sciences     0003-4487      
44595 C Annales Nestle 1103 Clinical Sciences         0517-8606      
44596 C Annales Pharmaceutiques Francaises 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0003-4509      
35 C Annales Polonici Mathematici 0101 Pure Mathematics         0066-2216 1730-6272    
455 A* Annales Scientifiques de l'Ecole Normale Superieure 0101 Pure Mathematics         0012-9593 1873-2151    
10238 C Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska Sectio l Artes 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         1732-1352      
456 C Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska. Sectio A. Mathematica 0101 Pure Mathematics         0365-1029      
4084 C Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska. Sectio B 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0137-1983      
5587 C Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska. Sectio DD. Medicina Veterinaria 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0301-7737      
14887 C Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska. Sectio DDD. Pharmacia 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0867-0609      
5588 C Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska. Sectio EE. Zootechnika 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0239-4243      
5415 C Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska. Sectio EEE. Horticultura 0706 Horticultural Production         1233-2127      
37080 C Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska. Sectio I. Philosophia - Sociologia 2203 Philosophy          0137-2025      
2813 C Annales Zoologici 0608 Zoology         0003-4541      
2814 B Annales Zoologici Fennici 0608 Zoology         0003-455X      
6783 A* Annales: Histoire Sciences Sociales 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 2103 Historical Studies     0395-2649 1243-258X    
44597 C Annali Degli Ospedali San Camillo e Forlanini 1103 Clinical Sciences         1127-4867      
44598 C Annali dell'Istituto Superiore di Sanita 1117 Public Health and Health Services 0707 Veterinary Sciences     0021-2571      
44599 C Annali dell'Universita di Ferrara 01 Mathematical Sciences         0430-3202 1827-1510    
6800 B Annali di Archeologia e Storia Antica 2101 Archaeology         1127-7130      
44600 C Annali di igiene : medicina preventiva e di comunita 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1120-9135      
457 A Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata 0101 Pure Mathematics         0373-3114 1618-1891    
6801 C Annali di Storia delle Universita Italiane 2103 Historical Studies         1127-8250      
40108 C Annali d'Italianistica 2005 Literary Studies         0741-7527      
30124 B Annali Istituto Universitario Orientale. Sezione Germanica MD Multidisciplinary         1124-3724      
44601 C Annali Italiani di Chirurgia 1103 Clinical Sciences         0003-469X      
44602 C Annali Italiani di Dermatologia Allergologica Clinica e Sperimentale 1103 Clinical Sciences         1592-6826      
35604 A Annals of Actuarial Science 0102 Applied Mathematics 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment     1748-4995 1748-5002    
44603 C Annals of African Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         1596-3519      
44604 C Annals of Agri Bio Research 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 06 Biological Sciences     0971-9660      
44605 C Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 05 Environmental Sciences     1232-1966      
33082 A Annals of Air and Space Law 1801 Law         0701-158X      
15456 C Annals of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology 1107 Immunology         1081-1206 1534-4436    
14588 C Annals of Anatomy 1116 Medical Physiology         0940-9602 1618-0402 0003-2786  
44606 C Annals of Animal Science 0608 Zoology 0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management     1642-3402      
5176 A Annals of Applied Biology 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences         0003-4746 1744-7348    
774 A* Annals of Applied Probability 0104 Statistics  0102 Applied Mathematics     1050-5164      
880 A* Annals of Applied Statistics 0104 Statistics          1932-6157 1941-7330    
44607 C Annals of Arid Zone 0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management         0570-1791      
6087 A Annals of Behavioral Medicine 1701 Psychology         0883-6612 1532-4796    
20255 C Annals of Behavioral Science and Medical Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1075-1211      
44608 C Annals of Biology 06 Biological Sciences         0970-0153      
5028 A* Annals of Biomedical Engineering 0903 Biomedical Engineering          0090-6964 1573-9686    
2550 A Annals of Botany 0607 Plant Biology         0305-7364 1095-8290    
44609 C Annals of cardiac anaesthesia 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology 1103 Clinical Sciences     0971-9784      
44610 C Annals of Clinical and Laboratory Science 1103 Clinical Sciences         0091-7370      
15259 C Annals of Clinical Biochemistry 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics         0004-5632      
15198 C Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials 1103 Clinical Sciences         1476-0711      
13065 C Annals of Clinical Psychiatry 1103 Clinical Sciences         1040-1237 1573-3238    
38 A Annals of Combinatorics 0101 Pure Mathematics         0218-0006 0219-3094    
44611 C Annals of Diagnostic Pathology 0606 Physiology  1103 Clinical Sciences     1092-9134      
15680 B Annals of Dyslexia: an interdisciplinary journal of specific language disability 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science 0736-9387 1934-7243    
15681 A Annals of Emergency Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         0196-0644 1097-6760    
13405 A Annals of Epidemiology 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1047-2797 1873-2585    
13406 B Annals of Family Medicine 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1544-1709 1544-1717    
19629 B Annals of Finance 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1614-2446 1614-2454    
5666 B Annals of Forest Science 0705 Forestry Sciences         1286-4560      
31075 C Annals of Forestry: an international journal of forest sciences 0705 Forestry Sciences         0971-4022      
44612 C Annals of Fundeni Hospital 1103 Clinical Sciences         1224-3450      
44613 C Annals of Gastroenterology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1108-7471      
40863 B Annals of General Psychiatry 1701 Psychology         1744-859X 1475-2832    
35067 C Annals of Geophysics 0404 Geophysics         1593-5213 1590-1815    
31088 B Annals of Glaciology 0401 Atmospheric Sciences 0404 Geophysics 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience 0260-3055 1727-5644    
39 B Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry 0101 Pure Mathematics         0232-704X 1572-9060    
33083 B Annals of Health Law 1801 Law         1075-2994      
15682 B Annals of Hematology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0939-5555 1432-0584    
42197 C Annals of Hematology. Supplement 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0945-8077      
44614 C Annals of hepatology : official journal of the Mexican Association of Hepatology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1665-2681      
36761 C Annals of Human Biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0301-4460 1464-5033    
36338 C Annals of Human Genetics 1103 Clinical Sciences         0003-4800 1469-1809    
44615 C Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology 1109 Neurosciences         0972-2327      
15683 A* Annals of Internal Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         0003-4819 1539-3704    
5916 B Annals of leisure research 1504 Commercial Services 1506 Tourism     1174-5398      
44616 C Annals of Long-Term Care 1103 Clinical Sciences         1524-7929      
40 A* Annals of Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         0003-486X 1939-8980    
32007 C Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 1702 Cognitive Science 1012-2443 1573-7470    
44617 C Annals of Mathematics Studies 01 Mathematical Sciences         0066-2313      
44618 C Annals of Medical Sciences 1103 Clinical Sciences         1300-0683      
15293 B Annals of Medicine 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0785-3890 1365-2060    
2451 C Annals of Microbiology 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     1590-4261 0003-4649    
15684 A* Annals of Neurology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     0364-5134 1531-8249    
36337 C Annals of Noninvasive Electrocardiology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1082-720X 1542-474X    
1162 C Annals of Nuclear Energy 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics         0306-4549 1873-2100    
15685 C Annals of Nuclear Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         0914-7187 1864-6433    
13407 C Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism: European journal of nutrition, metabolic diseases and dietetics 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics         0250-6807 1421-9697    
13408 C Annals of Occupational Hygiene 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0003-4878 1475-3162    
15686 A Annals of Oncology 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         0923-7534 1569-8041    
41 B Annals of Operations Research 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 0254-5330 1572-9338    
36336 C Annals of Ophthalmology 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry         1530-4086 1558-9951 1079-4794  
15687 C Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0003-4894 1943-572X    
14678 B Annals of Pharmacotherapy 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1060-0280 1542-6270    
44619 C Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         1877-0657      
947 A Annals of Physics 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     0003-4916 1096-035X    
15688 C Annals of Plastic Surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         0148-7043 1536-3708    
775 A* Annals of Probability 0104 Statistics          0091-1798      
18497 B Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics 1402 Applied Economics         0770-8548 1467-8292    
42 A Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 0101 Pure Mathematics         0168-0072 1873-2461    
15347 C Annals of Saudi Medicine 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0256-4947 1319-9226    
11269 A Annals of Science: a review of the history of science since the thirteenth century 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0003-3790 1464-505X    
776 A* Annals of Statistics 0104 Statistics  1403 Econometrics      0090-5364      
15690 A* Annals of Surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         0003-4932 1528-1140    
15691 B Annals of Surgical Oncology 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1068-9265 1534-4681    
5060 C Annals of Telecommunications 1005 Communications Technologies 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering     0003-4347 1958-9395    
40003 C Annals of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore 1103 Clinical Sciences 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry     0304-4602      
15692 C Annals of the ACTM 1103 Clinical Sciences         1448-4706      
32847 A Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science MD Multidisciplinary         0002-7162 1552-3349    
13129 C Annals of the American Psychotherapy Association 1103 Clinical Sciences         1535-4075      
31317 C Annals of the Arts and Social Sciences MD Multidisciplinary         1560-5248      
1996 A Annals of the Association of American Geographers 1604 Human Geography 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience     0004-5608 1467-8306    
17488 C Annals of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History 06 Biological Sciences 16 Studies In Human Society     0097-4463 1943-6300    
18317 C Annals of the Economics and Finance 1402 Applied Economics         1529-7373      
44620 C Annals of the ICRP (International Commission on Radiological Protection) 1103 Clinical Sciences         0146-6453      
777 A Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 0104 Statistics          0020-3157 1572-9052    
36954 C Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 2203 Philosophy          0453-0691      
11271 B Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences MD Multidisciplinary         0077-8923 1749-6632    
15693 A* Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 1103 Clinical Sciences         0003-4967 1468-2060    
44621 C Annals of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons 1105 Dentistry         0158-1570      
15694 C Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 1103 Clinical Sciences         0035-8843 1478-7083    
15695 C Annals of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1341-1098      
44622 C Annals of Thoracic Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         1817-1737      
15696 B Annals of Thoracic Surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         0003-4975 1552-6259    
19645 A* Annals of Tourism Research 1506 Tourism         0160-7383 1873-7722    
44623 C Annals of transplantation : quarterly of the Polish Transplantation Society 1103 Clinical Sciences         1425-9524      
13409 C Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0003-4983 1364-8594    
15697 C Annals of Tropical Paediatrics 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0272-4936 1465-3281    
5237 C Annals of Tropical Research 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences         0116-0710      
15698 B Annals of Vascular Surgery: international journal of vascular surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         0890-5096 1615-5947 1130-2542  
40190 C Annuaire Francais de Droit International 1801 Law         0066-3085      
9418 C Annuaire Roumain d'anthropologie 1601 Anthropology          0570-2259      
36311 C Annual Editions: Criminal Justice 1602 Criminology         0272-3816      
18248 C Annual Editions: Economics 14 Economics         1092-776X      
3176 C Annual Editions: Human Development 0606 Physiology          0278-4661      
6802 A Annual for the British School at Athens 2101 Archaeology 2103 Historical Studies     0068-2454      
2551 C Annual of the Missouri Botanical Garden 0607 Plant Biology         0026-6493      
44624 C Annual proceedings / Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine. Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         1540-0360      
15229 C Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences     0065-7743 1557-8437    
44625 C Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry - Section A 0302 Inorganic Chemistry         0260-1818      
44626 C Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry - Section B 0305 Organic Chemistry         0069-3030      
44627 C Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry - Section C 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)         0260-1826      
40654 Not ranked Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry 0301 Analytical Chemistry         1936-1327 1936-1335    
9419 A* Annual Review of Anthropology 1601 Anthropology          0084-6570 1545-4290    
8718 A* Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 2004 Linguistics         0267-1905 1471-6356    
1046 A* Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences         0066-4146 1545-4282    
33084 C Annual Review of Banking and Financial Law 1801 Law         1544-4627 0739-2451    
2139 A* Annual Review of Biochemistry 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0066-4154 1545-4509    
44628 A Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering 0903 Biomedical Engineering          1523-9829      
44629 C Annual Review of Biomedical Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1517-3011      
2140 A* Annual Review of Biophysics 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry 0904 Chemical Engineering  1936-122X 1936-1238 1056-8700  
2141 A* Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1081-0706 1530-8995    
6089 A Annual Review of Clinical Psychology 1701 Psychology         1548-5943 1548-5951    
8719 C Annual Review of Cognitive Linguistics 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     1877-9751 1877-976X 1572-0268  
34538 A* Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Science 04 Earth Sciences 02 Physical Sciences     0084-6597 1545-4495    
3200 A* Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 0602 Ecology 0501 Ecological Applications 0502 Environmental Science and Management 1543-592X 1545-2069 0066-4162  
2817 A* Annual Review of Entomology 0608 Zoology         0066-4170 1545-4487    
5803 A Annual Review of Environment and Resources MD Multidisciplinary         1543-5938 1545-2050 1056-3466  
1286 A* Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 09 Engineering 02 Physical Sciences 04 Earth Sciences 0066-4189 1545-4479    
2361 A* Annual Review of Genetics 0604 Genetics          0066-4197 1545-2948    
15457 A* Annual Review of Immunology 1107 Immunology         0732-0582 1545-3278    
10593 A* Annual Review of Information Science and Technology 0807 Library and Information Studies         0066-4200 1550-8382    
10239 C Annual Review of Jazz Studies 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0731-0641      
33085 B Annual Review of Law and Social Science 1801 Law         1550-3585 1550-3631    
4868 A* Annual Review of Materials Research 0912 Materials Engineering 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry 0904 Chemical Engineering  1531-7331 1545-4118 0084-6600  
44630 C Annual Review of Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         0066-4219      
2452 A* Annual Review of Microbiology 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     0066-4227 1545-3251    
14507 A* Annual Review of Neuroscience 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0147-006X 1545-4126    
1163 A* Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics         0163-8998 1545-4134 0066-4243  
44631 C Annual review of nursing research 1110 Nursing         0739-6686      
13411 A* Annual Review of Nutrition 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics         0199-9885 1545-4312    
14679 A* Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0362-1642 1545-4304 0066-4251  
1403 A* Annual Review of Physical Chemistry 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)         0066-426X 1545-1593    
3153 A* Annual Review of Physiology 0606 Physiology  1116 Medical Physiology     0066-4278 1545-1585    
2552 A* Annual Review of Phytopathology 0703 Crop and Pasture Production 0605 Microbiology      0066-4286 1545-2107    
2553 A* Annual Review of Plant Biology 0607 Plant Biology         1543-5008 1545-2123 1040-2519  
18712 A* Annual Review of Political Science 1606 Political Science         1094-2939 1545-1577    
6090 A* Annual Review of Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0066-4308 1545-2085    
13412 A* Annual Review of Public Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0163-7525 1545-2093    
10815 A* Annual Review of Sociology 1608 Sociology         0360-0572 1545-2115    
40977 C Annual Reviews in Control 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1367-5788 1872-9088    
33683 C Annual Survey of Bankruptcy Law 1801 Law         0270-1464      
33086 C Annual Survey of International and Comparative Law 1801 Law         1932-2364      
41457 C Annual Survey of South African Law 1801 Law         0376-4605      
41722 A Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum: Internationale Zeitschrift fuer Konziliengeschichtsforschung 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0003-5157      
11696 C Another Chicago Magazine 2005 Literary Studies         0272-4359      
11664 B ANQ-a Quarterly Journal of Short Articles Notes and Reviews 2005 Literary Studies         0895-769X 1940-3364    
44632 C Antarctic Record 0403 Geology 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience     0085-7289      
1706 B Antarctic Science 04 Earth Sciences         0954-1020 1365-2079    
1705 C Antarctic: a news bulletin 1506 Tourism         0003-5327 0517-9815    
40223 C Anthropoetics: the journal of generative anthropolgy 1601 Anthropology  2203 Philosophy  2002 Cultural Studies 1083-7264      
9420 B Anthropologica 1601 Anthropology          0003-5459      
7989 B Anthropologica et Praehistorica: bulletin de la Societe Royale Belge d'Anthropologie et Prehistoire 2101 Archaeology         1377-5723 0777-6187    
9421 B Anthropological Forum 1601 Anthropology          0066-4677 1469-2902    
9422 B Anthropological Journal of European Cultures 1601 Anthropology  2002 Cultural Studies 2103 Historical Studies 1755-2923 1755-2931 1817-9142 0960-0604
8720 A Anthropological Linguistics 1601 Anthropology  2004 Linguistics     0003-5483 1944-6527    
9424 C Anthropological Notebooks 1601 Anthropology          1408-032X      
9425 B Anthropological Quarterly 1601 Anthropology          0003-5491 1534-1518    
14635 C Anthropological Review 1601 Anthropology          1898-6773 0033-2003    
21514 C Anthropological Science 1601 Anthropology          0918-7960 1348-8570    
9426 A Anthropological Theory 1601 Anthropology          1463-4996 1741-2641    
9428 C Anthropologie et Societes 1601 Anthropology          0702-8997 1703-7921    
44633 C Anthropologischer Anzeiger; Bericht uber die biologisch-anthropologische Literatur 1601 Anthropology          0003-5548      
40748 C Anthropology and Aging Quarterly 1601 Anthropology          1559-6680      
9430 C Anthropology and Archeology of Eurasia 1601 Anthropology          1061-1959 1558-092X    
9429 B Anthropology and Education Quarterly 1601 Anthropology          0161-7761 1548-1492    
9431 B Anthropology and Humanism 1601 Anthropology          1559-9167 1548-1409    
9432 C Anthropology and Medicine 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1364-8470 1469-2910 1356-1391  
9433 C Anthropology in Action 1601 Anthropology          0967-201X 1752-2285    
41454 B Anthropology of Consciousness 1601 Anthropology          1053-4202 1556-3537    
34893 B Anthropology of Food: web journal dedicated to the sociology and anthropology of food 2103 Historical Studies         1609-9168      
41456 B Anthropology of Work Review 1601 Anthropology          0883-024X 1548-1417    
9435 B Anthropology Southern Africa 1601 Anthropology          0379-8860      
9436 B Anthropology Today 1601 Anthropology          0268-540X 1467-8322    
9437 B Anthropos 1601 Anthropology          0257-9774      
7886 B Anthropozoologica 2101 Archaeology         0761-3032      
3056 B Anthrozoos: a multidisciplinary journal of the interactions of people and animals 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0892-7936 1753-0377    
41459 B Anthurium 2005 Literary Studies 2002 Cultural Studies 1999 Other Studies In Creative Arts and Writing 1547-7150      
44634 C Antibiotiki i Khimioterapiya 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0235-2990      
44635 C Antibiotiques 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1294-5501      
40523 B Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry     1871-5206 1875-5992 1568-0118  
14681 B Anti-Cancer Drugs: international journal on anti-cancer agents 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0959-4973 1473-5741    
15700 B Anticancer Research: international journal of cancer research and treatment 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         0250-7005      
6804 A Antichthon: journal of ancient world studies 2003 Language Studies 2103 Historical Studies     0066-4774      
4746 B Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials 0912 Materials Engineering         0003-5599 1758-4221    
14888 C Anti-Infective Agents in Medicinal Chemistry 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1871-5214 1875-6018 1568-0126  
40502 B Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Allergy Agents in Medicinal Chemistry 1107 Immunology 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry     1871-5230 1875-614X    
44636 C Antik Tanulmanyok 20 Language, Communication and Culture 21 History and Archaeology     0003-567X      
7887 A Antike Kunst 2101 Archaeology         0003-5688      
6805 B Antike und Abendland: Beitraege zum Verstaendnis der Griechen und Roemer und ihres Nachlebens 2103 Historical Studies         0003-5696 1613-0421    
14682 A* Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 1108 Medical Microbiology 0605 Microbiology      0066-4804 1098-6596    
15701 A Antioxidants and Redox Signaling 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics         1523-0864 1557-7716    
6806 A Antipodas: Journal of Hispanic and Galician Studies 2103 Historical Studies         0113-2415      
1997 A Antipode: a radical journal of geography 1604 Human Geography         0066-4812 1467-8330    
11521 B Antipodes: a North American journal of Australian literature 2005 Literary Studies         0893-5580      
31283 B Antiquaries Journal 2101 Archaeology         0003-5815 1758-5309    
6808 A Antiquite Tardive: revue internationale d'histoire et d'archeologie 2101 Archaeology 2103 Historical Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies 1250-7334      
7891 A Antiquity: a quarterly review of archaeology 2101 Archaeology         0003-598X 1745-1744    
18713 C Antithesis 1606 Political Science         1030-3839      
33858 C Antitrust Bulletin 1801 Law         0003-603X 1930-7969    
33089 A Antitrust Law Journal 1801 Law         0003-6056      
44637 C Antiviral Chemistry and Chemotherapy 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1117 Public Health and Health Services     0956-3202      
2453 B Antiviral Research 1108 Medical Microbiology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences     0166-3542 1872-9096    
15702 A Antiviral Therapy 1103 Clinical Sciences 0605 Microbiology      1359-6535      
6810 B Antonianum 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0003-6064      
2454 C Antonie van Leeuwenhoek: international journal of general and molecular microbiology 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     0003-6072 1572-9699    
9440 C Antropologia Portuguesa 1601 Anthropology          0870-0990      
9441 C Antropologicas 1601 Anthropology          1029-0931      
6811 A Anuario de Estudios Americanos 2103 Historical Studies 2003 Language Studies     0210-5810 1988-4273    
6813 B Anuario de Estudios Medievales 2103 Historical Studies         0066-5061 1988-4230    
11698 C Anuario de Letras 2005 Literary Studies         0185-1373      
11699 C Anuario de Literatura 2005 Literary Studies         1414-5235      
44638 C Anuario de Psicologia 1701 Psychology         0066-5126      
44639 C Anuario do Instituto de Geociencias 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences         0101-9759      
8313 C Anuario Filosofico 2203 Philosophy          0066-5215      
9843 B Anuario Musical: revista de musicologia del CSIC 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0211-3538      
6815 C Anuarul de Istorie Orala 2103 Historical Studies         1454-4865      
30333 C Anxiety, Stress and Coping 1701 Psychology         1061-5806 1477-2205    
15704 C ANZ Journal of Surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         1445-1433 1445-2197    
35412 B ANZ Maritime Law Journal 1801 Law         0811-4293 1446-6236    
10241 B Anzeiger des Germanischen Nationalmuseums 1901 Art Theory and Criticism         1430-5496 0934-5191    
6816 B Anzeiger fuer die Altertumswissenschaft 2103 Historical Studies         0003-6293      
43 B ANZIAM Journal 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics     1446-1811 1446-8735 0334-2700  
41879 C Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work Review 1607 Social Work         1178-5527 0113-7662    
19038 C Aozhou Yanjiu 1601 Anthropology          1816-3114      
35325 C APA Newsletters 2203 Philosophy          1067-9464      
44642 C Apeiron 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences         0843-6061      
6818 B Apeiron: a Journal for Ancient Philosophy 2203 Philosophy          0003-6390      
13131 B Aphasiology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     0268-7038 1464-5041    
2820 B Apidologie 0608 Zoology         0044-8435 1297-9678    
5874 C Aplinkos Tyrimai, Inzinerija ir Vadyba 05 Environmental Sciences 09 Engineering     1392-1649      
42194 C APMIS Supplementum 1108 Medical Microbiology         0903-465X 1600-5503    
12627 B Apocrypha 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1155-3316      
39806 B Apoptosis: an international journal on programmed cell death 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1116 Medical Physiology     1360-8185 1573-675X    
33090 C Appalachian Journal of Law 1801 Law         1542-4138      
6820 C Appalachian Journal: a regional studies review 2103 Historical Studies         0090-3779      
1707 B APPEA Journal 0403 Geology 0404 Geophysics     1326-4966      
13414 B Appetite 1701 Psychology 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine     0195-6663 1095-8304    
4869 C Appita Journal 0705 Forestry Sciences 0912 Materials Engineering     1038-6807      
9315 C APPLES 2003 Language Studies 2004 Linguistics     1457-9863      
44 B Applicable Algebra in Engineering Communication and Computing 01 Mathematical Sciences 08 Information and Computing Sciences     0938-1279 1432-0622    
32214 C Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         1452-8630 0353-8893    
45 B Applicable Analysis: an international journal 0101 Pure Mathematics         0003-6811 1563-504X 1026-7360  
46 C Applicationes Mathematicae (Warsaw) 0102 Applied Mathematics         1233-7234 1730-6280    
39986 C Applications of Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics         0862-7940 0373-6725    
22095 C Applied Acoustics 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0203 Classical Physics     0003-682X 1872-910X    
459 A* Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 1063-5203 1096-603X    
2456 A* Applied and Environmental Microbiology 06 Biological Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 10 Technology 0099-2240 1098-5336    
6091 B Applied and Preventive Psychology 1701 Psychology         0962-1849      
3057 B Applied Animal Behaviour Science 0608 Zoology 0707 Veterinary Sciences 0702 Animal Production 0168-1591 1872-9045    
19226 B Applied Artificial Intelligence: an international journal 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science     0883-9514 1087-6545    
3329 B Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 10 Technology 06 Biological Sciences     0273-2289 1559-0291    
2306 C Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0003-6838 1573-8183 0555-1099  
39725 C Applied Bioinformatics 0104 Statistics  0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0604 Genetics  1175-5636      
44643 C Applied Bionics and Biomechanics 0903 Biomedical Engineering          1176-2322      
9687 C Applied Biotechnology, Food Science and Policy 1605 Policy and Administration         1175-9534      
14640 C Applied Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiology: the interface between laboratory and clinical practice 1116 Medical Physiology         0920-5268      
1405 B Applied Catalysis A: General 0904 Chemical Engineering  0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)     0926-860X 1873-3875    
1406 A Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 0907 Environmental Engineering 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural) 0904 Chemical Engineering  0926-3373 1873-3883    
30675 B Applied Categorical Structures: a journal devoted to applications of categorical methods in algebra, 0101 Pure Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics     0927-2852 1572-9095    
4316 B Applied Clay Science 04 Earth Sciences         0169-1317 1872-9053    
15708 C Applied Clinical Trials: your peer-reviewed guide to global clinical trials management 1103 Clinical Sciences         1064-8542      
6092 B Applied Cognitive Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0888-4080 1099-0720    
4870 C Applied Composite Materials 0912 Materials Engineering         0929-189X 1573-4897    
4522 C Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1054-4887 1943-5711    
4523 C Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Newsletter 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1056-9170      
6093 C Applied Developmental Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0735-164X      
44644 C Applied Developmental Science 1701 Psychology 1608 Sociology     1088-8691      
44645 C Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 0502 Environmental Science and Management         1589-1623      
18156 C Applied Econometrics and International Development 1403 Econometrics  1402 Applied Economics     1578-4487      
40291 A Applied Economics 1402 Applied Economics         0003-6846 1466-4283    
18321 B Applied Economics Letters 1402 Applied Economics         1744-6546 1466-4291 1350-4851  
18498 B Applied Economics Quarterly 1402 Applied Economics         1611-6607 1865-5122 0023-3498  
4005 A Applied Energy 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0306-2619 1872-9118    
3444 B Applied Engineering in Agriculture 0999 Other Engineering 0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management     0883-8542 1943-7838    
2822 C Applied Entomology and Zoology 0608 Zoology         0003-6862 1347-605X    
20639 C Applied Environmental Education and Communication: an international journal 05 Environmental Sciences 13 Education     1533-015X 1533-0389    
13415 C Applied Environmental Science and Public Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1175-9542      
13416 A* Applied Ergonomics 1203 Design Practice and Management 1116 Medical Physiology     0003-6870 1872-9126    
40600 C Applied Financial Economics 1402 Applied Economics         0960-3107 1466-4305    
39985 C Applied General Topology 0101 Pure Mathematics         1576-9402      
1892 B Applied Geochemistry 0402 Geochemistry 0502 Environmental Science and Management     0883-2927 1872-9134    
1998 C Applied Geography 1604 Human Geography 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience     0143-6228 1873-7730    
44646 C Applied Geophysics 0404 Geophysics         1672-7975      
34477 C Applied GIS 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         1832-5505      
13417 C Applied Health Economics and Health Policy 1402 Applied Economics         1175-5652      
3058 C Applied Herpetology 0608 Zoology         1570-7539 1570-7547    
14590 C Applied Immunohistochemistry and Molecular Morphology 1116 Medical Physiology         1062-3345 1541-2016 1533-4058  
17757 B Applied Intelligence 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing         0924-669X 1573-7497    
34700 B Applied Language Learning 2003 Language Studies 2004 Linguistics     1041-679X      
8722 A* Applied Linguistics 2004 Linguistics         0142-6001 1477-450X    
1164 C Applied Magnetic Resonance 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics         0937-9347 1613-7507    
460 B Applied Mathematical Finance 0102 Applied Mathematics         1350-486X 1466-4313    
48 B Applied Mathematical Modelling 0102 Applied Mathematics         0307-904X 1872-8480    
39984 C Applied Mathematical Sciences 0102 Applied Mathematics         1312-885X      
36682 C Applied Mathematics A Journal of Chinese Universities Series B 0102 Applied Mathematics         1005-1031 1993-0445    
49 A Applied Mathematics and Computation 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics     0096-3003 1873-5649    
39983 C Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences 0102 Applied Mathematics 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing     1935-0090      
461 C Applied Mathematics and Mechanics - English Edition 0102 Applied Mathematics 0913 Mechanical Engineering     0253-4827 1573-2754 1000-0887  
881 B Applied Mathematics and Optimization 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics     0095-4616 1432-0606    
41462 C Applied Mathematics E-Notes 0102 Applied Mathematics         1607-2510      
50 B Applied Mathematics Letters 0102 Applied Mathematics         0893-9659 1873-5452    
463 C Applied Mathematics Research eXpress 0102 Applied Mathematics         1687-1200 1687-1197    
32226 C Applied Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1512-0082      
6094 B Applied Measurement in Education 1301 Education Systems  1701 Psychology     0895-7347 1532-4818    
40978 C Applied Mechanics Reviews: an assessment of world literature in engineering sciences 0913 Mechanical Engineering         0003-6900      
3330 A Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 10 Technology 06 Biological Sciences 05 Environmental Sciences 0175-7598 1432-0614    
6095 B Applied Neuropsychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science 1109 Neurosciences 0908-4282      
39999 C Applied Numerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 1702 Cognitive Science     1611-8170      
51 B Applied Numerical Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics 0168-9274 1873-5460    
14047 A* Applied Nursing Research 1110 Nursing         0897-1897 1532-8201    
22096 B Applied Ocean Research 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy 0405 Oceanography 0905 Civil Engineering 0141-1187      
32011 C Applied Ontology 0806 Information Systems         1570-5838 1875-8533    
1242 A Applied Optics 0205 Optical Physics 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry     1559-128X 1539-4522 0003-6935  
1520 C Applied Organometallic Chemistry 0399 Other Chemical Sciences 0302 Inorganic Chemistry 0305 Organic Chemistry 0268-2605 1099-0739    
948 A Applied Physics A: materials science and processing 0204 Condensed Matter Physics         0947-8396 1432-0630    
1243 A Applied Physics B: lasers and optics 0205 Optical Physics         0946-2171 1432-0649 0721-7269  
949 A* Applied Physics Letters 02 Physical Sciences 09 Engineering 01 Mathematical Sciences 0003-6951 1077-3118    
40359 C Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics 1715-5312 1715-5320 1066-7814  
5996 C Applied Population and Policy 1603 Demography          1175-9550      
6096 B Applied Psycholinguistics 1701 Psychology 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science 0142-7164 1469-1817    
6097 B Applied Psychological Measurement 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1701 Psychology     0146-6216 1552-3497    
40979 C Applied Psychology in Criminal Justice 1701 Psychology         1550-3550 1550-4409    
6098 B Applied Psychology-an International Review 1701 Psychology 1503 Business and Management 1702 Cognitive Science 0269-994X 1464-0597    
6147 B Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1090-0586 1573-3270 0363-3586  
22097 C Applied Radiation and Isotopes 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics 1103 Clinical Sciences     0969-8043 1872-9800 0969-8086  
15711 C Applied Radiology: the journal of practical medical imaging and management 1103 Clinical Sciences         0160-9963 0099-2364 0044-8451  
44648 C Applied Research in Quality of Life 1608 Sociology 1701 Psychology     1871-2584      
30202 B Applied Rheology: Fliessverhalten steuern 0904 Chemical Engineering          1430-6395 1617-8106    
32215 C Applied Sciences 0102 Applied Mathematics         1454-5101      
8724 C Applied Semiotics 2005 Literary Studies         1204-6140 1715-7374    
17759 C Applied Soft Computing 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0102 Applied Mathematics 0806 Information Systems 1568-4946 1872-9681    
5246 B Applied Soil Ecology 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 0929-1393 1873-0272    
44649 C Applied Solar Energy (English translation of Geliotekhnika) 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0003-701X      
30257 Not ranked Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy 1603 Demography  1205 Urban and Regional Planning     1874-463X 1874-4621    
34320 A Applied Spectroscopy 0301 Analytical Chemistry         0003-7028 1943-3530 1099-8543  
44650 C Applied Spectroscopy Reviews 0205 Optical Physics         0570-4928      
32216 B Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis 0104 Statistics          8755-0024      
778 B Applied Stochastic Models In Business And Industry 0104 Statistics  0102 Applied Mathematics     1524-1904 1526-4025    
1087 B Applied Surface Science 0912 Materials Engineering 0204 Condensed Matter Physics     0169-4332 1873-5584    
34531 A Applied Theatre Researcher 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1443-1726      
3658 A Applied Thermal Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1359-4311 1873-5606    
2690 C Applied Vegetation Science 0607 Plant Biology         1402-2001 1654-109X    
35171 C Appraisal 2203 Philosophy          1358-3336      
36979 B Apprentissage des Langues et Systmes dÕInformation et de Communication 2003 Language Studies 2004 Linguistics     1286-4986      
4149 C Appropriate Technology: practical approaches to development 0905 Civil Engineering         0305-0920 0261-4413    
44651 C Apunts Medicine de l'Esport 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0213-3717      
18869 C AQ (Balmain): Journal of Contemporary Analysis 1606 Political Science         1443-3605 0005-0091    
3447 A Aquacultural Engineering 0999 Other Engineering 0704 Fisheries Sciences     0144-8609 1873-5614    
5734 A Aquaculture 0704 Fisheries Sciences         0044-8486 1873-5622    
5774 C Aquaculture Economics and Management 0704 Fisheries Sciences         1365-7305 1365-7313    
5735 B Aquaculture International 0704 Fisheries Sciences         0967-6120 1573-143X    
5736 B Aquaculture Nutrition 0704 Fisheries Sciences         1353-5773 1365-2095    
5752 C Aquaculture Research 0704 Fisheries Sciences         1355-557X 1365-2109    
41463 C Aquatic Biology 0602 Ecology         1864-7782      
2554 B Aquatic Botany 0607 Plant Biology         0304-3770      
4150 B Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 0704 Fisheries Sciences         1052-7613 1099-0755    
3201 B Aquatic Ecology: a multidisciplinary journal relating to processes and structures at different organizational levels 0602 Ecology         1386-2588 1573-5125 1380-8427  
44652 C Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 0607 Plant Biology         1463-4988      
34476 B Aquatic Geochemistry 0402 Geochemistry         1380-6165 1573-1421    
2823 C Aquatic Insects: international journal of freshwater entomology 0608 Zoology         0165-0424 1744-4152    
41464 C Aquatic Invasions 0501 Ecological Applications 0602 Ecology     1818-5487      
5775 C Aquatic Living Resources: international journal devoted to aquatic resources 0704 Fisheries Sciences         0990-7440 1765-2952    
3059 C Aquatic Mammals 0608 Zoology         0167-5427      
3202 B Aquatic Microbial Ecology 0602 Ecology         0948-3055 1616-1564 0297-8148  
36356 B Aquatic Sciences: research across boundaries 05 Environmental Sciences 04 Earth Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 1015-1621 1420-9055    
2307 B Aquatic Toxicology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0166-445X 1879-1514    
2691 C Aquilo. Serie Botanica 0607 Plant Biology         0570-5169      
17513 C Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research MD Multidisciplinary         1015-4442      
30136 A Arab Historical Review for Ottoman Studies 2103 Historical Studies         0330-8081      
3389 C Arab Journal of Biotechnology 10 Technology 06 Biological Sciences     1110-6875      
44653 C Arab Journal of Gastroenterology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1687-1979      
33091 C Arab Law Quarterly 1801 Law         0268-0556 1573-0255    
30104 B Arab Studies Journal 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1083-4753      
30063 A* Arab Studies Quarterly 2002 Cultural Studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society     0271-3519      
44654 C Arab World Geographer 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience 1604 Human Geography     1480-6800      
7893 A Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy 2101 Archaeology         0905-7196 1600-0471    
17504 C Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering. Section B: Engineering 09 Engineering         1319-8025      
11273 B Arabic Sciences and Philosophy: a historical journal 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0957-4239 1474-0524    
31319 A* Arabica: journal of Arabic and Islamic studies/revue d'etudes arabes et islamiques 2002 Cultural Studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society     0570-5398 1570-0585    
3060 C Aracnologia 0608 Zoology         0254-5578      
40295 A ARAM Periodical 2204 Religion and Religious Studies 2201 Applied Ethics     0959-4213 1783-1342    
12629 A Aramaic Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1477-8351 1745-5227    
44656 C Ararajuba 0608 Zoology         0103-5657      
8702 C Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik 2004 Linguistics 2005 Literary Studies     0171-5410      
7894 C Arbeits und Forschungsberichte zur Saechsischen Bodendenkmalpflege 2101 Archaeology         0402-7817      
44657 C Arbeitsmedizin Sozialmedizin Umweltmedizin 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0944-6052      
36625 C Arbitration (London, 1915) 1801 Law         0003-7877      
35539 A Arbitration International 1801 Law         0957-0411 1875-8398    
6825 B Arbor: revista general de investigacion y cultura 2002 Cultural Studies         0210-1963 1988-303X    
44659 C Arboricultural Journal 0705 Forestry Sciences         0307-1375      
5416 C Arboriculture and Urban Forestry 0706 Horticultural Production         1935-5297 0278-5226    
41466 C Arbovirus Research in Australia 1108 Medical Microbiology         0725-4989      
40936 C Arc: the journal of the faculty of religious studies 2299 Other Philosophy and Religious Studies         0229-2807      
31427 A* Arcadia 2005 Literary Studies         0003-7982 1613-0642    
2519 C Archaea: an international microbiological journal 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     1472-3646 1472-3654    
7897 B Archaeofauna 2101 Archaeology         1132-6891      
7899 B Archaeologia 2101 Archaeology         0261-3409      
7900 C Archaeologia Aeliana 2101 Archaeology         0261-3417      
7908 B Archaeologia Austriaca: Beitraege zur Ur- und Fruehgeschichte Mitteleuropas 2101 Archaeology         0003-8008 1816-2959    
7910 B Archaeologia Bulgarica 2101 Archaeology         1310-9537      
7901 C Archaeologia Cambrensis 2101 Archaeology         0306-6924      
7902 B Archaeologia Classica 2101 Archaeology         0391-8165      
7903 C Archaeologia Islandica: occasional papers on Icelandic archaeology 2101 Archaeology         1560-8026      
7904 C Archaeologia Lituana 2101 Archaeology         1392-6748      
7905 B Archaeologia Maritima Mediterranea 2101 Archaeology         1724-6091 1825-3881    
7906 B Archaeologia Medii Aevi Finlandiae 2101 Archaeology         1236-5882      
7907 B Archaeologia Polona 2101 Archaeology         0066-5924      
7909 B Archaeologica Baltica 2101 Archaeology         1392-5520      
7911 B Archaeological Dialogues 2101 Archaeology         1380-2038 1478-2294    
8189 B Archaeological Monuments 2101 Archaeology         0031-0506      
7912 B Archaeological Prospection 2101 Archaeology         1075-2196 1099-0763    
7913 C Archaeological Reports (London) 2101 Archaeology         0570-6084      
7914 B Archaeological Review From Cambridge 2101 Archaeology         0261-4332      
7923 B Archaeologie der Schweiz 2101 Archaeology         0255-9005      
34892 A Archaeologies: journal of the World Archaeological Congress 2101 Archaeology         1555-8622 1935-3987    
7926 A Archaeologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan. Neue Folge 2101 Archaeology         1434-2758 0066-6033    
7927 A Archaeologischer Anzeiger 2101 Archaeology         0003-8105      
7928 B Archaeologisches Korrespondenzblatt 2101 Archaeology         0342-734X      
7915 B Archaeology 2101 Archaeology         0003-8113 1943-5746    
7916 A Archaeology in Oceania 2101 Archaeology         0003-8121 1834-4453    
31284 C Archaeology of Eastern North America 2101 Archaeology         0360-1021      
7919 C Archaeology of York Series 2101 Archaeology         0963-0937      
8120 B Archaeology: Kaogu MD Multidisciplinary         0453-2899      
7920 B Archaeometry 2101 Archaeology         0003-813X 1475-4754    
7921 C Archaeonautica 2101 Archaeology         0154-1854      
34891 B Archaiologike Hetaireia. To Ergon Kata to (Year) 2103 Historical Studies         0570-6211      
7929 C Archaologisches Nachrichtenblatt 2101 Archaeology         0948-8359 0004-8127    
7931 B Archeologia 2101 Archaeology         0066-605X      
7932 C Archeologia e Calcolatori 2101 Archaeology         1120-6861 0952-3332    
7933 B Archeologia Medievale 2101 Archaeology         0390-0592      
7935 B Archeologia Polski 2101 Archaeology         0003-8180      
41477 C Archeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association 1601 Anthropology          1551-823X 1551-8248    
7938 B Archeologicke Rozhledy 2101 Archaeology         0323-1267      
7945 B Archeo-Nil 2101 Archaeology         1161-0492      
8231 B Archeosciences: bulletin de liaison du groupe des methodes pluridisciplinaires contribuant a l'archeologie 2101 Archaeology         1960-1360 0399-1237    
20939 C Archi 1201 Architecture         1422-5417      
6830 A Archipel: etudes interdisciplinaires sur le monde insulindien MD Multidisciplinary         0044-8613      
20831 A* Architectural Design 1201 Architecture         0003-8504 1554-2769    
30538 B Architectural Design Research 1201 Architecture         1448-9007      
4317 A* Architectural Engineering and Design Management 1201 Architecture         1745-2007 1752-7589    
40203 C Architectural Heritage 1201 Architecture         1350-7524 1755-1641    
6831 A* Architectural History 1201 Architecture         0066-622X      
20839 A Architectural Science Review 1201 Architecture 1202 Building     0003-8628      
20840 A Architectural Theory Review 1201 Architecture         1326-4826 1755-0475    
20841 B Architectura-Zeitschrift fuer Geschichte der Baukunst 1201 Architecture         0044-863X      
20844 C Architecture and Urbanism: Arhitektura i Urbanizam 1201 Architecture         0354-6055      
42258 C Architecture plus Design 1201 Architecture         0970-2369      
20942 C Architektura and Urbanizmus: journal for architecture and town planning theory 1201 Architecture         0044-8680      
42259 B Archithese 1201 Architecture         1010-4089      
52 B Archiv der Mathematik 0101 Pure Mathematics         0003-889X 1420-8938    
14685 B Archiv der Pharmazie 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0365-6233 1521-4184    
35407 A Archiv des Oeffentlichen Rechts 1801 Law         0003-8911      
6832 B Archiv fuer Begriffsgeschichte 2103 Historical Studies 2203 Philosophy      0003-8946 0343-7035 1617-4399  
40186 C Archiv fuer die Civilistische Praxis 1801 Law         0003-8997      
6833 B Archiv fuer Diplomatik, Schriftgeschichte, Siegel- und Wappenkunde 2103 Historical Studies         0066-6297      
8315 A Archiv fuer Geschichte der Philosophie 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 2203 Philosophy      0003-9101 1613-0650    
6834 B Archiv fuer Kulturgeschichte 2103 Historical Studies         0003-9233      
12631 A Archiv fuer Liturgiewissenschaft 2204 Religion and Religious Studies 2299 Other Philosophy and Religious Studies     0066-6386      
3061 C Archiv fuer Molluskenkunde: international journal of malacology 0608 Zoology         0003-9284      
9846 C Archiv fuer Musikwissenschaft 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0003-9292      
6835 A Archiv fuer Papyrusforschung und Verwandte Gebiete 2103 Historical Studies         0066-6459 1867-1551    
8317 B Archiv fuer Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 2203 Philosophy          0001-2343      
6100 C Archiv fuer Religionspsychologie 1701 Psychology         0084-6724 1573-6121    
6838 B Archiv fuer Sozialgeschichte 2103 Historical Studies         0066-6505      
44661 C Archiv fur das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen 2004 Linguistics 2005 Literary Studies     0003-8970      
5446 C Archiv fur Geflugelkunde 0702 Animal Production         0003-9098 1612-9199    
44662 C Archiv fŸr Kriminologie 1602 Criminology         0003-9225      
44664 C Archiv fŸr Tierzucht 0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management         0003-9438      
12860 B Archiv Orientalni: quarterly journal of African and Asian studies MD Multidisciplinary         0044-8699      
36560 B Archival Issues 0807 Library and Information Studies         1067-4993      
39982 A* Archival Science 0807 Library and Information Studies         1389-0166 1042-1467    
32012 A* Archivaria 0807 Library and Information Studies 2102 Curatorial and Related Studies     0318-6954 0068-824X    
11275 B Archive for History of Exact Sciences 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0003-9519 1432-0657    
465 B Archive for Mathematical Logic 0101 Pure Mathematics         0933-5846 1432-0665    
53 A* Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     0003-9527 1432-0673    
5107 B Archive of Applied Mechanics 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering 0102 Applied Mathematics     0939-1533 1432-0681    
5740 B Archive of Fishery and Marine Research 0704 Fisheries Sciences         0944-1921      
44665 C Archive of Oncology 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         0354-7310      
32013 A Archives and Manuscripts 0807 Library and Information Studies         0157-6895      
44666 C Archives de Pediatrie 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0929-693X      
8319 C Archives de Philosophie: recherches et documentation 2203 Philosophy          0003-9632      
12635 B Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0335-5985 1777-5825    
44667 C Archives des Maladies du Coeur et des Vaisseaux - Pratique 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1261-694X      
44668 C Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de l'Environnement 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1775-8785      
17498 C Archives Des Sciences MD Multidisciplinary         1661-464X      
34890 B Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Litteraire du Moyen Age 2103 Historical Studies         0373-5478      
10816 A Archives Europeennes de Sociologie 1608 Sociology         0003-9756 1474-0583    
31047 C Archives for Agronomy and Soil Science 05 Environmental Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 0365-0340 1476-3567    
6859 A Archives for Scandinavian Philology 2004 Linguistics         0066-7668      
34957 B Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Idees 2203 Philosophy          0066-6610      
11276 B Archives Internationales d'histoire des Sciences 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0003-9810      
3177 C Archives Italiennes de Biologie: a journal of neuroscience 0606 Physiology  1109 Neurosciences     0003-9829      
44670 C Archives of Acoustics 0203 Classical Physics         0137-5075      
9848 C Archives of American Art Journal 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts     0003-9853      
5447 B Archives of Animal Nutrition 0702 Animal Production 0707 Veterinary Sciences     1745-039X 1477-2817    
10243 B Archives of Asian Art 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts     0066-6637 1944-6497    
2143 B Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0003-9861 1096-0384    
44672 C Archives of Biological Sciences 06 Biological Sciences         0354-4664      
15712 C Archives of Cardiovascular Diseases 1103 Clinical Sciences         1875-2136 1875-2128 0003-9683  
44673 C Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1644-9665      
44674 C Archives of Civil Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering         1230-2945      
6101 B Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science 1109 Neurosciences 0887-6177 1873-5843    
39981 B Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 1134-3060 1886-1784    
39615 C Archives of Control Sciences 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 1230-2384      
15714 B Archives of Dermatological Research 1103 Clinical Sciences         0340-3696 1432-069X    
42199 C Archives of Dermatological Research. Supplement 1103 Clinical Sciences         0944-1948      
15715 B Archives of Dermatology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0003-987X 1538-3652    
15716 A Archives of Disease in Childhood 1103 Clinical Sciences         0003-9888      
40022 C Archives of Disease in Childhood. Education and Practice Edition 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1743-0585 1743-0593    
40023 C Archives of Disease in Childhood. Fetal and Neonatal Edition 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1359-2998 1468-2052    
14889 C Archives of Drug Information 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1753-5174      
44675 C Archives of Electrical Engineering 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1427-4221      
13419 B Archives of Environmental and Occupational Health: an international journal 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1933-8244 0003-9896    
5804 B Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology MD Multidisciplinary         0090-4341 1432-0703    
44676 C Archives of Environmental Protection 0502 Environmental Science and Management         0324-8461      
44677 C Archives of facial plastic surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         1521-2491      
44678 C Archives of Gastroenterohepatology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0354-2440      
13066 A* Archives of General Psychiatry 1103 Clinical Sciences         0003-990X 1538-3636    
15717 C Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 1103 Clinical Sciences         0167-4943 1872-6976    
44679 C Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0932-0067      
44680 C Archives of Hellenic Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         1105-3992      
2144 C Archives of Histology and Cytology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0914-9465 1349-1717    
44681 C Archives of Hydroengineering and Environmental Mechanics 09 Engineering         1231-3726      
2825 B Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology 0608 Zoology         0739-4462 1520-6327    
15719 A* Archives of Internal Medicine 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0003-9926 1538-3679 0888-2479 0730-188X
44682 C Archives of Iranian Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         1029-2977      
4748 C Archives of Materials Science and Engineering 0912 Materials Engineering         1897-2764 1734-9885 0138-032X  
44683 B Archives of Mechanics 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0203 Classical Physics     0373-2029      
15295 C Archives of Medical Research 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0188-4409 1873-5487    
40027 C Archives of Medical Science 1103 Clinical Sciences         1734-1922      
44684 C Archives of Metallurgy and Materials 09 Engineering         1733-3490      
2457 B Archives of Microbiology 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     0302-8933 1432-072X 0003-9276  
11277 B Archives of Natural History 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0260-9541 1755-6260    
44685 C Archives of Nature Conservation and Landscape Research 0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management         0003-9306      
15720 A Archives of Neurology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science 1109 Neurosciences 0003-9942 1538-3687    
14559 C Archives of Neurosciences 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     1028-5938      
15721 A Archives of Ophthalmology 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry         0003-9950 1538-3601    
3062 B Archives of Oral Biology 0608 Zoology 1105 Dentistry     0003-9969 1879-1506    
15722 C Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         0936-8051 1434-3916 0344-8444  
44686 C Archives of Osteoporosis 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         1862-3522      
15724 C Archives of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         0886-4470 1538-361X    
15725 B Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         0003-9985 0363-0153 1543-2165  
15726 A Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1072-4710 1538-3628    
14890 C Archives of Pharmacal Research 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0253-6269 1976-3786    
9740 A Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science 1103 Clinical Sciences     0003-9993 1532-821X    
2308 C Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0606 Physiology  1116 Medical Physiology 1381-3455 1744-4160 0778-3124  
44687 C Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection 0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management         0323-5408      
14048 A Archives of Psychiatric Nursing 1110 Nursing         0883-9417 1532-8228    
13067 C Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science     1509-2046      
40980 C Archives of Public Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0778-7367      
6102 A Archives of Sexual Behavior: an interdisciplinary research journal 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 1701 Psychology     0004-0002 1573-2800    
6103 C Archives of Suicide Research 1701 Psychology         1381-1118      
15727 B Archives of Surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         0004-0010 1538-3644    
44688 C Archives of Thermodynamics 02 Physical Sciences 03 Chemical Sciences     1231-0956      
14686 B Archives of Toxicology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0340-5761 1432-0738    
14891 C Archives of Toxicology, Kinetics and Xenobiotic Metabolism: official journal of the Toxicology Section of the Serbian Medical Society 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0354-3854      
44689 C Archives of Veterinary Science 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1517-784X      
2458 B Archives of Virology 0605 Microbiology          0304-8608 1432-8798    
36228 C Archives of Women's Mental Health 1701 Psychology         1434-1816      
39803 B Archives: Journal of the British Records Association 0807 Library and Information Studies         0003-9535      
8321 C Archivio di Filosofia 2203 Philosophy          0004-0088 1970-0792    
2692 C Archivio Geobotanico: international journal of geobotany, plant ecology and taxonomy 0607 Plant Biology         1122-7214      
44690 C Archivio Italiano di Anatomia e di Embriologia 1103 Clinical Sciences         0004-0223      
6910 C Archivio per la Storia del Movimento Sociale Cattolico in Italia. Bollettino 2103 Historical Studies         0390-8240 1827-7977    
9445 C Archivio Per l'antropologia e la Etnologia 1601 Anthropology          0373-3009      
6842 C Archivio Storico Italiano 2099 Other Language, Communication and Culture 2103 Historical Studies 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 0391-7770      
6843 B Archivium Hibernicum: Irish historical records 2103 Historical Studies         0044-8745      
8726 C Archivo de Filologia Aragonesa 2004 Linguistics         0210-5624      
7946 B Archivo de Prehistoria Levantina 2101 Archaeology         0210-3230 1989-0508    
7947 B Archivo Espanol de Arqueologia 2101 Archaeology         0066-6742 1988-3110    
9849 B Archivo Espanol de Arte 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts     0004-0428 1988-8511    
44692 C Archivos Argentinos de Pediatria 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0004-0487      
44693 C Archivos de Bronconeumologia 1103 Clinical Sciences         0300-2896      
44694 C Archivos de Cardiologia de Mexico 1103 Clinical Sciences         1405-9940      
44695 C Archivos de la Sociedad Espanola de Oftalmologia 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry         0365-6691      
44696 C Archivos de Medicina 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1698-9465      
44697 C Archivos de Medicina del Deporte 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         0212-8799      
5589 C Archivos de Medicina Veterinaria 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0301-732X 0717-6201    
44698 C Archivos de Psiquiatria 1109 Neurosciences         1576-0367      
5475 C Archivos de Zootecnia 0702 Animal Production         0004-0592      
44699 C Archivos Espanoles de Urologia 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0004-0614 1576-8260    
44700 C Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutricion 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics         0004-0622      
5484 C Archivos Latinoamericanos de Produccion Animal 0702 Animal Production         1022-1301      
44701 C Archivos Venezolanos de Farmacologia y Terapeutica 1103 Clinical Sciences         0798-0264      
37035 B Archivum (Oviedo) 2005 Literary Studies         0570-7218      
6845 C Archivum Anatolicum 2103 Historical Studies         1300-6355      
6847 B Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0004-0665      
6848 B Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum 2103 Historical Studies         0391-7320      
12637 B Archivum Historiae Pontificiae 2103 Historical Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0066-6785      
6850 B Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0037-8887      
44702 C Archivum Immunologiae et Therapiae Experimentalis 1107 Immunology 0605 Microbiology      0004-069X      
32217 C Archivum Mathematicum 0101 Pure Mathematics         0044-8753 1212-5059    
36867 B Archivum Ottomanicum MD Multidisciplinary         0378-2808      
8322 C Archiwum Historii Filozofii i Mysli Spolecznej 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0066-6874      
44703 C Archiwum historii i filozofii medycyny / Polskii Towarzystwo Historii Medycyny i Farmacji 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0860-1844      
44704 C Archiwum Medycyny Sadowej i Kryminologii 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences 1602 Criminology     0324-8267      
5776 C Archiwum Rybactwa Polskiego 0704 Fisheries Sciences         1230-6428      
44886 C ArchNet - IJAR 1201 Architecture         1938-7806      
35113 C Arctic 0403 Geology 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience     0004-0843      
9446 B Arctic Anthropology 1601 Anthropology          0066-6939 1933-8139    
34474 B Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         1523-0430 1938-4246    
2826 B Ardea 0608 Zoology         0373-2266      
2827 C Ardeola: revista espanola de ornitologia 0608 Zoology         0570-7358      
5920 B Area 1604 Human Geography         0004-0894 1475-4762    
18714 B Arena Journal 1606 Political Science         1320-6567      
32751 C Arenal: revista de historia de las mujeres 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1134-6396      
37057 C AretŽ: Revista de Filosof’a 2203 Philosophy          1016-913X      
6853 A Arethusa 2103 Historical Studies         0004-0975 1080-6504    
44705 C Argomenti di Gastroenterologia Clinica 1103 Clinical Sciences         1120-8651      
3063 C Argonauta: international journal of malacology 0608 Zoology         0394-3399      
8323 B Argumentation: an international journal on reasoning 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science 0920-427X 1572-8374    
7949 B Arhaiologike Efemeris 2101 Archaeology         1105-0950      
7951 C Arheologia Moldovei 2101 Archaeology         0066-7358      
7953 B Arheoloski Vestnik 2101 Archaeology         0570-8966      
44706 C Arhiv za Hijigenu Rada i Toksikologiju 0502 Environmental Science and Management         0004-1254      
6854 C Arhivele Olteniei 2103 Historical Studies         1015-9118      
6855 C Arhivele Totalitarismului 2103 Historical Studies         1221-6917      
6856 C Arhivski Vjesnik 2103 Historical Studies         0570-9008      
44707 C ARI Bulletin of the Istanbul Technical University 09 Engineering         1434-5641      
32753 C Ariadne 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         0178-1073      
5247 C Arid Land Research and Management 0503 Soil Sciences 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience 0703 Crop and Pasture Production 1532-4982 1532-4990 0890-3069  
12640 C Aries: journal for the study of western esotericism 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1567-9896 0752-2452 1570-0593  
6857 B Arion: a journal of humanities and the classics 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0095-5809      
11476 B Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies 2099 Other Language, Communication and Culture         1096-2492 1934-9009    
33092 B Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law 1801 Law         0743-6963      
33093 B Arizona Law Review 1801 Law         0004-153X      
11523 B Arizona Quarterly: a journal of American literature, culture and theory 2005 Literary Studies         0004-1610 1558-9595    
33094 B Arizona State Law Journal 1801 Law         0164-4297 0023-9224    
18499 C Arkansas Business and Economic Review 14 Economics         0004-1742      
6858 C Arkansas Historical Quarterly 2103 Historical Studies         0004-1823      
33095 C Arkansas Law Review 1801 Law         0004-1831      
44708 C Arkhiv Patologii 1103 Clinical Sciences         0004-1955      
467 B Arkiv foer Matematik 0101 Pure Mathematics         0004-2080 1871-2487    
36559 C Arkiv, samhŠlle och forskning 0807 Library and Information Studies         0349-0505 0562-7451    
1561 C ARKIVOC 0305 Organic Chemistry         1551-7004 1551-7012    
10817 C Armed Forces and Society 1606 Political Science 1608 Sociology     0095-327X 1556-0848    
5417 C Arnoldia 0706 Horticultural Production         0004-2633      
5418 C Aroideana 0706 Horticultural Production         0197-4033      
20845 C ARQ 1201 Architecture         0716-0852 0717-6996    
20837 A* ARQ: Architectural Research Quarterly 1201 Architecture         1359-1355 1474-0516    
5590 C Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0102-0935      
44710 C Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0066-782X 1678-4170    
44711 C Arquivos Brasileiros de Endocrinologia e Metabologia 1116 Medical Physiology         0004-2730 1677-9487    
44712 C Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry         0004-2749 1678-2925    
44713 C Arquivos de Gastroenterologia 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0004-2803 1678-4219    
44714 C Arquivos de Medicina 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0871-3413      
13132 C Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0004-282X 1678-4227    
55 C Ars Combinatoria 0101 Pure Mathematics 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics     0381-7032      
8324 B Ars Disputandi: the online journal for philosophy of religion 2203 Philosophy  2204 Religion and Religious Studies     1566-5399      
10244 C ARS Hungarica 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         0133-1531      
35706 B Ars Judaica: The Bar-Ilan Journal of Jewish Art 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts 1901 Art Theory and Criticism     1565-6721      
10245 C Ars Orientalis: the arts of Asia, Southeast Asia and Islam 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts 1901 Art Theory and Criticism     0571-1371      
44715 C Ars Pharmaceutica 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0004-2927      
40167 B Art and Australia 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts     0004-301X      
9851 A* Art Bulletin 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts     0004-3079 1559-6478    
10246 B Art Bulletin of Victoria 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts     0066-7935      
9852 B Art Criticism 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts     0195-4148      
10247 C Art Documentation: bulletin of the Art Libraries Society of North America 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts         0730-7187      
10248 B Art Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0004-3125      
9853 A* Art History: journal of the Association of Art Historians 1901 Art Theory and Criticism         0141-6790 1467-8365    
9854 A Art in America 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts     0004-3214      
9855 C Art Institute of Chicago. Museum Studies 2102 Curatorial and Related Studies         0069-3235      
9856 A* Art Journal 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts     0004-3249      
10250 C Art Law and Accounting Reporter 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         0886-1013      
35708 B Art Monthly Australia 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts 1033-4025      
10586 C Art of Music 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1000-4270      
44716 C Art Therapy 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts     0742-1656      
36743 B Art, Antiquity, and Law 1801 Law         1362-2331      
10253 B Art, Design and Communication in Higher Education 1203 Design Practice and Management         1474-273X      
41479 C Arte Documento 1901 Art Theory and Criticism         1121-0524 2014-1850    
31299 A Arte Medievale 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts 1901 Art Theory and Criticism     0393-7267      
10254 C Arte Musica Spettacolo 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts         1590-3052      
10255 C Arte U N E S P 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts         0102-6550      
34858 B Artefact: Pacific rim archaeology 2101 Archaeology         0044-9075      
15728 A* Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1079-5642 1524-4636    
44717 C Artery Research 1103 Clinical Sciences         1872-9312      
10256 C Artes de Mexico 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts         0300-4953      
18500 C Artha-Vikas: a journal of economic development 1402 Applied Economics         0004-3567      
15730 A* Arthritis and Rheumatism 1103 Clinical Sciences         0004-3591 1529-0131    
14174 C Arthritis Care and Research 1110 Nursing 1103 Clinical Sciences     0893-7524      
15732 A Arthritis Research and Therapy 1103 Clinical Sciences         1478-6354 1478-6362 1465-9905  
2829 B Arthropod Structure and Development 0608 Zoology         1467-8039 1873-5495 0020-7322  
2693 C Arthropod-Plant Interactions 0607 Plant Biology         1872-8855 1872-8847    
15733 B Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopy and Related Surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         0749-8063 1526-3231    
44718 C Arthroskopie 1103 Clinical Sciences         0933-7946      
34698 C Arthurian Literature 2005 Literary Studies         0261-9946      
31428 B Arthuriana 2005 Literary Studies         1078-6279 1934-1539    
9860 A Artibus Asiae: journal of Asian art and archaeology for scholars and connoisseurs 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts 2101 Archaeology 2103 Historical Studies 0004-3648      
40168 C Artibus et Historiae: international journal for visual arts 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts         0391-9064      
37247 C Artifact 1203 Design Practice and Management         1749-3463 1749-3471    
3331 C Artificial Cells Blood Substitutes and Biotechnology 10 Technology 11 Medical and Health Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 1532-4184 1073-1199    
17761 A* Artificial Intelligence 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science     0004-3702 1872-7921    
17762 C Artificial Intelligence and Law 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1801 Law 1702 Cognitive Science 0924-8463 1572-8382    
35572 A Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing 0910 Manufacturing Engineering 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering 1203 Design Practice and Management 0890-0604 1469-1760    
5031 A Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0903 Biomedical Engineering      0933-3657 1873-2860    
17763 C Artificial Intelligence Review: an international survey and tutorial journal 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science     0269-2821 1573-7462    
36955 A Artificial Life 1702 Cognitive Science 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing     1064-5462 1530-9185    
44719 C Artificial Life and Robotics 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering     1433-5298      
5032 A Artificial Organs: replacement, recovery, and regeneration 0903 Biomedical Engineering  1103 Clinical Sciences     0160-564X 1525-1594    
35835 B Artlink: Australian contemporary art quarterly 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts     0727-1239      
10257 C Artnodes: intersection between arts, sciences and technology 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         1695-5951      
44720 C Artroscopia 1103 Clinical Sciences         1591-1489      
10259 C Arts (New Brighton): the arts in religious and theological studies 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         1093-1643      
10260 A Arts and Humanities in Higher Education: an international journal of theory, research and practice 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1474-0222 1741-265X    
10261 B Arts and Learning Research: journal of the Arts and Learning Special Interest Group 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1534-3499      
30138 A Arts Asiatiques MD Multidisciplinary         0004-3958      
20104 A Arts Education Policy Review 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1063-2913 1940-4395    
6104 C Arts in Psychotherapy 1701 Psychology 1103 Clinical Sciences     0197-4556 1873-5878    
9448 C Arv: Nordic yearbook of folklore 1601 Anthropology          0066-8176      
14892 C Arzneimitteltherapie: Unabhaengige Informationen zur Pharmakotherapie 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0723-6913      
44722 C Arzteblatt Thuringen 1103 Clinical Sciences         0863-5412      
5033 B ASAIO Journal 0903 Biomedical Engineering          1058-2916 1538-943X    
11280 C Asclepio: revista de historia de la medicina y de la ciencia 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0210-4466 1988-3102    
18182 B ASEAN Economic Bulletin 14 Economics         0217-4472 1793-2831    
19651 C ASEAN Journal on Hospitality and Tourism 1504 Commercial Services 1506 Tourism     1412-2073      
11704 C Asemka: literary journal 2005 Literary Studies         0855-000X      
44723 C ASGE Clinical Update 1103 Clinical Sciences         1070-7212      
4151 B ASHRAE Journal 0913 Mechanical Engineering         0001-2491 0364-9962    
39707 B ASHRAE Transactions 0913 Mechanical Engineering         0001-2505 1088-8586    
35691 C Asia - Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1609-4913      
36335 C Asia - Pacific Journal of Ophthalmology 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry         0129-1653      
9316 C Asia - Pacific Language Research 2003 Language Studies         1441-8533      
36309 C Asia - Pacific Review 1605 Policy and Administration         1343-9006 1469-2937    
40791 C Asia and Pacific Journal on Disability 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1029-4414      
18716 B Asia Europe Journal: intercultural studies in the social sciences and humanities MD Multidisciplinary         1610-2932      
40809 C Asia Journal of Global Studies 1301 Education Systems          1884-0337 1884-0264    
21141 A Asia Major: a journal of Far Eastern Studies 2103 Historical Studies 2002 Cultural Studies     0004-4482      
41480 C Asia Pacific Biotech News 10 Technology         0219-0303      
21142 B Asia Pacific Business Review 1503 Business and Management         1360-2381 1743-792X    
36080 C Asia Pacific Centre for Environmental Accountability Journal 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1442-1224      
21200 C Asia Pacific Development Journal 1402 Applied Economics         1020-1246      
15737 C Asia Pacific Disability Rehabilitation Journal 1103 Clinical Sciences         0971-9601      
18230 C Asia Pacific Economic Papers 14 Economics         1834-8971 0728-8409 0727-3029 0727-3002
20021 C Asia Pacific Education Review 13 Education         1598-1037 1876-407X    
13421 C Asia Pacific Family Medicine 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1444-1683 1447-056X    
44724 C Asia Pacific Issues MD Multidisciplinary         1522-0966      
21148 C Asia Pacific Journal of Arts and Cultural Management 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         1449-1184      
3941 B Asia Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering 0904 Chemical Engineering          1932-2135 1932-2143 0969-1855  
13422 C Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics         0964-7058 1440-6047 0314-1004  
15738 C Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1743-7555 1743-7563    
18324 B Asia Pacific Journal of Economics and Business 14 Economics 15 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services     1326-8481      
20016 B Asia Pacific Journal of Education 13 Education         0218-8791 1742-6855    
16980 C Asia Pacific Journal of Environmental Law 1801 Law         1385-2140 1875-8258    
19601 B Asia Pacific Journal of Finance 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment     0219-1466 0218-9283    
41486 C Asia Pacific Journal of Finance and Banking Research 1499 Other Economics 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy      1933-3390 1933-3455    
13828 C Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1833-3818      
22101 B Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources 1503 Business and Management         1038-4111 1744-7941 1032-3627  
19186 B Asia Pacific Journal of Management 1503 Business and Management         0217-4561 1572-9958    
19787 C Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics 1505 Marketing 1507 Transportation and Freight Services     1355-5855 1475-7699    
3390 C Asia Pacific Journal of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology 10 Technology 06 Biological Sciences     0128-7451      
14893 B Asia Pacific Journal of Pharmacology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0217-9687      
18717 C Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration 1605 Policy and Administration         0259-8272      
21153 B Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work 1607 Social Work         0218-5385      
15739 C Asia Pacific Journal of Speech Language and Hearing 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science     1361-3286      
19055 C Asia Pacific Journal of Taxation 1801 Law 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability     1027-5592      
19652 B Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 1506 Tourism         1094-1665 1741-6507    
16981 B Asia Pacific Journal on Human Rights and the Law 1801 Law         1388-1906 1571-8158    
16982 C Asia Pacific Law Review 1801 Law         1019-2557 1875-8444    
19193 C Asia Pacific Management Review 1503 Business and Management         1029-3132      
31120 C Asia Pacific Public Relations Journal 1505 Marketing         1440-4389      
21157 C Asia Pacific Viewpoint: specialises in the study of development, change and underdevelopment MD Multidisciplinary         1360-7456 1467-8373 0030-8978  
6865 C Asia, Africa, Latinamerica MD Multidisciplinary         0323-3790      
40871 C Asian Academy of Management Journal 1503 Business and Management         1394-2603      
40123 C Asian Academy of Management Journal of Accounting and Finance 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment     1823-4992 1985-8299    
21139 B Asian Affairs MD Multidisciplinary         0306-8374 1477-1500    
21160 B Asian Affairs: An American Review MD Multidisciplinary         0092-7678 1940-1590    
21124 C Asian and African Area Studies MD Multidisciplinary         1346-2466      
41367 C Asian and Pacific Economic Review MD Multidisciplinary         1000-6052      
5997 B Asian and Pacific Migration Journal 1603 Demography          0117-1968      
30059 C Asian Anthropology 1601 Anthropology          1683-478X      
44726 C Asian Biotechnology and Development Review 06 Biological Sciences         0972-7566      
21163 B Asian Business and Management 1503 Business and Management         1472-4782 1476-9328    
15740 C Asian Cardiovascular and Thoracic Annals 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0218-4923 1816-5370    
44727 C Asian Case Research Journal 14 Economics 15 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services     0218-9275      
6863 C Asian Culture 2002 Cultural Studies         0217-6742      
35640 C Asian Development Review: studies of Asian and Pacific economic issues 1402 Applied Economics         0116-1105      
18183 B Asian Economic Journal 14 Economics         1351-3958 1467-8381    
18184 B Asian Economic Papers 14 Economics         1535-3516 1536-0083    
21170 B Asian Economic Policy Review 1605 Policy and Administration         1832-8105 1748-3131    
18683 C Asian Economies 14 Economics         0002-2942      
9317 C Asian EFL Journal 2003 Language Studies 2004 Linguistics     1738-1460      
9451 A Asian Ethnicity 1608 Sociology         1463-1369 1469-2953    
21175 B Asian Ethnology 2005 Literary Studies         1882-6865      
41491 Not ranked Asian Forum on Business Education Journal 1503 Business and Management 1505 Marketing     2071-7873      
21176 C Asian Geographer: a geographical journal on Asia and the Pacific Rim 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         1022-5706      
35409 B Asian International Arbitration Journal 1801 Law         1574-3330 1875-6549    
44728 C Asian Journal of Agricultural Research 0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management         1819-1894      
15741 B Asian Journal of Andrology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine     1008-682X 1745-7262    
40739 C Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1683-9919      
44729 C Asian Journal of Animal Sciences 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1819-1878      
2309 C Asian Journal of Biochemistry 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1815-9923 1815-9931    
44730 C Asian Journal of Cell Biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1814-0068      
40709 B Asian Journal of Chemistry: an international bimonthly research journal of chemistry 0302 Inorganic Chemistry         0970-7077      
44731 C Asian Journal of Civil Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering         1563-0854      
44732 C Asian Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics         1992-1470      
21177 A Asian Journal of Communication 1903 Journalism and Professional Writing 2001 Communication and Media Studies     0129-2986 1742-0911    
33860 A Asian Journal of Comparative Law 1801 Law         1932-0205      
3586 C Asian Journal of Control 0910 Manufacturing Engineering         1561-8625 1934-6093 1022-2812  
16984 C Asian Journal of Criminology 1602 Criminology         1871-0131 1871-014X    
44734 C Asian Journal of Earth Sciences 04 Earth Sciences         1819-1886      
21178 C Asian Journal of English Language Teaching 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1026-2652 1026-2644    
4626 C Asian Journal of Geoinformatics 0909 Geomatic Engineering          1513-6728      
17764 C Asian Journal of Information Technology 0806 Information Systems 1702 Cognitive Science     1682-3915 1993-5994    
30083 C Asian Journal of Marketing 1505 Marketing         0218-6101      
41495 C Asian Journal of Nursing 1110 Nursing 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences     1818-6270 1022-2464    
15742 C Asian Journal of Ophthalmology 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry         1560-2133      
44735 C Asian Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 1105 Dentistry 1103 Clinical Sciences     0915-6992      
44736 C Asian Journal of Plant Pathology 0607 Plant Biology         1819-1541      
2694 C Asian Journal of Plant Sciences 0607 Plant Biology         1682-3974 1812-5697    
18718 B Asian Journal of Political Science 1606 Political Science         1750-7812      
44737 C Asian Journal of Poultry Science 0702 Animal Production         1819-3609      
44738 Not ranked Asian Journal of Psychiatry 1109 Neurosciences         1876-2018      
44739 C Asian Journal of Scientific Research MD Multidisciplinary         1992-1454      
6105 B Asian Journal of Social Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1367-2223 1467-839X    
6864 A Asian Journal of Social Science MD Multidisciplinary         1568-4849 1568-5314 0303-8246  
44740 C Asian Journal of Spectroscopy 0205 Optical Physics 0301 Analytical Chemistry     0971-9237      
15743 C Asian Journal of Surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         1015-9584      
36126 C Asian Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research 1506 Tourism         1908-8388      
40872 C Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution MD Multidisciplinary         0972-9860 1875-8568    
11090 C Asian Journal of Women's Studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1225-9276      
11281 B Asian Medicine: tradition and modernity 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1573-420X 1573-4218    
21184 C Asian Migrant 1603 Demography          1013-8064      
9866 B Asian Music MD Multidisciplinary         0044-9202 1553-5630    
44742 C Asian Nursing Research 1110 Nursing         1976-1317      
15458 C Asian Pacific Journal of Allergy and Immunology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1107 Immunology     0125-877X      
44743 C Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1513-7368      
36306 C Asian Perspective 1605 Policy and Administration         0258-9184      
7955 B Asian Perspectives: the journal of archaeology for Asia and the Pacific 1601 Anthropology  2101 Archaeology     0066-8435 1535-8283    
8325 A Asian Philosophy: an international journal of Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Buddhist, Persian and Islamic philosophical traditions 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0955-2367 1469-2961    
5998 A Asian Population Studies 1603 Demography          1744-1730 1744-1749    
18720 C Asian Profile MD Multidisciplinary         0304-8675      
19073 C Asian Review of Accounting 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1321-7348 1758-8863    
18721 B Asian Security 1606 Political Science 1605 Policy and Administration     1479-9855 1555-2764    
40949 C Asian Social Science 1402 Applied Economics         1911-2017 1911-2025    
18722 A Asian Studies Review MD Multidisciplinary         1035-7823 1467-8403    
21195 A Asian Survey: a monthly review of contemporary Asian affairs MD Multidisciplinary         0004-4687 1533-838X    
9867 A Asian Theatre Journal 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0742-5457 1527-2109    
32717 C Asian Women 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1225-925X      
35410 B Asian Yearbook of International Law 1801 Law         0928-432X      
5448 C Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 0702 Animal Production         1011-2367      
41496 Not ranked Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 1793-5571 1793-7183    
41497 C Asian-Pacific Business Review 1499 Other Economics 1503 Business and Management     0973-2470      
18187 C Asian-Pacific Economic Literature 14 Economics         0818-9935      
16985 C Asian-Pacific Law and Policy Journal 1605 Policy and Administration 1801 Law     1541-244X      
18326 C Asia-Pacific Financial Markets 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1573-6946 1387-2834    
18501 B Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics 14 Economics 15 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services     1608-1625 1029-3574    
44745 C Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 0401 Atmospheric Sciences         1976-7633      
40227 B Asia-Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education 1301 Education Systems  1303 Specialist Studies In Education     1175-2882      
40503 C Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1226-1165      
58 C Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 0102 Applied Mathematics 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 1503 Business and Management 0217-5959 1793-7019    
13423 C Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1010-5395 1941-2479    
41488 B Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk and Insurance 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1793-2157      
20741 A* Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education 1301 Education Systems          1359-866X 1469-2945 0311-2136  
21418 B Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus MD Multidisciplinary         1557-4660      
36121 C Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Journal 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1675-3194      
9198 B AsiaPacific MediaEducator 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1903 Journalism and Professional Writing 2001 Communication and Media Studies 1326-365X      
5999 C Asia-Pacific Population Journal 1603 Demography          0259-238X 1564-4278    
30082 C Asia-Pacific Population Research Reports 1603 Demography          1079-0284      
35556 C Asia-Pacific Tax Bulletin 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability 1801 Law     1385-3082 0218-3536    
21210 A Asiatische Studien MD Multidisciplinary         0004-4717      
21211 B Asien: deutsche Zeitschrift fuer Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur MD Multidisciplinary         0721-5231      
10595 B Aslib Proceedings: new information perspectives 0807 Library and Information Studies         0001-253X      
5923 C Asociacion de Geografos Espanoles. Boletin 1604 Human Geography         0212-9426      
34557 C Asociacion Geologica Argentina. Revista 0403 Geology         0004-4822      
468 C Asociacion Matematica Venezolana. Boletin 0101 Pure Mathematics         1315-4125      
32537 C Asociacion Odontologica Argentina Revista 1105 Dentistry         0004-4881      
41356 C ASOR Bulletin 1503 Business and Management 0806 Information Systems     0812-860X 1446-6678    
32718 C Aspasia 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1933-2882 1933-2890    
33102 C Asper Review of International Business and Trade Law 1801 Law         1496-9572      
14894 C Assay and Drug Development Technologies 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1540-658X 1557-8127    
20846 A Assemblage: the Sheffield graduate journal of archaeology 2101 Archaeology         1365-3881      
3587 C Assembly Automation: the international journal of assembly technology and management 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0144-5154 1758-4078    
8728 C Assessing Writing 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1075-2935 1873-5916    
6106 B Assessment 1701 Psychology         1073-1911 1552-3489    
19964 A Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0260-2938 1469-297X    
20727 C Assessment for Effective Intervention 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1534-5084 1938-7458 0737-2477  
19966 A Assessment in Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0969-594X 1465-329X    
44746 C Assistenza infermieristica e ricerca : AIR 1110 Nursing         1592-5986      
20710 B Assistive Technology 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 0903 Biomedical Engineering      1040-0435      
32218 C Assiut University Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science 0101 Pure Mathematics 1702 Cognitive Science     1687-4897 1110-7332    
5591 C Assiut Veterinary Medical Journal 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1012-5973      
10263 C Association for the Interdisciplinary Study of the Arts Journal 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         1083-6586      
10264 C Association Internationale d'Etudes du Sud-Est Europeen. Bulletin 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         0004-5551      
9688 C Association of Food and Drug Officials Journal 0908 Food Sciences         0898-4131      
44747 C AStA Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistisches Archiv 0104 Statistics  1608 Sociology     1863-8155      
59 A Asterisque 0101 Pure Mathematics         0303-1179      
44748 C Asthetische Zahnmedizin 1105 Dentistry         1434-6087      
36347 B Astin Bulletin The Journal of the ASTIN and AFIR Sections of the International Actuarial Association 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment 0102 Applied Mathematics     0515-0361 1783-1350    
1047 B Astrobiology 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences         1531-1074 1557-8070    
1049 B Astronomische Nachrichten 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences         0004-6337 1521-3994    
1051 A Astronomy and Astrophysics 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences         0365-0138      
1050 A Astronomy and Astrophysics: a European journal 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences         0004-6361 1432-0746    
1052 C Astronomy and Geophysics 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences         1366-8781 1468-4004 0035-8738  
20640 C Astronomy Education Review 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1539-1515      
1054 C Astronomy Letters: a journal of astronomy and space astrophysics 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences         1063-7737 1562-6873 0320-0108 0360-0327
1055 C Astronomy Reports 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences         1063-7729 1562-6881 0004-6299  
1056 B Astroparticle Physics 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics     0927-6505 1873-2852    
1058 A Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences         0067-0049 1538-4365    
44749 C Astrophysics 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences         0571-7256      
1059 C Astrophysics and Space Science: an international journal of astronomy, astrophysics and space science 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences         0004-640X 1572-946X    
44750 C Astrophysics and Space Sciences Transactions 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences         1810-6536      
36246 C Astropolitics: the international journal of space politics and policy 0401 Atmospheric Sciences         1477-7622 1557-2943    
60 B Asymptotic Analysis 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     0921-7134 1875-8576    
35435 B ATA Journal of Legal Tax Research 1801 Law         1543-866X      
20811 C ATEA Journal 1301 Education Systems          0889-6488      
44751 C Atemwegs- und Lungenkrankheiten 1103 Clinical Sciences         0341-3055      
44752 C Atencion Farmaceutica 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1139-7357      
44753 C Atencion Primaria 1103 Clinical Sciences         0212-6567      
6866 B Atene e Roma 2103 Historical Studies         0004-6493      
44754 C Atenea 16 Studies In Human Society         0716-1840      
33103 C Ateneo Law Journal 1801 Law         0519-2676      
6867 A Athenaeum: studi periodici di letteratura e storia dell'antichita 2103 Historical Studies         0004-6574      
15748 A Atherosclerosis 1103 Clinical Sciences         0021-9150 1879-1484    
9741 C Athletic Insight 1701 Psychology         1536-0431      
36333 C Athletic Therapy Today 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1078-7895      
7957 B Atlal 2101 Archaeology         0256-4009      
11706 A Atlanta Review 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2005 Literary Studies     1073-9696      
18188 C Atlantic Economic Journal 14 Economics         0197-4254 1573-9678    
44755 C Atlantic Geology 0403 Geology         0843-5561      
44827 A Atlantic Studies: literary, cultural and historical perspectives 2103 Historical Studies 1606 Political Science 2005 Literary Studies 1478-8810 1740-4649    
11094 B Atlantis: a women's studies journal - revue d'etudes sur les femmes 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 2005 Literary Studies     0702-7818      
44756 C Atlas of Hand Clinics 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1082-3131      
44757 C Atlas of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics of North America 1103 Clinical Sciences 1105 Dentistry     1061-3315      
34536 C Atmosfera 0401 Atmospheric Sciences 0405 Oceanography     0187-6236      
1908 B Atmosphere-Ocean 0401 Atmospheric Sciences 0405 Oceanography     0705-5900 1480-9214 1488-7576  
1954 A Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 0401 Atmospheric Sciences         1680-7316 1680-7324    
44758 C Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 0401 Atmospheric Sciences         1680-7367      
1955 A Atmospheric Environment 0907 Environmental Engineering         1352-2310 1873-2844    
40384 A Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 0401 Atmospheric Sciences         1867-1381 1867-8548    
1956 B Atmospheric Research 0401 Atmospheric Sciences         0169-8095 1873-2895    
1957 C Atmospheric Science Letters 0401 Atmospheric Sciences         1530-261X      
44759 C Atoll Research Bulletin MD Multidisciplinary         0077-5630      
1166 B Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics         0092-640X 1090-2090    
1167 C Atomic Energy 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics         1063-4258 1573-8205    
44760 C Atomic Spectroscopy 0301 Analytical Chemistry         0195-5373      
950 B Atomization and Sprays 0904 Chemical Engineering  0203 Classical Physics     1044-5110 1936-2684    
44761 C Atomos 02 Physical Sciences 09 Engineering     1882-2606      
41215 C Atoms for Peace: an international journal 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering         1741-640X 1741-6418    
11666 B ATQ: 19th century American literature and culture 2005 Literary Studies         1078-3377      
6107 C Attachment and Human Development 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1461-6734      
6108 C Attention and Performance 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1047-0387      
6549 A Attention, Perception and Psychophysics 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1943-3921 1943-393X 0031-5117  
1168 C ATW - Internationale Zeitschrift fuer Kernenergie 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics         1431-5254 0365-8414    
33104 C Auckland University Law Review 1801 Law         0067-0510      
13133 C Audio-Digest Psychiatry 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0271-1311      
44762 C Audiological Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         1651-386X      
15751 C Audiology and Neuro-Otology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1420-3030 1421-9700    
19053 A Auditing: a Journal of Practice and Theory 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         0278-0380 1558-7991    
2830 C Audubon 0608 Zoology         0097-7136      
40274 A Aufklaerung: interdisziplinaere Jahrbuch zur Erforschung des 18. Jahrhunderts und seiner Wirkungsgeschichte 2005 Literary Studies 2103 Historical Studies     0178-7128      
9200 C Augmentative and Alternative Communication 2001 Communication and Media Studies         0743-4618 1477-3848    
6870 B Augustinian Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0094-5323      
12644 B Augustiniana: revue pour l'etude de Saint Augustin et de l'Ordre des AugustinsAugustiniana 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0004-8003      
12645 A Augustinianum 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0004-8011      
34956 B Augustinus: revista trimestral publicada por los Padres Agustinos Recoletos 2203 Philosophy  2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0004-802X      
2831 A Auk: a quarterly journal of ornithology 0608 Zoology         0004-8038 1938-4254    
11525 B AUMLA - Journal of the Australasian Universities Modern Language Association 2005 Literary Studies         0001-2793      
15753 C Auris Nasus Larynx 1103 Clinical Sciences         0385-8146 1879-1476    
7960 C Ausgrabungen und Funde in Westfalen-Lippe 2101 Archaeology         0175-6133      
37116 C Auslegung: A Journal of Philosophy 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0733-4311      
3204 B Austral Ecology 0602 Ecology 0501 Ecological Applications 0502 Environmental Science and Management 1442-9985 1442-9993 0307-692X  
40372 B Australasian Accounting Business and Finance Journal 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment     1834-2000 1834-2019    
18327 C Australasian Agribusiness Review 0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management         1442-6951      
6878 C Australasian Canadian Studies: a multidisciplinary journal for the humanities and social sciences MD Multidisciplinary         1832-5408 0810-1906    
21828 B Australasian Catholic Record 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0727-3215      
34188 B Australasian Dispute Resolution Journal 1607 Social Work         1441-7847 1034-3059    
9869 A Australasian Drama Studies 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2005 Literary Studies     0810-4123      
40051 A Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal 1110 Nursing         1574-6267 1328-2743    
15754 C Australasian Epidemiologist 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1103 Clinical Sciences     1327-8835      
7961 B Australasian Historical Archaeology 2101 Archaeology         1322-9214      
7996 B Australasian Institute for Maritime Archaeology. Bulletin 2101 Archaeology         1447-0276 0813-2801    
4044 C Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Publications 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1324-6240      
36153 C Australasian Journal of Business and Behavioural Sciences 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1832-0422      
41508 C Australasian Journal of Business and Social Inquiry 1503 Business and Management         1447-7033      
40873 C Austral-Asian journal of cancer 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         0972-2556      
61 B Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 0101 Pure Mathematics 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics     1034-4942      
4155 B Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building 0905 Civil Engineering 1202 Building     1835-6354 1445-2634 1329-671X  
15756 C Australasian Journal of Dermatology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0004-8380 1440-0960    
36223 C Australasian Journal of Disaster and Trauma Studies 1702 Cognitive Science 1103 Clinical Sciences     1174-4707      
18328 C Australasian Journal of Economics Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1448-448X 1448-4498    
39577 C Australasian Journal of Ecotoxicology 05 Environmental Sciences 03 Chemical Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 1323-3475      
20265 B Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1449-5554 1324-0781 1445-0062 1449-3098
40310 B Australasian Journal of Engineering Education 1301 Education Systems  1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  0999 Other Engineering 1325-4340 1324-5821    
5805 B Australasian Journal of Environmental Management MD Multidisciplinary         1448-6563 1322-1698    
20702 C Australasian Journal of Gifted Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1323-9686      
15757 C Australasian Journal of Hospital Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         1444-0466      
19280 B Australasian Journal of Information Systems 0806 Information Systems 1702 Cognitive Science     1449-8618 1326-2238 1039-7841  
40427 B Australasian Journal of Market and Social Research (Online) 1505 Marketing         1832-7362      
33105 B Australasian Journal of Natural Resources Law and Policy 1801 Law 0502 Environmental Science and Management     1320-5323      
41511 C Australasian Journal of Peer Learning 1399 Other Education          1835-856X      
8328 A* Australasian Journal of Philosophy 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0004-8402 1471-6828    
6109 C Australasian Journal of Psychotherapy 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1446-1625 0728-6155    
18329 B Australasian Journal of Regional Studies 1604 Human Geography 1205 Urban and Regional Planning     1324-0935 1030-7923    
20689 A Australasian Journal of Special Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1030-0112 1833-6914    
15747 C Australasian Journal of Ultrasound Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         1441-6891 1836-6864    
35232 B Australasian Journal of Victorian Studies MD Multidisciplinary         1327-8746 1325-2585    
15758 C Australasian Journal on Ageing 1103 Clinical Sciences 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science 1440-6381 1741-6612    
19788 B Australasian Marketing Journal 1505 Marketing         1320-1646 1441-3582    
9870 B Australasian Music Research 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1325-5266      
2459 C Australasian Mycologist 0605 Microbiology          1441-5526      
16988 C Australasian Parliamentary Review 1605 Policy and Administration 1606 Political Science     1447-9125 0816-9152    
5034 C Australasian Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine 0903 Biomedical Engineering          0158-9938 0157-9738 0156-9465  
40238 C Australasian Plant Disease Notes 0607 Plant Biology         1833-928X      
2559 C Australasian Plant Pathology 0607 Plant Biology 0605 Microbiology  0703 Crop and Pasture Production 0815-3191 1448-6032    
13068 C Australasian Psychiatry 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science     1039-8562 1440-1665    
10636 C Australasian Public Libraries and Information Services 0807 Library and Information Studies         1030-5033      
36866 C Australasian Rehabilitation Nurses Association. Official Journal 1110 Nursing         1440-3994      
18727 C Australasian Review of African Studies MD Multidisciplinary         1447-8420      
13425 C Australia and New Zealand Health Policy 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1743-8462      
6817 C Australia and New Zealand Law and History E-Journal 2103 Historical Studies         1177-3170      
30568 C Australia. National Institute of Economic and Industry Research. National Economic Review 14 Economics         0813-9474      
7962 B Australian Aboriginal Studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 2101 Archaeology 2103 Historical Studies 0729-4352      
10637 B Australian Academic and Research Libraries 0807 Library and Information Studies         0004-8623      
19074 B Australian Accounting Review 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1035-6908 1835-2561    
36349 B Australian Actuarial Journal 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment 0102 Applied Mathematics     1442-3065      
35413 B Australian Administrative Law 1801 Law         0816-3030      
40652 Not ranked Australian and New Zealand
Journal of Organisational Psychology
1701 Psychology         1835-7601      
15762 C Australian and New Zealand Continence Journal 1103 Clinical Sciences 1110 Nursing     1448-0131 1324-2989    
9872 A Australian and New Zealand Journal of Art 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts 1901 Art Theory and Criticism     1443-4318 0314-6464    
41461 A Australian and New Zealand Journal of Art Therapy 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1701 Psychology     1833-9948      
15763 C Australian and New Zealand Journal of Audiology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1117 Public Health and Health Services     1443-4873      
16990 A Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology 1602 Criminology 1801 Law     0004-8658      
13426 C Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy: innovative and contextual approaches to human problems 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1608 Sociology 1607 Social Work 0814-723X 1467-8438    
35411 C Australian and New Zealand Journal of Law and Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1801 Law     1327-7634      
15761 C Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine     0004-8666 1479-828X    
13069 B Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0004-8674 1440-1614    
13427 B Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1326-0200 1753-6405    
779 B Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics 0104 Statistics          1369-1473 1467-842X    
15705 C Australian and New Zealand Nuclear Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         1324-1435      
35414 C Australian and New Zealand Sports Law Journal 1801 Law         1833-8852      
5382 C Australian and New Zealand Wine Industry Journal 0706 Horticultural Production         0819-2421      
40339 Not ranked Australian Animal Protection Law Journal 1801 Law         1835-7008      
41470 C Australian Archaeological Consultancy Monograph Series 2102 Curatorial and Related Studies 2101 Archaeology     1834-6634 1833-2838    
7963 A Australian Archaeology 2101 Archaeology         0312-2417      
9873 A Australian Art Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts 1032-1942      
36152 C Australian Banking and Finance Law Bulletin 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment 1801 Law     1447-137X      
37154 C Australian Bar Review 1801 Law         0814-8589      
12647 A Australian Biblical Review 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0045-0308      
19740 C Australian Bulletin of Labour 1503 Business and Management         0311-6336      
33106 B Australian Business Law Review 1801 Law         0310-1053      
36630 C Australian Civil Liability 1801 Law         1449-6127      
6110 C Australian Community Psychologist: The official journal of the APS College Of Community Psychologists 1701 Psychology         1835-7393      
35416 C Australian Crime Prosecution Law Journal 1801 Law         1321-4500      
14054 A Australian Critical Care 1110 Nursing         1036-7314      
37010 C Australian Critical Race and Whiteness Studies Association eJournal 2002 Cultural Studies 2103 Historical Studies     1832-3898      
36305 B Australian Defence Force Journal: journal of Australian profession of arms 1606 Political Science         1320-2545 1444-7150    
32538 B Australian Dental Journal 1105 Dentistry         0045-0421 1834-7819    
18643 A Australian Economic History Review: an Asia-Pacific journal of economic, business and social history 1402 Applied Economics 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     0004-8992 1467-8446    
18189 B Australian Economic Papers 14 Economics         0004-900X 1467-8454    
20245 C Australian Educational and Developmental Psychologist 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1701 Psychology     0816-5122      
20268 C Australian Educational Computing 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0816-9020 1443-833X    
20008 B Australian Educational Researcher 13 Education         0311-6999      
35159 C Australian e-Journal for the Advancement of Mental Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1446-7984      
31380 B Australian Ejournal of Theology 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1448-6326      
32539 C Australian Endodontic Journal 1105 Dentistry         1329-1947 1747-4477 0313-7384  
2832 C Australian Entomologist 0608 Zoology         1320-6133      
5498 C Australian Equine Veterinarian 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1032-6626 1834-1349 1833-8135  
13428 B Australian Family Physician 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0300-8495      
32757 B Australian Feminist Studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         0816-4649 1465-3303    
2833 C Australian Field Ornithology 0608 Zoology         1448-0107 0045-0316    
11527 C Australian Folklore: a yearly journal of folklore studies 2005 Literary Studies         0819-0852 1033-2510    
5667 C Australian Forestry 0705 Forestry Sciences         0004-9158      
30541 B Australian Garden History 0706 Horticultural Production         1033-3673      
2002 B Australian Geographer 1604 Human Geography 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience     0004-9182 1465-3311    
4153 B Australian Geomechanics Journal 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy 0905 Civil Engineering     0818-9110      
13431 C Australian Health Review 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1605 Policy and Administration     0156-5788 1449-8944    
6873 A Australian Historical Studies 2103 Historical Studies         1031-461X 1940-5049    
37231 C Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Positioning Paper Series 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         1834-9250      
22107 A Australian Humanities Review MD Multidisciplinary         1325-8338 1835-8063    
11098 C Australian Indigenous Health Bulletin 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1445-7253 1329-3362    
35418 C Australian Indigenous Law Review 1801 Law         1835-0186 1323-7756    
35456 B Australian Intellectual Property Journal 1801 Law         1038-1635      
33108 C Australian International Law Journal 1801 Law         1325-5029 0811-9260    
6874 C Australian Jewish Historical Society. Journal 2103 Historical Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0819-0615      
35667 C Australian Journal of Accounting Education 15 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services         1449-3772      
34146 C Australian Journal of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         1833-9735      
36744 B Australian Journal of Administrative Law 1801 Law         1320-7105      
20795 A Australian Journal of Adult Learning 1301 Education Systems          1443-1394 1035-0462    
14058 C Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing 1110 Nursing         1447-4328 0813-0531    
9452 A Australian Journal of Anthropology 1601 Anthropology          1035-8811 1757-6547    
17005 B Australian Journal of Asian Law 1801 Law         1443-0738      
40875 C Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences MD Multidisciplinary         1991-8178      
2557 B Australian Journal of Botany 0607 Plant Biology 0605 Microbiology      0067-1924 1444-9862    
20813 C Australian Journal of Career Development 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1038-4162      
39726 C Australian Journal of Case Management 1607 Social Work         1832-6773      
1314 B Australian Journal of Chemistry: an international journal for chemical science 03 Chemical Sciences         0004-9425 1445-0038    
4154 B Australian Journal of Civil Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering         1448-8353 1440-7027    
6111 C Australian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0156-0417      
6112 C Australian Journal of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0810-0713      
9202 B Australian Journal of Communication 1903 Journalism and Professional Writing 2001 Communication and Media Studies     0811-6202      
37186 B Australian Journal of Corporate Law 1801 Law         1037-4124      
30334 C Australian Journal of Counselling Psychology 1701 Psychology         1443-9697      
44764 Not ranked Australian Journal of Crop Science 0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management 0607 Plant Biology 0499 Other Earth Sciences 1835-2693      
5461 C Australian Journal of Dairy Technology 0702 Animal Production 0908 Food Sciences     0004-9433      
20168 A Australian Journal of Early Childhood 1301 Education Systems          0312-5033      
35964 B Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 04 Earth Sciences         0812-0099 1440-0952    
20013 B Australian Journal of Education 13 Education         0004-9441      
40795 B Australian Journal of Education of the Deaf 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1325-7609      
6113 C Australian Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology 1701 Psychology         1446-5442      
4399 C Australian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1448-837X 0725-2986    
2834 B Australian Journal of Entomology 0608 Zoology         1326-6756 1440-6055 0004-9050  
20633 B Australian Journal of Environmental Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1506 Tourism     0814-0626      
35544 A Australian Journal of Family Law 1607 Social Work 1801 Law     0817-623X      
35095 C Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences 0399 Other Chemical Sciences 0301 Analytical Chemistry 0699 Other Biological Sciences 0045-0618 1834-562X    
11528 A Australian Journal of French Studies 2005 Literary Studies 2002 Cultural Studies     0004-9468      
5383 B Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 0706 Horticultural Production 0908 Food Sciences     1322-7130 1755-0238    
6114 B Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1701 Psychology     1037-2911      
40794 C Australian Journal of Holistic Nursing 1608 Sociology         1322-8803      
33110 A Australian Journal of Human Rights 1801 Law         1323-238X      
17768 B Australian Journal of Intelligent Information Processing Systems 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science     1321-2133      
18728 A Australian Journal of International Affairs 1606 Political Science 1605 Policy and Administration     1035-7718 1465-332X    
18729 C Australian Journal of Irish Studies 2002 Cultural Studies 1608 Sociology 2103 Historical Studies 1444-5409      
12649 C Australian Journal of Jewish Studies 2103 Historical Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     1037-0838      
18332 B Australian Journal of Labour Economics: a journal of labour economics and labour relations 1402 Applied Economics         1328-1143      
37187 A Australian Journal of Labour Law 1801 Law         1030-7222      
20438 A Australian Journal of Language and Literacy 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1038-1562      
20699 B Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 2004 Linguistics     1940-4158 1940-4166 1324-8928  
8329 A Australian Journal of Legal Philosophy 2203 Philosophy  1801 Law     1440-4982 0726-5239    
8729 A Australian Journal of Linguistics 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0726-8602 1469-2996    
19154 A Australian Journal of Management 1503 Business and Management 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability 0312-8962 1327-2020    
35375 Not ranked Australian Journal of Maritime and Ocean Affairs 1801 Law 1601 Anthropology  1606 Political Science 1836-6503      
3660 C Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1448-4846 1446-2672    
34131 C Australian Journal of Medical Herbalism 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         1033-8330      
15768 C Australian Journal of Medical Science 1103 Clinical Sciences         1038-1643      
35131 C Australian Journal of Mineralogy 0403 Geology         1323-7640      
31403 C Australian Journal of Mission Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1834-4682      
3449 C Australian Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Engineering 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering 0910 Manufacturing Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 1448-8388 1441-6611 0812-3314  
40391 B Australian Journal of Music Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing     0004-9484      
9877 B Australian Journal of Music Therapy 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1036-9457      
15769 C Australian Journal of Otolaryngology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1037-2105      
9743 C Australian Journal of Outdoor Education 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1324-1486      
6115 C Australian Journal of Parapsychology 1701 Psychology         1445-2308 1035-9621 0813-2194  
15770 B Australian Journal of Physiotherapy 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science 1103 Clinical Sciences     0004-9514      
36154 A Australian Journal of Political Science 1605 Policy and Administration 1606 Political Science     1036-1146 1363-030X    
6876 A Australian Journal of Politics and History 1606 Political Science 2103 Historical Studies     0004-9522 1467-8497    
40235 B Australian Journal of Primary Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1701 Psychology     1448-7527 1836-7399 1324-2296  
8331 B Australian Journal of Professional and Applied Ethics 2201 Applied Ethics         1328-4576      
6116 C Australian Journal of Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0004-9530 1742-9536    
18732 B Australian Journal of Public Administration 1605 Policy and Administration         0313-6647 1467-8500    
13436 B Australian Journal of Rural Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1110 Nursing     1038-5282 1440-1584    
10819 B Australian Journal of Social Issues 1605 Policy and Administration         0157-6321      
5248 A Australian Journal of Soil Research 05 Environmental Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 0004-9573 1446-568X    
4156 B Australian Journal of Structural Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering         1328-7982 1440-351X    
20742 A Australian Journal of Teacher Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0313-5373 1835-517X    
4157 B Australian Journal of Water Resources 0905 Civil Engineering         1324-1583      
2835 B Australian Journal of Zoology 0608 Zoology 0707 Veterinary Sciences 0502 Environmental Science and Management 0004-959X 1446-5698    
10821 C Australian Journal on Volunteering 1506 Tourism 1608 Sociology 1701 Psychology 1325-8362 1836-0246    
9203 B Australian Journalism Review 1903 Journalism and Professional Writing 2001 Communication and Media Studies     0810-2686      
35420 C Australian Judiciary Law Journal 1801 Law         1321-4497      
9283 B Australian Language and Literacy Matters 2003 Language Studies 2005 Literary Studies     1449-3659 1320-2251 1443-7171 1035-6932
33861 B Australian Law Journal 1801 Law         0004-9611      
35421 C Australian Law Librarian 1801 Law         1039-6616      
10638 B Australian Library Journal 0807 Library and Information Studies         0004-9670      
11529 A Australian Literary Studies 2005 Literary Studies 2103 Historical Studies     0004-9697      
2836 C Australian Mammalogy 0608 Zoology 0602 Ecology     0310-0049 1836-7402    
67 C Australian Mathematical Society. Gazette 0101 Pure Mathematics         1326-2297 0311-0729    
35677 C Australian Mathematics Teacher 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0045-0685      
1958 B Australian Meteorological Magazine 0401 Atmospheric Sciences 0405 Oceanography     0004-9743      
40862 C Australian Nursing Journal 1110 Nursing         1320-3185      
44766 C Australian Nursing Journal 1110 Nursing         0045-0758      
15771 B Australian Occupational Therapy Journal 1103 Clinical Sciences         0045-0766 1440-1630    
20092 C Australian Online Journal of Arts Education 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts         1833-1505      
32540 C Australian Orthodontic Journal 1105 Dentistry         0587-3908      
15772 C Australian Orthoptic Journal 1103 Clinical Sciences         0814-0936      
6877 C Australian Perspectives 2103 Historical Studies         1832-7214      
14690 C Australian Pharmacist 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0728-4632      
1020 C Australian Physicist 0105 Mathematical Physics         1036-3831 0004-9972    
20848 B Australian Planner 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         0729-3682      
14691 C Australian Prescriber 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0312-8008      
37188 B Australian Property Law Journal 1801 Law         1038-5959      
6118 B Australian Psychologist 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0005-0067 1742-9544    
12651 B Australian Religion Studies Review 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1031-2943 1744-9014    
20171 C Australian Research in Early Childhood Education 1301 Education Systems          1320-6648      
35422 C Australian Resources and Energy Law Journal 1801 Law         1447-9710 1328-6803 1034-327X  
8730 B Australian Review of Applied Linguistics 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0155-0640 1833-7139    
18734 C Australian Review of Public Affairs 1605 Policy and Administration         1832-1526 1443-8607    
40314 C Australian Senior Mathematics Journal 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0819-4564      
36304 C Australian Slavonic and East European Studies 1605 Policy and Administration         0818-8149 0076-6267    
11446 C Australian Social Monitor 2002 Cultural Studies 1608 Sociology     1440-4842      
39980 C Australian Social Policy (Canberra) 1605 Policy and Administration         1442-6331      
34191 A Australian Social Work 1607 Social Work         0312-407X 1447-0748    
34695 B Australian Studies 2005 Literary Studies         0954-0954      
36633 C Australian Superannuation Law Bulletin 1801 Law         1035-2163      
2560 B Australian Systematic Botany 0603 Evolutionary Biology         1030-1887 1446-5701    
17018 A Australian Tax Forum: a journal of taxation policy, law and reform 1801 Law 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability     0812-695X      
17019 B Australian Tax Review 1801 Law 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability     0311-094X      
35423 C Australian Taxation Law Journal 1801 Law         1321-7488      
20369 B Australian Universities' Review 1301 Education Systems          0818-8068      
5499 B Australian Veterinary Journal 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0005-0423 1751-0813    
5500 C Australian Veterinary Practitioner 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0310-138X      
20801 B Australian Vocational Education Review 1301 Education Systems          1321-3954      
9878 C Australian Voice 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1325-1317      
36746 C Australian Yearbook of International Law 1801 Law         0084-7658      
2839 C Australian Zoologist 0608 Zoology         0067-2238      
6879 B Austrian History Yearbook 2103 Historical Studies         0067-2378 1558-5255    
44767 C Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences 0403 Geology         0251-7493      
44768 C Austrian Journal of Forest Science 0705 Forestry Sciences         0379-5292      
781 C Austrian Journal of Statistics 0104 Statistics          1026-597X 1015-0811 1015-695X  
33113 C Austrian Review of International and European Law 1801 Law         1385-1306      
41195 C Austrian Studies 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1350-7532      
8332 C Aut Aut 2203 Philosophy          0005-0601      
44769 C Autex Research Journal 09 Engineering         1470-9589      
44770 Not ranked Autism Research 1109 Neurosciences         1939-3806      
41519 Not ranked Autism Research: official journal of the International Society for Autism Research 1109 Neurosciences 1103 Clinical Sciences     1939-3792      
6119 B Autism: the international journal of research and practice 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1701 Psychology     1362-3613 1461-7005    
34707 A Auto/Biography Studies 2005 Literary Studies 2002 Cultural Studies     0898-9575      
15459 C Autoimmunity 1107 Immunology         0891-6934 1607-842X 1044-6672  
40469 C Autoimmunity Reviews 1107 Immunology         1568-9972 1873-0183    
32118 A Automated Software Engineering 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0803 Computer Software 1702 Cognitive Science 0928-8910 1573-7535    
39979 C Automatic Control and Computer Sciences 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing         0146-4116 0005-1047    
4400 A* Automatica 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0102 Applied Mathematics 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0005-1098 1873-2836    
3589 B Automation and Remote Control 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0102 Applied Mathematics     0005-1179      
4159 A Automation in Construction 09 Engineering 12 Built Environment and Design     0926-5805 1872-7891    
14692 C Autonomic and Autacoid Pharmacology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1474-8665 1474-8673 0144-1795  
14509 C Autonomic Neuroscience: Basic and Clinical 1109 Neurosciences         1566-0702 1872-7484    
32119 A Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science     1387-2532 1573-7454    
3590 B Autonomous Robots 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science     0929-5593 1573-7527    
39802 A Autophagy 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1554-8627 1554-8635    
44771 C Avances en odontoestomatologia 1105 Dentistry         0213-1285      
44772 C Avances en Psicologia Latinoamericana 1701 Psychology         1794-4724      
33114 C Ave Maria Law Review 1801 Law         1541-4221      
3064 B Avian Biology Research 0608 Zoology 0702 Animal Production     1758-1559 1470-2061    
5501 A Avian Diseases 0707 Veterinary Sciences 0608 Zoology 0605 Microbiology  0005-2086 1938-4351    
5502 A Avian Pathology 0707 Veterinary Sciences 0605 Microbiology      0307-9457 1465-3338    
44774 C Aviation 0901 Aerospace Engineering         1648-7788      
40653 B Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science 1116 Medical Physiology 1117 Public Health and Health Services 0095-6562      
8333 B Axiomathes 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     1572-8390      
6880 B Ayer 2103 Historical Studies         1134-2277      
34148 C Ayurveda Education Series 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         0970-7158      
6881 B Azania 2101 Archaeology         0067-270X 1945-5534    
40304 C Aztlan: a journal of Chicano studies 1608 Sociology 1601 Anthropology  2002 Cultural Studies 0005-2604      
11709 C B Ma: The Sonia Sanchez Literary Review 2005 Literary Studies         1078-0955      
9284 B Babel 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  2004 Linguistics 2003 Language Studies 0005-3503      
36938 B Babel: revue internationale de la traduction - international journal of translation 2004 Linguistics 2003 Language Studies     0521-9744 1569-9668    
9285 C Babylonia 2003 Language Studies         1420-0007      
9880 B BACH: Journal of the Riemenschneider Bach Institute 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     0005-3600      
40229 B Bach-Jahrbuch 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0084-7682      
2520 C Bacteriologia, Virusologia, Parazitologia, Epidemiologia 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     1220-3696      
2695 C Badania Fizjograficzne nad Polska Zachodnia. Seria B. Botanika 0607 Plant Biology         0067-2815      
3065 C Badania Fizjograficzne nad Polska Zachodnia. Seria C. Zoologia 0608 Zoology         0137-6683      
9453 B Baessler Archiv: Beitraege zur Voelkerkunde 1601 Anthropology  2101 Archaeology     0005-3856      
2415 C BAG: Journal of Basic and Applied Genetics 0604 Genetics          1666-0390 0325-223X    
17573 C Bahamas Journal of Science MD Multidisciplinary         1022-2189      
44776 C Bahrain Medical Bulletin 1103 Clinical Sciences         1012-8298      
15349 C Bahrain Medical Society Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1015-6321      
44777 C Bailliere's Best Practice and Research in Clinical Anaesthesiology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1521-6896      
5334 C Baiyi Keji 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         1001-1285      
11447 C Balayi: culture, law and colonialism 2002 Cultural Studies 1801 Law     1444-2094      
470 C Balkan Journal of Geometry and Its Applications 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1224-2780      
44778 C Balkan Journal of Medical Genetics 0604 Genetics          1311-0160      
36872 B Balkan Studies MD Multidisciplinary         0005-4313      
9882 C Ballet Review 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0522-0653      
34849 C Balthazar 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         0005-4429      
44780 C Baltic Astronomy 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences         1392-0049      
5696 C Baltic Forestry 0705 Forestry Sciences         1392-1355      
44781 C Baltic Journal of Coleopterology 0608 Zoology         1407-8619      
44782 C Baltic Journal of Economics 14 Economics 15 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services     1406-099X      
40491 C Baltic Journal of Management 1503 Business and Management 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment 1505 Marketing 1746-5265      
34580 C Baltica 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         0067-3064 1648-858X    
8732 C Baltistica: international journal of Baltic linguistics 2004 Linguistics         0132-6503      
10269 C Balungan 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         0885-7113      
41520 C Bamboo Science and Culture: the journal of the American Bamboo Society 0607 Plant Biology         1535-7635      
41522 C Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis 0102 Applied Mathematics         1735-8787      
44783 C Bandaoti Guangdian/Semiconductor Optoelectronics 0204 Condensed Matter Physics         1001-5868      
31404 C Bangalore Theological Forum 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0253-9365      
36056 C Bangladesh Development Studies 1608 Sociology         0304-095X 0304-2553    
2696 C Bangladesh Journal of Botany 0607 Plant Biology         0253-5416      
5697 C Bangladesh Journal of Forest Science 0705 Forestry Sciences         1021-3279      
44784 C Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy 0607 Plant Biology         1028-2092      
3066 C Bangladesh Journal of Zoology 0608 Zoology         0304-9027      
44785 C Bangladesh Medical Research Council Bulletin 1103 Clinical Sciences         0377-9238      
3067 C Banisteria 0608 Zoology         1066-0712      
31192 C Bank of Valletta Review 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1017-7841      
41525 C Bank Parikrama A Journal of Banking and Finance 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1019-7044      
6885 C Bankhistorisches Archiv: Zeitschrift zur Banken- und Finanzgeschichte 2103 Historical Studies         0341-6208      
35365 B Banking and Finance Law Review 1801 Law         0832-8722      
33862 C Banking Law Journal 1801 Law         0005-5506      
31194 C Banks and Bank Systems 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1816-7403 1991-7074    
3944 C Baopo Qicai (Explosive Materials) 0904 Chemical Engineering          1001-8352      
44786 C Baozha Yu Chongji/Expolosion and Shock Waves 0203 Classical Physics         1001-1455      
44787 C Bariatric Nursing and Surgical Patient Care 1110 Nursing         1557-1459      
2697 C Bartonia 0607 Plant Biology         0198-7356      
14990 C Basi Razionali della Terapia 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1827-5362      
3205 B Basic and Applied Ecology 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences     1439-1791      
6120 C Basic and Applied Social Psychology 1701 Psychology         0197-3533 1532-4834    
14693 B Basic and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1742-7835 0901-9928    
18302 C Basic Income Studies: an international journal of basic income research 1401 Economic Theory         1932-0183      
15776 B Basic Research in Cardiology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0300-8428 1435-1803    
1710 A Basin Research 04 Earth Sciences         0950-091X 1365-2117    
44788 C Batalleria 0403 Geology         0214-7831      
44889 C Baurechtliche Blaetter 1801 Law         1434-1832      
3451 B Bautechnik 0905 Civil Engineering         0340-5044 1437-0999    
39576 B Bayesian Analysis 0104 Statistics          1931-6690      
33118 B Baylor Law Review 1801 Law         0005-7274      
2154 A BBA - Bioenergetics 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0005-2728      
2155 B BBA - Biomembranes 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0904 Chemical Engineering      0005-2736 0304-4157    
36838 B BBA - General Subjects 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0304-4165 1872-8006    
40028 B BBA - Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids 1103 Clinical Sciences         1388-1981      
2157 B BBA - Proteins and Proteomics 06 Biological Sciences         1570-9639 0167-4838    
39801 B BBA: Molecular Basis of Disease 1103 Clinical Sciences 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0925-4439      
2156 A BBA: Molecular Cell Research 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1108 Medical Microbiology     0167-4889      
21218 C BC Asian Review 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         0835-6432      
35605 A BE Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy 14 Economics         1935-1682 1538-0629 1538-0637 1538-0653
10271 C Beagle: records of the museums and art galleries of the Northern Territory 2102 Curatorial and Related Studies         0811-3653      
9886 B Beethoven Forum 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1059-5031      
7971 B Before Farming 2101 Archaeology         1476-4253 1476-4261    
6122 C Behavior and Philosophy 1701 Psychology 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science 1053-8348 1943-3328    
40880 C Behavior and Social Issues 1701 Psychology         1064-9506      
6123 A Behavior Genetics: an international journal devoted to research in the inheritance of behavior in animals and man 1701 Psychology         0001-8244 1573-3297    
6124 B Behavior Modification 1701 Psychology         0145-4455 1552-4167    
6125 B Behavior Research Methods 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science     1554-351X 1554-3528 0743-3808  
6128 C Behavior Research of Severe Developmental Disabilities 1701 Psychology         0167-6059      
6130 A Behavior Therapy 1701 Psychology         0005-7894      
40608 A Behavioral and Brain Functions 1701 Psychology         1744-9081      
6131 A* Behavioral and Brain Sciences 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science 0140-525X 1469-1825    
10639 C Behavioral and Social Sciences Librarian 0807 Library and Information Studies         0163-9269 1544-4546    
6133 B Behavioral Disorders 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1701 Psychology     0198-7429      
3206 A Behavioral Ecology 0602 Ecology         1045-2249 1465-7279    
3207 A Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 0602 Ecology 0502 Environmental Science and Management     0340-5443 1432-0762    
6136 C Behavioral Interventions: theory and practice in residential and community-based clinical programs 1701 Psychology         1072-0847 1099-078X    
13070 B Behavioral Medicine: relating behavior and health 1701 Psychology 1103 Clinical Sciences     0896-4289 1940-4026    
14482 A Behavioral Neuroscience 1701 Psychology 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science 0735-7044 1939-0084    
19077 A Behavioral Research in Accounting 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1050-4753 1558-8009    
35424 A Behavioral Sciences and the Law 1801 Law 1701 Psychology     0735-3936 1099-0798    
41526 B Behavioral Sleep Medicine 1701 Psychology 1103 Clinical Sciences     1540-2002      
13440 A Behaviour and Information Technology 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science     0144-929X 1362-3001    
6141 C Behaviour Change 1701 Psychology         0813-4839      
6142 A Behaviour Research and Therapy 1701 Psychology         0005-7967 1873-622X    
2841 B Behaviour: an international journal of behaviourial biology 0608 Zoology         0005-7959 1568-539X    
6144 C Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1352-4658 1469-1833    
14483 B Behavioural Brain Research 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0166-4328 1872-7549    
44789 C Behavioural Neurology 1109 Neurosciences         0953-4180      
14694 B Behavioural Pharmacology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0955-8810 1473-5849    
6145 B Behavioural Processes 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science 0376-6357 1872-8308    
5419 C Beifang Yuanyi 0706 Horticultural Production         1001-0009      
44790 C Beijing Da Xue Xue Bao 1103 Clinical Sciences         1671-167X      
44791 C Beijing Daxue Xuebao Ziran Kexue Ban/Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis MD Multidisciplinary         0479-8023      
44792 C Beijing Gongye Daxue Xuebao / Journal of Beijing University of Technology MD Multidisciplinary         0254-0037      
44793 C Beijing Hangkong Hangtian Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics 0901 Aerospace Engineering         1001-5965      
44794 C Beijing Huagong Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexueban)/Journal of Beijing University of Chemical Technology (Natural Science Edition) MD Multidisciplinary         1671-4628      
44795 C Beijing Jiaotong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Beijing Jiaotong University MD Multidisciplinary         1673-0291      
44796 C Beijing Keji Daxue Xuebao/Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1001-053X      
44797 C Beijing Ligong Daxue Xuebao/Transaction of Beijing Institute of Technology MD Multidisciplinary         1001-0645      
44799 C Beijing Youdian Xueyuan Xuebao/Journal of Beijing University of Posts And Telecommunications 10 Technology         1000-5145      
30160 C Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry 0305 Organic Chemistry         1860-5397      
471 B Beitraege zur Algebra und Geometrie 0101 Pure Mathematics         0138-4821      
8734 A Beitraege zur Geschichte der Deutschen Sprache und Literatur 2004 Linguistics 2005 Literary Studies     0005-8076 1865-9373    
8736 B Beitraege zur Namenforschung 2004 Linguistics         0005-8114      
44800 C Beitrage zur Tabakforschung International/ Contributions to Tobacco Research 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0301 Analytical Chemistry     0173-783X      
2698 C Belarra 0607 Plant Biology         1132-2179      
11711 C Belaruskaya Litaratura 2005 Literary Studies         0134-9686      
44801 C Belfagor 2005 Literary Studies         0005-8351      
44802 C BELGEO 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience 1604 Human Geography     1377-2368      
2562 C Belgian Journal of Botany 0607 Plant Biology         0778-4031      
8737 C Belgian Journal of Linguistics 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0774-5141 1569-9676    
2842 C Belgian Journal of Zoology 0608 Zoology         0777-6276      
5095 C Bell Labs Technical Journal 1005 Communications Technologies 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering     1089-7089 1538-7305 0005-8580  
9318 C BELL: Belgian journal of English language and literatures 2003 Language Studies         1376-2958      
11712 C Beloit Poetry Journal 2005 Literary Studies         0005-8661      
32221 C Belorusskii Gosudarstvennyi Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya 1. Fizika, Mathematika, Informatika 0101 Pure Mathematics 0105 Mathematical Physics     1561-834X 0372-5375    
11713 C Belphegor: popular literature and media culture 2005 Literary Studies 2002 Cultural Studies     1499-7185      
11532 A Ben Jonson Journal: literary contexts in the age of Elizabeth, James, and Charles 2005 Literary Studies         1079-3453 1755-165X    
17633 C Benchmarking Sci-Tech Development MD Multidisciplinary         1680-2314      
19392 B Benchmarking: an international journal 1503 Business and Management         1463-5771 1758-4094 1351-3036  
12652 B Benedictina 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0392-0356      
6890 C Berceo: revista riojana de ciencias sociales y humanidades 2103 Historical Studies         0210-8550      
41530 B Bereavement Care: an international journal for those who help bereaved people 1701 Psychology 1607 Social Work     0268-2621      
6891 A Bericht der Romisch-Germanischen Kommission 2101 Archaeology         0341-9312      
5179 C Berichte Uber Landwirtschaft 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences         0005-9080      
11283 B Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte: Organ der Gesellschaft fuer Wissenschaftsgeschichte 2103 Historical Studies 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     0170-6233 1522-2365    
33120 B Berkeley Business Law Journal 1801 Law         1548-7067      
33121 C Berkeley Journal of African-American Law and Policy 1801 Law         1943-4278 1086-6620    
33122 C Berkeley Journal of Criminal Law 1801 Law         1934-9629 1934-9653    
33123 B Berkeley Journal of Employment and Labor Law: a continuation of industrial relations law journal 1801 Law         1067-7666      
35425 A Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law and Justice 1801 Law         1933-1045 0882-4312    
33125 B Berkeley Journal of International Law 1801 Law         1085-5718 0741-4269    
33126 C Berkeley La Raza Law Journal 1801 Law         1544-9882 8755-8815    
20949 C Berkeley Planning Journal 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         1047-5192      
33127 A Berkeley Technology Law Journal 1801 Law         1086-3818 0885-2715    
10822 C Berliner Journal fur Soziologie 1608 Sociology         0863-1808 1862-2593    
31381 B Berliner Theologische Zeitschrift 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0724-6137      
5503 C Berliner und Munchener Tierarztliche Wochenschrift 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0005-9366 1439-0299    
782 A Bernoulli: a journal of mathematical statistics and probability 0104 Statistics          1350-7265      
34999 B Bertrand Russell Society Quarterly 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     1547-0334 1052-7729    
6892 B Berytus Archeological Studies 2101 Archaeology         0067-6195      
15782 C Best Practice and Research in Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1521-6934 1532-1932    
15780 C Best Practice and Research: Clinical Anaesthesiology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1753-3740 1532-169X    
15778 B Best Practice and Research: Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 1103 Clinical Sciences         1521-690X 1532-1908    
15781 B Best Practice and Research: Clinical Gastroenterology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1521-6918 1532-1916    
15779 C Best Practice and Research: Clinical Haematology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1521-6926 1532-1924 0950-3536  
15783 B Best Practice and Research: Clinical Rheumatology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1521-6942 1532-1770    
36956 C Between the Species (Online Edition): an online journal for the study of philosophy and animals 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     1945-8487      
32849 B BFuP - Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis 15 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services         0340-5370 0006-002X    
30081 C Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute. Annals 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         0378-1143      
4524 C BHEL Journal 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0970-1540      
4085 C BHM-Zeitschrift fuer Rohstoffe Geotechnik Metallurgie Werkstoffe Maschinen-Und Anlagentechnik 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0005-8912 1613-7531 0026-9875 0026-9883
4525 C Bianyaqi 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1001-8425      
31405 C Bible Review 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1544-2160 8755-6316    
12655 A* Biblica 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0006-0887      
12656 C Biblical Archaeology Review 2204 Religion and Religious Studies 2103 Historical Studies 2101 Archaeology 0098-9444 1096-9640    
12657 A Biblical Interpretation: a journal of contemporary approaches 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0927-2569 1568-5152    
31363 A Biblical Research 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0067-6535      
31382 C Biblical Theology Bulletin 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0146-1079 1945-7596    
40584 C Biblionews and Australian Notes and Queries: journal for book collectors 2103 Historical Studies 2005 Literary Studies     0157-3276      
7648 A* Bibliotheca Hertziana. Roemisches Jahrbuch 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing 21 History and Archaeology     0940-7855      
7975 B Bibliotheca Orientalis 2002 Cultural Studies 2101 Archaeology     0006-1913 1875-659X    
41825 C Bibliotheca Sacra: a theological quarterly 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0006-1921      
6894 C Bibliotheque de l'Ecole des Chartes: revue d'erudition 2103 Historical Studies         0373-6237      
31430 A Bibliotheque d'Humanisme et Renaissance: travaux et documents 2005 Literary Studies         0006-1999      
12659 A Biblische Zeitschrift 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0006-2014      
40691 C BIIS: Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies 1606 Political Science         1010-9536      
6896 B Bijdragen en Mededelingen Betreffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden 2103 Historical Studies         0165-0505      
6899 B Bijdragen tot de Geschiedenis: inzonderheid van het aloude hertogdom Brabant 2103 Historical Studies         0006-2286      
8337 A Bijdragen: international journal for philosophy and theology 2203 Philosophy  2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0006-2278 1783-1377    
20462 B Bilingual Research Journal 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1523-5882 1523-5890    
36959 C Bilingual Review 2004 Linguistics         0094-5366      
8739 B Bilingualism-Language and Cognition 1701 Psychology 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science 1366-7289 1469-1841    
15784 C Binocular Vision andtrabismus Quarterly 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry         1088-6281      
4318 C Bio 0905 Civil Engineering         0103-5134      
2844 C Bioacoustics: the international journal of animal sound and its recording 0608 Zoology         0952-4622      
3333 B Biocatalysis and Biotransformation 1003 Industrial Biotechnology         1024-2422 1029-2446    
2146 C Biocell 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1108 Medical Microbiology     0327-9545 1667-5746    
15260 C Biochemia Medica 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics         1330-0962      
2147 B Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics 0006-291X 1090-2104    
3840 A Biochemical Engineering Journal 0904 Chemical Engineering          1369-703X 1873-295X    
2362 C Biochemical Genetics 0604 Genetics          0006-2928 1573-4927    
2148 A Biochemical Journal 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics     0264-6021 1470-8728    
14695 A Biochemical Pharmacology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0006-2952 1873-2968    
2149 C Biochemical Society Symposium 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0067-8694 1744-1439    
15261 B Biochemical Society Transactions 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology     0300-5127 1470-8752    
3208 C Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 0602 Ecology         0305-1978 1873-2925    
2310 B Biochemist 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0954-982X      
2150 A Biochemistry 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics     0006-2960 1520-4995    
2151 B Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0829-8211 1208-6002    
20634 B Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1470-8175 1539-3429    
5777 B Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Fishes 0704 Fisheries Sciences         1873-0140      
2152 C Biochemistry-Moscow 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0006-2979 1608-3040 0320-9725  
15777 A Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Reviews on Cancer 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         0304-419X      
36767 B Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Gene Regulatory Mechanisms 0604 Genetics          1874-9399 0167-4781    
2153 B Biochimica et Biophysica Acta: international journal of biochemistry and biophysics 06 Biological Sciences         0006-3002      
2158 B Biochimie 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0300-9084 1638-6183    
1564 A Bioconjugate Chemistry 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0305 Organic Chemistry     1043-1802 1520-4812    
3334 B Biocontrol Science and Technology 1001 Agricultural Biotechnology         0958-3157 1360-0478    
2876 B BioControl: journal of the International Organisation for Biological Control 03 Chemical Sciences 06 Biological Sciences     1386-6141 1573-8248 0013-8959  
42223 Not ranked BioData Mining 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics         1756-0381      
39800 B Biodegradation 0605 Microbiology          0923-9820 1572-9729    
3209 C Biodiversity 06 Biological Sciences 05 Environmental Sciences     1488-8386      
3210 B Biodiversity and Conservation 0502 Environmental Science and Management 0602 Ecology 0501 Ecological Applications 0960-3115 1572-9710    
14696 B BioDrugs: clinical immunotherapeutics, biopharmaceuticals and gene therapy 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1173-8804 1172-7039    
1409 B Bioelectrochemistry 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)     1567-5394 0302-4598    
2051 A Bioelectromagnetics 06 Biological Sciences 09 Engineering     0197-8462 1521-186X    
35096 A BioEssays 06 Biological Sciences         0265-9247 1521-1878    
8338 A* Bioethics 2201 Applied Ethics 2204 Religion and Religious Studies 2203 Philosophy  0269-9702 1467-8519    
34990 C Bioethics Forum 2203 Philosophy          1065-7274      
2314 C BioFactors 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0951-6433 1872-8081    
41537 B Biofilms 0605 Microbiology          1479-0505      
951 C Biofizika 0299 Other Physical Sciences         0006-3029 0006-3509    
39799 A Biofouling: the journal of bioadhesion and biofilm research 0605 Microbiology  0911 Maritime Engineering  1002 Environmental Biotechnology 0892-7014      
41538 B Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining 1003 Industrial Biotechnology 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0907 Environmental Engineering 1932-104X 1932-1031    
2315 C Biogenic Amines 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0168-8561 1569-3910    
1711 A Biogeochemistry: an international journal 0399 Other Chemical Sciences 0402 Geochemistry     0168-2563 1573-515X    
35114 A Biogeosciences 0403 Geology         1726-4170 1726-4189    
15786 B Biogerontology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1389-5729 1573-6768    
6900 C Biografie Bulletin 2103 Historical Studies         0925-7764      
6901 C Biography (Honolulu) 2005 Literary Studies         0162-4962 1529-1456    
39798 A* Bioinformatics 0104 Statistics          1367-4803      
30014 C Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications 0302 Inorganic Chemistry         1565-3633 1687-479X    
34319 A Biointerphases: an open access journal for the biomaterials interface community 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry 0299 Other Physical Sciences     1934-8630 1559-4106    
2317 C Biokemistri 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0795-8080      
36984 A Biolinguistics 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     1450-3417      
2052 C Biologia 06 Biological Sciences         0006-3088 1336-9563    
2564 C Biologia Plantarum: journal for experimental botany 0607 Plant Biology         0006-3134 1573-8264    
2699 C Biologia. Section Botany 0607 Plant Biology         1335-6372      
31057 C Biological Agriculture and Horticulture: an international journal of sustainable production systems 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         0144-8765      
14697 B Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0918-6158 1347-5215    
2053 C Biological Bulletin 06 Biological Sciences         0006-3185 1939-8697    
2521 B Biological Chemistry: official scientific journal of the GBM 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1431-6730 1437-4315    
3211 A Biological Conservation 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 0006-3207 1873-2917    
3335 B Biological Control 0608 Zoology         1049-9644 1090-2112    
35100 A Biological Cybernetics: communication and control in organisms and automata 0299 Other Physical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0340-1200 1432-0770    
3212 B Biological Invasions 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences     1387-3547 1573-1464    
2054 B Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 06 Biological Sciences         0024-4066 1095-8312    
35138 C Biological Procedures Online MD Multidisciplinary         1480-9222      
2318 A Biological Psychiatry 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1701 Psychology     0006-3223 1873-2402    
6148 A Biological Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0301-0511 1873-6246    
2055 C Biological Research 06 Biological Sciences         0716-9760 0717-6287    
14178 A Biological Research for Nursing 1110 Nursing         1099-8004 1552-4175    
2056 A* Biological Reviews 06 Biological Sciences         1464-7931 1469-185X 0006-3231  
2057 C Biological Rhythm Research 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1116 Medical Physiology     0929-1016 1744-4179    
2109 C Biological Society of Washington. Proceedings 06 Biological Sciences         0006-324X 1943-6327    
2087 C Biologicals 06 Biological Sciences         1045-1056 1095-8320    
2161 C Biologicheskie Membrany 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0233-4755      
40982 C Biologist 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0006-3347      
17544 C Biology and Environment: proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy MD Multidisciplinary         0791-7945 2009-003X    
5250 B Biology and Fertility of Soils 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 0178-2762 1432-0789    
8339 A* Biology and Philosophy 06 Biological Sciences 22 Philosophy and Religious Studies 17 Psychology and Cognitive Sciences 0169-3867 1572-8404    
42224 C Biology Direct 06 Biological Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences     1745-6150      
20646 C Biology Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0970-5961      
2059 A Biology Letters 06 Biological Sciences         1744-9561 1744-957X    
15787 A Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 1103 Clinical Sciences         1083-8791 1523-6536    
22121 A Biology of Reproduction 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0006-3363 1529-7268    
9818 C Biology of Sport 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         0860-021X      
2162 C Biology of the Cell 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0248-4900 1768-322X    
1666 A Biomacromolecules 06 Biological Sciences 03 Chemical Sciences 09 Engineering 1525-7797 1526-4602    
2319 C Biomagnetic Research and Technology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1477-044X      
14895 C Biomarker Insights 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1177-2719      
36586 B Biomarkers 1002 Environmental Biotechnology         1354-750X 1366-5804    
3452 A Biomass and Bioenergy 1002 Environmental Biotechnology 0904 Chemical Engineering      0961-9534 1873-2909    
32541 C BIOmaterialien: offizielles Organ der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Biomaterialien 1105 Dentistry         1616-0177      
5035 A* Biomaterials 0903 Biomedical Engineering  0904 Chemical Engineering  0912 Materials Engineering 0142-9612 1878-5905    
3453 C Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1617-7959 1617-7940    
1616 C Biomedical Chromatography 0301 Analytical Chemistry 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences     0269-3879 1099-0801    
42225 A BioMedical Engineering OnLine 0903 Biomedical Engineering          1475-925X      
40719 C Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications 1117 Public Health and Health Services 0903 Biomedical Engineering      1793-7132 1016-2372    
40029 C Biomedical Imaging and Intervention Journal: a multidisciplinary open access online journal 1103 Clinical Sciences         1823-5530      
44828 C Biomedical Instrumentation and Technology 0903 Biomedical Engineering          0899-8205 1943-5967    
40745 C Biomedical Materials 1004 Medical Biotechnology 0903 Biomedical Engineering      1748-6041 1748-605X    
44834 B Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering 0903 Biomedical Engineering          0959-2989      
39710 A Biomedical Microdevices 0903 Biomedical Engineering  0912 Materials Engineering     1387-2176 1572-8781    
15296 C Biomedical Research 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0388-6107 1880-313X    
3391 C Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 1004 Medical Biotechnology 0903 Biomedical Engineering      1746-8094      
14699 B Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0753-3322 1950-6007    
2320 C Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0042-8809      
44830 B Biomedizinische Technik 0903 Biomedical Engineering          0013-5585 1862-278X    
2164 C Biometals 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0966-0844 1572-8773 0933-5854  
783 B Biometrical Journal: journal of mathematical methods in biosciences 0104 Statistics          0323-3847 1521-4036    
32526 A* Biometrics 0104 Statistics          0006-341X 1541-0420    
922 A* Biometrika 0104 Statistics          0006-3444 1464-3510    
1565 B Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences     0968-0896 1464-3391    
1566 A Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences     0960-894X 1464-3405    
1567 C Bioorganic Chemistry 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry         0045-2068 1090-2120    
14700 B Biopharmaceutics and Drug Disposition 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0142-2782 1099-081X    
1410 B Biophysical Chemistry 06 Biological Sciences 02 Physical Sciences 03 Chemical Sciences 0301-4622 1873-4200    
952 A* Biophysical Journal 0299 Other Physical Sciences 0903 Biomedical Engineering      0006-3495 1542-0086 0523-6800  
30235 A Biophysical Reviews and Letters 0299 Other Physical Sciences         1793-0480 1793-7035    
35097 B Biopolymers 06 Biological Sciences 03 Chemical Sciences     0006-3525 1097-0282    
15204 C Biopolymers and Cell 1108 Medical Microbiology         0233-7657 1993-6842    
3337 B Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering: bioreactors, upstream and downstream processes, measurement and control 1001 Agricultural Biotechnology 0903 Biomedical Engineering      1615-7591 1615-7605 0178-515X  
3392 C BioProcessing: advances and trends in biological product development 10 Technology 06 Biological Sciences 09 Engineering 1538-8786      
36218 B BioPsychoSocial Medicine 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1751-0759      
5251 B Bioremediation Journal 1002 Environmental Biotechnology         1088-9868 1547-6529    
3393 C Bio-Research 10 Technology 06 Biological Sciences     1596-7409      
3454 A Bioresource Technology MD Multidisciplinary         0960-8524 1873-2976 0144-4565 0167-5826
40983 C BioResources 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1930-2126      
5036 A Biorheology: an international journal 0903 Biomedical Engineering  1103 Clinical Sciences     0006-355X 1878-5034    
2061 A Bioscience 06 Biological Sciences 05 Environmental Sciences     0006-3568 1525-3244    
2565 C Bioscience and Microflora 0607 Plant Biology         1342-1441 1349-8355 0286-9306  
35669 C Bioscience Education Electronic Journal 13 Education         1479-7860      
33128 B Bio-Science Law Review 1801 Law         1365-8867      
2165 B Bioscience Reports: molecular and cellular biology of the cell surface 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0144-8463 1573-4935    
2062 C Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0703 Crop and Pasture Production     0916-8451 1347-6947    
3394 B Biosecurity and Bioterrorism: biodefense strategy, practice and science 11 Medical and Health Sciences 16 Studies In Human Society 06 Biological Sciences 1538-7135 1557-850X    
1617 A* Biosensors and Bioelectronics 1007 Nanotechnology 0301 Analytical Chemistry 0903 Biomedical Engineering  0956-5663 1873-4235    
40543 C BioSocieties 06 Biological Sciences         1745-8552 1745-8560    
40721 A* Biostatistics 0104 Statistics  0604 Genetics      1465-4644 1468-4357    
2063 B Biosystems 06 Biological Sciences 09 Engineering     0303-2647 1872-8324    
3455 A Biosystems Engineering 0999 Other Engineering 0903 Biomedical Engineering      1537-5110 1537-5129 0021-8634  
3395 C Biotech Medical 1004 Medical Biotechnology         1902-7818 1902-7826 1603-9939  
15179 C Biotechnic and Histochemistry: a journal for microtechnic and histochemistry 1108 Medical Microbiology         1052-0295 1473-7760 0038-9153  
3341 B BioTechniques: the journal of laboratory technology for bioresearch 10 Technology 06 Biological Sciences     0736-6205 1940-9818    
3342 B Biotechnology 10 Technology 06 Biological Sciences 09 Engineering 1682-296X 1682-2978    
3343 A Biotechnology Advances 10 Technology 06 Biological Sciences 09 Engineering 0734-9750 1873-1899    
3344 C Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry 10 Technology 06 Biological Sciences 09 Engineering 0885-4513 1470-8744 0161-7354  
3345 A Biotechnology and Bioengineering 10 Technology 09 Engineering 06 Biological Sciences 0006-3592 1097-0290    
36842 C Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering 0604 Genetics  0904 Chemical Engineering      1226-8372 1976-3816    
3396 C Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment 10 Technology 09 Engineering 06 Biological Sciences 1310-2818      
3397 C Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Reviews 10 Technology 06 Biological Sciences 09 Engineering 0264-8725      
3398 C Biotechnology and Molecular Biology Reviews 10 Technology 06 Biological Sciences 09 Engineering 1538-2273      
3399 C Biotechnology Annual Review 10 Technology 06 Biological Sciences 09 Engineering 1387-2656 1875-5208    
3400 C Biotechnology for Biofuels 1003 Industrial Biotechnology 0904 Chemical Engineering      1754-6834      
3401 C Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry 1001 Agricultural Biotechnology         1450-9156 0353-6289    
41542 B Biotechnology Journal 1002 Environmental Biotechnology 1003 Industrial Biotechnology 1004 Medical Biotechnology 1860-6768 1860-7314    
33129 C Biotechnology Law Report 1801 Law         0730-031X 1557-8704    
3346 A Biotechnology Letters 10 Technology 06 Biological Sciences 09 Engineering 0141-5492 1573-6776 0951-208X  
3347 A Biotechnology Progress 10 Technology 06 Biological Sciences 09 Engineering 8756-7938 1520-6033    
3403 C Biotecnologia Aplicada 10 Technology 09 Engineering 06 Biological Sciences 0864-4551 1027-2852    
3404 C Biotecnologia Vegetal 1001 Agricultural Biotechnology 0904 Chemical Engineering      1609-1841      
3405 C Biotekhnologiya 10 Technology 09 Engineering 06 Biological Sciences 0234-2758      
3213 B Biotropica 06 Biological Sciences         0006-3606 1744-7429    
13135 A Bipolar Disorders 1103 Clinical Sciences         1398-5647      
2845 C Bird Behavior: an international and interdisciplinary multimedia journal 0608 Zoology         0156-1383 0314-5921    
5809 C Bird Conservation International 06 Biological Sciences 05 Environmental Sciences     0959-2709 1474-0001    
2846 C Bird Study: the science of pure and applied orinthology 0608 Zoology         0006-3657 1944-6705 0523-6894  
11714 C Birmingham Poetry Review 2005 Literary Studies         1047-2258      
15793 C Birth Defects Research Part C: Embryo Today Reviews 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1542-975X      
15794 B Birth Defects Research. Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1542-0752 1542-0760 0040-3709  
14701 C Birth Defects Research. Part B: Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1542-9733 1542-9741 0270-3211  
41544 B Birth Issues 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1038-023X      
13442 A* Birth: Issues in Perinatal Care 1110 Nursing 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1103 Clinical Sciences 0730-7659 1523-536X    
70 B BIT Numerical Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     0006-3835 1572-9125    
10272 C Biuletyn Historii Sztuki 1901 Art Theory and Criticism         0006-3967      
2321 C Biyokimya Dergisi 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1303-829X 0250-4685    
15795 A BJOG: an International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine 1117 Public Health and Health Services     1470-0328 1471-0528    
15030 C BJPS: Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1984-8250 1516-9332 0370-4726  
42203 C BJR Supplement 1103 Clinical Sciences         0961-2653      
15843 C BJU International 1103 Clinical Sciences         1464-410X      
35765 B Black Camera: a micro journal of black film studies 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         1536-3155      
11715 C Black Ice 2005 Literary Studies         1047-515X      
9887 B Black Music Research Journal 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0276-3605 1946-1615    
10823 C Black Scholar: journal of Black studies and research 1608 Sociology         0006-4246      
32719 C Black Women, Gender and Families 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1935-2743 1944-6462    
11286 C Blaetter fuer Technikgeschichte 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0067-9127      
11534 C Blake: an Illustrated Quarterly 2005 Literary Studies         0160-628X      
11716 C Blithe Spirit: Journal of the British Haiku Society 2005 Literary Studies         1353-3320      
15797 A* Blood 1103 Clinical Sciences 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine 0006-4971 1528-0020    
15798 B Blood Cells, Molecules and Diseases 1103 Clinical Sciences         1079-9796 1096-0961    
15799 B Blood Coagulation and Fibrinolysis: international journal in haemostasis and thrombosis 1103 Clinical Sciences         0957-5235 1473-5733    
15801 B Blood Pressure Monitoring 1103 Clinical Sciences         1359-5237 1473-5725    
42200 C Blood Pressure. Supplement 1103 Clinical Sciences         0803-8023 1651-2480    
15800 B Blood Pressure: for the advancement of hypertension research 1103 Clinical Sciences         0803-7051 1651-1999    
15802 C Blood Purification 1103 Clinical Sciences         0253-5068 1421-9735    
15803 A Blood Reviews 1103 Clinical Sciences         0268-960X 1532-1681    
17575 C Blue Jay MD Multidisciplinary         0006-5099      
2566 C Blumea: a journal of plant-taxonomy and plant-geography 0607 Plant Biology         0006-5196      
2228 C BMB Reports 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1976-6696 1976-670X 1225-8687 0368-4881
44804 B BMC Anesthesiology 1116 Medical Physiology         1471-2253      
2322 B BMC Biochemistry 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1471-2091 1471-2237    
40343 A BMC Bioinformatics 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 1471-2105      
37245 A BMC Biology 06 Biological Sciences         1741-7007      
3349 B BMC Biotechnology 10 Technology 06 Biological Sciences     1472-6750      
42226 C BMC Blood Disorders 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1471-2326      
15804 B BMC Cancer 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1471-2407      
40984 C BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1471-2261      
2167 B BMC Cell Biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1471-2121      
2323 B BMC Chemical Biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1472-6769      
2522 C BMC Clinical Pathology 0605 Microbiology  1107 Immunology     1472-6890      
14896 B BMC Clinical Pharmacology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1472-6904      
34132 C BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         1472-6882      
40847 B BMC Dermatology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1471-5945      
39796 B BMC Developmental Biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0604 Genetics  1103 Clinical Sciences 1471-213X      
44805 B BMC Ear, Nose and Throat Disorders 1103 Clinical Sciences         1472-6815      
36843 B BMC Ecology 0602 Ecology         1472-6785      
42227 C BMC Emergency Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         1471-227X      
40985 C BMC Endocrine Disorders 1103 Clinical Sciences         1472-6823      
3214 A BMC Evolutionary Biology 0603 Evolutionary Biology 0604 Genetics      1471-2148      
13443 B BMC Family Practice 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1471-2296      
15805 B BMC Gastroenterology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1471-230X      
2417 B BMC Genetics 0604 Genetics          1471-2156      
2363 A BMC Genomics 0604 Genetics          1471-2164      
15806 C BMC Geriatrics 1103 Clinical Sciences         1471-2318      
13444 B BMC Health Services Research 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1472-6963      
15544 B BMC Immunology 1107 Immunology         1471-2172      
15807 B BMC Infectious Diseases 1103 Clinical Sciences 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology 1471-2334      
13445 B BMC International Health and Human Rights 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1472-698X      
13446 A BMC Medical Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1472-6920      
34988 B BMC Medical Ethics 2201 Applied Ethics         1472-6939      
15808 B BMC Medical Genetics 1103 Clinical Sciences 0604 Genetics      1471-2350      
44806 B BMC Medical Genomics 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis 0604 Genetics  1755-8794      
44807 C BMC Medical Imaging 1103 Clinical Sciences         1471-2342      
40752 B BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 0806 Information Systems 1103 Clinical Sciences     1472-6947      
44808 C BMC Medical Physics 1116 Medical Physiology 0299 Other Physical Sciences     1756-6649      
15297 C BMC Medical Research Methodology 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1471-2288      
40887 B BMC Medicine 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences         1741-7015      
2523 A BMC Microbiology 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     1471-2180      
39795 B BMC Molecular Biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics 1471-2199      
15809 B BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 1103 Clinical Sciences         1471-2474      
15810 C BMC Nephrology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1471-2369      
40064 C BMC Neurology 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     1471-2377      
14560 B BMC Neuroscience 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     1471-2202      
40052 C BMC Nursing 1110 Nursing         1472-6955      
40846 C BMC Ophthalmology 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry         1471-2415      
32542 C BMC Oral Health 1105 Dentistry         1472-6831      
40848 B BMC Palliative Care 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1472-684X      
15811 C BMC Pediatrics 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1471-2431      
14897 B BMC Pharmacology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1471-2210      
3178 B BMC Physiology 0606 Physiology  1116 Medical Physiology     1472-6793      
2567 B BMC Plant Biology 0607 Plant Biology 0605 Microbiology  0703 Crop and Pasture Production 1471-2229      
15812 C BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1471-2393      
13134 B BMC Psychiatry 1103 Clinical Sciences         1471-244X      
13449 B BMC Public Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1471-2458      
42228 C BMC Pulmonary Medicine 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1471-2466      
42229 Not ranked BMC Research Notes 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences         1756-0500      
42230 C BMC Structural Biology 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences         1472-6807      
44809 B BMC Surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         1471-2482      
42231 B BMC Systems Biology 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences         1752-0509      
44810 B BMC Urology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1471-2490      
5592 B BMC Veterinary Research 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1746-6148      
13450 B BMC Women's Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine     1472-6874      
41546 A BMJ - General Practice Edition 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0959-8154      
44811 B BMJ (Clinical research ed.) 1103 Clinical Sciences         0959-8138      
40222 A* BMJ: British Medical Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0959-535X 1468-5833    
12090 C BNVKI newsletter 2005 Literary Studies         1566-8266      
34987 C Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch fuer Antike und Mittelalter 2203 Philosophy          1384-6663 1569-9684    
10824 A* Body and Society 1608 Sociology         1357-034X 1460-3632    
6149 C Body Image 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1740-1445 1873-6807    
10274 C Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy: an international journal for theory, research and practice 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1743-2979 1743-2987    
30259 C Bogeon Sahoe Yeongu 1603 Demography          1226-072X 1226-0282    
12660 C Bogoslovni Vestnik 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0006-5722 1581-2987    
12661 C Bogoslovska Smotra 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0352-3101      
6905 B Bohemia: Zeitschrift fuer Geschichte und Kultur der boehmischen Laender 2103 Historical Studies         0523-8587      
5698 C Bois et Forets des Tropiques 0705 Forestry Sciences         0006-579X 1777-5760    
7976 C Boletin de Arqueologia Medieval 2101 Archaeology         0213-6090      
6907 B Boletin de la Real Academia de la Historia 2103 Historical Studies         0034-0626      
40552 B Boletin de Linguistica 2004 Linguistics         0798-9709      
30696 C Boletin de Matematicas 0101 Pure Mathematics         0120-0380      
11718 C Boletin Galego de Literatura 2005 Literary Studies         0214-9117      
11720 B Bollettino '900 2005 Literary Studies         1126-7003 1124-1578    
31300 B Bollettino d'Arte 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         0394-4573      
6908 C Bollettino dei Classici 2103 Historical Studies         0392-842X      
6911 C Bollettino Dell'istituto Storico Italiano Per Il Medioevo 2103 Historical Studies         1127-6096 0392-5242    
33130 C Bond Law Review 1801 Law         1033-4505      
15813 A Bone 1103 Clinical Sciences 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine     8756-3282      
15814 B Bone Marrow Transplantation 1103 Clinical Sciences         0268-3369 1476-5365    
42201 C Bone Marrow Transplantation. Supplement 1103 Clinical Sciences         0951-3078      
6915 B Bonner Jahrbuecher: des Rheinischen Landesmuseums in Bonn 2101 Archaeology         0938-9334      
3069 C Bonner Zoologische Beitraege 0608 Zoology         0006-7172      
6916 A Book History 2005 Literary Studies 2103 Historical Studies     1098-7371 1529-1499    
34694 B Bookbird: a journal of international children's literature 2005 Literary Studies         0006-7377      
10275 C B'Or Ha-Torah: science, the arts and modern life in the light of the Torah 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         0333-6298      
11535 B Borderlands E - Journal: new spaces in the humanities 2102 Curatorial and Related Studies         1447-0810      
34584 A Boreas 0402 Geochemistry 0403 Geology 0404 Geophysics 0300-9483 1502-3885    
11721 C Borrowers and Lenders: the journal of Shakespeare and appropriation 2005 Literary Studies         1554-6985      
33131 B Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review 1801 Law 0502 Environmental Science and Management     0190-7034 1930-4498    
33133 B Boston College International and Comparative Law Review 1801 Law         0277-5778 1930-563X 0161-2832  
33134 B Boston College Law Review 1801 Law         0161-6587 1930-661X    
33135 B Boston College Third World Law Journal 1801 Law         0276-3583 1930-5648    
34986 B Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science: Boston colloquium for the philosophy of science 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0068-0346      
33136 B Boston University International Law Journal 1801 Law         0737-8947 1930-658X    
33138 A Boston University Law Review 1801 Law         0006-8047      
2701 C Botanica Complutensis 0607 Plant Biology         0214-4565      
2702 C Botanica Helvetica 0607 Plant Biology         0253-1453 1420-9063    
2703 C Botanica Macaronesica 0607 Plant Biology         0211-7150      
2568 C Botanica Marina 0607 Plant Biology         0006-8055 1437-4323    
2570 B Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 0607 Plant Biology         0024-4074 1095-8339    
2704 C Botanical Research Institute of Texas. Journal 0607 Plant Biology         1934-5259 0036-1488    
2705 C Botanical Studies 0607 Plant Biology         1817-406X 0006-8063    
2706 C Botanicheskii Zhurnal 0607 Plant Biology         0006-8136      
2707 C Botanika-Steciana 0607 Plant Biology         1896-1908      
2708 C Botanische Jahrbuecher fuer Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie 0603 Evolutionary Biology         0006-8152      
2573 B Botany 0607 Plant Biology         1916-2790 1916-2804 0008-4026  
2709 C Bothalia 0607 Plant Biology         0006-8241      
41439 Not ranked Botulinum Journal 0605 Microbiology          1754-7318 1754-7326    
11722 A Boundary 2: an International Journal of Literature and Culture 2005 Literary Studies 2002 Cultural Studies     0190-3659 1527-2141    
32224 B Boundary Value Problems 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1687-2762 1687-2770    
1959 B Boundary-Layer Meteorology: an international journal of physical and biological processes in the atmospheric boundary layer 0401 Atmospheric Sciences         0006-8314 1573-1472    
5594 C Bovine Practitioner 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0524-1685      
15815 C Brachytherapy 1103 Clinical Sciences         1538-4721 1873-1449    
33863 C Bracton Law Journal 1801 Law         0308-4574      
2710 C Bradleya 0607 Plant Biology         0265-086X 0007-9375    
35119 C Bragantia 0403 Geology         0006-8705 1678-4499    
36403 B Brahmavidya: the Adyar library bulletin MD Multidisciplinary         0001-902X      
9888 C Brahms Studies 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1074-4843      
14495 A* Brain 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences 1701 Psychology 0006-8950 1460-2156    
15817 C Brain Aging: International Journal 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science     1582-8352 1582-8360    
6150 A Brain and Cognition 1702 Cognitive Science 1109 Neurosciences 1701 Psychology 0278-2626 1090-2147    
15816 B Brain and Development 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0387-7604 1872-7131    
6151 A Brain and Language 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0093-934X 1090-2155    
8340 B Brain and Mind: a transdisciplinary journal of neuroscience and neurophilosophy 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     1389-1987      
2242 B Brain Cell Biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1109 Neurosciences     1559-7105 0300-4864    
40868 C Brain Imaging and Behavior: an international journal 1109 Neurosciences         1931-7557 1931-7565    
15818 C Brain Impairment 1103 Clinical Sciences 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science 1443-9646      
22125 B Brain Injury 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0269-9052 1362-301X    
15819 A Brain Pathology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1015-6305 1750-3639    
14502 B Brain Research 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0006-8993 1872-6240 0169-328X 1385-299X
14511 B Brain Research Bulletin 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0361-9230 1873-2747    
14512 A Brain Research Reviews 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0165-0173 1872-6321    
14643 C Brain Structure and Function 1116 Medical Physiology         1863-2653 1863-2661 0340-2061 0044-2232
15820 B Brain Topography: journal of functional neurophysiology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science 1109 Neurosciences 0896-0267 1573-6792    
2364 B Brain, Behavior and Evolution 0604 Genetics  1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science 0006-8977 1421-9743    
15461 A Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 1107 Immunology 1109 Neurosciences     0889-1591 1090-2139    
15350 C Bratislava Medical Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0006-9248      
2047 C Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology: an international journal 06 Biological Sciences         1516-8913 1678-4324 0365-0979  
32543 C Brazilian Dental Journal 1105 Dentistry         0103-6440 1806-4760    
18250 C Brazilian Electronic Journal of Economics 14 Economics         1516-4373      
18335 C Brazilian Journal of Business Economics 1402 Applied Economics         1676-8000      
3841 C Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering 0904 Chemical Engineering          0104-6632      
9689 C Brazilian Journal of Food Technology 0908 Food Sciences         1516-7275 0100-350X    
15298 C Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0100-879X 1678-4510    
2524 C Brazilian Journal of Microbiology 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     1517-8382 1678-4405    
35071 C Brazilian Journal of Oceanography 0405 Oceanography         1679-8759      
32544 C Brazilian Journal of Oral Sciences 1105 Dentistry         1677-3217 1677-3225    
953 C Brazilian Journal of Physics 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     0103-9733      
2711 C Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology 0607 Plant Biology         1677-0420 1677-9452 0103-3131  
39977 C Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics (Brazilian Stat. Assoc.) 0104 Statistics  0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0103-0752      
44823 B Breast Cancer 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1340-6868 1880-4233    
15823 B Breast Cancer Research 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1465-5411 1465-542X    
15824 A Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         0167-6806 1573-7217    
44812 C Breast Care 1103 Clinical Sciences         1661-3791      
44813 C Breast Disease 1103 Clinical Sciences 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis     0888-6008      
44814 C Breast Diseases 1103 Clinical Sciences 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis     1043-321X      
41548 B Breastfeeding Medicine 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics 1556-8253      
13451 C Breastfeeding Review 1110 Nursing         0729-2759      
34693 A Brecht Yearbook 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2005 Literary Studies     0734-8665      
31058 B Breeding Science 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         1344-7610 1347-3735 0536-3683  
21225 C Bridges (Monkton): an interdisciplinary journal of theology, philosophy, history, and science MD Multidisciplinary         1042-2234      
18191 C Briefing Notes in Economics 14 Economics         0968-7017      
3350 B Briefings in Bioinformatics 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1467-5463 1477-4054    
19522 C Briefings in Entrepreneurial Finance 1503 Business and Management         1943-2593 1943-2607 1086-1718  
33140 B Brigham Young University Education and Law Journal 1801 Law         1930-5273 1930-5281    
33142 B Brigham Young University Law Review 1801 Law         0360-151X      
6917 A* Britannia: a journal of Romano-British and kindred studies 2101 Archaeology 2103 Historical Studies     0068-113X 1753-5352    
19078 A British Accounting Review 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         0890-8389 1095-8347    
39624 A* British Actuarial Journal 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment 0102 Applied Mathematics     1357-3217 0020-2681    
11723 C British and American Studies 2005 Literary Studies         1224-3086      
44815 C British Birds 0608 Zoology         0007-0335      
15299 C British Columbia Medical Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0007-0556      
32545 B British Dental Journal 1105 Dentistry         0007-0610 1476-5373    
20005 A* British Educational Research Journal 13 Education         0141-1926 1469-3518    
9690 C British Food Journal: an international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related research 0908 Food Sciences         0007-070X 1758-4108    
8343 A British Journal for the History of Philosophy 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 2203 Philosophy      0960-8788 1469-3526    
11287 B British Journal for the History of Science 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0007-0874 1474-001X    
44816 C British Journal of Administrative Management 15 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services 16 Studies In Human Society     1353-5188      
8345 A* British Journal of Aesthetics 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2203 Philosophy  1901 Art Theory and Criticism 0007-0904 1468-2842    
15826 B British Journal of Anaesthesia 1103 Clinical Sciences         0007-0912 1471-6771    
44817 C British Journal of Biomedical Science 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0967-4845      
41551 A British Journal of Canadian Studies 1608 Sociology 2103 Historical Studies     0269-9222 1757-8078    
15828 A British Journal of Cancer 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         0007-0920 1532-1827    
40399 C British Journal of Cardiac Nursing 1110 Nursing 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1749-6403      
44818 B British Journal of Cardiology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology 1103 Clinical Sciences     0969-6113      
14702 A British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0306-5251 1365-2125    
6152 A British Journal of Clinical Psychology 1701 Psychology         0144-6657      
17027 C British Journal of Community Justice 1602 Criminology         1475-0279      
14065 C British Journal of Community Nursing 1110 Nursing         1462-4753 1362-4407    
15829 A British Journal of Dermatology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0007-0963 1365-2133    
20717 C British Journal of Developmental Disabilities 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0969-7950      
6153 B British Journal of Developmental Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0261-510X      
6154 B British Journal of Educational Psychology 1701 Psychology 1303 Specialist Studies In Education     0007-0998      
20009 A British Journal of Educational Studies 13 Education         0007-1005 1467-8527    
20263 A British Journal of Educational Technology 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0007-1013 1467-8535 0022-0698  
40986 C British Journal of Engineering Education 1301 Education Systems          1470-4692      
44819 C British Journal of Forensic Practice MD Multidisciplinary         1463-6646      
13452 B British Journal of General Practice 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0960-1643 1478-5242    
6155 C British Journal of Guidance and Counselling 1607 Social Work 1701 Psychology     0306-9885 1469-3534    
15832 A British Journal of Haematology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0007-1048 1365-2141    
36057 C British Journal of Health Care Management 15 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services         1358-0574      
6156 B British Journal of Health Psychology 1701 Psychology         1359-107X      
15834 C British Journal of Hospital Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         1750-8460 0210-0258 1462-3935  
19741 A British Journal of Industrial Relations: an international journal of employment relation 1503 Business and Management         0007-1080 1467-8543    
44820 B British Journal of Intensive Care 1103 Clinical Sciences         0961-7930      
8342 C British Journal of Learning Disabilities 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1354-4187 1468-3156    
19155 A British Journal of Management 1503 Business and Management         1045-3172 1467-8551    
785 B British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 0104 Statistics  1701 Psychology     0007-1102      
44821 B British Journal of Medical and Surgical Urology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1875-9742      
30064 A* British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 16 Studies In Human Society 20 Language, Communication and Culture 21 History and Archaeology 1353-0194 1469-3542    
14066 C British Journal of Midwifery 1110 Nursing         0969-4900      
9890 A British Journal of Music Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing     0265-0517 1469-2104    
9891 B British Journal of Music Therapy 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1359-4575 0951-5038    
30438 B British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 1110 Nursing 1109 Neurosciences     1747-0307      
15835 C British Journal of Neurosurgery 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     0268-8697 1360-046X    
14067 C British Journal of Nursing 1110 Nursing         0966-0461 0142-0372    
13453 A British Journal of Nutrition 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics 0702 Animal Production     0007-1145 1475-2662    
15837 C British Journal of Occupational Therapy 1103 Clinical Sciences         0308-0226 1477-6006    
15838 B British Journal of Ophthalmology 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry 1103 Clinical Sciences 1117 Public Health and Health Services 0007-1161 1468-2079    
14305 B British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 1105 Dentistry         0266-4356 1532-1940 0007-117X  
14703 A* British Journal of Pharmacology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0007-1188 1476-5381 0366-0826  
34149 C British Journal of Phytotherapy 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         0959-6879      
18740 A* British Journal of Political Science 1605 Policy and Administration 1606 Political Science     0007-1234 1469-2112    
13071 A* British Journal of Psychiatry 1103 Clinical Sciences 1701 Psychology     0007-1250 0960-5371 1472-1465  
6158 B British Journal of Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0007-1269      
39976 B British Journal of Psychotherapy MD Multidisciplinary         0265-9883 1752-0118    
15841 B British Journal of Radiology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0007-1285 1748-880X    
12662 B British Journal of Religious Education 1301 Education Systems  2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0141-6200 1740-7931    
41555 C British Journal of School Nursing 1110 Nursing 1117 Public Health and Health Services     1752-2803      
6159 B British Journal of Social Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0144-6665      
10825 A* British Journal of Sociology 1608 Sociology         0007-1315 1468-4446    
10826 A British Journal of Sociology of Education 1608 Sociology 1303 Specialist Studies In Education     0142-5692 1465-3346    
20708 B British Journal of Special Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0952-3383 1467-8578    
9744 A British Journal of Sports Medicine 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         0306-3674      
15842 A British Journal of Surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         0007-1323 1365-2168 1102-4151  
20564 B British Journal of Teaching Physical Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1472-4375      
15844 C British Journal of Urology (BJU) International 1103 Clinical Sciences         1464-4096      
40012 C British Journal of Visual Impairment 1103 Clinical Sciences 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry 1117 Public Health and Health Services 0264-6196 1744-5809    
15300 B British Medical Bulletin 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0007-1420 1471-8391    
3071 C British Myriapod and Isopod Group. Bulletin 0608 Zoology         1475-1739 0267-2154    
18742 B British Politics 1606 Political Science         1746-918X 1746-9198    
9892 C British Postgraduate Musicology (Online Edition) 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1460-9231      
5450 A British Poultry Science 0702 Animal Production         0007-1668 1466-1799    
40148 C British Psychological Society. Counselling Psychology Section: Counselling Psychology Review 1701 Psychology         0269-6975      
19079 A* British Tax Review 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability 1801 Law     0007-1870      
33864 A British Year Book of International Law 1801 Law         0068-2691      
2712 C Brittonia 0607 Plant Biology         0007-196X 1938-436X    
35730 B Broadsheet 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 0007-2044      
7021 C Brocar: cuadernos de investigacion historica 2103 Historical Studies         0214-4670 1885-8155    
34568 B Brolga: an Australian journal about dance 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1322-7645      
14898 C Bromatologia i Chemia Toksykologiczna 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0365-9445      
2713 C Bromeliad Society. Journal 0607 Plant Biology         0090-8738 0007-2184    
11536 C Bronte Studies 2005 Literary Studies         1474-8932 1745-8226 0309-7765  
18251 A Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 1402 Applied Economics         0007-2303 1533-4465    
33145 C Brooklyn Journal of International Law 1801 Law         0740-4824      
33146 B Brooklyn Law Review 1801 Law         0007-2362      
11724 C Brooklyn Review 2005 Literary Studies         1942-4612      
35243 C Bruniana and Campanelliana 2203 Philosophy          1125-3819      
2572 B Bryologist 0607 Plant Biology         0007-2745 1938-4378    
2714 C Bryonora 0607 Plant Biology         0862-8904      
5062 C BT Technology Journal 1005 Communications Technologies         1358-3948 1573-1995    
40589 C Buddhist Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0285-0605      
21227 C Buddhist Studies Review 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0265-2897 1747-9681    
21226 C Buddhist-Christian Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1934-080X      
35731 C Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 2002 Cultural Studies 2203 Philosophy      0118-5942      
33147 C Buffalo Environmental Law Journal 1801 Law         1066-8837 1930-8027    
33148 C Buffalo Human Rights Law Review 1801 Law         1098-3643      
33149 C Buffalo Intellectual Property Law Journal 1801 Law         1539-9036      
33150 C Buffalo Law Review 1801 Law         0023-9356      
35428 C Buffalo Women's Law Journal 1801 Law         1523-5491 1080-0905    
21057 B Building Acoustics 0913 Mechanical Engineering 1202 Building     1351-010X      
36747 C Building and Construction Law Journal 1801 Law 1202 Building     0815-6050      
4160 A* Building and Environment 1201 Architecture 1202 Building     0360-1323 1873-684X 0007-3628  
4161 A* Building Research and Information: the international journal of research, development and demonstration 1201 Architecture 1202 Building     0961-3218 1466-4321 0182-3329  
44890 C Building Research Journal 1202 Building         1335-8863      
21059 A Building Services Engineering Research and Technology: an international journal 0905 Civil Engineering 1202 Building     0143-6244 1477-0849    
20951 B Buildings and Landscapes: journal of the vernacular architecture forum 1201 Architecture         1936-0886 1934-6832 0887-9885  
20952 A Built Environment 1205 Urban and Regional Planning 1201 Architecture     0263-7960      
3945 C Bulgarian Chemistry and Industry 03 Chemical Sciences         1311-1663 1310-6716    
5595 C Bulgarian Journal of Veterinary Medicine 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1311-1477      
41348 C Bulk Solids and Powder, Science and Technology 0904 Chemical Engineering  0910 Manufacturing Engineering     1613-4370      
6882 B Bulletin Antieke Beschaving: annual papers on Mediterranean archaeology 2101 Archaeology         0165-9367 1783-1369    
8284 C Bulletin Archeologique Polonais 2101 Archaeology         0043-5082      
30592 B Bulletin Canadien d'Histoire de la Medecine 2103 Historical Studies         0823-2105      
17562 C Bulletin de Academie Lorraine de Sciences MD Multidisciplinary         1635-8597 0567-6576    
6922 A Bulletin de Correspondance Hellenique 2101 Archaeology         0007-4217      
36917 B Bulletin de Institut Francais d'Archeologie Orientale du Caire 2101 Archaeology 2103 Historical Studies 2199 Other History and Archaeology 0255-0962      
2064 C Bulletin de l Academie Polonaise des Sciences-Serie des Sciences Biologiques 06 Biological Sciences         0867-1656      
12663 B Bulletin de la SociŽtŽ dÕArchŽologie Copte 2204 Religion and Religious Studies 2101 Archaeology     0005-948X      
6925 C Bulletin de la Societe de l'histoire du Protestantisme Francais 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1141-054x      
8745 B Bulletin de la Societe de Linguistique de Paris 2004 Linguistics         0037-9069 1783-1385    
7985 C Bulletin de la Societe d'egyptologie de Geneve 2101 Archaeology         0255-6286      
7988 B Bulletin de la Societe Prehistorique Francaise 2101 Archaeology         0249-7638      
44977 C Bulletin de l'AcadŽmie royale de langue et de littŽratures franaises 2003 Language Studies 2005 Literary Studies     0770-7061      
9458 A* Bulletin de l'ecole Francaise d'extreme-Orient 1601 Anthropology  2101 Archaeology 2103 Historical Studies 0336-1519      
7990 A Bulletin de l'institut d'egypte 2101 Archaeology 2103 Historical Studies     0366-4228      
7991 A Bulletin de l'Institut francais d'Žtudes Andines 2101 Archaeology         0303-7495      
8347 B Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 2203 Philosophy          0068-4023      
6160 C Bulletin de Psychologie 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0007-4403      
41826 C Bulletin de Societe de l'Histoire du Protestantisme Francais 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0037-9050      
474 B Bulletin des Sciences Mathematiques 0101 Pure Mathematics         0007-4497 1952-4773    
36438 B Bulletin d'Etudes Indiennes MD Multidisciplinary         0761-3156      
8747 C Bulletin d'etudes Parnassiennes et Symbolistes 2004 Linguistics 2005 Literary Studies 2002 Cultural Studies 0997-3907      
34955 B Bulletin for Biblical Research 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1065-223X      
35429 B Bulletin for International Taxation 1801 Law         1819-5490 0007-4624    
35260 C Bulletin Marcel Proust 2005 Literary Studies         1249-674X 0583-8452    
7992 A Bulletin Monumental 2101 Archaeology 1201 Architecture     0007-473X      
32017 C Bulletin of Applied Computing and Information Technology 08 Information and Computing Sciences         1176-4120      
34471 C Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy 0403 Geology     0007-4802      
19742 C Bulletin of Comparative Labour Relations 1503 Business and Management         0770-3724      
34469 B Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering 0403 Geology     1570-761X 1573-1456    
18193 B Bulletin of Economic Research 14 Economics         0307-3378 1467-8586    
3457 C Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 0905 Civil Engineering 0403 Geology     1435-9529 1435-9537    
2850 B Bulletin of Entomological Research: containing original and review articles on economic entomology 0608 Zoology         0007-4853 1475-2670    
5810 C Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 05 Environmental Sciences 03 Chemical Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 0007-4861 1432-0800    
15301 C Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0007-4888 1573-8221 0365-9615  
34574 C Bulletin of Geosciences 0403 Geology         1214-1119 1210-3527    
11726 A* Bulletin of Hispanic Studies (Liverpool) 2005 Literary Studies 2004 Linguistics 2002 Cultural Studies 1475-3839 1478-3398 1367-9376  
18194 A Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies 14 Economics         0007-4918 1472-7234    
36611 C Bulletin of Informatics and Cybernetics 0806 Information Systems 1702 Cognitive Science     0286-522X      
41557 B Bulletin of Insectology 0608 Zoology         1721-8861      
31431 A Bulletin of Latin American Research 2005 Literary Studies         0261-3050 1470-9856    
3215 C Bulletin of Marine Science 06 Biological Sciences 04 Earth Sciences     0007-4977 1553-6955    
4874 C Bulletin of Materials Science 0912 Materials Engineering         0250-4707 0973-7669    
924 A Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 01 Mathematical Sciences 06 Biological Sciences     0092-8240 1522-9602    
14899 C Bulletin of Pharmaceutical Sciences 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1110-0052      
3072 C Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences. Section A: Zoology 0608 Zoology         0970-0765      
2715 C Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences. Section B: Botany 0607 Plant Biology         0970-4612      
475 C Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences. Section E: Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     0970-6577 0970-4604    
10827 C Bulletin of Science Technology and Society 1608 Sociology 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     0270-4676 1552-4183    
32183 C Bulletin of the Academia Sinica. Institute of Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         0304-9825      
21237 A Bulletin of the Academia Sinica. Institute of Modern History MD Multidisciplinary         1029-4740      
448 A* Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 0101 Pure Mathematics         0273-0979 1088-9485    
7993 A Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 2002 Cultural Studies 2101 Archaeology     0003-097X 1557-5586    
7994 A Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 2101 Archaeology         0003-1186 1938-6958    
34887 B Bulletin of the Asia Institute 21 History and Archaeology 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing     0890-4464      
7997 C Bulletin of the Australian Centre for Egyptology 2101 Archaeology         1035-7254      
10266 C Bulletin of the Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Material 2102 Curatorial and Related Studies         1034-4233      
73 B Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 0101 Pure Mathematics         0004-9727 1755-1633    
74 C Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin. 0101 Pure Mathematics         1370-1444 0037-5454    
20509 C Bulletin of the British Society for the History of Mathematics. 2103 Historical Studies         1749-8430 1749-8341 0962-9416  
11727 C Bulletin of the Cantigueiros 2005 Literary Studies         0898-8463      
1315 B Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 03 Chemical Sciences         0009-2673 1348-0634    
9894 C Bulletin of the Comediantes 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0007-5108 1944-0928    
36619 C Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics         0252-9742      
17599 C Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Ibaraki University. Natural science MD Multidisciplinary         0386-7668      
7998 C Bulletin of the History of Archaeology 2101 Archaeology         1062-4740      
11292 B Bulletin of the History of Medicine 2103 Historical Studies         0007-5140 1086-3176    
6930 B Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 2103 Historical Studies         0076-0730 2041-5370    
75 C Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications 0101 Pure Mathematics         1183-1278      
6931 A Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology Academia Sinica 2103 Historical Studies         1012-4195      
41772 B Bulletin of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies 2203 Philosophy  2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0145-3890      
557 C Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 0101 Pure Mathematics         1018-6301 1735-8515 1017-060X  
6932 A Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0301-102X      
1316 C Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society 03 Chemical Sciences         0253-2964 1229-5949 1225-0058  
76 C Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society 0101 Pure Mathematics         1015-8634      
77 A Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 0101 Pure Mathematics         0024-6093 1469-2120    
41561 B Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Society 0101 Pure Mathematics         0126-6705      
9377 A Bulletin of the Modern Language Society of Helsinki 2003 Language Studies 2004 Linguistics     0028-3754      
10441 A Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 2101 Archaeology     0081-5691      
17656 C Bulletin of the National Research Centre MD Multidisciplinary         1110-0591      
17517 C Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences.  Technical Sciences MD Multidisciplinary         0239-7528      
78 C Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         0239-7269 1732-8985 0137-639X  
42198 C Bulletin of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 1103 Clinical Sciences         1473-6357 1478-7075    
36957 C Bulletin of the Santayana Society 2203 Philosophy          0846-8508      
21234 A* Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (University of London) MD Multidisciplinary         0041-977X 1474-0699 1356-1898  
11293 B Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0956-8271      
8349 B Bulletin of the Section of Logic 2203 Philosophy          0138-0680      
34470 A* Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 0404 Geophysics 0905 Civil Engineering     0037-1106 1943-3573    
17632 C Bulletin of the Society for Science on Form MD Multidisciplinary         0915-6089      
41559 C Bulletin of the University of Kiev 0101 Pure Mathematics 0104 Statistics      1728-3817      
41384 C Bulletin of the Wader Study Group 0608 Zoology         0260-3799      
13455 A Bulletin of the World Health Organization 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0042-9686 1564-0604    
17699 C Bulletin of tjhe Suzugamine Women's College: Natural Science MD Multidisciplinary         0389-5025      
1713 A Bulletin of Volcanology 0403 Geology         0258-8900 1432-0819    
3073 C Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 0608 Zoology         0007-5167      
10281 C Bullettino Storico Empolese 1901 Art Theory and Criticism         0007-5795      
11729 C Bunyan Studies 2005 Literary Studies         0954-0970      
10282 C Burgen und Schloesser: Zeitschrift fuer Burgenforschung und Denkmalpflege 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         0007-6201      
8002 C Buried History 2101 Archaeology         0007-6260      
6934 A* Burlington Magazine 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts     0007-6287      
15845 B Burns 1103 Clinical Sciences         0305-4179 1879-1409    
18743 A Business and Politics 1606 Political Science         1369-5258 1469-3569    
8613 C Business and Professional Ethics Journal 2201 Applied Ethics 1503 Business and Management     0277-2027 1063-6579    
33003 C Business and Society 1503 Business and Management         0007-6503 1552-4205    
33006 C Business and Society Review 1503 Business and Management         0045-3609 1467-8594    
35999 C Business Communication Quarterly 1503 Business and Management         1080-5699 1552-4191 8756-1972  
30499 C Business Economics: designed to serve the needs of people who use economics in their work 1402 Applied Economics         0007-666X 1554-432X    
8351 A Business Ethics Quarterly 1503 Business and Management 2201 Applied Ethics     1052-150X      
35569 B Business Ethics: a European review 1503 Business and Management 2203 Philosophy      0962-8770 1467-8608    
39974 A Business History 14 Economics 15 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services 22 Philosophy and Religious Studies 0007-6791 1743-7938    
36483 A Business History Review 1503 Business and Management 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     0007-6805      
19156 C Business Horizons 1503 Business and Management         0007-6813      
19415 C Business Intelligence Journal 0804 Data Format         1547-2825 1092-6208    
19872 C Business Journal for Entrepreneurs 1503 Business and Management         1548-1859      
41563 B Business Law International 1801 Law         1467-632X      
33153 C Business Law Review 1801 Law         1533-7421      
33154 C Business Law Today 1801 Law         1059-9436 0884-1977 0271-9045  
33865 C Business Lawyer 1801 Law         0007-6899      
19190 C Business Perspectives 1503 Business and Management         0896-3703      
17775 B Business Process Management Journal 0806 Information Systems 1503 Business and Management     1463-7154 1758-4116    
19517 B Business Strategy and the Environment 1503 Business and Management         0964-4733 1099-0836    
19518 B Business Strategy Review 1503 Business and Management         0955-6419 1467-8616    
10283 C Byhornet 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing 20 Language, Communication and Culture     0105-6433      
33141 B BYU Journal of Public Law 1801 Law         0896-2383      
6936 C Byzantina 2103 Historical Studies         0345-195X      
40143 B Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 2103 Historical Studies         0307-0131 1749-625X    
6938 A Byzantinische Zeitschrift 2103 Historical Studies         0007-7704 1864-449X    
6939 B Byzantinoslavica: revue internationale des etudes byzantines 2103 Historical Studies         0007-7712      
6940 A Byzantion: revue internationale des etudes byzantines 2103 Historical Studies         0378-2506      
34690 A C Theory 20 Language, Communication and Culture 16 Studies In Human Society     1190-9153      
15846 A CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1103 Clinical Sciences     0007-9235 1542-4863    
2716 C Cactaceas y Suculentas Mexicanas 0607 Plant Biology         0526-717X      
8352 C Cadernos de Historia e Filosofia da Ciencia 2203 Philosophy          0101-3424      
11734 C Cadernos de Pos-Graduacao em Comunicacao e Letras 2005 Literary Studies         1518-9058      
18684 C Cadernos de Pos-Graduacao em Direito Politico e Economico 14 Economics         1678-2127      
10284 C Cadernos de Pos-Graduacao em Educacao, Arte e Historia da Cultura 1901 Art Theory and Criticism         1519-776X      
4526 C Cadernos de Pos-Graduacao em Engenharia Eletrica 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1518-904X      
8003 C Caesaraugusta 2101 Archaeology         0007-9502      
40255 C Cahiers Charles Fourier 2005 Literary Studies 2103 Historical Studies     1157-139X      
6943 A Cahiers d Etudes Africaines 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         0008-0055      
6946 A* Cahiers de Civilisation Medievale 2005 Literary Studies 2103 Historical Studies     0007-9731      
40192 C Cahiers de Droit Europeen 1801 Law         0007-9758      
36977 B Cahiers de l'ACEDLE (Les) 2004 Linguistics 2003 Language Studies     1958-5772      
8754 A Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale MD Multidisciplinary         0153-3320      
8752 C Cahiers de Linguistique Fran 2004 Linguistics 2005 Literary Studies     0259-6199      
8753 C Cahiers de Linguistique Theorique et Appliquee 2004 Linguistics         0007-988X      
8755 C Cahiers de l'institut de Linguistique de Louvain 2004 Linguistics         0771-6524 1783-1407    
6163 C Cahiers de Psychologie Cognitive 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science     0249-9185      
6948 B Cahiers de Recherches Medievales 2103 Historical Studies         1272-9752 1955-2424    
9460 C Cahiers des Ameriques Latines 1601 Anthropology          1141-7161 0008-0020    
6947 C Cahiers des Etudes Anciennes 2103 Historical Studies         0317-5065      
35261 B Cahiers des Naturalistes 2005 Literary Studies         0008-0039      
6944 A Cahiers d'Extreme - Asie MD Multidisciplinary         0766-1177      
41564 B Cahiers d'Histoire 2103 Historical Studies         1777-5264      
6942 C Cahiers d'Histoire (Lyon) 2103 Historical Studies         0008-008X      
6945 B Cahiers d'histoire du Temps Present 2103 Historical Studies         1370-7876 0775-6046    
36982 B Cahiers du CICLaS 2003 Language Studies 2004 Linguistics 2002 Cultural Studies 1637-7060      
32759 B Cahiers du Genre 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1298-6046 1165-3558    
12822 C Cahiers du Gerf 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0769-0681 0992-9711    
34755 B Cahiers Elisabethains: late medieval and renaissance English studies 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2005 Literary Studies     0184-7678      
35262 B Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 2005 Literary Studies         0008-0284      
35263 B Cahiers Jean Giraudoux 2005 Literary Studies         0150-6943      
37085 B Cahiers Leiris 2005 Literary Studies         1961-3067      
30260 C Cahiers Quebecois de Demographie 1603 Demography          0380-1721      
6953 C Cahiers Victoriens et Edouardiens 2103 Historical Studies         0220-5610      
44967 B Cahiers Voltaire 2005 Literary Studies 2203 Philosophy      1637-4096      
6954 C Calamus Renascens 2103 Historical Studies         1576-3471      
15848 B Calcified Tissue International 1103 Clinical Sciences         0171-967X 1432-0827    
2325 C Calcium Binding Proteins 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics     1554-8643      
79 B Calcolo 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     0008-0624 1126-5434    
81 A* Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     0944-2669 1432-0835    
786 C Calcutta Statistical Association Bulletin 0104 Statistics          0008-0683      
34785 B CALICO Journal 2003 Language Studies 2004 Linguistics 2005 Literary Studies 0742-7778      
15352 C Calicut Medical Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0972-9518      
5181 C California Agriculture: peer-reviewed research in agricultural, natural and human resources 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences         0008-0845      
5744 C California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports 0704 Fisheries Sciences         0575-3317      
32546 C California Dental Association Journal 1105 Dentistry         1043-2256 1942-4396    
6955 C California History (San Francisco) 2103 Historical Studies         0162-2897      
34150 C California Journal of Oriental Medicine 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         1090-1965      
19157 A California Management Review 1503 Business and Management         0008-1256      
5596 C California Veterinarian 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0008-1612      
33156 C California Western International Law Journal 1801 Law         0886-3210      
33157 C California Western Law Review 1801 Law         0008-1639      
10286 C Call to Worship: liturgi, music, preeching and the arts 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         1534-8318 0362-0476    
11735 C Call: review 2005 Literary Studies         1546-6388      
40522 C CAL-laborate International 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1836-0866 1836-0858    
11736 C Callaloo: a journal of African diaspora arts and letters 2005 Literary Studies 2002 Cultural Studies 2103 Historical Studies 0161-2492 1080-6512    
1411 B CALPHAD: the international research journal for calculation of phase diagrams 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural) 0307 Theoretical and Computational Chemistry 0912 Materials Engineering 0364-5916 1873-2984    
12669 B Calvin Theological Journal 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0008-1795      
33866 B Cambrian Law Review 1801 Law         0084-8328      
6956 C Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 2103 Historical Studies         1353-0089      
8009 A Cambridge Archaeological Journal 2101 Archaeology         0959-7743 1474-0540    
18195 A Cambridge Journal of Economics 14 Economics         0309-166X 1464-3545    
20353 A* Cambridge Journal of Education 13 Education         0305-764X 1469-3577    
33867 A* Cambridge Law Journal 1801 Law         0008-1973 1469-2139    
9900 A Cambridge Opera Journal 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0954-5867 1474-0621    
320 A Cambridge Philosophical Society. Mathematical Proceedings 0101 Pure Mathematics         0305-0041 1469-8064    
11295 B Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 2201 Applied Ethics 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences     0963-1801 1469-2147    
18744 B Cambridge Review of International Affairs 1606 Political Science 1605 Policy and Administration     0955-7571 1474-449X    
9901 A* Camera Obscura: a journal of feminism and film theory 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts 2002 Cultural Studies 0270-5346 1529-1510    
33158 C Campbell Law Review 1801 Law         0198-8174      
30358 C Campus Wide Information Systems 0807 Library and Information Studies         1065-0741 1055-4769 1041-7923 0894-9158
33159 C Canada - United States Law Journal 1801 Law         0163-6391      
10831 C Canadian - American Slavic Studies 1608 Sociology         0090-8290      
19995 C Canadian and International Education 13 Education         0315-1409      
41606 C Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly 0102 Applied Mathematics         1073-1849      
20118 C Canadian Art Teacher 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1701-8587 1196-4081    
33868 B Canadian Bar Review 1801 Law         0008-3003      
33160 A Canadian Business Law Journal 1801 Law         0319-3322      
3842 C Canadian Chemical Processing 0904 Chemical Engineering          0008-3186      
20184 C Canadian Children 1301 Education Systems          0833-7519      
35492 B Canadian Criminal Law Review 1801 Law         1203-8660      
36323 C Canadian Dental Association. Journal 1105 Dentistry         0709-8936 1488-2159    
2852 C Canadian Entomologist 0608 Zoology         0008-347X      
13458 C Canadian Family Physician 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0008-350X 1715-5258    
3217 C Canadian Field-Naturalist 0602 Ecology         0008-3550      
30392 C Canadian Foreign Policy 1606 Political Science         1192-6422      
4162 A* Canadian Geotechnical Journal 0905 Civil Engineering         0008-3674 1208-6010    
6958 A Canadian Historical Review 2103 Historical Studies         0008-3755 1710-1093    
20807 B Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education 1301 Education Systems          0835-4944      
31111 B Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences 1503 Business and Management         0825-0383 1936-4490    
34909 B Canadian Journal of African Studies MD Multidisciplinary         0008-3968      
18336 A Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 1402 Applied Economics         0008-3976 1744-7976    
15849 B Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia 1103 Clinical Sciences         0832-610X 1496-8975    
1619 C Canadian Journal of Analytical Sciences and Spectroscopy 0301 Analytical Chemistry 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)     1205-6685 1183-7306    
5451 B Canadian Journal of Animal Science 0702 Animal Production 0707 Veterinary Sciences     0008-3984      
20467 C Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics 2004 Linguistics         1481-868X 1193-1493    
3074 C Canadian Journal of Arthropod Identification 0608 Zoology         1911-2173      
6164 C Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0008-400X      
21245 C Canadian Journal of Buddhist Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1710-825X 1710-8268    
15850 B Canadian Journal of Cardiology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0828-282X 1916-7075    
30439 C Canadian Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 1110 Nursing         0843-6096      
3843 A Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 0904 Chemical Engineering          0008-4034 1939-019X    
1317 C Canadian Journal of Chemistry 03 Chemical Sciences         0008-4042 1480-3291    
4163 B Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering         0315-1468 1208-6029    
14704 C Canadian Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1198-581X 1710-6222    
20256 C Canadian Journal of Counselling 1607 Social Work 1701 Psychology     0828-3893 0008-333X    
17033 B Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice 1602 Criminology         1707-7753 1911-0219 0704-9722 0315-5390
30495 B Canadian Journal of Development Studies 1402 Applied Economics         0225-5189      
36322 C Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics         1486-3847 0008-3399    
1714 B Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 04 Earth Sciences         0008-4077 1480-3313    
18196 A Canadian Journal of Economics 14 Economics         0008-4085 1540-5982    
19962 C Canadian Journal of Education 13 Education         0380-2361      
19941 C Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1207-7798      
20647 C Canadian Journal of Environmental Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1205-5352      
6165 B Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1196-1961      
33161 A Canadian Journal of Family Law 1801 Law         0704-1225      
10287 B Canadian Journal of Film Studies 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         0847-5911      
5745 A Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 0704 Fisheries Sciences 0608 Zoology     0706-652X 1205-7533    
5668 A Canadian Journal of Forest Research 0705 Forestry Sciences         0045-5067 1208-6037    
15852 B Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0835-7900      
20390 C Canadian Journal of Higher Education 1301 Education Systems          0316-1218      
6959 A Canadian Journal of History 2103 Historical Studies         0008-4107      
14900 C Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0008-4123      
15853 C Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     1712-9532 1180-2332    
10596 B Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science 0807 Library and Information Studies         1195-096X      
33869 A Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence: an international journal of legal thought 1801 Law         0841-8209      
17036 A Canadian Journal of Law and Society 1801 Law         0829-3201 1911-0227    
33163 C Canadian Journal of Law and Technology 1801 Law         1702-9228 1703-3047    
20109 C Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1499-6677 0710-4340    
8758 B Canadian Journal of Linguistics 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0008-4131 1710-1115    
31171 C Canadian Journal of Marketing Research 1505 Marketing         0829-4836      
83 A Canadian Journal of Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         0008-414X 1496-4279    
2461 C Canadian Journal of Microbiology 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology 0707 Veterinary Sciences 0008-4166 1480-3275    
40044 C Canadian Journal of Midwifery Research and Practice 1110 Nursing         1703-2121      
10288 C Canadian Journal of Music Therapy 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1199-1054      
20003 C Canadian Journal of Native Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0710-1481 0318-8647    
32761 C Canadian Journal of Native Studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         0715-3244      
10289 C Canadian Journal of Netherlandic Studies 2005 Literary Studies         0225-0500      
15854 B Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science 1109 Neurosciences 0317-1671      
14068 B Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership 1110 Nursing         1910-622X 1481-9643 0838-2948  
14181 C Canadian Journal of Nursing Research 1110 Nursing         0844-5621 1705-7051    
15855 C Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy 1103 Clinical Sciences 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences     0008-4174      
15856 C Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology-Journal Canadien d Ophtalmologie 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry         0008-4182      
8354 A* Canadian Journal of Philosophy 2203 Philosophy          0045-5091      
954 C Canadian Journal of Physics 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     0008-4204 1208-6045    
14592 B Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences 1116 Medical Physiology     0008-4212 1205-7541    
2574 C Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology 0607 Plant Biology 0605 Microbiology  0703 Crop and Pasture Production 0706-0661      
2575 C Canadian Journal of Plant Science 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         0008-4220      
36247 C Canadian Journal of Police and Security Services 1602 Criminology         1709-8769      
18746 B Canadian Journal of Political Science 1606 Political Science         0008-4239 1744-9324    
34194 C Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation 1607 Social Work         0834-1516      
13072 C Canadian Journal of Psychiatry-Revue Canadienne de Psychiatrie 1103 Clinical Sciences         0706-7437 1497-0015    
13138 C Canadian Journal of Psychoanalysis 1103 Clinical Sciences         1195-3330      
13459 B Canadian Journal of Public Healthe 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0008-4263      
39973 B Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 0909 Geomatic Engineering          1712-798X 1712-7971 0703-8992  
20753 B Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1492-6156      
10829 B Canadian Journal of Sociology 1608 Sociology         0318-6431 1710-1123    
40488 B Canadian Journal of Soil Science 0503 Soil Sciences 0703 Crop and Pasture Production 0607 Plant Biology 1918-1841      
787 B Canadian Journal of Statistics 0104 Statistics          0319-5724 1708-945X    
15857 C Canadian Journal of Surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         0008-428X 1488-2310    
33032 C Canadian Journal of Transportation 1507 Transportation and Freight Services         1715-2127      
20954 C Canadian Journal of Urban Research 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         1188-3774      
15858 C Canadian Journal of Urology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1195-9479      
5504 B Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0830-9000      
33164 A Canadian Journal of Women and the Law 1801 Law         0832-8781 1911-0235    
2854 B Canadian Journal of Zoology 0608 Zoology         0008-4301 1480-3283    
15859 C Canadian Journal on Aging 1103 Clinical Sciences         0714-9808 1710-1107    
35493 B Canadian Labour and Employment Law Journal 1801 Law         1196-7889 1188-6099    
33165 C Canadian Law Library Review 1801 Law         1713-5168      
11538 B Canadian Literature: a quarterly of criticism and review 2005 Literary Studies         0008-4360      
85 B Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 0101 Pure Mathematics         0008-4395 1496-4287    
4714 C Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy 0904 Chemical Engineering      0008-4433      
34467 B Canadian Mineralogist: crystallography, geochemistry, mineralogy, petrology, mineral deposits 0403 Geology         0008-4476      
8759 B Canadian Modern Language Review 2004 Linguistics 2003 Language Studies     0008-4506 1710-1131    
10290 C Canadian Music Educator 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0008-4549 0045-5172    
36217 C Canadian Online Journal of Queer Studies in Education 13 Education         1710-7598      
14182 C Canadian Operating Room Nursing Journal 1110 Nursing         0712-6778      
11738 C Canadian Poetry: studies, documents, reviews 2005 Literary Studies         0704-5646      
6166 C Canadian Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0708-5591      
18748 C Canadian Public Administration 1605 Policy and Administration         0008-4840 1754-7121    
36000 B Canadian Public Policy 1605 Policy and Administration         0317-0861      
40807 B Canadian Review of American Studies 2002 Cultural Studies 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media     1710-114X 0007-7720    
10291 C Canadian Review of Art Education Research and Issues 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0706-8107      
40489 B Canadian Review of Comparative Literature 2005 Literary Studies         0319-051X      
9461 B Canadian Review of Sociology 1601 Anthropology          1755-6171 1755-618X 0008-4948  
35267 A Canadian Slavonic Papers: an interdisciplinary journal devoted to Central and Eastern Europe 2003 Language Studies 2004 Linguistics 2005 Literary Studies 0008-5006      
20682 C Canadian Social Studies: the history and social science teacher MD Multidisciplinary         1191-162X      
34195 C Canadian Social Work 1607 Social Work         1488-0318 0037-8089    
34331 C Canadian Society of Forensic Science journal 0699 Other Biological Sciences 0399 Other Chemical Sciences     0008-5030      
30246 B Canadian Studies in Population 1603 Demography          0380-1489      
33166 A Canadian Tax Journal 1801 Law         0008-5111      
5505 C Canadian Veterinary Journal-Revue Veterinaire Canadienne 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0008-5286      
32720 C Canadian Woman Studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         0713-3235      
36749 B Canadian Yearbook of International Law 1801 Law         0069-0058      
33167 C Canberra Law Review 1801 Law         1320-6702      
15860 A Cancer 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         0008-543X 1097-0142    
15861 A Cancer and Metastasis Reviews 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         0167-7659 1573-7233    
15862 B Cancer Biology and Therapy 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1538-4047 1555-8576    
14706 B Cancer Biotherapy and Radiopharmaceuticals 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1084-9785 1557-8852    
13460 A Cancer Causes and Control 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0957-5243 1573-7225    
15863 A* Cancer Cell 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1535-6108 1878-3686    
14707 B Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0344-5704 1432-0843    
42205 C Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology. Supplement 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0943-9404      
36321 C Cancer Control: journal of the Moffitt Cancer Center 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1073-2748 1526-2359    
13462 A Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1055-9965 1538-7755    
40650 C Cancer Epidemiology: the international journal of cancer epidemiology, detection and prevention 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1877-7821 1873-443X 0361-090X  
15865 C Cancer Forum 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         0311-306X      
3351 A Cancer Gene Therapy 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         0929-1903 1476-5500    
15867 B Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         0165-4608 1873-4456    
15462 C Cancer Genomics and Proteomics 1107 Immunology 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis     1109-6535 1790-6295    
40017 C Cancer Imaging 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1470-7330      
15463 B Cancer Immunology Immunotherapy 1107 Immunology         0340-7004 1432-0851    
41568 C Cancer Informatics 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1176-9351      
15869 B Cancer Investigation 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         0735-7907 1532-4192    
15872 A Cancer Letters 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         0304-3835 1872-7980    
14069 B Cancer Nursing 1110 Nursing         0162-220X 1538-9804    
41327 B Cancer Nursing Practice 1110 Nursing         1475-4266      
41571 Not ranked Cancer Prevention Research 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis 1103 Clinical Sciences     1940-6207 1940-6215    
15873 A* Cancer Research 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         0008-5472 1538-7445 0099-7013  
15875 C Cancer Reviews: Asia-Pacific 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         0219-8363      
15876 A Cancer Science 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1347-9032 1349-7006    
15877 C Cancer Treatment and Research 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         0927-3042      
15878 A Cancer Treatment Reviews 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         0305-7372 1532-1967    
33870 C Canterbury Law Review 1801 Law         0112-0581      
36001 B Capital and Class 1605 Policy and Administration 1503 Business and Management     0309-8168      
35496 B Capital Markets Law Journal 1801 Law         1750-7219 1750-7227    
33168 C Capital University Law Review 1801 Law         0198-9693      
30314 C Capitalism and Society 1402 Applied Economics         1932-0213      
36596 C Capitalism, Nature, Socialism: a journal of socialist ecology 1606 Political Science 1402 Applied Economics     1045-5752 1548-3290    
6960 C Caravelle: cahiers du monde hispanique et luso-bresilien 2103 Historical Studies         1147-6753      
1568 A Carbohydrate Polymers 0908 Food Sciences 0305 Organic Chemistry     0144-8617 1879-1344    
1569 C Carbohydrate Research 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0305 Organic Chemistry     0008-6215 1873-426X    
1412 A* Carbon 0904 Chemical Engineering  0912 Materials Engineering 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry 0008-6223 1873-3891    
1776 C Carbonates and Evaporites 0403 Geology         0891-2556 1878-5212    
15879 A Carcinogenesis 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         0143-3334 1460-2180    
35193 C Cardiology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0022-9040      
15881 C Cardiology in the Young 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1047-9511 1467-1107    
15880 B Cardiology: international journal of cardiovascular medicine, surgery and pathology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0008-6312 1421-9751 1422-9528  
15882 C Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0174-1551 1432-086X 0342-7196  
15883 C Cardiovascular Diabetology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1475-2840      
14709 B Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0920-3206 1573-7241    
15884 B Cardiovascular Pathology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1054-8807 1879-1336    
15885 A Cardiovascular Research 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0008-6363 1755-3245    
14708 B Cardiovascular Therapeutics 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1755-5914 1755-5922 0897-5957  
42232 C Cardiovascular Ultrasound 1103 Clinical Sciences         1476-7120      
33169 B Cardozo Arts and Entertainment Law Journal 1801 Law         0736-7694      
33171 B Cardozo Journal of International and Comparative Law 1801 Law         1069-3181      
35500 B Cardozo Journal of Law and Gender 1801 Law         1074-5785      
33173 B Cardozo Law Review 1801 Law         0270-5192 1128-322X    
33174 C Cardozo Public Law, Policy and Ethics Journal 1801 Law         1546-1483      
20824 C Career and Technical Education Research 1301 Education Systems          1554-754X 1554-7558 0739-3369  
20733 C Career Development for Exceptional Individuals 1503 Business and Management         0885-7288 1557-5047    
19743 C Career Development International 1503 Business and Management         1362-0436 1758-6003 0955-6214 0965-5980
6167 C Career Development Quarterly 1701 Psychology         0889-4019      
36269 C Caribbean Journal of Criminology and Social Psychology 1602 Criminology         1025-5591      
3218 C Caribbean Journal of Science MD Multidisciplinary         0008-6452      
33175 C Caribbean Law Review 1801 Law         1018-3671      
11740 C Caribe 2005 Literary Studies         1099-6451      
32547 A Caries Research 1105 Dentistry         0008-6568 1421-976X    
6961 C Carinthia I: Zeitschrift fuer geschichtliche Landeskunde von Kaernten 2103 Historical Studies         0008-6606      
9902 C Carl Nielsen Studies 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1603-3663      
35320 C Carmina Philosophiae 2203 Philosophy          1075-4407      
34573 C Carnets de Geologie: notebooks on geology 0403 Geology         1634-0744      
2576 C Carolinea: Beitraege zur Naturkundlichen Forschung in Suedwestdeutschland 0607 Plant Biology         0176-3997      
478 C Carpathian Journal of Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         1584-2851 1222-1201    
35734 B Cartaphilus : Revista de Investigaci—n y Cr’tica EstŽtica 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts         1887-5238      
2006 C Cartographic Journal 0909 Geomatic Engineering          0008-7041 1743-2774    
2008 C Cartography and Geographic Information Science 0909 Geomatic Engineering  0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience     1050-9844 1545-0465    
41610 C Case Studies in Business, Industry and Government Statistics 0104 Statistics          2152-372X      
33176 B Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law 1801 Law         0008-7254 1931-3985    
33177 C Case Western Reserve Law Review 1801 Law         0008-7262 1942-8308 0270-2150  
44906 C Casemate 2103 Historical Studies         1367-5907      
42233 Not ranked Cases Journal 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences         1757-1626      
8760 C Casopis Pro Moderni Filologii 2003 Language Studies 2005 Literary Studies     0008-7386      
6963 C Casopis Za Zgodovino in Narodopisje 2103 Historical Studies         0590-5966      
6964 B Cassiodorus: rivista di studi sulla tarda antichita 2103 Historical Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     1123-8968      
2717 C Castanea 0607 Plant Biology         0008-7475 1938-4386    
4753 B Casting Processes 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0964-3281 0235-5884    
35883 C Casualty Actuarial Society. Forum 15 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services         1046-6487      
31432 A Catalan Review 2005 Literary Studies         0213-5949      
10649 A Cataloging and Classification Quarterly 0807 Library and Information Studies         0163-9374 1544-4554    
1413 B Catalysis Communications 0904 Chemical Engineering  0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)     1566-7367 1873-3905    
1414 B Catalysis Letters 0904 Chemical Engineering  0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)     1011-372X 1572-879X    
1415 A Catalysis Reviews: Science and Engineering 0904 Chemical Engineering  0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)     0161-4940 1520-5703    
1416 C Catalysis Surveys From Asia 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)         1571-1013 1574-9266 1384-6574  
1417 A Catalysis Today 0904 Chemical Engineering  0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)     0920-5861 1873-4308    
41827 C Catalyst: Social Pastoral Journal for Melanesia 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0253-2921      
1715 B Catena 0403 Geology 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience 0503 Soil Sciences 0341-8162 1872-6887    
31329 A Cathedra: quarterly for the history of Eretz-Israel 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0334-4657      
15888 B Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1522-1946 1522-726X    
12671 A* Catholic Biblical Quarterly 2103 Historical Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0008-7912      
20605 C Catholic Education Circular 1301 Education Systems          1324-5333      
20599 C Catholic Education: a journal of inquiry and practice 1301 Education Systems          1097-9638      
6965 A Catholic Historical Review 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0008-8080 1534-0708    
33178 C Catholic University Law Review 1801 Law         0008-8390      
33179 B Cato Supreme Court Review 1801 Law         1936-0398      
11743 C Cauda Pavonis: studies in Hermeticism 2005 Literary Studies         1059-8308      
34572 C Cave and Karst Science 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         1356-191X      
8010 C Cave Archaeology and Palaeontology Research Archive 2101 Archaeology         1467-8837      
18503 C Cayapa: revista venezolana de economia social 1402 Applied Economics         1317-5734      
20641 C CBE Life Sciences Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1931-7913 1536-7509    
36967 C CC - AI: the journal for the integrated study of artificial intelligence, cognitive science and applied epistemology 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0773-4182      
5746 B CCAMLR Science 0704 Fisheries Sciences         1023-4063      
34752 A CCL 2005 Literary Studies         0319-0080      
11730 C CEA Critic 2005 Literary Studies         0007-8069      
11744 C Cedille: revista de estudios franceses 2005 Literary Studies         1699-4949      
9319 C CELEA Journal 2003 Language Studies         1005-538X      
11745 C Celehis 2005 Literary Studies         0328-5766      
39972 B Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 0102 Applied Mathematics         0923-2958 1572-9478 0008-8714  
11746 C Celestinesca 2005 Literary Studies         0147-3085      
2169 A* Cell 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0092-8674 1097-4172    
22131 B Cell and Tissue Research 1116 Medical Physiology         0302-766X 1432-0878    
2172 B Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1085-9195 1559-0283    
2173 B Cell Biochemistry and Function 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0263-6484 1099-0844    
2174 B Cell Biology and Toxicology: an international journal devoted to research at the cellular level 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0742-2091 1573-6822    
2175 B Cell Biology International 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1065-6995 1095-8355    
39792 B Cell Calcium 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0606 Physiology      0143-4160 1532-1991    
2170 C Cell Communication and Adhesion (Print Edition) 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1541-9061 1543-5180 1026-7883  
39791 B Cell Cycle 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0602 Ecology     1538-4101 1551-4005    
22134 A Cell Death and Differentiation 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1350-9047 1476-5403    
42234 C Cell Division 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences         1747-1028      
2525 A* Cell Host and Microbe 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     1931-3128 1934-6069    
14593 A* Cell Metabolism 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics     1550-4131 1932-7420    
36320 C Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton 1103 Clinical Sciences         0886-1544 1097-0169    
2181 B Cell Proliferation: in basic and clinical sciences 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0960-7722 1365-2184    
39790 B Cell Research 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1103 Clinical Sciences     1001-0602 1748-7838    
39971 A* Cell Stem Cell 06 Biological Sciences 10 Technology 11 Medical and Health Sciences 1934-5909      
2182 B Cell Stress and Chaperones 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1355-8145 1466-1268    
2183 B Cell Structure and Function 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0386-7196 1347-3700    
3406 B Cell Transplantation 10 Technology 06 Biological Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences 0963-6897 1555-3892    
2184 C Cells, Tissues, Organs: in vivo, in vitro 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1116 Medical Physiology     1422-6405 1422-6421    
2187 C Cellular and Molecular Biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics 1107 Immunology 0145-5680 1165-158X    
2185 C Cellular and Molecular Biology Letters: an international journal 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1425-8153 1689-1392    
2192 A Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1103 Clinical Sciences 0606 Physiology  1420-682X 1420-9071    
14493 C Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology 1109 Neurosciences         0272-4340 1573-6830    
15464 C Cellular Immunology 1107 Immunology         0008-8749 1090-2163    
2526 A* Cellular Microbiology 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     1462-5814 1462-5822    
15889 B Cellular Oncology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis     1570-5870 1875-8606    
14596 A Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 1116 Medical Physiology         1015-8987 1421-9778    
2188 B Cellular Signalling 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0898-6568 1873-3913    
1667 B Cellulose 0912 Materials Engineering 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry     0969-0239 1572-882X    
34751 A Celtica 2004 Linguistics 2005 Literary Studies     0069-1399      
21082 A Cement and Concrete Composites 0905 Civil Engineering 1202 Building     0958-9465 1873-393X    
4164 A* Cement and Concrete Research 0905 Civil Engineering 1202 Building     0008-8846 1873-3948    
11296 B Centaurus (Copenhagen): international magazine of the history of mathematics, science and technology 2103 Historical Studies 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     0008-8994 1600-0498    
36434 C Central Asia and the Caucasus MD Multidisciplinary         1404-6091      
18751 A Central Asian Survey MD Multidisciplinary         0263-4937 1465-3354    
21250 B Central Asiatic Journal: international periodical for the languages, literatures, history and archaeology of Central Asia 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 2004 Linguistics     0008-9192      
31196 C Central Bank Review 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1303-0701 1305-8800    
41354 C Central Conservatory of Music 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1001-9871      
6966 A* Central European History 2103 Historical Studies         0008-9389 1569-1616    
1318 C Central European Journal of Chemistry 03 Chemical Sciences         1895-1066 1644-3624    
32227 B Central European Journal of Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         1895-1074 1644-3616    
36058 C Central European Journal of Operations Research 1503 Business and Management 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 1435-246X 1613-9178    
13464 C Central European Journal of Public Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1210-7778 1803-1048    
4089 C Central South University of Technology 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1005-9784 1993-0666 1672-7207  
5699 C Centralblatt fuer Das Gesamte Forstwesen 0705 Forestry Sciences         0008-9583      
15547 C Central-European Journal of Immunology 1107 Immunology         1426-3912 1644-4124    
7787 B Centre de Recherche d'Histoire et Civilisation de Byzance. Travaux et Memoires 2103 Historical Studies         0577-1471      
20956 C Centre for Education in the Built Environment Transactions 13 Education 12 Built Environment and Design     1745-0322      
41574 C Centre for Research in International Education: Research Paper Series 1301 Education Systems  1399 Other Education      1176-7383      
6951 B Centre Gustave Glotz. Cahiers: revue d'histoire ancienne 2103 Historical Studies         1016-9008      
20957 C Centro de Investigaciones Historicas y Esteticas. Boletin 1201 Architecture         0506-600X      
9691 C Centro de Pesquisa e Processamento de Alimentos. Boletim 0908 Food Sciences         0102-0323      
30514 B Centro Internazionale di Studi di Architettura Andrea Palladio. Annali di Architettura 1201 Architecture         1124-7169 0577-3008    
44892 C Centropa 1201 Architecture         1532-5563      
7754 C Centuries 2103 Historical Studies         0039-8098      
15890 A Cephalalgia: an international journal of headache 1103 Clinical Sciences         0333-1024 1468-2982    
4877 C Ceramics International 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts 0912 Materials Engineering     0272-8842 1873-3956    
5301 B Cereal Chemistry 0703 Crop and Pasture Production 0908 Food Sciences 0301 Analytical Chemistry 0009-0352 1943-3638    
41575 C Cereal Foods World 1001 Agricultural Biotechnology         0146-6283      
5302 C Cereal Research Communications 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         0133-3720      
14514 A* Cerebral Cortex 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     1047-3211 1460-2199    
15891 B Cerebrovascular Diseases 1103 Clinical Sciences         1015-9770 1421-9786    
3352 C Cerevisia 1003 Industrial Biotechnology         1373-7163 0778-2640    
5700 C Cerne 0705 Forestry Sciences         0104-7760      
11747 A Cervantes 2005 Literary Studies         0277-6995      
18197 C CES - IFO Economic Studies 14 Economics         1610-241X 1612-7501    
8259 C Ceska Akademie Ved. Archeologicky Ustav. Studie 2101 Archaeology         1211-1457      
11748 C Ceska Literatura: casopis pro literarni vedu 2005 Literary Studies         0009-0468      
6168 C Ceskoslovenska Psychologie: psychological journal for theory and practice 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0009-062X      
6967 C Cesky Casopis Historicky 2103 Historical Studies         0862-6111      
9464 C Cesky Lid: etnologicky casopis 1601 Anthropology          0009-0794      
2718 C Cespedesia 0607 Plant Biology         0121-0866      
41578 B Ceylon Journal of Science 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1391-1465      
2577 C Ceylon Journal of Science. Biological Sciences 0607 Plant Biology         0069-2379      
15353 C Ceylon Medical Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0009-0875      
1780 C CFS: Courier Forschungsergebnisse Senckenberg 0403 Geology         0341-4116      
30725 C Chance 0104 Statistics          0933-2480 1867-2280    
40712 C Change: Transformations in Education 1301 Education Systems          1441-9319 0015-8542    
20325 B Changing English 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1358-684X 1469-3585    
41082 C Channels 0299 Other Physical Sciences         1933-6950 1933-6969    
87 A* Chaos 0102 Applied Mathematics         1054-1500 1089-7682    
32229 C Chaos and Complexity Letters 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics     1556-3995      
88 B Chaos Solitons and Fractals 0105 Mathematical Physics 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0960-0779 1873-2887    
10293 B Chapter and Verse 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2005 Literary Studies     1747-6755      
11751 C Charles Lamb Bulletin 2005 Literary Studies         0308-0951      
33181 C Charleston Law Review 1801 Law         1934-4473      
41639 B Chartered Institute of Building: Construction Information Quarterly 1499 Other Economics         1469-4891      
11752 B Chasqui-Revista de Literatura Latinoamericana 2005 Literary Studies         0145-8973      
11753 A Chaucer Review: a journal of medieval studies and literary criticism 2005 Literary Studies         0009-2002 1528-4204    
6968 B Cheiron: materiali e strumenti di aggiornamento storiografico 2103 Historical Studies         1127-8951 1971-8772    
40881 C Chelonian Conservation Biology 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 1071-8443 1943-3956    
9905 C Chelys 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         0952-8407      
15236 A ChemBioChem: a European journal of chemical biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry     1439-4227 1439-7633    
1620 C Chemical Analysis-Warsaw 0301 Analytical Chemistry         0009-2223      
3847 C Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly 0904 Chemical Engineering          0352-9568      
3848 C Chemical and Petroleum Engineering 0904 Chemical Engineering          0009-2355 1573-8329    
14710 B Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0009-2363 1347-5223    
2189 C Chemical Biology and Drug Design 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1747-0277 1747-0285 1397-002X 1040-5704
1319 A* Chemical Communications 03 Chemical Sciences 09 Engineering     1359-7345 1364-548X    
20642 B Chemical Educator 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1430-4171      
3849 C Chemical Engineering 0904 Chemical Engineering          0009-2460 1539-6797 1079-3186  
3851 A Chemical Engineering and Processing: process intensification 0904 Chemical Engineering          0255-2701 1873-3204    
3850 B Chemical Engineering and Technology 0904 Chemical Engineering          0930-7516 1521-4125    
3852 B Chemical Engineering Communications 0904 Chemical Engineering          0098-6445 1563-5201    
3853 B Chemical Engineering Education 0904 Chemical Engineering  1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy      0009-2479      
3854 A* Chemical Engineering Journal 0904 Chemical Engineering          1385-8947 1873-3212    
3856 C Chemical Engineering Progress 0904 Chemical Engineering          0360-7275      
3857 A Chemical Engineering Research and Design 0904 Chemical Engineering          0263-8762 1744-3563    
3858 A* Chemical Engineering Science 0904 Chemical Engineering          0009-2509 1873-4405    
3859 C Chemical Engineering World 0904 Chemical Engineering          0009-2517      
1893 A* Chemical Geology 0402 Geochemistry 0403 Geology 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience 0009-2541 1872-6836    
15548 C Chemical Immunology and Allergy 1107 Immunology         1660-2242 1662-2898    
1320 C Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities 03 Chemical Sciences         0251-0790      
1321 C Chemical Papers 03 Chemical Sciences         0366-6352 1336-9075    
1169 B Chemical Physics 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural) 0904 Chemical Engineering  0301-0104 1873-4421    
1170 A Chemical Physics Letters 1007 Nanotechnology 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural) 0009-2614 1873-4448    
3861 C Chemical Processing 0904 Chemical Engineering          0009-2630 1080-4633 0747-0398  
40559 B Chemical Product and Process Modeling 0904 Chemical Engineering          1934-2659      
14711 A Chemical Research in Toxicology 0302 Inorganic Chemistry 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry 0305 Organic Chemistry 0893-228X 1520-5010    
1322 A* Chemical Reviews 03 Chemical Sciences         0009-2665 1520-6890    
35044 B Chemical Senses 06 Biological Sciences         0379-864X 1464-3553    
1323 A* Chemical Society Reviews 03 Chemical Sciences         0306-0012 1460-4744    
1088 B Chemical Vapor Deposition 0912 Materials Engineering         0948-1907 1521-3862    
1324 C Chemicke Listy 03 Chemical Sciences         0009-2770 1213-7103    
2190 C Chemico-Biological Interactions 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0009-2797 1872-7786    
34466 C Chemie der Erde / Geochemistry 0402 Geochemistry         0009-2819      
3863 B Chemie Ingenieur Technik 0904 Chemical Engineering          0009-286X 1522-2640    
3948 C Chemine Technologija 0904 Chemical Engineering          1392-1231      
3864 C Chemische Technik 0904 Chemical Engineering          0045-6519      
35053 B Chemistry - An Asian Journal 03 Chemical Sciences         1861-4728 1861-471X    
34936 B Chemistry and Biodiversity 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry 0305 Organic Chemistry     1612-1872 1612-1880    
2191 A Chemistry and Biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry 0305 Organic Chemistry 1074-5521 1879-1301    
1422 A* Chemistry and Physics of Carbon: A Series of Advances 0904 Chemical Engineering          0069-3138      
15264 A Chemistry and Physics of Lipids 0299 Other Physical Sciences 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics 0009-3084 1873-2941    
4009 B Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0009-3092 1573-8310 0023-1169  
40511 C Chemistry Central Journal 03 Chemical Sciences         1752-153X      
20653 C Chemistry Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0970-597X      
20659 B Chemistry Education Research and Practice 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1756-1108 1756-1116    
1328 B Chemistry Letters 03 Chemical Sciences         0366-7022 1348-0715    
30161 C Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds (New York, 1951): a series of monographs 0305 Organic Chemistry         0069-3154 1935-4665    
1423 A* Chemistry of Materials 0912 Materials Engineering 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry 0904 Chemical Engineering  0897-4756 1520-5002    
1570 C Chemistry of Natural Compounds 0305 Organic Chemistry         0009-3130 1573-8388 0023-1150  
1329 A* Chemistry: A European Journal 03 Chemical Sciences         0947-6539 1521-3765    
35467 A ChemMedChem: chemistry enabling drug discovery 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry         1860-7179 1860-7187    
3219 B Chemoecology: evolutionary, mechanistic and environmental approaches to chemically-mediated interact 0399 Other Chemical Sciences         0937-7409 1423-0445    
1621 B Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 0301 Analytical Chemistry         0169-7439 1873-3239 1381-141X 0925-5281
35098 A Chemosphere MD Multidisciplinary         0045-6535 1879-1298 1465-9972  
2326 C Chemotaxis and Migration 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1608-2265      
14713 B Chemotherapy: international journal of experimental and clinical chemotherapy 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0009-3157 1421-9794    
1171 A ChemPhysChem: a European journal of chemical physics and physical chemistry 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)         1439-4235 1439-7641    
1615 C ChemSusChem: chemistry and sustainability, energy and materials 0399 Other Chemical Sciences         1864-5631 1864-564X 0003-4592  
15892 A Chest 1103 Clinical Sciences         0012-3692 1931-3543    
15354 C Chiba Medical Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0303-5476 0009-3459    
33185 B Chicago - Kent Law Review 1801 Law         0009-3599      
33182 B Chicago Journal of International Law 1801 Law         1529-0816      
36529 C Chicago Journal of Theoretical Computer Science 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 1702 Cognitive Science     1073-0486      
32231 C Chicago Lectures in Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         0069-3286      
11754 A Chicago Review 2005 Literary Studies         0009-3696      
31364 C Chicago Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0009-3718      
33184 C Chicago-Kent Journal of International and Comparative Law 1801 Law         1535-1785      
33186 C Chicano - Latino Law Review 1801 Law         1061-8899 0090-3620    
6170 B Child Abuse and Neglect 1701 Psychology         0145-2134 1873-7757    
34199 C Child Abuse Review 1607 Social Work         0952-9136 1099-0852    
40797 A Child and Adolescent Mental Health 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1701 Psychology 1475-357X 1475-3588    
13073 C Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America 1103 Clinical Sciences         1056-4993 1558-0490    
40729 B Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health 1701 Psychology         1753-2000      
41586 C Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology News 1701 Psychology         1085-0295      
34200 C Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal 1607 Social Work         0738-0151 1573-2797 0190-230X 0362-403X
6169 C Child and Family Behavior Therapy 1701 Psychology         0731-7107 1545-228X    
35502 A Child and Family Law Quarterly 1801 Law         1358-8184 1742-6618 0955-4475  
34196 A Child and Family Social Work 1607 Social Work         1356-7500      
6173 C Child and Youth Care Forum: an independent journal of day and residential child and youth care practice 1701 Psychology         1053-1890 1573-3319    
41582 C Child and Youth Services 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0145-935X 1545-2298    
6172 B Child Care Health and Development 1701 Psychology         0305-1862 1365-2214 1355-5626  
39970 B Child Care in Practice 1607 Social Work         1357-5279 1476-489X    
6174 A* Child Development 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0009-3920 1467-8624    
41587 B Child Development Perspectives 1701 Psychology         1750-8592      
41588 Not ranked Child Indicators Research 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 1608 Sociology     1874-897X 1874-8988    
20700 B Child Language Teaching and Therapy 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0265-6590 1477-0865    
39969 B Child Maltreatment 1607 Social Work         1077-5595 1552-6119    
6175 B Child Neuropsychology 17 Psychology and Cognitive Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences     0929-7049 1744-4136    
36158 C Child Psychiatry and Human Development 1701 Psychology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine 0009-398X 1573-3327    
6177 C Child Study Journal 1701 Psychology         0009-4005      
33188 B Child Welfare: journal of policy, practice and program 1801 Law         0009-4021      
20765 B Childhood Education 1301 Education Systems          0009-4056      
39968 C Childhood: a global journal of child research 1607 Social Work         0907-5682 1461-7013    
20488 C Children and Schools: a journal of social work practice 1301 Education Systems          1532-8759 1545-682X 0162-7961  
20539 C Children and Society: the international journal of childhood and children's services 1801 Law         0951-0605 1099-0860    
34203 C Children and Youth Services Review 1607 Social Work         0190-7409 1873-7765    
34204 C Children Australia 1607 Social Work         1035-0772 0312-8970    
40156 C Children in war: the international journal of evacuee and war child studies 1608 Sociology 1601 Anthropology      1745-7211      
5926 C Children, Youth and Environments 1604 Human Geography         1546-2250      
34567 B ChildrenÕs Literature Association Quarterly 2005 Literary Studies         0885-0429 1553-1201    
5927 C Children's Geographies: advancing interdisciplinary understanding of younger people's lives 1604 Human Geography         1473-3285 1473-3277    
13465 C Childrens Health Care 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0273-9615 1532-6888 0274-8916 0145-3351
33189 C Children's Legal Rights Journal 1801 Law         0278-7210      
11539 B Children's Literature in Education: an international quarterly 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0045-6713 1573-1693    
35579 C Children's Literature: annual of the modern language association division on children's literature 2005 Literary Studies         0092-8208 1543-3374 1071-4405  
20681 C Children's Social and Economics Education: an international journal 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1357-4019 1478-8047    
15897 C Child's Nervous System 1103 Clinical Sciences         0256-7040 1433-0350    
44483 C Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences         0718-5820 0718-5839 0365-2807 0716-3827
40316 C Chilean Journal of Statistics 0104 Statistics  0102 Applied Mathematics     0718-7912 0718-7920    
1331 C Chimia 03 Chemical Sciences         0009-4293      
40695 C Chimica Oggi 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics         0392-839X 1973-8250    
3950 C Chimie Nouvelle 0904 Chemical Engineering          0771-730X      
36148 C China Accounting and Finance Review 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1029-807X      
18198 C China and World Economy 1402 Applied Economics         1671-2234      
18199 B China Economic Review (Amsterdam) 14 Economics         1043-951X 1873-7781    
36875 B China Information: a journal on contemporary China studies MD Multidisciplinary         0920-203X 1741-590X    
41589 Not ranked China Journal of Accounting Research 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment     1755-3091      
35950 Not ranked China Journal of Social Work 1607 Social Work         1752-5098 1752-5101    
9256 B China Media Research 2001 Communication and Media Studies         1556-889X 1932-3476    
4698 B China Ocean Engineering 0911 Maritime Engineering          0890-5487      
40431 B China Perspectives MD Multidisciplinary         2070-3449 1996-4617 1021-9013  
18755 A China Quarterly: an international journal for the study of China MD Multidisciplinary         0305-7410 1468-2648    
36303 C China Report: a journal of East Asian studies MD Multidisciplinary         0009-4455 1939-9790    
21261 A China Review International: a journal of reviews of scholarly literature in Chinese studies. 2005 Literary Studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society     1069-5834 1527-9367    
41590 B China Social Welfare 1605 Policy and Administration 1608 Sociology 1607 Social Work 1009-7724      
4755 C China Steel Technical Report 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1015-6070      
18757 C China Studies 21 History and Archaeology         1570-1344      
41591 C China Terminology 2004 Linguistics         1673-8578      
32232 C Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B 0101 Pure Mathematics         0252-9599 1860-6261 1000-8314  
36319 C Chinese Archives of Traditional Chinese Medicine 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         1673-7717      
21546 C Chinese Culture 2002 Cultural Studies         0289-6648      
19999 C Chinese Education and Society: a journal of translations 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1061-1932 0009-4560    
3188 C Chinese Journal of Applied Physiology 0606 Physiology  1116 Medical Physiology     1000-6834      
39687 C Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics 0104 Statistics          1001-4268      
3407 C Chinese Journal of Bioprocess Engineering 10 Technology 06 Biological Sciences 09 Engineering 1672-3678      
44491 C Chinese journal of cancer 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1000-467X      
3866 C Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering 0904 Chemical Engineering          1004-9541 0892-0370 1000-9027  
1332 C Chinese Journal of Chemistry 03 Chemical Sciences         1001-604X 1614-7065 0567-7351  
41595 B Chinese Journal of Clinical Medicine 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences         1008-6358      
9692 C Chinese Journal of Coffee Research 0908 Food Sciences         1095-2799      
32703 C Chinese Journal of Conservative Dentistry 1105 Dentistry         1005-2593      
483 C Chinese Journal of Contemporary Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         0898-5111      
44835 B Chinese Journal of Electronics 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 1005 Communications Technologies     1022-4653      
39686 C Chinese Journal of Engineering Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics         1005-3085      
15569 C Chinese Journal of Immunology 1107 Immunology         1000-484X      
1521 C Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (English) 0302 Inorganic Chemistry         1001-4861      
40019 C Chinese Journal of Integrated Medicine 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         1672-0415 1003-5370 1993-0402 1006-6497
33190 B Chinese Journal of International Law 1801 Law         1540-1650 1746-9937    
21270 C Chinese Journal of International Politics 1606 Political Science         1750-8916 1750-8924    
3662 B Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1000-9345 0577-6686    
15051 C Chinese Journal of New Drugs and Clinical Remedies 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1007-7669 1000-3843    
484 C Chinese Journal of Numerical Mathematics and Applications 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     0899-4358      
15049 C Chinese Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0254-1793      
956 C Chinese Journal of Physics 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     0577-9073      
15900 C Chinese Journal of Prevention and Control of STD and AIDS 1103 Clinical Sciences         1672-5662 1007-3523    
6178 C Chinese Journal of Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1013-9656 0065-1613    
21271 C Chinese Journal of Sociology 1608 Sociology         1011-2219      
1425 C Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry 0302 Inorganic Chemistry         0254-5861      
44803 C Chinese Journal of Virology 0605 Microbiology  1103 Clinical Sciences 1108 Medical Microbiology 1000-8721      
9311 B Chinese Language 2004 Linguistics         0578-1949      
9332 C Chinese Language Learning 2004 Linguistics 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy      1003-7365      
21793 C Chinese Language Research MD Multidisciplinary         1000-2979      
40883 C Chinese Management Studies 1503 Business and Management         1750-614X 1750-6158    
15302 C Chinese Medical Journal 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences         0366-6999 0376-2491    
40021 B Chinese Medicine 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         1749-8546      
40546 C Chinese Mental Health Journal 1701 Psychology 1103 Clinical Sciences     1000-6729      
10294 C Chinese Music 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0192-3749      
21276 B Chinese Philosophy 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     1007-6689 1007-8835 1001-2540  
958 C Chinese Physics Letters 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     0256-307X 1741-3540    
41357 C Chinese Rural Economy (Efik) 1402 Applied Economics         1002-8870      
40610 A Chinese Science and Technology Translators Journal 2003 Language Studies 2004 Linguistics     1002-0489      
17493 C Chinese Science Bulletin MD Multidisciplinary         0023-074X 1001-6538    
40510 C Chinese Scientific Journal of Hearing and Speech 2004 Linguistics         1672-4933      
10832 B Chinese Sociology and Anthropology 1601 Anthropology          0009-4625 1558-1004    
21280 B Chinese Southern Diaspora Studies MD Multidisciplinary         1834-609X      
15050 C Chinese Traditional Patent Medicine 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1001-1528      
21284 C Chinese Translators Journal 2003 Language Studies         1000-873X      
34151 C Chinesische Medizin: theoretische Grundlagen, Diagnostik, Akupunktur, Arzneimittel, Taiji, Qigong 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         0930-2786      
30065 B Chinoperl Papers 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         0193-7774      
1571 B Chirality 0305 Organic Chemistry 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)     0899-0042 1520-636X    
6971 A Chiron 2103 Historical Studies         0069-3715      
34130 C Chiropractic and Osteopathy 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         1746-1340 1328-0384    
3075 C Chiroptera Neotropical 0608 Zoology         1413-4403      
10296 A Chopin Studies 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0239-8567      
30515 A CHORA: Intervals in the Philosophy of Architecture 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 1201 Architecture     1198-449X      
9909 C Choral Journal 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0009-5028      
36965 C Christian Bioethics 2203 Philosophy          1380-3603 1744-4195    
20602 C Christian Higher Education 1301 Education Systems          1536-3759 1539-4107    
41829 C Christian Scholar's Review: a Christian quarterly of the arts and sciences 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0017-2251      
20606 C Christian Teachers Journal 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1443-735X 0818-6197    
1623 B Chromatographia 0301 Analytical Chemistry         0009-5893 1612-1112    
2366 B Chromosoma: biology of the nucleus 0604 Genetics          0009-5915 1432-0886    
2367 B Chromosome Research: the international journal for all aspects of chromosome and nuclear biology 0604 Genetics          0967-3849 1573-6849    
15902 C Chronic Illness 1103 Clinical Sciences         1742-3953 1745-9206    
15903 C Chronic Respiratory Disease 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1479-9723 1479-9731    
10297 C Chronika Aisthetikes 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1105-0462      
6973 B Chronique d'egypte 2101 Archaeology 2103 Historical Studies     0009-6067      
36082 C Chronique Internationale de l'IRES 1503 Business and Management         1285-087X 1145-1408    
2066 B Chronobiology International: the journal of biological and medical rhythm research 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1116 Medical Physiology     0742-0528 1525-6073 0743-9539  
20785 C Chudeng Jiaoyu Xuebao 1301 Education Systems          1025-1944      
21288 C Chung-Hwa Buddhist Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1026-969X      
11757 C Chung-Wai Literary Monthly MD Multidisciplinary         0303-0849      
8014 C Church Archaeology 2101 Archaeology         1366-8129      
6974 A Church History 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0009-6407 1755-2613    
6975 B Church History and Religious Culture 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1871-241X 1871-2428 0028-2030  
4756 C Chuzo Kogaku 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1342-0429 0021-4396    
11758 B Ciberletras: revista de critica literaria y de cultura - journal of literary criticism and culture 2005 Literary Studies         1523-1720      
18656 C Ciclos: en la historia, la economia y la sociedad 1402 Applied Economics         0327-4063 1851-3735    
5286 C Ciencia Del Suelo 0503 Soil Sciences 0703 Crop and Pasture Production     0326-3169 1850-2067    
9693 C Ciencia e Tecnologia de Alimentos 0908 Food Sciences         0101-2061      
5701 C Ciencia Florestal 0705 Forestry Sciences         0103-9954      
14902 C Ciencia y Tecnologia Pharmaceutica: revista espanola del medicamento y del producto sanitario 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1575-3409      
17577 C Ciencia, Docencia y Tecnologia MD Multidisciplinary         0327-5566      
17578 C Ciencias MD Multidisciplinary         0187-6376      
5599 C Ciencias Veterinarias 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0250-5649      
5336 C Cientifica: revista de agronomia 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         0100-0039      
40053 C CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 1110 Nursing         1538-2931 1538-9774 0736-8593  
9914 B Cinema Journal 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         0009-7101 1527-2087    
10298 C Cinemas d'amerique Latine 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         1267-4397      
4527 C Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0278-081X 1531-5878    
15904 A* Circulation 1103 Clinical Sciences         0009-7322 1524-4539    
15905 B Circulation Journal 1103 Clinical Sciences         1346-9843 1347-4820    
15906 A* Circulation Research 1103 Clinical Sciences         0009-7330 1524-4571    
40879 Not ranked Circulation. Cardiovascular Imaging 1103 Clinical Sciences         1941-9651 1942-0080    
8761 C Circulo de Linguistica Aplicada a la Comunicacion 2004 Linguistics         1576-4737      
44836 A CIRP Annals 0910 Manufacturing Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0907 Environmental Engineering 0007-8506      
34954 B Cistercian Studies Quarterly: an international review of the monastic and contemplative spiritual tradition 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1062-6549      
5928 A Cities 1604 Human Geography 1205 Urban and Regional Planning     0264-2751 1873-6084    
18759 B Citizenship Studies 1606 Political Science 1503 Business and Management 1608 Sociology 1362-1025 1469-3593    
39705 B Citizenship Teaching and Learning 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1751-1917 1751-1925    
18760 B City and Community 1605 Policy and Administration 1205 Urban and Regional Planning     1535-6841 1540-6040    
9465 B City and Society 1601 Anthropology  2002 Cultural Studies 1608 Sociology 0893-0465 1548-744X    
20852 B City: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         1470-3629 0969-6199    
44894 C Cityscape (Washington, D.C.) 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         1936-007X      
20958 C Ciudades: analisis de la coyuntura, teoria y historia urbana 1201 Architecture         0187-8611      
4168 B Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems: decision making and problem solving 0905 Civil Engineering         1028-6608 1029-0249 0263-0257  
4321 C Civil Engineering Practice 0905 Civil Engineering         0886-9685      
4322 C Civil Engineering Surveyor 0905 Civil Engineering         0266-139X      
4166 C Civil Engineering: engineered design and construction 0905 Civil Engineering         0885-7024 0360-0556    
33191 A* Civil Justice Quarterly 1801 Law         0261-9261      
30394 C Civil Liberty 1606 Political Science         1326-8333      
6978 B Civil War History: a journal of the middle period 2103 Historical Studies         0009-8078 1533-6271    
18761 C Civil Wars 1606 Political Science         1369-8249 1743-968X    
15851 C CJEM: Canadian journal of emergency medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         1481-8035 1481-8043    
9320 C CLA Journal 2003 Language Studies         0007-8549      
3220 A Cladistics 0603 Evolutionary Biology         0748-3007 1096-0031    
41608 C Clarion Magazine 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1718-9942      
6980 B Classica et Mediaevalia: Danish journal of philology and history 2103 Historical Studies         0106-5815 1604-9411    
11540 C Classical and Modern Literature 2005 Literary Studies         0197-2227      
959 B Classical and Quantum Gravity 0105 Mathematical Physics 0206 Quantum Physics 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics 0264-9381 1361-6382    
6981 A Classical Antiquity 2103 Historical Studies         0278-6656 1067-8344    
34783 B Classical Bulletin 2099 Other Language, Communication and Culture 2103 Historical Studies     0009-8337      
6982 B Classical Journal 2103 Historical Studies         0009-8353      
6983 A* Classical Philology 2003 Language Studies 2103 Historical Studies     0009-837X 1546-072X    
6984 A* Classical Quarterly 2103 Historical Studies         0009-8388 1471-6844    
6985 C Classical Review 2103 Historical Studies         0009-840X 1464-3561    
35590 B Classical World 21 History and Archaeology         0009-8418 1558-9234    
6986 C Classics Ireland 2103 Historical Studies         0791-9417      
6987 C Classicum 2103 Historical Studies         0155-0659      
34464 B Clay Minerals: journal of the European Clay Groups 0403 Geology         0009-8558 1471-8030    
36379 C Clay Science 0912 Materials Engineering         0009-8574 0470-6455    
1716 B Clays and Clay Minerals 0503 Soil Sciences 0403 Geology     0009-8604 1552-8367    
11732 B CLC Web: Comparative Literature and Culture 2005 Literary Studies 2002 Cultural Studies     1481-4374 1556-2905    
44376 C CLEAN - Soil, Air, Water 0502 Environmental Science and Management 0401 Atmospheric Sciences     0323-4320      
44290 C Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 09 Engineering 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 1618-954X 1618-9558    
36326 B CLEAN: Soil, Air, Water MD Multidisciplinary         1863-0650 1863-0669    
33192 C Clearinghouse Review 1801 Law         0009-868X      
32550 B Cleft Palate: Craniofacial Journal 1105 Dentistry         1055-6656 1545-1569    
4401 C CLEI Electronic Journal 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0717-5000      
33193 C Cleveland State Law Review 1801 Law         0009-8876      
15907 B Climacteric 1103 Clinical Sciences         1369-7137 1473-0804    
36638 B Climate and Carbon Law Review 1801 Law         1864-9904      
1962 A Climate Dynamics: observational, theoretical and computational research on the climate system 0401 Atmospheric Sciences 0405 Oceanography     0930-7575 1432-0894    
40381 A Climate of the Past 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         1814-9324 1814-9332    
40378 B Climate of the Past Discussions 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         1814-9340 1814-9359    
1963 B Climate Policy 1605 Policy and Administration         1469-3062 1752-7457    
1964 B Climate Research 0401 Atmospheric Sciences         0936-577X 1616-1572    
1965 A Climatic Change: an interdisciplinary, international journal devoted to the description, causes and implications of climatic change 0401 Atmospheric Sciences         0165-0009 1573-1480    
15265 C Clinica Chimica Acta 1103 Clinical Sciences         0009-8981 1873-3492    
14599 C Clinical Anatomy 1116 Medical Physiology         0897-3806 1098-2353    
15549 C Clinical and Applied Immunology Reviews 1107 Immunology         1529-1049      
36313 C Clinical and Applied Thrombosis / Hemostasis 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1076-0296 1938-2723    
15467 C Clinical and Developmental Immunology 1107 Immunology         1740-2522 1740-2530    
15469 B Clinical and Experimental Allergy 1107 Immunology         0954-7894 1365-2222    
15909 B Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0307-6938 1365-2230    
15910 C Clinical and Experimental Hypertension 1103 Clinical Sciences         1064-1963 1525-6006 0730-0077 0148-3927
15470 B Clinical and Experimental Immunology 1107 Immunology         0009-9104 1365-2249    
40989 C Clinical and Experimental Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         1591-8890 1591-9528    
15908 A Clinical and Experimental Metastasis 1103 Clinical Sciences         0262-0898 1573-7276    
14283 C Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry 1103 Clinical Sciences 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1442-6404 1442-9071    
40013 C Clinical and Experimental Optometry 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry 1103 Clinical Sciences 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences 0816-4622 1444-0938    
3156 B Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences 0606 Physiology      0305-1870 1440-1681    
15912 B Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0392-856X 1593-098X    
15303 C Clinical and Investigative Medicine 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0147-958X 1488-2353    
42235 C Clinical and Molecular Allergy 1107 Immunology         1476-7961      
41609 B Clinical and Translational Oncology 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics         1699-048X 1699-3055    
41611 Not ranked Clinical and Translational Science 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences 1752-8054      
15550 C Clinical and Vaccine Immunology 1107 Immunology         1556-6811 1556-679X 1071-412X  
13140 C Clinical Approaches in Bipolar Disorders 1103 Clinical Sciences         1473-6705 1473-6713    
15914 C Clinical Autonomic Research 1103 Clinical Sciences         0959-9851 1619-1560    
40707 C Clinical Biochemist Reviews 11 Medical and Health Sciences 03 Chemical Sciences     0159-8090      
15237 B Clinical Biochemistry 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics         0009-9120 1873-2933    
9746 A* Clinical Biomechanics 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science 0903 Biomedical Engineering      0268-0033 1879-1271    
15915 A Clinical Cancer Research 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1078-0432 1557-3265    
15916 C Clinical Cardiology (Hoboken): an indexed and peer-reviewed journal for advances in the treatment of cardiovascular disease 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0160-9289 1932-8737    
40512 C Clinical Case Studies 1701 Psychology         1534-6501 1552-3802    
22141 A Clinical Chemistry (Washington, DC): international journal of molecular diagnostics and laboratory medicine 1004 Medical Biotechnology 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics 1103 Clinical Sciences 0009-9147 1530-8561    
15266 C Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science     1434-6621 1437-4331    
6179 A Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review 1701 Psychology         1096-4037 1573-2827    
6180 C Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry 1701 Psychology 1103 Clinical Sciences 0102 Applied Mathematics 1359-1045 1461-7021    
15917 C Clinical Diabetes 1103 Clinical Sciences         0891-8929 1945-4953    
14716 B Clinical Drug Investigation 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1173-2563      
15918 C Clinical Dysmorphology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0962-8827 1473-5717    
14499 C Clinical EEG and Neuroscience 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     1550-0594      
15919 A Clinical Endocrinology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0300-0664 1365-2265    
14717 C Clinical Evidence 1103 Clinical Sciences 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences     1752-8526 1462-3846    
40426 B Clinical Excellence for Nurse Practitioners 1110 Nursing         1085-2360 1532-8236    
15921 C Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1542-3565 1542-7714    
15922 B Clinical Genetics 1103 Clinical Sciences 0604 Genetics      0009-9163 1399-0004    
15923 C Clinical Geriatrics 1103 Clinical Sciences         1095-1598 1070-1389    
36216 C Clinical Gerontologist: the journal of aging and mental health 1701 Psychology         0731-7115 1545-2301 0270-3122  
40990 C Clinical Governance: an international journal 1606 Political Science 1605 Policy and Administration 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1477-7274 1758-6038    
15924 C Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 1103 Clinical Sciences         1386-0291 1875-8622    
15471 B Clinical Immunology 1107 Immunology         1521-6616 1521-7035    
32551 B Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research 1105 Dentistry         1523-0899 1708-8208    
15925 A* Clinical Infectious Diseases 1103 Clinical Sciences 1108 Medical Microbiology 0605 Microbiology  1058-4838 1537-6591    
40844 C Clinical Interventions in Aging 1103 Clinical Sciences         1176-9092 1178-1998    
30440 C Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing 1110 Nursing         1092-1095 1538-067X    
15926 A Clinical Journal of Pain 1103 Clinical Sciences         0749-8047 1536-5409    
9747 B Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1050-642X 1536-3724    
16512 A Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1555-9041 1555-905X    
15927 C Clinical Laboratory 1103 Clinical Sciences         1433-6510      
33194 A Clinical Law Review: a journal of lawyering and legal education 1801 Law         1079-1159      
8762 B Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0269-9206 1464-5076 1476-9670  
40733 C Clinical Lipidology 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics     1758-4299 1758-4302 1746-0875  
15928 B Clinical Lymphoma and Myeloma 1103 Clinical Sciences         1557-9190 1938-0712 1526-9655  
15929 B Clinical Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         1470-2118 1473-4893    
40991 C Clinical Medicine and Research 1103 Clinical Sciences         1539-4182 1554-6179    
15082 B Clinical Microbiology and Infection 1103 Clinical Sciences         1198-743X 1469-0691    
42206 C Clinical Microbiology and Infection. Supplement 1103 Clinical Sciences         1470-9465      
15083 A Clinical Microbiology Reviews 1108 Medical Microbiology         0893-8512 1098-6618    
15930 B Clinical Nephrology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0301-0430      
16339 C Clinical Neuroanatomy 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     1303-1775 1303-1783    
15931 C Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     0303-8467 1872-6968    
15932 C Clinical Neuropathology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     0722-5091      
14718 B Clinical Neuropharmacology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     0362-5664 1537-162X    
15933 B Clinical Neurophysiology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science 1109 Neurosciences 1388-2457 1872-8952    
41613 C Clinical Neuropsychiatry: journal of treatment evaluation 1701 Psychology 1109 Neurosciences     1724-4935      
15935 B Clinical Nuclear Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         0363-9762 1536-0229    
14072 B Clinical Nurse Specialist 1110 Nursing         0887-6274 1538-9782    
14184 C Clinical Nursing Research 1110 Nursing         1054-7738 1552-3799    
13477 A Clinical Nutrition 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics         0261-5614 1532-1983    
15936 C Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0009-9201 1532-5520    
15937 B Clinical Oncology 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         0936-6555 1433-2981    
5037 A* Clinical Oral Implants Research 0903 Biomedical Engineering  1105 Dentistry     0905-7161 1600-0501    
32552 A Clinical Oral Investigations 1105 Dentistry         1432-6981 1436-3771    
15938 B Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 1103 Clinical Sciences         0009-921X 1528-1132    
15940 C Clinical Otolaryngology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1749-4478 1749-4486 0307-7772  
15941 C Clinical Pediatrics 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0009-9228 1938-2707    
14719 A Clinical Pharmacokinetics 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0312-5963      
14721 A* Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0009-9236 1532-6535    
14601 C Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging 1116 Medical Physiology         1475-0961 1475-097X    
36214 C Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health 1701 Psychology 1103 Clinical Sciences     1745-0179      
6183 C Clinical Psychologist 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1328-4207 1742-9552    
6184 C Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy: an international journal of theory and practice 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1063-3995 1099-0879    
40151 C Clinical psychology forum 1701 Psychology         1747-5732      
6185 A Clinical Psychology Review 1701 Psychology         0272-7358 1873-7811    
6186 A Clinical Psychology: science and practice 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0969-5893 1468-2850    
15942 B Clinical Radiology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0009-9260 1365-229X    
15943 C Clinical Rehabilitation 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science 1103 Clinical Sciences     0269-2155 1477-0873    
14903 C Clinical Research and Regulatory Affairs 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1060-1333 1532-2521    
15945 C Clinical Research in Cardiology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1861-0684 1861-0692 0300-5860  
15473 C Clinical Reviews in Allergy and Immunology 1107 Immunology         1080-0549 1559-0267    
15946 B Clinical Rheumatology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0770-3198 1434-9949    
36213 B Clinical Schizophrenia and Related Psychoses 1701 Psychology         1935-1232      
15304 C Clinical Science 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0143-5221 1470-8736    
41339 C Clinical Simulation in Nursing 1110 Nursing         1876-1399      
34205 C Clinical Social Work Journal 1607 Social Work         0091-1674 1573-3343    
5506 B Clinical Techniques in Equine Practice 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1534-7516      
14722 B Clinical Therapeutics: the international peer-reviewed journal of drug therapy 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0149-2918 1879-114X    
14723 B Clinical Toxicology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1556-3650 1556-9519 0731-3810  
15948 B Clinical Transplantation 1103 Clinical Sciences         0902-0063 1399-0012    
42208 C Clinical Transplantation. Supplement 1103 Clinical Sciences         1399-6738      
15967 B Clinical Trials 1103 Clinical Sciences         1740-7745 1740-7753    
14904 C Clinical Trials Insight Classics Pharmacoeconomics 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1175-5733 1172-1545    
15949 B Clinics in Chest Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         0272-5231 1557-8216    
15950 C Clinics in Dermatology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0738-081X 1879-1131    
15952 C Clinics in Perinatology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0095-5108 1557-9840    
9748 C Clinics in Sports Medicine 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         0278-5919 1556-228X 1138-5111  
32762 C Clio 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 2103 Historical Studies     1252-7017      
6989 B Clio (Ft. Wayne): a journal of literature, history, and the philosophy of history 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 2103 Historical Studies     0884-2043      
18657 C Cliometrica: journal of historical economics and econometric history 1401 Economic Theory 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     1863-2505 1863-2513    
3408 C Cloning and Stem Cells 10 Technology 06 Biological Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences 1536-2302 1557-7457    
11759 A Clues: a journal of detection 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2005 Literary Studies     0742-4248 1940-3046    
15351 A CMAJ 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0820-3946 1488-2329    
15953 C CME Journal: Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition 1103 Clinical Sciences         1367-9015      
15954 C CME Journal: Geriatric Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         1475-1453      
3460 A CMES Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics 1526-1492 1526-1506    
14733 C CNS and Neurological Disorders 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     1871-5273 1996-3181 1568-007X  
14724 B CNS Drugs 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1172-7047      
14905 B CNS Neuroscience and Therapeutics 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     1080-563X 1755-5930 1755-5949  
13136 C CNS Spectrums: the international journal of neuropsychiatric medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     1092-8529      
9749 C Coaching and Sport Science Journal 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1590-7880      
4169 A* Coastal Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering         0378-3839 1872-7379    
4170 C Coastal Engineering Journal 0905 Civil Engineering         0578-5634 1793-6292    
5875 C Coastal Management 0502 Environmental Science and Management 0704 Fisheries Sciences 1205 Urban and Regional Planning 0892-0753 1521-0421    
15955 C Cochlear Implants International 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1103 Clinical Sciences     1467-0100 1556-9152    
15305 A* Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1469-493X      
30516 A Co-Design:International Journal of CoCreation in Design and Art 1203 Design Practice and Management 1201 Architecture     1571-0882 1745-3755    
41615 C Cogito 2203 Philosophy          1833-2005      
6187 A* Cognition 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science 0010-0277 1873-7838    
6188 A Cognition and Emotion 1702 Cognitive Science 1701 Psychology     0269-9931 1464-0600    
6189 B Cognition and Instruction 1702 Cognitive Science 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1701 Psychology 0737-0008 1532-690X    
6530 A* Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1543-3633 1543-3641 0894-878X  
6190 B Cognitive and Behavioral Practice 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1077-7229      
22143 C Cognitive Behaviour Therapy 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1650-6073 1651-2316 0284-5717  
40992 C Cognitive Brain Research 1109 Neurosciences         0926-6410 1872-6348    
6191 B Cognitive Development 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science     0885-2014 1879-226X    
8763 A Cognitive Linguistics: an interdisciplinary journal of cognitive science 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0936-5907 1613-3641 1861-048X  
3179 C Cognitive Neurodynamics 0606 Physiology  1116 Medical Physiology 1702 Cognitive Science 1871-4080 1871-4099    
39967 A Cognitive Neuropsychiatry 11 Medical and Health Sciences 17 Psychology and Cognitive Sciences     1354-6805 1464-0619    
6192 A Cognitive Neuropsychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science 1109 Neurosciences 0264-3294 1464-0627    
40141 C Cognitive Processing: international quarterly of cognitive science 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1612-4782 1612-4790    
6193 A* Cognitive Psychology 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science 0010-0285 1095-5623    
6194 A* Cognitive Science 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science 0364-0213 1551-6709    
17781 C Cognitive Science Quarterly 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science     1466-6553      
6195 C Cognitive Systems Research 1701 Psychology 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science 1389-0417      
6196 B Cognitive Therapy and Research 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0147-5916 1573-2819    
6562 C Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience 1701 Psychology 1109 Neurosciences     1530-7026 1531-135X 0889-6313  
3952 C Coke and Chemistry 0904 Chemical Engineering          1068-364X 1934-8398    
11761 B Colby Quarterly 2005 Literary Studies         1050-5873      
4171 B Cold Regions Science and Technology 0905 Civil Engineering         0165-232X 1872-7441    
2193 B Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Symposia on Quantitative Biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0091-7451 1943-4456    
6993 B Cold War History 2103 Historical Studies         1468-2745 1743-7962    
2855 C Coleopterists Bulletin 0608 Zoology         0010-065X 1938-4394 0045-7337  
40091 Not ranked Collaborative Anthropologies 1601 Anthropology          1943-2550      
12679 C Collationes. Vlaams Tijdschrift voor Theologie en Pastoraal 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0776-8354      
6994 C Collectanea Cisterciensia: revue trimestrielle de spiritualite monastique 2103 Historical Studies         0378-4916      
12681 C Collectanea Franciscana 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0010-0749      
32234 B Collectanea Mathematica 0101 Pure Mathematics         0010-0757      
21694 C Collected Papers of Historical Science MD Multidisciplinary         0559-8095      
10652 B Collection Building 0807 Library and Information Studies         0160-4953      
42174 A Collection Management 0807 Library and Information Studies         1545-2549 0146-2679    
1333 C Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications 03 Chemical Sciences         0010-0765      
41616 B Collections: A Journal for Museum and Archives Professionals 2102 Curatorial and Related Studies         1550-1906      
10597 B College and Research Libraries 0807 Library and Information Studies         0010-0870 2150-6701    
20380 C College and University 1301 Education Systems          0010-0889      
20397 C College Composition and Communication 1301 Education Systems  2005 Literary Studies     0010-096X 1939-9006    
20465 B College English 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  2005 Literary Studies     0010-0994      
11762 C College Literature 2005 Literary Studies         0093-3139 1542-4286    
486 C College Mathematics Journal 0101 Pure Mathematics         0746-8342 1931-1346    
9916 C College Music Symposium 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0069-5696      
20399 C College Student Journal: a journal pertaining to college students 1301 Education Systems          0146-3934      
20381 C College Teaching 1301 Education Systems          8756-7555 1930-8299    
14073 B Collegian 1110 Nursing         1322-7696      
9466 C Collegium Antropologicum 1601 Anthropology          0350-6134      
6996 C Collegium Medievale: tverrfaglig tidsskrift for middelalderforskning 2103 Historical Studies         0801-9282      
10301 C Collegium Musicum: Yale University 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0147-0108      
35319 C Collingwood and British Idealism Studies: incorporating Bradley Studies 2203 Philosophy          1744-9413 1362-0916 1356-0670  
1426 B Colloid and Polymer Science: Kolloid-Zeitschrift und Zeitschrift fuer Polymere 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural) 0912 Materials Engineering     0303-402X 1435-1536    
1428 B Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural) 0904 Chemical Engineering  0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy 0927-7757 1873-4359    
1429 A Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 0903 Biomedical Engineering  0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural) 0904 Chemical Engineering  0927-7765 1873-4367    
3076 C Colloques d Histoire des Connaissances Zoologiques 0608 Zoology         0777-2491      
8764 C Colloquia Germanica: internationale Zeitschrift fuer Germanistik 2004 Linguistics 2005 Literary Studies     0010-1338      
6997 C Colloquia: journal of Central European history 2103 Historical Studies         1223-5261      
12683 B Colloquium 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0588-3237      
90 B Colloquium Mathematicum 0101 Pure Mathematics         0010-1354 1730-6302    
40623 B Colloquy: text theory critique 2002 Cultural Studies         1325-9490      
17579 C Colombia: Ciencia y Tecnologia MD Multidisciplinary         0120-5595      
6998 C Colonial Latin American Historical Review 2103 Historical Studies 2002 Cultural Studies     1063-5769      
40248 A* Colonial Latin American Review 2103 Historical Studies 2002 Cultural Studies 2003 Language Studies 1060-9164 1466-1802    
40118 C Coloquio: Letras 2005 Literary Studies         0010-1451      
35072 C Coloquios de Paleontologia 0403 Geology         1132-1660 1988-2580    
3867 C Color Research and Application 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts         0361-2317 1520-6378    
32554 C Colorado Dental Association Journal 1105 Dentistry         0010-1559      
35505 B Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law and Policy 1801 Law         1050-0391      
15355 C Colorado Medicine 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0199-7343      
36513 C Coloration Technology 0912 Materials Engineering 0904 Chemical Engineering      1472-3581 1478-4408 0037-9859  
15957 C Colorectal Disease 1103 Clinical Sciences         1462-8910 1463-1318    
42209 C Colorectal Disease. Supplement 1103 Clinical Sciences         1455-8998      
11763 B Columbia (New York, 1977): a journal of literature and art 2005 Literary Studies         1059-8189      
33196 B Columbia Business Law Review 1801 Law         0898-0721 1930-7934    
33197 A Columbia Human Rights Law Review 1801 Law         0090-7944      
33198 B Columbia Journal of Asian Law 1801 Law         1094-8449 1041-7567    
33871 C Columbia Journal of East European Law 1801 Law         1537-7342 1074-9292    
33199 A Columbia Journal of Environmental Law 1801 Law         0098-4582      
33201 B Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 1801 Law         1062-6220      
10833 B Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems 1608 Sociology 1801 Law     0010-1923      
33872 B Columbia Journal of Law and the Arts: a quarterly journal of law and the arts, entertainment, communications and intellectual property 1801 Law         1544-4848 0888-4226    
33202 A Columbia Journal of Transnational Law 1801 Law         0010-1931      
33203 A* Columbia Law Review 1801 Law         0010-1958 1945-2268    
11764 B Columbia Review 2005 Literary Studies         0010-1982      
33204 B Columbia Science and Technology Law Review 1801 Law         1938-0976      
17580 C Columbia Undergraduate Science Journal MD Multidisciplinary         1932-765X 1932-7641    
40514 Not ranked Column 1901 Art Theory and Criticism         1835-3487      
35099 C Combinatorial Chemistry and High Throughput Screening 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry     1386-2073 1875-5402    
91 A Combinatorica: an international journal on combinatorics and the theory of computing 01 Mathematical Sciences 08 Information and Computing Sciences     0209-9683 1439-6912    
788 A Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 01 Mathematical Sciences 08 Information and Computing Sciences     0963-5483 1469-2163    
3869 A* Combustion and Flame 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0902 Automotive Engineering 0904 Chemical Engineering  0010-2180 1556-2921    
3870 C Combustion Explosion and Shock Waves 0904 Chemical Engineering          0010-5082 1573-8345    
3871 B Combustion Science and Technology 0904 Chemical Engineering          0010-2202 1563-521X    
92 B Combustion Theory and Modelling 0102 Applied Mathematics 0904 Chemical Engineering      1364-7830 1741-3559    
6999 B Comitatus: a journal of Medieval and Renaissance studies MD Multidisciplinary         0069-6412 1557-0290    
93 A* Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici 0101 Pure Mathematics         0010-2571 1420-8946    
487 C Commentarii Mathematici Universitatis Sancti Pauli 0101 Pure Mathematics         0010-258X      
10834 C Commentary 1608 Sociology         0010-2601 1943-4634    
94 B Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae 0101 Pure Mathematics         0010-2628 1213-7243    
30013 B Comments on Inorganic Chemistry 0302 Inorganic Chemistry         0260-3594 1548-9574    
2068 C Comments on Theoretical Biology 06 Biological Sciences         0894-8550      
36756 C Commercial Law Journal 1801 Law         1833-9506      
35553 C Commercial Law Quarterly 1801 Law         0819-4262      
33205 B CommLaw Conspectus: Journal of Communications Law and Policy 1801 Law         1068-5871      
7000 A Common Knowledge 2005 Literary Studies 2103 Historical Studies     0961-754X 1538-4578    
33206 A Common Law World Review 1801 Law         1473-7795 1740-5556 0308-6569  
33207 A* Common Market Law Review 1801 Law         0165-0750 1875-8320    
18765 C Commonwealth and Comparative Politics 1606 Political Science         1466-2043 1743-9094 0306-3631  
40501 C Commonwealth Journal of Local Governance 1605 Policy and Administration 1606 Political Science     1836-0394      
11767 B Commonwealth Novel in English 2005 Literary Studies         0732-6734      
13478 C Communicable Diseases Intelligence Quarterly Report 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1103 Clinical Sciences     1447-4514 1445-4866 0725-3141  
9257 C Communicare: Journal of Communication Sciences 1903 Journalism and Professional Writing         0259-0069      
40993 C Communicatio: South African journal for communication theory and research 2001 Communication and Media Studies         0250-0167 1753-5379    
11297 C Communication and Cognition 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0378-0880      
31326 A Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies 2002 Cultural Studies 2001 Communication and Media Studies     1479-1420 1479-4233    
13479 C Communication and Medicine 1117 Public Health and Health Services 2004 Linguistics     1612-1783 1613-3625    
15959 C Communication Disorders Quarterly 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1103 Clinical Sciences     1525-7401 1538-4837 1093-5703  
20589 C Communication Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0363-4523 1479-5795    
35747 A Communication et Langages: presse, television, radio, publicite, edition, graphisme, formation, sociologie 2001 Communication and Media Studies         0336-1500 1778-7459    
9206 A Communication Monographs 2001 Communication and Media Studies 1903 Journalism and Professional Writing     0363-7751 1479-5787 0038-7169  
34688 B Communication Quarterly 1608 Sociology 1702 Cognitive Science     0146-3373 1746-4102 0040-8573  
9207 A Communication Research 2001 Communication and Media Studies 1903 Journalism and Professional Writing     0093-6502 1552-3810    
34687 A Communication Research Trends 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 2001 Communication and Media Studies     0144-4646      
9208 A Communication Theory 2001 Communication and Media Studies 1903 Journalism and Professional Writing     1050-3293 1468-2885    
34742 Not ranked Communication, Culture and Critique 2001 Communication and Media Studies         1753-9129 1753-9137    
41621 A Communication, Politics and Culture 2001 Communication and Media Studies         1836-0645      
95 B Communications in Algebra 0101 Pure Mathematics         0092-7872 1532-4125    
96 A Communications in Analysis and Geometry 0101 Pure Mathematics         1019-8385 1944-9992    
32235 C Communications in Applied Analysis 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1083-2564      
32237 C Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science. 0102 Applied Mathematics         1559-3940      
34359 B Communications in Asteroseismology 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences         1021-2043      
98 A Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         0219-1997 1793-6683    
39966 C Communications in Information and Systems 0102 Applied Mathematics 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 1702 Cognitive Science 1526-7555      
32019 C Communications in Information Literacy 0807 Library and Information Studies         1933-5954      
32239 C Communications in Mathematical Analysis 0101 Pure Mathematics         0973-3841      
99 A* Communications in Mathematical Physics 0105 Mathematical Physics 0206 Quantum Physics     0010-3616 1432-0916    
30731 A Communications in Mathematical Sciences 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1539-6746 1945-0796    
100 C Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics     1007-5704      
40443 A Communications in Number Theory and Physics 0101 Pure Mathematics 0105 Mathematical Physics     1931-4523 1931-4531    
490 A Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering 01 Mathematical Sciences 09 Engineering     1069-8299 1099-0887    
101 A* Communications in Partial Differential Equations 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     0360-5302 1532-4133    
1624 C Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 0503 Soil Sciences 0703 Crop and Pasture Production 0607 Plant Biology 0010-3624 1532-2416    
790 C Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation 01 Mathematical Sciences 08 Information and Computing Sciences     0361-0918 1532-4141    
791 B Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods 0104 Statistics          0361-0926 1532-415X 0090-3272  
960 C Communications in Theoretical Physics 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     0253-6102 1572-9494    
39965 A Communications of the Association for Information Systems 0806 Information Systems         1529-3181      
32021 Not ranked Communications of the IBIMA 0804 Data Format 0806 Information Systems     1943-7765      
32020 C Communications of the ICISA 0806 Information Systems         1533-2454      
41625 B Communications of the IIMA 0806 Information Systems         1543-5970 1941-6687    
30733 C Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis 0101 Pure Mathematics         1074-133X      
39964 C Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1534-0392 1553-5258    
103 A* Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     0010-3640 1097-0312    
34831 A* Communications: the European journal of communication research 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 2001 Communication and Media Studies     0341-2059 1613-4087    
39963 C Communicative Disorders Review 1702 Cognitive Science         1933-2831      
12685 C Communio Viatorum: a theological journal 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0010-3713      
12684 A Communio: international Catholic review 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0094-2065      
18767 B Communist and Post-Communist Studies 1606 Political Science 1605 Policy and Administration     0967-067X 1873-6920    
35552 C Communitas: joernaal vir gemeenskapskommunikasie - journal for community communication 2001 Communication and Media Studies         0727-1301      
36157 C Communities, Children and Families Australia 1607 Social Work         1833-6280      
20400 C Community College Journal of Research and Practice 1301 Education Systems          1066-8926 1521-0413    
20401 C Community College Review 1301 Education Systems          0091-5521 1940-2325    
32555 A Community Dental Health 1105 Dentistry         0265-539X      
32556 A Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology 1105 Dentistry         0301-5661      
44895 A Community Development 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         1557-5330      
5929 B Community Development Journal 1604 Human Geography         0010-3802 1468-2656    
36572 C Community Ecology: an interdisciplinary journal reporting progress in community and population studies 0602 Ecology         1585-8553 1588-2756    
20402 C Community Education Journal 1301 Education Systems          0045-7736      
36272 C Community Literacy Journal 1608 Sociology         1555-9734      
36212 C Community Mental Health Journal 1701 Psychology 1103 Clinical Sciences     0010-3853 1573-2789    
14185 C Community Practitioner 1110 Nursing         1462-2815 0017-9140    
36002 B Community, Work and Family 16 Studies In Human Society         1366-8803 1469-3615    
33209 B Company and Securities Law Journal 1801 Law         0729-2775      
35559 B Company Lawyer 1801 Law         0144-1027      
11768 C Comparaison 2005 Literary Studies         0942-8917      
7001 C Comparativ: Leipziger Beitraege zur Universalgeschichte und vergleichenden Gesellschaftsforschung 2103 Historical Studies         0940-3566      
34685 B Comparative American Stuides 2002 Cultural Studies         1477-5700 1741-2676    
33210 C Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa 1801 Law         0010-4051      
2194 B Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B-Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1096-4959 1879-1107    
2857 B Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C:  toxicology and Pharmacology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences 1116 Medical Physiology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1532-0456      
3157 B Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part A: Molecular and Integrative Physiology 0606 Physiology  1116 Medical Physiology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1095-6433 1531-4332    
2368 B Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part D: Genomics and Proteomics 0604 Genetics          1744-117X      
15960 C Comparative Clinical Pathology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1618-5641 1618-565X    
31433 B Comparative Critical Studies 2005 Literary Studies         1744-1854 1750-0109 0144-7564  
40400 C Comparative Cytogenetics: international journal of plant and animal cytogenetics, karyosystematics and molecular systematics 0604 Genetics  0608 Zoology 0607 Plant Biology 1993-0771 1993-078X    
9917 C Comparative Drama 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0010-4078 1936-1637    
18671 B Comparative Economic Studies 1499 Other Economics         0888-7233 1478-3320    
19983 A* Comparative Education Review 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0010-4086 1545-701X    
19981 A* Comparative Education: an international journal of comparative studies 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0305-0068 1360-0486    
18769 B Comparative European Politics 1606 Political Science         1472-4790 1740-388X    
3180 B Comparative Exercise Physiology: the international journal of animal exercise physiology, biomechanics and nutrition 0606 Physiology  0707 Veterinary Sciences     1755-2540 1755-2559 1478-0615  
15961 C Comparative Hepatology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1476-5926      
18768 C Comparative History of Literatures in European Languages 2103 Historical Studies         0238-0668      
2462 C Comparative Immunology Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 11 Medical and Health Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 0147-9571 1878-1667    
33211 A Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal 1801 Law         1095-6654 1043-5255    
11771 A Comparative Literature 2005 Literary Studies         0010-4124 1945-8517    
11772 A Comparative Literature Studies 2005 Literary Studies         0010-4132 1528-4212    
2961 C Comparative Medicine (Memphis) 06 Biological Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences 1532-0820 0023-6764    
2858 C Comparative Parasitology 0608 Zoology 0605 Microbiology      1525-2647 1938-2952    
18770 A Comparative Political Studies 1606 Political Science         0010-4140 1552-3829    
18772 A Comparative Politics 1606 Political Science         0010-4159      
41626 B Comparative Sociology 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1569-1322 1569-1330    
18773 C Comparative Strategy: an international journal 1606 Political Science         0149-5933 1521-0448    
40246 B Comparative Studies in Japanese Culture 2002 Cultural Studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society     0945-9634      
7002 A* Comparative Studies in Society and History: an international quarterly 1601 Anthropology  2103 Historical Studies     0010-4175 1475-2999    
21298 B Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East MD Multidisciplinary         1089-201X 1548-226X    
39962 B Comparative Technology Transfer and Society 16 Studies In Human Society         1542-0132 1543-3404    
19984 A Compare: a journal of comparative and international education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0305-7925 1469-3623    
31406 C Compass: a review of topical theology 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1036-9686 0819-4602 0311-1210  
32242 C Compel - The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0102 Applied Mathematics         0332-1649      
44303 C Compendium (Yardley): continuing education for veterinarians 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1940-8307 1940-8315    
36003 B Competition and Change: the journal of global political economy 1503 Business and Management 1605 Policy and Administration     1024-5294 1477-2221    
35514 B Competition and Consumer Law Journal 1801 Law         1039-5598      
35638 B Competition and Regulation in Network Industries 1402 Applied Economics         1783-5917 1389-9597    
35515 C Competition Law Journal 1801 Law         1476-9085      
31161 C Competitiveness Review 1503 Business and Management         1059-5422 1071-0736 1068-0241  
34152 C Complementary Health Practice Review 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         1533-2101 1552-3845    
13314 C Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine 1110 Nursing     1744-3881 1873-6947    
34134 A* Complementary Therapies in Medicine 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         0965-2299 1873-6963    
32244 C Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 0101 Pure Mathematics         1661-8254 1661-8262    
17784 C Complex Systems 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 1702 Cognitive Science 0891-2513      
32245 B Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations: an international journal 0101 Pure Mathematics         1747-6933 1747-6941 0278-1077  
493 B Complexity 0102 Applied Mathematics 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 1076-2787 1099-0526    
17786 C Complexity International 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 1320-0682      
40646 C Complicity: an international journal of complexity in education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1303 Specialist Studies In Education     1710-5668      
8016 B Complutum 2101 Archaeology         1131-6993 1988-2327    
4880 C Composite Interfaces 0912 Materials Engineering         0927-6440 1568-5543    
3731 A Composite Structures 0905 Civil Engineering 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering     0263-8223 1879-1085    
4882 A Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 0912 Materials Engineering         1359-835X      
4883 A Composites Part B: Engineering 0912 Materials Engineering 0904 Chemical Engineering      1359-8368 0961-9526    
4884 A* Composites Science and Technology 0912 Materials Engineering         0266-3538      
105 A Compositio Mathematica 0101 Pure Mathematics         0010-437X 1570-5846    
20335 C Composition Forum: a journal of pedagogical theory in rhetoric and composition 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1522-7502      
31048 C Compost Science and Utilization 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 1065-657X      
13075 C Comprehensive Psychiatry 1103 Clinical Sciences         0010-440X 1532-8384    
41157 A Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 0908 Food Sciences         1541-4337      
3663 B Comptes Rendus Mecanique (Academie des Sciences) 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1631-0721 1873-7234 1620-7742  
961 B Comptes Rendus Physique 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     1631-0705 1296-2147    
108 C Computational and Applied Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics     0101-8205 1807-0302    
44832 A* Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 0102 Applied Mathematics 0903 Biomedical Engineering      1748-670X 1748-6718    
32249 C Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics         1381-298X 1572-9346    
39789 B Computational Biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1568-2684      
17808 B Computational Biology and Chemistry 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0307 Theoretical and Computational Chemistry     1476-9271 1476-928X 0097-8485  
30736 A Computational Complexity 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 1702 Cognitive Science 1016-3328 1420-8954    
18157 C Computational Economics 1403 Econometrics  1499 Other Economics     0927-7099 1572-9974    
109 B Computational Geometry -Theory and Applications 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics     0925-7721      
34463 C Computational Geosciences: modeling, simulation and data analysis 0499 Other Earth Sciences         1420-0597 1573-1499    
17787 A Computational Intelligence 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science     0824-7935 1467-8640    
14562 C Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     1687-5265 1687-5273    
8765 A* Computational Linguistics 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science 0891-2017 1530-9312    
32851 C Computational Management Science 1503 Business and Management 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics 1619-697X 1619-6988    
4885 A Computational Materials Science 0912 Materials Engineering         0927-0256      
32250 C Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0105 Mathematical Physics 0102 Applied Mathematics 0965-5425 1555-6662 0044-4669  
30737 C Computational Mathematics and Modeling 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics         1046-283X 1573-837X    
3732 A* Computational Mechanics 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering 0178-7675 1432-0924    
110 C Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics     1609-4840 1609-9389    
32022 B Computational Optimization and Applications 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics     0926-6003 1573-2894    
792 B Computational Statistics 01 Mathematical Sciences 08 Information and Computing Sciences     0943-4062      
793 A Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 0104 Statistics  0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics     0167-9473 1872-7352    
41628 Not ranked Computational Thermal Sciences 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1940-2503 1940-2554    
3465 B Computer 08 Information and Computing Sciences         0018-9162 1558-0814    
30535 A Computer Aided Design 1203 Design Practice and Management 0913 Mechanical Engineering     0010-4485 1879-2685    
33212 C Computer and Telecommunications Law Review 1801 Law         1357-3128      
18058 B Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 1702 Cognitive Science 1546-4261 1546-427X 1049-8907  
41159 C Computer Applications in Engineering Education 13 Education 09 Engineering     1061-3773 1099-0542    
40077 B Computer Assisted Language Learning: an international journal 2004 Linguistics         0958-8221 1744-3210    
3733 C Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engineering Sciences 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1232-308X      
5063 C Computer Communications 0805 Distributed Computing 1005 Communications Technologies     0140-3664 1873-703X    
36612 C Computer Communications Review 0805 Distributed Computing         0146-4833 1943-5819    
20309 C Computer Education: a journal for teachers (especially classes of 11-18 age range) interested in computers and computing 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0010-4590      
17792 B Computer Graphics Forum: the international journal of the Eurographics Association 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing         0167-7055 1467-8659    
17795 C Computer Languages, Systems and Structures 0803 Computer Software 1702 Cognitive Science     1477-8424 1873-6866 0096-0551  
36687 B Computer Law and Security Report 1801 Law         0267-3649 1873-6734    
35518 C Computer Law Review International: a journal of information law and technology 1801 Law         1610-7608 1439-8001    
5039 A* Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 0903 Biomedical Engineering          0169-2607 1872-7565    
4173 A* Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0102 Applied Mathematics 0045-7825      
30236 A Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 0903 Biomedical Engineering          1025-5842 1476-8259    
9919 A Computer Music Journal 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0148-9267 1531-5169    
22147 A Computer Networks 0805 Distributed Computing         1389-1286 1872-7069 0169-7552  
962 A Computer Physics Communications 08 Information and Computing Sciences 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences 0010-4655 1879-2944 1386-9485  
17799 C Computer Science - Research and Development 0803 Computer Software         1865-2034 1865-2042 0178-3564  
17800 A Computer Science Education 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences         0899-3408 1744-5175    
17802 A Computer Speech and Language 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science     0885-2308 1095-8363    
17803 B Computer Standards and Interfaces 0803 Computer Software 0804 Data Format     0920-5489 1872-7018    
17804 B Computer Supported Cooperative Work: the journal of collaborative computing 0806 Information Systems 1702 Cognitive Science     0925-9724 1573-7551    
17806 C Computer Systems Science and Engineering 0805 Distributed Computing         0267-6192      
4402 A Computer Vision and Image Understanding 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science     1077-3142 1090-235X    
4172 B Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering         1093-9687 1467-8667    
15962 B Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 1103 Clinical Sciences 0903 Biomedical Engineering      0895-6111 1879-0771    
3873 A Computers and Chemical Engineering 0904 Chemical Engineering  0913 Mechanical Engineering     0098-1354 1873-4375    
20305 B Computers and Composition 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         8755-4615 1873-2011    
4175 B Computers and Concrete 0905 Civil Engineering         1598-8198 1598-818X    
17811 A Computers and Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0360-1315 1873-782X    
4403 B Computers and Electrical Engineering 0803 Computer Software 0805 Distributed Computing 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0045-7906      
41630 C Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 0799 Other Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences     0168-1699      
5111 A Computers and Fluids 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering 0102 Applied Mathematics     0045-7930      
1718 B Computers and Geosciences 0499 Other Earth Sciences 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy 0098-3004 1873-7803    
3466 A Computers and Geotechnics 0905 Civil Engineering 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering 0266-352X 1873-7633    
17809 B Computers and Graphics - UK 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing         0097-8493 1873-7684    
33009 B Computers and Industrial Engineering 08 Information and Computing Sciences 09 Engineering     0360-8352 1879-0550    
111 A Computers and Mathematics with Applications 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 0898-1221 1873-7668    
3665 A Computers and Operations Research 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics     0305-0548 1873-765X    
17813 B Computers and Security 0803 Computer Software 0805 Distributed Computing 0806 Information Systems 0167-4048 1872-6208    
4176 A* Computers and Structures 0905 Civil Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 0045-7949 1879-2243    
5040 B Computers in Biology and Medicine 0804 Data Format 1702 Cognitive Science 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 0010-4825      
20295 C Computers in Education Journal 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1069-3769      
32852 C Computers in Higher Education Economics Review 08 Information and Computing Sciences 13 Education     1358-5363      
6198 B Computers in Human Behavior 0806 Information Systems 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science 0747-5632 1873-7692    
17815 B Computers in Industry 0803 Computer Software 0805 Distributed Computing 1702 Cognitive Science 0166-3615 1872-6194    
10304 C Computers in Music Research 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1046-1744      
41915 C Computers in New Zealand Schools 1301 Education Systems          0114-4081      
20296 C Computers in the Schools: the interdisciplinary journal of practice, theory, and applied research 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0738-0569 1528-7033    
4630 B Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 0909 Geomatic Engineering  1205 Urban and Regional Planning     0198-9715 1873-7587    
17816 A Computing 08 Information and Computing Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     0010-485X 1436-5057    
32039 C Computing in Science and Engineering 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 0805 Distributed Computing 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 1521-9615 1558-366X    
8766 C Concentric: literary and cultural studies 2002 Cultural Studies 2005 Literary Studies     1729-6897 1021-6006    
20814 C Concept: the journal of contemporary community education practice theory 1301 Education Systems          1359-1983      
1172 C Concepts in Magnetic Resonance. Part A 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural) 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 1546-6086 1552-5023    
1173 C Concepts in Magnetic Resonance. Part B: Magnetic Resonance Engineering 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural) 0903 Biomedical Engineering  1552-5031 1552-504X 1043-7347  
37041 B Conceptus: Zeitschrift fuer Philosophie 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0010-5155      
32721 C Concerns (New York) 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1068-204X      
11773 C Concho River Review 2005 Literary Studies         1048-9568      
31384 B Concilium: international review of theology 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0010-5236 0210-1041    
11774 C Concord Saunterer 2005 Literary Studies         1068-5359      
40796 B Concrescence:  The Australasian Journal of Process Thought 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1445-4297      
4178 C Concrete in Australia 0905 Civil Engineering         1440-656X      
4179 C Concrete International 0905 Civil Engineering         0162-4075 1944-7388    
17819 A Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 0805 Distributed Computing         1532-0626 1532-0634 1040-3108  
3592 C Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications 0910 Manufacturing Engineering         1063-293X 1531-2003    
2859 B Condor: an international journal of avian biology 0608 Zoology         0010-5422 1938-5129    
9694 C Confectionery Production 0908 Food Sciences         0010-5473      
11298 C Configurations: a journal of literature, science and technology 2001 Communication and Media Studies 2002 Cultural Studies 2004 Linguistics 1063-1801 1080-6520    
36292 B Conflict and Communication 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1618-0747      
18775 C Conflict Management and Peace Science 1606 Political Science 1605 Policy and Administration     0738-8942 1549-9219    
30395 C Conflict Resolution and Negotiation Journal 1606 Political Science         1946-0236      
18776 B Conflict Resolution Quarterly 1606 Political Science 1605 Policy and Administration     1536-5581 1541-1508 0739-4098  
36257 C Conflict, Security and Development 1605 Policy and Administration         1467-8802 1478-1174    
34683 B Confluencia: Revista hisp‡nica de cultura y literature 2099 Other Language, Communication and Culture         0888-6091      
495 A Conformal Geometry and Dynamics 0101 Pure Mathematics         1088-4173      
11776 C Confrontation 2005 Literary Studies         0010-5716      
41632 B Congenital Heart Disease 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1747-079X      
40529 B Congestive Heart Failure 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1527-5299 1751-7133    
114 C Congressus Numerantium: a conference journal on numerical themes 0101 Pure Mathematics 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics     0384-9864 0384-997X    
33213 C Connecticut Insurance Law Journal 1801 Law         1081-9436      
33214 B Connecticut Journal of International Law 1801 Law         0897-1218      
33215 B Connecticut Law Review 1801 Law         0010-6151 1930-9813    
15356 C Connecticut Medicine 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0010-6178      
11777 C Connecticut Poetry Review 2005 Literary Studies         0277-7770      
17822 B Connection Science: journal of neural computing, artificial intelligence, and cognitive research 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science     0954-0091 1360-0494    
36291 C Connections (Alhambra) 1608 Sociology         0226-1766      
15963 A Connective Tissue Research 1103 Clinical Sciences 0903 Biomedical Engineering      0300-8207 1607-8438    
11778 C Connotations (New York): a journal of critical debate 2005 Literary Studies         0939-5482      
41634 C Conradi Research Review 1503 Business and Management 1099 Other Technology      1459-0980      
11779 B Conradiana: a journal of Joseph Conrad studies 2005 Literary Studies         0010-6356 1935-0252    
6199 A Consciousness and Cognition 1701 Psychology 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science 1053-8100 1090-2376    
11542 C Consciousness, Literature and the Arts 2005 Literary Studies         1470-5648      
8018 B Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites 2101 Archaeology         1350-5033 1753-5522    
41637 A Conservation and Society 1604 Human Geography 1606 Political Science 0502 Environmental Science and Management 0972-4923      
3221 A* Conservation Biology 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 0888-8892 1523-1739    
3222 B Conservation Genetics 0604 Genetics          1566-0621 1572-9737    
40563 Not ranked Conservation Letters MD Multidisciplinary         1755-263X      
5876 C Conservation Science Western Australia 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 1447-3682 1320-145X    
30397 A Constellations: an international journal of critical and democratic theory 1601 Anthropology  2203 Philosophy      1351-0487 1467-8675    
33217 A Constitutional Commentary 1801 Law         0742-7115      
35522 B Constitutional Law and Policy Review 1801 Law         1440-4559      
18672 B Constitutional Political Economy 1402 Applied Economics 1606 Political Science     1043-4062 1572-9966    
17823 A Constraints 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0803 Computer Software     1383-7133 1572-9354    
3470 A Construction and Building Materials 0905 Civil Engineering 1202 Building     0950-0618      
44896 A Construction History 1201 Architecture         0267-7768      
40994 B Construction Innovation: information, process, management 1202 Building         1471-4175 1477-0857 0968-0365  
35524 B Construction Law International 1801 Law         1819-1371      
30501 B Construction Law Journal 1801 Law 1202 Building     0267-2359      
40432 A Construction Management and Economics 1402 Applied Economics 1202 Building     0144-6193 1466-433X    
4193 C Construction Products 0905 Civil Engineering         1070-4531 1062-5194    
8767 C Constructions 2004 Linguistics         1860-2010      
115 A Constructive Approximation 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics     0176-4276 1432-0940    
33219 C Consumer Finance Law Quarterly Report 1801 Law         0883-4555      
19790 B Consumption, Markets and Culture 1505 Marketing 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment 2002 Cultural Studies 1025-3866 1477-223X    
15476 B Contact Dermatitis 1103 Clinical Sciences 1107 Immunology     0105-1873 1600-0536    
36286 C Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry         1367-0484 1476-5411    
35918 C Contact Quarterly: a vehicle for moving ideas 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0198-9634      
41698 C Contagion: journal of violence, mimesis, and culture 2204 Religion and Religious Studies 2002 Cultural Studies 2005 Literary Studies 1075-7201      
19081 A* Contemporary Accounting Research 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         0823-9150 1911-3846    
34953 C Contemporary Aesthetics 2203 Philosophy          1932-8478      
36870 Not ranked Contemporary Arab Affairs 1606 Political Science         1755-0912 1755-0920    
41649 C Contemporary British History 2103 Historical Studies         1361-9462      
21299 C Contemporary Buddhism 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1463-9947 1476-7953    
41650 C Contemporary Chinese Thought: a journal of translations 1606 Political Science 1699 Other Studies In Human Society     1097-1467      
15306 C Contemporary Clinical Trials 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1551-7144 1559-2030 0197-2456  
18504 B Contemporary Economic Policy 1605 Policy and Administration         1074-3529 1465-7287 0735-0007  
6200 B Contemporary Educational Psychology 1701 Psychology         0361-476X 1090-2384    
7004 A Contemporary European History 2103 Historical Studies         0960-7773 1469-2171    
6201 C Contemporary Family Therapy: an international journal 1701 Psychology         0892-2764 1573-3335 0148-8384  
34682 A Contemporary French and Francophone Studies 20 Language, Communication and Culture 21 History and Archaeology     1740-9292 1740-9306    
35244 A Contemporary French Civilization 2002 Cultural Studies 2099 Other Language, Communication and Culture 2103 Historical Studies 0147-9156      
5778 C Contemporary Herpetology 0704 Fisheries Sciences         1094-2246      
7701 C Contemporary History:  Soudobe Dejiny 2103 Historical Studies         1210-7050      
7165 B Contemporary History: Historia Contemporanea 2103 Historical Studies         1130-2402      
6202 C Contemporary Hypnosis 1701 Psychology         0960-5290 1557-0711    
40005 C Contemporary Issues in Communication Science and Disorders 1103 Clinical Sciences         1092-5171      
20170 A Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood 1301 Education Systems          1463-9491      
40240 Not ranked Contemporary Issues in Education Research 1301 Education Systems          1940-5847      
33220 C Contemporary Issues in Law 1801 Law         1357-0374      
20293 C Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1528-5804      
17062 C Contemporary Justice Review: issues in criminal, social and restorative justice 1602 Criminology         1028-2580 1477-2248    
36988 A Contemporary Linguistics 2004 Linguistics         1007-8274 1002-5987    
11780 A* Contemporary Literature 2005 Literary Studies         0010-7484 1548-9949    
40337 B Contemporary Management Research: an international journal 1503 Business and Management 0806 Information Systems     1813-5498      
9922 A Contemporary Music Review 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0749-4467 1477-2256    
40054 C Contemporary Nurse: health care across the lifespan 1110 Nursing         1037-6178      
32557 C Contemporary Oral Hygiene 1105 Dentistry         1538-3083      
21301 A Contemporary Pacific MD Multidisciplinary         1043-898X 1527-9464    
963 A Contemporary Physics 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     0010-7514 1366-5812    
18780 A Contemporary Political Theory 1606 Political Science 2203 Philosophy      1470-8914 1476-9336    
18781 B Contemporary Politics 1606 Political Science         1356-9775 1469-3631    
36968 B Contemporary Pragmatism 2203 Philosophy          1572-3429 1875-8185    
6203 C Contemporary Psychoanalysis 17 Psychology and Cognitive Sciences 16 Studies In Human Society     0010-7530      
18782 B Contemporary Security Policy 1606 Political Science         1352-3260 1743-8764 0144-0381  
36241 C Contemporary Sociology: a journal of reviews 1608 Sociology         0094-3061      
18783 B Contemporary South Asia MD Multidisciplinary         0958-4935 1469-364X    
21304 B Contemporary Southeast Asia: a journal of international and strategic affairs MD Multidisciplinary         0129-797X      
9923 A Contemporary Theatre Review 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1026-7166 1477-2264 1048-6801  
18505 C Contemporary Wales: an annual review of economic and social research 14 Economics         0951-4937      
34749 A Contemporary Women's Writing 2005 Literary Studies         1754-1476 1754-1484    
11548 C Contemporary Writers Reviews 2005 Literary Studies         1002-1809      
9924 C Context: built, living and natural 1201 Architecture         0973-502X      
35748 B Context: Journal of Music Research 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1038-4006      
8356 A* Continental Philosophy Review 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     1387-2842 1573-0611 0025-1534  
1909 A Continental Shelf Research 0405 Oceanography 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience     0278-4343 1873-6955    
7005 B Continuity and Change 1603 Demography          0268-4160 1469-218X    
5112 B Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering 0102 Applied Mathematics     0935-1175 1432-0959    
34681 A Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 2001 Communication and Media Studies 2002 Cultural Studies 1030-4312 1469-3666    
10306 C Contra: stemmen over muziek 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         1377-0330 0771-7016    
15965 B Contraception 1103 Clinical Sciences         0010-7824 1879-0518    
41651 B Contrast Media and Molecular Imaging 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry 0903 Biomedical Engineering  1004 Medical Biotechnology 1555-4309 1555-4317    
8357 C Contrastes: revista interdisciplinar de filosofia 2203 Philosophy          1136-4076 0214-6207    
10307 C Contre Bande 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         1265-1664      
8358 C Contretemps: an online journal of philosophy 2203 Philosophy          1443-7619      
32257 C Contributions to Discrete Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         1715-0868      
9468 A Contributions to Indian Sociology 1608 Sociology 1601 Anthropology      0069-9659 0069-9667    
15552 C Contributions to Microbiology 1107 Immunology         1420-9519 1662-291X    
1779 A* Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 0402 Geochemistry 0403 Geology     0010-7999 1432-0967    
10308 C Contributions to Music Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0190-4922      
15966 C Contributions to Nephrology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0302-5144 1662-2782    
1174 C Contributions to Plasma Physics 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics         0863-1042 1521-3986    
18673 B Contributions to Political Economy 1402 Applied Economics         0277-5921 1464-3588    
17581 C Contributions to Science MD Multidisciplinary         1575-6343      
21306 C Contributions to Southeast Asian Ethnography 1601 Anthropology          0217-2992      
2843 C Contributions to Zoology 0608 Zoology         1383-4517 1875-9866 0067-8546  
17824 C Control and Cybernetics 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics     0324-8569      
4405 C Control and Intelligent Systems 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0102 Applied Mathematics     1480-1752 0730-9538    
4486 B Control Engineering Practice 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0102 Applied Mathematics 0967-0661 1873-6939    
9925 C Convergence: international journal of adult education 1903 Journalism and Professional Writing         0010-8146      
34680 A Convergence: the journal of research into new media technologies 2001 Communication and Media Studies         1354-8565 1748-7382    
33874 A Conveyancer and Property Lawyer 1801 Law         0010-8200      
18786 B Cooperation and Conflict: Nordic journal of international studies 1606 Political Science 1605 Policy and Administration     0010-8367 1460-3691    
34462 C Coordinates Series A: online journal of the map and geography round table 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         1553-3247      
34461 C Coordinates Series B: online journal of the map and geography round table 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         1553-3255      
1522 A Coordination Chemistry Reviews 0302 Inorganic Chemistry         0010-8545 1873-3840    
2862 B Copeia 0608 Zoology         0045-8511 1938-5110    
21307 C Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1395-4199 0903-2703    
12686 B Coptica 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1541-163X      
36750 C Copyright Reporter 1801 Law         0725-0509      
36482 B Copyright Society of the U.S.A. Journal 1599 Other Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services         0886-3520 0010-8642    
3223 A Coral Reefs 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 04 Earth Sciences 0722-4028 1432-0975    
2863 C Corella 0608 Zoology         0155-0438      
15968 B Cornea 1103 Clinical Sciences 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry     0277-3740      
4528 C Cornell Biennial Electrical Engineering Conference 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0070-0002      
19655 A Cornell Hospitality Quarterly: hospitality leadership through learning 1504 Commercial Services 1506 Tourism     1938-9655 1938-9663    
33222 B Cornell International Law Journal 1801 Law         0010-8812 1930-7977    
33223 A Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy 1801 Law         1069-0565      
33224 A* Cornell Law Review 1801 Law         0010-8847      
8019 C Cornish Archaeology 2101 Archaeology         0070-024X      
41653 B Cornish Studies 2103 Historical Studies         1352-271X      
15969 B Coronary Artery Disease 1103 Clinical Sciences         0954-6928 1473-5830    
8768 B Corpora: corpus-based language learning, language processing and linguistics 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     1749-5032 1755-1676    
36147 B Corporate Board: role, duties and composition 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1810-8601      
35324 C Corporate Communications: an international journal 1505 Marketing 1503 Business and Management     1356-3289 1758-6046    
19538 C Corporate Finance Review 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1089-327X      
33012 A Corporate Governance (Oxford): an international review 1503 Business and Management 1801 Law     0964-8410 1467-8683    
36751 C Corporate Governance eJournal 1801 Law         1836-1110      
36752 B Corporate Governance International 1801 Law         1028-9666      
33018 C Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society 1503 Business and Management         1472-0701 1758-6054    
19082 B Corporate Ownership and Control 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1727-9232 1810-3057    
33015 C Corporate Reputation Review: an international journal 1503 Business and Management         1363-3589 1479-1889    
5877 C Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 0502 Environmental Science and Management 1503 Business and Management 1605 Policy and Administration 1535-3958 1535-3966    
33226 C Corporate Taxation 1801 Law         1534-715X 0094-0593    
40257 B Corps 1601 Anthropology  2005 Literary Studies 2203 Philosophy  1954-1228 1969-6957    
8769 A Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science 1613-7027 1613-7035    
36290 C Corrections Management Quarterly 1602 Criminology         1096-8490      
4760 B Corrosion Engineering Science and Technology 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1478-422X 1743-2782 0007-0599  
4761 A* Corrosion Science 0912 Materials Engineering         0010-938X      
3734 B Corrosion: journal of science and engineering 0912 Materials Engineering         0010-9312 1938-159X    
14485 A Cortex 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0010-9452 1973-8102    
8359 B Cosmos and History: the journal of natural and social philosophy 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1832-9101      
40751 C Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation 1402 Applied Economics         1478-7547      
44898 B Cost Engineering (Morgantown) 1202 Building         0274-9696 0276-721X    
19124 C Cost Management 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1092-8057 0899-5141    
40995 C Cough 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1745-9974      
8020 C Council for British Research in the Levant 2101 Archaeology         1752-7260 1752-7279 1473-6071  
9926 C Council for Research in Music Education Bulletin 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0010-9894      
36210 C Counseling and Values 1701 Psychology 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0160-7960 0027-8912    
30336 C Counselling and Psychotherapy Research 1701 Psychology         1473-3145 1746-1405    
6206 C Counselling Psychology Quarterly 1701 Psychology         0951-5070 1469-3674    
20248 C Counselor Education and Supervision 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0011-0035 1556-6978    
33227 C Court Review: The Journal of the American Judges Association 1801 Law         0011-0647      
2324 C CPD Bulletin: Clinical Biochemistry 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics     1367-8930      
15545 C CPD Bulletin: Immunology and Allergy 1107 Immunology         1367-8949      
13137 C CPD Bulletin: Old Age Psychiatry 1103 Clinical Sciences         1464-2514      
36273 C Cranio: Journal of Craniomandibular Practice 1105 Dentistry         0886-9634      
11782 C Crazyhorse 2005 Literary Studies         0011-0841      
11783 C Cream City Review 2005 Literary Studies         0884-3457      
10309 A CREArTA: the international journal of the education in the arts 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing     1443-5373      
35694 Not ranked Creative Approaches to Research 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1835-9442      
40315 Not ranked Creative Industries Journal 1503 Business and Management 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts 1751-0694      
11785 C Creative Nonfiction 2005 Literary Studies         1070-0714      
14187 C Creative Nursing 1110 Nursing         1078-4535 1946-1895 0739-4446  
10310 C Creative Quarterly 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         1931-3098      
19897 C Creativity and Innovation Management 1503 Business and Management         0963-1690 1467-8691    
6207 C Creativity Research Journal 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1040-0419 1532-6934    
41723 C CredereOggi: dossiers di orientamento e aggiornamento teologico 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1123-3281      
33228 C Creighton Law Review 1801 Law         0011-1155      
7006 C Creta Antica 2103 Historical Studies         1724-3688      
1781 C Cretaceous Research 0403 Geology         0195-6671 1095-998X    
7007 C Cretan Studies 2101 Archaeology 2103 Historical Studies     1571-2265      
17071 A Crime and Delinquency 1602 Criminology 1801 Law     0011-1287 1552-387X    
17072 A* Crime and Justice: a review of research 1602 Criminology         0192-3234      
17075 B Crime Prevention and Community Safety: an international journal 1602 Criminology         1460-3780 1743-4629    
7008 C Crime, Histoire et Societes 2103 Historical Studies         1422-0857      
35537 B Crime, Law and Social Change: an interdisciplinary journal 1602 Criminology 1801 Law     0925-4994 1573-0751    
17074 B Crime, Media, Culture: an international journal 1602 Criminology 2001 Communication and Media Studies     1741-6590 1741-6604    
40968 C Crimes and Misdemeanours: deviance and the law in historical perspective 1801 Law         1754-0445      
13035 C Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health 1602 Criminology         0957-9664 1471-2857    
17078 C Criminal Justice (Chicago, 1986) 1602 Criminology 1801 Law     0887-7785      
6208 A Criminal Justice and Behavior 1602 Criminology 1801 Law 1701 Psychology 0093-8548 1552-3594    
17080 B Criminal Justice Ethics 2201 Applied Ethics 1801 Law 1602 Criminology 0731-129X 1937-5948    
7009 A Criminal Justice History : an International Annual 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 2103 Historical Studies 1602 Criminology 0194-0953      
33230 C Criminal Justice Policy Review 1801 Law 1602 Criminology     0887-4034 1552-3586    
33231 C Criminal Justice Review 1801 Law 1602 Criminology     0734-0168 1556-3839    
36754 A Criminal Law and Philosophy 1801 Law         1871-9791 1871-9805    
33232 C Criminal Law Bulletin 1801 Law         0011-1317      
33233 B Criminal Law Forum: official journal of the Society for the Reform of Criminal Law 1801 Law         1046-8374 1572-9850    
33234 A Criminal Law Journal 1801 Law         0314-1160      
33875 C Criminal Law Quarterly 1801 Law         0011-1333      
33876 A Criminal Law Review 1801 Law         0011-135X      
17087 A* Criminology 1602 Criminology 2203 Philosophy  2201 Applied Ethics 0011-1384 1745-9125    
17088 A Criminology and Criminal Justice 1602 Criminology         1748-8958 1748-8966 1466-8025  
30154 B Criminology and Public Policy 1602 Criminology         1538-6473 1745-9133    
36209 C Crisis-the Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention 1701 Psychology         0227-5910      
7011 B Cristianesimo nella Storia: ricerche storiche esegetiche teologiche 2103 Historical Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0393-3598      
9927 B Critica d Arte 1901 Art Theory and Criticism         0011-1511      
11786 C Critica Hispanica 2005 Literary Studies         0278-7261      
8362 B Critica: revista Hispanoamericana de filosofia 2203 Philosophy          0011-1503 1870-4905    
41656 B Critical and Creative Thinking: The Australasian Journal of Philosophy in Education 1399 Other Education  1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy      1325-7730      
34748 B Critical Arts: a south-north journal of cultural and media studies 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 2002 Cultural Studies 2001 Communication and Media Studies 0256-0046 1992-6049    
21308 A Critical Asian Studies MD Multidisciplinary         1467-2715 1472-6033 0007-4810  
15970 A Critical Care 1103 Clinical Sciences         1466-609X 1364-8535    
15971 C Critical Care and Resuscitation 1103 Clinical Sciences         1441-2772      
15972 B Critical Care Clinics 1110 Nursing 1103 Clinical Sciences     0749-0704 1557-8232    
15973 A Critical Care Medicine 1110 Nursing 1103 Clinical Sciences     0090-3493 1530-0293    
14077 C Critical Care Nurse 1110 Nursing         0279-5442 1940-8250    
14188 C Critical Care Nursing Quarterly 1110 Nursing         0887-9303 1550-5111    
17089 B Critical Criminology 1602 Criminology         1205-8629 1572-9877    
35344 B Critical Discourse Studies MD Multidisciplinary         1740-5904 1740-5912    
8361 A Critical Horizons 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 2203 Philosophy      1440-9917 1568-5160    
31328 A* Critical Inquiry 2002 Cultural Studies 2005 Literary Studies     0093-1896 1539-7858    
9322 C Critical Inquiry in Language Studies: an international journal 2003 Language Studies         1542-7587 1542-7595    
32763 C Critical Matrix: the Princeton journal of women, gender, and culture 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1066-288X      
10312 C Critical Musicology 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1468-6066      
19083 A Critical Perspectives on Accounting 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1045-2354 1095-9955    
31158 C Critical Perspectives on International Business 1503 Business and Management         1742-2043 1758-6062    
44899 C Critical Planning 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         1522-9807      
30398 C Critical Policy Analysis: theory, methods and practice 1605 Policy and Administration         1750-8762 1464-0899    
13482 C Critical Public Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0958-1596 1469-3682    
11787 A Critical Quarterly 2002 Cultural Studies 2005 Literary Studies     0011-1562 1467-8705    
34984 B Critical Review (Columbus): an interdisciplinary journal of politics and society 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science 0891-3811 1933-8007    
30399 B Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 1606 Political Science 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science 1369-8230 1743-8772    
1625 A Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry 0301 Analytical Chemistry         1040-8347 1547-6510    
2195 A Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1040-9238 1549-7798    
44837 C Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering 0903 Biomedical Engineering          0278-940X      
3353 A Critical Reviews in Biotechnology 10 Technology 06 Biological Sciences     0738-8551 1549-7801    
40996 C Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences 1103 Clinical Sciences         1040-8363 1549-781X    
4669 A Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology MD Multidisciplinary         1064-3389 1547-6537    
2418 C Critical Reviews in Eukaryotic Gene Expression 0604 Genetics          1045-4403      
9634 A Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 0908 Food Sciences         1040-8398 1549-7852 0099-0248 0007-9006
15477 B Critical Reviews in Immunology 1107 Immunology         1040-8401      
2463 B Critical Reviews in Microbiology 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     1040-841X 1549-7828 0045-6454  
15974 A Critical Reviews in Oncology Hematology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1040-8428 1879-0461    
2578 A Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 0607 Plant Biology         0735-2689 1549-7836    
1089 A Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences 0204 Condensed Matter Physics         1040-8436 1547-6561 0161-1593  
14726 C Critical Reviews in Therapeutic Drug Carrier Systems 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0743-4863      
14727 A* Critical Reviews in Toxicology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1040-8444 1547-6898    
10839 B Critical Social Policy 1605 Policy and Administration         0261-0183 1461-703X    
39699 C Critical Social Work 1607 Social Work         1543-9372      
36076 B Critical Sociology 1608 Sociology         0896-9205 1569-1632    
20125 B Critical Studies in Education 1301 Education Systems  1608 Sociology     1750-8487 1750-8495 0076-6275  
10313 C Critical Studies in Improvisation - Etudes Critiques en Improvisation 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         1712-0624      
9212 B Critical Studies in Media Communication 2001 Communication and Media Studies         1529-5036 1479-5809 0739-3180  
35750 A Critical Studies in Television 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 2001 Communication and Media Studies     1749-6020 1749-6039    
36248 Not ranked Critical Studies on Terrorism 1602 Criminology         1753-9153 1753-9161    
34747 B Critical Survey 2005 Literary Studies         0011-1570 1752-2293    
7012 A Criticism: a quarterly for literature and the arts 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2005 Literary Studies     0011-1589 1536-0342    
11790 C Criticon 2005 Literary Studies         0247-381X      
11544 B Critique (Washington): studies in contemporary fiction 2005 Literary Studies         0011-1619 1939-9138    
9469 B Critique of Anthropology 1601 Anthropology          0308-275X 1460-3721    
36289 C Critique: a journal of socialist theory 1605 Policy and Administration 2203 Philosophy  1606 Political Science 0301-7605 1748-8605    
8363 B Critique: revue generale des publications francaises et etrangeres 1606 Political Science 2005 Literary Studies 2203 Philosophy  0011-1600      
12688 C Crkva u Svijetu 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0352-4000      
9579 C Croatian Journal of Ethnology and Folklore Research 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         0547-2504      
40619 C Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering: journal for theory and application of forestry engineering 0705 Forestry Sciences         1845-5719 0352-5406    
8364 B Croatian Journal of Philosophy 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     1333-1108      
15307 C Croatian Medical Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0353-9504 1332-8166    
1335 C Croatica Chemica Acta 03 Chemical Sciences         0011-1643 1334-417X    
12689 C Croatica Christiana Periodica 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0350-7823      
7013 A Cronache Ercolanesi 2103 Historical Studies         0391-1535      
11300 C Cronos 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1139-711X      
5177 A Crop and Pasture Science 0703 Crop and Pasture Production 0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management 0703 Crop and Pasture Production 1836-0947 0004-9409    
3409 C Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology 1001 Agricultural Biotechnology         1518-7853      
5339 C Crop Management 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         1543-7833      
5304 B Crop Protection 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         0261-2194 1873-6904    
5305 A Crop Science: a journal serving the international community of crop scientists 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         0011-183X 1435-0653    
36084 C Cross Cultural Management: an international journal 1503 Business and Management         1352-7606 1758-6089    
41660 Not ranked Cross Culture 2001 Communication and Media Studies 2002 Cultural Studies     1833-4008      
31365 B Cross Currents (New York) 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0011-1953 1939-3881    
6129 C Cross-Cultural Research: the journal of comparative social science MD Multidisciplinary         1069-3971 1552-3578    
2719 C Crossosoma: journal of the Southern California botanists 0607 Plant Biology         0891-9100      
41130 A Crossroads: an interdisciplinary journal for the study of history, philosophy, religion and classics 2103 Historical Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     1833-878X      
21309 B Crossroads: an interdisciplinary journal of Southeast Asian studies MD Multidisciplinary         0741-2037      
7015 B Crusades 2103 Historical Studies         1476-5276      
3224 C Crustaceana: international journal of crustacean research 0608 Zoology         0011-216X 1568-5403    
40244 C Crux (Vancouver): a quarterly journal of Christian thought and opinion 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0011-2186      
32258 C Crux Mathematicorum with Mathematical Mayhem 0101 Pure Mathematics         1706-8142 1496-4309 0705-0348  
2073 B Cryobiology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1116 Medical Physiology     0011-2240 1090-2392    
1287 C Cryogenics 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering 0203 Classical Physics     0011-2275 1879-2235    
2579 C Cryptogamie Algologie 0607 Plant Biology         0181-1568 1776-0984    
2720 C Cryptogamie Bryologie 0607 Plant Biology         1290-0796 1776-0992 0181-1576 0399-0575
2527 C Cryptogamie Mycologie 0605 Microbiology          0181-1584 1776-100X    
17826 C Cryptologia: a quarterly journal devoted to all aspects of cryptology 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics     0161-1194 1558-1586    
34352 A Crystal Growth and Design 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural) 0912 Materials Engineering     1528-7483 1528-7505    
34937 C Crystal Research and Technology: journal of experimental and industrial crystallography 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)     0232-1300 1521-4079    
34318 C Crystallography Reports 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)         1063-7745 1562-689X 0023-4761 0038-5638
39788 B Crystallography Reviews 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0889-311X 1476-3508    
34317 A CrystEngComm 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)         1466-8033      
20630 B CSSE 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1871-1502 1871-1510    
11792 C Cuadernos Americanos: nueva epoca 2005 Literary Studies         0011-2356      
18252 C Cuadernos de Economia 14 Economics         0121-4772      
35636 C Cuadernos de Economia: Latin American journal of economics 14 Economics         0716-0046 0717-6821    
7016 C Cuadernos de Estudios Gallegos 2103 Historical Studies         0210-847X 1988-8333    
7017 C Cuadernos de Filologia Clasica. Estudios Griegos e Indoeuropeos 2103 Historical Studies         1131-9070      
7019 B Cuadernos de Historia Contemporanea 2103 Historical Studies         0214-400X      
7020 B Cuadernos de Historia Moderna 2103 Historical Studies         0214-4018      
11793 C Cuadernos de Investigacion Filologica 2005 Literary Studies         0211-0547 1699-292X    
40481 C Cuadernos de Musica Iberoamericana 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1136-5536      
9695 C Cuadernos de Nutricion 0908 Food Sciences         0186-3274      
36085 C Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales 1503 Business and Management         1131-8635      
35317 C Cuadernos sobre Vico 2203 Philosophy          1130-7498      
5341 C Cultivos Tropicales 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         0258-5936      
36985 A Cultura, Lenguaje y Representacion / Culture, Language and Representation 2002 Cultural Studies 2003 Language Studies     1697-7750      
9471 C Cultural Analysis: an interdisciplinary forum of folklore and popular culture 1601 Anthropology          1537-7873      
7023 A Cultural and Social History 2103 Historical Studies         1478-0038 1478-0046    
9472 A Cultural Anthropology 1601 Anthropology          0886-7356 1548-1360    
11478 A Cultural Critique: an international journal of cultural studies MD Multidisciplinary         0882-4371 1534-5203    
9473 C Cultural Dynamics 1601 Anthropology  2002 Cultural Studies 1608 Sociology 0921-3740 1461-7048    
5930 B Cultural Geographies 1604 Human Geography         1474-4740 1477-0881 0967-4608  
8365 C Cultural Logic: an electronic journal of marxist theory and practice 2203 Philosophy          1097-3087      
34678 B Cultural Politics 1606 Political Science 2002 Cultural Studies     1743-2197 1751-7435    
40997 Not ranked Cultural Science 2002 Cultural Studies         1836-0416      
35338 B Cultural Sociology 1608 Sociology 2002 Cultural Studies     1749-9755 1749-9763    
11479 B Cultural Studies 2002 Cultural Studies         0950-2386 1466-4348    
40798 B Cultural Studies - Critical Methodologies 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1532-7086 1552-356X    
11451 A Cultural Studies Review MD Multidisciplinary         1446-8123 1323-1677    
10314 B Cultural Trends 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing 20 Language, Communication and Culture     0954-8963 1469-3690    
41662 B Culture and Agriculture 1608 Sociology 1699 Other Studies In Human Society     1048-4876      
34952 C Culture and Cosmos 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1368-6534      
7024 B Culture and History 2103 Historical Studies         0902-7521      
6212 B Culture and Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1354-067X 1461-7056    
11480 C Culture and Religion 2002 Cultural Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     1475-5610 1475-5629 0143-8301  
11454 B Culture Machine 2002 Cultural Studies 1608 Sociology 2005 Literary Studies 1465-4121      
36208 B Culture, Health and Sexuality 1608 Sociology         1369-1058 1464-5351    
36288 A Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry: an international journal of comparative cross-cultural research MD Multidisciplinary         0165-005X 1573-076X    
34677 A Culture, Theory and Critique 2002 Cultural Studies 2203 Philosophy      1473-5784 1473-5776 0486-3720  
11481 C Cultures and Organizations MD Multidisciplinary         1475-9551 1477-2760 1024-5286  
35339 B Cultures of the Commonwealth : essays and studies MD Multidisciplinary         1245-2971      
33238 C Cumberland Law Review 1801 Law         0360-8298 1557-5292    
2580 C Cunninghamia 0607 Plant Biology         0727-9620      
14189 C Curationis: accredited research journal of the Democratic Nursing Organisation of South Africa 1110 Nursing 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine     0379-8577      
10762 A* Curator: the Museum journal 2102 Curatorial and Related Studies 1506 Tourism     0011-3069      
20668 C Current (Washington, 1960) 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0011-3131      
36895 C Current Allergy and Clinical Immunology 1107 Immunology         1609-3607      
15977 B Current Alzheimer Research 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     1567-2050 1875-5828    
30171 C Current Analytical Chemistry 0301 Analytical Chemistry         1573-4110 1875-6727    
14728 B Current and Vascular Pharmacology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1570-1611 1875-6212    
9475 A* Current Anthropology 1601 Anthropology          0011-3204 1537-5382    
964 B Current Applied Physics 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     1567-1739      
14907 C Current Bioactive Compounds 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1573-4072 1875-6646    
36845 C Current Bioinformatics 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences     1574-8936      
2196 A* Current Biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0960-9822 1879-0445    
15978 A Current Cancer Drug Targets 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences 1568-0096 1873-5576    
14908 C Current Cancer Therapy Reviews 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1573-3947 1875-6301    
14909 C Current Clinical Pharmacology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1574-8847      
32259 C Current Development in Theory and Applications of Wavelets 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     0973-5607      
40030 C Current Diabetes Reviews 1103 Clinical Sciences         1573-3998 1875-6417    
6213 A Current Directions in Psychological Science 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0963-7214 1467-8721    
40379 Not ranked Current Drug Abuse Reviews 16 Studies In Human Society         1874-4737 1874-4745    
14729 C Current Drug Delivery 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1567-2018 1875-5704    
14910 C Current Drug Discovery Technologies 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1570-1638 1875-6220    
14730 A* Current Drug Metabolism 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1389-2002 1875-5453    
14911 C Current Drug Safety 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1574-8863      
14731 B Current Drug Targets 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1389-4501 1873-5592    
14912 C Current Drug Therapy 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1574-8855      
15980 C Current Eye Research MD Multidisciplinary         0271-3683 1460-2202    
35417 C Current Family Law 1801 Law         1037-6631      
36270 C Current Gene Therapy: the international journal for in-depth reviews on gene therapy 1004 Medical Biotechnology         1566-5232 1875-5631    
2369 B Current Genetics: lower eukaryotes and organelles 0604 Genetics          0172-8083 1432-0983    
2419 C Current Genomics 0604 Genetics          1389-2029 1875-5488    
15981 A Current HIV Research 1103 Clinical Sciences         1570-162X 1873-4251    
40628 C Current Hypertension Reports 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1522-6417 1534-3111    
40678 C Current Hypertension Reviews 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1573-4021 1875-6506    
15553 C Current Immunology Reviews 1107 Immunology         1573-3955 1875-631X    
35695 B Current Issues in Comparative Education (CISE) 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1523-1615      
17091 B Current Issues in Criminal Justice 1602 Criminology 1801 Law     1034-5329      
20039 B Current Issues in Education 13 Education         1099-839X      
22151 A Current Issues in Language Planning 2004 Linguistics         1466-4208 1747-7506    
20778 C Current Issues in Middle Level Education 1301 Education Systems          1059-7107 1938-1611    
15207 C Current Issues in Molecular Biology 1108 Medical Microbiology         1467-3037 1467-3045 1466-531X  
35751 C Current Issues in Music 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1447-7939      
19656 B Current Issues in Tourism 1506 Tourism         1368-3500      
33239 A* Current Legal Problems 1801 Law         0070-1998      
13141 C Current Medical Literature Psychiatry 1103 Clinical Sciences         0957-770X 1359-9011 1359-6322  
40697 C Current Medical Literature. Gastroenterology 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0263-2659      
15308 B Current Medical Research and Opinion 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0300-7995 1473-4877    
15238 B Current Medicinal Chemistry 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences     0929-8673 1875-533X    
2464 C Current Microbiology: an international journal 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     0343-8651 1432-0991    
15208 B Current Molecular Medicine 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences     1566-5240 1875-5666    
9929 A Current Musicology 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0011-3735      
41665 B Current Nanoscience 1007 Nanotechnology         1573-4137      
40565 A Current Opinion in Allergy and Clinical Immunology 1107 Immunology         1528-4050 1473-6322    
40567 A Current Opinion in Anaesthesiology 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1103 Clinical Sciences 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology 0952-7907 1473-6500    
3354 A Current Opinion in Biotechnology 10 Technology 06 Biological Sciences     0958-1669 1879-0429    
15982 B Current Opinion in Cardiology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0268-4705 1531-7080 1080-787X  
2197 A Current Opinion in Cell Biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0955-0674 1879-0410    
2198 A Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry     1367-5931 1879-0402    
40566 C Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics         1363-1950 1473-6519    
1091 A Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)         1359-0294 1879-0399    
14735 A Current Opinion in Drug Discovery and Development 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1367-6733      
15984 C Current Opinion in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Obesity 1103 Clinical Sciences         1752-296X 1752-2978 1080-8205 1068-3097
15985 C Current Opinion in Gastroenterology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0267-1379 1531-7056 1080-8167  
2370 A Current Opinion in Genetics and Development 0604 Genetics          0959-437X 1879-0380    
40561 C Current Opinion in Hematology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1065-6251 1531-7048    
40564 B Current Opinion in HIV and AIDS 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1746-630X 1746-6318    
15479 A Current Opinion in Immunology 1107 Immunology         0952-7915 1879-0372    
15986 A Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases 1103 Clinical Sciences 1108 Medical Microbiology     0951-7375 1473-6527    
40999 C Current Opinion in Investigational Drugs 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1472-4472      
15987 A Current Opinion in Lipidology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0957-9672 1473-6535    
2465 A Current Opinion in Microbiology 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     1369-5274 1879-0364    
15309 B Current Opinion in Molecular Therapeutics 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1464-8431      
15988 A Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension 1103 Clinical Sciences         1062-4821 1473-6543    
14515 A* Current Opinion in Neurobiology 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0959-4388 1873-6882    
15989 A Current Opinion in Neurology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science 1350-7540 1473-6551    
15990 B Current Opinion in Obstetrics and Gynecology 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1040-872X 1473-656X    
15991 A Current Opinion in Oncology 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1040-8746 1531-703X    
40568 A Current Opinion in Ophthalmology 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry         1040-8738 1531-7021    
15994 B Current Opinion in Pediatrics 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1040-8703 1531-698X    
14736 A Current Opinion in Pharmacology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1471-4892      
2581 A* Current Opinion in Plant Biology 0607 Plant Biology         1369-5266 1879-0356    
13076 B Current Opinion in Psychiatry 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0951-7367 1473-6578 1080-8191  
15996 A Current Opinion in Rheumatology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1040-8711 1531-6963    
1092 B Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 0912 Materials Engineering         1359-0286      
2199 A Current Opinion in Structural Biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0959-440X      
40570 B Current Opinion in Supportive and Palliative Care 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1110 Nursing     1751-4258 1751-4266    
40571 A Current Opinion in Urology 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0963-0643 1473-6586    
1572 B Current Organic Chemistry 0305 Organic Chemistry         1385-2728 1875-5348    
41000 C Current Pain and Headache Reports 1109 Neurosciences         1531-3433 1534-3081    
39959 C Current Pediatric Reviews 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine 1117 Public Health and Health Services     1573-3963 1875-6336    
10840 C Current Perspectives in Social Theory 1608 Sociology         0278-1204      
14913 C Current Pharmaceutical Analysis 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1573-4129 1875-676X    
3355 B Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology 1004 Medical Biotechnology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences     1389-2010 1873-4316    
14737 A Current Pharmaceutical Design 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1381-6128 1873-4286    
14738 C Current Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine: the international journal for expert reviews in pharmacogenomics 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1570-1603 1875-6921 1875-6913  
18685 C Current Politics and Economics of Europe 1402 Applied Economics         1057-2309      
32560 C Current Practice 1105 Dentistry         1499-2329      
32561 C Current Practice Dental Hygiene 1105 Dentistry         1499-8033      
15999 C Current Problems in Cancer 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         0147-0272 1535-6345 1137-196X  
16000 A Current Problems in Cardiology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0146-2806 1535-6280    
16001 C Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Health Care 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1538-5442 1538-3199    
16002 C Current Problems in Surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         0011-3840 1535-6337    
15267 C Current Protein and Peptide Science 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry         1389-2037 1875-5550    
41669 C Current Proteomics: the journal for current and in-depth reviews on proteomics 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1570-1646      
40661 B Current Protocols in Stem Cell Biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1941-7322 1938-8969    
13077 C Current Psychiatry Reviews 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science     1573-4005 1875-6441    
6214 C Current Psychology: developmental - learning - personality - social 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1046-1310 1936-4733    
6215 C Current Research in Social Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1088-7423      
31287 C Current Research in the Pleistocene 2101 Archaeology         8755-898X      
40736 C Current Respiratory Medicine Reviews 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology 1699 Other Studies In Human Society     1573-398X 1875-6387    
17492 C Current Science MD Multidisciplinary         0011-3891      
10841 B Current Sociology 1608 Sociology         0011-3921 1461-7064    
2327 C Current Stem Cell Research and Therapy 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics     1574-888X      
8023 B Current Swedish Archaeology 2101 Archaeology         1102-7355      
14739 B Current Therapeutic Research: clinical and experimental 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0011-393X 1879-0313    
16003 C Current Therapeutics: Australia's journal of disease management and drug treatment 1103 Clinical Sciences         0311-905X 0028-5064    
2200 A Current Topics in Cellular Regulation 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0070-2137      
36846 B Current Topics in Developmental Biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0070-2153 1557-8933    
15269 B Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry         1568-0266 1873-4294    
2201 C Current Topics in Membranes 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1063-5823      
2466 A Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology 0605 Microbiology  1107 Immunology 1108 Medical Microbiology 0070-217X      
13485 C Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1540-7535      
5600 C Current Topics in Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0166-2333      
40732 C Current Women's Health Reviews 0606 Physiology          1573-4048 1875-6581    
11794 C Current Writing: text and reception in southern Africa 2005 Literary Studies         1013-929X      
2792 C Current Zoology 0608 Zoology         1674-5507 0001-7302    
31366 A Currents in Biblical Research 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1476-993X 1745-5200 0966-7377  
33240 C Currents: International Trade Law Journal 1801 Law         1534-388X      
20578 B Curriculum and Teaching 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0726-416X      
20577 A Curriculum Inquiry 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0362-6784 1467-873X 0078-4931  
20581 B Curriculum Journal 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0958-5176 1469-3704    
41670 B Curriculum Matters 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1177-1828      
20579 B Curriculum Perspectives 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0159-7868      
14915 C Cutaneous and Ocular Toxicology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1556-9527 1556-9535 0731-3829  
11795 C Cutbank 2005 Literary Studies         0734-9963      
11103 C CW3 Journal: Corvey Women writers on the web 2005 Literary Studies         1744-9618      
41001 C Cybernetics and Human Knowing: a journal of second order cybernetics, autopoiesis and cyber-semiotics 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 2001 Communication and Media Studies     0907-0877      
39684 C Cybernetics and Information Technologies 0102 Applied Mathematics         1311-9702      
17827 B Cybernetics and Systems 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science     0196-9722 1087-6553    
39958 C Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 0102 Applied Mathematics         1060-0396 0011-4235    
6216 B CyberPsychology and Behavior: the impact of the Internet, multi-media and virtual reality on behavior and society 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1094-9313      
2864 C Cybium: revue internationale d'ichtyologie 0608 Zoology 0704 Fisheries Sciences     0399-0974      
11796 C Cycnos 2005 Literary Studies         0992-1893 1765-3118    
9259 C Cyfrwng: Media Wales Journal - Cyfnodolyn Cyfrangau Cymru 1903 Journalism and Professional Writing 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1742-9234      
40060 B Cyro-Letters 1116 Medical Physiology 0699 Other Biological Sciences     0143-2044      
2371 C Cytogenetic and Genome Research 0604 Genetics          1424-8581 1424-859X 0301-0171  
15481 C Cytokine 1107 Immunology         1043-4666 1096-0023    
2203 A Cytokine and Growth Factor Reviews 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1103 Clinical Sciences     1359-6101 1879-0305    
39787 B Cytometry Part A 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1552-4922 1552-4930    
39727 C Cytometry Part B: Clinical Cytometry 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1552-4949 1552-4957    
16005 C Cytopathology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0956-5507 1365-2303    
3410 C Cytotechnology: international journal of cell culture and biotechnology 10 Technology 06 Biological Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences 0920-9069 1573-0778 1381-5741 0271-8057
16006 B Cytotherapy 1103 Clinical Sciences         1465-3249 1477-2566    
14901 C Czech and Slovak Pharmacy 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1210-7816      
13139 C Czech and Slovak Psychiatry 1103 Clinical Sciences         1212-0383      
40987 C Czech Gynaecology 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1210-7832      
9696 C Czech Journal of Food Science 0908 Food Sciences         1212-1800 0862-8653    
2528 C Czech Mycology 0605 Microbiology          1211-0981      
32549 C Czech Stomatology and Practical Dentistry 1105 Dentistry         1213-0613 0032-6720 1210-7891  
118 B Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 0101 Pure Mathematics         0011-4642 1572-9141    
3471 C DAAAM International Scientific Book 09 Engineering         1726-9687      
8024 B Dacia: Revue d'archeologie et d'histoire ancienne 2101 Archaeology         0070-251X      
7026 C Dacoromania (Cluj-Napoca, 1998) 2004 Linguistics         1582-4438      
10316 C Daedalus 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing 21 History and Archaeology     0011-5266 1548-6192    
4763 C Daehan Geumsog Haghoeji 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0253-3847      
8366 C Daimon: revista de filosofia 2203 Philosophy          1130-0507 1989-4651    
9669 C Dairy Science and Technology 0908 Food Sciences 0913 Mechanical Engineering     1958-5586 1958-5594 0023-7302  
11546 B Dalhousie French Studies 2005 Literary Studies 2002 Cultural Studies     0711-8813      
33241 C Dalhousie Journal of Legal Studies 1801 Law         1188-4258      
33242 A Dalhousie Law Journal 1801 Law         0317-1663      
5780 C Dalian Shuichan Xueyuan Xuebao 0704 Fisheries Sciences         1000-9957      
1539 A* Dalton Transactions: an international journal of inorganic chemistry 0302 Inorganic Chemistry         1477-9226 1472-7773    
9930 C Dance Chronicle 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0147-2526 1532-4257    
41453 A Dance Research 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing 21 History and Archaeology     0264-2875 1750-0095    
9932 B Dance Research Journal 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0149-7677 1940-509X    
11797 C Dangdai Waiguo Wenxue 2005 Literary Studies         1001-1757      
9936 C Danish Yearbook of Musicology 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1604-9896 0416-6884    
8367 C Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0070-2749      
12692 C Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0105-3191 1902-3898    
11799 B Dante Studies: with the Annual Report of the Dante Society 2005 Literary Studies         0070-2862      
21312 B Dao: a journal of comparative philosophy 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     1540-3009 1569-7274    
2721 C Daphne: tidskrift foer botanik i Soedermanland och Uppland 0607 Plant Biology         1101-5527      
14916 C DARU 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1560-8115      
2722 C Darwiniana 0607 Plant Biology         0011-6793 1850-1702    
6718 B Das Achtzehnte Jahrhundert und Oesterreich 2103 Historical Studies         1015-406X      
6743 A Das Altertum 2103 Historical Studies         0002-6646      
8368 C Das Argument: Zeitschrift fuer Philosophie und Sozialwissenschaften 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0004-1157      
41458 C Das Hochschulwesen 1301 Education Systems          0018-2974      
10318 B Das Muenster: Zeitschrift fuer Christliche Kunst und Kunstwissenschaft 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts 2101 Archaeology     0027-299X      
17828 B Data and Knowledge Engineering 0804 Data Format         0169-023X 1872-6933    
17831 B Data Base for Advances in Information Systems 0804 Data Format 0806 Information Systems     1532-0936      
17829 A Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0804 Data Format     1384-5810 1573-756X    
32025 C Data Science Journal 0804 Data Format         1683-1470      
41465 C Day Surgery Australia 1110 Nursing 1117 Public Health and Health Services     1446-8999      
11800 C De Academische Boekengids 2005 Literary Studies         1567-7842 1381-6268    
6717 B De Achttiende Eeuw: Documentatieblad Werkgroep Achttiende Eeuw 2103 Historical Studies         0929-9890      
10319 B De Arte 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts         0004-3389      
18253 C De Economist 14 Economics         0013-063X 1572-9982    
7129 C De Gulden Passer 2103 Historical Studies         0777-5067      
41469 B De Jure 18 Law and Legal Studies         1809-8487      
11801 C De Tweede Ronde: tijdschrift voor literatuur 2005 Literary Studies         0166-1868      
12693 A Dead Sea Discoveries: a journal of current research on the scrolls and related literature 2103 Historical Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies 2003 Language Studies 0929-0761 1568-5179    
34745 C Deaf Worlds: international journal of deaf studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 1608 Sociology     1362-3125 0954-0717    
20712 B Deafness and Education International 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1464-3154 1557-069X 1366-4379 0266-4062
40105 Not ranked Deakin Business Review 1503 Business and Management         1835-0615      
33243 C Deakin Law Review 1801 Law         1321-3660      
6217 B Death Studies 1701 Psychology         0748-1187 1091-7683    
32764 C Debate Feminista 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         0188-9478      
36919 B Debatte: review of contemporary German affairs 2103 Historical Studies         0965-156X 1469-3712 0141-7746  
39957 C Decision Analysis 1503 Business and Management 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy     1545-8490 1545-8504    
17832 A* Decision Sciences 1503 Business and Management 1504 Commercial Services     0011-7315 1540-5915    
41129 B Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1301 Education Systems  1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1540-4595 1540-4609    
17833 A* Decision Support Systems 08 Information and Computing Sciences 15 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services 01 Mathematical Sciences 0167-9236 1873-5797    
498 C Decisions in Economics and Finance: a journal of applied mathematics 01 Mathematical Sciences 15 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services     1593-8883 1129-6569    
1911 A Deep-Sea Research. Part 1: Oceanographic Research Papers 0402 Geochemistry 0405 Oceanography     0967-0637      
1910 B Deep-Sea Research. Part 2: Topical Studies in Oceanography 0402 Geochemistry 0405 Oceanography 0602 Ecology 0967-0645      
34153 C Deerghayu International 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         0970-3381      
1093 C Defect and Diffusion Forum 0912 Materials Engineering 0204 Condensed Matter Physics     1012-0386      
30484 B Defence and Peace Economics 1402 Applied Economics         1024-2694 1476-8267    
36249 C Defence and Security Analysis 1606 Political Science         1475-1798 1475-1801 0743-0175  
17507 C Defence Science Journal MD Multidisciplinary         0011-748X      
18874 C Defence Studies 1606 Political Science         1470-2436 1743-9698    
33244 C Defense Counsel Journal 1801 Law         0895-0016      
33033 C Defense Transportation Journal 1507 Transportation and Freight Services         0011-7625      
4765 C Deformatsiya i Razrushenie Materialov 0912 Materials Engineering         1814-4632      
3077 C Deinsea: Annual of the Natural History Museum Rotterdam 0608 Zoology         0923-9308      
11301 C Dejiny Ved a Techniky 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0300-4414      
33245 B Delaware Journal of Corporate Law 1801 Law         0364-9490 1943-7331    
33246 C Delaware Law Review 1801 Law         1097-1874      
15357 C Delaware Medical Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0011-7781      
41471 B Delaware Review of Latin American Studies 1608 Sociology 2002 Cultural Studies 2103 Historical Studies 1536-1837      
35316 B Deleuze Studies 2203 Philosophy          1750-2241 1755-1684    
40894 C Delhi Business Review 1110 Nursing 1117 Public Health and Health Services     0972-222X      
20205 C Delta Pi Epsilon Journal 1301 Education Systems          0011-8052      
40055 B Dementia 1110 Nursing 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science 1471-3012 1741-2684    
16007 B Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science     1420-8008 1421-9824    
18791 A Democratization 1606 Political Science         1351-0347 1743-890X    
9476 C Demofilo: revista de cultura tradicional 1601 Anthropology          1133-8032 1133-3626    
6005 C Demografia 1603 Demography          0011-8249      
6006 A Demographic Research 1603 Demography          1435-9871      
6007 A* Demography 1603 Demography  1402 Applied Economics     0070-3370 1533-7790    
30247 B Demography India: population - society - economy - environment - interactions 1603 Demography          0970-454X      
119 C Demonstratio Mathematica 0101 Pure Mathematics         0420-1213      
7362 B Den Jyske Historiker 2103 Historical Studies         0109-9280 1902-472X    
2723 C Dendrobiology 0607 Plant Biology         1641-1307 0066-5878    
2724 C Dendrochronologia 0607 Plant Biology         1125-7865      
4530 C Denki Kako Gakkaishi 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0387-754X      
4531 C Denki Kako Gijutsu 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0389-1550      
33878 C Denning Law Journal 1801 Law         0269-1922      
32563 C Dental Anthropology 1105 Dentistry         1096-9411      
32565 C Dental Association of Thailand Journal 1105 Dentistry         0045-9917      
32566 C Dental Health 1105 Dentistry         0011-8605      
5041 A* Dental Materials 0903 Biomedical Engineering  1105 Dentistry 0912 Materials Engineering 0109-5641 1879-0097    
44838 C Dental Materials Journal 0903 Biomedical Engineering          0287-4547      
32567 B Dental Traumatology 1105 Dentistry         1600-4469 1600-9657 0109-2502  
32569 C Dental Update 1105 Dentistry         0305-5000      
32571 C Dentistry (London, 2002) 1105 Dentistry         1479-1900 1468-165X    
32572 B Dentomaxillofacial Radiology 1105 Dentistry         0250-832X 1476-542X    
33247 B Denver Journal of International Law and Policy 1801 Law         0196-2035      
33248 B Denver University Law Review 1801 Law         0883-9409      
33249 C DePaul Business and Commercial Law Journal 1801 Law         1542-2763 0010-3055    
36769 C DePaul Journal of Art and Entertainment Law 1801 Law         1061-0553      
33251 B DePaul Journal of Health Care Law 1801 Law         1551-8426      
33253 C DePaul Law Review 1801 Law         0011-7188      
6218 A Depression and Anxiety 1103 Clinical Sciences 1701 Psychology     1091-4269 1520-6394    
15670 C Der Anaesthesist: Zeitschrift fuer Anaesthesie, Intensivmedizin, Notfall- und Katastrophenmedizin, Schmerzmedizin 1103 Clinical Sciences         0003-2417 1432-055X 1437-4943  
15901 C Der Chirurg: Zeitschrift fuer alle Gebiete der operativen Medizin 1103 Clinical Sciences         0009-4722 1433-0385    
16009 C Der Hautarzt: Zeitschrift fuer Dermatologie, Allergologie, Venerologie und verwandte Gebiete 1103 Clinical Sciences         0017-8470 1432-1173    
16285 C Der Internist 1103 Clinical Sciences         0020-9554 1432-1289    
42207 C Der Kardiologe 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1864-9718 1864-9726    
13143 C Der Nervenarzt: Monatsschrift fuer alle Gebiete nervenaerztlicher Forschung und Praxis 1103 Clinical Sciences         0028-2804 1433-0407    
13144 C Der Neurologe und Psychiater 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     1616-2455 1435-0009    
16726 C Der Pathologe: pathologie und klinik 1103 Clinical Sciences         0172-8113 1432-1963    
16793 C Der Radiologe: Zeitschrift fuer diagnostische und interventionelle Radiologie, Radioonkologie, Nuklearmedizin 1103 Clinical Sciences         0033-832X 1432-2102    
16837 C Der Schmerz: Konzepte, Klinik und Forschung 1103 Clinical Sciences         0932-433X 1432-2129    
40361 B Der Unfallchirurg 1103 Clinical Sciences         0177-5537 1433-044X    
3078 C Der Zoologische Garten 0608 Zoology         0044-5169      
8026 C Derbyshire Archaeological Journal 2101 Archaeology         0070-3788      
41473 C Derivatives and Financial instruments 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1389-1863      
16011 B Dermatologic Clinics 1103 Clinical Sciences         0733-8635 1558-0520    
16012 B Dermatologic Surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         1076-0512 1524-4725    
41475 B Dermatologic Therapy 1103 Clinical Sciences         1396-0296 1529-8019    
30441 C Dermatology Nursing 1110 Nursing         1060-3441      
16013 B Dermatology: international journal for clinical and investigative dermatology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1018-8665 1421-9832    
40179 Not ranked Derrida Today 2005 Literary Studies 2003 Language Studies 2203 Philosophy  1754-8500 1754-8519    
9477 C Desacatos: revista de antropologia social 1601 Anthropology          1607-050X      
3874 B Desalination 09 Engineering 03 Chemical Sciences     0011-9164 1873-4464    
18506 B Desarrollo Economico: revista de ciencias sociales 1402 Applied Economics         0046-001X      
2725 C Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae 0607 Plant Biology         1431-4819      
17834 C DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology 0807 Library and Information Studies         0974-0643 0971-4383    
20164 B Design and Technology Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1360-1431 0958-3017 0142-4807  
32026 C Design Automation for Embedded Systems 1006 Computer Hardware         0929-5585 1572-8080    
10321 A* Design Issues 1203 Design Practice and Management         0747-9360 1531-4790    
36879 A* Design Journal 1201 Architecture         1460-6925 1756-3062    
37248 B Design Management Journal 1203 Design Practice and Management         1942-5074 1554-1142    
37249 B Design Philosophy Papers 1203 Design Practice and Management         1448-7136      
37353 B Design Principles and Practices 1201 Architecture         1833-1874      
30544 B Design Research Quarterly 1203 Design Practice and Management         1752-8445      
3472 A* Design Studies 1203 Design Practice and Management         0142-694X 1872-6909    
120 A Design, Codes and Cryptography 0101 Pure Mathematics 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0925-1022 1573-7586    
10322 C Detroit Institute of Arts Bulletin 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         0011-9636      
11803 C Deus Loci: the Lawrence Durrell journal 2005 Literary Studies         0707-9141      
40439 A Deutsch als Fremdsprache 2003 Language Studies 2004 Linguistics     0011-9741      
9635 B Deutsche Lebensmittel-Rundschau 0908 Food Sciences         0012-0413      
32263 C Deutsche Mathematiker Vereinigung. Jahresbericht 0101 Pure Mathematics         0012-0456      
9178 A Deutsche Morgenlaendische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift MD Multidisciplinary         0341-0137      
8774 B Deutsche Sprache: Zeitschrift fuer Theorie, Praxis und Dokumentation 2004 Linguistics         0340-9341 1866-5233    
31435 B Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift fuer Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte 2005 Literary Studies         0012-0936      
8369 C Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Philosophie 2203 Philosophy          0012-1045      
7435 A Deutsches Archaeologisches Institut. Athenische Abteilung. Mitteilungen - Athenische Mitteilungen 2101 Archaeology         0342-1295      
8085 A Deutsches Archaeologisches Institut. Jahrbuch 2101 Archaeology         0070-4415 0342-3948    
7436 A Deutsches Archaeologisches Institut. Roemische Abteilung. Mitteilungen 2103 Historical Studies         0342-1287      
7029 A Deutsches Archiv fur Erforschung des Mittelalters 2103 Historical Studies         0012-1223      
11804 B Deutsches Dante-Jahrbuch 2005 Literary Studies         0070-444X      
31436 A Deutschunterricht 2005 Literary Studies         0012-1460      
40468 C Developing Practice: the child youth and family work journal 1605 Policy and Administration 1607 Social Work     1445-6818      
13487 B Developing World Bioethics 2201 Applied Ethics         1471-8731 1471-8847    
22154 A* Development (Cambridge) 06 Biological Sciences         0950-1991 1477-9129    
32855 B Development and Change 1402 Applied Economics         0012-155X 1467-7660    
19325 C Development and Learning in Organizations: an international journal 1503 Business and Management         1477-7282 1758-6097 1369-7234 0957-0004
6219 A Development and Psychopathology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0954-5794 1469-2198    
30084 C Development and Society 1603 Demography          1598-8074 1225-3804    
18792 C Development Bulletin 1603 Demography          1035-1132      
13488 C Development in Practice 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0961-4524 1364-9213    
18339 B Development Policy Review 1605 Policy and Administration         0950-6764 1467-7679    
40441 C Development Review 1402 Applied Economics 1503 Business and Management     0790-9403      
32856 C Development Southern Africa 1402 Applied Economics         0376-835X 1470-3637    
2373 B Development, Genes and Evolution 0604 Genetics          0949-944X 1432-041X 0930-035X  
2204 C Development, Growth and Differentiation 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0012-1592 1440-169X    
2866 B Developmental and Comparative Immunology 1107 Immunology         0145-305X 1879-0089    
22155 A Developmental Biology 06 Biological Sciences         0012-1606 1095-564X    
14503 C Developmental Brain Research 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0165-3806 1872-6755    
2205 A* Developmental Cell 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1534-5807 1878-1551    
14605 B Developmental Dynamics 1116 Medical Physiology         1058-8388 1097-0177    
16014 B Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine 0012-1622 1469-8749    
14524 B Developmental Neurobiology 1109 Neurosciences 1116 Medical Physiology 1702 Cognitive Science 0022-3034 1932-8451 1932-846X  
6220 A Developmental Neuropsychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science 1109 Neurosciences 8756-5641 1532-6942    
16750 C Developmental Neurorehabilitation 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine 1109 Neurosciences     1363-8491 1751-8423    
14516 C Developmental Neuroscience 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0378-5866 1421-9859    
6221 A Developmental Psychobiology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0012-1630 1098-2302    
6222 A* Developmental Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0012-1649 1939-0599    
6223 A Developmental Review 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0273-2297 1090-2406    
6224 A Developmental Science 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1363-755X 1467-7687    
5603 C Developments in Animal and Veterinary Sciences 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0167-5168      
5781 C Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science 0704 Fisheries Sciences         0167-9309      
2074 C Developments in Biologicals 06 Biological Sciences         1424-6074 1662-2960 0301-5149  
5342 C Developments in Crop Science 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         0378-519X      
15555 C Developments in Hematology and Immunology 1107 Immunology         0167-9201      
10843 C Deviance et Societe 1608 Sociology         0378-7931      
6225 B Deviant Behavior 1608 Sociology 1701 Psychology     0163-9625 1521-0456    
11805 C Devil's Millhopper 2005 Literary Studies         0733-9615      
40079 C DH Lawrence Review 2005 Literary Studies         0011-4936      
42127 B DH Lawrence Society Journal 2005 Literary Studies         0308-7662      
16015 A* Diabetes 1103 Clinical Sciences 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine     0012-1797 1939-327X    
16022 B Diabetes - Metabolism: Research and Reviews 1103 Clinical Sciences         1520-7552 1520-7560    
16016 B Diabetes and Metabolism 1103 Clinical Sciences         1262-3636      
16017 C Diabetes and Vascular Disease Research 1103 Clinical Sciences         1479-1641 1752-8984    
16018 A* Diabetes Care 1103 Clinical Sciences 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine     0149-5992 1935-5548    
13489 C Diabetes Nutrition and Metabolism 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics         0394-3402      
16020 B Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 1103 Clinical Sciences         0168-8227 1872-8227    
42211 C Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. Supplement 1103 Clinical Sciences         1572-1671      
42210 C Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism. Supplement 1103 Clinical Sciences         1465-7740      
16019 B Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism: a journal of pharmacology and therapeutics 1103 Clinical Sciences         1462-8902 1463-1326    
16023 C Diabetic Foot 1103 Clinical Sciences         1462-2041      
16024 B Diabetic Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         0742-3071      
16025 A* Diabetologia 1103 Clinical Sciences 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine     0012-186X 1432-0428    
8775 A* Diachronica: international journal for historical linguistics 2004 Linguistics         0176-4225 1569-9714    
12694 C Diacovensia 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1330-2655      
34553 A Diacritics: a review of contemporary criticism 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2002 Cultural Studies 2203 Philosophy  0300-7162 1080-6539    
16026 C Diagnostic Cytopathology 1103 Clinical Sciences         8755-1039 1097-0339    
15090 B Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease 1103 Clinical Sciences 1108 Medical Microbiology 0605 Microbiology  0732-8893 1879-0070    
16028 B Diagnostic Molecular Pathology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1052-9551 1533-4066    
6226 B Diagnostica: Zeitschrift fuer Psychologische Diagnostik und Differentielle Psychologie, zugleich Informationsorgan ueber psychologische Tests und Untersuchungsmethoden. 1701 Psychology         0012-1924      
12696 C Diakonian Tutkimus 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1796-5675 1795-5270    
8370 A Dialectica: the official journal of the European Society for Analytic Philosophy 2203 Philosophy          0012-2017 1746-8361    
9478 B Dialectical Anthropology 1601 Anthropology          0304-4092 1573-0786    
8776 B Dialectologia et Geolinguistica 2004 Linguistics         0942-4040 1867-0903    
8372 C Dialogos 2203 Philosophy          0012-2122      
35321 C Dialogue (Milwaukee) 2203 Philosophy          0012-2246      
35315 C Dialogue and Universalism: toward synergy of civilizations 2203 Philosophy          1234-5792 0867-504X    
8373 B Dialogue-Canadian Philosophical Review 2203 Philosophy          0012-2173 1759-0949    
7030 A Dialogues d'histoire Ancienne 2103 Historical Studies         0755-7256 1955-270X    
16029 C Dialysis and Transplantation 1103 Clinical Sciences         0090-2934 1932-6920    
35314 C Diametros: internetowe czasopismo filozoficzne 2203 Philosophy          1733-5566      
4892 B Diamond and Related Materials 0912 Materials Engineering 0904 Chemical Engineering      0925-9635      
35313 C Dianoia 2203 Philosophy          0185-2450      
4533 C Dianyuan Jishu 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1002-087X      
4534 C Dianzi Yu Xinxi Xuebao 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1009-5896 0217-9822    
20142 C Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1559-5692 1559-5706    
34552 A Diaspora: a journal of transnational studies 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2002 Cultural Studies     1044-2057 1911-1568    
2726 C Diatom Research 0607 Plant Biology         0269-249X      
11806 C Dickens Quarterly 2005 Literary Studies         0742-5473      
11808 B Dickensian 2005 Literary Studies         0012-2440      
40793 C Didaktisk Tidskrift.  Nordic Journal of Teaching and Learning for Practitioners and Researchers 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1101-7686      
34551 B Didaskalia: ancient theater today 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2005 Literary Studies     1321-4853      
35269 A Diderot Studies 2005 Literary Studies         0070-4806      
6742 B Die Alte Stadt 2103 Historical Studies         0170-9364      
5180 C Die Bodenkultur: Austrian journal of agricultural research 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences         0006-5471      
20853 C Die Denkmalpflege 1201 Architecture         0947-031X      
8127 B Die Kunde: Zeitschrift fuer Ur- und Fruehgeschichte 2101 Archaeology         0342-0736      
14850 C Die Pharmazie: an international journal of pharmaceutical sciences 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0031-7144      
32821 B Die Philosophin: Forum fur Feministische Theorie und Philosophie 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         0936-7586      
9101 B Die Sprache: Zeitschrift fuer Sprachwissenschaft 2004 Linguistics         0376-401X      
21317 A Die Welt des Islams: internationale Zeitschrift fuer die Geschichte des Islams in der Neuzeit - international journal for the history of modern Islam 2204 Religion and Religious Studies 2005 Literary Studies 2103 Historical Studies 0043-2539 1570-0607    
11809 C Dieciocho: Hispanic enlightenment 2005 Literary Studies         0163-0415      
5604 C Dier - en - Arts: wetenschappelijke praktijkgerichte informatie 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0920-2412      
10323 C Dietsche Warande en Belfort: tijdschrift voor letterkunde en geestesleven 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         0012-2645      
11112 B Differences: a journal of feminist cultural studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 1608 Sociology 2002 Cultural Studies 1040-7391 1527-1986    
121 A Differential and Integral Equations: an international journal for theory and applications 0101 Pure Mathematics         0893-4983      
500 C Differential Equations 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     0012-2661 1608-3083 0374-0641  
501 C Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems: an international journal for theory and applications 0101 Pure Mathematics         0971-3514      
32264 C Differential Equations and Nonlinear Mechanics 0101 Pure Mathematics         1687-4099 1687-4102    
122 A Differential Geometry and Its Applications 0101 Pure Mathematics         0926-2245 1872-6984    
503 C Differential Geometry-Dynamical Systems 0101 Pure Mathematics         1454-511X      
2206 B Differentiation 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0301-4681 1432-0436    
34316 B Diffusion Fundamentals 0203 Classical Physics         1862-4138      
41482 B Digest of Middle East Studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1060-4367 1949-3606    
16030 B Digestion: international journal of gastroenterology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0012-2823 1421-9867    
16031 B Digestive and Liver Disease 1103 Clinical Sciences         1590-8658 1878-3562    
16033 B Digestive Diseases and Sciences 1103 Clinical Sciences         0163-2116 1573-2568    
16032 C Digestive Diseases: clinical reviews 1103 Clinical Sciences         0257-2753 1421-9875 0253-4398  
41172 B Digestive Endoscopy 1103 Clinical Sciences 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis     0915-5635 1443-1661    
16034 C Digestive Surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         0253-4886 1421-9883    
9940 A* Digital Creativity 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 1203 Design Practice and Management 1462-6268 1744-3806    
40109 C Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review 1801 Law 0805 Distributed Computing     1756-4611 1750-7200 1744-0882  
36567 C Digital Forensics, Security and Law. Journal 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences         1558-7215 1558-7223    
35772 B Digital Humanities Quarterly 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         1938-4122      
39832 C Digital Investigation 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences         1742-2876 1873-202X    
4407 B Digital Signal Processing 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 1005 Communications Technologies 1051-2004      
36775 C Digital Technology Law Journal 1801 Law         1442-3197      
35312 C Dikaiosyne 2203 Philosophy          1316-7939      
7031 B Dike: rivista di storia del diritto greco ed ellenistico 2103 Historical Studies         1128-8221      
37063 C Dilema: Revista de Filosof’a 2203 Philosophy          1138-4050      
37034 B Dilthey-Jahrbuch: fuer Philosophie und Geschichte der Geisteswissenschaften 2203 Philosophy          0175-0135      
7032 C Dimensioni e Problemi della Ricerca Storica 2103 Historical Studies         1125-517X      
20964 C Dimensions (Ann Arbor) 1201 Architecture         1068-3895      
40045 C Dimensions in Critical Care Nursing 1110 Nursing         0730-4625 1538-8646    
8375 C Diogenes (English Edition) 2203 Philosophy          0392-1921 1467-7695 0911-5404 0102-6984
8376 B Dionysius 2203 Philosophy          0705-1085      
34782 C Diotima: epitheoresis philosophikes erevnes - revue de recherche philosophique - review of philosophical research 2099 Other Language, Communication and Culture 2103 Historical Studies     1010-7363      
36155 B Diplomacy and Statecraft 1606 Political Science 2103 Historical Studies     0959-2296 1557-301X    
7034 A Diplomatic History: the journal of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations 2103 Historical Studies         0145-2096 1467-7709    
1894 C Diqiu Huaxue 0402 Geochemistry         0379-1726 1000-9426    
34465 C Diqiu Wuli Xuebao 04 Earth Sciences         0001-5733      
17584 C Dirasat: Pure Sciences MD Multidisciplinary         1560-456X      
13145 C Directions in Psychiatry 1103 Clinical Sciences         0891-3870      
36797 C Diritto Marittimo: rivista trimestrale di dottrina giurisprudenza legislazione italiana e straniera 1801 Law         0012-348X      
16035 C Disability and Rehabilitation 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science 1103 Clinical Sciences     0963-8288 1464-5165    
13490 C Disability and Rehabilitation Assistive Technology 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1748-3107 1748-3115    
35345 A Disability and Society 1607 Social Work         0968-7599 1360-0508    
34794 A Disability Studies Quarterly 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1607 Social Work     1041-5718      
14190 C Disaster Management and Response 1110 Nursing         1540-2487 1540-2495 1075-4210  
36165 C Disaster Prevention and Management: an international journal MD Multidisciplinary         0965-3562 1758-6100 0961-1428  
39956 B Disasters: the journal of disaster studies, policy and management 15 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services         0361-3666 1467-7717    
34674 A Discourse (Abingdon): studies in the cultural politics of education 16 Studies In Human Society 13 Education     0159-6306 1469-3739    
41191 A Discourse (Detroit, 1979): journal for theoretical studies in media and culture 2001 Communication and Media Studies 2002 Cultural Studies     1522-5321      
20607 C Discourse (Heslington) 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1741-4164 1474-2195    
34675 B Discourse and Communication 2001 Communication and Media Studies 1702 Cognitive Science 2004 Linguistics 1750-4813 1750-4821    
6227 A Discourse and Society: an international journal for the study of discourse and communication in their social, political and cultural contexts 2001 Communication and Media Studies 1702 Cognitive Science     0957-9265 1460-3624    
6228 A Discourse Processes 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0163-853X 1532-6950    
8781 B Discourse Studies: an interdisciplinary journal for the study of text and talk 1903 Journalism and Professional Writing         1461-4456 1461-7080    
9941 Not ranked Discourses in Dance 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1474-533X      
17511 C Discovery and Innovation MD Multidisciplinary         1015-079X      
124 A Discrete and Computational Geometry: an international journal of mathematics and computer science 0101 Pure Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics     0179-5376 1432-0444    
39955 A Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series A 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1553-5231 1078-0947    
126 A Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B: a journal bridging mathematics and sciences 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1531-3492 1553-524X    
127 A Discrete Applied Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics         0166-218X 1872-6771    
32267 C Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 0102 Applied Mathematics         1026-0226 1607-887X    
17838 C Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     0924-6703 1573-7594    
129 B Discrete Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 0012-365X 1872-681X    
32270 B Discrete Mathematics and Applications 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0924-9265      
507 B Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science 01 Mathematical Sciences 08 Information and Computing Sciences     1365-8050      
39954 C Discrete Optimization 0101 Pure Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics 1572-5286 1873-636X    
41391 C Discussion Paper in Economics of the University of Nottingham, School of Economics 14 Economics         1360-2438      
794 C Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics 0104 Statistics          1509-9423      
36528 C Discussiones Mathematicae. Graph Theory 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics         1234-3099      
39683 C Discussiones Mathematicae: Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1509-9407      
13491 C Disease Management and Health Outcomes 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1173-8790      
35510 C Disease Markers 1116 Medical Physiology         0278-0240 1875-8630    
16038 B Disease-A-Month 1103 Clinical Sciences         0011-5029 1557-8194    
2529 B Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 06 Biological Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences     0177-5103 1616-1580    
16036 B Diseases of the Colon and Rectum 1103 Clinical Sciences         0012-3706 1530-0358    
16037 C Diseases of the Esophagus 1103 Clinical Sciences         1120-8694 1442-2050    
20962 A DISP 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         0251-3625 0300-3981    
30225 B Displays 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0806 Information Systems 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0141-9382 1872-7387    
8377 B Disputatio: revista semestral de filosofia anal’tica 2203 Philosophy          0873-626X      
32272 A Dissertationes Mathematicae 0101 Pure Mathematics         0012-3862 1730-6310    
20803 B Distance Education 1301 Education Systems          0158-7919 1475-0198    
44825 B Distinktion 1608 Sociology 1606 Political Science 2203 Philosophy  1600-910X      
17840 A Distributed and Parallel Databases 0804 Data Format 0805 Distributed Computing     0926-8782 1573-7578    
17841 A Distributed Computing 0805 Distributed Computing         0178-2770 1432-0452    
3225 A Diversity and Distributions 0602 Ecology 0501 Ecological Applications 0502 Environmental Science and Management 1366-9516 1472-4642    
32857 C Division of Labour and Transaction Costs 14 Economics         0219-8711 1793-7000    
30752 C Divulgaciones Matematicas 0101 Pure Mathematics         1315-2068      
7035 A Dix-Huitieme Siecle 2103 Historical Studies 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2005 Literary Studies 0070-6760 0988-9639 0988-9647  
37014 B Dix-neuf 2005 Literary Studies         1478-7318      
30345 B D-Lib Magazine 0807 Library and Information Studies         1082-9873      
37243 B DNA and Cell Biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1044-5498 1557-7430 0198-0238  
2328 A DNA Repair 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1568-7864 1568-7856    
2329 B DNA Research 0604 Genetics          1340-2838 1756-1663    
40625 B DOCOMOMO Journal 1201 Architecture         1380-3204      
37088 C Doctor Communis: acta et commentationes Pontificiae Academiae Romanae S. Thomae Aquinatis 2203 Philosophy          0012-4443      
32573 C Doctor Os: mensile di aggiornamento scientifico culturale in odontostomatologia 1105 Dentistry         1120-7140      
31385 C Doctrine and Life 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0012-446X      
131 A Documenta Mathematica 0101 Pure Mathematics         1431-0635 1431-0643    
16039 B Documenta Ophthalmologica 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry 1109 Neurosciences 1103 Clinical Sciences 0012-4486 1573-2622    
35773 C Documentary Box (English ed.) 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         1340-9832      
12700 C Documentatieblad Nadere Reformatie 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0165-4349 1382-757X    
12699 C Documentatieblad voor de Nederlandse Kerkgeschiedenis na 1800 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0923-7771      
18794 C Documentos y Aportes en Administracion Publica y Gestion Estatal 1605 Policy and Administration         1851-3727      
21777 C Documents MD Multidisciplinary         1000-0437      
3226 C Dodo 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences     0265-5640      
9942 C Dohnanyi evkonyv 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1589-6145      
35310 C DoisPontos 2203 Philosophy          1807-3883      
15358 C Dokkyo Journal of Medical Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0385-5023      
1339 C Doklady Chemistry 03 Chemical Sciences         0012-5008 1608-3113    
1719 C Doklady Earth Sciences 04 Earth Sciences         1028-334X 1531-8354    
32273 B Doklady Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         1064-5624 1531-8362    
1434 C Doklady Physical Chemistry 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)         0012-5016 1608-3121    
967 C Doklady Physics 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     1028-3358 1562-6903    
5509 A Domestic Animal Endocrinology 0707 Veterinary Sciences 0702 Animal Production     0739-7240 1879-0054    
3079 C Dongwu Fenlei Xuebao 0608 Zoology         1000-0739      
3081 C Dongwuxue Yanjiu 0608 Zoology         0254-5853      
3082 C Dongwuxue Zazhi 0608 Zoology         0250-3263      
14918 C Doping Journal 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1812-948X      
9943 B Double Dialogues 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         1447-9591      
41487 B Down Syndrome Research and Practice 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1701 Psychology     0968-7912 1753-7606    
31386 B Downside Review: a quarterly of Catholic thought 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0012-5806      
34673 C Dragon Lode 2005 Literary Studies         1098-6448      
33256 C Drake Journal of Agricultural Law 1801 Law         1086-3869      
33257 C Drake Law Review 1801 Law         0012-5938      
31437 C Drammaturgia 2005 Literary Studies         1128-1650      
6229 C Dreaming 1701 Psychology 1116 Medical Physiology 1702 Cognitive Science 1053-0797      
44901 C Drewno 0705 Forestry Sciences         1644-3985      
39696 C Droit et Societe 1608 Sociology         1159-361X      
13492 A Drug and Alcohol Dependence 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0376-8716 1879-0046    
13493 C Drug and Alcohol Review 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1701 Psychology     0959-5236 1465-3362    
14740 B Drug and Chemical Toxicology: an international journal for rapid communication 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0148-0545 1525-6014    
14919 C Drug Delivery 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1071-7544 1521-0464    
14920 C Drug Delivery Systems and Sciences 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1472-4715      
14921 C Drug Design Reviews Online 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1567-2697      
14741 B Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0363-9045 1520-5762 0095-5183  
14742 B Drug Development Research 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0272-4391 1098-2299    
41489 B Drug Discoveries and Therapeutics 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1881-7831 1881-784X    
40672 C Drug Discovery Today: Therapeutic Strategies 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences     1740-6773      
13494 C Drug Information Journal 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0092-8615      
14744 A Drug Metabolism and Disposition 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0090-9556 1521-009X    
41002 C Drug Metabolism Letters 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics     1872-3128      
14745 A Drug Metabolism Reviews 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0360-2532 1097-9883    
35509 B Drug News and Perspectives 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0214-0934 1134-8577    
14687 C Drug Research 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0004-4172 1616-7066    
14926 B Drug Resistance Updates 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences 1108 Medical Microbiology     1368-7646 1532-2084    
14746 B Drug Safety 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0114-5916      
40614 C Drug Target Insights 0605 Microbiology          1177-3928      
14747 A Drugs 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0012-6667      
14748 B Drugs and Aging 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1170-229X      
14927 C Drugs and Therapy Perspectives 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1172-0360      
14749 B Drugs of the Future 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0377-8282      
14750 B Drugs of Today 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1699-3993 1699-4019    
14928 C Drugs under Experimental and Clinical Research 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0378-6501      
13495 C Drugs-Education Prevention and Policy 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0968-7637 1465-3370    
10847 C Drustvena Istrazivanja: casopis za opca drustvan pitanja 1608 Sociology         1330-0288      
3877 B Drying Technology: an international journal 0904 Chemical Engineering          0737-3937 1532-2300    
5508 B DTW (Deutsche Tierarztliche Wochenschrift) 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0341-6593      
33258 C Dublin University Law Journal 1801 Law         0332-3250      
7037 C Dubrovnik Annals 2103 Historical Studies         1331-3878      
33259 B Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum 1801 Law         1064-3958      
36777 B Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law 1801 Law         1053-6736      
36768 B Duke Journal of Constitutional Law and Public Policy 1801 Law         1937-9439      
33262 B Duke Journal of Gender Law and Policy 1801 Law         1090-1043      
33264 A* Duke Law Journal 1801 Law         0012-7086 1939-9111    
133 A* Duke Mathematical Journal 0101 Pure Mathematics         0012-7094 1547-7398    
34744 A* Dumbarton Oaks Papers 2003 Language Studies 2103 Historical Studies     0070-7546      
33265 C Duquesne Business Law Journal 1801 Law         1548-372X      
33266 B Duquesne Law Review 1801 Law         0093-3058 0012-7213    
3083 C Durban Museum Novitates 0608 Zoology         0012-723X      
7039 C Dutch Crossing: a journal of low countries studies 2103 Historical Studies         0309-6564 1759-7854    
9946 C Dutch Journal for Music Theory 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1385-3066 0166-0020    
30262 C Dve Domovini 1603 Demography          0353-6777 1581-1220    
36890 A Dyes and Pigments 0904 Chemical Engineering          0143-7208 1873-3743    
4092 C Dyna 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0012-7361      
134 B Dynamic Systems and Applications 0102 Applied Mathematics         1056-2176      
30226 C Dynamics and Control 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0102 Applied Mathematics     0925-4668 1573-8450    
1912 B Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 0401 Atmospheric Sciences 0405 Oceanography     0377-0265 1872-6879    
135 B Dynamics of Continuous Discrete and Impulsive Systems Series A Mathematical Analysis 0102 Applied Mathematics 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering     1201-3390      
39722 B Dynamics of Continuous Discrete and Impulsive Systems Series B Applications and Algorithms 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0102 Applied Mathematics 0913 Mechanical Engineering 1492-8760 1918-2538    
509 B Dynamics of Partial Differential Equations 0101 Pure Mathematics         1548-159X      
11302 C Dynamis: acta hispanica ad medicinae scientiarumque historiam illustrandam 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0211-9536      
13146 C Dynamische Psychiatrie: internationale Zeitschrift fuer Psychiatrie und Psychoanalyse 1103 Clinical Sciences         0012-740X      
6230 B Dyslexia 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1701 Psychology     1076-9242 1099-0909    
16040 C Dysphagia 1103 Clinical Sciences         0179-051X 1432-0460    
7040 C Dzieje Najnowsze: kwartalnik poswiecony historii XX wieku 2103 Historical Studies         0419-8824      
20468 C EA Journal 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1444-4496 1033-0801    
16041 B Ear and Hearing 1103 Clinical Sciences         0196-0202 1538-4667    
34456 C EAR Se L eProceedings 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         1729-3782      
16042 C Ear, Nose and Throat Journal 1103 Clinical Sciences         0145-5613 1942-7522 0014-5491  
11814 B Early American Literature 2005 Literary Studies         0012-8163 1534-147X    
34886 A Early American Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal 2103 Historical Studies         1543-4273 1559-0895 1534-1267  
20172 B Early Child Development and Care 1301 Education Systems          0300-4430 1476-8275    
9947 C Early Childhood Connections 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         1085-522X      
20179 C Early Childhood Education Journal 1301 Education Systems          1082-3301 1573-1707 0092-4199  
20176 B Early Childhood Research and Practice: an internet journal on the development, care, and education of young children 1301 Education Systems          1524-5039      
6231 A Early Childhood Research Quarterly 1301 Education Systems          0885-2006 1873-7706    
35508 C Early Childhood Services 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences         1559-9647      
21321 A Early China 2103 Historical Studies         0362-5028      
20182 C Early Education and Development 1301 Education Systems          1040-9289 1556-6935    
16043 B Early Human Development 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0378-3782 1872-6232    
13147 C Early Intervention in Psychiatry: the development, onset and treatment of emerging mental disorders 1103 Clinical Sciences         1751-7885 1751-7893    
10326 C Early Keyboard Journal 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0899-8132      
21322 B Early Medieval China 2103 Historical Studies         1529-9104 1946-7842    
7041 A Early Medieval Europe 2103 Historical Studies         0963-9462 1468-0254    
21323 B Early Modern Japan: an interdisciplinary journal 2103 Historical Studies         1940-7947 1940-7955 1940-7920  
11549 C Early Modern Literary Studies: a journal of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century English literature 2005 Literary Studies         1201-2459      
9948 A* Early Music 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0306-1078 1741-7260    
9949 A Early Music History: studies in medieval and early modern music 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0261-1279 1474-0559    
35235 B Early Popular Visual Culture 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 1746-0654 1746-0662 1467-0577  
7042 B Early Science and Medicine: a journal for the study of science, technology and medicine in the pre-modern period 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1383-7427 1573-3823    
11815 B Early Theatre: a journal associated with the Records of Early English Drama 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2005 Literary Studies 2103 Historical Studies 1206-9078 0700-9283    
20174 B Early Years: an international journal of research and development 1301 Education Systems          0957-5146 1472-4421    
1869 A* Earth and Planetary Science Letters 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences 0403 Geology 0012-821X 1385-013X    
34455 A Earth Interactions 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience 0404 Geophysics     1087-3562      
1063 C Earth Moon and Planets 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences 0403 Geology     0167-9295 1573-0794    
30585 C Earth Sciences History 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0736-623X 1944-6187    
34571 C Earth Sciences Research Journal 0403 Geology         1794-6190 0121-2974    
1720 A Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience 0403 Geology     0197-9337 1096-9837    
30174 B Earth, Planets and Space 02 Physical Sciences 04 Earth Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences 1343-8832 0022-3743 0022-1392  
44839 C Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration 0905 Civil Engineering         1671-3664      
4182 A* Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics 0905 Civil Engineering         0098-8847 1096-9845    
4183 A Earthquake Spectra 0905 Civil Engineering         8755-2930      
1721 A* Earth-Science Reviews 04 Earth Sciences         0012-8252 1872-6828    
17585 C East Africa Journal of Sciences MD Multidisciplinary         1992-0407      
15360 C East African Medical Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0012-835X      
8030 A East and West 2101 Archaeology 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0012-8376      
21497 C East Asia: an international quarterly MD Multidisciplinary         1096-6838 1874-6284    
7043 A East Asian History 2103 Historical Studies         1036-6008 0048-2870    
21327 C East Asian Library Journal 0807 Library and Information Studies         1079-8021 0891-0553    
31387 C East Asian Pastoral Review: a quarterly with focus on Asia for all church ministers and theology in context, interested laity and theological students 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0116-0257 0436-1571    
21328 C East Asian Review MD Multidisciplinary         1227-4631      
41501 B East Asian Science, Technology and Society: an International Journal 1608 Sociology 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     1875-2152      
21278 B East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1562-918X      
18796 C East European Politics and Societies 1606 Political Science 2005 Literary Studies     0888-3254 1533-8371    
30755 B East Journal on Approximations 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1310-6236      
33267 C East West Review of Labor Law and Social Policy 1801 Law 1605 Policy and Administration     1569-2949 1381-5709    
9479 B Eastern Anthropologist 1601 Anthropology          0012-8686      
12702 B Eastern Buddhist 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0012-8708      
18255 B Eastern Economic Journal 14 Economics         0094-5056 1939-4632    
18202 B Eastern European Economics: a journal of translations 14 Economics         0012-8775 1557-9298    
512 C East-West Journal of Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         1513-489X 0125-2526    
6233 C Eating and Weight Disorders: studies on anorexia, bulimia and obesity 1701 Psychology         1124-4909 1590-1262    
41503 C Eating Behaviors 1701 Psychology         1471-0153 1873-7358    
6234 C Eating Disorders 1701 Psychology         1064-0266 1532-530X    
21331 C Ebisu MD Multidisciplinary         1340-3656      
41505 C E-Business Review 1503 Business and Management         1550-7793      
36781 C EC Tax Review 1801 Law         0928-2750 1875-8363    
12703 B Ecclesia Orans 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1010-3872      
33268 C Ecclesiastical Law Journal 1801 Law         0956-618X 1751-8539    
31367 B Ecclesiology: the journal for ministry, mission and unity 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1744-1366 1745-5316    
10327 C Echo (Los Angeles): a music-centered journal 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         1535-1807      
16045 C Echocardiography: a journal of cardiovascular ultrasound and allied techniques 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0742-2822 1540-8175    
33297 A ECLR: European Competition Law Review 1801 Law         0144-3054      
3227 A Ecography 0602 Ecology 0501 Ecological Applications 0502 Environmental Science and Management 0906-7590 1600-0587    
13496 B Ecohealth 1117 Public Health and Health Services 0707 Veterinary Sciences     1612-9202 1612-9210 1389-5702 1076-2825
40327 Not ranked Ecohydrology 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 1936-0584 1936-0592    
41954 A Ecole Francaise de Rome Melanges: Antiquite 21 History and Archaeology         0223-5102      
3473 B Ecolibrium 09 Engineering         1447-042X      
3228 A Ecological Applications 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 1051-0761 1939-5582    
40405 B Ecological Complexity 0501 Ecological Applications 0602 Ecology     1476-945X 1476-9840    
18340 A Ecological Economics 1499 Other Economics 0502 Environmental Science and Management     0921-8009 1873-6106    
3229 B Ecological Engineering 0907 Environmental Engineering         0925-8574 1872-6992    
3230 B Ecological Entomology 0602 Ecology         0307-6946 1365-2311    
3231 C Ecological Indicators 05 Environmental Sciences 03 Chemical Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 1470-160X 1872-7034    
3232 C Ecological Management and Restoration 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 1442-7001 1442-8903    
3233 A Ecological Modelling 0501 Ecological Applications 0907 Environmental Engineering     0304-3800 1872-7026    
3234 A* Ecological Monographs 0602 Ecology 0501 Ecological Applications 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience 0012-9615 1557-7015    
6235 B Ecological Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1040-7413 1532-6969    
3235 C Ecological Research 0602 Ecology         0912-3814 1440-1703    
3236 A* Ecology 0602 Ecology 0501 Ecological Applications 0502 Environmental Science and Management 0012-9658 1939-9170    
3237 B Ecology and Society 0602 Ecology 0502 Environmental Science and Management 0501 Ecological Applications 1708-3087 1195-5449    
33269 A Ecology Law Quarterly 1801 Law         0046-1121      
3238 A* Ecology Letters 0602 Ecology 0501 Ecological Applications 0502 Environmental Science and Management 1461-023X 1461-0248    
13497 C Ecology of Food and Nutrition 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics         0367-0244 1543-5237    
5747 B Ecology of Freshwater Fish 0704 Fisheries Sciences 0602 Ecology 0608 Zoology 0906-6691 1600-0633    
18256 C Econ Journal Watch 14 Economics         1933-527X      
30479 A Econometric Reviews 1403 Econometrics          0747-4938 1532-4168    
795 A* Econometric Theory 1403 Econometrics          0266-4666 1469-4360    
796 A* Econometrica: journal of the Econometric Society 1403 Econometrics  1401 Economic Theory     0012-9682 1468-0262    
18160 A Econometrics Journal 1403 Econometrics          1368-4221 1368-423X    
18203 C Economia 14 Economics         0254-4415      
35635 C Economia (Lisbon, 1977) 14 Economics         0870-3531      
41512 C Economia e Politica Industriale 1402 Applied Economics         0391-2078 1972-4977    
18508 C Economia e Sociologia 14 Economics         0870-6026      
18509 C Economia ed Ambiente 14 Economics         1593-9499      
18303 C Economia em Revista 14 Economics         1413-6090      
18512 C Economic Affairs: the journal of the IEA 14 Economics         0265-0665 1468-0270    
18341 C Economic Analysis and Policy 1402 Applied Economics         0313-5926      
18513 C Economic and Business Review 14 Economics         1580-0466 0354-0731    
18510 C Economic and Financial Review 14 Economics         1351-3621      
18514 B Economic and Industrial Democracy: an international journal 1402 Applied Economics 1503 Business and Management     0143-831X 1461-7099    
18511 C Economic and Labour Market Review 1503 Business and Management 1402 Applied Economics     1751-8326 1751-8334 0013-0400 1361-4819
18670 B Economic and Political Weekly: a journal of current economic and political affairs 14 Economics 16 Studies In Human Society     0012-9976      
18515 B Economic and Social Review 14 Economics         0012-9984      
2583 C Economic Botany: devoted to applied botany and plant utilization 0607 Plant Biology         0013-0001 1874-9364    
18257 C Economic Bulletin 14 Economics         0343-754X 1438-261X    
18686 B Economic Change and Restructuring: an international journal devoted to the study of comparative economics, planning and development 1402 Applied Economics         1573-9414 1574-0277 0013-0451 1120-7388
18343 A Economic Development and Cultural Change 1402 Applied Economics         0013-0079 1539-2988    
18516 B Economic Development Quarterly: the journal of American economic revitalization 1402 Applied Economics 1205 Urban and Regional Planning     0891-2424 1552-3543    
5931 A Economic Geography 1402 Applied Economics 1604 Human Geography     0013-0095 1944-8287    
1783 A Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists 0403 Geology         0361-0128 1554-0774    
18645 A* Economic History Review: a journal of economic and social history 1402 Applied Economics 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     0013-0117 1468-0289    
18517 A Economic Inquiry 14 Economics         0095-2583 1465-7295    
18344 B Economic Issues 14 Economics         1363-7029      
18345 A Economic Modelling 1403 Econometrics  1402 Applied Economics     0264-9993 1873-6122    
18206 B Economic Notes 14 Economics         0391-5026 1468-0300    
18518 C Economic Outlook 14 Economics         0140-489X 1468-0319    
18207 B Economic Papers of the Economic Society of Australia 1402 Applied Economics         0812-0439 1759-3441    
18519 A Economic Policy: a European forum 14 Economics         0266-4658 1468-0327    
18258 C Economic Sciences 14 Economics         1505-4683 1509-3727    
18346 B Economic Systems 1499 Other Economics         0940-4821 0939-3625    
18347 C Economic Systems Research 1499 Other Economics         0953-5314 1469-5758    
18288 A* Economic Theory 1401 Economic Theory         0938-2259 1432-0479    
18210 A Economica 14 Economics         0013-0427 1468-0335    
32859 B Economics and Human Biology 1402 Applied Economics         1570-677X 1873-6130    
8379 A Economics and Philosophy 1401 Economic Theory 2203 Philosophy  2201 Applied Ethics 0266-2671 1474-0028    
18674 B Economics and Politics 14 Economics         0954-1985 1468-0343    
18211 C Economics Bulletin 14 Economics         1545-2921      
18212 A Economics Letters 14 Economics         0165-1765 1873-7374    
18349 A Economics of Education Review 1402 Applied Economics         0272-7757 1873-7382    
18521 B Economics of Governance 1402 Applied Economics         1435-6104 1435-8131    
18350 B Economics of Innovation and New Technology 1402 Applied Economics         1043-8599 1476-8364    
18522 C Economics, Management, and Financial Markets 1402 Applied Economics         1842-3191      
7044 C Economies et Societes 1402 Applied Economics         0013-0567 0994-8287 0994-8279  
10848 A Economy and Society 1608 Sociology         0308-5147 1469-5766    
18798 C Ecopolitics Online Journal 1606 Political Science         2009-0315      
3239 B Ecoscience 0602 Ecology         1195-6860      
3240 B Ecosystems 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences     1432-9840 1435-0629    
41517 C Ecotoxicology 05 Environmental Sciences         0963-9292 1573-3017    
5816 B Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 05 Environmental Sciences 03 Chemical Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences 0147-6513 1090-2414    
9216 B Ecquid Novi: African journalism studies 1903 Journalism and Professional Writing         0256-0054 1942-0773    
12704 B Ecumenical Review 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0013-0796 1758-6623    
7045 C Edad Media 2103 Historical Studies         1138-9621      
3084 C Edaphologia 0608 Zoology         0389-1445      
2584 C Edinburgh Journal of Botany 0607 Plant Biology         0960-4286 1474-0036    
33270 B Edinburgh Law Review: an international forum for the discussion of law 1801 Law         1364-9809 1755-1692    
37117 C Educacao e Filosofia 2203 Philosophy          0102-6801      
20762 C Education 3-13: the professional journal for primary education 1301 Education Systems          0300-4279      
34951 C Education and Culture (West Lafayette) 2203 Philosophy          1085-4908 1559-1786    
20544 C Education and Health: a quarterly journal 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0265-1602      
20286 C Education and Information Technologies 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1360-2357 1573-7608    
33271 C Education and Law Journal 1801 Law         0838-2875      
20127 B Education and Society 1608 Sociology         0726-2655      
17100 C Education and the Law 1801 Law         0953-9964 1469-5774    
20791 A* Education and Training 1301 Education Systems          0040-0912 1758-6127    
20721 C Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1547-0350 1079-3917    
20571 C Education and Treatment of Children 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0748-8491 1934-8924    
5932 C Education and Urban Society: an independent quarterly journal of social research 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0013-1245 1552-3535    
20154 C Education as Change 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1682-3206      
18353 A Education Economics 1402 Applied Economics         0964-5292 1469-5782    
20660 B Education for Chemical Engineers 13 Education 09 Engineering     1749-7728      
13498 C Education for Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1357-6283      
10662 B Education for Information 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  0807 Library and Information Studies     0167-8329 1875-8649    
13499 C Education for Primary Care 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1473-9879 1475-990X 1367-8523  
20654 C Education in Chemistry 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0013-1350 1749-5326    
20132 B Education in Rural Australia 1301 Education Systems          1036-0026      
20061 C Education in the North: the journal of Scottish education 1301 Education Systems          0424-5512      
20044 C Education Journal 13 Education         1364-4505      
19935 B Education Leadership Review 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1532-0723      
10737 C Education Libraries Journal 0807 Library and Information Studies         0957-9575 0013-1407    
35697 C Education Links 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0814-6802      
19944 C Education Next: a journal of opinion and research 13 Education         1539-9664 1539-9672    
19928 B Education Policy Analysis Archives 1301 Education Systems          1068-2341      
20379 B Education Research and Perspectives 13 Education         0311-2543      
20361 B Education Review 13 Education         1462-7272      
20257 C Education Sciences and Psychology 1701 Psychology         1512-1801      
20045 C Education Today 13 Education         1832-4916      
20137 B Education, Citizenship and Social Justice 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1746-1979 1746-1987    
19969 B Educational Action Research 13 Education         0965-0792 1747-5074    
19917 A* Educational Administration Quarterly 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0013-161X 1552-3519    
6236 C Educational and Child Psychology 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0267-1611      
6237 B Educational and Psychological Measurement: devoted to the development and application of measures of individual differences 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1701 Psychology     0013-1644 1552-3888    
19977 C Educational Assessment 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1062-7197 1532-6977    
19958 C Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability (Print) 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1874-8597 1874-8600 0920-525X  
20431 C Educational Considerations 13 Education         0146-9282      
19927 B Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis: a quarterly publication of the American Educational Research Association 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0162-3737 1935-1062    
20586 C Educational Foundations 13 Education         1047-8248      
20537 B Educational Gerontology: an international journal 1301 Education Systems          0360-1277 1521-0472    
19954 C Educational Horizons 13 Education         0013-175X      
20046 B Educational Insights: on-line journal of the Centre for Cross Faculty Inquiry in Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1303 Specialist Studies In Education     1488-3333      
19918 A Educational Management, Administration and Leadership 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1741-1432 0263-211X    
19970 B Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0731-1745 1745-3992    
20763 B Educational Media International 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 2001 Communication and Media Studies     0952-3987 1469-5790    
20062 C Educational Perspectives 13 Education         0013-1849      
8380 A* Educational Philosophy and Theory 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 1702 Cognitive Science 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 0013-1857 1469-5812    
19949 C Educational Planning 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0315-9388      
19922 A Educational Policy: an interdisciplinary journal of policy and practice 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0895-9048 1552-3896    
20749 A Educational Practice and Theory 13 Education         1323-577X      
6238 A* Educational Psychologist 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1701 Psychology     0046-1520 1532-6985    
20241 C Educational Psychology in Practice 1701 Psychology         0266-7363 1469-5839 0309-3573  
6240 A Educational Psychology Review 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1701 Psychology     1040-726X 1573-336X    
6239 B Educational Psychology: an international journal of experimental educational psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 0144-3410 1469-5820    
20014 A Educational Research 13 Education         0013-1881 1469-5847    
20022 A Educational Research and Evaluation: an international journal on theory and practice 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1380-3611 1744-4187    
19938 C Educational Research and Reviews 13 Education         1990-3839      
20047 C Educational Research for Policy and Practice 13 Education         1570-2081 1573-1723    
20063 C Educational Research Quarterly 13 Education         0196-5042      
36400 A Educational Research Review 1301 Education Systems          1747-938X      
20010 A* Educational Researcher 13 Education         0013-189X      
20015 A Educational Review 13 Education         0013-1911 1465-3397    
20042 C Educational Studies 13 Education         0305-5698 1465-3400    
20490 A* Educational Studies in Mathematics: an international journal 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0013-1954 1573-0816    
20269 B Educational Technology and Society 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1436-4522 1176-3647    
10328 A Educational Technology Research and Development 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1042-1629 1556-6501    
20419 A Educational Theory 13 Education         0013-2004 1741-5446    
35460 C eEarth 0404 Geophysics         1815-381X 1815-3828    
8032 B Egypt and the Levant 2101 Archaeology         1015-5104 1813-5145    
32028 C Egyptian Computer Science Journal 08 Information and Computing Sciences         1110-2586      
2727 C Egyptian Journal of Botany 0607 Plant Biology         0375-9237      
9697 C Egyptian Journal of Food Science 0908 Food Sciences         1110-0192      
5420 C Egyptian Journal of Horticulture 0706 Horticultural Production         1110-0206      
2530 C Egyptian Journal of Microbiology 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     0022-2704      
14929 C Egyptian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0301-5068      
3181 C Egyptian Journal of Physiological Science 0606 Physiology  1116 Medical Physiology     0301-8660      
5287 C Egyptian Journal of Soil Science 0503 Soil Sciences 0607 Plant Biology 0703 Crop and Pasture Production 0302-6701      
5605 C Egyptian Journal of Veterinary Science 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1110-0222      
31248 C EHealth International: the journal of applied health technology 1503 Business and Management         1476-3591      
44902 C Ehimeken Kensetsu Kenkyujo Kenkyujoho 0905 Civil Engineering         0289-5617      
35309 C Eidos: the Canadian graduate journal of philosophy 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0707-2287      
11550 A Eighteenth Century Fiction 2005 Literary Studies         0840-6286      
7046 B Eighteenth-Century Ireland 2103 Historical Studies         0790-7915      
10330 A Eighteenth-Century Life 2002 Cultural Studies 2103 Historical Studies     0098-2601 1086-3192    
9952 A Eighteenth-Century Music 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1478-5706 1478-5714    
10331 B Eighteenth-Century Studies 2103 Historical Studies 2005 Literary Studies     0013-2586 1086-315X    
8381 B Eighteenth-Century Thought 2203 Philosophy  2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     1545-0449      
10987 C Eighteenth-Century Women: studies in their lives, work, and culture 1608 Sociology 1699 Other Studies In Human Society     1529-5966      
7047 B Eikasmos: quaderni bolognesi di filologia classica 2103 Historical Studies         1121-8819      
7048 B Eire - Ireland: a journal of Irish studies 2103 Historical Studies         0013-2683 1550-5162    
7049 C Eirene: studia Graeca et Latina 2103 Historical Studies         0046-1628      
3085 C Eisei Dobutsu 0608 Zoology         0424-7086      
6242 C E-Journal of Applied Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1832-7931      
35696 C e-Journal of Business Education and Scholarship of Teaching 1301 Education Systems  1399 Other Education  1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1835-9132      
17101 B E-Journal of Tax Research 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability 1801 Law     1448-2398      
20151 C E-Journal of Teaching and Learning in Diverse Settings 1301 Education Systems          1545-9055      
11486 C E-Journal on Hong Kong Cultural and Social Studies 2002 Cultural Studies         1684-9035      
9217 B Ejournalist 1903 Journalism and Professional Writing         1444-741X      
20966 C Ekistics: problems and science of human settlements 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         0013-2942      
18259 C Ekonomia 14 Economics         1025-5508 1013-3224    
30496 C Ekonomicky Casopis 14 Economics         0013-3035      
18260 C Ekonomika Ukrainy 14 Economics         0131-7741      
18524 C Ekonomiska Samfundets Tidskrift 14 Economics         0013-3183      
18658 C Ekonomska i Ekohistorija 14 Economics         1845-5867      
34833 B Ekran 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         0868-9024      
11819 B El Cid 2005 Literary Studies         1082-5894      
11551 B El Ghibli Rivista Online di Letteratura della Migrazione 2005 Literary Studies         1824-663X      
10620 C El Profesional de la Informacion 0807 Library and Information Studies         1386-6710 1699-2407 0965-3821  
32931 B El Trimestre Economico 14 Economics         0041-3011      
35372 C ELaw Journal 1801 Law         1321-8247      
35520 C Elder Law Review 1801 Law         1045-7437      
20273 B E-Learning 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1741-8887      
33274 B Election Law Journal 1801 Law         1533-1296 1557-8062    
18799 A Electoral Studies 1606 Political Science         0261-3794 1873-6890    
4535 C Electric Power Components and Systems 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1532-5008 1532-5016 0731-356X  
4408 B Electric Power Systems Research 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0378-7796 1873-2046    
4537 C Electrical Engineering in Japan 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0424-7760 1520-6416    
4409 C Electrical Engineering: Archiv fuer elektrotechnik 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0948-7921 1432-0487 0003-9039  
4538 C Electrical Technology Russia 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1028-7957      
1626 A Electroanalysis 0301 Analytical Chemistry         1040-0397 1521-4109    
1627 C Electroanalytical Chemistry: A Series of Advances 0301 Analytical Chemistry         0070-9778      
3953 A Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters 0912 Materials Engineering 0904 Chemical Engineering      1099-0062 1944-8775    
1476 A Electrochemical Society. Journal 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry         0013-4651 1945-7111    
3954 C Electrochemistry 0904 Chemical Engineering          1344-3542 0366-9297    
1628 A Electrochemistry Communications 0301 Analytical Chemistry         1388-2481 1873-1902    
1629 A Electrochimica Acta 0301 Analytical Chemistry 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)     0013-4686 1873-3859    
2075 C Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine 06 Biological Sciences         1536-8378 1536-8386 1061-9526  
41527 C Electromagnetic Waves 1005 Communications Technologies         1070-4698 1559-8985    
4410 B Electromagnetics 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0272-6343 1532-527X    
11552 C Electronic Bulletin of the Dante Society of America 2005 Literary Studies         1545-8415      
19287 A Electronic Commerce Research 0806 Information Systems         1389-5753 1572-9362    
17843 C Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 0806 Information Systems         1567-4223 1873-7846    
32030 C Electronic Communication Law Review: legal aspects of paperless communication 0806 Information Systems         1570-2294 0929-2233    
797 B Electronic Communications in Probability 0104 Statistics          1083-589X      
40830 B Electronic Government: an international journal 1801 Law 1606 Political Science     1740-7494 1740-7508    
40998 C Electronic Green Journal: professional journal on international environmental information 0502 Environmental Science and Management 1604 Human Geography     1076-7975      
20288 B Electronic Journal for the Integration of Technology in Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1556-5378      
8382 B Electronic Journal of Analytic Philosophy 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     1071-5800      
3356 B Electronic Journal of Biotechnology 10 Technology 06 Biological Sciences 09 Engineering 0717-3458 1363-2450 1366-0233  
39953 C Electronic Journal of Boundary Elements 09 Engineering 01 Mathematical Sciences     1542-3891      
40758 C Electronic Journal Of Business Ethics and Organization Studies 2201 Applied Ethics         1239-2685      
40313 C Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods 1503 Business and Management         1477-7029      
34672 A Electronic Journal of Communication 20 Language, Communication and Culture         1183-5656      
33275 C Electronic Journal of Comparative Law 1801 Law         1387-3091      
21337 C Electronic Journal of Contemporary Japanese Studies MD Multidisciplinary         1476-9158      
139 B Electronic Journal of Differential Equations 0101 Pure Mathematics         1072-6691 1550-6150    
18526 C Electronic Journal of Evolutionary Modeling and Economic Dynamics 1403 Econometrics  1499 Other Economics     1298-0137      
9323 C Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching 2004 Linguistics         0219-9874      
4328 C Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering         1089-3032      
39785 C Electronic Journal of Health Informatics 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1446-4381      
31237 B Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation 0806 Information Systems         1566-6379      
10664 C Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0806 Information Systems     1479-4411      
35698 C Electronic Journal of Literacy through Science 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1934-6670      
32276 B Electronic Journal of Mathematical and Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences 02 Physical Sciences     1538-263X 1538-3326 1538-3334  
41529 B Electronic Journal of Mathematics and Technology 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1933-2823      
41531 C Electronic Journal of Organizational Virtualness 0806 Information Systems         1422-9331      
30085 C Electronic Journal of Oriental Studies MD Multidisciplinary         0928-6802      
5239 C Electronic Journal of Polish Agricultural Universities 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences         1505-0297      
798 A Electronic Journal of Probability 0104 Statistics          1083-6489      
514 C Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations 0101 Pure Mathematics         1417-3875      
20643 C Electronic Journal of Science Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1087-3430      
10849 C Electronic Journal of Sociology 1608 Sociology         1198-3655      
35142 B Electronic Journal of Statistics 0104 Statistics          1935-7524      
4184 C Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering         1443-9255      
21538 A Electronic Journal of Vedic Studies MD Multidisciplinary         1084-7561      
17846 A Electronic Markets 0807 Library and Information Studies 0806 Information Systems     1019-6781 1422-8890    
10332 C Electronic Musicological Review 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1415-9538      
39784 C Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics         1571-0653      
36618 C Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 1702 Cognitive Science     1571-0661      
32277 C Electronic Research Announcements in Mathematical Sciences 0101 Pure Mathematics         1935-9179 1079-6762    
17847 C Electronic Transactions on Artificial Intelligence 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science     1403-3534      
142 B Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1068-9613 1097-4067    
4539 Not ranked Electronics and Communications in Japan 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         8756-6621 1942-9541 8756-663X  
4411 A Electronics Letters 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0013-5194 1350-911X    
1630 A Electrophoresis 0301 Analytical Chemistry 0707 Veterinary Sciences     0173-0835 1522-2683    
4542 C Electro-Technology 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0013-4643      
4543 C Elektrichestvo 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0013-5380      
4544 C Elektromagnitnye Yavleniya 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1562-2991      
4767 C Elektrometallurgiya 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1684-5781      
4545 C Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1392-1215      
4546 C Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0932-383X 1613-7620    
4547 C Elektrotechnika i Elektronika 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1640-7202 0239-5274    
4548 C Elektrotehniski Vestnik: revija za elektrotehniko 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0013-5852      
32279 C Elemente der Mathematik 0101 Pure Mathematics         0013-6018 1420-8962    
4093 A Elements (Ottawa): an international magazine of mineralogy, geochemistry, and petrology 0402 Geochemistry 0403 Geology     1811-5209 1811-5217    
7051 B Elenchos: rivista di studi sul pensiero antico 2103 Historical Studies 2203 Philosophy      0392-7342      
11553 A ELH 2005 Literary Studies         0013-8304 1080-6547    
34884 C Ellinika: philological, historical and folkloric review 2103 Historical Studies         0013-6336      
40115 C Ellipsis (Journal of the American Portuguese Studies Association) 2005 Literary Studies         1935-0791      
40475 A E-Logos: electronic journal for philosophy 22 Philosophy and Religious Studies         1211-0442      
33276 C ELSA Selected Papers on European Law 1801 Law         1373-2196 1012-5396    
34670 B ELT Journal: an international journal for teachers of English to speakers of other languages 2004 Linguistics         0951-0893 1477-4526    
35962 C emaj: electronic Melbourne art journal 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts     1835-6656      
8782 C Emakeele Seltsi Aastaraamat 2004 Linguistics         0206-3735      
10333 C Emblematica: an interdisciplinary journal for emblem studies 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         0885-968X      
22162 A EMBO Reports 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1469-221X 1469-3178    
35774 Not ranked e-media Studies 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 2001 Communication and Media Studies     1938-6060      
36144 B Emergence: Complexity and Organization 1503 Business and Management         1521-3250      
16047 C Emergency Medicine Australasia 1103 Clinical Sciences         1742-6731 1742-6723    
16048 C Emergency Medicine Journal 1103 Clinical Sciences         1472-0205 1472-0213    
16049 A Emerging Infectious Diseases 11 Medical and Health Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 1080-6040 1080-6059    
31221 C Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1540-496X 1558-0938 1061-2009 0038-5263
19628 B Emerging Markets Review 1402 Applied Economics         1566-0141 1873-6173    
40747 B Emerging Themes in Epidemiology 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1742-7622      
18527 C Emergo 14 Economics         1233-3115      
8783 C Emerita: revista de linguistica y filologia clasica 2003 Language Studies 2004 Linguistics 2103 Historical Studies 0013-6662 1988-8384    
7718 C Emigration Studies 2103 Historical Studies         0039-2936      
36069 B Emirates Journal for Engineering Research 09 Engineering         1022-9892 1022-9884    
15361 C Emirates Medical Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0250-6882      
33278 B Emory International Law Review 1801 Law         1052-2840      
33279 B Emory Law Journal 1801 Law         0094-4076      
6243 A Emotion 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1528-3542 1931-1516    
34728 Not ranked Emotion, Space and Society 2002 Cultural Studies         1755-4586      
20713 C Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1363-2752 1741-2692 0968-1728  
30561 C Empirica 14 Economics         0340-8744 1573-6911    
18354 B Empirical Economics 14 Economics         0377-7332 1435-8921    
41534 B Empirical Language Research 2004 Linguistics         1746-6830      
10334 A Empirical Musicology Review 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1559-5749      
17848 A Empirical Software Engineering: an international journal 0803 Computer Software         1382-3256 1573-7616    
36166 A Empirical Study of the Arts 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts         0276-2374 1541-4493    
19772 B Employee Relations 1503 Business and Management         0142-5455 1758-7069    
33280 C Employee Relations Law Journal 1801 Law         0098-8898 1532-1304    
19748 C Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal 1503 Business and Management         0892-7545 1573-3378    
33281 C Employee Rights and Employment Policy Journal 1801 Law         1522-2225      
22163 C Employment Relations Record 1503 Business and Management         1444-7053      
2867 B Emu: austral ornithology 0608 Zoology 0602 Ecology 0502 Environmental Science and Management 0158-4197 1448-5540    
7053 C En la Espana Medieval 2103 Historical Studies         0214-3038      
41535 A Enchoria 2003 Language Studies         0340-627X      
31438 C Encomia: bibliographical bulletin of the International Courtly Literature Society 2005 Literary Studies         0363-4841      
35270 B Enculturation 2002 Cultural Studies 2005 Literary Studies 1608 Sociology 1525-3120      
13148 C Encyclopedie Medico-Chirurgicale Psychiatrie 1103 Clinical Sciences         0246-1072      
32575 C Encyclopedie Medico-Chirurgicale. Stomatologie 1105 Dentistry         1283-0852 1154-2934    
3242 C Endangered Species Research 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences     1863-5407 1613-4796    
11306 C Endeavour MD Multidisciplinary         0160-9327 1873-1929    
32576 C Endo 1105 Dentistry         1753-2809 1753-2817    
16050 B Endocrine 1103 Clinical Sciences         1355-008X      
16051 C Endocrine Journal 1103 Clinical Sciences         0918-8959 1348-4540    
16052 C Endocrine Pathology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1046-3976 1559-0097    
41003 C Endocrine Practice 1103 Clinical Sciences         1530-891X 1934-2403    
40645 C Endocrine Regulations 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences         1210-0668 1336-0329    
16053 C Endocrine Research 1103 Clinical Sciences         0743-5800 1532-4206    
16054 A* Endocrine Reviews 1103 Clinical Sciences         0163-769X 1945-7189 0079-9963  
16055 A Endocrine-Related Cancer 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics         1351-0088 1479-6821    
16057 A* Endocrinology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine 0707 Veterinary Sciences 0013-7227 1945-7170    
16058 A Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America 1103 Clinical Sciences         0889-8529 1558-4410    
32577 C Endodontic Topics 1105 Dentistry         1601-1538 1601-1546    
16059 A Endoscopy 1103 Clinical Sciences         0013-726X 1438-8812    
14752 B Endothelium: Journal of Endothelial Cell Research 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences 1103 Clinical Sciences 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1062-3329 1029-2373    
37064 C ƒndoxa: Series Filos—ficas 2203 Philosophy          1133-5351      
5115 C Energy 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering     0360-5442 1873-6785    
4185 A* Energy and Buildings 09 Engineering 12 Built Environment and Design     0378-7788 1872-6178    
40780 Not ranked Energy and Environmental Science 0907 Environmental Engineering         1754-5692 1754-5706    
3878 A Energy and Fuels 0904 Chemical Engineering          0887-0624 1520-5029    
3474 B Energy Conversion and Management 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0196-8904      
18356 A Energy Economics 1402 Applied Economics 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment     0140-9883 1873-6181 1085-7443  
4015 B Energy Engineering 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0199-8595 1546-0118    
4016 A Energy Exploration and Exploitation 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0144-5987      
4017 A Energy Journal 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0195-6574 1944-9089    
33282 B Energy Law Journal 1801 Law         0270-9163      
32863 B Energy Policy MD Multidisciplinary         0301-4215 1873-6777    
4019 B Energy Sources. Part A. Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1556-7036 1556-7230 0090-8312  
4551 C Energy Sources. Part B. Economics, Planning, and Policy 1402 Applied Economics         1556-7249 1556-7257    
36004 C Energy Studies Review 0913 Mechanical Engineering         0843-4379 0711-3366    
2531 C Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiologia 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     1405-0994      
15091 C Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiologia Clinica 1108 Medical Microbiology         0213-005X 1578-1852 1695-4114 0212-5218
35308 C Enfoques (Libertador San Martin) 2203 Philosophy          1514-6006 1669-2721    
3475 B Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering 0102 Applied Mathematics 0955-7997 1873-197X    
32032 B Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing         0952-1976 1873-6769    
41540 C Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics 0102 Applied Mathematics 0913 Mechanical Engineering     1994-2060 1997-003X    
3666 A Engineering Computations: international journal for computer-aided engineering and software 0905 Civil Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering     0264-4401 1758-7077    
32865 B Engineering Economics 1402 Applied Economics         1392-2785      
18528 C Engineering Economist 1402 Applied Economics 1202 Building     0013-791X 1547-2701    
20644 B Engineering Education 13 Education 09 Engineering     1750-0044 1750-0052    
3667 B Engineering Failure Analysis 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1350-6307 1873-1961    
5116 A* Engineering Fracture Mechanics 0905 Civil Engineering 0912 Materials Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0013-7944 1873-7315    
1722 A* Engineering Geology 0905 Civil Engineering         0013-7952 1872-6917    
36523 B Engineering in Life Sciences 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering         1618-0240 1618-2863    
41543 C Engineering Integrity 0912 Materials Engineering         1365-4101      
4552 C Engineering Intelligent Systems for Electrical Engineering and Communications 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing         1472-8915      
4187 C Engineering Journal 0905 Civil Engineering         0013-8029      
3477 A Engineering Optimization 09 Engineering 01 Mathematical Sciences     0305-215X 1029-0273    
4188 A* Engineering Structures 0905 Civil Engineering         0141-0296 1873-7323    
41549 C Engineering TreNz 0902 Automotive Engineering         1177-0422      
41005 A* Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management 1202 Building 0905 Civil Engineering     0969-9988 1365-232X    
11821 B English 2005 Literary Studies         0013-8215 1756-1124    
11822 B English Academy Review 2005 Literary Studies         1013-1752 1753-5360    
20339 C English Education: official journal of the Conference on English Education and Communication 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0007-8204 1943-2216    
20435 B English for Specific Purposes 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0889-4906 1873-1937    
7054 A* English Historical Review 2103 Historical Studies         0013-8266 1477-4534    
34671 A English in Africa 2002 Cultural Studies 2099 Other Language, Communication and Culture 1606 Political Science 0376-8902      
20439 A English in Australia 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0155-2147 0046-208X    
39952 A English in Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0425-0494 1754-8845    
8785 A English Language and Linguistics 2003 Language Studies 2004 Linguistics     1360-6743 1469-4379    
9325 A* English Language Notes 2003 Language Studies 2005 Literary Studies     0013-8282      
41552 Not ranked English Language Teaching 2004 Linguistics         1916-4742 1916-4750    
8786 B English Linguistics 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0918-3701      
11555 B English Literary Renaissance 2005 Literary Studies         0013-8312 1475-6757    
11556 C English Literature in Transition 1880-1920 2005 Literary Studies         0013-8339 1559-2715    
20340 C English Quarterly Canada 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0013-8355      
40596 C English Studies in Africa: a journal of the humanities 2005 Literary Studies         0013-8398 1943-8117    
9288 B English Studies in Canada 2005 Literary Studies         0317-0802      
9326 A English Studies: a journal of English language and literature 2003 Language Studies 2005 Literary Studies     0013-838X 1744-4217    
35666 B English Teaching: Practice and Critique 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1175-8708      
36418 C English Today: the international review of the English language 2004 Linguistics         0266-0784 1474-0567    
8787 B English World-Wide: a journal of varieties of English 2003 Language Studies 2004 Linguistics     0172-8865 1569-9730    
35247 B Enlightenment and Dissent 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 2203 Philosophy      0262-7612      
35307 C Enrahonar: quaderns de filosofia 2203 Philosophy          0211-402X      
18687 C Ensayos Sobre Politica Economica 1402 Applied Economics         0120-4483      
10335 C Ensayos: historia y teoria del arte 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         1692-3502      
36331 B Enterprise and Society: the international journal of business and history 1503 Business and Management 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     1467-2227 1467-2235 0894-6825  
36504 C Enterprise Development and Microfinance: an international journal 1402 Applied Economics         1755-1978 1755-1986 0957-1329  
31249 C Enterprise Information Systems 0806 Information Systems 1503 Business and Management     1751-7575 1751-7583    
32033 C Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures 0806 Information Systems         1860-6059      
41554 C Entertainment and Sports Law Journal 18 Law and Legal Studies 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing     1748-944X      
33283 C Entertainment and Sports Lawyer 1801 Law         0732-1880      
33284 C Entertainment Law Review (UK) 1801 Law         0959-3799      
33327 C Entertainment Law Review (US) 1801 Law         1930-8701 1930-871X    
34727 C EnterText MD Multidisciplinary         1472-3085      
2868 B Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 0608 Zoology         0013-8703 1570-7458    
2869 C Entomologia Generalis: journal of general and applied entomology 0608 Zoology         0171-8177      
2955 C Entomologica Americana 0608 Zoology         1947-5136 1947-5144 0028-7199  
2870 C Entomologica Fennica 0608 Zoology         0785-8760      
2873 C Entomological Science 0608 Zoology         1343-8786 1479-8298    
2815 B Entomological Society of America. Annals: devoted to the interest of classical entomology 0608 Zoology         0013-8746 1938-2901    
2994 C Entomological Society of Ontario. Journal: annual publication of entomological research 0608 Zoology         0071-0768      
2995 C Entomological Society of Washington. Proceedings 0608 Zoology         0013-8797      
2875 C Entomon 0608 Zoology         0377-9335      
11825 C Entrelinhas 2005 Literary Studies         1806-9509      
19873 A Entrepreneurship and Regional Development 1503 Business and Management         0898-5626 1464-5114    
19870 A Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice 1503 Business and Management         1042-2587 1540-6520    
33880 C Entreprenurial Business Law Journal 1801 Law         1932-4480 1932-4472    
7055 C Entreprises et Histoire 2103 Historical Studies         1161-2770 2100-9864    
39951 C Entropy An International and Interdisciplinary Journal of Entropy and Information Studies 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     1099-4300      
32864 A Environment and Behaviour 16 Studies In Human Society 12 Built Environment and Design 05 Environmental Sciences 0013-9165 1552-390X    
18357 B Environment and Development Economics 1402 Applied Economics 0502 Environmental Science and Management     1355-770X 1469-4395    
34908 A Environment and History 2103 Historical Studies 0502 Environmental Science and Management     0967-3407 1752-7023    
20858 A Environment and Planning A: international journal of urban and regional research 1205 Urban and Regional Planning 1604 Human Geography     0308-518X 1472-3409    
20859 A* Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 1205 Urban and Regional Planning 1203 Design Practice and Management     0265-8135 1472-3417 0308-2164  
30308 A Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy MD Multidisciplinary         0263-774X      
35256 A Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 1205 Urban and Regional Planning 0502 Environmental Science and Management     0263-7758 1472-3433    
5934 A Environment and Urbanization 1205 Urban and Regional Planning 0502 Environmental Science and Management     0956-2478 1746-0301    
41558 B Environment Design Guide 0907 Environmental Engineering 1201 Architecture     1442-5017      
5817 A* Environment International 05 Environmental Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences 09 Engineering 0160-4120 1873-6750    
44287 C Environment Protection Engineering 05 Environmental Sciences 09 Engineering     0324-8828      
5894 B Environment, Development and Sustainability: a multidisciplinary approach to the theory and practice of sustainable development 0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management 0502 Environmental Science and Management     1387-585X 1573-2975    
5895 C Environment: science and policy for sustainable development MD Multidisciplinary         0013-9157 1939-9154    
799 B Environmental and Ecological Statistics 01 Mathematical Sciences 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 1352-8505 1573-3009    
33285 C Environmental and Energy Law and Policy Journal 1801 Law         1932-670X      
34532 C Environmental and Engineering Geoscience 04 Earth Sciences         1078-7275 1558-9161    
2585 B Environmental and Experimental Botany 0607 Plant Biology 0502 Environmental Science and Management     0098-8472 1873-7307    
35504 C Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis 11 Medical and Health Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 05 Environmental Sciences 0893-6692 1098-2280    
17107 B Environmental and Planning Law Journal 1801 Law 0502 Environmental Science and Management 1205 Urban and Regional Planning 0813-300X      
18358 A Environmental and Resource Economics 1402 Applied Economics 0502 Environmental Science and Management     0924-6460 1573-1502    
5878 C Environmental and Waste Management 0502 Environmental Science and Management 0905 Civil Engineering 1605 Policy and Administration 1460-5147      
8034 B Environmental Archaeology: the journal of human palaeoecology 2101 Archaeology 0501 Ecological Applications 0602 Ecology 1461-4103 1749-6314 0268-425X  
41004 C Environmental Bioindicators 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 1555-5275 1555-5267    
3243 C Environmental Biology of Fishes 0608 Zoology 0704 Fisheries Sciences 0602 Ecology 0378-1909 1573-5133    
34336 A Environmental Chemistry 05 Environmental Sciences 03 Chemical Sciences     1448-2517      
39950 B Environmental Chemistry Letters 03 Chemical Sciences 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 1610-3653 1610-3661    
33287 C Environmental Claims Journal 1801 Law 0502 Environmental Science and Management     1040-6026      
44288 C Environmental Communication: a journal of nature and culture MD Multidisciplinary         1752-4032 1752-4040 1556-7400  
5818 B Environmental Conservation 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences     0376-8929 1469-4387    
18359 C Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 1402 Applied Economics 0502 Environmental Science and Management     1432-847X      
8384 A Environmental Education Research 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1506 Tourism 0502 Environmental Science and Management 1350-4622 1469-5871    
44291 C Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 05 Environmental Sciences 09 Engineering 15 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services 1582-9596 1843-3707    
4671 C Environmental Engineering Science 0907 Environmental Engineering 0502 Environmental Science and Management     1092-8758 1557-9018 0882-5696  
2877 B Environmental Entomology 0608 Zoology         0046-225X 1938-2936    
8385 B Environmental Ethics: an interdisciplinary journal dedicated to the philosophical aspects of environmental problems 0501 Ecological Applications 2201 Applied Ethics     0163-4275      
39681 B Environmental Fluid Mechanics 02 Physical Sciences 09 Engineering 01 Mathematical Sciences 1567-7419 1573-1510    
36372 C Environmental Forensics MD Multidisciplinary         1527-5922 1527-5930    
36373 B Environmental Geochemistry and Health: official journal of the Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health 05 Environmental Sciences 04 Earth Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences 0269-4042 1573-2983    
1723 C Environmental Geology: international journal of geosciences 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         0943-0105 1432-0495    
5819 C Environmental Hazards MD Multidisciplinary         1747-7891 1464-2867    
13502 C Environmental Health 11 Medical and Health Sciences 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 1832-3367 1444-5212    
41562 B Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine 05 Environmental Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 1342-078X 1347-4715    
40827 Not ranked Environmental Health Insights 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1178-6302      
13503 A* Environmental Health Perspectives 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0091-6765 1552-9924 1542-4359  
30316 B Environmental History 2103 Historical Studies         1084-5453 1930-8892 1053-4180  
5879 B Environmental Impact Assessment Review 05 Environmental Sciences 16 Studies In Human Society 12 Built Environment and Design 0195-9255 1873-6432    
36307 Not ranked Environmental Justice MD Multidisciplinary         1939-4071 1937-5174    
33289 A Environmental Law Reporter: news and analysis 1801 Law         0046-2284      
36785 C Environmental Law Review 1801 Law         1461-4529 1740-5564    
36786 B Environmental Liability 1801 Law         0966-2030      
5117 C Environmental Management (New York): an international journal for decision-makers, scientists and environmental auditors MD Multidisciplinary         0364-152X 1432-1009    
2467 A* Environmental Microbiology 0605 Microbiology          1462-2912 1462-2920    
4672 B Environmental Modeling and Assessment 05 Environmental Sciences 08 Information and Computing Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences 1420-2026 1573-2967    
4673 A Environmental Modelling and Software MD Multidisciplinary         1364-8152 1873-6726    
5880 B Environmental Monitoring and Assessment MD Multidisciplinary         0167-6369 1573-2959    
37065 C Environmental Philosophy 2203 Philosophy          1718-0198      
40485 B Environmental Policy and Governance MD Multidisciplinary         1756-932X 0961-0405 1756-9338  
35483 C Environmental Policy and Law 1801 Law         0378-777X 1878-5395    
18803 A Environmental Politics 1606 Political Science         0964-4016 1743-8934    
5823 A Environmental Pollution MD Multidisciplinary         0269-7491 1873-6424    
41565 B Environmental Practice 05 Environmental Sciences         1466-0466 1466-0474    
3879 C Environmental Progress (New York) 03 Chemical Sciences 06 Biological Sciences     0278-4491 1547-5921 1944-7442 1944-7450
5825 B Environmental Research 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 03 Chemical Sciences 0013-9351 1096-0953    
36365 B Environmental Research Letters MD Multidisciplinary         1748-9326      
36371 B Environmental Reviews 0502 Environmental Science and Management         1181-8700 1208-6053    
36370 B Environmental Science and Policy 05 Environmental Sciences 16 Studies In Human Society 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 1462-9011 1873-6416    
5827 B Environmental Science and Pollution Research 05 Environmental Sciences 03 Chemical Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 0944-1344 1614-7499    
4674 A* Environmental Science and Technology (Washington) MD Multidisciplinary         0013-936X 1520-5851 1068-4980  
4675 B Environmental Technology 09 Engineering 06 Biological Sciences 05 Environmental Sciences 0959-3330 1479-487X    
5830 B Environmental Toxicology 05 Environmental Sciences 03 Chemical Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 1520-4081 1522-7278    
5831 A Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 05 Environmental Sciences 03 Chemical Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences 0730-7268 1552-8618    
5832 B Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 0502 Environmental Science and Management 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences     1382-6689 1872-7077    
8386 A Environmental Values 2203 Philosophy          0963-2719 1752-7015    
20968 C Environments 0502 Environmental Science and Management         0711-6780      
20967 C Environments by Design 1201 Architecture         1352-8564      
800 B Environmetrics 01 Mathematical Sciences 05 Environmental Sciences     1180-4009 1099-095X    
33290 C Environs (Davis): environmental law and policy journal 1801 Law         0193-6387      
3358 B Enzyme and Microbial Technology 1002 Environmental Biotechnology         0141-0229      
41809 C eOikonomia 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1833-7252      
31303 C ePAI 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1027-0000      
36581 C EPE Journal 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0939-8368      
34457 C e-Perimetron: The international quarterly e-journal on sciences and technologies affined to history of cartography and maps 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         1790-3769      
18805 C Ephemera: theory and politics in organization 1605 Policy and Administration         1473-2866      
12706 A Ephemerides Liturgicae: commentarium trimestre de re liturgica 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0013-9505      
12707 A Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0013-9513 1783-1423    
41006 C Epidemiologia e Psichiatria Sociale 1103 Clinical Sciences 1117 Public Health and Health Services     1121-189X      
41566 C Epidemiologic Perspectives and Innovations 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1742-5573      
13505 A* Epidemiologic Reviews 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0193-936X 1478-6729    
13506 A* Epidemiology 1117 Public Health and Health Services 0104 Statistics      1044-3983 1531-5487    
13507 B Epidemiology and Infection 11 Medical and Health Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 0950-2688 1469-4409    
2420 C Epigenetics 0604 Genetics          1559-2294 1559-2308    
42236 Not ranked Epigenetics and Chromatin 0604 Genetics          1756-8935      
7060 A Epigraphica Anatolica: Zeitschrift fuer Epigraphik und historische Geographie Anatoliens 2103 Historical Studies         0174-6545      
16063 A Epilepsia 1103 Clinical Sciences         0013-9580 1528-1167    
16062 B Epilepsy and Behavior 1103 Clinical Sciences         1525-5050 1525-5069    
16065 B Epilepsy Research 1103 Clinical Sciences         0920-1211 1872-6844    
16066 C Epileptic Disorders: international epilepsy journal with videotape 1103 Clinical Sciences         1294-9361 1950-6945    
1784 B Episodes: journal of international geoscience 0403 Geology         0705-3797      
11307 A Episteme 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     1742-3600 1750-0117    
37066 C Episteme NS: Revista del Instituto de Filosof’a de la Universidad Central de Venezuela 2203 Philosophy          0798-4324      
37067 C Episteme: Filosofia e Hist—ria das Cincias em Revista 2203 Philosophy          1413-5736      
11308 B Epistemologia: an Italian journal for the philosophy of science 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0392-9760 1825-652X    
16315 C Eplasty: open access journal of plastic and reconstructive surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         1937-5719 1554-0766    
35565 A Epoche: a journal for the history of philosophy 2203 Philosophy          1085-1968      
3955 C E-Polymers 0904 Chemical Engineering          1618-7229      
5343 C EPPO Bulletin 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         0250-8052 1365-2338    
41776 B Epworth Review 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0308-0382      
11116 C Equal Opportunities International 1503 Business and Management         0261-0159 1758-7093    
3182 C Equilibrium Research 0606 Physiology  1116 Medical Physiology     0385-5716      
5511 A Equine Veterinary Journal 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0425-1644      
20143 C Equity and Excellence in Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1066-5684 1547-3457 0894-0681 0020-4862
8788 C equivalences 2003 Language Studies         0779-5599      
7061 C Eranos: acta philologica Suecana 2103 Historical Studies         0013-9947      
11557 C Eras 2005 Literary Studies         1445-5218      
41569 Not ranked Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 1401 Economic Theory         1876-9098      
33291 C Erasmus Law and Economics Review 1801 Law         1824-3886      
2009 C Erdkunde: Archiv fuer wissenschaftliche Geographie 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         0014-0015      
40132 C ERGO: The Journal of the Education Research Group of Adelaide 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1835-6850      
145 A* Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 0101 Pure Mathematics         0143-3857 1469-4417    
17586 C Ergonomia MD Multidisciplinary         0137-4990      
3668 A Ergonomics 1203 Design Practice and Management 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science 1701 Psychology 0014-0139 1366-5847    
22168 C Ergonomics Australia 1203 Design Practice and Management         1033-1875      
44905 A Ergonomics in Design 1203 Design Practice and Management         1064-8046      
13509 C Ergonomics SA 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1010-2728      
8789 C Eriu: journal devoted to Irish philology and literature 2004 Linguistics         0332-0758 2009-0056    
8388 A Erkenntnis: an international journal of analytic philosophy 2203 Philosophy          0165-0106 1572-8420    
32281 B ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1262-3377 1292-8119    
32282 C ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis (ESAIM: M2AN) 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics     0764-583X 1290-3841 0399-0516  
35973 C ESAIM: Probability and Statistics 0104 Statistics  0102 Applied Mathematics     1292-8100 1262-3318    
11826 C Esamizdat 2005 Literary Studies         1723-4042      
37069 C Escritos de Filosof’a 2203 Philosophy          0325-4933      
31238 B E-Service Journal 1503 Business and Management         1528-8226 1528-8234    
10336 C ESharp 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2005 Literary Studies     1742-4542      
30248 B Espaces - Populations - Societes 1603 Demography          0755-7809      
7063 C Espacio Tiempo y Forma Historia Contemporanea 2103 Historical Studies         1130-0124      
7064 C Espacio, Tiempo y Forma. Serie III. Historia Medieval 2103 Historical Studies         1130-1082      
7065 C Espacio, Tiempo y Forma. Serie IV. Historia Moderna 2103 Historical Studies         1131-768X      
37070 C Esp’ritu: Cuadernos del Instituto Filos—fico de Balmesiana 2203 Philosophy          0014-0716      
11812 B ESQ: a journal of the American renaissance 2005 Literary Studies         0093-8297 1935-021X    
2210 B Essays in Biochemistry 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0071-1365 1744-1358    
11558 A Essays in Criticism: a quarterly journal of literary criticism 2005 Literary Studies         0014-0856 1471-6852    
20065 C Essays in Education 13 Education         1527-9359      
11559 B Essays in French Literature and Culture 2005 Literary Studies 2002 Cultural Studies     1835-7040 0071-139X    
34667 C Essays in Medieval Studies 2005 Literary Studies         1538-4608 1043-2213    
37037 B Essays in Philosophy 2203 Philosophy          1526-0569      
35306 C Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism 2203 Philosophy          1522-7340      
9955 C Essays in Theatre 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0821-4425      
14930 C Essential Psychopharmacology 1701 Psychology         1087-495X      
8035 C Essex Archaeology and History 2101 Archaeology         0308-3462      
5344 C Estacion Experimental de Aula dei Anales 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         0365-1800      
33292 C Estate Planning (New York, 1973) 1801 Law         0094-1794      
35305 C Estetika 2203 Philosophy          0014-1291      
34382 C Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences 0403 Geology         1736-4728 1406-0132    
9956 C Estreno: journal on the contemporary Spanish theater 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         0097-8663      
34586 B Estuaries and Coasts 0405 Oceanography         1559-2723 1559-2731 0160-8347 0009-3262
34453 A Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 0405 Oceanography         0272-7714 1096-0015    
12710 A Estudios Biblicos 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences 2201 Applied Ethics 2204 Religion and Religious Studies 0014-1437      
7066 C Estudios Clasicos 2103 Historical Studies         0014-1453      
9480 C Estudios de Cultura Nahuatl 1601 Anthropology          0071-1675      
18261 C Estudios de Economia 14 Economics         0304-2758 0718-5286    
37071 C Estudios de Filosof’a 2203 Philosophy          0121-3628      
8790 C Estudios de Linguistica Espanola 2004 Linguistics         1139-8736      
30263 C Estudios Demograficos y Urbanos 1603 Demography          0186-7210      
12711 C Estudios Eclesiasticos: revista de teologia 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0210-1610      
8792 C Estudios Filologicos 2003 Language Studies 2005 Literary Studies     0071-1713 0717-6171    
40209 C Estudios Filologicos Alemanes 2003 Language Studies         1578-9438      
37073 C Estudios Filos—ficos: Revista de Investigaci—n y Cr’tica 2203 Philosophy          0210-6086      
35074 C Estudios Geograficos 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         0014-1496 1988-8546    
34570 C Estudios Geologicos 0403 Geology         0367-0449 1988-3250    
41570 C Estudios Interdisciplinarios de America Latina y el Caribe MD Multidisciplinary         0792-7061      
7067 C Estudios Migratorios 2103 Historical Studies         1136-0291      
30264 C Estudios Migratorios Latinoamericanos 1603 Demography          0326-7458      
37074 C Estudios Nietzsche: Revista de la Sociedad Espa–ola de Estudios sobre Friedrich Nietzsche 2203 Philosophy          1578-6676      
35120 C Estudos do Quaternario: revista da Associacao Portuguesa para o Estudo do Quaternario 0403 Geology         0874-0801      
18262 C Estudos Economicos 14 Economics         0101-4161      
32767 B Estudos Feministas 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         0104-026X      
7069 C Estudos Ibero-Americanos 2103 Historical Studies         0101-4064 1980-864X    
11829 C Estudos Portugueses e Africanos 2005 Literary Studies         0103-1821      
8390 C Ethical Perspectives: journal of the European Ethics Network 2203 Philosophy          1370-0049 1783-1431 0778-6069  
30001 A Ethical Space: the international journal of communication ethics 1903 Journalism and Professional Writing         1742-0105      
8389 A Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     1386-2820 1572-8447    
6246 C Ethics and Behavior 1701 Psychology 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science 1050-8422 1532-7019    
20134 B Ethics and Education 2201 Applied Ethics         1744-9642 1744-9650    
8393 B Ethics and Information Technology 2203 Philosophy  2201 Applied Ethics 1604 Human Geography 1388-1957 1572-8439    
8394 A Ethics and International Affairs 1606 Political Science 2201 Applied Ethics     0892-6794 1747-7093    
36252 C Ethics and Justice: an interdisciplinary public affairs journal 1602 Criminology         1441-5860 1441-5550    
12712 B Ethics and Medicine: an international journal of bioethics 2201 Applied Ethics         0266-688X      
41007 C Ethics and Social Welfare 2201 Applied Ethics 1607 Social Work     1749-6535 1749-6543    
37089 B Ethics and the Environment 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     1085-6633 1535-5306    
40085 B Ethics Education: a journal  for applied philosophy and ethics in the Christian tradition 2203 Philosophy  2201 Applied Ethics 2204 Religion and Religious Studies 1444-8386      
34950 B Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 2201 Applied Ethics         1611-8014      
35264 C Ethics, Place and Environment: a journal of philosophy and geography 1601 Anthropology  2201 Applied Ethics 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience 1366-879X 1469-6703 1090-3771  
35482 A* Ethics: an international journal of social, political, and legal philosophy 1801 Law 2201 Applied Ethics 2203 Philosophy  0014-1704 1539-297X    
8396 C Ethiek and Maatschappij 2203 Philosophy          1373-0975 0040-7615    
12713 B Ethik in der Medizin 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0935-7335 1437-1618    
15362 C Ethiopian Medical Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0014-1755      
14931 C Ethiopian Pharmaceutical Journal 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1029-5933      
9481 A Ethnic and Racial Studies MD Multidisciplinary         0141-9870 1466-4356    
10851 A Ethnicities 1606 Political Science 1605 Policy and Administration 2002 Cultural Studies 1468-7968 1741-2706    
13510 C Ethnicity and Disease 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1049-510X 1945-0826    
8398 C Ethnicity and Health 1608 Sociology 1702 Cognitive Science 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1355-7858 1465-3419    
2728 C Ethnobotany 0607 Plant Biology 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine     0971-1252      
2729 C Ethnobotany Research and Applications: a journal of plants, people and applied research 0607 Plant Biology         1547-3465      
9483 C Ethnographia 1601 Anthropology          0014-1798 0200-0237 0200-0164  
8036 B Ethnographisch-Archaeologische Zeitschrift 2101 Archaeology         0012-7477      
9486 B Ethnography 1601 Anthropology          1466-1381      
20130 B Ethnography and Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1745-7823 1745-7831    
9487 A Ethnohistory 1601 Anthropology  2103 Historical Studies 2003 Language Studies 0014-1801 1527-5477    
9490 C Ethnologia Europaea: journal of European ethnology 1601 Anthropology          0425-4597      
9492 C Ethnologia Scandinavica: a journal for Nordic ethnology 1601 Anthropology          0348-9698 1971-1980    
9493 C Ethnologia Slovaca et Slavica: an international review of Slovak and Slavic ethnology 1601 Anthropology          1335-4116 0083-4106    
9496 B Ethnology: an international journal of cultural and social anthropology 1601 Anthropology          0014-1828      
9497 A* Ethnomusicology 1601 Anthropology  1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing     0014-1836      
9958 A Ethnomusicology Forum 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1741-1912 1741-1920 0968-1221  
34547 B Ethnomusicology Online 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1092-7336      
36433 B Ethnopolitics 1606 Political Science         1744-9057 1744-9065    
9498 A Ethnos: journal of anthropology 1601 Anthropology          0014-1844 1469-588X    
2878 B Ethology 0608 Zoology 1701 Psychology     0179-1613 1439-0310 0931-4202  
2879 B Ethology Ecology and Evolution 0608 Zoology         0394-9370 1828-7131    
6249 B Ethos 1601 Anthropology          0091-2131 1548-1352    
9500 C Etnofoor 1601 Anthropology          0921-5158      
9501 C Etnografia Polska 1601 Anthropology          0071-1861      
9502 C Etnografica Revista Do Centro de Estudos de Antropologia Social 1601 Anthropology          0873-6561      
9504 C Etnolog. Nova Vrsta 1601 Anthropology          0354-0316 0353-4855    
9507 C Etnoloska Tribina 1601 Anthropology          0351-1944      
4412 C ETRI Journal 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1225-6463      
41572 C eTropic: electronic journal of studies in the tropics 2005 Literary Studies         1448-2940      
11830 C Etudes Britanniques Contemporaines 2005 Literary Studies         1168-4917      
7070 B Etudes Celtiques 2103 Historical Studies         0373-1928      
21339 A Etudes Chinoises MD Multidisciplinary         0755-5857      
34666 B Etudes Creoles: culture, langue, societe 2003 Language Studies 2005 Literary Studies 2002 Cultural Studies 0708-2398      
8794 C Etudes de Linguistique Appliquee 2004 Linguistics 2005 Literary Studies     0071-190X      
7072 B Etudes d'Histoire Medievale 2103 Historical Studies         1278-3854      
11831 C Etudes Episteme 2005 Literary Studies         1634-0450      
31049 C Etudes et Gestion des Sols 0503 Soil Sciences 0703 Crop and Pasture Production 0607 Plant Biology 1252-6851 0295-1347    
34802 C Etudes Francaises 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts 2005 Literary Studies 2002 Cultural Studies 0014-2085 1492-1405    
9509 C Etudes Inuit Studies 1601 Anthropology          0701-1008      
34793 B Etudes Litteraires 2005 Literary Studies         0014-214X      
37093 C Etudes Maritainiennes 2203 Philosophy          0826-9920      
9510 C Etudes Mongoles et Siberiennes, Centrasiatiques et Tibetaines 1601 Anthropology          0150-3014 0766-5075    
40130 C Etudes Ocean Indien 2004 Linguistics 1601 Anthropology  2101 Archaeology 0246-0092      
8400 C Etudes Phenomenologiques 2203 Philosophy          0773-7912      
8399 A Etudes Philosophiques 2203 Philosophy          0014-2166      
35775 A Etudes Photographiques 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts 1901 Art Theory and Criticism     1270-9050      
7073 B Etudes Rurales: revue trimestrielle d'histoire, geographie, sociologie et economie des campagnes 2103 Historical Studies         0014-2182 0071-2175    
12714 B Etudes Theologiques et Religieuses 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0014-2239      
41131 C Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 1601 Anthropology  1503 Business and Management 2201 Applied Ethics 1173-2571      
15092 A Eukaryotic Cell 11 Medical and Health Sciences 06 Biological Sciences     1535-9778      
7075 C Eulimene 2101 Archaeology 2103 Historical Studies     1108-5800      
31439 C Euphorion: Zeitschrift fuer Literaturgeschichte 2005 Literary Studies         0014-2328      
5306 A Euphytica: international journal on plant breeding 0703 Crop and Pasture Production 0706 Horticultural Production 1001 Agricultural Biotechnology 0014-2336 1573-5060    
8040 A Eurasia Antiqua 2101 Archaeology         0949-0434      
2031 B Eurasian Geography and Economics 1604 Human Geography 1402 Applied Economics     1538-7216 1938-2863 1088-9388  
5288 C Eurasian Soil Science 0503 Soil Sciences 0607 Plant Biology     1064-2293 1556-195X 0032-180X 1560-0890
4413 C Eurasip Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 0912 Materials Engineering 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering     1687-6172 1687-6180 1110-8657 0941-0635
4553 C Eurasip Journal on Embedded Systems 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1687-3955      
4554 C EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1687-1472      
35853 B Eureka Studies in Teaching Short Fiction 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1533-8509      
11832 C Euresis - Cahiers Roumains d'Etudes Litteraires 2005 Literary Studies         1223-1193 0257-7526    
32866 C EuroChoices: agri-food and rural resources issues 0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management         1478-0917 1746-692X    
16067 B Europace 1103 Clinical Sciences         1099-5129 1532-2092    
42212 C Europace. Supplement 1103 Clinical Sciences         1099-6044      
35479 C Europarecht 1801 Law         0531-2485 1435-5078    
13512 C European Addiction Research 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1701 Psychology     1022-6877 1421-9891    
40031 C European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0937-4477 1434-4726    
40866 B European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry 1105 Dentistry         1818-6300 1996-9805    
13149 C European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience: official organ of the German society for biological psychiatry 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science 0940-1334 1433-8491    
5467 C European Association for Animal Production Scientific Series 0702 Animal Production         0071-2477      
39794 C European Association of Fish Pathologists. Bulletin 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0108-0288      
968 C European Biophysics Journal 0299 Other Physical Sciences         0175-7571 1432-1017    
19158 C European Business Journal 1503 Business and Management         0955-808X      
33294 C European Business Law Review 1801 Law         0959-6941      
33295 A European Business Organization Law Review 1801 Law         1566-7529 1741-6205    
19159 B European Business Review (Bingley) 1503 Business and Management         0955-534X 1758-7107 0953-1432  
2331 A European Cells and Materials 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0903 Biomedical Engineering      1473-2262      
6250 C European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: official journal of the European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 1103 Clinical Sciences         1018-8827 1435-165X    
42213 C European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: official journal of the European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Supplement 1103 Clinical Sciences         1433-5719      
40163 Not ranked European Comic Art 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1754-3797 1754-3800    
35477 C European Company Law 1801 Law         1572-4999 1875-6530    
33296 C European Competition Journal 1801 Law         1744-1056      
33298 C European Constitutional Law Review 1801 Law         1574-0196 1744-5515    
41580 B European Diabetes Nursing 1103 Clinical Sciences 1110 Nursing     1551-7853 1551-7861    
20177 C European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 1301 Education Systems          1350-293X 1752-1807    
6251 B European Eating Disorders Review 1701 Psychology         1072-4133 1099-0968    
18263 A* European Economic Review 14 Economics         0014-2921 1873-572X    
20029 B European Education: issues and studies 13 Education         1056-4934      
20017 A European Educational Research Journal 13 Education         1474-9041      
41585 C European e-journal of clinical nutrition and metabolism 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics         1751-4991      
33299 C European Energy and Environmental Law Review 1801 Law         0966-1646      
19612 A European Financial Management 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1354-7798 1468-036X    
9699 C European Food and Feed Law Review 0908 Food Sciences         1862-2720      
882 B European Food Research and Technology: international journal of food research and technology 1003 Industrial Biotechnology         1438-2377 1438-2385 1431-4649 1431-4630
30401 C European Foreign Affairs Review 1606 Political Science         1384-6299 1875-8223    
16068 A* European Heart Journal 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0195-668X 1522-9645    
16069 B European Heart Journal Supplements 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1520-765X 1554-2815    
7077 A European History Quarterly 2103 Historical Studies         0265-6914 1461-7110    
33300 B European Human Rights Law Review 1801 Law         1361-1526      
18808 C European Integration Online Papers 1606 Political Science         1027-5193      
33301 B European Intellectual Property Review 1801 Law         0142-0461 1749-5083    
34154 C European Journal of Acupuncture 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         1609-4557 1609-4565    
5307 A European Journal of Agronomy 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         1161-0301 1873-7331    
16070 B European Journal of Anaesthesiology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0265-0215 1365-2346    
14649 C European Journal of Anatomy 1116 Medical Physiology         1136-4890 0569-9894    
146 A European Journal of Applied Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics         0956-7925 1469-4425    
9750 A European Journal of Applied Physiology 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1439-6319 1439-6327    
8042 A European Journal of Archaeology 2101 Archaeology         1461-9571 1741-2722    
6252 C European Journal of Behavior Analysis 1701 Psychology         1502-1149      
16071 A European Journal of Cancer 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         0959-8049 1879-0852    
13513 A* European Journal of Cancer Care 1110 Nursing 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis     0961-5423 1365-2354    
16073 B European Journal of Cancer Prevention 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         0959-8278 1473-5709    
16074 B European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1010-7940 1873-734X    
36896 C European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 1110 Nursing 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1474-5151 1873-1953    
16075 B European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1741-8267 1741-8275 1350-6277  
2213 B European Journal of Cell Biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0171-9335 0070-2463    
16076 A European Journal of Clinical Investigation 1103 Clinical Sciences         0014-2972 1365-2362    
2468 B European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases: an international journal on pathogenesis, diagnosis, epidemiology, therapy, and prevention of infectious diseases 0605 Microbiology  1103 Clinical Sciences 1108 Medical Microbiology 0934-9723 1435-4373    
13514 A European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics         0954-3007 1476-5640    
14754 A European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0031-6970 1432-1041    
6253 B European Journal of Cognitive Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0954-1446 1464-0635    
147 A European Journal of Combinatorics 0101 Pure Mathematics         0195-6698 1095-9971    
9218 A* European Journal of Communication 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 1903 Journalism and Professional Writing 2001 Communication and Media Studies 0267-3231 1460-3705    
18688 C European Journal of Comparative Economics 1499 Other Economics         1824-2979      
4414 B European Journal of Control 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0102 Applied Mathematics 0947-3580 1435-5671    
17114 C European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice 1602 Criminology         0928-9569 1571-8174    
17115 B European Journal of Criminology 1602 Criminology         1477-3708 1741-2609    
11487 A European Journal of Cultural Studies 2002 Cultural Studies         1367-5494 1460-3551    
32578 C European Journal of Dental Education 1105 Dentistry         1396-5883 1600-0579    
16078 B European Journal of Dermatology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1167-1122 1952-4013    
32867 B European Journal of Development Research 1402 Applied Economics         0957-8811 1743-9728    
41593 C European Journal of Developmental Psychology 1701 Psychology         1740-5629 1740-5610    
14932 C European Journal of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0378-7966      
21340 A European Journal of East Asian Studies MD Multidisciplinary         1568-0584 1570-0615    
16079 C European Journal of Echocardiography 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1525-2167 1532-2114    
19990 B European Journal of Education: research, development and policies 13 Education         0141-8211 1465-3435    
16080 C European Journal of Emergency Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         0969-9546 1473-5695    
16081 A European Journal of Endocrinology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0804-4643 1479-683X    
20622 A European Journal of Engineering Education 13 Education 09 Engineering     0304-3797 1469-5898    
11833 B European Journal of English Studies 2005 Literary Studies         1382-5577 1744-4243    
2880 C European Journal of Entomology 0608 Zoology         1210-5759      
13515 C European Journal of Epidemiology 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0393-2990 1573-7284    
35503 C European Journal of Esthetic Dentistry 1105 Dentistry         1862-0612      
5702 B European Journal of Forest Research 0705 Forestry Sciences         1612-4669 1612-4677 0015-8003  
16083 B European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0954-691X 1473-5687    
13516 C European Journal of General Practice 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1381-4788 1751-1402    
16084 B European Journal of Haematology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0902-4441 1600-0609    
32868 B European Journal of Health Economics 1402 Applied Economics         1618-7598 1618-7601 1439-3972  
33302 C European Journal of Health Law 1801 Law         0929-0273 1571-8093    
16085 A European Journal of Heart Failure 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1388-9842 1879-0844    
13338 C European Journal of Herbal Medicine 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences     1352-4755      
2145 C European Journal of Histochemistry 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1121-760X      
5385 B European Journal of Horticultural Science 0706 Horticultural Production         1611-4426 1611-4434 0016-478X  
20864 A European Journal of Housing Policy 1605 Policy and Administration 1205 Urban and Regional Planning     1461-6718 1473-3269    
21918 B European Journal of Human Genetics 0604 Genetics          1018-4813 1476-5438    
15486 A European Journal of Immunology 1107 Immunology         0014-2980 1521-4141    
3738 C European Journal of Industrial Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0102 Applied Mathematics     1751-5254 1751-5262    
19749 A European Journal of Industrial Relations 1503 Business and Management         0959-6801 1461-7129    
17849 A* European Journal of Information Systems 0806 Information Systems 1503 Business and Management     0960-085X 1476-9344    
19898 C European Journal of Innovation Management 1503 Business and Management         1460-1060 1758-7115    
1523 A European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 0302 Inorganic Chemistry         1434-1948 1099-0682    
16086 C European Journal of Internal Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         0953-6205      
33303 A European Journal of International law 1801 Law         0938-5428 1464-3596    
31159 C European Journal of International Management 1503 Business and Management         1751-6757 1751-6765    
18809 A* European Journal of International Relations 1605 Policy and Administration 1606 Political Science     1354-0661      
37159 A European Journal of Law and Economics 1801 Law 1402 Applied Economics     0929-1261 1572-9990    
33304 C European Journal of Law Reform 1801 Law         1387-2370      
33305 C European Journal of Legal Studies 1801 Law         1973-2937      
3956 C European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology 03 Chemical Sciences 10 Technology     1438-7697 1438-9312 0931-5985  
41604 C European Journal of Management 1503 Business and Management         1555-4015      
19792 A European Journal of Marketing 1505 Marketing 1506 Tourism 1503 Business and Management 0309-0566 1758-7123    
34935 B European Journal of Mass Spectrometry 0301 Analytical Chemistry 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics     1469-0667 1751-6838 1356-1049  
5118 A European Journal of Mechanics A - Solids 0905 Civil Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering     0997-7538 1873-7285    
1288 B European Journal of Mechanics B - Fluids 0203 Classical Physics 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering 0102 Applied Mathematics 0997-7546 1873-7390    
15363 C European Journal of Medical Research 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0949-2321      
15240 B European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences     0223-5234 0009-4374    
6008 C European Journal of Migration and Law 1603 Demography  1801 Law     1388-364X 1571-8166    
3478 C European Journal of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 09 Engineering 1303-0868      
1771 B European Journal of Mineralogy: an international journal of mineralogy, geochemistry and related sci 0402 Geochemistry 0403 Geology     0935-1221 1617-4011    
32536 B European Journal of Morphology: incorporating European archives and biology 1105 Dentistry         0924-3860      
16088 B European Journal of Neurology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     1351-5101 1468-1331    
14517 A European Journal of Neuroscience 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0953-816X 1460-9568    
16089 C European Journal of Nuclear Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         1619-7070 1619-7089 0340-6997  
13517 B European Journal of Nutrition 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics         1436-6207 1436-6215 0044-264X  
16091 B European Journal of Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0301-2115 1872-7654    
30443 C European Journal of Oncology Nursing 1110 Nursing         1462-3889 1532-2122 1364-9825  
40573 B European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning 1301 Education Systems  2001 Communication and Media Studies     1027-5207      
148 A European Journal of Operational Research 01 Mathematical Sciences 08 Information and Computing Sciences 09 Engineering 0377-2217 1872-6860    
35499 C European Journal of Ophthalmology 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry         1120-6721 1724-6016    
32579 A European Journal of Oral Sciences 1105 Dentistry         0909-8836      
1573 A* European Journal of Organic Chemistry 0305 Organic Chemistry         1434-193X 1099-0690    
41436 C European Journal of Oriental Medicine 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences         1351-6647      
32580 B European Journal of Orthodontics 1105 Dentistry         0141-5387 1460-2210    
32581 C European Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 1105 Dentistry         1591-996X 1127-1485    
16092 B European Journal of Paediatric Neurology 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine 1109 Neurosciences     1090-3798 1532-2130    
16093 B European Journal of Pain 1103 Clinical Sciences         1090-3801 1532-2149    
6254 C European Journal of Parapsychology 1701 Psychology         0168-7263      
14934 C European Journal of Parenteral Sciences 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0964-4679      
16094 C European Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0939-7248 1439-359X    
16095 B European Journal of Pediatrics 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine 1117 Public Health and Health Services     0340-6199 1432-1076    
6255 B European Journal of Personality 1701 Psychology         0890-2070 1099-0984    
14755 A European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0928-0987 1879-0720    
14756 A European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0939-6411 1873-3441    
14757 B European Journal of Pharmacology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0014-2999 0922-4106    
8401 A* European Journal of Philosophy 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0966-8373 1468-0378    
2586 B European Journal of Phycology 0607 Plant Biology         0967-0262 1469-4433    
34299 B European Journal of Physics 0203 Classical Physics         0143-0807 1361-6404    
2587 B European Journal of Plant Pathology 0607 Plant Biology 0605 Microbiology  0703 Crop and Pasture Production 0929-1873 1573-8469 0028-2944  
18675 A European Journal of Political Economy 1402 Applied Economics         0176-2680 1873-5703    
18810 A European Journal of Political Research 1606 Political Science         0304-4130 1475-6765    
30402 A European Journal of Political theory 1606 Political Science 2203 Philosophy      1474-8851 1741-2730    
6009 A European Journal of Population-Revue Europeenne de Demographie 1603 Demography          0168-6577 1572-9885 0046-2756  
2469 C European Journal of Protistology 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     0932-4739 1618-0429 0033-1821  
13199 C European Journal of Psychiatry 1103 Clinical Sciences         0213-6163 1579-699X    
6256 B European Journal of Psychological Assessment 1701 Psychology         1015-5759 0213-3695    
6257 C European Journal of Psychology of Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0256-2928      
34206 C European Journal of Psychotherapy, Counselling and Health 1607 Social Work         1364-2537 1469-5901    
13518 B European Journal of Public Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1101-1262 1464-360X    
41607 Not ranked European Journal of Radiography 1103 Clinical Sciences         1756-1175      
16096 B European Journal of Radiology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0720-048X 1872-7727    
6258 A European Journal of Social Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0046-2772 1099-0992    
35495 C European Journal of Social Quality 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1461-7919 1752-2315    
10854 A European Journal of Social Theory 1608 Sociology 2203 Philosophy      1368-4310 1461-7137    
39948 C European Journal of Social Work: the forum for the social work professional 1607 Social Work         1369-1457 1468-2664 1353-1670  
5289 C European Journal of Soil Biology 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 1164-5563 1778-3615 0035-1822  
41617 A European Journal of Soil Science 0503 Soil Sciences 0703 Crop and Pasture Production 0607 Plant Biology 1351-0754 1365-2389    
20969 C European Journal of Spatial Development 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         1650-9544      
20704 B European Journal of Special Needs Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0885-6257      
9751 C European Journal of Sport Science 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1746-1391 1536-7290    
16098 A European Journal of Surgical Oncology 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         0748-7983 1532-2157    
20750 B European Journal of Teacher Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0261-9768 1469-5928    
18646 A European Journal of the History of Economic Thought 1401 Economic Theory 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     0967-2567 1469-5936    
12716 B European Journal of Theology: a new journal for a new Europe 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0960-2720      
33034 C European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research 1507 Transportation and Freight Services 1205 Urban and Regional Planning     1567-7133 1567-7141    
16099 C European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         1863-9933 1863-9941 1439-0590  
16100 B European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         1078-5884 1532-2165    
2881 B European Journal of Wildlife Research 0608 Zoology         1612-4642 1439-0574 0044-2887  
32768 A European Journal of Women's Studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1350-5068 1461-7420    
31078 B European Journal of Wood and Wood Industries (Print) 0705 Forestry Sciences         0018-3768      
6259 C European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 1701 Psychology 1503 Business and Management     1359-432X 1464-0643 0960-2003  
20799 B European Journal Vocational Training 1301 Education Systems          0378-5092 0258-7483 0378-5068  
33307 B European Law Journal 1801 Law         1351-5993 1468-0386    
33308 A European Law Review 1801 Law         0307-5400      
19160 B European Management Journal 1503 Business and Management         0263-2373 1873-5681    
19201 C European Management Review 1503 Business and Management         1740-4754 1740-4762    
11561 B European Medieval Drama 2005 Literary Studies         1378-2274      
10338 C European Meetings in Ethnomusicology 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1582-5841 1221-9711    
16101 C European Neurology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     0014-3022 1421-9913    
14758 A European Neuropsychopharmacology 1701 Psychology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences 0924-977X 1873-7862    
9752 C European Physical Education Review 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1106 Human Movement and Sports Science     1356-336X 1741-2749 0140-7708  
970 B European Physical Journal - Applied Physics 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     1286-0042 1286-0050 1155-4320  
1175 B European Physical Journal A. Hadrons and Nuclei 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics         1434-6001 1434-601X 1589-9535  
1094 A European Physical Journal B, Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     1434-6028 1434-6036    
1176 A European Physical Journal C. Particles and Fields 01 Mathematical Sciences 02 Physical Sciences     1434-6044 1434-6052 1124-1861  
966 C European Physical Journal D. Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     1434-6060 1434-6079 0011-4626  
969 A European Physical Journal E. Soft Matter 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     1292-8941 1292-895X    
993 C European Physical Journal. Special Topics 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     1951-6355 1951-6401 1155-4339  
20865 A European Planning Studies 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         0965-4313 1469-5944    
1668 A European Polymer Journal 0904 Chemical Engineering  0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry 0912 Materials Engineering 0014-3057 1873-1945    
13080 C European Psychiatry 1103 Clinical Sciences 1701 Psychology     0924-9338 1778-3585    
6260 C European Psychologist 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1016-9040 0705-5870    
33309 B European Public Law 1801 Law         1354-3725 1875-8207    
16102 B European Radiology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0938-7994 1432-1084    
16103 A European Respiratory Journal 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0903-1936 1399-3003 0904-1850  
17588 C European Review MD Multidisciplinary         1062-7987 1474-0575    
40895 C European Review of Aging and Physical Activity 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science     1813-7253 1861-6909    
18362 A European Review of Agricultural Economics 1402 Applied Economics         0165-1587 1464-3618    
33310 C European Review of Contract Law 1801 Law         1614-9920 1614-9939    
18647 B European Review of Economic History 1402 Applied Economics 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     1361-4916 1474-0044    
7078 C European Review of History 2103 Historical Studies         1350-7486 1469-8293    
33311 B European Review of Private Law 1801 Law         0928-9801 1875-8371    
6262 B European Review of Social Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1479-277X 1046-3283    
11834 B European Romantic Review 2005 Literary Studies         1050-9585 1740-4657    
10855 C European Societies 1608 Sociology         1461-6696 1469-8307    
10856 A European Sociological Review 1608 Sociology         0266-7215 1468-2672    
41624 C European Spatial Research and Policy 1503 Business and Management         1231-1952      
16105 B European Spine Journal 1103 Clinical Sciences 0903 Biomedical Engineering      0940-6719 1432-0932    
33026 B European Sport Management Quarterly 1504 Commercial Services         1618-4742 1746-031X    
16106 C European Surgical Research: clinical and experimental surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         0014-312X 1421-9921    
36787 B European Taxation 1801 Law         0014-3138      
36582 C European Transactions on Electrical Power 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1430-144X 1546-3109    
39729 B European Transactions on Telecommunications 1005 Communications Technologies 0805 Distributed Computing 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 1124-318X      
36143 C European Transport - Trasporti Europei 1507 Transportation and Freight Services         1825-3997 1825-3989    
18812 B European Union Politics 1606 Political Science         1465-1165      
5937 A European Urban and Regional Studies 1604 Human Geography 1205 Urban and Regional Planning     0969-7764 1461-7145    
16107 A European Urology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0302-2838 1421-993X    
18363 B Europe-Asia Studies 1605 Policy and Administration 2103 Historical Studies     0966-8136 1465-3427    
971 A Europhysics Letters: a letters journal exploring the frontiers of physics 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     0295-5075 1286-4854    
39947 C Evaluation and Program Planning 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1205 Urban and Regional Planning     0149-7189 1873-7870    
19967 A Evaluation and Research in Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0950-0790 1747-7514    
13519 C Evaluation and the Health Professions 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0163-2787 1552-3918    
39946 B Evaluation Journal of Australasia 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1035-719X      
19976 B Evaluation Review: a journal of applied social research 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0193-841X 1552-3926    
36505 B Evaluation: international journal of theory, research and practice 1599 Other Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services         1356-3890 1461-7153    
31388 B Evangelical Quarterly: an international review of Bible and theology 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0014-3367      
12717 A Evangelische Theologie 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0014-3502      
19657 B Event Management: an international journal 1506 Tourism         1525-9951 1943-4308    
41008 C Evidence - Based Integrative Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         1176-2330      
41009 C Evidence - Based Nursing 1103 Clinical Sciences         1367-6539 1468-9618    
10666 B Evidence Based Library and Information Practice 0807 Library and Information Studies         1715-720X      
30444 C Evidence Based Midwifery 1110 Nursing         1479-4489      
40484 B Evidence-Based Child Health: a cochrane review journal 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1557-6272      
40032 C Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention 1103 Clinical Sciences         1748-9539 1748-9547    
34155 A Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         1741-427X 1741-4288    
13520 C Evidence-Based Healthcare and Public Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1744-2249 1462-9410    
40486 B Evidence-Based Mental Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1362-0347 1468-960X    
16108 C Evidence-Based Obstetrics and Gynecology 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1361-259X 1532-3366    
13521 C Evidence-Based Preventive Medicine 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1176-2349      
3246 A* Evolution 0603 Evolutionary Biology         0014-3820 1558-5646    
3247 A Evolution and Development 0603 Evolutionary Biology 0608 Zoology     1520-541X      
6263 A Evolution and Human Behavior 1701 Psychology 1601 Anthropology  1702 Cognitive Science 1090-5138      
9512 A* Evolutionary Anthropology 1601 Anthropology          1060-1538 1520-6505    
41629 Not ranked Evolutionary Applications 0603 Evolutionary Biology         1752-4563 1752-4571    
41631 C Evolutionary Bioinformatics 0502 Environmental Science and Management         1176-9343      
3248 B Evolutionary Biology 0603 Evolutionary Biology         0071-3260 1934-2845    
17850 A Evolutionary Computation 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics 1063-6560 1530-9304    
3249 B Evolutionary Ecology 0603 Evolutionary Biology         0269-7653 1573-8477    
3250 B Evolutionary Ecology Research 0603 Evolutionary Biology         1522-0613 1937-3791    
41633 C Evolutionary Intelligence 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing         1864-5909      
7076 B Evphrosyne 2103 Historical Studies         0870-0133      
40006 C EWMA Journal 1103 Clinical Sciences         1609-2759      
11835 C Excavatio 2005 Literary Studies         1021-5417      
20683 A Exceptional Children 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0014-4029 0887-5405    
20728 C Exceptionality Education Canada 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1918-5227 1183-322X    
20734 C Exceptionality: a special education journal 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0936-2835 1532-7035    
7080 C Excerpta Philologica: filologia griega y latina de la univerdad 2103 Historical Studies         1132-7723      
12718 B Exchange 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0166-2740 1572-543X    
11836 C Exegesis 2005 Literary Studies         1526-8667      
7081 C Exemplaria Classica 2103 Historical Studies         1699-3225 1138-1922    
11837 C Exemplaria: a journal of theory in medieval and Renaissance studies 2005 Literary Studies         1041-2573 1753-3074    
9753 A Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         0091-6331 1538-3008    
30295 A* Exercise Immunology Review 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1077-5552      
8402 C Existentia: meletai sophias - philosophical papers - bolcseleti tanulmanyok 2203 Philosophy          1215-5950      
6265 B Experimental Aging Research 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0361-073X 1096-4657    
5308 B Experimental Agriculture 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         0014-4797 1469-4441    
2882 B Experimental and Applied Acarology 0608 Zoology         0168-8162 1572-9702    
40110 C Experimental and Clinical Cardiology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1205-6626      
16112 B Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology and Diabetes 1103 Clinical Sciences         0947-7349 1439-3646    
6266 A Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology 1701 Psychology         1064-1297 1936-2293    
15310 C Experimental and Molecular Medicine 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry         1226-3613 0378-8512    
15270 C Experimental and Molecular Pathology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0014-4800 1096-0945    
16113 C Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0940-2993 1618-1433    
44304 C Experimental Animals 11 Medical and Health Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 1341-1357 1881-7122    
34292 B Experimental Astronomy: an international journal on astronomical instrumentation and data analysis 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences         0922-6435 1572-9508    
15311 C Experimental Biology and Medicine 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1535-3702 1535-3699 0037-9727  
14518 B Experimental Brain Research 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0014-4819 1432-1106    
16114 B Experimental Cell Research 1103 Clinical Sciences 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology     0014-4827 1090-2422    
16115 B Experimental Dermatology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0906-6705 1600-0625    
18530 A Experimental Economics 1402 Applied Economics         1386-4157 1573-6938    
16116 B Experimental Eye Research 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics 1109 Neurosciences 0014-4835 1096-0007    
16117 A Experimental Gerontology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0531-5565 1873-6815    
41638 C Experimental Heat Transfer 0913 Mechanical Engineering         0891-6152      
16110 A Experimental Hematology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0301-472X 1873-2399    
16119 B Experimental Lung Research 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0190-2148 1521-0499    
149 A Experimental Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 1058-6458 1944-950X    
5119 A Experimental Mechanics 0905 Civil Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering 0014-4851 1741-2765    
16121 B Experimental Neurology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     0014-4886 1090-2430 1055-8330  
16122 C Experimental Oncology: nauchno-tekhnicheskii zhurnal 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1812-9269 0204-3564    
15096 B Experimental Parasitology 0707 Veterinary Sciences 0605 Microbiology      0014-4894 1090-2449    
3158 B Experimental Physiology 0606 Physiology  1116 Medical Physiology     0958-0670 1469-445X    
40086 B Experimental Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1618-3169 0949-3964    
41158 C Experimental Techniques: a publication for the practicing engineer 0913 Mechanical Engineering         0732-8818 1747-1567    
3669 A Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 0913 Mechanical Engineering         0894-1777      
1289 A Experiments in Fluids: experimental methods and their applications to fluid flow 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering     0723-4864 1432-1114    
15312 B Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1471-2598 1744-7682    
14936 C Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1742-5247 1744-7593    
35490 A Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism and Toxicology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1742-5255 1744-7607    
14759 B Expert Opinion on Drug Safety 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1474-0338 1744-764X    
14760 C Expert Opinion on Emerging Drugs 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1472-8214 1744-7623 1361-9195  
14761 A Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1354-3784 1744-7658    
14762 C Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1465-6566 1744-7666    
14763 C Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Patents 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1354-3776 1744-7674    
14764 B Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1472-8222 1744-7631 1460-0412  
16124 C Expert Review of Anticancer Therapy: an essential contribution to decision making in cancer care 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1473-7140 1744-8328    
35489 C Expert Review of Anti-infective Therapy 1103 Clinical Sciences         1478-7210 1744-8336    
40323 C Expert Review of Cardiovascular Therapy 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology 1117 Public Health and Health Services     1477-9072 1744-8344    
15556 C Expert Review of Clinical Immunology 1107 Immunology         1744-666X 1744-8409    
14937 Not ranked Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1751-2433 1751-2441    
41010 C Expert Review of Dermatology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1746-9872 1746-9880    
41640 A Expert Review of Medical Devices 0903 Biomedical Engineering          1743-4440 1745-2422    
16125 B Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics: new diagnostic technologies are set to revolutionise healthcare 1103 Clinical Sciences         1473-7159 1744-8352    
14765 C Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics: a key contribution to decision making in the treatment of neurologic and neuropsychiatric disorders 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     1473-7175 1744-8360    
41011 C Expert Review of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1747-4108 1747-4116    
40014 C Expert Review of Ophthalmology 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1103 Clinical Sciences 1746-9899 1746-9902    
14938 C Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research: informing decision-making in the delivery of cost-effective healthcare 1402 Applied Economics 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences     1473-7167 1744-8379    
36848 B Expert Review of Proteomics 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1478-9450 1744-8387    
40324 B Expert Review of Respiratory Medicine 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1747-6348 1747-6356    
16126 C Expert Review of Vaccines 1103 Clinical Sciences         1476-0584 1744-8395    
40698 C Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1462-3994      
17852 B Expert Systems with Applications 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0806 Information Systems 0102 Applied Mathematics 0957-4174 1873-6793    
17851 C Expert Systems: the journal of knowledge engineering 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science     0266-4720 1468-0394    
11838 C Explicacion de Textos Literarios 2005 Literary Studies         0361-9621      
4095 C Exploration and Mining Geology 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0964-1823      
1870 B Exploration Geophysics 0404 Geophysics 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience 0909 Geomatic Engineering  0812-3985 1834-7533    
17583 C Exploration of Nature MD Multidisciplinary         1000-4041      
40288 A Explorations 2103 Historical Studies         0815-6158      
18648 A Explorations in Economic History 1402 Applied Economics 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     0014-4983 1090-2457 0884-5425  
35340 C Explorations in Renaissance Culture 2005 Literary Studies 2103 Historical Studies     0098-2474      
150 B Expositiones Mathematicae 0101 Pure Mathematics         0723-0869      
12719 C Expository Times 2002 Cultural Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0014-5246 1745-5308    
10340 C Exposure (Oxford) 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts         0098-8863      
34801 B Expressions Maghrebines 2005 Literary Studies 2002 Cultural Studies     1540-0085      
5240 C Extension Farming Systems Journal 0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management         1833-203X 1833-2048    
151 B Extracta Mathematicae 0101 Pure Mathematics         0213-8743      
11563 B Extrapolation 2005 Literary Studies         0014-5483      
37112 B Extrav’o: revista electr—nica de literatura comparada 2099 Other Language, Communication and Culture         1886-4902      
39945 A Extremes: statistical theory and applications in science, engineering and economics 01 Mathematical Sciences 09 Engineering 14 Economics 1386-1999 1572-915X    
15097 C Extremophiles 1108 Medical Microbiology 0605 Microbiology      1431-0651 1433-4909    
16127 B Eye 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry 1103 Clinical Sciences 1107 Immunology 0950-222X 1476-5454    
16516 B Eye and Contact Lens: science and clinical practice 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry         1542-2321 1542-233X 0733-8902  
34543 B Eyeline 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts     0818-8734      
21065 A Fabrications: the journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand 1201 Architecture 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     1033-1867      
9513 C Fabula: Zeitschrift fuer Erzaehlforschung - journal of folktale studies 2005 Literary Studies         0014-6242 1613-0464    
8795 C Fachsprache 2004 Linguistics         1017-3285      
1786 C Facies: international journal of paleontology, sedimentology and geology 0403 Geology         0172-9179 1612-4820    
35980 A Facilities 1504 Commercial Services 1202 Building     0263-2772 1758-7131    
8403 A Facta Philosophica 2203 Philosophy          1424-0602      
34781 C Facta Universitatis. Series Linguistics and Literature 2003 Language Studies 2004 Linguistics 2099 Other Language, Communication and Culture 0354-4702      
34743 A Facta Universitatis: Series Philosophy, Sociology and Psychology MD Multidisciplinary         0354-4648      
32582 C Faculdade de Odontologia de Lins Revista 1105 Dentistry         0104-7582      
32583 C Faculdade de Odontologia de Porto Alegre Revista 1105 Dentistry         0566-1854 0477-6763    
32869 B Faith and Economics 1401 Economic Theory 1499 Other Economics 2204 Religion and Religious Studies 0896-307X      
8404 A* Faith and Philosophy 2203 Philosophy  2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0739-7046      
8796 B Faits de Langues: revue de linguistique 2004 Linguistics         1244-5460 1958-9514    
3740 C FAMENA Transactions 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1333-1124 1331-2758 0350-3097  
16129 C Familial Cancer 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1389-9600 1573-7292    
34208 B Families in Society: the journal of contemporary social services 1607 Social Work         1044-3894 1945-1350 0037-7678 8755-4879
41641 B Families, Systems, and Health 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences         1091-7527 1939-0602    
33312 C Family Advocate 1801 Law         0163-710X      
13522 C Family and Community Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0160-6379 1550-5057    
7082 C Family and Community History 2103 Historical Studies         1463-1180 1751-3812    
40081 C Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal 1402 Applied Economics 1608 Sociology     1077-727X 1552-3934    
19874 A Family Business Review 1503 Business and Management         0894-4865 1741-6248    
35475 A Family Court Review: an interdisciplinary journal 1801 Law         1531-2445 1552-3942    
33314 B Family Law Quarterly 1801 Law         0014-729X      
35474 C Family Law Review 1801 Law         0149-1431 1933-8430    
6012 C Family Matters 1603 Demography  1117 Public Health and Health Services     1030-2646      
13524 B Family Practice 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0263-2136 1460-2229    
6268 B Family Process 1701 Psychology 1607 Social Work     0014-7370 1545-5300    
6014 C Family Relations 1701 Psychology         0197-6664 1741-3729    
13150 C Family Systems: a journal of natural systems thinking in psychiatry and the sciences 1103 Clinical Sciences         1070-0609      
11839 C Fantasy Commentator 2005 Literary Studies         1051-5011      
517 C Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics         0972-0960      
518 C Far East Journal of Dynamical Systems 0101 Pure Mathematics         0972-1118      
519 C Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     0972-0871      
39944 C Far East Journal of Ocean Research 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         0973-5593      
883 C Far East Journal of Theoretical Statistics 0104 Statistics          0972-0863      
30147 C Far Eastern Economic Review 14 Economics         0014-7591 1563-9339    
1436 A Faraday Discussions 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)         1359-6640 1364-5498    
5896 C Farm Management 0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management         0014-8059      
14939 C Farmaceutski Glasnik 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0014-8202      
14940 C Farmacja Polska 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0014-8261      
14941 C Farmatsia 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0428-0296      
14942 C Farmatsiya-Moscow 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0367-3014      
14943 C Farumashia 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0014-8601      
32723 C Farzaneh: journal of women's studies and research 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1023-4381      
8043 B Fasciculi Archaeologiae Historicae 2101 Archaeology         0860-0007      
9963 A* Fashion Theory 1203 Design Practice and Management 1901 Art Theory and Criticism     1362-704X 1751-7419    
10341 C FATE in Review 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         1090-3372      
41642 C Fathering: a journal of theory and research about men as parents 1608 Sociology         1537-6680 1933-026X    
3670 B Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures 0912 Materials Engineering         8756-758X 1460-2695    
7083 B Faventia (Online Edition): revista de filologia classica 2103 Historical Studies         0210-7570      
33315 C FDCC Quarterly 1801 Law         1544-9947 1542-1651    
2215 B FEBS Letters 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0014-5793 1873-3468    
2730 C Feddes Repertorium 0607 Plant Biology         0014-8962 1522-239X    
33316 C Federal Circuit Bar Journal 1801 Law         1055-8195      
33317 B Federal Circuit Bar Journal: the national quarterly review of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit 1801 Law         0163-7606      
33881 B Federal Courts Law Review 1801 Law         1936-2471 1936-2463    
33318 A* Federal Law Review 1801 Law         0067-205X      
17122 C Federal Probation: a journal of correctional philosophy and practice 1602 Criminology 1801 Law     0014-9128 1555-0303    
30497 B Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Research Review 14 Economics         1552-2814 1552-2822    
33320 C Federal Sentencing Reporter 1801 Law         1053-9867 1533-8363    
7084 C Feit en Fictie 2103 Historical Studies         0929-2411      
32771 C Femina Politica: Zeitschrift fuer feministische Politik-Wissenschaft 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1433-6359 0943-3767    
6269 A Feminism and Psychology 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 1701 Psychology     0959-3535 1461-7161    
30155 B Feminist Criminology 1602 Criminology         1557-0851 1557-086X    
11128 B Feminist Economics 1402 Applied Economics 1699 Other Studies In Human Society     1354-5701 1466-4372    
32773 A Feminist Legal Studies 1801 Law         0966-3622 1572-8455    
32774 A Feminist Media Studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1468-0777 1471-5902    
32775 A Feminist Review 1801 Law 1699 Other Studies In Human Society     0141-7789 1466-4380    
32776 B Feminist Studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         0046-3663      
32725 C Feminist Studies in Aotearoa Journal 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1174-0582      
35346 C Feminist Teacher: a journal of the practices, theories, and scholarship of feminist teaching 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         0882-4843 1934-6034    
11134 B Feminist Theology 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0966-7350 1745-5189    
32777 B Feminist Theory: an international interdisciplinary journal 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1464-7001 1741-2773    
11136 B Feministische Studien: die Zeitschrift fuer interdisziplinaere Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 2005 Literary Studies     0723-5186      
15099 B FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology 1107 Immunology 1108 Medical Microbiology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology 0928-8244 1574-695X    
15100 B FEMS Microbiology Ecology 1108 Medical Microbiology 0605 Microbiology      0168-6496 1574-6941    
2470 B FEMS Microbiology Letters 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     0378-1097 1574-6968    
2471 A FEMS Microbiology Reviews 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     0168-6445 1574-6976    
39783 A FEMS Yeast Research 0605 Microbiology  0699 Other Biological Sciences 1003 Industrial Biotechnology 1567-1356 1567-1364    
8045 B Fennoscandia Archaeologica 2101 Archaeology         0781-7126      
37095 C Fenomenologia e Societa 2203 Philosophy          0394-2759      
2731 C Fern Gazette 0607 Plant Biology         0308-0838 0524-5826    
1095 C Ferroelectrics 0204 Condensed Matter Physics         0015-0193 1563-5112    
1096 C Ferroelectrics Letters Section 0204 Condensed Matter Physics         0731-5171 1563-5228    
16130 A Fertility and Sterility 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1103 Clinical Sciences 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine 0015-0282 1556-5653    
41012 C Fetal and Maternal Medicine Review 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0965-5395 1469-5065    
16131 C Fetal and Pediatric Pathology 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1551-3815 1522-7952    
16132 C Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy: clinical advances and basic research 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1015-3837 1421-9964 0257-2788  
972 C Few-Body Systems 0105 Mathematical Physics 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics     0177-7963 1432-5411 0177-8811  
1342 C Fibers and Polymers 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry         1229-9197 1875-0052    
34830 B Fibreculture Journal: internet theory criticism research 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 2001 Communication and Media Studies 2002 Cultural Studies 1449-1443      
8407 B Fichte - Studien 2203 Philosophy          0925-0166      
41804 C Fides et Historia: Journal of conference on faith and history 2204 Religion and Religious Studies 2103 Historical Studies     0884-5379      
5309 A Field Crops Research 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         0378-4290 1872-6852    
9515 C Field Methods 1601 Anthropology          1525-822X 1552-3969 1087-8513  
34780 B Field: Contemporary Poetry and Poetics 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2005 Literary Studies     0015-0657      
7085 B Fifteenth Century Studies 2103 Historical Studies         0164-0933      
11137 B Figurationen: gender - literatur - kultur 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 2005 Literary Studies 2002 Cultural Studies 1439-4367      
40579 B Fijian Studies: A Journal of Contemporary Fiji MD Multidisciplinary         1728-7456      
7086 B Film and History: an interdisciplinary journal of film and television studies 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 2001 Communication and Media Studies     0360-3695      
9966 B Film Criticism 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         0163-5069      
10343 C Film History: an international journal 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         0892-2160 1553-3905    
35777 C Film International 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         1651-6826 0345-3057    
10532 C Film Maker 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         0587-0054      
9967 C Film Quarterly 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         0015-1386 1533-8630    
10344 B Film Studies 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         1469-0314      
35779 B Filmexil 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         0942-7074      
10345 C Filmhistoria 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         1136-7385      
35278 B Film-Philosophy 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 2203 Philosophy      1466-4615      
11841 C Filologia Antica e Moderna 2005 Literary Studies         1123-4059      
31441 C Filologia e Critica (Rome) 2005 Literary Studies         0391-2493 1724-2126    
41648 C Filomat 0102 Applied Mathematics         0354-5180      
8409 C Filosofia 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0015-1823      
37096 C Filosofia Oggi 2203 Philosophy          0392-9744      
35284 C Filosofia: international journal of philosophy 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0115-8988      
8412 C Filosoficky Casopis 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0015-1831      
37097 C Filosofie en Praktijk 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0167-2444      
35304 C Filosofija, Sociologija 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0235-7186      
8413 C Filosofisk Tidskrift 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0348-7482      
8415 C Filosofiya Nauki 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science 1560-7488      
8414 C Filozofia 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0046-385X      
34949 C Filozofska Istrazivanja 2203 Philosophy          0351-4706      
8417 B Filozofski Vestnik 2203 Philosophy          0353-4510 0351-6881    
40299 B Final Report Series of the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         1834-7223      
31197 C Finance 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         0752-6180      
35632 C Finance a Uver: Czech journal of economics and finance 14 Economics         0015-1920      
801 A Finance and Stochastics 0102 Applied Mathematics 0104 Statistics      0949-2984 1432-1122    
19542 C Finance India 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         0970-3772      
19543 B Finance Research Letters 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1544-6123 1544-6131    
19085 A Financial Accountability and Management 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         0267-4424 1468-0408    
19544 A Financial Analysts Journal 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         0015-198X 1938-3312    
31199 C Financial Counseling and Planning 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1052-3073      
7087 B Financial History 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1520-4723 0278-8861    
7088 B Financial History Review 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         0968-5650 1474-0052    
33001 A Financial Management 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         0046-3892 1755-053X    
19626 B Financial Markets and Portfolio Management 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1934-4554 1555-497X    
19546 B Financial Markets, Institutions and Instruments 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         0963-8008 1468-0416    
35982 C Financial Reporting, Regulation and Governance 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1449-2318      
19549 C Financial Services Review 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1057-0810 1873-5673    
18304 C Financijska Teorija i Praksa (Croatian Edition) 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment 1402 Applied Economics     1332-3970 1333-9354 1846-887X 0350-5669
36141 C Finanzarchiv 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         0015-2218      
35122 C Finisterra 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         0430-5027      
3671 A Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 01 Mathematical Sciences 09 Engineering     0168-874X 1872-6925    
153 B Finite Fields and Their Applications 0101 Pure Mathematics         1071-5797 1090-2465    
8799 B Finnisch - Ugrische Mitteilungen 2004 Linguistics         0341-7816      
8798 B Finnisch-Ugrische Forschungen: Zeitschrift fuer Finnisch-Ugrische Sprach- und Volkskunde 2004 Linguistics         0355-1253      
7174 B Finnish Historical Review 2103 Historical Studies         0018-2362      
15430 C Finnish Medical Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0039-5560      
30290 C Finnish Yearbook of Population Research 1603 Demography          1796-6183 1796-6191 0506-3590  
8046 C Finskt Museum 2101 Archaeology         0355-1814      
15364 C Firat Medical Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1300-9818      
4896 B Fire and Materials: an international journal 0904 Chemical Engineering          0308-0501 1099-1018    
41655 C Fire Ecology 0501 Ecological Applications 0502 Environmental Science and Management 0602 Ecology 1933-9747      
4897 A Fire Safety Journal 0904 Chemical Engineering          0379-7112 1873-7226    
4898 C Fire Technology 09 Engineering         0015-2684 1572-8099    
9327 B First Language 2004 Linguistics         0142-7237 1740-2344    
9219 B First Monday 0807 Library and Information Studies         1396-0466      
41432 C First Years Ngā Tau Tuatahi 1301 Education Systems  1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy      1175-0529      
18364 A Fiscal Studies 1402 Applied Economics         0143-5671 1475-5890    
5749 A* Fish and Fisheries 0704 Fisheries Sciences 0602 Ecology     1467-2960 1467-2979    
5748 A Fish and Shellfish Immunology 0704 Fisheries Sciences 0707 Veterinary Sciences 0608 Zoology 1050-4648 1095-9947    
3251 C Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 0602 Ecology 0704 Fisheries Sciences     0920-1742 1573-5168    
5751 A Fisheries 0704 Fisheries Sciences         0363-2415 1548-8446    
5753 B Fisheries Management and Ecology 0704 Fisheries Sciences 0602 Ecology     0969-997X 1365-2400    
5783 C Fisheries Oceanography 0704 Fisheries Sciences 0405 Oceanography     1054-6006 1365-2419    
3252 B Fisheries Research 0704 Fisheries Sciences         0165-7836 1872-6763    
5755 B Fisheries Science 0704 Fisheries Sciences         1349-998X 1444-2906 0021-5392  
5756 B Fishery Bulletin 0704 Fisheries Sciences         0090-0656 1937-4518    
2732 C Fitopatologia 0607 Plant Biology         0430-6155      
2734 C Fitosociologia 0607 Plant Biology         1125-9078      
2735 C Fitossanidade 0607 Plant Biology         0100-4204      
1343 C Fitoterapia 0607 Plant Biology 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine     0367-326X      
19658 C FIU Hospitality Review 1504 Commercial Services         0739-7011      
11842 C Five Fingers Review 2005 Literary Studies         0898-0233      
11843 C Five Points: a journal of literature and art 2005 Literary Studies         1088-8500      
32525 B Fixed Point Theory and Applications 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1687-1812 1687-1820    
4557 C Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0015-3222      
4768 C Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0015-3230      
4332 C Flaechenmanagement und Bodenordnung: Zeitschrift fuer Liegenschaftswesen, Planung und Vermessung 0905 Civil Engineering         1616-0991 0340-5141    
9700 C Flavour and Fragrance Journal 0908 Food Sciences         0882-5734      
20317 C Flexible Online Learning 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1329-8526      
3633 C Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal 0910 Manufacturing Engineering         1936-6582 1936-6590 0920-6299  
34883 C Flinders Journal of History and Politics 2103 Historical Studies         0726-7215      
33324 B Flinders Journal of Law Reform 1801 Law         1325-3387      
9328 C Flinders University Languages Group Online Review 2003 Language Studies         1446-9219      
2588 C Flora 0607 Plant Biology         0367-2530      
37098 C Florensia 2203 Philosophy          1123-573X      
5703 C Floresta 0705 Forestry Sciences         0015-3826      
33325 C Florida A & M University Law Review 1801 Law         1935-5173      
33326 C Florida Coastal Law Journal 1801 Law         1528-056X      
2883 C Florida Entomologist: an international journal for the Americas 0608 Zoology         0015-4040 1938-5102    
20066 C Florida Journal of Educational Research 13 Education         0428-7355      
33328 C Florida Journal of International Law 1801 Law         1556-2670 0882-6420    
33329 B Florida Law Review 1801 Law         1045-4241      
35303 C Florida Philosophical Review 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     1535-3656      
17589 C Florida Scientist MD Multidisciplinary         0098-4590      
33331 C Florida State University Law Review 1801 Law         0096-3070      
34740 C Florilegium: annual papers on late antiquity and the Middle Ages 2005 Literary Studies 2103 Historical Studies     0709-5201      
36583 C Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 0905 Civil Engineering 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering     0955-5986 1873-6998    
5121 A Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering         1386-6184 1573-1987 0003-6994  
1098 C Fluctuation and Noise Letters (FNL) 0102 Applied Mathematics         0219-4775 1793-6780    
3957 C Fluid - Particle Separation Journal 0904 Chemical Engineering          1043-2558 1541-9290    
36742 C Fluid Dynamics 0102 Applied Mathematics         0015-4628 1573-8507    
3741 B Fluid Dynamics Research 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering 0102 Applied Mathematics 0169-5983 1873-7005    
1290 A Fluid Phase Equilibria 0904 Chemical Engineering  0203 Classical Physics     0378-3812      
8800 C Fluminensia 2003 Language Studies         0353-4642      
32584 C Fluoride: journal of the international society for fluoride research 1105 Dentistry         0015-4725      
41658 B Fly 0602 Ecology 0603 Evolutionary Biology 0604 Genetics  1933-6934 1933-6942    
9517 B Focaal European Journal of Anthropology 1601 Anthropology          0920-1297 1558-5263    
34156 C Focus on Alternative and Complementary Therapies 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         1465-3753      
20698 B Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1088-3576 1538-4829 0887-1566  
11845 C Focus on German Studies 2005 Literary Studies         1076-5697      
13525 B Focus on Health Professional Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1442-1100      
20504 B Focus on Learning Problems in Mathematics 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0272-8893      
2079 C Folia Biologica: international journal of biological research 06 Biological Sciences         0015-5497 1734-9168    
5704 C Folia Forestalia Polonica. Series A. Lesnictwo 0705 Forestry Sciences         0071-6677      
2589 C Folia Geobotanica 0607 Plant Biology         1211-9520 1874-9348 0015-5551  
2217 C Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0239-8508 1897-5631    
7089 C Folia Historica Bohemica 2103 Historical Studies         0231-7494      
5422 C Folia Horticulturae 0706 Horticultural Production         0867-1761      
40287 B Folia Linguistica 2004 Linguistics         0165-4004 1614-7308    
2472 C Folia Microbiologica 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     0015-5632 1874-9356    
36206 C Folia Neuropathologica 1701 Psychology 1109 Neurosciences     1641-4640 1509-572X    
5705 C Folia Oecologica 0705 Forestry Sciences         1336-5266 0139-9144    
8803 C Folia Onomastica Croatica 2004 Linguistics         1330-0695      
8804 C Folia Orientalia 2004 Linguistics         0015-5675      
15105 C Folia Parasitologica 1108 Medical Microbiology         0015-5683      
14944 C Folia Pharmacologica Japonica (Kyoto, 1944) 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0015-5691 1347-8397    
8805 C Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica: international journal of phoniatrics, speech therapy and communication pathology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1021-7762 1421-9972 0015-5705  
8047 C Folia Praehistorica Posnaniensia 2101 Archaeology         0239-8524      
2884 C Folia Primatologica: international journal of primatology 0608 Zoology         0015-5713 1421-9980    
5784 C Folia Universitatis Agriculturae Stetinensis. Piscaria 0704 Fisheries Sciences         1506-168X 0239-9180    
5345 C Folia Universitatis Agriculturae Stetinesis. Agricultura 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         1506-1973 0137-1924    
2885 C Folia Zoologica 0608 Zoology         0139-7893 1210-9681    
10348 C Folk Art Messenger 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts         1043-5026      
9519 C Folk Life: Journal of Ethnological Studies 1601 Anthropology          0430-8778 1759-670X    
9968 C Folk Music Journal 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0531-9684      
9521 C Folk: journal of the Danish Ethnographic Society 1601 Anthropology          0085-0756      
9522 A Folklore 1601 Anthropology          1406-0949      
6798 C Fondazione Luigi Einaudi. Annali 2103 Historical Studies         0531-9870      
8048 C Fontes Archaeologici Posnanienses 2101 Archaeology         0071-6863 0867-1184    
9637 B Food Additives and Contaminants 09 Engineering 11 Medical and Health Sciences 03 Chemical Sciences 0265-203X      
15558 C Food and Agricultural Immunology 1107 Immunology         0954-0105 1465-3443    
3882 C Food and Bioproducts Processing 1003 Industrial Biotechnology 0904 Chemical Engineering  0908 Food Sciences 0960-3085 1744-3571    
9639 A Food and Chemical Toxicology 0908 Food Sciences         0278-6915 1873-6351    
34907 A Food and Foodways: explorations in the history and culture of human nutrition 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 2103 Historical Studies 2002 Cultural Studies 0740-9710 1542-3484    
7091 B Food and History 2103 Historical Studies         1780-3187      
41014 C Food and Nutrition Bulletin 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics         0379-5721 1564-8265    
41925 C Food and Nutrition Research 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics         1654-6628 1654-661X 1748-2976  
9641 C Food Biotechnology 0908 Food Sciences 1003 Industrial Biotechnology     0890-5436 1532-4249    
9642 A* Food Chemistry 0908 Food Sciences 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics 0301 Analytical Chemistry 0308-8146 1873-7072    
9643 B Food Control 0908 Food Sciences         0956-7135 1873-7129    
9644 A Food Hydrocolloids 0908 Food Sciences         0268-005X 1873-7137    
9702 C Food Manufacturing Efficiency 0908 Food Sciences         1750-2683 1750-2691    
2473 A Food Microbiology 0605 Microbiology  1003 Industrial Biotechnology 0908 Food Sciences 0740-0020 1095-9998    
13528 B Food Policy 1605 Policy and Administration         0306-9192 1873-5657    
9646 B Food Quality and Preference 0908 Food Sciences         0950-3293 1873-6343    
9647 A Food Research International 0908 Food Sciences 0904 Chemical Engineering      0963-9969 1873-7145    
9648 B Food Reviews International 0908 Food Sciences         8755-9129 1525-6103    
41015 C Food Science and Biotechnology 0908 Food Sciences 1001 Agricultural Biotechnology     1226-7708 2092-6456    
9703 C Food Science and Technology Bulletin 0908 Food Sciences         1476-2137      
9704 B Food Science and Technology International 0908 Food Sciences         1082-0132 1532-1738 1131-799X  
9705 B Food Science and Technology Research 0908 Food Sciences         1344-6606 1341-7592    
9649 B Food Technology 0908 Food Sciences         0015-6639      
9706 C Food Technology and Biotechnology 0908 Food Sciences 1003 Industrial Biotechnology     1330-9862 1334-2606 0352-9193  
11488 C Food, Culture, and Society 1608 Sociology 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics 1499 Other Economics 1552-8014 1751-7443 1528-9796  
9707 C Foodborne Pathogens and Disease 09 Engineering 06 Biological Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences 1535-3141 1556-7125    
16135 C Foot and Ankle International 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science 1103 Clinical Sciences     1071-1007 1944-7876    
16136 C Foot and Ankle Surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         1268-7731 1460-9584    
35488 C Football Studies 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1442-3146 1440-2319    
33334 C For the Defense 1801 Law         0015-6884      
20492 A For the Learning of Mathematics: an international journal of mathematics education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0228-0671      
40128 C Forage and Grazinglands 0607 Plant Biology         1547-4631      
33335 C Fordham Environmental Law Review 1801 Law         1559-4785 1079-6657    
33336 B Fordham Intellectual Property, Media and Entertainment Law Journal 1801 Law         1079-9699      
33337 B Fordham International Law Journal 1801 Law         0747-9395      
33338 B Fordham Journal of Corporate and Financial Law 1801 Law         1532-303X      
33339 B Fordham Law Review 1801 Law         0015-704X      
33340 C Fordham Urban Law Journal 1801 Law         0199-4646      
9329 C Foreign Language Annals 2003 Language Studies 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy      0015-718X 1944-9720    
36992 B Foreign Language Teaching and Research 2004 Linguistics         1000-0429      
30403 C Foreign Policy Analysis 1606 Political Science         1743-8586 1743-8594    
18816 B Foreign Policy: the magazine of global politics, economics and ideas 1606 Political Science         0015-7228 1945-2276 1697-1515 1957-5335
34335 B Forensic Science Communications 0699 Other Biological Sciences 0399 Other Chemical Sciences     1528-8005 0743-1872    
35101 B Forensic Science International 0699 Other Biological Sciences 1801 Law 1103 Clinical Sciences 0379-0738 1872-6283    
39782 C Forensic Science International: Genetics 0699 Other Biological Sciences         1872-4973 1878-0326    
16137 C Forensic Science Medicine and Pathology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1547-769X 1556-2891    
35102 B Forensic Science Review 0699 Other Biological Sciences         1042-7201      
40308 B Foresight (Cambridge): the journal for future studies, strategic thinking and policy MD Multidisciplinary         1463-6689 1465-9832    
36005 C Foresight: the international journal of applied forecasting 1503 Business and Management         1555-9068 1559-9434    
5670 C Forest Biometry Modelling and Information Sciences 0705 Forestry Sciences         1740-5955      
3253 A Forest Ecology and Management 0705 Forestry Sciences         0378-1127 1872-7042    
5673 B Forest Pathology 0705 Forestry Sciences 0605 Microbiology  0607 Plant Biology 1437-4781 1439-0329 0300-1237  
5674 C Forest Policy and Economics 1402 Applied Economics 1605 Policy and Administration     1389-9341 1872-7050    
4899 C Forest Products Journal 0705 Forestry Sciences         0015-7473      
5676 A Forest Science 0705 Forestry Sciences         0015-749X 1938-3738    
5706 C Forest Usufructs 0705 Forestry Sciences         0972-1134      
5678 C Forestry Chronicle 0705 Forestry Sciences         0015-7546      
44798 C Forestry Studies in China 0705 Forestry Sciences         1008-1321 1993-0372 1004-7301  
5677 A Forestry: an international journal of forest research 0705 Forestry Sciences         0015-752X 1464-3626    
39781 C Forests, Trees and Livelihoods 0705 Forestry Sciences         1472-8028 0143-5698    
36841 C Forktail 0608 Zoology         0950-1746      
17854 A Formal Aspects of Computing: applicable formal methods 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics         0934-5043 1433-299X    
4558 A Formal Methods in System Design 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 0805 Distributed Computing     0925-9856 1572-8102    
14945 C Formulary: a peer-reviewed drug management journal for managed care and hospital decision makers 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1082-801X      
37031 B Formules. Revue des littŽratures ˆ contraintes 2005 Literary Studies         1275-7713      
8049 B Fornvaennen 2101 Archaeology         0015-7813 1404-9430    
8809 B Foro Hispanico 2003 Language Studies         0925-8620 1875-7375    
37075 C Foro Interno 2203 Philosophy          1578-4576      
34157 C Forschende Komplementaermedizin: Wissenschaft Praxis Perspektiven 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         1661-4119 1661-4127    
7092 C Forschungen zur Brandenburgischen und Preussischen Geschichte 2103 Historical Studies         0934-1234 1865-5750    
9524 C Forschungen zur Volks 1601 Anthropology          0015-7902      
7093 C Fortid og Nutid: tidsskrift for kulturhistorie og lokalhistorie 2103 Historical Studies         0106-4797      
13151 C Fortschritte der Neurologie, Psychiatrie 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     0720-4299 1439-3522    
973 B Fortschritte der Physik 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     0015-8208 1521-3978    
10349 C Forum (Edinburgh) MD Multidisciplinary         1749-9771      
34948 B Forum (Santa Rosa): foundations and facets 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0883-4970      
8050 C Forum Archaeologiae: Zeitschrift fuer klassische Archaeologie 2101 Archaeology         1605-4636      
6270 C Forum der Psychoanalyse 1701 Psychology         0178-7667 1437-0751    
41685 C Forum for Health Economics and Policy 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1499 Other Economics     1558-9544      
9330 B Forum for Modern Language Studies 2005 Literary Studies 2002 Cultural Studies     0015-8518 1471-6860    
18533 C Forum for Social Economics 1402 Applied Economics         0736-0932 1874-6381    
35123 C Forum Geografic 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         1583-1523 1582-4306    
40273 A Forum HomosexualitŠt und Literatur 2005 Literary Studies         0931-4091      
11565 B Forum Italicum: a journal of Italian studies 2002 Cultural Studies 2003 Language Studies 2005 Literary Studies 0014-5858      
521 B Forum Mathematicum 0101 Pure Mathematics         0933-7741 1435-5337    
9971 C Forum Modernes Theater 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0930-5874      
18453 C Forum of International Development Studies 1402 Applied Economics         1341-3732      
36207 C Forum on Public Policy: a journal of the Oxford Round Table MD Multidisciplinary         1556-763X 1938-9809    
35302 C Forum Philosophicum 2203 Philosophy          1426-1898      
40898 C Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung 1603 Demography  1608 Sociology     1438-5627      
41688 B Fossil Record 0403 Geology         1435-1943 1860-1014    
37042 C Foucault Studies 2203 Philosophy          1832-5203      
11566 C Foundation: the international review of science fiction 2005 Literary Studies         0306-4964      
30241 B Foundations and Trends in Communications and Information Theory 1005 Communications Technologies         1567-2190 1567-2328    
18177 C Foundations and Trends in Econometrics 1403 Econometrics          1551-3076 1551-3084    
4559 C Foundations and Trends in Electronic Design Automation 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1551-3939      
32870 C Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship 1503 Business and Management         1551-3114 1551-3122    
31200 C Foundations and Trends in Finance 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1930-8248 1930-8256    
32034 C Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval 0806 Information Systems 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing     1554-0669 1554-0677    
18305 C Foundations and Trends in Microeconomics 1401 Economic Theory         1547-9846 1547-9854    
30242 B Foundations and Trends in Networking 1005 Communications Technologies         1554-057X 1554-0588    
30243 B Foundations and Trends in Signal Processing 1005 Communications Technologies         1932-8346 1932-8354    
32284 B Foundations and Trends in Stochastic Systems 0104 Statistics  0102 Applied Mathematics     1551-3092 1551-3106    
36551 C Foundations and Trends in Theoretical Computer Science 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics         1551-305X 1551-3068    
11312 B Foundations of Chemistry: philosophical, historical and interdisciplinary studies of chemistry 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1386-4238 1572-8463    
154 A Foundations of Computational Mathematics 01 Mathematical Sciences 08 Information and Computing Sciences     1615-3375 1615-3383    
975 C Foundations of Physics: an international journal devoted to the conceptual and fundamental theories of modern physics, biophysics, and cosmology 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     0015-9018 1572-9516 0894-9875  
11314 B Foundations of Science 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1233-1821 1572-8471    
155 C Fractals: an interdisciplinary journal on the complex geometry of nature 0102 Applied Mathematics 0105 Mathematical Physics     0218-348X 1793-6543    
3086 C Fragmenta Faunistica 0608 Zoology         0015-9301      
2737 C Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica Polonica 0607 Plant Biology         1640-629X 1233-0132    
34541 A Framework: the journal of cinema and media 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 2001 Communication and Media Studies     0306-7661 1559-7989    
8810 A Francais Moderne: revue de linguistique francaise 2004 Linguistics         0015-9409      
33341 C Franchise Law Journal 1801 Law         8756-7962      
8418 B Franciscan Studies 2203 Philosophy          0080-5459 1945-9718    
35341 B Francophone Postcolonial Studies 2002 Cultural Studies 2099 Other Language, Communication and Culture 2103 Historical Studies 1741-8283      
35784 C Frauen und Film 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         0343-7736      
16139 A Free Radical Biology and Medicine 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry     0891-5849 1873-4596    
2219 B Free Radical Research 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry     1071-5762 1029-2470 8755-0199  
8419 A Freiburger Zeitschrift fuer Philosophie und Theologie 2203 Philosophy  2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0016-0725      
31505 B Fremdsprache Deutsch: Zeitschrift fuer die Praxis des Deutschunterrichts 2003 Language Studies 2004 Linguistics     0937-3160      
11455 A French Cultural Studies 2005 Literary Studies 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     0957-1558 1740-2352    
11846 A French Forum 2005 Literary Studies 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     0098-9355 1534-1836    
7098 A French Historical Studies 2103 Historical Studies         0016-1071 1527-5493    
7099 A French History 2103 Historical Studies         0269-1191 1477-4542    
7100 C French History and Civilization: papers from the George Rude Seminar 2103 Historical Studies         1557-3605 1832-9683    
36283 B French Politics, Culture and Society 1606 Political Science         1537-6370 1558-5271 0882-1267  
35258 A French Review 2005 Literary Studies 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 2203 Philosophy  0016-111X      
11847 C French Studies Bulletin 2005 Literary Studies 2002 Cultural Studies     0262-2750 1748-9180    
11848 A* French Studies: a quarterly review 2005 Literary Studies 2103 Historical Studies     0016-1128 1468-2931    
41689 C Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 06 Biological Sciences 05 Environmental Sciences 03 Chemical Sciences 1018-4619      
3254 A Freshwater Biology 06 Biological Sciences 05 Environmental Sciences     0046-5070 1365-2427    
11850 C From the Other Shore: Russian writers abroad, past and present 2005 Literary Studies         1546-3516      
37076 C Fronesis: Revista de Filosof’a Jur’dica, Social y Pol’tica 2203 Philosophy          1315-6268      
15241 C Frontiers in Bioscience 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1093-9946 1093-4715    
3256 A Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment MD Multidisciplinary         1540-9295 1540-9309    
41086 B Frontiers in Neuroanatomy 1109 Neurosciences         1662-5129      
16140 A* Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     0091-3022 1095-6808    
41085 A Frontiers in Neuroscience 1109 Neurosciences         1662-4548      
3087 C Frontiers in Zoology 0608 Zoology         1742-9994      
4333 C Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China 0905 Civil Engineering 1201 Architecture     1673-7407 1673-7512    
3959 C Frontiers of Chemical Engineering in China 0904 Chemical Engineering          1673-7369 1673-7474    
18534 C Frontiers of Economics in China: selected publications from Chinese universities 1402 Applied Economics         1673-3444 1673-3568    
4560 C Frontiers of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in China: selected publications from Chinese universities 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1673-3460 1673-3584    
5707 C Frontiers of Forestry in China: selected publications from Chinese universities 0705 Forestry Sciences         1673-3517 1673-3630    
16141 B Frontiers of Hormone Research 1103 Clinical Sciences         0301-3073 1662-3762    
36685 B Frontiers of Law in China: selected publications from chinese Universities 1801 Law         1673-3428 1673-3541    
32285 C Frontiers of Mathematics in China 0101 Pure Mathematics         1673-3452 1673-3576    
3742 C Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering in China 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1673-3479 1673-3592    
32585 C Frontiers of Oral Biology 1105 Dentistry         1420-2433 1662-3770 0301-536X  
37119 B Frontiers of Philosophy in China: selected publications from Chinese universities 2203 Philosophy          1673-3436 1673-355X    
32779 B Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         0160-9009 1536-0334    
7102 C Fruhmittelalterliche Studien 2103 Historical Studies         0071-9706 1613-0812    
5423 C Fruits: fruit and horticultural productions in tropical and Mediterranean regions 0706 Horticultural Production         0248-1294 1625-967X    
11851 C Fu Jen Studies: literature and linguistics 2005 Literary Studies         1015-0021      
3884 B Fuel Processing Technology 0904 Chemical Engineering          0378-3820 1873-7188    
3883 A* Fuel: the science and technology of fuel and energy 0904 Chemical Engineering  0913 Mechanical Engineering     0016-2361 1873-7153    
11852 C Fugue (Moscow): the literary magazine of the University of Idaho 2005 Literary Studies         1054-6014      
4334 C Fujian Jianzhu 0905 Civil Engineering         1004-6135      
4561 C Fujitsu Scientific and Technical Journal 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0016-2523      
15366 C Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0016-2590      
1178 C Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Carbon Nanostructures 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural) 1007 Nanotechnology     1536-383X 1536-4046 1064-122X  
524 B Functional Analysis and Its Applications 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     0016-2663 1573-8485 0374-1990  
2376 C Functional and Integrative Genomics 0604 Genetics          1438-793X 1438-7948    
525 B Functional Differential Equations 0101 Pure Mathematics         0793-1786      
3257 A Functional Ecology 0602 Ecology         0269-8463 1365-2435    
2590 A Functional Plant Biology: an international journal of plant function 0607 Plant Biology         1445-4408 1445-4416 0310-7841  
8811 A Functions of Language 2004 Linguistics         0929-998X 1569-9765    
17857 B Fundamenta Informaticae 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics         0169-2968 1875-8681    
158 A Fundamenta Mathematicae 0101 Pure Mathematics         0016-2736 1730-6329    
3203 B Fundamental and Applied Limnology: Official jounal of the International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology 0905 Civil Engineering 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience     1863-9135 0003-9136    
14946 C Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0767-3981 1472-8206    
30777 B Fundamentalnaya i Prikladnaya Matematika (Moscow) 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1560-5159      
41691 C Fundamina: A Journal of Legal History 1801 Law         1021-545X      
2591 C Fungal Diversity 0607 Plant Biology 0605 Microbiology      1560-2745      
2592 A Fungal Genetics and Biology 0607 Plant Biology 0604 Genetics  0605 Microbiology  1087-1845 1096-0937 0147-5975  
526 C Funkcialaj Ekvacioj, Serio Internacia 0101 Pure Mathematics         0532-8721      
11853 C Furong 2005 Literary Studies         1004-3691      
3743 C Fushi yu Fanghu 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1005-748X      
1179 C Fusion Engineering and Design 0913 Mechanical Engineering         0920-3796 1873-7196    
1180 C Fusion Science and Technology 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics         1536-1055 1943-7641 0748-1896  
20975 A* Future Anterior: journal of historic preservation history theory and criticism 1201 Architecture         1549-9715 1934-6026    
41695 C Future Cardiology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1479-6678 1744-8298    
17858 A Future Generation Computer Systems: the international journal of grid computing: theory, methods and applications 0805 Distributed Computing         0167-739X 1872-7115    
40048 B Future Microbiology 1108 Medical Microbiology         1746-0913 1746-0921    
41701 C Future Neurology 1109 Neurosciences         1479-6708 1748-6971    
41704 C Future Oncology 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1479-6694      
39780 B Future Virology 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     1746-0794 1746-0808    
18535 B Futures MD Multidisciplinary         0016-3287 1873-6378    
18536 C Fuzzy Economic Review: review of the International Association for Fuzzy-set Management and Economy 14 Economics         1136-0593      
36721 C Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making 0102 Applied Mathematics         1568-4539 1573-2908    
159 A Fuzzy Sets and Systems 0101 Pure Mathematics 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing     0165-0114 1872-6801    
1726 A G3: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems: an electronic journal of the earth sciences 04 Earth Sciences         1525-2027      
7104 C Gaia: oekologische Perspektiven in Natur-, Geistes- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0940-5550      
9755 A Gait and Posture 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science 1103 Clinical Sciences     0966-6362 1879-2219    
11315 B Galilaeana: journal of Galilean studies 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1971-6052 1825-3903    
8052 B Gallia Prehistoire 2101 Archaeology         0016-4127      
8053 B Gallia: fouilles et monuments archeologiques en France metropolitaine 2101 Archaeology         0016-4119      
6271 C Gambling Research 1506 Tourism         1832-4975      
34539 B Game Studies: the international journal of computer game research 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 2001 Communication and Media Studies     1604-7982      
34537 A Games and Culture: a journal of interactive media 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 2001 Communication and Media Studies     1555-4120 1555-4139    
527 A* Games and Economic Behavior 1402 Applied Economics 1401 Economic Theory     0899-8256 1090-2473    
33343 C Gaming Law Review and Economics 1801 Law         1097-5349 1941-5494 1092-1885  
32286 B GAMM-Mitteilungen 0102 Applied Mathematics         0936-7195 1522-2608    
30086 C Ganganatha Jha Kendriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha. Journal: a research journal devoted to the oriental studies in general and indian studies in particular 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         0016-4461      
528 C Ganita 0101 Pure Mathematics         0046-5402      
529 C Ganita Bharati 0101 Pure Mathematics         0970-0307      
34564 C Ganseki Kobutsu Kagaku 0403 Geology         1345-630X 1349-7979 0544-2540 0454-1146
3960 C Gaofenzi Xuebao 0904 Chemical Engineering          1000-3304 0256-7679    
40170 C Garden History 0706 Horticultural Production         0307-1243      
16143 C Gastroenterologie Clinique et Biologique 1103 Clinical Sciences         0399-8320      
16144 A* Gastroenterology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine     0016-5085 1528-0012    
16145 B Gastroenterology Clinics of North America 1103 Clinical Sciences         0889-8553 1558-1942    
41716 B Gastroenterology Nursing 1103 Clinical Sciences         1042-895X 1538-9766    
16146 A Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 1103 Clinical Sciences         0016-5107 1097-6779    
34882 B Gastronomica: the journal of food and culture 2103 Historical Studies         1529-3262 1533-8622    
40336 Not ranked Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement 1607 Social Work 1402 Applied Economics 1205 Urban and Regional Planning 1836-3393      
35245 C Gay and Lesbian Issues and Psychology Review 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 2002 Cultural Studies 1701 Psychology 1833-4512      
7105 C Gazette des Archives 2103 Historical Studies         0016-5522      
530 C Gazette des Mathematiciens 0101 Pure Mathematics         0224-8999      
7106 C Gazette du Livre Medieval 2103 Historical Studies         0753-5015      
15367 C Gazi Medical Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1300-056X      
13152 C Gedvernd: arsrit Gedverndarfelags Islands 1103 Clinical Sciences         1022-4920      
10352 C Gelders Erfgoed 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         0927-7749      
32787 C Gender 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1388-3186 0167-8361    
32780 B Gender and Development 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1355-2074 1364-9221    
11140 B Gender and Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0954-0253 1360-0516    
7107 A* Gender and History 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 2103 Historical Studies     0953-5233 1468-0424    
10858 A Gender and Society 1608 Sociology 1503 Business and Management     0891-2432 1552-3977    
40644 B Gender Forum: an internet platform for gender and women's studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1613-1878      
19184 C Gender in Management: an international journal 1503 Business and Management         1754-2413 0964-9425 0955-8357 0267-4602
32783 B Gender Issues 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1098-092X 1936-4717 0270-6679  
5938 A Gender, Place and Culture: a journal of feminist geography 1604 Human Geography         0966-369X 1360-0524    
11145 B Gender, Technology and Development MD Multidisciplinary         0971-8524 1940-1175    
11146 A Gender, Work and Organization 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 1503 Business and Management     0968-6673 1468-0432    
35342 B Genders 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 2002 Cultural Studies     1936-3249      
2377 B Gene 0604 Genetics          0378-1119 1879-0038    
40679 C Gene Expression Patterns 1103 Clinical Sciences 0604 Genetics      1567-133X 1872-7298    
2378 C Gene Expression: international journal of molecular and cellular science 0604 Genetics          1052-2166 1555-3884    
2421 C Gene Regulation and Systems Biology 0604 Genetics          1177-6250      
3359 A Gene Therapy (Basingstoke) 1004 Medical Biotechnology 0604 Genetics      0969-7128 1476-5462    
3411 C Gene Therapy and Regulation: an international interdisciplinary journal 1004 Medical Biotechnology 1103 Clinical Sciences     1388-9532 1568-5586    
14948 C Geneesmiddelenbulletin 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0304-4629      
2887 C General and Applied Entomology 0608 Zoology         0158-0760      
5424 B General and Applied Plant Physiology 0706 Horticultural Production         1312-8183 1312-8221 1310-4586  
16149 C General and Comparative Endocrinology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0016-6480 1095-6840    
32586 C General Dentistry 1105 Dentistry         0363-6771      
13153 C General Hospital Psychiatry 1103 Clinical Sciences         0163-8343 1873-7714    
8812 B General Linguistics 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0016-6553      
160 C General Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         1221-5023      
3159 C General Physiology and Biophysics 0606 Physiology  1116 Medical Physiology     0231-5882      
1099 B General Relativity and Gravitation 0105 Mathematical Physics 0206 Quantum Physics     0001-7701 1572-9532    
16150 C Generations (San Francisco) 1103 Clinical Sciences         0738-7806      
39779 A* Genes and Development 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0604 Genetics      0890-9369 1549-5477    
2379 C Genes and Genetic Systems 0604 Genetics          1341-7568 1880-5779 0021-504X  
15489 A Genes and Immunity 1107 Immunology         1466-4879 1476-5470    
16151 A Genes Chromosomes and Cancer 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1045-2257 1098-2264    
39778 B Genes to Cells 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0604 Genetics      1356-9597 1365-2443    
39943 B Genes, Brain and Behavior 1702 Cognitive Science 1109 Neurosciences 0604 Genetics  1601-1848 1601-183X    
30589 B Geneses 2103 Historical Studies         1155-3219 1776-2944    
2380 B Genesis 0604 Genetics          1526-954X 1526-968X 0192-253X  
8420 C Genetic Counseling 2203 Philosophy          1015-8146      
13530 B Genetic Epidemiology 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0741-0395 1098-2272    
3481 B Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines 10 Technology 06 Biological Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences 1389-2576 1573-7632    
5310 B Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution: an international journal 1001 Agricultural Biotechnology         0925-9864 1573-5109 0075-7209  
2422 B Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers 0604 Genetics  1103 Clinical Sciences     1090-6576 1945-0257    
40722 A Genetic Vaccines and Therapy 0605 Microbiology  0604 Genetics  0606 Physiology  1479-0556      
6274 B Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs 1701 Psychology         8756-7547      
2381 B Genetica: the international journal on genetics 0604 Genetics          0016-6707 1573-6857    
2425 C Genetical Research 0604 Genetics          0016-6723 1469-5073    
2423 C Genetics and Molecular Biology 0604 Genetics          1415-4757 1678-4685 0100-8455  
2424 C Genetics and Molecular Research 0604 Genetics          1676-5680      
16153 B Genetics in Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences 0604 Genetics      1098-3600 1530-0366    
5464 B Genetics Selection Evolution: for integrative research on quantitative and molecular genetics 1001 Agricultural Biotechnology         0999-193X 1297-9686    
2383 A* Genetics: a periodical record of investigations bearing on heredity and variation 0604 Genetics          0016-6731 1943-2631    
35631 B Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1018-5895 1468-0440    
2384 B Genome 0604 Genetics          0831-2796 1480-3321 0008-4093  
2385 A Genome Biology: biology for the post-genomic era 0604 Genetics          1474-760X 1465-6914 1474-7596  
2387 A* Genome Research 0604 Genetics          1088-9051 1549-5469 1054-9803  
2388 B Genomics 0604 Genetics          0888-7543 1089-8646    
2426 C Genomics Society and Policy 1605 Policy and Administration         1746-5354      
9973 C Genre (Norman): forms of discourse and culture 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing 20 Language, Communication and Culture     0016-6928      
44907 C Gentse Bijdragen tot de Interieurgeschiedenis 1201 Architecture         1780-7212      
6016 C Genus 1603 Demography          0016-6987      
1724 B GeoArabia 04 Earth Sciences         1025-6059 1819-169X    
1725 A Geoarchaeology: an international journal 2101 Archaeology         0883-6353 1520-6548    
35115 A* Geobiology 0602 Ecology 0403 Geology     1472-4677 1472-4669    
1789 C Geobios 0403 Geology         0016-6995 0293-843X    
2010 C Geocarto International 0909 Geomatic Engineering          1010-6049 1752-0762    
1895 C Geochemical Journal 0402 Geochemistry         0016-7002      
35146 C Geochemical Transactions 0402 Geochemistry         1467-4866      
1896 C Geochemistry International 0402 Geochemistry         0016-7029 1556-1968    
34450 C Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis 0402 Geochemistry         1467-7873      
1898 A* Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 0402 Geochemistry         0016-7037 1872-9533    
1790 C Geochronometria: journal on methods and applications of absolute chronology 0402 Geochemistry 0403 Geology     1733-8387      
5257 A Geoderma 05 Environmental Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 0016-7061 1872-6259    
35078 C Geodetski vestnik 0909 Geomatic Engineering  0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience     0351-0271 1581-1328    
4082 C Geodezja 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1234-6608 0452-6457    
2034 B Geodinamica Acta: the European journal of geodynamics 0403 Geology 0404 Geophysics     0985-3111      
34525 C Geof’sica Internacional 0404 Geophysics         0016-7169      
34524 C Geofizika 0404 Geophysics         0352-3659      
1945 A Geofluids 0402 Geochemistry 0404 Geophysics     1468-8115 1468-8123    
34569 C Geofocus: revista internacional de ciencia y tecnologia de la informacion geografica 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         1578-5157      
2011 B Geoforum 1604 Human Geography 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience 1205 Urban and Regional Planning 0016-7185 1872-9398    
35079 C Geogaceta 0403 Geology         0213-683X      
2012 C Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         0391-9838 1724-4781    
34448 C Geografiska Annaler. Series A. Physical Geography 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         0435-3676 1468-0459    
36417 B Geografiska Annaler. Series B. Human Geography 1601 Anthropology          0435-3684 1468-0467 1651-3215  
7108 B Geographia Antiqua: rivista di geografia storica del mondo antico e di storia della geografia 2103 Historical Studies         1121-8940      
2014 B Geographical Analysis: an international journal of theoretical geography 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         0016-7363 1538-4632    
20636 C Geographical Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0085-0969      
2015 B Geographical Journal 1604 Human Geography 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience     0016-7398 1475-4959    
2016 B Geographical Research 1604 Human Geography 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience 1205 Urban and Regional Planning 1745-5863 1745-5871 0004-9190  
2017 B Geographical Review 1604 Human Geography 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience     0016-7428      
1792 C Geographie Physique et Quaternaire 0403 Geology         0705-7199 1492-143X    
2019 C Geographische Zeitschrift 1604 Human Geography 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience     0016-7479      
2020 C Geography 1604 Human Geography 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience     0016-7487      
35116 C Geography Compass 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         1749-8198      
2021 B Geoinformatica: an international journal on advances of computer science for geographic information systems 0909 Geomatic Engineering  0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience 0499 Other Earth Sciences 1384-6175 1573-7624    
35080 C Geoinformatics 0499 Other Earth Sciences         0388-502X 1347-541X    
5947 B GeoJournal: an international journal on human geography and environmental sciences 1604 Human Geography         0343-2521 1572-9893    
34566 C Geologia Croatica 0403 Geology         1330-030X 1333-4875    
35107 C Geologica Acta 0403 Geology 0499 Other Earth Sciences     1695-6133 1696-5728 0567-7505  
4097 C Geologica Belgica 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy 0403 Geology     1374-8505 0037-9395 0379-1807  
34565 C Geologica Carpathica: international geological journal 0403 Geology         1335-0552      
1728 B Geological Journal 0402 Geochemistry 0403 Geology 0404 Geophysics 0072-1050 1099-1034    
1793 C Geological Journal of China Universities (English) 0403 Geology         1006-7493      
1794 B Geological Magazine 0403 Geology         0016-7568 1469-5081    
4098 C Geological Materials Research 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1526-3339      
1795 C Geological Quarterly 0403 Geology         1641-7291      
41727 C Geological Society of America 0403 Geology         0072-1077      
1796 A Geological Society of America Bulletin 0403 Geology 0404 Geophysics     0016-7606 1943-2674    
40706 C Geological Society of Australia. Special Publication 0403 Geology 0302 Inorganic Chemistry     0072-1085      
1744 A Geological Society. Journal 0403 Geology         0016-7649      
34445 C Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Bulletin  04 Earth Sciences         1811-4598 1604-8156 1397-1905  
1801 A* Geology (Boulder) 04 Earth Sciences         0091-7613 1943-2682    
1802 C Geology of Ore Deposits 0403 Geology         1075-7015 0016-7770 1555-6476  
41729 B Geology Today 0403 Geology         0266-6979 1365-2451    
34452 B Geo-Marine Letters: an international journal of marine geology 0404 Geophysics 0405 Oceanography     0276-0460 1432-1157    
4633 C Geomatica 0909 Geomatic Engineering          1195-1036 0841-8233 0008-5103  
36714 C Geombinatorics 0101 Pure Mathematics         1065-7371      
4335 B Geomechanics and Geoengineering: an international journal 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy 0905 Civil Engineering     1748-6025 1748-6033    
161 B Geometriae Dedicata 0101 Pure Mathematics         0046-5755 1572-9168    
162 A* Geometric and Functional Analysis 0101 Pure Mathematics         1016-443X 1420-8970    
163 A* Geometry and Topology 0101 Pure Mathematics         1465-3060 1364-0380    
34444 B Geomicrobiology Journal: an international journal of geomicrobiology and microbial biogeochemistry 0605 Microbiology  0403 Geology     0149-0451 1521-0529    
1803 A Geomorphology 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         0169-555X 1872-695X    
1064 C Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences 0404 Geophysics 0309-1929 1029-0419    
1872 A Geophysical Journal International 0404 Geophysics         0956-540X 1365-246X    
1873 B Geophysical Prospecting 0404 Geophysics         0016-8025 1365-2478    
1874 A* Geophysical Research Letters 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences 0404 Geophysics     0094-8276 1944-8007    
1875 A Geophysics 0404 Geophysics         0016-8033 1942-2156    
40382 A Geopolitics 1604 Human Geography 1606 Political Science 1801 Law 1465-0045 1557-3028    
11569 C George Eliot - George Henry Lewes Studies 2005 Literary Studies         0953-0754      
11568 B George Eliot Review 2005 Literary Studies         1358-345X      
11856 B George Herbert Journal 2005 Literary Studies         0161-7435 1931-1192    
33344 B George Mason Law Review 1801 Law         1088-5625 1068-3801 0741-8736  
33345 B George Mason University Civil Rights Law Journal 1801 Law         1049-4766      
33346 B George Washington International Law Review 1801 Law         1534-9977 0748-4305    
33884 A George Washington Law Review 1801 Law         0016-8076      
33347 A Georgetown Immigration Law Journal 1801 Law         0891-4370      
33885 B Georgetown International Environmental Law Review 1801 Law         1042-1858      
33349 A Georgetown Journal of International Law 1801 Law         1550-5200 0023-9208    
33350 B Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy 1801 Law         1536-5077      
33886 A Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics 1801 Law         1041-5548      
35470 B Georgetown Journal on Poverty Law and Policy 1801 Law         1524-3974 1930-6946 1075-0827  
33887 A* Georgetown Law Journal 1801 Law         0016-8092      
30594 C Georgia Historical Quarterly 2103 Historical Studies         0016-8297      
33352 B Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law 1801 Law         0046-578X      
17590 C Georgia Journal of Science MD Multidisciplinary         0147-9369      
33353 B Georgia Law Review 1801 Law         0016-8300      
33354 C Georgia State University Law Review 1801 Law         8755-6847      
531 C Georgian Mathematical Journal 0101 Pure Mathematics         1072-947X 1572-9176    
4336 C Georisk: assessment and management of risk for engineered systems and geohazards 0905 Civil Engineering         1749-9518 1749-9526    
34443 C Geoscience Canada 0403 Geology         0315-0941      
1729 C Geosciences Journal 04 Earth Sciences         1226-4806 1598-7477    
40662 B Geo-Spatial Information Science 0909 Geomatic Engineering          1009-5020 1993-5153 1001-4993  
1730 A Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 04 Earth Sciences         1639-4488 1751-908X 0150-5505  
4901 B Geosynthetics International 0907 Environmental Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering     1072-6349      
4022 B Geotechnical and Geological Engineering: an international journal 0905 Civil Engineering         0960-3182 1573-1529    
1732 A Geotechnical Testing Journal 0905 Civil Engineering         0149-6115      
4190 A* Geotechnique: international journal of soil mechanics 0905 Civil Engineering         0016-8505 1751-7656    
35082 C Geotectonics 0403 Geology 0404 Geophysics     0016-8521 1556-1976 0016-853X  
4191 A Geotextiles and Geomembranes 0905 Civil Engineering         0266-1144 1879-3584    
34442 C Geothermics 0404 Geophysics         0375-6505 1879-3576    
40466 C GEOView: Online Undergraduate Review of
Geography and Environmental Studies
1604 Human Geography 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience 0502 Environmental Science and Management 1448-6482      
41730 C Geriaction 1110 Nursing 1117 Public Health and Health Services     1032-4410      
14081 A Geriatric Nursing 1110 Nursing         0197-4572 1528-3984    
16156 C Geriatrics and Aging 1103 Clinical Sciences         1488-8408 1488-8416    
16155 C Geriatrics and Gerontology International 1103 Clinical Sciences         1444-1586 1447-0594    
16154 C Geriatrics: better medicine for midlife and beyond 1103 Clinical Sciences         0016-867X 1936-5764    
7109 B Gerion: revista de historia antigua 2103 Historical Studies         0213-0181      
8773 B German as a Foreign Language 2003 Language Studies         1470-9570      
30488 B German Economic Review 14 Economics         1465-6485 1468-0475    
7110 B German History 2103 Historical Studies         0266-3554 1477-089X    
13154 C German Journal of Psychiatry 1103 Clinical Sciences         1433-1055      
40347 B German Law Journal 1801 Law         2071-8322      
11857 A* German Life and Letters 2005 Literary Studies         0016-8777 1468-0483    
40277 B German Monitor 2005 Literary Studies         0927-1910 1875-7391    
18819 B German Politics 1606 Political Science         0964-4008 1743-8993    
31444 B German Quarterly 2005 Literary Studies         0016-8831 1756-1183    
41734 B German Research 0499 Other Earth Sciences 0599 Other Environmental Sciences 0699 Other Biological Sciences 0172-1526 1522-2322    
34792 A German Studies Review MD Multidisciplinary         0149-7952      
35578 A German Yearbook of International Law 1801 Law         0344-3094      
8813 A* Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift 2005 Literary Studies         0016-8904      
11859 B Germano-Slavica: a Canadian journal of Germanic and Slavic comparative and interdisciplinary studies 2005 Literary Studies         0317-4956      
32587 B Gerodontology: an international journal 1105 Dentistry 1117 Public Health and Health Services     0734-0664 1741-2358    
16157 B Gerontologist 1103 Clinical Sciences         0016-9013 1758-5341    
30329 B Gerontology: international journal of experimental, clinical, behavioral, regenerative and technical gerontology 1701 Psychology         0304-324X 1423-0003    
6705 C GeroPsych 1701 Psychology 1103 Clinical Sciences     1662-9647 1662-971X 1011-6877  
7111 B Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht 2103 Historical Studies         0016-9056      
7113 A Geschichte und Gesellschaft: Zeitschrift fuer Historische Sozialwissenschaft 2103 Historical Studies         0340-613X      
7115 C Geschichte und Region 2103 Historical Studies         1121-0303      
8815 C Gespraechsforschung 2004 Linguistics         1617-1837      
40212 C Gesta 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     0016-920X      
36943 B Gesture 1702 Cognitive Science         1568-1475 1569-9773    
13531 C Gesundheitswesen 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0941-3790 1439-4421    
7122 C GFA 2103 Historical Studies         1437-9082 1437-9074    
1804 C GFF 0403 Geology         1103-5897      
17591 C Ghana Journal of Science MD Multidisciplinary         0016-9544      
15368 C Ghana Medical Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0016-9560      
11860 C Ghana Studies 2005 Literary Studies         1536-5514      
44908 C GI - Gesundheits Ingenieur 0905 Civil Engineering         0932-6200      
5221 C Giannini Foundation Information Series 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences         1081-6526 0073-7887    
5785 C Gidrobiologicheskii Zhurnal: nauchnyi zhurnal 0704 Fisheries Sciences         0375-8990 0018-8166    
35699 B Gifted and Talented International 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1533-2276      
20692 B Gifted Child Quarterly 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0016-9862 1934-9041    
5786 C Gifuken Kasen Kankyou Kenkyuujo Kenkyuu Houkoku 0704 Fisheries Sciences         1880-7437 1348-6659 0389-6927  
8421 C Giornale Critico della Filosofia Italiana 2203 Philosophy          0017-0089      
8422 B Giornale di Metafisica 2203 Philosophy          0017-0372 1825-6570    
14949 C Giornale di Neuropsicofarmacologia 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     0391-9048 1971-1387    
7117 A* Giornale Italiano di Filologia: rivista di cultura 2005 Literary Studies 2103 Historical Studies     0017-0461      
7118 C Gippsland Heritage Journal 2103 Historical Studies         0817-9638      
165 B Glasgow Mathematical Journal 0101 Pure Mathematics         0017-0895 1469-509X    
30786 C Glasnik Matematicki 0101 Pure Mathematics         0017-095X      
5708 C Glasnik za Sumske Pokuse: annales experimentis silvarum culturae provehendis 0705 Forestry Sciences         0352-3861      
2738 C Glasra 0607 Plant Biology         0332-0235      
4903 C Glass Technology 0912 Materials Engineering         0017-1050      
33356 C Glendale Law Review 1801 Law         0363-2423      
13155 A Glia 1109 Neurosciences         0894-1491 1098-1136    
1733 A Global and Planetary Change 04 Earth Sciences         0921-8181 1872-6364    
21347 C Global Asia: A journal of the East Asia Foundation MD Multidisciplinary         1976-068X      
1967 A* Global Biogeochemical Cycles: an international journal of global change 0401 Atmospheric Sciences 0402 Geochemistry     0886-6236 1944-9224    
20976 C Global Built Environment Review 1205 Urban and Regional Planning 1201 Architecture     1474-6824 1474-6832    
36033 C Global Business and Economics Anthology 1402 Applied Economics 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment     1553-1392 1553-1333    
35658 C Global Business and Economics Review 1402 Applied Economics         1097-4954 1745-1329    
19551 C Global Business and Finance Review 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1088-6931      
31160 C Global Business Review 1503 Business and Management         0972-1509 1940-1558    
3258 A* Global Change Biology 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences     1354-1013 1365-2486    
36281 B Global Change, Peace and Security 1605 Policy and Administration 1606 Political Science     1478-1158 1478-1166 1323-9104 1032-3856
17129 C Global Crime 1602 Criminology         1744-0572 1744-0580 1357-7387  
18821 C Global Development Studies 1606 Political Science         1093-8281      
2022 A* Global Ecology and Biogeography 06 Biological Sciences 04 Earth Sciences 05 Environmental Sciences 1466-822X 1466-8238    
18370 C Global Economic Review 1402 Applied Economics         1226-508X 1744-3873 1229-4098  
18371 B Global Economy Journal 1402 Applied Economics         1553-5304 1524-5861    
40931 C Global Education 1301 Education Systems  1303 Specialist Studies In Education     1009-9670 1008-3677    
36278 A Global Environmental Change MD Multidisciplinary         0959-3780 1872-9495    
18823 A Global Environmental Politics 1606 Political Science         1526-3800 1536-0091    
18372 B Global Finance Journal 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1044-0283 1873-5665    
18824 A Global Governance 1606 Political Science 1605 Policy and Administration 1503 Business and Management 1075-2846 1942-6720    
41752 C Global Health Governance 1402 Applied Economics         1939-2389      
42013 C Global Health Promotion 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1757-9759 1756-3976 1025-3823  
20067 C Global Journal of Educational Research 13 Education         1596-6224      
20655 C Global Journal of Engineering Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1328-3154      
18373 Not ranked Global Journal of Finance and Economics 1402 Applied Economics         0972-9496      
32288 C Global Journal of Mathematical Sciences 0101 Pure Mathematics         1596-6208      
32289 C Global Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 0101 Pure Mathematics         0972-9836      
32290 C Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         0973-1768 0973-9750    
17593 C Global Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences MD Multidisciplinary         1118-0579      
33357 C Global Jurist 1801 Law         1934-2640 1535-1653 1535-1661 1535-167X
41759 Not ranked Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric 1606 Political Science 2201 Applied Ethics     1835-6842      
35347 A Global Media and Communication 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 1903 Journalism and Professional Writing 2001 Communication and Media Studies 1742-7665 1742-7673    
9221 B Global Media Journal 2001 Communication and Media Studies         1550-7521      
35349 B Global Media Journal: Australian Edition 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 1903 Journalism and Professional Writing 2001 Communication and Media Studies 1835-2340      
10859 B Global Networks: a Journal of Transnational Affairs 1608 Sociology         1470-2266 1471-0374    
36351 C Global Perspectives on Accounting Education 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1543-2955      
41760 C Global Public Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1744-1692 1744-1706    
18374 C Global Review of Business and Economic Research 1402 Applied Economics         0973-127X      
17594 C Global Science Journal: an international journal of science MD Multidisciplinary         0795-6770      
32873 C Global Social Policy 1605 Policy and Administration         1468-0181 1741-2803    
18825 B Global Society 2002 Cultural Studies 1605 Policy and Administration     1360-0826 1469-798X    
41429 Not ranked Global Studies Journal 1701 Psychology         1835-4432      
41016 C Globalization 2001 Communication and Media Studies         1535-9794      
13532 C Globalization and Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1744-8603      
19982 B Globalization Societies and Education 1608 Sociology         1476-7724 1476-7732    
34739 A Globalizations 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 2002 Cultural Studies     1474-7731 1474-774X    
40449 C Glossa 2004 Linguistics         1931-776X 1931-7778    
11861 B Glossen 2005 Literary Studies         1093-6025      
8816 B Glot International 2004 Linguistics         1381-3439      
7120 A Glotta-Zeitschrift fuer Griechische und Lateinische Sprache 2004 Linguistics 2103 Historical Studies     0017-1298      
32788 A GLQ: a journal of lesbian and gay studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 2002 Cultural Studies     1064-2684 1527-9375    
16160 A Glycobiology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0959-6658 1460-2423    
2220 B Glycoconjugate Journal 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1108 Medical Microbiology 1109 Neurosciences 0282-0080 1573-4986 0969-3653  
7121 A Gnomon: kritische Zeitschrift fuer die gesamte klassische Altertumswissenschaft 2103 Historical Studies         0017-1417      
35299 C Gnosis: a journal of philosophic interest 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0316-618X      
40278 A Goethe Yearbook 2005 Literary Studies         0734-3329      
31446 C Goethe-Jahrbuch 2005 Literary Studies         0323-4207      
37011 B Goettinger Miszellen: Beitraege zur aegyptologischen Diskussion 2101 Archaeology 2103 Historical Studies 2199 Other History and Archaeology 0344-385X      
7123 B Goettingische Gelehrte Anzeigen 2103 Historical Studies         0017-1549      
1524 B Gold Bulletin 0912 Materials Engineering 0302 Inorganic Chemistry 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry 1027-8591 1016-5339    
33359 C Golden Gate University Law Review 1801 Law         0363-0307      
1734 A Gondwana Research 0403 Geology 0404 Geophysics     1342-937X      
3961 C Gongneng Gaofenzi Xuebao 0904 Chemical Engineering          1008-9357      
44909 C Gongye Jianzhu 1202 Building         1000-8993      
33360 C Gonzaga Journal of International Law 1801 Law         1942-9193      
33361 C Gonzaga Law Review 1801 Law         0046-6115      
4100 C Gornictwo i Geoinzynieria 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1732-6702 0138-0990    
18537 C Gospodarka Narodowa 14 Economics         0867-0005      
11862 C Gothic Studies 2005 Literary Studies         1362-7937      
30380 A Governance: an international journal of policy and administration 1605 Policy and Administration         0952-1895 1468-0491    
18826 A Government and Opposition: an international journal of comparative politics 1606 Political Science         0017-257X 1477-7053    
30346 B Government Information Quarterly: an international journal of information technology management, policies, and practices 0807 Library and Information Studies         0740-624X 1872-9517 1352-0237  
9975 A Goya: revista de arte 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts     0017-2715      
4635 B GPS Solutions 0909 Geomatic Engineering          1080-5370 1521-1886    
9527 C Gradiva: revista internazionale di lettura italiana - international journal of Italian literature 2005 Literary Studies         0363-8057      
37039 B Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 2203 Philosophy          0093-4240      
21348 C Graduate Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies MD Multidisciplinary         1176-2152      
16161 B Graefes Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry         0721-832X 1435-702X    
3088 C Graellsia: revista de zoologia 0608 Zoology         0367-5041      
7124 B Graezer Beitraege: Zeitschrift fuer klassische Altertumswissenschaft 2103 Historical Studies         0376-5253      
16162 C Graft: organ and cell transplantation 1103 Clinical Sciences         1522-1628      
10353 C Grammateion: the St. Michael's Journal of the Arts 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         0836-0421      
2593 C Grana: international journal of palynology and aerobiology 0607 Plant Biology         0017-3134 1651-2049    
36892 A Granular Matter 0904 Chemical Engineering  0905 Civil Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 1434-5021 1434-7636    
32035 C Graphical Models 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing         1077-3169 1524-0711 1049-9652  
9977 C Graphis Design Annual 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         1012-9340      
167 B Graphs and Combinatorics 0101 Pure Mathematics 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics     0911-0119 1435-5914    
5312 B Grass and Forage Science 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         0142-5242 1365-2494    
5346 C Grassland Science 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         1744-6961 1744-697X    
11864 C Grasslands Review 2005 Literary Studies         1066-4742      
8424 A Grazer Philosophische Studien: internationale Zeitschrift fuer analytische Philosophie 2203 Philosophy          0165-9227 1875-6735    
7126 A Greece and Rome 2103 Historical Studies         0017-3835 1477-4550    
7127 A Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 2103 Historical Studies         0017-3916      
34334 A Green Chemistry 03 Chemical Sciences         1463-9262 1463-9270 1744-1560  
41763 C Green Letters: Studies in Ecocriticism 2005 Literary Studies 2203 Philosophy  2002 Cultural Studies 1468-8417      
41774 B Green Theory and Praxis: the journal of ecopedagogy 1399 Other Education  2004 Linguistics     1941-0948      
5836 C Greener Management International 0502 Environmental Science and Management 1503 Business and Management     0966-9671      
11865 C Greensboro Review 2005 Literary Studies         0017-4084      
12728 A Gregorianum 2203 Philosophy  2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0017-4114      
10354 A* Grey Room 1201 Architecture 1901 Art Theory and Criticism     1526-3819 1536-0105    
13533 C Grief Matters 1607 Social Work 1117 Public Health and Health Services     1440-6888      
33364 A* Griffith Law Review 1801 Law         1038-3441      
10355 B Griffithiana 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         0393-3857 1086-3206    
12729 C Grigorios O Palamas 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1011-3010      
8819 C Gripla 2004 Linguistics 2005 Literary Studies     1018-5011      
4192 B Ground Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering         0017-4653      
5258 B Ground Water 0799 Other Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience     0017-467X 1745-6584    
1946 B Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation 0799 Other Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience     1069-3629 1745-6592 0277-1926  
39942 C Group Analysis: journal of group analytic psychotherapy 1701 Psychology         0533-3164 1461-717X    
6276 A Group and Organization Management 1503 Business and Management 1701 Psychology     1059-6011 1552-3993    
36134 B Group Decision and Negotiation 1503 Business and Management         0926-2644 1572-9907    
36133 B Group Dynamics: theory, research, and practice 1503 Business and Management 1701 Psychology     1089-2699 1930-7802    
6279 B Group Processes and Intergroup Relations 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1368-4302 1461-7188    
6275 C Group: journal of the Eastern Group Psychotherapy Society 1701 Psychology         0362-4021 1573-3386    
39941 B Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics 0101 Pure Mathematics         1661-7207 1661-7215    
34210 C Groupwork 1607 Social Work         0951-824X 1746-6091    
30476 A Growth and Change: a journal of urban and regional policy 1402 Applied Economics 1205 Urban and Regional Planning     0017-4815 1468-2257    
16164 B Growth Factors 1103 Clinical Sciences 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology     0897-7194 1029-2292    
36850 C Growth Hormone and IGF Research 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0606 Physiology  1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics 1096-6374 1532-2238    
16163 C Growth, Development and Aging 1103 Clinical Sciences         1041-1232      
6283 B Gruppenpsychotherapie und Gruppendynamik: Beitraege zur Sozialpsychologie und therapeutischen Praxis 1701 Psychology         0017-4947      
4562 C Guangdian Gongcheng 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1003-501X      
2739 C Guangxi Zhiwu 0607 Plant Biology         1000-3142      
7128 C Guerres Mondiales et Conflits Contemporains 2103 Historical Studies         0984-2292      
44910 C Gujian Yuanlin Jishu 1201 Architecture         1000-7237      
3089 C Gujizhui Dongwu Xuebao 0608 Zoology         1000-3118      
11867 C Gulf Coast (Houston): a journal of literature and fine arts 2005 Literary Studies         0896-2251      
4715 B Guocheng Gongcheng Xuebao 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1009-606X 1001-2052    
5425 C Guoshu Kexue 0706 Horticultural Production         1009-9980 1001-7364    
16165 A* Gut 1103 Clinical Sciences 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine     0017-5749 1468-3288    
4563 C Guti Dianzixue Yanjiu Yu Jinzhan 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1000-3819      
7130 B GymnasiumGymnasium: Zeitschrift fuer Kultur der Antike und Humanistische Bildung 2103 Historical Studies         0342-5231      
16168 C Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0378-7346 1423-002X    
16169 B Gynecologic Oncology 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         0090-8258 1095-6859    
16170 C Gynecological Endocrinology 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0951-3590 1473-0766    
16167 C Gynecological Surgery: endoscopy, imaging, and allied techniques 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1613-2076 1613-2084    
3090 C Gyobyo Kenkyu (Fish Pathology) 0608 Zoology 0707 Veterinary Sciences 0704 Fisheries Sciences 0388-788X      
11868 C Habersham Review 2005 Literary Studies         1060-0469      
5949 A Habitat International 1604 Human Geography 1205 Urban and Regional Planning 1202 Building 0197-3975 1873-5428    
9708 C Habitation 0908 Food Sciences         1542-9660 1069-9422    
11320 C Hadtudomany 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1215-4121      
20978 B Haecceity Papers 1201 Architecture         1832-8229      
16171 B Haematologica: the hematology journal 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0390-6078 1592-8721 1138-0381  
16173 B Haemophilia 1103 Clinical Sciences         1351-8216 1365-2516    
42214 C Haemophilia. Supplement 1103 Clinical Sciences         1355-0691      
35704 B Haendel Jahrbuch 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         0440-0615      
7134 B Hagiographica: rivista di agiografia e biografia 2103 Historical Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     1124-1225      
3091 C Hamadryad: journal of the centre for herpetology 0608 Zoology         0972-205X      
3092 C Hamburgisches Zoologisches Museum und Institut. Mitteilungen 0608 Zoology         0072-9612      
7136 B Hamdard Islamicus 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0250-7196      
33366 C Hamline Journal of Public Law and Policy 1801 Law         0748-769X      
33367 C Hamline Law Review 1801 Law         0198-7364 0360-5094    
16174 C Hand Clinics 1103 Clinical Sciences         0749-0712 1558-1969    
15833 C Hand Therapy 1103 Clinical Sciences         1758-9983 1758-9991 1369-9571  
41132 C Handel-Jahrbuch 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0440-0992      
7140 B Hansische Geschichtsblatter 2103 Historical Studies         0073-0327      
13534 C Harm Reduction Journal 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1477-7517      
3260 C Harmful Algae 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences     1568-9883 1878-1470    
30116 B Harvard Asia Quarterly 1606 Political Science         1522-4147      
33368 C Harvard Blackletter Law Journal 1801 Law         1089-2907      
19161 A Harvard Business Review 1503 Business and Management         0017-8012      
33369 A* Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review 1801 Law         0017-8039 1943-5061    
20007 A* Harvard Educational Review 13 Education         0017-8055 1943-5045    
33888 A Harvard Environmental Law Review 1801 Law         0147-8257      
33370 A* Harvard Human Rights Journal 1801 Law         1057-5057 1557-5624    
9222 B Harvard International Journal of Press-Politics 1606 Political Science 1903 Journalism and Professional Writing     1940-1612 1940-1620 1081-180X  
33371 A* Harvard International Law Journal 1801 Law         0017-8063      
7141 A* Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 2002 Cultural Studies         0073-0548 1944-6454    
33372 A Harvard Journal of Law and Gender 1801 Law         1558-4356 0270-1456    
35465 A Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy 1801 Law         0193-4872      
35535 A Harvard Journal of Law and Technology 1801 Law         0897-3393      
33375 B Harvard Journal on Legislation 1801 Law         0017-808X      
33376 C Harvard Latino Law Review 1801 Law         1542-460X      
33377 C Harvard Law and Policy Review 1801 Law         1935-2077 1935-2107    
33378 A* Harvard Law Review 1801 Law 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences     0017-811X      
40588 B Harvard Library Bulletin 2103 Historical Studies 2005 Literary Studies     0017-8136      
33379 A Harvard Negotiation Law Review 1801 Law         1556-0546      
13081 C Harvard Review of Psychiatry 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science     1067-3229 1465-7309    
7142 A* Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 2103 Historical Studies 2004 Linguistics     0073-0688      
12732 A* Harvard Theological Review 2204 Religion and Religious Studies 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     0017-8160 1475-4517    
34800 A Harvard Ukrainian Studies 2003 Language Studies 2005 Literary Studies     0363-5570      
5347 C Harvest: journal for Jungian studies 1701 Psychology         0266-4771      
2740 C Haseltonia 0607 Plant Biology         1070-0048 1938-2898    
33889 B Hastings Business Law Journal 1801 Law         1554-849X 1554-8503    
8427 A Hastings Center Report 2201 Applied Ethics 2203 Philosophy      0093-0334 1552-146X    
36793 B Hastings Communications and Entertainment Law Journal 1801 Law         1061-6578      
33381 B Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly 1801 Law         0094-5617      
33382 B Hastings International and Comparative Law Review 1801 Law         0149-9246      
33383 C Hastings Law Journal 1801 Law         0017-8322      
33384 C Hastings Race and Poverty Law Journal 1801 Law         1546-4652      
33385 C Hastings West-Northwest Journal of Environmental Law and Policy 1801 Law         1080-0735      
33386 B Hastings Women's Law Journal 1801 Law         1061-0901      
2615 C Hattori Shokubutsu Kenkyujo Hokoku: devoted to bryology and lichenology 0607 Plant Biology         0073-0912      
15369 C Hawaii Medical Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0017-8594      
11869 C Hawaii Pacific Review 2005 Literary Studies         1047-4331      
10356 C Haydn Society Journal 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1350-1267      
16177 B Head and Neck 1103 Clinical Sciences         1043-3074 0148-6403    
16178 B Headache 1103 Clinical Sciences         0017-8748      
16179 C Headache Currents: a journal for recent advances in headache and facial pain 1103 Clinical Sciences         1743-5005      
13538 A Health Affairs 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0278-2715      
11321 C Health and History 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1442-1771      
33387 C Health and Human Rights: an international journal 1801 Law         1079-0969      
5950 C Health and Place 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1353-8292 1873-2054    
6034 A Health and Population: Perspectives and Issues 1603 Demography          0253-6803      
13540 C Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1477-7525      
13537 B Health and Social Care in the Community 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0966-0410 1365-2524    
34211 C Health and Social Work 1607 Social Work         0360-7283 1545-6854    
13541 C Health Care Analysis 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1065-3058 1573-3394    
40902 C Health Care and Informatics Review Online 1110 Nursing         1176-4201      
13543 C Health Care Financing Review 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0195-8631 1554-9887    
11150 C Health Care for Women International 1110 Nursing 1117 Public Health and Health Services     0739-9332 1096-4665    
13545 C Health Care Management Review 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0361-6274 1550-5030    
39940 C Health Care Management Science 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1386-9620 1572-9389    
14195 C Health Care Manager 1110 Nursing         1525-5794 1550-512X 0731-3381  
9223 C Health Communication 2001 Communication and Media Studies 1117 Public Health and Health Services     1041-0236 1532-7027    
18375 A Health Economics 1402 Applied Economics         1057-9230 1099-1050    
32874 B Health Economics, Policy and Law 1801 Law 1605 Policy and Administration 1402 Applied Economics 1744-1331 1744-134X    
13549 C Health Education 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0965-4283 1758-714X    
13550 A Health Education and Behavior 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1090-1981 1552-6127    
13551 B Health Education Journal 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0017-8969 1748-8176    
13548 A Health Education Research: theory and practice 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1117 Public Health and Health Services     0268-1153 1465-3648    
13881 C Health Educator 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          8756-5943      
13553 B Health Expectations 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1369-6513 1369-7625    
39939 C Health Informatics Journal 0806 Information Systems 0807 Library and Information Studies     1460-4582 1741-2811 1355-4743 0965-8335
10599 C Health Information and Libraries Journal 0807 Library and Information Studies 1103 Clinical Sciences     1471-1834 1471-1842    
40651 C Health Information Management Journal 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1833-3583 1833-3575 1322-4913  
13556 C Health Issues 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0819-5781      
33735 C Health Law Journal (Canada) 1801 Law         1192-8336      
33389 C Health Law Journal (US) 1801 Law         1530-3926 1933-8406    
33390 C Health Law Review 1801 Law         1188-8725      
32875 B Health Marketing Quarterly 1505 Marketing         0735-9683 1545-0864    
33391 C Health Matrix: Journal of Law-Medicine 1801 Law         0748-383X      
1181 C Health Physics: the radiation safety journal 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0017-9078 1538-5159    
13558 B Health Policy 1605 Policy and Administration 1117 Public Health and Health Services     0168-8510 1872-6054    
13559 B Health Policy and Planning 1605 Policy and Administration         0268-1080 1460-2237    
13560 B Health Promotion International 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0957-4824 1460-2245    
13561 C Health Promotion Journal of Australia 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1036-1073      
6284 A* Health Psychology 1701 Psychology         0278-6133 1930-7810    
36177 C Health Psychology Update 1701 Psychology         0954-2027      
41795 B Health Reports 1110 Nursing         0840-6529 1209-1367    
41017 C Health Research Policy and Systems 1605 Policy and Administration         1478-4505      
13562 C Health Risk and Society 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1369-8575 1469-8331    
36059 C Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology: an international journal devoted to quantitative methods for the study of the utilization, quality, cost and outcomes of health care 15 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services         1387-3741 1572-9400    
13563 C Health Services Management Research 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0951-4848 1758-1044    
13564 A Health Services Research 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0017-9124 1475-6773    
10860 B Health Sociology Review 1608 Sociology         1446-1242 1036-6733    
35486 A Health Technology Assessment 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1366-5278      
13535 B Health: an interdisciplinary journal for the social study of health, illness and medicine 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1363-4593 1461-7196    
15767 B Healthcare Infection 1103 Clinical Sciences 1110 Nursing     1835-5617 1329-9360 1835-5625  
40065 B Healthcare Policy 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1715-6572      
16181 B Hearing Research 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     0378-5955 1878-5891    
16182 B Heart 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1355-6037 0007-0769    
16183 A Heart and Lung: the journal of acute and critical care 1110 Nursing 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology     0147-9563 1527-3288    
36473 C Heart and Vessels: an international journal 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0910-8327 1615-2573    
16184 B Heart Failure Reviews 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1382-4147 1573-7322    
16185 C Heart Lung and Circulation 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1443-9506 1328-0163    
16186 B Heart Rhythm 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1547-5271 1556-3871    
5125 C Heat and Mass Transfer: Waerme- und Stoffuebertragung 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering         0947-7411 1432-1181 0042-9929  
41154 C Heat Transfer - Asian Research 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering         1099-2871 1523-1496    
3745 B Heat Transfer Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0102 Applied Mathematics     0145-7632 1521-0537    
21478 C Hebei Daxue Xuebao (Shehui Zhexue Ban) MD Multidisciplinary         1005-6378      
34158 C Hebei Zhongyi 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         1002-2619      
9333 A Hebrew Studies: a journal devoted to Hebrew language and literature of all periods 2002 Cultural Studies 2003 Language Studies 2005 Literary Studies 0146-4094      
12734 A Hebrew Union College Annual 2002 Cultural Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies 2103 Historical Studies 0360-9049      
32790 C Hecate: an interdisciplinary journal of women's liberation 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 2005 Literary Studies 2103 Historical Studies 0311-4198      
8430 A Hegel-Studien 2203 Philosophy          0073-1587      
8431 A Heidegger Studies 2203 Philosophy          0885-4580      
37036 A Heidegger-Jahrbuch 2203 Philosophy          1612-3166      
40210 C Heine-Jahrbuch 2005 Literary Studies         0073-1692      
1916 B Helgoland Marine Research 0405 Oceanography         1438-387X 1438-3888 0174-3597  
31059 C Helia 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         1018-1806      
2475 B Helicobacter (Oxford) 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     1083-4389 1523-5378 1342-6338  
42216 C Helicobacter. Supplement 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     1478-4041      
35109 C Helictite 04 Earth Sciences         0017-9973      
7144 B Helios: a journal devoted to critical and methodological studies of classical culture, literature, and society 2002 Cultural Studies 2103 Historical Studies     0160-0923 1935-0228    
32574 C Hellenic Orhodontic Review 1105 Dentistry         1108-1279      
34904 C Hellenika 2103 Historical Studies         0348-0100      
2889 C Helminthologia 0608 Zoology         0440-6605 1336-9083    
1345 B Helvetica Chimica Acta 03 Chemical Sciences         0018-019X 1522-2675    
16189 B Hematological Oncology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0278-0232 1099-1069    
16190 C Hematology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1024-5332 1607-8454 0882-8083  
16192 B Hematology / Oncology Clinics of North America 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0889-8588 1558-1977    
7145 B Hemecht: Zeitschrift fuer Luxemburger Geschichte/revue d'histoire luxembourgeoise 2103 Historical Studies         0018-0270      
41813 A Hemodialysis International 1103 Clinical Sciences         1492-7535      
16193 C Hemoglobin: international journal for hemoglobin research 1103 Clinical Sciences         0363-0269 1532-432X    
12735 B Henoch 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0393-6805      
16210 C Hepato Pancreato Biliary 1103 Clinical Sciences         1365-182X 1477-2574    
16194 C Hepato-Gastroenterology: current medical and surgical trends 1103 Clinical Sciences         0172-6390 0300-970X 0001-5822  
16196 A* Hepatology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0270-9139 1527-3350    
16197 B Hepatology Research 1103 Clinical Sciences         1386-6346 1872-034X    
2741 C Herba Polonica 0607 Plant Biology         0018-0599      
34159 C Herbals and Complementary Medicine 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         1609-4573 1609-4581    
17595 C Hercynia: Beitraege zur Erforschung und Pflege der Natuerlichen Ressourcen MD Multidisciplinary         0018-0637      
41018 A Hereditary Cancer in Clinical Practice 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1731-2302      
2427 C Hereditas 0604 Genetics          0018-0661 1601-5223    
2389 A Heredity 0604 Genetics          0018-067X 1365-2540    
34880 B Heresis 2103 Historical Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0758-3737      
9334 C Heritage Language Journal 2003 Language Studies         1550-7076      
34779 C Hermathena 2099 Other Language, Communication and Culture 2103 Historical Studies     0018-0750      
7146 A Hermes: Zeitschrift fuer klassische Philologie 2103 Historical Studies         0018-0777      
13567 C Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical Problems 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1592-1638      
7147 C Herold - Verein fuer Heraldik Genealogie und Verwandte Wissenschaften 2103 Historical Studies         0018-0793      
16198 C Herpes 1103 Clinical Sciences 1108 Medical Microbiology     0969-7667 1470-1537    
2890 B Herpetologica 0608 Zoology         0018-0831 1938-5099    
3093 C Herpetological Bulletin 0608 Zoology         1473-0928 0260-5805    
3094 C Herpetological Conservation and Biology 0608 Zoology         1931-7603      
2891 C Herpetological Journal 0608 Zoology         0268-0130      
2892 B Herpetological Monographs 0608 Zoology         0733-1347 1938-5137    
3095 C Herpetological Natural History 0608 Zoology         1069-1928      
2893 C Herpetological Review 0608 Zoology         0018-084X      
3096 C Herpetozoa 0608 Zoology         1013-4425      
32726 C HerStoriA: South African women's journal 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1024-5057      
8060 C Hertfordshire Archaeology and History: the county archaeological journal 2101 Archaeology         1752-7406 0440-7342    
36795 C Hertfordshire Law Journal 1801 Law         1479-4195      
41803 B Hervormde Teologiese Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0259-9422      
16199 C Herz: kardiovaskulaere Erkraenkungen 1103 Clinical Sciences         0340-9937 1615-6692    
7148 A Hesperia 2005 Literary Studies         0018-098X 1553-5622    
7149 C Hessisches Jahrbuch fuer Landesgeschichte 2103 Historical Studies         0073-2001      
10357 C Het Orgel 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         0166-0101      
34315 C Heteroatom Chemistry 0302 Inorganic Chemistry         1042-7163 1098-1071    
1574 B Heterocycles 0305 Organic Chemistry         0385-5414 1881-0942    
41019 C Heterocyclic Communications: an international journal in heterocyclic chemistry 0305 Organic Chemistry 0302 Inorganic Chemistry     0793-0283      
10358 C Heterofonia: revista musical semestral 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         0018-1137      
8432 A Heythrop Journal-a Quarterly Review of Philosophy and Theology 2203 Philosophy  2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0018-1196 1468-2265    
33393 C Hibernian Law Journal 1801 Law         1393-8940      
8824 C Hieronymus Complutensis 2003 Language Studies         1135-304X      
20705 B High Ability Studies 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1359-8139 1469-834X    
35484 C High Altitude Medicine and Biology 1116 Medical Physiology         1527-0297 1557-8682    
1439 C High Energy Chemistry 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)         0018-1439 1608-3148 0023-1193  
35148 C High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics         1674-1137 0899-9996 0254-3052  
1669 C High Performance Polymers 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry 0912 Materials Engineering     0954-0083 1361-6412    
34353 B High Pressure Research 02 Physical Sciences         0895-7959 1477-2299    
977 C High Temperature 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics         0018-151X 1608-3156 0040-3644  
4904 C High Temperature Materials and Processes 0912 Materials Engineering         0334-6455      
20368 A Higher Education in Europe 1301 Education Systems          0379-7724 1469-8358    
41816 C Higher Education Management and Policy 1301 Education Systems          1682-3451      
19329 A Higher Education Quarterly 1301 Education Systems          0951-5224 1468-2273    
20348 A Higher Education Research and Development 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0729-4360 1469-8366    
20357 A Higher Education Review 1301 Education Systems          0018-1609      
20349 A Higher Education: the international journal of higher education and educational planning 1301 Education Systems  1303 Specialist Studies In Education     0018-1560 1573-174X    
17861 C Higher Order and Symbolic Computation 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 1702 Cognitive Science     1388-3690 1573-0557 0892-4635  
15371 C Highland Medical Research Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1596-2407      
2742 C Hikobia 0607 Plant Biology         0046-7413      
8062 B Hikuin 2101 Archaeology         0105-8118      
3097 C Himalayan Journal of Environment and Zoology 0608 Zoology         0970-2903      
5426 C Himalayan Plant Journal 0706 Horticultural Production         0970-2326      
14520 B Hippocampus 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     1050-9631 1098-1063    
11874 C Hiram Poetry Review 2005 Literary Studies         1547-8416 0018-2036    
20505 C Hiroshima Journal of Mathematics Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0919-1720      
11875 C Hispamerica-Revista de Literatura 2005 Literary Studies         0363-0471      
7150 C Hispania Antiqua: revista de historia antigua 2101 Archaeology 2103 Historical Studies     1130-0515      
7151 C Hispania Nova: revista de historia contemporanea 2103 Historical Studies         1138-7319      
7152 C Hispania Sacra 2103 Historical Studies         0018-215X 1988-4265    
36978 B Hispania: a journal devoted to the interests of the teaching of Spanish and Portuguese 2004 Linguistics 2005 Literary Studies     0018-2133      
7153 A Hispania: revista espanola de historia 2103 Historical Studies         0018-2141      
7154 A Hispanic American Historical Review 2103 Historical Studies         0018-2168 1527-1900    
6286 C Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0739-9863 1552-6364    
11876 A Hispanic Research Journal 2005 Literary Studies         1468-2737 1745-820X    
9335 B Hispanic Review: a quarterly journal devoted to research in the Hispanic languages and literatures 2005 Literary Studies         0018-2176 1553-0639    
11878 A Hispanofila 2005 Literary Studies         0018-2206      
39777 B Histochemistry and Cell Biology 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences         0948-6143 1432-119X    
7155 C Histoire des Sciences Medicales 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0440-8888      
8821 C Histoire Epistemologie Langage 2004 Linguistics         0750-8069 1638-1580    
34879 A Histoire et Civilisation du Livre 2103 Historical Studies         0073-2419      
7156 B Histoire et Mesure 2103 Historical Studies         0982-1783 1957-7745    
7157 B Histoire et Societes 2103 Historical Studies         1150-2517      
7158 B Histoire et Societes Rurales 2103 Historical Studies         1254-728X      
7159 B Histoire Medievale et Archeologie 2101 Archaeology         0991-2894      
7160 B Histoire Sociale 2103 Historical Studies         0018-2257      
7161 B Histoire, Economie et Societe: la revue d'histoire economique et sociale du XVIe au XXe siecle 2103 Historical Studies         0752-5702 1777-5906    
37032 B Histoires littŽraires 2005 Literary Studies         1623-5843      
16200 B Histology and Histopathology: cellular and molecular biology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0213-3911 1699-5848    
16201 B Histopathology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0309-0167 1365-2559    
7162 B Historein 2103 Historical Studies         1108-3441      
7163 C Historia 2103 Historical Studies         1270-0835 1625-6581    
7164 B Historia Agraria: revista de agricultura e historia 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1139-1472 1132-1261    
7166 C Historia Del Presente 2103 Historical Studies         1579-8135      
170 B Historia Mathematica 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0315-0860 1090-249X    
7167 C Historia Mexicana 2103 Historical Studies         0185-0172      
11325 B Historia Scientiarum 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0285-4821      
7168 B Historia Social 2103 Historical Studies         0214-2570      
7169 C Historia Urbana 2103 Historical Studies         1132-189X      
7170 B Historia y Comunicacion Social 2103 Historical Studies         1137-0734      
7171 B Historia y Politica: ideas, procesos y movimientos sociales 2103 Historical Studies         1575-0361 1989-063X    
9530 C Historia, Antropologia y Fuentes Orales 1601 Anthropology          1136-1700 0214-7610    
7172 C Historia, Instituciones, Documentos 2103 Historical Studies         0210-7716      
7176 A* Historia: Zeitschrift fuer Alte Geschichte 2103 Historical Studies         0018-2311 0341-0056    
9982 C Historic Brass Society Journal 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1045-4616 1943-5215    
7177 A Historic Environment 2103 Historical Studies 1201 Architecture     0726-6715      
7178 C Historica: rivista trimestrale di cultura 2103 Historical Studies         0018-2427      
36265 C Historica: women's history magazine 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1382-3914      
8064 A Historical Archaeology 2101 Archaeology         0440-9213      
21568 A Historical Archives MD Multidisciplinary         1001-7755      
7179 A Historical Journal 2103 Historical Studies         0018-246X 1469-5103    
9983 A Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 2001 Communication and Media Studies     0143-9685 1465-3451    
21691 A Historical Journal of Japan 2103 Historical Studies 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     0018-2478      
7189 B Historical Journal: Historicky Casopis 2103 Historical Studies         0018-2575      
35657 C Historical Materialism: research in critical Marxist theory 1401 Economic Theory         1465-4466 1569-206X    
4771 B Historical Metallurgy 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0142-3304      
7181 C Historical Methods: a journal of quantitative and interdisciplinary history 2103 Historical Studies         0161-5440 1940-1906    
3482 B Historical Records of Australian Science 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0727-3061 1448-5508    
7182 C Historical Reflections 2103 Historical Studies         0315-7997 1939-2419    
7183 A Historical Research 2103 Historical Studies         0950-3471 1468-2281    
7848 B Historical Review 2103 Historical Studies         0350-5774      
7196 B Historical Social Research 2103 Historical Studies         0172-6404      
7724 B Historical Studies 2103 Historical Studies         0039-3037      
20423 C Historical Studies in Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 2103 Historical Studies     0843-5057      
7185 C Historical Studies in Industrial Relations 1503 Business and Management         1362-1572      
11327 B Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1939-1811 1939-182X 0890-9997  
21784 C Historical Studies of Modern Literature MD Multidisciplinary         0257-5647      
7186 C Historically Speaking 2103 Historical Studies         1941-4188 1944-6438    
7187 C Historicka Demografie 2103 Historical Studies         0323-0937      
7190 C Historicky Obzor: casopis pro vyuku dejepisu a popularizaci historie 2103 Historical Studies         1210-6097      
7191 C Historie 2103 Historical Studies         0107-4725      
8825 B Historiographia Linguistica: international journal for the history of the language 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0302-5160 1569-9781    
21363 C Historiography East and West 2103 Historical Studies         1570-1867      
7193 C Historisch Jaarboek Groningen 2103 Historical Studies         1570-3916      
7194 B Historische Anthropologie: Kultur - Gesellschaft - Alltag 1601 Anthropology  2103 Historical Studies     0942-8704      
7197 A Historische Sprachforschung 2004 Linguistics 2103 Historical Studies     0935-3518      
7198 A* Historische Zeitschrift 2103 Historical Studies         0018-2613      
7199 B Historisches Jahrbuch 2103 Historical Studies         0018-2621      
7202 C Historisch-Politische Mitteilungen: Archiv fuer Christlich-Demokratische Politik 2103 Historical Studies         0943-691X      
7203 A Historisk Tidsskrift 2103 Historical Studies         0018-263X 1504-2944    
7207 A History and Anthropology 1601 Anthropology  2103 Historical Studies     0275-7206 1477-2612    
8066 C History and Archaeology Review 2101 Archaeology         0269-9591      
7209 A History and Memory: studies in representation of the past 2103 Historical Studies         0935-560X 1527-1994    
8433 B History and Philosophy of Logic 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0144-5340 1464-5149    
11331 B History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0391-9714 1742-6316    
7210 A History and Technology: an international journal 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0734-1512 1477-2620    
7211 A* History and Theory: studies in the philosophy of history 2103 Historical Studies 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     0018-2656 1468-2303    
7212 B History Australia 2103 Historical Studies         1449-0854 1833-4881 0312-6986  
7213 C History Compass 2103 Historical Studies         1478-0542      
35591 A History in Africa: an annual journal of method 2103 Historical Studies         0361-5413      
34878 C History Ireland 2103 Historical Studies         0791-8224      
18649 B History of Economic Ideas 1499 Other Economics 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     1122-8792 1724-2169    
18650 B History of Economics Review 1401 Economic Theory 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     1037-0196      
7214 B History of Education 2103 Historical Studies 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     0046-760X 1464-5130 0140-671X  
7215 A History of Education Quarterly 2103 Historical Studies 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     0018-2680 1748-5959    
20426 C History of Education Researcher 2103 Historical Studies         1740-2433 0018-2699    
7216 A History of Education Review 2103 Historical Studies 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     0819-8691      
8434 B History of European Ideas 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 2203 Philosophy      0191-6599 1873-541X    
40903 C History of Intellectual Culture 2103 Historical Studies         1492-7810      
8438 B History of Philosophy Quarterly 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science 0740-0675      
9984 A History of Photography 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts     0308-7298      
18667 A* History of Political Economy 1401 Economic Theory 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 1606 Political Science 0018-2702 1527-1919    
7217 A History of Political Thought 1606 Political Science 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     0143-781X      
34778 A History of Psychiatry 2005 Literary Studies 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     0957-154X 1740-2360    
30595 B History of Psychology 1701 Psychology 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 1702 Cognitive Science 1093-4510 1939-0610    
7218 A* History of Religions 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0018-2710 1545-6935    
8436 B History of Science: review of literature and research 2103 Historical Studies         0073-2753 1753-8564    
7219 B History of Technology 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0307-5451      
11335 A History of the Human Sciences 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     0952-6951 1461-720X    
7221 C History Teacher 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0018-2745      
7222 C History Today 2103 Historical Studies         0018-2753      
7223 A History Workshop Journal 2103 Historical Studies         1363-3554 1477-4569    
7206 A History: the journal of the Historical Association 2103 Historical Studies         0018-2648      
8067 C Histria Archaeologica 2101 Archaeology         0350-6320      
10359 B Hitchcock Annual 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         1062-5518      
18376 B Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics 14 Economics         0018-280X      
16202 B HIV Clinical Trials 1103 Clinical Sciences         1528-4336 1945-5771    
16203 C HIV Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         1464-2662 1468-1293    
8439 B Hobbes Studies 2203 Philosophy          0921-5891 1875-0257    
34664 A Hofmannsthal Jahrbuch zur Europaeischen Moderne 2005 Literary Studies         0946-4018      
11879 C Hofstra Hispanic Review 2005 Literary Studies         1558-7487      
33394 B Hofstra Labor and Employment Law Journal 1801 Law         0739-8220 1052-3332    
33395 B Hofstra Law Review 1801 Law         0091-4029      
15372 C Hokkaido Journal of Medical Science 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0367-6102      
171 B Hokkaido Mathematical Journal 0101 Pure Mathematics         0385-4035 0018-3482    
5606 C Hokkaido Veterinary Medical Association Journal 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0018-3385      
14196 C Holistic Nursing Practice 1110 Nursing         0887-9311 1550-5138    
7227 C Holland: regionaal-historisch tijdschrift 2103 Historical Studies         0166-2511      
7228 B Holocaust and Genocide Studies: an international journal 2103 Historical Studies         8756-6583 1476-7937    
11490 A Holocaust Studies Series 2204 Religion and Religious Studies 2103 Historical Studies     0924-5022      
12787 C Holocaust Studies: a journal of culture and history 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  2204 Religion and Religious Studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 1750-4902 1359-1371 0966-095X  
40207 C Holy Land Studies: a multidisciplinary journal 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1474-9475 1750-0125    
4905 C Holzforschung: international journal of the biology, chemistry, physics and technology of wood 0705 Forestry Sciences         0018-3830 1437-434X    
30521 A Home Cultures: the journal of architecture, design and space 1201 Architecture         1740-6315 1751-7427    
30448 C Home Health Care Management and Practice 1110 Nursing         1084-8223 1552-6739 0897-8018  
13890 C Home Health Care Services Quarterly 1110 Nursing         0162-1424 1545-0856    
30445 C Home Healthcare Nurse 1110 Nursing         0884-741X      
20155 C Home School Researcher 1301 Education Systems          1054-8033      
17139 B Homicide Studies: an interdisciplinary and international journal 1602 Criminology 1801 Law     1088-7679 1552-6720    
44969 C Homme et la sociŽtŽ (LÕ) 1608 Sociology         0018-4306      
44970 C Hommes and Migrations 1603 Demography  1604 Human Geography     1142-852X 0223-3290    
30571 C Homo Oeconomicus 14 Economics         0943-0180      
36851 C HOMO: journal of comparative human biology 0699 Other Biological Sciences         0018-442X 1618-1301    
32292 B Homology, Homotopy and Applications 0101 Pure Mathematics         1532-0073 1532-0081    
8827 C Hong Kong Journal of Applied Linguistics 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     1028-4435 1015-2059    
13082 C Hong Kong Journal of Psychiatry 1103 Clinical Sciences         1026-2121      
34213 B Hong Kong Journal of Social Work 1607 Social Work         0219-2462      
33397 B Hong Kong Law Journal 1801 Law         0378-0600      
15373 C Hong Kong Medical Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1024-2708      
16205 C Hong Kong Physiotherapy Journal 1103 Clinical Sciences         1013-7025      
13568 C Hong Kong Practitioner 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1027-3948      
34663 C Hongloumeng Xuekan 2005 Literary Studies         1001-7917      
12738 B Horizons (Villanova) 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0360-9669      
31389 B Horizons in Biblical Theology 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0195-9085 1871-2207    
37238 C Horizons Philosophiques 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     1181-9227      
44912 C Hormigon y Acero 1202 Building         0439-5689      
16207 B Hormone and Metabolic Research 1103 Clinical Sciences         0018-5043 1439-4286    
16208 B Hormone Research 1103 Clinical Sciences         0301-0163 1423-0046    
39776 B Hormones and Behaviour 1116 Medical Physiology 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine     0018-506X 1095-6867    
7231 B Horos 2103 Historical Studies         1105-2163      
5387 C Horticultural Reviews 0706 Horticultural Production         0163-7851      
5388 B Hortscience 0706 Horticultural Production         0018-5345      
5427 C Horttechnology 0706 Horticultural Production         1063-0198 1943-7714    
41841 C Hospital Pharmacist 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences         1352-7967      
13156 C Hospital Psiquiatrico de la Habana Revista 1103 Clinical Sciences         0138-7103      
5951 A Housing Policy Debate 1605 Policy and Administration 1205 Urban and Regional Planning     1051-1482      
5952 A Housing Studies 1205 Urban and Regional Planning 1402 Applied Economics     0267-3037 1466-1810    
5953 A Housing, Theory and Society 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         1403-6096 1651-2278 0281-5737  
33398 C Houston Business and Tax Law Journal 1801 Law         1543-2602      
33399 B Houston Journal of Health Law and Policy 1801 Law         1534-7907      
33400 C Houston Journal of International Law 1801 Law         0194-1879      
172 B Houston Journal of Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         0362-1588      
33401 B Houston Law Review 1801 Law         0018-6694      
17141 B Howard Journal of Criminal Justice 1602 Criminology         0265-5527 1468-2311    
33402 C Howard Law Journal 1801 Law         0018-6813 1931-0692    
33403 C Howard Scroll: The Social Justice Law Review 1801 Law         1070-3713      
6557 C HR focus: the hands-on tool for human resources professionals 1503 Business and Management         1059-6038 1945-5089 0031-5702  
7232 C Hrvatska Akademija Znanosti i Umjetnosti v Dubrovniku. Zavod za Povijesne Znanosti. Anali 1007 Nanotechnology         1330-0598      
7828 C Hrvatska Akademija Znanosti i Umjetnosti. Zavod za Povijesne i Drustvene Znanosti. Zbornik 2103 Historical Studies         1330-7134      
7555 C Hrvatska Akademija Znanosti i Umjetnosti. Zavod za Povijesne Znanosti u Zadru. Radovi 2103 Historical Studies         1330-0474      
44913 C Hua zhong jian zhu: Huazhong Architecture (China) 1201 Architecture         1003-739X      
3963 C Huadong Ligong Daxue Xuebao 0904 Chemical Engineering          1006-3080 1007-8029    
18538 C Huan Bohai Jingji Liaowang 14 Economics         1004-9754      
10361 C Huang Zhong 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         1003-7721      
8068 C Huaxia Kaogu 2101 Archaeology         1001-9928      
15374 C Huazhong University of Science and Technology Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1672-0733 1993-1352 1672-0741  
11880 C Hubbub 2005 Literary Studies         1047-0158      
8440 C Hugur 2203 Philosophy          1021-7215      
40389 C Hukay 2101 Archaeology         0119-173X      
35229 C Human Affairs 2203 Philosophy          1210-3055      
5837 C Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 0502 Environmental Science and Management 0602 Ecology 0501 Ecological Applications 1080-7039 1549-7860    
14767 B Human and Experimental Toxicology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0960-3271 1477-0903    
2390 C Human Biology (Detroit): the international journal of population biology and genetics 0604 Genetics          0018-7143 1534-6617    
14545 A Human Brain Mapping 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     1065-9471 1097-0193    
9224 A Human Communication Research 2001 Communication and Media Studies         0360-3989 1468-2958    
6287 B Human Development 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0018-716X 1423-0054    
5838 C Human Dimensions of Wildlife 06 Biological Sciences 05 Environmental Sciences     1087-1209 1533-158X    
36006 A Human Ecology 1601 Anthropology          1464-5653      
41021 C Human Factors and Aerospace Safety: an international journal 0901 Aerospace Engineering         1468-9456      
3593 B Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing 0910 Manufacturing Engineering 1503 Business and Management     1090-8471 1520-6564 1045-2699  
6288 A Human Factors: the journal of the human factors and ergonomics society 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0018-7208 1547-8181    
16211 C Human Fertility: an international, multidisciplinary journal dedicated to furthering research and promoting good practice 1103 Clinical Sciences         1464-7273      
3361 A Human Gene Therapy 1004 Medical Biotechnology 1103 Clinical Sciences     1043-0342 1557-7422    
22190 A Human Genetics 0604 Genetics  1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine 0340-6717 1432-1203    
2391 B Human Heredity: international journal of human and medical genetics 0604 Genetics          0001-5652 1423-0062    
15490 B Human Immunology 1107 Immunology         0198-8859      
31239 B Human IT:  Journal of information technology studies as a human science 0806 Information Systems         1402-151X      
22191 A* Human Molecular Genetics 0604 Genetics  1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine     0964-6906 1460-2083    
6289 B Human Movement Science 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science 1701 Psychology 0903 Biomedical Engineering  0167-9457 1872-7646    
22192 A Human Mutation 0604 Genetics  1103 Clinical Sciences     1059-7794 1098-1004    
9535 C Human Nature: an interdisciplinary biosocial perspective 1601 Anthropology          1045-6767 1936-4776    
41844 B Human Ontogenetics 0604 Genetics  0603 Evolutionary Biology 1116 Medical Physiology 1863-866X 1863-9526    
9536 A Human Organization 1601 Anthropology  1608 Sociology     0018-7259 1938-3525    
16213 B Human Pathology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0046-8177 1532-8392    
6290 B Human Performance 1503 Business and Management 1701 Psychology     0895-9285 1532-7043    
35209 C Human Performance in Extreme Environments 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1529-5168      
14650 C Human Physiology 1116 Medical Physiology         0362-1197 1608-3164 0131-1646  
6291 A Human Psychopharmacology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences 0885-6222 1099-1077    
19445 A Human Relations 1503 Business and Management 1701 Psychology     0018-7267 1741-282X    
16214 A Human Reproduction 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1103 Clinical Sciences 0268-1161 1460-2350    
16215 A* Human Reproduction Update 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine 1117 Public Health and Health Services     1355-4786 1460-2369    
19307 B Human Resource Development International 1503 Business and Management         1367-8868 1469-8374    
19308 B Human Resource Development Quarterly 1503 Business and Management         1044-8004 1532-1096    
19326 B Human Resource Development Review 1503 Business and Management         1534-4843 1552-6712    
33007 A Human Resource Management 1503 Business and Management         0090-4848 1099-050X    
19192 C Human Resource Management International Digest 1503 Business and Management         0967-0734 1758-7166 1461-7633 0967-4969
33011 A Human Resource Management Journal 1503 Business and Management         0954-5395 1748-8583    
19750 A Human Resource Management Review 1503 Business and Management         1053-4822 1873-7889    
41847 C Human Resources for Health 1110 Nursing         1478-4491      
33404 C Human Rights Brief 1801 Law         1932-4073 1932-4081    
33405 B Human Rights Law Journal 1801 Law         0174-4704      
33406 A Human Rights Law Review 1801 Law         1461-7781 1744-1021    
17145 A Human Rights Quarterly: a comparative and international journal of the social sciences, humanities and law 1801 Law 1606 Political Science     0275-0392 1085-794X    
20489 C Human Service Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0890-5428      
8441 B Human Studies 1608 Sociology         0163-8548 1572-851X    
19446 C Human Systems Management 1503 Business and Management         0167-2533 1875-8703    
14951 C Human Vaccines 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1554-8600 1554-8619    
19291 A Human-Computer Interaction 08 Information and Computing Sciences 17 Psychology and Cognitive Sciences 12 Built Environment and Design 0737-0024 1532-7051    
7233 C Humanistica Lovaniensia: journal of Neo-Latin studies 2005 Literary Studies         0774-2908      
7234 C Humanitas 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1066-7210      
40104 C Humanitas Journal of European Studies 1606 Political Science 1402 Applied Economics 1801 Law 1898-231X      
22193 B Humanities Research 2002 Cultural Studies         1440-0669 1834-8491 0312-5041  
41851 C Humanomics 1503 Business and Management         0828-8666      
8442 A Hume Studies 2203 Philosophy          0319-7336      
6293 C Humor: international journal of humor research 1701 Psychology         0933-1719 1613-3722    
44914 B HUNCH: Berlage Institute on Architecture, Urbanism and Landscape 1201 Architecture         1567-9837      
10587 B Hundred Schools in Art 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts         1003-9104      
8707 C Hungarian Journal of Applied Linguistics 2004 Linguistics         1587-1061      
11570 C Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies 2005 Literary Studies         1218-7364 0209-6552    
3966 C Hungarian Journal of Industrial Chemistry 0399 Other Chemical Sciences         0133-0276      
15417 C Hungarian Medical Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0030-6002 1788-6120 2060-6249  
2743 B Huntia: a journal of botanical history 2103 Historical Studies         0073-4071      
10362 A* Huntington Library Quarterly: studies in English and American history and literature 2103 Historical Studies         0018-7895 1544-399X    
8443 A Husserl Studies 2203 Philosophy          0167-9848 1572-8501    
4194 C HVAC and R Research 0905 Civil Engineering         1078-9669      
3363 C Hybridoma: a journal of molecular immunology and experimental and clinical immunotherapy 10 Technology 11 Medical and Health Sciences     1554-0014 1557-8348 1536-8599  
3261 B Hydrobiologia: the international journal on limnology and marine sciences 0405 Oceanography         0018-8158 1573-5117 1386-1980  
1947 B Hydrogeology Journal 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         1431-2174 1435-0157 0941-2816  
1948 A Hydrological Processes 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience 0907 Environmental Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering 0885-6087 1099-1085    
30188 B Hydrological Sciences Journal 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience 0907 Environmental Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering 0262-6667      
22194 A Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience 0907 Environmental Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering 1027-5606 1607-7938    
3538 A Hydrology Research: an international journal 0905 Civil Engineering         0029-1277      
4717 A* Hydrometallurgy 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0304-386X 1879-1158    
7235 C Hygiea Internationalis: an interdisciplinary journal for the history of public health 2103 Historical Studies         1403-8668 1404-4013    
8444 A* Hypatia: a journal of feminist philosophy 2203 Philosophy          0887-5367 1527-2001    
1100 C Hyperfine Interactions 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics         0304-3843 1572-9540    
34812 B Hyperrhiz: new media cultures 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 2002 Cultural Studies     1555-9351      
16216 A* Hypertension 1103 Clinical Sciences         0194-911X 1524-4563 0073-425X  
16217 B Hypertension in Pregnancy 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1064-1955 1525-6065    
16218 A Hypertension Research 1103 Clinical Sciences         0916-9636 1348-4214 0288-0032  
35228 C Hypnos 2203 Philosophy          1413-9138      
31448 A* I Tatti Studies: essays in the Renaissance 2005 Literary Studies 2103 Historical Studies     0393-5949      
40386 B IADIS International journal on www/internet 1099 Other Technology  1303 Specialist Studies In Education     1645-7641      
32293 C IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics         1992-9978 1992-9986    
32036 C IAENG International Journal of Computer Science 08 Information and Computing Sciences         1819-656X 1819-9224    
17597 C IAPQR Transactions MD Multidisciplinary         0970-0102      
40754 C IARTEM e-Journal 1399 Other Education          1837-2104      
41864 C IATSS Research 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1507 Transportation and Freight Services 1701 Psychology 0386-1112      
31079 C IAWA Journal 0705 Forestry Sciences         0928-1541      
17598 C IB Scientific: an open access peer reviewed magazine MD Multidisciplinary         1751-0716      
8829 C Iberica 2004 Linguistics         1139-7241      
41871 C Iberoamericana America Latina - Espana - Portugal 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1577-3388      
8830 B Iberoromania: Zeitschrift fuer die iberoromanischen Sprachen und Literaturen in Europa und Amerika 2004 Linguistics 2005 Literary Studies     0019-0993 1865-9039    
2894 B IBIS 0608 Zoology 0806 Information Systems     0019-1019 1474-919X    
17863 A IBM Journal of Research and Development 0803 Computer Software 0806 Information Systems     0018-8646      
17864 A IBM Systems Journal 0803 Computer Software 0806 Information Systems     0018-8670      
11884 B Ibsen News and Comment: the journal of the ibsen society of america 2005 Literary Studies         1089-6171      
34827 B Ibsen Studies 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1502-1866 1741-8720 0803-0774  
1066 B Icarus 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences         0019-1035 1090-2643    
17533 C ICES Journal of Marine Science: journal du conseil MD Multidisciplinary         1054-3139 1095-9289    
2080 C Ichnos-an International Journal for Plant and Animal Traces 06 Biological Sciences         1042-0940 1563-5236    
2895 C Ichthyological Research 0608 Zoology 0704 Fisheries Sciences     1341-8998 1616-3915 0021-5090  
3880 C ICIS Chemical Business 0904 Chemical Engineering          1936-458X 0952-8377 0014-2875  
11336 C Icon 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1361-8113      
33408 C ICSID Review: foreign investment law journal 1801 Law         0258-3690      
33409 C Idaho Law Review 1801 Law         0019-1205      
12 A Idea (Chicago) 13 Education         1523-1712      
20873 B Idea (Concord): the intellectual property law review 1801 Law         0019-1272      
36310 A IDEA Journal 1201 Architecture         1445-5412      
8445 B Idealistic Studies: an interdisciplinary journal of philosophy 2203 Philosophy          0046-8541      
35227 C Ideas y Valores: revista colombiana de filosofia 2203 Philosophy          0120-0062      
40187 C Identification Canada 0699 Other Biological Sciences 0399 Other Chemical Sciences     0826-8142      
9537 A Identities-Global Studies in Culture and Power 1601 Anthropology  2002 Cultural Studies 1606 Political Science 1070-289X 1547-3384    
41920 Not ranked Identity in the Information Society 0803 Computer Software 0804 Data Format     1876-0678      
20982 C Idrijski Razgledi 1201 Architecture         0019-1523      
40616 C IDrugs: the Investigational Drugs Journal 0605 Microbiology          1369-7056      
30482 C IDS Bulletin: Institute of Development Studies 1402 Applied Economics 1605 Policy and Administration     0265-5012      
4636 B IEE Proceedings Radar Sonar and Navigation 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1751-8784 1751-8792 1350-2395 0956-375X
32004 C IEEE - ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 0803 Computer Software 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0903 Biomedical Engineering  1557-9964 1545-5963    
3602 A IEEE - ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 0910 Manufacturing Engineering 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering     1083-4435 1941-014X    
5074 A IEEE  Transactions on Vehicular Technology 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0018-9545 1939-9359    
4468 A* IEEE ACM Transactions on Networking 0805 Distributed Computing         1063-6692 1558-2566    
44841 B IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0885-8985      
11337 B IEEE Annals of the History of Computing 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 1702 Cognitive Science 1058-6180 1934-1547    
44842 B IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1045-9243      
39711 A IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 1005 Communications Technologies 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering     1536-1225 1548-5757    
4423 B IEEE Circuits and Devices: the magazine of electronic and photonic systems 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         8755-3996      
44843 B IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1531-636X      
5068 A IEEE Communications Letters 1005 Communications Technologies 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering     1089-7798 1558-2558    
4424 B IEEE Communications Magazine 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0163-6804 1558-1896    
44844 C IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1556-603X      
17867 B IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science     0272-1716 1558-1756    
3594 B IEEE Control Systems Magazine 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1066-033X      
39938 C IEEE Design and Test of Computers 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0740-7475 1558-1918    
32041 C IEEE Distributed Systems Online 0805 Distributed Computing         1541-4922      
4565 C IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0883-7554 1558-4402    
4425 A IEEE Electron Device Letters 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0741-3106 1558-0563    
5042 B IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine 0903 Biomedical Engineering          0739-5175      
40966 A IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 0909 Geomatic Engineering  0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering     1545-598X 1558-0571    
44845 C IEEE Industry Applications Magazine 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1077-2618      
44846 C IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Magazine 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1094-6969      
4426 A IEEE Intelligent Systems 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science     1541-1672 1941-1294 1094-7167 0885-9000
32042 B IEEE Internet Computing 0805 Distributed Computing         1089-7801 1941-0131    
3691 A IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1057-7157 1941-0158    
4699 B IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 0911 Maritime Engineering          0364-9059 1558-1691    
978 A* IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0205 Optical Physics     0018-9197 1558-1713    
1245 A IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 0205 Optical Physics 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering     1077-260X 1558-4542    
4429 A IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0018-9200 1558-173X    
4430 A IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0733-8716 1558-0008    
36522 B IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1932-4553 1941-0484    
36882 C IEEE Micro 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0272-1732      
4431 A IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1531-1309 1558-1764 1051-8207  
44847 B IEEE Microwave magazine 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1527-3342      
39937 C IEEE MultiMedia Magazine 0803 Computer Software         1070-986X 1941-0166    
4432 B IEEE Network: the magazine of global information exchange 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0890-8044 1558-156X    
4434 A IEEE Pervasive Computing 0805 Distributed Computing         1536-1268 1558-2590    
1246 A IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0205 Optical Physics     1041-1135 1941-0174    
44848 B IEEE Power and Energy Magazine 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1540-7977      
4436 B IEEE Power Electronics Letters 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1540-7985 1558-3767    
44849 Not ranked IEEE Reviews on Biomedical Engineering 0903 Biomedical Engineering          1937-3333      
44850 B IEEE Robotics and Automation magazine 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1070-9932      
36609 B IEEE Security and Privacy Magazine 0804 Data Format         1540-7993      
4437 B IEEE Sensors Journal 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering     1530-437X 1558-1748    
4438 A IEEE Signal Processing Letters 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1070-9908 1558-2361    
36608 B IEEE Software 0803 Computer Software         0740-7459      
4440 C IEEE Spectrum 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0018-9235 1939-9340    
4568 C IEEE Technology and Society Magazine 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0278-0097      
34290 B IEEE Transaction on Nuclear Science 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics         0018-9499 1558-1578    
3595 B IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging 0910 Manufacturing Engineering 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering     1521-3323 1557-9980 1070-9894  
4441 A IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0018-9251 1557-9603    
5069 A IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 1005 Communications Technologies 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering     0018-926X 1558-2221    
4442 A IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1051-8223 1558-2515    
34661 A* IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing 09 Engineering 20 Language, Communication and Culture 17 Psychology and Cognitive Sciences 1558-7916 1558-7924 1063-6676  
3596 A* IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0018-9286 1558-2523    
30198 A IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0910 Manufacturing Engineering 1545-5955 1558-3783 1042-296X  
41166 C IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0903 Biomedical Engineering      1932-4545 1940-9990    
5043 A* IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 0903 Biomedical Engineering          0018-9294 1558-2531    
5070 A IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting 1005 Communications Technologies         0018-9316 1557-9611    
4443 B IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1051-8215 1558-2205    
4445 A IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part 1: Regular Papers 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1549-8328 1558-0806 1057-7122  
4444 B IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems. Part 2: Express Briefs 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1549-7747 1057-7130 1558-3791  
4446 A* IEEE Transactions on Communications 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 1005 Communications Technologies     0090-6778 1558-0857    
3597 B IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies 0910 Manufacturing Engineering         1521-3331 1557-9972 1070-9886  
36883 C IEEE Transactions on Computer - Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0278-0070      
4447 A* IEEE Transactions on Computers 0803 Computer Software         0018-9340      
5072 B IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 1005 Communications Technologies 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering     0098-3063 1558-4127    
4448 A IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1063-6536 1558-0865    
32040 A IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 0803 Computer Software 0804 Data Format 0805 Distributed Computing 1545-5971 1941-0018    
44851 A IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1530-4388      
4449 C IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1070-9878 1558-4135    
20625 B IEEE Transactions on Education 08 Information and Computing Sciences 09 Engineering 13 Education 0018-9359 1557-9638    
4450 B IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0018-9375 1558-187X    
4451 A IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0018-9383 1557-9646    
44852 B IEEE Transactions on Electronics Packaging Manufacturing 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1521-334X      
4452 A IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0885-8969 1558-0059    
3672 A IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 0913 Mechanical Engineering         0018-9391 1558-0040    
17871 A* IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 1089-778X 1941-0026    
17872 A* IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering     1063-6706 1941-0034    
4638 A IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 0909 Geomatic Engineering  0404 Geophysics 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0196-2892 1558-0644    
17873 A* IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 1057-7149 1941-0042    
3598 B IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 0910 Manufacturing Engineering 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering     0278-0046 1557-9948    
41168 A IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 1005 Communications Technologies 0913 Mechanical Engineering     1551-3203 1941-0050    
4453 B IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0093-9994 1939-9367    
32044 A IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 0803 Computer Software 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 1556-6013 1556-6021    
13572 A* IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 11 Medical and Health Sciences 09 Engineering 08 Information and Computing Sciences 1089-7771 1558-0032    
4454 A* IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0018-9448 1557-9654    
979 B IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0018-9456 1557-9662    
3746 B IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 0905 Civil Engineering         1524-9050      
17876 A IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 0804 Data Format         1041-4347 1558-2191    
980 B IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0903 Biomedical Engineering      0018-9464 1941-0069    
4456 A* IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 08 Information and Computing Sciences 09 Engineering     0278-0062 1558-254X    
981 A IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0018-9480 1557-9670    
5073 A* IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 0805 Distributed Computing 1005 Communications Technologies     1536-1233 1558-0660    
17877 A IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 0803 Computer Software 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering     1520-9210 1941-0077    
982 B IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience 1007 Nanotechnology 0903 Biomedical Engineering  0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 1536-1241 1558-2639    
983 A IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology 1007 Nanotechnology 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 1536-125X 1941-0085    
5064 C IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 1005 Communications Technologies         1932-4537      
4458 A* IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 1045-9227 1941-0093    
5044 A* IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 0903 Biomedical Engineering  0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering     1534-4320 1558-0210    
20981 A* IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 0805 Distributed Computing         1045-9219 1558-2183    
17880 A* IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0806 Information Systems     0162-8828      
1183 C IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering     0093-3813 1939-9375    
4459 A IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0885-8977      
4460 A IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0885-8993 1941-0107    
4461 A* IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0885-8950 1558-0679    
36549 B IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 0806 Information Systems         0361-1434 1558-1500    
4569 A IEEE Transactions on Reliability 0803 Computer Software 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering     0018-9529 1558-1721    
3599 A* IEEE Transactions on Robotics 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1552-3098 1941-0468    
1101 A IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing 0910 Manufacturing Engineering 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering     0894-6507 1558-2345    
36548 Not ranked IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 0803 Computer Software 0805 Distributed Computing     1939-1374      
4462 A* IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 1005 Communications Technologies     1053-587X 1941-0476    
17882 A* IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 0803 Computer Software 0806 Information Systems     0098-5589 1939-3520    
40499 B IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans 08 Information and Computing Sciences 09 Engineering     1083-4427 1558-2426    
4465 A IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics 08 Information and Computing Sciences 09 Engineering 17 Psychology and Cognitive Sciences 1083-4419 1941-0492    
17886 B IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and Reviews 08 Information and Computing Sciences 17 Psychology and Cognitive Sciences 09 Engineering 1094-6977 1558-2442    
1291 C IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0203 Classical Physics     0885-3010 1525-8955    
32046 A IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems 0805 Distributed Computing 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering     1063-8210 1557-9999    
17888 A IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics     1077-2626 1941-0506    
4466 A IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 1005 Communications Technologies     1536-1276 1558-2248    
4467 B IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1536-1284 1558-0687 1070-9916  
4439 B IEEE: Signal Processing Magazine 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering     1053-5888 1558-0792    
44853 C IEICE Electronics Express 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1349-2543 1349-9467    
5077 C IEICE Transactions on Communications 1005 Communications Technologies 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering     0916-8516 1745-1345 1344-4697  
4469 B IEICE Transactions on Electronics 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0916-8524 1745-1353    
17890 C IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics Communications and Computer Sciences 0803 Computer Software 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering     0916-8508 1745-1337 0913-5707  
17892 C IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems 0806 Information Systems 1801 Law 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0916-8532 1745-1361    
4388 C IES Journal. Part A: Civil and Structural Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering     1937-3260 1937-3279 0377-7464  
4416 B IET Circuits, Devices and Systems 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1751-858X 1350-2409 1751-8598  
4417 B IET Communications 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1751-8628 1350-2425 1751-8636  
36607 B IET Computer Vision 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 1751-9632 1751-9640 1350-245X  
32047 B IET Computers and Digital Techniques 0803 Computer Software 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering     1751-8601 1751-861X    
4418 B IET Control Theory and Applications 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0102 Applied Mathematics 0913 Mechanical Engineering 1751-8644 1751-8652 1350-2379  
4573 B IET Electric Power Applications 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1751-8660 1751-8679 1350-2352  
4574 B IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1751-8687 1751-8695 1350-2360  
4575 B IET Image Processing 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1751-9659 1751-9667    
36606 C IET Information Security 0804 Data Format 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering     1751-8709 1751-8717    
44854 C IET Intelligent Transport Systems 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1751-956X      
3608 C IET Manufacturing 0910 Manufacturing Engineering         1754-1794 1741-0509    
5066 B IET Microwaves Antennas and Propagation 1005 Communications Technologies 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering     1751-8725 1751-8733 1350-2417  
44840 A IET Nanobiotechnology 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1478-1581      
4576 C IET Optoelectronics 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0205 Optical Physics     1751-8768 1751-8776    
40528 Not ranked IET Power Electronics 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1755-4535 1755-4543    
40937 B IET Renewable Power Generation 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1752-1416 1752-1424    
4421 B IET Science, Measurement and Technology 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1751-8822 1751-8830 1350-2344  
41674 B IET Signal Processing 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1751-9675      
17866 C IET Software 0803 Computer Software 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering     1751-8806 1751-8814 1462-5970  
44855 C IET Synthetic Biology 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1752-1394      
2296 B IET Systems Biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering     1751-8849 1741-2471 1751-8857  
32048 C IETE Journal of Research 0803 Computer Software         0377-2063      
2744 C Iheringia. Serie Botanica 0607 Plant Biology         0073-4705      
3099 C Iheringia. Serie Zoologia 0608 Zoology         0073-4721      
41856 B IIC International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law 1801 Law         0018-9855 1522-2578    
3673 B IIE Transactions 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0102 Applied Mathematics     0740-817X 1545-8830    
4772 C IIM Metal News 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0972-0480      
36944 C IJDL 2004 Linguistics         0378-2484      
34530 C Ikon: forme e processi del comunicare 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         0019-1744 1972-5574    
14952 C Il Farmaco 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences 1108 Medical Microbiology     0014-827X      
7237 B Il Mar Nero: journal of archaeology and history 2103 Historical Studies         1125-3878      
18539 C Il Pensiero Economico Moderno 14 Economics         1593-8522      
30596 B Il Pensiero Politico: rivista di storia delle idee politiche e sociali 2103 Historical Studies         0031-4846      
9986 A Il Saggiatore Musicale: rivista semestrale di musicologia 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1123-8615      
3098 C ILAR Journal 06 Biological Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences 1084-2020 1930-6180 0018-9960  
8831 C Ilha do Desterro: a journal of English language, literatures in English, and cultural studies 2002 Cultural Studies 2004 Linguistics 2005 Literary Studies 0101-4846      
8070 C Iliria 2101 Archaeology         1727-2548      
7238 B Illinois Classical Studies 2103 Historical Studies         0363-1923      
173 B Illinois Journal of Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         0019-2082      
35481 C Illness, Crisis, and Loss 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1054-1373 1552-6968    
44931 B Illuminating Engineering Society of North America 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering         1550-2716 1550-2724 0099-4480  
35786 B Illusions: a New Zealand magazine of film, television and theatre criticism 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 2002 Cultural Studies 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 0112-9341      
33412 B ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law 1801 Law         1082-944X 1052-3391 0161-1402  
34529 C Iluminace 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         0862-397X      
41678 C IMA Educational Case Journal 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1940-204X      
174 A IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics         0272-4960 1464-3634    
175 B IMA Journal of Management Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics         1471-678X 1471-6798    
176 B IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics     0265-0754 1471-6887    
177 A IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     0272-4979 1464-3642    
10369 C Image (Rochester, 1952): journal of photography and motion pictures 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         0536-5465      
34501 C Image and Narrative: online magazine of the visual narrative 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 2005 Literary Studies     1780-678X      
10368 C Image and Text 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         1021-1497      
1247 B Image and Vision Computing 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering     0262-8856 1872-8138    
10585 C Image Technology 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         1001-0270      
10370 C Images Re - Vues 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         1778-3801      
11886 C ImageTexT 2005 Literary Studies         1549-6732      
10351 C Imaging Science and Photochemistry 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         1674-0475 1000-3231    
4639 C Imaging Science Journal 0205 Optical Physics 1702 Cognitive Science 0909 Geomatic Engineering  1368-2199 1743-131X    
30611 B Imago Mundi: the international journal for the history of cartography 2103 Historical Studies         0308-5694 1479-7801    
15375 C IMAJ 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1565-1088 0021-2180    
32296 C Imhotep: journal africain de mathematiques pures et appliquees 0101 Pure Mathematics         1608-9324      
7239 C Immigrants and Minorities 1603 Demography          0261-9288 1744-0521    
40583 A Immigration and Nationality Law Review 1801 Law         0149-9807      
15491 A* Immunity 1107 Immunology         1074-7613 1097-4180    
15492 C Immunobiology 1107 Immunology         0171-2985 0722-6365    
15493 B Immunogenetics 1107 Immunology         0093-7711 1432-1211    
15494 C Immunologic Research: a selective reference to current research and practice 1107 Immunology         0257-277X 1559-0755    
15495 C Immunological Investigations: a journal of molecular and cellular immunology 1107 Immunology         0882-0139 1532-4311 0090-0877  
15496 A* Immunological Reviews 1107 Immunology         0105-2896 1600-065X    
15497 A Immunology 1107 Immunology 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine     0019-2805 1365-2567    
15474 C Immunology and Allergy Clinics of North America 1107 Immunology         0889-8561 1557-8607 0260-4639  
15499 A Immunology and Cell Biology 1107 Immunology         0818-9641 1440-1711    
15500 B Immunology Letters 1107 Immunology         0165-2478 1879-0542    
15107 C Immunology Today (Reference Edition) 1108 Medical Microbiology         0167-4919      
40904 C Immunome Research 1107 Immunology         1745-7580      
14769 C Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology 1107 Immunology         0892-3973 1532-2513 0163-0571  
5839 C Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal 0502 Environmental Science and Management 1205 Urban and Regional Planning     1461-5517 1471-5465    
32590 C Implant Dentistry 1105 Dentistry         1056-6163 1538-2982    
32591 C Implantodontie 1105 Dentistry         1158-1336      
40412 C Implementation Science 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences     1748-5908      
12741 B Implicit Religion 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1463-9955 1743-1697    
10371 C Impressions (New York) 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         1095-2136      
19950 C Improving Schools 1301 Education Systems          1365-4802 1475-7583    
40094 C Impulso: revista de ciencias sociais e humanas 2002 Cultural Studies 1601 Anthropology      0103-7676      
32298 C IMS Bulletin 0104 Statistics          1544-1881 0146-3942    
11887 C In Geardagum: essays on Old and Middle English 2005 Literary Studies         1933-8724      
39589 C In the world of mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         1029-4171      
9989 B In Theory Only 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         0360-4365      
35790 C In Visible Culture: an electronic journal for visual culture 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts 2002 Cultural Studies     1097-3710      
40617 C In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Animal 0608 Zoology 0604 Genetics      1071-2690 1543-706X    
36860 C In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Plant 0607 Plant Biology         1054-5476 1475-2689    
16219 C In Vivo: international journal of experimental and clinical pathophysiology and drug research 1103 Clinical Sciences         0258-851X      
11571 C Inbetween: essays and studies in literary criticism 2005 Literary Studies         0971-9474      
8832 B Incontri Linguistici 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0390-2412 1724-1669    
7241 C Incontri: rivista di studi italo-nederlandesi 2103 Historical Studies         0169-3379      
178 B Indagationes Mathematicae 0101 Pure Mathematics         0019-3577 1872-6100    
21381 C India Quarterly: a journal of international affairs MD Multidisciplinary         0974-9284      
32592 C Indian Academy of Oral Medicine and Radiology Journal 1105 Dentistry         0972-1363      
36448 C Indian Archives MD Multidisciplinary         0367-7435      
3967 C Indian Chemical Engineer 0904 Chemical Engineering          0019-4506 0371-7690    
18378 C Indian Development Review 1402 Applied Economics         0972-9437      
18660 B Indian Economic and Social History Review 1401 Economic Theory 2103 Historical Studies     0019-4646 1939-9804    
18213 C Indian Economic Journal 14 Economics         0019-4662      
18214 C Indian Economic Review 14 Economics         0019-4670      
31080 C Indian Forester 0705 Forestry Sciences         0019-4816      
35630 Not ranked Indian Growth and Development Review 1402 Applied Economics         1753-8254 1753-8262    
21385 A Indian Historical Review 2103 Historical Studies         0376-9836      
4774 C Indian Institute of Metals. Transactions 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0019-493X      
2092 C Indian Institute of Science. Journal 06 Biological Sciences         0970-4140      
5184 C Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences         0019-5022      
15561 C Indian Journal of Allergy Asthma and Immunology 1107 Immunology         0972-6691      
5476 C Indian Journal of Animal Nutrition 0702 Animal Production         0970-3209      
36942 C Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics: an international journal of applied language sciences 2004 Linguistics         0379-0037      
21386 B Indian Journal of Asian Affairs MD Multidisciplinary         0970-6402      
2332 C Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0301-1208      
3886 C Indian Journal of Chemical Technology 0904 Chemical Engineering          0971-457X      
1575 C Indian Journal of Chemistry. Section B: Organic and Medicinal Chemistry 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry 0305 Organic Chemistry     0376-4699      
3183 C Indian Journal of Comparative Animal Physiology 0606 Physiology          0255-7150      
36253 C Indian Journal of Criminology 1602 Criminology         0376-9844      
16220 C Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         0972-5229 1998-359X    
32593 C Indian Journal of Dental Research 1105 Dentistry         0970-9290 1998-3603    
3262 C Indian Journal of Ecology 0602 Ecology         0304-5250      
18264 C Indian Journal of Economics 14 Economics         0019-5170      
18540 C Indian Journal of Economics and Business 14 Economics         0972-5784      
5789 C Indian Journal of Fisheries 0704 Fisheries Sciences         0970-6011      
5709 C Indian Journal of Forestry 0705 Forestry Sciences         0250-524X      
16221 C Indian Journal of Gastroenterology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0254-8860      
11156 C Indian Journal of Gender Studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 2002 Cultural Studies     0971-5215 1940-0306    
2428 C Indian Journal of Heredity 0604 Genetics          0374-826X      
11338 C Indian Journal of History of Science 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0019-5235      
14954 C Indian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0019-526X      
30165 C Indian Journal of Industrial Relations 1503 Business and Management         0019-5286      
33413 C Indian Journal of International Law 1801 Law         0019-5294      
18379 C Indian Journal of Labour Economics 1402 Applied Economics         0019-5308      
34438 C Indian Journal of Marine Sciences 0405 Oceanography         0379-5136      
41680 C Indian Journal of Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     0019-5324      
15313 C Indian Journal of Medical Research 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0971-5916 0970-955X 0970-9568  
41687 A Indian Journal of Medical Sciences 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences         0019-5359      
2533 C Indian Journal of Microbiology 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     0046-8991 0973-7715    
2534 C Indian Journal of Mycology and Plant Pathology 0605 Microbiology  0607 Plant Biology 0703 Crop and Pasture Production 0971-9393 0303-4097    
20817 C Indian Journal of Open Learning 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0971-2690      
41182 C Indian Journal of Ophthalmology 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry         0301-4738 1998-3689    
15214 C Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology 1108 Medical Microbiology         0377-4929 0974-5130 0019-5448  
14955 C Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0019-5464      
14956 C Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0250-474X 1998-3743    
14770 C Indian Journal of Pharmacology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0253-7613 1998-3751    
21388 C Indian Journal of Philosophic Studies 2203 Philosophy          0376-9860      
2429 C Indian Journal of Physical Anthropology and Human Genetics 0604 Genetics          0378-8156      
17499 C Indian Journal of Physics: Part A 0203 Classical Physics         0252-9262      
14651 C Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences 1116 Medical Physiology     0019-5499      
2745 C Indian Journal of Plant Physiology 0607 Plant Biology         0019-5502 0974-0252    
18833 C Indian Journal of Political Science 1606 Political Science         0019-5510      
21390 C Indian Journal of Politics 1606 Political Science         0303-9951      
13157 C Indian Journal of Psychiatry 1103 Clinical Sciences         0019-5545 1998-3794    
21391 C Indian Journal of Public Administration 1605 Policy and Administration         0019-5561      
537 C Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     0019-5588      
21392 C Indian Journal of Social Work 1607 Social Work         0019-5634      
5607 C Indian Journal of Veterinary Anatomy 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0971-1937      
5608 C Indian Journal of Veterinary Medicine 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0970-051X      
5638 C Indian Journal of Veterinary Research 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0971-4251 0974-0171    
5609 C Indian Journal of Veterinary Surgery 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0254-4105 0973-9726    
14652 C Indian Pacing and Electrophysiology Journal 1116 Medical Physiology         0972-6292      
16222 C Indian Pediatrics 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0019-6061      
21394 C Indian Philosophical Quarterly 2203 Philosophy          0376-415X      
31060 C Indian Phytopathology 0703 Crop and Pasture Production 0605 Microbiology      0367-973X      
5428 C Indian Potato Association. Journal 0706 Horticultural Production         0970-8235 0973-5909    
17604 C Indian Science Cruiser MD Multidisciplinary         0970-4256      
5389 C Indian Society of Pulses Research and Development 0706 Horticultural Production         0970-6380      
5290 C Indian Society of Soil Science Journal 0503 Soil Sciences 0703 Crop and Pasture Production 0607 Plant Biology 0019-638X 0974-0228    
5610 C Indian Veterinary Journal: a monthly record of veterinary science 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0019-6479      
33414 C Indiana Health Law Review 1801 Law         1549-3199      
33415 B Indiana International and Comparative Law Review 1801 Law         1061-4982      
33416 B Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 1801 Law         1080-0727 1543-0367    
33417 B Indiana Law Journal 1801 Law         0019-6665      
33418 C Indiana Law Review 1801 Law         0090-4198      
34877 C Indiana Magazine of History 2103 Historical Studies         0019-6673 1942-9711    
11888 B Indiana Review 2005 Literary Studies         0738-386X      
9990 B Indiana Theory Review 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         0271-8022      
181 A Indiana University Mathematics Journal 0101 Pure Mathematics 0913 Mechanical Engineering     0022-2518 1943-5266 1943-5258  
36765 C Indigenous Law Bulletin 1801 Law         1328-5475 0728-5671    
33891 A Indigenous Law Journal 1801 Law         1703-4566      
32049 C Indilinga: African journal of indigenous knowledge systems 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences         1683-0296      
21396 A* Indo Iranian Journal MD Multidisciplinary         0019-7246 1572-8536    
8833 A Indogermanische Forschungen 2004 Linguistics 2003 Language Studies     0019-7262 1613-0405    
11889 C Indo-Iranica 2005 Literary Studies         0378-0856      
36590 B Indologica Taurinensia MD Multidisciplinary         1023-3881      
9538 A* Indonesia MD Multidisciplinary         0019-7289      
9539 A Indonesia and the Malay World MD Multidisciplinary         1363-9811 1469-8382 0306-2848  
5348 C Indonesian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         1411-982X 0216-8170    
31098 C Indonesian Management and Accounting Research 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1411-8858      
21399 C Indonesian Quarterly MD Multidisciplinary         0304-2170      
41692 A* Indoor Air: international journal of indoor air quality and climate 1117 Public Health and Health Services 0907 Environmental Engineering 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering 0905-6947      
4197 B Indoor and Built Environment 0905 Civil Engineering 1202 Building     1420-326X 1423-0070 1016-4901  
8071 C Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association Bulletin 2101 Archaeology         0156-1316      
19447 A Industrial and Corporate Change 1503 Business and Management         0960-6491 1464-3650    
3890 A Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 0904 Chemical Engineering          0888-5885 1520-5045    
19733 B Industrial and Labor Relations Review 1503 Business and Management         0019-7939      
36389 Not ranked Industrial and Organizational Psychology: perspectives on science and practice 1701 Psychology         1754-9426 1754-9434    
8073 B Industrial Archaeology Review 2101 Archaeology         0309-0728 1745-8196    
5313 B Industrial Crops and Products 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         0926-6690 1872-633X    
40089 C Industrial Health 1503 Business and Management 1117 Public Health and Health Services     0019-8366 1880-8026    
33420 A Industrial Law Journal 1801 Law         0305-9332 1464-3669    
3749 C Industrial Lubrication and Tribology 0913 Mechanical Engineering         0036-8792 1758-5775    
19213 B Industrial Management + Data Systems 0803 Computer Software 0806 Information Systems     0263-5577 1758-5783    
19793 B Industrial Marketing Management 1505 Marketing         0019-8501 1873-2062    
32299 C Industrial Mathematics 01 Mathematical Sciences 10 Technology 02 Physical Sciences 0019-8528      
19739 B Industrial Relations 1402 Applied Economics         0034-379X 1703-8138    
19751 A Industrial Relations Journal 1503 Business and Management         0019-8692 1468-2338    
18380 A* Industrial Relations: a journal of economy and society 1503 Business and Management         0019-8676 1468-232X    
3674 C Industrial Robot 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0143-991X 1758-5791 1356-3378  
36088 B Industrielle Beziehungen: Zeitschrift fuer Arbeit, Organisation und Management 1503 Business and Management         0943-2779      
19317 C Industry and Higher Education 1301 Education Systems  1503 Business and Management     0950-4222      
19907 C Industry and Innovation: dynamics, strategies, policies 1503 Business and Management         1366-2716 1469-8390    
6297 B Infancy 1701 Psychology         1525-0008 1532-7078    
6298 B Infant and Child Development 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1522-7227 1522-7219 1057-3593  
6299 B Infant Behavior and Development 1701 Psychology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science 0163-6383 1934-8800    
6300 B Infant Mental Health Journal 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0163-9641 1097-0355    
39935 B Infant Observation: the international journal of infant observation and its applications 1701 Psychology         1369-8036 1745-8943    
6301 C Infants and Young Children: an interdisciplinary journal of special care practices 1701 Psychology 1103 Clinical Sciences     0896-3746 1550-5081    
16226 A Infection and Immunity 1103 Clinical Sciences 0605 Microbiology      0019-9567 1098-5522    
13573 B Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 1110 Nursing 1117 Public Health and Health Services     0899-823X 1559-6834    
2392 C Infection, Genetics and Evolution 0604 Genetics          1567-1348 1567-7257    
16225 B Infection: journal of infectious disease 1103 Clinical Sciences         0300-8126 1439-0973    
16227 B Infectious Disease Clinics of North America 1103 Clinical Sciences         0891-5520 1557-9824    
16228 C Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynecology 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     1064-7449 1098-0997    
803 B Infinite Dimensional Analysis Quantum Probability and related topics 0102 Applied Mathematics 0104 Statistics      0219-0257 1793-6306    
15502 C Inflammation 1107 Immunology         0360-3997 1573-2576    
41022 C Inflammation and Allergy: Drug Targets 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences 1107 Immunology     1871-5281 1568-010X    
16229 B Inflammation Research 1103 Clinical Sciences         1023-3830 1420-908X    
16230 A Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 1103 Clinical Sciences         1078-0998 1536-4844    
14771 B Inflammopharmacology: experimental and clinical studies 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0925-4692 1568-5608    
41693 A Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses 1103 Clinical Sciences         1750-2640 1750-2659    
31240 B Info 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences 0806 Information Systems     1463-6697 1465-9840    
32050 C InfoComp 08 Information and Computing Sciences         1807-4545      
31241 C INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 0806 Information Systems 1702 Cognitive Science 0315-5986 1916-0615    
36539 C Informaa Quarterly 0807 Library and Information Studies         0816-200X      
17605 C Informacion Tecnologica MD Multidisciplinary         0716-8756 0718-0764    
8446 B Informal Logic: reasoning and argumentation in theory and practice 2203 Philosophy          0824-2577      
17897 C Informatica 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0803 Computer Software     0868-4952 0134-8639    
32052 C Informatica didactica 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences         1615-1771      
32024 C Informatica: journal of computing and informatics 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0803 Computer Software     0350-5596 1854-3871    
13707 C Informatics for Health and Social Care 0807 Library and Information Studies         1753-8157 1753-8165 1463-9238 0959-8316
36604 B Informatics in Education 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences         1648-5831      
13574 C Informatics In Primary Care 0807 Library and Information Studies         1476-0320 1475-9985 1352-2477  
17157 C Information and Communications Technology Law 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences 0806 Information Systems 1801 Law 1360-0834 1469-8404    
17899 B Information and Computation 08 Information and Computing Sciences         0890-5401 1090-2651    
17900 A* Information and Management 1503 Business and Management 0806 Information Systems     0378-7206 1872-7530    
17901 A Information and Organization 0807 Library and Information Studies 0806 Information Systems     1471-7727 1873-7919 0959-8022  
42175 B Information and Records Management Annual 0807 Library and Information Studies         1836-3202      
17902 B Information and Software Technology 0803 Computer Software 0806 Information Systems     0950-5849 1873-6025    
984 C Information Bulletin on Variable Stars 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences         0374-0676 1587-2440    
37251 C Information Design Journal 1203 Design Practice and Management         1876-486X 1871-1138 0142-5471 1388-8951
30362 C Information Development: the international journal for librarians, archivists and information specialists 0807 Library and Information Studies         0266-6669 1741-6469    
18381 B Information Economics and Policy 0807 Library and Information Studies 1605 Policy and Administration 0806 Information Systems 0167-6245 1873-5975    
20983 C Information Fusion 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing         1566-2535 1872-6305    
17903 C Information Management and Computer Security 0806 Information Systems         0968-5227 1758-5805    
17904 A Information Processing and Management 0806 Information Systems 0807 Library and Information Studies     0306-4573 1873-5371    
17905 B Information Processing Letters 01 Mathematical Sciences 08 Information and Computing Sciences     0020-0190 1872-6119    
17906 A Information Research: an international electronic journal 0807 Library and Information Studies         1368-1613      
14 C Information Resources Management Journal 0807 Library and Information Studies 0806 Information Systems     1040-1628 1533-7979    
17907 B Information Retrieval 0804 Data Format 0806 Information Systems 0807 Library and Information Studies 1386-4564 1573-7659    
17908 B Information Sciences 0807 Library and Information Studies 0806 Information Systems     0020-0255 1872-6291 1069-0115  
39773 C Information Security Journal: a Global Perspective 0804 Data Format         1939-3555 1939-3547 1065-898X  
41694 B Information Security Technical Report 1005 Communications Technologies 0803 Computer Software     1363-4127      
30365 C Information Services and Use 0807 Library and Information Studies         0167-5265 1875-8789    
39628 A* Information Systems 0806 Information Systems         0306-4379 1873-6076    
41697 C Information Systems and e-Business Management 0806 Information Systems         1617-9846 1617-9854    
17911 C Information Systems Control Journal 0806 Information Systems         1526-7407 1076-4100 0885-0445  
41699 C Information Systems Education Journal 1099 Other Technology  0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences     1545-679X      
17912 B Information Systems Frontiers: a journal of research and innovation 0806 Information Systems         1387-3326 1572-9419    
17913 A* Information Systems Journal: an international journal promoting the study and practice of information systems 0806 Information Systems 1503 Business and Management     1350-1917 1365-2575 0959-2954  
19246 B Information Systems Management 0806 Information Systems 0807 Library and Information Studies     1058-0530 1934-8703    
17914 A* Information Systems Research 0806 Information Systems 0807 Library and Information Studies 1503 Business and Management 1047-7047 1526-5536    
19304 C Information Technologies and International Development 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences         1544-7529 1544-7537    
32056 C Information Technologist 0807 Library and Information Studies         1597-4316      
32057 C Information Technology and Disabilities 0807 Library and Information Studies 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences     1073-5127      
30347 B Information Technology and Libraries 0807 Library and Information Studies 0806 Information Systems     0730-9295      
5096 C Information Technology and Management 0806 Information Systems         1385-951X 1573-7667    
17917 A Information Technology and People 0806 Information Systems 0807 Library and Information Studies     0959-3845 1758-5813    
35656 C Information Technology for Economics and Management 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing         1643-8949      
20313 C Information Technology in Childhood Education Annual 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1522-8185      
32083 C Information Technology in Hospitality 0806 Information Systems         1545-9535 1943-443X 1533-7340  
32059 C Information Technology Journal 0806 Information Systems 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences     1812-5638 1812-5646 1682-6027  
42179 B Information Technology Management 0806 Information Systems         1080-286X      
20280 B Information Technology, Education and Society 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1037-616X      
19302 C Information Technology, Learning, and Performance Journal 0806 Information Systems         1535-1556 0737-8998    
31252 C Information Visualization 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 0804 Data Format 1702 Cognitive Science 1473-8716 1473-8724    
21940 A Information, Communication and Society 0807 Library and Information Studies 2001 Communication and Media Studies     1369-118X 1468-4462    
32053 C Information, Knowledge, Systems Management 0806 Information Systems 1702 Cognitive Science     1389-1995 1875-8762    
9293 C Informationen Deutsch als Fremdsprache 2004 Linguistics         0724-9616      
2746 C Informatore Botanico Italiano: bollettino della Societa Botanica Italiana 0607 Plant Biology         0020-0697      
19289 C Informing Science: international journal of an emerging transdiscipline 0806 Information Systems         1521-4672 1547-9684 1547-9692  
17919 A Informs Journal on Computing 01 Mathematical Sciences 08 Information and Computing Sciences     1091-9856 1526-5528    
41023 C INFORMS Transactions on Education 14 Economics 15 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services     1532-0545      
1248 C Infrared Physics and Technology 0205 Optical Physics         1350-4495      
3750 C Ingeniare: revista chilena de ingenieria 0913 Mechanical Engineering         0718-3291 0718-3305 0717-1072  
4198 C Ingenieria Hidraulica en Mexico 0905 Civil Engineering         0186-4076 0187-8336    
14772 B Inhalation Toxicology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0895-8378 1091-7691    
17606 C Iniciacao Cientifica CESUMAR MD Multidisciplinary         1518-1243      
5787 C INIDEP Informe Tecnico 0704 Fisheries Sciences         0327-9642      
13576 A Injury Prevention 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1353-8047 1475-5785    
16231 C Injury: International Journal of the Care of the Injured 1103 Clinical Sciences         0020-1383 1879-0267    
5790 C Inland Fisheries Society of India. Journal 0704 Fisheries Sciences         0379-3435      
7245 A Inner Asia MD Multidisciplinary         1464-8172      
30140 B Inner Mongolian Social Sciences MD Multidisciplinary         1002-9265      
40815 C Innovate (North Miami): journal of online education 1301 Education Systems          1552-3233      
35700 B Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1750-1229 1750-1237    
36022 C Innovation: Management, Policy and Practice: the international journal for innovation research, commercialization, policy analysis and best practice Innovation: Management, Policy and Practice 1503 Business and Management         1447-9338 1440-1266    
20279 B Innovations in Education and Teaching International 13 Education         1470-3297 1470-3300 1355-8005  
39609 B Innovations in Incidence Geometry 0101 Pure Mathematics         1781-6475      
32061 B Innovations in Teaching and Learning in Information and Computer Sciences 0803 Computer Software 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science 1473-7507      
35055 B Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)         1466-8564      
20370 B Innovative Higher Education 1301 Education Systems          0742-5627 1573-1758    
1525 A* Inorganic Chemistry 0302 Inorganic Chemistry 0904 Chemical Engineering      0020-1669 1520-510X    
1526 B Inorganic Chemistry Communications 0302 Inorganic Chemistry         1387-7003      
1440 C Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms 0302 Inorganic Chemistry         1028-6624 1607-8470    
1528 C Inorganic Syntheses 0302 Inorganic Chemistry         0073-8077 1934-4716    
1529 B Inorganica Chimica Acta 0302 Inorganic Chemistry         0020-1693 1873-3255 0073-8085  
8447 A Inquiry: an interdisciplinary journal of philosophy 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0020-174X 1502-3923    
13577 C Inquiry-the Journal of Health Care Organization Provision and Financing 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0046-9580 1945-7243    
40487 C INSAF: Malaysian Bar Journal 1801 Law         0126-8538      
2221 A Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0608 Zoology     0965-1748 1879-0240    
41703 Not ranked Insect Conservation and Diversity 0502 Environmental Science and Management 0602 Ecology 0608 Zoology 1752-458X 1752-4598    
2898 A Insect Molecular Biology 0608 Zoology 0604 Genetics  0606 Physiology  0962-1075 1365-2583    
2899 C Insect Science 0608 Zoology         1672-9609 1744-7917 1005-295X  
2901 C Insect Systematics and Evolution: an international journal of systematic entomology 0603 Evolutionary Biology         1399-560X 1876-312X 0013-8711  
2903 B Insectes Sociaux 0608 Zoology         0020-1812 1420-9098    
4776 C Insight (Northampton): non-destructive testing and condition monitoring 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy 1110 Nursing     1354-2575 1754-4904    
41341 C Insight (Saint Louis) 1110 Nursing         1060-135X      
37165 C INSOL International Insolvency Review: journal of the international association of insolvency professionals 1801 Law         1180-0518 1099-1107    
36763 C Insolvency Law Bulletin 1801 Law         1443-9662      
37153 B Insolvency Law Journal 1801 Law         1039-3293      
539 A* Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques, Paris. Publications Mathematiques 0101 Pure Mathematics         0073-8301 1618-1913    
8521 B Institut Dominicain d'Etudes Orientales du Caire. Melanges 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0575-1330 1783-1628    
32209 A Institut Fourier. Annales 0101 Pure Mathematics         0373-0956 1777-5310    
32300 C Institut Mathematique 0101 Pure Mathematics         0350-1302      
8200 C Institut za Archeologiju u Zagrebu. Prilozi 2101 Archaeology         1330-0644      
18542 C Institute of Economic Affairs. Research Monographs 1402 Applied Economics         0073-9103      
30223 Not ranked Institution of Civil Engineers. Proceedings. Urban Design and Planning 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         1755-0793      
4778 C Institution of Engineers (India) Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Division Journal 0912 Materials Engineering         0257-4411      
4101 B Institution of Engineers (India). Mining Engineering Division. Journal 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0257-442X      
4577 C Institution of Engineers Electrical Engineering Division Journal 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0020-3386      
5097 C Institution of Engineers Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Division Journal 1005 Communications Technologies 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering     0251-1096      
3712 B Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Proceedings. Part E 0913 Mechanical Engineering         0954-4089      
3751 C Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand. Electrical, Mechanical and Chemical Engineering Section. Transactions 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0111-946X      
4739 A Institutions of Mining and Metallurgy. Transactions. Section C: Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0371-9553 1743-2855    
4579 C Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas. Boletin 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0185-0059      
11890 C Instituto de Investigaciones Literarias 2005 Literary Studies         1316-4945      
3752 C Institutul Politehnic din Iasi. Buletinul. Sectia 5: Constructii de Masini 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1011-2855      
6302 A Instructional Science 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0020-4277 1573-1952    
1631 C Instrumentation Science and Technology 0301 Analytical Chemistry         1073-9149 1525-6030 0733-4680  
4783 C Instytut Metalurgii Zelaza. Prace 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0137-9941      
35387 C Insurance and Reinsurance Law Briefing 1801 Law         1743-4009 1476-010X 1366-6053  
37174 C Insurance Law Journal 1801 Law         1030-2379      
926 A Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 1402 Applied Economics 0104 Statistics      0167-6687 1873-5959    
41717 C Integers: electronic journal of combinatorial number theory 0101 Pure Mathematics         1553-1732      
10374 C Integral 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         1073-6913      
184 A Integral Equations and Operator Theory 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     0378-620X 1420-8989    
185 B Integral Transforms and Special Functions 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1065-2469 1476-8291    
41720 C Integrated Computer Aided Engineering 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0803 Computer Software     1069-2509      
5881 C Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 05 Environmental Sciences 03 Chemical Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 1551-3777 1551-3793    
1102 C Integrated Ferroelectrics 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0204 Condensed Matter Physics     1058-4587 1607-8489    
4581 A Integration 1006 Computer Hardware         0167-9260 1872-7522    
41601 C Integration: Mathematical Theory and Applications 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1948-5972      
2904 A Integrative and Comparative Biology 0608 Zoology         1540-7063 1557-7023 0003-1569  
34161 C Integrative Medicine Insights 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         1177-3936      
34135 C Integrative Medicine: a clinican's journal 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         1546-993X 1945-7081    
6547 B Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1932-4502 1936-3567 1053-881X  
36859 C Integrative Zoology 0608 Zoology         1749-4869 1749-4877    
20736 C Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: journal of policy, practice, and perspectives 1103 Clinical Sciences         1934-9491 1934-9556 0047-6765  
30597 A Intellectual History Review 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1749-6977 1749-6985 1561-5324  
35543 C Intellectual Property Forum 1801 Law         0815-2098      
35455 B Intellectual Property Journal 1801 Law         0824-7064      
33421 C Intellectual Property Law Bulletin 1801 Law         1554-9607      
33422 B Intellectual Property Quarterly 1801 Law         1364-906X      
6304 A Intelligence 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0160-2896 1873-7935    
30598 B Intelligence and National Security 1606 Political Science         0268-4527 1743-9019    
32062 C Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science     1079-8587      
44915 Not ranked Intelligent Buildings International 1201 Architecture         1750-8975      
17922 B Intelligent Data Analysis 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0804 Data Format 1702 Cognitive Science 1088-467X 1571-4128    
32090 C Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science     1550-1949 1099-1174    
34527 B Intensities: the journal of cult media 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 2002 Cultural Studies     1471-5031      
14082 C Intensive and Critical Care Nursing 1110 Nursing         0964-3397 1532-4036    
16232 A Intensive Care Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         0342-4642 1432-1238    
13578 B Interacting with Computers 0806 Information Systems 1702 Cognitive Science 1203 Design Practice and Management 0953-5438      
40741 B Interaction Studies: social behaviour and communication in biological and artificial systems 1702 Cognitive Science         1572-0373 1572-0381 1387-5337  
39934 C InterActions: UCLA journal of education and information studies 0807 Library and Information Studies         1548-3320      
20276 B Interactive Learning Environments 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1049-4820 1744-5191    
10375 C Interactive Media 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 2001 Communication and Media Studies     1833-0533      
32064 C Interactive Multimedia Electronic Journal of Computer Enhanced Learning 0806 Information Systems         1525-9102      
20300 C Interactive Technology and Smart Education: promoting innovation and a human touch 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1741-5659 1758-8510    
6648 C Interamerican Journal of Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0034-9690      
33964 B Inter-American Law Review 1801 Law         0884-1756      
21401 A Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 2002 Cultural Studies 2001 Communication and Media Studies     1464-9373 1469-8447    
20030 B Interchange: a quarterly review of education 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0826-4805 1573-1790    
17500 C Interciencia: journal of science and technology of the Americas MD Multidisciplinary         0378-1844      
10999 B Intercultural Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1467-5986 1469-8439 0952-391X  
8837 A Intercultural Pragmatics 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     1612-295X 1613-365X    
41721 C Inter-Cultural Studies 2002 Cultural Studies         1445-1190      
40905 C Interculture 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1552-5910      
35670 C Interdisciplinary Environmental Review 15 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services         1521-0227      
34660 B Interdisciplinary Humanities 13 Education 16 Studies In Human Society     1056-6139 1551-9236    
41726 C Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management 0807 Library and Information Studies 1503 Business and Management     1555-1229      
40906 C Interdisciplinary Journal of Knowledge and Learning Objects 1399 Other Education          1552-2210 1552-2237    
30087 C Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1556-3723      
11342 C Interdisciplinary Science Reviews MD Multidisciplinary         0308-0188 1743-2790    
11573 C Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment 2005 Literary Studies         1076-0962 1759-1090    
18383 C Intereconomics: review of European economic policy 1402 Applied Economics         0020-5346 1613-964X    
37121 C Interface: A Forum for Theology in the World 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1329-6264      
19416 B Interfaces 0806 Information Systems 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics 0092-2102 1526-551X    
186 B Interfaces and Free Boundaries 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics     1463-9963 1463-9971    
32065 B InterJournal 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing         1081-0625      
10600 A Interlending and Document Supply 0807 Library and Information Studies         0264-1615 1758-5848    
34791 B Intermedialites 1901 Art Theory and Criticism         1705-8546      
1441 A Intermetallics 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)     0966-9795 1879-0216    
16234 C Internal Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         0918-2918 1349-7235    
16235 B Internal Medicine Journal 1103 Clinical Sciences         1444-0903 1445-5994    
18215 C International Advances in Economic Research 14 Economics         1083-0898 1573-966X    
18835 A International Affairs (London, 1944) 1606 Political Science 1605 Policy and Administration     0020-5850 1468-2346    
33424 C International and Comparative Corporate Law Journal 1801 Law         1388-7084 1875-8290    
33425 A* International and Comparative Law Quarterly 1801 Law         0020-5893 1471-6895    
34039 C International and Comparative Law Review 1801 Law         1551-3289      
16236 C International Angiology: a journal on angiology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0392-9590 1827-1839    
5128 C International Applied Mechanics 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0912 Materials Engineering 0102 Applied Mathematics 1063-7095 1573-8582 0032-8243 0038-5298
33426 C International Arbitration Law Review 1801 Law         1367-8272      
15504 C International Archives of Allergy and Applied Immunology 1107 Immunology         1018-2438 1423-0097    
13579 C International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0340-0131 1432-1246    
3414 B International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation 06 Biological Sciences         0964-8305 1879-0208    
40066 C International Breastfeeding Journal 1110 Nursing         1746-4358      
12742 B International Bulletin of Missionary Research 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0272-6122 0193-8320    
20948 A International Bulletin of the Association for Preservation Technology 1201 Architecture         0848-8525      
18543 C International Business and Economics Research Journal 1503 Business and Management         1535-0754      
35551 C International Business Lawyer 1801 Law         0309-7676      
22197 B International Business Review 1503 Business and Management         0969-5931 1873-6149    
14773 A International Clinical Psychopharmacology 1701 Psychology         0268-1315      
41736 C International Coaching Psychology Review 1701 Psychology         1750-2764      
33428 C International Commentary on Evidence 1801 Law         1554-4567      
3753 A International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 0913 Mechanical Engineering         0735-1933 1879-0178    
33429 C International Community Law Review 1801 Law         1871-9740 1871-9732 1388-9036 1567-7125
35534 C International Company and Commercial Law Review 1801 Law         0958-5214      
41024 C International Congress Series 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences         0531-5131      
36759 B International Construction Law Review 1801 Law 1202 Building     0265-1416      
30157 C International Criminal Justice Review 1801 Law 1602 Criminology     1057-5677 1556-3855    
36813 C International Criminal Law Review 1801 Law         1567-536X 1571-8123    
5466 B International Dairy Journal 0908 Food Sciences         0958-6946      
32594 B International Dental Journal 1105 Dentistry         0020-6539 1875-595X    
35170 A International Development Planning Review 1205 Urban and Regional Planning 1402 Applied Economics     1474-6743 1478-3401 0142-7849  
18216 C International Economic Journal 14 Economics         1016-8737 1743-517X    
18217 A* International Economic Review 14 Economics         0020-6598 1468-2354    
18544 B International Economics and Economic Policy 1402 Applied Economics         1612-4804 1612-4812    
20031 B International Education Journal 13 Education         1443-1475      
41739 Not ranked International Education Studies 1301 Education Systems  1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1913-9020 1913-9039    
19933 B International Electronic Journal for Leadership in Learning 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1206-9620      
40461 Not ranked International Electronic Journal of Geometry 0101 Pure Mathematics         1307-5624      
41177 C International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1306-3030      
14040 B International Emergency Nursing 1110 Nursing         1755-599X 1532-9267 0965-2302  
22199 C International Employment Relations Review 1503 Business and Management         1324-1125      
32595 A* International Endodontic Journal 1105 Dentistry         0143-2885 1365-2591    
3484 B International Energy Journal 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1513-718X      
41025 C International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 1801 Law 1606 Political Science     1567-9764 1573-1553    
6017 B International Family Planning Perspectives 1603 Demography          0190-3187 1944-0391 1944-0405  
11158 B International Feminist Journal of Politics 1606 Political Science 1699 Other Studies In Human Society     1461-6742 1468-4470    
11892 B International Fiction Review 2005 Literary Studies         0315-4149      
18306 B International Finance 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1367-0271 1468-2362    
18313 C International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management         1096-7508 1559-2448    
41026 C International Food Research Journal 0908 Food Sciences         1985-4668 1505-5337 0127-7324  
5710 C International Forestry Review 0705 Forestry Sciences         1465-5489 0010-3381    
36199 C International Forum of Psychoanalysis 1701 Psychology         0803-706X 1651-2324    
13582 C International Gambling Studies 1506 Tourism 1701 Psychology     1445-9795 1479-4276    
30490 B International Game Theory Review 1401 Economic Theory         0219-1989 1793-6675    
30193 B International Geology Review 0402 Geochemistry 0403 Geology 0404 Geophysics 0020-6814 1938-2839    
36460 C International Heart Journal 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1349-2365 1349-3299 0021-4868  
7247 B International History Review 2103 Historical Studies         0707-5332      
15506 A International Immunology 1107 Immunology         0953-8178 1460-2377    
14774 B International Immunopharmacology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1567-5769      
10671 C International Information and Library Review 0807 Library and Information Studies         1057-2317 1095-9297    
30366 C International Information, Communication and Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0970-1850      
30406 C International Insights 1606 Political Science         0829-321X      
5897 C International Institute for Environment and Development. Sustainable Agriculture Programme. Hidden Harvest Research Series 0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management         1358-3875      
37163 A International Insurance Law Review 1801 Law         0968-2090      
30388 B International Journal 1606 Political Science 1605 Policy and Administration     0020-7020      
20350 B International Journal for Academic Development 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1360-144X 1470-1324    
36574 B International Journal for Blasting and Fragmentation 09 Engineering         1744-4977 1385-514X    
15540 C International Journal for Clinical and Investigative Allergology and Clinical Immunology 1107 Immunology         0301-0546 1578-1267    
4341 B International Journal for Computational, Civil and Structural Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering         1524-5845      
44916 B International Journal for Construction Marketing 1202 Building         1463--770 1463-7189    
20818 C International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance 1301 Education Systems          1873-0388 1573-1782 1023-8921  
13583 C International Journal for Equity in Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1475-9276      
5954 B International Journal for Housing Science and Its Applications: housing planning 1202 Building 0905 Civil Engineering     0146-6518      
32067 C International Journal for Infonomics 0806 Information Systems 0807 Library and Information Studies     1742-4720      
20497 B International Journal for Mathematics Teaching and Learning 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1473-0111      
3495 A International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 09 Engineering 01 Mathematical Sciences     0363-9061 1096-9853 1082-5010  
187 A* International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 09 Engineering 01 Mathematical Sciences     0029-5981 1097-0207    
188 A International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 01 Mathematical Sciences 02 Physical Sciences 09 Engineering 0271-2091 1097-0363    
5512 A* International Journal for Parasitology 0707 Veterinary Sciences 0605 Microbiology  0608 Zoology 0020-7519 1879-0135    
8448 A International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 2203 Philosophy  2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0020-7047 1572-8684    
13584 A International Journal for Quality in Health Care 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1353-4505 1464-3677    
6306 C International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1701 Psychology     0165-0653 1573-3246    
4784 B International Journal for the Joining of Materials 0912 Materials Engineering         0905-6866      
12744 C International Journal for the Psychology of Religion 1701 Psychology         1050-8619 1532-7582    
20587 C International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1931-4744      
33430 A International Journal for the Semiotics of Law 1801 Law         0952-8059 1572-8722    
12745 B International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1474-225X 1747-0234    
13585 C International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics         0300-9831      
41213 B International Journal of Abrasive Technology 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0910 Manufacturing Engineering 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering 1752-2641 1752-265X    
2906 C International Journal of Acarology 0608 Zoology         0164-7954 1945-3892    
41212 Not ranked International Journal of Accounting and Finance 1402 Applied Economics         1752-8224 1752-8232    
36135 B International Journal of Accounting and Information Management 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1834-7649 1758-9037 1018-368X  
19088 B International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1467-0895 1873-4723    
36136 B International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1740-8008 1740-8016    
3675 B International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering     1027-5851      
5098 B International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing 0805 Distributed Computing 1005 Communications Technologies 1702 Cognitive Science 1743-8225 1743-8233    
4472 C International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0890-6327 1099-1115    
4906 B International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 0912 Materials Engineering         0143-7496 1879-0127    
40648 B International Journal of Adolescence and Youth 1608 Sociology         0267-3843      
41743 B International Journal of Advanced Information Technologies 1503 Business and Management 0806 Information Systems     1996-2568      
41211 Not ranked International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing         1755-0386 1755-0394    
3603 B International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 0910 Manufacturing Engineering         0268-3768 1433-3015 0178-0026  
41210 Not ranked International Journal of Advanced Mechatronic Systems 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1756-8412 1756-8420    
36543 C International Journal of Advanced Media and Communication 0803 Computer Software         1462-4613 1741-8003    
36542 B International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 08 Information and Computing Sciences 09 Engineering 17 Psychology and Cognitive Sciences 1729-8806 1729-8814    
4218 B International journal of advanced steel construction 0905 Civil Engineering         1816-112X      
19794 B International Journal of Advertising 1505 Marketing         0265-0487      
7248 A International Journal of African Historical Studies 2103 Historical Studies         0361-7882 0001-9992    
32068 B International Journal of Agent Oriented Software Engineering 0803 Computer Software 1702 Cognitive Science     1746-1375 1746-1383    
44881 C International Journal of Agile Manufacturing 0910 Manufacturing Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering 1536-2639      
19401 C International Journal of Agile Systems and Management 1503 Business and Management         1741-9174 1741-9182    
36201 B International Journal of Aging and Human Development 1701 Psychology 1117 Public Health and Health Services 0102 Applied Mathematics 0091-4150 1541-3535 0002-0974  
32877 C International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology 1402 Applied Economics         1462-4605 1741-5004    
31062 C International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         1473-5903 1747-762X    
189 A International Journal of Algebra and Computation 0101 Pure Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics     0218-1967 1793-6500    
41209 C International Journal of Alternative Propulsion 0902 Automotive Engineering         1471-0234 1741-8011    
8838 A International Journal of American Linguistics 2004 Linguistics         0020-7071 1545-7001    
16238 A International Journal of Andrology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine     0105-6263 1365-2605    
4582 B International Journal of Antennas and Propagation 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 1005 Communications Technologies     1687-5869 1687-5877    
14775 B International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0924-8579 1872-7913    
18384 C International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research 1503 Business and Management         0972-7302      
39933 A International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology: ceramic product development and commercialization 0904 Chemical Engineering          1546-542X 1744-7402    
36603 Not ranked International Journal of Applied Cryptography 0804 Data Format         1753-0563      
41208 Not ranked International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences 0806 Information Systems         1755-8077 1755-8085    
4640 C International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 0909 Geomatic Engineering          1569-8432 1872-826X    
18162 C International Journal of Applied Econometrics and Quantitative Studies 1403 Econometrics  1402 Applied Economics     1698-4153 1988-0081    
18385 C International Journal of Applied Economics 1402 Applied Economics         1548-0003      
18386 C International Journal of Applied Economics and Econometrics 1402 Applied Economics         1530-7247 0971-8281    
39815 Not ranked International Journal of Applied Educational Studies 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1996-773X      
3824 B International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1383-5416 1875-8800 0925-2096  
34269 C International Journal of Applied HRM 1503 Business and Management         1742-2604      
8839 B International Journal of Applied Linguistics 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0802-6106 1473-4192    
42180 B International Journal of Applied Management and Technology 0806 Information Systems         1544-4740      
41207 Not ranked International Journal of Applied Management Science 1503 Business and Management         1755-8913 1755-8921    
39932 C International Journal of Applied Mathematical Sciences 0102 Applied Mathematics         0973-0176      
190 C International Journal of Applied Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics         1311-1728      
32306 C International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences 08 Information and Computing Sciences     1307-6906      
32305 C International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics 0102 Applied Mathematics 0104 Statistics      0973-1377      
36527 B International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1734-4492 1425-1655    
32309 C International Journal of Applied Nonlinear Science 0102 Applied Mathematics         1752-2862 1752-2870    
8449 C International Journal of Applied Philosophy 2203 Philosophy  2201 Applied Ethics     0739-098X      
19402 C International Journal of Applied Quality Management (Doncaster) 1503 Business and Management         1742-2647      
5898 C International Journal of Applied Sustainable Development 0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management         1742-2620      
41206 C International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies 1503 Business and Management         1751-0589 1751-0597    
17925 B International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0104 Statistics  0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0888-613X 1873-4731    
41747 B International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1932-9997 1932-9253    
41218 Not ranked International Journal of Arab Culture, Management and Sustainable Development 2002 Cultural Studies         1753-9412 1753-9420    
11893 B International Journal of Arabic-English Studies 2005 Literary Studies         1680-0982      
9992 A International Journal of Art and Design Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1203 Design Practice and Management     1476-8062 1476-8070 0260-9991  
10377 B International Journal of Art Therapy 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts         1745-4832 1745-4840 0264-7141  
41219 Not ranked International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing         1755-4950 1755-4969    
20289 C International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1560-4292 1560-4306    
5045 C International Journal of Artificial Organs 0903 Biomedical Engineering          0391-3988 0261-989X    
41220 Not ranked International Journal of Arts and Technology 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         1754-8853 1754-8861    
39929 C International Journal of Arts Management 1504 Commercial Services         1480-8986      
21404 C International Journal of Asia: Pacific Studies MD Multidisciplinary         1823-6243      
31162 C International Journal of Asian Management 1503 Business and Management         1618-7504      
21403 A International Journal of Asian Studies MD Multidisciplinary         1479-5914 1479-5922    
30194 A International Journal of Astrobiology 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences 0403 Geology     1473-5504 1475-3006    
16240 C International Journal of Audiology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1499-2027 1708-8186 0300-5364 0020-6091
19089 B International Journal of Auditing 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1090-6738 1099-1123    
41221 C International Journal of Automation and Control 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0910 Manufacturing Engineering 1740-7516 1740-7524    
39772 C International Journal of Automation Technology 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1881-7629 1883-8022    
41222 B International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management 0902 Automotive Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering 1470-9511 1741-5012    
36602 Not ranked International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems 0805 Distributed Computing 1702 Cognitive Science     1754-8632 1754-8640    
6308 C International Journal of Aviation Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1050-8414 1532-7108    
19795 C International Journal of Bank Marketing 1505 Marketing         0265-2323 1758-5937    
41751 C International Journal of Banking and Finance 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1675-7227      
41223 Not ranked International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability     1755-3830 1755-3849    
34848 B International Journal of Baudrillard Studies 2005 Literary Studies 2203 Philosophy  1608 Sociology 1705-6411      
6309 B International Journal of Behavioral Development 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0165-0254 1464-0651    
6310 B International Journal of Behavioral Medicine 1701 Psychology         1070-5503 1532-7558    
13586 B International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1479-5868      
41224 Not ranked International Journal of Behavioural Accounting and Finance 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1753-1969 1753-1977    
41225 Not ranked International Journal of Behavioural and Healthcare Research 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1755-3539 1755-3547    
192 B International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics     0218-1274 1793-6551    
20441 B International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science 1367-0050 1747-7522    
8840 A International Journal of Bilingualism 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     1367-0069 1756-6878    
44857 C International Journal of Bioelectromagnetism 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0903 Biomedical Engineering      1456-7857 1456-7865    
36861 B International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences     1744-5485 1744-5493    
2223 C International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0141-8130      
41226 C International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology 0903 Biomedical Engineering          1752-6418 1752-6426    
41754 C International Journal of Biomedical Sciences 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1306-1216      
1968 B International Journal of Biometeorology: the description, causes, and implications of climatic chang 0401 Atmospheric Sciences         0020-7128 1432-1254    
40303 Not ranked International Journal of Biometrics 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics     1755-8301 1755-831X    
36686 C International Journal of Biostatistics 0104 Statistics          1557-4679      
3415 C International Journal of Biotechnology 10 Technology 06 Biological Sciences 09 Engineering 0963-6048 1741-5020    
2333 C International Journal of Biotechnology and Biochemistry 10 Technology 03 Chemical Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 0973-2691      
13229 C International Journal of Body Composition Research 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1479-456X      
2747 C International Journal of Botany 0607 Plant Biology         1811-9700 1811-9719    
19162 C International Journal of Business 1503 Business and Management         1083-4346      
18387 B International Journal of Business and Economics 1402 Applied Economics         1607-0704      
41227 Not ranked International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets 1505 Marketing 1503 Business and Management     1753-6219 1753-6227    
40569 C International Journal of Business and Globalisation 1503 Business and Management         1753-3627 1753-3635    
36137 C International Journal of Business and Information 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1728-8673      
40297 C International Journal of Business and Management 1505 Marketing 1503 Business and Management     1833-3850 1833-8119    
41228 C International Journal of Business and Systems Research 1503 Business and Management         1751-200X 1751-2018    
32069 C International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking 0805 Distributed Computing         1548-0631 1548-064X    
40960 C International Journal of Business Environment 1503 Business and Management         1740-0589 1740-0597    
41229 Not ranked International Journal of Business Excellence 1503 Business and Management         1756-0047 1756-0055    
41230 Not ranked International Journal of Business Forecasting and Market Intelligence 1503 Business and Management         1744-6635 1744-6643    
32878 C International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 2201 Applied Ethics         1477-9048 1741-802X    
31135 C International Journal of Business Information Systems 0806 Information Systems         1746-0972 1746-0980    
31153 C International Journal of Business Innovation and Research 1503 Business and Management         1751-0252      
32070 C International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining 0804 Data Format         1743-8195 1743-8187    
19345 C International Journal of Business Performance Management 1503 Business and Management         1368-4892 1741-5039    
19400 C International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management 1503 Business and Management         1741-8763 1741-8771    
36041 B International Journal of Business Research 1402 Applied Economics 1503 Business and Management     1554-5466      
41758 C International Journal of Business Strategy 1503 Business and Management 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment     1553-9563      
19164 C International Journal of Business Studies 1503 Business and Management         1555-7715 1047-4595    
35629 C International Journal of Business, Economy and Industry Studies 1402 Applied Economics         1206-7873      
16241 A International Journal of Cancer 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         0020-7136 1097-0215    
13587 C International Journal of Cancer Prevention 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1554-1134      
16242 B International Journal of Cardiology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0167-5273 1874-1754    
16243 C International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1569-5794 1875-8312    
31254 C International Journal of Cases on Electronic Commerce 0805 Distributed Computing 0806 Information Systems     1548-0623 1548-0615    
4719 B International Journal of Cast Metals Research 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1364-0461 1743-1336    
21405 C International Journal of Central Asian Studies MD Multidisciplinary         1226-4490      
31203 C International Journal of Central Banking 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment 1402 Applied Economics     1815-4654      
1442 B International Journal of Chemical Kinetics 0904 Chemical Engineering  0307 Theoretical and Computational Chemistry     0538-8066 1097-4601    
3894 B International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering 0904 Chemical Engineering          1542-6580      
36401 B International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy 1301 Education Systems          1976-5681      
12746 B International Journal of Children's Spirituality 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1364-436X 1469-8455    
30094 C International Journal of Chinese Culture and Management MD Multidisciplinary         1752-1270 1752-1289    
4474 B International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0098-9886 1097-007X    
1969 A International Journal of Climatology 0401 Atmospheric Sciences 0905 Civil Engineering 0907 Environmental Engineering 0899-8418 1097-0088    
34162 C International Journal of Clinical Acupuncture 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         1047-1979      
6311 B International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis 1701 Psychology         0020-7144 1744-5183    
41858 Not ranked International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences         1940-5901      
6312 C International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology 1701 Psychology         1697-2600 1576-7329    
17173 C International Journal of Clinical Legal Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1801 Law     1467-1069      
16244 C International Journal of Clinical Oncology 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1341-9625 1437-7772    
14776 B International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0946-1965      
14958 C International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology Research 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0251-1649      
16245 B International Journal of Clinical Practice 1103 Clinical Sciences         1368-5031 1742-1241    
36899 C International Journal of Coaching Science 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1975-8286      
1735 B International Journal of Coal Geology 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy 0403 Geology 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience 0166-5162 1872-7840    
36584 B International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization 0904 Chemical Engineering          1939-2699 1545-5831 0734-9343  
32071 C International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science     1557-3958 1557-3966    
40149 Not ranked International Journal of Cognitive Therapy 1701 Psychology         1937-1209 1937-1217    
16246 B International Journal of Colorectal Disease: clinical and molecular gastroenterology and surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         0179-1958 1432-1262    
39814 Not ranked International Journal of Combinatorics 0101 Pure Mathematics         1687-9163 1687-9171    
41135 A International Journal of Comic Art 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts 2001 Communication and Media Studies 2002 Cultural Studies 1531-6793      
31136 C International Journal of Commerce and Management 1503 Business and Management         1056-9219 1758-8529    
35350 A International Journal of Communication 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 1903 Journalism and Professional Writing 2001 Communication and Media Studies 1932-8036      
36601 Not ranked International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems 0805 Distributed Computing 1702 Cognitive Science     1754-3916 1754-3924    
4475 B International Journal of Communication Systems 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1074-5351 1099-1131 1047-9627 0894-3222
33432 C International Journal of Communications Law and Policy 1801 Law         1439-6262      
40362 Not ranked International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences 1005 Communications Technologies         1913-3715 1913-3723    
9993 Not ranked International Journal of Community Music 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1752-6299 1752-6302    
36254 C International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice 1602 Criminology         0192-4036      
39928 C International Journal of Comparative Criminology 1602 Criminology         1201-9607 1496-8266    
40537 B International Journal of Comparative Sociology 1608 Sociology         0020-7152 1745-2554    
32310 C International Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 01 Mathematical Sciences 08 Information and Computing Sciences     1819-4966      
547 C International Journal of Computational and Numerical Analysis and Applications 01 Mathematical Sciences 08 Information and Computing Sciences     1311-6789      
41231 Not ranked International Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1756-0756 1756-0764    
3487 C International Journal of Computational Engineering Science 09 Engineering         1550-2287 1550-2295 1465-8763  
3464 C International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering 0102 Applied Mathematics     1061-8562 1029-0257    
30797 B International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics         0218-1959 1793-6357    
32072 C International Journal of Computational Intelligence 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science     1304-4508 1304-2386    
40322 A International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing         1469-0268 1757-5885    
41027 C International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing         0973-1873 0974-1259    
4919 C International Journal of Computational Materials Science and Surface Engineering 0912 Materials Engineering 0910 Manufacturing Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 1753-3465 1753-3473    
39608 C International Journal of Computational Mathematics and Numerical Simulation 0101 Pure Mathematics 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics     0973-581X      
36477 C International Journal of Computational Methods 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0219-8762 1793-6969    
41232 C International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering 01 Mathematical Sciences 09 Engineering     1742-7185 1742-7193    
41233 Not ranked International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering         1757-2657 1757-2665    
17722 C International Journal of Computer and Information Science and Engineering 08 Information and Computing Sciences         1307-4164      
32074 C International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences         0952-8091 1741-5047    
41861 C International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         1861-6410      
35983 B International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 0910 Manufacturing Engineering 1503 Business and Management     0951-192X 1362-3052    
17927 C International Journal of Computer Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics     0020-7160 1029-0265 1026-7425  
41708 C International journal of Computer Networks and Communications 1005 Communications Technologies 0803 Computer Software 0805 Distributed Computing 0974-9322 0975-2293    
9336 C International Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental Languages 0804 Data Format 2003 Language Studies     0219-4279 1793-6748 0715-9048  
41028 C International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering     1307-3699      
39771 C International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics         1738-7906      
17929 A International Journal of Computer Vision 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing         0920-5691 1573-1405    
17956 C International Journal of Computers and Applications 0805 Distributed Computing 1702 Cognitive Science     1206-212X 1206-2138 0702-0481  
32077 C International Journal of Computers and Their Applications 0803 Computer Software 0805 Distributed Computing 1702 Cognitive Science 1076-5204      
20281 C International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1382-3892 1573-1766    
41863 B International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 1399 Other Education  1303 Specialist Studies In Education     1556-1607 1556-1615    
32078 C International Journal of Computing and Information Sciences 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science     1708-0460 1708-0479    
36570 C International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics         1752-5055 1752-5063    
35554 B International Journal of Conflict Management 1503 Business and Management 1801 Law     1044-4068 1758-8545 1551-8728  
33433 A International Journal of Constitutional Law 1801 Law         1474-2640 1474-2659    
21094 B International Journal of Construction Education and Research 13 Education 09 Engineering     1550-3984 1557-8771 1522-8150  
40463 B International Journal of Construction Management 1202 Building 0905 Civil Engineering     1562-3599      
19860 C International Journal of Consumer Studies 1505 Marketing         1470-6423 1470-6431 0309-3891  
19660 B International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 1504 Commercial Services 1506 Tourism     0959-6119      
36869 B International Journal of Contemporary Iraqi Studies MD Multidisciplinary         1751-2867 1751-2875    
39926 C International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences         1312-7586      
20661 C International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning 13 Education 09 Engineering     1560-4624 1741-5055 0957-4344  
40346 A International Journal of Control 09 Engineering 01 Mathematical Sciences     0020-7179 1366-5820    
3604 C International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0910 Manufacturing Engineering     1598-6446 1229-5140    
17931 C International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems 0806 Information Systems 1702 Cognitive Science     0218-8430 1793-6365 0218-2157  
35454 Not ranked International Journal of Corporate Governance 1801 Law         1754-3037 1754-3045    
8841 B International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     1384-6655 1569-9811    
41163 B International Journal of Cosmetic Science 1103 Clinical Sciences 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry     0142-5463 1468-2494    
4201 C International Journal of Crashworthiness 0905 Civil Engineering         1358-8265 1754-2111    
41865 B International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences 1801 Law         0973-5089      
40410 Not ranked International Journal of Critical Indigenous Studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 2002 Cultural Studies 2103 Historical Studies 1837-0144      
40424 Not ranked International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics         1874-5482      
41234 C International Journal of Critical Infrastructures 0905 Civil Engineering         1475-3219 1741-8038    
22200 B International Journal of Cross Cultural Management 1503 Business and Management         1470-5958 1741-2838    
10378 A International Journal of Cultural Property 2102 Curatorial and Related Studies 1801 Law     0940-7391 1465-7317    
11457 A* International Journal of Cultural Studies 2002 Cultural Studies         1367-8779 1460-356X    
40728 Not ranked International Journal of Culture and Mental Health 1701 Psychology         1754-2863 1754-2871    
36090 C International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research 1506 Tourism         1750-6182 1750-6190    
41866 C International Journal of Cyber Criminology 1801 Law         0974-2891      
9651 B International Journal of Dairy Technology 09 Engineering 06 Biological Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 1364-727X 1471-0307 0037-9840  
4907 B International Journal of Damage Mechanics 0912 Materials Engineering         1056-7895 1530-7921    
41235 Not ranked International Journal of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies 0104 Statistics          1755-8050 1755-8069    
36862 C International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences     1748-5673 1748-5681    
17932 C International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0804 Data Format 0806 Information Systems 1548-3924 1548-3932    
32598 C International Journal of Dental Hygiene 1105 Dentistry         1601-5029 1601-5037    
16247 C International Journal of Dermatology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0011-9059 1365-4632    
36877 B International Journal of Design 1203 Design Practice and Management         1991-3761 1994-036X    
20875 B International Journal of Design Computing 1202 Building 1201 Architecture     1329-7147      
36585 B International Journal of Design Engineering 0910 Manufacturing Engineering         1751-5874 1751-5882    
40696 Not ranked International Journal of Design, Nature and Ecodynamics MD Multidisciplinary         1755-7445 1755-7437    
18388 C International Journal of Development Issues 1402 Applied Economics         1446-8956      
14504 B International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0736-5748 1873-474X    
194 B International Journal of Differential Equations and Applications 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1311-2872      
41237 Not ranked International Journal of Digital Culture and Electronic Tourism 2102 Curatorial and Related Studies         1753-5212 1753-5220    
41868 A International Journal of Digital Curation 0807 Library and Information Studies         1746-8256      
41870 Not ranked International Journal of Digital Earth: a new journal for a new vision 0806 Information Systems         1753-8947      
39770 C International Journal of Digital Evidence 1602 Criminology         1938-0917      
20690 B International Journal of Disability Development and Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1034-912X 1465-346X    
41872 A International Journal of Disability Management Research 1103 Clinical Sciences 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1833-8550 1834-4887    
35453 C International Journal of Disclosure and Governance 1801 Law         1741-3591 1746-6539    
33435 B International Journal of Discrimination and the Law 1801 Law         1358-2291      
20819 C International Journal of Distance Education Technologies: the international source for technological advances in distance education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1539-3100 1539-3119    
3489 C International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 0805 Distributed Computing 1702 Cognitive Science     1550-1329 1550-1477    
34214 C International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations 1607 Social Work         1447-9532 1447-9583    
41878 B International Journal of Doctoral Studies 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1556-8881 1556-8873 1556-8865  
13588 C International Journal of Drug Policy 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0955-3959 1873-4758    
32316 C International Journal of Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations 0101 Pure Mathematics         1752-3583 1752-3591    
40467 B International Journal of Early Childhood 1301 Education Systems  1399 Other Education      0020-7187      
20173 B International Journal of Early Years Education 1301 Education Systems          0966-9760 1469-8463    
1736 A International Journal of Earth Sciences 0403 Geology         1437-3254 1437-3262    
6314 A International Journal of Eating Disorders 1701 Psychology         0276-3478 1098-108X    
36139 C International Journal of e-Business Management 1503 Business and Management         1835-5412      
32079 C International Journal of e-Business Research 0806 Information Systems         1548-1131 1548-114X    
32080 B International Journal of e-Collaboration 0806 Information Systems         1548-3673 1548-3681    
32317 C International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics 0104 Statistics  1402 Applied Economics     0973-1385      
3263 C International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences     0377-015X      
18546 C International Journal of Economic Development 1402 Applied Economics         1523-9748      
18547 C International Journal of Economic Perspectives 14 Economics         1307-1637      
41238 C International Journal of Economic Policy and Emerging Economies 1402 Applied Economics         1752-0452 1752-0460    
18219 C International Journal of Economic Research 14 Economics         0972-9380      
18296 B International Journal of Economic Theory 1401 Economic Theory         1742-7355 1742-7363    
20314 C International Journal of Education and Development Using Information and Communication Technology 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1814-0556      
10379 C International Journal of Education and the Arts 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts         1529-8094      
10380 B International Journal of Education Through Art 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1743-5234 0268-2346    
19943 C International Journal of Educational Advancement 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1744-6503 1467-3657    
19986 B International Journal of Educational Development 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0738-0593 1873-4871    
40180 C International Journal of Educational Integrity 1301 Education Systems  1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy      1833-2595      
20188 B International Journal of Educational Management 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0951-354X 1758-6518    
39607 C International Journal of Educational Policy, Research and Practice 1301 Education Systems          1528-3534 1531-2763    
19945 C International Journal of Educational Reform 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1056-7879      
20012 A* International Journal of Educational Research 13 Education         0883-0355 1873-538X 0191-765X 0145-9228
41239 C International Journal of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles 0902 Automotive Engineering         1751-4088 1751-4096    
41881 C International Journal of Electrical Engineering 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1812-3031      
4477 C International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0020-7209      
4583 C International Journal of Electrical Machining 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1341-7908      
4478 C International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0142-0615 1879-3517    
4584 C International Journal of Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1307-5179      
41240 Not ranked International Journal of Electronic Banking 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1753-5239 1753-5247    
19252 C International Journal of Electronic Business 1503 Business and Management         1470-6067 1741-5063    
17933 A International Journal of Electronic Commerce 0806 Information Systems 1503 Business and Management     1086-4415 1557-9301    
31255 C International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management 1503 Business and Management         1750-0664 1750-0672    
41241 Not ranked International Journal of Electronic Democracy 1606 Political Science         1742-4224 1742-4232    
41242 C International Journal of Electronic Finance 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1746-0069 1746-0077    
41243 C International Journal of Electronic Governance 1606 Political Science         1742-7509 1742-7517    
30348 B International Journal of Electronic Government Research 0806 Information Systems 0807 Library and Information Studies 1606 Political Science 1548-3886 1548-3894    
40643 C International Journal of Electronic Healthcare 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1741-8453 1741-8461    
41244 C International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing 1505 Marketing         1741-1025 1741-1033    
36569 C International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences         1751-911X 1751-9128    
4479 B International Journal of Electronics 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0020-7217 1362-3060    
41245 C International Journal of Embedded Systems 1006 Computer Hardware         1741-1068 1741-1076    
41246 C International Journal of Emergency Management 1503 Business and Management         1471-4825 1741-5071    
40910 C International Journal of Emergency Mental Health 1701 Psychology 1117 Public Health and Health Services     1522-4821      
40911 C International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1553-779X      
36140 C International Journal of Emerging Markets 1505 Marketing         1746-8809 1746-8817    
30182 B International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Society MD Multidisciplinary         1835-8780 1449-0706    
19753 C International Journal of Employment Studies 1503 Business and Management         1039-6993      
36891 B International Journal of Energy Research 0904 Chemical Engineering  0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering     0363-907X 1099-114X    
41247 C International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1472-8923 1741-508X    
3754 C International Journal of Engine Research 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1468-0874      
40098 C International Journal of Engineering 09 Engineering         1985-2312      
20618 A International Journal of Engineering Education 13 Education 09 Engineering     0949-149X      
39925 B International Journal of Engineering Science 0102 Applied Mathematics         0020-7225 0090-6913    
36894 Not ranked International Journal of Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation 0904 Chemical Engineering          1755-9758 1755-9766    
40447 B International Journal of English Studies 2004 Linguistics         1578-7044 0213-5485    
31257 C International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems 0806 Information Systems         1548-1115 1548-1123    
35917 B International Journal of Enterprise Network Management 1505 Marketing         1748-1252 1748-1260    
19875 B International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research 1503 Business and Management         1355-2554 1758-6534    
36127 C International Journal of Entrepreneurship 1503 Business and Management         1099-9264 1939-4675    
19876 C International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation 1503 Business and Management         1465-7503      
19877 C International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management 1503 Business and Management         1368-275X 1741-5098    
31131 C International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 1503 Business and Management         1476-1297 1741-8054    
36062 C International Journal of Entrepreneurship Education 1503 Business and Management         1649-2269      
41248 C International Journal of Environment and Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1743-4955 1743-4963    
35984 C International Journal of Environment and Pollution 05 Environmental Sciences 15 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services 09 Engineering 0957-4352 1741-5101    
5899 C International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development 0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management 1205 Urban and Regional Planning     1474-6778 1478-7466    
36575 C International Journal of Environment and Waste Management 0907 Environmental Engineering         1478-9876 1478-9868    
35625 B International Journal of Environment, Workplace and Employment MD Multidisciplinary         1741-8437 1741-8445    
1632 C International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 0301 Analytical Chemistry 0399 Other Chemical Sciences 0502 Environmental Science and Management 0306-7319 1029-0397    
13590 C International Journal of Environmental Health Research 11 Medical and Health Sciences 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 0960-3123 1369-1619    
44292 C International Journal of Environmental Research MD Multidisciplinary         1735-6865      
44293 C International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health MD Multidisciplinary         1660-4601      
44294 C International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology MD Multidisciplinary         1735-1472 1735-2630    
5844 C International Journal of Environmental Studies MD Multidisciplinary         0020-7233 1026-7476 1029-0400  
5882 C International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management 05 Environmental Sciences 15 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services     1466-2132 1741-511X    
13591 A* International Journal of Epidemiology 1117 Public Health and Health Services 0104 Statistics      0300-5771 1464-3685    
40813 B International Journal of Equity and Innovation in Early Childhood (IJEIEC) 1301 Education Systems          1448-6318      
34982 C International Journal of Ethics 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     1556-4444 1535-4776 1937-433X  
36091 B International Journal of Event Management Research 1506 Tourism         1833-0681      
33894 A International Journal of Evidence and Proof 1801 Law         1365-7127 1740-5572    
40007 B International Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare 1103 Clinical Sciences 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1110 Nursing 1744-1595 1744-1609 1479-697X  
32318 C International Journal of Evolution Equations 0101 Pure Mathematics         1549-2907      
41249 C International Journal of Exergy 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1742-8297 1742-8300    
16248 B International Journal of Experimental Pathology: mechanisms and models of disease 1103 Clinical Sciences         0959-9673 1365-2613    
44919 Not ranked International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education 1203 Design Practice and Management         1754-3266      
3676 A International Journal of Fatigue 0913 Mechanical Engineering         0142-1123 1879-3452    
41893 Not ranked International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 2201 Applied Ethics 2203 Philosophy      1937-4577 1937-4585    
16249 C International Journal of Fertility and Women's Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         1534-892X      
19553 C International Journal of Finance 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1041-2743      
18389 B International Journal of Finance and Economics 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1076-9307 1099-1158    
41250 C International Journal of Financial Services Management 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1460-6712 1741-8062    
9709 C International Journal of Food Engineering 0908 Food Sciences         1556-3758      
2476 A International Journal of Food Microbiology 0605 Microbiology  1003 Industrial Biotechnology 0908 Food Sciences 0168-1605      
9653 B International Journal of Food Properties 0908 Food Sciences         1094-2912 1532-2386    
41251 Not ranked International Journal of Food Safety, Nutrition and Public Health 0908 Food Sciences         1479-3911 1479-392X    
9654 B International Journal of Food Science and Technology 0908 Food Sciences         0950-5423 1365-2621 0022-1163  
41031 C International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition 0908 Food Sciences 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics     0963-7486 1465-3478    
18163 A International Journal of Forecasting 1403 Econometrics          0169-2070 1872-8200    
36205 B International Journal of Forensic Mental Health 1701 Psychology         1499-9013 1932-9903    
6316 C International Journal of Forensic Psychology 1701 Psychology 1801 Law     1448-4374      
36031 C International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy 1402 Applied Economics         1740-2816 1740-2824    
5679 B International Journal of Forest Engineering 0705 Forestry Sciences         1494-2119 0843-5243    
5711 B International Journal of Forest Genetics 1001 Agricultural Biotechnology 0705 Forestry Sciences     1335-048X      
39924 B International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics         0129-0541 1793-6373    
39923 A International Journal of Fracture 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering 0912 Materials Engineering 0376-9429 1573-2673    
35259 B International Journal of Francophone Studies MD Multidisciplinary         1368-2679 1758-9142    
41252 Not ranked International Journal of Functional Informatics and Personalised Medicine 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing         1756-2104 1756-2112    
39678 C International Journal of Fuzzy Systems 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1562-2479      
804 B International Journal of Game Theory 0104 Statistics  0102 Applied Mathematics 1401 Economic Theory 0020-7276 1432-1270    
17940 C International Journal of General Systems 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics     0308-1079 1026-7492 1563-5104  
2023 A International Journal of Geographical Information Science 0806 Information Systems 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience 0909 Geomatic Engineering  1365-8816 1365-8824 0269-3798  
4202 A International Journal of Geomechanics 0905 Civil Engineering 0499 Other Earth Sciences     1532-3641 1943-5622    
39677 A International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 0203 Classical Physics 0105 Mathematical Physics     0219-8878 1793-6977    
40355 C International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering         1938-6362 1939-7879    
13083 B International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 1103 Clinical Sciences         0885-6230 1099-1166    
41895 C International Journal of Global Business and Competitiveness 1503 Business and Management 1505 Marketing     0973-4619      
36507 C International Journal of Global Energy Issues 1402 Applied Economics         0954-7118 1741-5128    
39922 B International Journal of Global Environmental Issues MD Multidisciplinary         1466-6650 1741-5136    
31132 C International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business 1503 Business and Management         1479-3059 1479-3067    
18548 C International Journal of Green Economics 1499 Other Economics         1744-9928 1744-9936    
36521 B International Journal of Green Energy 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1543-5075 1543-5083    
40153 B International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 09 Engineering 05 Environmental Sciences 04 Earth Sciences 1750-5836      
32082 B International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing 0805 Distributed Computing         1741-847X 1741-8488    
6317 C International Journal of Group Psychotherapy 1701 Psychology         0020-7284 1943-2836    
16250 B International Journal of Gynecological Cancer 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1048-891X 1525-1438    
16251 B International Journal of Gynecological Pathology 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0277-1691 1538-7151    
16252 B International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0020-7292 0020-6695    
30492 B International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics 1402 Applied Economics         1389-6563 1573-6962    
13592 C International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0952-6862 1758-6542    
41032 C International Journal of Health Geographics 1604 Human Geography         1476-072X      
13593 C International Journal of Health Planning and Management 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0749-6753 1099-1751    
13760 C International Journal of Health Promotion and Education 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1463-5240 1368-1222    
13595 C International Journal of Health Services 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0020-7314 1541-4469    
13910 C International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics 0807 Library and Information Studies 0806 Information Systems     1555-3396 1555-340X    
13911 C International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management 1503 Business and Management         1368-2156 1741-5144    
40407 A International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering 0901 Aerospace Engineering 0142-727X      
3756 A International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 0910 Manufacturing Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0102 Applied Mathematics 0017-9310      
40912 C International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems 0902 Automotive Engineering         1744-232X 1741-5152 1351-7848  
16254 B International Journal of Hematology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0925-5710 1865-3774    
33027 A International Journal of Heritage Studies 2102 Curatorial and Related Studies 2103 Historical Studies 1205 Urban and Regional Planning 1352-7258 1470-3610    
39921 B International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking 0805 Distributed Computing         1740-0562 1740-0570    
17942 B International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 0805 Distributed Computing         1094-3420 1741-2846 1078-3482  
20988 C International Journal of High Performance Systems Architecture 0806 Information Systems 0803 Computer Software 0805 Distributed Computing 1751-6528 1751-6536    
17943 C International Journal of High Speed Computing 0805 Distributed Computing         0129-0533      
21406 B International Journal of Hindu Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1022-4556 1574-9282    
8074 B International Journal of Historical Archaeology 2101 Archaeology         1092-7697 1573-7748    
41897 Not ranked International Journal of Home Economics 1499 Other Economics         1999-561X      
19723 C International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration 1504 Commercial Services 1506 Tourism     1525-6480 1525-6499 1092-3128  
19662 A International Journal of Hospitality Management 1504 Commercial Services 1506 Tourism     0278-4319 1873-4693    
35577 Not ranked International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis 15 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services 12 Built Environment and Design     1753-8270 1753-8289    
41253 C International Journal of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation 0806 Information Systems 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science     1742-5549 1742-5557    
19754 A International Journal of Human Resource Management 1503 Business and Management         0958-5192 1466-4399    
34264 C International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management 1503 Business and Management         1465-6612 1741-5160    
13597 B International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 08 Information and Computing Sciences 16 Studies In Human Society     1044-7318 1532-7590    
6318 A International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 1702 Cognitive Science 0806 Information Systems 1701 Psychology 1071-5819 1095-9300 1042-8143  
7208 B International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1753-8548 1755-1706 0957-0144  
3605 C International Journal of Humanoid Robotics 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0219-8436 1793-6942    
3491 C International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science     1448-5869 1875-8819    
1184 A International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural) 0360-3199 1879-3487    
13599 C International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1438-4639 1618-131X 1522-7987 1092-5732
16255 B International Journal of Hyperthermia 1103 Clinical Sciences         0265-6736 1464-5157    
31449 B International Journal of Iberian Studies 2005 Literary Studies         1364-971X 1758-9150 0955-4270  
10381 C International Journal of Image and Graphics 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing         0219-4678 1793-6756    
36561 B International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing         0899-9457 1098-1098    
2393 C International Journal of Immunogenetics 0604 Genetics          1744-3121 1744-313X 0960-7420  
14959 B International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0394-6320      
3678 A International Journal of Impact Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering         0734-743X 1879-3509    
16256 B International Journal of Impotence Research 1103 Clinical Sciences         0955-9930 1476-5489    
20686 A International Journal of Inclusive Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1360-3116 1464-5173    
30096 C International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management MD Multidisciplinary         1753-0806 1753-0814    
3757 C International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1748-5037 1748-5045    
3758 C International Journal of Industrial Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1943-670X 1072-4761    
3679 B International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science 1117 Public Health and Health Services     0169-8141 1872-8219    
3759 A International Journal of Industrial Organization 1401 Economic Theory         0167-7187      
16257 C International Journal of Infectious Diseases 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     1201-9712 1878-3511    
39920 C International Journal of Information and Communication Technology 08 Information and Computing Sciences         1466-6642 1741-8070    
20290 C International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences 0807 Library and Information Studies     1550-1876 1550-1337    
32084 C International Journal of Information and Computer Security 0806 Information Systems         1744-1765 1744-1773    
41254 Not ranked International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences 0806 Information Systems         1756-7017 1756-7025    
36662 C International Journal of Information and Management Sciences 08 Information and Computing Sciences         1017-1819      
20199 C International Journal of Information and Operations Management Education 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences         1744-2303 1744-2311    
41899 C International Journal of Information and Systems Sciences 0806 Information Systems 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0804 Data Format 1708-296X      
17947 C International Journal of Information Management 0807 Library and Information Studies 0806 Information Systems     0268-4012 1873-4707    
32085 C International Journal of Information Quality 0804 Data Format         1751-0457 1751-0465    
17948 C International Journal of Information Security 0806 Information Systems 1503 Business and Management 0804 Data Format 1615-5262 1615-5270    
31258 C International Journal of Information Security and Privacy 0806 Information Systems         1930-1650 1930-1669    
31259 C International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management 1503 Business and Management         1479-3121 1479-313X    
32086 Not ranked International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management 0806 Information Systems         1935-5726 1935-5734    
17949 C International Journal of Information Technology 08 Information and Computing Sciences 17 Psychology and Cognitive Sciences     1305-239X 1305-2403    
31260 C International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1503 Business and Management     0219-6220 1793-6845    
32087 C International Journal of Information Technology and Management 0806 Information Systems         1461-4111 1741-5179    
32088 Not ranked International Journal of Information Technology and the Systems Approach 0806 Information Systems         1935-570X 1935-5718    
31261 C International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering 0805 Distributed Computing 0806 Information Systems     1554-1045 1554-1053    
32089 C International Journal of Information Technology Education 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences         1649-5179      
13601 C International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science 1117 Public Health and Health Services     1745-7300 1745-7319 1566-0974  
19900 C International Journal of Innovation and Learning 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1503 Business and Management     1471-8197 1741-8089    
40689 Not ranked International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development 1701 Psychology         1753-0660 1753-0679    
5900 B International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development 0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management         1740-8822 1740-8830    
19901 C International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management 1503 Business and Management         0219-8770 1793-6950    
19902 B International Journal of Innovation Management 1503 Business and Management         1363-9196 1757-5877    
41255 C International Journal of Innovative Computing and Applications 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing         1751-648X 1751-6498    
3492 B International Journal of Innovative Computing Information and Control 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 1349-4198      
20584 C International Journal of Instructional Media 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0092-1815      
40814 B International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1550-6908      
40067 C International Journal of Integrated Care 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1568-4156      
19398 C International Journal of Integrated Supply Management 1503 Business and Management         1477-5360 1741-8097    
32880 C International Journal of Intellectual Property Management 1503 Business and Management 1801 Law     1478-9647 1478-9655    
36255 B International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence 1606 Political Science         0885-0607 1521-0561    
40913 Not ranked International Journal of Intelligent Defence Support Systems 1099 Other Technology  0806 Information Systems     1755-1587 1755-1595    
41256 C International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise 1503 Business and Management         1745-3232 1745-3240    
41257 C International Journal of Intelligent Information and Database Systems 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0804 Data Format     1751-5858 1751-5866    
31262 C International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies 08 Information and Computing Sciences         1548-3657 1548-3665    
17950 B International Journal of Intelligent Systems 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science     0884-8173 1098-111X    
40428 B International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0803 Computer Software 1740-8865 1740-8873    
32091 C International Journal of Intelligent Technology 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science     1305-6417      
16258 C International Journal of Intensive Care: for a global perspective on critical care 1103 Clinical Sciences         1350-2794      
41258 C International Journal of Intercultural Information Management 1503 Business and Management         1750-0028 1750-0036    
10866 B International Journal of Intercultural Relations 1608 Sociology         0147-1767      
36263 B International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences 1608 Sociology         1833-1882      
31263 C International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management 0805 Distributed Computing 0806 Information Systems     1476-1300 1741-5330    
41259 C International Journal of Internet Manufacturing and Services 0910 Manufacturing Engineering         1751-6048 1751-6056    
22206 C International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising 1505 Marketing         1477-5212 1741-8100    
32092 C International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology 0805 Distributed Computing         1743-8209 1743-8217    
32093 C International Journal of Internet Science 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences         1662-5544      
41260 C International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions 0804 Data Format 0805 Distributed Computing     1748-569X 1748-5703    
32094 C International Journal of Interoperability in Business Information Systems 0806 Information Systems         1862-6378      
41261 Not ranked International Journal of Inventory Research 1503 Business and Management         1746-6962 1746-6970    
32095 C International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research 0806 Information Systems         1539-3062 1539-3054    
20201 C International Journal of Knowledge and Learning 0807 Library and Information Studies         1741-1009 1741-1017    
3494 B International Journal of Knowledge Based and Intelligent Engineering Systems 09 Engineering         1327-2314 1875-8827    
17951 C International Journal of Knowledge Management 0804 Data Format 0806 Information Systems     1548-0666 1548-0658    
31264 C International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies 0806 Information Systems 1702 Cognitive Science     1743-8268 1743-8276    
11458 C International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management 1503 Business and Management 2002 Cultural Studies     1447-9524 1447-9575    
15913 C International Journal of Laboratory Hematology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1751-5521 1751-553X 0141-9854  
16259 B International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science     1368-2822 1460-6984    
17183 C International Journal of Law and Information Technology 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences 1801 Law 1702 Cognitive Science 0967-0769 1464-3693    
17184 B International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 1801 Law         0160-2527 1873-6386    
35452 B International Journal of Law Crime and Justice 1801 Law         1756-0616 1095-9262 0194-6595  
33437 B International Journal of Law in Context 1801 Law         1744-5523 1744-5531    
33438 A International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family 1801 Law         1360-9939 1464-3707 0950-4109  
19923 B International Journal of Leadership in Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1360-3124      
20192 B International Journal of Learning and Change 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1503 Business and Management     1740-2875 1740-2883    
31182 C International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital 1503 Business and Management         1479-4853 1479-4861    
20315 C International Journal of Learning Technology 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1477-8386 1741-8119    
33439 C International Journal of Legal Information 1801 Law         0731-1265 0340-045X 0538-4524  
40164 B International Journal of Legal Medicine 0699 Other Biological Sciences 0399 Other Chemical Sciences     0937-9827 1437-1596    
41905 Not ranked International Journal of Leisure and Tourism Marketing 1506 Tourism         1757-5575 1757-5567    
2477 C International Journal of Leprosy and Other Mycobacterial Diseases 0605 Microbiology  1103 Clinical Sciences     0148-916X 1544-581X 0020-7349  
8842 B International Journal of Lexicography 2004 Linguistics         0950-3846 1477-4577    
41262 C International Journal of Liability and Scientific Enquiry 1801 Law         1741-6426 1741-6434    
41428 A International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 1202 Building         0948-3349 1614-7502    
20792 A International Journal of Lifelong Education 1301 Education Systems          0260-1370 1464-519X    
18549 C International Journal of Logistics Economics and Globalisation 1402 Applied Economics         1741-5373 1741-5381    
19349 C International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications A 1503 Business and Management 1507 Transportation and Freight Services 0102 Applied Mathematics 1367-5567 1469-848X    
41263 C International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management 1503 Business and Management         1742-7967 1742-7975    
41264 C International Journal of Low Radiation 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics         1477-6545 1741-9190    
35158 B International Journal of Lower Extremity Wounds 1103 Clinical Sciences         1534-7346 1552-6941    
3606 A* International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 0910 Manufacturing Engineering         0890-6955      
41265 C International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials 0912 Materials Engineering 0910 Manufacturing Engineering     1748-5711 1748-572X    
19166 C International Journal of Management 1503 Business and Management         0813-0183      
41916 Not ranked International Journal of Management and Business Research 1503 Business and Management         1985-3599      
19167 C International Journal of Management and Decision Making 1503 Business and Management         1462-4621 1741-5187    
19198 C International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development 1503 Business and Management         1468-4330 1741-8127    
41266 Not ranked International Journal of Management and Network Economics 1005 Communications Technologies         1754-2316 1754-2324    
42184 C International Journal of Management and Systems 0806 Information Systems         0970-7328      
41267 C International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 1503 Business and Management         1478-1484 1741-8135    
41268 C International Journal of Management in Education 1301 Education Systems          1750-385X 1750-3868    
40914 Not ranked International Journal of Management Perspectives 1503 Business and Management         1307-1629      
19197 C International Journal of Management Practice 1503 Business and Management         1477-9064      
19168 A International Journal of Management Reviews 1503 Business and Management         1460-8545 1468-2370    
36664 C International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management 01 Mathematical Sciences 09 Engineering 15 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services 1750-9653 1750-9661    
41269 Not ranked International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1753-6715 1753-6723    
19630 B International Journal of Managerial Finance 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1743-9132 1758-6569    
19203 Not ranked International Journal of Managing Projects in Business 1503 Business and Management 1202 Building     1753-8378      
42185 C International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 0806 Information Systems         0020-7373      
19755 B International Journal of Manpower 1503 Business and Management         0143-7720 1758-6577    
3634 C International Journal of Manufacturing Research 0910 Manufacturing Engineering         1750-0591 1750-0605    
36034 C International Journal of Manufacturing System Design 0910 Manufacturing Engineering         0218-3382      
3635 C International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management 0910 Manufacturing Engineering 1503 Business and Management     1368-2148 1741-5195    
33896 B International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 1801 Law         0927-3522 1571-8085 0735-5912  
7250 B International Journal of Maritime History 2103 Historical Studies         0843-8714      
19796 B International Journal of Market Research 1505 Marketing         1470-7853 0025-3618    
41270 C International Journal of Mass Customisation 0910 Manufacturing Engineering         1742-4208 1742-4216    
1185 A International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 0301 Analytical Chemistry 0305 Organic Chemistry 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural) 1387-3806 1873-2798    
3761 C International Journal of Materials and Product Technology 0912 Materials Engineering 0910 Manufacturing Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0268-1900 1741-5209    
41271 C International Journal of Materials and Structural Integrity 0912 Materials Engineering         1745-0055 1745-0063    
39919 C International Journal of Mathematical Analysis 01 Mathematical Sciences         1312-8876      
32319 C International Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences 0101 Pure Mathematics         1055-7490      
20498 A International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0020-739X 1464-5211    
39675 C International Journal of Mathematical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences         0972-754X      
195 A International Journal of Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         0129-167X 1793-6519    
32321 C International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics         1814-0424 1814-0432    
32322 C International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics 0105 Mathematical Physics 0161-1712 1687-0425    
39918 C International Journal of Mathematics, Game Theory and Algebra 01 Mathematical Sciences         1099-1859 1060-9881 1062-7944  
44879 C International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education 13 Education 09 Engineering     0306-4190      
3680 B International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0102 Applied Mathematics 0905 Civil Engineering 0020-7403 1879-2162    
39606 C International Journal of Mechanics 0102 Applied Mathematics 0913 Mechanical Engineering     1998-4448      
41917 B International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1569-1713      
40915 C International journal of mechanics and Solids 0913 Mechanical Engineering         0973-1881      
41272 Not ranked International Journal of Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems 0910 Manufacturing Engineering         1753-1039 1753-1047    
35241 B International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 2001 Communication and Media Studies 2002 Cultural Studies 1740-8296 2040-0918    
41273 Not ranked International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics 0806 Information Systems 0903 Biomedical Engineering      1755-0653 1755-0661    
13602 A International Journal of Medical Informatics 0807 Library and Information Studies 0903 Biomedical Engineering  0806 Information Systems 1386-5056 1872-8243    
15109 B International Journal of Medical Microbiology 1108 Medical Microbiology         1438-4221 1618-0607    
41922 B International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         1478-5951 1478-596X    
15377 C International Journal of Medical Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1449-1907      
36454 C International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1521-9437 1940-4344    
13603 C International Journal of Men's Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1532-6306 1933-0278    
41923 C International Journal of Mental Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0020-7411      
40351 B International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1557-1874 1557-1882    
14085 A International Journal of Mental Health Nursing 1110 Nursing         1445-8330 1447-0349 1324-3780  
40828 C International Journal of Mental Health Promotion 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1701 Psychology     1462-3730      
36204 B International Journal of Mental Health Systems 1701 Psychology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science 1752-4458      
32097 C International Journal of Metadata Semantics and Ontologies 0804 Data Format         1744-2621 1744-263X    
13158 C International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research 1103 Clinical Sciences         1049-8931 1557-0657    
41275 C International Journal of Microstructure and Materials Properties 0912 Materials Engineering         1741-8410 1741-8429    
4585 C International Journal of Microwave Science and Technology 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1687-5826 1687-5834    
30110 A* International Journal of Middle East Studies MD Multidisciplinary         0020-7438 1471-6380    
4027 A* International Journal of Mineral Processing 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy 0904 Chemical Engineering      0301-7516      
4028 Not ranked International Journal of Mining and Mineral Engineering 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1754-890X 1754-8918    
41929 C International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment 0502 Environmental Science and Management         1748-0930      
32098 C International Journal of Mobile Communications 0805 Distributed Computing         1470-949X 1741-5217    
41276 C International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1746-725X 1746-7268    
41277 C International Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation 0805 Distributed Computing 1005 Communications Technologies     1744-2869 1744-2850    
17955 C International Journal of Modelling and Simulation 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 0803 Computer Software 1702 Cognitive Science 0228-6203      
41278 C International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing         1746-6172 1746-6180    
1186 C International Journal of Modern Physics A: particles and fields; gravitation; cosmology; nuclear physics 01 Mathematical Sciences 02 Physical Sciences     0217-751X 1793-656X    
987 B International Journal of Modern Physics B 01 Mathematical Sciences 02 Physical Sciences     0217-9792 1793-6578    
34357 C International Journal of Modern Physics C: Physics and Computers 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     0129-1831 1793-6586    
1068 B International Journal of Modern Physics D: Gravitation, Astrophysics and Cosmology 0105 Mathematical Physics 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences 0206 Quantum Physics 0218-2718 1793-6594    
1187 B International Journal of Modern Physics E: nuclear physics 01 Mathematical Sciences 02 Physical Sciences     0218-3013 1793-6608    
15110 B International Journal of Molecular Medicine 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry         1107-3756 1791-244X    
41930 C International Journal of Molecular Sciences 0699 Other Biological Sciences 0399 Other Chemical Sciences 0604 Genetics  1422-0067      
18550 C International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance 1402 Applied Economics         1752-0479 1752-0487    
40332 B International Journal of Motorcycle Studies 2002 Cultural Studies         1931-275X      
8843 B International Journal of Multilingualism 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     1479-0718 1747-7530    
41033 A International Journal of Multiphase Flow 09 Engineering         0301-9322 1879-3533    
41176 C International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches 1503 Business and Management         1834-0806      
9994 A* International Journal of Music Education 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  0255-7614 1744-795X 1448-3238  
41279 C International Journal of Nano and Biomaterials 1007 Nanotechnology         1752-8933 1752-8941    
3636 C International Journal of Nanomanufacturing 1007 Nanotechnology 0910 Manufacturing Engineering 0904 Chemical Engineering  1746-9392 1746-9406    
41280 Not ranked International Journal of Nanoparticles 1007 Nanotechnology         1753-2507 1753-2515    
5133 C International Journal of Nanoscience 1007 Nanotechnology         0219-581X 1793-5350    
41281 C International Journal of Nanotechnology 1007 Nanotechnology         1475-7435 1741-8151    
13604 C International Journal of Narrative Therapy and Community Work 1607 Social Work 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1701 Psychology 1446-5019      
17608 C International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences MD Multidisciplinary         0794-4713      
8075 A International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 2101 Archaeology         1057-2414 1095-9270    
34437 C International Journal of Navigation and Observation 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         1687-5990 1687-6008    
3100 C International Journal of Nematology 0608 Zoology         1368-8774 0963-6420    
5087 C International Journal of Network Management 1005 Communications Technologies 0805 Distributed Computing     1055-7148 1099-1190    
19470 C International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations 1503 Business and Management         1470-9503 1741-5225    
32099 B International Journal of Neural Systems 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science     0129-0657 1793-6462    
14777 A International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology 17 Psychology and Cognitive Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences     1461-1457 1469-5111    
14521 C International Journal of Neuroscience 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0020-7454 1563-5279 1026-7085  
40804 C International Journal of Nigerian Studies and Development 1601 Anthropology  1608 Sociology     1087-9072      
3763 C International Journal of Non-Equilibrium Processing 0912 Materials Engineering         1368-9290 0265-0916    
5134 A International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 0102 Applied Mathematics 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering 0020-7462 1878-5638    
30802 B International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1565-1339      
19797 C International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing 1505 Marketing         1465-4520 1479-103X    
41282 C International Journal of Nuclear Desalination 0905 Civil Engineering         1476-914X 1741-9204    
41283 C International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering         1741-6361 1741-637X    
41284 C International Journal of Nuclear Governance, Economy and Ecology 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering         1742-4186 1742-4194    
41285 C International Journal of Nuclear Hydrogen Production and Applications 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering         1743-4939 1743-4947    
41286 C International Journal of Nuclear Knowledge Management 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering         1479-540X 1479-5418    
41287 C International Journal of Nuclear Law 1801 Law         1741-6388 1741-6396    
32324 B International Journal of Number Theory 0101 Pure Mathematics         1793-0421 1793-7310 1933-8368  
553 B International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1705-5105      
4344 C International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow 01 Mathematical Sciences 09 Engineering     0961-5539 1758-6585    
4481 C International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0894-3370 1099-1204    
14086 C International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1110 Nursing     1548-923X      
14087 A International Journal of Nursing Practice 1110 Nursing         1322-7114 1440-172X    
14088 A* International Journal of Nursing Studies 1110 Nursing         0020-7489 1873-491X    
14201 C International Journal of Nursing Terminologies and Classifications 1110 Nursing         1541-5147 1744-618X 1046-7459  
13605 A International Journal of Obesity 1103 Clinical Sciences 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics     0307-0565 1476-5497    
16262 C International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0959-289X      
13607 C International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1077-3525      
13914 C International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health 1103 Clinical Sciences         1232-1087 1896-494X    
13608 C International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics 1203 Design Practice and Management         1080-3548      
41288 C International Journal of Ocean Systems Management 0911 Maritime Engineering          1752-6582 1752-6590    
6319 C International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 1602 Criminology 1801 Law 1701 Psychology 0306-624X 1552-6933    
3764 C International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0911 Maritime Engineering  0905 Civil Engineering 1053-5381      
41289 Not ranked International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1753-3309 1753-3317    
36571 C International Journal of Older People Nursing 1110 Nursing         1748-3735 1748-3743    
16264 B International Journal of Oncology 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1019-6439 1791-2423    
35985 C International Journal of Operational Research 1503 Business and Management         1745-7645 1745-7653    
19334 A International Journal of Operations and Production Management 1503 Business and Management 1507 Transportation and Freight Services     0144-3577 1758-6593    
31180 C International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management 1503 Business and Management         1082-1910      
3637 C International Journal of Optomechatronics 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering     1559-9612 1559-9620    
32600 A International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants 1105 Dentistry         0882-2786 1942-4434    
14332 A International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 1105 Dentistry         0901-5027 1399-0020    
21951 C International Journal of Organisational Behaviour 1503 Business and Management         1440-5377      
31184 C International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior 1503 Business and Management         1093-4537 1532-4273    
19448 C International Journal of Organizational Analysis 1503 Business and Management         1934-8835 1758-8561 1551-7470 1055-3185
41193 Not ranked International Journal of Organizational Innovation 1503 Business and Management 1499 Other Economics     1943-1813      
41933 Not ranked International Journal of Orientation and Mobility 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1836-0254      
8076 B International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 2101 Archaeology 0403 Geology     1047-482X 1099-1212    
34139 C International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         1746-0689 1878-0164 1443-8461  
32601 C International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 1105 Dentistry         0960-7439 1365-263X    
14090 C International Journal of Palliative Nursing 1110 Nursing         1357-6321      
17957 A International Journal of Parallel Programming 0805 Distributed Computing         0885-7458 1573-7640 0091-7036  
18101 B International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 0805 Distributed Computing 1702 Cognitive Science 1744-5760 1744-5779 1063-7192  
17958 B International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science     0218-0014 1793-6381    
20483 C International Journal of Peace Studies 1606 Political Science         1085-7494      
39917 A International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1833-4105      
13915 B International Journal of Pediatric Obesity 1103 Clinical Sciences 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine     1747-7166 1747-7174    
16267 C International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0165-5876 1872-8464    
2334 C International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics     1573-3149 1573-3904 0929-5666  
40841 C International Journal of Performability Engineering 09 Engineering         0973-1318      
39916 C International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1474-8185      
35788 B International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing     1479-4713      
32602 A International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry 1105 Dentistry         0198-7569 1945-3388    
32100 C International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications 0805 Distributed Computing 1702 Cognitive Science     1742-7371 1742-738X    
5236 C International Journal of Pest Management 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences         0967-0874 1366-5863 0143-6147 0030-7793
41936 C International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1750-6123      
14960 C International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1092-4221 1943-5223    
14778 A International Journal of Pharmaceutics 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0378-5173 1873-3476    
14962 C International Journal of Pharmacology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1811-7775      
14779 B International Journal of Pharmacy Practice 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0961-7671      
8450 A International Journal of Philosophical Studies 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0967-2559      
3497 C International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management 1503 Business and Management 1507 Transportation and Freight Services     0960-0035 0269-8218    
4206 B International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics 0905 Civil Engineering         1346-213X      
40781 B International Journal of Phytoremediation 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 03 Chemical Sciences 1522-6514 1549-7879    
40775 C International Journal of Plant Developmental Biology 06 Biological Sciences         1749-4753      
2748 C International Journal of Plant Genomics 0607 Plant Biology         1687-5370 1687-5389    
2749 C International Journal of Plant Production 0607 Plant Biology         1735-6814 1735-8043    
2598 B International Journal of Plant Sciences 0607 Plant Biology         1058-5893 1537-5315    
4909 A International Journal of Plasticity 0912 Materials Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering 0749-6419 1879-2154    
11895 C International Journal of Poetry and Poets 2005 Literary Studies         1206-7881      
40774 C International Journal of Police Science and Management 1602 Criminology         1461-3557 1478-1603    
18678 C International Journal of Political Economy: a journal of translations 1402 Applied Economics         0891-1916 1558-0970    
18838 C International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society 1606 Political Science         0891-4486 1573-3416    
41290 C International Journal of Postharvest Technology and Innovation 0706 Horticultural Production         1744-7550 1744-7569    
41291 Not ranked International Journal of Power Electronics 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1756-638X 1756-6398    
12747 A International Journal of Practical Theology 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1430-6921 1612-9768    
3607 C International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing 0910 Manufacturing Engineering         1229-8557      
41292 C International Journal of Precision Technology 0910 Manufacturing Engineering         1755-2060 1755-2079    
3681 A International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 0913 Mechanical Engineering         0308-0161 1879-3541    
2909 A International Journal of Primatology 0608 Zoology         0164-0291 1573-8604    
13609 C International Journal of Prisoner Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1605 Policy and Administration 1602 Criminology 1744-9200 1744-9219    
35431 Not ranked International Journal of Private Law 1801 Law         1753-6235 1753-6243    
2536 C International Journal of Probiotics and Prebiotics 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     1555-1431      
19396 C International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking 1503 Business and Management         1460-6739 1741-816X    
41293 C International Journal of Procurement Management 1503 Business and Management         1753-8432 1753-8440    
41294 C International Journal of Product Development 1503 Business and Management         1477-9056 1741-8178    
41295 C International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management 1503 Business and Management         1743-5110 1743-5129    
3682 A International Journal of Production Economics 0913 Mechanical Engineering 1503 Business and Management 1402 Applied Economics 0925-5273      
3609 B International Journal of Production Research 0910 Manufacturing Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0102 Applied Mathematics 0020-7543 1366-588X    
19353 C International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 1503 Business and Management         1741-0401 1758-6658 0043-8022  
41296 C International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management 1503 Business and Management         1746-6474 1746-6482    
41944 B International Journal of Progressive Education 1399 Other Education          1554-5210      
3498 A International Journal of Project Management 1503 Business and Management 1202 Building     0263-7863 1873-4634    
40385 Not ranked International Journal of Project Organisation and Management 1503 Business and Management 1202 Building     1740-2891 1740-2905    
32603 A International Journal of Prosthodontics 1105 Dentistry         0893-2174 1942-4426    
13084 C International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice 1103 Clinical Sciences         1365-1501 1471-1788    
13085 C International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine: an international journal of medical psychology and psychiatry in the general hospital 1103 Clinical Sciences         0091-2174 1541-3527    
42047 C International Journal of Psychoanalytic Self Psychology 1701 Psychology         1555-1024 1940-9141    
6321 C International Journal of Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0020-7594 1464-066X    
14963 C International Journal of Psychopathology, Psychopharmacology, and Psychotherapy 1701 Psychology         1088-6710      
6322 B International Journal of Psychophysiology 1116 Medical Physiology 1701 Psychology     0167-8760 1872-7697    
13610 C International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1475-7192      
39915 B International Journal of Public Administration 1605 Policy and Administration         0190-0692 1532-4265    
13798 C International Journal of Public Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1661-8556 1661-8564 0303-8408  
9225 B International Journal of Public Opinion Research 1505 Marketing 1606 Political Science     0954-2892 1471-6909    
32881 B International Journal of Public Policy 1605 Policy and Administration         1740-0600 1740-0619    
36036 B International Journal of Public Sector Management 1503 Business and Management 1605 Policy and Administration     0951-3558 1758-6666    
41297 C International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management 1503 Business and Management         1741-1041 1741-105X    
41490 C International Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry 03 Chemical Sciences         0973-3876      
197 C International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics     1311-8080      
39914 C International Journal of Qualitative Methods 1607 Social Work 1110 Nursing     1609-4069      
19965 A International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0951-8398 1366-5898    
19355 B International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management 1503 Business and Management         0265-671X      
1188 C International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural) 0307 Theoretical and Computational Chemistry     0020-7608 1097-461X    
39913 C International Journal of Quantum Information 08 Information and Computing Sciences 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences 0219-7499 1793-6918    
3500 C International Journal of R F and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering (Print Edition) 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1096-4290 1099-047X 1050-1827  
2081 A International Journal of Radiation Biology 06 Biological Sciences 09 Engineering 11 Medical and Health Sciences 0955-3002 1362-3095    
16268 A International Journal of Radiation: Oncology - Biology - Physics 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis 1103 Clinical Sciences     0360-3016 1879-355X    
41298 C International Journal of Radio Frequency Identification Technology and Applications 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1745-3216 1745-3224    
40147 C International Journal of Reality Therapy 1701 Psychology         1099-7717 0743-0493    
4787 A International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 0912 Materials Engineering         0958-0611 0263-4368    
5135 C International Journal of Refrigeration 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering         0140-7007 1879-2081    
33441 A International Journal of Refugee Law 1801 Law         0953-8186 1464-3715    
16269 C International Journal of Rehabilitation Research 1103 Clinical Sciences         0342-5282      
40829 C International Journal of Reliability and Applications 0803 Computer Software         1598-0073      
41299 C International Journal of Reliability and Safety 09 Engineering         1479-389X 1479-3903    
39912 C International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering 0104 Statistics          0218-5393 1793-6446    
4642 B International Journal of Remote Sensing 0909 Geomatic Engineering  0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience     0143-1161 1366-5901 0275-7257  
20048 B International Journal of Research and Method in Education 13 Education         1743-727X 1743-7288    
19798 A International Journal of Research in Marketing 1505 Marketing         0167-8116      
1517 C International Journal of Research in Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)         0942-9352      
22207 C International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management 1505 Marketing         0959-0552 1758-6690    
41300 C International Journal of Revenue Management 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1474-7332 1741-8186    
15707 C International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases 1103 Clinical Sciences         1756-1841 1756-185X    
41301 C International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering         1466-8297 1741-5241    
5260 C International Journal of River Basin Management 0799 Other Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences         1571-5124      
3610 A* International Journal of Robotics Research 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0278-3649 1741-3176    
198 A International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 0102 Applied Mathematics         1049-8923 1099-1239    
4029 A* International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy 0905 Civil Engineering     1365-1609 1873-4545 0148-9062 0020-7624
5901 C International Journal of Rural Management 0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management         0973-0052      
5078 C International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking 1005 Communications Technologies 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0805 Distributed Computing 1542-0973 1542-0981 0737-2884  
20614 A International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1571-0068 1573-1774    
20612 A* International Journal of Science Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0950-0693 1464-5289    
37137 B International Journal of Scottish Literature 2005 Literary Studies         1751-2808      
32101 C International Journal of Security and Networks 0805 Distributed Computing         1747-8405 1747-8413    
6324 A International Journal of Selection and Assessment 1503 Business and Management 1701 Psychology     0965-075X 1468-2389    
4788 C International Journal of Self Propagating High Temperature Synthesis 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1061-3862 1934-788X    
41945 B International Journal of Semantic Computing 0806 Information Systems         1793-351X 1793-7108    
41302 C International Journal of Sensor Networks 1005 Communications Technologies         1748-1279 1748-1287    
19356 C International Journal of Services and Operations Management 1503 Business and Management         1744-2370 1744-2389    
32102 C International Journal of Services and Standards 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences         1740-8849 1740-8857    
41303 C International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics 1503 Business and Management         1741-539X 1741-5403    
41304 Not ranked International Journal of Services Sciences 1503 Business and Management         1753-1446 1753-1454    
19357 C International Journal of Services Technology and Management 1503 Business and Management         1460-6720      
41305 C International Journal of Services, Economics and Management 1503 Business and Management         1753-0822 1753-0830    
6458 C International Journal of Sexual Health 1701 Psychology         1931-7611 1931-762X 0890-7064  
5570 C International Journal of Sheep and Wool Science 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1832-8679 0043-7875    
37161 C International Journal of Shipping Law 1801 Law         1359-7701      
4588 C International Journal of Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1748-0698 1748-0701    
4589 C International Journal of Signal Processing 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1304-4494 1304-4478    
19434 C International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 1503 Business and Management 1702 Cognitive Science 1740-2123 1740-2131    
3765 C International Journal of Six Sigma and Competitive Advantage 0913 Mechanical Engineering 1503 Business and Management     1479-2494 1479-2753    
8844 B International Journal of Slavic Linguistics and Poetics 2004 Linguistics 2005 Literary Studies     0538-8228 1542-4294    
41948 C International Journal of Smart Home 0805 Distributed Computing         1975-4094      
18391 B International Journal of Social Economics 1499 Other Economics         0306-8293 1758-6712    
20675 B International Journal of Social Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0889-0293      
41306 Not ranked International Journal of Social Humanistic Computing 0806 Information Systems         1752-6124 1752-6132    
13086 C International Journal of Social Psychiatry 1103 Clinical Sciences         0020-7640 1741-2854    
10867 C International Journal of Social Research Methodology 1608 Sociology         1364-5579 1464-5300    
34215 A International Journal of Social Welfare 1607 Social Work         1369-6866 1468-2397    
41307 Not ranked International Journal of Society Systems Science 1608 Sociology         1756-2511 1756-252X    
40928 B International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 1608 Sociology 1605 Policy and Administration     0144-333X 1758-6720    
9710 C International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food 1608 Sociology 1604 Human Geography 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 0798-1759      
6019 C International Journal of Sociology of the Family: journal of cross-national, cross-cultural and inter-disciplinary research 1603 Demography          0020-7667      
17960 B International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0803 Computer Software     0218-1940 1793-6403    
31050 C International Journal of Soil Science 0503 Soil Sciences 0607 Plant Biology 0703 Crop and Pasture Production 1816-4978      
4207 A* International Journal of Solids and Structures 0912 Materials Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering 0020-7683 1879-2146    
4208 B International Journal of Space Structures 0905 Civil Engineering         0266-3511      
40817 B International Journal of Special Education (Online Edition) 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0827-3383      
8845 B International Journal of Speech Technology 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     1381-2416 1572-8110    
8808 C International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law 2004 Linguistics 1801 Law 1702 Cognitive Science 1748-8885 1748-8893 1350-1771  
8706 A International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science     1754-9507 1754-9515 1441-7049 1742-9528
34436 C International Journal of Speleology 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         0392-6672 1827-806X    
6326 C International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1612-197X 1557-251X    
9759 B International Journal of Sport and Health Science 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1348-1509 1880-4012    
34658 Not ranked International Journal of Sport Communication 2001 Communication and Media Studies         1936-3915 1936-3907    
35925 C International Journal of Sport Finance 1499 Other Economics 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment     1558-6235 1930-076X    
33025 B International Journal of Sport Management 1504 Commercial Services         1546-234X      
9760 C International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1526-484X 1543-2742    
6327 B International Journal of Sport Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0047-0767      
33024 B International Journal of Sports Management and Marketing 1504 Commercial Services         1475-8962 1740-2808    
19497 B International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship 1505 Marketing         1464-6668      
9762 B International Journal of Sports Medicine 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         0172-4622 1439-3964 0943-917X  
40358 B International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1555-0265 1555-0273    
40967 C International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics         1747-9541      
41949 B International Journal of Statistics and Economics 1403 Econometrics          0973-7022      
32325 C International Journal of Statistics and Systems 0104 Statistics          0973-2675      
16270 B International Journal of STD and AIDS 1103 Clinical Sciences         0956-4624 1758-1052    
4209 B International Journal of Steel Structures 0905 Civil Engineering         1598-2351      
35891 C International Journal of Strategic Change Management 1503 Business and Management         1740-2859 1740-2867    
34657 B International Journal of Strategic Communication 20 Language, Communication and Culture         1553-118X 1553-1198    
41035 C International Journal of Strategic Management 1503 Business and Management         1555-2411      
35986 B International Journal of Strategic Property Management 1504 Commercial Services         1648-715X 1648-0635    
6328 B International Journal of Stress Management 1701 Psychology         1072-5245 1573-3424    
35469 C International Journal of Stroke 1103 Clinical Sciences         1747-4930 1747-4949    
3766 B International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 0905 Civil Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering     0219-4554 1793-6764    
4345 B International Journal of Structures 0905 Civil Engineering         0253-4754      
41165 B International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0912 Materials Engineering 0910 Manufacturing Engineering 1749-785X 1749-7868    
16271 C International Journal of Surgical Pathology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1066-8969 1940-2465    
20374 B International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education (Print Edition) 1301 Education Systems          1467-6370 1758-6739    
41308 Not ranked International Journal of Sustainable Design 1505 Marketing         1743-8284 1743-8292    
5902 C International Journal of Sustainable Development 0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management         0960-1406 1741-5268    
5903 C International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning: encouraging the unified approach to achieve sustainability 0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management 1205 Urban and Regional Planning     1743-7601 1743-761X    
3264 B International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology 0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management         1350-4509 1745-2627    
41309 Not ranked International Journal of Sustainable Economy 1402 Applied Economics         1756-5804 1756-5812    
42027 C International Journal of Sustainable Energy 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1478-6451 1478-646X    
3638 Not ranked International Journal of Sustainable Manufacturing 0910 Manufacturing Engineering         1742-7223 1742-7231    
41310 Not ranked International Journal of Sustainable Society 1608 Sociology         1756-2538 1756-2546    
41311 Not ranked International Journal of Sustainable Strategic Management 1503 Business and Management         1753-3600 1753-3619    
33035 B International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 1507 Transportation and Freight Services 1205 Urban and Regional Planning     1556-8318 1556-8334    
41312 Not ranked International Journal of System of Systems Engineering 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering         1748-0671 1748-068X    
2478 B International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 0603 Evolutionary Biology 1108 Medical Microbiology 0605 Microbiology  1466-5026 1466-5034    
12748 A International Journal of Systematic Theology 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1463-1652 1468-2400    
17961 C International Journal of Systems Science 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science     0020-7721 1464-5319    
41313 Not ranked International Journal of Systems, Control and Communications 1005 Communications Technologies         1755-9340 1755-9359    
41314 C International Journal of Teaching and Case Studies 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1749-9151 1749-916X    
20354 B International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education 1301 Education Systems          1812-9129      
31127 C International Journal of Technoentrepreneurship 1503 Business and Management         1746-5370 1746-5389    
41315 C International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development 1402 Applied Economics         1753-1942 1753-1950    
20162 A International Journal of Technology and Design Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1203 Design Practice and Management     0957-7572 1573-1804    
19421 C International Journal of Technology and Globalisation: economy, sustainability and security 1503 Business and Management 1402 Applied Economics     1476-5667 1741-8194    
30368 C International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction 0807 Library and Information Studies 0806 Information Systems     1548-3908 1548-3916    
13611 C International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0266-4623 1471-6348    
41316 Not ranked International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1753-5255 1753-5263    
19435 C International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning 1503 Business and Management         1740-2832 1740-2840    
19358 B International Journal of Technology Management 1503 Business and Management         0267-5730 1741-5276    
5905 C International Journal of Technology Management and Sustainable Development 1503 Business and Management         1474-2748      
41317 C International Journal of Technology Marketing 1505 Marketing         1741-878X 1741-8798    
32103 C International Journal of Technology Policy and Law 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences         1742-4259      
19405 C International Journal of Technology Policy and Management 1503 Business and Management         1468-4322 1741-5292    
31154 C International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation 1503 Business and Management         1470-6075 1741-5284    
39831 C International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society 0807 Library and Information Studies         1832-3669      
19975 C International Journal of Testing 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1530-5058 1532-7574 1013-9974  
10629 B International Journal of the Book 2005 Literary Studies         1447-9516      
31307 A* International Journal of the Classical Tradition 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing 20 Language, Communication and Culture     1073-0508 1874-6292    
32104 C International Journal of the Computer, the Internet and Management 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences         0858-7027      
18551 B International Journal of the Economics of Business 1499 Other Economics         1357-1516 1466-1829    
35330 B International Journal of the Humanities MD Multidisciplinary         1447-9508 1447-9559    
42030 Not ranked International Journal of the Inclusive Museum 2102 Curatorial and Related Studies         1835-2014      
33443 A International Journal of the Legal Profession 1801 Law         0969-5958 1469-9257    
34905 B International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 2103 Historical Studies 2203 Philosophy      1872-5082 1872-5473    
9226 C International Journal of the Sociology of Language 1608 Sociology         0165-2516 1613-3668    
19554 B International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         0219-0249 1793-6322    
3767 C International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0102 Applied Mathematics     0973-6085      
988 C International Journal of Theoretical Physics 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     0020-7748 1572-9575    
41342 C International Journal of Theoretical Physics, Group Theory and Nonlinear Optics 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics 0105 Mathematical Physics 1525-4674      
16273 C International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation 1103 Clinical Sciences         1741-1645 1354-8581    
3768 B International Journal of Thermal Sciences 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0102 Applied Mathematics     1290-0729 0035-3159    
1293 C International Journal of Thermophysics 0203 Classical Physics 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)     0195-928X 1572-9567    
40965 C International Journal of Tomography and Statistics 0104 Statistics          0972-9976 0973-7294    
40131 C International Journal of Tourism Policy 1506 Tourism         1750-4090 1750-4104    
40437 C International Journal of Tourism Research 1506 Tourism         1099-2340 1522-1970 1077-3509  
14964 C International Journal of Toxicology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1091-5818 1092-874X    
40293 C International Journal of Trade and Global Markets 1505 Marketing         1742-7541 1742-755X    
19320 C International Journal of Training and Development 1503 Business and Management         1360-3736 1468-2419    
20802 B International Journal of Training Research 1301 Education Systems          1448-0220 1039-4001    
35576 A International Journal of Transitional Justice 1801 Law         1752-7716 1752-7724    
18392 C International Journal of Transport Economics 1507 Transportation and Freight Services         0303-5247 1724-2185    
2900 C International Journal of Tropical Insect Science 0608 Zoology         1742-7584 1742-7592 0191-9040  
16274 B International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1027-3719 1815-7920    
36063 C International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge Based Systems 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing         0218-4885 1793-6411    
5955 A* International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 1402 Applied Economics 1205 Urban and Regional Planning     0309-1317 1468-2427    
41164 A International Journal of Urological Nursing 1110 Nursing         1749-7701 1749-771X    
16275 C International Journal of Urology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0919-8172 1442-2042    
35944 C International Journal of Value Chain Management 1503 Business and Management         1741-5357 1741-5365    
5397 C International Journal of Vegetable Science (Print) 0706 Horticultural Production         1931-5260 1931-5279 1548-1689 1049-6467
3651 C International Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems 0902 Automotive Engineering         1471-0226 1741-5306    
3649 A International Journal of Vehicle Design: journal of vehicle engineering, automotive technology and components 0902 Automotive Engineering         0143-3369 1741-5314    
41318 C International Journal of Vehicle Information and Communication Systems 0902 Automotive Engineering         1471-0242 1741-8208    
3653 C International Journal of Vehicle Noise and Vibration 0902 Automotive Engineering 0902 Automotive Engineering     1479-1471 1479-148X    
3654 B International Journal of Vehicle Safety 0902 Automotive Engineering         1479-3105 1479-3113    
41319 C International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing 0902 Automotive Engineering         1745-6436 1745-6444    
41320 Not ranked International Journal of Virtual Technology and Multimedia 0803 Computer Software 0806 Information Systems 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1741-1874 1741-1882    
20798 B International Journal of Vocational Education and Training 1301 Education Systems          1075-2455      
40633 B International Journal of Water 0904 Chemical Engineering          1465-6620 1741-5322    
4212 B International Journal of Water Resources Development 0905 Civil Engineering         0790-0627 1360-0648    
554 C International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing 01 Mathematical Sciences 08 Information and Computing Sciences     0219-6913 1793-690X    
32105 C International Journal of Web and Grid Services 0805 Distributed Computing         1741-1106 1741-1114    
31267 C International Journal of Web Based Communities 0806 Information Systems         1477-8394 1741-8216    
32106 C International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology 0803 Computer Software         1476-1289 1741-9212    
32107 C International Journal of Web Information Systems 0803 Computer Software 0806 Information Systems     1744-0084 1744-0092    
32108 C International Journal of Web Services Research 0806 Information Systems         1545-7362 1546-5004    
40574 C International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies 1301 Education Systems  2001 Communication and Media Studies     1548-1093      
20764 B International Journal of Whole Schooling 1301 Education Systems          1710-2146      
5680 A International Journal of Wildland Fire 0705 Forestry Sciences         1049-8001 1448-5516    
19800 C International Journal of Wine Business Research 1505 Marketing         1751-1062 1751-1070 0954-7541  
32109 C International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing 0805 Distributed Computing 1702 Cognitive Science     1741-1084 1741-1092    
42031 C International Journal of Wireless Information Networks 1005 Communications Technologies         1068-9605 1572-8129    
35943 C International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion 1503 Business and Management         1740-8938 1740-8946    
42033 B International Journal of Yoga Therapy 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1531-2054      
34656 B International Journal of Zizek Studies 1608 Sociology 2005 Literary Studies     1751-8229      
3101 C International Journal of Zoological Research 0608 Zoology         1811-9778 1811-9786    
2750 C International Journal on Algae 0607 Plant Biology         1521-9429 1940-4328    
17963 C International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science     0218-2130 1793-6349    
10725 B International Journal on Digital Libraries 0807 Library and Information Studies         1432-5012 1432-1300    
42036 A International Journal on Disability and Human Development 0604 Genetics  1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences 1565-021X      
20282 B International Journal on E-learning: corporate, government, healthcare and higher education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1537-2456 1943-5932    
33445 C International Journal on Minority and Group Rights 1801 Law         1385-4879 1571-8115 0927-5908  
40539 C International Journal on Multicultural Societies 1608 Sociology         1817-4574 1564-4901    
32112 B International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems 0804 Data Format 0806 Information Systems 1702 Cognitive Science 1552-6283      
18130 B International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer 0803 Computer Software         0945-8115 1433-2787    
41036 C International Journal on Wireless and Optical Communications 1005 Communications Technologies 0205 Optical Physics     0219-7995      
18839 C International Journal on World Peace 1606 Political Science         0742-3640      
40810 C International Kodaly Society. Bulletin 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0133-8749      
36823 B International Labmate 1801 Law         0143-5140      
7252 B International Labor and Working-Class History 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0147-5479 1471-6445    
19757 B International Labour Review 1801 Law 1503 Business and Management     0020-7780 1564-913X 0378-5599 0378-5548
33897 B International Lawyer 1801 Law         0020-7810      
19801 B International Marketing Review 1505 Marketing         0265-1335 1758-6763    
4910 B International Materials Reviews 0912 Materials Engineering         0950-6608 1743-2804    
39911 C International Mathematical Forum 01 Mathematical Sciences         1312-7594      
32326 A International Mathematics Research Notices 0101 Pure Mathematics         1073-7928 1687-0247 1687-3017  
15378 C International Medical Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1341-2051      
2479 C International Microbiology 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     1139-6709 1618-1905    
6020 A International Migration 1603 Demography          0020-7985 1468-2435    
6021 A International Migration Review 1603 Demography  1402 Applied Economics     0197-9183 1747-7379    
40448 C International Multilingual Research Journal 2004 Linguistics         1931-3152 1931-3160    
41037 C International Musculoskeletal Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         1753-6146 1753-6154    
39910 B International Negotiation: A Journal of Theory and Practice 1606 Political Science 1503 Business and Management 1801 Law 1382-340X 1571-8069    
14093 A International Nursing Review 1110 Nursing         0020-8132      
16276 C International Ophthalmology 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry         0165-5701 1573-2630    
16277 C International Ophthalmology Clinics 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry 1103 Clinical Sciences 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences 0020-8167 1536-9617    
18840 A* International Organization 1606 Political Science         0020-8183 1531-5088    
33446 C International Organizations Law Review 1801 Law         1572-3739 1572-3747    
16278 C International Orthopaedics 1103 Clinical Sciences         0341-2695 1432-5195    
42037 C International Papers in Political Economy 1402 Applied Economics         1353-1158      
18841 C International Peacekeeping 1606 Political Science 1801 Law     1353-3312 1743-906X    
2751 C International Peat Journal 0607 Plant Biology         0782-7784      
8451 B International Philosophical Quarterly 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0019-0365      
20878 A International Planning Studies 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         1356-3475 1469-9265    
18842 A International Political Science Review 1606 Political Science         0192-5121 1460-373X    
40476 C International Political Sociology 1606 Political Science         1749-5679 1749-5687    
18844 A International Politics: a journal of transnational issues and global problems 1606 Political Science 1605 Policy and Administration     1384-5748 1740-3898 0587-5994  
1670 C International Polymer Processing 0912 Materials Engineering         0930-777X      
32604 C International Poster Journal of Dentistry and Oral Medicine 1105 Dentistry         1612-7749      
6329 A International Psychogeriatrics 1701 Psychology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science 1041-6102 1741-203X    
18846 B International Public Management Journal 1605 Policy and Administration         1096-7494 1559-3169    
30407 C International Public Policy Review 1605 Policy and Administration         1748-5207      
30408 C International Public Relations Review 1606 Political Science         0269-0357      
42038 C International Real Estate Review 1504 Commercial Services         1029-6131      
30478 B International Regional Science Review 1499 Other Economics 1205 Urban and Regional Planning     0160-0176 1552-6925    
18848 B International Relations Journal 1606 Political Science 1605 Policy and Administration     0047-1178 1741-2862    
18849 A International Relations of the Asia-Pacific 1606 Political Science         1470-482X 1470-4838    
34799 Not ranked International Research in Children's Literature 2005 Literary Studies         1755-6198 1755-6201    
20623 B International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1604 Human Geography     1038-2046 1747-7611    
18552 C International Research Journal of Finance and Economics 14 Economics         1450-2887      
36262 C International Review for Environmental Strategies 1603 Demography          1345-7594      
39909 A International Review for the Sociology of Sport 1608 Sociology 2002 Cultural Studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 1461-7218 1012-6902    
18850 C International Review of Administrative Sciences: an international journal of comparative public administration 1605 Policy and Administration         0020-8523 0303-965X 0255-3635 1461-7226
9995 C International Review of African American Art: an international publication 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts         1045-0920      
15562 C International Review of Allergology and Clinical Immunology 1107 Immunology         1232-9142      
18393 B International Review of Applied Economics 1402 Applied Economics         0269-2171 1465-3486    
35942 C International Review of Business Research Papers 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1832-9543      
15242 B International Review of Cytology-a Survey of Cell Biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0074-7696      
18477 C International Review of Economics 14 Economics         1865-1704 1863-4613 0035-6751  
18553 B International Review of Economics and Finance 1402 Applied Economics         1059-0560 1873-8036    
18554 C International Review of Economics Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1477-3880      
19985 B International Review of Education 13 Education         0020-8566 1573-0638    
4590 C International Review of Electrical Engineering 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1827-6660      
19555 A International Review of Finance 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1369-412X 1468-2443    
19556 B International Review of Financial Analysis 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1057-5219      
36779 C International Review of Hydrobiology 0602 Ecology         1434-2944 1522-2632    
35941 B International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology 1701 Psychology 1503 Business and Management     0886-1528      
32114 C International Review of Information Ethics 0806 Information Systems 2201 Applied Ethics 1702 Cognitive Science 1614-1687      
21409 B International Review of Korean Studies MD Multidisciplinary         1449-7395      
17195 A International Review of Law and Economics 1402 Applied Economics 1801 Law     0144-8188 1873-6394    
33449 C International Review of Law, Computers and Technology 1801 Law         1360-0869 1364-6885 0965-528X  
3769 C International Review of Mechanical Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1970-8734 1970-8742    
12749 B International Review of Mission 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0020-8582 1758-6631    
14522 C International Review of Neurobiology 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0074-7742      
13159 C International Review of Psychiatry 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0954-0261 1369-1627    
36038 B International Review of Public Administration 1605 Policy and Administration         1229-4659      
35741 Not ranked International Review of Qualitative Research 1399 Other Education          1940-8447      
6331 C International Review of Research in Mental Retardation 1701 Psychology         0074-7750      
20804 B International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning 1301 Education Systems          1492-3831      
35940 B International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research 1505 Marketing         0959-3969 1466-4402    
7253 A International Review of Social History 2103 Historical Studies         0020-8590 1469-512X    
40127 C International Review of Sociology 1608 Sociology         0390-6701 1469-9273    
42040 Not ranked International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology 1701 Psychology         1750-984X      
17198 B International Review of Victimology 1602 Criminology         0269-7580      
11159 C International Review of Women and Leadership 1503 Business and Management         1323-1685      
35939 C International Review on Public and Non Profit Marketing 1505 Marketing         1865-1984 1812-0970 1865-1992  
1447 A International Reviews in Physical Chemistry 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)         0144-235X 1366-591X    
15507 B International Reviews of Immunology 1107 Immunology         0883-0185 1563-5244    
20069 C International Schools Journal 1301 Education Systems          0264-7281      
18851 A* International Security 1606 Political Science 1605 Policy and Administration     0162-2889 1531-4804    
16281 C International Seminars in Surgical Oncology 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1477-7800      
30230 B International Shipbuilding Progress 0911 Maritime Engineering          0020-868X 1566-2829    
19878 A International Small Business Journal 1503 Business and Management         0266-2426 1741-2870 0264-6560  
32882 B International Social Science Journal MD Multidisciplinary         0020-8701 1468-2451    
34217 B International Social Security Review 1607 Social Work         0020-871X 1468-246X 0379-0282 0250-605X
34218 A International Social Work 1607 Social Work         0020-8728 1461-7234    
10869 A International Sociology 1608 Sociology         0268-5809 1461-7242    
9764 C International Sportmed Journal 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1528-3356      
42041 A International Sports Studies 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1443-0770      
805 A International Statistical Review 0104 Statistics          0306-7734 1751-5823    
11494 C International Studies 2002 Cultural Studies         0020-8817 1939-9987 0097-8965  
8452 B International Studies in Philosophy: an international journal of general philosophic inquiry 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0270-5664 0039-2979    
20126 B International Studies in Sociology of Education 1608 Sociology         1747-5066 0962-0214    
11343 A International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0269-8595 1469-9281    
19170 B International Studies of Management and Organization 1503 Business and Management         0020-8825 1558-0911    
30409 C International Studies Perspectives 1606 Political Science         1528-3577 1528-3585    
18852 A* International Studies Quarterly: journal of the International Studies Association 1606 Political Science 1605 Policy and Administration     0020-8833 1468-2478    
40477 B International Studies Review 1606 Political Science         1521-9488 1468-2486 1079-1760  
31063 C International Sugar Journal: a technical and commercial periodical devoted entirely to the sugar and sweetener industry 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         0020-8841      
41038 C International Surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         0020-8868      
32883 B International Tax and Public Finance 1499 Other Economics         0927-5940 1573-6970    
17200 C International Tax Journal 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability 1801 Law     0097-7314      
40334 B International Technology Management Review 1503 Business and Management 0806 Information Systems     1835-5269      
40442 C International Trade and Business Law Review 1801 Law         1836-8573      
32884 B International Trade Journal 1402 Applied Economics         0885-3908 1521-0545    
36828 C International Trade Law and Regulation 1801 Law         1357-3136      
200 C International Transactions in Operational Research 0102 Applied Mathematics 0806 Information Systems 1503 Business and Management 0969-6016 1475-3995    
16283 C International Urogynecology Journal and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0937-3462 1433-3023    
35466 C International Urology and Nephrology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0301-1623 1573-2584    
37156 C International VAT Monitor 1801 Law         0925-0832      
30447 A International Wound Journal 1110 Nursing 1103 Clinical Sciences     1742-4801 1742-481X    
8453 C International Yearbook of Aesthetics 2203 Philosophy          1402-2842      
2910 C International Zoo Yearbook 0608 Zoology         0074-9664 1748-1090    
10382 C Internationale Stiftung Mozarteum. Mitteilungen 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0541-2331      
7254 C Internationale Wissenschaftliche Korrespondenz zur Geschichte der Deutschen Arbeiterbewegung 2103 Historical Studies         0046-8428      
8454 C Internationale Zeitschrift fuer Philosophie 2203 Philosophy          0942-3028      
31451 A* Internationales Archiv fuer Sozialgeschichte der Deutschen Literatur 2005 Literary Studies         0340-4528      
21410 C Internationales Asienforum MD Multidisciplinary         0020-9449      
35226 C Internationales Jahrbuch des Deutschen Idealismus 2203 Philosophy          1613-0472 1613-0480    
20283 B Internet and Higher Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1096-7516 1873-5525 0742-2342  
8077 B Internet Archaeology 2101 Archaeology         1363-5387      
2335 C Internet Electronic Journal of Molecular Design 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1538-6414      
13612 C Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1540-580X      
34163 C Internet Journal of Alternative Medicine 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         1540-2584      
32605 C Internet Journal of Dental Science 1105 Dentistry         1937-8238      
3436 C Internet Journal of Genomics and Proteomics 10 Technology 06 Biological Sciences     1540-2630      
41422 C Internet Journal of Healthcare Administration 1110 Nursing         1531-2933      
9296 C Internet Journal of Language, Culture and Society 2003 Language Studies         1327-774X      
42176 B Internet Reference Services Quarterly 0807 Library and Information Studies 0806 Information Systems     1087-5301 1540-4749    
19256 B Internet Research 0807 Library and Information Studies 0805 Distributed Computing 0806 Information Systems 1066-2243      
31452 B Interpres 2005 Literary Studies         0392-0224 1824-6745    
12751 B Interpretation (Richmond): a journal of Bible and theology 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0020-9643      
8456 C Interpretation: a journal of political philosophy 2203 Philosophy          0020-9635      
35789 C Interpreting Ceramics 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts 2002 Cultural Studies     1471-146X      
34655 A Interpreting: international journal of research and practice in interpreting 2003 Language Studies         1384-6647 1569-982X    
7255 B Intersections: gender, history and culture in the Asian context 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 2002 Cultural Studies     1440-9151      
806 C InterStat 0104 Statistics          1941-689X      
30522 A Interstices 1201 Architecture         1170-585X      
35533 C Intertax: international tax review 1801 Law         0165-2826 1875-8347 0015-282X  
11897 C Intertexts 2005 Literary Studies         1092-0625      
20720 C Intervention in School and Clinic 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1053-4512 1538-4810    
42046 C INTERVENTION: European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies 1401 Economic Theory 1402 Applied Economics     1613-0960      
11898 A Interventions: international journal of postcolonial studies 2002 Cultural Studies         1369-801X 1469-929X    
2480 C Intervirology: international journal of basic and medical virology 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     0300-5526 1423-0100    
11899 C Inti: revista de literatura hispanica 2005 Literary Studies         0732-6750      
8847 C Intralinea 2003 Language Studies         1827-000X      
201 A* Inventiones Mathematicae 0101 Pure Mathematics         0020-9910 1432-1297    
202 A* Inverse Problems 0102 Applied Mathematics 0105 Mathematical Physics 0101 Pure Mathematics 0266-5611 1361-6420    
39908 C Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering 09 Engineering 01 Mathematical Sciences 08 Information and Computing Sciences 1741-5977 1741-5985 1068-2767  
2911 B Invertebrate Biology 0608 Zoology         1077-8306 1744-7410 0003-0023  
3102 C Invertebrate Neuroscience 0608 Zoology         1354-2516 1439-1104    
2912 C Invertebrate Reproduction and Development 0608 Zoology         0792-4259      
3103 C Invertebrate Survival Journal 0608 Zoology         1824-307X      
2913 B Invertebrate Systematics 0603 Evolutionary Biology         1445-5226 1447-2600 0818-0164  
5712 C Investigacion Agraria. Sistemas y Recursos Forestales 0705 Forestry Sciences         1131-7965      
7256 B Investigacion de Historia Economica 1499 Other Economics         1698-6989      
17609 C Investigacion y Ciencia MD Multidisciplinary         0210-136X      
7257 B Investigaciones Historicas: publicacion de la areas de historia moderna y contemporanea 2103 Historical Studies         0210-9425      
14781 B Investigational New Drugs 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0167-6997 1573-0646    
16286 A* Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry 1109 Neurosciences     0146-0404 1552-5783    
16287 A Investigative Radiology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0020-9996 1536-0210    
19557 C Investment Management and Financial Innovations 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1810-4967 1812-9358 1813-4998  
5611 C InVet: investigacion veterinaria 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1514-6634 1668-3498    
3895 C Inzynieria Chemiczna i Procesowa 0904 Chemical Engineering          0208-6425 0368-0878    
40831 C Inzynieria Morska i Geotechnika 0909 Geomatic Engineering          0867-4299      
3493 C Ionics: international journal of ionics 0904 Chemical Engineering          0947-7047 1862-0760    
11495 C Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies 2002 Cultural Studies         0743-2747      
33450 B Iowa Law Review 1801 Law         0021-0552      
5612 C Iowa State University Veterinarian 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0099-5851      
40200 C IP Rax - Praxis de Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts 1801 Law         0720-6585      
8848 B IRAL-International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  2004 Linguistics     0019-042X 1613-4141    
8079 A Iran: Journal of the British Institute of Persian Studies 2101 Archaeology         0578-6967      
17611 C Iranian International Journal of Science MD Multidisciplinary         1607-4033 1026-5139    
3896 C Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (International English Edition) 0904 Chemical Engineering          1021-9986 1022-7768    
4483 C Iranian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1682-0053      
36437 C Iranian Journal of Language Studies (I J L S) 2004 Linguistics         1735-5184 1735-7047    
36430 C Iranian Journal of Linguistics 2004 Linguistics         0259-9082      
15379 C Iranian Journal of Medical Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0253-0716 1735-3688    
14965 C Iranian Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutics 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1735-2657      
13160 C Iranian Journal of Psychiatry 1103 Clinical Sciences         1735-4587      
40388 C Iranian Journal of Science and Technology Transaction A: Science 0403 Geology         1028-6276      
5613 C Iranian Journal of Veterinary Research 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1728-1997      
30068 B Iranian Studies MD Multidisciplinary         0021-0862 1475-4819    
7259 A Iranica Antiqua 2101 Archaeology         0021-0870 1783-1482    
31332 C Iraq 2002 Cultural Studies         0021-0889      
34946 B IRB: A Review of Human Subjects Research 2201 Applied Ethics         0193-7758      
3413 C IRBM News 10 Technology 06 Biological Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences 1959-0318 1297-9562 0222-0776 0243-7228
12752 B Irenikon 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0021-0978      
8457 B Iride: filosofia e discussione pubblica 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     1122-7893      
10384 C Irish Arts Review 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts 1649-217X 0791-3540    
12753 B Irish Biblical Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0268-6112      
7261 A Irish Economic and Social History 2103 Historical Studies         0332-4893      
20049 C Irish Educational Studies 13 Education         0332-3315 1747-4965    
32796 B Irish Feminist Review 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1649-6825 1393-726X 1393-3612  
7262 A Irish Historical Studies 2103 Historical Studies         0021-1214      
5229 C Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences         0791-6833      
9541 C Irish Journal of Anthropology 1601 Anthropology          1393-8592      
20040 B Irish Journal of Education 13 Education         0021-1257      
36808 C Irish Journal of European Law 1801 Law         0791-5403      
33451 C Irish Journal of Family Law 1801 Law         1393-7073      
31137 C Irish Journal of Management 1503 Business and Management         1649-248X 0332-1118    
15380 C Irish Journal of Medical Science 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0021-1265 1863-4362    
6333 C Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine 1701 Psychology         0790-9667 0790-0848    
6334 C Irish Journal of Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0303-3910      
40929 C Irish Journal of Sociology 1608 Sociology         0791-6035      
33899 B Irish Jurist 1801 Law         0021-1273      
19853 C Irish Marketing Review 1505 Marketing         0790-7362      
15381 C Irish Medical Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0332-3102      
36831 C Irish Planning and Environmental Law 1801 Law         0791-9735      
40367 B Irish Political Studies 1606 Political Science         0790-7184 1743-9078    
34813 B Irish Studies Review 20 Language, Communication and Culture         0967-0882 1469-9303    
35871 C Irish Theatre Magazine 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1393-7855      
12754 A Irish Theological Quarterly 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0021-1400 1752-4989    
11900 B Irish University Review: a journal of Irish studies 2005 Literary Studies         0021-1427      
5513 C Irish Veterinary Journal 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0368-0762 1393-3817    
4721 B Ironmaking and Steelmaking 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0301-9233 1743-2812 1362-5292  
4213 C Irrigation and Drainage 0905 Civil Engineering         1531-0353 1531-0361 0971-7412  
4214 C Irrigation and Drainage Systems 0905 Civil Engineering         0168-6291 1573-0654    
3502 B Irrigation Science 0799 Other Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences         0342-7188 1432-1319    
3503 B ISA Transactions 0910 Manufacturing Engineering         0019-0578      
42221 C ISBT Science Series 1103 Clinical Sciences         1751-2816 1751-2824    
10364 C ISCA Quarterly 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         0741-2940      
18395 C ISEAS Current Economic Affairs Series 1402 Applied Economics         0218-2114      
8458 C Isegoria: revista de filosofia moral y politica 2203 Philosophy          1130-2097      
4722 A ISIJ International 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0915-1559 1347-5460    
11344 A Isis: international review devoted to the history of science and its cultural influences 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0021-1753 1545-6994    
8081 B Iskos 2101 Archaeology         0355-3108      
12755 B Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0959-6410 1469-9311    
12756 B Islam and the Modern Age 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0021-1826      
41731 B Islami Arastirmalar 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1300-0373      
40106 C Islamic Economic Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment     1319-1616      
21413 C Islamic History and Civilization 2103 Historical Studies         0929-2403      
33453 C Islamic Law and Society 2204 Religion and Religious Studies 1801 Law     0928-9380 1568-5195    
11345 C Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science: texts and studies 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0169-8729      
41728 B Islamic Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0578-8072      
41732 C Islamiyat 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1301-840X      
34363 B Island Arc 0403 Geology         1038-4871 1440-1738    
37239 C Island Magazine 2103 Historical Studies         0384-8175      
37158 B Island Studies Journal 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         1715-2593      
35464 C Isokinetics and Exercise Science 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         0959-3020 1878-5913    
30015 C Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 0399 Other Chemical Sciences         1025-6016 1477-2639 0021-1915  
35511 A ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 0909 Geomatic Engineering  0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience     0924-2716 1872-8235    
40213 C Israel Affairs 1606 Political Science         1353-7121 1743-9086    
33411 C Israel Defense Forces Law Review 1801 Law         1565-4885      
8082 B Israel Exploration Journal 2101 Archaeology         0021-2059      
1348 C Israel Journal of Chemistry 03 Chemical Sciences         0021-2148      
2916 C Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution 0608 Zoology         1565-9801 0021-2210    
203 A Israel Journal of Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         0021-2172 1565-8511    
2599 C Israel Journal of Plant Sciences 0607 Plant Biology         0792-9978      
13161 C Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences 1103 Clinical Sciences         0333-7308      
44305 C Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine 0707 Veterinary Sciences 0608 Zoology     0334-9152      
33454 C Israel Law Review 1801 Law         0021-2237      
7266 C Israel Oriental Studies 2103 Historical Studies         0334-4401      
30109 B Israel Studies MD Multidisciplinary         1084-9513 1527-201X    
40214 C Israel Studies Forum: an interdisciplinary journal 2103 Historical Studies         1557-2455 1558-545X 1065-7711  
36832 B Israel Yearbook of Human Rights 1801 Law         0333-5925      
5757 C Israeli Journal of Aquaculture - Bamidgeh: international journal on aquaculture 0704 Fisheries Sciences         0792-156X 0005-4577    
36260 C Issues and Studies: an international quarterly on China, Taiwan, and East Asian affairs 1605 Policy and Administration         1013-2511      
36352 A Issues in Accounting Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability     0739-3172 1558-7983    
20463 C Issues in Applied Linguistics 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 2004 Linguistics     1050-4273      
14204 C Issues in Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing 1110 Nursing         0146-0862 1521-043X    
20026 B Issues in Educational Research 13 Education         0313-7155 1329-0703 0818-545X  
22235 C Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology 0807 Library and Information Studies         1547-5859 1547-5840    
40671 C Issues in Integrative Studies: an interdisciplinary journal 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1081-4760      
35451 C Issues in Law and Medicine 1801 Law         8756-8160      
14094 B Issues in Mental Health Nursing 1110 Nursing         0161-2840 1096-4673    
3683 C Issues in Science and Technology MD Multidisciplinary         0748-5492 1938-1557    
10673 C Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship 0807 Library and Information Studies         1092-1206      
9260 C Issues in Writing: education, government, arts and humanities, business and industry, science and technology 1903 Journalism and Professional Writing         0897-0696      
5713 C Istanbul Universitesi Orman Fakultesi Dergisi Seri A 0705 Forestry Sciences         0535-8418      
5614 C Istanbul Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0378-2352      
6796 C Istituto Italiano di Numismatica. Annali 2103 Historical Studies         0578-9923      
8222 C Istituto Nazionale d' Archeologia e Storia dell'Arte. Rivista 2101 Archaeology         0392-5285      
6736 C Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli. Annali 2004 Linguistics 2005 Literary Studies     1720-1721      
42052 C Istmo: Revista virtual de estudios literarios y 2002 Cultural Studies 2005 Literary Studies     1535-2315      
7271 A Italia Medievale e Umanistica 2005 Literary Studies 2103 Historical Studies     0391-7495 1828-2431    
40082 B Italian Culture 2003 Language Studies 2005 Literary Studies     0161-4622 1559-0909    
16288 C Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1122-6714      
40365 C Italian Journal of Animal Science 0702 Animal Production         1594-4077 0390-0487    
2225 C Italian Journal of Biochemistry 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0021-2938      
9711 C Italian Journal of Food Science 0908 Food Sciences         1120-1770      
9071 B Italian Journal of Linguistics 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     1120-2726      
2336 C Italian Journal of Mineral and Electrolyte Metabolism 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1121-1709      
16289 C Italian Journal of Paediatrics 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1824-7288      
204 B Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1126-8042 1121-7111    
18312 C Italian Journal of Regional Science 1503 Business and Management         1720-3929      
35463 C Italian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery: a journal of vascular and endovascular surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         1824-4777 1827-1847 1122-8679  
2917 C Italian Journal of Zoology 0608 Zoology         1125-0003 1748-5851 0373-4137  
34777 A Italian Poetry Review 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2005 Literary Studies 2099 Other Language, Communication and Culture 1557-5012 1093-7587    
31453 C Italian Quarterly 2005 Literary Studies         0021-2954      
11901 A Italian Studies 2005 Literary Studies         0075-1634 1748-6181    
40069 B Italian Studies in Southern Africa 2003 Language Studies 2005 Literary Studies     1012-2338      
31454 A Italianistica: rivista di letteratura italiana 2005 Literary Studies         0391-3368 1724-1677    
31455 A Italica 2005 Literary Studies         0021-3020      
36077 C ITE Journal 0905 Civil Engineering         0162-8178 0148-0170    
10365 C ITG Journal 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0363-2849      
7272 A Itinerario: journal on the history of European expansion and global interaction 2103 Historical Studies         0165-1153      
8852 C ITL: international journal of applied linguistics 2004 Linguistics         0019-0810 1783-1490    
2226 B IUBMB Life 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1521-6543 1521-6551 1039-9712  
36814 B Ius et Lex 1801 Law         1643-1839      
34945 B Iyyun: The Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly 2203 Philosophy          0021-3306      
44858 B Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii 0803 Computer Software 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering 0910 Manufacturing Engineering 0536-1036 1728-628X    
4103 C Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii. Geologiya i Razvedka 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0016-7762      
4346 C Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii. Stroitel'stvo 1201 Architecture         1019-6390      
32329 B Izvestiya: Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1064-5632 1468-4810    
19096 A JAAF - Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment     0148-558X      
42132 B JAAPA 1110 Nursing         0893-7400      
34164 C Jaarboek Integrale Geneeskunde 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         1874-0251 0928-0065    
7276 C Jaarboek voor Ecologische Geschiedenis 2103 Historical Studies         1375-5692      
7277 B Jaarboek voor Middeleeuwse Geschiedenis 2103 Historical Studies         1388-6649      
7279 B Jaarboek voor Oorlogsdocumentatie 2103 Historical Studies         1569-3724 0925-2665    
31457 A* Jahrbuch der Deutschen Schillergesellschaft 2005 Literary Studies         0070-4318      
7283 C Jahrbuch des Baltischen Deutschtums 2103 Historical Studies         0075-2436      
31458 A Jahrbuch des Freien Deutschen Hochstifts 2005 Literary Studies         0071-9463 1865-9411    
34738 B Jahrbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache 2004 Linguistics         0342-6300      
7285 A Jahrbuch fuer Antike und Christentum 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0075-2541      
7286 C Jahrbuch fuer die Geschichte Mittel- und Ostdeutschlands 2103 Historical Studies         0075-2614      
7288 B Jahrbuch fuer Geschichte Lateinamerikas 2103 Historical Studies         1438-4752 0075-2673    
8460 C Jahrbuch fuer Hegelforschung 2203 Philosophy          0946-9559      
9999 B Jahrbuch fuer Liturgik und Hymnologie 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0075-2681      
32885 B Jahrbuch fuer Regionalwissenschaft: review of regional research 1402 Applied Economics         0173-7600 1613-9836    
7291 C Jahrbuch fuer Universitaetsgeschichte 2103 Historical Studies         1435-1358      
891 C Jahrbuch fuer Wirtschaftswissenschaften 14 Economics 01 Mathematical Sciences     0948-5139      
37123 C Jahrbuch fuer Wissenschaft und Ethik 2203 Philosophy          1430-9017 1613-1142    
7290 B Jahrbuch fur Regionalgeschichte 2103 Historical Studies         0085-2341 0949-7684    
9542 C Jahrbuch fur Volkskunde 1601 Anthropology          0171-9904      
892 B Jahrbucher fur Nationalokonomie und Statistik 14 Economics         0021-4027      
7294 A Jahrbuecher fuer Geschichte Osteuropas 2103 Historical Studies         0021-4019      
16290 A JAIDS-Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 1103 Clinical Sciences         1525-4135 1944-7884    
15314 A* JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0098-7484 1538-3598    
17614 C Jamaican Journal of Science and Technology MD Multidisciplinary         1016-2054      
33457 C James Cook University Law Review 1801 Law         1321-1072      
11902 B James Joyce Quarterly 2005 Literary Studies         0021-4183 1938-6036    
35791 C Janus Head (Print Edition) 2002 Cultural Studies 2103 Historical Studies     1524-2269 1521-9194    
42133 B JAOA: Journal of the American Osteopathic Association 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences         0098-6151      
3970 C JAOCS 0904 Chemical Engineering          0003-021X 1558-9331    
5186 C Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences         0021-3551      
1618 C Japan Analyst 0301 Analytical Chemistry         0525-1931      
18396 B Japan and the World Economy 1401 Economic Theory         0922-1425      
21419 A Japan Forum: the international journal of Japanese studies MD Multidisciplinary         0955-5803 1469-932X    
562 C Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics         0916-7005 0910-2043    
35462 C Japan Journal of Nursing Science 1110 Nursing         1742-7932 1742-7924    
34270 C Japan Labor Review 1503 Business and Management         1348-9364      
21423 B Japan Review of International Affairs 1606 Political Science         0913-8773      
21424 B Japan Studies Review MD Multidisciplinary         1550-0713      
18220 B Japanese Economic Review 14 Economics         1352-4739 1468-5876    
989 C Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     0021-4922      
14999 C Japanese Journal of Chemotherapy 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1340-7007      
35461 C Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         0368-2811 1465-3621    
9390 C Japanese Journal of Language in Society 2004 Linguistics         1344-3909      
32331 A Japanese Journal of Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         0289-2316 1861-3624    
16292 C Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry         0021-5155 1613-2246    
36900 C Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         0039-906X      
3185 C Japanese Journal of Physiological Anthropology 0606 Physiology  1116 Medical Physiology     1342-3215 1880-6791    
21428 C Japanese Journal of Political Science 1606 Political Science         1468-1099 1474-0060    
12760 A Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0304-1042      
3770 C Japanese Journal of Tribology 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1045-7828 1941-1111 0915-1168  
5185 C Japanese Journal of Tropical Agriculture 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences         0021-5260      
5615 C Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research 0707 Veterinary Sciences 0608 Zoology     0047-1917      
9338 A Japanese Language and Literature 2003 Language Studies 2005 Literary Studies     1536-7827 0885-9884    
6337 C Japanese Psychological Research 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0021-5368 1468-5884    
12761 B Japanese Religions 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0448-8954      
5396 C Japanese Society for Horticultural Science. Journal 0706 Horticultural Production         1882-3351 0013-7626    
18858 A Japanese Studies MD Multidisciplinary         1037-1397 1469-9338    
21435 B Japanese Yearbook on Business History 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1349-807X 0910-2027    
30148 C Japanstudien MD Multidisciplinary         0938-6491      
21436 C Japonica Humboldtiana MD Multidisciplinary         1433-3473      
2753 C Jardin Botanico de Madrid. Anales 0607 Plant Biology         0211-1322      
16293 A JARO: Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1525-3961 1438-7573    
35541 C JASSA: Journal of the Australian Society of Security Analysts 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability 1801 Law 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment 0313-5934      
40715 B Javnost 2001 Communication and Media Studies         1318-3222      
15218 C Jawetz Melnick and Adelberg's Medical Microbiology 1108 Medical Microbiology         1054-2744      
10385 B Jazz Education Journal 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1540-2886 0730-9791 0047-8741  
10386 C Jazz Perspectives 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1749-4060 1749-4079    
40792 C JCT: Journal of Curriculum Theorizing 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1057-896X 0162-8453    
42056 B JDDG 1103 Clinical Sciences 1107 Immunology     1610-0379 1610-0387 1860-6024  
11164 C Jean Rhys Review 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 2005 Literary Studies     0889-759X      
11904 C Jeffers Studies 2005 Literary Studies         1096-5076 0300-7936    
17616 C Jeffersoniana MD Multidisciplinary         1061-1878      
35654 C JEI 1401 Economic Theory         0021-3624 1946-326X    
6393 B JEM 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0274-838X 1745-3984    
4591 C Jeon'gi Haghoe Nonmunji 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1975-8359 1229-2443 1229-2451 1229-246X
33458 C Jersey and Guernsey Law Review 1801 Law         1366-9354      
20425 C JET: Journal of Educational Thought 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0022-0701      
992 B JETP Letters 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     0021-3640 1090-6487 0370-274X  
7295 B Jewish History 2103 Historical Studies         0334-701X 1572-8579    
40532 B Jewish Journal of Sociology 1608 Sociology         0021-6534      
12762 A Jewish Quarterly Review 2103 Historical Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0021-6682 1553-0604    
11496 B Jewish Social Studies: history, culture and society 2002 Cultural Studies         0021-6704 1527-2028    
8855 C Jezik in Slovstvo 2004 Linguistics 2005 Literary Studies     0021-6933      
8854 C Jezik: casopis za kulturu hrvatskoga knjizevnog jezika 2004 Linguistics         0021-6925      
8856 C Jezikoslovlje 2004 Linguistics         1331-7202      
8857 C Jezikoslovni Zapiski 2004 Linguistics         0354-0448      
8858 B Jezyk Polski 2004 Linguistics         0021-6941      
5714 C Jiangsu Linye Keji 0705 Forestry Sciences         1001-7380      
17617 C Jiangxi Science MD Multidisciplinary         1001-3679      
44897 C Jianzhu Guanli Xiandaihua 1202 Building         1001-019X      
44924 A Jianzhu Xuebao 1201 Architecture         0529-1399      
35702 B Jiaoyu Yanjiu 1301 Education Systems          1002-5731      
35633 C Jingji Yanjiu 15 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services 14 Economics 22 Philosophy and Religious Studies 0577-9154      
30249 B Jinko Mondai Kenkyu (Journal of Population Problems) 1603 Demography          0387-2793      
4791 C Jinshu Xuebao 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0412-1961      
4347 C Jishui Paishui 0905 Civil Engineering         1002-8471      
20993 C Jisuanji Xuebao 0806 Information Systems 0803 Computer Software     0254-4164      
18014 C JITTA: an information systems journal 0806 Information Systems         1532-4516 1552-6496    
15382 C JK Science: journal of medical education and research 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0972-1177      
32606 C JODQ: Journal de l'Ordre des Dentistes du Quebec 1105 Dentistry         1718-1569 0845-9320    
19706 C JOHAR: Journal of Hospitality Application and Research 1504 Commercial Services         0973-4538      
11906 C John Clare Society Journal 2005 Literary Studies         1356-7128      
11907 B John Donne Journal: studies in the age of Donne 2005 Literary Studies         0738-9655      
33900 C John Marshall Journal of Computer and Information Law 1801 Law         1078-4128      
33901 C John Marshall Law Review 1801 Law         0270-854X      
33902 C John Marshall Review of Intellectual Property Law 1801 Law         1930-8140      
17508 C Johns Hopkins Apl Technical Digest MD Multidisciplinary         0270-5214 1930-0530    
16295 C Joint Bone Spine 1103 Clinical Sciences         1297-319X 1778-7254    
4030 A JOM 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy 0913 Mechanical Engineering     1047-4838 1543-1851    
17618 C Jordan Journal of Applied Science: Natural Science MD Multidisciplinary         1605-2587      
15383 C Jordan Medical Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0446-9283      
32336 C Journ@l Electronique d'Histoire des Probabilites et de la Statistique 0104 Statistics          1773-0074      
17664 C Journal  of the Ningxia University (Natural Science Edition) MD Multidisciplinary         0253-2328      
34297 B Journal A of the Optical Society of America: Optics, Image Science, and Vision 0205 Optical Physics 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry     1084-7529 1520-8532    
21442 A* Journal Asiatique MD Multidisciplinary         0021-762X 1783-1504    
565 A Journal d'Analyse Mathematique 0101 Pure Mathematics         0021-7670 1565-8538    
44585 C Journal de Chirurgie 1103 Clinical Sciences         1950-1692 0003-3944    
9543 C Journal de la Societe des Americanistes 1601 Anthropology          0037-9174 1957-7842    
32334 A* Journal de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     0021-7824      
207 B Journal de Theorie des Nombres de Bordeaux 0101 Pure Mathematics         1246-7405      
7296 A Journal des Savants 2103 Historical Studies         0021-8103      
42066 B Journal for Computing Teachers 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1303 Specialist Studies In Education     1943-9725      
17208 C Journal for Crime Conflict and Media Culture 1602 Criminology 2001 Communication and Media Studies     1741-1580      
19951 C Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies 1605 Policy and Administration         1740-2743      
34653 B Journal for cultural research MD Multidisciplinary         1479-7585 1467-8713 1362-5179  
35957 B Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies 2002 Cultural Studies 2103 Historical Studies     1531-0485 1553-3786    
34654 B Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies 2005 Literary Studies 2103 Historical Studies     1754-0194 1754-0208 0141-867X  
44925 C Journal for European Environmental and Planning Law 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         1613-7272      
11349 B Journal for General Philosophy of Science 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0925-4560 1572-8587    
42067 C Journal for Global Business Advancement 1402 Applied Economics         1746-966X 1746-9678    
41156 A Journal for Healthcare Quality 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1062-2551 1945-1474    
35627 C Journal for Institutional Innovation, Development and Transition 14 Economics         1580-4615 1581-1042    
41880 C Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development 1503 Business and Management         1549-9324 1747-6763    
42068 B Journal for Juridical Science 1602 Criminology 1801 Law     0258-252X      
36193 B Journal for Lacanian Studies 1701 Psychology         1477-3635      
8533 C Journal for Legal Philosophy and Jurisprudence 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     1875-2306 1875-2381 0168-9088  
7324 B Journal for Maritime Research 2103 Historical Studies         1469-1957      
5883 C Journal for Nature Conservation MD Multidisciplinary         1617-1381      
14205 C Journal for Nurses in Staff Development 1110 Nursing         1098-7886 1538-9049 0882-0627  
19388 C Journal for Quality and Participation 1503 Business and Management         1040-9602 1931-4019 1060-8494 0740-2287
20491 A* Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0021-8251 1945-2306    
15384 C Journal for Scientific Research Medical Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1029-4066 1729-9810    
42069 B Journal for Semitics 2003 Language Studies         1013-8471      
14099 A Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing 1110 Nursing         1539-0136 1744-6155 1088-145X 0090-0702
18178 B Journal for Studies in Economics and Econometrics 1403 Econometrics  1402 Applied Economics     0379-6205      
42071 C Journal for the Academic Study of Magic 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1479-0750      
10292 B Journal for the Cantor Center for Visual Art at Stanford University 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts     1081-4825 1530-0218    
20722 C Journal for the Education of the Gifted 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0162-3532      
11350 B Journal for the History of Astronomy 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0021-8286 1753-8556 0142-7253  
13004 B Journal for the History of Modern Theology 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0943-7592 1612-9776    
10871 A Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 1608 Sociology 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0021-8294 1468-5906    
7297 C Journal for the Study of Judaism 2103 Historical Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0047-2212 1570-0631    
12766 C Journal for the Study of Religious and Ideologies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1583-0039      
31368 B Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus 2204 Religion and Religious Studies 2103 Historical Studies     1476-8690 1745-5197    
12767 A Journal for the Study of the New Testament 2204 Religion and Religious Studies 2103 Historical Studies     0142-064X 1745-5294    
12768 A Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0309-0892 1476-6728    
12769 A Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0951-8207 1745-5286    
6338 B Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 1608 Sociology 1701 Psychology     0021-8308 1468-5914    
20820 C Journal for Vocational Special Needs Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0195-7597      
35217 C Journal Francais d'Ophtalmologie 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry         0181-5512 1773-0597    
567 A* Journal fuer die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik: Crelle's journal 0101 Pure Mathematics         0075-4102 1435-5345    
10387 C Journal fuer Kunstgeschichte 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         1432-9506      
2337 C Journal fuer Mineralstoffwechsel: Zeitschrift fuer Physiologie, Pathophysiologie und Klinik des Mineralstoffwechsels 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1023-7763 1680-9408    
9712 C Journal fuer Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit 0908 Food Sciences         1661-5751 1661-5867    
37091 C Journal International de Bioethique 2203 Philosophy          1287-7352 1282-3279 1145-0762 1151-5104
15385 C Journal International Medical Sciences Academy 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0971-071X      
6339 A Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 1701 Psychology         0091-0627 1573-2835    
6340 A* Journal of Abnormal Psychology 1701 Psychology         0021-843X 1939-1846    
18560 C Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development 1402 Applied Economics         1481-9112 1481-9120    
40930 C Journal of Abraham Lincoln Association 2103 Historical Studies         0898-4212 1945-7987    
20375 B Journal of Academic Ethics 2201 Applied Ethics         1570-1727 1572-8544    
40178 C Journal of Academic Language and Learning 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1303 Specialist Studies In Education 2004 Linguistics 1835-5196      
33460 C Journal of Academic Legal Studies 1801 Law         1862-0280      
19955 C Journal of Access Policy and Practice 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1740-1348 1462-0367    
18561 A* Journal of Accounting and Economics 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability 1402 Applied Economics     0165-4101      
19094 B Journal of Accounting and Organisational Change 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1832-5912      
19095 A Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         0278-4254 1873-2070    
35987 A Journal of Accounting Education 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         0748-5751 1873-1996    
19098 A Journal of Accounting Literature 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         0737-4607      
19099 A* Journal of Accounting Research 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         0021-8456 1475-679X    
35936 C Journal of Accounting, Business and Management 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         0216-423X      
35988 C Journal of Accounting, Ethics and Public Policy 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1089-652X      
4592 C Journal of Active and Passive Electronic Devices 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1555-0281 1555-029X    
36353 A Journal of Actuarial Practice 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment 0102 Applied Mathematics     1064-6647      
42073 Not ranked Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         2005-2901      
34165 C Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         1672-3597 1993-0399    
34846 Not ranked Journal of Adaptation in Film and Performance 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing     1753-6421      
42076 B Journal of Addiction Medicine 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1932-0620 1935-3227    
40056 C Journal of Addictions Nursing 1110 Nursing         1088-4602 1548-7148    
13613 C Journal of Addictive Diseases 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1701 Psychology     1055-0887 1545-0848    
4913 B Journal of Adhesion 0912 Materials Engineering         0021-8464 1545-5823    
3971 B Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology: the international journal of theoretical and basic aspects of adhesion science and its applications in all areas of technology 0904 Chemical Engineering          0169-4243 1568-5616    
32607 A Journal of Adhesive Dentistry 1105 Dentistry         1461-5185      
42077 C Journal of Administration and Governance 1503 Business and Management         1834-352X 1834-3511    
6341 B Journal of Adolescence 1701 Psychology         0140-1971 1095-9254    
20322 A Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1081-3004 1936-2706    
6342 A Journal of Adolescent Health 1110 Nursing 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1701 Psychology 1054-139X      
6343 B Journal of Adolescent Research 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0743-5584 1552-6895    
20800 B Journal of Adult and Continuing Education 1301 Education Systems          1477-9714 1361-7788    
6344 C Journal of Adult Development 1701 Psychology         1068-0667 1573-3440    
20603 C Journal of Adult Theological Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1740-7141 1743-1654 1352-741X  
30576 C Journal of Advanced Academics 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1932-202X 1077-4610    
40120 C Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0806 Information Systems     1343-0130 1883-8014    
40825 A Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology 0905 Civil Engineering         1346-8014 1347-3913    
34356 B Journal of Advanced Materials 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     0969-6849      
14101 A* Journal of Advanced Nursing 1110 Nursing         0309-2402 1365-2648    
42078 C Journal of Advanced Oxidation Technologies 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)         1203-8407      
4219 A Journal of Advanced Transportation 0905 Civil Engineering         0197-6729      
2920 C Journal of Advanced Zoology 0608 Zoology         0253-7214      
20559 B Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1472-9679 1754-0402    
19803 A Journal of Advertising 1505 Marketing         0091-3367 1557-7805    
19804 A Journal of Advertising Research 1505 Marketing         0021-8499 1740-1909    
16298 B Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1941-2703 1941-2711 0894-2684  
1971 A Journal of Aerosol Science 0904 Chemical Engineering          0021-8502 1879-1964    
3576 B Journal of Aerospace Engineering 0901 Aerospace Engineering         0893-1321 1943-5525    
20600 B Journal of Aesthetic Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0021-8510 1543-7809    
8462 A Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing 22 Philosophy and Religious Studies     0021-8529 1540-6245    
13088 A Journal of Affective Disorders 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0165-0327 1573-2517    
34902 B Journal of African American History 2103 Historical Studies         1548-1867 0022-2992    
32727 C Journal of African American Studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1559-1646 1936-4741 1081-1753 1063-4460
8087 A Journal of African Archaeology 2101 Archaeology         1612-1651      
31163 C Journal of African Business 1503 Business and Management         1522-8916 1522-9076    
34652 A Journal of African Cultural Studies 2002 Cultural Studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society     1369-6815 1469-9346    
42081 C Journal of African Development 1402 Applied Economics         1060-6076      
1737 C Journal of African Earth Sciences 0403 Geology 0404 Geophysics     1464-343X 1879-1956    
18397 B Journal of African Economies 1402 Applied Economics         0963-8024 1464-3723    
7298 A* Journal of African History 2103 Historical Studies         0021-8537 1469-5138    
8859 A Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 2004 Linguistics         0167-6164 1613-3811    
33462 B Journal of African Law 1801 Law         0021-8553 1464-3731    
11909 C Journal of African Travel-Writing 2005 Literary Studies         1085-9527      
42083 C Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma 1701 Psychology         1092-6771      
13615 C Journal of Aging and Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0898-2643 1552-6887    
14966 C Journal of Aging and Pharmacotherapy 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1540-5303 1540-4706 8756-4629  
9765 B Journal of Aging and Physical Activity 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1063-8652 1543-267X    
36238 A Journal of Aging and Social Policy: a journal devoted to aging and social policy 1607 Social Work 1605 Policy and Administration     0895-9420 1545-0821    
16299 C Journal of Aging Studies 1103 Clinical Sciences         0890-4065 1879-193X    
7299 B Journal of Agrarian Change 2103 Historical Studies 1402 Applied Economics     1471-0358 1471-0366    
18398 C Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 1499 Other Economics         1074-0708      
34980 B Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 2201 Applied Ethics 2203 Philosophy      1187-7863 1573-322X    
1349 A Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 09 Engineering 03 Chemical Sciences 0021-8561 1520-5118    
32887 C Journal of Agricultural and Food Industrial Organization 1402 Applied Economics         1542-0485      
9713 C Journal of Agricultural and Food Information 0908 Food Sciences         1049-6505 1540-4722    
35652 B Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 1499 Other Economics         1068-5502      
2921 C Journal of Agricultural and Urban Entomology 0608 Zoology         1523-5475 0735-939X    
18399 A Journal of Agricultural Economics 1402 Applied Economics         0021-857X 1477-9552    
20669 C Journal of Agricultural Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1042-0541 0002-7480    
20662 C Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension: international journal on changes in agricultural knowledge and action systems 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1389-224X 1750-8622 1381-2335  
13616 C Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1074-7583 1943-7846    
807 B Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 01 Mathematical Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 05 Environmental Sciences 1085-7117 1537-2693    
40852 C Journal of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences 0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management         1934-7235      
5214 C Journal of Agriculture and Environment for International Development 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences         1590-7198 0035-6026    
5188 C Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences         1612-9830 0041-3186 0301-567X 0005-8203
5314 B Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science: Zeitschrift fuer Acker- und Pflanzenbau 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         0931-2250      
33463 A Journal of Air Law and Commerce 1801 Law         0021-8642      
19639 B Journal of Air Transport Management 1507 Transportation and Freight Services         0969-6997 1873-2089    
3577 B Journal of Aircraft: devoted to aeronautical science and technology 0901 Aerospace Engineering         0021-8669 1533-3868    
20429 C Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0090-1482 0021-8677    
210 A* Journal of Algebra 0101 Pure Mathematics         0021-8693 1090-266X    
211 C Journal of Algebra and its Applications 0101 Pure Mathematics         0219-4988 1793-6829    
212 A Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics: an international journal 0101 Pure Mathematics         0925-9899 1572-9192    
213 A Journal of Algebraic Geometry 0101 Pure Mathematics         1056-3911 1534-7486    
17970 A Journal of Algorithms 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics         0196-6774 1090-2678    
36616 C Journal of Algorithms and Computational Technology 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics         1748-3018 1748-3026    
15508 A* Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 1107 Immunology         0091-6749 1097-6825    
13617 C Journal of Allied Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0090-7421      
1448 A Journal of Alloys and Compounds 0912 Materials Engineering 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy     0925-8388 1873-4669    
34137 A* Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         1075-5535 1557-7708    
16300 C Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science     1387-2877 1875-8908    
16296 C Journal of American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus 1103 Clinical Sciences         1091-8531 1528-3933    
13618 C Journal of American College Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0744-8481 1940-3208    
34814 C Journal of American Culture MD Multidisciplinary         1542-7331 1542-734X 1537-4726 0191-1813
11910 B Journal of American Drama and Theatre 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2005 Literary Studies     1044-937X      
10873 C Journal of American Ethnic History 1608 Sociology         0278-5927 1936-4695    
9547 A Journal of American Folklore 1601 Anthropology  2103 Historical Studies     0021-8715 1535-1882    
34166 C Journal of American Herbalists Guild 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         1538-7496      
7300 A Journal of American History 2103 Historical Studies         0021-8723 1945-2314    
19997 C Journal of American Indian Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0021-8731      
15386 C Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1543-4826 1086-4784    
30588 A Journal of American Studies 2103 Historical Studies         0021-8758 1469-5154    
1633 B Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 0904 Chemical Engineering  0301 Analytical Chemistry     0165-2370 1873-250X    
1634 A Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 0301 Analytical Chemistry 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)     0267-9477 1364-5544    
1635 C Journal of Analytical Chemistry 0301 Analytical Chemistry         1061-9348 1608-3199 0044-4502  
6345 C Journal of Analytical Psychology 1701 Psychology         0021-8774 1468-5922    
1636 B Journal of Analytical Toxicology 0301 Analytical Chemistry 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences     0146-4760 1945-2403    
14610 A Journal of Anatomy 1116 Medical Physiology 0903 Biomedical Engineering      0021-8782 1469-7580    
7836 A Journal of Ancient Christianity 2103 Historical Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0949-9571 1612-961X    
7301 C Journal of Ancient Civilizations 2103 Historical Studies         1004-9371      
7302 C Journal of Ancient Topography 2101 Archaeology         1121-5275      
16302 B Journal of Andrology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine     0196-3635 1939-4640    
41040 C Journal of Anesthesia 1103 Clinical Sciences         0913-8668 1438-8359    
37024 B Journal of Anglican Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1740-3553 1745-5278    
5452 B Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences 0702 Animal Production         1230-1388      
40738 C Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1680-5593 1993-601X    
5453 B Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 0702 Animal Production         0931-2668 1439-0388    
3266 A Journal of Animal Ecology 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 0021-8790 1365-2656    
3184 B Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition 0606 Physiology  0707 Veterinary Sciences 0702 Animal Production 0931-2439 1439-0396    
5454 A* Journal of Animal Science 0702 Animal Production 0707 Veterinary Sciences     0021-8812 1525-3163    
8089 A Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 1601 Anthropology  2101 Archaeology     0278-4165 1090-2686    
9549 A Journal of Anthropological Research 1601 Anthropology          0091-7710      
2481 B Journal of Antibiotics: an international journal devoted to research on bioactive microbial products 0605 Microbiology  1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences     0021-8820 1881-1469 0368-2781  
14785 A Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0305-7453 1460-2091    
13089 A Journal of Anxiety Disorders 1701 Psychology 1103 Clinical Sciences     0887-6185 1873-7897    
1637 C Journal of AOAC International 0301 Analytical Chemistry 0908 Food Sciences     1060-3271 1944-7922    
2922 C Journal of Apicultural Research and Bee World 0608 Zoology         1751-2891 0021-8839 0005-772X  
33903 B Journal of Appellate Practice and Process 1801 Law         1533-4724      
19127 B Journal of Applied Accounting Research 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         0967-5426      
30819 C Journal of Applied Algebra and Discrete Structures 0101 Pure Mathematics         0972-5946      
214 C Journal of Applied Analysis 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1425-6908 0137-2572    
39671 C Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics         1990-4789 1990-4797    
3104 C Journal of Applied Animal Research 0608 Zoology 0702 Animal Production     0971-2119 0974-1844    
36863 C Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science 0608 Zoology 0702 Animal Production 0707 Veterinary Sciences 1088-8705 1532-7604    
5758 C Journal of Applied Aquaculture 0704 Fisheries Sciences         1045-4438 1545-0805    
6346 B Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0021-8855 1938-3703    
41202 C Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research 1701 Psychology 1799 Other Psychology and Cognitive Sciences      1071-2089 1751-9861    
9766 B Journal of Applied Biomechanics 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science 0903 Biomedical Engineering      1065-8483 1543-2688    
2600 C Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality 0607 Plant Biology         1613-9216 1439-040X 0949-5460 0066-1759
18562 C Journal of Applied Business and Economics 1402 Applied Economics         1499-691X      
19469 C Journal of Applied Business Research 1503 Business and Management         0892-7626      
9227 B Journal of Applied Communication Research 2001 Communication and Media Studies         0090-9882 1479-5752    
19606 A Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1078-1196 1745-6622    
34293 A Journal of Applied Crystallography 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     0021-8898 1600-5767    
6348 B Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0193-3973      
3267 A Journal of Applied Ecology 0501 Ecological Applications 0602 Ecology 0502 Environmental Science and Management 0021-8901 1365-2664    
32848 A* Journal of Applied Econometrics 1403 Econometrics  1402 Applied Economics     0883-7252 1099-1255    
18400 B Journal of Applied Economics 1402 Applied Economics         1514-0326      
1450 B Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 0904 Chemical Engineering  0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)     0021-891X 1572-8838    
2923 C Journal of Applied Entomology 0608 Zoology         0931-2048 1439-0418    
35981 B Journal of Applied Finance: theory, practice, education 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment     1534-6668 1082-0698    
36517 Not ranked Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering         1735-3572 1735-3645    
32337 C Journal of Applied Functional Analysis 0101 Pure Mathematics         1559-1948 1559-1956    
36864 C Journal of Applied Genetics: an international journal of genetics and breeding 06 Biological Sciences         1234-1983 0016-6715    
39857 B Journal of Applied Geodesy 0909 Geomatic Engineering          1862-9016      
1738 B Journal of Applied Geophysics 0404 Geophysics         0926-9851      
16303 C Journal of Applied Gerontology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0733-4648 1552-4523    
5390 C Journal of Applied Horticulture 0706 Horticultural Production         0972-1045      
3105 C Journal of Applied Ichthyology 0608 Zoology         0175-8659      
8860 C Journal of Applied Linguistics 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     1479-7887 1743-1743    
39906 A Journal of Applied Logic 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics 1702 Cognitive Science 1570-8683 1570-8691    
19100 C Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1443-9905 1443-9913    
19890 C Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship 1503 Business and Management         1077-1158      
32338 C Journal of Applied Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics         1110-757X 1687-0042    
32339 C Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 01 Mathematical Sciences 08 Information and Computing Sciences     1598-5865 1865-2085 1229-9502  
32340 C Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences 0102 Applied Mathematics 0104 Statistics      1173-9126 1532-7612    
32341 A Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics     0021-8928 1873-4855 0032-8235  
205 B Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis 0102 Applied Mathematics 0104 Statistics      1048-9533 1687-2177    
39603 C Journal of Applied Mathematics and Technical Physics 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0102 Applied Mathematics     0021-8944 1573-8620    
40750 C Journal of Applied Measurement 1701 Psychology 1301 Education Systems      1529-7713      
5140 A Journal of Applied Mechanics 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0901 Aerospace Engineering     0021-8936 1528-9036    
1973 A Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 0401 Atmospheric Sciences         1558-8424 1558-8432 0894-8763  
2482 B Journal of Applied Microbiology 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     1364-5072 1365-2672 0021-8847  
17971 B Journal of Applied Non Classical Logics 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 1702 Cognitive Science 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 1166-3081 1958-5780 0102-3411  
35216 C Journal of Applied Oral Science 1105 Dentistry         1678-7757 1678-7765    
8464 A Journal of Applied Philosophy 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science 2201 Applied Ethics 0264-3758 1468-5930    
15219 C Journal of Applied Phycology 1108 Medical Microbiology         0921-8971 1573-5176    
994 A Journal of Applied Physics 02 Physical Sciences 09 Engineering 01 Mathematical Sciences 0021-8979 1089-7550    
3161 A* Journal of Applied Physiology 06 Biological Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences 09 Engineering 8750-7587 1522-1601    
1671 B Journal of Applied Polymer Science 0912 Materials Engineering 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry 0904 Chemical Engineering  0021-8995 1097-4628    
808 A Journal of Applied Probability 0104 Statistics  0102 Applied Mathematics     0021-9002 1475-6072    
41643 C Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics 0104 Statistics  0102 Applied Mathematics     1930-6792      
42088 C Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies 2203 Philosophy          1521-1401      
6349 A* Journal of Applied Psychology 1701 Psychology 1503 Business and Management     0021-9010 1939-1854    
35935 B Journal of Applied Research in Accounting and Finance 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1834-2582 1834-2590    
6350 B Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1360-2322 1468-3148 0952-9608  
20385 C Journal of Applied Research in the Community College 1301 Education Systems          1068-610X      
17619 C Journal of Applied Science in Southern Africa MD Multidisciplinary         1019-7788      
17620 C Journal of Applied Sciences MD Multidisciplinary         1812-5654 1812-5662 1607-8926  
6351 B Journal of Applied Social Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0021-9029 1559-1816    
6352 B Journal of Applied Sport Psychology 1701 Psychology 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science     1041-3200 1533-1571    
32342 C Journal of Applied Statistical Science 0104 Statistics          1067-5817      
810 B Journal of Applied Statistics 0104 Statistics          0266-4763 1360-0532    
17972 C Journal of Applied Systems Studies: methodologies and applications for systems approaches 0806 Information Systems 1702 Cognitive Science     1466-7738      
14786 B Journal of Applied Toxicology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0260-437X 1099-1263    
218 A Journal of Approximation Theory 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     0021-9045 1096-0430    
5792 C Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 0704 Fisheries Sciences 0707 Veterinary Sciences     0899-7659 1548-8667    
9714 C Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology 0908 Food Sciences         1049-8850 1547-0636    
2601 C Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 0607 Plant Biology         0146-6623      
5793 C Journal of Aquatic Sciences 0704 Fisheries Sciences         1115-2788      
35954 Not ranked Journal of Arab and Muslim Media Research 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 2001 Communication and Media Studies     1751-9411 1751-942X    
31361 A* Journal of Arabic Linguistics 2004 Linguistics 2005 Literary Studies     0170-026X      
11578 C Journal of Arabic Literature 2005 Literary Studies         0085-2376 1570-064X    
2924 C Journal of Arachnology 0608 Zoology         0161-8202 1937-2396    
8090 A Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 2101 Archaeology         1072-5369 1573-7764    
8091 B Journal of Archaeological Research 2101 Archaeology         1059-0161 1573-7756    
1739 A* Journal of Archaeological Science 2101 Archaeology         0305-4403 1095-9238    
5956 B Journal of Architectural and Planning Research 1201 Architecture 1205 Urban and Regional Planning     0738-0895      
20994 A Journal of Architectural Conservation: historic buildings, monuments, places and landscapes 1201 Architecture         1355-6207      
20880 A* Journal of Architectural Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1201 Architecture     1046-4883 1531-314X 0149-2993 0047-2239
4348 A Journal of Architectural Engineering 1201 Architecture 1202 Building     1076-0431 1943-5568    
39768 C Journal of archival organisation 0807 Library and Information Studies         1533-2748 1533-2756    
3268 B Journal of Arid Environments 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 04 Earth Sciences 0140-1963 1095-922X    
35795 B Journal of Art and Record Production 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1754-9892      
16304 B Journal of Arthroplasty 1103 Clinical Sciences         0883-5403 1532-8406    
39905 C Journal of Artificial Evolution and Applications 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing         1687-6229      
17973 A Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0102 Applied Mathematics     1076-9757 1943-5037    
32888 C Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 1608 Sociology         1460-7425      
35532 C Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society 1801 Law         1063-2921 1930-7799    
21445 C Journal of Asia Business Studies 1503 Business and Management         1558-7894 1559-2243    
40832 C Journal of Asia Entrepreneurship and Sustainability 15 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services         1176-8592      
22216 B Journal of Asia Pacific Business 1503 Business and Management         1059-9231 1528-6940    
2925 C Journal of Asia Pacific Entomology 0608 Zoology         1226-8615      
40760 B Journal of Asian American Studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1097-2129      
9550 B Journal of Asian and African Studies 1608 Sociology 1601 Anthropology      0021-9096 1745-2538    
20996 B Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering 1201 Architecture         1346-7581 1347-2852    
18563 C Journal of Asian Business 1503 Business and Management         1068-0055 1055-2073 0886-6651  
33467 B Journal of Asian Culture 1801 Law         0162-6795      
1740 B Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 0402 Geochemistry 0403 Geology 0404 Geophysics 1367-9120 1878-5786    
18401 A Journal of Asian Economics 1499 Other Economics         1049-0078 1873-7927    
7303 A Journal of Asian History 2103 Historical Studies         0021-910X      
21455 C Journal of Asian Martial Arts 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1057-8358 1885-8643    
31064 C Journal of Asian Natural Products Research 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences 0305 Organic Chemistry 0402 Geochemistry 1028-6020 1477-2213    
21456 B Journal of Asian Pacific Communication 2001 Communication and Media Studies         0957-6851 1569-9838    
42102 Not ranked Journal of Asian Public Policy 1605 Policy and Administration 1699 Other Studies In Human Society     1751-6234      
21457 A* Journal of Asian Studies MD Multidisciplinary         0021-9118 1752-0401    
2394 C Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics 0604 Genetics  1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine     1058-0468 1573-7330    
16306 B Journal of Asthma 1103 Clinical Sciences         0277-0903 1532-4303 0021-9134  
39904 C Journal of ASTM International 0912 Materials Engineering         1546-962X      
1069 C Journal of Astronomical Data 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences         1385-3945      
30599 B Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1440-2807      
1070 C Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences         0250-6335 0973-7758    
20306 C Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1939-5256 1092-8235    
9819 B Journal of Athletic Training 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1062-6050 1938-162X    
1919 C Journal of Atmospheric and Ocean Science 0401 Atmospheric Sciences 0405 Oceanography     1741-7538 1023-6732    
1920 B Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 0401 Atmospheric Sciences 0405 Oceanography     0739-0572 1520-0426    
1975 B Journal of Atmospheric and Solar - Terrestrial Physics 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences         1364-6826 1879-1824 0021-9169  
1976 B Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural) 0399 Other Chemical Sciences     0167-7764 1573-0662    
40320 B Journal of Attention Disorders 1701 Psychology         1087-0547 1557-1246    
7304 B Journal of Australian Colonial History 2103 Historical Studies         1441-0370      
11166 B Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues 16 Studies In Human Society 13 Education 21 History and Archaeology 1440-5202      
18680 B Journal of Australian Political Economy 1499 Other Economics 1606 Political Science     0156-5826      
34876 B Journal of Australian Studies 2103 Historical Studies 1606 Political Science     1444-3058 1835-6419 0314-769X  
40220 B Journal of Australian Taxation 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability 1801 Law     1440-0405      
6353 A Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0162-3257 1573-3432    
15509 A Journal of Autoimmunity 1107 Immunology         0896-8411 1095-9157    
36615 C Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 1702 Cognitive Science     1430-189X 0863-0593    
1638 C Journal of Automated Methods and Management in Chemistry 0301 Analytical Chemistry         1463-9246 1464-5068 0142-0453  
17974 A Journal of Automated Reasoning 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science     0168-7433 1573-0670    
39767 C Journal of Autonomic and Trusted Computing 0804 Data Format 1702 Cognitive Science     1556-6587 1556-6595    
2926 A Journal of Avian Biology 0608 Zoology 0502 Environmental Science and Management 0707 Veterinary Sciences 0908-8857 1600-048X    
5517 B Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1082-6742 1938-2871 1044-8314  
35231 C Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 2203 Philosophy          1526-1018      
34219 C Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work: sharing knowledge, ideas and research to promote 1607 Social Work         1084-7219      
30299 C Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1053-8127 1878-6324    
2483 A Journal of Bacteriology 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     0021-9193 1098-5530    
7339 C Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies 2103 Historical Studies         1944-8953 1944-8961 1461-3190  
20663 C Journal of Baltic Science Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1648-3898      
5391 C Journal of Bamboo and Rattan 0706 Horticultural Production         1569-1586 1569-1594    
10005 C Journal of Band Research 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0021-9207      
19530 A* Journal of Banking and Finance 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment 0102 Applied Mathematics     0378-4266 1872-6372 0169-6939  
35391 C Journal of Banking and Finance - Law and Practice 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability 1801 Law     1034-3040      
35550 C Journal of Banking Regulation 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment 1801 Law     1745-6452 1750-2071 1465-4830  
33684 C Journal of Bankruptcy Law and Practice 1801 Law         1059-048X      
2484 C Journal of Basic Microbiology: an international journal on biochemistry, physiology, genetics, morphology and ecology of microorganisms 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     0233-111X 1521-4028    
20341 C Journal of Basic Writing 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0147-1635      
3506 C Journal of Battlefield Technology 1099 Other Technology          1440-5113      
6354 B Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0005-7916      
6356 A Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 0806 Information Systems 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science 0894-3257 1099-0771    
20242 A Journal of Behavioral Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1053-0819 1573-3513    
19560 A Journal of Behavioral Finance 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1542-7560 1542-7579 1520-8834  
42104 B Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1607 Social Work     1094-3412 1556-3308    
6357 A Journal of Behavioral Medicine 1701 Psychology         0160-7715 1573-3521    
12770 A Journal of Beliefs and Values: studies in religion and education 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1361-7672 1469-9362    
12771 A* Journal of Biblical Literature 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0021-9231 1934-3876    
1672 C Journal of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers 0903 Biomedical Engineering  0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry     0883-9115 1530-8030    
42106 C Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 0903 Biomedical Engineering          1556-6560      
14787 B Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1095-6670 1099-0461    
2227 B Journal of Biochemistry 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics     0021-924X 1756-2651    
18402 C Journal of Bioeconomics 1499 Other Economics         1387-6996 1573-6989    
2229 B Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0145-479X 1573-6881    
34943 A Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 2201 Applied Ethics 1801 Law     1176-7529 1872-4353 1175-3455 1173-0110
3269 A Journal of Biogeography 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience 0403 Geology     0305-0270 1365-2699    
33904 C Journal of BioLaw and Business 1801 Law         1095-5127      
2230 A* Journal of Biological Chemistry 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0904 Chemical Engineering      0021-9258 1083-351X    
20635 B Journal of Biological Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0021-9266      
1530 B Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0302 Inorganic Chemistry     0949-8257 1432-1327    
995 B Journal of Biological Physics: an international journal for the formulation and application of physi 0299 Other Physical Sciences         0092-0606 1573-0689    
16307 C Journal of Biological Regulators and Homeostatic Agents 1103 Clinical Sciences         0393-974X 1724-6083    
2086 A Journal of Biological Rhythms 0606 Physiology  1116 Medical Physiology     0748-7304 1552-4531    
2088 B Journal of Biological Systems 06 Biological Sciences 09 Engineering     0218-3390 1793-6470    
44859 B Journal of Biomaterials Applications 0903 Biomedical Engineering          0885-3282 1530-8022    
1673 B Journal of Biomaterials Science. Polymer Edition 0912 Materials Engineering 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry 0904 Chemical Engineering  0920-5063 1568-5624    
5047 A Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 0903 Biomedical Engineering          0148-0731 1528-8951    
5049 A* Journal of Biomechanics 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science 0903 Biomedical Engineering      0021-9290 1873-2380    
5050 C Journal of Biomedical Engineering 0903 Biomedical Engineering          0141-5425      
39766 B Journal of Biomedical Informatics 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0903 Biomedical Engineering      1532-0464 1532-0480 0010-4809  
5052 A Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A 0903 Biomedical Engineering          1549-3296 1552-4965    
5053 A Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. Part B: Applied Biomaterials 0903 Biomedical Engineering          1552-4973 1552-4981 0021-9304  
36588 C Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology 1007 Nanotechnology 0302 Inorganic Chemistry 0912 Materials Engineering 1550-7033 1550-7041    
1251 A Journal of Biomedical Optics 0205 Optical Physics 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry     1083-3668      
15315 C Journal of Biomedical Science 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1021-7770 1423-0127    
3417 C Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology 1004 Medical Biotechnology         1110-7243 1110-7251    
44826 Not ranked Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials, and Tissue Engineering 0903 Biomedical Engineering          1662-1018 1662-100X    
2231 B Journal of Biomolecular N M R 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0925-2738 1573-5001    
2339 C Journal of Biomolecular Screening 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1087-0571 1552-454X    
2232 C Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0739-1102 1538-0254    
3418 C Journal of Biomolecular Techniques 10 Technology 06 Biological Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences 1524-0215 1943-4731    
2340 C Journal of Bionanoscience 1007 Nanotechnology         1557-7910 1557-7929    
927 C Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1054-3406 1520-5711    
3364 B Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 10 Technology 09 Engineering 06 Biological Sciences 1389-1723 1347-4421 0922-338X  
2089 C Journal of Biosciences 06 Biological Sciences         0250-5991 0973-7138    
6022 A Journal of Biosocial Science 1603 Demography          0021-9320 1469-7599 0300-9645  
3365 A Journal of Biotechnology 10 Technology 09 Engineering 06 Biological Sciences 0168-1656 1873-4863    
40319 B Journal of Bisexuality 1608 Sociology 1699 Other Studies In Human Society     1529-9716 1529-9724    
6358 C Journal of Black Psychology 1701 Psychology         0095-7984 1552-4558    
10874 C Journal of Black Studies 1608 Sociology         0021-9347 1552-4566    
13319 C Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science     1360-8592      
16311 B Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery: British Volume 1103 Clinical Sciences         0301-620X 0968-7300 1358-992X  
16310 A* Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery-American Volume 1103 Clinical Sciences 0903 Biomedical Engineering      0021-9355 1535-1386    
16312 B Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism 1103 Clinical Sciences         0914-8779 1435-5604    
16313 A* Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 1103 Clinical Sciences         0884-0431 1523-4681    
35214 C Journal of Brachial Plexus and Peripheral Nerve Injury 1109 Neurosciences         1749-7221      
35933 B Journal of Brand Management 1505 Marketing         1350-231X 1479-1803    
4349 A Journal of Bridge Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering         1084-0702 1943-5592    
35592 A Journal of British Cinema and Television 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 2001 Communication and Media Studies     1743-4521 1755-1714    
7305 A Journal of British Studies 2103 Historical Studies         0021-9371 1545-6986 0095-1390  
9228 B Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media 2001 Communication and Media Studies         0883-8151 1550-6878    
2602 C Journal of Bryology 0607 Plant Biology         0373-6687 1743-2820    
12772 B Journal of Buddhist Ethics 2201 Applied Ethics 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     1076-9005      
40249 C Journal of Buddhist studies and humanities MD Multidisciplinary         0287-6027      
44888 C Journal of Building and Construction Management 1202 Building         1024-9540      
44926 C Journal of Building Appraisal 1202 Building         1742-8262      
44927 Not ranked Journal of Building Performance Simulation 1201 Architecture 1202 Building     1940-1493      
44928 B Journal of Building Physics 1202 Building         1744-2591      
21461 B Journal of Burma Studies MD Multidisciplinary         1094-799X      
16314 C Journal of Burn Care and Research 1103 Clinical Sciences         1559-047X 1559-0488 0273-8481  
18403 C Journal of Business and Economic Perspectives 14 Economics 15 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services     1528-5014      
811 A* Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 0104 Statistics  1403 Econometrics  1402 Applied Economics 0735-0015 1537-2707    
18565 C Journal of Business and Economic Studies 14 Economics         1063-343X      
18564 C Journal of Business and Economics Research 1401 Economic Theory 1503 Business and Management     1542-4448      
36098 B Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing 1505 Marketing         0885-8624      
42107 C Journal of Business and Leadership 1503 Business and Management         1559-3355      
31138 C Journal of Business and Management 1503 Business and Management         1535-668X      
35932 C Journal of Business and Policy Research 1503 Business and Management         1449-387X      
6359 B Journal of Business and Psychology 1503 Business and Management 1701 Psychology     0889-3268 1573-353X    
19199 C Journal of Business and Public Affairs (Murray) 1503 Business and Management         1522-8398 1943-4626 0361-7653 0045-3625
36040 B Journal of Business and Technical Communication 1503 Business and Management         1050-6519 1552-4574 0892-5720  
18566 C Journal of Business Chemistry 1503 Business and Management         1613-9615 1613-9623    
35230 C Journal of Business Communication 1503 Business and Management 2001 Communication and Media Studies     0021-9436 1552-4582    
18567 C Journal of Business Economics and Management 1402 Applied Economics         1611-1699      
8465 A Journal of Business Ethics 1503 Business and Management 2201 Applied Ethics     0167-4544 1573-0697 1382-6891 0895-8815
40704 B Journal of Business Ethics Education 1503 Business and Management 1303 Specialist Studies In Education     1649-5195      
19531 A Journal of Business Finance and Accounting 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment     0306-686X 1468-5957    
33905 A Journal of Business Law 1801 Law         0021-9460      
19383 B Journal of Business Logistics 1503 Business and Management 1507 Transportation and Freight Services     0735-3766      
42108 B Journal of Business Market Management 1503 Business and Management         1864-0753 1864-0761    
36355 A Journal of Business Research 1505 Marketing 1506 Tourism 1503 Business and Management 0148-2963      
19521 B Journal of Business Strategy 1503 Business and Management         0275-6668 0164-5382    
36099 C Journal of Business Systems, Governance and Ethics 1503 Business and Management         1833-4318      
19879 A* Journal of Business Venturing 1503 Business and Management         0883-9026 1873-2003    
19808 B Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing 1505 Marketing         1051-712X 1547-0628    
3106 C Journal of Camel Practice and Research 0608 Zoology         0971-6777      
4032 A Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0021-9487      
11914 C Journal of Canadian Poetry 2005 Literary Studies         0705-1328      
18863 C Journal of Canadian Studies MD Multidisciplinary         0021-9495 1911-0251    
13620 C Journal of Cancer Education 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0885-8195 1543-0154    
16316 B Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         0171-5216 1432-1335    
40018 C Journal of Cancer Survivorship 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1932-2259 1932-2267    
2341 C Journal of Capillary Electrophoresis 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1946-4940 1079-5383    
15428 C Journal of Capital University of Medical Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1006-7795 1001-2389    
1576 C Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry 0305 Organic Chemistry 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry     0732-8303 1532-2327    
16317 C Journal of Carcinogenesis 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         0974-6773 1477-3163    
16318 A Journal of Cardiac Failure 1103 Clinical Sciences         1071-9164 1532-8414    
16319 C Journal of Cardiac Surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         0886-0440 1540-8191    
16320 C Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1932-7501 1932-751X 0883-9212  
16321 C Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1053-0770 1532-8422 0888-6296  
40744 C Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         1749-8090      
16322 A Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1045-3873 1540-8167    
40000 B Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1097-6647 1532-429X    
14789 B Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences     0160-2446 1533-4023    
42109 C Journal of Care Services Management 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1750-1679 1750-1687    
20825 C Journal of Career and Technical Education 1301 Education Systems          1531-4952 1533-1830    
6360 B Journal of Career Assessment 1701 Psychology         1069-0727 1552-4590    
6361 B Journal of Career Development 1701 Psychology 1503 Business and Management     0894-8453 1573-3548    
7306 B Journal of Caribbean History 2103 Historical Studies         0047-2263      
11579 C Journal of Caribbean Literatures 2005 Literary Studies         1086-010X      
19956 C Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1555-4589      
31269 C Journal of Cases on Information Technology 0806 Information Systems         1548-7717 1548-7725 1098-8580  
31459 C Journal of Catalan Studies 2005 Literary Studies         1139-0271      
1451 A* Journal of Catalysis 0904 Chemical Engineering  0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)     0021-9517 1090-2694    
16326 B Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry     0886-3350 1873-4502    
33469 C Journal of Catholic Legal Studies 1801 Law         1559-7962 0008-8137    
35671 B Journal of Catholic School Studies 1301 Education Systems          1834-7258 0813-5827 0045-6780  
34422 C Journal of Cave and Karst Studies 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         1090-6924 0146-9517    
35487 A Journal of Cell and Molecular Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1582-1838 1582-4934 1453-1321  
2234 A Journal of Cell Science 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0021-9533 1477-9137    
39903 C Journal of Cellular Automata 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0102 Applied Mathematics     1557-5969 1557-5977    
2235 B Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0730-2312 1097-4644    
14612 A Journal of Cellular Physiology 1116 Medical Physiology         0021-9541 1097-4652    
8861 B Journal of Celtic Linguistics 2004 Linguistics         0962-1377      
4917 C Journal of Ceramic Processing Research 0912 Materials Engineering 0904 Chemical Engineering      1229-9162      
3507 A Journal of Cereal Science 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         0733-5210 1095-9963    
16327 A Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 1103 Clinical Sciences         0271-678X 1559-7016    
3898 A* Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 0904 Chemical Engineering          0021-9568 1520-5134    
2342 Not ranked Journal of Chemical Biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1864-6158 1864-6166    
35008 C Journal of Chemical Crystallography 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)         1074-1542 1572-8854    
3270 B Journal of Chemical Ecology 0399 Other Chemical Sciences 0502 Environmental Science and Management 0602 Ecology 0098-0331 1573-1561    
20627 B Journal of Chemical Education 03 Chemical Sciences         0021-9584 1938-1328    
3900 B Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan 0904 Chemical Engineering          0021-9592      
17975 A Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry 0307 Theoretical and Computational Chemistry 1549-9596 1549-960X 0095-2338  
14486 B Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 1109 Neurosciences         0891-0618 1873-6300    
1189 A* Journal of Chemical Physics 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural) 0904 Chemical Engineering  0021-9606 1089-7690    
1350 C Journal of Chemical Research 03 Chemical Sciences         1747-5198 0308-2342 0308-2350  
1351 C Journal of Chemical Sciences (Bangalore) 03 Chemical Sciences         0253-4134      
3366 B Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology MD Multidisciplinary         0268-2575 1097-4660    
1352 A Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 0307 Theoretical and Computational Chemistry         1549-9618 1549-9626    
812 B Journal of Chemometrics 0301 Analytical Chemistry         0886-9383 1099-128X    
14967 B Journal of Chemotherapy 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1120-009X 1973-9478    
42110 B Journal of Child and Adolescent Mental Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1728-0583 1728-0591    
30449 A Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing 1110 Nursing         1073-6077 1744-6171 0897-9685  
14790 B Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1044-5463 1557-8992    
40387 C Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse 1701 Psychology         1067-828X 1547-0652    
34651 B Journal of Child and Family Studies 2004 Linguistics 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1701 Psychology 1062-1024 1573-2843    
21965 A Journal of Child Health Care 1110 Nursing 1117 Public Health and Health Services     1367-4935 1741-2889    
6362 B Journal of Child Language 1701 Psychology 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science 0305-0009 1469-7602    
16328 C Journal of Child Neurology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science 1109 Neurosciences 0883-0738 1708-8283    
6363 A Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 1103 Clinical Sciences 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science 0021-9630 1469-7610    
39902 C Journal of Child Psychotherapy 1103 Clinical Sciences 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine 1701 Psychology 0075-417X 1469-9370    
40581 B Journal of Child Sexual Abuse: research, treatment and program innovations for victims, survivors and offenders 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1053-8712 1547-0679    
40305 A Journal of Children and Media 2001 Communication and Media Studies 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 1608 Sociology 1748-2798 1748-2801    
42111 C Journal of Children and Poverty 1607 Social Work 1605 Policy and Administration 1608 Sociology 1079-6126 1469-9389    
41041 C Journal of Children's Literature 2005 Literary Studies         1521-7779      
40867 B Journal of Children's Orthopaedics 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1863-2521 1863-2548    
19728 C Journal of China Tourism Research 1506 Tourism         1938-8160 1938-8179    
35792 B Journal of Chinese Cinemas 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         1750-8061 1750-807X    
18568 C Journal of Chinese Economics and Business Studies 1499 Other Economics         1476-5284 1476-5292    
21463 C Journal of Chinese Geography 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         0218-1444 0375-5444 1861-9568  
40020 C Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         1672-1977      
9340 C Journal of Chinese Language and Computing 2004 Linguistics         0219-5968 0218-7019    
21273 C Journal of Chinese Linguistics 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0091-3723      
14968 C Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1003-1057      
8466 B Journal of Chinese Philosophy 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0301-8121 1540-6253    
40465 B Journal of Chinese Political Science 1606 Political Science         1080-6954 1874-6357    
21467 B Journal of Chinese Religions 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0737-769X      
10006 C Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1025-1383      
21468 A Journal of Chinese Social and Economic History 2103 Historical Studies         1000-422X      
21523 C Journal of Chinese Studies MD Multidisciplinary         1016-4464      
20540 C Journal of Chiropractic Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1042-5055      
12773 B Journal of Christian Education 1301 Education Systems  2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0021-9657      
1640 C Journal of Chromatographic Science 0301 Analytical Chemistry         0021-9665 1945-239X    
1641 A* Journal of Chromatography A 0301 Analytical Chemistry         0021-9673 0009-5907 0412-3425  
1642 B Journal of Chromatography. B, Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences 0301 Analytical Chemistry         1570-0232 1873-376X 1387-2273  
41042 C Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: multidisciplinary innovations in research, theory and clinical practice 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1057-3321      
12774 B Journal of Church and State 2204 Religion and Religious Studies 1801 Law     0021-969X 2040-4867    
42112 C Journal of Circadian Rhythms 1116 Medical Physiology         1740-3391      
4484 B Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0218-1266 1793-6454    
4350 C Journal of Civil Engineering and Management 0905 Civil Engineering 1202 Building     1392-3730 1392-1525    
4351 C Journal of Civil Engineering Research and Practice 0905 Civil Engineering         1729-5769 1562-6121    
42113 A Journal of Classical Sociology 1608 Sociology         1468-795X 1741-2897    
6365 B Journal of Classification 01 Mathematical Sciences         0176-4268 1432-1343    
20781 C Journal of Classroom Interaction 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0749-4025 0009-8485    
3639 A Journal of Cleaner Production 0910 Manufacturing Engineering 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering 0907 Environmental Engineering 0959-6526      
1978 A* Journal of Climate 0401 Atmospheric Sciences 0405 Oceanography     0894-8755 1520-0442    
16330 C Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 1103 Clinical Sciences         0952-8180 1873-4529    
16331 C Journal of Clinical Apheresis 1103 Clinical Sciences         0733-2459 1098-1101    
6367 A Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1537-4416 1537-4424 0047-228X  
16332 C Journal of Clinical Densitometry 1103 Clinical Sciences         1094-6950 1559-0747    
16333 A* Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 1103 Clinical Sciences 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine     0021-972X 1945-7197 0096-7173 0368-1610
44860 C Journal of Clinical Engineering 0903 Biomedical Engineering          0363-8855      
13622 A Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0895-4356 1878-5921    
16334 C Journal of Clinical Forensic and Legal Medicine: an international journal of forensic and legal medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         1752-928X 1532-2009 1353-1131 0308-0242
16335 B Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0192-0790 1539-2031    
41417 A Journal of Clinical Hypertension 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics 1103 Clinical Sciences 1524-6175 1751-7176    
15510 B Journal of Clinical Immunology 1107 Immunology         0271-9142 1573-2592    
16336 A* Journal of Clinical Investigation 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0021-9738 1558-8238    
15563 C Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis 1107 Immunology         0887-8013 1098-2825    
15120 A Journal of Clinical Microbiology 1108 Medical Microbiology 0605 Microbiology  0707 Veterinary Sciences 0095-1137 1098-660X    
16338 A Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing 1103 Clinical Sciences 0903 Biomedical Engineering      1387-1307 1573-2614 0748-1977 0167-9945
16340 C Journal of Clinical Neuromuscular Disease 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     1522-0443 1537-1611    
16341 B Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     0736-0258 1537-1603    
16342 C Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     0967-5868 1532-2653    
14104 A Journal of Clinical Nursing 1110 Nursing         0962-1067 1365-2702    
16343 A* Journal of Clinical Oncology 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         0732-183X 1527-7755    
32609 C Journal of Clinical Orthodontics 1105 Dentistry         0022-3875 1945-225X    
16345 B Journal of Clinical Pathology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0021-9746 1366-8714    
32610 C Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry 1105 Dentistry         1053-4628 1557-5268 0145-5508  
32611 A* Journal of Clinical Periodontology 1105 Dentistry         0303-6979 1600-051X    
14791 B Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0091-2700 1552-4604    
14792 B Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0269-4727 1365-2710    
14969 C Journal of Clinical Problem-Based Learning 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences     1522-7529      
6370 A Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 1103 Clinical Sciences         0160-6689 1555-2101    
6371 B Journal of Clinical Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0021-9762 1097-4679 1077-2413  
6372 C Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings 1701 Psychology         1068-9583 1573-3572    
14793 A Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology 1701 Psychology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science 0271-0749 1533-712X    
14970 C Journal of Clinical Research 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1369-5207      
16346 C Journal of Clinical Rheumatology: practical reports on rheumatic and musculoskeletal disease 1103 Clinical Sciences         1076-1608 1536-7355    
36221 C Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology 1701 Psychology 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science     1932-9261 1932-927X    
36453 C Journal of Clinical Ultrasound 1103 Clinical Sciences         0091-2751 1097-0096    
15121 B Journal of Clinical Virology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1386-6532 1873-5967    
1531 C Journal of Cluster Science: including nanoclusters and nanoparticles 0302 Inorganic Chemistry         1040-7278 1572-8862    
5884 C Journal of Coastal Conservation 05 Environmental Sciences 04 Earth Sciences     1400-0350 1874-7841    
35143 C Journal of Coastal Research: an international forum for the littoral sciences 0405 Oceanography 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience 0909 Geomatic Engineering  0749-0208 1551-5036    
4912 C Journal of Coatings Technology and Research 0912 Materials Engineering         1547-0091 1935-3804 1476-4865 1356-0751
36196 C Journal of Cognition and Culture 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1567-7095 1568-5373    
40742 B Journal of Cognition and Development 1702 Cognitive Science         1524-8372 1532-7647    
20236 C Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1945-8959 1810-7621    
6373 A* Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 1109 Neurosciences 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science 0898-929X 1530-8898    
36197 B Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy: an international quarterly 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0889-8391 1938-887X    
4220 B Journal of Cold Regions Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering         0887-381X 1943-5495    
30582 B Journal of Cold War Studies 2103 Historical Studies         1520-3972 1531-3298    
31150 C Journal of Collective Negotiations 1503 Business and Management         1541-4175      
20404 C Journal of College Admission 1301 Education Systems          0734-6670      
33907 C Journal of College and University Law 1801 Law         0093-8688      
20342 C Journal of College Reading and Learning 1301 Education Systems          1079-0195      
20670 C Journal of College Science Teaching 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0047-231X 1943-4898    
6374 C Journal of College Student Development 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0897-5264 1543-3382    
40396 C Journal of College Student Psychotherapy 1701 Psychology         8756-8225 1540-4730    
20391 C Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory and Practice 1301 Education Systems          1521-0251 1541-4167    
40833 C Journal of College Teaching and Learning 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1544-0389      
1454 A Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural) 0904 Chemical Engineering  0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy 0021-9797 1095-7103    
7307 A Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History 2103 Historical Studies         1532-5768      
1353 B Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry 0305 Organic Chemistry         1520-4766 1520-4774    
220 A Journal of Combinatorial Designs 0101 Pure Mathematics 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics     1063-8539 1520-6610    
221 C Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing 0101 Pure Mathematics 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics     0835-3026      
19423 B Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics 1382-6905 1573-2886    
223 A* Journal of Combinatorial Theory: Series A 0101 Pure Mathematics         0097-3165 1096-0899 0021-9800  
224 A* Journal of Combinatorial Theory: Series B 0101 Pure Mathematics         0095-8956 1096-0902    
138 C Journal of Combinatorics 0101 Pure Mathematics 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics     1097-1440 1077-8926    
36745 C Journal of Combinatorics, Information and System Sciences 0102 Applied Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics     0250-9628      
30381 A Journal of Common Market Studies 1801 Law 1605 Policy and Administration 1606 Political Science 0021-9886 1468-5965    
33470 C Journal of Commonwealth Law and Legal Education 1801 Law         1476-0401 1750-662X    
11581 B Journal of Commonwealth Literature 2005 Literary Studies         0021-9894 1741-6442    
9230 A* Journal of Communication 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 2001 Communication and Media Studies     0021-9916 1460-2466    
36392 C Journal of Communication Disorders 1701 Psychology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science 0021-9924 1054-8505    
35352 C Journal of Communication Inquiry 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 2001 Communication and Media Studies     0196-8599 1552-4612    
19451 C Journal of Communication Management 1505 Marketing         1363-254X      
5080 B Journal of Communications and Networks 1005 Communications Technologies         1229-2370 1976-5541    
5081 B Journal of Communications Software and Systems 1005 Communications Technologies         1845-6421      
4485 C Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1064-2269 1555-6557 0033-8494  
18859 C Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics 1606 Political Science         1352-3279 1743-9116 0268-4535  
35450 C Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1052-9284 1099-1298    
13623 C Journal of Community Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0094-5145 1573-3610    
14105 C Journal of Community Health Nursing 1110 Nursing         0737-0016 1532-7655    
39900 B Journal of Community Informatics 0807 Library and Information Studies 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences     1712-4441      
35212 C Journal of Community Practice: organizing, planning, development and change 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1070-5422 1543-3706    
6376 B Journal of Community Psychology 1701 Psychology         0090-4392 1520-6629    
18665 A Journal of Comparative Economics 1499 Other Economics         0147-5967 1095-7227    
6023 B Journal of Comparative Family Studies 1603 Demography          0047-2328      
31168 C Journal of Comparative International Management 1503 Business and Management         1481-0468      
33908 B Journal of Comparative Law 1801 Law         1477-0814      
11916 C Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics 2005 Literary Studies         0252-8169      
16347 A* Journal of Comparative Neurology 0608 Zoology 1109 Neurosciences     0021-9967 1096-9861    
5518 B Journal of Comparative Pathology 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0021-9975      
3163 A Journal of Comparative Physiology A: sensory, neural, and behavioral physiology 0606 Physiology  1116 Medical Physiology 1109 Neurosciences 0340-7594 1432-1351    
3164 A Journal of Comparative Physiology B: biochemical, systemic, and environmental physiology 0606 Physiology  1116 Medical Physiology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0174-1578 1432-136X    
36042 B Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: research and practice 1605 Policy and Administration         1387-6988 1572-5448    
6378 A Journal of Comparative Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0735-7036 1939-2087    
36259 C Journal of Comparative Social Welfare 1607 Social Work         1748-6831 1748-684X    
32889 B Journal of Competition Law and Economics 1801 Law         1744-6414 1744-6422    
34167 B Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         1553-3840      
225 A Journal of Complexity 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics     0885-064X 1090-2708    
4918 B Journal of Composite Materials 0912 Materials Engineering         0021-9983 1530-793X    
4221 A Journal of Composites for Construction 0905 Civil Engineering         1090-0268 1943-5614    
11917 B Journal of Composition Theory 2005 Literary Studies         0731-6755      
39899 B Journal of Computational Acoustics 0203 Classical Physics 0102 Applied Mathematics     0218-396X 1793-6489    
227 C Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications 01 Mathematical Sciences 08 Information and Computing Sciences     1521-1398 1572-9206    
228 A Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics     0377-0427      
39670 C Journal of Computational and Applied Mechanics 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0102 Applied Mathematics     1586-2070      
813 A* Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 0104 Statistics          1061-8600 1537-2715    
3509 B Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics 1007 Nanotechnology 0913 Mechanical Engineering 1546-1955 1546-1963    
39765 B Journal of Computational Biology 01 Mathematical Sciences 06 Biological Sciences     1066-5277      
1354 A Journal of Computational Chemistry 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural) 0307 Theoretical and Computational Chemistry     0192-8651 1096-987X    
31208 C Journal of Computational Finance 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1460-1559      
571 B Journal of Computational Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     0254-9409 0254-7791    
32345 C Journal of Computational Mathematics and Optimization 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics         0972-9372      
14505 B Journal of Computational Neuroscience 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0929-5313 1573-6873    
41645 Not ranked Journal of Computational Optimization in Economics and Finance 0102 Applied Mathematics         1941-3971      
35103 A* Journal of Computational Physics 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     0021-9991 1090-2716    
15245 B Journal of Computer - Aided Molecular Design 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry         0920-654X 1573-4951 0928-2866  
17982 A* Journal of Computer and System Sciences 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics         0022-0000 1090-2724    
39898 C Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International 0806 Information Systems         1064-2307 1531-8478    
20267 A Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1702 Cognitive Science 0266-4909 1365-2729    
16348 B Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography: a radiological journal dedicated to the basic and clinical aspects of reconstructive tomography 1103 Clinical Sciences         0363-8715 1532-3145    
32116 A Journal of Computer Information Systems 0806 Information Systems 1503 Business and Management     0887-4417 0022-0310    
17984 B Journal of Computer Science and Technology 08 Information and Computing Sciences         1000-9000 1860-4749    
17985 B Journal of Computer Security 0803 Computer Software         0926-227X 1875-8924    
9231 C Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 0805 Distributed Computing 2004 Linguistics     1083-6101      
42119 C Journal of Computers 08 Information and Computing Sciences         1796-203X      
20284 B Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0731-9258 1943-5908    
17986 C Journal of Computing and Information Technology 08 Information and Computing Sciences         1330-1136      
4222 A Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering         0887-3801 1943-5487    
20291 B Journal of Computing in Higher Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1042-1726      
20311 C Journal of Computing in Teacher Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1040-2454      
32121 C Journal of Conceptual Modeling 0804 Data Format 1702 Cognitive Science     1533-3825      
2927 C Journal of Conchology 0608 Zoology         0022-0019      
230 C Journal of Concrete and Applicable Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics         1548-5390 1559-176X    
33472 C Journal of Conflict and Security Law 1801 Law         1467-7954 1467-7962 1364-0224  
18866 A* Journal of Conflict Resolution: research on war and peace between and within nations 1606 Political Science 1605 Policy and Administration 1402 Applied Economics 0022-0027 1552-8766    
30389 B Journal of Conflict Studies 1606 Political Science 1605 Policy and Administration     1198-8614 0227-1311    
8468 A Journal of Consciousness Studies: controversies in science and the humanities 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     1355-8250      
33473 C Journal of Constitutional Law in Eastern and Central Europe 1801 Law         0928-964X      
30510 B Journal of Construction Accounting and Taxation 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability 1202 Building     1054-3007      
40479 A* Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 1202 Building         0733-9364 1943-7862    
41043 C Journal of Construction in Developing Countries 1202 Building         1823-6499 1985-8329    
4353 A Journal of Construction Procurement 0905 Civil Engineering 1202 Building     1358-9180      
4224 B Journal of Construction Research 0905 Civil Engineering 1202 Building     1609-9451 1793-687X    
4225 A* Journal of Constructional Steel Research 0905 Civil Engineering         0143-974X 1873-5983    
6379 C Journal of Constructivist Psychology 1701 Psychology         1072-0537 1521-0650 0893-603X  
6380 A* Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 1701 Psychology         0022-006X 1939-2117    
19809 B Journal of Consumer Affairs 1505 Marketing         0022-0078 1745-6606    
19810 B Journal of Consumer Behaviour: an international research review 1505 Marketing         1472-0817 1479-1838    
34776 A Journal of Consumer Culture 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 2002 Cultural Studies 1608 Sociology 1469-5405 1741-2900    
19782 B Journal of Consumer Marketing 1505 Marketing         0736-3761 1359-852X    
35655 B Journal of Consumer Policy: consumer issues in law, economics and behavioral sciences 1801 Law 1402 Applied Economics     0168-7034 1573-0700    
6381 B Journal of Consumer Psychology 1505 Marketing 1701 Psychology     1057-7408 1532-7663    
19812 A* Journal of Consumer Research 1505 Marketing         0093-5301 1537-5277    
31115 B Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior 1505 Marketing         0899-8620      
3511 B Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 05 Environmental Sciences 04 Earth Sciences 03 Chemical Sciences 0169-7722 1873-6009    
18570 B Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1815-5669      
18870 A Journal of Contemporary Asia MD Multidisciplinary         0047-2336 1752-7554    
42121 C Journal of Contemporary Business Issues 1503 Business and Management         1553-5347      
18871 B Journal of Contemporary China MD Multidisciplinary         1067-0564 1469-9400    
33474 C Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 1602 Criminology 1801 Law     1043-9862 1552-5406    
32612 C Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice 1105 Dentistry         1526-3711      
5992 B Journal of Contemporary Ethnography: a journal of ethnographic research 1601 Anthropology  1608 Sociology     0891-2416 0098-3039 0049-5662 1552-5414
18872 C Journal of Contemporary European Studies 1606 Political Science         1478-2804 1478-2790 1460-8464 0261-3530
33909 B Journal of Contemporary Health Law and Policy 1801 Law 1605 Policy and Administration     0882-1046      
7308 A* Journal of Contemporary History 2103 Historical Studies         0022-0094 1461-7250    
18571 C Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government 1503 Business and Management         1323-6903      
33910 C Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues 1801 Law         0896-5595      
573 C Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis 0101 Pure Mathematics         1068-3623 0735-2719    
30411 C Journal of Contemporary Politics 1606 Political Science         1750-0982 1750-0990    
6382 C Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy 1701 Psychology         0022-0116 1573-3564    
12775 A Journal of Contemporary Religion 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1353-7903 1469-9419 0267-1700  
13627 C Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0966-0879 1468-5973    
14106 C Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing 1110 Nursing 1301 Education Systems      0022-0124 1938-2472    
20528 B Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions 1301 Education Systems  1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences     0894-1912 1554-558X    
20546 C Journal of Continuing Education Topics and Issues 1301 Education Systems          1522-8606 0746-9217    
20405 C Journal of Continuing Higher Education 1301 Education Systems          0737-7363      
33475 A Journal of Contract Law 1801 Law         1030-7230      
39897 C Journal of Control Science and Engineering 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering     1687-5249 1687-5257    
14794 A Journal of Controlled Release 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences 0903 Biomedical Engineering      0168-3659 1873-4995    
31225 C Journal of Convention and Event Tourism 1506 Tourism         1547-0148 1547-0156 1094-608X  
32346 A Journal of Convex Analysis 0101 Pure Mathematics         0944-6532      
20821 C Journal of Cooperative Education and Internships 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1933-2130 0022-0132    
36100 C Journal of Co-operative Studies 1503 Business and Management         0961-5784      
1532 C Journal of Coordination Chemistry 0302 Inorganic Chemistry         0095-8972 1026-7441    
12776 C Journal of Coptic Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1016-5584 1783-1512    
33017 C Journal of Corporate Citizenship 1503 Business and Management         1470-5001      
19561 A* Journal of Corporate Finance 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         0929-1199 1872-6313    
33476 A Journal of Corporate Law Studies 1801 Law         1473-5970      
19912 B Journal of Corporate Real Estate 1504 Commercial Services         1463-001X 1479-1048    
31209 C Journal of Corporate Treasury Management 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1753-2574      
33911 B Journal of Corporation Law 1801 Law         0360-795X      
17223 C Journal of Correctional Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1602 Criminology     0740-2708      
4849 B Journal of Corrosion Science and Engineering 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1466-8858      
32613 C Journal of Cosmetic Dentistry 1105 Dentistry         1532-8910      
42124 C Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1473-2130 1473-2165    
40125 A Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 0401 Atmospheric Sciences         1475-7516      
5350 B Journal of Cotton Science 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         1523-6919 1524-3303    
6383 B Journal of Counseling and Development 1701 Psychology         0748-9633 1556-6676    
6384 A Journal of Counseling Psychology 1701 Psychology         0022-0167 1939-2168    
16349 C Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         1049-2275 1536-3732    
16350 C Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         1010-5182      
31210 C Journal of Credit Risk 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1744-6619 1755-9723    
17224 C Journal of Crime and Justice 1602 Criminology         0735-648X      
17225 B Journal of Criminal Justice 1602 Criminology         0047-2352 1873-6203    
17226 C Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture 1602 Criminology         1070-8286      
17227 C Journal of Criminal Justice Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1602 Criminology     1051-1253 1745-9117    
33912 C Journal of Criminal Law 1801 Law         0022-0191      
17228 A Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 1602 Criminology 1801 Law     0091-4169      
16351 B Journal of Critical Care 1110 Nursing 1103 Clinical Sciences     0883-9441 1557-8615    
35922 B Journal of Critical Pedagogy 1301 Education Systems          1097-4121      
6313 C Journal of Critical Psychology, Counselling, and Psychotherapy 1701 Psychology         1471-7646 0263-8371    
18873 C Journal of Critical Realism 1606 Political Science         1476-7430 1572-5138    
5316 C Journal of Crop Improvement: innovations in practice, theory and research 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         1092-678X 1542-7536    
16352 C Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0169-3816 1573-0719    
6386 A Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0022-0221 1552-5422    
3271 C Journal of Crustacean Biology 0608 Zoology         0278-0372 1937-240X    
232 A* Journal of Cryptology 0804 Data Format 0101 Pure Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0933-2790 1432-1378    
1104 B Journal of Crystal Growth 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)     0022-0248 1873-5002    
35989 C Journal of Culinary Science and Technology (Print Edition): innovations in nutritional issues for food product development 1504 Commercial Services 1506 Tourism     1542-8052 1542-8044 1055-1379  
30450 C Journal of Cultural Diversity: an interdisciplinary journal 1110 Nursing         1071-5568      
18572 B Journal of Cultural Economics 1402 Applied Economics         0885-2545 1573-6997    
34649 Not ranked Journal of Cultural Economy 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 2001 Communication and Media Studies 2002 Cultural Studies 1753-0350 1753-0369    
8094 A Journal of Cultural Heritage 2101 Archaeology         1296-2074 1778-3674    
11497 C Journal of Cultural Studies 2002 Cultural Studies         1595-0956      
31334 C Journal of Cuneiform Studies 2101 Archaeology 2103 Historical Studies     0022-0256      
42125 C Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1550‐5170      
42126 C Journal of Curriculum and Supervision 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0882-1232      
20576 A* Journal of Curriculum Studies 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0022-0272 1366-5839    
19813 C Journal of Customer Behavior 1505 Marketing         1475-3928 1477-6421    
16353 B Journal of Cutaneous Pathology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0303-6987 1600-0560    
16354 C Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 1103 Clinical Sciences         1569-1993 1873-5010    
11918 B Journal of Dagaare Studies 2005 Literary Studies         1608-0130      
5462 A Journal of Dairy Research 0702 Animal Production         0022-0299 1469-7629    
5463 A Journal of Dairy Science 0702 Animal Production         0022-0302 1525-3198    
40321 B Journal of Dance Education 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 1303 Specialist Studies In Education     1529-0824      
34168 C Journal of Dance Medicine and Science 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1089-313X      
8095 B Journal of Danish Archaeology 2101 Archaeology         0108-464X      
41898 C Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing 2001 Communication and Media Studies         1004-9037      
32347 C Journal of Data Science 0104 Statistics          1680-743X 1683-8602    
17988 B Journal of Database Management 0804 Data Format 0806 Information Systems     1063-8016 1533-8010    
19866 C Journal of Database Marketing and Customer Strategy Management 1505 Marketing         1741-2439 1741-2447 1350-2328  
17989 C Journal of Decision Systems 0806 Information Systems 1702 Cognitive Science     1246-0125 1166-8636    
18875 B Journal of Democracy 1606 Political Science         1045-5736 1086-3214    
14338 C Journal of Dental Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0022-0337 1930-7837    
32614 C Journal of Dental Hygiene 1105 Dentistry         1043-254X 1553-0205    
32615 A* Journal of Dental Research 1105 Dentistry         0022-0345 1544-0591 1045-4411  
32616 A Journal of Dentistry 1105 Dentistry         0300-5712 1879-176X    
32617 C Journal of Dentistry for Children 1105 Dentistry         1935-5068 1551-8949    
32698 C Journal of Dentistry for the Tehran University of Medical Sciences 1105 Dentistry         1735-2150 1024-641X    
36146 C Journal of Derivatives and Hedge Funds 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1753-9641 1753-965X 1357-0927  
16355 B Journal of Dermatological Science 1103 Clinical Sciences         0923-1811 1873-569X    
16356 C Journal of Dermatological Treatment 1103 Clinical Sciences         0954-6634 1471-1753    
7309 A* Journal of Design History 1203 Design Practice and Management         0952-4649 1741-7279    
20883 A Journal of Design Research 1203 Design Practice and Management         1748-3050 1569-1551    
18404 B Journal of Developing Areas MD Multidisciplinary         0022-037X 1548-2278    
18405 A* Journal of Development Economics 1402 Applied Economics         0304-3878 1872-6089    
18406 A Journal of Development Studies 1402 Applied Economics 1605 Policy and Administration     0022-0388 1743-9140    
6388 A Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics 1701 Psychology         0196-206X 1536-7312    
16357 C Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities 1103 Clinical Sciences         1056-263X 1573-3580    
20392 C Journal of Developmental Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0894-3907      
19880 C Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship 1503 Business and Management         1084-9467 1793-706X    
12778 C Journal of Dharma: an international quarterly of world religions 2204 Religion and Religious Studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society     0253-7222      
16358 B Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications 1103 Clinical Sciences         1056-8727 1873-460X    
40876 C Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics         1932-2968      
16359 C Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography 1103 Clinical Sciences         8756-4793 1552-5430    
16360 C Journal of Diagnostic Radiography and Imaging 1103 Clinical Sciences         1460-4728      
234 A Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1023-6198 1563-5120    
235 A* Journal of Differential Equations 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     0022-0396 1090-2732    
236 A* Journal of Differential Geometry 0101 Pure Mathematics         0022-040X 1945-743X 1052-9233  
41160 B Journal of Digestive Diseases 1103 Clinical Sciences 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis     1751-2972 1751-2980    
36568 C Journal of Digital Forensic Practice 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences         1556-7281 1556-7346    
35211 C Journal of Digital Imaging 1103 Clinical Sciences         0897-1889 1618-727X    
10630 B Journal of Digital Information 0807 Library and Information Studies         1368-7506      
32122 C Journal of Digital Information Management 0807 Library and Information Studies         0972-7272      
18877 C Journal of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations 1606 Political Science 1801 Law     1511-3655      
32618 C Journal of Disability and Oral Health 1105 Dentistry         1470-8558      
237 C Journal of Discrete Algorithms (Amsterdam) 0102 Applied Mathematics         1570-8667 1570-8675    
574 C Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography 0101 Pure Mathematics 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics     0972-0529      
1456 C Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry         0193-2691 1532-2351    
33477 B Journal of Dispute Resolution 1801 Law         1052-2859      
20822 C Journal of Distance Education 1301 Education Systems          0830-0445      
41755 C Journal of Diversity Management 1503 Business and Management         1558-0121      
6025 C Journal of Divorce and Remarriage 1701 Psychology         1050-2556 1540-4811    
10602 A Journal of Documentation 0807 Library and Information Studies         0022-0418 1758-7379    
34841 B Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0888-3203      
14971 C Journal of Drug Assessment 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1369-9474      
14795 C Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1773-2247 1157-1489    
13629 C Journal of Drug Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1117 Public Health and Health Services     0047-2379 1541-4159    
13630 C Journal of Drug Issues 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1701 Psychology     0022-0426 1945-1369    
14796 B Journal of Drug Targeting 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1061-186X 1029-2330 1026-7158  
41756 C Journal of Dual Diagnosis 1701 Psychology         1550-4263 1550-4271 0885-4734  
3611 B Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control-Transactions of the ASME 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering 0022-0434 1528-9028    
3640 C Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0102 Applied Mathematics     1079-2724 1573-8698    
32348 A Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 0101 Pure Mathematics         1040-7294 1572-9222    
6026 B Journal of Early Adolescence 1701 Psychology         0272-4316 1552-5449    
20180 C Journal of Early Childhood Literacy 1301 Education Systems          1468-7984 1741-2919    
20175 B Journal of Early Childhood Research 1301 Education Systems  1701 Psychology     1476-718X 1741-2927    
20181 C Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education 1301 Education Systems          1090-1027 1745-5642    
7310 A Journal of Early Christian Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1067-6341 1086-3184    
6390 B Journal of Early Intervention 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1701 Psychology     1053-8151      
7311 B Journal of Early Modern History: contacts, comparisons, contrasts 2103 Historical Studies         1385-3783 1570-0658    
10391 C Journal of Early Southern Decorative Arts 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts 2101 Archaeology     0098-9266      
1071 C Journal of Earth System Science 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences 0403 Geology 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience 0253-4126 0973-774X    
4033 A Journal of Earthquake Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering         1363-2469 1559-808X    
18878 B Journal of East Asian Affairs 1605 Policy and Administration 1606 Political Science     1010-1608      
8096 B Journal of East Asian Archaeology 2101 Archaeology 2103 Historical Studies     1387-6813      
21451 Not ranked Journal of East Asian Cultural Interaction Studies 2002 Cultural Studies         1882-7756      
8866 A Journal of East Asian Linguistics 2004 Linguistics         0925-8558 1572-8560    
21476 A Journal of East Asian Studies 1606 Political Science         1598-2408      
31164 C Journal of East European Management Studies 1503 Business and Management         0949-6181 1862-0019    
12780 B Journal of Eastern Christian Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1783-1555 1783-1520 0009-5141  
35931 C Journal of East-West Business 1503 Business and Management         1066-9868 1528-6959    
7312 A* Journal of Ecclesiastical History 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0022-0469 1469-7637    
3272 A Journal of Ecology 0602 Ecology         0022-0477 1365-2745    
18166 A* Journal of Econometrics 1403 Econometrics          0304-4076 1872-6895    
18167 C Journal of Economic and Social Measurement 1403 Econometrics          0747-9662 1875-8932    
18407 C Journal of Economic and Social Policy 1402 Applied Economics 1605 Policy and Administration     1325-2224      
36035 A Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 1402 Applied Economics         0167-2681      
18409 C Journal of Economic Development 1402 Applied Economics         0254-8372      
18410 A* Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 1402 Applied Economics         0165-1889      
22223 B Journal of Economic Entomology 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         0022-0493 1938-291X    
5957 A Journal of Economic Geography 1499 Other Economics 1604 Human Geography     1468-2702 1468-2710    
18412 A* Journal of Economic Growth 1402 Applied Economics         1381-4338 1573-7020    
18414 C Journal of Economic Integration 1402 Applied Economics         1225-651X 1976-5525    
32892 C Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination 1402 Applied Economics         1860-711X 1860-7128    
30466 A* Journal of Economic Literature 14 Economics         0022-0515 0364-281X    
18168 B Journal of Economic Methodology 1403 Econometrics  1401 Economic Theory     1350-178X 1469-9427    
18415 A* Journal of Economic Perspectives 14 Economics         0895-3309 1944-7965    
32893 B Journal of Economic Policy Reform 1402 Applied Economics 1605 Policy and Administration     1748-7870 1748-7889 1384-1289  
6391 A Journal of Economic Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science 1402 Applied Economics 0167-4870 1872-7719    
18221 C Journal of Economic Research 14 Economics         1226-4261 1226-2153    
18417 B Journal of Economic Studies 14 Economics         0144-3585 1758-7387    
18418 A Journal of Economic Surveys 1403 Econometrics  1402 Applied Economics     0950-0804 1467-6419    
18289 A* Journal of Economic Theory 1401 Economic Theory         0022-0531 1095-7235    
18269 B Journal of Economics 14 Economics         0931-8658      
18574 B Journal of Economics and Business 1402 Applied Economics         0148-6195      
18575 B Journal of Economics and Finance 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1055-0925 1938-9744    
35930 C Journal of Economics and Finance Education 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1543-0464      
35969 A Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 1402 Applied Economics         1058-6407 1530-9134    
19665 B Journal of Ecotourism 1506 Tourism         1472-4049 1747-7638    
12782 B Journal of Ecumenical Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0022-0558      
12783 B Journal of Education and Christian Belief 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1366-5456 0305-7917    
20258 C Journal of Education and Psychology 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0022-0590      
19322 B Journal of Education and Work 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1363-9080 1469-9435 0269-0004  
19957 C Journal of Education Finance 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0098-9495 1944-6470    
20207 C Journal of Education for Business 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0883-2323 1940-3356    
41762 C Journal of Education for International Understanding 1301 Education Systems          1975-5244      
20812 A Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 0807 Library and Information Studies 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy      0748-5786 0022-0604    
20786 C Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1082-4669 1532-7671    
35681 B Journal of Education for Sustainable Development 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0973-4082      
20744 A Journal of Education for Teaching: international research and pedagogy 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0260-7476 1360-0540    
19916 A* Journal of Education Policy 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0268-0939 1464-5106    
19919 C Journal of Educational Administration 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0957-8234 1758-7395    
19934 B Journal of Educational Administration and History 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 2103 Historical Studies     0022-0620 1478-7431    
895 C Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics 0104 Statistics  1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1701 Psychology 1076-9986 1935-1054    
6392 C Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1701 Psychology     1047-4412 1532-768X    
19926 B Journal of Educational Change 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1389-2843 1573-1812    
20307 C Journal of Educational Computing Research 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences 1303 Specialist Studies In Education     0735-6331 1541-4140    
20050 C Journal of Educational Enquiry 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1444-5530      
20285 C Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1055-8896      
41044 C Journal of Educational Planning and Administration 1301 Education Systems  1605 Policy and Administration     0971-3859      
6394 A* Journal of Educational Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 0022-0663 1939-2176    
20318 C Journal of Educational Technology Systems 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0047-2395 1541-3810    
40430 A* Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 2101 Archaeology 2103 Historical Studies 2199 Other History and Archaeology 0307-5133      
3774 A Journal of Elasticity 0912 Materials Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering 0102 Applied Mathematics 0374-3535 1573-2681    
41821 C Journal of Elastomers and Plastics 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry 0912 Materials Engineering     0095-2443 1530-8006    
18879 C Journal of Elections, Public Opinion, and Parties 1605 Policy and Administration         1745-7289 1745-7297 1368-9886 0968-2481
4594 C Journal of Electrical Engineering 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1335-3632      
1457 B Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 0301 Analytical Chemistry         1572-6657 1873-2569    
16362 C Journal of Electrocardiology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0022-0736 1532-8430    
4921 C Journal of Electroceramics 0912 Materials Engineering         1385-3449 1573-8663    
4595 C Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0920-5071 1569-3937    
15316 B Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1050-6411 1873-5711    
41820 C Journal of Electron Microscopy 06 Biological Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences     0022-0744 1477-9986    
1190 B Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)     0368-2048 1873-2526    
31243 B Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations: the international journal of electronic commerce in modern organizations 1503 Business and Management         1539-2937 1539-2929    
17993 C Journal of Electronic Commerce Research 0806 Information Systems         1526-6133      
10393 C Journal of Electronic Imaging 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing         1017-9909      
996 B Journal of Electronic Materials 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0361-5235 1543-186X    
3560 C Journal of Electronic Packaging 0910 Manufacturing Engineering         1043-7398 1528-9044    
4596 C Journal of Electronic Testing: theory and applications 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0923-8174 1573-0727    
4597 B Journal of Electrostatics 09 Engineering         0304-3886 1873-5738    
20637 C Journal of Elementary Science Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1090-185X      
17994 B Journal of Embeded Computing 1006 Computer Hardware         1740-4460 1875-9025    
41800 C Journal of Emergency Management 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1543-5865      
16363 C Journal of Emergency Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         0736-4679      
14108 A Journal of Emergency Nursing 1110 Nursing 1103 Clinical Sciences     0099-1767 1527-2966    
13631 C Journal of Emergency Primary Health Care: an international journal of prehospital care research, education, clinical practice, policy and service delivery 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1447-4999      
19564 C Journal of Emerging Market Finance 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         0972-6527      
18576 C Journal of Emerging Markets 1402 Applied Economics         1083-9798      
19102 C Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1554-1908 1558-7940    
6395 B Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders 1701 Psychology         1063-4266 1538-4799    
19565 A Journal of Empirical Finance 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         0927-5398      
31173 C Journal of Empirical Generalisations in Marketing Science 1505 Marketing         1326-4443      
30158 A Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 1801 Law         1740-1453 1740-1461    
40122 C Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics 2201 Applied Ethics         1556-2646 1556-2654    
12784 B Journal of Empirical Theology 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0922-2936 1570-9256 1389-9791  
6396 B Journal of Employment Counseling 1701 Psychology         0022-0787      
16364 B Journal of Endocrinological Investigation 1103 Clinical Sciences         0391-4097 1720-8386    
16365 A Journal of Endocrinology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0022-0795 1479-6805    
32619 A* Journal of Endodontics 1105 Dentistry         0099-2399      
16366 B Journal of Endourology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0892-7790 1557-900X    
16367 B Journal of Endovascular Therapy 1103 Clinical Sciences         1526-6028 1545-1550 1074-6218  
35530 C Journal of Energy and Development 1801 Law         0361-4476      
35449 C Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law 1801 Law         0264-6811      
4035 B Journal of Energy Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering     0733-9402 1943-7897    
5142 C Journal of Energy, Heat and Mass Transfer 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering         0970-9991      
19359 A Journal of Engineering and Technology Management 1503 Business and Management         0923-4748 0167-5419    
44955 A Journal of Engineering Design 1203 Design Practice and Management         0954-4828      
20617 A* Journal of Engineering Education 13 Education 09 Engineering     1069-4730      
3684 B Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power-Transactions of the ASME 0913 Mechanical Engineering         0742-4795 1528-8919    
3776 B Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology 0912 Materials Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0910 Manufacturing Engineering 0094-4289 1528-8889    
239 A Journal of Engineering Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics     0022-0833 1573-2703    
3685 A* Journal of Engineering Mechanics 0905 Civil Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering     0733-9399      
41798 C Journal of Engineering Science and Technology MD Multidisciplinary         1823-4690      
44880 C Journal of Engineering Technology 1301 Education Systems  1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy      0747-9964      
3777 C Journal of Engineering Thermophysics 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1810-2328 1990-5432 1051-8053  
36308 C Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology 09 Engineering         1726-0531      
11582 A* Journal of English and Germanic Philology 2005 Literary Studies         0363-6941 0022-0868 0364-2968  
8867 B Journal of English for Academic Purposes 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 2004 Linguistics     1475-1585 1878-1497    
8868 B Journal of English Linguistics 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0075-4242 1552-5457    
11583 C Journal of English Literature 2005 Literary Studies         1016-2283      
11919 A Journal of English Studies 2005 Literary Studies         1576-6357      
36518 C Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer: theory and application in high performance heat and mass transfer 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1065-5131 1563-5074    
19262 C Journal of Enterprise Information Management 0807 Library and Information Studies 0806 Information Systems 1503 Business and Management 1741-0398      
35653 C Journal of Enterprising Communities: people and places of global economy 15 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services         1750-6204 1750-6212    
19881 C Journal of Enterprising Culture 1503 Business and Management         0218-4958 1793-6330    
2928 C Journal of Entomological Science 0608 Zoology         0749-8004      
3107 C Journal of Entomology 0608 Zoology         1812-5670 1812-5689    
19882 C Journal of Entrepreneurship 1503 Business and Management         0971-3557 1940-0292    
5847 B Journal of Environment and Development: a review of international policy MD Multidisciplinary         1070-4965 1552-5465    
35124 C Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics 0907 Environmental Engineering 0404 Geophysics     1083-1363 1943-2658    
44295 Not ranked Journal of Environmental and Public Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services 0502 Environmental Science and Management     1687-9805 1687-9813    
5848 B Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management 1605 Policy and Administration 0502 Environmental Science and Management 1205 Urban and Regional Planning 1464-3332 1757-5605    
44296 C Journal of Environmental Biology: an international research journal of environmental sciences and toxicology 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences 0254-8704      
5849 A Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 1402 Applied Economics 0502 Environmental Science and Management 1605 Policy and Administration 0095-0696 1096-0449    
4357 A Journal of Environmental Engineering 0907 Environmental Engineering         0733-9372 1943-7870    
5885 C Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management 0502 Environmental Science and Management 0907 Environmental Engineering     1648-6897      
5886 C Journal of Environmental Engineering and Management 05 Environmental Sciences 09 Engineering     1022-7636      
4679 C Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science 0907 Environmental Engineering         1496-2551 1496-256X    
13632 C Journal of Environmental Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services 0502 Environmental Science and Management 1605 Policy and Administration 0022-0892      
44297 C Journal of Environmental Health Research MD Multidisciplinary         1476-0932 1477-9315    
5431 C Journal of Environmental Horticulture 0706 Horticultural Production         0738-2898      
44298 C Journal of Environmental Hydrology 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         1058-3912      
18556 C Journal of Environmental Informatics MD Multidisciplinary         1726-2135 1684-8799    
33480 A Journal of Environmental Law 1801 Law         0952-8873 1464-374X    
33481 C Journal of Environmental Law and Litigation 1801 Law         1049-0280      
44299 C Journal of Environmental Law and Practice 1801 Law         1181-7534      
5850 B Journal of Environmental Management MD Multidisciplinary         0301-4797 1095-8630 1093-0191  
1644 B Journal of Environmental Monitoring 03 Chemical Sciences 05 Environmental Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences 1464-0325 1464-0333    
5852 A Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 0502 Environmental Science and Management 1205 Urban and Regional Planning 1605 Policy and Administration 0964-0568 1360-0559    
30547 B Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning 1205 Urban and Regional Planning 1605 Policy and Administration 0502 Environmental Science and Management 1523-908X 1522-7200    
6397 B Journal of Environmental Psychology MD Multidisciplinary         0272-4944 1522-9610    
5853 A Journal of Environmental Quality 05 Environmental Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 0047-2425 1537-2537    
36358 C Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 05 Environmental Sciences 03 Chemical Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 0265-931X 1879-1700    
36368 C Journal of Environmental Science and Health. Part A: Toxic Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering MD Multidisciplinary         1093-4529 1532-4117    
5854 C Journal of Environmental Science and Health. Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes 0502 Environmental Science and Management 1117 Public Health and Health Services     0360-1234 1532-4109    
44283 C Journal of Environmental Systems 05 Environmental Sciences 09 Engineering     0047-2433 1541-3802    
15246 C Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry     1475-6366 1475-6374 8755-5093  
13634 A Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0143-005X 1470-2738    
5519 C Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0737-0806 1542-7412 0739-9065 0890-0140
36835 A Journal of Equity 1801 Law         1833-2137      
1577 C Journal of Essential Oil Research 0908 Food Sciences 0301 Analytical Chemistry 0305 Organic Chemistry 1041-2905      
32620 C Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry 1105 Dentistry         1496-4155 1708-8240    
8031 B Journal of Estonian Archaelogy 2101 Archaeology         1406-2933      
8470 A Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy: online peer-reviewed journal of moral, political and legal philosophy 2203 Philosophy  1801 Law 2201 Applied Ethics 1559-3061      
34220 C Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work: innovations in theory, research and practice 1607 Social Work         1531-3204 1531-3212 1042-8224  
6027 B Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 1603 Demography          1369-183X 1469-9451 0047-9586  
33483 C Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice 1602 Criminology 1801 Law     1537-7938 1537-7946    
13635 C Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1533-2640 1533-2659 8756-8233  
40666 B Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1608 Sociology 1746-4269      
2603 B Journal of Ethnopharmacology 0607 Plant Biology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences     0378-8741 1872-7573    
2929 C Journal of Ethology 0608 Zoology         0289-0771 1439-5444    
19814 C Journal of Euromarketing 1505 Marketing         1049-6483 1528-6967    
14972 C Journal of Euromed Pharmacy 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1023-3857      
35967 C Journal of European Business Education 1503 Business and Management         0968-0543      
33484 C Journal of European Criminal Law 1801 Law         1750-7499      
30318 B Journal of European Economic History 1402 Applied Economics 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     0391-5115      
19311 C Journal of European Industrial Training 1503 Business and Management         0309-0590 1758-7425    
7313 B Journal of European Integration History 1606 Political Science 2103 Historical Studies     0947-9511      
39949 B Journal of European Psychoanalysis 1701 Psychology         1125-8217      
18881 A Journal of European Public Policy 1605 Policy and Administration         1350-1763 1466-4429    
10877 C Journal of European Social Policy 1608 Sociology 1605 Policy and Administration     0958-9287 1461-7269    
34646 A Journal of European Studies (Chalfont Saint Giles) 2005 Literary Studies         0047-2441 1740-2379    
13636 C Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1356-1294 1365-2753    
32621 C Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice 1105 Dentistry         1532-3382 1532-3390    
34221 C Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work: advances in practice, programming, research, and policy 1607 Social Work         1543-3714 1543-3722    
41083 A Journal of Evolution and Technology 2203 Philosophy  1099 Other Technology  2201 Applied Ethics 1541-0099      
240 A Journal of Evolution Equations 0101 Pure Mathematics         1424-3199 1424-3202    
2343 C Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1116 Medical Physiology     0022-0930 1608-3202 0044-4529  
3273 A Journal of Evolutionary Biology 0603 Evolutionary Biology 0608 Zoology     1010-061X 1420-9101    
18421 A Journal of Evolutionary Economics 1401 Economic Theory         0936-9937 1432-1386    
6387 C Journal of Evolutionary Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1789-2082 1589-7397 1589-5254  
35210 C Journal of Exercise Physiology 1116 Medical Physiology         1097-9751      
41789 C Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1728-869X 1027-7323    
5616 C Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1557-5063 1931-6283 1055-937X  
20583 C Journal of Experiential Education 13 Education         1053-8259      
32349 A Journal of Experimental Algorithmics 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 1084-6654      
14655 C Journal of Experimental and Clinical Anatomy 1116 Medical Physiology         1596-2393      
42239 C Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1756-9966      
17996 C Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science     0952-813X 1362-3079    
997 C Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     1063-7761 1090-6509 0044-4510 0038-5646
5520 B Journal of Experimental Animal Science 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0939-8600      
2604 A Journal of Experimental Botany 0607 Plant Biology         0022-0957 1460-2431    
6399 A Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0022-0965 1096-0457    
17234 B Journal of Experimental Criminology 1602 Criminology         1573-3750 1572-8315    
6400 A Journal of Experimental Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0022-0973 1940-0683    
3274 B Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 0602 Ecology         0022-0981      
15317 A* Journal of Experimental Medicine 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0022-1007 1540-9538    
6402 A* Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0097-7403 1939-2184    
6403 A Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1076-898X 1939-2192    
6404 A* Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0096-3445 1939-2222    
6406 A* Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0096-1523      
6407 A* Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0278-7393 1939-1285    
6408 A Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0022-1031 1096-0465    
2931 B Journal of Experimental Zoology. Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology 0608 Zoology 0603 Evolutionary Biology 0604 Genetics  1932-5223 1932-5231    
40626 B Journal of Experimental Zoology. Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution 0603 Evolutionary Biology 0403 Geology     1552-5007 1552-5015    
13637 B Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1053-4245      
20826 C Journal of Extension (Online) 1301 Education Systems          1077-5315      
30511 B Journal of Facilities Management 1503 Business and Management         1472-5967 1741-0983    
4792 C Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1547-7029 1864-1245 1529-8159  
30485 B Journal of Family and Economic Issues 1499 Other Economics         1058-0476 1573-3475    
6028 C Journal of Family History: studies in family, kinship and demography 2103 Historical Studies         0363-1990 1552-5473 0360-3598  
6029 B Journal of Family Issues 1603 Demography          0192-513X 1552-5481    
14109 A* Journal of Family Nursing 1110 Nursing         1074-8407 1552-549X    
6030 C Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care 1603 Demography          1471-1893 0144-8625    
13640 C Journal of Family Practice 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0094-3509 1533-7294    
6409 A Journal of Family Psychology 1701 Psychology         0893-3200 1939-1293    
34222 C Journal of Family Social Work 1607 Social Work 1701 Psychology     1052-2158 1540-4072    
13641 B Journal of Family Studies 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1607 Social Work     1322-9400      
6410 A Journal of Family Therapy 1607 Social Work 1701 Psychology     0163-4445 1467-6427    
6411 B Journal of Family Violence 1701 Psychology 1602 Criminology     0885-7482 1573-2851    
19859 C Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management 1505 Marketing         1361-2026 1758-7433    
5521 B Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1098-612X 1532-2750    
11167 C Journal of Feminist Family Therapy 1607 Social Work 1701 Psychology     0895-2833 1540-4099    
11168 A Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     8755-4178 1553-3913    
8098 A Journal of Field Archaeology 2101 Archaeology         0093-4690      
2933 C Journal of Field Ornithology 0608 Zoology         0273-8570 1557-9263 0006-3630  
3612 A Journal of Field Robotics 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1556-4959 1556-4967 0741-2223  
10009 B Journal of Film and Video 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         0742-4671 1934-6018    
35793 B Journal of Film Preservation 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         1609-2694      
19618 C Journal of Finance and Management in Public Services 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1475-1283      
31212 C Journal of Finance Case Research 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1527-5426      
19567 A* Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         0022-1090 1756-6916    
17237 C Journal of Financial Crime 1602 Criminology 1801 Law     1359-0790 1758-7239    
30472 A Journal of Financial Econometrics 1403 Econometrics  1502 Banking, Finance and Investment     1479-8409 1479-8417    
18578 A* Journal of Financial Economics 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         0304-405X      
35972 B Journal of Financial Education 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 0093-3961      
19569 A Journal of Financial Intermediation 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1042-9573 1096-0473    
19603 C Journal of Financial Management and Analysis 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         0970-4205      
30512 C Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1363-2175      
19570 A Journal of Financial Markets 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1386-4181      
19571 C Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1358-1988 1740-0279    
41128 C Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting 20 Language, Communication and Culture 15 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services     1985-2517      
19572 A Journal of Financial Research 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         0270-2592 1475-6803    
19815 C Journal of Financial Services Marketing 1505 Marketing         1363-0539 1479-1846    
19573 B Journal of Financial Services Research 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         0920-8550 1573-0735    
31213 C Journal of Financial Stability 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1572-3089      
3513 C Journal of Fire Protection Engineering 0912 Materials Engineering         1042-3915 1532-172X    
4924 C Journal of Fire Sciences 0912 Materials Engineering         0734-9041 1530-8049    
3275 A Journal of Fish Biology 0704 Fisheries Sciences 0602 Ecology 0608 Zoology 0022-1112 1095-8649    
5760 B Journal of Fish Diseases 0704 Fisheries Sciences 0707 Veterinary Sciences 0608 Zoology 0140-7775      
41784 C Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 0704 Fisheries Sciences         1816-4927 1996-0751    
5794 C Journal of Fisheriessciencescom 0704 Fisheries Sciences         1307-234X      
520 C Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1661-7738 1661-7746    
41778 Not ranked Journal of Flood Risk Management 0799 Other Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences         1753-318X      
3778 B Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1065-3090 1940-4336    
35393 A Journal of Fluency Disorders 1702 Cognitive Science 2004 Linguistics 1701 Psychology 0094-730X 1873-801X    
1294 A* Journal of Fluid Mechanics 0102 Applied Mathematics 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering     0022-1120 1469-7645    
3687 A Journal of Fluids and Structures 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering 0889-9746 1095-8622    
3688 B Journal of Fluids Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering     0098-2202 1528-901X    
1645 B Journal of Fluorescence 0301 Analytical Chemistry 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)     1053-0509 1573-4994    
1533 C Journal of Fluorine Chemistry 0302 Inorganic Chemistry 0305 Organic Chemistry     0022-1139 1873-3328    
9552 C Journal of Folklore Research 1601 Anthropology          0737-7037 1543-0413    
9715 C Journal of Food and Drug Analysis 0908 Food Sciences         1021-9498      
9716 C Journal of Food and Nutrition Research 0908 Food Sciences 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics     1336-8672 0231-9950    
9656 B Journal of Food Biochemistry 0908 Food Sciences         0145-8884 1745-4514    
39709 A Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 0908 Food Sciences 0301 Analytical Chemistry     0889-1575 1096-0481    
41773 C Journal of Food Distribution Research 1507 Transportation and Freight Services 1505 Marketing     0047-245X      
9657 A Journal of Food Engineering 0908 Food Sciences         0260-8774 1873-5770    
33485 C Journal of Food Law and Policy 1801 Law         1942-9762 1942-9770    
9717 C Journal of Food Lipids 0908 Food Sciences         1065-7258 1745-4522    
41161 B Journal of Food Process Engineering 0908 Food Sciences         0145-8876 1745-4530    
9659 B Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 0908 Food Sciences         0145-8892 1745-4549    
31174 C Journal of Food Products Marketing: innovations in food advertising, food promotion, food publicity, food sales promotion 1505 Marketing         1045-4446 1540-4102    
9660 A Journal of Food Protection MD Multidisciplinary         0362-028X      
9718 C Journal of Food Quality 0908 Food Sciences         0146-9428 1745-4557    
9661 B Journal of Food Safety 0908 Food Sciences 0605 Microbiology      0149-6085 1745-4565    
9662 A Journal of Food Science 0908 Food Sciences 0904 Chemical Engineering      0022-1147 1750-3841    
9719 C Journal of Food Science and Technology 0908 Food Sciences         0022-1155      
41770 C Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment MD Multidisciplinary         1459-0255 1459-0263    
19722 C Journal of Foodservice 1504 Commercial Services         1748-0140 1471-5732 1524-8275  
19708 C Journal of Foodservice Business Research 1504 Commercial Services         1537-8020 1537-8039    
40107 Not ranked Journal of Foot and Ankle Research 1103 Clinical Sciences         1757-1146      
16368 C Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         1067-2516 1542-2224    
34563 B Journal of Foraminiferal Research 0403 Geology         0096-1191 1943-264X    
18169 A Journal of Forecasting 1403 Econometrics          0277-6693 1099-131X    
19141 B Journal of Forensic Accounting: auditing, fraud, and taxation 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1524-5586      
41769 C Journal of Forensic Document Examination 2103 Historical Studies 1999 Other Studies In Creative Arts and Writing     0895-0849      
18579 C Journal of Forensic Economics 1499 Other Economics 1801 Law     0898-5510      
34333 B Journal of Forensic Identification 0699 Other Biological Sciences 0399 Other Chemical Sciences     0895-173X      
14206 B Journal of Forensic Nursing 1110 Nursing         1556-3693 1939-3938    
32622 C Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology 1105 Dentistry         0258-414X      
6412 C Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology 1701 Psychology         1478-9949 1478-9957 0958-5184  
6413 C Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice 1701 Psychology         1522-8932 1522-9092    
35009 A Journal of Forensic Sciences 0399 Other Chemical Sciences 0699 Other Biological Sciences 1103 Clinical Sciences 0022-1198 1556-4029 0511-8662  
34223 Not ranked Journal of Forensic Social Work 1607 Social Work         1936-928X 1936-9298    
18422 C Journal of Forest Economics 1499 Other Economics         1104-6899      
5715 C Journal of Forest Research 0705 Forestry Sciences         1341-6979 1610-7403    
5716 C Journal of Forest Science-Prague 0705 Forestry Sciences         1212-4834 0024-1105    
5681 B Journal of Forestry 0705 Forestry Sciences         0022-1201 1938-3746    
241 A Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1069-5869 1531-5851    
39668 C Journal of Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis 0102 Applied Mathematics         1311-0454      
9341 B Journal of French Language Studies 2003 Language Studies         0959-2695 1474-0079    
8346 C Journal of French Philosophy 2203 Philosophy          1936-6280 1042-6833    
3276 C Journal of Freshwater Ecology 0602 Ecology         0270-5060      
3779 C Journal of Friction and Wear 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1068-3666 1934-9386 0202-4977  
5432 C Journal of Fruit and Ornamental Plant Research 0706 Horticultural Production         1231-0948      
3780 C Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1550-624X 1551-6989    
242 A* Journal of Functional Analysis 0101 Pure Mathematics         0022-1236 1096-0783    
17997 B Journal of Functional and Logic Programming 0803 Computer Software         1080-5230      
17998 A Journal of Functional Programming 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics 0803 Computer Software 0956-7968 1469-7653    
19330 B Journal of Further and Higher Education 1301 Education Systems          0309-877X 1469-9486 0013-1326  
19575 A Journal of Futures Markets 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         0270-7314 1096-9934    
21975 C Journal of Futures Studies 1503 Business and Management         1027-6084      
39667 C Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1066-8950      
21976 C Journal of Gambling Issues 1506 Tourism         1494-5185      
6414 B Journal of Gambling Studies 1701 Psychology 1506 Tourism     1050-5350 1573-3602    
17239 C Journal of Gang Research 1602 Criminology         1079-3062      
16370 B Journal of Gastroenterology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0944-1174 1435-5922    
16372 B Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0815-9319 1440-1746    
16374 B Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         1091-255X 1873-4626    
35952 C Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services: issues in practice, policy and research 1607 Social Work         1053-8720 1540-4056    
10878 B Journal of Gender Studies 1608 Sociology         0958-9236 1465-3869    
33915 B Journal of Gender, Race and Justice 1801 Law         1550-7815      
16376 A Journal of Gene Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         1099-498X 1521-2254    
20406 C Journal of General Education 13 Education         0021-3667 1527-2060    
16378 A Journal of General Internal Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         0884-8734 1525-1497    
19173 B Journal of General Management 1503 Business and Management         0306-3070      
3165 B Journal of General Physiology 0606 Physiology  1116 Medical Physiology     0022-1295 1540-7748    
2605 C Journal of General Plant Pathology 0607 Plant Biology 0605 Microbiology  0703 Crop and Pasture Production 1345-2630 1610-739X    
36222 C Journal of General Psychology: experimental, physiological, and comparative psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0022-1309 1940-0888    
2487 A Journal of General Virology 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology 0707 Veterinary Sciences 0022-1317 1465-2099    
41646 C Journal of Generalized Lie Theory and Applications 0101 Pure Mathematics         1736-5279 1736-4337    
14798 C Journal of Generic Medicines 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1741-1343 1741-7090    
16379 C Journal of Genetic Counseling 1103 Clinical Sciences         1059-7700 1573-3599    
2430 C Journal of Genetics 0604 Genetics          0022-1333 0973-7731    
2431 C Journal of Genetics and Genomics 0604 Genetics          1673-8527 0379-4172    
7315 A Journal of Genocide Research 2103 Historical Studies 1601 Anthropology  1606 Political Science 1462-3528 1469-9494    
2432 C Journal of Genome Science and Technology 0604 Genetics          1551-7551 1551-756X 1537-3053  
40524 B Journal of Geochemical Exploration 0402 Geochemistry         0375-6742      
1876 A Journal of Geodesy 0102 Applied Mathematics 0404 Geophysics 0909 Geomatic Engineering  0949-7714 1432-1394    
1877 B Journal of Geodynamics 0403 Geology 0404 Geophysics     0264-3707 1879-1670    
36064 C Journal of Geographical Systems: geographical information, analysis, theory and decision 0909 Geomatic Engineering  1503 Business and Management     1435-5930 1435-5949 1069-2665  
2024 C Journal of Geography 1604 Human Geography 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience     0022-1341 1752-6868    
5959 B Journal of Geography in Higher Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1604 Human Geography     0309-8265 1466-1845    
243 A Journal of Geometric Analysis 0101 Pure Mathematics         1050-6926 1559-002X    
244 C Journal of Geometry 0101 Pure Mathematics         0047-2468 1420-8997    
245 B Journal of Geometry and Physics 01 Mathematical Sciences 02 Physical Sciences     0393-0440      
576 C Journal of Geometry and Symmetry in Physics 01 Mathematical Sciences 02 Physical Sciences     1312-5192      
1878 A* Journal of Geophysical Research 0404 Geophysics 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences 0909 Geomatic Engineering  0148-0227      
35110 C Journal of Geophysics and Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering 0404 Geophysics     1742-2132 1742-2140    
20671 C Journal of Geoscience Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1089-9995 0022-1368    
4358 C Journal of Geospatial Engineering 0909 Geomatic Engineering          1563-3772      
4227 A* Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 0907 Environmental Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering     1090-0241 1943-5606 0733-9410  
40112 C Journal of Geriatric Cardiology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1671-5411      
13094 C Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     0891-9887 1552-5708    
16380 C Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry: a multidiciplinary journal of mental health and aging 1103 Clinical Sciences         0022-1414      
8870 B Journal of Germanic Linguistics 2004 Linguistics         1470-5427 1475-3014 1040-8207  
14110 A* Journal of Gerontological Nursing 1110 Nursing         0098-9134 1938-243X    
34224 C Journal of Gerontological Social Work 1607 Social Work         0163-4372 1540-4048    
16548 A Journal of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences 1103 Clinical Sciences 1701 Psychology     1079-5006 1758-535X    
16384 B Journal of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences 1103 Clinical Sciences 1701 Psychology     1079-5014 1758-5368    
2025 B Journal of Glaciology 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         0022-1430 1727-5652    
10011 B Journal of Glass Studies 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts 2101 Archaeology     0075-4250      
16385 B Journal of Glaucoma 1103 Clinical Sciences         1057-0829 1536-481X    
36192 C Journal of GLBT Family Studies 1701 Psychology         1550-428X 1550-4298    
21477 A Journal of Global Buddhism 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1527-6457      
31165 C Journal of Global Business 1503 Business and Management         1053-7287      
41045 C Journal of Global Business Issues 1503 Business and Management         1931-311X      
41768 C Journal of Global Business Management 1503 Business and Management         1817-3179      
37038 B Journal of Global Ethics 2201 Applied Ethics         1744-9626 1744-9634    
7316 A Journal of Global History 2103 Historical Studies         1740-0228 1740-0236    
17999 B Journal of Global Information Management 0806 Information Systems 0807 Library and Information Studies 1702 Cognitive Science 1062-7375 1533-7995    
31234 B Journal of Global Information Technology Management 0806 Information Systems         1097-198X      
19816 C Journal of Global Marketing 1505 Marketing         0891-1762 1528-6975    
246 A Journal of Global Optimization 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     0925-5001 1573-2916    
30412 C Journal of Government and Political Studies 1606 Political Science         0251-3056      
18001 B Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications 0102 Applied Mathematics         1526-1719      
247 A Journal of Graph Theory 0101 Pure Mathematics 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics     0364-9024 1097-0118    
36366 C Journal of Great Lakes Research: devoted to research on large lakes of the world 0502 Environmental Science and Management 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience 0907 Environmental Engineering 0380-1330      
8871 B Journal of Greek Linguistics 2004 Linguistics         1566-5844 1569-9846    
21100 B Journal of Green Building 1201 Architecture 1202 Building     1552-6100 1943-4618    
32352 C Journal of Grey System 0104 Statistics          0957-3720      
39762 B Journal of Grid Computing 0805 Distributed Computing         1570-7873 1572-9184    
6418 C Journal of Group Psychotherapy Psychodrama and Sociometry 1701 Psychology         1545-3855 1940-5014 1096-7680  
248 B Journal of Group Theory 0101 Pure Mathematics 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics     1433-5883 1435-4446    
3578 B Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics: devoted to the technology of dynamics and control 0901 Aerospace Engineering         0731-5090 1533-3884    
32589 C Journal of Hacettepe Faculty of Dentistry 1105 Dentistry         0250-5207      
16387 C Journal of Hand Surgery (American Volume) 1103 Clinical Sciences         0363-5023 1531-6564    
16389 C Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume) 1103 Clinical Sciences         1753-1934 1532-2211 0266-7681  
16390 C Journal of Hand Therapy 1103 Clinical Sciences         0894-1130 1545-004X    
32894 B Journal of Happiness Studies 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1389-4978 1573-7780    
33486 C Journal of Hate Studies 1801 Law         1540-2126      
4682 A Journal of Hazardous Materials 09 Engineering         0304-3894 1873-3336    
16391 B Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation 1103 Clinical Sciences         0885-9701 1550-509X    
41766 C Journal of Health Administration Education 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0735-6722      
33487 C Journal of Health and Biomedical Law 1801 Law         1556-052X      
33488 C Journal of Health and Life Sciences Law 1801 Law         1942-4736 1526-2472 1046-4360  
6419 A* Journal of Health and Social Behavior 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0022-1465 0095-9006    
13646 C Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1049-2089 1548-6869    
33489 B Journal of Health Care Law and Policy 1801 Law         1097-4768 1066-9809    
9232 B Journal of Health Communication: international perspectives 0807 Library and Information Studies 2001 Communication and Media Studies     1081-0730 1087-0415    
18423 A* Journal of Health Economics 1402 Applied Economics         0167-6296      
13647 B Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 1605 Policy and Administration 1801 Law     0361-6878 1527-1927    
13648 B Journal of Health Population and Nutrition 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics         1606-0997 0253-8768    
6420 B Journal of Health Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1359-1053 1461-7277    
41765 C Journal of Health Science 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1344-9702 1347-5207    
40637 C Journal of Health Services Research and Policy 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1355-8196 1758-1060    
35916 C Journal of Health, Organization and Management 15 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services         1477-7266 1758-7247 0268-9235  
13651 C Journal of Healthcare Management 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1096-9012 1944-7396 8750-3735  
16392 A Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1053-2498 1557-3117 0887-2570  
3781 A Journal of Heat Transfer-Transactions of the ASME 0904 Chemical Engineering  0102 Applied Mathematics     0022-1481 1528-8943    
40554 A Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 20 Language, Communication and Culture         1203-1542      
40088 A* Journal of Hellenic Studies 2103 Historical Studies         0075-4269      
2934 B Journal of Helminthology 0608 Zoology         0022-149X 1475-2697    
40718 Not ranked Journal of Hematology and Oncology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis     1756-8722      
16395 C Journal of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         0944-1166 1436-0691    
16396 A Journal of Hepatology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0168-8278 1600-0641    
34169 C Journal of Herbal Pharmacotherapy: innovations in clinical and applied evidence-based herbal medicinals 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         1522-8940 1522-9106    
5433 C Journal of Herbs, Spices and Medicinal Plants 0706 Horticultural Production         1049-6475 1540-3580    
2395 B Journal of Heredity 0604 Genetics          0022-1503 1465-7333    
35915 B Journal of Heritage Tourism 1506 Tourism         1743-873X 1747-6631    
2935 B Journal of Herpetology 0608 Zoology         0022-1511 1937-2418    
1579 C Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry: international journal 0305 Organic Chemistry         0022-152X 1943-5193 0090-2268  
32125 A Journal of Heuristics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 1381-1231 1572-9397    
4489 B Journal of High Speed Networks 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0926-6801 1875-8940    
33491 C Journal of High Technology Law 1801 Law         1536-7983      
19312 A Journal of Higher Education 1301 Education Systems          0022-1546 1538-4640    
20386 C Journal of Higher Education in Africa: an interdisciplinary international journal of research and policy 1301 Education Systems          0851-7762      
35684 C Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement 13 Education         1534-6102 1086-2447    
19921 B Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1360-080X 1469-9508 1036-9708  
20408 C Journal of Hispanic Higher Education 1301 Education Systems          1538-1927 1552-5716    
22227 B Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry: imaging the spectrum of cell biology 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0022-1554 1551-5044    
5960 B Journal of Historical Geography 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0305-7488 1095-8614    
8872 C Journal of Historical Pragmatics 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1566-5852 1569-9854    
10012 C Journal of Historical Research in Music Education 2103 Historical Studies         1536-6006 0739-5639    
10879 B Journal of Historical Sociology 1608 Sociology         0952-1909 1467-6443    
7318 A Journal of Historical Studies 2103 Historical Studies         0386-9237      
17630 C Journal of History of Science MD Multidisciplinary         0022-7692      
16397 C Journal of HIV Therapy 1103 Clinical Sciences         1462-0308      
14111 C Journal of Holistic Nursing 1110 Nursing         0898-0101 1552-5724    
36266 C Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management 1602 Criminology         1547-7355      
6421 A Journal of Homosexuality 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 1701 Psychology     0091-8369 1540-3602    
11920 B Journal of Horror Studies 2005 Literary Studies         1751-939X      
5392 C Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology 0706 Horticultural Production         1462-0316 0022-1589    
40834 C Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences 1110 Nursing 1522-2179 1539-0705    
37126 C Journal of Hospital Ethics 2201 Applied Ethics         1938-4920 1938-4955    
16398 B Journal of Hospital Infection 1103 Clinical Sciences         0195-6701 1532-2939    
41823 C Journal of Hospital Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         1553-5592 1553-5606    
36276 B Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education 1506 Tourism         1096-3758      
19653 C Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 1504 Commercial Services 1506 Tourism     1447-6770 1320-5161    
19671 A Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research 1504 Commercial Services 1506 Tourism     1096-3480 1557-7554    
19669 C Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management 1506 Tourism 1504 Commercial Services 1505 Marketing 1936-8623 1936-8631 1050-7051  
35682 C Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sports and Tourism Education 1506 Tourism         1473-8376      
30548 B Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         1566-4910 1573-7772 1383-2336  
30481 B Journal of Housing Economics 1402 Applied Economics 1205 Urban and Regional Planning     1051-1377 1096-0791    
40126 C Journal of Housing for the Elderly 1103 Clinical Sciences 1117 Public Health and Health Services     0276-3893 1540-353X    
21000 A Journal of Housing Research 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         1052-7001      
32895 B Journal of Human Development and Capabilities 1601 Anthropology          1945-2829 1945-2837 1464-9888  
2433 C Journal of Human Ecology: international, interdisciplinary journal of man-environment relationship 0604 Genetics          0970-9274      
41828 C Journal of Human Ergology 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0300-8134      
2434 C Journal of Human Evolution 0604 Genetics  1601 Anthropology      0047-2484 1095-8606    
36452 C Journal of Human Genetics 0604 Genetics  1103 Clinical Sciences     1434-5161 1435-232X    
16399 B Journal of Human Hypertension 1103 Clinical Sciences         0950-9240      
16400 C Journal of Human Lactation 1110 Nursing 1103 Clinical Sciences     0890-3344 1552-5732    
9770 B Journal of Human Movement Studies 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         0306-7297      
13652 C Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics         0952-3871 1365-277X    
36102 C Journal of Human Resource Costing and Accounting 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1401-338X 1758-745X    
19673 B Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality and Tourism 1504 Commercial Services 1506 Tourism     1533-2845 1533-2853    
18424 A* Journal of Human Resources: education, manpower and welfare economics 1402 Applied Economics         0022-166X 1548-8004    
35562 B Journal of Human Rights 1801 Law         1475-4835 1475-4843    
18725 C Journal of Human Security 1606 Political Science         1835-3800 1176-8614    
41840 C Journal of Human Values 16 Studies In Human Society 22 Philosophy and Religious Studies     0971-6858 1940-0314    
15125 C Journal of Human Virology 1108 Medical Microbiology         1090-9508      
20259 C Journal of Humanistic Counseling Education and Development 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1931-0293 0735-6846    
6422 C Journal of Humanistic Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0022-1678 1552-650X    
9139 Not ranked Journal of Hungarian Terminology 2004 Linguistics         1789-9486      
4359 A* Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering         0733-9429 1943-7900 0044-796X  
4230 A Journal of Hydraulic Research 0905 Civil Engineering         0022-1686      
41842 C Journal of Hydrodynamics MD Multidisciplinary         1001-6058 1000-4874    
36576 B Journal of Hydroinformatics 0905 Civil Engineering         1464-7141 1465-1734    
4231 A Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering         1084-0699 1943-5584    
1949 A* Journal of Hydrology 09 Engineering 04 Earth Sciences 05 Environmental Sciences 0022-1694      
35134 A Journal of Hydrometeorology 0401 Atmospheric Sciences         1525-755X 1525-7541    
578 B Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations 0101 Pure Mathematics         0219-8916 1793-6993    
16401 A Journal of Hypertension 1103 Clinical Sciences         0263-6352 1473-5598    
9297 B Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research 2003 Language Studies 2005 Literary Studies 2103 Historical Studies 1326-0219      
31460 A Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies 2005 Literary Studies         1470-1847 1469-9524    
8099 C Journal of Iberian Archaeology 2101 Archaeology         0874-2677      
34562 C Journal of Iberian Geology: an international publication of earth sciences 0403 Geology         1698-6180 1886-7995 0378-102X  
31076 B Journal of Ichthyology 0602 Ecology         0032-9452 1531-8486 0042-8752  
9820 C Journal of Imagery Research in Sport and Physical Activity 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1932-0191      
13653 C Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1557-1912 1557-1920 1096-4045  
36236 B Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies 1607 Social Work         1556-2948      
15511 C Journal of Immunoassay and Immunochemistry 1107 Immunology         1532-1819 1532-4230    
15512 B Journal of Immunological Methods 1107 Immunology 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry     0022-1759 1872-7905    
15513 A* Journal of Immunology 1107 Immunology         0022-1767 1550-6606    
15514 A Journal of Immunotherapy 1107 Immunology         1524-9557 1537-4513    
34351 B Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry 03 Chemical Sciences         1388-3127 1573-1111    
30494 B Journal of Income Distribution: an international journal, New Series 1401 Economic Theory         0926-6437      
579 C Journal of Indian Academy of Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         0970-5120      
21480 B Journal of Indian History 2103 Historical Studies         0022-1775      
8472 A Journal of Indian Philosophy 2203 Philosophy          0022-1791 1573-0395    
21482 C Journal of Indian Philosophy and Religion 2203 Philosophy          0971-944X      
36194 C Journal of Individual Differences 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1614-0001 0170-1789    
6423 C Journal of Individual Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1522-2527 0277-7010    
30828 B Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1547-5816 1553-166X    
36363 B Journal of Industrial Ecology 05 Environmental Sciences 09 Engineering 10 Technology 1088-1980 1530-9290    
5351 C Journal of Industrial Hemp: production, processing and products 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         1537-7881 1537-789X 1381-091X  
3367 A Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology 1003 Industrial Biotechnology         1367-5435 1476-5535 0169-4146  
19759 A Journal of Industrial Relations 1503 Business and Management 1402 Applied Economics     0022-1856 1472-9296    
35650 C Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade: from theory to policy 14 Economics         1566-1679 1573-7012    
32354 B Journal of Inequalities and Applications 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1025-5834 1029-242X    
32206 C Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1443-5756      
16402 B Journal of Infection 1103 Clinical Sciences         0163-4453 1532-2742    
14974 C Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1341-321X 1437-7780    
16403 A Journal of Infectious Diseases 1103 Clinical Sciences 1108 Medical Microbiology     0022-1899 1537-6613    
42240 C Journal of Inflammation 1103 Clinical Sciences 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences     1476-9255      
18004 C Journal of Informatics Education and Research 0806 Information Systems         1526-4726 1075-8909    
18005 C Journal of Information and Knowledge Management 0806 Information Systems 1702 Cognitive Science     0219-6492 1793-6926    
19429 C Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 0803 Computer Software 0102 Applied Mathematics 0252-2667      
32126 B Journal of Information Communication and Ethics in Society 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science 0807 Library and Information Studies 1477-996X 1758-8871    
30352 B Journal of Information Ethics 0807 Library and Information Studies 2201 Applied Ethics     1061-9321 1941-2894    
32127 C Journal of Information Information Technology and Organizations 0806 Information Systems         1557-1319 1557-1327    
32128 C Journal of Information Literacy 0807 Library and Information Studies         1750-5968      
32129 C Journal of Information Privacy and Security 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences         1553-6548      
40403 C Journal of Information Processing 08 Information and Computing Sciences         0387-5806      
18007 A Journal of Information Science 0807 Library and Information Studies         0165-5515 1741-6485    
39672 C Journal of Information Science and Engineering 08 Information and Computing Sciences 09 Engineering     1016-2364      
32130 C Journal of Information Science and Technology 0806 Information Systems         1545-0287      
32131 C Journal of Information System Security 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences         1551-0123 1551-0808    
41848 C Journal of Information Systems and Small Business 0806 Information Systems         1834-2949 1834-2957    
31273 C Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management 0806 Information Systems 1503 Business and Management     1807-1775      
18009 C Journal of Information Systems Education 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences         1055-3096 1055-310X    
18011 A* Journal of Information Technology 0806 Information Systems 1702 Cognitive Science     0268-3962 1466-4437    
36129 C Journal of Information Technology and Tourism 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences         1098-3058      
31275 C Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research 0806 Information Systems         1522-8053      
18013 C Journal of Information Technology Education 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences         1539-3585 1547-9714 1547-9706  
36587 B Journal of Information Technology Impact 1005 Communications Technologies         1098-139X      
41187 C Journal of Information Technology in Agriculture 0803 Computer Software 0806 Information Systems     1546-959X      
4360 A Journal of Information Technology in Construction 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences 1202 Building 0905 Civil Engineering 1874-4753 1400-6529    
19281 C Journal of Information Technology Management 0806 Information Systems 0807 Library and Information Studies     1042-1319      
18015 C Journal of Information Warfare 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences         1445-3312 1445-3347    
17242 C Journal of Information, Law and Technology 0807 Library and Information Studies 1801 Law 2001 Communication and Media Studies 1361-4169      
30353 A Journal of Informetrics 0807 Library and Information Studies         1751-1577 1875-5879    
986 C Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0205 Optical Physics     1866-6892 0195-9271 1866-6906  
4361 C Journal of Infrastructure Systems 0905 Civil Engineering         1076-0342 1943-555X    
14112 C Journal of Infusion Nursing 1110 Nursing         1533-1458 1539-0667 0896-5846  
16405 B Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease 1103 Clinical Sciences         0141-8955 1573-2665    
34855 A Journal of Inner Asian Art and Archaeology MD Multidisciplinary         1783-9025      
41853 Not ranked Journal of Innovation Economics 1402 Applied Economics 1503 Business and Management 1608 Sociology 2032-5355      
1534 B Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 0302 Inorganic Chemistry         0162-0134 1873-3344    
2936 B Journal of Insect Behavior 0608 Zoology         0892-7553 1572-8889    
2937 B Journal of Insect Conservation: an international journal devoted to the conservation of inects and related invertebrates 06 Biological Sciences 05 Environmental Sciences     1366-638X 1572-9753    
3166 A Journal of Insect Physiology 0606 Physiology  0608 Zoology     0022-1910 1879-1611    
2938 C Journal of Insect Science 0608 Zoology         1536-2442      
20751 C Journal of In-Service Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1367-4587 1941-5265 0305-7631  
18308 A Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 1401 Economic Theory         0932-4569      
30486 B Journal of Institutional Economics 1402 Applied Economics         1744-1374 1744-1382    
20382 C Journal of Institutional Research 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1443-2110 1322-4298    
30066 C Journal of Institutional Research (South East Asia) 1301 Education Systems          1675-6061      
20260 C Journal of Instructional Psychology 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0094-1956      
250 C Journal of Integer Sequences 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 1530-7638      
251 C Journal of Integral Equations and Applications 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     0897-3962 1938-2626    
41860 C Journal of Integral Theory and Practice 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 0502 Environmental Science and Management     1554-5814      
41867 C Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science 09 Engineering         1092-0617 1875-8959    
14557 C Journal of Integrative Neuroscience 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0219-6352 1757-448X    
2754 C Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 0607 Plant Biology         1672-9072 1744-7909 0577-7496 0095-4195
36256 C Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability 1607 Social Work 1103 Clinical Sciences     1366-8250 1469-9532 0726-3864  
19104 B Journal of Intellectual Capital 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1469-1930 1758-7468    
14208 C Journal of Intellectual Disabilities 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1110 Nursing     1744-6295 1744-6309 1469-0047  
20521 B Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0964-2633 1365-2788    
33183 B Journal of Intellectual Property 1801 Law         1559-9493      
33494 C Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 1801 Law         1747-1532 1747-1540    
581 C Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science     1064-1246 1875-8967    
3613 C Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: theory and applications 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science     0921-0296 1573-0409    
18019 C Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0804 Data Format     0925-9902 1573-7675    
35991 A Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 0910 Manufacturing Engineering         0956-5515 1572-8145    
4925 A Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 0905 Civil Engineering 0912 Materials Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 1045-389X 1530-8138    
18020 B Journal of Intelligent Systems 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science     0334-1860      
36078 C Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: technology, planning, and operations 1507 Transportation and Freight Services         1547-2450 1547-2442 1024-8072  
16406 C Journal of Intensive Care Medicine 1110 Nursing 1103 Clinical Sciences     0885-0666 1525-1489    
31175 B Journal of Interactive Advertising 1505 Marketing         1525-2019      
20275 B Journal of Interactive Learning Research 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1093-023X      
19817 B Journal of Interactive Marketing 1505 Marketing         1094-9968 1520-6653    
20301 C Journal of Interactive Media in Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1365-893X      
41869 C Journal of Interactive Online Learning 13 Education         1541-4914      
41874 Not ranked Journal of Intercollegiate Sport 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1941-6342 1941-417X    
36534 B Journal of Interconnection Networks 0805 Distributed Computing 1702 Cognitive Science     0219-2659      
8873 B Journal of Intercultural Communication 20 Language, Communication and Culture         1404-1634      
8874 B Journal of Intercultural Communication Research 2001 Communication and Media Studies 2004 Linguistics     1747-5759 1747-5767 1818-8087  
11461 A Journal of Intercultural Studies 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2002 Cultural Studies     0725-6868 1469-9540    
18426 C Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics 14 Economics         0260-1079      
32728 C Journal of Interdisciplinary Gender Studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1325-1848      
7320 A* Journal of Interdisciplinary History 2103 Historical Studies         0022-1953 1530-9169    
582 B Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         0972-0502      
34847 B Journal of Interdisciplinary Music Studies 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1307-0401 1306-9055    
40835 C Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies (Pomona): a journal of research and innovative activities 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0899-5281      
2237 B Journal of Interferon and Cytokine Research 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1107 Immunology     1079-9907 1557-7465    
40762 B Journal of Intergenerational Relationships 16 Studies In Human Society         1535-0770 1535-0932    
21001 A* Journal of Interior Design 1201 Architecture 1203 Design Practice and Management     1071-7641 1939-1668 0147-0418  
10675 C Journal of Interlibrary Loan Document Delivery and Electronic Reserve 0807 Library and Information Studies         1540-3572 1072-303X    
16407 A Journal of Internal Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         0954-6820 1365-2796    
19143 B Journal of International Accounting Research 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1542-6297 1558-8025    
35914 B Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1061-9518 1879-1603    
35624 C Journal of International Agricultural Trade and Development 1402 Applied Economics         1556-8520      
34648 Not ranked Journal of International and Intercultural Communication 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 2004 Linguistics     1751-3057 1751-3065    
33496 C Journal of International Arbitration 1801 Law         0255-8106      
41876 C Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation 1801 Law         1742-6812 0267-937X    
35447 C Journal of International Biotechnology Law 1801 Law         1612-6068 1612-6076    
18427 C Journal of International Business and Economics 1503 Business and Management         1544-8037      
18582 C Journal of International Business and Economy 1402 Applied Economics         1527-8603      
20202 C Journal of International Business Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1649-4946      
31169 C Journal of International Business Strategy 1503 Business and Management         1552-2903      
22233 A* Journal of International Business Studies 1503 Business and Management         0047-2506 1478-6990    
35446 C Journal of International Commercial Law 1801 Law         1476-7546      
35445 C Journal of International Commercial Law and Technology 1801 Law         1901-8401      
9261 B Journal of International Communication 2001 Communication and Media Studies 2004 Linguistics     1321-6597      
19818 C Journal of International Consumer Marketing 1505 Marketing         0896-1530 1528-7068    
33499 A Journal of International Criminal Justice 1801 Law         1478-1387 1478-1395    
18428 B Journal of International Development 1402 Applied Economics         0954-1748 1099-1328    
33500 A Journal of International Economic Law 1801 Law         1369-3034 1464-3758    
18429 C Journal of International Economic Studies 14 Economics         0911-1247      
18430 A* Journal of International Economics 14 Economics         0022-1996 1873-0353    
40300 Not ranked Journal of International Education in Business 1503 Business and Management 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1301 Education Systems  1836-3261      
41886 C Journal of International Farm Management 0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management         1816-2495      
18583 C Journal of International Finance and Economics 1402 Applied Economics         1555-6336      
19125 B Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         0954-1314 1467-646X    
36027 A Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1042-4431 1873-0612    
41887 C Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing 1505 Marketing 1503 Business and Management     0897-4438 1528-6983    
33501 C Journal of International Law and International Relations 1801 Law         1712-2988      
31113 B Journal of International Management 1503 Business and Management         1075-4253 1873-0620    
41888 C Journal of International Management Studies 1503 Business and Management         1993-1034      
19819 A Journal of International Marketing 1505 Marketing         1069-031X 1547-7215    
22234 C Journal of International Marketing and Exporting 1505 Marketing         1324-5864 1832-2174    
19820 C Journal of International Marketing and Marketing Research 1505 Marketing         1010-7347      
33502 C Journal of International Media and Entertainment Law 1801 Law         1556-875X      
15318 C Journal of International Medical Research 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0300-0605 1473-2300    
35913 C Journal of International Migration and Integration 1608 Sociology         1488-3473 1874-6365    
18432 A Journal of International Money and Finance 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment 1402 Applied Economics     0261-5606 1873-0639    
35019 C Journal of International Political Theory 2203 Philosophy          1755-0882 1755-1722 1743-453X  
18584 C Journal of International Relations and Development 1606 Political Science         1408-6980 1581-1980    
19303 C Journal of International Technology and Information Management 0806 Information Systems         1543-5962 1941-6679    
35444 C Journal of International Trade Law and Policy 1801 Law         1477-0024      
35443 C Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy 1801 Law         1388-0292 1548-1476    
40703 A Journal of International Women's Studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1539-8706      
31139 C Journal of Internet Business 1503 Business and Management         1832-1151      
40572 B Journal of Internet Commerce 1504 Commercial Services 2001 Communication and Media Studies     1533-2861 1533-287X    
32133 C Journal of Internet Technology 0805 Distributed Computing         1607-9264      
6424 B Journal of Interpersonal Violence: concerned with the study and treatment of victims and perpetrators of physical and sexual violence 1602 Criminology 1701 Psychology     0886-2605 1552-6518    
40516 B Journal of Interpretation Research MD Multidisciplinary         1092-5872      
34170 C Journal of Interprofessional Care 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1356-1820 1469-9567    
40560 C Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding 1606 Political Science         1750-2977 1750-2985    
35208 C Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology: an international journal of arrhythmias and pacing 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1383-875X 1572-8595 1385-2264  
40001 B Journal of Interventional Cardiology: an international forum for global cardiovascular therapies 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0896-4327 1540-8183    
16408 C Journal of Invasive Cardiology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1042-3931 1557-2501    
32357 B Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems 0101 Pure Mathematics         0928-0219 1569-3945    
2939 B Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 0608 Zoology         0022-2011 1096-0805    
15516 C Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology 1107 Immunology         1018-9068 1698-0808    
16409 A* Journal of Investigative Dermatology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0022-202X 1523-1747    
16411 B Journal of Investigative Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         1081-5589 1708-8267    
6425 C Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling 1701 Psychology         1544-4759 1544-4767    
16412 C Journal of Investigative Surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         0894-1939 1521-0553    
19624 C Journal of Investment Management 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1545-9144 1545-9152    
35674 B Journal of Invitational Theory and Practice 1399 Other Education          1060-6041      
3514 C Journal of Ion Exchange 0904 Chemical Engineering          0915-860X      
8100 C Journal of Irish Archaeology 2101 Archaeology         0268-537X      
4793 C Journal of Iron and Steel Research International 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy 0912 Materials Engineering     1006-706X 1001-0963    
4234 A Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering         0733-9437 1943-4774    
21483 C Journal of Islam in Asia 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1823-0970      
35912 C Journal of Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         2070-4658 2070-4666    
33504 C Journal of Islamic Law and Culture 1801 Law         1528-817X 1753-4534 1085-7141  
33505 C Journal of Islamic State Practices in International Law 1801 Law         1742-4941      
12788 A* Journal of Islamic Studies 2103 Historical Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies 2002 Cultural Studies 0955-2340 1471-6917    
34901 A Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology 2101 Archaeology         1556-4894 1556-1828    
32660 C Journal of Japanese Association of Regenerative Dentistry 1105 Dentistry         1348-9615 1880-0815    
32661 C Journal of Japanese Dental Society of Anesthesiology 1105 Dentistry         0386-5835      
21486 C Journal of Japanese Linguistics 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0197-3150      
36945 B Journal of Japanese Linguistics and Education 2004 Linguistics         1340-3419      
32662 C Journal of Japanese Society of Periodontology 1105 Dentistry         0385-0110      
21487 A* Journal of Japanese Studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         0095-6848 1549-4721    
20598 C Journal of Jewish Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1524-4113 1554-611X 0021-6429  
12790 A* Journal of Jewish Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies 2103 Historical Studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 0022-2097      
35442 B Journal of Judicial Administration 1801 Law         1036-7918      
252 B Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications 0101 Pure Mathematics         0218-2165 1793-6527    
18021 B Journal of Knowledge Management 0807 Library and Information Studies 0806 Information Systems     1367-3270 1758-7484    
32134 B Journal of Knowledge Management Practice 0807 Library and Information Studies         1705-9232      
8875 B Journal of Korean Language Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  2004 Linguistics     1225-6137      
33506 C Journal of Korean Law 1801 Law         1598-1681      
21488 A* Journal of Korean Studies MD Multidisciplinary         0731-1613 0364-7676    
39813 Not ranked Journal of K-theory 0101 Pure Mathematics         1865-2433 1865-5394    
1646 C Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals 0305 Organic Chemistry 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences     0362-4803 1099-1344    
18435 A* Journal of Labor Economics 1402 Applied Economics         0734-306X 1537-5307    
19736 B Journal of Labor Research 1503 Business and Management         0195-3613 1936-4768    
35441 B Journal of Land Use and Environmental Law 1801 Law         0892-4880      
36318 C Journal of Land Use Science 0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management 1205 Urban and Regional Planning     1747-4248 1747-423X    
30523 A* Journal of Landscape Architecture 1201 Architecture         1862-6033      
9343 C Journal of Language and Literature 2003 Language Studies 2005 Literary Studies     1478-9116      
8877 B Journal of Language and Politics 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     1569-2159 1569-9862    
6427 C Journal of Language and Social Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0261-927X 1552-6526    
37005 C Journal of Language and Translation 2003 Language Studies         1598-6381      
36990 A Journal of Language Contact: evolution of languages, contact and discourse 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     1955-2629      
9344 C Journal of Language for International Business 2003 Language Studies         8755-0504      
8878 B Journal of Language Identity and Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 2003 Language Studies 2004 Linguistics 1534-8458 1532-7701    
16414 C Journal of Laparoendoscopic and Advanced Surgical Techniques 1103 Clinical Sciences         1092-6429 1557-9034    
16416 C Journal of Laryngology and Otology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0022-2151 1748-5460    
41892 C Journal of Laser Applications 0910 Manufacturing Engineering 0912 Materials Engineering     1042-346X 1938-1387    
41706 Not ranked Journal of Late Antiquity 2103 Historical Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     1942-1273 1939-6716    
41198 C Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology 1601 Anthropology          1935-4932 1935-4940    
36421 A* Journal of Latin American Studies 16 Studies In Human Society 21 History and Archaeology     0022-216X 1469-767X    
33511 C Journal of Law and Border Studies 1801 Law         1536-206X      
20157 B Journal of Law and Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1801 Law     0275-6072      
33510 C Journal of Law and Family Studies 1801 Law         1529-398X 0097-9937    
35529 C Journal of Law and Financial Management 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment 1801 Law     1446-6899      
33513 C Journal of Law and Health 1801 Law         1044-6419      
17255 C Journal of Law and Information Science 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences 1801 Law     0729-1485      
33514 A Journal of Law and Medicine 1801 Law         1320-159X      
33515 B Journal of Law and Policy 1801 Law         1074-0635      
35440 B Journal of Law and Politics (Japan) 1801 Law         0387-2882      
33918 B Journal of Law and Politics (USA) 1801 Law         0749-2227      
30549 C Journal of Law and Public Policy 1801 Law 1605 Policy and Administration     1047-8035 1942-8626    
33920 B Journal of Law and Religion 1801 Law         0748-0814      
33919 C Journal of Law and Social Challenges 1801 Law         1520-0159      
33516 C Journal of Law and Social Policy 1801 Law 1605 Policy and Administration     0829-3929      
34225 C Journal of Law and Social Work 1607 Social Work         1203-8032      
17258 A* Journal of Law and Society 1801 Law         1027-4618      
17259 A* Journal of Law Economics and Organization 1402 Applied Economics 1801 Law     8756-6222 1465-7341    
34942 B Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics 2201 Applied Ethics 1801 Law     1073-1105 1748-720X 0277-8459 0097-0085
33519 C Journal of Law, Philosophy and Culture 1801 Law         1939-7917      
41046 C Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies 1503 Business and Management 1499 Other Economics     1548-0518 1939-7089 1071-7919  
35714 C Journal of Learning Design 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1832-8342      
20684 B Journal of Learning Disabilities 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0022-2194 1538-4780    
32623 C Journal of Lebanese Dental Association 1105 Dentistry         1810-9632      
33521 C Journal of Legal Aspects of Sport 1801 Law         1072-0316      
18586 B Journal of Legal Economics 1402 Applied Economics 1801 Law     1054-3023      
17263 B Journal of Legal Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1801 Law     0022-2208      
7322 A* Journal of Legal History 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 1801 Law     0144-0365 1744-0564    
33522 A Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law 1801 Law         0732-9113      
20485 C Journal of Legal Studies Education 1801 Law         0896-5811 1744-1722    
33523 C Journal of Legal Studies in Business (Athens) 1801 Law         1078-3873 1078-4209    
33524 C Journal of Legal Technology Risk Management 1801 Law         1932-5584 1932-5592    
33525 B Journal of Legislation 1801 Law         0146-9584 0360-4209 0300-6018  
19646 A Journal of Leisure Research 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         0022-2216      
32800 B Journal of Lesbian Studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1089-4160 1540-3548    
15517 A Journal of Leukocyte Biology 1107 Immunology         0741-5400      
20131 B Journal of LGBT Youth: an international quarterly devoted to research, policy, theory, and practice 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1936-1653 1936-1661 1541-0889  
34965 C Journal of Libertarian Studies: an interdisciplinary review 2203 Philosophy          0363-2873      
10603 B Journal of Librarianship and Information Science 0807 Library and Information Studies         0961-0006 1741-6477    
10676 B Journal of Library Administration 0807 Library and Information Studies         0193-0826 1540-3564    
32132 C Journal of Library Metadata 0807 Library and Information Studies         1938-6389 1937-5034 1091-1367  
255 A Journal of Lie Theory 0101 Pure Mathematics         0949-5932 0940-2268    
3515 C Journal of Light Metals 0912 Materials Engineering         1471-5317      
1252 A Journal of Lightwave Technology 0205 Optical Physics 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering     0733-8724 1558-2213    
34418 B Journal of Limnology MD Multidisciplinary         1129-5767      
32624 C Journal of Lingual Orthodontics 1105 Dentistry         1464-3294      
9554 A Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 1601 Anthropology  2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science 1055-1360 1548-1395    
30115 B Journal of Linguistic Society of Japan MD Multidisciplinary         0024-3914      
8879 A* Journal of Linguistics 1701 Psychology 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science 0022-2267 1469-7742    
9002 C Journal of Linguistics and Literature 2004 Linguistics 2005 Literary Studies     0567-6223      
15247 A Journal of Lipid Research 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology     0022-2275      
14976 C Journal of Liposome Research 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0898-2104 1532-2394    
1647 C Journal of Liquid Chromatography and Related Technologies 0301 Analytical Chemistry         1082-6076 1520-572X 0148-3919  
6428 C Journal of Literacy Research 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1086-296X 1554-8430 0022-4111  
8880 B Journal of Literary Semantics: an international review 2004 Linguistics         0341-7638 1613-3838    
11923 B Journal of Literary Studies 2005 Literary Studies         0256-4718 1753-5387    
11924 B Journal of Literary Theory 2005 Literary Studies         1862-5290 1862-8990    
21774 A Journal of Literature, History and Philosophy 2103 Historical Studies 2005 Literary Studies 2203 Philosophy  0511-4721      
39896 C Journal of Location Based Services 0909 Geomatic Engineering  0805 Distributed Computing 0806 Information Systems 1748-9725 1748-9733    
18025 A Journal of Logic and Computation 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0955-792X 1465-363X    
8475 A Journal of Logic, Language and Information 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science 0101 Pure Mathematics 0925-8531 1572-9583    
32375 A Journal of London Mathematical Society 0101 Pure Mathematics         0024-6107 1469-7750    
6429 C Journal of Loss and Trauma 1701 Psychology         1532-5024 1532-5032 1064-5136 1081-1443
3904 B Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 0904 Chemical Engineering          0950-4230 1873-3352    
30200 B Journal of Low Frequency Noise Vibration and Active Control 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1461-3484 0263-0923    
998 C Journal of Low Temperature Physics 0105 Mathematical Physics 0204 Condensed Matter Physics     0022-2291 1573-7357    
16417 C Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease 1103 Clinical Sciences         1089-2591 1526-0976    
1253 B Journal of Luminescence 0205 Optical Physics 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)     0022-2313 1872-7883    
12792 B Journal of Lutheran Ethics 2201 Applied Ethics         1538-5264      
18028 A Journal of Machine Learning Research 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science     1532-4435      
18290 A Journal of Macroeconomics 1401 Economic Theory         0164-0704 1873-152X    
19821 B Journal of Macromarketing 1505 Marketing         0276-1467 1552-6534    
1676 C Journal of Macromolecular Science: Part A - Pure and Applied Chemistry 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry 0912 Materials Engineering     1060-1325 1520-5738    
1674 C Journal of Macromolecular Science: Part B - Physics 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry 0912 Materials Engineering     0022-2348 1525-609X    
1192 A Journal of Magnetic Resonance 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics 0903 Biomedical Engineering  0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 1090-7807 1096-0856    
16418 B Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science 0903 Biomedical Engineering  1053-1807 1522-2586    
1105 C Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 0204 Condensed Matter Physics         0304-8853 1873-4766    
36043 C Journal of Malaysian and Comparative Law 1801 Law         0126-6322      
20051 C Journal of Maltese Education Research 13 Education         1726-9725      
2940 C Journal of Mammalian Evolution 0608 Zoology         1064-7554 1573-7055    
2941 A Journal of Mammalogy 0608 Zoology 0501 Ecological Applications 0502 Environmental Science and Management 0022-2372 1545-1542    
16419 A Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and Neoplasia 1103 Clinical Sciences         1083-3021 1573-7039    
14977 C Journal of Managed Care Pharmacy 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1083-4087      
19151 A* Journal of Management 1503 Business and Management         0149-2063 1557-1211    
19106 A* Journal of Management Accounting Research 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1049-2127 1558-8033    
33016 B Journal of Management and Governance 1503 Business and Management         1385-3457 1572-963X    
40152 C Journal of Management and Marketing in Healthcare 1505 Marketing         1753-3031 1753-304X    
35911 C Journal of Management and Organization 1503 Business and Management         1833-3672 1324-3209    
19313 C Journal of Management Development 1503 Business and Management         0262-1711      
19314 B Journal of Management Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1503 Business and Management     1052-5629 1552-6658    
30319 B Journal of Management History 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1751-1348 1758-7751 0025-1747 1355-252X
30213 A* Journal of Management in Engineering 09 Engineering 12 Built Environment and Design     0742-597X 1943-5479    
18030 A* Journal of Management Information Systems 0806 Information Systems 1503 Business and Management     0742-1222 1557-928X    
19174 B Journal of Management Inquiry 1503 Business and Management         1056-4926 1552-6542    
41047 C Journal of Management Research 1503 Business and Management         0972-5814      
19175 A* Journal of Management Studies 1503 Business and Management         0022-2380 1467-6486    
40838 C Journal of Management, Spirituality and Religion: an international blind refereed journal 2204 Religion and Religious Studies 2299 Other Philosophy and Religious Studies     1476-6086      
19176 C Journal of Managerial Issues 1503 Business and Management         1045-3695      
6430 C Journal of Managerial Psychology 1701 Psychology 1503 Business and Management     0268-3946 1758-7778    
16421 C Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 1103 Clinical Sciences         0161-4754 1532-6586    
3614 B Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 0910 Manufacturing Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering     1087-1357 1528-8935 0022-0817  
39895 B Journal of Manufacturing Systems 0102 Applied Mathematics 0910 Manufacturing Engineering     0278-6125      
35975 C Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 0910 Manufacturing Engineering 1503 Business and Management     1741-038X 1758-7786 0957-6061  
34522 C Journal of Maps 0403 Geology 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience     1744-5647      
44862 B Journal of Marine Design and Operations 0911 Maritime Engineering  0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering     1476-1556      
4683 C Journal of Marine Environmental Engineering 0907 Environmental Engineering         1061-026X 1029-0427    
1922 A Journal of Marine Research 0405 Oceanography         0022-2402 1543-9542    
4703 B Journal of Marine Science and Technology 0911 Maritime Engineering  1001 Agricultural Biotechnology     0948-4280 1437-8213    
1923 B Journal of Marine Systems 0405 Oceanography         0924-7963      
6431 B Journal of Marital and Family Therapy 1701 Psychology 1607 Social Work     0194-472X 1752-0606    
8101 A Journal of Maritime Archaeology 2101 Archaeology         1557-2285 1557-2293    
33526 B Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce 1801 Law         0022-2410      
19822 B Journal of Market-Focused Management 1505 Marketing         1382-3019      
19823 A* Journal of Marketing 1505 Marketing         0022-2429 1547-7185    
19824 C Journal of Marketing Channels 1505 Marketing         1046-669X 1540-7039    
19825 B Journal of Marketing Communications 1505 Marketing         1352-7266 1466-4445    
35920 B Journal of Marketing Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1505 Marketing     0273-4753 1552-6550    
19827 C Journal of Marketing for Higher Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1505 Marketing     0884-1241 1540-7144    
19828 A Journal of Marketing Management 1505 Marketing         0267-257X 1472-1376    
19829 A* Journal of Marketing Research 1505 Marketing         0022-2437 1547-7193    
19830 B Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice 1505 Marketing         1069-6679      
32896 C Journal of Markets and Morality 2204 Religion and Religious Studies 2203 Philosophy      1098-1217 1944-7841    
6033 A* Journal of Marriage and the Family 1603 Demography  1701 Psychology 2204 Religion and Religious Studies 0022-2445 1741-3737    
34823 A Journal of Mass Media Ethics: exploring questions of media morality 1903 Journalism and Professional Writing 2001 Communication and Media Studies     0890-0523 1532-7728    
35056 A Journal of Mass Spectrometry 03 Chemical Sciences         1076-5174 1096-9888    
9555 A Journal of Material Culture 1601 Anthropology          1359-1835 1460-3586    
4927 C Journal of Materials and Metallurgy 0912 Materials Engineering         0972-4257 0974-1267 0027-6839  
1459 A Journal of Materials Chemistry 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural) 0904 Chemical Engineering  0959-9428 1364-5501    
40785 C Journal of Materials Education: an international journal with a new concept in journal publication 13 Education 09 Engineering     0738-7989      
4794 C Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 0912 Materials Engineering         1059-9495 1544-1024    
4235 A Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering 0912 Materials Engineering     0899-1561 1943-5533    
3689 B Journal of Materials Processing Technology 0913 Mechanical Engineering         0924-0136 1873-4774    
4929 A* Journal of Materials Research 0912 Materials Engineering         0884-2914      
4930 B Journal of Materials Science 0912 Materials Engineering 0910 Manufacturing Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0022-2461 1573-4803 0927-7056 0261-8028
4724 C Journal of Materials Science and Technology 0912 Materials Engineering 0910 Manufacturing Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 1005-0302      
1106 B Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 0912 Materials Engineering         0957-4522 1573-482X    
4933 B Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Medicine 0912 Materials Engineering 0903 Biomedical Engineering      0957-4530 1573-4838    
256 A Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     0022-247X 1096-0813    
929 A* Journal of Mathematical Biology 01 Mathematical Sciences 06 Biological Sciences     0303-6812 1432-1416    
585 A Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 01 Mathematical Sciences 03 Chemical Sciences     0259-9791 1572-8897    
32360 C Journal of Mathematical Cryptology 0102 Applied Mathematics 0804 Data Format     1862-2976 1862-2984    
587 C Journal of Mathematical Economics 01 Mathematical Sciences 14 Economics     0304-4068 1873-1538    
588 C Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 0102 Applied Mathematics 0203 Classical Physics     1422-6928 1422-6952    
257 B Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 0102 Applied Mathematics 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 0924-9907 1573-7683    
41661 C Journal of Mathematical Inequalities 0101 Pure Mathematics         1846-579X      
589 A* Journal of Mathematical Logic 0101 Pure Mathematics         0219-0613 1793-6691    
258 A Journal of Mathematical Physics 01 Mathematical Sciences 02 Physical Sciences     0022-2488 1089-7658    
590 A Journal of Mathematical Psychology 0102 Applied Mathematics 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science 0022-2496 1096-0880    
41663 Not ranked Journal of Mathematical Sciences:  Advances and Applications 0102 Applied Mathematics         0974-5750      
32361 C Journal of Mathematical Sciences: a translation of selected Russian-language serial publications in 0101 Pure Mathematics         1072-3374 1573-8795    
281 A Journal of Mathematical Society of Japan 0101 Pure Mathematics         0025-5645      
896 C Journal of Mathematical Sociology 0104 Statistics  1608 Sociology     0022-250X 1545-5874    
41904 C Journal of Mathematics and Culture 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  2002 Cultural Studies     1558-5336      
591 C Journal of Mathematics and Music 0102 Applied Mathematics 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing     1745-9737 1745-9745    
32362 B Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 0101 Pure Mathematics 0104 Statistics      1549-3644 1558-6359    
41782 C Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 0102 Applied Mathematics         1303-5010 1300-4263    
593 C Journal of Mathematics and the Arts 01 Mathematical Sciences 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing     1751-3472 1751-3480    
20495 A Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1386-4416 1573-1820    
32651 C Journal of Matsumoto Dental University Society 1105 Dentistry         0385-1613      
11925 C Journal of Mauritian Studies 2005 Literary Studies         1013-0152      
3690 A* Journal of Mechanical Design 0913 Mechanical Engineering 1203 Design Practice and Management     1050-0472 1528-9001    
3782 C Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0102 Applied Mathematics     1738-494X 1976-3824 1226-4865 1011-8861
39666 C Journal of Mechanics 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0102 Applied Mathematics     1727-7191 1811-8216 1680-0893  
44864 C Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology 0903 Biomedical Engineering          0219-5194      
36514 B Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures 0910 Manufacturing Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 1559-3959      
34645 A Journal of Media and Religion 2001 Communication and Media Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     1534-8423 1534-8415    
30489 B Journal of Media Economics 1402 Applied Economics 2001 Communication and Media Studies     0899-7764 1532-7736    
9233 B Journal of Media Practice 2001 Communication and Media Studies         1468-2753 2040-0926    
35207 C Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences 1105 Dentistry         1342-8810      
2346 C Journal of Medical Biochemistry 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1452-8258 1452-8266 0354-3447  
40160 C Journal of Medical Biography 2103 Historical Studies         0967-7720 1758-1087    
42241 C Journal of Medical Case Reports 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences         1752-1947      
36186 B Journal of Medical Economics 1701 Psychology 1402 Applied Economics     1369-698X 1941-837X    
30234 C Journal of Medical Engineering and Technology 0903 Biomedical Engineering          0309-1902 1464-522X    
22236 C Journal of Medical Entomology 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0022-2585 1938-2928    
8477 A Journal of Medical Ethics 2201 Applied Ethics 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences     0306-6800      
16424 B Journal of Medical Genetics 0604 Genetics  1103 Clinical Sciences     0022-2593 1468-6244    
34920 C Journal of Medical Humanities 2203 Philosophy          1041-3545 1573-3645    
40470 C Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology 1007 Nanotechnology 1103 Clinical Sciences     1754-9477 1754-9485 0004-8461  
41048 C Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences 0903 Biomedical Engineering  1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis     1939-8654 0820-5930    
40392 C Journal of Medical Informatics 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1673-6036 1008-5157    
13656 C Journal of Medical Internet Research 0806 Information Systems 1117 Public Health and Health Services     1438-8871 1439-4456    
16586 C Journal of Medical Investigation 1103 Clinical Sciences         1343-1420 1349-6867 0040-8875  
31176 C Journal of Medical Marketing 1505 Marketing         1745-7904 1745-7912 1469-7025  
15126 B Journal of Medical Microbiology 1108 Medical Microbiology 0707 Veterinary Sciences     0022-2615 1473-5644    
2942 B Journal of Medical Primatology 0608 Zoology 0707 Veterinary Sciences     0047-2565 1600-0684    
15387 C Journal of Medical Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1011-4564      
13657 B Journal of Medical Screening 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0969-1413 1475-5793    
16425 C Journal of Medical Speech-Language Pathology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science     1065-1438      
32135 C Journal of Medical Systems 0806 Information Systems         0148-5598 1573-689X    
15127 B Journal of Medical Virology 1108 Medical Microbiology         0146-6615 1096-9071    
15248 A* Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences     0022-2623 0095-9065    
9720 C Journal of Medicinal Food 0908 Food Sciences 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics     1096-620X 1557-7600    
35434 C Journal of Medicine and Law 1801 Law         1092-2083      
41906 C Journal of Medicine and the Person 11 Medical and Health Sciences         2035-9411 2036-3877    
7325 A Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 2005 Literary Studies 2103 Historical Studies     1082-9636 1527-8263 0047-2573  
7326 A Journal of Medieval History 2103 Historical Studies         0304-4181 1873-1279    
7327 B Journal of Medieval Latin 2003 Language Studies 2005 Literary Studies     0778-9750      
8102 A Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 2101 Archaeology         0952-7648 1743-1700    
41908 C Journal of Mediterranean Ecology 0602 Ecology 0501 Ecological Applications     1388-7904      
7328 C Journal of Mediterranean Studies: history, culture and society in the Mediterranean world 1601 Anthropology  2103 Historical Studies     1016-3476      
15128 B Journal of Membrane Biology: an international journal for studies on the structure, function and genesis of biomembranes 1108 Medical Microbiology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0605 Microbiology  0022-2631 1432-1424    
1677 A* Journal of Membrane Science 09 Engineering 04 Earth Sciences 05 Environmental Sciences 0376-7388 1873-3123    
6433 A* Journal of Memory and Language 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0749-596X 1096-0821    
32729 C Journal of Men Masculinities and Spirituality 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1177-2484      
32801 C Journal of Men's Studies: a scholarly journal about men and masculinities 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1060-8265 1933-0251    
40036 C Journal of Mental Health 1103 Clinical Sciences         0963-8237 1360-0567    
41909 C Journal of Mental Health Counseling 1701 Psychology         1040-2861      
39894 C Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1701 Psychology     1091-4358 1099-176X    
1809 A Journal of Metamorphic Geology 0403 Geology         0263-4929 1525-1314    
40778 B Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS 0205 Optical Physics 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering     1932-5150 1932-5134    
2488 B Journal of Microbiological Methods 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     0167-7012 1872-8359    
20656 C Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1542-8818 1935-7885 1935-7877  
2489 B Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 10 Technology 06 Biological Sciences     1017-7825 1738-8872 1598-642X  
15220 C Journal of Microbiology Immunology and Infection 1107 Immunology 1108 Medical Microbiology     1684-1182 0253-2662    
14800 B Journal of Microencapsulation 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0265-2048 1464-5246    
3783 B Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering         0960-1317 1361-6439    
3641 C Journal of Micromechatronics 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering     1389-2258 1568-5632    
1810 C Journal of Micropalaeontology 0403 Geology         0262-821X      
36065 B Journal of Microscopy 0912 Materials Engineering 0204 Condensed Matter Physics     0022-2720 1365-2818    
4599 C Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0832-7823      
32730 C Journal of Middle East Women's Studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1552-5864 1558-9579    
14113 A* Journal of Midwifery and Womens Health 1110 Nursing 1117 Public Health and Health Services     1526-9523 1542-2011    
35205 C Journal of Military and Veterans' Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1835-1271      
18886 C Journal of Military Ethics: normative aspects of the use of military force 2201 Applied Ethics         1502-7570 1502-7589    
7329 B Journal of Military History (US) 2103 Historical Studies         0899-3718 1543-7795    
1811 B Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences 0403 Geology         1345-6296 1349-3825    
3531 C Journal of Mines, Metals and Fuels 09 Engineering         0022-2755      
21491 B Journal of Ming Studies MD Multidisciplinary         1607-5994      
16426 C Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1553-4650 1553-4669 1074-3804  
4104 C Journal of Mining and Geology 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy 0403 Geology     1116-2775      
4038 B Journal of Mining Science 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1062-7391 1573-8736 0015-3273  
40686 C Journal of Mixed Methods Research MD Multidisciplinary         1558-6898 1558-6901    
5099 C Journal of Mobile Multimedia 0805 Distributed Computing 1005 Communications Technologies     1550-4646 1550-4654    
19404 C Journal of Modelling in Management 1503 Business and Management         1746-5664 1746-5672    
41914 C Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1548-6583      
18887 C Journal of Modern African Studies MD Multidisciplinary         0022-278X 1469-7777    
39893 B Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods 0104 Statistics          1538-9472      
41179 Not ranked Journal of Modern Craft 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts 1901 Art Theory and Criticism     1749-6772 1749-6780    
7330 B Journal of Modern European History 2103 Historical Studies         1611-8944      
40154 C Journal of Modern Greek Studies 2103 Historical Studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 2002 Cultural Studies 0738-1727 1086-3265    
7331 A* Journal of Modern History 2103 Historical Studies         0022-2801 1537-5358    
7332 A* Journal of Modern Italian Studies 2002 Cultural Studies 2103 Historical Studies     1354-571X 1469-9583    
34735 A* Journal of Modern Jewish Studies 2002 Cultural Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies 2103 Historical Studies 1472-5886 1472-5894    
11584 B Journal of Modern Literature 2005 Literary Studies         0022-281X 1529-1464    
11927 C Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese 2005 Literary Studies         1026-5120      
1254 B Journal of Modern Optics 0205 Optical Physics 0206 Quantum Physics 1007 Nanotechnology 0950-0340 1362-3044    
7756 C Journal of Modern Turkish Studies 2103 Historical Studies         1304-8015      
16427 A Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0022-2828 1095-8584    
15221 C Journal of Molecular and Genetic Medicine: an international journal of biomedical research 1108 Medical Microbiology         1747-0862      
2239 A Journal of Molecular Biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0022-2836 1089-8638    
1460 B Journal of Molecular Catalysis A-Chemical 0904 Chemical Engineering  0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)     1381-1169 1873-314X 0304-5102  
1461 B Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1381-1177 1873-3158    
16429 B Journal of Molecular Endocrinology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0952-5041 1479-6813    
39761 B Journal of Molecular Evolution 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0603 Evolutionary Biology 0604 Genetics  0022-2844 1432-1432    
35014 C Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling 0307 Theoretical and Computational Chemistry 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0803 Computer Software 1093-3263 1873-4243 0263-7855  
35204 C Journal of Molecular Histology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology     1567-2379 1567-2387 0018-2214  
1193 C Journal of Molecular Liquids 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)     0167-7322 1873-3166    
16430 A Journal of Molecular Medicine 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry         0946-2716 1432-1440 0941-0198  
2490 B Journal of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology 10 Technology 06 Biological Sciences     1464-1801 1660-2412    
41918 C Journal of Molecular Modeling 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)         1610-2940 0948-5023    
14487 B Journal of Molecular Neuroscience 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0895-8696 1559-1166    
2240 B Journal of Molecular Recognition 03 Chemical Sciences         0952-3499 1099-1352    
42242 C Journal of Molecular Signaling 0606 Physiology          1750-2187      
1194 B Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)     0022-2852 1096-083X    
1463 C Journal of Molecular Structure 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)         0022-2860 1872-8014    
1464 C Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)         0166-1280 1872-7999    
2943 C Journal of Molluscan Studies 0608 Zoology         0260-1230 1464-3766    
18437 A* Journal of Monetary Economics 1402 Applied Economics         0304-3932 1873-1295 0167-2231  
17266 C Journal of Money Laundering Control 1602 Criminology         1368-5201 1758-7808    
36028 A* Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 1402 Applied Economics 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment     0022-2879 1538-4616    
41921 Not ranked Journal of Money, Investment and Banking 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1450-288X      
20418 B Journal of Moral Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0305-7240      
8491 A Journal of Moral Philosophy 2203 Philosophy  2201 Applied Ethics     1740-4681 1745-5243    
3167 C Journal of Morphology 0606 Physiology  1116 Medical Physiology     0362-2525 1097-4687    
6435 A Journal of Motor Behavior 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         0022-2895 1940-1027    
3517 B Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis 1503 Business and Management         1057-9214 1099-1360    
6436 C Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development 1701 Psychology         0883-8534      
30616 B Journal of Multicultural Discourses 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     1744-7143 1747-6615    
20449 A Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 2004 Linguistics     0143-4632 1747-7557    
36531 C Journal of Multimedia 0803 Computer Software         1796-2048      
19580 B Journal of Multinational Financial Management 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1042-444X 1873-1309    
36564 C Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing 0803 Computer Software 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0102 Applied Mathematics 1542-3980 1542-3999 1023-6627  
814 A Journal of Multivariate Analysis 0104 Statistics          0047-259X 1095-7243    
9664 B Journal of Muscle Foods 0908 Food Sciences         1046-0756 1745-4573    
2241 B Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0142-4319 1573-2657    
16431 C Journal of Musculoskeletal Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         0899-2517      
16432 C Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain: innovations in research, theory and clinical practice 1103 Clinical Sciences         1058-2452 1540-7012    
16433 C Journal of Musculoskeletal Research 1103 Clinical Sciences         0218-9577 1793-6497    
20112 C Journal of Museum Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1059-8650      
8104 C Journal of Museum Ethnography 2102 Curatorial and Related Studies         0954-7169      
40253 C Journal of Music Perception and Cognition 1701 Psychology 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing     1342-856X      
20100 C Journal of Music Teacher Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1945-0079      
10015 A Journal of Music Theory 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0022-2909 1941-7497    
10398 C Journal of Music Theory Pedagogy 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0891-7639      
10016 A Journal of Music Therapy 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0022-2917      
10017 B Journal of Musicological Research 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0141-1896 1547-7304 0306-2082  
10399 A Journal of Musicology: a quarterly review of music history, criticism, analysis, and performance practice 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0277-9269 1533-8347    
21495 B Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     1360-2004 1469-9591 0266-6952  
2344 C Journal of Mycopathological Research 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1108 Medical Microbiology     0971-3719 0537-2054    
21496 C Journal of Nanjing University: Geography MD Multidisciplinary         0465-7926      
3419 C Journal of Nanobiotechnology 1007 Nanotechnology 1004 Medical Biotechnology     1477-3155      
36515 C Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1555-130X 1555-1318    
4935 A Journal of Nanoparticle Research 1007 Nanotechnology 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics 0912 Materials Engineering 1388-0764 1572-896X    
4936 B Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 1007 Nanotechnology 0912 Materials Engineering     1533-4880      
11928 C Journal of Narrative Theory 2005 Literary Studies         1549-0815 1548-9248 0022-2925  
34875 B Journal of Natal and Zulu History 2103 Historical Studies         0259-0123      
14232 C Journal of National Black Nurses' Association 1110 Nursing         0885-6028      
16434 C Journal of National Cancer Institute 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1460-2105      
33527 B Journal of National Security Law and Policy 1801 Law         1553-3158      
17621 C Journal of Natural and Physical Sciences MD Multidisciplinary         0970-3799      
9721 C Journal of Natural Fibers 0908 Food Sciences         1544-0478 1544-046X    
595 C Journal of Natural Geometry 0102 Applied Mathematics         0963-2654      
3277 C Journal of Natural History 0603 Evolutionary Biology         0022-2933 1464-5262    
40471 C Journal of Natural Products 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0707 Veterinary Sciences 0607 Plant Biology 0163-3864 1520-6025    
33528 C Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Law 1801 Law         1070-4833      
20672 C Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education: an international journal 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1059-9053 1539-1582    
39664 C Journal of Natural Sciences and Mathematics 01 Mathematical Sciences 02 Physical Sciences     0022-2941      
5855 C Journal of Nature Conservation 0502 Environmental Science and Management         0970-5945      
4647 A Journal of Navigation 0909 Geomatic Engineering          0373-4633 1469-7785    
8105 B Journal of Near Eastern Studies 2004 Linguistics 2101 Archaeology     0022-2968 1545-6978    
35478 B Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)         0967-0335 1751-6552    
16435 C Journal of Negative Results in Biomedicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         1477-5751      
20158 C Journal of Negro Education: a Howard University quarterly review of issues incident to the education of black people 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0022-2984      
2944 B Journal of Nematology 0608 Zoology         0022-300X      
36447 C Journal of Neonatal Nursing 1110 Nursing 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine     1355-1841 1878-089X    
16436 B Journal of Nephrology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1121-8428 1724-6059    
13095 B Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 1103 Clinical Sciences 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science 0022-3018 1539-736X    
18032 A Journal of Network and Computer Applications 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences         1084-8045 1095-8592    
32136 B Journal of Network and Systems Management 0805 Distributed Computing         1064-7570 1573-7705    
40962 A Journal of Networks 1005 Communications Technologies 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering     1796-2056      
16437 A* Journal of Neural Engineering 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science 0903 Biomedical Engineering  1741-2560 1741-2552    
14496 B Journal of Neural Transmission 1109 Neurosciences         0300-9564 1435-1463    
14488 A Journal of Neurochemistry 1109 Neurosciences         0022-3042 1471-4159    
40631 Not ranked Journal of Neurodegeneration and Regeneration 1109 Neurosciences 1109 Neurosciences     1932-1481      
40716 C Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders 1109 Neurosciences 1701 Psychology     1866-1947 1866-1956    
16438 B Journal of Neuroendocrinology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     0953-8194 1365-2826    
35203 B Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 1109 Neurosciences 0903 Biomedical Engineering      1743-0003      
2396 C Journal of Neurogenetics 0604 Genetics  1109 Neurosciences 1103 Clinical Sciences 0167-7063 1563-5260    
16439 B Journal of Neuroimaging 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     1051-2284 1552-6569    
15518 B Journal of Neuroimmunology 1107 Immunology         0165-5728 1872-8421    
16440 C Journal of Neuroinflammation 1103 Clinical Sciences         1742-2094      
6437 B Journal of Neurolinguistics 1701 Psychology 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science 0911-6044 1873-8052    
16441 C Journal of Neurological Sciences 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     1302-1664 1300-1817    
16442 A Journal of Neurology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     0340-5354 1432-1459    
13206 C Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     0044-4588      
6438 A Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 1103 Clinical Sciences 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science 0022-3050 1468-330X    
16444 B Journal of Neuro-Oncology 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis 1109 Neurosciences     0167-594X 1573-7373    
16445 C Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry 1109 Neurosciences 1103 Clinical Sciences 1070-8022 1536-5166    
16446 A Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     0022-3069 1554-6578    
14548 A Journal of Neurophysiology 1109 Neurosciences 1116 Medical Physiology 1702 Cognitive Science 0022-3077 1522-1598    
14500 B Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science 0895-0172 1545-7222    
36191 C Journal of Neuropsychology 17 Psychology and Cognitive Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences     1748-6645 1748-6653    
14525 A* Journal of Neuroscience 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0270-6474 1529-2401    
14492 B Journal of Neuroscience Methods 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0165-0270 1872-678X    
14210 B Journal of Neuroscience Nursing 1110 Nursing 1109 Neurosciences     0888-0395 1945-2810    
14526 B Journal of Neuroscience Research 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0360-4012 1097-4547    
16448 B Journal of Neurosurgery 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     0022-3085 1933-0693    
16449 C Journal of Neurosurgery-Spine 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     1547-5654 1547-5646    
16450 B Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1701 Psychology     0898-4921 1537-1921    
16451 B Journal of Neurotrauma 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     0897-7151 1557-9042    
36172 C Journal of NeuroVirology 1109 Neurosciences 1108 Medical Microbiology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1355-0284 1538-2443    
34355 C Journal of Neutron Research 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     1023-8166 1477-2655    
40840 C Journal of New Business Ideas and Trends 1503 Business and Management         1446-8719 1447-9184    
11929 C Journal of New Jersey Poets 2005 Literary Studies         0363-4205      
10018 A Journal of New Music Research 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 1005 Communications Technologies     0929-8215 1744-5027    
5352 C Journal of New Seeds: innovations in production, biotechnology, quality and marketing 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         1522-886X 1522-9025    
10280 B Journal of New Zealand Art History 1901 Art Theory and Criticism         1176-2276 0110-4888    
11930 B Journal of New Zealand Literature 2002 Cultural Studies 2005 Literary Studies     0112-1227      
34874 C Journal of New Zealand Studies 2103 Historical Studies         1173-6348 1170-4616    
34919 A Journal of Nietzsche Studies 2203 Philosophy          0968-8005 1538-4594    
32367 B Journal of Noncommutative Geometry 0101 Pure Mathematics         1661-6952 1661-6960    
4937 A Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 0912 Materials Engineering         0022-3093 1873-4812    
4938 C Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation 0912 Materials Engineering         0195-9298 1573-4862    
5146 C Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering         0340-0204 1437-4358    
261 C Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1345-4773 1880-5221    
40111 B Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 01 Mathematical Sciences 02 Physical Sciences     1402-9251 1776-0852    
1255 C Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials 0205 Optical Physics         0218-8635 1793-6624 0218-1991  
263 A Journal of Nonlinear Science 0102 Applied Mathematics         0938-8974 1432-1467    
5148 A Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering 0203 Classical Physics 0102 Applied Mathematics 0377-0257 1873-2631    
815 B Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 0104 Statistics          1048-5252 1026-7654 1029-0311  
35910 B Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing 1505 Marketing         1049-5142 1540-6997    
6439 B Journal of Nonverbal Behavior 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0191-5886 1573-3653    
34873 C Journal of Northern Territory History 2103 Historical Studies         1034-7488      
9345 A Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages 2003 Language Studies         0259-0131      
1195 C Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics         1345-4749      
16452 B Journal of Nuclear Cardiology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1071-3581 1532-6551    
4939 A Journal of Nuclear Materials 0912 Materials Engineering         0022-3115 1873-4820    
16453 A Journal of Nuclear Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         0161-5505 1535-5667    
16454 C Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0091-4916 1535-5675    
1196 C Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics         0022-3131      
264 B Journal of Number Theory 0101 Pure Mathematics         0022-314X 1096-1658    
265 C Journal of Numerical Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics         1570-2820 1569-3953 0928-0200  
14115 B Journal of Nursing Administration 1110 Nursing         0002-0443 1539-0721    
40338 B Journal of Nursing and Healthcare of Chronic Illness: an international interdisciplinary journal 1110 Nursing         1752-9816 1752-9824    
14116 B Journal of Nursing Care Quality 1110 Nursing         1057-3631 1550-5065    
14117 B Journal of Nursing Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1110 Nursing     0148-4834 1938-2421    
14213 C Journal of Nursing Law 1110 Nursing         1073-7472 1938-2995    
14118 C Journal of Nursing Management 1110 Nursing         0966-0429 1365-2834    
30451 C Journal of Nursing Measurement 1110 Nursing         1061-3749 1945-7049    
14214 C Journal of Nursing Research 1110 Nursing         1682-3141 1948-965X    
14119 A* Journal of Nursing Scholarship 1110 Nursing         1527-6546 1547-5069 0743-5150 0363-2792
2435 C Journal of Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics 0604 Genetics          1661-6499 1661-6758    
13956 B Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1499-4046 1708-8259 0022-3182  
41049 C Journal of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics     1359-0847 1364-6907    
13660 A* Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics 0908 Food Sciences 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0955-2863 1873-4847    
13661 C Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics         0301-4800 0287-3516    
32137 B Journal of Object Technology 0803 Computer Software         1660-1769      
35202 A Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing 1110 Nursing         0884-2175 1552-6909    
16456 C Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0144-3615 1364-6893    
16455 C Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1701-2163 0849-5831    
16457 C Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1341-8076 1447-0756    
13662 C Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1545-9624 1545-9632 1047-322X  
13663 C Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1076-2752 1536-5948    
6440 B Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 1701 Psychology 1503 Business and Management     0963-1798      
13664 C Journal of Occupational Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1341-9145 1348-9585    
13666 C Journal of Occupational Health and Safety: Australia and New Zealand 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1503 Business and Management     0815-6409      
6441 A Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 1701 Psychology 1503 Business and Management     1076-8998 1939-1307    
42243 C Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences         1745-6673      
16458 B Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation 1103 Clinical Sciences         1053-0487 1573-3688    
11021 C Journal of Occupational Science 1103 Clinical Sciences         1442-7591 1320-0038    
1926 B Journal of Oceanography 0405 Oceanography         0916-8370 1573-868X    
14978 C Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1080-7683 1557-7732    
36294 C Journal of Offender Rehabilitation: a multidisciplinary journal of innovation in research, services, and programs in corrections and criminal justice 1602 Criminology         1050-9674 1540-8558    
32369 B Journal of Official Statistics: an international quarterly 0104 Statistics          0282-423X      
3784 A Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering-Transactions of the ASME 0911 Maritime Engineering  0913 Mechanical Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering 0892-7219 1528-896X 0195-0738  
14979 C Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1078-1552 1477-092X    
40877 C Journal of Oncology Practice 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1554-7477 1935-469X    
34519 B Journal of Online Learning and Teaching 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1558-9528      
3785 A* Journal of Operations Management 1503 Business and Management 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0272-6963 1873-1317    
267 A Journal of Operator Theory 0101 Pure Mathematics         0379-4024      
16460 C Journal of Ophthalmic Photography 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry         0198-6155      
41962 C Journal of Opioid Management: a medical journal of proper and adequate use 1103 Clinical Sciences 1117 Public Health and Health Services     1551-7489      
1256 B Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 0205 Optical Physics         2040-8978 1464-4258 0963-9659 0150-536X
1257 A Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics 0206 Quantum Physics         1464-4266 1741-3575    
40390 A Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     0022-3239 1573-2878    
1108 C Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 0205 Optical Physics 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry     1454-4164      
36414 Not ranked Journal of Optometry 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry         1888-4296      
32625 A Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 1105 Dentistry         0278-2391 1531-5053    
32626 C Journal of Oral Implantology: the official journal of the American Academy of Implant Dentistry 1105 Dentistry         0160-6972 1548-1336    
32627 A Journal Of Oral Pathology and Medicine 1105 Dentistry         0904-2512 1600-0714    
32628 A Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 1105 Dentistry         0305-182X 1365-2842    
32629 C Journal of Oral Science 1105 Dentistry         1343-4934 1880-4926 0029-0432  
32630 C Journal of Oral Tissue Engineering 1105 Dentistry 0903 Biomedical Engineering      1348-9623 1880-0823    
11022 C Journal of Organisational Transformation and Social Change 1503 Business and Management         1477-9633      
32138 B Journal of Organizational and End User Computing: the international journal of information user management 0806 Information Systems 1503 Business and Management 1702 Cognitive Science 1546-2234 1546-5012 1063-2239  
6442 A* Journal of Organizational Behavior 1503 Business and Management 1701 Psychology     0894-3796 1099-1379    
6443 B Journal of Organizational Behavior Management 1503 Business and Management         0160-8061 1540-8604    
19454 B Journal of Organizational Change Management 1503 Business and Management         0953-4814 1758-7816    
18035 A Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce 0806 Information Systems 1503 Business and Management     1091-9392 1532-7744    
1535 A Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 0399 Other Chemical Sciences 0302 Inorganic Chemistry 0305 Organic Chemistry 0022-328X 1872-8561    
21498 B Journal of Oriental studies MD Multidisciplinary         0022-331X      
2945 B Journal of Ornithology 0608 Zoology 0502 Environmental Science and Management     0021-8375      
32631 A Journal of Orofacial Pain 1105 Dentistry         1064-6655 1945-3396    
32632 C Journal of Orthodontics 1105 Dentistry         1465-3125 1465-3133    
9772 B Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science 1103 Clinical Sciences     0190-6011 1938-1344    
40139 C Journal of Orthopaedic Nursing 1110 Nursing 1103 Clinical Sciences     1361-3111 1873-4839    
16462 A* Journal of Orthopaedic Research 1103 Clinical Sciences 0903 Biomedical Engineering      0736-0266 1554-527X    
16463 C Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         1022-5536      
42244 C Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research 1103 Clinical Sciences         1749-799X      
16464 C Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma 1103 Clinical Sciences         0890-5339 1531-2291    
6676 C Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1834-4909 1329-2617    
16465 C Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1034-4810 1440-1754    
16466 C Journal of Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Hong Kong Edition) 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1012-8875      
16468 A Journal of Pain 1103 Clinical Sciences         1526-5900 1528-8447    
14980 C Journal of Pain and Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1536-0288 1536-0539 1056-4950 0742-969X
40037 B Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 1103 Clinical Sciences 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences 1117 Public Health and Health Services 0885-3924 1873-6513    
40820 C Journal of Pakistan Medical Association 1103 Clinical Sciences         0030-9982      
1742 A Journal of Paleolimnology 0403 Geology 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience     0921-2728 1573-0417    
1812 C Journal of Paleontology 0403 Geology         0022-3360 1937-2337    
30061 B Journal of Palestine Studies: a quarterly on Palestinian affairs and the Arab-Israeli conflict MD Multidisciplinary         0377-919X 1533-8614    
40854 C Journal of Palliative Care 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0825-8597      
40549 C Journal of Palliative Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1110 Nursing 1096-6218 1557-7740    
11499 C Journal of Pan African Studies: an international medium of African culture and consciousness 2002 Cultural Studies         0888-6601 1942-6569    
18036 A* Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 0805 Distributed Computing         0743-7315 1096-0848    
41958 Not ranked Journal of Paramedic Practice: the clinical monthly for emergency care professionals 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1759-1376      
6444 B Journal of Parapsychology 1701 Psychology         0022-3387      
15133 B Journal of Parasitology 0707 Veterinary Sciences 0605 Microbiology  0608 Zoology 0022-3395 1937-2345    
13667 C Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics         0148-6071 1941-2444    
41666 C Journal of Partial Differential Equations 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 1000-940X      
12793 A Journal of Pastoral Care and Councelling 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1542-3050 0022-3409    
16469 A* Journal of Pathology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0022-3417 1096-9896 0272-7749 0368-3494
20678 C Journal of Peace Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1740-0201 1740-021X    
18888 A Journal of Peace Research: an interdisciplinary and international quarterly of scholarly work in peace research 1606 Political Science 1605 Policy and Administration 1402 Applied Economics 0022-3433 1460-3578    
40544 B Journal of Peacebuilding and Development 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1542-3166      
36295 A Journal of Peasant Studies 1601 Anthropology  2103 Historical Studies 1608 Sociology 0306-6150 1743-9361    
16470 C Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1083-3188 1873-4332    
32633 C Journal of Pediatric Dental Care 1105 Dentistry         1559-5986      
16471 C Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0334-018X      
16472 B Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0277-2116 1536-4801    
16473 B Journal of Pediatric Health Care 1110 Nursing 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine     0891-5245 1532-656X    
16474 B Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1077-4114 1536-3678    
40665 C Journal of Pediatric Infectious Diseases 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine 1108 Medical Microbiology     1305-7707 1305-7693    
41951 C Journal of Pediatric Neurology 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1304-2580 1875-9041    
14564 C Journal of Pediatric Neurosciences 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine 1817-1745 1998-3948    
14215 B Journal of Pediatric Nursing 1110 Nursing         0882-5963 1532-8449    
16475 C Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing 1110 Nursing 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis     1043-4542 1532-8457    
16476 C Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry         0191-3913 1938-2405 0022-345X  
16477 C Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0271-6798 1539-2570    
35200 C Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics. Part B 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1060-152X 1473-5865    
39618 A Journal of Pediatric Psychology 1701 Psychology         0146-8693 1465-735X    
16478 B Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0022-3468 1531-5037    
35199 C Journal of Pediatric Urology 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1477-5131 1873-4898    
16479 A Journal of Pediatrics 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0022-3476 1097-6833    
18439 B Journal of Pension Economics and Finance 1402 Applied Economics         1474-7472 1475-3022    
12794 B Journal of Pentecostal Theology 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0966-7369 1745-5251    
1648 C Journal of Peptide Science 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry         1075-2617 1099-1387    
4237 B Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities 0905 Civil Engineering 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering     0887-3828 1943-5509    
40429 B Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing 1110 Nursing         1089-9472 1532-8473    
14123 B Journal of Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing 1110 Nursing         0893-2190 1550-5073    
41325 B Journal of Perinatal Education 1110 Nursing         1058-1243 1548-8519    
16480 C Journal of Perinatal Medicine: official journal of the World Association of Perinatal Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         0300-5577 1619-3997    
16481 C Journal of Perinatology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0743-8346 1476-5543    
32634 A* Journal of Periodontal Research 1105 Dentistry         0022-3484 1600-0765    
32635 A Journal of Periodontology 1105 Dentistry         0022-3492 1943-3670    
14217 C Journal of Perioperative Practice 1110 Nursing         1750-4589 1467-1026 1353-0224  
37189 B Journal of Persianate Studies 2103 Historical Studies         1874-7094 1874-7167    
35909 B Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management 1505 Marketing         0885-3134 1557-7813    
6447 A Journal of Personality 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0022-3506 1467-6494    
6448 A* Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0022-3514 1939-1315    
6449 B Journal of Personality Assessment 1701 Psychology         0022-3891 1532-7752    
36406 A Journal Of Personality Disorders 1701 Psychology         0885-579X 1943-2763    
2818 C Journal of Pest Science 0608 Zoology         1612-4758 1612-4766 1436-5693 0340-7330
5353 B Journal of Pesticide Science 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         1348-589X 1349-0923 0916-9962 0385-1559
4040 C Journal of Petroleum Geology 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy 0403 Geology     0141-6421 1747-5457    
4041 A Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0920-4105 1873-4715    
1813 A* Journal of Petrology 0402 Geochemistry 0403 Geology     0022-3530 1460-2415    
14981 C Journal of Pharmaceutical and Allied Sciences 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1596-8499      
1649 B Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences 0301 Analytical Chemistry     0731-7085 1873-264X    
32897 C Journal of Pharmaceutical Finance, Economics and Policy 1402 Applied Economics         1538-5396 1930-6326 0896-6621 1534-9713
14982 C Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1872-5120 1939-8042    
14803 C Journal of Pharmaceutical Marketing and Management 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0883-7597      
14804 A Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0022-3549 1520-6017    
14805 A Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1567-567X 1573-8744 0090-466X  
14807 B Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1056-8719 1873-488X    
14808 B Journal of Pharmacological Sciences 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1347-8613 1347-8648 0021-5198  
14806 A Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0022-3565 1521-0103    
40714 C Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry     1816-496X      
14984 C Journal of Pharmacy and Bioresources 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0189-8442      
14810 B Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1482-1826      
14801 B Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0022-3573 0373-1022    
14812 B Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1445-937X 0310-6810    
14985 C Journal of Pharmacy Technology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         8755-1225 1549-4810    
4796 B Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1547-7037 1863-7345 1054-9714  
6450 C Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 1701 Psychology 2203 Philosophy      0047-2662 1569-1624    
7391 C Journal of Philology 2103 Historical Studies         0024-4457      
8479 A* Journal of Philosophical Logic 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0022-3611 1573-0433    
8480 B Journal of Philosophical Research 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     1053-8364 0164-0771    
8481 A* Journal of Philosophy 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0022-362X 1939-8549    
35046 C Journal of Philosophy and Culture 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0855-6660      
12795 C Journal of Philosophy and Scripture 2203 Philosophy  1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 2204 Religion and Religious Studies 1555-5100      
8493 C Journal of Philosophy of Education 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 1303 Specialist Studies In Education     0309-8249 1467-9752    
8882 A* Journal of Phonetics 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0095-4470 1095-8576    
1465 B Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, A: Chemistry 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural) 0904 Chemical Engineering      1010-6030 1873-2666    
2243 C Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, B: Biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1011-1344 1873-2682    
2606 C Journal of Photoscience 0607 Plant Biology         1225-8555      
2607 A Journal of Phycology: an international journal of algal research 0607 Plant Biology         0022-3646 1529-8817    
9773 B Journal of Physical Activity and Health 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1543-3080 1543-5474    
34354 A* Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 02 Physical Sciences 03 Chemical Sciences     0047-2689 1529-7845    
41667 C Journal of Physical and Natural Sciences 0102 Applied Mathematics         1556-6757      
35727 B Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing     0730-3084      
1927 A* Journal of Physical Oceanography 0405 Oceanography         0022-3670 1520-0485    
1468 B Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry 0305 Organic Chemistry 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)     0894-3230 1099-1395    
41952 C Journal of Physical Therapy Science 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0915-5287      
30203 C Journal of Physics 0904 Chemical Engineering          1742-6596      
270 A Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 01 Mathematical Sciences 02 Physical Sciences     1751-8113 1751-8121 0305-4470  
1109 B Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 0204 Condensed Matter Physics 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural) 0912 Materials Engineering 0022-3697 1879-2553    
1198 A Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics 0205 Optical Physics     0953-4075 1361-6455    
1000 A Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 02 Physical Sciences 09 Engineering     0022-3727 1361-6463    
1199 A Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 01 Mathematical Sciences 02 Physical Sciences     0954-3899 1361-6471    
1110 A Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 1007 Nanotechnology 0204 Condensed Matter Physics 0206 Quantum Physics 0953-8984 1361-648X    
3160 C Journal of Physiological Sciences 0606 Physiology  1116 Medical Physiology     1880-6546 1880-6562 0021-521X  
14656 C Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry 1116 Medical Physiology         1138-7548 1877-8755    
14657 B Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences 1116 Medical Physiology     0867-5910 1899-1505    
14623 C Journal of Physiology-Paris 1116 Medical Physiology         0928-4257 1769-7115    
2608 C Journal of Phytopathology 0607 Plant Biology 0605 Microbiology  0703 Crop and Pasture Production 0931-1785 1439-0434    
9346 B Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 2004 Linguistics         0920-9034 1569-9870    
16482 A Journal of Pineal Research 1103 Clinical Sciences 1701 Psychology     0742-3098 1600-079X    
36044 Not ranked Journal of Place Management and Development 1504 Commercial Services         1753-8335      
1653 C Journal of Planar Chromatography - Modern TLC 0301 Analytical Chemistry         0933-4173 1789-0993    
3278 C Journal of Plankton Research 0608 Zoology 0602 Ecology 0607 Plant Biology 0142-7873 1464-3774    
30550 B Journal of Planning and Environment Law 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         0307-4870      
5961 A* Journal of Planning Education and Research 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         0739-456X 1552-6577    
20885 A Journal of Planning History 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         1538-5132 1552-6585    
21002 A* Journal of Planning Literature 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         0885-4122 1552-6593 0743-1635  
3420 B Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology 1001 Agricultural Biotechnology         0971-7811 0974-1275    
2609 C Journal of Plant Biology 0607 Plant Biology         1226-9239 1867-0725    
2610 C Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 0607 Plant Biology         1861-3829 1861-3837 0340-8159  
40492 Not ranked Journal of Plant Ecology 0607 Plant Biology         1752-9921 1752-993X 1005-264X  
2611 B Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 0607 Plant Biology         0721-7595 1435-8107    
2755 C Journal of Plant Interactions 0607 Plant Biology         1742-9145 1742-9153    
5317 C Journal of Plant Nutrition 0703 Crop and Pasture Production 0607 Plant Biology 0503 Soil Sciences 0190-4167 1532-4087    
5262 B Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 0503 Soil Sciences 0607 Plant Biology 0703 Crop and Pasture Production 1436-8730 1522-2624 0044-3263  
2756 C Journal of Plant Pathology: rivista di patologia vegetale 0607 Plant Biology         1125-4653 0035-6441    
2612 A Journal of Plant Physiology 0607 Plant Biology         0176-1617      
2614 B Journal of Plant Research 0607 Plant Biology         0918-9440 1618-0860 0006-808X  
5354 C Journal of Plantation Crops 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         0304-5242      
1200 B Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research (English) 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics         0918-7928      
1201 B Journal of Plasma Physics 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics         0022-3778 1469-7807    
41955 C Journal of Plastic Film and Sheeting 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry 0912 Materials Engineering     8756-0879 1530-8014    
16483 C Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         1748-6815 0007-1226    
11931 C Journal of Poetry Therapy 2005 Literary Studies         0889-3675 1567-2344    
36296 C Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology 1602 Criminology         0882-0783 1936-6469    
41081 C Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism 1602 Criminology         1833-5300      
18889 A Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 1605 Policy and Administration         0276-8739 1520-6688    
35726 B Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities 1701 Psychology         1741-1122 1741-1130    
34872 A Journal of Policy History 2103 Historical Studies         0898-0306 1528-4190    
18440 B Journal of Policy Modeling: A Social Science Forum of World Issue 1605 Policy and Administration         0161-8938      
35948 C Journal of Policy Practice 1607 Social Work         1558-8742 1558-8750 1533-2942  
30617 B Journal of Politeness Research: language, behavior, culture 2004 Linguistics         1612-5681 1613-4877    
10882 C Journal of Political and Military Sociology 1606 Political Science         0047-2697      
37108 B Journal of Political Ecology: case studies in history and society MD Multidisciplinary         1073-0451      
18690 A* Journal of Political Economy 1402 Applied Economics         0022-3808 1537-534X    
18891 B Journal of Political Ideologies 1606 Political Science         1356-9317 1469-9613    
40232 C Journal of Political Marketing: political campaigns in the new millennium 1505 Marketing 1606 Political Science     1537-7857 1537-7865    
8482 A Journal of Political Philosophy 2203 Philosophy  1801 Law 1606 Political Science 0963-8016 1467-9760    
30414 C Journal of Political Science 1606 Political Science         0098-4612      
20680 C Journal of Political Science Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1551-2169 1551-2177    
40294 Not ranked Journal of Politics and Law 1801 Law         1913-9047 1913-9055    
34312 C Journal of Polymer Engineering 0912 Materials Engineering         0334-6447 0250-8079    
4940 C Journal of Polymer Materials 0912 Materials Engineering         0970-0838      
4941 C Journal of Polymer Research 0912 Materials Engineering         1022-9760 1572-8935    
1678 A Journal of Polymer Science. Part A, Polymer Chemistry 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry 0912 Materials Engineering     0887-624X 1099-0518    
1679 A Journal of Polymer Science. Part B, Polymer Physics 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry 0912 Materials Engineering     0887-6266 1099-0488    
40842 C Journal of Polymers and the Environment 0907 Environmental Engineering         1566-2543 1572-8900    
9556 A Journal of Polynesian Society 1601 Anthropology          0032-4000      
11585 A Journal of Popular Culture MD Multidisciplinary         0022-3840 1540-5931    
10019 B Journal of Popular Film and Television 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 2002 Cultural Studies     0195-6051 1930-6458    
10020 C Journal of Popular Music Studies 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1524-2226 1533-1598    
30245 Not ranked Journal of Population Ageing 1603 Demography          1874-7884 1874-7876    
11177 A Journal of Population Economics 1402 Applied Economics 1603 Demography      0933-1433 1432-1475    
40226 B Journal of Population Research 1603 Demography          1443-2447 1835-9469    
1469 C Journal of Porous Materials 0912 Materials Engineering 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)     1380-2224 1573-4854    
4943 B Journal of Porous Media 0905 Civil Engineering         1091-028X 1934-0508    
34311 B Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines 0305 Organic Chemistry         1088-4246 1099-1409    
8883 B Journal of Portuguese Linguistics 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     1645-4537      
6451 B Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions 1701 Psychology         1098-3007 1538-4772    
18651 A Journal of Post Keynesian Economics 1401 Economic Theory         0160-3477 1557-7821    
20140 B Journal of Postcolonial Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1443-1483      
31502 B Journal of Postcolonial Writing 2005 Literary Studies         1744-9855 1744-9863 0093-1705  
41050 C Journal of Postgraduate Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences 1301 Education Systems      0022-3859 0972-2823    
35945 B Journal of Poverty 1607 Social Work         1087-5549 1540-7608    
40309 Not ranked Journal of Power 0608 Zoology 1606 Political Science 1503 Business and Management 1754-0291 1754-0305    
36508 C Journal of Power Electronics 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1598-2092      
1470 B Journal of Power Sources 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0378-7753 1873-2755    
14218 C Journal of Practical Nursing 1110 Nursing         0022-3867      
34226 C Journal of Practice Teaching in Health and Social Work 1607 Social Work         1460-6690 1746-6113    
8494 A Journal of Pragmatics 2004 Linguistics 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science 0378-2166      
7334 C Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts 2005 Literary Studies 1060-149X      
12797 B Journal of Presbyterian History 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1521-9216 0886-5159    
3692 A Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology-Transactions of the ASME 0913 Mechanical Engineering         0094-9930 1528-8978    
32370 C Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community 0104 Statistics  1602 Criminology     1085-2352 1540-7330 0270-3114  
40853 C Journal of Primary Prevention 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0278-095X 1573-6547    
10401 C Journal of Printing Science and Technology 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts         0914-3319 0040-0874    
33531 A Journal of Private International Law 1801 Law         1744-1048      
3906 A Journal of Process Control 0904 Chemical Engineering          0959-1524 1873-2771    
19833 B Journal of Product and Brand Management 1505 Marketing         1061-0421      
3693 A* Journal of Product Innovation Management 0913 Mechanical Engineering 1503 Business and Management 1203 Design Practice and Management 0737-6782 1540-5885    
18170 A Journal of Productivity Analysis 1402 Applied Economics         0895-562X 1573-0441    
4362 B Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1202 Building 1052-3928 1943-5541    
14124 B Journal of Professional Nursing 1110 Nursing         8755-7223 1532-8481    
18037 C Journal of Programming Languages 0803 Computer Software         0963-9306      
35946 C Journal of Progressive Human Services: successor to catalyst: a socialist journal of the social services 1607 Social Work         1042-8232 1540-7616    
39760 C Journal of Promotion Management: innovations in planning and applied research 1505 Marketing         1049-6491 1540-7594    
19479 A Journal of Property Investment and Finance 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1463-578X 1470-2002    
30505 C Journal of Property Management: the official publication of the Institute of Real Estate Management 1504 Commercial Services         0022-3905      
19480 B Journal of Property Research 1504 Commercial Services         0959-9916 1466-4453 0264-0821  
3579 B Journal of Propulsion and Power: devoted to aerospace propulsion and power 0901 Aerospace Engineering         0748-4658 1533-3876    
32637 B Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 1105 Dentistry         0022-3913 1097-6841    
36411 C Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics 1103 Clinical Sciences         1040-8800 1534-6331    
32638 C Journal of Prosthodontics: implant, esthetic, and reconstructive dentistry 1105 Dentistry         1059-941X 1532-849X    
2345 A Journal of Proteome Research 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1535-3893 1535-3907    
36865 C Journal of Proteomics 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1874-3919 0165-022X    
14125 A* Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 1110 Nursing         1351-0126      
13097 C Journal of Psychiatric Practice 1103 Clinical Sciences         1527-4160 1538-1145    
13098 A Journal of Psychiatric Research 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0022-3956 1879-1379    
35430 C Journal of Psychiatry and Law 1801 Law         0093-1853      
13162 B Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science 1180-4882 1488-2434 0702-8466  
6452 B Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1701 Psychology     0279-1072      
6453 B Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0734-2829 1557-5144    
6454 C Journal of Psychohistory 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 2103 Historical Studies     0145-3378      
6455 B Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 1701 Psychology 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science 0090-6905 1573-6555    
6460 C Journal of Psychology and Theology: an evangelical forum for the integration of psychology and theology 1701 Psychology 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0091-6471      
36189 C Journal of Psychology in Africa 1701 Psychology         1433-0237 1815-5626    
6457 C Journal of Psychology: interdisciplinary and applied 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0022-3980 1940-1019    
6461 B Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0882-2689 1573-3505    
14813 A Journal of Psychopharmacology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences 0269-8811 1461-7285    
6462 B Journal of Psychophysiology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0269-8803      
6463 C Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services 1701 Psychology 1110 Nursing     0279-3695 1938-2413    
6464 B Journal of Psychosocial Oncology 1701 Psychology         0734-7332 1540-7586    
6465 C Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0167-482X 1743-8942    
13099 A Journal of Psychosomatic Research 1103 Clinical Sciences         0022-3999      
6466 C Journal of Psychotherapy Integration 1701 Psychology         1053-0479 1573-3696    
18894 A Journal of Public Administration Theory and Research 1605 Policy and Administration         1053-1858 1477-9803    
35908 B Journal of Public Affairs 1505 Marketing         1472-3891 1479-1854    
35907 B Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial Management 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1096-3367 1945-1814 1042-4741  
41966 C Journal of Public Deliberation 1606 Political Science         1937-2841      
18297 A Journal of Public Economic Theory 1401 Economic Theory         1097-3923 1467-9779    
18442 A* Journal of Public Economics 1402 Applied Economics         0047-2727      
31215 C Journal of Public Finance 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1120-7019      
13671 C Journal of Public Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1741-3842 1741-3850 0957-4832  
32639 A Journal of Public Health Dentistry 1105 Dentistry         0022-4006 1752-7325    
13672 C Journal of Public Health Management and Practice 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1078-4659 1550-5022    
14975 C Journal of Public Health Pharmacy 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1936-1130 1068-7777 0896-6966  
13674 C Journal of Public Health Policy 1605 Policy and Administration         0197-5897 1745-655X    
41362 C Journal of Public Health: Zeitschrift fuer Gesundheitswissenschaften 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0943-1853 1613-2238    
40145 C Journal of Public Mental Health: the art, science and politics of creating a mentally healthy society 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1746-5729 1475-9535    
18895 A Journal of Public Policy 1605 Policy and Administration         0143-814X 1469-7815    
19783 A Journal of Public Policy and Marketing 1505 Marketing         0743-9156 1547-7207    
41964 C Journal of Public Procurement 1605 Policy and Administration         1535-0118 2150-6930    
19834 C Journal of Public Relations Research 1505 Marketing         1062-726X 1532-754X    
33037 B Journal of Public Transportation 1507 Transportation and Freight Services 1205 Urban and Regional Planning     1077-291X      
4944 B Journal of Pulp and Paper Science 0705 Forestry Sciences         0826-6220 1493-017X 0317-882X  
35906 C Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 1503 Business and Management         1478-4092 1873-6505 0969-7012  
271 A Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 0101 Pure Mathematics         0022-4049 1873-1376    
3975 C Journal of Pyrotechnics 0904 Chemical Engineering          1082-3999      
19676 C Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality and Tourism 1504 Commercial Services 1506 Tourism     1528-008X 1528-0098    
3519 C Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1355-2511      
816 B Journal of Quality Technology 0104 Statistics  0913 Mechanical Engineering 1503 Business and Management 0022-4065      
41671 C Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports 0104 Statistics          1559-0410      
17271 A Journal of Quantitative Criminology 1602 Criminology         0748-4518 1573-7799    
18171 B Journal of Quantitative Economics 1403 Econometrics  1402 Applied Economics     0971-1554      
8886 B Journal of Quantitative Linguistics 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0929-6174 1744-5035    
1111 C Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)         0022-4073 1879-1352    
1814 A Journal of Quaternary Science 0403 Geology 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience     0267-8179 1099-1417    
12798 A Journal of Qur'anic Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1465-3591 1755-1730    
2436 C Journal of R N A i and Gene Silencing 0604 Genetics          1747-0854      
2091 B Journal of Radiation Research 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis 1103 Clinical Sciences     0449-3060 1349-9157    
34815 B Journal of Radio and Audio Media 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 1903 Journalism and Professional Writing     1937-6529 1937-6537 1095-5046  
1202 C Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry: an international journal dealing with all aspects 0301 Analytical Chemistry 0302 Inorganic Chemistry 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural) 0236-5731 1588-2780    
41332 B Journal of Radiology Nursing 1110 Nursing 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences     1546-0843 1555-9912 1055-1476  
16486 C Journal of Radiotherapy in Practice 1103 Clinical Sciences         1460-3969 1467-1131    
40071 B Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)         0377-0486 1097-4555    
2539 C Journal of Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     1060-3999 1745-4581    
2948 C Journal of Raptor Research 0608 Zoology         0892-1016      
4797 C Journal of Rare Earths 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1002-0721 1000-4343    
40395 C Journal of Rational - Emotive and Cognitive - Behavior Therapy 1701 Psychology         0894-9085 1573-6563    
20331 B Journal of Reading Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0886-5701      
18587 B Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 1402 Applied Economics         0895-5638 1573-045X    
30513 B Journal of Real Estate Literature 1504 Commercial Services         0927-7544 1573-8809    
19481 C Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management 1504 Commercial Services         1083-5547      
19489 B Journal of Real Estate Practice and Education 1504 Commercial Services         1521-4842      
19482 B Journal of Real Estate Research 1504 Commercial Services         0896-5803      
2245 C Journal of Receptors and Signal Transduction 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1079-9893 1532-4281 0197-5110 0895-7479
16487 C Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         0743-684X 1098-8947    
41052 C Journal of Recreational Mathematics 0199 Other Mathematical Sciences         0022-412X      
16488 B Journal of Refractive Surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         1081-597X 1938-2391    
36012 A Journal of Refugee Studies 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1608 Sociology     0951-6328 1471-6925    
44930 C Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         1090-4999      
21003 A Journal of Regional Science 1402 Applied Economics 1205 Urban and Regional Planning 1604 Human Geography 0022-4146 1467-9787    
18443 A Journal of Regulatory Economics 1402 Applied Economics         0922-680X 1573-0468    
16489 C Journal of Rehabilitation 1103 Clinical Sciences         0022-4154      
16490 A Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science 1103 Clinical Sciences     1650-1977 1651-2081 0036-5505  
16491 C Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development 1103 Clinical Sciences         0748-7711 1938-1352    
4945 B Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 0912 Materials Engineering         0731-6844 1530-7964    
19835 C Journal of Relationship Marketing 1505 Marketing         1533-2667 1533-2675 1069-2533  
10402 B Journal of Religion and Film 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     1092-1311      
13676 C Journal of Religion and Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0022-4197 1573-6571    
40073 C Journal of Religion and Popular Culture 2002 Cultural Studies         1703-289X      
34644 B Journal of Religion and Society 2001 Communication and Media Studies         1522-5658      
34227 C Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Social Work: social thought 1607 Social Work         1542-6432 1542-6440 0099-183X  
13677 C Journal of Religion Disability and Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     1522-8967 1522-9122 1059-9258  
9557 B Journal of Religion in Africa 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0022-4200 1570-0666    
41978 C Journal of Religion, Spirituality and Aging: the interdisiplinary journal of practice, theory and applied research 22 Philosophy and Religious Studies         1552-8030 1552-8049 1050-2289  
13006 A* Journal of Religious and Intellectual History 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0044-3441 1570-0739    
20591 B Journal of Religious Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1442-018X 0155-6894    
12803 A Journal of Religious Ethics 2201 Applied Ethics 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0384-9694 1467-9795    
7335 A Journal of Religious History 2204 Religion and Religious Studies 2103 Historical Studies     0022-4227 1467-9809    
40129 A Journal of Renal Care 1110 Nursing 1103 Clinical Sciences 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1755-6678 1755-6686 1019-083X  
13678 C Journal of Renal Nutrition 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics         1051-2276 1532-8503    
5617 B Journal of Reproduction and Development 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0916-8818 1348-4400    
6468 C Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology 1701 Psychology         0264-6838 1469-672X    
15519 B Journal of Reproductive Immunology 1107 Immunology         0165-0378 1872-7603    
16492 C Journal of Reproductive Medicine: for the obstetrician and gynecologist 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0024-7758 1943-3565 0096-7033  
17766 B Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology 08 Information and Computing Sciences         1443-458X 0004-8917    
13679 C Journal of Research for Consumers 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1505 Marketing     1444-6359      
21004 C Journal of Research in Architecture and Planning 1201 Architecture         1728-7715      
20249 C Journal of Research in Childhood Education: an international journal of research on the education of children 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0256-8543      
17273 A Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 1602 Criminology         0022-4278 1552-731X    
19988 C Journal of Research in International Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1475-2409 1741-2943    
10021 A Journal of Research in Music Education 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0022-4294 1945-0095    
41053 C Journal of Research in Nursing 1110 Nursing         1744-9871 1744-988X 1361-4096  
6469 A Journal of Research in Personality 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0092-6566 1095-7251    
20323 A Journal of Research in Reading 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0141-0423 1467-9817    
20135 B Journal of Research in Rural Education 1301 Education Systems          1062-4228 1551-0670    
20611 A* Journal of Research in Science Teaching 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0022-4308 1098-2736    
40845 C Journal of Research in Science, Computing and Engineering 09 Engineering         1656-1996      
6035 A Journal of Research on Adolescence 1607 Social Work 1701 Psychology     1050-8392 1532-7795    
20601 C Journal of Research on Christian Education 1301 Education Systems          1065-6219 1934-4945    
20277 B Journal of Research on Technology in Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1539-1523 1945-0818 0888-6504  
40366 B Journal of Research Practice 1608 Sociology 1399 Other Education  1503 Business and Management 1712-851X      
41981 B Journal of Retail and Leisure Property 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment 1599 Other Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services     1479-1110 1750-2098 1471-549X  
19836 A* Journal of Retailing 1505 Marketing         0022-4359 1873-3271    
19837 B Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 1505 Marketing         0969-6989 1873-1384    
41054 B Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management 15 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services 14 Economics     1476-6930 1477-657X    
5149 A Journal of Rheology 0904 Chemical Engineering  0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering     0148-6055 0038-0032    
16493 A Journal of Rheumatology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0315-162X 1499-2752    
31216 B Journal of Risk 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1465-1211      
18444 A Journal of Risk and Insurance 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         0022-4367 1539-6975    
938 A* Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         0895-5646 1573-0476    
39890 C Journal of Risk Research MD Multidisciplinary         1366-9877 1466-4461    
9558 B Journal of Ritual Studies 1601 Anthropology  2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0890-1112      
40889 C Journal of Robotic Surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         1863-2483 1863-2491    
40119 C Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0913 Mechanical Engineering     0915-3942 1883-8049    
4043 B Journal of Rock Mechanics and Tunnelling Technology 0499 Other Earth Sciences         0971-9059      
8109 A Journal of Roman Archaeology 2101 Archaeology         1047-7594      
7336 B Journal of Roman Military Equipment Studies 2101 Archaeology 2103 Historical Studies     0961-3684      
7337 A* Journal of Roman Studies 2003 Language Studies 2103 Historical Studies     0075-4358 1753-528X    
13680 C Journal of Rural and Remote Environmental Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1603 Demography      1832-2921 1447-4778    
6323 C Journal of Rural Community Psychology 1701 Psychology         0276-2285      
6146 C Journal of Rural Development 1701 Psychology         0970-3357      
5906 C Journal of Rural Enterprise and Management 0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management         1749-5598 1366-9338 0260-2040  
13682 B Journal of Rural Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1110 Nursing     0890-765X 1748-0361    
20886 A* Journal of Rural Studies 1604 Human Geography 1205 Urban and Regional Planning     0743-0167 1873-1392    
6677 C Journal of Russian and East European Psychology: a journal of translations 1701 Psychology         1061-0405 1558-0415    
20387 C Journal of S T E M Education (Online): innovations and research 13 Education 09 Engineering     1557-5284 1557-5276 1526-2367  
13683 C Journal of Safety Research 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0022-4375 1879-1247    
40826 Not ranked Journal of Sailboat Technology 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering 0911 Maritime Engineering  1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology 1548-6559      
39889 C Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials 0912 Materials Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering     1099-6362 1530-7972    
36613 C Journal of Satisfiability, Boolean Modeling and Computation 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics         1574-0617      
17274 C Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention 1602 Criminology         1404-3858 1651-2340    
19367 B Journal of Scheduling 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics     1094-6136 1099-1425    
10022 C Journal of Schenkerian Studies 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1558-268X      
10604 C Journal of Scholarly Publishing 0807 Library and Information Studies         1198-9742 1710-1166 0036-634X  
13684 C Journal of School Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0022-4391 1746-1561    
19946 C Journal of School Leadership 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1052-6846      
14223 C Journal of School Nursing 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1110 Nursing     1059-8405 1546-8364    
6471 B Journal of School Psychology 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1701 Psychology     0022-4405 1873-3506    
20149 C Journal of School Violence 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1538-8220 1538-8239    
9776 A Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1440-2440      
17623 C Journal of Science and Technology MD Multidisciplinary         0250-5339      
34643 A Journal of Science Communication 2099 Other Language, Communication and Culture 2001 Communication and Media Studies     1824-2049 1824-2030    
20664 C Journal of Science Education and Technology 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1059-0145 1573-1839    
17624 C Journal of Science Education: revista de edicacion en ciencias MD Multidisciplinary         0124-5481      
20616 A Journal of Science Teacher Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1046-560X 1573-1847    
17625 C Journal of Sciences, Islamic Republic of Iran MD Multidisciplinary         1016-1104      
17626 C Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research MD Multidisciplinary         0022-4456      
39888 B Journal of Scientific Computing 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 0885-7474 1573-7691    
36190 C Journal of Scientific Exploration 1701 Psychology         0892-3310      
34871 C Journal of Scottish Historical Studies 2103 Historical Studies         1748-538X 1755-1749 0269-5030  
8495 B Journal of Scottish Philosophy 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     1479-6651 1755-2001 0268-9723  
1928 B Journal of Sea Research 0405 Oceanography         1385-1101 1873-1414 0077-7579  
9347 B Journal of Second Language Writing 2004 Linguistics         1060-3743 1873-1422    
36298 C Journal of Security Administration 1602 Criminology         0195-9425      
20487 C Journal of Security Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1936-1610 1936-1629 1550-7890  
1815 A Journal of Sedimentary Research 0403 Geology         1527-1404      
1881 C Journal of Seismology 0404 Geophysics         1383-4649 1573-157X    
40621 B Journal of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering 0404 Geophysics     1735-1669      
42117 C Journal of Selling and Major Account Management 1505 Marketing         1463-1431      
8496 A* Journal of Semantics 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0167-5133 1477-4593    
31375 A Journal of Semitic Studies 2003 Language Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies 2103 Historical Studies 0022-4480 1477-8556    
9665 B Journal of Sensory Studies 0908 Food Sciences         0887-8250 1745-459X    
1651 B Journal of Separation Science 0301 Analytical Chemistry         1615-9306 1615-9314 1040-7685 0935-6304
19799 B Journal of Service Management 1503 Business and Management 1506 Tourism     1757-5818 1757-5826 0956-4233  
19838 A Journal of Service Research 1505 Marketing 1506 Tourism     1094-6705 1552-7379    
19839 B Journal of Services Marketing 1505 Marketing 1506 Tourism     0887-6045      
42070 C Journal of Services Research 1504 Commercial Services         0972-4702      
10023 B Journal of Seventeenth Century Music 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1089-747X      
6472 A Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy 1701 Psychology         0092-623X 1521-0715    
6473 A Journal of Sex Research 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         0022-4499 1559-8519    
36225 C Journal of Sexual Aggression 1701 Psychology         1355-2600 1742-6545    
39887 A* Journal of Sexual Medicine 1116 Medical Physiology         1743-6095 1743-6109    
30231 A Journal of Ship Production 0911 Maritime Engineering          8756-1417 1542-0469    
4704 A* Journal of Ship Research 0911 Maritime Engineering          0022-4502 1542-0604    
16494 C Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         1058-2746 1532-6500    
17693 C Journal of Sichuan University (Engineering Science Edition) MD Multidisciplinary         1009-3087 0253-2263    
40545 C Journal of Sichuan University (Medical Science Edition) 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics     1672-173X      
42118 C Journal of Simulation 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1747-7778 1747-7786    
10403 C Journal of Singing 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1086-7732 0884-8106    
8888 B Journal of Slavic Linguistics 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     1068-2090 1543-0391    
36297 C Journal of Slavic Military Studies 1606 Political Science         1351-8046 1556-3006    
16495 A Journal of Sleep Research 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science 1701 Psychology 0962-1105      
5523 B Journal of Small Animal Practice 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0022-4510 1748-5827    
19884 C Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 1503 Business and Management         1462-6004 1758-7840    
19889 C Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship 1503 Business and Management         0827-6331      
19885 A Journal of Small Business Management 1503 Business and Management         0047-2778 1540-627X    
41055 C Journal of Smoking Cessation 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1834-2612      
10883 A Journal of Social Affairs MD Multidisciplinary         1025-059X      
14814 B Journal of Social and Administrative Pharmacy 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0281-0662      
6474 B Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0736-7236 1943-2771    
18588 C Journal of Social and Economic Development 1402 Applied Economics         0972-5792      
6475 B Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 1701 Psychology         0265-4075 1460-3608    
30415 C Journal of Social and Political Thought 1606 Political Science         1481-5842      
8112 B Journal of Social Archaeology 2101 Archaeology         1469-6053 1741-2951    
6476 C Journal of Social Behavior and Personality 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0886-1641      
39728 A Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless 1608 Sociology         1053-0789      
7338 A Journal of Social History 2103 Historical Studies         0022-4529 1527-1897    
10884 B Journal of Social Issues 1608 Sociology         0022-4537 1540-4560    
8483 A Journal of Social Philosophy 2203 Philosophy  2201 Applied Ethics     0047-2786 1467-9833    
10885 A Journal of Social Policy 1605 Policy and Administration 1607 Social Work     0047-2794 1469-7823    
6477 C Journal of Social Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0022-4545 1940-1183    
35526 A Journal of Social Security Law 1801 Law         1354-7747      
36299 C Journal of Social Service Research 1608 Sociology         0148-8376 1540-7314    
36235 C Journal of Social Structure 1608 Sociology         1529-1227      
34228 B Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 1801 Law         0964-9069 1469-9621 0141-8033  
34229 B Journal of Social Work 1607 Social Work         1468-0173 1741-296X    
20479 B Journal of Social Work Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1043-7797 0022-0612    
39698 C Journal of Social Work in Disability and Rehabilitation 1607 Social Work         1536-710X 1536-7118    
34230 C Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life and Palliative Care 1607 Social Work         1552-4256 1552-4264 8756-4610  
34231 A Journal of Social Work Practice 1607 Social Work         0265-0533 1465-3885    
34232 C Journal of Social Work Research and Evaluation 1607 Social Work         1521-3668      
34233 B Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics 1607 Social Work         1553-6947      
18589 C Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies 14 Economics         0278-839X 0193-5941 0362-580X  
16496 C Journal of Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons 1103 Clinical Sciences         1086-8089 1938-3797    
18446 B Journal of Socio-Economics 1402 Applied Economics         1053-5357 1879-1239 0090-5720  
8889 A Journal of Sociolinguistics 2004 Linguistics         1360-6441 1467-9841    
10887 A Journal of Sociology 1608 Sociology         1440-7833 1741-2978 0004-8690  
34234 B Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare 1607 Social Work         0191-5096      
32139 B Journal of Software 0803 Computer Software         1796-217X      
32140 C Journal of Software Engineering 0803 Computer Software         1819-4311      
42187 Not ranked Journal of Software Engineering and Applications 0803 Computer Software         1945-3116 1945-3124    
35905 B Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution: research and practice 0803 Computer Software 0806 Information Systems     1532-060X 1532-0618 1040-550X  
5263 B Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 0503 Soil Sciences 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience 0703 Crop and Pasture Production 0022-4561 1941-3300 1520-0639  
5291 C Journal of Soil Biology and Ecology 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences     0970-1370      
31051 C Journal of Soils and Sediments: protection, risk assessment and remediation MD Multidisciplinary         1439-0108 1614-7480    
5150 C Journal of Solar Energy Engineering 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering         0199-6231 1528-8986    
4946 B Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 0912 Materials Engineering         0928-0707 1573-4846    
1537 B Journal of Solid State Chemistry 0302 Inorganic Chemistry 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry     0022-4596 1095-726X    
1471 C Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)         1432-8488 1433-0768    
1472 C Journal of Solution Chemistry 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)         0095-9782 1572-8927    
1295 A* Journal of Sound and Vibration 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0203 Classical Physics 0905 Civil Engineering 0022-460X 1095-8568    
36419 B Journal of South - East European Studies MD Multidisciplinary         0035-2063      
1743 B Journal of South American Earth Sciences 0403 Geology 0404 Geophysics     0895-9811 1873-0647    
11179 B Journal of South Asia Women Studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1085-7478      
30069 C Journal of South Asian Development 1402 Applied Economics         0973-1741 0973-1733    
33533 C Journal of South Pacific Law 1801 Law         1684-5307      
20036 C Journal of Southeast Asian Education 13 Education         1513-4601      
9559 B Journal of Southeast Asian Studies MD Multidisciplinary         0022-4634 1474-0680    
34900 A Journal of Southern African Studies MD Multidisciplinary         0305-7070 1465-3893    
7340 A Journal of Southern History 2103 Historical Studies 2005 Literary Studies     0022-4642      
17697 C Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University MD Multidisciplinary         1005-2429      
33534 C Journal of Space Law 1801 Law         0095-7577      
3580 B Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 0901 Aerospace Engineering         0022-4650 1533-6794    
11500 A Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies 2002 Cultural Studies         1463-6204 1469-9818    
4627 B Journal of Spatial Science 0909 Geomatic Engineering  0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience     1449-8596 0069-0805 0005-0326 1324-9983
20693 A Journal of Special Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0022-4669 1538-4764    
20729 C Journal of Special Education Technology 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0162-6434      
9301 C Journal of Specialised Translation 2003 Language Studies         1740-357X      
8484 B Journal of Speculative Philosophy: a quarterly journal of history, criticism, and imagination 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0891-625X 1527-9383    
8890 B Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science     1092-4388 1558-9102    
16498 B Journal of Spinal Disorders and Techniques 1103 Clinical Sciences         1536-0652 1539-2465    
41910 C Journal of Spirituality in Addiction and Recovery 1701 Psychology         1550-4247 1053-8755    
12616 A Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1934-9645 1094-6098    
42122 C Journal of Sponsorship 1505 Marketing         1754-1360 1754-1379    
6478 B Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 1701 Psychology 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1702 Cognitive Science 0895-2779 1543-2904 0163-433X  
10888 B Journal of Sport and Social Issues 1608 Sociology         0193-7235 1552-7638    
9778 C Journal of Sport Behavior 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         0162-7341      
7341 C Journal of Sport History 2103 Historical Studies 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science     0094-1700      
33022 A Journal of Sport Management 1504 Commercial Services 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science     0888-4773 1543-270X    
9779 C Journal of Sport Rehabilitation 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1056-6716 1543-3072    
19677 C Journal of Sport Tourism 1506 Tourism 1504 Commercial Services     1477-5085 1029-5399    
42130 C Journal of Sports Administration and Supervision 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         2151-5786      
18590 B Journal of Sports Economics 1499 Other Economics         1527-0025      
36773 C Journal of Sports Law and Contemporary Problems 1801 Law         1543-3927      
9262 C Journal of Sports Media 2001 Communication and Media Studies         1558-4313 1940-5073    
9781 C Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1303-2968      
9782 B Journal of Sports Sciences 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         0264-0414 1466-447X    
33535 C Journal of State Taxation 1801 Law         0744-6713      
817 C Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 0104 Statistics  1402 Applied Economics     0094-9655 1026-7778    
818 A Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 0105 Mathematical Physics 0203 Classical Physics     1742-5468      
819 A Journal of Statistical Physics 0206 Quantum Physics 0105 Mathematical Physics     0022-4715 1572-9613    
820 A Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 0104 Statistics          0378-3758 1873-1171    
900 C Journal of Statistical Research 0104 Statistics          0256-422X 0020-3165    
821 C Journal of Statistical Software 0104 Statistics          1548-7660      
822 C Journal of Statistical Studies 0104 Statistics          1022-4734      
36046 C Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications 0104 Statistics          1538-7887      
39886 B Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 0104 Statistics          1559-8608 1559-8616    
39645 C Journal of Statistics and Applications 0104 Statistics          0973-4600      
901 C Journal of Statistics and Management Systems 0104 Statistics  1503 Business and Management     0972-0510      
20502 B Journal of Statistics Education 0104 Statistics          1069-1898      
2949 B Journal of Stored Products Research 0608 Zoology         0022-474X 1879-1212    
3696 A Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design 0913 Mechanical Engineering         0309-3247      
20194 B Journal of Strategic Management Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1649-3877      
19840 B Journal of Strategic Marketing 1505 Marketing         0965-254X 1466-4488    
18898 B Journal of Strategic Studies 1606 Political Science 1605 Policy and Administration     0140-2390 1743-937X    
40576 Not ranked Journal of Strategy and Management 1503 Business and Management         1755-425X      
9783 C Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1064-8011 1533-4287    
16499 C Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases 1103 Clinical Sciences         1052-3057 1532-8511    
2437 C Journal of Structural and Functional Genomics 0604 Genetics          1345-711X 1570-0267    
2246 B Journal of Structural Biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1047-8477 1095-8657 0889-1605 0022-5320
1473 C Journal of Structural Chemistry 0302 Inorganic Chemistry 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)     0022-4766 1573-8779 0136-7463  
36383 A* Journal of Structural Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering         0733-9445 1943-541X    
1817 A Journal of Structural Geology 0403 Geology         0191-8141 1873-1201    
40242 C Journal of Student Wellbeing 1301 Education Systems          1835-7806      
19989 B Journal of Studies in International Education 13 Education         1028-3153 1552-7808    
6480 A Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1937-1888 1938-4114 0096-882X  
6481 A Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0740-5472 1873-6483    
36185 C Journal of Substance Use: for nursing, health and social care 1701 Psychology         1465-9891 1475-9942 1357-5007  
21505 B Journal of Sung-Yuan Studies MD Multidisciplinary         1059-3152      
18042 B Journal of Supercomputing 0805 Distributed Computing         0920-8542 1573-0484    
1112 C Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 0204 Condensed Matter Physics         1557-1939 1557-1947 0896-1107  
1474 B Journal of Supercritical Fluids 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural) 0203 Classical Physics     0896-8446 1872-8162    
19368 B Journal of Supply Chain Management: a global review of purchasing and supply 1503 Business and Management         1523-2409 1745-493X 1055-6001  
33536 C Journal of Supreme Court History 1801 Law         1059-4329 1540-5818    
16501 B Journal of Surgical Oncology 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         0022-4790 1096-9098 8756-0437  
16502 B Journal of Surgical Research 1103 Clinical Sciences         0022-4804 1095-8673    
4649 C Journal of Surveying Engineering 0909 Geomatic Engineering          0733-9453 1943-5428    
5191 B Journal of Sustainable Agriculture: innovations for the long-term and lasting maintenance and enhancement of agricultural resources, production and environmental quality 0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management         1044-0046 1540-7578    
5682 B Journal of Sustainable Forestry 0705 Forestry Sciences         1054-9811 1540-756X    
5856 A Journal of Sustainable Tourism 1506 Tourism         0966-9582 1747-7646    
9784 C Journal of Swimming Research 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         0747-5993      
5618 C Journal of Swine Health and Production 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1537-209X 1066-4963    
272 A Journal of Symbolic Computation 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 0747-7171 1095-855X    
31011 A Journal of Symplectic Geometry 0101 Pure Mathematics         1527-5256 1540-2347    
1001 A Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0909-0495 1600-5775    
41151 C Journal of Synthetic Lubrication: research, development and application of synthetic lubricants and functional fluids 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry 0399 Other Chemical Sciences 0265-6582 1557-6841    
1586 C Journal of Synthetic Organic Chemistry (English) 0305 Organic Chemistry         0037-9980      
44882 A Journal of System Design and Dynamics 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering     1881-3046      
1818 B Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 0403 Geology         1477-2019 1478-0941 0968-0462  
41153 B Journal of Systematics and Evolution 0607 Plant Biology 0603 Evolutionary Biology     1674-4918 1759-6831    
32141 C Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science     1690-4524      
18044 C Journal of Systems and Information Technology 0806 Information Systems 1702 Cognitive Science     1328-7265      
18045 A Journal of Systems and Software 0803 Computer Software 0806 Information Systems     0164-1212 1873-1228    
18046 B Journal of Systems Architecture 0803 Computer Software         1383-7621 1873-6165    
32371 C Journal of Systems Science and Complexity 0102 Applied Mathematics 0104 Statistics      1009-6124 1000-0577    
41672 C Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering 0102 Applied Mathematics         1004-3756 1861-9576    
40135 C Journal of Taphonomy 0403 Geology 0602 Ecology     1696-0815 1696-2648    
35904 C Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing 1505 Marketing         0967-3237 1479-1862    
33537 C Journal of Taxation of Investments 1801 Law         0747-9115 1933-933X    
19107 B Journal of Taxation: a national journal of current developments, analysis, and commentary for tax professionals 1801 Law         0022-4863      
9722 C Journal of Tea Science 0908 Food Sciences         1000-369X      
20746 A Journal of Teacher Education: the journal of policy, practice, and research in teacher education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0022-4871 1552-7816    
19315 C Journal of Teaching in International Business 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1503 Business and Management     0897-5930 1528-6991    
20553 A Journal of Teaching in Physical Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0273-5024 1543-2769    
36230 B Journal of Teaching in Social Work: innovations in instruction, training and educational practice 1607 Social Work         0884-1233 1540-7349    
20548 C Journal of Teaching in the Addictions 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1533-2705 1533-2713    
19679 C Journal of Teaching in Travel and Tourism: the professional journal of the international society of travel and tourism educators 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1506 Tourism     1531-3239      
20823 C Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 2001 Communication and Media Studies         0047-2816 1541-3780    
20270 B Journal of Technology and Teacher Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1059-7069 1943-5924    
20163 B Journal of Technology Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1045-1064      
6482 C Journal of Technology in Counseling 1701 Psychology         1527-6228      
33538 C Journal of Technology Law and Policy 1801 Law         1087-6995      
31277 C Journal of Technology Management and Innovation 1503 Business and Management         0718-2724      
40496 C Journal of Technology Management in China 1503 Business and Management         1746-8779 1746-8787    
19369 C Journal of Technology Transfer 1503 Business and Management         0892-9912 1573-7047    
18048 C Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology 0805 Distributed Computing         1509-4553 1640-1549    
13688 B Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare 1117 Public Health and Health Services 0903 Biomedical Engineering      1357-633X 1758-1109    
4684 C Journal of Terramechanics 0907 Environmental Engineering         0022-4898      
4947 C Journal of Testing and Evaluation 0912 Materials Engineering         0090-3973      
9666 B Journal of Texture Studies 0908 Food Sciences         0022-4901 1745-4603    
19842 A* Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 1505 Marketing 1503 Business and Management     0092-0703 1552-7824    
32143 A* Journal of the ACM 08 Information and Computing Sciences         0004-5411 1557-735X    
1297 A* Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 09 Engineering 02 Physical Sciences     0001-4966 1520-8524    
15345 C Journal of the Aichi Medical University Association 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0301-0902      
1980 C Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association 05 Environmental Sciences 09 Engineering     1047-3289      
16503 C Journal of the American Academy of Audiology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1050-0545      
36097 C Journal of the American Academy of Business, Cambridge 1503 Business and Management         1540-1200      
6483 A Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 1103 Clinical Sciences         0890-8567 1527-5418    
16504 B Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0190-9622 1097-6787    
14128 B Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners 1110 Nursing         1041-2972 1745-7599    
41058 C Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 1103 Clinical Sciences         1067-151X 1940-5480    
33931 C Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law 1801 Law         1093-6793 1943-3662 0091-634X  
39759 B Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychiatry 1701 Psychology         1546-0371 1943-2852 0090-3604  
12806 A Journal of the American Academy of Religion 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0002-7189 1477-4585    
44284 C Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animals 06 Biological Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences 1559-6109 1060-0558    
36409 C Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1557-2625 1558-7118 0893-8652  
4948 A* Journal of the American Ceramic Society 0912 Materials Engineering         0002-7820 1551-2916    
1359 A* Journal of the American Chemical Society 06 Biological Sciences 03 Chemical Sciences 09 Engineering 0002-7863 1520-5126    
16507 A* Journal of the American College of Cardiology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0735-1097 1558-3597    
32530 C Journal of the American College of Dentists 1105 Dentistry         0002-7979      
13689 B Journal of the American College of Nutrition 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics         0731-5724 1541-1087    
16508 B Journal of the American College of Surgeons 1103 Clinical Sciences         1072-7515      
32640 A Journal of the American Dental Association 1105 Dentistry         0002-8177 1943-4723    
40655 A Journal of the American Dietetic Association 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics         0002-8223 1878-3570    
16509 A Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 1103 Clinical Sciences         0002-8614 1532-5415    
3581 C Journal of the American Helicopter Society 0901 Aerospace Engineering         0002-8711      
10227 C Journal of the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works 1901 Art Theory and Criticism         0197-1360      
10026 B Journal of the American Liszt Society 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0147-4413      
274 A* Journal of the American Mathematical Society 0101 Pure Mathematics         0894-0347 1088-6834    
13691 B Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 0807 Library and Information Studies 0903 Biomedical Engineering      1067-5027 1527-974X    
10231 C Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0362-3300      
10232 A* Journal of the American Musicological Society 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0003-0139 1547-3848    
21513 A* Journal of the American Oriental Society MD Multidisciplinary         0003-0279      
14815 B Journal of the American Pharmacists Association 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences 1117 Public Health and Health Services     1544-3191 1544-3450 1086-5802  
5962 A* Journal of the American Planning Association 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         0194-4363 1939-0130    
13304 C Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science 1103 Clinical Sciences     8750-7315 1930-8264    
5318 C Journal of the American Pomological Society 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         1527-3741 0091-3642 0016-2272  
14129 C Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association 1110 Nursing         1078-3903 1532-5725    
6484 B Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 1701 Psychology         0003-0651 1941-2460    
8113 B Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt. 2101 Archaeology         0065-9991      
5395 A Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 0706 Horticultural Production         0003-1062      
18052 A* Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 0807 Library and Information Studies         1532-2882 1532-2890 0002-8231  
6485 C Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 1701 Psychology         0003-1070      
16510 C Journal of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand 1103 Clinical Sciences         1531-0914 1532-852X    
34310 C Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists 03 Chemical Sciences 06 Biological Sciences     0361-0470      
16511 B Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0894-7317 1097-6795    
40710 B Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1046-6673 1533-3450    
34308 C Journal of the American Society of Questioned Document Examiners 0399 Other Chemical Sciences         1524-7287      
823 A* Journal of the American Statistical Association 0104 Statistics  1403 Econometrics      0162-1459 1537-274X    
19108 B Journal of the American Taxation Association 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         0198-9073 1558-8017    
10233 C Journal of the American Viola Society 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0898-5987      
4686 C Journal of the American Water Resources Association 0905 Civil Engineering 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience 0907 Environmental Engineering 1093-474X 1752-1688    
4217 B Journal of the American Water Works Association 0905 Civil Engineering         0003-150X 1551-8833    
31337 A Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society 2103 Historical Studies         0897-6074      
16513 C Journal of the Arab Neonatal Forum 1103 Clinical Sciences         1812-1756 1815-283X    
17571 C Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Science MD Multidisciplinary         0097-4374      
15348 C Journal of the Arkansas Medical Society 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0004-1858      
18447 A Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy 1402 Applied Economics         1354-7860 1469-9648    
36645 C Journal of the Asia-Pacific Centre for Environmental Accountability 1801 Law         1448-6679      
21516 C Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bombay MD Multidisciplinary         0004-4709      
17572 C Journal of the Assam Science Society MD Multidisciplinary         0587-1921      
42134 B Journal of the Association for Laboratory Automation 0903 Biomedical Engineering          1535-5535 1540-2452    
36224 C Journal of the Association for Research on Mothering 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1488-0989      
11577 B Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2005 Literary Studies     1447-8986 1833-6027 0156-806X  
17783 A Journal of the Association of Information Systems 0806 Information Systems 1503 Business and Management     1536-9323      
33539 C Journal of the Association of Legal Writing Directors 1801 Law         1550-0950      
14130 A* Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care 1110 Nursing         1055-3290 1552-6917    
1981 A Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 0401 Atmospheric Sciences         0022-4928 1520-0469    
40726 C Journal of the Austalasian College of Road Safety 1507 Transportation and Freight Services         1832-9497 1030-7168    
4949 C Journal of the Australasian Ceramic Society 0912 Materials Engineering         1018-6689 0004-881X    
40326 Not ranked Journal of the Australasian Law Teachers Association 1801 Law         1836-5612      
42135 C Journal of the Australasian Society of Aerospace Medicine 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1449-3764      
33540 B Journal of the Australasian Tax Teachers Association 1801 Law         1832-911X      
7343 B Journal of the Australian Early Medieval Association. 2103 Historical Studies         1449-9320      
68 B Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 0101 Pure Mathematics         1446-7887 1446-8107    
34147 C Journal of the Australian Traditional-Medicine Society 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         1326-3390      
17574 C Journal of the Bangladesh Academy of Sciences MD Multidisciplinary         0378-8121      
10270 C Journal of the Barbados Museum and Historical Society 2103 Historical Studies         0005-5891      
21221 B Journal of the Beijing University (Philosophy and Social Science Edition) MD Multidisciplinary         1000-5919      
1360 C Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society 03 Chemical Sciences         0103-5053 1678-4790    
18055 C Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society 08 Information and Computing Sciences         0104-6500 0101-0883    
8114 C Journal of the British Archaeological Association 2101 Archaeology         0068-1288 1747-6704    
8486 A Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 2203 Philosophy          0007-1773      
41134 C Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         0008-3194 0410-8795    
36646 C Journal of the Center for Families, Children and the Courts 1801 Law         1532-0685 1526-4904    
40591 C Journal of the Centre for Buddhist Studies Sri Lanka 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1391-8443      
4950 C Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan 0912 Materials Engineering         0914-5400 1348-6535    
1361 C Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society 03 Chemical Sciences         0717-9324 0717-9707 0366-1644  
1362 C Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society 03 Chemical Sciences         0009-4536 0375-8745    
4339 C Journal of the Civil Engineering Division of the Institution of Engineers India 0905 Civil Engineering         0373-1995      
7344 C Journal of the Cork Historical and Archaeological Society 2101 Archaeology         0010-8731      
16927 C Journal of the Danish Medical Association 1103 Clinical Sciences         0041-5782 1603-6824 1399-4174  
34734 A Journal of the Early Book Society: for the study of manuscripts and printing history 2005 Literary Studies 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 2103 Historical Studies 1525-6790      
7345 A Journal of the Early Republic 2103 Historical Studies         0275-1275 1553-0620    
4242 C Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies 1507 Transportation and Freight Services         1881-1124      
7346 B Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 1401 Economic Theory 2103 Historical Studies     0022-4995 1568-5209    
4046 B Journal of the Energy Institute 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1743-9671 1746-0220 0144-2600  
41060 C Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0926-9959 1468-3083    
4952 A Journal of the European Ceramic Society 0912 Materials Engineering         0955-2219 1873-619X    
18448 A Journal of the European Economic Association 14 Economics         1542-4766 1542-4774    
516 A* Journal of the European Mathematical Society 0101 Pure Mathematics         1435-9855 1435-9863    
41750 C Journal of the European Pentecostal Theological Association 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0774-6210      
32722 C Journal of the European Society of Women in Theological Research 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1783-2454 1783-2446 1781-7846  
31409 C Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0360-8808      
6487 B Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0022-5002 1938-3711    
14947 C Journal of the Faculty of Pharmacy of Gazi University 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1015-9592      
11934 C Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 2005 Literary Studies     0897-0521      
20409 C Journal of the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition 1301 Education Systems          1542-3077 1053-203X    
15365 C Journal of the Formosan Medical Association 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0929-6646      
30840 B Journal of the Franklin Institute 0102 Applied Mathematics         0016-0032      
1820 C Journal of the Geological Society of India 0403 Geology         0016-7622 0974-6889    
35089 C Journal of the Geological Society of Japan 0403 Geology         0016-7630 1349-9963    
41140 C Journal of the German Association fŸr Foreign Language Research 2003 Language Studies         1868-0852      
17592 C Journal of the Ghana Science Association MD Multidisciplinary         0855-3823      
34854 B Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era 2103 Historical Studies         1537-7814 1943-3557    
32588 C Journal of the Greater Houston Dental Society 1105 Dentistry         1062-0265      
40607 C Journal of the Harbin Institute of Technology 0905 Civil Engineering         1005-9113      
15370 C Journal of the Hebei Medical University 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1007-3205 1000-1581    
31462 B Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora: critical thoughts on Greek and world issues 2005 Literary Studies 2103 Historical Studies     0364-2976 0195-4342    
34852 A Journal of the Historical Society 2103 Historical Studies         1529-921X 1540-5923    
7348 C Journal of the Historical Society of South Australia 2103 Historical Studies         0312-9640      
11358 A Journal of the History of Biology 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0022-5010 1573-0387    
36907 B Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth 2103 Historical Studies         1939-6724 1941-3599    
7349 B Journal of the History of Collections 2102 Curatorial and Related Studies 2103 Historical Studies     0954-6650 1477-8564    
32641 C Journal of the History of Dentistry 1105 Dentistry         1089-6287      
18652 A Journal of the History of Economic Thought 1401 Economic Theory 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     1053-8372 1469-9656    
8487 A Journal of the History of Ideas: an international quarterly devoted to intellectual history 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 1606 Political Science     0022-5037 1086-3222    
33543 C Journal of the History of International Law 1801 Law         1388-199X 1571-8050    
11360 B Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0022-5045 1468-4373    
8488 A* Journal of the History of Philosophy 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 2203 Philosophy      0022-5053 1538-4586    
7350 A* Journal of the History of Sexuality 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 2103 Historical Studies     1043-4070 1535-3605    
11362 B Journal of the History of the Behavorial Sciences 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0022-5061 1520-6696    
30612 C Journal of the History of the Neurosciences: basic and clinical perspectives 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0964-704X 1744-5213    
35724 C Journal of the Home Economics Institute of Australia. 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics 1601 Anthropology  1322-9974      
20889 C Journal of the Human-Environment System 0502 Environmental Science and Management 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science     1345-1324 1349-7723    
9455 A* Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia and Oceania MD Multidisciplinary         0006-2294      
17601 C Journal of the Idaho Academy of Science MD Multidisciplinary         0536-3012      
17536 C Journal of the Indian Institute of Science Section B: Physical and Chemical Sciences MD Multidisciplinary         0019-4964      
15376 C Journal of the Indian Medical Association 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1474-3655      
35753 B Journal of the Indian Musicological Society 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0251-012X 0036-4320    
42144 C Journal of The Indonesian Mathematical Society 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     0854-1380      
30117 B Journal of the Inner Mongolia University MD Multidisciplinary         1000-5218      
7351 A Journal of the Institute of Asian Studies 2103 Historical Studies         0970-2814      
9667 C Journal of the Institute of Brewing 1003 Industrial Biotechnology         0046-9750      
277 A Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu 0101 Pure Mathematics         1474-7480 1475-3030    
3968 C Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India) Chemical Engineering Division 0904 Chemical Engineering          0020-3351      
36889 C Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering         0379-4318      
19709 C Journal of the International Academy of Hospitality Research 1504 Commercial Services         1052-6099      
32642 C Journal of the International Academy of Periodontology 1105 Dentistry         1466-2094      
42245 C Journal of the International AIDS Society 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences         1758-2652      
4340 A Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures 0905 Civil Engineering         1028-365X      
12807 A* Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0193-600X      
34940 B Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies MD Multidisciplinary         1550-6363      
40592 C Journal of the International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1343-4128      
6488 A Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science 1109 Neurosciences 1355-6177 1469-7661    
8891 A* Journal of the International Phonetic Association 2004 Linguistics         0025-1003 1475-3502 1016-832X  
40556 B Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science 0606 Physiology  1550-2783      
17610 C Journal of the Iowa Academy of Science MD Multidisciplinary         0896-8381      
1363 B Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 03 Chemical Sciences         1735-207X 1735-2428    
1073 C Journal of the Italian Astronomical Society 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences         0037-8720 1824-016X    
41934 C Journal of the Italian Psychoanalytical Society 1701 Psychology         0035-6492      
17629 C Journal of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science MD Multidisciplinary         0022-7668      
4725 B Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0021-4876      
39662 C Journal of the Japan Statistical Society 0104 Statistics          0389-5602 1348-6365    
18449 A Journal of the Japanese and International Economies 1402 Applied Economics         0889-1583 1095-8681    
16518 C Journal of the Japanese Physical Therapy Association 1103 Clinical Sciences         1344-1272      
893 C Journal of the Japanese Society of Computational Statistics 0104 Statistics  0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics     0915-2350      
11938 B Journal of the Kafka Society of America 2005 Literary Studies         0894-6388 0741-6202    
17635 C Journal of the Kentucky Academy of Science MD Multidisciplinary         1098-7096 1938-2960    
15391 C Journal of the Kentucky Medical Association 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0023-0294      
18450 C Journal of the Korean Economy 1402 Applied Economics         1598-2750      
1002 C Journal of the Korean Physical Society 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     0374-4884      
14953 C Journal of the Korean Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1225-5467      
32374 C Journal of the Korean Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics         1226-9433      
39661 C Journal of the Korean Statistical Society 0104 Statistics          1226-3192      
6489 B Journal of the Learning Sciences 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1050-8406 1532-7809    
15398 C Journal of the Louisiana State Medical Society 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0024-6921      
35057 C Journal of the Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan 0301 Analytical Chemistry         1340-8097      
44865 Not ranked Journal of The Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 0903 Biomedical Engineering          1751-6161      
5152 A* Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences 09 Engineering 0022-5096 1873-4782    
10605 B Journal of the Medical Library Association 0807 Library and Information Studies         1536-5050 1558-9439 0025-7338  
1982 B Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan 0401 Atmospheric Sciences         0026-1165      
9369 A Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association 2003 Language Studies 2005 Literary Studies     0742-5562      
4109 C Journal of the Mine Ventilation Society of South Africa 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0368-3206      
17648 C Journal of the Minnesota Academy of Science MD Multidisciplinary         0026-539X      
15405 C Journal of the Mississippi State Medical Association 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0026-6396      
10476 B Journal of the Musicological Society of Japan 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0030-2597      
15408 C Journal of the Nagoya City University Medical Association 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0027-7606      
17655 C Journal of the Nanjing University (Philosophy, Humanities and Social Sciences) MD Multidisciplinary         1007-7278      
33544 C Journal of the National Association of Administrative Law Judiciary 1801 Law         0735-0821      
16520 A* Journal of the National Cancer Institute 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         0027-8874      
16521 C Journal of the National Cancer Institute Monographs 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1052-6773 1745-6614    
15410 C Journal of the National Medical Association 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0027-9684 1943-4693    
16522 B Journal of the Neurological Sciences 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     0022-510X      
40058 B Journal of the New Zealand College of Midwives 1110 Nursing         0114-7870 1178-3893    
15412 C Journal of the Nihon University Medical Association 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0029-0424      
3281 A Journal of the North American Benthological Society 0704 Fisheries Sciences 0602 Ecology     0887-3593 1937-237X    
17665 C Journal of the North Carolina Academy of Science MD Multidisciplinary         0013-6220      
1925 C Journal of the Ocean University of Qingdao 0405 Oceanography         1672-5182 1672-5174 1993-5021 1671-2463
32902 A Journal of the Operational Research Society 01 Mathematical Sciences 08 Information and Computing Sciences 15 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services 0160-5682 1476-9360    
30845 C Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan 0102 Applied Mathematics 1503 Business and Management     0453-4514      
21529 B Journal of the Oriental Society of Australia MD Multidisciplinary         0030-5340      
15415 C Journal of the Osaka Medical College 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0030-6118      
21530 C Journal of the Pacific Society 0405 Oceanography 1601 Anthropology  2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 0387-4745      
32643 C Journal of the Pakistan Dental Association 1105 Dentistry         1680-2292      
40265 A Journal of the Pali Text Society 2003 Language Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     1882-1927 0958-8892    
16524 C Journal of the Pancreas 1103 Clinical Sciences         1590-8577      
33545 C Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society 1801 Law         0096-3577      
14497 C Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System 1109 Neurosciences         1085-9489 1529-8027    
14876 C Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0031-6903 1347-5231    
15047 C Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Korea 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0377-9556      
8489 C Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0094-8705 1543-2939    
1003 B Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     0031-9015 1347-4073    
3170 B Journal of the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System 0606 Physiology  1103 Clinical Sciences     1470-3203 1752-8976    
33756 C Journal of the Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation 1801 Law         1550-7157 0148-6489 0035-7618  
9560 A Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 1601 Anthropology          1359-0987 1467-9655    
21533 A* Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society MD Multidisciplinary         1356-1863 1474-0591    
21528 C Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society. Malaysian Branch MD Multidisciplinary         0126-7353      
7352 C Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society 2103 Historical Studies         0035-8762      
10029 A* Journal of the Royal Musical Association 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0269-0403 1471-6933    
17627 A Journal of the Royal Society Interface MD Multidisciplinary         1742-5689 1742-5662    
8116 C Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland 2101 Archaeology         0035-9106      
15319 C Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0141-0768 1758-1095 0959-5287  
17484 C Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand MD Multidisciplinary         0303-6758      
42146 C Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 0403 Geology 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience 0502 Environmental Science and Management 0035-992X      
826 A* Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society 0104 Statistics  1403 Econometrics      0964-1998 1467-985X    
827 A* Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology 0104 Statistics          1369-7412 1467-9868    
828 A Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C: Applied Statistics 0104 Statistics          0035-9254 1467-9876    
829 B Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series D: The Statistician 0104 Statistics          0039-0526      
20371 B Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 13 Education         1527-9316      
5224 A Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences         0022-5142 1097-0010    
34307 C Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society 03 Chemical Sciences         0352-5139      
21503 C Journal of the Shanxi Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition) MD Multidisciplinary         1672-4283 1000-5293    
15035 C Journal of the Shenyang Pharmaceutical University 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1006-2858      
9544 B Journal of the Societe des Oceanistes 1601 Anthropology  2101 Archaeology     0300-953X 1760-7256    
10534 C Journal of the Society for American Music 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1752-1963 1752-1971    
10535 C Journal of the Society for Musicology in Ireland 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1649-7341      
36181 C Journal of the Society for Psychical Research 1701 Psychology         0037-9751      
20890 A* Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 1201 Architecture         0037-9808 1544-9890    
21549 B Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians of Japan 1201 Architecture         0289-2839      
7353 A Journal of the Society of Archivists 0807 Library and Information Studies 2103 Historical Studies     0037-9816 1465-3907    
12808 B Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 2201 Applied Ethics         1540-7942 0732-4928    
5276 A Journal of the Soil Science Society of America 05 Environmental Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 0361-5995 1435-0661    
4135 C Journal of the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0038-223X      
15429 C Journal of the South Carolina Medical Association 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0038-3139 1544-4910    
17628 C Journal of the South Carolina Science Academy MD Multidisciplinary         1553-5975      
7354 C Journal of the Southwest 2103 Historical Studies         0894-8410      
35280 C Journal of the Southwest Philosophy Review 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0897-2346      
12809 B Journal of the Spirituality Leadership and Management Network Limited 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1447-3771      
32486 C Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland 0104 Statistics          0081-4776      
3908 B Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 0904 Chemical Engineering          0368-1653      
39599 C Journal of the Technical University at Plovdiv Fundamental Sciences and Applications Series A Pure Applied Mathematics MD Multidisciplinary         1310-8271      
17701 C Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science MD Multidisciplinary         0040-313X      
36381 A* Journal of the Textile Institute 0910 Manufacturing Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 1203 Design Practice and Management 0040-5000 1754-2340 0039-8357 0368-4482
17702 C Journal of the Tianjin University MD Multidisciplinary         0493-2137      
15432 C Journal of the Toho University Medical Society 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0040-8670      
15433 C Journal of the Tokyo Women's Medical University 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0040-9022      
33030 C Journal of the Transportation Research Forum 1507 Transportation and Freight Services         1046-1469      
32903 C Journal of the UK Association of Christian Economists 14 Economics         0956-3067      
34518 C Journal of the Viola da Gamba Society of America 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0507-0252      
1745 C Journal of the Virtual Explorer 0402 Geochemistry 0403 Geology 0404 Geophysics 1441-8142 1441-8126    
31309 B Journal of the Walters Art Gallery 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts     0083-7156      
10031 A Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes MD Multidisciplinary         0075-4390      
17709 C Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences MD Multidisciplinary         0043-0439      
7355 C Journal of the West: an illustrated quarterly of Western American history and culture 2103 Historical Studies         0022-5169 1930-0115    
5761 C Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 0704 Fisheries Sciences         0893-8849 1749-7345 0735-0147  
40687 C Journal of the World Indigenous Nations Higher Education Consortium 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1177-1364 1177-6641    
42148 Not ranked Journal of the World Universities Forum 1701 Psychology         1835-2030      
34941 C Journal of theAustralian Catholic Historical Society. 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0084-7259      
41753 A Journal of Theological Interpretation 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1936-0843      
12810 A* Journal of Theological Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0022-5185 1477-4607    
32146 C Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences         0718-1876      
32147 C Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 08 Information and Computing Sciences         1992-8645 1817-3195    
1364 C Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry 0307 Theoretical and Computational Chemistry         0219-6336 1793-6888    
40285 C Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 1701 Psychology 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science 1068-8471      
39758 A* Journal of Theoretical Biology 01 Mathematical Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 09 Engineering 0022-5193 1095-8541    
18900 A Journal of Theoretical Politics 1606 Political Science         0951-6298 1460-3667    
830 B Journal of Theoretical Probability 0104 Statistics          0894-9840 1572-9230    
5434 C Journal of Therapeutic Horticulture 0706 Horticultural Production         1088-3487      
1477 C Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry: an international forum for thermal studies 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)         1388-6150 1572-8943 0368-4466  
2094 C Journal of Thermal Biology 06 Biological Sciences         0306-4565 1879-0992    
4953 C Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 0912 Materials Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering     1059-9630 1544-1016    
3788 B Journal of Thermal Stresses 0913 Mechanical Engineering         0149-5739 1521-074X    
39812 Not ranked Journal of Thermodynamics 0203 Classical Physics         1687-9244 1687-9252    
5155 B Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering 0901 Aerospace Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0887-8722 1533-6808    
4954 C Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials 0912 Materials Engineering         0892-7057 1530-7980    
16530 A Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0022-5223 1097-685X    
35196 C Journal of Thoracic Oncology: official scientific publication of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer 1103 Clinical Sciences         1556-0864 1556-1380    
35296 C Journal of Thought 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0022-5231      
16531 A* Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 1103 Clinical Sciences 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology     1538-7933 1538-7836    
16532 C Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis 1103 Clinical Sciences         0929-5305 1573-742X    
831 A Journal of Time Series Analysis 0104 Statistics  1403 Econometrics      0143-9782 1467-9892    
42151 B Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences 1116 Medical Physiology 0903 Biomedical Engineering  1932-6254      
39811 Not ranked Journal of Topology 0101 Pure Mathematics         1753-8416 1753-8424    
41636 Not ranked Journal of Topology and Analysis 0101 Pure Mathematics         1793-5253 1793-7167    
33546 B Journal of Tort Law 1801 Law         1932-9148      
19720 B Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change 1506 Tourism 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 1476-6825 1747-7654    
19680 A Journal of Tourism Studies 1506 Tourism         1035-4662      
36330 B Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Part A 05 Environmental Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences 03 Chemical Sciences 1528-7394 1087-2620    
13696 C Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Part B: Critical Reviews 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1093-7404 1521-6950    
36853 C Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0946-672X      
42152 C Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences         0254-6272      
14987 C Journal of Traditional Medicines 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1880-1447 1340-6302    
14131 A* Journal of Transcultural Nursing 1110 Nursing 2002 Cultural Studies 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1043-6596 1552-7832    
20052 A Journal of Transformative Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1541-3446 1552-7840    
37004 B Journal of Translation Studies 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     1229-795X      
35473 B Journal of Transnational Law and Policy 1801 Law         1067-8182      
31166 C Journal of Transnational Management 1503 Business and Management         1547-5778 1068-6061    
6491 C Journal of Transpersonal Psychology 1701 Psychology         0022-524X      
35903 Not ranked Journal of Transport and Land Use 1507 Transportation and Freight Services 1205 Urban and Regional Planning     1938-7849      
36039 A Journal of Transport Economics and Policy 1402 Applied Economics         0022-5258 1754-5951    
19644 B Journal of Transport Geography 1507 Transportation and Freight Services 1205 Urban and Regional Planning     0966-6923 1873-1236    
7357 B Journal of Transport History 1507 Transportation and Freight Services 2103 Historical Studies     0022-5266      
33038 C Journal of Transportation and Statistics 1507 Transportation and Freight Services         1094-8848      
36075 B Journal of Transportation Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering         0733-947X 1943-5436    
33039 C Journal of Transportation Law, Logistics and Policy 1801 Law 1507 Transportation and Freight Services     1078-5906      
39884 C Journal of Transportation System Engineering and Information Technology 1507 Transportation and Freight Services         1009-6744 1570-6672    
40647 B Journal of Trauma and Dissociation 1608 Sociology 1701 Psychology     1529-9732 1529-9740    
35195 C Journal of Trauma Management and Outcomes 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1752-2897      
14225 C Journal of Trauma Nursing 1110 Nursing         1078-7496 1076-4747    
16534 B Journal of Trauma: Injury Infection and Critical Care 1103 Clinical Sciences         0022-5282 1529-8809    
6492 A Journal of Traumatic Stress 1701 Psychology         0894-9867 1573-6598    
19711 A Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing 1506 Tourism         1054-8408 1540-7306    
19716 C Journal of Travel and Tourism Research 1506 Tourism         1302-8545      
16535 C Journal of Travel Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         1195-1982 1708-8305    
19681 A* Journal of Travel Research 1506 Tourism         0047-2875 1552-6763 0147-2399  
3697 B Journal of Tribology-Transactions of the ASME 0913 Mechanical Engineering         0742-4787 1528-8897    
5242 C Journal of Tropical Agriculture and Food Science 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences         1394-9829      
3282 C Journal of Tropical Ecology 0602 Ecology         0266-4674 1469-7831    
5717 C Journal of Tropical Forest Science 0705 Forestry Sciences         0128-1283      
2540 C Journal of Tropical Microbiology and Biotechnology 1004 Medical Biotechnology 1108 Medical Microbiology 0605 Microbiology  1814-7593 1814-7607 1607-4106  
16536 C Journal of Tropical Pediatrics 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0142-6338 1465-3664    
17674 B Journal of Tsinghua University: Science and Technology 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0912 Materials Engineering     1000-0054 1007-0214    
3790 B Journal of Turbomachinery 0913 Mechanical Engineering         0889-504X 1528-8900    
5156 B Journal of Turbulence 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering         1468-5248      
36478 C Journal of Ubiquitous Computing and Intelligence 0803 Computer Software 0805 Distributed Computing 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1555-1326 1555-1334    
11935 C Journal of Ukrainian Studies 2005 Literary Studies         0228-1635 0701-1792    
16537 C Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         0278-4297 1550-9613    
32376 C Journal of Undergraduate Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         0022-5339      
18056 C Journal of Universal Computer Science 01 Mathematical Sciences 08 Information and Computing Sciences     0948-695X      
32148 C Journal of Universal Knowledge Management 0807 Library and Information Studies         1991-0959      
44866 C Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing 0910 Manufacturing Engineering 0912 Materials Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 1005-8850      
20366 B Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice 1301 Education Systems  1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy      1449-9789      
5964 A Journal of Urban Affairs 1604 Human Geography 1205 Urban and Regional Planning     0735-2166 1467-9906    
20892 A* Journal of Urban Design 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         1357-4809 1469-9664    
18591 A* Journal of Urban Economics 1402 Applied Economics 1205 Urban and Regional Planning     0094-1190 1095-9068    
20160 C Journal of Urban Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1546-3206      
13697 C Journal of Urban Health: Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1099-3460 1468-2869    
7358 A* Journal of Urban History 1205 Urban and Regional Planning 2103 Historical Studies     0096-1442 1552-6771    
35573 B Journal of Urban Planning and Development 1507 Transportation and Freight Services 1205 Urban and Regional Planning     0733-9488 1943-5444    
44933 C Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         1752-9638      
5967 B Journal of Urban Technology 1604 Human Geography 1205 Urban and Regional Planning     1063-0732 1466-1853    
40624 Not ranked Journal of Urbanism: international research on placemaking and urban sustainability 0502 Environmental Science and Management 1205 Urban and Regional Planning 1605 Policy and Administration 1754-9175 1754-9183    
16538 A Journal of Urology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0022-5347 1527-3792    
19682 B Journal of Vacation Marketing 1506 Tourism         1356-7667 1479-1870    
4955 B Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 0912 Materials Engineering 0904 Chemical Engineering      1553-1813 1944-2807 0734-2101  
35106 B Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology. Part B. Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures 0912 Materials Engineering 0401 Atmospheric Sciences     1071-1023 1520-8567    
40266 C Journal of Vaishnava Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1062-1237      
8490 A Journal of Value Inquiry 2203 Philosophy  2201 Applied Ethics     0022-5363 1573-0492    
16539 B Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1051-0443 1535-7732    
30452 A Journal of Vascular Nursing 1110 Nursing         1062-0303 1532-6578    
16540 A Journal of Vascular Research 1103 Clinical Sciences         1018-1172 1423-0135    
16541 A Journal of Vascular Surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         0741-5214 1097-6809    
16542 C Journal of Vascular Ultrasound 1103 Clinical Sciences         1544-3167      
2958 C Journal of Vector Ecology 0608 Zoology         1081-1710 0146-6429    
2617 B Journal of Vegetation Science 0607 Plant Biology         1100-9233 1654-1103    
3108 C Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins Including Tropical Diseases 0608 Zoology         1678-9199 0104-7930    
1821 A Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 0403 Geology 0603 Evolutionary Biology 0602 Ecology 0272-4634 1937-2809    
14658 C Journal of Vestibular Research: Equilibrium and Orientation: an international journal of experimental and clinical vestibular science 1116 Medical Physiology         0957-4271 1878-6464    
5619 C Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0971-0701      
5620 B Journal of Veterinary Behavior: clinical applications and research 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1558-7878      
5526 B Journal of Veterinary Cardiology 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1760-2734 1875-0834    
5621 C Journal of Veterinary Dentistry 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0898-7564      
5527 A Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1040-6387 1943-4936    
5622 B Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care (Print Edition) 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1479-3261 1476-4431 1539-8048  
5528 A Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0891-6640 1939-1676    
5529 C Journal of Veterinary Medical Education 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0748-321X 1943-7218    
5530 B Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0916-7250 1347-7439    
5533 A Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0140-7783      
44306 B Journal of Veterinary Science 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1229-845X 1976-555X    
3698 A Journal of Vibration and Acoustics-Transactions of the ASME 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering 1048-9002 1528-8927    
3699 B Journal of Vibration and Control 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1077-5463 1741-2986    
34798 A* Journal of Victorian Culture 2002 Cultural Studies 2005 Literary Studies 2103 Historical Studies 1355-5502 1750-0133    
21539 A* Journal of Vietnamese Studies MD Multidisciplinary         1559-372X 1559-3738    
15134 B Journal of Viral Hepatitis 1103 Clinical Sciences 1108 Medical Microbiology     1352-0504 1365-2893 1345-2533  
15135 B Journal of Virological Methods 1108 Medical Microbiology 0605 Microbiology      0166-0934      
2491 A* Journal of Virology 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology 0707 Veterinary Sciences 0022-538X 1098-5514 1070-6321  
34816 C Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting 0803 Computer Software 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0806 Information Systems 1860-2037      
22252 A Journal of Vision 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science 1534-7362      
10404 C Journal of Visual Art Practice 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts         1470-2029 1758-9185 1358-0973  
32149 C Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts         1047-3203 1095-9076    
10405 A Journal of Visual Culture 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts 2002 Cultural Studies 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1470-4129 1741-2994    
16544 C Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness 1103 Clinical Sciences 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry     0145-482X 1559-1476    
18057 A Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 0803 Computer Software 1702 Cognitive Science     1045-926X 1095-8533    
10406 C Journal of Visual Literacy 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1051-144X      
32150 B Journal of Visualization 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics         1343-8875 1875-8975    
4492 B Journal of Vlsi Signal Processing Systems for Signal Image and Video Technology 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1939-8018 1387-5485 0922-5773  
6494 A* Journal of Vocational Behavior 1503 Business and Management 1701 Psychology     0001-8791 1095-9084    
19321 A Journal of Vocational Education and Training 1301 Education Systems          1363-6820 1747-5090    
36219 C Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation 1607 Social Work         1052-2263 1878-6316    
9234 B Journal of Voice 1103 Clinical Sciences         0892-1997 1873-4588    
1746 A Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 0402 Geochemistry 0403 Geology 0404 Geophysics 0377-0273 1872-6097    
36070 C Journal of Volunteer Administration 15 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services         0733-6535      
39883 B Journal of Water and Health MD Multidisciplinary         1477-8920      
4364 C Journal of Water Chemistry and Technology 0905 Civil Engineering         1063-455X 1934-936X    
4250 A* Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 0905 Civil Engineering         0733-9496 1943-5452    
4251 B Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology 0905 Civil Engineering         0003-7214 1605-3974    
4366 B Journal of Waterway Port Coastal and Ocean Engineering-ASCE 0911 Maritime Engineering          0733-950X 1943-5460    
4601 C Journal of Wavelet Theory and Applications 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0973-6336      
42177 B Journal of Web Librarianship 0807 Library and Information Studies         1932-2909 1932-2917    
32151 C Journal of Web Semantics 0804 Data Format         1570-8268 1873-7749    
40450 C Journal of West African Languages 2004 Linguistics         0022-5401      
8118 B Journal of Wetland Archaeology 2101 Archaeology         1473-2971      
16546 C Journal of Whiplash and Related Disorders 1103 Clinical Sciences         1533-2888      
5534 A Journal of Wildlife Diseases 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0090-3558      
5857 B Journal of Wildlife Management 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 0022-541X 1937-2817    
3792 A Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering     0167-6105 1872-8197    
41141 C Journal of Wine Economics 1402 Applied Economics 1505 Marketing 0706 Horticultural Production 1931-4361      
5398 C Journal of Wine Research 0706 Horticultural Production         0957-1264 1469-9672    
32803 A Journal of Women and Aging: the multidiciplinary quarterly of psychosocial practice, theory and research 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 1117 Public Health and Health Services     0895-2841 1540-7322    
44829 C Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1940-431X 1702-8325    
19947 C Journal of Women in Educational Leadership 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1541-6224      
32804 B Journal of Women, Politics and Policy 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 1606 Political Science 1605 Policy and Administration 1554-477X 1554-4788 0195-7732  
40425 B Journal of Women's Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1540-9996 1931-843X    
7359 A Journal of Women's History 2103 Historical Studies         1042-7961 1527-2036    
4956 C Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology 0912 Materials Engineering         0277-3813 1532-2319    
42157 C Journal of Wood Science 0705 Forestry Sciences         1611-4663 1435-0211    
35902 C Journal of Workplace Learning: employee counselling today 1503 Business and Management         1366-5626      
31106 A Journal of World Business 1503 Business and Management         1090-9516 1878-5573 0022-5428  
6032 C Journal of World Health and Population 1603 Demography  1117 Public Health and Health Services     1718-3340 1095-8940    
7360 A Journal of World History: official journal of the World History Association 2103 Historical Studies         1045-6007 1527-8050    
36647 A Journal of World Investment and Trade 1801 Law         1660-7112 1424-1196    
8119 A Journal of World Prehistory 2101 Archaeology         0892-7537 1573-7802    
17283 A Journal of World Trade 1402 Applied Economics 1801 Law     1011-6702      
40536 C Journal of World-Systems Research MD Multidisciplinary         1076-156X      
30453 B Journal of Wound Care 1110 Nursing         0969-0700      
14132 C Journal of Wound Ostomy and Continence Nursing 1110 Nursing         1071-5754 1528-3976    
34350 B Journal of X-ray Science and Technology 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     0895-3996 1095-9114    
6495 B Journal of Youth and Adolescence: a multidisciplinary research publication 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1701 Psychology     0047-2891 1573-6601    
41746 C Journal of Youth and Theology 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1741-0819      
20032 A Journal of Youth Studies 1608 Sociology         1367-6261 1469-9680    
17719 C Journal of Zhejiang University (Science Edition) MD Multidisciplinary         1008-9497      
5535 C Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1042-7260 1937-2825 0093-4526  
2959 C Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 0603 Evolutionary Biology         0947-5745 1439-0469    
2960 A Journal of Zoology 0608 Zoology 0602 Ecology 0501 Ecological Applications 0952-8369 1469-7998    
42159 C Journal on Chain and Network Science 1608 Sociology         1569-1829 1875-0931    
32002 C Journal on Educational  Resources in Computing 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences         1531-4278      
20410 C Journal on Excellence in College Teaching 1301 Education Systems          1052-4800 1945-2993    
39882 C Journal on Numerical Methods and Computer Applications 09 Engineering 08 Information and Computing Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences 1000-3266      
33549 B Journal on Telecommunications and High Technology Law 1801 Law         1543-8899      
35273 B Journalism and Mass Communication Educator 1903 Journalism and Professional Writing 2001 Communication and Media Studies     1077-6958 0022-5517    
9235 A Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly: devoted to research and commentary in journalism and mass communication 1903 Journalism and Professional Writing 2001 Communication and Media Studies     1077-6990      
7361 B Journalism History 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 2001 Communication and Media Studies 1903 Journalism and Professional Writing 0094-7679      
9265 B Journalism Practice 1903 Journalism and Professional Writing         1751-2786 1751-2794    
30002 A Journalism Studies 1903 Journalism and Professional Writing         1461-670X 1469-9699    
9266 A* Journalism: theory, practice and criticism 1903 Journalism and Professional Writing         1464-8849 1741-3001    
41673 C JP Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and Applications 0102 Applied Mathematics         0972-5555      
32330 C JP Journal of Biostatistics 0104 Statistics          0973-5143      
41676 C JP Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 0102 Applied Mathematics         0973-4228      
32523 C JP Journal of Geometry and Topology 0101 Pure Mathematics 0105 Mathematical Physics     0972-415X      
3700 B JSME International Journal Series A-Solid Mechanics and Material Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1344-7912 1347-5363 1340-8046  
3617 B JSME International Journal Series C-Mechanical Systems Machine Elements and Manufacturing 0910 Manufacturing Engineering         1344-7653 1347-538X 1340-8062  
5157 C JSME International Journal. Series B 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering         1340-8054 1347-5371    
12811 B Judaica: Beitraege zum Verstehen des Judentums 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0022-572X      
12812 C Judaism: a quarterly journal of Jewish life and thought 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0022-5762      
30330 B Judgment and Decision Making 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1930-2975      
33550 B Judicature: journal of the American Judicature Society 1801 Law         0022-5800      
40218 C Judicial Officers' Bulletin 1801 Law 1602 Criminology     1036-1294      
10407 C Jump Cut 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         0146-5546      
10034 C Junctures: the journal for thematic dialogue 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         1176-5119      
15388 C Juntendo Medical Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0022-6769      
33934 B Juridical Review: law journal of Scottish universities 1801 Law         0022-6785      
33551 A Jurimetrics: journal of law, science and technology 1801 Law         0897-1277      
31376 A Jurist: Studies in Church Law and Ministry 2204 Religion and Religious Studies 1801 Law     0022-6858      
36648 A* Juristenzeitung 1801 Law         0022-6882      
40201 C Juristische Blaetter: mit Beilage Wirtschaftsrechtliche Blaetter: Wbl 1801 Law         0022-6912 1613-7639    
36649 B Jurists Review 1801 Law         1005-0221      
30163 B Just Labor 1503 Business and Management         1705-1436      
40369 C Just Policy: a journal of Australian social policy 1605 Policy and Administration 1608 Sociology 1801 Law 1323-2266      
17286 A Justice Quarterly 1602 Criminology 1801 Law     0741-8825 1745-9109    
36211 C Justice Research and Policy 1602 Criminology         1942-8022 1525-1071    
33552 C Justice System Journal 1801 Law         0098-261X      
33553 C Juvenile and Family Court Journal 1801 Law         0161-7109 1755-6988 0162-0525 0093-7231
9348 C Ka Ho 'Oilina: the legacy: journal of hawaiian language sources 2003 Language Studies         1535-3133 1542-4243    
11937 C Ka Mate Ka Ora: a New Zealand journal of poetry and poetics 2005 Literary Studies         1177-2182      
34870 A* Kabbalah (Culver City): journal for the study of Jewish mystical texts 2103 Historical Studies         1081-8561      
32731 C Kadin / Woman 2000: kadin arastirmalari dergisi - journal for women studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1302-9916      
7363 B Kadmos: Zeitschrift fuer vor- und fruehgriechische Epigraphik 2103 Historical Studies         0022-7498 1613-0723    
3909 C Kagaku Kogaku Ronbunshu 0904 Chemical Engineering          0386-216X 1349-9203    
42160 C Kagaku Kyoiku Kenkyu 1399 Other Education          0386-4553      
42162 B Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand 1110 Nursing         1173-2032      
30149 C Kailash: an interdisciplinary journal of Himalayan studies MD Multidisciplinary         0377-7499      
20773 C Kairos 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1148-9227      
21544 B Kajian Malaysia: journal of Malaysian studies MD Multidisciplinary         0127-4082      
21545 C Kalam: Journal of Culture 2002 Cultural Studies 1608 Sociology     0854-7866      
11939 C Kalliope: a journal of women's literature and art 2005 Literary Studies         0735-7885      
13163 C Kanagawa-Ken Seishin Igakkaishi 1103 Clinical Sciences         0288-9617      
4368 C Kankyo Kagaku Kenkyujo Hokoku 0905 Civil Engineering         1346-4736      
35622 C Kansas Economic Report and Kansas Economic Indicators 14 Economics         1043-6227      
2954 C Kansas Entomological Society. Journal 0608 Zoology         0022-8567 1937-2353    
33554 B Kansas Journal of Law and Public Policy 1801 Law         1055-8942      
14227 C Kansas Nurse 1110 Nursing         0022-8710      
8499 A Kant Studien: philosophische Zeitschrift der Kant-Gesellschaft 2203 Philosophy          0022-8877 1613-1134    
8498 A Kantian Review 2203 Philosophy          1369-4154      
10408 B Kanunnah MD Multidisciplinary         1832-536X      
8122 B Kaogu Xuebao MD Multidisciplinary         0453-2902      
32644 C Karnataka State Dental Journal 1105 Dentistry         0973-3442      
2542 C Karstenia: the mycological journal 0605 Microbiology          0453-3402      
35111 C Karstological Review 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         0583-6050 1580-2612    
8124 B Karthago: revue d'archeologie mediterraneenne 2101 Archaeology         0453-3429 1783-1563 0075-5184  
35045 C Karunungan: a journal of philosophy 2203 Philosophy          0116-7073      
12813 C Katechetische Blaetter: Zeitschrift fuer Religionsunterricht, Gemeindekatechese, Kirchliche Jugendarbeit 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0342-5517      
15389 C Kathmandu University Medical Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1812-2027 1812-2078    
34602 C Keats - Shelley Journal: Keats, Shelley, Byron, Hunt, and their circles 2005 Literary Studies         0453-4387      
39881 B KEDI Journal of Educational Policy 13 Education         1739-4341      
8893 C Keel Ja Kirjandus 2004 Linguistics 2005 Literary Studies     0131-1441      
35388 C Keeping Good Companies 1503 Business and Management 1801 Law     1444-7614 1323-9406 1321-8743 1038-2410
18270 B Keio Economic Studies 14 Economics         0022-9709      
15390 C Keio Journal of Medicine 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0022-9717 1880-1293    
42163 C Keio Journal of Politics 1606 Political Science         0389-1151      
18593 C Keizai Kagaku 14 Economics         0022-9725      
11942 C Kelsey Review 2005 Literary Studies         0451-6338      
3976 C Kemija u Industriji: casopis kemicara i tehnologa Hrvatske 0904 Chemical Engineering          0022-9830 1334-9090    
8501 A Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 2201 Applied Ethics 2203 Philosophy      1054-6863 1086-3249    
33555 C Kentucky Law Journal 1801 Law         0023-026X      
11589 A Kenyon Review: an international journal of literature, culture, and the arts 2005 Literary Studies         0163-075X      
35621 C Kerala: an economic review 14 Economics         0453-7440      
35575 C Kerb 1201 Architecture         1324-8049      
7364 B Kernos: revue internationale et pluridisciplinaire de religion grecque antique 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0776-3824      
1203 C Kerntechnik: independent journal for nuclear engineering, energy systems, radiation and radiological 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics         0932-3902      
12817 B Kerygma und Dogma: Zeitschrift fuer theologische Forschung und kirchliche Lehre 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0023-0707      
2757 C Kew Bulletin 0607 Plant Biology         0075-5974 1874-933X    
8144 C Key Engineering Materials 2101 Archaeology 0912 Materials Engineering     1013-9826 0252-1059 0250-9784  
1589 C Khimiya Geterotsiklicheskikh Soedinenii 0305 Organic Chemistry         0132-6244 0009-3122    
16550 C Kidney and Blood Pressure Research 1103 Clinical Sciences         1420-4096 1423-0143    
16551 A Kidney International 1103 Clinical Sciences         0085-2538 1523-1755    
8502 B Kierkegaard Studies 2203 Philosophy          1430-5372 1612-9792    
35223 C Kierkegaardiana 2203 Philosophy          0075-6032      
6497 B Kindheit und Entwicklung: Zeitschrift fuer klinische Kinderpsychologie 1701 Psychology         0942-5403      
34817 B Kinema: a journal for film and audiovisual media 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         1192-6252      
16552 C Kinesitherapie la Revue 1103 Clinical Sciences         1779-0123 1632-8337    
1478 C Kinetics and Catalysis 0307 Theoretical and Computational Chemistry         0023-1584 1608-3210 0453-8811  
10410 C Kinetoscopio 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         0121-3776      
21006 C King Saud University Journal. Architecture and Planning 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         1018-3604      
10411 C King Saud University Journal. Arts 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         1018-3612      
9350 C King Saud University Journal. Language and Translation 2003 Language Studies         1319-6618      
17638 C King Saud University Journal: Science MD Multidisciplinary         1018-3647      
33556 B King's Law Journal 1801 Law         0961-5768      
35799 C Kino 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         0861-4393      
35797 B KinoKultura 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         1478-6567      
12818 B Kirchliche Zeitgeschichte: Internationale Halbjahresschrift fuer Theologie und Geschichtswissenschaft 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0932-9951      
11943 C Kiswahili 2005 Literary Studies         0856-048X      
15392 C Kitakanto Medical Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1343-2826      
31291 C Kiva: the journal of Southwestern anthropology and history 2101 Archaeology         0023-1940      
3977 C Klei Germetiki Tekhnologii 0904 Chemical Engineering          1813-7008      
31463 A Kleist-Jahrbuch 2005 Literary Studies         0722-8899      
2347 C Klinicka Biochemie a Metabolismus 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1210-7921      
13165 C Klinik Psikofarmakoloji Bulteni-Bulletin of Clinical Psychopharmacology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1017-7833 1302-9657    
16553 C Klinische Monatsblaetter fuer Augenheilkunde 1103 Clinical Sciences         0023-2165 1439-3999    
16555 C Klinische Paediatrie: Zeitschrift fuer Klinik und Praxis 1103 Clinical Sciences         0300-8630 1439-3824    
7365 A Klio: Beitraege zur Alten Geschichte 2103 Historical Studies         0075-6334      
16556 C Knee 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science 1103 Clinical Sciences     0968-0160 1873-5800    
9785 B Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science 1103 Clinical Sciences     0942-2056 1433-7347    
18060 B Knowledge and Information Systems 0806 Information Systems 1503 Business and Management     0219-1377 0219-3116    
5742 B Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems: an international journal on aquatic ecosystems 0704 Fisheries Sciences         0767-2861 1961-9499 1297-6318  
19371 C Knowledge and Process Management (Print Edition): the journal of corporate transformation 1503 Business and Management         1092-4604 1099-1441    
18061 B Knowledge Engineering Review 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science     0269-8889 1469-8005    
36074 B Knowledge Management Research and Practice 0806 Information Systems 1702 Cognitive Science     1477-8238 1477-8246    
10606 A Knowledge Organization: international journal devoted to concept theory, classification, indexing, and knowledge representation 0807 Library and Information Studies         0943-7444      
10738 C Knowledge Quest 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1094-9046 0278-4823    
42168 C Knowledge, Technology and Policy: the international journal of knowledge transfer and utilization 1608 Sociology 2203 Philosophy      0897-1986      
18062 B Knowledge-Based Systems 0806 Information Systems 1503 Business and Management 1702 Cognitive Science 0950-7051 1872-7409    
15394 C Kobe Journal of Medical Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0023-2513 1883-0498    
18272 C Kobe University Economic Review 14 Economics         0454-1111      
3978 C Kobunshi Ronbunshu 0904 Chemical Engineering          0386-2186 0023-2556    
600 B Kodai Mathematical Journal 0101 Pure Mathematics         0386-5991 0023-2599    
6498 C Koelner Zeitschrift fuer Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 1608 Sociology 1701 Psychology     0023-2653 1861-891X    
7367 B Kokalos 2103 Historical Studies         0392-0887 2035-276X    
17539 C Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. Matematisk - Fysiske Meddelelser MD Multidisciplinary         0023-3323      
44934 C Konkurito Kogaku 1202 Building         0387-1061      
10035 B Konsthistorisk Tidskrift 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts     0023-3609 1651-2294    
9563 C Konteksty. Polska Sztuka Ludowa: antropologia kultury, etnografia, sztuka 1601 Anthropology          1230-6142 0032-3721    
36970 C Konvergencias: revista de filosofia y culturas en dialogo 2099 Other Language, Communication and Culture 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science 1669-9092      
4959 C Korea - Australia Rheology Journal 0912 Materials Engineering 0904 Chemical Engineering      1226-119X      
21557 B Korea Journal MD Multidisciplinary         0023-3900      
21558 C Korea Observer MD Multidisciplinary         0023-3919      
42170 C Korea Review of International Studies 1402 Applied Economics         1226-4741      
3910 B Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering 0904 Chemical Engineering          0256-1115 1975-7220    
33558 C Korean Journal of International and Comparative Law 1801 Law         0377-0729      
15033 C Korean Journal of Pharmacognosy 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0253-3073      
3171 C Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 0606 Physiology  1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences     1226-4512      
278 B Korean Mathematical Society 0101 Pure Mathematics         0304-9914      
284 C Korean Mathematical Society Communications 0101 Pure Mathematics         1225-1763      
40649 B Korean Social Science Journal 1601 Anthropology  1606 Political Science 1608 Sociology 1225-0368      
21560 A Korean Studies MD Multidisciplinary         0145-840X 1529-1529    
4799 C Korroziya: Materialy, Zashchita 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1813-7016      
10036 C Kosmorama: tidsskrift for filmkunst og filmkultur 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         0023-4222      
4800 B Kovove Materialy-Metallic Materials 0912 Materials Engineering         0023-432X      
32378 C Kozepiskolai Matematikai es Fizikai Lapok 0101 Pure Mathematics         1215-9247      
286 C Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         1450-9628 0351-6962    
40121 Not ranked Kraken: archives of cryptozoology 0608 Zoology 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences     1662-4696      
7368 A Kratylos: kritisches Berichts- und Rezensionsorgan fuer indogermanische und allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft 2004 Linguistics 2103 Historical Studies     0023-4567      
42171 C Kredit und Kapital 1401 Economic Theory 1402 Applied Economics     0023-4591 0720-6801 1865-5734  
37133 C Krisis: journal for contemporary philosophy 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     1875-7103      
8503 C Krisis: tijdschrift voor empirische filosofie 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0168-275X 1386-9469 0165-1773  
8504 B Kriterion 2203 Philosophy          1019-8288      
35294 C Kriterion: revista de filosofia 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0100-512X      
7369 B Kritika (Bloomington): studies in Russian and Eurasian history 2103 Historical Studies         1531-023X 1538-5000    
11590 C Kritika Kultura 2005 Literary Studies         1656-152X      
11945 C Kritikon Litterarum: international book review for American, English, Romance and Slavic studies and for linguistics 2005 Literary Studies         0340-9767 1865-7249    
42172 C KronoScope: journal for the study of time 2099 Other Language, Communication and Culture 2203 Philosophy  0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences 1567-715X      
4367 C KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering         1226-7988 1976-3808    
7371 B Ktema: civilisations de l'Orient, de la Grece et de Rome Antiques 2103 Historical Studies         0221-5896      
287 A K-Theory: interdisciplinary journal for the development, application and influence of K-theory in 0101 Pure Mathematics         0920-3036 1573-0514    
4105 C Kuangshan Celiang 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1001-358X      
36839 C Kukila: bulletin of the Indonesian Ornithological Society 0608 Zoology         0216-9223      
9564 C Kultura i Spoleczenstwo 1601 Anthropology          0023-5172      
31464 C KulturPoetik: Zeitschrift fuer kulturgeschichtliche Literaturwissenschaft 2005 Literary Studies         1616-1203      
11591 B Kunapipi: journal of postcolonial writing 2005 Literary Studies         0106-5734      
10413 A Kunsthistorische Sammlungen in Wien. Jahrbuch 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         0075-2312      
10058 A Kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz. Mitteilungen 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         0342-1201      
2758 C Kurtziana 0607 Plant Biology         0075-7314      
15395 C Kurume Medical Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0023-5679 1881-2090    
17639 C Kuwait International Journal of Creative Achievements MD Multidisciplinary         1025-7012      
17503 C Kuwait Journal of Science and Engineering 01 Mathematical Sciences 09 Engineering     1024-8684      
35755 C Kwartalnik Filmowy 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing     0452-9502      
7372 C Kwartalnik Historyczny 2103 Historical Studies         0023-5903      
41718 C Kybernetika 0104 Statistics          0023-5954      
18454 A Kyklos 1402 Applied Economics         0023-5962 1467-6435    
6335 C Kyoiku Shinrigaku Kenkyu 1701 Psychology         0021-5015      
15396 C Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine Medical Society Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0023-6012      
17640 C Kyoto University. Faculty of Science. Memoirs. Series of Physics, Astrophysics, Geophysics and Chemistry MD Multidisciplinary         0368-9689      
603 C Kyoto University. Journal of Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         0023-608X      
604 B Kyushu Journal of Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         1340-6116 1883-2032    
5193 B Kyushu University. Faculty of Agriculture. Journal 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences         0023-6152      
20459 C L1 Educational Studies in Language and Literature 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1578-6617      
34869 A La Bibliofilia: rivista di storia del libro e di bibliografia 2103 Historical Studies         0006-0941      
37129 C La L‡mpara de Di—genes: Revista de Filosof’a 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     1870-4662      
15227 C La Lettre de l'Infectiologue: de la microbiologie a la clinique 1108 Medical Microbiology         0296-9009      
41812 B La Maison - Dieu: revue de science liturgique 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0025-0937      
32379 C La Matematica e la sua Didattica 0101 Pure Mathematics         1120-9968      
40260 A La Nouvelle Revue Francaise 2005 Literary Studies 2002 Cultural Studies 1606 Political Science 0029-4802      
7373 B La Parola del Passato: rivista di studi antichi 2103 Historical Studies         0031-2355      
31481 B La Rassegna della Letteratura Italiana 2005 Literary Studies         0033-9423      
17641 C La Recherche MD Multidisciplinary         0029-5671      
5977 C La Revue de Geographie Alpine 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         0035-1121 1760-7426    
37022 B La Revue des Lettres Modernes. Gustave Flaubert 2005 Literary Studies         0761-3571      
10157 C La Revue des Musees de France 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts 2102 Curatorial and Related Studies 1962-4271 0035-2608    
41939 A La Revue LISA MD Multidisciplinary         1762-6153      
9602 C La Ricerca Folklorica 1601 Anthropology          0391-9099      
34774 B La Torre 1399 Other Education  2003 Language Studies 2099 Other Language, Communication and Culture 0040-9588      
36816 C Lab Animal 0608 Zoology 0707 Veterinary Sciences 0699 Other Biological Sciences 0093-7355 1548-4475    
32647 C Lab Management Today 1105 Dentistry         1058-7845 8750-9539    
30168 A* Lab On a Chip: microfluidic and nanotechnologies for chemistry, biology, and bioengineering 03 Chemical Sciences 09 Engineering     1473-0197 1473-0189    
34267 A* Labor History (US) 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0023-656X 1469-9702    
19761 B Labor Studies Journal 1503 Business and Management         0160-449X 1538-9758    
30162 B Labor: Studies in the Working Class History of the Americas 2103 Historical Studies 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     1547-6715 1558-1454    
2962 B Laboratory Animals 0608 Zoology 0707 Veterinary Sciences     0023-6772 1758-1117    
16558 A Laboratory Investigation 1103 Clinical Sciences         0023-6837 1530-0307    
18456 B Labour and Industry: a journal of the social and economic relations of work 1503 Business and Management         1030-1763      
40948 C Labour and management in development 1402 Applied Economics         1443-6698      
18457 A Labour Economics 1402 Applied Economics         0927-5371      
34268 B Labour History Review 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0961-5652 1745-8188    
34266 A Labour History: a journal of labour and social history 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 2103 Historical Studies 1503 Business and Management 0023-6942      
36067 C Labour Law Journal 15 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services         0023-6977      
7377 C Labour: journal of Canadian labour studies - revue d'etudes ouvrieres Canadiennes 1402 Applied Economics 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 2103 Historical Studies 0700-3862      
39880 C Labour: review of labour economics and industrial relations 1402 Applied Economics 1503 Business and Management     1121-7081 1467-9914    
36180 B Lacanian Ink 1701 Psychology         1049-7749      
3109 C Lacerta 0608 Zoology         0023-7051      
20071 C Lagos Education Review 13 Education         0331-9237      
35125 C Lake and Reservoir Management 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         1040-2381      
40849 C Lakes and Reservoirs: Research and Management MD Multidisciplinary         1320-5331 1440-1770    
15320 A* Lancet 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0140-6736 1474-547X    
16559 A* Lancet Infectious Diseases 1103 Clinical Sciences 1108 Medical Microbiology 0605 Microbiology  1473-3099 1474-4457    
16560 A* Lancet Neurology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1474-4422 1474-4465    
16561 A* Lancet Oncology 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1470-2045 1474-5488    
4369 C Land Contamination and Reclamation 0907 Environmental Engineering         0967-0513      
5264 C Land Degradation and Development 05 Environmental Sciences 04 Earth Sciences 03 Chemical Sciences 1085-3278 1099-145X 0898-5812  
18458 A Land Economics: a quarterly journal devoted to the study of economic and social institutions 1402 Applied Economics         0023-7639 1543-8325    
21007 B Land Use Policy 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 09 Engineering     0264-8377 1873-5754    
36652 C Land, Rights, Laws: Issues of Native Title 1801 Law         1326-0316      
5195 C Landbauforschung 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences         0458-6859      
5968 A Landscape and Urban Planning 1205 Urban and Regional Planning 1201 Architecture 0905 Civil Engineering 0169-2046 1872-6062    
3283 B Landscape Ecology 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 04 Earth Sciences 0921-2973 1572-9761    
7379 B Landscape History 1201 Architecture         0143-3768      
44935 A Landscape Journal 1201 Architecture         0277-2426 1553-2704    
20898 A Landscape Research 1201 Architecture 1205 Urban and Regional Planning     0142-6397 1469-9710    
20899 A Landscape Review 1201 Architecture         1173-3853      
42167 C Landscapes 2101 Archaeology         1466-2035      
4048 B Landslides 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         1612-510X 1612-5118    
11947 C L'Anello che Non Tiene: journal of modern Italian literature 2005 Literary Studies         0899-5273      
8899 C Langage et Societe 2004 Linguistics         0181-4095 2101-0382    
34637 B Langages 2003 Language Studies 2004 Linguistics 2005 Literary Studies 0458-726X 1958-9549    
16562 B Langenbecks Archives of Surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         1435-2443 1435-2451    
1479 A* Langmuir: the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids 0904 Chemical Engineering  0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural) 0903 Biomedical Engineering  0743-7463 1520-5827    
8900 A* Language (Washington) 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0097-8507 1535-0665    
36941 B Language Acquisition: a journal of developmental linguistics 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     1048-9223 1532-7817    
6499 A Language and Cognitive Processes 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0169-0965 1464-0732    
8506 A Language and Communication 2001 Communication and Media Studies 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science 0271-5309 1873-3395    
20444 B Language and Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science 0950-0782 1747-7581    
8748 C Language and History 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1759-7536 1759-7544 0267-4971  
8902 B Language and Intercultural Communication 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     1470-8477 1747-759X    
40445 B Language and Linguistics 2004 Linguistics         1606-822X      
36937 A Language and Linguistics Compass 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     1749-818X      
20336 C Language and Literacy: a Canadian educational e-journal 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1496-0974      
6500 B Language and Speech 1701 Psychology 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science 0023-8309 1756-6053    
35720 C Language Arts 13 Education         0360-9170      
20456 A Language Assessment Quarterly: an international journal 2004 Linguistics         1543-4303 1543-4311    
8906 B Language Awareness 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0965-8416 1747-7565    
34639 A Language Documentation and Conservation 2004 Linguistics         1934-5275      
8907 A* Language in Society 2004 Linguistics         0047-4045 1469-8013    
35236 B Language Learning and Development 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science 1547-5441 1547-3341    
20464 B Language Learning and Technology 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 2004 Linguistics 2003 Language Studies 1094-3501      
34650 A Language Learning Journal 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0957-1736 1753-2167 0026-7945 0144-0888
20437 A* Language Learning: a journal of research in language studies 2004 Linguistics 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy      0023-8333 1467-9922    
9358 A Language Matters 2003 Language Studies         1022-8195 1753-5395    
34733 A Language Policy 2004 Linguistics         1568-4555 1573-1863    
9359 B Language Problems and Language Planning 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0272-2690 1569-9889    
9360 B Language Research 2003 Language Studies         0254-4474      
36566 B Language Resources and Evaluation 0804 Data Format 1702 Cognitive Science     1574-020X 1574-0218 0010-4817  
8909 A Language Sciences 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0388-0001 1873-5746    
20685 A Language Speech and Hearing Services in Schools 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0161-1461 1558-9129    
34638 B Language Teaching 2004 Linguistics 2003 Language Studies     0261-4448 1475-3049    
36986 C Language Teaching and Linguistic Studies 2004 Linguistics         0257-9448      
20445 B Language Teaching Research 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science 1362-1688 1477-0954    
8910 A* Language Testing 2004 Linguistics         0265-5322 1477-0946    
9361 A Language Variation and Change 2004 Linguistics         0954-3945 1469-8021    
30618 B Language, Culture and Curriculum 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science 0790-8318 1747-7573    
9362 C Language@internet 2003 Language Studies         1860-2029      
8911 B Languages in Contrast: international journal for contrastive linguistics 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     1387-6759 1569-9897    
9363 C Languages Victoria 2003 Language Studies         1328-7621      
8912 A Langue Francaise 2004 Linguistics         0023-8368 1957-7982    
44971 B Langues modernes 2003 Language Studies         0023-8376      
34786 B L'Annee Balzacienne 2005 Literary Studies         0084-6473      
6088 C L'Annee Psychologique 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0003-5033 1955-2580    
9427 C L'Anthropologie 1601 Anthropology          0003-5521      
6807 B L'Antiquite Classique: revue interuniversitaire 2103 Historical Studies         0770-2817      
1204 B Laser and Particle Beams: pulse power and high energy densities 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics         0263-0346 1469-803X    
40961 C Laser and Photonics Reviews 0205 Optical Physics         1863-8880 1863-8899    
41062 C Laser Chemistry 0205 Optical Physics         0278-6273 1476-3516    
1263 C Laser Physics Letters 0205 Optical Physics         1612-2011 1612-202X    
1262 C Laser Physics: international journal 0205 Optical Physics         1054-660X 1555-6611    
5054 C Lasers in Medical Science 0903 Biomedical Engineering          0268-8921 1435-604X    
1264 B Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         0196-8092 1096-9101    
7380 A Late Imperial China 2103 Historical Studies         0884-3236 1086-3257    
6501 B Laterality 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1357-650X 1464-0678    
8128 A Latin American Antiquity 2101 Archaeology         1045-6635      
3911 C Latin American Applied Research 03 Chemical Sciences 02 Physical Sciences     0327-0793      
11949 C Latin American Indian Literatures Journal: a review of American Indian texts and studies 2005 Literary Studies         0888-5613      
44366 C Latin American Journal of Pharmacy 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0326-2383      
11950 C Latin American Literary Review 2005 Literary Studies         0047-4134      
10037 B Latin American Music Review 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0163-0350 1536-0199    
18903 C Latin American Perspectives: a journal on capitalism and socialism MD Multidisciplinary         0094-582X 1552-678X    
18904 C Latin American Politics and Society 1606 Political Science         1531-426X 1548-2456 0022-1937  
36422 A Latin American Research Review 1606 Political Science         0023-8791 1542-4278    
10038 C Latin American Theatre Review: a journal devoted to the theatre and drama of Spanish and Portuguese America 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0023-8813      
40306 A Latino Studies 1608 Sociology 1601 Anthropology  2002 Cultural Studies 1476-3435 1476-3443    
31488 A Latomus: revue d'etudes latines 2005 Literary Studies         0023-8856      
8507 B Laval Theologique et Philosophique 2203 Philosophy  2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0023-9054      
36104 C Lavoro e Diritto 1503 Business and Management 1801 Law     1120-947X      
33564 C Law and Business Review of the Americas 1801 Law         1571-9537 1381-4605    
30156 A* Law and Contemporary Problems 1801 Law         0023-9186 1945-2322    
33565 A Law and Critique: journal of critical legal studies 1801 Law         0957-8536 1572-8617    
35386 B Law and Financial Markets Review 1801 Law         1752-1440      
7384 A Law and History Review 2103 Historical Studies 1801 Law     0738-2480 1939-9022    
6502 A Law and Human Behavior 1701 Psychology 1801 Law 1702 Cognitive Science 0147-7307 1573-661X    
36653 B Law and Human Genome Review 1801 Law         1134-7708      
33566 B Law and Inequality: a journal of theory and practice 1801 Law         0737-089X      
35385 A Law and Literature 1801 Law         1535-685X 1541-2601 1043-1500  
8508 A Law and Philosophy: an international journal for jurisprudence and legal philosophy 2203 Philosophy  1801 Law     0167-5249 1573-0522    
17298 A Law and Policy 1602 Criminology 1801 Law     0265-8240 1467-9930    
33568 C Law and Psychology Review 1801 Law         0098-5961      
33562 B Law and Sexuality: a review of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender legal issues 2002 Cultural Studies 1801 Law 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 1062-0680      
35384 A Law and Social Inquiry 1602 Criminology 1801 Law     0897-6546 1545-696X    
33937 C Law and Society Journal at the University of California, Santa Barbara 1801 Law         1544-8746 1544-8754    
10891 A* Law and Society Review 1608 Sociology 1801 Law 1602 Criminology 0023-9216 1540-5893    
35383 B Law in Context 1801 Law         0811-5796      
40182 C Law Institute Journal 1801 Law         0023-9267      
10607 B Law Library Journal 0807 Library and Information Studies 1801 Law     0023-9283      
33938 A* Law Quarterly Review 1801 Law         0023-933X      
35382 C Law Teacher 1801 Law         0306-9400 1943-0353 0044-9628  
35527 A Law Text Culture 1801 Law         1322-9060      
33569 A Law, Culture and the Humanities 1801 Law         1743-8721 1743-9752    
33570 C Law, Environment and Development Journal 1801 Law         1746-5893      
36815 B Law, Probability and Risk: a journal of reasoning under uncertainty 1801 Law         1470-8396 1470-840X    
35381 C Law, Social Justice and Global Development 1801 Law         1467-0437      
35380 C Lawasia Journal: journal of law assocciation for asia and the pacific 1801 Law         1441-3698      
1654 C LCGC North America: the magazine of separation science 0301 Analytical Chemistry         1527-5949 1939-1889 0888-9090  
11952 C Le Cygne: journal of the International Marie de France Society 2005 Literary Studies         1087-9501      
11953 C Le Fablier 2005 Literary Studies         0996-6560      
34665 B Le Francais dans le Monde. Recherches et Applications 2003 Language Studies 2004 Linguistics     0994-6632      
8898 C Le Langage et l'Homme 2004 Linguistics         0458-7251      
42166 C Le Matematiche: journal of pure and applied mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     0373-3505      
7449 A Le Mouvement Social 2103 Historical Studies         0027-2671 1961-8646    
7450 C Le Moyen Age 2103 Historical Studies         0027-2841 1782-1436    
34790 B Le Moyen Francais 2004 Linguistics 2005 Literary Studies     0226-0174      
7452 A Le Museon: revue d'etudes orientales MD Multidisciplinary         0771-6494 1783-158X    
42164 C Le Simplegadi 2004 Linguistics         1824-5226      
6692 C Le Travail Humain 1701 Psychology         0041-1868      
19473 C Leadership 1503 Business and Management         1742-7150 1742-7169    
30214 C Leadership and Management in Engineering 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 1202 Building     1532-6748 1943-5630    
19455 B Leadership and Organization Development Journal 1503 Business and Management         0143-7739 1472-5347    
19936 B Leadership and Policy in Schools 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1570-0763      
36068 C Leadership in Health Services 15 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services         1751-1887 1366-0756    
6503 A* Leadership Quarterly 1503 Business and Management         1048-9843 1873-3409    
19932 B Leading and Managing 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1329-4539 0310-8767    
44936 C Lean Construction Journal 1202 Building         1555-1369      
39878 C Learned Publishing 0807 Library and Information Studies         0953-1513 1741-4857    
6504 B Learning and Behavior 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1543-4494 1543-4508 0090-4996 0033-3131
6506 B Learning and Individual Differences 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1701 Psychology     1041-6080 1873-3425    
6507 A Learning and Instruction 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1701 Psychology     0959-4752 1873-3263    
6505 A* Learning and Memory 1701 Psychology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science 1072-0502 1549-5485    
6508 B Learning and Motivation 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1701 Psychology     0023-9690 1095-9122    
40771 C Learning and Teaching in Higher Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1742-240X      
42161 C Learning and Teaching: an international journal of classroom pedagogy 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1832-2751      
40663 B Learning and Teaching: the international journal of higher education in the social sciences 1608 Sociology 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy      1755-2273 1755-2281 1740-5866  
20809 C Learning Communities: international journal of adult and vocational learning 1301 Education Systems  1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1399 Other Education  1329-1440      
20730 C Learning Disabilities Research and Practice 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0938-8982 1540-5826    
41330 B Learning Disability Practice 1110 Nursing 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine     1465-8712      
20701 B Learning Disability Quarterly 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0731-9487      
20755 B Learning Environments Research 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1387-1579 1573-1855    
13965 C Learning in Health and Social Care 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1607 Social Work     1473-6853 1473-6861    
42156 C Learning Inquiry 13 Education         1558-2973 1558-2981    
40816 C LEARNing Landscapes 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1913-5688      
20474 C Learning Languages 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1083-5415 1064-3540    
34845 C Learning, Media and Technology 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 2001 Communication and Media Studies     1743-9892 1470-6725 1469-9443  
15397 C Lebanese Medical Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0023-9852      
17642 C Lebanese Science Journal MD Multidisciplinary         1561-3410      
35237 C Leeds International Classical Studies 2203 Philosophy          1477-3643      
9364 B Leeds Studies in English 2003 Language Studies 2005 Literary Studies     0075-8566      
11954 B Leeds Texts and Monographs. New Series 2005 Literary Studies         0075-8574      
11189 C Legacy (Lincoln): a journal of American Women Writers 2005 Literary Studies         0748-4321 1534-0643    
6509 C Legal and Criminological Psychology 1701 Psychology         1355-3259      
17315 C Legal Education Review 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1801 Law     1033-2839      
33573 A Legal Ethics 1801 Law         1460-728X      
33574 C Legal History 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 1801 Law     1833-7155 1833-7163 1323-1391  
40700 A Legal Information Management 1801 Law         1472-6696 1741-2021    
36655 C Legal Issues in Business 1801 Law         1442-911X      
35379 A Legal Issues of Economic Integration 1801 Law         1566-6573 1875-6433 0377-0915  
35192 C Legal Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         1344-6223 1873-4162    
33575 C Legal Reference Services Quarterly 1801 Law         0270-319X 1540-949X    
33576 A* Legal Studies 1801 Law         0261-3875 1748-121X    
33577 C Legal Studies Forum: an interdisciplinary journal 1801 Law         0894-5993      
8509 A Legal Theory 1801 Law         1352-3252 1469-8048    
18906 A Legislative Studies Quarterly 1606 Political Science         0362-9805 1939-9162    
36657 B Legisprudence:International Journal for the Study of Legislation 1801 Law         1752-1467 1752-1475    
33579 A Leiden Journal of International Law 1801 Law         0922-1565 1478-9698    
21565 C Leidschrift 2103 Historical Studies         0923-9146      
19683 B Leisure 1504 Commercial Services 1506 Tourism     1492-7713      
9786 A Leisure Sciences: an interdisciplinary journal 1504 Commercial Services 1506 Tourism     0149-0400 1521-0588    
19701 B Leisure Studies 1506 Tourism         1466-4496      
14991 C Lekarsky Obzor 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0457-4214      
13166 C L'Encephale: revue de psychiatrie clinique biologique et therapeutique 1103 Clinical Sciences         0013-7006      
32280 A L'Enseignement Mathematique 0101 Pure Mathematics         0013-8584      
10040 B Leonardo Music Journal 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0961-1215 1531-4812    
10039 A* Leonardo: Art Science and Technology 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts 1203 Design Practice and Management     0024-094X 1530-9282    
16565 C Leprosy Review 1103 Clinical Sciences         0305-7518      
7226 B Ler Historia 2103 Historical Studies         0870-6182      
34939 C Les Ateliers de l'Ethique 2203 Philosophy          1718-9977      
35378 C Les Cahiers de Droit: consultation du dernier numero 1801 Law         0007-974X      
21011 C Les Cahiers de la Recherche Architecturale et Urbaine 1201 Architecture         1296-4077 0150-9535    
44976 B Les Cahiers du CEDREF 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 2002 Cultural Studies     1146-6472      
37139 B Les Cahiers du naturalisme 2005 Literary Studies         1778-610X      
34784 C Les Cahiers Naturalistes 2005 Literary Studies         0008-0365      
8918 C Les Cahiers Stephane Mallarme 2004 Linguistics 2005 Literary Studies     1661-0288      
7071 B Les Etudes Classiques 2103 Historical Studies         0014-200X      
11957 C Les Lettres Romanes 2005 Literary Studies         0024-1415      
7419 C Les Melanges de la Casa de Velazquez 2103 Historical Studies         0076-230X      
8175 C Les Nouvelles de l'Archeologie 2101 Archaeology         0242-7702      
34767 A Les Temps Modernes 2005 Literary Studies 2002 Cultural Studies     0040-3075      
33580 C Lesotho Law Journal: a journal of law and development 1801 Law         0255-6472      
11958 A* L'Esprit Createur: a critical quarterly of French literature 2005 Literary Studies 2002 Cultural Studies     0014-0767 1931-0234    
31466 A* Lessing Yearbook 2005 Literary Studies         0075-8833      
1822 B Lethaia 0403 Geology         0024-1164 1502-3931    
9485 C L'Ethnographie 1601 Anthropology          0336-1438 0184-7058    
11959 C Letopis Matice Srpske 2005 Literary Studies         0025-5939      
34517 C Letra internacional 2005 Literary Studies         0213-4721      
34636 C Letras de Deusto 2099 Other Language, Communication and Culture         0210-3516      
11960 C Letras Hispanas 2005 Literary Studies         1548-5633      
606 C Lettera Matematica Pristem 0101 Pure Mathematics         1593-5884 1970-6820 1123-7198  
11593 C Letteratura Italiana Antica: rivista annuale di testi e studi 2005 Literary Studies         1129-4981 1724-0492    
31467 C Lettere Italiane 2005 Literary Studies         0024-1334      
2543 C Letters in Applied Microbiology 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology 0707 Veterinary Sciences 0266-8254 1472-765X    
292 B Letters in Mathematical Physics: a journal for the rapid dissemination of short contributions in the 01 Mathematical Sciences 02 Physical Sciences     0377-9017 1573-0530 0921-3767  
30023 B Letters in Organic Chemistry 0305 Organic Chemistry         1570-1786 1875-6255    
14989 C Lettre du Pharmacologue 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0984-452X      
16566 A* Leukemia 1103 Clinical Sciences         0887-6924 1476-5551    
16567 B Leukemia and Lymphoma 1103 Clinical Sciences         1042-8194 1029-2403 1026-8022  
16568 B Leukemia Research: clinical and laboratory studies 1103 Clinical Sciences         0145-2126 1873-5835    
8919 C Leuvense Bijdragen 2004 Linguistics         0024-1482 1783-1598    
8129 A Levant 2101 Archaeology         0075-8914 1756-3801    
7385 C Leveltari Kozlemenyek 2103 Historical Studies         0024-1512      
11961 C Leviathan (Malden): a journal of Melville studies 2005 Literary Studies         1525-6995 1750-1849    
13167 C L'Evolution Psychiatrique 1103 Clinical Sciences         0014-3855      
33581 C Lewis and Clark Law Review 1801 Law         1557-6582 1095-869X    
8921 C Lexikos 2004 Linguistics         1684-4904      
7386 B Lexis: revista de linguistica y literatura 2005 Literary Studies 2103 Historical Studies     0254-9239      
7229 A L'Homme 1601 Anthropology          0439-4216      
9724 C Liangshi Wenti Yanjiu 0908 Food Sciences         1003-2576      
3979 C Lianyou Sheji 0904 Chemical Engineering          1002-106X      
42150 C LIBER Quarterly: the journal of European research libraries 08 Information and Computing Sciences         1435-5205      
20393 C Liberal Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0024-1822 0734-9793    
34868 B Liberian Studies Journal 2103 Historical Studies         0024-1989      
40370 A Libertarian Papers 18 Law and Legal Studies         1947-6949 1947-6957    
293 C Libertas Mathematica 0101 Pure Mathematics         0278-5307      
33582 C Liberty University Law Review 1801 Law         1932-0809      
36565 A Libraries and the Cultural Record: exploring the history of collections of recorded knowledge 0807 Library and Information Studies         1932-4855 1932-9555 0894-8631  
36562 C Library and Archival Security 0807 Library and Information Studies         0196-0075 1540-9511    
42142 C Library and Information History 2102 Curatorial and Related Studies         1758-3489 0024-2306    
10682 A Library and Information Research 0807 Library and Information Studies         1756-1086      
10609 C Library and Information Science 0807 Library and Information Studies         0373-4447      
39757 A* Library and Information Science Research 0807 Library and Information Studies         0740-8188 1873-1848 0164-0763  
10610 C Library Collections Acquisitions and Technical Services 0807 Library and Information Studies         1464-9055 1873-1821 0364-6408  
10728 B Library Hi Tech 0807 Library and Information Studies         0737-8831      
10683 B Library Management 0807 Library and Information Studies         0143-5124 0968-0810 0309-2232  
42183 C Library Philosophy and Practice 0807 Library and Information Studies         1522-0222      
10613 B Library Resources and Technical Services 0807 Library and Information Studies         0024-2527      
36499 B Library Resources and Technical Services 0807 Library and Information Studies         1091-9066      
10686 B Library Review 0807 Library and Information Studies         0024-2535 1758-793X    
36497 C Library Technology Reports: expert guides to library systems and services 0807 Library and Information Studies         0024-2586      
10614 B Library Trends 0807 Library and Information Studies         0024-2594 1559-0682    
39877 C Libres: Library and Information Science Research Electronic Journal 0807 Library and Information Studies         1058-6768      
11390 C Libri Historiae Medicae 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1588-7154 0133-946X 0010-3551  
32096 C Libri: international journal of libraries and information services 0807 Library and Information Studies         0024-2667 1865-8423    
40397 C Libyan Studies 2101 Archaeology         0263-7189      
2759 C Lichens 0607 Plant Biology         1316-4899      
8923 C Lidil 2004 Linguistics         1146-6480      
10041 C Lied und Populaere Kultur 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1619-0548      
8131 C Lietuvos Archaeologija 2101 Archaeology         0207-8694      
9567 C Lietuvos Etnologija: socialines antropologijos ir etnologijos studijos 1601 Anthropology          1392-4028      
294 C Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys 0101 Pure Mathematics         0132-2818      
14819 B Life Sciences 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology     0024-3205      
11594 B Life Writing 2005 Literary Studies         1448-4528 1751-2964    
20810 C Lifelong Learning in Europe 1301 Education Systems          1239-6826      
832 B Lifetime Data Analysis: an international journal devoted to the methods and applications of reliabil 0104 Statistics          1380-7870      
40513 A* Ligeia: dossiers sur l'art 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts     0989-6023      
34348 B Light Metals 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)         0147-0809      
4370 C Lighting Journal: official journal of the institution of lighting engineers 0905 Civil Engineering         0950-4559      
4604 C Lighting Research and Technology 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1477-1535 1477-0938 1365-7828 0024-3426
18594 C Liiketaloudellinen Aikakauskirja 14 Economics         0024-3469      
32732 C Lilith: a feminist history journal 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 2103 Historical Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies 0813-8990      
11502 C Limina: a journal of historical and cultural studies 2002 Cultural Studies 2103 Historical Studies     1324-4558      
34417 A Limnology and Oceanography 0405 Oceanography         0024-3590 1939-5590    
40788 B Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 0405 Oceanography 0602 Ecology     1541-5856      
33583 C Lincoln Law Review 1801 Law         0024-368X      
296 A Linear Algebra and Its Applications 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 0024-3795 1873-1856    
39876 B Linear and Multilinear Algebra 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     0308-1087 1026-7573 1563-5139  
8834 B L'Information Grammaticale 2004 Linguistics         0222-9838 1783-1601    
21567 B Lingnan Journal of Chinese Studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1562-5915      
8930 A Lingua 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0024-3841 1872-6135    
9365 C Lingua Aegyptia: journal of egyptian language studies 2003 Language Studies         0942-5659      
8926 C Lingua e Stile 2004 Linguistics         0024-385X      
37003 B Lingua et Linguistica 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     1475-8989      
8929 C Lingua Posnaniensis 2004 Linguistics         0079-4740      
37002 B Lingue e linguaggio 2004 Linguistics         1720-9331      
8931 A Linguistic Analysis 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0098-9053      
36936 B Linguistic Discovery 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     1537-0852      
8932 A* Linguistic Inquiry 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0024-3892 1530-9150    
9004 C Linguistic Studies 2004 Linguistics         0029-6791      
8934 A Linguistic Typology 2004 Linguistics         1430-0532 1613-415X    
8936 C Linguistica Antverpiensia New Series - Themes in Translation Studies 2004 Linguistics         0304-2294      
8940 C Linguistica Pragensia 2004 Linguistics         0862-8432      
8941 C Linguistica Silesiana 2004 Linguistics         0208-4228      
8942 B Linguistica Uralica 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0868-4731 1736-7506    
8945 A Linguistics and Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 2004 Linguistics     0898-5898 1873-1864    
8511 A* Linguistics and Philosophy: a journal of natural language syntax, semantics, logic, pragmatics, and processing 2004 Linguistics 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science 0165-0157 1573-0549    
8947 B Linguistics and the Human Sciences 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     1742-2906 1743-1662    
8948 B Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0731-3500      
8944 A Linguistics: an interdisciplinary journal of the language sciences 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0024-3949 1613-396X    
8949 C Linguistik Online 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     1615-3014      
8950 B Linguistique 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0075-966X      
8951 B Linguistische Berichte 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0024-3930      
8943 B Lingvisticae Investigationes: revue internationale de linguistique francaise et de linguistique generale - international journal of French linguistics and general linguistics 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0378-4169 1569-9927    
3311 C Linnean Society of New South Wales 06 Biological Sciences         0370-047X      
11946 C LINQ 2005 Literary Studies         0817-458X      
772 A L'Institut Henri Poincare. Annales (B). Probabilites et Statistiques 0104 Statistics          0246-0203      
5718 C Linye Kexue 0705 Forestry Sciences         1001-7488      
15273 C Lipids 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics         0024-4201 1558-9307    
15274 C Lipids in Health and Disease 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics         1476-511X      
13700 C Lippincott's Case Management 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1932-8087 1932-8095    
1480 B Liquid Crystals 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)         0267-8292 1366-5855    
37021 B Liquids 2005 Literary Studies         1988-2513      
10418 C Listasafn Sigurjons Olafssonar. Arbok 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing 21 History and Archaeology     1021-6626      
41757 B Listening: journal of religion and culture 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0024-4414      
11595 B LIT: Literature Interpretation Theory 2005 Literary Studies         1043-6928 1545-5866    
20328 B Literacy 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1741-4350 1741-4369 0034-0472  
20805 C Literacy and Numeracy Studies 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1441-0559 1035-4727    
20334 C Literacy Learning: The Middle Years 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1320-5692      
8955 B Literary and Linguistic Computing: the journal of digital scholarship in the humanities 20 Language, Communication and Culture 17 Psychology and Cognitive Sciences 08 Information and Computing Sciences 0268-1145 1477-4615    
34633 C Literary Criterion 2005 Literary Studies         0024-452X      
11503 C Literary Griot: international journal of Black expressive culture studies 2002 Cultural Studies         1053-9344      
21779 C Literary Heritage 2005 Literary Studies         0257-5914      
21778 C Literary Review MD Multidisciplinary         0511-4683      
11966 C Literator: journal of literary criticism and linguistics 2005 Literary Studies         0258-2279      
31468 A Literatur fuer Leser 2005 Literary Studies         0343-1657      
11967 C Literatura Mexicana 2005 Literary Studies         0188-2546      
11599 B Literature and Aesthetics 2005 Literary Studies         1036-9368      
7392 B Literature and History 2005 Literary Studies 2103 Historical Studies     0306-1973      
35587 A Literature and Medicine 2005 Literary Studies 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences     0278-9671 1080-6571    
11600 A Literature and Theology: an international journal of religion, theory and culture 2005 Literary Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0269-1205 1477-4623    
34632 B Literature Compass 2005 Literary Studies         1741-4113      
10042 B Literature-Film Quarterly 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 2005 Literary Studies     0090-4260      
11970 B Literaturna Misul 2005 Literary Studies         0324-0495      
40435 Not ranked LiTheS. Zeitschrift fŸr Literatur- und Theatersoziologie 2005 Literary Studies         2017-6346      
8132 C Lithic Technology 2101 Archaeology         0197-7261      
4106 C Lithology and Mineral Resources 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy 0403 Geology     0024-4902 1608-3229 0024-497X  
1901 A Lithos 0402 Geochemistry 0403 Geology     0024-4937 1872-6143    
610 C Lithuanian Mathematical Journal 0101 Pure Mathematics         0363-1672 1573-8825    
7393 C Litterae: cuadernos sobre cultura escrita 2103 Historical Studies         1578-5130      
11504 C Litteraria Pragensia: studies in literature and culture 2002 Cultural Studies 2005 Literary Studies     0862-8424      
40258 A Litterature 2005 Literary Studies         0047-4800 1958-5926    
37033 C LittŽratures classiques 2005 Literary Studies         0992-5279      
16570 B Liver International 1103 Clinical Sciences         1478-3223 1478-3231    
16571 B Liver Transplantation 1103 Clinical Sciences         1527-6465 1527-6473 1074-3022  
33584 C Liverpool Law Review: a journal of contemporary legal issues 1801 Law         0144-932X 1572-8625    
5908 C Livestock Research for Rural Development (Online Edition): the international journal for research into sustainable developing world agriculture 0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management         0121-3784      
5470 B Livestock Science 0702 Animal Production         1871-1413 0301-6226    
40124 C Living Reviews in Relativity 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences         1433-8351      
35899 C Llafur 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0306-0837      
11973 C Llenyddiaeth Mewn Theori 2005 Literary Studies         1747-7476      
33585 A* Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 1801 Law         0306-2945      
11369 B Llull 2103 Historical Studies 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     0210-8615      
32385 C LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics 01 Mathematical Sciences 08 Information and Computing Sciences     1461-1570      
611 C Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         1995-0802 1818-9962    
18595 B Local Economy 1402 Applied Economics 1205 Urban and Regional Planning     0269-0942 1470-9325    
36329 A Local Environment: the international journal of justice and sustainability 0502 Environmental Science and Management 1604 Human Geography 1205 Urban and Regional Planning 1354-9839 1469-6711    
34732 B Local Global: studies in community sustainability 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 2002 Cultural Studies     1832-6919      
36658 B Local Government Law Journal 1801 Law 1205 Urban and Regional Planning     1324-1265      
18907 B Local Government Studies 1606 Political Science 1205 Urban and Regional Planning     0300-3930 1743-9388    
30250 B Local Population Studies 1603 Demography          0143-2974 0143-2982    
44937 A Log (New York) 1201 Architecture         1547-4690      
10419 B Log of Mystic Seaport 2102 Curatorial and Related Studies         0024-5828      
32383 C Logic and Analysis 0101 Pure Mathematics         1863-3617      
8513 B Logic and Logical Philosophy 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     1425-3305      
8505 C Logic and Philosophy of Science 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     1826-1043      
297 B Logic Journal of the IGPL 0101 Pure Mathematics         1367-0751 1368-9894    
32384 C Logica Universalis 0101 Pure Mathematics         1661-8297 1661-8300    
8579 B Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1617-3473      
39875 A Logical Methods in Computer Science 0101 Pure Mathematics         1860-5974      
8514 A Logique et Analyse 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0024-5836      
39659 Not ranked Logistics Research 1507 Transportation and Freight Services         1865-035X 1865-0368    
35292 C Logoi: revista de filosofia 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     1316-693X      
8957 C Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology 2004 Linguistics 1103 Clinical Sciences     1401-5439 1651-2022    
37132 C Logos 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0868-7692      
8515 C Logos (St. Paul): a journal of Catholic thought and culture 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1091-6687 1533-791X    
37078 C Logos. Anales del Seminario de Metafisica 2203 Philosophy          1575-6866 0580-8650    
35892 B Loisir et Societe 1504 Commercial Services 1506 Tourism     0705-3436 1705-0154    
8277 C London and Middlesex Archaeological Society. Transactions 2101 Archaeology         0076-0501      
7395 C London Journal: a review of metropolitan society past and present 2103 Historical Studies         0305-8034 1749-6322    
356 A* London Mathematical Society. Proceedings 0101 Pure Mathematics         0024-6115 1460-244X    
20053 B London Review of Education 13 Education         1474-8460 1474-8479    
31109 A Long Range Planning 1503 Business and Management         0024-6301 1873-1872    
9366 C Lore and Language 2003 Language Studies         0307-7144      
3980 C Loss Prevention Bulletin 0904 Chemical Engineering          0260-9576 1744-358X    
11974 C Louisiana English Journal 2005 Literary Studies         0456-7463      
30607 C Louisiana History 2103 Historical Studies         0024-6816      
33586 C Louisiana Law Review: promoting legal scholarship in the community 1801 Law         0024-6859      
11975 C Louisiana Literature 2005 Literary Studies         0890-0477      
12826 A Louvain Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0024-6964 1783-161X    
36300 C Low Intensity Conflict and Law Enforcement 1606 Political Science         0966-2847      
1004 B Low Temperature Physics 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics         1063-777X 1090-6517 0132-6414  
33587 C Loyola Consumer Law Review 1801 Law         1530-5449 1041-5114    
33588 C Loyola Journal of Public Interest Law 1801 Law         1536-5778      
33589 C Loyola Law and Technology Annual 1801 Law         1930-9422      
33590 C Loyola Law Review 1801 Law         0192-9720      
33591 C Loyola Maritime Law Journal 1801 Law         1545-2506      
33592 B Loyola of Los Angeles Entertainment Law Review 1801 Law         1536-5751 0740-9370    
35377 B Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Review 1801 Law         1533-5860 0277-5417    
33594 B Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review 1801 Law         0147-9857      
33596 C Loyola University Chicago Law Journal 1801 Law         0024-7081      
34631 B LSP and professional communication 2004 Linguistics         1601-1929 0106-0341    
3703 B Lubrication Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1545-858X 0024-7154    
41801 C Lucas: An Evangelical History Review 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1030-4428      
2963 C Ludus Vitalis: revista de filosofia de las ciencias de la vida 0608 Zoology         1133-5165      
35291 C Lumen 2203 Philosophy          1209-3696      
2247 C Luminescence: journal of biological and chemical luminescence 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1522-7235 1522-7243 0884-3996  
8135 B Lund Archaeological Review 2101 Archaeology         1401-2189 0458-4767    
8136 B Lund Studies in Historical Archaeology 2101 Archaeology         1653-1183 0283-6874    
16575 C Lung Biology in Health and Disease 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0362-3181      
16576 A Lung Cancer 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         0169-5002 1872-8332    
16574 C Lung: an international journal on lungs, airways and breathing 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0341-2040 1432-1750    
16577 B Lupus 1103 Clinical Sciences         0961-2033 1477-0962    
7397 C Lusitania Sacra 2103 Historical Studies         0076-1508      
40116 C Luso - Brazilian Review: devoted to the culture of the Portuguese-speaking world 2005 Literary Studies 1601 Anthropology      0024-7413 1548-9957    
34630 B Lusotopie 2005 Literary Studies         1257-0273      
7398 B Lustrum: Internationale Forschungsberichte aus dem Bereich des Klassischen Altertums 2103 Historical Studies         0024-7421      
12828 B Lutheran Quarterly 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0024-7499      
37232 C Lutheran Theological Journal 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0024-7553      
3111 C Lutra 0608 Zoology         0024-7634      
30099 C Luxun Studies Monthly MD Multidisciplinary         1003-0638      
5469 C LWT- Food Science and Technology 0702 Animal Production         0023-6438 1096-1127    
17644 C Lychnos: aarsbok foer ide- och laerdomshistoria MD Multidisciplinary         0076-1648      
40886 C Lymphatic Research and Biology 1107 Immunology         1539-6851 1557-8585    
15520 C Lymphology 1107 Immunology         0024-7766      
11976 C Lynx: a tri-annual journal of linked poetry 2005 Literary Studies         1049-4502      
35593 C M/C Journal 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 2001 Communication and Media Studies 2002 Cultural Studies 1441-2616      
7399 C Maal Og Minne 2103 Historical Studies         0024-855X 1890-5455    
12830 A Maarav: a journal for the study of the Northwest Semitic languages and literatures 2003 Language Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0149-5712      
33597 B Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law 1801 Law         1023-263X      
3794 C Machine Dynamics Problems 0913 Mechanical Engineering         0239-7730      
18065 C Machine Graphics and Vision: international journal 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 1702 Cognitive Science 1230-0535      
18066 A* Machine Learning 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science     0885-6125 1573-0565    
18067 B Machine Translation 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0804 Data Format 1702 Cognitive Science 0922-6567 1573-0573 0884-0709  
18068 B Machine Vision and Applications: an international journal 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 1702 Cognitive Science 0932-8092 1432-1769    
3618 A Machining Science and Technology: an international journal 0910 Manufacturing Engineering         1091-0344 1532-2483    
11980 C MaComere: journal of the association of caribbean women writers and scholars 2005 Literary Studies         1521-9968      
33598 C Macquarie Journal of Business Law 1801 Law         1449-0269      
33599 C Macquarie Journal of International and Comparative Environmental Law 1801 Law         1448-8345      
33600 C Macquarie Law Journal 1801 Law         1445-386X      
18291 A Macroeconomic Dynamics 1401 Economic Theory         1365-1005 1469-8056    
30471 A Macroeconomics Annual 1401 Economic Theory         0889-3365 1537-2642    
1680 B Macromolecular Bioscience 0903 Biomedical Engineering  0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry     1616-5187 1616-5195    
1681 B Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry 0912 Materials Engineering     1022-1352 1521-3935 0323-7648  
1682 B Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 0904 Chemical Engineering  0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry 0912 Materials Engineering 1438-7492 1439-2054 0003-3146  
1683 A Macromolecular Rapid Communications 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry 0904 Chemical Engineering  0912 Materials Engineering 1022-1336 1521-3927    
34347 B Macromolecular Reaction Engineering 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry         1862-832X 1862-8338    
1684 C Macromolecular Research 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry         1598-5032 1225-5947    
1685 C Macromolecular Symposia 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry         1022-1360 1521-3900    
1686 C Macromolecular Theory and Simulations 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry         1022-1344 1521-3919    
1687 A* Macromolecules 03 Chemical Sciences 09 Engineering     0024-9297      
4108 C Madencilik: maden muhendisleri odasi dergisi 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0024-9416      
2761 C Madrono 0607 Plant Biology         0024-9637 1943-6297    
11981 C Madrygal: revista de estudios gallegos 2005 Literary Studies         1138-9664      
4255 A Magazine of Concrete Research 0905 Civil Engineering         0024-9831 1751-763X    
30613 C Magazine of History: for teachers of history 2103 Historical Studies         0882-228X 1938-2340    
32733 C Magistra 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1079-7572      
8139 B Magna Graecia: rassegna di archeologia storia arte attualita 2101 Archaeology         0024-9955      
4801 C Magnesium Research 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0953-1424      
16578 B Magnetic Resonance Imaging 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science 0903 Biomedical Engineering  0730-725X 1873-5894    
1481 C Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)         0749-1581 1097-458X    
22256 A Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 0903 Biomedical Engineering          0740-3194 1522-2594    
40843 C Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 0903 Biomedical Engineering          0968-5243 1352-8661    
4605 C Magnetohydrodynamics 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0024-998X      
5624 C Magyar Allatorvosok Lapja 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0025-004X      
8516 C Magyar Filozofiai Szemle 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0025-0090      
9368 C Magyar Nyelvor 2003 Language Studies         0025-0236 1585-4515    
36301 B MAI Review 1605 Policy and Administration         1177-5904      
7401 B Maia: rivista di letterature classiche 2103 Historical Studies         0025-0538      
1365 C Main Group Metal Chemistry 0302 Inorganic Chemistry         0792-1241      
33601 C Maine Law Review 1801 Law         0025-0651      
276 C Majalah Ilmiah Himpunan Matematika Indonesia 0101 Pure Mathematics         0854-1388      
40802 B Majallah-i Danishkadah-i Dampizishki 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1022-646X      
11982 B Majma' Al-Lughah Al-Arabiyyah Bi Dimashq Majallah 2005 Literary Studies         0258-1442      
8140 C Makedonika 2101 Archaeology         0076-289X      
2964 C Malacologia 0608 Zoology         0076-2997      
15139 B Malaria Journal 1108 Medical Microbiology         1475-2875      
40882 C Malawi Medical Journal 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences         1995-7262 1995-7270    
30106 B Malaysia in History 2103 Historical Studies         0047-5610      
19109 C Malaysian Accounting Review 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1675-4077      
18069 C Malaysian Journal of Computer Science 0807 Library and Information Studies         0127-9084      
40850 C Malaysian Journal of Distance Education 1301 Education Systems          1511 6433      
18459 C Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies 14 Economics         0126-5350      
44978 C Malaysian Journal of Library and Information Science 0807 Library and Information Studies         1394-6234      
2965 B Mammal Review 0608 Zoology         0305-1838 1365-2907    
2966 C Mammalia: journal de morphologie, biologie, systematique des mammiferes 0608 Zoology         0025-1461 1864-1547    
2967 C Mammalian Biology 0608 Zoology         1616-5047 1618-1476 0044-3468  
2397 B Mammalian Genome 0604 Genetics          0938-8990 1432-1777 0959-0587  
3112 C Mammalian Species 0608 Zoology         0076-3519 1545-1410    
21573 B Man in India 1601 Anthropology          0025-1569      
9570 C Mana: estudos de antropologia social 1601 Anthropology          0104-9313 1678-4944    
19110 A Management Accounting Research 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1044-5005 1096-1224    
39874 B Management and Organization Review 1503 Business and Management         1740-8776      
35898 C Management and Organizational History 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 1503 Business and Management     1744-9359 1744-9367    
40577 C Management Case Study Journal 1503 Business and Management         1445-033X      
19458 B Management Communication Quarterly 1503 Business and Management         0893-3189 1552-6798    
40318 C Management Dynamics 1503 Business and Management         1019-567X      
19940 C Management in Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0892-0206 1741-9883    
22258 A Management International Review 1503 Business and Management         0938-8249 1861-8901    
19178 B Management Learning 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1503 Business and Management     1350-5076 1461-7307    
5887 C Management of Environmental Quality MD Multidisciplinary         1477-7835 1758-6119 0956-6163  
40578 C Management Online Review 1503 Business and Management         1996-3300      
31140 C Management Research News: communication news of emergent international management research 1503 Business and Management         0140-9174 1758-6135    
42137 B Management Research: the journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management 1599 Other Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services         1536-5433 1558-0946    
18072 A* Management Science 0806 Information Systems 0807 Library and Information Studies 1503 Business and Management 0025-1909 1526-5501    
18460 B Managerial and Decision Economics: the international journal of research and progress in management economics 1402 Applied Economics         0143-6570 1099-1468    
19111 B Managerial Auditing Journal 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         0268-6902 1758-7735    
19584 C Managerial Finance 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         0307-4358 1758-7743    
42136 C Managing Global Transitions: International Research Journal 1399 Other Education          1581-6311 1854-6935    
19684 B Managing Leisure 1504 Commercial Services 1506 Tourism     1360-6719 1466-450X    
22259 B Managing Service Quality 1503 Business and Management 1506 Tourism     0960-4529 1758-8030    
33602 C Manchester Journal of International Economic Law 1801 Law         1742-3945      
18222 B Manchester School 1499 Other Economics         1463-6786 1467-9957 0025-2034  
11984 C Mande Studies 2005 Literary Studies         1536-5506      
3422 C Manejo Integrado de Plagas 10 Technology 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences     1016-0469      
17645 C Manila Journal of Science MD Multidisciplinary         0115-5679      
33603 C Manitoba Law Journal 1801 Law         0076-3861      
9571 C Mankind Quarterly 1601 Anthropology  1701 Psychology     0025-2344      
11985 C Manoa: a Pacific journal of international writing 2005 Literary Studies         1045-7909 1527-943X    
14993 C Mansoura Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1110-1318      
5888 C Manual of Environmental Policy: The EU and Britain 1605 Policy and Administration         1467-0445      
16579 B Manual Therapy 1103 Clinical Sciences         1356-689X 1532-2769    
42131 C Manuelle Medizin: chirotherapie - manuelle therapie - osteopathische medizin 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0025-2514 1433-0466    
39873 C Manufacturing and Service Operations Management 1503 Business and Management 0102 Applied Mathematics     1523-4614 1526-5498    
303 B Manuscripta Mathematica 0101 Pure Mathematics         0025-2611 1432-1785    
7402 B Manuscripta: a journal devoted to manuscript studies 2103 Historical Studies         0025-2603      
35290 C Manuscrito: revista internacional de filosofia 2203 Philosophy          0100-6045      
7403 C Manuscrits: revista d'historia moderna 2103 Historical Studies         0213-2397      
36592 C Manusya: Journal of Humanities MD Multidisciplinary         0859-9920      
11986 C Many Mountains Moving: a literary journal of diverse contemporary voices 2005 Literary Studies         1080-6474      
35147 C Mappemonde 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         1769-7298 0764-3470    
11987 C Marang 2005 Literary Studies         1816-7659      
12831 B Marburg Journal of Religion 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1612-2941      
8961 B Marges Linguistiques 2004 Linguistics         1626-3162      
18596 C Margin (New Delhi): the journal of applied economic research 1402 Applied Economics         0973-8010 0973-8029    
41733 C Marife: Bilimsel Birikim 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1303-0671      
3284 C Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology 0602 Ecology         1023-6244 1029-0362 0091-181X  
3285 B Marine and Freshwater Research 0704 Fisheries Sciences 0405 Oceanography     1323-1650 1448-6059 0067-1940  
1747 B Marine and Petroleum Geology 0403 Geology 0404 Geophysics     0264-8172 1873-4073    
3280 C Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. Journal 0608 Zoology 0602 Ecology     0025-3154 1469-7769    
3287 C Marine Biology Research 0602 Ecology         1745-1000 1745-1019 0036-4827 0078-5326
3286 B Marine Biology: international journal on life in oceans and coastal waters 0602 Ecology 0604 Genetics  0608 Zoology 0025-3162 1432-1793    
3370 B Marine Biotechnology 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 05 Environmental Sciences 10 Technology 1436-2228 1436-2236 1053-6426 0941-2905
1366 A Marine Chemistry 0405 Oceanography         0304-4203 1872-7581    
14994 C Marine Drugs 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1660-3397      
34412 B Marine Ecology 0602 Ecology 0405 Oceanography     0173-9565 1439-0485    
3288 A Marine Ecology - Progress Series MD Multidisciplinary         0171-8630 1616-1599    
5859 B Marine Environmental Research 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 04 Earth Sciences 0141-1136      
5795 B Marine Fisheries Review 0704 Fisheries Sciences         0090-1830 1939-2044 0010-2989  
1931 A Marine Geodesy 0909 Geomatic Engineering          0149-0419 1521-060X    
1932 A Marine Geology 0403 Geology 0405 Oceanography     0025-3227 1872-6151    
34414 C Marine Geophysical Researches: an international journal for the study of the earth beneath the sea 0404 Geophysics 0405 Oceanography     0025-3235 1573-0581    
4256 C Marine Georesources and Geotechnology 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy 0405 Oceanography     1064-119X 1521-0618    
2968 B Marine Mammal Science 0608 Zoology         0824-0469 1748-7692    
1823 A Marine Micropaleontology 0403 Geology         0377-8398 1872-6186    
18908 A Marine Policy 1801 Law 1606 Political Science 0704 Fisheries Sciences 0308-597X 1872-9460    
39756 B Marine Pollution Bulletin MD Multidisciplinary         0025-326X 1879-3363    
18461 C Marine Resource Economics 1402 Applied Economics         0738-1360      
3795 A Marine Structures 0911 Maritime Engineering  0905 Civil Engineering     0951-8339 1873-4170    
30233 A Marine Technology and SNAME News 0911 Maritime Engineering          1945-3582 1542-0566    
34561 B Marine Technology Society Journal: the international, interdisciplinary society devoted to ocean and marine engineering, science and policy 0911 Maritime Engineering  0405 Oceanography     0025-3324      
7404 C Mariner's Mirror 2103 Historical Studies         0025-3359      
40635 C Maritime Affairs 1606 Political Science 1507 Transportation and Freight Services     0973-3159 1946-6609    
32905 B Maritime Economics and Logistics 1402 Applied Economics         1479-2931 1479-294X 1388-1973  
32906 C Maritime Policy and Management: an international journal of shipping and port research 1605 Policy and Administration         0308-8839 1464-5254    
39872 C Maritime Studies 1604 Human Geography         0726-6472      
11988 C Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings Journal of Florida Literature 2005 Literary Studies         1060-3409      
10422 C Mark og Montre: aarbog for Ribe amt museer 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing 21 History and Archaeology     0105-0826      
19843 C Marketing Bulletin (Online) 1505 Marketing         1176-645X      
35993 C Marketing Education Review 1505 Marketing         1052-8008      
19845 C Marketing Intelligence and Planning 1505 Marketing         0263-4503 1758-8049 1355-2538  
19846 A Marketing Letters 1505 Marketing         0923-0645 1573-059X    
19848 A* Marketing Science 1505 Marketing         0732-2399 1526-548X    
19849 B Marketing Theory: an international review 1505 Marketing         1470-5931 1741-301X    
15399 C Marmara Medical Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1019-1941      
33604 C Marquette Elder's Advisor 1801 Law         1935-7958 1523-8504    
33605 C Marquette Intellectual Property Law Review 1801 Law         1092-5899      
33606 C Marquette Law Review 1801 Law         0025-3987      
33607 C Marquette Sports Law Review 1801 Law         1533-6484 1057-6029    
6036 B Marriage and Family Review 1603 Demography          0149-4929 1540-9635    
40669 C Marvels and Tales: journal of fairy-tale studies 2005 Literary Studies         1521-4281 1536-1802 0898-154X  
36913 B Maryland Historical Magazine 2103 Historical Studies         0025-4258      
33608 B Maryland Law Review 1801 Law         0025-4282      
15400 C Maryland Medicine 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1538-2656 0886-0572    
17646 C Maryland Naturalist MD Multidisciplinary         0096-4158      
11991 C Maryland Poetry Review 2005 Literary Studies         0892-807X      
41938 C Masaryk University Journal of Law and Technology 1801 Law         1802-5943      
7663 C Masarykova Univerzita. Filozoficka Fakulta. Sbornik Praci. C: Rada Historicka 2103 Historical Studies 2203 Philosophy      0231-7710      
8243 C Masarykova Univerzita. Filozoficka Fakulta. Sbornik Praci. M: Rada Archeologicka 2101 Archaeology         1211-6327 0231-7915    
31470 B Maske und Kothurn: Internationale Beitraege zur Theaterwissenschaft 2005 Literary Studies         0025-4606      
3524 B Masonry International: journal of the British Masonry Society 0905 Civil Engineering         0950-2289      
4391 B Masonry Society Journal 0905 Civil Engineering         0741-1294      
11029 B Mass Communication and Society 2002 Cultural Studies 1608 Sociology 2001 Communication and Media Studies 1520-5436 1532-7825 0193-7707  
35018 A* Mass Spectrometry Reviews 0301 Analytical Chemistry 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)     0277-7037 1098-2787    
40932 C Massachusetts Historical Review 2103 Historical Studies         1526-3894      
10047 A Master Drawings: devoted exclusively to the study and illustration of drawings 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts     0025-5025      
30150 C Masyarakat Indonesia: Majalah Ilmu - Ilmu Sosial Indonesia MD Multidisciplinary         0125-9989      
32389 C Match: Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry 01 Mathematical Sciences 08 Information and Computing Sciences     0340-6253      
617 B Matematica Contemporanea 0101 Pure Mathematics         0103-9059      
32390 C Matematicheskii Sbornik 0101 Pure Mathematics         0368-8666      
32391 C Matematicki Bilten 0101 Pure Mathematics         0351-336X      
32392 C Matematicki Vesnik 0101 Pure Mathematics         0025-5165      
620 C Matematikai Lapok, New Series 0101 Pure Mathematics         0025-519X      
32393 C Matematychni Studii 0101 Pure Mathematics         1027-4634      
622 C Matematyka Stosowana 0101 Pure Mathematics         1730-2668 0137-2890    
7405 A Material Culture Review 2103 Historical Studies 1601 Anthropology      1718-1259 1183-1073    
10423 C Material Religion: the journal of objects, art and belief 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         1743-2200 1751-8342    
4257 C Materiales de Construccion 0905 Civil Engineering         0465-2746 1988-3226    
7406 A Materiali e Discussioni Per l'analisi dei Testi Classici 2103 Historical Studies         0392-6338 1724-1693    
4802 C Materiali in Tehnologije 0912 Materials Engineering         1580-2949 1580-3414 1318-0010  
3796 C Materialovedenie 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1684-579X      
4803 B Materials and Corrosion 0912 Materials Engineering         0947-5117 1521-4176 0043-2822  
4961 A Materials and Design 0912 Materials Engineering         0264-1275 1873-4197    
3642 B Materials and Manufacturing Processes 0910 Manufacturing Engineering         1042-6914 1532-2475    
4258 A Materials and Structures 0905 Civil Engineering         1359-5997 1871-6873    
4804 B Materials at High Temperatures 0912 Materials Engineering         0960-3409      
4805 B Materials Characterization 0912 Materials Engineering         1044-5803 1873-4189    
4965 B Materials Chemistry and Physics 0912 Materials Engineering         0254-0584      
44938 B Materials Evaluation 0905 Civil Engineering         0025-5327      
1005 B Materials Letters 0912 Materials Engineering 0910 Manufacturing Engineering     0167-577X 1873-4979    
40668 C Materials Physics and Mechanics 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1605-2730 1605-8119    
4968 C Materials Research 0912 Materials Engineering         1516-1439      
4969 B Materials Research Bulletin 0912 Materials Engineering         0025-5408 1873-4227    
4970 C Materials Research Innovations 0912 Materials Engineering         1432-8917 1433-075X    
4973 A* Materials Science and Engineering A: Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing 0912 Materials Engineering         0921-5093 1873-4936    
1113 B Materials Science and Engineering B: Advanced Functional Solid-state Materials 09 Engineering 02 Physical Sciences 03 Chemical Sciences 0921-5107 1873-4944    
5055 B Materials Science and Engineering C-Biomimetic and Supramolecular Systems 0903 Biomedical Engineering          0928-4931      
4975 B Materials Science and Technology 0912 Materials Engineering         1316-2012      
4934 C Materials Science Forum 1007 Nanotechnology 0912 Materials Engineering     0255-5476 1422-6375 0250-9776  
1114 B Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 0912 Materials Engineering         1369-8001 1873-4081    
4806 C Materials Technology 0912 Materials Engineering         1066-7857 1753-5557 0929-1881  
4807 B Materials Transactions 0912 Materials Engineering         1345-9678 1347-5320 0916-1821  
4808 C Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik 0912 Materials Engineering         0933-5137 1521-4052    
10424 C Materialy Zachodniopomorskie 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing 21 History and Archaeology     0076-5236      
13701 A Maternal and Child Health Journal 1110 Nursing 1117 Public Health and Health Services     1092-7875 1573-6628    
40061 C Maternal and Child Nutrition 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics         1740-8695 1740-8709    
623 C Mathematica Balkanica 0101 Pure Mathematics         0205-3217      
305 C Mathematica Bohemica 0101 Pure Mathematics         0862-7959      
624 C Mathematica Macedonica 0101 Pure Mathematics         1409-9721      
625 C Mathematica Moravica 0101 Pure Mathematics         1450-5932      
306 C Mathematica Pannonica 0101 Pure Mathematics         0865-2090      
307 B Mathematica Scandinavica: ediderunt societates mathematicae Daniae Fenniae Islandiae Norvegiae Sveci 0101 Pure Mathematics         0025-5521 1903-1807    
626 C Mathematica Slovaca 0101 Pure Mathematics         0139-9918 1337-2211    
309 C Mathematical and Computer Modeling of Dynamical Systems 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 1702 Cognitive Science     1387-3954 1744-5051    
308 B Mathematical and Computer Modelling 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 0895-7177 1872-9479    
931 A Mathematical Biosciences 06 Biological Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     0025-5564      
39657 B Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 0102 Applied Mathematics 0903 Biomedical Engineering  0904 Chemical Engineering  1547-1063 1551-0018    
41946 C Mathematical Communications 0102 Applied Mathematics         1331-0623 1333-0829    
35617 A* Mathematical Finance 0102 Applied Mathematics         0960-1627 1467-9965    
32398 C Mathematical Gazette 0101 Pure Mathematics         0025-5572      
1748 A Mathematical Geosciences 0102 Applied Mathematics 0403 Geology 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy 1874-8961 1874-8953    
313 B Mathematical Inequalities and Applications 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1331-4343      
30098 C Mathematical Linguistics 2004 Linguistics         0453-4611      
628 B Mathematical logic quarterly 0101 Pure Mathematics         0942-5616 1521-3870    
32295 A Mathematical Medicine and Biology 01 Mathematical Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences 1477-8599 1477-8602    
41516 C Mathematical Methods in Economics and Finance 1401 Economic Theory         1971-6419 1971-3878    
629 B Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 0102 Applied Mathematics         0170-4214 1099-1476    
317 B Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 1432-2994 1432-5217    
630 C Mathematical Methods of Statistics 0104 Statistics          1066-5307 1934-8045    
39656 C Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms 0102 Applied Mathematics         1570-1166 1572-9214    
32399 C Mathematical Modelling and Analysis 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics     1392-6292      
32400 C Mathematical Modelling and Applied Computing (MMAC) 01 Mathematical Sciences 08 Information and Computing Sciences     0973-6093      
32402 C Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena (MMNP) 0102 Applied Mathematics         0973-5348      
634 A Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences (M3AS) 0102 Applied Mathematics         0218-2025 1793-6314    
32403 C Mathematical Physics Electronic Journal 01 Mathematical Sciences 02 Physical Sciences     1086-6655      
636 B Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 01 Mathematical Sciences 02 Physical Sciences     1385-0172 1572-9656    
318 C Mathematical Population Studies 0102 Applied Mathematics         0889-8480 1547-724X    
32404 C Mathematical Problems in Engineering 01 Mathematical Sciences 09 Engineering     1024-123X 1563-5147    
321 A* Mathematical Programming 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics     0025-5610 1436-4646    
637 C Mathematical Reports 0101 Pure Mathematics         1582-3067 0039-4068    
17520 C Mathematical Reports of the Academy of Science MD Multidisciplinary         0706-1994      
322 A Mathematical Research Letters 0101 Pure Mathematics         1073-2780      
41598 Not ranked Mathematical Sciences Publishers 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1948-206X      
638 C Mathematical Social Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences 16 Studies In Human Society     0165-4896      
32406 C Mathematical Spectrum 0101 Pure Mathematics         0025-5653      
39655 C Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics         0960-1295 1469-8072    
20496 A Mathematical Thinking and Learning 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1098-6065 1532-7833    
20508 C Mathematics and Computer Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0730-8639      
323 B Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 0378-4754 1872-7166    
642 C Mathematics and Financial Economics 01 Mathematical Sciences 14 Economics     1862-9679 1862-9660    
324 B Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 0102 Applied Mathematics 0105 Mathematical Physics     1081-2865 1741-3028    
32407 C Mathematics Applied in Science and Technology 0102 Applied Mathematics         0973-6344      
20493 A Mathematics Education Research Journal 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1033-2170      
32408 C Mathematics in Computer Science 01 Mathematical Sciences 08 Information and Computing Sciences     1661-8270 1661-8289    
325 C Mathematics Magazine 0101 Pure Mathematics         0025-570X 1930-0980    
326 A Mathematics of Computation 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics 0025-5718 1088-6842    
327 A Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems 0102 Applied Mathematics         0932-4194 1435-568X    
328 A* Mathematics of Operations Research 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 0364-765X 1526-5471    
20499 B Mathematics Teacher Education and Development 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1442-3901      
35672 B Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1072-0839      
646 B Mathematika: a journal of pure and applied mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         0025-5793 2041-7942    
329 A* Mathematische Annalen 0101 Pure Mathematics         0025-5831 1432-1807    
647 C Mathematische Gesellschaft in Hamburg. Mitteilungen 0101 Pure Mathematics         0340-4358      
330 B Mathematische Nachrichten 0101 Pure Mathematics         0025-584X 1522-2616    
648 C Mathematische Semesterberichte: zur Foerderung der Mathematik in Unterricht und Kultur 0101 Pure Mathematics         0720-728X 1432-1815    
331 A Mathematische Zeitschrift 0101 Pure Mathematics         0025-5874 1432-1823    
2067 B Matrix Biology 06 Biological Sciences         0945-053X 1569-1802 0934-8832 0174-173X
4606 C Matsushita Technical Journal 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1343-9529 0028-0291    
11993 B Mattoid 2005 Literary Studies         0314-5913      
16581 B Maturitas 1103 Clinical Sciences         0378-5122 1873-4111 1381-2858  
41947 C Max Weber Studies 1608 Sociology         1470-8078      
2619 C Maydica: a journal devoted to maize and allied species 0607 Plant Biology 0703 Crop and Pasture Production     0025-6153      
15321 A Mayo Clinic Proceedings 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0025-6196 1942-5546    
33609 B McGeorge Law Review 1801 Law         1520-9245 0030-8757    
5911 C Mcgill International Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy 1605 Policy and Administration 1801 Law     1712-9664      
40800 C McGill Journal of Education 1301 Education Systems          0024-9033 1916-0666    
33611 A* McGill Law Journal 1801 Law         0024-9041      
2544 C McIlvainea: journal of amateur mycology 0605 Microbiology          0099-8400      
650 B Measurement 0102 Applied Mathematics 0913 Mechanical Engineering     0263-2241 1873-412X    
6511 B Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1701 Psychology     0748-1756      
20569 C Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1091-367X 1532-7841    
35105 B Measurement Science and Technology 09 Engineering 02 Physical Sciences     0957-0233 1361-6501    
40818 B Measurement: interdisciplinary research and perspectives 1608 Sociology         1536-6367 1536-6359    
19372 C Measuring Business Excellence 1503 Business and Management         1368-3047      
9672 A Meat Science 0908 Food Sciences 0702 Animal Production 0904 Chemical Engineering  0309-1740 1873-4138    
5158 C Meccanica 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering 0102 Applied Mathematics     0025-6455 1572-9648    
34731 B Mechademia: an annual forum for anime, manga and the fan arts 2001 Communication and Media Studies 2005 Literary Studies     1934-2489      
3798 C Mechanical Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering         0025-6501 1943-5649    
3705 A* Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering 0888-3270 1096-1216    
3726 C Mechanics 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1734-8927 0239-5282    
4260 B Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines: an international journal 0905 Civil Engineering         1539-7734 1539-7742 0890-5452  
36888 A Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 0912 Materials Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering 0901 Aerospace Engineering 1537-6494 1537-6532 1075-9417  
4980 A Mechanics of Materials 0912 Materials Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0167-6636 1872-7743    
5159 B Mechanics Research Communications 0905 Civil Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0102 Applied Mathematics 0093-6413 1873-3972    
3706 A Mechanism and Machine Theory 0913 Mechanical Engineering         0094-114X 1873-3999    
16583 A Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 1103 Clinical Sciences         0047-6374 1872-6216    
39754 A Mechanisms of Development 0604 Genetics  0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology     0925-4773 1872-6356    
3526 C Mechanizacja i Automatyzacja Gornictwa: czasopismo naukowo-techniczne 0902 Automotive Engineering         0208-7448      
3527 B Mechatronics 0910 Manufacturing Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0910 Manufacturing Engineering 0957-4158 1873-4006    
10425 C Medal 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         0263-7707      
35374 B Media and Arts Law Review 1801 Law 2001 Communication and Media Studies     1325-1570 1038-510X    
21575 B Media Asia: an Asian mass communication quarterly operations index 1903 Journalism and Professional Writing 2001 Communication and Media Studies     0129-6612      
9239 A Media Culture and Society 1608 Sociology 2001 Communication and Media Studies 2002 Cultural Studies 0163-4437 1460-3675    
9240 C Media Development 2001 Communication and Media Studies         0143-5558 0092-7821    
7407 B Media History 1903 Journalism and Professional Writing 2103 Historical Studies 2001 Communication and Media Studies 1368-8804 1469-9729 1075-0673  
9267 A Media History Monographs 2103 Historical Studies 2001 Communication and Media Studies     1940-8862      
9242 A Media International Australia Incorporating Culture and Policy: quarterly journal of media research and resources 2002 Cultural Studies 1605 Policy and Administration 1608 Sociology 1329-878X      
6512 B Media Psychology 1701 Psychology 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 2001 Communication and Media Studies 1521-3269 1532-785X    
34502 Not ranked Media Tropes 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 2001 Communication and Media Studies     1913-6005      
34629 Not ranked Media, War and Conflict 2001 Communication and Media Studies         1750-6352 1750-6360    
34867 A Mediaeval Studies 2103 Historical Studies         0076-5872      
8518 C Mediaevalia 2203 Philosophy          0361-946X      
7408 B Mediaevalia Historica Bohemica 2103 Historical Studies         0862-979X      
35802 C Mediascape 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         1558-478X      
40597 C Mediations 2005 Literary Studies 2002 Cultural Studies     1075-041X 1942-2458    
15521 C Mediators of Inflammation 1107 Immunology         0962-9351 1466-1861    
34172 C Medical Acupuncture 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         1933-6586 1933-6594 1050-5695  
5056 A Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 0903 Biomedical Engineering          0140-0118 1741-0444    
40011 B Medical and Veterinary Entomology 06 Biological Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences 0269-283X 1365-2915    
9573 A Medical Anthropology Quarterly: international journal for the cultural and social analysis of health 1601 Anthropology          0745-5194 1937-6219    
9572 A Medical Anthropology: cross-cultural studies in health and illness 1601 Anthropology          0145-9740 1545-5882    
15401 C Medical Association of Georgia Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0025-7028      
13703 B Medical Care 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0025-7079 1537-1948    
13704 C Medical Care Research and Review 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1077-5587 1552-6801 0025-7087  
15278 C Medical Chemistry 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences     1681-2557      
40038 B Medical Clinics of North America 1103 Clinical Sciences         0025-7125 1557-9859 0186-0194  
13705 B Medical Decision Making 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0272-989X 1552-681X    
16585 C Medical Dosimetry 1103 Clinical Sciences         0958-3947 1873-4022 0739-0211  
20513 B Medical Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0308-0110 1365-2923 0007-1110  
40711 C Medical Education Online: an electronic journal 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1117 Public Health and Health Services     1087-2981      
5057 A Medical Engineering and Physics 0903 Biomedical Engineering          1350-4533 1873-4030    
34978 C Medical Ethics 2201 Applied Ethics         1543-4672      
11373 A Medical History: devoted to the history and bibliography of medicine and the related sciences 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0025-7273      
40599 B Medical Humanities 2201 Applied Ethics 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences 1468-215X 1473-4265    
34938 C Medical Humanities Review 2203 Philosophy          0892-2772      
15322 C Medical Hypotheses 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0306-9877 1532-2777    
39870 A* Medical Image Analysis 11 Medical and Health Sciences 09 Engineering     1361-8415 1361-8423    
15565 C Medical Immunology 1107 Immunology         1476-9433      
15402 C Medical Journal Armed Forces India 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0377-1237      
15323 A Medical Journal of Australia 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0025-729X 1326-5377    
15393 C Medical Journal of Kobe University 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0075-6431      
15403 C Medical Journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1016-1430      
15434 C Medical Journal of the Trakya University 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1301-3149      
15438 C Medical Journal of the University of Cairo Faculty of Medicine 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0045-3803      
15439 C Medical Journal of the University of Toronto 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0833-2207      
35548 C Medical Law International 2201 Applied Ethics 1801 Law     0968-5332      
33613 A Medical Law Review 1801 Law         0967-0742 1464-3790    
14995 C Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0025-732X 1523-2859    
15140 B Medical Microbiology and Immunology 1107 Immunology 1108 Medical Microbiology     0300-8584 1432-1831    
5536 B Medical Mycology 1108 Medical Microbiology         1369-3786 1460-2709    
1007 A Medical Physics 0299 Other Physical Sciences         0094-2405      
40526 C Medical Principles and Practice 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1011-7571 1423-0151    
10050 C Medical Problems of Performing Artists 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 1103 Clinical Sciences     0885-1158 1938-2766    
15324 C Medical Science Monitor: international medical journal for clinical and experimental research 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1234-1010 1643-3750    
13709 C Medical Teacher 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0142-159X 1466-187X    
33614 C Medical Trial Technique Quarterly 1801 Law         0025-7591      
11374 C Medicina and Storia: rivista di storia della medicina e della sanita 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1722-2206 1828-6224    
9822 C Medicina Dello Sport 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         0025-7826 1827-1863    
11375 C Medicina nei Secoli: arte e scienza 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0394-9001 0025-7877    
32652 C Medicina Oral, Patologia Oral y Cirugia Bucal 1105 Dentistry         1698-4447 1698-6946 1137-2834  
14996 C Medicina Paliativa 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1134-248X      
5625 C Medicina Veterinaria 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0212-8292      
40500 B Medicinal Chemistry 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences     1573-4064 1875-6638    
15276 C Medicinal Chemistry Research 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences     1054-2523 1554-8120    
15277 C Medicinal Chemistry Reviews Online 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry         1567-2034      
14820 A Medicinal Research Reviews 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences     0198-6325 1098-1128    
16589 A Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         0025-7974 1536-5964    
35373 B Medicine and Law: an international journal 1801 Law         0723-1393      
9788 A* Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science 0903 Biomedical Engineering      0195-9131 1530-0315 0025-7990  
35191 C Medicine and Sport Science 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics         0254-5020 1662-2812 0076-6070  
13710 C Medicine Health Care and Philosophy 1117 Public Health and Health Services 2203 Philosophy      1386-7423 1572-8633    
34330 C Medicine Science and the Law 1801 Law 1103 Clinical Sciences     0025-8024      
15325 C Medicine Today: the peer reviewed journal of clinical practice 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1443-430X      
34773 B Medieval and Renaissance Drama in England: an annual gathering of research, criticism, and reviews 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2005 Literary Studies 2103 Historical Studies 0731-3403      
8143 A Medieval Archaeology 2101 Archaeology         0076-6097 1745-817X    
11602 B Medieval English Theatre 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2005 Literary Studies     0143-3784      
32810 B Medieval Feminist Forum 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1536-8742      
34730 C Medieval Perspectives 2005 Literary Studies 2103 Historical Studies     1057-5367      
8519 B Medieval Philosophy and Theology 2203 Philosophy  2204 Religion and Religious Studies     1057-0608      
11994 C Medieval Sermon Studies 2005 Literary Studies         1366-0691 1749-6276 0140-1211  
7410 B Medievales 2103 Historical Studies         0751-2708 1777-5892    
7411 A Medievalia et Humanistica: studies in medieval and renaissance culture 2005 Literary Studies         0076-6127      
7413 C Medievalismo 2103 Historical Studies         1131-8155      
9268 C Medijska Istrazivanja 1903 Journalism and Professional Writing         1330-6928      
8520 B Medioevo (Padua): rivista di storia della filosofia medievale 2203 Philosophy          0391-2566      
7415 C Medioevo Romanzo 2004 Linguistics 2103 Historical Studies     0390-0711 1724-1707    
8146 A Mediterranean Archaeology 2101 Archaeology         1030-8482      
8147 B Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry 2101 Archaeology         1108-961X      
7416 C Mediterranean Historical Review 2103 Historical Studies         0951-8967 1743-940X    
41953 C Mediterranean Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 0102 Applied Mathematics         1450-1104      
20054 C Mediterranean Journal of Educational Studies 13 Education         1024-5375      
39654 C Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics         1660-5446 1660-5454    
30100 C Mediterranean Quarterly: a journal of global issues MD Multidisciplinary         1047-4552 1527-1935    
10426 C Mediterranean Studies MD Multidisciplinary         1074-164X      
7417 B Mediterraneo Antico: economie societa culture 2103 Historical Studies         1127-6061 1824-8225    
11995 B Medium Aevum 2005 Literary Studies         0025-8385      
11376 C Medizin, Gesellschaft und Geschichte: Jahrbuch des Instituts fuer Geschichte der Medizin der Robert Bosch Stiftung 2103 Historical Studies 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     0939-351X      
11377 C Medizinhistorisches Journal 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0025-8431      
14231 C Medsurg Nursing 1110 Nursing         1092-0811      
11378 C Medycyna Nowozytna: studia nad historia medycyny 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1231-1960      
5626 C Medycyna Weterynaryjna 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0025-8628      
3113 C Megadrilogica 0608 Zoology         0380-9633      
6513 C Megamot: behavioural sciences journal 1701 Psychology         0025-8679      
10421 C MEIEA 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         1559-7334      
34173 C Meiji Shinkyu Igaku 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         0912-2419      
10427 C Meiyuan 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts         1003-5605      
41749 C Melanesian Journal of Theology 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0256-856X      
7420 A Melanges de l'Ecole Francaise de Rome. Moyen Age 2101 Archaeology 2103 Historical Studies     1123-9883 1724-2150    
12833 C Melanges de Science Religieuse 2203 Philosophy  2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0025-8911      
16590 B Melanoma Research: an international journal of rapid communications of basic and clinical research in melanoma 1103 Clinical Sciences         0960-8931 1473-5636    
10051 A Melbourne Art Journal 1901 Art Theory and Criticism         1329-9441      
7423 C Melbourne Historical Journal 2103 Historical Studies         0076-6232      
33615 B Melbourne Journal of International Law 1801 Law         1444-8602 1444-8610    
18909 C Melbourne Journal of Politics 1606 Political Science         0085-3224      
40368 C Melbourne Papers in Language Testing 20 Language, Communication and Culture         1327-0311      
8963 C Melbourne Papers in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     1443-6914 1033-3584 1441-6743 0313-0487
33616 A* Melbourne University Law Review 1801 Law         0025-8938      
11977 C MELUS 2005 Literary Studies         0163-755X 1946-3170    
11996 C Melville Society Extracts 2005 Literary Studies         0193-8991 0193-7626 0076-633X 0076-6348
36908 B Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome 2103 Historical Studies         0065-6801 1940-0977    
32411 A* Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 0101 Pure Mathematics         0065-9266 1947-6221    
40341 B Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 0403 Geology 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience 0602 Ecology 0810-8889      
17692 C Memoirs of the Shimane University Faculty of Education. Natural Science MD Multidisciplinary         0586-9943      
32412 C Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics 01 Mathematical Sciences 02 Physical Sciences     1512-0015      
15143 C Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro 1108 Medical Microbiology         0074-0276 1678-8060    
6514 B Memory 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0965-8211 1464-0686    
6515 A Memory and Cognition 1702 Cognitive Science 1701 Psychology     0090-502X 1532-5946    
35043 Not ranked Memory Studies 1701 Psychology 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science 1750-6980 1750-6999    
32811 A Men and Masculinities 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 2002 Cultural Studies     1097-184X 1552-6828    
2438 C Mendel: multidisciplinary international journal of science 0604 Genetics          0970-9649      
1367 C Mendeleev Communications 03 Chemical Sciences         0959-9436 1364-551X    
6162 B Menninger Clinic. Bulletin: a journal for the mental health professions 1701 Psychology         0025-9284 1943-2828    
16515 C Menopause International 1103 Clinical Sciences         1754-0453 1754-0461 1362-1807  
16591 B Menopause: The Journal of the North American Menopause Society 1103 Clinical Sciences         1072-3714 1530-0374    
40888 Not ranked Mental Health and Substance Use: dual diagnosis 1701 Psychology         1752-3281 1752-3273    
13755 C Mental Health in Family Medicine 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1701 Psychology     1476-4717 1476-4709    
40858 B Mental Health Practice 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science 1110 Nursing 1465-8720      
39869 C Mental Health, Religion and Culture 1701 Psychology         1367-4676 1469-9737    
16592 B Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews 1103 Clinical Sciences         1080-4013      
20754 B Mentoring and Tutoring 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1361-1267 1469-9745    
4707 C MER Marine Engineers Review 0911 Maritime Engineering          0047-5955      
33617 C Mercer Law Review 1801 Law         0025-987X      
32812 B Meridian (Raleigh): a middle school computer technologies journal 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1097-9778      
11195 C Meridian: Crossing Aesthetics 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1543-7442      
7424 C Meridiana: rivista di storia e scienze sociali 2103 Historical Studies         0394-4115 1973-2244    
36202 B Meridians 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1536-6936 1547-8424    
35719 A Merrill - Palmer Quarterly: journal of developmental psychology 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1701 Psychology     0272-930X 1535-0266    
1825 C Mesa Journal 0403 Geology         1326-3544      
40166 C Mesh (Online): film video - digital media - installation - performance - art 2001 Communication and Media Studies 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 1447-4646      
8151 B Mesopotamia: rivista di archeologia, epigrafia e storia orientale antica 2101 Archaeology         0076-6615      
34627 C Mester 2005 Literary Studies         0160-2764      
16593 B Metabolic Brain Disease 1103 Clinical Sciences         0885-7490 1573-7365    
39753 A Metabolic Engineering 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1096-7176 1096-7184    
16595 B Metabolism: clinical and experimental 1103 Clinical Sciences         0026-0495 1532-8600    
16596 C Metabolomics 1103 Clinical Sciences 0301 Analytical Chemistry     1573-3882 1573-3890    
41957 B Metacognition and Learning 1701 Psychology         1556-1623      
2248 B Metal Ions in Biological Systems 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0302 Inorganic Chemistry     0161-5149      
4727 C Metal Science and Heat Treatment 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0026-0673 1573-8973 0026-0819  
14997 C Metal-Based Drugs 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0793-0291 1687-5486    
4729 A* Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A - Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science 0912 Materials Engineering         1073-5623 1543-1940 0360-2133  
4730 A Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B: Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science 0904 Chemical Engineering  0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy     1073-5615 1543-1916    
4809 C Metallurgist 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0026-0894 1573-8892 0026-0827  
4743 C Metallurgy and Foundry Engineering 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1230-2325      
4811 B Metals and Materials International 0912 Materials Engineering         1598-9623 1225-9438    
4812 C Metals Materials and Processes 0912 Materials Engineering         0970-423X      
4813 C Metalurgija 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0543-5846 1334-2576    
34807 B Metamorphoses: a journal of literary translation 2003 Language Studies         1068-7831      
8522 B Metaphilosophy 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0026-1068 1467-9973    
8965 B Metaphor and Symbol 1701 Psychology 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science 1092-6488 1532-7868 0885-7253  
40531 C 2005 Literary Studies 2003 Language Studies 2004 Linguistics 1618-2006      
8523 B Metaphysica: Zeitschrift fuer Ontologie und Metaphysik 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     1437-2053 1874-6373    
11379 B Metascience: an international review journal for the history, philosophy and social studies of science 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0815-0796 1467-9981    
1902 A Meteoritics and Planetary Science 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences 0402 Geochemistry 0403 Geology 1086-9379      
1983 C Meteorological Applications 0401 Atmospheric Sciences         1350-4827 1469-8080    
34410 B Meteorologische Zeitschrift 0401 Atmospheric Sciences         0941-2948 1610-1227    
1984 C Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 0401 Atmospheric Sciences         0177-7971 1436-5065    
8524 C Methexis: revista international de filosofia antigua 2203 Philosophy          0327-0289      
12835 A Method and Theory in the Study of Religion 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0943-3058 1570-0682    
31370 C Method: Journal of Lonergan Studies 2203 Philosophy  2204 Religion and Religious Studies 2299 Other Philosophy and Religious Studies 0736-7392      
11998 C Methodist History 2005 Literary Studies         0026-1238      
833 B Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 0104 Statistics  0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 1387-5841 1573-7713    
16598 C Methods 1103 Clinical Sciences         1046-2023 1095-9130 1078-1501 1058-6741
14821 C Methods and Findings in Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0379-0355      
2249 C Methods in Cell Biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0091-679X 0091-6579    
39752 B Methods in Enzymology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0076-6879 1557-7988    
2492 C Methods in Microbiology 0605 Microbiology          0580-9517      
39751 C Methods in Molecular Biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1064-3745 1940-6029    
16597 C Methods in Molecular Medicine 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences     1543-1894 1940-6037    
3152 C Methods in Physiology Series 0606 Physiology          1521-4605      
2250 C Methods of Biochemical Analysis 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0076-6941 1934-4325    
652 B Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology 0101 Pure Mathematics         1029-3531      
13712 C Methods of Information in Medicine: journal of methodology in medical research, information and documentation 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1117 Public Health and Health Services     0026-1270      
7426 B Metis 2103 Historical Studies         0995-3310      
11999 C Metmenys: kuryba ir analize 2005 Literary Studies         0543-615X      
35042 C Metodicki Ogledi 2203 Philosophy          0353-765X      
834 B Metrika: international journal for theoretical and applied statistics 0104 Statistics          0026-1335 1435-926X    
20903 C Metro 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         0312-2654      
18223 B Metroeconomica: international review of economics 14 Economics         0026-1386 1467-999X    
1008 B Metrologia: international journal of pure and applied metrology 0299 Other Physical Sciences         0026-1394 1681-7575    
835 C Metron: international journal of statistics 0104 Statistics          0026-1424      
10052 B Metropolitan Museum Journal 2102 Curatorial and Related Studies         0077-8958      
10053 B Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts     0026-1521      
5719 C Metstieteen Aikakauskirja 0705 Forestry Sciences         1455-2515 0015-5543    
7427 C Mexican Studies 2103 Historical Studies         0742-9797 1533-8320    
11605 A* MFS Modern Fiction Studies 2005 Literary Studies         0026-7724 1080-658X    
13168 C MGV 1103 Clinical Sciences         0024-8576      
10428 C Mi Mladi 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         0026-1939      
10429 C Michigan Academician MD Multidisciplinary         0026-2005      
2762 C Michigan Botanist 0607 Plant Biology         0026-203X      
32813 C Michigan Feminist Studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1055-856X      
7428 C Michigan Historical Review (Mt. Pleasant) 2103 Historical Studies         0360-1846      
20828 C Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1076-0180      
33619 A Michigan Journal of Gender and Law 1801 Law         1095-8835      
33620 A* Michigan Journal of International Law 1801 Law         1052-2867      
33621 B Michigan Journal of Race and Law 1801 Law         1095-2721      
32907 A* Michigan Law Review 1801 Law         0026-2234 1939-8557    
653 A Michigan Mathematical Journal 0101 Pure Mathematics         0026-2285 1945-2365    
33623 C Michigan State Journal of International Law 1801 Law         1556-6374 1085-4940    
33624 C Michigan State Law Review 1801 Law         1087-5468 0099-135X    
33626 B Michigan Telecommunications and Technology Law Review 1801 Law         1528-8625      
2763 C Micologia Aplicada International 0607 Plant Biology 1108 Medical Microbiology     1534-2581      
30227 B Micro and Nano Letters 10 Technology 09 Engineering     1750-0443      
15144 B Microbes and Infection: a journal on infectious agents and host defenses 1107 Immunology 1108 Medical Microbiology 0605 Microbiology  1286-4579 1769-714X    
36474 Not ranked Microbial Biotechnology 0605 Microbiology          1751-7907 1751-7915    
40618 B Microbial Cell Factories 0605 Microbiology  1107 Immunology     1475-2859      
14822 C Microbial Drug Resistance: mechanism, epidemiology, and disease 06 Biological Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences 1076-6294 1931-8448    
2493 B Microbial Ecology: an international journal 0605 Microbiology          0095-3628 1432-184X    
2494 B Microbial Pathogenesis 0605 Microbiology  1107 Immunology 1108 Medical Microbiology 0882-4010 1096-1208    
2495 C Microbiological Research 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     0944-5013 0232-4393    
2499 A Microbiology 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology 0707 Veterinary Sciences 1350-0872 1465-2080    
2496 C Microbiology (Russian Federation) 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     0026-2617 1608-3237 0026-3656  
2497 C Microbiology and Immunology 0605 Microbiology  1107 Immunology 1108 Medical Microbiology 0385-5600 1348-0421    
2498 A* Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     1092-2172 1098-5557    
40629 C Microbiology Australia 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0605 Microbiology      1324-4272      
1656 B Microchimica Acta: an international journal on micro and trace analysis 0301 Analytical Chemistry         0026-3672 1436-5073    
16599 A Microcirculation 1103 Clinical Sciences         1073-9688 1549-8719    
1115 B Microelectronic Engineering 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0167-9317 1873-5568    
1116 C Microelectronics Journal 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0026-2692      
4496 B Microelectronics Reliability 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0026-2714 1872-941X    
3800 A Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 1007 Nanotechnology         1613-4982 1613-4990    
5160 B Micron 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering         0968-4328      
20072 C Micronesian Educator 13 Education         1061-088X      
1826 C Micropaleontology 0403 Geology         0026-2803 1937-2795    
1482 A Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry 0904 Chemical Engineering      1387-1811 1873-3093    
1117 B Microscopy and Microanalysis 0205 Optical Physics 0206 Quantum Physics     1431-9276 1435-8115 1083-0375 0278-1727
35058 B Microscopy Research and Technique 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0206 Quantum Physics     1059-910X 1097-0029    
41064 C Microscopy Today 0299 Other Physical Sciences         1551-9295 2150-3583    
16600 C Microsurgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         0738-1085 1098-2752    
4497 B Microsystem Technologies: micro and nanosystems information storage and processing systems 1007 Nanotechnology 1005 Communications Technologies     0946-7076 1432-1858 1099-8047  
16601 B Microvascular Research 1103 Clinical Sciences         0026-2862 1095-9319    
1265 B Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0205 Optical Physics     0895-2477 1098-2760    
5085 C Microwave Journal 1005 Communications Technologies         0192-6225      
31292 B Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 2101 Archaeology         0146-1109      
18462 C Middle East Business and Economic Review 14 Economics         1035-3704      
31327 C Middle East Critique MD Multidisciplinary         1943-6149 1943-6157 1066-9922  
16602 C Middle East Fertility Society Journal 1103 Clinical Sciences         1110-5690      
30062 A Middle East Journal MD Multidisciplinary         0026-3141 1940-3461    
34865 Not ranked Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication 2103 Historical Studies         1873-9857 1873-9865    
18910 C Middle East Policy 1606 Political Science         1061-1924 1475-4967    
36428 B Middle East Report MD Multidisciplinary         0899-2851      
36427 B Middle East Studies Association Bulletin MD Multidisciplinary         0026-3184      
12000 B Middle Eastern Literatures (Print) 2005 Literary Studies         1475-262X 1475-2638 0364-6505 1366-6169
18911 B Middle Eastern Studies 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0026-3206 1743-7881    
35924 C Middle School Journal 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0094-0771      
21578 B Middle Way 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0026-3214      
36394 B Midland History MD Multidisciplinary         0047-729X 1756-381X 0261-2984  
10430 C Midland Review 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing 20 Language, Communication and Culture     0886-7976      
34626 C Midwest Quarterly: a journal of contemporary thought 2005 Literary Studies         0026-3451      
8525 A* Midwest Studies in Philosophy 2203 Philosophy          0363-6550 1475-4975    
14134 A* Midwifery 1110 Nursing 1117 Public Health and Health Services     0266-6138 1532-3099    
30271 C Migracijske i Etnicke Teme 1603 Demography          1333-2546 0352-5600    
3114 C Migratori Alati: rivista di gestione dell'ambiente e della fauna 0608 Zoology         1121-9181      
654 B Milan Journal of Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         1424-9286 1424-9294 0370-7377  
13713 B Milbank Quarterly 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0887-378X 1468-0009    
3529 B Milchwissenschaft 0908 Food Sciences         0026-3788      
7430 B Militaergeschichtliche Zeitschrift 2103 Historical Studies         0026-3826      
7700 C Military History Journal (South Africa) 2103 Historical Studies         0357-816X      
33627 C Military Law Review 1801 Law         0026-4040 1554-9569    
40335 A Military Medicine: international journal of AMSUS 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0026-4075 1930-613X    
39868 C Military Operations Research (Alexandria, 1996) 1606 Political Science         1082-5983      
6519 C Military Psychology 1701 Psychology         0899-5605 1532-7876    
18912 B Millennium: journal of international studies 1606 Political Science 1605 Policy and Administration     0305-8298 1477-9021    
35041 C Milltown Studies 2203 Philosophy          0332-1428      
12003 A Milton Quarterly 2005 Literary Studies         0026-4326 1094-348X    
35921 C Min-ad: Israel Studies in Musicology Online 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1565-0618      
5435 C Minami-Kyushu Daigaku Engeigakubu Kenkyu Hokoku Shizen Kagakukei 0706 Horticultural Production         1341-2124 0285-211X    
6520 A Mind and Language 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science 1701 Psychology 0268-1064 1468-0017    
11381 C Mind and Society 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1593-7879 1860-1839    
41961 B Mind, Brain, and Education 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science 1109 Neurosciences 1751-2271 1751-228X    
35923 A Mind, Culture, and Activity: an international journal 13 Education 17 Psychology and Cognitive Sciences 16 Studies In Human Society 1074-9039 1532-7884 0278-4351 0160-3361
8526 A* Mind: a quarterly review of philosophy 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0026-4423 1460-2113    
8528 A Minds and Machines: journal for artificial intelligence, philosophy and cognitive sciences 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science 0924-6495 1572-8641    
3530 C Mine Water and the Environment 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1025-9112 1616-1068    
4814 B Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0882-7508 1547-7401 0273-3706  
4050 B Mineral Resources Engineering 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0950-6098      
34408 A Mineralium Deposita: international journal of geology, mineralogy, and geochemistry of mineral deposits 0403 Geology         0026-4598 1432-1866    
4113 C Mineralogia Polonica 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy 0403 Geology     0032-6267      
4114 B Mineralogical Magazine 0403 Geology         0026-461X 1471-8022    
4115 C Mineralogicheskii Zhurnal: nauchno-teoreticheskii zhurnal 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy 0403 Geology     0204-3548      
1828 C Mineralogy and Petrology 0403 Geology         0930-0708 1438-1168    
4051 B Minerals and Energy: raw materials report 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1404-1049 1651-2286 0349-6287  
4731 B Minerals and Metallurgical Processing 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0747-9182      
4052 A* Minerals Engineering 0904 Chemical Engineering  0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy     0892-6875 1872-9444    
3423 C Minerva Biotecnologica 10 Technology 06 Biological Sciences     1120-4826 1827-160X    
16604 C Minerva Endocrinologica: a journal on endocrine system diseases 1103 Clinical Sciences         0391-1977 1827-1634    
16605 C Minerva Ginecologica: a journal on obstetrics and gynecology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0026-4784 1827-1650 0002-0931  
36200 B Minerva Journal of Women and War 1606 Political Science         0736-718X 1744-1463    
32653 C Minerva Ortognatodontica 1105 Dentistry         0394-168X 1827-1693    
41066 C Minerva Pediatrica 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0026-4946 1827-1715    
13169 C Minerva Psichiatrica: a journal on psychiatry, psychology and psychopharmacology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0391-1772 1827-1731    
32654 C Minerva Stomatologica: a journal on dentirstry and maxillofacial surgery 1105 Dentistry         0026-4970 1827-174X    
7432 A Minerva: a review of science, learning and policy 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     0026-4695 1573-1871    
40093 B Minerva: an internet journal of philosophy 2203 Philosophy          1393-614X      
21579 B Ming Studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         0147-037X 1759-7595    
35020 B Mini - Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences     1389-5575 1875-5607    
34345 B Mini - Reviews in Organic Chemistry 0305 Organic Chemistry         1570-193X 1875-6298    
16606 C Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     0946-7211 1439-2291    
16607 C Minimally Invasive Therapy and Allied Technologies 1103 Clinical Sciences         1364-5706 1365-2931 0961-625X  
4117 C Mining History 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1366-2511 0031-3637    
4079 A Mining Technology: Transactions of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining. Section A 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1474-9009 1743-2863    
41745 C Ministry: international journal for clergy 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0026-5314      
33628 C Minnesota Journal of Business Law and Entrepreneurship 1801 Law         1540-3270      
33630 B Minnesota Journal of Law, Science and Technology 1801 Law         1552-9533 1552-9541    
33631 A Minnesota Law Review 1801 Law         0026-5535      
11383 A Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0076-9258      
6521 B Minnesota Symposia on Child Psychology Series 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0076-9266      
8967 B Minority Languages of China MD Multidisciplinary         0257-5779      
7434 A Minos: revista de filologia egea 2103 Historical Studies         0544-3733      
18070 A* MIS Quarterly 0806 Information Systems         0276-7783      
32154 A MIS Quarterly Executive: a research journal dedicated to improving practice 0806 Information Systems 1503 Business and Management     1540-1960 1540-1979    
41748 A Miscellanea Francescana: rivista trimestrale di scienze teologiche e di studi francescani 2204 Religion and Religious Studies 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     0026-587X      
30895 C Miscolc Mathematical Notes 0101 Pure Mathematics         1787-2405 1787-2413 1586-8850  
31390 B Missiology: an international review 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0091-8296      
12836 B Mission Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0168-9789 1573-3831    
33632 C Mississippi College Law Review 1801 Law         0277-1152      
33633 C Mississippi Law Journal 1801 Law         0026-6280      
12004 B Mississippi Review 2005 Literary Studies         0047-7559 1945-8142    
33634 C Missouri Environmental Law and Policy Review 1801 Law         1072-7396      
10432 C Missouri Journal of Research in Music Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0085-350X      
33635 C Missouri Law Review 1801 Law         0026-6604      
31339 A* MIT Electronic Journal for Middle East Studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 2103 Historical Studies     1939-0386      
19181 A MIT Sloan Management Review: MIT's journal of management research and ideas 1503 Business and Management         1532-9194 1532-8937 0019-848X  
18597 C Mita Gakkai Zasshi 14 Economics         0026-6760      
41963 C Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 0501 Ecological Applications         1381-2386 1573-1596    
2330 C Mitochondrial DNA 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0604 Genetics      1940-1736 1940-1744 1042-5179  
2398 C Mitochondrion 0604 Genetics          1567-7249 1872-8278    
2865 C Mitteilungen aus dem Museum fuer Naturkunde in Berlin - Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift: an international journal of systematic entomology 0608 Zoology         0012-0073 1522-2403    
9574 C Mitteilungen der Berliner Gesellschaft fur Anthropologie-Ethnologie und Urgeschichte 1601 Anthropology          0178-7896      
8155 A Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archaologischen Instituts, Abteilung Kairo 2101 Archaeology 2103 Historical Studies 2199 Other History and Archaeology 0342-1279      
7437 B Mitteilungen des Instituts fur Osterreichische Geschichtsforschung 2103 Historical Studies         0073-8484      
12838 A Mitteilungen zur Christlichen Archaologie 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1025-6555 1814-2036    
7439 B Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 2103 Historical Studies         0076-9762      
7440 C Mittelweg 36: Zeitschrift des Hamburger Instituts fuer Sozialforschung 2103 Historical Studies         0941-6382      
9367 A* MLN 2003 Language Studies         0026-7910 1080-6598    
7442 A Mnemosyne: a journal of classical studies 2004 Linguistics 2103 Historical Studies     0026-7074      
5086 C Mobile Computing and Communications Review 1005 Communications Technologies         1559-1662 1931-1222    
31265 C Mobile Information Systems 0805 Distributed Computing 0806 Information Systems     1574-017X 1875-905X    
18081 B Mobile Networks and Applications 0205 Optical Physics 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0999 Other Engineering 1383-469X 1572-8153    
30272 C Mobilities 1603 Demography          1745-0101 1745-011X    
40602 C Mobilization: an international journal 1608 Sociology         1086-671X      
32415 C Model Assisted Statistics and Applications: an international journal 0104 Statistics          1574-1699 1875-9068    
8970 B Modeles Linguistiques 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0249-6267      
3619 C Modeling, Identification and Control 0910 Manufacturing Engineering         1890-1328 0332-7353    
39866 C Modelling and Simulation in Engineering 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0102 Applied Mathematics     1687-5591 0204-3572 1063-1100  
4986 A Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 0912 Materials Engineering         0965-0393 1361-651X    
41973 C Modelling, Measurement and Control. A: General Physics, Electronics, Electrical Engineering 0102 Applied Mathematics         1259-5985      
41976 C Modelling, Measurement and Control. B: Solid and Fluid Mechanics and Thermics, Mechanical Systems 0102 Applied Mathematics         1259-5969      
41977 C Modelling, Measurement and Control. C: Energetics, Chemistry, Earth, Environmental and Biomedical Problems 0102 Applied Mathematics         1259-5977      
41979 C Modelling, Measurement and Control. D: Manufacturing, Management, Human and Socio-Economic Problems 0102 Applied Mathematics         1240-4551      
18913 B Modern and Contemporary France 1606 Political Science         0963-9489 1469-9869    
41980 A Modern Applied Science MD Multidisciplinary         1913-1844      
9575 A* Modern Asian Studies MD Multidisciplinary         0026-749X 1469-8099    
12005 B Modern Austrian Literature 2005 Literary Studies         0026-7503      
18914 B Modern China: an international quarterly of history and social science MD Multidisciplinary         0097-7004 1552-6836    
21794 B Modern Chinese (Linguistics Research) 2004 Linguistics         1002-5251 1008-8024    
11604 B Modern Chinese Literature and Culture 2005 Literary Studies 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     1520-9857 8755-8963    
10059 A* Modern Drama: world drama from 1850 to the present 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0026-7694 1712-5286    
34736 A* Modern Greek Studies (Australia and New Zealand) 2003 Language Studies 2005 Literary Studies     1039-2831      
7444 A Modern Intellectual History 2103 Historical Studies 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     1479-2443 1479-2451    
31340 A* Modern Italy 2002 Cultural Studies 2005 Literary Studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 1353-2944 1469-9877 1353-8993  
40176 C Modern Judaism: a journal of Jewish ideas and experience 2204 Religion and Religious Studies 1606 Political Science     0276-1114 1086-3273    
9370 A Modern Language Journal: devoted to research and discussion about the learning and teaching of foreign and second languages 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  2004 Linguistics     0026-7902 1540-4781    
9371 B Modern Language Quarterly 2005 Literary Studies 2004 Linguistics     0026-7929 1527-1943    
9372 A Modern Language Review 2005 Literary Studies 2003 Language Studies     0026-7937      
37001 C Modern Language Studies 2003 Language Studies 2005 Literary Studies     0047-7729      
41971 Not ranked Modern Machinery Science 0912 Materials Engineering         1803-1269      
15444 C Modern Medical Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1671-7562 1001-0912    
16608 A Modern Pathology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0893-3952 1530-0285    
8971 A Modern Philology: critical and historical studies in postclassical literature 2005 Literary Studies 2103 Historical Studies     0026-8232 1545-6951    
1205 B Modern Physics Letters A 01 Mathematical Sciences 02 Physical Sciences     0217-7323 1793-6632    
1118 C Modern Physics Letters B 01 Mathematical Sciences 02 Physical Sciences     0217-9849 1793-6640    
12008 C Modern Poetry in Translation 2005 Literary Studies         0969-3572      
13714 C Modern Preventative Medicine 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1003-8507      
36457 C Modern Psychoanalysis 1701 Psychology         0361-5227      
16609 C Modern Rheumatology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1439-7595 1439-7609    
8530 A Modern Schoolman 2203 Philosophy  2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0026-8402      
12839 A Modern Theology 2203 Philosophy  2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0266-7177 1468-0025    
8972 C Moderna Spraak 2004 Linguistics         0026-8577      
7445 C Moderni Dejiny Modern History 2103 Historical Studies         1210-6860      
34624 A Modernism/Modernity 2005 Literary Studies         1071-6068 1080-6601    
12009 C Moenia: revista lucense de lingustica and literatura 2005 Literary Studies         1137-2346      
2251 A Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 06 Biological Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 0166-6851 1872-9428    
2253 C Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry: an international journal for chemical biology in health and disease 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0300-8177 1573-4919 0013-9424  
2254 A Molecular and Cellular Biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0270-7306 1098-5549    
44833 A* Molecular and Cellular Biomechanics 0903 Biomedical Engineering          1556-5300 1566-5297    
16610 A Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 1103 Clinical Sciences 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology     0303-7207 1872-8057    
14527 A Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     1044-7431 1095-9327    
15279 C Molecular and Cellular Probes 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry     0890-8508 1096-1194    
2256 A Molecular and Cellular Proteomics 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1535-9476 1535-9484    
39750 A Molecular Aspects of Medicine 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0098-2997 1872-9452    
2257 C Molecular Biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0026-8933 1608-3245 0026-8984  
2399 A Molecular Biology and Evolution 0604 Genetics          0737-4038 1537-1719    
2258 A Molecular Biology of the Cell 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1059-1524 1939-4586 1044-2030  
2259 C Molecular Biology Reports: an international journal on molecular and cellular biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0301-4851 1573-4978    
2260 C Molecular Biosystems 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1742-206X 1742-2051    
3424 C Molecular Biotechnology 10 Technology 06 Biological Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences 1073-6085 1559-0305    
2621 B Molecular Breeding: new strategies in plant improvement 0607 Plant Biology         1380-3743 1572-9788    
16611 C Molecular Cancer 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1476-4598      
16612 A Molecular Cancer Research 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1541-7786 1557-3125 1044-9523  
16613 A Molecular Cancer Therapeutics 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1535-7163 1538-8514    
16614 B Molecular Carcinogenesis 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         0899-1987 1098-2744    
22270 A* Molecular Cell 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1097-2765 1097-4164    
1483 C Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)         1542-1406 1543-5318 1058-725X 1058-7276
42246 Not ranked Molecular Cytogenetics 0604 Genetics          1755-8166      
14677 C Molecular Diagnosis and Therapy 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1177-1062 1175-2203 1084-8592  
3289 A Molecular Ecology 0602 Ecology         0962-1083 1365-294X    
3290 C Molecular Ecology Resources 0602 Ecology         1755-098X 1755-0998    
16615 A Molecular Endocrinology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0888-8809 1944-9917    
2400 B Molecular Genetics and Genomics: an international journal 0604 Genetics          1617-4615 1617-4623 0026-8925  
16616 B Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 1103 Clinical Sciences         1096-7192 1096-7206    
16617 A Molecular Human Reproduction 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1360-9947 1460-2407    
16618 C Molecular Imaging and Biology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1536-1632 1860-2002 1095-0397  
15526 B Molecular Immunology 1107 Immunology         0161-5890 1872-9142    
39749 A Molecular Interventions: pharmacological perspectives from biology, chemistry and genomics 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1534-0384 1543-2548    
15158 B Molecular Medicine 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry     1076-1551 1528-3658    
36854 B Molecular Membrane Biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0968-7688 1464-5203    
2501 A* Molecular Microbiology 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     0950-382X 1365-2958 0265-1351  
14529 B Molecular Neurobiology 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0893-7648 1559-1182    
9674 A* Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 0908 Food Sciences 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics     1613-4125 0027-769X    
34344 A Molecular Pain 03 Chemical Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences     1744-8069      
31093 A Molecular Pharmaceutics 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1543-8384 1543-8392    
14823 A* Molecular Pharmacology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0026-895X 1521-0111    
2401 A Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 0604 Genetics          1055-7903 1095-9513    
1206 B Molecular Physics: an international journal in the field of chemical physics 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics         0026-8976 1362-3028    
2622 A Molecular Plant Pathology 0607 Plant Biology 0703 Crop and Pasture Production 0605 Microbiology  1464-6722 1364-3703    
2766 A Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 0604 Genetics  0703 Crop and Pasture Production 0605 Microbiology  0894-0282 1943-7706    
13102 A* Molecular Psychiatry 1103 Clinical Sciences         1359-4184 1476-5578    
2261 C Molecular Reproduction and Development 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1040-452X 1098-2795    
1207 C Molecular Simulation 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)     0892-7022 1029-0435    
41982 A Molecular Systems Biology 0699 Other Biological Sciences         1744-4292      
3371 A Molecular Therapy 1004 Medical Biotechnology 0604 Genetics  0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1525-0016 1525-0024    
16620 B Molecular Vision 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry         1090-0535      
22271 C Molecules 0305 Organic Chemistry         1420-3049 1431-5157    
2262 C Molecules and Cells 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1016-8478 0219-1032    
3291 C Molluscan Research 0608 Zoology         1323-5818 0085-2988    
30077 B Mon - Khmer Studies: a journal of Austroasiatic philology 2004 Linguistics         0147-5207      
8531 B Monash Bioethics Review 2201 Applied Ethics         1321-2753      
31141 C Monash Business Review 1503 Business and Management         1833-4091 1832-8490    
33636 A Monash University Law Review 1801 Law         0311-3140      
8974 C Monash University Linguistics Papers 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     1327-9130      
1368 C Monatshefte fuer Chemie: an international journal of chemistry 03 Chemical Sciences         0026-9247 1434-4475 0935-8439  
333 B Monatshefte fuer Mathematik 0101 Pure Mathematics         0026-9255 1436-5081    
40272 A* Monatshefte: fuer deutschsprachige literatur und kultur 2005 Literary Studies         0026-9271 1934-2810    
30573 C Monetary and Economic Studies 1402 Applied Economics         0288-8432 0287-5306    
2099 C Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences 06 Biological Sciences         1684-3908      
21588 C Mongolian Journal of International Affairs 1606 Political Science         1023-3741      
30067 B Mongolian Studies MD Multidisciplinary         0190-3667      
8532 A* Monist: an international quarterly of general philosophical inquiry 2203 Philosophy          0026-9662      
2263 C Monographs in Clinical Cytology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0077-0809 1662-3827    
32655 C Monographs in Oral Science 1105 Dentistry         0077-0892 1662-3843    
20217 A Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1701 Psychology     0037-976X 1540-5834    
34818 A Montage AV: Zeitschift fuer Theorie und Geschichte audiovisueller Kommunikation 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 2001 Communication and Media Studies 2002 Cultural Studies 0942-4954      
33637 C Montana Law Review 1801 Law         0026-9972      
7446 B Montana: the magazine of western history 2103 Historical Studies         0026-9891      
32416 C Monte Carlo Methods and Applications 0102 Applied Mathematics 0104 Statistics      0929-9629 1569-3961    
41988 C Monthly Notes of the Astronomical Society of Southern Africa 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences         0024-8266      
1074 A Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences         0035-8711 1365-2966    
41989 A* Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences         1745-3925 1745-3933    
11465 A* Monumenta Nipponica: studies in Japanese culture MD Multidisciplinary         0027-0741 1880-1390    
7447 A* Monumenta Serica MD Multidisciplinary         0179-261X      
41084 C Moreana 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0047-8105      
30615 A* Morphology 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     1871-5621 1871-5656 0922-3495  
13716 C Mortality 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1357-6275 1469-9885    
12010 C Mosaic (Winnipeg, 1967): a journal for the interdisciplinary study of literature 2005 Literary Studies         0027-1276      
30899 A Moscow Mathematical Journal 0101 Pure Mathematics         1609-4514      
39865 C Moscow University Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics     0278-6419 1934-8428 0137-0782  
657 C Moscow University Mathematics Bulletin 0101 Pure Mathematics         0027-1322 1934-8444    
32417 C Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     0027-1330 0579-9368 1934-8452  
6523 A Motivation and Emotion 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0146-7239 1573-6644    
9789 C Motor Control 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1087-1640 1543-2696    
31472 B Mots Pluriels 2001 Communication and Media Studies 2004 Linguistics 2099 Other Language, Communication and Culture 1327-6220      
40259 B MOTS: les langages du politique 1606 Political Science 2001 Communication and Media Studies 2004 Linguistics 0243-6450 1960-6001    
12011 C Mount Olive Review 2005 Literary Studies         0893-8288      
41991 C Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         0027-2507 1931-7581    
2027 C Mountain Research and Development MD Multidisciplinary         0276-4741 1994-7151    
3532 C Mountainrise 13 Education         1555-7200      
7448 B Mouseion: journal of the Classical Association of Canada 2103 Historical Studies         1496-9343 0012-9356    
9576 B Moussons: recherches en sciences humaines sur l'Asie du sud-est MD Multidisciplinary         1620-3224      
10433 C Moveast: international film periodical 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         1215-234X      
16622 A Movement Disorders 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science 0885-3185 1531-8257    
34623 C Moving Worlds: a journal for transcultural writings 2005 Literary Studies         1474-4600      
7438 A Moyen Age 2005 Literary Studies 2103 Historical Studies     1420-6994 1420-9594    
10061 B Mozart Jahrbuch 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1861-9053 0342-0256    
4987 B MRS Bulletin 0912 Materials Engineering         0883-7694 1938-1425 1066-2375  
4988 B MRS Internet Journal of Nitride Semiconductor Research 0912 Materials Engineering         1092-5783      
32649 C MSDA Journal 1105 Dentistry         0025-4355      
31142 C Mt. Eliza Business Review 1503 Business and Management         1444-2558 1329-1610    
2623 C Muelleria 0607 Plant Biology         0077-1813      
10434 C Muenchener Jahrbuch der Bildenden Kunst 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts     0077-1899      
8160 C Muinaistutkija 2101 Archaeology         0781-6790      
36621 B Multiagent and Grid Systems 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science     1574-1702 1875-9076    
5161 C Multibody System Dynamics 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     1384-5640 1573-272X    
17650 C Multiciencias MD Multidisciplinary         1317-2255      
20152 C Multicultural Perspectives 1608 Sociology         1521-0960 1532-7892    
4499 C Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0923-6082 1573-0824    
8975 A Multilingua: journal of cross-cultural and interlanguage communication 2004 Linguistics         0167-8507 1613-3684    
18082 B Multimedia Systems 0803 Computer Software 1702 Cognitive Science     0942-4962 1432-1882    
18083 B Multimedia Tools and Applications 0803 Computer Software 0806 Information Systems 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1380-7501 1573-7721    
31156 C Multinational Business Review 1503 Business and Management         1525-383X      
19586 B Multinational Finance Journal 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1096-1879      
16623 A Multiple Sclerosis 1103 Clinical Sciences         1352-4585 1477-0970    
37015 B Multitudes: revue politique, artistique et philosophique MD Multidisciplinary         0292-0107      
836 B Multivariate Behavioral Research 0104 Statistics  1701 Psychology     0027-3171 1532-7906    
12840 B Munchener Theologische Zeitschrift 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0580-1400      
7451 C Munstersche Beitrage zur Antiken Handelsgeschichte 2103 Historical Studies         0722-4532      
10435 C Muqarnas: an annual on the visual culture of the Islamic world 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         0732-2992      
14530 B Muscle and Nerve 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science 1109 Neurosciences     0148-639X 1097-4598    
41334 C Musculoskeletal Care 1110 Nursing         1478-2189 1557-0681    
10436 C Musee National de Varsovie Bulletin 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing 21 History and Archaeology     0027-3791      
3116 C Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Ferrara. Stazione di Ecologia. Quaderni 0608 Zoology         0394-5782      
17651 C Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Alava. Estudios MD Multidisciplinary         0214-915X      
17652 C Museo de Historia Natural de Valparaiso. Anales MD Multidisciplinary         0716-0178      
10764 C Museologia: International Journal of Museology 2102 Curatorial and Related Studies         0874-8055      
3117 C Museu Bocage. Arquivos 0608 Zoology         0871-4843      
10437 C Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia. Revista 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         0103-9709      
34864 C Museum and Society 2102 Curatorial and Related Studies         1479-8360 1362-6329    
10439 C Museum Anthropology 2102 Curatorial and Related Studies         0892-8339 1548-1379    
7454 A Museum Helveticum: Schweizerische Zeitschrift fuer klassische Altertumswissenschaft 2103 Historical Studies         0027-4054      
10765 B Museum International (English Edition) 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 2102 Curatorial and Related Studies     1350-0775 1468-0033 1020-2226  
10440 B Museum Management and Curatorship 2102 Curatorial and Related Studies         0964-7775 1872-9185    
1791 C Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Geodiversitas 0403 Geology         1280-9659 1638-9395    
3041 C Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Zoosystema 0608 Zoology         1280-9551 1638-9387 0181-0626  
2097 C Museum Victoria. Memoirs 06 Biological Sciences         1447-2546 1447-2554 0814-1827  
10442 C Museums and Social Issues 2102 Curatorial and Related Studies         1559-6893      
31310 B Museums Journal 2102 Curatorial and Related Studies         0027-416X      
10063 A Music Analysis 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0262-5245 1468-2249    
9578 B Music and Anthropology: journal of Mediterranean musical anthropology 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1825-621X 1825-6228    
10062 A* Music and Letters 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0027-4224 1477-4631    
10443 C Music and Liturgy 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0305-4438      
31311 C Music and Politics 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1938-7687      
10066 B Music Education Research 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1461-3808      
10445 C Music Educators Journal 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0027-4321 1945-0087    
10068 B Music in Art: international journal for music iconography 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1522-7464 0360-8727    
10447 B Music Library Association. Notes: quarterly journal of the music library association 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0027-4380 1534-150X    
10448 C Music of the United States of America 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1066-8217      
6525 A* Music Perception 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 1701 Psychology     0730-7829 1533-8312    
10449 C Music Reference Services Quarterly 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1058-8167 1540-9503    
10450 C Music Research 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0289-2278      
10451 C Music Theory Online 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1067-3040      
10070 C Music Theory Spectrum 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0195-6167 1533-8339    
10071 B Music Therapy Perspectives 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0734-6875      
10452 C Music Therapy Today 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1610-191X      
35757 C Music, Sound, and the Moving Image 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1753-0768 1753-0776    
10072 C Musica Disciplina: yearbook of the history of music, Medieval and Renaissance 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0077-2461      
10074 A* Musicae Scientiae: the journal of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 1601 Anthropology  1701 Psychology 1029-8649 1022-9299    
10075 A Musical Quarterly 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0027-4631 1741-8399    
10453 C Musicological Explorations 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1711-9235 1201-6624    
9985 C Musicology 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         0018-7003      
10079 A Musicology Australia 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0814-5857      
10454 C Musicus 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0256-8837      
31312 C Musicworks: journal of sound exploration 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0225-686X      
10081 C Musiikki 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0355-1059      
10082 C Musik in Baden-Wuerttemberg 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0947-8302      
10455 C Musik und Unterricht 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0937-9568      
10456 C Musike: international journal of ethnomusicological studies 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1824-7199 1824-7180    
10088 C Musikpsychologie 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0177-350X      
10090 C Musiktherapeutische Umschau: Forschung und Praxis der Musiktherapie 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0172-5505      
21012 C Musiva and Sectilia 1201 Architecture         1724-9104 1828-2415    
20609 C Muslim Education Quarterly 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0267-615X      
33638 C Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 1801 Law         1554-4419      
12841 A Muslim World: a journal devoted to the study of Islam and Christian-Muslim relations 2002 Cultural Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 0027-4909 1478-1913    
10092 C Musurgia: analyse et pratique musicales 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1257-7537      
14824 B Mutagenesis 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0267-8357 1464-3804    
17653 C Mu'tah lil-Buhuth wal-Dirasat. Al-Silsilah B: Al-'Ulum al-Tabi'iyyah wal-Tatbiqiyyah MD Multidisciplinary         1021-6812      
3373 B Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis 1002 Environmental Biotechnology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences     1383-5718      
2403 A Mutation Research - Reviews 0604 Genetics          1383-5742 1388-2139    
2402 B Mutation Research-Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis 10 Technology 06 Biological Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 1386-1964 0165-7992    
10793 C Muzeum Literatury im. Adama Mickiewicza. Blok-Notes 2005 Literary Studies 2102 Curatorial and Related Studies     0324-8925      
10457 C Muziki: journal of music research in Africa 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1812-5980 1753-593X 0379-6485  
10094 A Muzyka: kwartalnik poswiecony historii i teorii muzyki 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0027-5344      
2768 C Myceteae 0607 Plant Biology         1316-4880      
2502 A Mycologia 0605 Microbiology  0607 Plant Biology     0027-5514 1557-2536    
2503 C Mycological Progress: international journal of fungal sciences 0605 Microbiology          1617-416X 1861-8952    
2504 B Mycological Research 0605 Microbiology  0607 Plant Biology     0953-7562 1469-8102    
2764 C Mycology and Phytopathology 0607 Plant Biology 0607 Plant Biology     0026-3648      
2769 B Mycopathologia 0607 Plant Biology         0301-486X 1573-0832    
2770 B Mycorrhiza 0607 Plant Biology 0605 Microbiology      0940-6360 1432-1890    
2771 C Mycoscience 0607 Plant Biology         1340-3540 1618-2545    
16625 C Mycoses: diagnosis, therapy and prophylaxis of fungal diseases 1103 Clinical Sciences         0933-7407 1439-0507    
2541 C Mycosystema 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     1672-6472 1007-3515    
2624 C Mycotaxon 0603 Evolutionary Biology 0605 Microbiology      0093-4666      
3119 C Myotis: international journal of bat research 0608 Zoology         0580-3896      
41993 C Myrmecological News 0608 Zoology         1994-4136 1997-3500    
12013 C Mystics Quarterly 2005 Literary Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     1947-6566 0742-5503    
11608 C Mythlore: a journal of J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Charles Williams, and mythopoeic literature 2005 Literary Studies         0146-9339      
12014 C Nabokov Studies 2005 Literary Studies         1080-1219 1548-9965    
20411 C NACADA Journal 1301 Education Systems          0271-9517      
3983 C Nachrichten Aus der Chemie 0904 Chemical Engineering          1439-9598 1521-3854 0341-5163 0027-738X
41994 C NACLA Report on the Americas 1608 Sociology         1071-4839      
10458 C NACWPI Journal 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         0027-576X      
15406 C Nagasaki Medical Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0369-3228      
334 A Nagoya Mathematical Journal 0101 Pure Mathematics         0027-7630      
15407 C Nagoya Medical Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0027-7649      
40594 C Nagoya studies in Indian Culture and Buddhism 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0285-7154      
12015 C Naharaim 2005 Literary Studies         1862-9148 1862-9156    
7457 C Naistutkimus 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 2103 Historical Studies     0784-3844      
34174 C NAMAH: a journal of Sri Aurobindo International Institute for Integral Health and Research 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         0971-684X      
8979 B Namenkundliche Informationen 2004 Linguistics         0943-0849      
8980 B Names: a journal of onomastics 2004 Linguistics         0027-7738 1756-2279    
8981 C Namn och Bygd: tidskrift foer nordisk ortnamnsforskning 2004 Linguistics         0077-2704      
32816 A Nan Nu: Men Women and Gender in Early Imperial China 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1387-6805 1568-5268    
36826 C Nanjing University Law Review 1801 Law         0257-5892      
1369 A* Nano Letters: a journal dedicated to nanoscience and nanotechnology MD Multidisciplinary         1530-6984 1530-6992    
3425 C Nanobiotechnology 1007 Nanotechnology         1551-1286 1551-1294    
34934 B NanoEthics: ethics for technologies that converge at the nanoscale 2201 Applied Ethics         1871-4757 1871-4765    
5162 C Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering 1007 Nanotechnology         1556-7265 1556-7273    
5163 A* Nanotechnology 1007 Nanotechnology 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics 0904 Chemical Engineering  0957-4484 1361-6528    
42002 C Nanotechnology Law and Business 1007 Nanotechnology         1546-203X      
42005 C Nanotechnology Perceptions 1007 Nanotechnology         1660-6795      
42007 C Nanotoxicology 1007 Nanotechnology         1743-5390 1743-5404    
21595 C Nantah Journal of Chinese Language and Culture MD Multidisciplinary         0219-0699      
42009 C NAPA Bulletin 1601 Anthropology          1556-4789 1556-4797    
9417 C Naprstek Museum. Annals 1601 Anthropology          0231-844X      
15409 C Nara Medical Association Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1345-0069      
7662 C Narodni Muzeum v Praze. Sbornik. Rada B: Prirodni Vedy 2103 Historical Studies         0036-5343      
12016 B Narrative 2005 Literary Studies         1063-3685 1538-974X    
8982 B Narrative Inquiry 1601 Anthropology  2005 Literary Studies     1387-6740 1569-9935 1053-6981  
18598 C Nase Gospodarstvo 14 Economics         0547-3101      
32817 B Nashim: a journal of Jewish women's studies and gender issues 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         0793-8934 1565-5288    
10461 C Nasi Zbori: revija za pevce, zborovodje in ljubitelje petja 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         0027-8270      
42010 C NASPA Journal About Women in Higher Education 1399 Other Education          1940-7882      
10462 C Nassarre: revista aragonesa de musicologia 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0213-7305      
12018 C Nassau Review 2005 Literary Studies         0077-2879      
7458 C Nassauische Annalen 2103 Historical Studies         0077-2887      
19948 C NASSP Bulletin 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0192-6365 1930-1405 0027-8653  
12019 C Nathaniel Hawthorne Review 2005 Literary Studies         0890-4197 0162-9824    
40243 C National Accountant 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1039-608X      
19959 C National Association of Student Affairs Professionals Journal 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1094-6624      
33639 C National Black Law Journal 1801 Law         0896-0194 0045-2181    
20787 C National Forum of Applied Educational Research Journal 13 Education         0895-3880      
20788 C National Forum Teacher Education Journal 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1049-2658      
7460 B National Identities 2103 Historical Studies 1605 Policy and Administration     1460-8944 1469-9907    
18224 B National Institute Economic Review 14 Economics         0027-9501 1741-3036    
33640 C National Journal of Constitutional Law 1801 Law         1181-9340      
36669 C National Law Review 1801 Law         1329-5292      
15326 C National Medical Journal of India 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0970-258X      
30417 C National Political Science Review 1606 Political Science         0896-629X      
21599 C National Taiwan University Journal of Sociology 1608 Sociology         0077-5851      
21598 C National Taiwan University. College of Law. Journal of Social Science MD Multidisciplinary         0077-5835      
19112 A* National Tax Journal 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability 1801 Law     0028-0283 1944-7477    
30390 B Nationalism and Ethnic Politics 1606 Political Science 2002 Cultural Studies 1605 Policy and Administration 1353-7113 1557-2986    
7461 B Nationalities Papers MD Multidisciplinary         0090-5992 1465-3923    
32908 B Nationalokonomisk Tidsskrift 14 Economics         0028-0453      
7462 A* Nations and Nationalism 1608 Sociology 2103 Historical Studies 1601 Anthropology  1354-5078 1469-8129    
2772 C Native Plants Journal 0607 Plant Biology         1522-8339 1548-4785    
3801 C Natsional'naya Akademiya Nauk Armenii. Izvestiya. Seriya Mekhanika 0913 Mechanical Engineering         0002-3051      
32420 C Natsiyanal'naya Akademiya Navuk Belarusi. Vestsi. Seryya Fizika-Matematychnykh Navuk 0101 Pure Mathematics         1561-2430 1024-591X    
17657 C Natura Neotropicalis: revista de la Asociacion de Ciencias del Litoral MD Multidisciplinary         0329-2177      
31082 C Natural Areas Journal 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 05 Environmental Sciences     0885-8608      
1986 B Natural Hazards 0401 Atmospheric Sciences 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience     0921-030X 1573-0840    
30216 B Natural Hazards Review 0905 Civil Engineering         1527-6988 1527-6996    
3292 C Natural History MD Multidisciplinary         0028-0712      
8984 A* Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 2004 Linguistics         0167-806X 1573-0859    
8985 A Natural Language Engineering 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science 1351-3249 1469-8110    
8986 A Natural Language Semantics 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0925-854X 1572-865X    
1590 A* Natural Product Reports: a journal of current development in bioorganic chemistry 0305 Organic Chemistry         0265-0568 1460-4752    
1591 C Natural Product Research 0305 Organic Chemistry 1001 Agricultural Biotechnology 0706 Horticultural Production 1478-6419 1026-8049 1057-5634  
39597 Not ranked Natural Resource Modeling 0502 Environmental Science and Management 0101 Pure Mathematics     0890-8575 1939-7445    
5861 C Natural Resources Forum MD Multidisciplinary         0165-0203 1477-8947    
1749 A Natural Resources Research 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy 0502 Environmental Science and Management     1520-7439 1573-8981 0961-1444  
3120 C Naturalia Patagonica. Serie Ciencias Biologicas 0608 Zoology         0327-8050      
17479 A* Nature MD Multidisciplinary         0028-0836 0090-0028 0300-8746 1476-4687
3374 A* Nature Biotechnology MD Multidisciplinary         1087-0156 1546-1696    
2264 A* Nature Cell Biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1465-7392 1476-4679    
30176 A* Nature Chemical Biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry     1552-4450 1552-4469    
40002 A Nature Clinical Practice Cardiovascular Medicine 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1743-4297 1743-4300    
40041 A Nature Clinical Practice Endocrinology and Metabolism 1103 Clinical Sciences         1745-8366 1745-8374    
40042 B Nature Clinical Practice Gastroenterology and Hepatology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1743-4378 1743-4386    
40008 A Nature Clinical Practice Nephrology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1745-8323 1745-8331    
40009 B Nature Clinical Practice Neurology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry 1745-834X 1745-8358    
16628 B Nature Clinical Practice Oncology 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1743-4254 1743-4262    
40025 B Nature Clinical Practice Rheumatology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1745-8382 1745-8390    
16629 A* Nature Genetics 1103 Clinical Sciences 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine     1061-4036 1546-1718    
35127 Not ranked Nature Geoscience 04 Earth Sciences 05 Environmental Sciences     1752-0894 1752-0908    
15528 A* Nature Immunology 1107 Immunology         1529-2908 1529-2916    
1119 A* Nature Materials MD Multidisciplinary         1476-1122 1476-4660    
15327 A* Nature Medicine 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1078-8956 1546-170X    
39748 A* Nature Methods 06 Biological Sciences 10 Technology     1548-7091 1548-7105    
34328 A* Nature Nanotechnology MD Multidisciplinary         1748-3387 1748-3395    
14531 A* Nature Neuroscience 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     1097-6256 1546-1726    
35047 A* Nature Photonics 0205 Optical Physics 0401 Atmospheric Sciences 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences 1749-4885 1749-4893    
1009 A* Nature Physics 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     1745-2473 1745-2481    
39747 A Nature Protocols 06 Biological Sciences         1754-2189      
16630 A* Nature Reviews Cancer 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1474-175X 1474-1768    
14826 A* Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1474-1776 1474-1784    
15529 A* Nature Reviews Immunology 1107 Immunology         1474-1733 1474-1741    
2505 A* Nature Reviews Microbiology 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     1740-1526 1740-1534    
14532 A* Nature Reviews Neuroscience 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     1471-003X 1471-0048    
40899 A Nature Reviews. Urology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1759-4812 1743-4289 1743-4270  
2404 A* Nature Reviews: Genetics 0604 Genetics          1471-0056 1471-0064    
2265 A* Nature Reviews: Molecular Cell Biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1471-0072 1471-0080    
2266 A* Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)     1545-9993 1545-9985 1072-8368  
35289 C Nature, Society, and Thought: a journal of dialectical and historical materialism 2203 Philosophy          0890-6130      
36195 C Natures - Sciences - Societes 1604 Human Geography         1240-1307 1765-2979    
34175 C Naturheilpraxis mit Naturmedizin: Fachzeitschrift fuer Naturheilkunde, Erfahrungsheilkunde und biologische Heilverfahren 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         0177-6754      
2773 C Naturhistorisches Museum in Wien. Annalen. Serie B: Botanik und Zoologie 0607 Plant Biology 0608 Zoology     0255-0105      
2101 A Naturwissenschaften MD Multidisciplinary         0028-1042      
17658 C Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau MD Multidisciplinary         0028-1050      
17659 C Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein fuer Steiermark. Mitteilungen MD Multidisciplinary         0369-1136      
14827 B Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archives of Pharmacology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0028-1298 1432-1912    
3327 C Nautilus (Sanibel): a quarterly devoted to the interests of malacologists 06 Biological Sciences         0028-1344      
4708 C Naval Architect 0911 Maritime Engineering          0306-0209      
4709 C Naval Engineers Journal 0911 Maritime Engineering          0028-1425 1559-3584    
33940 C Naval Law Review 1801 Law         1049-0272      
32156 B Naval Research Logistics 1503 Business and Management 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0894-069X 1520-6750    
40557 B Naval War College Review 1606 Political Science         0028-1484      
20511 C NCSSSMST Journal 1301 Education Systems          1084-6522      
4992 C NDT and E International 0912 Materials Engineering         0963-8695 1879-1174    
40677 B NDT Plus 1103 Clinical Sciences         1753-0784 1753-0792    
8168 B Near Eastern Archaeology 2101 Archaeology         1094-2076 1557-5594 0006-0895  
35049 C Near Surface Geophysics 0404 Geophysics         1569-4445 1873-0604    
12020 C Nebo: a literary journal 2005 Literary Studies         0741-1316      
33643 C Nebraska Law Review 1801 Law         0047-9209      
6526 B Nebraska Symposium on Motivation 1701 Psychology         0146-7875      
37190 C Nebula MD Multidisciplinary         1449-7751      
5721 C Nederlands Bosbouw Tijdschrift: vaktijdschrift voor het beheer van bos, natuur en landschap 0705 Forestry Sciences         0028-2057      
12844 B Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0028-212X      
8987 B Nederlandse Taalkunde 2004 Linguistics         1384-5845      
8988 C Neerlandistiek: wetenschappelijk tijdschrift voor de Nederlandse taal- en letterkunde 2004 Linguistics         1567-6633      
7463 C Negentiende Eeuw 2103 Historical Studies         1381-8546      
42014 Not ranked Negotiation and Conflict Management Research 1503 Business and Management 1801 Law     1750-4708 1750-4716    
19460 B Negotiation Journal: on the process of dispute settlement 1503 Business and Management 1801 Law     0748-4526 1571-9979    
3802 C Neiranji Xuebao 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1000-0909      
3122 C Nematologia Brasileira 0608 Zoology         0102-2997      
5355 C Nematologia Mediterranea 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         0391-9749      
2972 C Nematology: international journal of fundamental and applied nematological research 0608 Zoology         1388-5545 1568-5411 0028-2596 1164-5571
2974 C Nematropica 0608 Zoology         0099-5444      
12021 B Neohelicon: acta comparationis litterarum universarum 2005 Literary Studies         0324-4652 1588-2810    
16631 C Neonatal Intensive Care: the journal of perinatology - neonatology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1062-2454      
30455 C Neonatal Network: the journal of neonatal nursing 1110 Nursing         0730-0832 1539-2880    
35188 C Neonatal, Paediatric and Child Health Nursing 1110 Nursing         1441-6638      
15788 B Neonatology: foetal and neonatal research 1103 Clinical Sciences 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine     1661-7800 0006-3126 1661-7819  
8989 B Neophilologus: an international journal of modern and mediaeval language and literature 2004 Linguistics 2005 Literary Studies     0028-2677 1572-8668    
16632 A Neoplasia 1103 Clinical Sciences         1522-8002 1476-5586    
16633 C Neoplasma 1103 Clinical Sciences         0028-2685      
16634 C 1103 Clinical Sciences         1526-9906      
34933 B Neotestamentica 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0254-8356      
2975 C Neotropical Entomology 0608 Zoology         1519-566X 0301-8059    
15411 C Nepal Medical Association Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0028-2715 1815-672X    
16635 C Nephrology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1320-5358 1440-1797    
16636 A Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 1103 Clinical Sciences         0931-0509 1460-2385    
30456 C Nephrology News and Issues: balancing economics and quality in renal care 1110 Nursing         0896-1263      
14137 C Nephrology Nursing Journal 1110 Nursing 1103 Clinical Sciences 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1526-744X      
16638 B Nephron Clinical Practice 1103 Clinical Sciences         1660-2110      
16639 B Nephron Experimental Nephrology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1660-2129      
10463 C Nerter: una revista dedicada a la literatura, el arte y el conocimiento 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing 20 Language, Communication and Culture     1575-8621      
33644 A Netherlands International Law Review 1801 Law         0165-070X 1741-6191    
4121 C Netherlands Journal of Geosciences 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy 0403 Geology     0016-7746      
33645 A Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights 1801 Law         0924-0519      
40171 C Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 1801 Law         0167-6768 1574-0951    
32909 C Netnomics 1499 Other Economics 0805 Distributed Computing 0806 Information Systems 1385-9587 1573-7071    
6527 C Network (London, 1990): computation in neural systems 1701 Psychology 1117 Public Health and Health Services     0954-898X 1361-6536    
18087 B Networks 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0028-3045 1097-0037    
32910 C Networks and Spatial Economics 0102 Applied Mathematics         1566-113X 1572-9427    
36671 A* Neue Juristische Wochenschrift 1801 Law         0341-1915      
31391 B Neue Zeitschrift fuer Missionswissenschaft 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0028-3495      
8534 A Neue Zeitschrift fuer Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie 2203 Philosophy  2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0028-3517 1612-9520    
34404 C Neues Jahrbuch fuer Geologie und Palaeontologie. Abhandlungen 0403 Geology         0077-7749 0028-3630    
1831 C Neues Jahrbuch fuer Mineralogie. Abhandlungen: merged with Neues Jahrbuch fuer Mineralogie, Monatshe 0403 Geology         0077-7757 0028-3649    
31475 C Neulateinisches Jahrbuch 2005 Literary Studies         1438-213X      
40723 A Neural Computation 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science 0606 Physiology  0899-7667 1530-888X    
18089 B Neural Computing and Applications 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science     0941-0643 1433-3058    
40035 B Neural Development 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science     1749-8104      
41067 C Neural Network World 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing         1210-0552      
18090 A Neural Networks 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0893-6080 1879-2782    
36614 B Neural Processing Letters 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science     1370-4621 1573-773X    
16641 A Neurobiology of Aging 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     0197-4580 1558-1497    
16642 A Neurobiology of Disease 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     0969-9961 1095-953X    
6528 A Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 1103 Clinical Sciences 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science 1074-7427 1095-9564    
6529 B Neurocase 1701 Psychology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science 1355-4794 1465-3656    
14489 C Neurochemical Research 1109 Neurosciences         0364-3190 1573-6903    
14490 B Neurochemistry International: the journal for the publication of cellular and molecular aspects of neurochemistry 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics 1109 Neurosciences     0197-0186 1872-9754    
18092 B Neurocomputing 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science 0903 Biomedical Engineering  0925-2312 1872-8286    
16645 C Neurocritical Care 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     1541-6933 1556-0961    
40345 B Neurodegenerative Diseases 1109 Neurosciences         1660-2854 1660-2862    
16646 B Neuroendocrinology: international journal for basic and clinical studies on neuroendocrine relationships 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     0028-3835 1423-0194    
13718 B Neuroepidemiology 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1109 Neurosciences     0251-5350 1423-0208    
36971 Not ranked Neuroethics 2201 Applied Ethics 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science 1874-5490 1874-5504    
16647 B Neurogastroenterology and Motility 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     1350-1925 1365-2982    
42217 C Neurogastroenterology and Motility. Supplement 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     1743-3150      
2405 B Neurogenetics 0604 Genetics  1702 Cognitive Science 1109 Neurosciences 1364-6745 1364-6753    
16649 A Neuroimage 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science 1109 Neurosciences 1053-8119 1095-9572    
15328 C Neuroimmunomodulation 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1021-7401 1423-0216    
42019 C NeuroInformatics 1109 Neurosciences 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology     1539-2791      
14565 C Neurologia Croatica: journal of clinical neurosciences 1109 Neurosciences         0353-8842      
40839 C Neurologic Clinics 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     0733-8619 1557-9875    
16651 B Neurological Research 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     0161-6412 1743-1328    
16652 C Neurological Sciences 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     1590-1874 1590-3478    
40824 C Neurologist 1109 Neurosciences         1074-7931      
16653 A Neurology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science 1109 Neurosciences 0028-3878 1526-632X    
14566 C Neurology, Neurophysiology and Neuroscience 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     1933-1266 1526-8748    
13170 C Neurology, Psychiatry and Brain Research 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science 1109 Neurosciences 0941-9500      
16654 C Neuromodulation 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science 1109 Neurosciences 1094-7159 1525-1403    
42020 B NeuroMolecular Medicine 1109 Neurosciences         1535-1084 1559-1174    
16655 A Neuromuscular Disorders 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     0960-8966 1873-2364    
14533 A* Neuron 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0896-6273      
40344 B Neuron Glia Biology 0606 Physiology          1740-925X      
16656 A Neuro-Oncology 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis 1109 Neurosciences     1522-8517 1523-5866    
35187 C Neuro-Ophthalmology 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry 1109 Neurosciences     0165-8107 1744-506X    
16657 B Neuropathology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     0919-6544 1440-1789    
16658 A Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science 1109 Neurosciences 0305-1846 1365-2990    
16659 B Neuropediatrics: journal of pediatric neurobiology, neurology and neurosurgery 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine 1109 Neurosciences     0174-304X 1439-1899 0028-3797  
2348 B Neuropeptides 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1103 Clinical Sciences     0143-4179 1532-2785    
14828 B Neuropharmacology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     0028-3908 1873-7064    
36176 C Neurophysiologie Clinique 17 Psychology and Cognitive Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences     0987-7053 1769-7131    
14659 C Neurophysiology 1116 Medical Physiology 1109 Neurosciences     0090-2977 0028-2561 1573-9007  
13171 C Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     1178-2021 1176-6328    
13172 C Neuropsychiatrie 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     0948-6259      
14567 C Neuro-Psychoanalysis: an interdisciplinary journal for psychoanalysis and the neurosciences 1109 Neurosciences 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science 1529-4145      
14553 C Neuropsychobiology: international journal of experimental and clinical research in biological psychiatry, pharmacopsychiatry, biological psychology, pharmacopsychology and pharmacoelectroencephalography 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science 1103 Clinical Sciences 0302-282X 1423-0224 0020-8272  
6531 A Neuropsychologia 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science 1109 Neurosciences 0028-3932 1873-3514    
6532 A Neuropsychological Rehabilitation 11 Medical and Health Sciences 17 Psychology and Cognitive Sciences     0960-2011 1464-0694    
6533 A Neuropsychology 11 Medical and Health Sciences 17 Psychology and Cognitive Sciences     0894-4105 1931-1559    
6534 A Neuropsychology Review 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science 1109 Neurosciences 1040-7308 1573-6660    
6535 A Neuropsychology, Development and Cognition. Section A: Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science 1109 Neurosciences 1380-3395 1744-411X 0168-8634  
6068 C Neuropsychology, Development and Cognition. Section B: Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition: a journal on normal and dysfunctional development 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science 1109 Neurosciences 1382-5585 1744-4128 0928-9917  
6181 B Neuropsychology, Development and Cognition. Section D: The Clinical Neuropsychologist 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science 1109 Neurosciences 1385-4046 1744-4144 0920-1637  
40224 A* Neuropsychopharmacology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences 1103 Clinical Sciences 0893-133X 1470-634X    
16663 B Neuroradiology: a journal devoted to neuroimaging and interventional neuroradiology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     0028-3940 1432-1920    
16665 B Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science 1109 Neurosciences 1545-9683 1552-6844    
16664 C NeuroRehabilitation: an interdisciplinary journal 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     1053-8135 1878-6448    
3536 B Neuroreport 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0959-4965 1473-558X    
14535 A Neuroscience 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0306-4522 1873-7544    
14568 C Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0097-0549 1573-899X    
14481 A Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 1109 Neurosciences 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science 0149-7634 1873-7528    
14569 C Neuroscience Bulletin 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     1673-7067 1995-8218 1008-0872  
14570 C Neuroscience Imaging 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     1556-4010      
14536 C Neuroscience Letters 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0304-3940 1872-7972    
14537 C Neuroscience Research 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0168-0102 1872-8111    
14538 C Neuroscience Research Communications 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0893-6609      
14498 A Neuroscientist 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     1073-8584 1089-4098    
2268 B NeuroSignals 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1109 Neurosciences     1424-862X 1424-8638 1422-4933 1016-0922
16666 B Neurosurgery 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     0148-396X 1524-4040    
41068 C Neurosurgery Quarterly 1109 Neurosciences 1103 Clinical Sciences     1050-6438 1534-4916    
16667 C Neurosurgical Focus 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     1092-0684      
41069 C Neurosurgical Review 1109 Neurosciences 1103 Clinical Sciences     0344-5607 1437-2320    
14539 C Neurotoxicity Research 1109 Neurosciences         1029-8428 1476-3524    
14830 B NeuroToxicology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     0161-813X 1872-9711    
14554 B Neurotoxicology and Teratology 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0892-0362 1872-9738    
16668 B Neurourology and Urodynamics 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     0733-2467 1520-6777    
11384 C Neusis - the Greek Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1106-5605      
42021 C Neutron News 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics         1044-8632 1931-7352    
33646 C Nevada Law Journal 1801 Law         1068-882X      
8991 C Nevtani ertesito 2004 Linguistics         0139-2190      
40103 C New Advances in Physics 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     0974-3553      
35804 B New American Writing 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0893-7842      
10464 C New Arcadian Journal MD Multidisciplinary         0262-558X      
1075 B New Astronomy 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences         1384-1076 1384-1092    
1076 C New Astronomy Reviews 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences         1387-6473 1872-9630 0083-6656  
3336 B New Biotechnology 10 Technology 06 Biological Sciences     1871-6784 1389-0344    
31392 B New Blackfriars: a review: edited by the Dominicans of the English Province 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0028-4289 1741-2005    
34679 C New Centennial Review: interdisciplinary perspectives on the Americas MD Multidisciplinary         1532-687X 1539-6630    
34839 B New Cinemas: Journal of Contemporary Film 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         1474-2756 2040-0578    
33647 A New Criminal Law Review: an international and interdisciplinary journal 1801 Law         1933-4192 1933-4206 1093-3514  
3803 C New Diamond and Frontier Carbon Technology: an international journal on newdiamond, frontier carbon and related materials 0912 Materials Engineering         1344-9931 0917-4540    
36509 A New Directions for Evaluation 1607 Social Work         1097-6736 1534-875X 0164-7989  
20373 B New Directions for Teaching and Learning 13 Education         0271-0633 1536-0768    
36459 C New Directions in Child and Adolescent Development 1701 Psychology         1520-3247 1534-8687 0195-2269  
31126 C New England Journal of Entrepreneurship 1503 Business and Management         1550-333X      
33648 C New England Journal of International and Comparative Law 1801 Law         1936-279X 1936-2803 1936-2773  
15329 A* New England Journal of Medicine 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0028-4793 1533-4406    
33649 C New England Journal on Criminal and Civil Confinement 1801 Law         0740-8994      
33650 C New England Law Review 1801 Law         0028-4823      
7464 A New England Quarterly: a historical review of New England life and letters 2005 Literary Studies 2103 Historical Studies     0028-4866 1937-2213    
34591 B New England Theatre Journal 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1050-9720      
20002 C New Era in Education 13 Education         0957-0942 0028-5048    
5683 C New Forests: journal of biology, biotechnology, and management of afforestation and reforestation 0705 Forestry Sciences 0502 Environmental Science and Management 1605 Policy and Administration 0169-4286 1573-5095    
10098 A New Formations: a journal of culture/theory/politics 2002 Cultural Studies 1606 Political Science     0950-2378 1741-0789    
18093 B New Generation Computing: computing paradigms and computational intelligence 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0803 Computer Software 1702 Cognitive Science 0288-3635 1882-7055    
34977 B New Genetics and Society 1608 Sociology 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     1463-6778 1469-9915 0959-020X  
31476 A New German Critique: an interdisciplinary journal of German studies 2005 Literary Studies         0094-033X 1558-1462    
12025 C New German Review 2005 Literary Studies         0889-0145      
7465 C New Hibernia Review 2103 Historical Studies         1092-3977 1534-5815    
21783 A New History 2103 Historical Studies         1023-2249      
35718 B New Horizons in Education 13 Education         0028-5382      
6536 B New Ideas in Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0732-118X 1873-3522    
14998 C New Jersey Journal of Pharmacy 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0028-5773      
1370 A New Journal of Chemistry 03 Chemical Sciences         1144-0546 1369-9261    
1010 A New Journal of Physics 02 Physical Sciences         1367-2630      
42022 C New Labor Forum 1801 Law         1095-7960 1557-2978    
12026 C New Laurel Review 2005 Literary Studies         0145-8388      
35547 C New Law Journal 1801 Law         0306-6479      
18924 A New Left Review 1606 Political Science         0028-6060      
10695 C New Library World: charting new developments 0807 Library and Information Studies         0307-4803 1758-6909 1017-6748  
11610 A* New Literary History: a journal of theory and interpretation 2005 Literary Studies         0028-6087 1080-661X    
11611 B New Literature Review (Wollongong) 2005 Literary Studies         0314-7495 1442-8172    
32422 C New Mathematics and Natural Computation 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0104 Statistics  1702 Cognitive Science 1793-0057 1793-7027    
9244 A New Media and Society 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 2001 Communication and Media Studies     1461-4448 1461-7315    
1832 C New Mexico Geology 0403 Geology         0196-948X      
33651 C New Mexico Law Review 1801 Law         0028-6214      
15146 C New Microbiologica: quarterly journal of microbiological sciences 1108 Medical Microbiology         1121-7138      
35222 B New Nietzsche Studies 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     1091-0239      
12027 C New Novel Review 2005 Literary Studies         1070-8499      
10467 C New Orleans Review 2005 Literary Studies         0028-6400      
18691 C New Perspectives on Political Economy 1402 Applied Economics         1801-0938      
36424 B New Perspectives on Turkey MD Multidisciplinary         0896-6346      
2625 A* New Phytologist 0607 Plant Biology 0605 Microbiology      0028-646X 1469-8137    
18668 A New Political Economy 1401 Economic Theory 1606 Political Science     1356-3467 1469-9923    
30419 C New Political Science: a journal of politics and culture 1606 Political Science         0739-3148 1469-9931    
36494 C New Review of Academic Librarianship 0807 Library and Information Studies         1361-4533 1740-7834    
32158 C New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia 0807 Library and Information Studies         1361-4568 1740-7842 0955-8543  
30355 B New Review of Information Behaviour Research 0807 Library and Information Studies         1471-6313      
32159 C New Review of Information Networking 0807 Library and Information Studies 1702 Cognitive Science     1361-4576 1740-7869 1361-455X 0953-556X
34236 C New Technology in the Human Services 1607 Social Work         0959-0684      
19764 B New Technology, Work and Employment 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences 1503 Business and Management     0268-1072 1468-005X    
12847 A* New Testament Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies 2103 Historical Studies     0028-6885 1469-8145    
31421 C New Theology Review: an American Catholic journal for ministry 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0896-4297      
35221 C New Vico Studies 2203 Philosophy          0733-9542      
40680 A New Voices in Classical Reception Studies 2103 Historical Studies 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing     1750-6581      
36981 C New Voices in Translation Studies 2003 Language Studies         1819-5644      
7467 C New West Indian Guide 2103 Historical Studies         1382-2373      
9269 A* New Writing: the international journal for the practice and theory of creative writing 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2005 Literary Studies 1479-0726 1943-3107    
18273 C New York Economic Review 14 Economics         1090-5693      
7468 C New York History: quarterly journal of the New York State Historical Association 2103 Historical Studies         0146-437X      
33653 B New York Law School Law Review 1801 Law         0145-448X      
14233 C New York State Nurses Association Journal 1110 Nursing         0028-7644      
33655 B New York University Annual Survey of American Law 1801 Law         0066-4413      
33656 C New York University Environmental Law Journal 1801 Law         1061-8651      
33657 A* New York University Journal of International Law and Politics 1801 Law         0028-7873 1930-6237    
33659 B New York University Journal of Legislation and Public Policy 1801 Law         1094-513X      
33660 A* New York University Law Review (New York, 1950) 1801 Law         0028-7881      
33654 C New York University. Annual Institute on Federal Taxation. 1801 Law         0886-3679      
33662 C New Zealand Armed Forces Law Review 1801 Law         1175-6136      
37164 C New Zealand Business Law Quarterly 1801 Law         1173-311X      
36382 C New Zealand Dental Journal 1105 Dentistry         0028-8047      
18225 C New Zealand Economic Papers 14 Economics         0077-9954 1943-4863    
36855 C New Zealand Entomologist 06 Biological Sciences         0077-9962      
37240 B New Zealand Family Law Journal 1801 Law         1746-8000 1350-2778    
13721 C New Zealand Family Physician 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0110-022X      
30293 B New Zealand Geographer 1604 Human Geography         0028-8144 1745-7939 0028-8292 0375-7196
37172 C New Zealand Intellectual Property Journal 1801 Law         1359-9054      
35683 C New Zealand Journal of Adult Learning 1301 Education Systems          0112-224X 1177-3138    
5205 B New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 0703 Crop and Pasture Production 0503 Soil Sciences 0607 Plant Biology 0028-8233      
35994 C New Zealand Journal of Applied Business Research 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1175-8007      
8170 B New Zealand Journal of Archaeology 2101 Archaeology         0110-540X      
21601 B New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1174-8915 1172-3823    
2626 C New Zealand Journal of Botany 0607 Plant Biology         0028-825X      
5320 B New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science 0703 Crop and Pasture Production 0706 Horticultural Production     0114-0671 0301-5521    
3294 B New Zealand Journal of Ecology 0602 Ecology         0110-6465 1177-7788 0077-9946  
42023 C New Zealand Journal of Educational Leadership 1301 Education Systems          1176-0017      
20037 B New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies 13 Education         0028-8276      
35370 C New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations 1503 Business and Management         1176-4716 0110-0637    
33663 C New Zealand Journal of Environmental Law 1801 Law         1174-1538      
5684 B New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 0705 Forestry Sciences         0048-0134      
31477 C New Zealand Journal of French Studies 2005 Literary Studies 2002 Cultural Studies     0110-7380      
1833 B New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 0403 Geology 0404 Geophysics     0028-8306      
7469 B New Zealand Journal of History 2103 Historical Studies         0028-8322      
3295 C New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 0602 Ecology 0405 Oceanography     0028-8330      
336 B New Zealand Journal of Mathematics 01 Mathematical Sciences         1171-6096      
34590 B New Zealand Journal of Media Studies (Online) 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 2001 Communication and Media Studies     1178-9638 1173-0811    
16670 C New Zealand Journal of Occupational Therapy 1103 Clinical Sciences         1171-0462      
30304 C New Zealand Journal of Outdoor Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science     1176-9149      
16671 C New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy 1103 Clinical Sciences         0303-7193      
6537 C New Zealand Journal of Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0112-109X 0303-6863    
35369 B New Zealand Journal of Public and International Law 1801 Law         1176-3930      
9791 C New Zealand Journal of Sports Medicine 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         0110-6384      
35561 B New Zealand Journal of Taxation Law and Policy 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability 1801 Law     1322-4417      
20789 C New Zealand Journal of Teachers' Work 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1176-6662      
2978 C New Zealand Journal of Zoology 0608 Zoology         0301-4223      
41412 Not ranked New Zealand Language Teacher 2003 Language Studies 2004 Linguistics     0110-1374      
33664 B New Zealand Law Journal 1801 Law         0028-8373      
33665 A* New Zealand Law Review 1801 Law         1173-5864      
39581 C New Zealand Library and Information Management Journal 0807 Library and Information Studies         1177-3316 0028-8381    
36357 B New Zealand Natural Sciences 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences     0113-7492      
39746 C New Zealand Plant Protection 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences         1175-9003      
6037 B New Zealand Population Review 1603 Demography          0111-199X      
40811 B New Zealand Research in Early Childhood Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1174-6122      
36976 B New Zealand Slavonic Journal 2003 Language Studies 2004 Linguistics 2005 Literary Studies 0028-8683      
32657 C New Zealand Society of Periodontology Journal 1105 Dentistry         0111-1485      
10893 C New Zealand Sociology 1608 Sociology         0112-921X 1173-1036    
8992 C New Zealand Studies in Applied Linguistics 2004 Linguistics         1173-5562      
42025 C New Zealand Surveyor 0909 Geomatic Engineering          0048-0150      
33666 A* New Zealand Universities Law Review 1801 Law         0549-0618      
5537 B New Zealand Veterinary Journal 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0048-0169 1176-0710    
36674 B New Zealand Yearbook of International Law 1801 Law         1176-6417      
41340 C Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews 1110 Nursing         1527-3369 1558-352X    
33941 C Newcastle Law Review 1801 Law         1324-8758      
41737 C Newman Studies Journal 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1547-9080      
9270 A Newspaper Research Journal 1903 Journalism and Professional Writing         0739-5329      
33667 C Nexus (Orange): a journal of opinion 1801 Law         0838-6498      
662 A Nexus Network Journal 0102 Applied Mathematics 1201 Architecture     1590-5896 1522-4600    
20183 C NHS A Dialog: a research-to-practice journal for the early intervention field 1301 Education Systems          1524-0754 1930-9325 1089-2583  
44939 C NICMAR Journal of Construction Management 1202 Building         0970-3675      
13722 B Nicotine and Tobacco Research 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1462-2203 1469-994X    
7470 C Niedersaechsisches Jahrbuch 2103 Historical Studies         0078-0561      
8536 A Nietzsche-Studien 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0342-1422 1613-0790    
20073 C Nigeria Educational Forum Journal 13 Education         0189-2916      
5485 C Nigerian Journal of Animal Production 0702 Animal Production         0331-2062      
2775 C Nigerian Journal of Palms and Oil Seeds 0607 Plant Biology         0795-8692 0078-0715    
12031 C Nightsun: a journal of poetry, short-short fiction, and interviews 2005 Literary Studies         0278-6079      
36578 C Nihon AEM Gakkaishi 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0919-4452      
41039 C Nihon Arukoru, Yakubutsu Igakkai Zasshi 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1341-8963      
10468 C Nihon Gazo Gakkaishi 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         1344-4425 0387-916X    
20882 C Nihon Kenchiku Gakkai Keikakukei Ronbunshu 1201 Architecture         1340-4210      
2918 C Nihon Oyo Dobutsu Konchu Gakkaishi 0608 Zoology         0021-4914 1347-6068    
5356 C Nihon Sakumotsu Gakkai Kiji 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         0011-1848 1349-0990    
32659 C Nihon University Dental Journal 1105 Dentistry         0385-0102      
32658 C Nihon University. Journal of Oral Science 1105 Dentistry         0385-0145      
663 C Nihonkai Mathematical Journal 0101 Pure Mathematics         1341-9951 0369-576X    
21619 B Nihonshi Kenkyu 2103 Historical Studies         0386-8850      
8537 C Niin and Nain 2203 Philosophy          1237-1645      
7473 B Nikephoros: Zeitschrift fuer Sport und Kultur im Altertum 2103 Historical Studies         0934-8913      
12032 C Nimrod International Journal 2005 Literary Studies         1931-1214 0029-053X    
12033 B Nineteenth Century French Studies 2005 Literary Studies         0146-7891 1536-0172    
40464 C Nineteenth Century Gender Studies 2005 Literary Studies 2002 Cultural Studies 1903 Journalism and Professional Writing 1556-7524      
10101 A Nineteenth Century Music 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0148-2076 1533-8606    
10102 A Nineteenth Century Music Review 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1479-4098      
34511 B Nineteenth Century Theatre and Film 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1748-3727      
10469 A Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts     1543-1002      
7474 A Nineteenth-Century Contexts: an interdisciplinary journal 2005 Literary Studies 2103 Historical Studies     0890-5495 1477-2663    
12034 A Nineteenth-Century Literature (Berkeley) 2005 Literary Studies         0891-9356 1067-8352    
12035 B Nineteenth-Century Prose 2005 Literary Studies         1052-0406      
10470 A Nineteenth-Century Studies MD Multidisciplinary         0893-7931      
15413 C Nippon Medical School Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1345-4676 1347-3409 0048-0444  
9725 C Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku Kogaku Kaishi 0908 Food Sciences         1341-027X 0029-0394    
5627 C Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University. Bulletin 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0373-8361      
41071 B Nitric Oxide: Biology and Chemistry 06 Biological Sciences 03 Chemical Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences 1089-8603 1089-8611    
5357 C Nitron + Syngas 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         1462-2378 0029-0777    
34510 B NJ Drama Australia Journal 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1445-2294      
5208 C NJAS Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences         1573-5214 0028-2928    
10459 C NKA: journal of contemporary African art 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts     1075-7163      
35794 C NMEDIAC: the journal of new media and culture 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 2001 Communication and Media Studies 2002 Cultural Studies 1542-0280      
16673 B NMR in Biomedicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         0952-3480      
32424 A No DEA - Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications 0101 Pure Mathematics         1021-9722 1420-9004    
13723 C Noise and Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1463-1741 1998-4030    
3645 C Noise Control Engineering Journal 0910 Manufacturing Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering     0736-2501 1021-643X    
40934 C Nomadas 1608 Sociology         1578-6730      
9582 C Nomadic Peoples 1601 Anthropology          0822-7942 1752-2366    
8993 B Nomina: a journal of name studies relating to Great Britain and Ireland 2004 Linguistics         0141-6340      
4123 C Nonferrous Metals Society of China Transactions 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1003-6326 1004-0609    
42029 C Nonlinear Analysis Forum 0101 Pure Mathematics         1226-7228      
338 A Nonlinear Analysis Theory Methods and Applications 0102 Applied Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics     0362-546X 1873-5215    
39596 C Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1751-570X 1878-7460    
32524 B Nonlinear Analysis: modelling and control 0101 Pure Mathematics         1392-5113      
39653 B Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 0102 Applied Mathematics         1468-1218      
3707 B Nonlinear Dynamics 01 Mathematical Sciences 09 Engineering     0924-090X 1573-269X    
664 C Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory 0102 Applied Mathematics         1562-8353      
665 C Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences MD Multidisciplinary         1090-0578 1573-6652    
666 C Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications 0101 Pure Mathematics         1229-1595      
1266 C Nonlinear Optics, Quantum Optics: concepts in modern optics 0204 Condensed Matter Physics 0205 Optical Physics 0206 Quantum Physics 1543-0537 1944-8325 1539-9958 1058-7268
667 C Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems 0105 Mathematical Physics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1561-4045 1817-2458    
34424 B Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 04 Earth Sciences         1023-5809 1607-7946    
341 A* Nonlinearity 0102 Applied Mathematics         0951-7715 1361-6544    
10894 C Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 1608 Sociology         0899-7640 1552-7395 0094-0607  
31143 B Nonprofit Management and Leadership 1503 Business and Management         1048-6682 1542-7854    
18928 C Nonproliferation Review 1606 Political Science         1073-6700 1746-1766    
32819 B Nora: Nordic journal of women's studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         0803-8740 1502-394X    
40690 B Nordic Journal for Masculinity Studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1890-2138 1890-2146    
42032 C Nordic Journal of African Studies 1608 Sociology         1235-4481      
44940 C Nordic Journal of Architectural Research 1201 Architecture         1102-5824      
2627 C Nordic Journal of Botany 0607 Plant Biology         0107-055X 1756-1051    
44941 C Nordic Journal of Building Physics 1202 Building         1402-5728      
33668 C Nordic Journal of Commercial Law 1801 Law         1459-9686      
5796 C Nordic Journal of Freshwater Research: journal of life sciences in artic waters 0704 Fisheries Sciences         1100-4096      
36806 A Nordic Journal of International Law 1801 Law         0902-7351      
8994 B Nordic Journal of Linguistics 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0332-5865 1502-4717    
10104 A Nordic Journal of Music Therapy 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0809-8131 1944-8260 0803-9828  
18692 C Nordic Journal of Political Economy 1402 Applied Economics         0805-7508 0345-8555    
13173 C Nordic Journal of Psychiatry 1103 Clinical Sciences         0803-9488 1502-4725 0029-1455  
12848 B Nordic Journal of Religion and Society 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0809-7291 0802-0167    
4371 C Nordic Journal of Surveying and Real Estate Research 0905 Civil Engineering         1459-5877 1459-5885 1457-8034 0780-8399
6540 C Nordic Psychology: theory, research, practice 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1901-2276 0029-1463    
4994 C Nordic Pulp abd Paper Research Journal 0904 Chemical Engineering          0283-2631      
40893 C Nordisk Alkohol- and Narkotikatidskrift 1701 Psychology         1455-0725 1458-6126 0789-6069  
10471 C Nordisk Museologi 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing 21 History and Archaeology     1103-8152      
8996 C Nordlyd 2004 Linguistics         0332-7531 1503-8599    
7476 A Nordost-Archiv: Zeitschrift fuer Regionalgeschichte 2103 Historical Studies         0029-1595      
669 C Normat: nordisk matematisk tidskrift 0101 Pure Mathematics         0801-3500 0029-1412    
13174 C Noropsikiyatri Arsivi 1103 Clinical Sciences         1300-0667      
9583 C Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift 1601 Anthropology          0802-7285 1504-2898    
34520 C Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift 1604 Human Geography 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience     0029-1951 1502-5292    
8997 C Norsk Lingvistisk Tidsskrift 2004 Linguistics         0800-3076      
5628 C Norsk Veterinaertidsskrift 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0332-5741      
39863 B North American Actuarial Journal 0102 Applied Mathematics         1092-0277      
8171 B North American Archaeologist 2101 Archaeology         0197-6931 1541-3543    
2776 C North American Fungi 0607 Plant Biology         1937-786X 1931-3349    
5763 C North American Journal of Aquaculture 0704 Fisheries Sciences         1522-2055 1548-8454    
5764 C North American Journal of Fisheries Management 0704 Fisheries Sciences         0275-5947 1548-8675    
6541 C North American Journal of Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1527-7143      
33670 C North Carolina Central Law Journal 1801 Law         0549-7434      
7477 C North Carolina Historical Review 2103 Historical Studies         0029-2494      
33671 C North Carolina Journal of International Law and Commercial Regulation 1801 Law         0743-1759      
33672 B North Carolina Journal of Law and Technology 1801 Law         1542-5177      
33673 B North Carolina Law Review 1801 Law         0029-2524      
15414 C North Carolina Medical Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0029-2559      
17666 C North Country Naturalist MD Multidisciplinary         1056-8360      
33674 C North Dakota Law Review 1801 Law         0029-2745      
41347 C North South Business Review (NSBR) 1503 Business and Management         1991-4938      
3296 C Northeastern Naturalist 06 Biological Sciences 05 Environmental Sciences     1092-6194 1938-5307    
21015 C Northern Economic Review 14 Economics         0262-0383      
7478 C Northern History: a review of the history of the north of England and the borders 2103 Historical Studies         0078-172X 1745-8706    
33675 C Northern Illinois University Law Review 1801 Law         0734-1490      
33676 A Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly 1801 Law         0029-3105      
33677 C Northern Kentucky Law Review 1801 Law         0198-8549      
35806 B Northern Lights: film and media studies yearbook 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 2001 Communication and Media Studies     1601-829X 2040-0586 0106-2484  
7479 B Northern Mariner 2103 Historical Studies         1183-112X      
12038 C Northern New England Review 2005 Literary Studies         0190-3012      
18929 C Northern Review MD Multidisciplinary         0835-3433      
36359 C Northern Territory Naturalist 06 Biological Sciences 05 Environmental Sciences     0155-4093      
10473 C Northwest Review 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing 20 Language, Communication and Culture     0029-3423      
17667 C Northwest Science MD Multidisciplinary         0029-344X      
33681 C Northwestern Journal of International Human Rights 1801 Law         1549-828X      
33678 B Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business 1801 Law         0196-3228      
33679 A Northwestern Journal of Law and Social Policy 1801 Law 1605 Policy and Administration     1557-2447      
33680 C Northwestern Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property 1801 Law         1549-8271      
3123 C Northwestern Naturalist: a journal of vertebrate biology 0608 Zoology         1051-1733 1938-5315    
33682 A* Northwestern University Law Review 1801 Law         0029-3571      
12040 C Northwestern University School of Continuing Studies. Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. Journal 2005 Literary Studies         1558-8939 1058-6962    
8173 B Norwegian Archaeological Review 2101 Archaeology         0029-3652 1502-7678    
12850 C Norwegian Theological Journal 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0029-2176 1504-2979    
670 C Note di Matematica 0101 Pure Mathematics         1123-2536 1590-0932    
10754 A Notes and Queries: for readers and writers, collectors and librarians 2005 Literary Studies         0029-3970 1471-6941    
17679 C Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London MD Multidisciplinary         0035-9149 1743-0178    
41796 C Notitiae 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0029-4306      
40787 B Notornis 0608 Zoology         0029-4470 1177-7680    
8538 A Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 0101 Pure Mathematics 2203 Philosophy      0029-4527 1939-0726    
33685 C Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics and Public Policy 1801 Law         0883-3648      
33686 A Notre Dame Law Review 1801 Law         0745-3515      
12041 B Nottingham French Studies 2005 Literary Studies 2002 Cultural Studies     0029-4586      
33687 C Nottingham Law Journal 1801 Law         0965-0660      
7480 C Nottingham Medieval Studies 2103 Historical Studies         0078-2122      
40150 A* Nous 2203 Philosophy          0029-4624 1468-0068    
6542 C Nouvelle Revue de Psychosociologie 1701 Psychology         1951-9532 1961-8697    
12851 A Nouvelle Revue Theologique 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0029-4845      
35040 C Nouvelles de la Republique des Lettres 2203 Philosophy          0392-2332      
35257 B Nouvelles Etudes Francophones MD Multidisciplinary         1552-3152 1093-9334    
32820 B Nouvelles Questions Feministes 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         0248-4951      
18600 C Nova Economia: the journal of the economics department at UFMG 14 Economics         0103-6351      
31422 B Nova et Vetera 2203 Philosophy  2204 Religion and Religious Studies     1542-7315 0029-5027    
2628 C Nova Hedwigia: journal of cryptogamic science 0607 Plant Biology         0029-5035      
33688 C Nova Law Review 1801 Law         1049-0248      
12852 C Nova Prisutnost 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1334-2312      
12853 B Nova Religio: journal of alternative and emergent religions 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1092-6690 1541-8480    
12042 C Novel: A Forum on Fiction 2005 Literary Studies         0029-5132 1945-8509    
5358 C Novenytermeles 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         0546-8191      
9378 C Novitas - ROYAL 2003 Language Studies         1307-4733      
2629 C Novon: a journal for botanical nomenclature 0607 Plant Biology         1055-3177      
12854 A Novum Testamentum: an international quarterly for New Testament and related studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0048-1009 1568-5365    
8999 C NOWELE 2004 Linguistics         0108-8416      
40236 C NSW Public Health Bulletin 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1034-7674 1834-8610    
30601 B NTM Journal of History of Sciences, Technology, and Medicine MD Multidisciplinary         0036-6978      
10099 A NTQ: New Theatre Quarterly 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0266-464X 1474-0613    
40851 C Nuance: the international journal of family policy and related issues 1608 Sociology         1443-8356      
1208 C Nuclear Engineering and Design: an international journal devoted to the thermal, mechanical, materials, and structural aspects of nuclear fission energy 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering         0029-5493 1872-759X    
1209 A Nuclear Fusion 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics         0029-5515 1741-4326 1018-5577  
1211 B Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors, and Associated Equipment 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics         0168-9002 1872-9576    
1212 B Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics     0168-583X 1872-9584    
16676 A Nuclear Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         0029-5566      
16674 B Nuclear Medicine and Biology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0969-8051 1872-9614    
16675 C Nuclear Medicine Communications 1103 Clinical Sciences         0143-3636      
1214 A Nuclear Physics, Section A 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics         0375-9474 1873-1554    
1215 A* Nuclear Physics, Section B 0105 Mathematical Physics 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics 0206 Quantum Physics 0550-3213 1873-1562    
1216 C Nuclear Physics, Section B, Proceedings Supplements 0105 Mathematical Physics 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics 0206 Quantum Physics 0920-5632 1873-3832    
2349 C Nuclear Receptor Signaling 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1550-7629      
1217 C Nuclear Science and Engineering: research and development related to peaceful utilization of nuclear energy 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering         0029-5639 1943-748X    
1218 C Nuclear Technology 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering     0029-5450 1943-7471    
2269 A Nucleic Acids Research 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics 0604 Genetics  0305-1048 1362-4962    
2270 C Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids: an international journal for rapid communication 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1525-7770 1532-2335    
8176 C Nuernberger Blaetter zur Archaeologie 2101 Archaeology         0938-9539      
9000 B Nueva Revista de Filologia Hispanica 2004 Linguistics         0185-0121      
5100 C Nueva Telegrafica - Electronica 1005 Communications Technologies         0035-0516      
12043 C Nuevo Texto Critico 2005 Literary Studies         1048-6380 1940-9079    
30016 C Nukleonika 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics 0302 Inorganic Chemistry     0029-5922 1508-5791    
7481 A Numen: international review for the history of religions 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0029-5973 1568-5276    
671 B Numerical Algorithms 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1017-1398 1572-9265    
36696 Not ranked Numerical Analysis and Applications 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1995-4239 1995-4247    
343 B Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 0102 Applied Mathematics         0163-0563 1532-2467    
3804 B Numerical Heat Transfer Part A-Applications 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0102 Applied Mathematics 0905 Civil Engineering 1040-7782 1521-0634    
3805 B Numerical Heat Transfer Part B-Fundamentals 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0102 Applied Mathematics 0905 Civil Engineering 1040-7790 1521-0626    
672 B Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1070-5325 1099-1506    
39652 C Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications (NM-TMA) 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1004-8979 1000-081X    
344 B Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     0749-159X 1098-2426    
345 A* Numerische Mathematik 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     0029-599X 0945-3245    
7482 A* Numismatic Chronicle 2103 Historical Studies         0078-2696      
7549 C Numismatica e Antichita Classiche: quaderni ticinesi 2103 Historical Studies         1420-1739      
11388 C Nuncius: journal of the history of science 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0394-7394 1825-3911    
12044 B Nuova Corrente 2005 Literary Studies         0029-6155      
11367 C Nuova Critica: studi e rivista di filosofia delle scienze 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0029-6163      
7484 C Nuova Rivista Storica 2103 Historical Studies         0029-6236      
7485 C Nuova Storia Contemporanea: studi storici e politici sull'eta contemporanea 2103 Historical Studies         1126-098X 0039-1875    
12045 B Nuove Lettere: rivista internazionale di poesia e letteratura - international review of poetry and literature 2005 Literary Studies         1126-2559      
14139 C Nurse Education in Practice 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1110 Nursing     1471-5953 1873-5223    
14140 A Nurse Education Today 1110 Nursing         0260-6917 1532-2793    
14237 C Nurse Educator 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1110 Nursing     0363-3624 1538-9855    
41338 C Nurse Leader 1110 Nursing         1541-4612      
14238 C Nurse Practitioner 1110 Nursing         0361-1817 1538-8662    
14141 A Nurse Researcher 1110 Nursing         1351-5578      
14241 C Nursing Administration Quarterly 1110 Nursing         0363-9568 1550-5103    
14142 B Nursing and Health Sciences 1110 Nursing         1441-0745 1442-2018    
40059 B Nursing Economics 1110 Nursing 1402 Applied Economics     0746-1739      
14243 B Nursing Education Perspectives 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1110 Nursing     1536-5026      
13726 B Nursing Ethics: an international journal for health care professionals 2201 Applied Ethics         0969-7330 1477-0989    
40047 C Nursing for Women's Health 1110 Nursing         1751-4851 1751-486X 1091-5923  
14245 B Nursing Forum 1110 Nursing         0029-6473 1744-6198    
14145 C Nursing History Review 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 1110 Nursing     1062-8061 1938-1913    
14146 C Nursing in Critical Care 1110 Nursing         1362-1017 1478-5153    
14147 A* Nursing Inquiry 1110 Nursing         1320-7881 1440-1800    
14246 C Nursing Journal of India 1110 Nursing         0029-6503      
14248 C Nursing Leadership Forum 1110 Nursing         1076-1632      
30457 C Nursing Management 1110 Nursing         0744-6314 1538-8670    
41328 B Nursing Older People 1110 Nursing         1472-0795      
14149 A Nursing Outlook 1110 Nursing         0029-6554 1528-3968    
14150 B Nursing Philosophy 1110 Nursing         1466-7681 1466-769X    
14249 A Nursing Praxis in New Zealand 1110 Nursing         0112-7438      
14151 A Nursing Research 1110 Nursing         0029-6562 1538-9847    
14152 B Nursing Science Quarterly 1110 Nursing         0894-3184 1552-7409    
42039 C Nutrafoods 0908 Food Sciences         1827-8590      
5265 B Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 0503 Soil Sciences 0703 Crop and Pasture Production 0301 Analytical Chemistry 1385-1314 1573-0867    
13728 B Nutrition 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics         0899-9007 1873-1244    
13730 B Nutrition and Cancer: an international journal 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis     0163-5581 1532-7914    
13433 C Nutrition and Dietetics 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics         1446-6368 1747-0080 1032-1322  
42042 C Nutrition and Food Science 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics         0034-6659 1758-6917    
13731 C Nutrition and Metabolism 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science 0606 Physiology  1743-7075      
9726 C Nutrition Bulletin 0908 Food Sciences         1471-9827 1467-3010    
41072 C Nutrition Journal 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics         1475-2891      
13733 A Nutrition Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics         0939-4753 1590-3729    
13734 C Nutrition Research 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics         0271-5317 1879-0739    
13735 A Nutrition Research Reviews 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics 0702 Animal Production     0954-4224 1475-2700    
13736 A Nutrition Reviews 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics         0029-6643 1753-4887    
41073 C Nutrition Today 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics         0029-666X 1538-9839    
14546 C Nutritional Neuroscience 1109 Neurosciences         1028-415X 1476-8305    
2630 C Nuytsia 0607 Plant Biology         0085-4417      
32734 C NWSA Journal 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1040-0656 1527-1889    
8177 B Nyame Akuma 2101 Archaeology         0713-5815      
33658 C NYU Journal of Law and Business 1801 Law         1558-5778      
33689 C NYU Journal of Law and Liberty 1801 Law         1930-5044      
33690 C Oak Brook College Journal of Law and Government Policy 1801 Law         1543-8708      
30526 A* Oase: tijdschrift voor architectuur 1201 Architecture         0169-6238      
673 C Oberwolfach Reports 0101 Pure Mathematics         1660-8933 1660-8941    
13738 A Obesity 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1930-7381 1930-739X 1071-7323  
41074 Not ranked Obesity Facts: the European journal of obesity 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics         1662-4025 1662-4033    
36461 A Obesity Research and Clinical Practice 1701 Psychology 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics     1871-403X 1878-0318    
13739 A* Obesity Reviews 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics         1467-7881 1467-789X    
16678 A Obesity Surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         0960-8923 1708-0428    
10108 C Object 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         1038-1856      
12857 C Obnovljeni Zivot: casopis za religioznu kulturu 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0351-3947      
7486 C Obradoiro de Historia Moderna 2103 Historical Studies         1133-0481      
4818 C Obrobka Plastyczna Metali 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0867-2628      
35648 C Observatoire Francais des Conjonctures Economiques. Revue: observations et diagnostics economiques 14 Economics         1265-9576      
34398 C Observatorio Medioambiental 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         1139-1987      
12047 C Obsidian III: Literature in the African Diaspora 2005 Literary Studies         1542-1619 0888-4412    
16679 A Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0029-7828 1533-9866    
16680 A* Obstetrics and Gynecology 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0029-7844      
16681 C Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics of North America 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0889-8545 1558-0474    
674 C Obzornik za Matematiko in Fiziko 0101 Pure Mathematics         0473-7466      
16682 C Occupation Participation and Health 1103 Clinical Sciences         1539-4492 1938-2383    
13740 C Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1103 Clinical Sciences     1351-0711 1470-7926    
14252 C Occupational Health 1110 Nursing         0029-7917      
13741 C Occupational Medicine 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0962-7480 1471-8405    
16683 C Occupational Therapy in Health Care 1103 Clinical Sciences         0738-0577 1541-3098    
35186 C Occupational Therapy in Mental Health: a journal of psychosocial practice and research 1103 Clinical Sciences         0164-212X 1541-3101    
16684 C Occupational Therapy International 1103 Clinical Sciences         0966-7903 1557-0703    
33691 C Ocean and Coastal Law Journal: legal and policy journal on U.S. Ocean and coastal law 1801 Law         1073-8843      
35521 B Ocean and Coastal Management 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience 0502 Environmental Science and Management     0964-5691 1873-524X    
33692 C Ocean Development and International Law 1801 Law         0090-8320      
34396 B Ocean Dynamics: theoretical, computational oceanography and monitoring 0405 Oceanography         1616-7341 1616-7228 0012-0308  
4710 A Ocean Engineering 0911 Maritime Engineering  0905 Civil Engineering     0029-8018 1873-5258    
1936 A Ocean Modelling 0405 Oceanography         1463-5003 1463-5011    
30178 C Ocean Science 0405 Oceanography         1812-0784 1812-0792    
36681 B Ocean Yearbook 1801 Law         0191-8575      
9584 A Oceania 1601 Anthropology          0029-8077 1834-4461    
9005 A* Oceanic Linguistics 2004 Linguistics         0029-8115 1527-9421    
42048 B Oceanography 0602 Ecology         1042-8275      
1937 A Oceanography and Marine Biology: an annual review 04 Earth Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 0078-3218      
35051 C Oceanologia 0405 Oceanography 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience     0078-3234      
34395 B Oceanologica Acta: European journal of oceanology - revue europeene de oceanologie 0405 Oceanography         0399-1784      
42050 C Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies 0602 Ecology         1730-413X      
36492 C OCLC Systems and Services: international digital library perspectives 0807 Library and Information Studies         1065-075X      
10474 A* October 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts     0162-2870 1536-013X    
32429 C Octogon Mathematical Magazine 0101 Pure Mathematics         1222-5657      
15530 C Ocular Immunology and Inflammation 1107 Immunology         0927-3948 1744-5078    
32663 C ODA Journal 1105 Dentistry         0164-9442      
2979 C Odonatologica 0608 Zoology         0375-0183      
32664 C Odontology 1105 Dentistry         1618-1247 1618-1255 0029-8484  
3297 A Oecologia 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences     0029-8549 1432-1939    
12858 B Oekumenische Rundschau 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0029-8654      
10117 C Oesterreichische Musikzeit: journal for music and culture in central europe 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0029-9316      
9013 C Oesterreichische Namenforschung 2004 Linguistics         1028-1495      
8086 A Oesterreichisches Archaeologisches Institut. Jahreshefte 2101 Archaeology         0078-3579 1729-5416    
13742 C Of Substance 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0743-3085      
8178 B Offa-Jahrbuch: Vor- und Fruehgeschichte 2101 Archaeology         0078-3714      
35563 B Ofioliti: an international journal on ophiolites and related topics 0403 Geology         0391-2612      
33693 C Ohio Northern University Law Review 1801 Law         0094-534X      
20343 C Ohio Reading Teacher: a journal of education whose objective is to improve reading instruction in Ohio schools 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0030-1035      
33694 B Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law 1801 Law         1546-7619      
33695 B Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution 1801 Law         1046-4344      
33696 B Ohio State Law Journal 1801 Law         0048-1572      
5629 B OIE Revue Scientifique et Technique 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0253-1933 1608-0637    
3298 A OIKOS 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 0030-1299 1600-0706    
4069 B Oil and Gas Science and Technology: revue de l'Institut Francais du Petrole 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1294-4475 0020-2274    
4057 B Oil Shale 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0208-189X      
33697 C Oil, Gas and Energy Quarterly 1801 Law         1096-9195      
33698 C Oklahoma City University Law Review 1801 Law         0364-9458      
33700 B Oklahoma Law Review 1801 Law         0030-1752      
5230 B Oleagineux Corps Gras Lipides 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences         1258-8210 1950-697X 0035-3000  
12049 B Olifant 2005 Literary Studies         0381-9132      
3375 B Oligonucleotides 10 Technology 06 Biological Sciences     1545-4576 1557-8526 1087-2906  
42051 C Olympiads in Informatics 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences         1822-7732      
32911 A OMEGA International Journal of Management Science 1503 Business and Management         0305-0483 1873-5274    
6543 C Omega: Journal of Death and Dying 1701 Psychology         0030-2228 1541-3764    
42053 C OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology 0608 Zoology         1536-2310 1557-8100    
20376 B On the Horizon: the strategic planning resource for education professionals 1301 Education Systems          1074-8121      
16685 A* Oncogene 1103 Clinical Sciences         0950-9232 1476-5594    
14154 A* Oncology Nursing Forum 1110 Nursing         0190-535X 1538-0688    
16688 B Oncology Reports: an international journal devoted to fundamental and applied research in oncology 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1021-335X 1791-2431    
16689 B Oncology Research 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         0965-0407 1555-3906 0266-9536  
16687 B Oncology: international journal of cancer research and treatment 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         0030-2414 1423-0232    
5538 B Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0030-2465      
16690 B Onkologie: international journal for cancer research and treatment 1103 Clinical Sciences         0378-584X 1423-0240    
41335 C Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing 1110 Nursing         1676-4285      
10617 B Online Information Review 0807 Library and Information Studies         1468-4527 1468-4535    
19963 C Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1556-3847      
15566 C Online Journal of Immunology 1107 Immunology         1443-265X      
14255 C Online Journal of Issues in Nursing 1110 Nursing         1091-3734      
42054 C Online Journal of Nursing Informatics 1110 Nursing         1089-9758      
15000 C Online Journal of Pharmacokinetics 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1443-2285      
5630 C Online Journal of Veterinary Research 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1328-925X      
21016 C Online Planning Journal 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         1471-3128      
10478 C Online Trombone Journal 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1093-0485      
10616 C Online: exploring technology and resources for information professionals 0807 Library and Information Studies         0146-5422      
9006 B Onoma: journal of the International Council of Onomastic Sciences 2004 Linguistics         0078-463X 1783-1644    
9008 C Onomastica Uralica 2004 Linguistics         1586-3719      
34640 C Onomazein: revista de linguistica, filologia y traduccion 2004 Linguistics         0717-1285 0718-5758    
7488 B Ons Geestelijk Erf: tijdschrift voor de geschiedenis van de vroomheid in de Nederlanden 2103 Historical Studies         0774-2827 1783-1652    
30079 B Onsei Kenkyu 2004 Linguistics         1342-8675 0911-0402    
12051 C On-Stage Studies 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2005 Literary Studies     0749-1549      
7489 C Ontario History 2103 Historical Studies         0030-2953      
9009 C Opcion: revista de ciencias humanas y sociales 2004 Linguistics         1012-1587      
35926 C OPEC Energy Review: energy economics and related issues 1605 Policy and Administration         1753-0229 1753-0237    
40891 Not ranked Open Critical Care Medicine Journal 1110 Nursing         1874-8287      
42058 C Open Dermatology Journal 1103 Clinical Sciences         1874-3722      
18226 B Open Economies Review 14 Economics         0923-7992 1573-708X    
20904 B Open House International 1201 Architecture         0168-2601      
20377 C Open Learning 1301 Education Systems          0268-0513 1469-9958    
41120 C Open Medical Informatics Journal 1117 Public Health and Health Services 0903 Biomedical Engineering      1874-4311      
42059 C Open Museum Journal 2102 Curatorial and Related Studies         1443-5144      
838 B Open Systems and Information Dynamics 0104 Statistics  0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences 0102 Applied Mathematics 1230-1612 1793-7191    
40398 C Operational Research: An International Journal 1503 Business and Management 0102 Applied Mathematics     1109-2858 1866-1505    
35897 Not ranked Operations Management Research 1503 Business and Management 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 1936-9735 1936-9743    
31110 A* Operations Research 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 1503 Business and Management 0102 Applied Mathematics 0030-364X 1526-5463    
30910 A Operations Research Letters 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 1503 Business and Management 0167-6377 1872-7468    
32665 A Operative Dentistry 1105 Dentistry         0361-7734 1559-2863    
9823 C Operative Techniques in Sports Medicine 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1060-1872 1557-9794    
41679 C Operators and Matrices 0101 Pure Mathematics         1846-3886      
16691 C Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry 1103 Clinical Sciences 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences 0275-5408 1475-1313    
16692 C Ophthalmic Epidemiology 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1103 Clinical Sciences 0928-6586 1744-5086    
16693 C Ophthalmic Genetics 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry         1381-6810 1744-5094    
16694 C Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry         0740-9303 1537-2677    
16695 C Ophthalmic Research: journal for research in experimental and clinical ophthalmology 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry         0030-3747 1423-0259    
16697 C Ophthalmic Surgery, Lasers and Imaging 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry         1542-8877 1938-2375 1082-3069  
16698 C Ophthalmologe 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry 1109 Neurosciences 1103 Clinical Sciences 0941-293X 1433-0423    
16699 C Ophthalmologica: international journal of ophthalmology 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry         0030-3755 1423-0267    
16700 A* Ophthalmology 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry 1103 Clinical Sciences 1117 Public Health and Health Services 0161-6420 1549-4713    
20905 C Opolis: an international journal of suburban and metropolitan studies 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         1551-5869      
39862 C Opsearch Journal of the Operational Research Society of India 1503 Business and Management 0102 Applied Mathematics     0030-3887      
1267 B Optical and Quantum Electronics 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0205 Optical Physics     0306-8919 1572-817X 0030-4077  
1268 C Optical Engineering 0205 Optical Physics 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering     0091-3286 1560-2303    
1269 B Optical Fiber Technology 0205 Optical Physics         1068-5200 1095-9912    
1270 B Optical Materials 0912 Materials Engineering         0925-3467 1873-1252    
1260 A Optical Society of America. Journal B: Optical Physics 0205 Optical Physics         0740-3224 1520-8540    
1273 C Optics and Laser Technology 0205 Optical Physics         0030-3992 1879-2545    
1274 C Optics and Lasers in Engineering 0205 Optical Physics         0143-8166 1873-0302    
1275 C Optics and Spectroscopy 0205 Optical Physics         0030-400X 1562-6911 0030-4034  
1276 B Optics Communications 0205 Optical Physics         0030-4018 1873-0310    
1277 A* Optics Express 0205 Optical Physics 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry 0903 Biomedical Engineering  1094-4087      
1278 A* Optics Letters 0205 Optical Physics         0146-9592 1539-4794    
1279 C Optik 0205 Optical Physics         0030-4026      
35995 B Optimal Control Applications and Methods 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics     0143-2087 1099-1514    
346 B Optimization 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     0233-1934 1029-4945    
36659 B Optimization and Engineering 09 Engineering 01 Mathematical Sciences     1389-4420 1573-2924    
32431 B Optimization Letters 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1862-4472 1862-4480    
30913 B Optimization Methods and Software 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 1055-6788 1029-4937    
1280 B Opto-Electronics Review 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0205 Optical Physics     1230-3402 1896-3757    
20550 C Optometric Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1933-8880      
35185 C Optometry - Journal of the American Optometric Association 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry         1529-1839 1558-1527    
40015 A Optometry and Vision Science 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry 1103 Clinical Sciences 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1040-5488 1538-9235    
7491 B Opuscula Atheniensia 2101 Archaeology 2103 Historical Studies     0078-5520      
32201 C Opuscula Mathematica 0101 Pure Mathematics         1232-9274      
7492 B Opuscula Romana 2103 Historical Studies         0471-7309      
3124 C Opuscula Zoologica Fluminensia 0608 Zoology         1010-5220      
31178 C OR Insight 0806 Information Systems 1503 Business and Management     0953-5543      
31117 B OR Spectrum 0102 Applied Mathematics 1503 Business and Management 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0171-6468      
12052 C Oracle Story 2005 Literary Studies         1056-5027      
32666 A Oral Diseases 1105 Dentistry         1354-523X 1601-0825    
32667 C Oral Health and Preventive Dentistry 1105 Dentistry         1602-1622      
34906 B Oral History 2103 Historical Studies         0143-0955      
35808 B Oral History Association Of Australia Journal 2103 Historical Studies         0158-7366      
7493 B Oral History Review 1601 Anthropology  2103 Historical Studies     0094-0798 1533-8592    
32668 A Oral Microbiology and Immunology 1105 Dentistry         0902-0055 1399-302X    
16702 B Oral Oncology 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1368-8375 1741-9409    
32669 C Oral Radiology 1105 Dentistry         0911-6028 1613-9674 0389-9705  
35184 Not ranked Oral Surgery 1105 Dentistry         1752-2471 1752-248X    
32670 A Oral Surgery Oral Medicine Oral Pathology Oral Radiology and Endodontics 1105 Dentistry         1079-2104 1528-395X    
40590 C Oral Tradition 20 Language, Communication and Culture         0883-5365      
34641 B Oralia 2004 Linguistics         1575-1430      
32671 C Oralprophylaxe und Kinderzahnheilkunde 1105 Dentistry         1614-2217 0724-4991    
10733 B Orana 0807 Library and Information Studies         0045-6705      
36425 A Orbis (Kidlington): a journal of world affairs 1606 Political Science         0030-4387 1873-5282    
12053 A Orbis Litterarum: international review of literary studies 2005 Literary Studies         0105-7510 1600-0730    
7494 B Orbis Terrarum: Internationale Zeitschrift fur Historische Geographie der Alten Welt / Journal of Historical Geography of the Ancient World 2103 Historical Studies         1385-285X      
9010 C Orbis: bulletin international de documentation linguistique/international bulletin of lingustic documentation 2004 Linguistics         0030-4379 1783-1660    
16703 C Orbit: the international journal on orbital disorders, oculoplastic and lacrimal surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         0167-6830 1744-5108    
9011 C Ord Og Tunga 2004 Linguistics         1022-4610      
347 B Order: a journal on the theory of ordered sets 0101 Pure Mathematics         0167-8094 1572-9273    
34899 B Ordia Prima 2103 Historical Studies         1666-7743      
1836 B Ore Geology Reviews 0403 Geology         0169-1368 1872-7360    
34393 C Oregon Geology 0403 Geology         0164-3304      
7495 C Oregon Historical Quarterly 2103 Historical Studies         0030-4727      
33701 B Oregon Law Review 1801 Law         0196-2043      
33702 C Oregon Review of International Law 1801 Law         1543-9860      
1592 A* Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry 0305 Organic Chemistry     1477-0520 1477-0539 1472-7781 1470-4358
1012 B Organic Electronics 02 Physical Sciences 09 Engineering 03 Chemical Sciences 1566-1199      
1904 A Organic Geochemistry 0402 Geochemistry         0146-6380 1873-5290    
1593 A* Organic Letters 0305 Organic Chemistry 0904 Chemical Engineering      1523-7060 1523-7052    
1594 C Organic Preparations and Procedures International 0305 Organic Chemistry         0030-4948 1945-5453    
1595 B Organic Syntheses 0305 Organic Chemistry         0078-6209      
42061 B Organisational and Social Dynamics 1701 Psychology         1474-2780      
10114 A Organised Sound: an international journal of music and technology 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1355-7718 1469-8153    
3299 C Organisms Diversity and Evolution 0603 Evolutionary Biology         1439-6092 1618-1077    
10482 C Organists' Review 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0048-2161      
18932 C Organization and Environment: international journal of ecosocial research 1503 Business and Management         1086-0266 1552-7417 1087-0172  
19462 B Organization Development Journal 1503 Business and Management         0889-6402      
31144 C Organization Management Journal 1503 Business and Management         1541-6518      
19463 A* Organization Science 1503 Business and Management         1047-7039 1526-5455    
19464 A* Organization Studies 1503 Business and Management         0170-8406 1741-3044    
18931 B Organization: the interdisciplinary journal of organization, theory and society 1503 Business and Management         1350-5084 1461-7323    
6544 A Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 1503 Business and Management 1702 Cognitive Science 1701 Psychology 0749-5978 1095-9920    
6545 B Organizational Dynamics 1503 Business and Management 1701 Psychology     0090-2616 1873-3530    
19466 A Organizational Research Methods 1503 Business and Management 1701 Psychology     1094-4281 1552-7425    
3186 C Organogenesis 0606 Physiology  1116 Medical Physiology     1547-6278 1555-8592    
1540 A* Organometallics 0399 Other Chemical Sciences 0302 Inorganic Chemistry 0305 Organic Chemistry 0276-7333 1520-6041    
8542 C Organon F 2203 Philosophy          1335-0668      
21623 B Oriens Extremus: Zeitschrift fuer Sprache, Kunst und Kultur der Laender des fernen Ostens MD Multidisciplinary         0030-5197      
11389 B Oriens: journal of the International Society for Oriental Research MD Multidisciplinary         0078-6527 1877-8372    
9586 C Orient 1601 Anthropology          0030-5227      
30118 B Orient Journal MD Multidisciplinary         1617-4488      
2980 C Oriental Insects: an international journal of systematic entomology of the old world tropics 0608 Zoology         0030-5316      
12861 B Orientalia Christiana Periodica: commentarii de re orientali aetatis christianae sacra et profana 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0030-5375      
31342 C Orientalia Lovaniensa Periodica 2002 Cultural Studies         0085-4522 1783-1679    
7497 B Orientalia Suecana: an international journal of Indological, Iranian, Semitic and Turkic studies 2103 Historical Studies         0078-6578      
33703 C Original Law Review 1801 Law         1449-9053      
2103 B Origins of Life and Evolution of the Biosphere 06 Biological Sciences         0169-6149 1573-0875 0302-1688  
39861 C ORiON 1503 Business and Management 0806 Information Systems 0102 Applied Mathematics 0259-191X      
14258 C ORL-Head and Neck Nursing 1110 Nursing         1064-3842      
40702 C Ormond Papers 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0818-5190      
2981 C Ornis Fennica 0608 Zoology         0030-5685      
2983 C Ornitologia Neotropical 0608 Zoology         1075-4377      
42247 B Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences         1750-1172      
21017 C Orta Dogu Teknik Universitesi. Mimarlik Fakultesi. Dergisi 1201 Architecture         0258-5316      
9379 C ORTESOL Journal 2003 Language Studies         0192-401X      
32673 C Orthodontic Waves 1105 Dentistry         1344-0241      
32672 C Orthodontics and Craniofacial Research: genes, growth and development 1105 Dentistry         1601-6335 1601-6343 1397-5927 0270-4145
41080 B Orthopaedic Nursing Journal 1110 Nursing         0744-6020 1542-538X    
15997 C Orthopaedics and Trauma 1103 Clinical Sciences         1877-1327 0268-0890    
16705 B Orthopedic Clinics of North America 1103 Clinical Sciences         0030-5898 1558-1373    
32675 C Ortodoncia Espanola: revista de clinica e investigacion en ortodoncia 1105 Dentistry         0210-1637 1578-1631    
3125 B Oryx: journal of fauna and flora international 0602 Ecology 0608 Zoology 0502 Environmental Science and Management 0030-6053 1365-3008    
15416 C Osaka City Medical Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0386-4103      
678 B Osaka Journal of Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         0030-6126      
33704 C Osaka University Law Review 1801 Law         0472-1381      
33705 A* Osgoode Hall Law Journal 1801 Law         0030-6185      
11391 A Osiris (Chicago): a research journal devoted to the history of science and its cultural influences 2005 Literary Studies 2103 Historical Studies 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 0369-7827 1933-8287    
7499 C Osmanli Bilimi Arastirmalari 2103 Historical Studies 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     1303-3123      
16706 A Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 1103 Clinical Sciences         1063-4584 1522-9653    
42062 C Osteopathic Medicine and Primary Care 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences         1750-4732      
16707 A Osteoporosis International 1103 Clinical Sciences         0937-941X 1433-2965    
7500 B Osterreichische Zeitschrift fur Geschichtswissenschaft 2103 Historical Studies         1016-765X      
9587 C Osterreichische Zeitschrift fur Volkskunde 1601 Anthropology          0029-9669      
12862 B Osterreichisches Archiv fur Recht und Religion 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1560-8670 0029-9820    
18933 C Osteuropa 1606 Political Science         0030-6428 0179-485X    
16708 C Ostomy Wound Management 1110 Nursing 1103 Clinical Sciences     0889-5899 1943-2720    
7501 B Ostraka: rivista semestrale di antichita 2103 Historical Studies         1122-259X 2035-2646    
2984 C Ostrich: journal of african ornithology 0608 Zoology         0030-6525 1727-947X    
33706 B Otago Law Review 1801 Law         0078-6918      
16709 C Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America 1103 Clinical Sciences         0030-6665 1557-8259    
16710 C Otolaryngology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0194-5998 1097-6817    
2985 B Otology and Neurotology: an international forum 0608 Zoology 1103 Clinical Sciences     1531-7129 1537-4505 0192-9763  
40010 C Otorhinolaryngology and Phoniatrics 1103 Clinical Sciences         1210-7867      
33707 A Ottawa Law Review 1801 Law         0048-2331      
10118 A Oud - Holland: quarterly for Dutch art history 1901 Art Theory and Criticism         0030-672X 1875-0176    
31343 A Oudtestamentische Studien 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0169-7226      
8983 C Our Language 2003 Language Studies 2004 Linguistics     0027-8203      
20144 C Our Schools Our Selves 1301 Education Systems          0840-7339      
40812 C Outlines: critical social studies 1301 Education Systems          1399-5510      
5209 B Outlook on Agriculture: an international review of agricultural science, economics and policy 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences         0030-7270      
7503 B Outre-Mers. Revue d'Histoire: explorations, colonisations, independences 2103 Historical Studies         1631-0438 0300-9513    
40413 A Outskirts: feminisms along the edge 2002 Cultural Studies 2103 Historical Studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 1445-0445      
7504 C Overijsselse Historische Bijdragen 2103 Historical Studies         0165-6465      
11613 A Overland 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2005 Literary Studies     0030-7416 1444-3163    
34963 B Owl of Minerva 2203 Philosophy          0030-7580      
10119 A Oxford Art Journal 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts     0142-6540 1741-7287    
839 A Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 14 Economics         0305-9049 1468-0084    
40676 B Oxford Development Studies 1402 Applied Economics         1360-0818 1469-9966    
18228 A Oxford Economic Papers 14 Economics         0030-7653 1464-3812    
12056 A Oxford German Studies 2005 Literary Studies         0078-7191 1745-9214    
8180 A Oxford Journal of Archaeology 2101 Archaeology         0262-5253 1468-0092    
42064 C Oxford Journal of Business and Economics 1503 Business and Management         1551-4498      
33708 A* Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 1801 Law         0143-6503 1464-3820    
8543 B Oxford Literary Review 2005 Literary Studies 2203 Philosophy      0305-1498 1757-1642    
18464 A Oxford Review of Economic Policy 1402 Applied Economics         0266-903X 1460-2121    
20011 A* Oxford Review of Education 13 Education         0305-4985 1465-3915    
19993 C Oxford Studies in Comparative Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0961-2149      
35507 B Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal 1801 Law         1472-9342      
40083 C Oxford University Comparative Law Forum 1801 Law         1743-8713      
4732 A Oxidation of Metals: an international journal of the science of gas-solid reactions 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0030-770X 1573-4889    
41152 B Oxonomics: Oxford university economic studies 1402 Applied Economics         1752-5195 1752-5209    
32432 C Oyo Tokeigaku 0104 Statistics          0285-0370      
3984 C Ozone: Science and Engineering 0904 Chemical Engineering          0191-9512 1547-6545    
15002 C P & T: journal for formulary management 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1052-1372      
33710 C Pace Environmental Law Review 1801 Law         0738-6206      
33711 C Pace International Law Review 1801 Law         1553-7897 1052-3448    
33712 C Pace Law Review 1801 Law         0272-2410      
19114 B Pacific Accounting Review 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         0114-0582      
36188 A Pacific Affairs: an international review of Asia and the Pacific 1605 Policy and Administration 1606 Political Science     0030-851X 1715-3379    
21627 C Pacific Arts 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts 2102 Curatorial and Related Studies     1018-4252      
12059 C Pacific Coast Philology 2005 Literary Studies         0078-7469      
3301 B Pacific Conservation Biology 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 1038-2097      
18229 C Pacific Economic Bulletin 14 Economics         0817-8038 1834-9455    
18231 B Pacific Economic Review 14 Economics         1361-374X 1468-0106    
42065 C Pacific Focus 1606 Political Science 1699 Other Studies In Human Society     1225-4657      
7507 A Pacific Historical Review 2103 Historical Studies         0030-8684 1533-8584    
41681 Not ranked Pacific Journal of Applied Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics         1941-3963      
41794 C Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1177-0228 1173-9312    
348 A Pacific Journal of Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         0030-8730      
32433 C Pacific Journal of Optimization 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1348-9151      
9245 B Pacific Journalism Review 1903 Journalism and Professional Writing         1023-9499      
33713 C Pacific McGeorge Global Business and Development Law Journal 1801 Law         1045-8905      
7508 C Pacific Northwest Quarterly 2103 Historical Studies         0030-8803      
8545 A Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 2203 Philosophy          0279-0750 1468-0114    
18937 A Pacific Review 1606 Political Science 1605 Policy and Administration     0951-2748 1470-1332    
17372 C Pacific Rim Law and Policy Journal 1605 Policy and Administration 1801 Law     1066-8632      
19483 B Pacific Rim Property Research Journal 1504 Commercial Services         1444-5921      
17668 C Pacific Science: a quarterly devoted to the biological and physical sciences of the Pacific Region MD Multidisciplinary         0030-8870 1534-6188    
21637 B Pacific Studies: an interdisciplinary journal devoted to the study of the Pacific - its islands and adjacent countries MD Multidisciplinary         0275-3596      
34932 A Pacifica: Australasian theological studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1030-570X      
32913 B Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         0927-538X      
16713 B Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology 1103 Clinical Sciences 0903 Biomedical Engineering      0147-8389 1540-8159    
9675 B Packaging Technology and Science 0908 Food Sciences         0894-3214 1099-1522    
8181 C Padusa 2101 Archaeology         0393-0149 1724-0573    
7509 A Paedagogica Historica: international journal of the history of education 2103 Historical Studies 1303 Specialist Studies In Education     0030-9230 1477-674X    
16714 C Paediatric Anaesthesia 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1155-5645 1460-9592    
13743 B Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine     0269-5022      
42075 C Paediatric Nursing 1110 Nursing 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine     0962-9513      
16717 C Paediatric Respiratory Reviews 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1526-0542 1526-0550    
16718 C Paediatrics and Child Health: the journal of the Canadian Paediatric Society 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1205-7088      
8546 C Paideia (Madrid) 2203 Philosophy          0214-7300      
36007 B Paideuma: Mitteilungen zur Kulturkunde 1601 Anthropology          0078-7809      
9588 B PAIDEUMA-Studies in American and British Modernist Poetry 1601 Anthropology  2005 Literary Studies     0090-5674      
16719 A Pain 1103 Clinical Sciences         0304-3959 1872-6623    
14157 A* Pain Management Nursing 1110 Nursing         1524-9042 1532-8635    
40885 B Pain Medicine 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1526-2375 1526-4637    
16721 C Pain Research and Management 1103 Clinical Sciences         1203-6765      
10126 A PAJ: a journal of performance and art 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 1901 Art Theory and Criticism     1520-281X 1537-9477 0735-8393  
18465 C Pakistan Development Review 1402 Applied Economics         0030-9729      
18602 C Pakistan Economic and Social Review 14 Economics         1011-002X      
18603 C Pakistan Journal of Applied Economics 1402 Applied Economics         0254-9204      
15418 C Pakistan Journal of Medical Research 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0030-9842      
15419 C Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1682-024X 1681-715X    
2987 C Pakistan Journal of Nematology 0608 Zoology         0255-7576      
41076 C Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics         1680-5194      
15006 C Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1011-601X      
17669 C Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research MD Multidisciplinary         0030-9885      
21643 C Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences MD Multidisciplinary         1683-8831      
32434 C Pakistan Journal of Statistics 0104 Statistics          1012-9367      
32435 C Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research 0104 Statistics          1816-2711      
5359 C Pakistan Journal of Weed Science Research 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         1815-1094      
3126 C Pakistan Journal of Zoology 0608 Zoology         0030-9923      
5631 C Pakistan Veterinary Journal 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0253-8318      
9271 C Palabra Clave 1903 Journalism and Professional Writing         0122-8285      
1837 C Palaeo Ichthyologica 0403 Geology         0724-6331      
1750 A Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 0403 Geology 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience     0031-0182 1872-616X    
1839 C Palaeontographica Americana 0403 Geology         0078-8546      
34389 C Palaeontographica. Abt. A: Palaeozoologie - Stratigraphie 0403 Geology         0375-0442      
34388 C Palaeontographica. Abt. B: Palaeophytologie 0403 Geology         0375-0299      
1842 C Palaeontologia Africana 0403 Geology         0078-8554      
34387 C Palaeontologia Electronica 0403 Geology         1094-8074 1935-3952    
34558 C Palaeontologische Zeitschrift 0403 Geology         0031-0220      
8183 B Palaestina Antiqua 2101 Archaeology         0920-7422      
9793 C Palaestra 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         8756-5811      
1844 B Palaios 0403 Geology         0883-1351 1938-5323    
1838 C Paleaoecology of Africa: and the surrounding islands 0403 Geology         0168-6208      
8184 A Paleo 2101 Archaeology         1145-3370      
8185 C Paleo-Aktueel 2101 Archaeology         1572-6622      
3302 A Paleobiology 0602 Ecology 0403 Geology     0094-8373 1938-5331    
34386 A PaleoBios 0403 Geology         0031-0298      
1939 A* Paleoceanography 0602 Ecology 0402 Geochemistry 0405 Oceanography 0883-8305 1944-9186    
1845 C Paleontological Journal 0403 Geology         0031-0301 1555-6174 0031-031X  
1846 C Paleontological Research 0403 Geology         1342-8144 0031-0204    
8186 B Paleorient 2101 Archaeology         0153-9345 1957-701X    
7510 B Palestine Exploration Quarterly 2101 Archaeology 2103 Historical Studies     0031-0328 1743-1301    
9014 C Palimpsestes. Textes de Reference 2004 Linguistics         1274-9036      
7511 C Pallas: revue d'etudes antiques 2103 Historical Studies         0031-0387      
40896 C Palliative and Supportive Care 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1478-9515 1478-9523    
13744 C Palliative Medicine 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0269-2163 1477-030X    
36857 C Palms 0607 Plant Biology         1523-4495 0032-8480    
35128 C Palynology 0403 Geology         0191-6122 1558-9188    
40555 B Panace at 2004 Linguistics         1537-1964      
349 C Panamerican Mathematical Journal 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1064-9735      
16722 B Pancreas 1103 Clinical Sciences         0885-3177 1536-4828    
16723 B Pancreatology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1424-3903 1424-3911    
2988 C Pan-Pacific Entomologist 0608 Zoology         0031-0603      
30274 C Papeles de Poblaci?n 1603 Demography          1405-7425      
12061 C Paper Wasp: a journal of Haiku 2005 Literary Studies         1323-207X      
5024 C Paper360 0705 Forestry Sciences         1933-3684 1537-0275 0734-1415  
41077 C Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania, Hobart 0403 Geology 0699 Other Biological Sciences 1601 Anthropology  0080-4703      
5970 A Papers in Regional Science 1402 Applied Economics 1205 Urban and Regional Planning     1056-8190 1435-5957    
35327 B Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 2005 Literary Studies         0006-128X      
7512 A* Papers of the British School at Rome. 2103 Historical Studies         0068-2462      
17528 C Papers of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus MD Multidisciplinary         0002-354X      
31478 C Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature 2005 Literary Studies         0343-0758      
9381 A Papers on Language and Literature: a journal for scholars and critics of language and literature 2003 Language Studies 2005 Literary Studies     0031-1294      
10484 B Papers on Surrealism 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts     1750-1954      
34622 B Papers: Explorations into Children's Literature 2005 Literary Studies         1034-9243 1837-4530    
15331 C Papua New Guinea Medical Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0031-1480      
35809 B Parachute 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts     0318-7020      
10460 C Paradoxa: studies in world literary genres 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing 20 Language, Communication and Culture     1079-8072      
10485 C Paradoxism 2005 Literary Studies         1055-761X      
12064 B Paragraph: a journal of modern critical theory 2005 Literary Studies 2203 Philosophy  2002 Cultural Studies 0264-8334 1750-0176    
10486 A Parallax 2002 Cultural Studies 2005 Literary Studies 2203 Philosophy  1353-4645 1460-700X    
18102 A Parallel Computing 0805 Distributed Computing 1702 Cognitive Science     0167-8191 1872-7336    
40783 B Parallel Processing Letters 0805 Distributed Computing         0129-6264 1793-642X    
36271 C Parameters: the United States army's senior professional journal 1606 Political Science         0031-1723      
15162 C Parasite 1108 Medical Microbiology         1252-607X 1776-1042    
15161 B Parasite Immunology 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     0141-9838 1365-3024    
15226 C Parasites and Vectors 1108 Medical Microbiology         1756-3305 1475-9292 1475-2883  
5539 B Parasitology (Cambridge) 11 Medical and Health Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 0031-1820 1469-8161    
15164 C Parasitology International 1108 Medical Microbiology 0605 Microbiology  0707 Veterinary Sciences 1383-5769 1873-0329    
15193 C Parasitology Research 1108 Medical Microbiology 0605 Microbiology  0707 Veterinary Sciences 0932-0113 1432-1955    
15166 C Parasitology:  Parazitologiya 0605 Microbiology  0707 Veterinary Sciences 0608 Zoology 0031-1847      
12065 C Parchment: contemporary Canadian Jewish writing 2005 Literary Studies         1193-5146      
7513 A Parergon 2103 Historical Studies 2005 Literary Studies     0313-6221 1832-8334    
16724 B Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science     1353-8020 1873-5126    
18940 B Parliamentary Affairs: devoted to all aspects of parliamentary democracy 1606 Political Science         0031-2290 1460-2482    
7514 B Parliamentary History 2103 Historical Studies         0264-2824 1750-0206    
7515 C Parnassos: an annual literary journal 2103 Historical Studies         0048-301X      
37242 B Parrhesia: a journal of critical philosophy 2203 Philosophy          1834-3287      
34621 B Partial Answers: journal of literature and the history of ideas 2005 Literary Studies         1565-3668 1936-9247    
34589 B Participations: journal of audience and reception studies 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 2002 Cultural Studies 1608 Sociology 1749-8716      
3913 C Particle and Particle Systems Characterization: an international journal devoted to the measure and description of particle and bulk properties in dispersed systems 0904 Chemical Engineering          0934-0866 1521-4117 0176-2265  
3807 B Particulate Science and Technology: an international journal 0904 Chemical Engineering          0272-6351 1548-0046    
36893 B Particuology: science and technology of particles 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0904 Chemical Engineering      1674-2001 1672-2515    
18941 B Party Politics: international journal for the study of political parties and political organizations 1606 Political Science         1354-0688 1460-3683    
7517 B Pasado y Memoria: revista de historia contemporanea 2103 Historical Studies         1579-3311      
42090 C Pasos 1506 Tourism 1599 Other Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services     1695-7121      
12066 C Passages North 2005 Literary Studies         0278-0828      
7518 C Passato e Presente 2103 Historical Studies         1120-0650 1972-5493    
7519 A* Past and Present: A Journal of Historical Studies 2002 Cultural Studies 2103 Historical Studies     0031-2746 1477-464X    
20575 C Pastoral Care in Education. An International Journal of Personal, Social and Emotional Development 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0264-3944      
44965 B Pastoral Liturgy 2204 Religion and Religious Studies 2299 Other Philosophy and Religious Studies     1446-0661      
41764 C Pastoral Music 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0363-6569      
6546 C Pastoral Psychology 1701 Psychology         0031-2789 1573-6679    
12867 B Pastoraltheologie: Monatsschrift fuer Wissenschaft und Praxis in Kirche und Gesellschaft 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0720-6259      
2214 C Pathobiology: exploring the basis of disease 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1015-2008 1423-0291    
16727 C Pathologie et Biologie 1103 Clinical Sciences         0369-8114 1768-3114    
16728 B Pathology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0031-3025 1465-3931    
16730 C Pathology International 1103 Clinical Sciences         1320-5463 1440-1827    
40062 C Pathology Patterns Reviews 1103 Clinical Sciences         1542-2305 1050-9194    
16731 C Pathology, Research and Practice 1103 Clinical Sciences         0344-0338      
14662 C Pathophysiology 1116 Medical Physiology         0928-4680 1873-149X    
16732 C Pathophysiology of Haemostasis and Thrombosis: international journal on haemostasis and thrombosis research 1103 Clinical Sciences         1424-8832 1424-8840 0301-0147 0009-9902
15567 C Patient Care: Topics in Allergy and Immunology 1107 Immunology         0031-305X      
13745 B Patient Education and Counseling 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1110 Nursing     0738-3991 1873-5134    
42248 C Patient Safety in Surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         1754-9493      
8549 A Patristica et Mediaevalia 2203 Philosophy  2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0325-2280      
18104 C Pattern Analysis and Applications 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics 1433-7541 1433-755X    
4503 A* Pattern Recognition 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering     0031-3203 1873-5142    
32438 C Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis: advances in mathematical theory and applications 0102 Applied Mathematics 0104 Statistics      1054-6618 1555-6212    
18106 B Pattern Recognition Letters 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0167-8655 1872-7344    
10895 A Patterns of Prejudice 2002 Cultural Studies 1606 Political Science     0031-322X 1461-7331    
4253 C PCI Journal 0905 Civil Engineering         0887-9672 0032-793X    
15003 C PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1079-7440 1948-2124    
18943 C Peace and Change: a journal of peace research 1606 Political Science         0149-0508 1468-0130    
36187 C Peace Review: a journal of social justice 1607 Social Work         1040-2659 1469-9982    
40808 B Peace Studies Journal 1606 Political Science         2151-0806      
30421 C Peacekeeping and International Relations 1606 Political Science         1187-3485      
5436 C Peanut Science 0706 Horticultural Production 0908 Food Sciences     1943-7668 0095-3679    
20756 B Pedagogies: an international journal 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1554-480X 1554-4818    
20790 B Pedagogy 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1531-4200 1533-6255    
11505 B Pedagogy Culture and Society 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1468-1366 0965-9757 1747-5104  
15532 B Pediatric Allergy and Immunology 1107 Immunology 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine     0905-6157 1399-3038    
16733 C Pediatric and Developmental Pathology 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1093-5266 1615-5742    
16716 C Pediatric Annals: a journal of continuing pediatric education 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0090-4481 1938-2359    
15533 C Pediatric Asthma, Allergy and Immunology 1107 Immunology         0883-1874 1557-7767    
16588 C Pediatric Blood and Cancer 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine     1545-5009 1545-5017 0098-1532  
16735 C Pediatric Cardiology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0172-0643 1432-1971    
16736 B Pediatric Clinics of North America 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0031-3955 1557-8240    
16737 C Pediatric Critical Care Medicine 1110 Nursing 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine     1529-7535      
32677 B Pediatric Dentistry 1105 Dentistry 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine     0164-1263 1942-5473    
35182 C Pediatric Dermatology 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0736-8046 1525-1470    
16738 C Pediatric Diabetes 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1399-543X 1399-5448    
15005 C Pediatric Drugs 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine     1174-5878      
16739 C Pediatric Emergency Care 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0749-5161 1535-1815    
13987 C Pediatric Endocrinology Reviews 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1565-4753      
16741 C Pediatric Endosurgery and Innovative Techniques: part B of Journal of Laparoendoscopic and Advanced Surgical Techniques 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1092-6410      
9795 B Pediatric Exercise Science 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine     0899-8493 1543-2920    
16742 C Pediatric Hematology and Oncology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0888-0018 1521-0669    
16743 A Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0891-3668 1532-0987    
16744 B Pediatric Nephrology 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0931-041X 1432-198X    
16745 B Pediatric Neurology 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine 1109 Neurosciences     0887-8994 1873-5150    
16746 C Pediatric Neurosurgery 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine 1109 Neurosciences     1016-2291 1423-0305    
14259 C Pediatric Nursing 1110 Nursing 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine     0097-9805      
16747 C Pediatric Physical Therapy 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0898-5669      
16748 B Pediatric Pulmonology 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         8755-6863 1099-0496    
16749 C Pediatric Radiology: roentgenology, nuclear medicine, ultrasonics, CT, MRI 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0301-0449 1432-1998    
16751 A Pediatric Research 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0031-3998 1530-0447    
42249 C Pediatric Rheumatology Online Journal 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences     1546-0096      
16752 C Pediatric Surgery International 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0179-0358 1437-9813    
16753 B Pediatric Transplantation 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1397-3142 1399-3046    
16754 A Pediatrics 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0031-4005 1098-4275    
3303 C Pedobiologia 0503 Soil Sciences 0607 Plant Biology 0703 Crop and Pasture Production 0031-4056 1873-1511    
5361 C Pedologist 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         0031-4064      
5266 C Pedosphere 0503 Soil Sciences 0607 Plant Biology 0703 Crop and Pasture Production 1002-0160      
7520 C Pedralbes: revista d'historia moderna 2103 Historical Studies         0211-9587      
40279 B PEGS: Publications of the English Goethe Society 2005 Literary Studies         0959-3683 1749-6284    
33715 C Penn State Environmental Law Review 1801 Law         1546-3427      
33716 B Penn State International Law Review 1801 Law         1546-3435      
33717 C Penn State Law Review 1801 Law         1545-7877      
18604 C Pennsylvania Economic Review 14 Economics         1531-0949      
30608 C Pennsylvania History: a journal of Mid-Atlantic studies 2103 Historical Studies         0031-4528      
7521 B Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 2103 Historical Studies         0031-4587      
8550 C Pensamiento: revista de investigacion e informacion filosofica 2203 Philosophy          0031-4749      
35039 C Pensares y Quehaceres: revista de politicas de la filosofia 2203 Philosophy          1870-4492      
19620 C Pensions 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1478-5315 1750-208X 1462-222X 1369-7455
41790 C PentecoStudies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1871-7691      
21647 C People and Culture in Oceania 2002 Cultural Studies         1349-5380 0911-3533    
6038 C People and Place 1603 Demography  1205 Urban and Regional Planning     1039-4788      
34962 C People and the Word 2203 Philosophy          1392-8600 1822-7805    
33718 C Pepperdine Dispute Resolution Law Journal 1801 Law         1536-3090      
33719 B Pepperdine Law Review 1801 Law         0092-430X      
15282 B Peptides 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry 0606 Physiology  0196-9781 1873-5169    
12067 C Pequod: a journal of contemporary literature and literary criticism 2005 Literary Studies         0149-0516      
35038 C Per la Filosofia: filosofia e insegnamento 2203 Philosophy          0394-4131 1724-059X    
6548 A Perception 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0301-0066 1468-4233    
40562 C Perceptual and Motor Skills 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science 0031-5125 1558-688X    
34723 A Perfect Beat: the Pacific journal of research into contemporary music and popular culture 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2002 Cultural Studies     1038-2909 1836-0343    
18107 A Performance Evaluation 01 Mathematical Sciences 08 Information and Computing Sciences 10 Technology 0166-5316 1872-745X    
20590 C Performance Improvement Quarterly 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0898-5952 1937-8327    
10124 A Performance Paradigm 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1832-5580      
40918 B Performance Practice Review 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1044-1638      
35737 A* Performance Research: a journal of the performing arts 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 1901 Art Theory and Criticism     1352-8165 1469-9990    
16755 C Perfusion: Kreislauferkrankungen in Klinik und Praxis 1103 Clinical Sciences         0935-0020      
32678 C Perio: periodontal practice today 1105 Dentistry         1742-3279      
350 B Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 0101 Pure Mathematics         0031-5303 1588-2829    
4372 C Periodica Polytechnica. Civil Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering         0553-6626      
3808 C Periodica Polytechnica. Mechanical Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering         0324-6051 1587-379X    
4373 C Periodica Polytechnica. Transport Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering         0303-7800      
4609 C Periodica Polytechnica-Electrical Engineering 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0324-6000      
2104 C Periodicum Biologorum 06 Biological Sciences         0031-5362      
32679 C Periodontology 1105 Dentistry         0726-5247      
32680 A* Periodontology 2000 1105 Dentistry         0906-6713 1600-0757    
7522 A Peritia 2103 Historical Studies         0332-1592      
16756 B Peritoneal Dialysis International 1103 Clinical Sciences         0896-8608      
1848 B Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         1045-6740 1099-1530    
32160 B Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 0806 Information Systems 1702 Cognitive Science     1617-4909 1617-4917 0949-2054  
6551 C Personal Relationships 1701 Psychology         1350-4126 1475-6811    
6553 B Personality and Individual Differences 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0191-8869 1873-3549    
41148 A Personality and Mental Health: multidisciplinary studies from personality dysfunction to criminal behaviour 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1701 Psychology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1932-8621 1932-863X    
6555 A* Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0146-1672 1552-7433    
6556 A* Personality and Social Psychology Review 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1088-8683 1532-7957    
30337 C Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies 1701 Psychology         1477-9757 1752-9182    
6559 A Personnel Psychology: a journal of applied research 1701 Psychology 1503 Business and Management     0031-5826 1744-6570    
6560 B Personnel Review 1503 Business and Management 1701 Psychology     0048-3486 1758-6933    
44964 C Persoonia 0605 Microbiology  0602 Ecology 0607 Plant Biology 0031-5850      
30537 B Perspecta: the Yale architectural journal 1201 Architecture         0079-0958      
9015 B Perspectives - Studies in Translatology 2004 Linguistics         0907-676X      
8551 B Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 2203 Philosophy  1103 Clinical Sciences 0031-5982 1529-8795    
20043 C Perspectives in Education 13 Education         0258-2236 0256-520X    
3304 A Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 0602 Ecology         1433-8319      
22026 C Perspectives in Psychiatric Care 1110 Nursing         0031-5990 1744-6163    
13767 C Perspectives in Public Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1757-9139 1757-9147 1466-4240 1740-4819
31393 B Perspectives in Religious Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0093-531X      
35721 A Perspectives of New Music 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0031-6016      
18947 C Perspectives on European Politics and Society: journal of intra-european dialogue 1606 Political Science         1570-5854 1568-0258    
18948 B Perspectives on Politics 1606 Political Science         1537-5927 1541-0986    
30331 B Perspectives on Psychological Science 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1745-6916 1745-6924    
35037 C Perspectives on Science: historical, philosophical, social 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 2203 Philosophy      1063-6145 1530-9274    
6039 C Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 1603 Demography          1538-6341 1931-2393 0014-7354  
19780 C Perspectives on Work 1503 Business and Management         1534-9276      
30422 C Perspectives: the Central European Review of International Affairs 1606 Political Science         1210-762X      
34620 C Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal 2005 Literary Studies         0821-0314 1559-7520    
17670 C Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology MD Multidisciplinary         1511-3701      
32161 B Pervasive and Mobile Computing 0805 Distributed Computing 1702 Cognitive Science     1574-1192 1873-1589    
10487 C Pesaro Citta e Conta: rivista della Societa pesarese di studi storici 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         1590-7090      
5210 C Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences         0100-204X 1678-3921    
18605 C Pesquisa e Planejamento Economico 14 Economics         0100-0551      
5632 C Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0100-736X      
5321 A Pest Management Science 0703 Crop and Pasture Production 0608 Zoology 0502 Environmental Science and Management 1526-498X 1526-4998 0031-613X  
5362 C Pesticidas: revista de ecotoxicologia e meio ambiente 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         0103-7277      
2105 B Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 06 Biological Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences     0048-3575 1095-9939    
2028 C Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen: Zeitschrift fuer Geo- und Umweltwissenschaften 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         0031-6229      
31102 C Petroleum Accounting and Financial Management Journal 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1554-2904      
1486 C Petroleum Chemistry 0904 Chemical Engineering          0965-5441 1555-6239    
1752 C Petroleum Geoscience 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0403 Geology     1354-0793      
4061 B Petroleum Science and Technology 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1091-6466 1532-2459 0146-2520 0884-3759
1849 C Petrology 0403 Geology         0869-5911 0869-5903 1531-8540  
4062 C Petrophysics 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy 0403 Geology     1529-9074 0024-581X    
14262 C Pflege: die wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift fuer Pflegeberufe 1110 Nursing         1012-5302      
3173 A Pfluegers Archiv: European journal of physiology 0606 Physiology  1116 Medical Physiology     0031-6768 1432-2013    
34931 C PhaenEx: journal of existential and phenomenological theory and culture 2203 Philosophy          1911-1576      
8553 C Phaenomenologische Forschungen 2203 Philosophy          0342-8117      
35286 C Phainomena 2203 Philosophy          1318-3362      
15007 C Pharmaceutical Biology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1388-0209 1744-5116    
15008 C Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0091-150X 1573-9031 0023-1134  
15009 C Pharmaceutical Development and Technology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1083-7450 1097-9867    
15010 C Pharmaceutical Engineering 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0273-8139      
41078 C Pharmaceutical Medicine 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1178-2595 1364-9027    
14833 A Pharmaceutical Research 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0724-8741 1573-904X    
840 B Pharmaceutical Statistics: the journal of applied statistics in the pharmaceutical industry 0104 Statistics  1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences     1539-1604      
15011 C Pharmaceutical Technology Europe 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1753-7967      
15012 C Pharmaceuticals 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1424-8247      
15013 C Pharmaceutisch Weekblad 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0031-6911      
14835 B PharmacoEconomics 1499 Other Economics 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences     1170-7690 1590-9158    
14836 B Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1053-8569 1099-1557    
2406 A Pharmacogenetics and Genomics 0604 Genetics  1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences     1744-6872 1744-6880 0960-314X  
14839 A Pharmacogenomics 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1462-2416 1744-8042    
36375 A Pharmacogenomics Journal 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1470-269X 1473-1150    
15015 C Pharmacognosy Magazine 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0973-1296      
15016 C Pharmacological Reports 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1734-1140 1230-6002    
14840 B Pharmacological Research 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1043-6618 1096-1186    
14841 A* Pharmacological Reviews 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0031-6997 1521-0081    
14842 B Pharmacology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0031-7012 1423-0313    
14843 A* Pharmacology and Therapeutics 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0163-7258 0362-5478 0306-039X 0362-5486
14845 B Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0091-3057 1873-5177    
15001 C Pharmacometrics 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0300-8533      
14846 B Pharmacopsychiatry 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0176-3679 1439-0795    
14847 B Pharmacotherapy 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0277-0008 1875-9114    
15017 C Pharmactuel: la revue de la pratique pharmaceutique en etablissement de sante au Quebec 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0834-065X      
15018 C Pharmacy Cadence 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1064-797X      
14848 C Pharmacy Education 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1560-2214 1477-2701    
30602 B Pharmacy in History 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0031-7047      
15020 C Pharmacy Practice 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1885-642X 1886-3655 1696-1137 1885-6462
14849 B Pharmacy World and Science: international journal of clinical pharmacy and pharmaceutical care 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0928-1231 1573-739X    
15021 C Pharmazie in Unserer Zeit 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0048-3664 1615-1003    
1121 C Phase Transitions 0105 Mathematical Physics 0206 Quantum Physics     0141-1594 1026-7700 1029-0338  
35285 C Phenomenological Inquiry: a review of philosophical ideas and trends 2203 Philosophy          0885-3886      
8554 A Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science 2203 Philosophy      1568-7759 1572-8676    
20020 A Phi Delta Kappan 13 Education         0031-7217 1940-6487    
12068 C Phi Sigma Iota Forum 2005 Literary Studies         0883-5640 0048-3699 0085-4867  
10127 C Philament 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         1449-0471      
12069 C Philip Roth Studies 2005 Literary Studies         1547-3929 1940-5278    
20074 C Philippine Educational Forum 13 Education         0031-7527      
40919 C Philippine Journal of Development 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0115-9143      
34274 C Philippine Journal of Industrial Relations 1503 Business and Management         0115-6373      
5633 C Philippine Journal of Veterinary Medicine 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0031-7705      
33720 C Philippine Law Journal 1801 Law         0031-7721      
18950 C Philippine Political Science Journal 1606 Political Science         0115-4451      
30275 C Philippine Population Review 1603 Demography          1655-8049      
17671 C Philippine Scientist MD Multidisciplinary         0079-1466      
21650 C Philippine Sociological Review 1608 Sociology         0031-7810      
21651 C Philippine Studies MD Multidisciplinary         0031-7837      
8555 B Philo 2203 Philosophy          1098-3570      
9017 B Philological Quarterly: devoted to scholarly investigation of the classical and modern languages and literatures 2005 Literary Studies         0031-7977      
9018 C Philologie Im Netz 2004 Linguistics         1433-7177      
7523 A Philologus: Zeitschrift fuer antike Literatur und ihre Rezeption 2103 Historical Studies         0031-7985      
8556 A* Philosophers' Imprint 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     1533-628X      
8557 B Philosophia 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0048-3893 1574-9274    
35036 C Philosophia Africana (Print): analysis of philosophy and issues in Africa and the Black Diaspora 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     1539-8250 1944-7914 1369-6823  
8559 B Philosophia Christi: Series 2 2203 Philosophy  2204 Religion and Religious Studies 1702 Cognitive Science 1529-1634      
683 B Philosophia Mathematica: philosophy of mathematics, its learning, and its application 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science 0031-8019 1744-6406    
11396 B Philosophia Naturalis: Archiv fuer Naturphilosophie und die philosophischen Grenzgebiete der exakten Wissenschaften und Wissenschaftsgeschichte 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0031-8027      
34930 C Philosophia Perennis 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     1195-8553      
8561 B Philosophia Reformata 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0031-8035      
37140 C Philosophia Scientiae 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science 1281-2463      
8563 C Philosophica 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0379-8402      
37142 C Philosophica: Revista do Departamento de Filosofia da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa 2203 Philosophy          0872-4784      
8564 B Philosophical Books 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0031-8051 1468-0149    
35033 A Philosophical Explorations: an international journal for the philosophy of mind and action 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     1386-9795 1741-5918    
8566 A Philosophical Forum 2203 Philosophy          0031-806X 1467-9191    
35032 C Philosophical Inquiry: international quarterly 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     1105-235X      
8567 B Philosophical Investigations 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0190-0536 1467-9205    
1123 A Philosophical Magazine Letters: structure and properties of condensed matter 0204 Condensed Matter Physics 0912 Materials Engineering     0950-0839 1362-3036    
1122 A Philosophical Magazine: Structure and Properties of Condensed Matter 0204 Condensed Matter Physics 0105 Mathematical Physics 0912 Materials Engineering 1478-6435 1478-6443 1364-2804  
8570 A Philosophical Papers 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0556-8641 1996-8523    
8571 A Philosophical Perspectives 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     1520-8583 1758-2245    
35031 C Philosophical Practice: client counseling, group facilitation, and organizational consulting 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     1742-8173 1742-8181    
6561 C Philosophical Psychology 1701 Psychology 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science 0951-5089 1465-394X    
8574 A* Philosophical Review 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0031-8108 1558-1470    
37144 C Philosophical Review (National Taiwan University) 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     1015-8995      
34929 C Philosophical Studies in Education 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0160-7561      
35030 A* Philosophical Studies: an international journal for philosophy in the analytic tradition 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0031-8116 1573-0883    
8576 A Philosophical Topics 2203 Philosophy          0276-2080      
39720 A Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences MD Multidisciplinary         1364-503X 1471-2962    
2106 A* Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London: Biological Sciences 06 Biological Sciences         0962-8436 1471-2970    
8577 C Philosophie 2203 Philosophy          0294-1805      
7524 B Philosophie Antique 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 2203 Philosophy      1634-4561      
35436 B Philosophiques 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0316-2923      
8580 A Philosophische Rundschau: eine Zeitschrift fuer philosophische Kritik 2203 Philosophy          0031-8159      
37145 C Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 2203 Philosophy          0031-8175      
8581 C Philosophisches Jahrbuch 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0031-8183      
8582 A Philosophy 2203 Philosophy          0031-8191 1469-817X    
37141 B Philosophy Activism Nature 2203 Philosophy  2002 Cultural Studies 2005 Literary Studies 1443-6124      
8584 A Philosophy and Literature 2005 Literary Studies 2203 Philosophy      0190-0013 1086-329X    
8585 A* Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0031-8205 1933-1592    
8583 A* Philosophy and Public Affairs 1605 Policy and Administration 2203 Philosophy  1606 Political Science 0048-3915 1088-4963    
35028 C Philosophy and Public Policy Quarterly 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     1067-2478      
8586 B Philosophy and Rhetoric 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0031-8213 1527-2079    
35026 C Philosophy and Social Action: philosophy, science and society 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0377-2772      
8587 A Philosophy and Social Criticism 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0191-4537 1461-734X    
31394 B Philosophy and Theology 2203 Philosophy          0890-2461      
36973 A Philosophy Compass 2203 Philosophy          1747-9991      
8588 A Philosophy East and West: a quarterly of comparative philosophy 2203 Philosophy          0031-8221 1529-1898    
8589 C Philosophy in the Contemporary World 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     1077-1999      
39860 C Philosophy of Management 1503 Business and Management         1740-3812      
10128 C Philosophy of Music Education Review 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1063-5734 1543-3412    
8611 A* Philosophy of Science: official journal of the Philosophy of Science Association 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science 0031-8248 1539-767X    
8592 B Philosophy of the Social Sciences 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0048-3931 1552-7441    
8594 A Philosophy Today 2203 Philosophy          0031-8256      
35023 C Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 2201 Applied Ethics 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science 1747-5341      
8593 B Philosophy, Psychiatry and Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1071-6076 1086-3303    
40860 C Phlebologie 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0939-978X      
35180 C Phlebology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0268-3555 1433-3031    
32735 C Phoebe: gender and cultural critiques 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1045-0904      
7525 A Phoenix 2103 Historical Studies         0031-8299      
9019 A* Phonetica: international journal of phonetic science 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0031-8388 1423-0321    
9021 A* Phonology 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0952-6757 1469-8188    
1541 C Phosphorus Sulfur and Silicon and the Related Elements 0302 Inorganic Chemistry         1042-6507 1563-5325    
1487 B Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)     1474-905X 1474-9092    
15283 B Photochemistry and Photobiology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry     0031-8655 1751-1097    
16757 B Photodermatology Photoimmunology and Photomedicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         0905-4383 1600-0781    
35842 B Photofile 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts     0811-0859      
4653 A Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 0909 Geomatic Engineering          0099-1112      
4654 A Photogrammetric Record 0909 Geomatic Engineering          0031-868X 1477-9730    
4655 C Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung, Geoinformation 0909 Geomatic Engineering          1432-8364      
35810 Not ranked Photographies 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts 1901 Art Theory and Criticism     1754-0763 1754-0771    
34820 Not ranked Photography and Culture 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts 1901 Art Theory and Criticism     1751-4517 1751-4525    
10490 C Photography Quarterly: journal for photography and related arts 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts         0890-4634      
16337 C Photomedicine and Laser Surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         1549-5418 1557-8550 1044-5471  
1281 B Photonic Network Communications 1005 Communications Technologies         1387-974X 1572-8188    
35468 B Photonics and Nanostructures: fundamentals and applications 0205 Optical Physics 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry     1569-4410 1569-4429    
40162 C Photoresearcher 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts 2103 Historical Studies     0958-2606      
2631 A Photosynthesis Research 0607 Plant Biology         0166-8595 1573-5079    
2632 C Photosynthetica: international journal for photosynthesis research 0607 Plant Biology         0300-3604 1573-9058    
31411 C Phronema 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0819-4920      
34619 A* Phronesis: a journal for ancient philosophy 2003 Language Studies 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 2203 Philosophy  0031-8868 1568-5284    
37157 C Phronimon: Journal of the South African Society for Greek Philosophy and the Humanities 2103 Historical Studies 2203 Philosophy      1561-4018      
2633 B Phycologia 0607 Plant Biology         0031-8884      
3305 C Phycological Research 0607 Plant Biology         1322-0829 1440-1835 0038-1578  
1489 C PhysChemComm 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)         1460-2733      
351 A Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 0105 Mathematical Physics 0206 Quantum Physics     0378-4371 1873-2119    
34289 C Physica B: Condensed Matter 0204 Condensed Matter Physics 0206 Quantum Physics     0921-4526 1873-2135    
1126 C Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0206 Quantum Physics     0921-4534 1873-2143    
352 A* Physica D-Nonlinear Phenomena 0102 Applied Mathematics         0167-2789 1872-8022    
1127 C Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 1007 Nanotechnology 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics 0912 Materials Engineering 1386-9477 1873-1759    
40436 B Physica Medica: an international journal devoted to the applications of physics to medicine and biology 02 Physical Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 1120-1797 1724-191X    
1014 B Physica Scripta: an international journal for experimental and theoretical physics 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     0031-8949 0281-1847 1402-4896  
1128 B Physica Status Solidi. A: Applications and Materials Science (Print) 0204 Condensed Matter Physics         1862-6300 1862-6319 0031-8965  
1129 C Physica Status Solidi. B: Basic Research 01 Mathematical Sciences 02 Physical Sciences     0370-1972 1521-3951    
1130 C Physica Status Solidi. C: Current Topics in Solid State Physics 0206 Quantum Physics         1862-6351 1610-1642 1610-1634  
34288 A Physica Status Solidi. Rapid Research Letters 02 Physical Sciences 09 Engineering 01 Mathematical Sciences 1862-6254 1862-6270    
35179 C Physical and Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics: current trends in geriatric rehabilitation 1103 Clinical Sciences         0270-3181 1541-3152    
16759 B Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0194-2638 1541-3144    
30238 A Physical Biology 0903 Biomedical Engineering          1478-3975 1478-3967    
1219 A* Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 02 Physical Sciences 03 Chemical Sciences 09 Engineering 1463-9076 1463-9084    
20554 A Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1740-8989 1742-5786    
41089 C Physical Educator: a magazine for the profession 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0031-8981      
2029 C Physical Geography 0401 Atmospheric Sciences 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience     0272-3646 1930-0557    
1017 A Physical Review A (Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics) 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics 0204 Condensed Matter Physics 0205 Optical Physics 1050-2947 1094-1622    
1131 A Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences 09 Engineering 1098-0121 1550-235X    
1220 A Physical Review C (Nuclear Physics) 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics         0556-2813 1089-490X    
1078 A Physical Review D (Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology) 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     1550-7998 1089-4918 0556-2821  
1018 A Physical Review E (Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics) 01 Mathematical Sciences 02 Physical Sciences 09 Engineering 1539-3755 1550-2376    
1019 A* Physical Review Letters 02 Physical Sciences 09 Engineering 01 Mathematical Sciences 0031-9007 1079-7114    
34287 A Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams 02 Physical Sciences         1098-4402      
4612 C Physical Separation in Science and Engineering 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1478-6478 1478-6486 1055-6915  
16761 B Physical Therapy 1103 Clinical Sciences         0031-9023 1538-6724    
9796 C Physical Therapy in Sport 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1466-853X 1873-1600    
16762 C Physical Therapy Reviews 1103 Clinical Sciences         1083-3196 1743-288X    
1490 C Physics and Chemistry of Glasses 0912 Materials Engineering 0204 Condensed Matter Physics 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry 0031-9090      
1132 C Physics and Chemistry of Liquids: an international journal 0203 Classical Physics 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)     0031-9104 1029-0451    
4124 B Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 0912 Materials Engineering 0402 Geochemistry     0342-1791 1432-2021    
35061 C Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 0403 Geology 0404 Geophysics     1474-7065 1873-5193 1464-1895 1464-1909
20645 C Physics Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0031-9120 1361-6552    
1022 A Physics in Medicine and Biology 0299 Other Physical Sciences 0903 Biomedical Engineering      0031-9155 1361-6560    
11402 B Physics in Perspective 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1422-6944 1422-6960    
1023 B Physics Letters. Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     0375-9601 1873-2429    
1024 A* Physics Letters. Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics         0370-2693 1873-2445    
1222 C Physics of Atomic Nuclei 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics         1063-7788 1562-692X 0044-0027  
1298 A* Physics of Fluids 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering 0102 Applied Mathematics 0203 Classical Physics 1070-6631 1089-7666    
4733 C Physics of Metals and Metallography 0912 Materials Engineering         0031-918X 1555-6190    
34286 C Physics of Particles and Nuclei 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics         1063-7796 0367-2026 0090-4759  
1223 A Physics of Plasmas 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics         1070-664X 1089-7674    
1884 A Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 0402 Geochemistry 0404 Geophysics     0031-9201 1872-7395    
1133 C Physics of the Solid State 0206 Quantum Physics         1063-7834 1090-6460 0367-3294  
1025 A* Physics Reports 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     0370-1573 1873-6270    
1026 C Physics Today 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     0031-9228 1945-0699    
30177 C Physics World 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     0953-8585      
1027 B Physics-Uspekhi 01 Mathematical Sciences 02 Physical Sciences     1063-7869 1468-4780 0042-1294 0038-5670
30296 B Physikalische Medizin Rehabilitationsmedizin Kurortmedizin 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         0940-6689 1439-085X    
2634 A Physiologia Plantarum 0607 Plant Biology         0031-9317 1399-3054    
2992 A Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 0608 Zoology 1116 Medical Physiology     1522-2152 1537-5293 0031-935X  
2635 B Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 0607 Plant Biology 0605 Microbiology  0703 Crop and Pasture Production 0885-5765 1096-1178    
2991 B Physiological Entomology 0608 Zoology         0307-6962 1365-3032 0047-2409  
14629 A Physiological Genomics 1116 Medical Physiology         1094-8341 1531-2267    
14630 A Physiological Measurement 1116 Medical Physiology 0903 Biomedical Engineering      0967-3334 1361-6579    
14631 C Physiological Research 1116 Medical Physiology         0862-8408 1802-9973    
14632 A* Physiological Reviews 0606 Physiology          0031-9333 1522-1210    
3174 A Physiology 0606 Physiology  1116 Medical Physiology     1548-9213 1548-9221 0886-1714  
6563 B Physiology and Behavior 1701 Psychology 1116 Medical Physiology 1702 Cognitive Science 0031-9384 1873-507X    
16764 C Physiotherapy 1103 Clinical Sciences         0031-9406 1873-1465    
16765 C Physiotherapy Canada 1103 Clinical Sciences         0300-0508 1708-8313    
16766 C Physiotherapy Research International 1103 Clinical Sciences         1358-2267 1471-2865    
16767 C Physiotherapy Singapore 1103 Clinical Sciences         0219-1091      
16768 C Physiotherapy Theory and Practice: an international journal of physical therapy 1103 Clinical Sciences         0959-3985 1532-5040    
11403 B Physis: rivista internazionale di storia della scienza 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0031-9414      
1657 C Phytochemical Analysis 0301 Analytical Chemistry 0399 Other Chemical Sciences     0958-0344 1099-1565    
1371 B Phytochemistry 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry 0305 Organic Chemistry     0031-9422 1873-3700    
2636 C Phytocoenologia: international journal of vegetation ecology 0607 Plant Biology         0340-269X      
5363 C Phytoma Espana: revista de proteccion vegetal 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         1131-8988      
14851 B Phytomedicine 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0944-7113 1618-095X    
2637 C Phytomorphology: an international journal of plant morphology 0607 Plant Biology         0031-9449      
31068 C Phyton. Annales Rei Botanicae 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         0079-2047      
2638 C Phytoparasitica: Israel journal of plant protection sciences 0607 Plant Biology 0703 Crop and Pasture Production     0334-2123 1876-7184    
2639 A Phytopathology: international journal of the American Phytopathological Society 0607 Plant Biology         0031-949X 1943-7684    
2640 C Phytoprotection 0607 Plant Biology         0031-9511 1710-1603    
14852 B Phytotherapy Research 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0951-418X 1099-1573    
32441 C Pi Mu Epsilon Journal 0101 Pure Mathematics         0031-952X      
33721 C Pierce Law Review 1801 Law         1543-138X      
2273 C Pigment Cell and Melanoma Research 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0893-5785 1755-148X 1755-1471  
21653 B Pilipinas: an interdisciplinary scholarly journal of Philippine studies MD Multidisciplinary         0889-5244      
12070 C Pinter Review: Annual Essays 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2005 Literary Studies     0895-9706      
12071 B Pirandello Studies 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2005 Literary Studies     1471-9363      
33723 C Pittsburgh Tax Review 1801 Law         1932-1821 1932-1996    
20038 B PJE: Peabody Journal of Education 13 Education         0161-956X 1532-7930    
34806 C Place Branding and Public Diplomacy 2001 Communication and Media Studies         1751-8040 1751-8059 1744-0696  
15023 C Placebo 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1608-5523      
16769 A Placenta 1103 Clinical Sciences         0143-4004 1532-3102    
20909 A Places: a forum of environmental design 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         0731-0455      
9589 C Plains Anthropologist 1601 Anthropology          0032-0447      
10130 B Plainsong and Medieval Music 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0961-1371 1474-0087    
1079 B Planetary and Space Science 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences         0032-0633 1873-5088    
3306 C Plankton Biology and Ecology 0602 Ecology         1343-0874      
44943 A Planning and Environmental Law 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         1548-0755      
20412 C Planning for Higher Education 1301 Education Systems          0736-0983 0037-9719    
20911 C Planning History: bulletin of the international planning history society 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         0959-5805      
20912 A Planning Perspectives: an international journal of history, planning and the environment 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         0266-5433 1466-4518    
21021 A Planning Practice and Research 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         0269-7459 1360-0583    
20913 A Planning Theory 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         1473-0952 1741-3052    
20914 A Planning Theory and Practice 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         1464-9357 1470-000X    
2641 A Plant and Cell Physiology 0607 Plant Biology         0032-0781 1471-9053    
2642 A Plant and Soil: international journal on plant-soil relationships 0503 Soil Sciences 0607 Plant Biology 0703 Crop and Pasture Production 0032-079X 1573-5036    
2643 B Plant Biology 0607 Plant Biology         1435-8603 1438-8677 0932-8629  
3376 A Plant Biotechnology Journal 1001 Agricultural Biotechnology         1467-7644 1467-7652    
5322 A Plant Breeding 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         0179-9541      
2645 B Plant Cell Reports 0607 Plant Biology         0721-7714 1432-203X    
2646 B Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture: an international journal on in vitro culture of higher plants 0607 Plant Biology         0167-6857 1573-5044    
2647 A Plant Disease: an international journal of applied plant pathology 0607 Plant Biology 0605 Microbiology  0703 Crop and Pasture Production 0191-2917 1943-7692    
3307 B Plant Ecology 0602 Ecology         1385-0237 1573-5052 0042-3106  
5365 C Plant Genetic Resources-Characterization and Utilization 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         1479-2621 1479-263X 0952-3863  
2648 B Plant Growth Regulation: an international journal on plant growth and development 0607 Plant Biology         0167-6903 1573-5087    
40353 A Plant Methods 0607 Plant Biology 1001 Agricultural Biotechnology     1746-4811      
2651 C Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 0607 Plant Biology         0735-9640 1572-9818 0733-0537  
2650 A Plant Molecular Biology: an international journal on molecular biology, biochemistry and genetic engineering 0607 Plant Biology 0604 Genetics      0167-4412 1573-5028    
2652 B Plant Pathology 0607 Plant Biology 0605 Microbiology  0703 Crop and Pasture Production 0032-0862 1365-3059    
2653 A* Plant Physiology 0607 Plant Biology         0032-0889 1532-2548    
2654 B Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 0607 Plant Biology 0503 Soil Sciences     0981-9428 1873-2690    
5323 C Plant Production Science 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         1343-943X 1349-1008    
2655 C Plant Protection Quarterly 0607 Plant Biology 0706 Horticultural Production     0815-2195      
5367 C Plant Protection Science 0703 Crop and Pasture Production 0607 Plant Biology     1212-2580 0862-8645    
2656 B Plant Science 0607 Plant Biology         0168-9452 1873-2259    
36852 C Plant Signaling and Behavior 0607 Plant Biology         1559-2316 1559-2324    
2657 A Plant Systematics and Evolution: Entwicklungsgeschichte und Systematik der Pflanzen 0603 Evolutionary Biology         0378-2697 1615-6110    
2658 C Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology 0607 Plant Biology         1817-3721 1818-8745 1018-8029  
2644 A Plant, Cell and Environment 0607 Plant Biology         0140-7791 1365-3040    
5292 C Plant, Soil and Environment 0503 Soil Sciences 0607 Plant Biology 0703 Crop and Pasture Production 1214-1178      
2660 B Planta Medica: natural products and medicinal plant research 0607 Plant Biology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences     0032-0943 1439-0221    
2659 A Planta: an international journal of plant biology 0607 Plant Biology         0032-0935 1432-2048    
41197 C Plasma and Fusion Research 0203 Classical Physics         1880-6821      
1224 B Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing 0904 Chemical Engineering  0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics     0272-4324 1572-8986    
1225 A Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics         0741-3335 1361-6587    
1226 C Plasma Physics Reports 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics         1063-780X 1562-6938 0367-2921 0360-0343
1227 A Plasma Processes and Polymers 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics         1612-8850 1612-8869    
1228 C Plasma Science and Technology 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics         1009-0630      
1229 A Plasma Sources Science and Technology 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics         0963-0252 1361-6595    
2408 C Plasmid 0604 Genetics          0147-619X 1095-9890    
16770 B Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         0032-1052 1529-4242    
30459 C Plastic Surgical Nursing 1110 Nursing         0741-5206 1550-1841    
5004 C Plastics Rubber and Composites 0912 Materials Engineering         1465-8011 1743-2898 0959-8111  
10491 B Plateau Journal: land and peoples of the Colorado Plateau 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing 21 History and Archaeology     1092-2814 1081-4523    
16771 B Platelets (London) 1103 Clinical Sciences         0953-7104 1369-1635    
7527 C Platon 2103 Historical Studies         1105-073X      
10492 C Pleine Marge: cahiers de litterature, d'arts plastiques et de critique 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing 20 Language, Communication and Culture     0295-1630 1783-1695    
2108 A* PLoS Biology 06 Biological Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences     1544-9173 1545-7885    
40033 B PLoS Clinical Trials 1103 Clinical Sciences         1555-5887      
35086 A* PLoS Computational Biology 06 Biological Sciences 09 Engineering     1553-734X 1553-7358    
2439 A PLoS Genetics 0604 Genetics          1553-7390 1553-7404    
13748 A* PLoS Medicine 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1549-1277 1549-1676    
40211 B PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 0605 Microbiology          1935-2727 1935-2735    
39745 A PLoS One 11 Medical and Health Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences     1932-6203      
39744 A* PLoS Pathogens 0605 Microbiology  1107 Immunology 1108 Medical Microbiology 1553-7366 1553-7374    
36912 C Ploutarkhos 2103 Historical Studies         0258-655X      
34285 B PMC Physics B 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     1754-0429      
9380 A* PMLA 2003 Language Studies 2005 Literary Studies     0030-8129      
12871 B Pneuma 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0272-0965 1570-0747    
9727 C PNG Coffee Journal 0908 Food Sciences         1018-0702      
12073 C Poe Studies - Dark Romanticism: history, theory, interpretation 2005 Literary Studies         1947-4644 1754-6095 1543-1789  
12074 C Poems and Plays 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2005 Literary Studies     1073-1172      
12075 C Poet 2005 Literary Studies         0032-194X      
12076 C Poetcrit 2005 Literary Studies         0970-2830      
12077 C Poetica (Paderborn): Zeitschrift fuer Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft 2005 Literary Studies         0303-4178      
12078 A Poetics 2005 Literary Studies         0304-422X 1872-7514    
44966 A* Poetique: revue de theorie et d'analyse litteraires 2005 Literary Studies         0032-2024      
12081 C Poetry Salzburg Review 2005 Literary Studies         1561-5871      
8599 C Poiesis and Praxis: international journal of technology assessment and ethics of science 2203 Philosophy          1615-6609 1615-6617    
8600 C Polanyiana 2203 Philosophy          1215-6582      
3308 B Polar Biology 06 Biological Sciences         0722-4060 1432-2056    
1753 C Polar Geoscience 0403 Geology 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience     1344-3194 0914-2029    
36328 C Polar Record MD Multidisciplinary         0032-2474 1475-3057    
1940 B Polar Research 0405 Oceanography 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience     0800-0395 1751-8369    
7528 C Polhem: tidskrift foer teknikhistoria 2103 Historical Studies         1653-4964 0281-2142    
17376 B Police Practice and Research: an international journal 1602 Criminology         1561-4263 1477-271X    
17377 B Police Quarterly 1602 Criminology 1801 Law     1098-6111 1552-745X    
17378 C Policing (Bradford): an international journal of police strategies and management 1602 Criminology         1363-951X 1758-695X    
17379 B Policing (Oxford): a journal of policy and practice 1602 Criminology         1752-4512 1752-4520    
17380 A Policing and Society: an international journal of research and policy 1602 Criminology         1043-9463 1477-2728    
32915 C Policy 1605 Policy and Administration         1032-6634      
18952 A Policy and Politics: an international journal 1606 Political Science 1605 Policy and Administration     0305-5736 1470-8442    
13749 C Policy and Practice in Health and Safety 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1477-3996 1477-4003 1366-1965  
18953 B Policy and Society 1605 Policy and Administration         1449-4035 1034-9952    
19931 B Policy Futures in Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1478-2103      
30460 C Policy Politics and Nursing Practice 1110 Nursing         1527-1544 1552-7468    
18954 C Policy Review 1605 Policy and Administration         0146-5945      
18955 B Policy Sciences: an international journal devoted to the improvement of policy making 1605 Policy and Administration         0032-2687 1573-0891    
35949 B Policy Studies 1605 Policy and Administration         0144-2872 1470-1006    
18956 B Policy Studies Journal 1605 Policy and Administration         0190-292X 1541-0072    
12082 C Poligramas 2005 Literary Studies         0120-4130      
1231 C Polimery 0206 Quantum Physics         0032-2725      
7529 C Polis 1606 Political Science 2203 Philosophy      0142-257X      
3809 C Polish Academy of Sciences. Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery. Transactions 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering     0079-3205      
1372 C Polish Journal of Chemistry 03 Chemical Sciences         0137-5083      
9676 C Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences 0908 Food Sciences         1230-0322      
15053 C Polish Journal of Microbiology 1108 Medical Microbiology         1733-1331 0137-1320    
5293 C Polish Journal of Soil Science 0503 Soil Sciences 0607 Plant Biology 0703 Crop and Pasture Production 0079-2985      
44307 C Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1505-1773      
10131 B Polish Music Journal 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1521-6039      
34383 C Polish Polar Research 0403 Geology         0138-0338      
6564 C Polish Psychological Bulletin 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0079-2993 1641-7844    
10897 C Polish Sociological Review 1608 Sociology         1231-1413      
18959 C Politica y Gobierno 1606 Political Science         1405-1079      
18960 A* Political Analysis 1606 Political Science         1047-1987 1476-4989    
9590 C Political and Legal Anthropology Review 1601 Anthropology  1801 Law     1081-6976 1555-2934    
18961 B Political Behavior 1606 Political Science         0190-9320 1573-6687    
9246 A Political Communication: an international journal 1606 Political Science 2001 Communication and Media Studies     1058-4609 1091-7675    
41091 C Political Crossroads 1606 Political Science         1323-5761      
5971 A Political Geography 1604 Human Geography 1606 Political Science     0962-6298 1873-5096    
6565 B Political Psychology 1701 Psychology 1606 Political Science 1702 Cognitive Science 0162-895X 1467-9221    
18965 B Political Quarterly 1606 Political Science         0032-3179 1467-923X    
18966 A Political Research Quarterly 1606 Political Science         1065-9129 1938-274X    
18967 B Political Science 1606 Political Science         0032-3187      
18968 A Political Science Quarterly: the journal of public and international affairs 1606 Political Science         0032-3195 1538-165X    
18969 A Political Studies 1606 Political Science         0032-3217 1467-9248    
40642 B Political Studies Review 1606 Political Science         1478-9299 1478-9302    
40494 B Political Theology 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1462-317X 1743-1719    
8601 A* Political Theory 1606 Political Science 2203 Philosophy      0090-5917 1552-7476    
18607 B Politicka Ekonomie 14 Economics         0032-3233      
41149 A Politics (Oxford): cutting edge political science in short-article format 1606 Political Science         0263-3957 1467-9256    
35761 B Politics and Culture 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         1558-6960      
18817 B Politics and Gender 1606 Political Science 1699 Other Studies In Human Society     1743-923X 1743-9248    
36167 C Politics and Policy 1605 Policy and Administration         1555-5623 1747-1346 0730-2177  
36239 A Politics and Society 1605 Policy and Administration 1606 Political Science     0032-3292 1552-7514    
35328 B Politics and the Life Sciences 1606 Political Science 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences     0730-9384 1471-5457    
35927 B Politics, Philosophy and Economics 1499 Other Economics 1606 Political Science     1470-594X 1741-3060    
31479 C Politique 2005 Literary Studies         1629-8888 1270-2331    
42091 C Politique et Societes 1606 Political Science         1203-9438      
18977 C Politique Etrangere 1606 Political Science         0032-342X 1958-8992    
18978 C Politische Vierteljahresschrift 1606 Political Science         0032-3470 1862-2860 0720-4809  
30384 B Polity 1606 Political Science         0032-3497 1744-1684    
2440 C Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Genetyki i Hodowli Zwierzat. Prace i Materialy Zootechniczne 0604 Genetics          0137-1649      
8740 C Polskie Towarzystwo Jezykoznawcze 1601 Anthropology          0032-3802      
36327 C Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds: an international and interdisciplinary journal 0305 Organic Chemistry         1040-6638 1563-5333    
31480 B Polygraph: an international journal of culture and politics 2005 Literary Studies         1533-9793      
1542 B Polyhedron 0302 Inorganic Chemistry         0277-5387 1873-3719    
1688 A Polymer 09 Engineering 03 Chemical Sciences     0032-3861 1873-2291 1089-3156  
1689 C Polymer Bulletin 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry 0912 Materials Engineering     0170-0839 1436-2449    
1690 B Polymer Composites 0912 Materials Engineering 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry     0272-8397 1548-0569    
1691 B Polymer Degradation and Stability 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry 0904 Chemical Engineering  0912 Materials Engineering 0141-3910 1873-2321 0144-2880  
1692 B Polymer Engineering and Science 0904 Chemical Engineering  0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry 0912 Materials Engineering 0032-3888 1548-2634    
1693 B Polymer International 0904 Chemical Engineering  0912 Materials Engineering 0301 Analytical Chemistry 0959-8103 1097-0126    
1694 C Polymer Journal 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry 0912 Materials Engineering     0032-3896 1349-0540    
1675 B Polymer Reviews (Print Edition) 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry         1558-3724 1558-3716 1532-1797 0736-6574
1695 C Polymer Science. Series B 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry 0912 Materials Engineering     1560-0904 1555-6123 1023-3091 0965-545X
40508 C Polymer Science: Series A 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural) 0912 Materials Engineering     1757-1820 1555-6107    
40505 C Polymer Science: Series C 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural) 0912 Materials Engineering     1811-2382      
1697 B Polymer Testing 0912 Materials Engineering 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry     0142-9418 1873-2348    
3542 C Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering 0912 Materials Engineering         1550-6703 0743-0515    
1698 C Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry         0360-2559 1525-6111 1054-3414 0735-7931
1699 C Polymers and Polymer Composites 0912 Materials Engineering 0904 Chemical Engineering      0967-3911 1478-2391 0952-6900  
1700 C Polymers for Advanced Technologies 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry 0912 Materials Engineering     1042-7147 1099-1581    
686 C Polytechnical University of Bucharest Scientific Bulletin Series A- Applied Mathematics and Physics 01 Mathematical Sciences 02 Physical Sciences     1223-7027      
12083 C Pompebleden: tydskrift foar Fryske Studzje 2005 Literary Studies         0032-4205      
31344 A Popular Communication 2002 Cultural Studies 2001 Communication and Media Studies     1540-5702 1540-5710    
35739 A Popular Music 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0261-1430 1474-0095    
10133 B Popular Music and Society 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0300-7766 1740-1712    
10493 C Popular Musicology Online 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1357-0951      
35811 C Popular Narrative Media 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 2002 Cultural Studies     1754-3819 1754-3827    
6040 A Population 1603 Demography          0032-4663 1957-7966    
6041 A* Population and Development Review 1603 Demography          0098-7921 1728-4457    
6042 A Population and Environment 1603 Demography          0199-0039 1573-7810 0146-1052  
3309 B Population Ecology 0602 Ecology         1438-3896 1438-390X 0034-5466 0386-4561
13750 B Population Health Metrics 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1478-7954      
6046 B Population Research and Policy Review 1603 Demography          0167-5923 1573-7829    
30276 C Population Review (Online Edition) 1603 Demography          1549-0955      
5972 A Population Space and Place 1603 Demography          1544-8444 1544-8452    
6049 A Population Studies: a journal of demography 1603 Demography          0032-4728 1477-4747    
36047 C Population Trends 1603 Demography          0307-4463 0140-8992 1368-8928  
8028 B Porocilo o Raziskovanju Paleolita Neolita in Eneolita v Sloveniji 2101 Archaeology         1318-6701 1408-967X    
3988 C Porrime 0904 Chemical Engineering          0379-153X      
34722 A Portal: journal of multidisciplinary international studies 2005 Literary Studies 2002 Cultural Studies     1449-2490      
10618 B Portal: libraries and the academy 0807 Library and Information Studies         1531-2542 1530-7131    
10494 C Porticus 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing 21 History and Archaeology     8755-2035      
4125 C Portugal. Instituto Geologico e Mineiro. Comunicacoes Geologicas 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0873-948X 0037-2730    
687 C Portugaliae Mathematica 0101 Pure Mathematics         0032-5155      
18979 C Portugese Studies Review MD Multidisciplinary         1057-1515      
18274 C Portuguese Economic Journal 14 Economics         1617-982X 1617-9838    
40117 C Portuguese Literary and Cultural Studies 2005 Literary Studies         1521-804X      
40113 C Portuguese Studies 2005 Literary Studies         0267-5315      
10137 A* Positions: east asia cultures critique 2002 Cultural Studies         1067-9847 1527-8271    
688 B Positivity: an international journal devoted to the theory and applications of positivity in analysis 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1385-1292 1572-9281    
12084 C Post - revue de recherche interdisciplinaire en textes et medias 2005 Literary Studies         1705-5423      
34832 C Post Script (Commerce): essays in film and the humanities 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing     0277-9897      
11466 A Postcolonial Studies: culture, politics, economy 2103 Historical Studies 2002 Cultural Studies     1368-8790 1466-1888    
12085 B Postcolonial Text 2005 Literary Studies         1705-9100      
30483 B Post-Communist Economies 1402 Applied Economics         1463-1377 1465-3958 1351-4393 0954-0113
3810 C Postepy Technologii Maszyn i Urzadzen 0913 Mechanical Engineering         0137-4478      
15333 C Postgraduate Medical Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0032-5473 1469-0756    
3427 A Postharvest Biology and Technology 0703 Crop and Pasture Production 0706 Horticultural Production     0925-5214 1873-2356    
8194 A Post-Medieval Archaeology 2101 Archaeology         0079-4236 1745-8137    
35343 B Postmodern Culture: an electronic journal of interdisciplinary criticism 2002 Cultural Studies         1053-1920      
18608 B Post-Soviet Affairs 1606 Political Science 1605 Policy and Administration     1060-586X 1938-2855    
5437 C Potato Research 0706 Horticultural Production         0014-3065 1871-4528    
689 A Potential Analysis: an international journal devoted to the interactions between potential theory, p 0101 Pure Mathematics         0926-2601 1572-929X    
5457 A Poultry Science 0702 Animal Production         0032-5791 1525-3171    
34844 C Pov: a danish journal of film studies 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         1396-1160 1902-2131    
7531 C Povijesni Prilozi 2103 Historical Studies         0351-9767      
4734 B Powder Metallurgy 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy 0912 Materials Engineering     0032-5899 1743-2901    
4821 C Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1068-1302 1573-9066 0032-4795  
4822 C Powder Metallurgy Science and Technology 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0971-0728      
3918 A Powder Technology 0904 Chemical Engineering  0913 Mechanical Engineering     0032-5910 1873-328X    
4374 C Power Technology and Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering     1570-145X 0018-8220    
12087 C Powys Notes 2005 Literary Studies         1058-7691      
12088 C Powys Review 2005 Literary Studies         0309-1619      
9024 C Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics 2004 Linguistics         1732-0747 0137-2459    
8603 B Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 2203 Philosophy          0303-8157 1875-7243    
41092 C Poznan University of Economic Review 1401 Economic Theory 1402 Applied Economics 1403 Econometrics  1643-5877      
2350 C PPAR Research 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1687-4757 1687-4765    
8195 C Prace i Materialy Muzeum Archeologicznego i Etnograficznego W Lodzi Seria Archeologiczna 2101 Archaeology         0458-1520      
20056 C Practical Assessment Research and Evaluation 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1531-7714      
16772 C Practical Diabetes International: the international journal for diabetes care teams worldwide 1103 Clinical Sciences         1357-8170 1528-252X    
42092 C Practical Philosophy 2203 Philosophy          1363-3228      
32681 C Practical Procedures and Aesthetic Dentistry 1105 Dentistry         1534-6846 1042-2722    
31407 C Practical Theology 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1756-073X 1756-0748 1352-0806  
42093 B Practice 1607 Social Work         0950-3153 1742-4909    
41322 C Practice Development in Health Care 1110 Nursing         1475-9861 1557-105X    
14264 B Practice Nursing 1110 Nursing         0964-9271      
4375 B Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic and Radioactive Waste Management 0905 Civil Engineering         1090-025X 1944-8376    
4376 B Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction 0905 Civil Engineering         1084-0680 1943-5576    
36164 B Practice Reflexions 1607 Social Work         1834-3635 0310-4869    
9591 C Practicing Anthropology 1601 Anthropology          0888-4552      
40674 C Practitioners' Voices in Classical Reception Studies 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2099 Other Language, Communication and Culture 2002 Cultural Studies 1756-5049      
8196 B Praehistorische Zeitschrift 2101 Archaeology         0079-4848 1613-0804    
8605 B Pragmatics and Cognition 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0929-0907 1569-9943    
9027 B Pragmatics: quarterly publication of the International Pragmatics Association 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     1018-2101      
18275 C Prague Economic Papers: quarterly journal of economic theory and policy 1401 Economic Theory         1210-0455      
12089 C Prairie Journal: of Canadian literature 2005 Literary Studies         0827-2921      
8606 C Prakseologia 2203 Philosophy          0079-4872      
4823 C Praktische Metallographie 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0032-678X      
12873 B Praktische Theologie: Zeitschrift fuer Praxis in Kirche, Gesellschaft und Kultur 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0946-3518 0938-5320    
5602 C Praktische Tierarzt 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0032-681X      
1028 C Pramana: journal of physics 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     0304-4289 0973-7111    
6567 C Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie: Ergebnisse aus Psychoanalyse, Psychologie und Familientherapie 1701 Psychology         0032-7034      
34973 C Praxis Filosofica 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0120-4688      
1754 A* Precambrian Research 04 Earth Sciences         0301-9268 1872-7433    
5325 B Precision Agriculture 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         1385-2256 1573-1618    
36887 B Precision Engineering 0910 Manufacturing Engineering 1007 Nanotechnology     0141-6359 1873-2372    
3428 C Preclinica 10 Technology 06 Biological Sciences     1542-9431      
13994 C Prehospital and Disaster Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         1049-023X 1945-1938    
13752 C Prehospital Emergency Care 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1090-3127 1545-0066 1888-4024  
8199 B Preistoria Alpina 2101 Archaeology         0393-0157      
16774 B Prenatal Diagnosis 1103 Clinical Sciences         0197-3851 1097-0223    
2275 C Preparative Biochemistry and Biotechnology 10 Technology 03 Chemical Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 1082-6068 1532-2297 0032-7484  
36173 B Presence 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences     1054-7460 1531-3263    
34789 C Presence Francophone 16 Studies In Human Society 20 Language, Communication and Culture     0048-5195      
7532 C Preservation 2103 Historical Studies         1090-9931 0018-2419 1065-3562  
18981 A Presidential Studies Quarterly 1606 Political Science         0360-4918 1741-5705    
41093 C Preventing School Failure 1301 Education Systems          1045-988X 1940-4387    
13753 C Prevention Science 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1389-4986 1573-6695    
42094 A Preventive Cardiology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1520-037X 1751-7141    
13754 A Preventive Medicine 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science 1117 Public Health and Health Services     0091-7435 1096-0260    
5540 B Preventive Veterinary Medicine 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0167-5877 1873-1716    
8607 C Prima Philosophia 2203 Philosophy          0933-5749      
13756 C Primary Care and Community Psychiatry 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1746-8841 1746-885X 1355-2570  
13177 C Primary Care Companion to the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 1103 Clinical Sciences         1523-5998 1555-211X 1537-6699  
32682 C Primary Dental Care 1105 Dentistry         1355-7610 1741-9344    
41331 B Primary Health Care 1110 Nursing         0264-5033      
13757 C Primary Health Care Research and Development 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1463-4236 1477-1128    
13178 C Primary Psychiatry: first in applied psychiatric medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         1082-6319      
2993 C Primates: journal of primatology 0608 Zoology         0032-8332 1610-7365    
32442 C PRIMUS 0101 Pure Mathematics         1051-1970 1935-4053    
41094 C Princeton University Library Chronicle MD Multidisciplinary         0032-8456      
8608 B Principia: revista internacional de epistemologia 2203 Philosophy          1808-1711      
10139 A Print Quarterly 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts         0265-8305      
31119 C Prism 1505 Marketing         1448-4404      
12091 C Prism International: contemporary writing from Canada and around the world 2005 Literary Studies         0032-8790      
12092 C Prism(s): essays in romanticism 2005 Literary Studies         1096-651X      
36267 C Prison Service Journal 1602 Criminology         0300-3558      
41785 B Pro Ecclesia 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1063-8512      
32443 C Pro Mathematica 0101 Pure Mathematics         1012-3938      
7535 C Pro Memorie 2103 Historical Studies         1566-7146 1566-5933    
36688 C Pro Minoritate 1801 Law         1216-9927      
8609 C Pro Philosophia Fuzetek 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     1219-1639      
841 A Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 0104 Statistics  0913 Mechanical Engineering 0102 Applied Mathematics 0266-8920 1878-4275    
906 C Probability and Mathematical Statistics 0104 Statistics          0208-4147      
842 B Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences 09 Engineering     0269-9648 1469-8951    
907 C Probability Surveys 0104 Statistics  0102 Applied Mathematics     1549-5787      
843 A* Probability Theory and Related Fields 0104 Statistics          0178-8051 1432-2064    
17383 C Probation Journal: the journal of community and criminal justice 1602 Criminology         0264-5505 1741-3079    
35651 C Problemas del Desarrollo: revista latinoamericana de economia 14 Economics         0301-7036      
37160 C Problemos 2203 Philosophy          1392-1126      
31124 C Problems and Perspectives in Management 1503 Business and Management         1727-7051 1810-5467    
35614 B Problems of Economic Transition: a journal of translations from Russian 14 Economics         1061-1991 1557-931X 0032-9436  
41095 C Problems of Education in the 21st Century 1301 Education Systems  1605 Policy and Administration     1822-7864      
18983 B Problems of Post-Communism 1606 Political Science 1605 Policy and Administration     1075-8216 1557-783X 0032-941X  
9029 A Probus: international journal of Latin and Romance linguistics 2004 Linguistics         0921-4771 1613-4079    
32444 C Proceedings of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute 0101 Pure Mathematics         1512-0007      
3310 C Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia: : original research in systematics, evolution and ecology MD Multidisciplinary         0097-3157      
353 A Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 0101 Pure Mathematics         0002-9939 1088-6826    
44903 A Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the North American Academy of Liturgy 2204 Religion and Religious Studies 2299 Other Philosophy and Religious Studies     1055-338X      
3709 A Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 0904 Chemical Engineering  0913 Mechanical Engineering 0902 Automotive Engineering 1540-7489 1873-2704 0082-0784  
7537 B Proceedings of the Danish Institute at Athens 2103 Historical Studies         1108-149X      
32445 B Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     0013-0915 1464-3839    
1850 C Proceedings of the Geologists Association 0403 Geology         0016-7878      
4504 A* Proceedings of the IEEE 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0903 Biomedical Engineering      0018-9219 1558-2256    
32419 C Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics (National Academy of Sciences of Belarus) 0101 Pure Mathematics         1812-5093      
30220 B Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers 0905 Civil Engineering         1751-4223 1751-4231    
4262 B Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Civil Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering         0965-089X 1751-7672 0307-8353 0307-8361
4712 C Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Maritime Engineering 0911 Maritime Engineering          1741-7597 1751-7737    
4266 B Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Municipal Engineer 0905 Civil Engineering         0965-0903      
4265 B Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Geotechnical Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering         1353-2618      
4338 B Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Ground Improvement 0905 Civil Engineering         1755-0750 1755-0769    
30221 B Proceedings of the institution of Civil Engineers. Management, Procurement and Law 0905 Civil Engineering         1751-4304 1751-4312    
30224 B Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Waste and Resource Management. 0905 Civil Engineering         1747-6526 1747-6534    
4269 A Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Water Management. 0905 Civil Engineering         1741-7589 1751-7729    
4268 B Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers.Transport. 0905 Civil Engineering         0965-092X 1751-7710    
30219 B Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Bridge Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering         1478-4637 1751-7664    
30222 C Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Engineering Sustainability 0905 Civil Engineering         1478-4629 1751-7680    
4267 A Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Structures and Buildings. 0905 Civil Engineering         0965-0911 1751-7702    
30218 Not ranked Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Engineering and Computational Mechanics 0905 Civil Engineering         1755-0777 1755-0785    
3710 B Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part A-Journal of Power and Energy 0913 Mechanical Engineering         0957-6509      
3620 A Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B-Journal of Engineering Manufacture 0910 Manufacturing Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering     0954-4054      
3711 A Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C-Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 0913 Mechanical Engineering         0954-4062      
3582 B Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part G-Journal of Aerospace Engineering 0901 Aerospace Engineering         0954-4100      
3621 B Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part I-Journal of Systems and Control Engineering 0910 Manufacturing Engineering         0959-6518      
3713 A Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part J-Journal of Engineering Tribology 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1350-6501      
3714 B Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part K-Journal of Multi-Body Dynamics 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1464-4193      
5008 C Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part L-Journal of Materials-Design and Applications 0912 Materials Engineering         1464-4207      
40307 A Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment 0911 Maritime Engineering  0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering     1475-0902 2041-3084    
3648 B Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering 0902 Automotive Engineering         0954-4070      
4270 A Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit 0913 Mechanical Engineering         0954-4097      
5059 B Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine 0903 Biomedical Engineering          0954-4119      
17615 C Proceedings of the Japan Academy Series B: Physical and Biological Sciences MD Multidisciplinary         0386-2208 1349-2896    
2110 A* Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA MD Multidisciplinary         0027-8424 1091-6490    
5471 C Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production 0702 Animal Production         1175-7434 1176-5283    
42100 B Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program Scientific Results 0911 Maritime Engineering          0884-5891 1096-7451    
8202 A Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, London 2101 Archaeology         0079-497X      
39855 B Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     0308-2105 1473-7124    
39856 A* Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences 09 Engineering 1364-5021 1471-2946 0962-8444  
2111 A* Proceedings of the Royal Society of London: Biological Sciences 06 Biological Sciences         0962-8452 1471-2954    
8203 B Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 2101 Archaeology         0081-1564      
41683 B Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     0081-5438 1531-8605    
8263 C Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History 2101 Archaeology         0262-6004      
42103 B Proceedings of the Western Society for French History 2103 Historical Studies         0099-0329      
40509 B Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 0403 Geology         0044-0604      
10495 C Procesos Historicos: revista semestral de historia, arte y ciencias ociales 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         1690-4818      
35021 B Process Biochemistry 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1359-5113 1873-3298    
3920 B Process Safety and Environmental Protection 0904 Chemical Engineering          0957-5820 1744-3598    
3921 C Process Safety Progress 0904 Chemical Engineering          1066-8527 1547-5913    
35437 B Process Studies 2203 Philosophy          0360-6503      
19385 B Production and Inventory Management Journal 1503 Business and Management         0897-8336      
19373 B Production and Operations Management 1503 Business and Management         1059-1478 1937-5956    
3646 C Production Engineering Research 0910 Manufacturing Engineering         0944-6524      
3715 A Production Planning and Control MD Multidisciplinary         0953-7287 1366-5871    
5634 C Productions Animales 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0990-0632 1152-5428    
2032 B Professional Geographer 1604 Human Geography 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience     0033-0124 1467-9272    
6568 C Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 1799 Other Psychology and Cognitive Sciences          0735-7028 1939-1323    
20261 C Professional School Counseling 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1096-2409 0013-5976 0036-6536  
10621 C Program: electronic library and information systems 0807 Library and Information Studies         0033-0337 1758-7301    
18113 C Programming and Computer Software 0803 Computer Software         0361-7688 1608-3261    
42018 A Progress in Aerospace Sciences 0901 Aerospace Engineering         0376-0421 1873-1724    
2276 A Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0079-6107 1873-1732    
14540 A Progress in Brain Research 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0079-6123 1875-7855    
16775 B Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0033-0620 1873-1740    
14159 A Progress in Cardiovascular Nursing 1110 Nursing         0889-7204 1751-7117    
1492 C Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)     0340-255X 1437-8027    
5168 C Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering         1468-4349 1741-5233    
5009 C Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials 0912 Materials Engineering 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)     0960-8974 1878-4208    
18466 C Progress in Development Studies 1402 Applied Economics         1464-9934 1477-027X    
3544 A* Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 0904 Chemical Engineering          0360-1285 1873-216X    
16776 C Progress in Experimental Tumor Research 1103 Clinical Sciences         0079-6263 1662-3916    
2277 A Progress in Histochemistry and Cytochemistry 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0079-6336 1873-2186    
5974 A* Progress in Human Geography: an international review of geographical work in the social sciences and humanities 1604 Human Geography 2002 Cultural Studies     0309-1325 1477-0288    
42016 A Progress in Industrial Ecology: an international journal 0501 Ecological Applications         1476-8917 1478-8764    
1543 B Progress in Inorganic Chemistry 0302 Inorganic Chemistry         0079-6379 1934-483X    
15251 A* Progress in Lipid Research 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology     0163-7827 1873-2194 0079-6832  
42015 A* Progress in Materials Science 0904 Chemical Engineering  0912 Materials Engineering 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry 0079-6425 1873-2208    
2278 B Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0079-6603 0091-4886    
17497 C Progress in Natural Science: communication of state key laboratories of China MD Multidisciplinary         1002-0071 1745-5391    
14541 A Progress in Neurobiology 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0301-0082 1873-5118    
14855 B Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry 17 Psychology and Cognitive Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences     0278-5846 0364-7722    
1232 A Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)     0079-6565 1873-3301    
1942 A Progress in Oceanography 0405 Oceanography         0079-6611 1873-4472    
1282 B Progress in Optics 0205 Optical Physics         0079-6638      
1373 B Progress in Organic Coatings 0912 Materials Engineering         0300-9440 1873-331X    
1233 A Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics         0146-6410 1873-2224    
1134 A Progress in Photovoltaics: research and applications 0999 Other Engineering 0204 Condensed Matter Physics 0912 Materials Engineering 1062-7995 1099-159X    
34380 A Progress in Physical Geography: an international review of geographical work in the natural and environmental sciences 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         0309-1333 1477-0296    
34284 A Progress in Physics 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     1555-5534 1555-5615    
14664 C Progress in Physiological Sciences 1116 Medical Physiology         0559-7765      
20915 A* Progress in Planning 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         0305-9006 1873-4510    
1701 A* Progress in Polymer Science 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry 0904 Chemical Engineering  0912 Materials Engineering 0079-6700      
6572 B Progress in Psychobiology and Physiological Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0363-0951 0079-6670    
4505 A* Progress in Quantum Electronics 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0079-6727 1873-1627    
1494 C Progress in Reaction Kinetics and Mechanism 0307 Theoretical and Computational Chemistry 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)     1468-6783 1471-406X 0079-6743  
16777 A* Progress in Retinal and Eye Research 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry         1350-9462 1873-1635 0278-4327  
1544 A Progress in Solid State Chemistry 0302 Inorganic Chemistry 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry     0079-6786 1873-1643    
1135 A Progress in Surface Science 0204 Condensed Matter Physics 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)     0079-6816 1878-4240    
30462 C Progress in Transplantation: the journal for procurement and clinical transplant professionals 1110 Nursing         1526-9248 0905-9199    
1029 B Progress of Theoretical Physics 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     0033-068X 1347-4081    
1030 C Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     0375-9687      
4824 C Proizvodstvo Prokata 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1684-257X      
19374 B Project Management Journal 1503 Business and Management 1202 Building     8756-9728 1938-9507    
35815 C Projections (New York): the journal for movies and mind 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         1934-9688 1934-9696    
35016 C Prolegomena 2203 Philosophy          1333-4395 1846-0593    
7539 C Prologue (College Park): quarterly of the National Archives and Records Administration 2103 Historical Studies         0033-1031      
7540 C Prometheus (Abingdon) 1801 Law 1605 Policy and Administration     0810-9028 1470-1030    
3812 C Promyshlennaya Teplotekhnika 0913 Mechanical Engineering         0204-3602 1042-0959 0564-6170  
12093 A Prooftexts: a journal of Jewish literary history 2005 Literary Studies         0272-9601 1086-3311    
5403 C Propagation of Ornamental Plants: an international journal 0706 Horticultural Production         1311-9109      
3990 C Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics 0904 Chemical Engineering          0721-3115 1521-4087    
19484 B Property Management 1504 Commercial Services         0263-7472 1758-731X    
12095 B Prose Studies: history, theory, criticism 2005 Literary Studies         0144-0357 1743-9426    
9030 B Prospect: an Australian journal of TESOL 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  2004 Linguistics     0814-7094      
20471 B Prospects 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0033-1538 1573-9090 1014-4560 0304-3045
41096 C Prostaglandins and Other Lipid Mediators 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics         1098-8823      
2279 B Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1103 Clinical Sciences     0952-3278 1532-2823 0161-4630  
16779 A Prostate 1103 Clinical Sciences         0270-4137 1097-0045    
16780 B Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1365-7852 1476-5608    
30298 C Prosthetics and Orthotics International 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         0309-3646 1746-1553    
4825 B Protection of Metals 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         2070-2051 0044-1856 0033-1732  
2351 C Protein and Peptide Letters: international journal for rapid publication of short papers in protein and peptide science 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry     0929-8665 1875-5305    
3379 B Protein Engineering Design and Selection 10 Technology 03 Chemical Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 1741-0126 1741-0134 0269-2139  
3380 B Protein Expression and Purification 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1046-5928 1096-0279    
2281 B Protein Science 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0961-8368 1469-896X    
15253 B Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1097-0134 0887-3585    
42011 C Proteome Science 06 Biological Sciences         1477-5956      
2283 A Proteomics 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1615-9853 1615-9861    
41097 C Proteomics - Clinical Applications 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics         1862-8346 1862-8354    
2506 B Protist 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     1434-4610 0003-9365    
2661 B Protoplasma: an international journal of cell biology 0607 Plant Biology         0033-183X 1615-6102    
35013 B ProtoSociology: an international journal of interdisciplinary research 2203 Philosophy          1611-1281 1434-4319    
34863 B Provenance: The journal of Public Record Office Victoria 2103 Historical Studies         1832-2522 1448-1502    
691 C Proyecciones: revista de matematica 0101 Pure Mathematics         0716-0917 0717-6279    
36909 C Prudentia 2103 Historical Studies         0110-487X      
8204 B Przeglad Archeologiczny 2101 Archaeology         0079-7138      
8614 C Przeglad Filozoficzny Nowa Seria 2203 Philosophy          1230-1493      
9031 C Przeglad Orientalistyczny 2004 Linguistics         0033-2283      
12875 C Przeglad Religioznawczy 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1230-4379 0014-2298    
9032 C Przeglad Rusycystyczny 2004 Linguistics 2005 Literary Studies     0137-298X      
9033 C Przekladaniec 2004 Linguistics         1425-6851      
40480 B PS: Political Science and Politics 1606 Political Science         1049-0965 1537-5935    
6573 C Psicologia Conductual: revista internacional de psicologia clinica y de la salud 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1132-9483      
6574 C Psicologica: journal of methodology and experimental psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0211-2159 1576-8597    
13179 C Psicopatologia 1103 Clinical Sciences         0211-5549      
6575 C Psicothema: Revista de Psicologia 1701 Psychology         0214-9915 1886-144X    
13180 C Psihijatrija Danas-Psychiatry Today 1103 Clinical Sciences         0350-2538 0350-1442    
6576 C Psikhologicheskii Zhurnal 1701 Psychology         0205-9592      
13181 C Psiquiatria Biologica 1103 Clinical Sciences         0104-7787      
6204 C PsycCritiques 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1554-0138 0010-7549    
6577 C Psyche: Zeitschrift fuer Psychoanalyse und ihre Anwendungen 1701 Psychology         0033-2623      
13183 C Psychiatria Polska 1103 Clinical Sciences         0033-2674      
13184 C Psychiatric Annals 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0048-5713 1938-2456    
13103 C Psychiatric Bulletin 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0955-6036 1472-1473    
13185 A* Psychiatric Clinics of North America 1103 Clinical Sciences         0193-953X 1558-3147    
39743 C Psychiatric Genetics 0604 Genetics  1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences 0955-8829 1473-5873    
13104 C Psychiatric Quarterly 1103 Clinical Sciences         0033-2720 1573-6709    
13105 C Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal 1103 Clinical Sciences         1095-158X 1559-3126    
13761 C Psychiatric Services 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1075-2730 1557-9700    
13106 C Psychiatric Times 1103 Clinical Sciences         0893-2905      
13107 C Psychiatrie 1103 Clinical Sciences         1211-7579 1212-6845    
13187 C Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie 1103 Clinical Sciences         1614-7189 1864-581X    
13182 C Psychiatrische Pflege Heute: Fachzeitschrift fuer die psychiatrische Pflege 1103 Clinical Sciences         0949-1619 1439-0213    
13188 C Psychiatrische Praxis 1103 Clinical Sciences         0303-4259 1439-0876    
13109 C Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science 1323-1316 1440-1819    
6578 B Psychiatry Psychology and Law 1701 Psychology 1801 Law 1702 Cognitive Science 1321-8719 1934-1687    
13110 B Psychiatry Research 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0165-1781 1872-7123    
13111 B Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science 1109 Neurosciences 0925-4927 1872-7506    
13108 C Psychiatry: interpersonal and biological processes 1103 Clinical Sciences         0033-2747 1943-281X    
36463 C Psychoanalysis and History 1701 Psychology 2103 Historical Studies     1460-8235 1755-201X    
6579 B Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society MD Multidisciplinary         1088-0763 1543-3390    
6580 B Psychoanalytic Dialogues: a journal of relational perspectives 1701 Psychology         1048-1885 1940-9222    
6581 B Psychoanalytic Inquiry: a topical journal for mental health professionals MD Multidisciplinary         0735-1690 1940-9133    
6582 C Psychoanalytic Psychology 1701 Psychology         0736-9735 1939-1331    
42008 B Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy 1701 Psychology         0266-8734 1474-9734    
6583 B Psychoanalytic Quarterly 1701 Psychology         0033-2828      
36464 B Psychoanalytic Review 1701 Psychology         0033-2836 1943-3301    
34237 B Psychoanalytic Social Work 1607 Social Work 1701 Psychology     1522-8878 1522-9033    
6584 C Psychoanalytic Study of the Child 1701 Psychology         0079-7308      
40317 C Psychodynamic Practice: individuals, groups and organisations 1701 Psychology 1103 Clinical Sciences     1475-3634      
6587 C Psychologia: an international journal of psychology in the Orient 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0033-2852 1347-5916    
6588 C Psychologica Belgica 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0033-2879      
6589 A* Psychological Assessment 1701 Psychology         1040-3590 1939-134X    
6590 A* Psychological Bulletin 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0033-2909 1939-1455    
6591 B Psychological Inquiry: an international journal of peer commentary and review 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1047-840X 1532-7965    
6592 A Psychological Medicine 1701 Psychology         0033-2917 1469-8978    
6593 A* Psychological Methods 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1082-989X 1939-1463    
6595 C Psychological Reports 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0033-2941 1558-691X    
6596 B Psychological Research: an international journal of perception, attention, memory and action 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0340-0727 1430-2772    
6597 A* Psychological Review 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0033-295X 1939-1471    
6598 A* Psychological Science 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0956-7976 1467-9280    
6599 A Psychological Science in the Public Interest 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1529-1006      
6272 C Psychologie and Gezondheid 1701 Psychology         1873-1791 0921-5360    
6600 C Psychologie du Travail et des Organisations 1701 Psychology         1420-2530 1778-3631    
6601 C Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht: Organ der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Psychologie 1701 Psychology         0342-183X      
6603 C Psychologische Rundschau: Offizielles Orgen des Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Psychologie zugleich Informationsorgan des Berufsverbandes Deutscher Psychologinnen und Psychologen 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0033-3042      
6161 C Psychologist 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0952-8229      
6608 A* Psychology and Aging 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0882-7974 1939-1498    
20262 C Psychology and Education: an interdisciplinary journal 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1553-6939 0033-3077    
6606 A Psychology and Health: an international journal 1701 Psychology         0887-0446 1476-8321    
6607 B Psychology and Marketing 1701 Psychology 1505 Marketing     0742-6046 1520-6793    
6610 C Psychology and Psychotherapy: theory, research and practice 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1476-0835 0007-1129    
6613 B Psychology in the Schools 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1701 Psychology     0033-3085 1520-6807    
6614 C Psychology Learning and Teaching 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1475-7257      
6615 A Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 1701 Psychology         0893-164X 1939-1501    
6616 C Psychology of Learning and Motivation: Advances in Research and Theory 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0079-7421 1557-802X    
30338 C Psychology of Men and Masculinity 1701 Psychology         1524-9220 1939-151X    
6617 A Psychology of Music 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science 0305-7356 1741-3087    
6618 B Psychology of Sport and Exercise 1701 Psychology 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science 1702 Cognitive Science 1469-0292      
6619 A Psychology of Women Quarterly 1701 Psychology 1699 Other Studies In Human Society     0361-6843 1471-6402    
6620 A Psychology Public Policy and Law 1605 Policy and Administration 1701 Psychology 1801 Law 1076-8971 1939-1528    
36174 C Psychology Science Quarterly 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1866-6140 1614-9947 0033-3018  
6611 B Psychology, Crime and Law 1701 Psychology         1068-316X 1477-2744    
6612 C Psychology, Health and Medicine 1701 Psychology         1354-8506 1465-3966    
6622 B Psychometrika 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science 0102 Applied Mathematics 0033-3123 1860-0980    
10142 B Psychomusicology: a journal of research in music cognition 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 1701 Psychology     0275-3987      
13190 C Psychoneuro: Psychiatrie - Neurologie - Psychotherapie 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science     1611-9991 1439-1813 0340-7845  
16782 B Psychoneuroendocrinology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science 1109 Neurosciences 0306-4530 1873-3360    
6623 A Psychonomic Bulletin and Review 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1069-9384 1531-5320    
6624 B Psycho-Oncology: journal of the psychological, social and behavioral dimensions of cancer 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis 1701 Psychology     1057-9249 1099-1611    
13191 C Psychopathologie Africaine: sciences sociales et psychiatrie en Afrique 1103 Clinical Sciences         0033-314X      
13112 C Psychopathology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0254-4962 1423-033X    
14856 A Psychopharmacology 1701 Psychology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science 0033-3158 1432-2072    
15025 C Psychopharmakotherapie: Arzneimitteltherapie psychischer und neurologischer Erkrankungen 1701 Psychology         0944-6877      
6625 A* Psychophysiology: an international journal 1701 Psychology 0606 Physiology  1702 Cognitive Science 0048-5772 1469-8986    
6626 A Psychosomatic Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         0033-3174 1534-7796    
6627 A Psychosomatics 1103 Clinical Sciences         0033-3182 1545-7206    
6628 B Psychotherapeut: Fachzeitschrift fuer Aerzte und Psychologen in der Praxis und Klinik 1701 Psychology         0935-6185 1432-2080 0171-791X 0032-7077
6629 C Psychotherapie Psychosomatik Medizinische Psychologie 1701 Psychology         0937-2032 1439-1058    
41150 B Psychotherapy and Politics International 1103 Clinical Sciences 1606 Political Science     1476-9263 1556-9195    
6631 A Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 1701 Psychology         0033-3190 1423-0348    
36175 C Psychotherapy in Australia 17 Psychology and Cognitive Sciences         1323-0921      
6632 C Psychotherapy Research 1701 Psychology         1050-3307 1468-4381    
6633 C Psychotherapy-Theory Research and Practice 1701 Psychology         0033-3204 1939-1536    
37224 B Ptah 1201 Architecture         1239-3401 1454-7651 0785-9872  
18987 C Public Administration and Development: the international journal of management research and practice 1605 Policy and Administration 1402 Applied Economics     0271-2075 1099-162X    
42006 C Public Administration and Policy: a Hong Kong and Asia-Pacific journal 1605 Policy and Administration         1022-0275      
35141 C Public Administration Quarterly 1605 Policy and Administration         0734-9149      
18988 A* Public Administration Review 1605 Policy and Administration         0033-3352 1540-6210    
18986 A* Public Administration: an international quarterly covering public administration throughout the world 1605 Policy and Administration         0033-3298 1467-9299    
35570 B Public Affairs Quarterly 2203 Philosophy          0887-0373      
8205 B Public Archaeology 2101 Archaeology         1465-5187 1753-5530    
10497 C Public Art Review 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts         1040-211X      
32916 C Public Budgeting and Finance 1402 Applied Economics         0275-1100 1540-5850    
18467 A Public Choice 1402 Applied Economics 1606 Political Science     0048-5829 1573-7101    
33727 C Public Contract Law Journal 1801 Law         0033-3441      
11506 A Public Culture: society for transnational cultural studies 2002 Cultural Studies         0899-2363 1527-8018    
35613 B Public Finance and Management 1402 Applied Economics         1523-9721      
32917 B Public Finance Review 1402 Applied Economics         1091-1421 1552-7530 0048-5853  
13765 C Public Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0033-3506 1476-5616    
13766 C Public Health Bulletin South Australia 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1449-485X      
37023 Not ranked Public Health Ethics 2201 Applied Ethics 2203 Philosophy      1754-9973 1754-9981    
36287 C Public Health Genomics 1103 Clinical Sciences 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1004 Medical Biotechnology 1662-4246 1662-8063 1422-2795  
33728 C Public Health Law and Policy Journal 1801 Law         1556-0511      
14160 B Public Health Nursing 1110 Nursing 1117 Public Health and Health Services     0737-1209 1525-1446    
13768 B Public Health Nutrition 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics 1117 Public Health and Health Services     1368-9800 1475-2727    
13769 C Public Health Reports 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0033-3549 1468-2877    
7542 B Public History Review 2103 Historical Studies         1037-9851 1833-4989    
37167 C Public Integrity 2201 Applied Ethics         1099-9922 1558-0989 1098-0695  
33139 B Public Interest Law Journal 1801 Law         1077-0615      
33730 C Public Land and Resources Law Review 1801 Law         1093-6858 0732-0264    
36805 A* Public Law Review 1801 Law         1034-3024      
33731 A* Public Law: the constitutional and administrative law of the commonwealth 1801 Law         0033-3565      
31112 B Public Management Review 1503 Business and Management 1605 Policy and Administration     1471-9037 1471-9045 1461-667X  
19194 C Public Manager 1503 Business and Management 1605 Policy and Administration     1061-7639      
18991 B Public Money and Management 1605 Policy and Administration 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability     0954-0962 1467-9302    
9247 A* Public Opinion Quarterly 1606 Political Science 1903 Journalism and Professional Writing     0033-362X 1537-5331    
36048 B Public Performance and Management Review 1503 Business and Management 1605 Policy and Administration     1530-9576 1557-9271 1044-8039  
18993 B Public Personnel Management 1503 Business and Management 1605 Policy and Administration     0091-0260 1945-7421    
18994 B Public Policy and Administration 1605 Policy and Administration         0952-0767      
32918 B Public Policy Research 1605 Policy and Administration         1744-5396 1070-3535    
36804 A Public Procurement Law Review 1801 Law         0963-8245      
31121 B Public Relations Review 1505 Marketing         0363-8111 1873-4537    
36689 C Public Space: the Journal of Law and Social Justice 1801 Law         1835-0550      
9248 A Public Understanding of Science 1903 Journalism and Professional Writing 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     0963-6625 1361-6609    
361 B Publicacions Matematiques 0101 Pure Mathematics         0214-1493      
362 C Publicationes Mathematicae 0101 Pure Mathematics         0033-3883      
7543 C Publications de la Societe Historique et Archeologique de Limbourg 2101 Archaeology         0167-6652      
1081 B Publications of Astronomical Society of Japan 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences         0004-6264      
40237 B Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences         1323-3580 1448-6083    
1082 B Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences         0004-6280 1538-3873    
40261 C Publications of the Centre Europeen d'Etudes Bourguignonnes (XIVe-XVIe S.) 2103 Historical Studies         1016-4286      
32449 B Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences 0105 Mathematical Physics 0101 Pure Mathematics     0034-5318 0454-7845    
7544 C Publishing History: the social, economic and literary history of book, newspaper, and magazine publishing 2103 Historical Studies         0309-2445      
19375 C Publishing Research Quarterly 0807 Library and Information Studies         1053-8801 1936-4792    
17390 A Publius: the journal of federalism 1605 Policy and Administration 1606 Political Science     0048-5950 1747-7107    
9273 B Publizistik: Vierteljahreshefte fuer Kommunikationsforschung 1903 Journalism and Professional Writing 2001 Communication and Media Studies 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 0033-4006 1862-2569    
9034 C Puhe Ja Kieli 2004 Linguistics         1458-3410 0359-095X    
14857 B Pulmonary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 1103 Clinical Sciences 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences     1094-5539 1522-9629    
35368 A* Punishment and Society: the international journal of penology 1602 Criminology 1801 Law     1462-4745 1741-3095    
3127 C Punjab University Journal of Zoology 0608 Zoology         1016-1597      
1374 B Pure and Applied Chemistry 03 Chemical Sciences         0033-4545 1365-3075 0074-3925  
1885 C Pure and Applied Geophysics 0404 Geophysics         0033-4553 1420-9136    
30935 A Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1558-8599 1558-8602 1549-6724  
40727 C Purinergic Signalling 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1573-9538 1573-9546    
9592 B Purushartha MD Multidisciplinary         0339-1744      
12098 C Pushkin Review 2005 Literary Studies         1526-1476      
12099 C Pynchon Notes 2005 Literary Studies         0278-1891      
8206 C Pyrenae: Cronica Arqueologica: annual scientific journal 2101 Archaeology         0079-8215      
35673 B Pythagoras 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1012-2346      
31345 C Qadmoniyot: journal for the antiquities of Eretz-Israel and Biblical lands 2002 Cultural Studies         0033-4839      
15420 C Qatar Medical Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0253-8253      
17673 C Qatar University Science Journal MD Multidisciplinary         1023-8948      
15335 C QJM: an international journal of medicine 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1460-2725 1460-2393    
15254 C QSAR and Combinatorial Science 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry         1611-020X 1611-0218 0931-8771  
7545 C Quaderni Catanesi di Studi Classici e Medievali 2103 Historical Studies         0392-1840      
8207 C Quaderni di Archeologia della Libia 2101 Archaeology         0079-8258      
9035 C Quaderni di Semantica: rivista internazionale di semantica teorica e applicata 2004 Linguistics         0393-1226 1826-7181    
7547 B Quaderni di Storia 2103 Historical Studies         0391-6936      
40084 A Quaderni d'Italianistica 2003 Language Studies 2005 Literary Studies     0226-8043      
7548 A Quaderni Storici 2002 Cultural Studies 2103 Historical Studies     0301-6307      
7550 A Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica: atti di convegni 2103 Historical Studies         0033-4987 1724-1901    
37170 C Quaderns de Filosofia y Ciencia 2203 Philosophy          0213-5965      
11406 C Quaderns d'Historia de l'Ingenyeria 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1135-934X 1885-4516    
34862 A Quaerendo: a quarterly journal from the Low Countries devoted to manuscripts and printed books 2103 Historical Studies         0014-9527 1570-0690    
365 C Quaestiones Mathematicae 0101 Pure Mathematics         1607-3606 1727-933X    
13770 A Qualitative Health Research 1110 Nursing 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1701 Psychology 1049-7323 1552-7557    
22280 B Qualitative Inquiry 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1077-8004 1552-7565    
36268 C Qualitative Market Research: an international journal 1505 Marketing         1352-2752      
35716 C Qualitative Report: an online journal dedicated to qualitative research since 1990 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1052-0147      
10900 B Qualitative Research 1608 Sociology         1468-7941 1741-3109    
19115 B Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1176-6093      
19474 C Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management 1503 Business and Management         1746-5648 1746-5656    
6635 C Qualitative Research in Psychology 1701 Psychology         1478-0887 1478-0895    
19980 A Qualitative Research Journal 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1448-0980 1443-9883    
39697 B Qualitative Social Work: research and practice 1607 Social Work 1606 Political Science     1473-3250 1741-3117    
36162 B Qualitative Sociology 1608 Sociology         0162-0436 1573-7837    
41992 B Qualitative Sociology Review 1608 Sociology         1733-8077      
39854 C Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1575-5460 1662-3592    
35715 B Quality and Quantity: international journal of methodology 0104 Statistics          0033-5177 1573-7845    
3813 C Quality and Reliability Engineering International 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0102 Applied Mathematics     0748-8017 1099-1638    
40393 C Quality and Safety in Health Care 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1475-3898 1475-3901    
3622 C Quality Assurance 0910 Manufacturing Engineering         1052-9411      
20208 C Quality Assurance in Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0968-4883 1758-7662 1356-3297  
40219 C Quality Engineering 09 Engineering         0898-2112 1532-4222    
20358 A Quality in Higher Education 1301 Education Systems          1353-8322 1470-1081    
13772 C Quality in Primary Care 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1479-1072 1479-1064 1467-5277 1352-7797
41990 B Quality Management in Health Care: an information service 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1063-8628 1550-5154    
19390 C Quality Management Journal 1503 Business and Management         1068-6967      
13773 A Quality of Life Research 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0962-9343 1573-2649    
366 B Quantitative Finance 0102 Applied Mathematics 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment     1469-7688 1469-7696    
19865 B Quantitative Marketing and Economics 1505 Marketing 1402 Applied Economics     1570-7156 1573-711X    
1031 B Quantum Electronics 0204 Condensed Matter Physics 0205 Optical Physics     1063-7818 1468-4799    
34341 A Quantum Information and Computation 0206 Quantum Physics         1533-7146      
18117 B Quantum Information Processing 08 Information and Computing Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences 02 Physical Sciences 1570-0755 1573-1332    
12100 C Quanzhou Literature 2005 Literary Studies         1005-5835      
8208 B Quartaer: Jahrbuch fuer Erforschung des Eiszeitalters und der Steinzeit 2101 Archaeology         0375-7471      
12101 C Quarter After Eight 2005 Literary Studies         1082-3697      
21024 B Quarterly Architecture Essay 1201 Architecture         1832-8237      
18611 B Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics 14 Economics         1939-8123 0747-5535    
31280 C Quarterly Journal of Electronic Commerce 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment 1503 Business and Management     1528-3526      
4065 B Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience 0905 Civil Engineering     1470-9236 0481-2085    
6636 A Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1747-0218 1747-0226    
36226 A Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. Section A: Human Experimental Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science 1701 Psychology     0272-4987 1464-0740    
6638 A Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. Section B: Comparative and Physiological Psychology 1701 Psychology         0272-4995 1464-1321    
367 A Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         0033-5606 1464-3847    
368 A Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics         0033-5614 1464-3855    
32919 B Quarterly Journal of Political Science 1606 Political Science         1554-0626 1554-0634    
1987 A Quarterly Journal of Royal Meteorological Society 0401 Atmospheric Sciences 0405 Oceanography     0035-9009 1477-870X    
9037 C Quarterly Journal of Speech 2004 Linguistics         0033-5630 1479-5779    
692 A Quarterly of Applied Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics         0033-569X 1552-4485    
19589 B Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 14 Economics         1062-9769 1878-4259    
10498 B Quarterly Review of Film and Video 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         0146-0013 1543-5326    
12102 C Quarterly West 2005 Literary Studies         0194-4231      
39648 C Quasigroups and related systems 0101 Pure Mathematics         1561-2848      
41987 C Quaternary Australasia 2099 Other Language, Communication and Culture         0811-0433      
34378 B Quaternary Geochronology 0402 Geochemistry 0403 Geology     1871-1014      
1755 B Quaternary International 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience 2101 Archaeology     1040-6182 1873-4553    
8212 C Quaternary Newsletter 2101 Archaeology         0143-2826      
1851 A Quaternary Research 0403 Geology 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience     0033-5894 1096-0287    
1756 A* Quaternary Science Reviews 0403 Geology 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience     0277-3791 1873-457X    
12103 C Quebec Studies 2005 Literary Studies         0737-3759      
33733 A Queen's Law Journal 1801 Law         0316-778X      
34898 B Queensland Archaeological Research 2101 Archaeology         0814-3021      
41986 C Queensland History Journal 2103 Historical Studies         1447-1345 1836-5477    
10143 C Queensland Journal of Music Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1320-2707      
36803 C Queensland Lawyer 1801 Law         0312-1658      
2098 C Queensland Museum. Memoirs 06 Biological Sciences         0079-8835      
34866 B Queensland Museum. Memoirs. Cultural Heritage Series 2101 Archaeology         1440-4788      
40330 C Queensland Naturalist 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         0079-8843      
36905 C Queensland Review 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1321-8166      
33734 C Queensland University of Technology Law and Justice Journal 1801 Law         1445-6230 1445-6249 1325-1066  
7551 B Queeste: tijdschrift over middeleeuwse letterkunde in de Nederlanden 2103 Historical Studies         0929-8592      
9799 B Quest 13 Education         0033-6297 1543-2750    
34926 C Quest (Leiden): philosophical discussions 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     1011-226X      
693 C Questions and Answers in General Topology 0101 Pure Mathematics         0918-4732      
12876 B Questions Liturgiques: studies on liturgy 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0774-5524 1783-1709    
4614 A Queueing Systems: Theory and Applications 0102 Applied Mathematics 0104 Statistics  0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0257-0130 1572-9443    
41167 A Qui Parle: critical humanities and social sciences 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1041-8385 1938-8020    
40507 C Quimica Nova 03 Chemical Sciences         0100-4042 1678-7064    
33732 C Quinnipiac Law Review 1801 Law         1073-8606 1066-8411    
33944 C Quinnipiac Probate Law Journal 1801 Law         1096-1054 0897-1234    
32684 C Quintessence International: clinically relevant, scientifically based 1105 Dentistry         0033-6572 1936-7163 0011-8567  
32685 C Quintessence Journal of Dental Technology 1105 Dentistry         1740-1585      
19904 A R & D Management 1503 Business and Management         0033-6807 1467-9310    
42004 C R & D Management 1503 Business and Management         1004-8308      
10901 B Race and Class: a journal of racism, empire and globalisation 1608 Sociology         0306-3968 1741-3125    
20150 C Race Equality Teaching 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1478-8551 0263-0869    
32470 C Race Relations Abstracts 0104 Statistics          0307-9201 1461-7366    
20128 A Race, Ethnicity and Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1361-3324 1470-109X    
21026 C Race, Poverty and the Environment 05 Environmental Sciences 16 Studies In Human Society     1532-2874      
2116 C Radiation and Environmental Biophysics 06 Biological Sciences         0301-634X 1432-2099    
1136 C Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics 0204 Condensed Matter Physics 0299 Other Physical Sciences 1042-0150 1029-4953    
1235 C Radiation Measurements 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics 0403 Geology     1350-4487      
1236 C Radiation Physics and Chemistry 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)     0969-806X 1879-0895    
1237 C Radiation Protection Dosimetry 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics 1117 Public Health and Health Services     0144-8420 1742-3406    
2117 A Radiation Research: an international journal 06 Biological Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences     0033-7587 1938-5404    
7554 A Radical History Review 2103 Historical Studies         0163-6545 1534-1453    
40225 C Radical Musicology 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1751-7788      
34925 C Radical Philosophy Review 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     1388-4441 1569-1659 1047-8302  
8617 B Radical Philosophy: journal of socialist feminist philosophy 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0300-211X      
42001 B Radical Psychology 2203 Philosophy  1701 Psychology     1561-8978      
35083 B Radio Science MD Multidisciplinary         0048-6604 1944-799X    
1905 B Radiocarbon: an international journal of cosmogenic isotope research 0402 Geochemistry 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience 2101 Archaeology 0033-8222      
1238 B Radiochimica Acta 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics 0302 Inorganic Chemistry     0033-8230      
16790 C Radiographer 1103 Clinical Sciences         0033-8273      
16791 B Radiographics 1103 Clinical Sciences         0271-5333 1527-1323    
16792 C Radiography 1103 Clinical Sciences         1078-8174 1532-2831    
15287 C Radiokhimiya 0307 Theoretical and Computational Chemistry         0033-8311 1066-3622    
16794 B Radiologic Clinics of North America 1103 Clinical Sciences         0033-8389 1557-8275    
16795 A* Radiology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0033-8419 1527-1315    
16796 A Radiotherapy and Oncology 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         0167-8140      
42000 C RAE 1503 Business and Management         0034-7590      
2996 C Raffles Bulletin of Zoology: an international journal of Southeast Asian Zoology 0608 Zoology         0217-2445      
12104 C Raft: a journal of Armenian poetry and criticism 2005 Literary Studies         0891-0545      
8619 C Ragion Pratica 2203 Philosophy          1720-2396      
36420 B Rahavard Persian Journal MD Multidisciplinary         0742-8014      
18144 C RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics     0988-3754 1290-385X 0399-0540  
39851 C RAIRO Operations Research 0806 Information Systems 0102 Applied Mathematics     0399-0559 1290-3868    
12105 C Ram's Horn 2005 Literary Studies         0272-2747      
34617 A Ramus: critical studies in Greek and Roman literature 2003 Language Studies         0048-671X      
40408 A* RAND Journal of Economics 14 Economics         0741-6261 1756-2171    
32450 C Random Operations and Stochastic Equations 0104 Statistics          0926-6364 1569-397X    
372 A Random Structures and Algorithms 0101 Pure Mathematics 0104 Statistics  0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 1042-9832 1098-2418    
44945 C Raneang 1201 Architecture         1513-2811      
5915 B Rangeland Ecology and Management 05 Environmental Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 1550-7424 1551-5028    
3312 B Rangeland Journal MD Multidisciplinary         1036-9872 1834-7541    
3991 C Ranliao Huaxue Xuebao 0904 Chemical Engineering          0253-2409      
8216 C Rapa Nui Journal MD Multidisciplinary         1040-1385 0890-2097    
35022 A Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 0301 Analytical Chemistry         0951-4198 1097-0231    
3815 B Rapid Prototyping Journal 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1355-2546 1758-7670    
4828 C Rare Metals 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1001-0521 0258-7076    
12106 C Raritan: a quarterly review 2005 Literary Studies         0275-1607      
37180 C Rassegna Europea di Letteratura Italiana 2203 Philosophy          1122-5580 1824-6818    
9039 C Rassegna Italiana di Linguistica Applicata 2004 Linguistics         0033-9725 1970-2787    
8621 B Ratio Juris: an international journal of jurisprudence and philosophy law 2203 Philosophy  1801 Law     0952-1917 1467-9337    
8620 A Ratio: an international journal of analytic philosophy 2203 Philosophy          0034-0006 1467-9329    
10903 B Rationality and Society 1608 Sociology 1606 Political Science     1043-4631 1461-7358    
40969 C Raw Vision 1901 Art Theory and Criticism         0955-1182      
36412 C Razon y Palabra: revista electronica en America Latina especializada en topicos de comunicacion 1608 Sociology         1605-4806      
35367 C Razprave in Gradivo: revija za narodnostna vprasanja 1801 Law         0354-0286      
30463 C RCM Midwives Journal 1110 Nursing         1479-2915 1462-138X 1355-8404 0026-3524
20731 C RE :View 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0899-1510      
1497 C Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis Letters 0307 Theoretical and Computational Chemistry 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)     0133-1736 1588-2837    
1702 B Reactive and Functional Polymers 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry 0912 Materials Engineering     1381-5148 1873-166X 0923-1137  
20472 B Reading and Writing 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0922-4777      
20726 C Reading and Writing Quarterly: overcoming learning difficulties 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1057-3569 1521-0693    
20344 C Reading Horizons 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0034-0502      
9383 C Reading in a Foreign Language (Online) 2004 Linguistics         1539-0578 0264-2425    
18693 C Reading in Political Economy 1402 Applied Economics         0305-814X 0079-9874    
31482 B Reading Medieval Studies 2005 Literary Studies         0950-3129      
20250 C Reading Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0270-2711 1521-0685    
20345 C Reading Research and Instruction 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1938-8071 1938-8063 0886-0246  
6639 A Reading Research Quarterly 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0034-0553 1936-2722    
10501 A Reading Room: a journal of art and culture 1903 Journalism and Professional Writing 2102 Curatorial and Related Studies 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1177-2549      
17675 C Real Academia Gallega de Ciencias. Revista MD Multidisciplinary         1135-5417      
19487 A Real Estate Economics 1402 Applied Economics 1205 Urban and Regional Planning     1080-8620 1540-6229 1067-8433  
33737 C Real Estate Law Journal 1801 Law         0048-6868      
33738 C Real Estate Taxation 1801 Law         1538-3792 0093-5107    
33739 B Real Property, Trust and Estate Law Journal 1801 Law         0034-0855 0569-3357    
18119 C Real Time Imaging 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics         1077-2014      
32162 A Real Time Systems: the international journal of time critical computing systems 0805 Distributed Computing         0922-6443 1573-1383    
35012 C Reason Papers: a journal of interdisciplinary normative studies 2203 Philosophy          0363-1893      
12723 B REC Focus 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1534-259X 1081-6267    
9041 B Recall 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 2004 Linguistics     0958-3440 1474-0109    
40604 C Recent Patents on Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis     1574-8928      
41984 A Recent Patents on Cardiovascular Drug Discovery 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1574-8901      
40632 Not ranked Recent Patents on Chemical Engineering 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)         1874-4788      
44863 C Recent Patents on Nanatechnology 1007 Nanotechnology 0910 Manufacturing Engineering     1872-2105      
10502 C Recent Researches in American Music 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0147-0078      
35816 B Reception: tidsskrift for Nordisk litteratur 2005 Literary Studies         1601-2941 1601-295X 1601-6602  
2286 B Receptors and Channels 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences     1060-6823      
37155 C Recerca: revista de pensament i analisi 2203 Philosophy          1130-6149      
10145 C Recercare: rivista per lo studio e la pratica della musica antica - journal for the study and practice of early music 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1120-5741      
7558 C Recerques 2103 Historical Studies         0210-380X      
12878 A Recherches de Science Religieuse 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0034-1258      
8622 B Recherches de Theologie et Philosophie Medievales: a journal of ancient and medieval Christian literature 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1370-7493 0034-1266 1783-1717 0007-442X
18612 B Recherches Economiques de Louvain 14 Economics         0770-4518 1782-1495    
32736 C Recherches Feministes 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         0838-4479      
8623 C Recherches Husserliennes 2203 Philosophy          1377-9613      
9042 C Recherches Linguistiques de Vincennes 2004 Linguistics         0986-6124      
44968 B Recherches sur Diderot et sur lÕencyclopŽdie 2203 Philosophy  2005 Literary Studies     0769-0886 1955-2416    
8625 C Rechtstheorie: Zeitschrift fuer Logik, Methodenlehre, Kybernetik und Soziologie des Rechts 2203 Philosophy          0034-1398 1865-519X    
40634 C Reclaiming Children and Youth: the journal of strength-based interventions 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 1301 Education Systems      1089-5701      
40215 C ReCollections (Canberra) 2102 Curatorial and Related Studies         1833-1335 1833-4946    
10146 C Reconstruction: studies in contemporary culture 2002 Cultural Studies         1547-4348      
32163 A Records Management Journal 0807 Library and Information Studies         0956-5698 1758-7689    
10265 C Records of the Auckland Museum 2102 Curatorial and Related Studies 2103 Historical Studies     1174-9202 0067-0464    
2997 C Records of the Australian Museum MD Multidisciplinary         0067-1975 0812-7387    
41099 C Records of the South Australian Museum 2102 Curatorial and Related Studies         1035-7939      
2118 C Records of the Western Australian Museum 06 Biological Sciences         0312-3162      
41983 C Recreational Sports Journal 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1558-8661 1558-867X    
12107 C Red Brick Review 2005 Literary Studies         1067-9227      
12108 C Red Wheelbarrow 2005 Literary Studies         1543-1983 1086-9042    
17676 C Redes: revista de estudios sociales de la ciencia MD Multidisciplinary         0328-3186      
32451 C Red-Mat: revista electronica del departamento de matematicas 0101 Pure Mathematics         1405-1745      
14858 B Redox Report 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1743-2928 1351-0002    
10622 B Reference and User Services Quarterly 0807 Library and Information Studies         1094-9054 0033-7072    
30373 C Reference Services Review: reference and instructional services for libraries in the digital age 0807 Library and Information Studies         0090-7324      
22039 C Reflective Practice 2203 Philosophy          1462-3943 1470-1103    
18613 C Reflets et Perspectives de la Vie Economique 14 Economics         0034-2971 1782-1509    
34972 C Reflexao 2203 Philosophy          0102-0269      
12880 B Reformation and Renaissance Review 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1462-2459 1743-1727    
37128 C Reformed Theological Review 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0034-3072      
35353 B Refractory: a journal of entertainment media 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 2002 Cultural Studies     1447-4905      
41100 C Refugee Survey Quarterly 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1020-4067 1471-695X    
33741 C Regent Journal of International Law: a forum for a judeo-christian perspective on international law 1801 Law         1538-7550      
33742 C Regent University Law Review 1801 Law         1056-3962      
16798 B Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         1098-7339 1532-8651    
21028 C Regional Development Studies 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         1020-3060      
36475 B Regional Environmental Change MD Multidisciplinary         1436-3798 1436-378X    
18614 A Regional Science and Urban Economics 1402 Applied Economics 1205 Urban and Regional Planning     0166-0462      
5975 A* Regional Studies 1604 Human Geography 1205 Urban and Regional Planning     0034-3404 1360-0591    
696 B Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 0102 Applied Mathematics 0105 Mathematical Physics     1560-3547 1468-4845    
30022 A Regulation and Governance 1801 Law         1748-5983 1748-5991    
39742 B Regulatory Peptides 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics 1116 Medical Physiology 0167-0115 1873-1686    
14859 B Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0273-2300 1096-0295    
30339 C Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin 1701 Psychology         0034-3552 1538-4853    
35685 B Rehabilitation Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0889-7018      
14161 C Rehabilitation Nursing 1110 Nursing         0278-4807      
6640 B Rehabilitation Psychology 1701 Psychology         0090-5550 1939-1544    
7560 B Reinardus: yearbook of the International Reynard Society 2103 Historical Studies         0925-4757 1569-9951    
16800 A* Rejuvenation Research 1103 Clinical Sciences         1549-1684 1557-8577 1094-5458  
20461 C RELC Journal: a journal of language teaching and research in Southeast Asia 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0033-6882 1745-526X    
3716 A Reliability Engineering and System Safety 0913 Mechanical Engineering 1503 Business and Management     0951-8320 1879-0836    
41975 C Reliability: Theory and Applications 09 Engineering         1932-2321      
40262 B Relief: Revue electronique de litterature francaise 2005 Literary Studies         1873-5045      
12883 B Religiologiques 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1180-0135      
12884 A Religion 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0048-721X 1096-1151    
7561 B Religion and American Culture: a journal of interpretation 2002 Cultural Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     1052-1151 1533-8568    
20595 B Religion and Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1550-7394 1056-7224    
35366 C Religion and Human Rights: an international journal 1801 Law         1871-031X 1871-0328    
40664 A* Religion and Literature 2005 Literary Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0888-3769      
10511 C Religion and the Arts 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         1079-9265 1568-5292    
31395 B Religion and Theology: a journal of contemporary religious discourse 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1023-0807 1574-3012    
40204 C Religion Compass 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1749-8171      
12887 A Religion, State and Society: the Keston journal 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0963-7494 1465-3974    
41974 B Religions of South Asia 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1751-2689 1751-2697    
12888 C Religionspaedagogische Beitraege 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0173-0339      
12889 C Religionsvidenskabeligt Tidsskrift 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0108-1993      
40301 B Religious education journal of Australia 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0815-3094      
12890 B Religious Education: a platform for the free discussion of issues in the field of religion and their bearing on education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0034-4087 1547-3201    
40595 C Religious Studies Review: a quarterly review of publications in the field of religion and related disciplines 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0319-485X 1748-0922    
34971 A Religious Studies: an international journal for the philosophy of religion and theology 2203 Philosophy  2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0034-4125 1469-901X    
3814 C REME Journal 0913 Mechanical Engineering         0432-2924      
20691 A Remedial and Special Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0741-9325 1538-4756    
4657 A* Remote Sensing of Environment 0909 Geomatic Engineering  0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience     0034-4257      
7563 B Renaissance and Reformation 2005 Literary Studies 2103 Historical Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies 0034-429X      
12110 C Renaissance Forum: an electronic journal of early-modern literary and historical studies 2005 Literary Studies         1362-1149      
7564 A* Renaissance Quarterly 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 2005 Literary Studies 2103 Historical Studies 0034-4338 1935-0236    
7565 A* Renaissance Studies 2005 Literary Studies 2103 Historical Studies 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 0269-1213 1477-4658    
16801 C Renal Failure 1103 Clinical Sciences         0886-022X 1525-6049    
40078 C Renal Society of Australasia Journal 1103 Clinical Sciences 1110 Nursing     1832-3804      
12112 C Renascence: essays on values in literature 2005 Literary Studies         0034-4346      
8218 C Rendiconti della Accademia di Archeologia Lettere et Belle Arti di Napoli 2101 Archaeology         0393-2931      
21668 B Renditions: a Chinese-English translation magazine 2003 Language Studies         0377-3515      
3816 C Reneng Dongli Gongcheng 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1001-2060      
5213 B Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management         1742-1705 1742-1713 0889-1893  
4067 A Renewable Energy 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering     0960-1481 1879-0682    
5976 B Renkou Yanjiu 1603 Demography          1000-6087      
30277 C Renkou Yu Fazhan 1603 Demography          1003-8426      
30278 C Renkou Yu Jihua Shengyu 1603 Demography          1004-8197      
30279 C Renkou yu Jingji 1603 Demography          1000-4149      
30281 C Renkou Zuekan 1603 Demography          1018-3841      
30282 C Renkouxue yu Jihua Shengyu 1603 Demography          1005-4235      
2441 C Repbase Reports 0604 Genetics          1534-830X      
12113 C Repertorio Americano 2005 Literary Studies         0252-8479      
8219 C Report of the Cyprus, Department of Antiquities 2101 Archaeology         0070-2374      
39613 C Reports National Academy of Science of Ukraine 0101 Pure Mathematics 0105 Mathematical Physics     1025-6415      
1006 A* Reports of Materials Science and Engineering R 0912 Materials Engineering 0904 Chemical Engineering      0927-796X 0920-2307    
17596 C Reports of the Hokkaido University of Education: Taisetsuzan Institute of Science MD Multidisciplinary         0386-4464      
35335 B Reports on Mathematical Logic 2203 Philosophy          0137-2904      
375 B Reports on Mathematical Physics 01 Mathematical Sciences 02 Physical Sciences     0034-4877 1879-0674    
8627 C Reports on Philosophy 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0324-8712      
1032 A* Reports on Progress in Physics 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     0034-4885 1361-6633    
18999 C Representation 1606 Political Science         1749-4001 0034-4893    
39850 A Representation Theory - An electronic journal of the AMS 0101 Pure Mathematics         1088-4165      
31483 A* Representations 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 2002 Cultural Studies 2005 Literary Studies 0734-6018 1533-855X    
6641 C Representative Research in Social Psychology 1701 Psychology         0034-4907      
2119 A Reproduction 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine 1116 Medical Physiology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1470-1626 1741-7899 1359-6004 0022-4251
16803 A Reproduction Fertility and Development 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1031-3613 1448-5990    
5542 A Reproduction in Domestic Animals: physiology, pathology, biotechnology 0707 Veterinary Sciences 0702 Animal Production     0936-6768      
40916 B Reproduction. Supplement 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine 1116 Medical Physiology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1477-0415 0449-3087    
40627 C Reproductive Biology 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1642-431X      
40724 A Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 0604 Genetics  0606 Physiology  0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1477-7827      
16804 B Reproductive Biomedicine Online 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1472-6483 1472-6491 1528-4840  
42250 C Reproductive Health 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1742-4755      
11211 C Reproductive Health Matters 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine     0968-8080 1460-9576    
16805 C Reproductive Medicine and Biology 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1445-5781 1447-0578    
16527 A Reproductive Sciences 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1933-7191 1933-7205 1071-5576  
13777 B Reproductive Toxicology 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine     0890-6238 1873-1708    
18120 B Requirements Engineering 0803 Computer Software         0947-3602 1432-010X    
4068 C RERIC International Energy Journal 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0857-6173 0125-3719    
31484 B Res Publica Litterarum: studies in the classical tradition 2005 Literary Studies         1123-3990 1828-7824    
35011 B Res Publica: a journal of legal and social philosophy 2203 Philosophy  1801 Law     1356-4765 1572-8692    
10513 C Res: anthropology and aesthetics 20 Language, Communication and Culture 22 Philosophy and Religious Studies 21 History and Archaeology 0277-1322      
41101 C Research and Development in Higher Education Series 1301 Education Systems  1605 Policy and Administration     0156-8884      
16807 C Research and Practice for Persons With Severe Disabilities 1103 Clinical Sciences         1540-7969 0749-1425    
22287 C Research and Practice in Human Resource Management 1503 Business and Management         0218-5180      
41972 C Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning 1399 Other Education          1793-2068 1793-7078    
20075 C Research and Teaching in Developmental Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1046-3364      
14268 C Research and Theory for Nursing Practice: an international journal 1110 Nursing         1541-6577 1945-7286 0889-7182  
7827 B Research Centre for German and Austrian Exile Studies. Yearbook 2103 Historical Studies         1388-3720 1875-8118    
15026 C Research Communications in Alcohol and Substances of Abuse 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1080-8388      
2353 C Research Communications in Biochemistry and Cell and Molecular Biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1087-111X      
15027 C Research Communications in Molecular Pathology and Pharmacology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1078-0297      
34970 C Research Ethics Review 2201 Applied Ethics         1747-0161      
22288 B Research Evaluation 0807 Library and Information Studies         0958-2029 1471-5449    
42003 C Research in Accounting in Emerging Economies 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1479-3563      
19116 B Research in Accounting Regulation 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1052-0457      
11625 B Research in African Literatures 2005 Literary Studies         0034-5210 1527-2044    
1060 C Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences         1674-4527 0275-1062 1009-9271 0253-2379
40731 C Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 1701 Psychology         1750-9467      
36107 C Research in Consumer Behavior: a research annual 1505 Marketing         0885-2111      
20099 B Research in Dance Education 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1464-7893 1470-1111    
20706 C Research in Developmental Disabilities 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1701 Psychology     0891-4222 1873-3379    
10148 B Research in Drama Education 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1356-9783 1470-112X    
30491 B Research in Economics 14 Economics         1090-9443 1090-9451    
44946 A* Research in Engineering Design 1203 Design Practice and Management         0934-9839      
40406 B Research in Ethical Issues in Organizations 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1529-2096      
19590 C Research in Finance 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         0196-3821 0882-3138    
19605 C Research in Financial Services 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1052-7788      
41324 Not ranked Research In Gerontological Nursing 1110 Nursing         1940-4921 1938-2464    
19121 B Research in Governmental and Non-Profit Accounting 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         0884-0741      
20352 A Research in Higher Education 1301 Education Systems          0361-0365 1573-188X    
19591 B Research in International Business and Finance 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         0275-5319      
2507 B Research in Microbiology 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     0923-2508 1769-7123    
10514 C Research in New Zealand Performing Arts 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1177-8199      
5012 C Research in Nondestructive Evaluation 0912 Materials Engineering         0934-9847 1432-2110    
14162 A Research in Nursing and Health 1110 Nursing         0160-6891 1098-240X    
40694 A* Research in Organizational Behavior 1503 Business and Management 1701 Psychology     0191-3085      
8629 A* Research in Phenomenology 2203 Philosophy          0085-5553 1569-1640    
20367 B Research in Post-Compulsory Education 1301 Education Systems          1359-6748 1747-5112    
20620 C Research in Science and Technological Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0263-5143 1470-1138    
20613 A Research in Science Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0157-244X 1573-1898    
39849 A Research in Social Stratification and Mobility: a research annual 1608 Sociology         0276-5624      
9800 C Research in Sports Medicine 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1543-8627 1543-8635    
18653 B Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology 1401 Economic Theory 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     0743-4154      
20077 C Research in the Schools 1301 Education Systems          1085-5300      
39848 B Research in the Sociology of Organizations 1608 Sociology 1503 Business and Management     0733-558X      
20324 A Research in the Teaching of English 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0034-527X 1943-2348    
36049 C Research in Transportation Economics 1507 Transportation and Freight Services         0739-8859 1875-7979    
5543 A Research in Veterinary Science 0707 Veterinary Sciences 0702 Animal Production     0034-5288 1532-2661    
41999 C Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment MD Multidisciplinary         0972-0626      
3546 C Research Journal of Textile and Apparel 1203 Design Practice and Management         1560-6074      
39847 C Research Letters in Physics 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     1687-689X 1687-6903    
21671 C Research of Chinese Literature 2005 Literary Studies         1003-7535      
10794 B Research of the National Cultural History Museum 2102 Curatorial and Related Studies         1993-3770 1024-350X    
16809 C Research on Aging 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0164-0275 1552-7573    
34305 C Research on Chemical Intermediates 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)         0922-6168 1568-5675    
5368 C Research on Crops: an international journal 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         0972-3226      
9045 A Research on Language and Computation 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science 1570-7075 1572-8706    
6642 B Research on Language and Social Interaction 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science 2004 Linguistics 0835-1813 1532-7973    
34239 B Research on Social Work Practice 1607 Social Work         1049-7315 1552-7581    
11626 C Research Opportunities in Renaissance Drama 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2005 Literary Studies     0098-647X      
20057 C Research Papers in Education 13 Education         0267-1522 1470-1146    
39846 A* Research Policy MD Multidisciplinary         0048-7333      
6643 B Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 1701 Psychology 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science 1702 Cognitive Science 0270-1367 0364-9857    
20303 C Research Strategies 0807 Library and Information Studies         0734-3310      
10149 A Research Studies in Music Education 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 1399 Other Education      1321-103X 1834-5530    
35895 B Research Technology Management: international journal of research management 1503 Business and Management         0895-6308 1930-0166 0034-5334  
21302 B Researches in Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature MD Multidisciplinary         1001-2907 1001-277X    
34721 B Reseaux: communication technologie societe 2001 Communication and Media Studies         0751-7971      
35760 A Reseaux: French Journal of Communication 2001 Communication and Media Studies         0969-9864      
20665 C Resonance - Journal of Science Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0971-8044 0973-712X    
41969 C Resonate: engage with Australia's new music scene 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1030-4908      
30469 A Resource and Energy Economics 1402 Applied Economics         0928-7655 1873-0221    
12114 C Resources for American Literary Study 2005 Literary Studies         0048-7384 1529-1502    
32737 C Resources for Feminist Research 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         0707-8412 0319-4477    
20076 C Resources in Education 13 Education         0098-0897      
4127 B Resources Policy 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0301-4207      
5889 C Resources, Conservation and Recycling 05 Environmental Sciences 09 Engineering     0921-3449      
16810 B Respiration: international journal of thoracic medicine 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0025-7931 1423-0356    
16811 C Respiratory Care: a monthly science journal 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0020-1324      
16812 B Respiratory Medicine 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0954-6111 1532-3064    
14637 B Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology 1116 Medical Physiology     1569-9048      
16814 B Respiratory Research 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1465-9921 1465-993X    
16815 C Respirology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1323-7799 1440-1843    
10623 B Restaurator: international journal for the preservation of library and archival material 0807 Library and Information Studies         0034-5806 1865-8431    
33744 A Restitution Law Review 1801 Law         1351-170X      
3313 B Restoration Ecology 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences     1061-2971 1526-100X    
34615 B Restoration: Studies in English Literary Culture, 1660-1700 2005 Literary Studies         0162-9905 1941-952X    
14572 C Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0922-6028 1878-3627    
21030 C Restorica 1201 Architecture         0037-5462      
378 B Results in Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         1422-6383 1420-9012    
16816 A Resuscitation 1103 Clinical Sciences         0300-9572 1873-1570    
7568 B Rethinking History: the journal of theory and practice 2103 Historical Studies         1364-2529 1470-1154    
18298 C Rethinking Marxism 1499 Other Economics         0893-5696 1475-8059    
16817 A Retina: the Journal of Retinal and Vitreous Diseases 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry         0275-004X 1539-2864    
41184 C Retinal Cases and Brief Reports 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry         1935-1089 1937-1578    
16818 C Retrovirology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1742-4690      
35560 B Revenue Law Journal 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability 1801 Law     1034-7747      
12117 C Review (New York, 1968): literature and arts of the Americas 2005 Literary Studies         0890-5762 1743-0666    
41783 C Review for Religious: living our Catholic legacies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0034-639X      
35010 C Review Journal of Political Philosophy 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     1752-2056      
19619 C Review of Accounting and Finance 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1475-7702 1758-7700    
19117 A Review of Accounting Studies 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1380-6653 1573-7136    
30559 C Review of African Political Economy 1402 Applied Economics         0305-6244 1740-1720    
41998 B Review of Agricultural and Environmental Studies 0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management         1966-9607      
18468 B Review of Agricultural Economics 1402 Applied Economics         1058-7195 1467-9353    
41136 C Review of Applied Economics 1402 Applied Economics         0973-1687      
7569 C Review of Armenian Studies 2103 Historical Studies         1303-5304      
30119 C Review of Asian and Pacific Studies MD Multidisciplinary         0913-8439      
41345 C Review of Australian Research in Education (RARE) 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1034-0130      
4254 C Review of Automotive Engineering 0902 Automotive Engineering         1349-4724 0389-4304    
31396 C Review of Biblical Literature 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1099-0321 1099-0046    
31278 C Review of Business Information Systems 0806 Information Systems 1503 Business and Management     1534-665X 1089-8670    
35894 C Review of Business Research 1503 Business and Management         1546-2609      
33745 C Review of Central and East European Law 1801 Law         0925-9880 1573-0352    
33746 C Review of Constitutional Studies 1801 Law         1192-8034      
19592 B Review of Derivatives Research 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment     1380-6645 1573-7144    
18469 B Review of Development Economics 1402 Applied Economics         1363-6669 1467-9361    
698 B Review of Economic Design 1402 Applied Economics         1434-4742 1434-4750    
30467 A Review of Economic Dynamics 14 Economics         1094-2025 1096-6099    
32920 B Review of Economics of the Household 1499 Other Economics         1569-5239 1573-7152    
20006 A* Review of Educational Research 13 Education         0034-6543 1935-1046    
32921 B Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 1402 Applied Economics         1750-6816 1750-6824    
35364 B Review of European Community and International Environmental Law 1801 Law         0962-8797 1467-9388    
12118 C Review of Existential Psychology and Psychiatry 1701 Psychology         0361-1531      
19614 B Review of Finance 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment     1572-3097 1875-824X 1382-6662  
35976 B Review of Financial Economics 1402 Applied Economics 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment     1058-3300 1873-5924    
35606 B Review of Futures Markets (Kent) 1503 Business and Management         1933-7116      
6644 A Review of General Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1089-2680 1939-1552    
20364 B Review of Higher Education 1301 Education Systems          0162-5748 1090-7009    
18471 A Review of Income and Wealth 1401 Economic Theory 1402 Applied Economics     0034-6586 1475-4991    
18472 A Review of Industrial Organization 1402 Applied Economics         0889-938X 1573-7160    
18473 A Review of International Economics 1402 Applied Economics         0965-7576 1467-9396    
31157 C Review of International Organizations 1503 Business and Management         1559-7431 1559-744X    
18617 A Review of International Political Economy 1402 Applied Economics 1606 Political Science 1605 Policy and Administration 0969-2290 1466-4526    
19002 A Review of International Studies 1606 Political Science 1605 Policy and Administration     0260-2105 1469-9044    
18618 C Review of Islamic Economics 1402 Applied Economics         0962-2055      
21674 B Review of Japanese Culture and Society 2103 Historical Studies 1606 Political Science     0913-4700      
21610 B Review of Japanese Studies MD Multidisciplinary         0911-3401      
21675 B Review of Korean Studies MD Multidisciplinary         1229-0076      
33748 A Review of Law and Economics 1402 Applied Economics 1801 Law     1555-5879      
33661 B Review of Law and Social Change 1801 Law         0048-7481      
19864 B Review of Marketing Science 1505 Marketing         1546-5616      
32457 C Review of Mathematical Science 0101 Pure Mathematics         1793-2580      
18474 C Review of Middle East Economics and Finance (Print) 1402 Applied Economics         1475-3685 1475-3693    
700 C Review of Modern Logic 0101 Pure Mathematics         1943-7404 1945-2586    
19596 B Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         0219-0915 1793-6705    
2662 B Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 0403 Geology         0034-6667      
18682 B Review of Political Economy 1402 Applied Economics 1606 Political Science     0953-8259 1465-3982    
19004 A Review of Politics 1606 Political Science         0034-6705 1748-6858    
19775 C Review of Public Personnel Administration 1503 Business and Management 1605 Policy and Administration     0734-371X 1552-759X    
701 B Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 0104 Statistics  0102 Applied Mathematics 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability 0924-865X 1573-7179    
12894 B Review of Rabbinic Judaism 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1568-4857 1570-0704 1388-0365  
18694 B Review of Radical Political Economics 1402 Applied Economics         0486-6134 1552-8502    
21031 C Review of Regional Studies: the official journal of the Southern regional science association 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         0048-749X 1553-0892    
12895 B Review of Religious Research 1608 Sociology 2203 Philosophy  2204 Religion and Religious Studies 0034-673X      
20023 A Review of Research in Education 13 Education         0091-732X 1935-1038    
1033 B Review of Scientific Instruments 0299 Other Physical Sciences 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering 0034-6748 1089-7623    
9595 C Review of Scottish Culture 1601 Anthropology          0267-6834      
18476 B Review of Social Economy 1402 Applied Economics         0034-6764 1470-1162    
30179 Not ranked Review of Symbolic Logic 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science 1755-0203 1755-0211    
35091 C Review of the Bulgarian Geological Society 0403 Geology         0007-3938      
35612 C Review of the Economic Research on Copyright Issues 1402 Applied Economics         1698-1359 1698-1367    
36142 C Review of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         0014-9187      
10205 A Review of the Royal Society for Music History of The Netherlands 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         1383-7079 1875-6409 0042-3874  
32923 C Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies 1605 Policy and Administration 1205 Urban and Regional Planning     0917-0553 1467-940X    
18280 B Review of World Economics 1402 Applied Economics         1610-2878 1610-2886    
7570 C Reviews in American History 2103 Historical Studies         0048-7511 1080-6628    
30173 C Reviews in Analytical Chemistry 0301 Analytical Chemistry         0048-752X 0793-0135    
9596 A Reviews in Anthropology 1601 Anthropology          0093-8157 1556-3014    
40364 Not ranked Reviews in Aquaculture 0704 Fisheries Sciences         1753-5123 1753-5131    
3923 B Reviews in Chemical Engineering 0904 Chemical Engineering          0167-8299      
16819 C Reviews in Clinical and Experimental Hematology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1127-0020      
1377 B Reviews in Computational Chemistry 0307 Theoretical and Computational Chemistry         1069-3599 1934-5372    
15028 C Reviews in Contemporary Pharmacotherapy 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0954-8602      
1853 B Reviews in Economic Geology 0403 Geology         0741-0123 1933-1495    
40613 B Reviews in Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders 1103 Clinical Sciences         1389-9155 1573-2606    
35063 C Reviews in Engineering Geology 0403 Geology         0080-2018      
4689 C Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio-Technology MD Multidisciplinary         1569-1705 1572-9826    
5797 B Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 0704 Fisheries Sciences         0960-3166 1573-5184    
5766 A Reviews in Fisheries Science 0704 Fisheries Sciences         1064-1262 1547-6553    
41102 C Reviews in History 2103 Historical Studies         1749-8155      
379 A Reviews in Mathematical Physics: a journal for survey and expository articles in the field of mathematical physics 01 Mathematical Sciences 02 Physical Sciences     0129-055X 1793-6659    
15174 C Reviews in Medical Microbiology 1108 Medical Microbiology         0954-139X      
15175 A Reviews in Medical Virology 1108 Medical Microbiology         1052-9276 1099-1654    
1854 A* Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry 0402 Geochemistry 0403 Geology     1529-6466 1943-2666    
14573 C Reviews in the Neurosciences 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0334-1763      
15029 C Reviews in Toxicology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1382-6980 1875-9165    
5863 B Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology MD Multidisciplinary         0179-5953      
1886 A* Reviews of Geophysics 0404 Geophysics 0909 Geomatic Engineering      8755-1209      
13779 C Reviews of Health Promotion and Education Online 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1328-7443      
1034 A* Reviews of Modern Physics 02 Physical Sciences         0034-6861 1539-0756    
2289 B Reviews of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1116 Medical Physiology 0303-4240 1617-5786 0080-2042  
32686 C Revista A D M 1105 Dentistry         0001-0944      
7571 A Revista Andina 2103 Historical Studies 2101 Archaeology 2003 Language Studies 0259-9600 1609-9583    
34376 C Revista Brasileira de Cartografia 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         0560-4613 1808-0936    
41943 C Revista Brasileira de Ciencias Morfologicas 1608 Sociology         0102-9010      
14269 C Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem 1110 Nursing         0034-7167      
3000 C Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 0608 Zoology         0085-5626 1806-9665    
30251 B Revista Brasileira de Estudos de Populacao 1603 Demography          0102-3098      
35167 C Revista Brasileira de Fisioterapia 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1413-3555 1809-9246    
37000 C Revista Brasileira de Linguistica Aplicada 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     1676-0786      
1960 C Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia 0401 Atmospheric Sciences         0102-7786 1982-4351    
13114 C Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria 1103 Clinical Sciences         1516-4446      
3001 C Revista Brasileira de Zoologia 0608 Zoology         1984-4670 1984-4689 0101-8175  
44308 C Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences         1516-3598 1806-9290    
40685 A* Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispanos 2004 Linguistics         0384-8167      
9047 C Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 2004 Linguistics 1117 Public Health and Health Services     0211-5913      
12896 B Revista Catalana de Teologia 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0210-5551      
3314 C Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 06 Biological Sciences         0716-078X      
12120 B Revista Chilena de Literatura 2005 Literary Studies         0048-7651 0718-2295    
40553 B Revista Cientifica de Informacion y Comunicacion 2004 Linguistics         1696-2508      
40456 B Revista Colombiana de Antropologia 1601 Anthropology  2004 Linguistics 2101 Archaeology 0486-6525      
5477 C Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Pecuarias 0702 Animal Production         0120-0690      
37184 C Revista Colombiana de Filosof’a de la Ciencia 2203 Philosophy          0124-4620      
702 C Revista Colombiana de Matematicas 0101 Pure Mathematics         0034-7426      
7572 C Revista Complutense de Historia de America 2103 Historical Studies         1132-8312      
7578 C Revista da Historia da Sociedade e da Cultura 2103 Historical Studies         1645-2259      
9597 B Revista de Antropologia Social 1601 Anthropology          1131-558X      
15031 C Revista de Ciencias Farmaceuticas Basica e Aplicada 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1808-4532 0101-3793    
15421 C Revista de Ciencias Medicas (Campinas): journal of medical sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1415-5796 0104-0057    
12121 B Revista de Critica Literaria Latinoamericana 2005 Literary Studies         0252-8843      
7575 B Revista de Demografia Historica 1603 Demography          1696-702X 0213-1145    
33749 C Revista de Derecho Puertorrique?o 1801 Law         0034-7930      
9050 C Revista de Dialectologia y Tradiciones Populares 1601 Anthropology          0034-7981 1988-8457    
18281 C Revista de Economia 14 Economics         0556-5782      
18619 C Revista de Economia Aplicada 1402 Applied Economics         1133-455X      
18620 C Revista de Economia Del Rosario 1402 Applied Economics         0123-5362      
18621 C Revista de Economia Institucional: revista de la facultad de economia 1402 Applied Economics         0124-5996      
18622 C Revista de Economia Mackenzie 14 Economics         1678-5002      
18695 C Revista de Economia Politica 1402 Applied Economics         0101-3157      
34614 C Revista de Estudios Colombianos 2005 Literary Studies         0121-2117      
34613 A* Revista de Estudios Hispanicos 2005 Literary Studies         0378-7974      
7576 C Revista de Estudios Latinos 2103 Historical Studies         1578-7486      
12122 C Revista de Estudios Orteguianos 2005 Literary Studies         1577-0079      
9051 B Revista de Filologia Espanola 2003 Language Studies         0210-9174 1988-8538    
9052 B Revista de Filologia Romanica 2003 Language Studies         0212-999X 1988-2815    
9166 C Revista de Filoloxia Asturiana 2003 Language Studies         1578-9853      
8631 C Revista de Filosofia 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0034-8236 0718-4360    
7577 C Revista de Historia Actual 2103 Historical Studies         1697-3305 1696-2060    
7582 C Revista de Historia Industrial 1402 Applied Economics         1132-7200      
7583 C Revista de Historia Jeronimo Zurita 2103 Historical Studies         0214-0993      
7584 C Revista de Historia Moderna 2103 Historical Studies         0212-5862      
7585 C Revista de Historiografia 2103 Historical Studies         1885-2718      
7586 A Revista de Indias 2103 Historical Studies         0034-8341 1988-3188    
44947 C Revista de Ingenieria de Construccion 1202 Building         0716-2952      
5798 C Revista de Investigacion y Desarrollo Pesquero 0704 Fisheries Sciences         0325-6375      
12123 C Revista de Letras 2005 Literary Studies         0101-3505      
9053 C Revista de Lexicografia 2004 Linguistics         1134-4539      
36998 C Revista de Linguistica y Lenguas Aplicadas 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     1886-2438 1886-6298    
40263 C Revista de Literatura Medieval 2005 Literary Studies         1130-3611      
7587 B Revista de Literatura Mexicana Contemporanea 2005 Literary Studies 2103 Historical Studies     1405-2687      
32459 C Revista de Matematica e Estatistica 0101 Pure Mathematics         0102-0811      
703 C Revista de Metodos Cuantitativos para la Economia y la Empresa 0104 Statistics          1886-516X      
40482 C Revista de Musicologia 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0210-1459      
13192 C Revista de Psiquiatria Clinica 1103 Clinical Sciences         0101-6083 1806-938X    
13782 C Revista de Saude Publica 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0034-8910 1518-8787    
33750 C Revista del Colegio de Abogados de Puerto Rico 1801 Law         0010-0579      
32687 C Revista Dental Press de Ortodontia e Ortopedia Facial 1105 Dentistry         1415-5419 1980-5500 1413-4446  
2535 C Revista do Instituto Adolfo Lutz 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     0073-9855      
10515 C Revista Electronica Complutense de Investigacion en Educacion Musical 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1698-7454      
5635 C Revista Electronica de Veterinaria 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1695-7504      
41996 C Revista Eletr™nica de Gest‹o Organizacional 1503 Business and Management         1679-1827      
12125 C Revista Escrita 2005 Literary Studies         1679-6888      
9600 B Revista Espanola de Antropologia Americana 1601 Anthropology          0556-6533 1695-503X    
3128 C Revista Espanola de Herpetologia 0608 Zoology         0213-6686      
9056 B Revista Espanola de Linguistica Aplicada 2004 Linguistics         0213-2028 1885-9089    
35130 C Revista Espanola de Micropaleontologia 0403 Geology         0556-655X      
13783 C Revista Espanola de Salud Publica 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1135-5727      
12897 B Revista Espanola de Teologia 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0210-7112      
18624 C Revista Europea de Direccion y Economia de la Empresa 1401 Economic Theory         1019-6838      
32770 C Revista Faces de Eva. Estudos Sobre a Mulher 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         0874-6885      
5722 C Revista Forestal Latinoamericana 0705 Forestry Sciences         0798-2437      
18282 C Revista Galega de Economia 14 Economics         1132-2799      
34375 C Revista Geografica Venezolana 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         1012-1617      
1855 C Revista Geologica de Chile 0403 Geology         0718-7106 0718-7092 0716-0208  
7132 C Revista Habis 2103 Historical Studies         0210-7694      
31486 A Revista Iberoamericana 2005 Literary Studies         0034-9631      
4378 C Revista Internacional de Desastres Naturales, Accidentes e Infraestructura Civil 0905 Civil Engineering         1535-0088 1936-1483    
8633 C Revista Internacional de Filosofia Politica 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     1132-9432      
9057 B Revista Internacional de Linguistica Iberoamericana 2004 Linguistics         1579-9425      
3992 C Revista Ion 0904 Chemical Engineering          0120-100X      
7588 B Revista Istorica 2103 Historical Studies         1018-0443      
30464 C Revista Latino-Americana de Efermagem 1110 Nursing         0104-1169      
5936 C Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Urbano Regionales 1604 Human Geography         0250-7161 0717-6236    
6649 C Revista Latinoamericana de Psicologia 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0120-0534      
12126 C Revista Letras 2005 Literary Studies         0100-0888      
9601 C Revista Lusitana 1601 Anthropology          0870-0206      
381 B Revista Matematica Complutense 0101 Pure Mathematics         1139-1138 1988-2807    
382 A Revista Matematica Iberoamericana 0101 Pure Mathematics         0213-2230      
1083 C Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences         0185-1101      
34427 C Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geologicas 0403 Geology         1026-8774      
1035 C Revista Mexicana de Fisica 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     0035-001X      
5369 C Revista Mexicana de Fitopatologia 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         0185-3309      
6650 C Revista Mexicana de Psicologia 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0185-6073      
10516 C Revista Musical Chilena 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0716-2790 0717-6252    
30283 C Revista Notas de Poblaci?n 1603 Demography          1681-0333      
5723 C Revista Padurilor: silvicultura si exploatarea padurilor 0705 Forestry Sciences         0035-029X      
13784 C Revista Panamericana de Salud Publica-Pan American Journal of Public Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1020-4989 1680-5348 0085-4638 0030-0632
8223 C Revista Portuguesa de Arqueologia 2101 Archaeology         0874-2782      
32688 C Revista Portuguesa de Estomatologia e Cirurgia Maxilo-Facial 1105 Dentistry         0035-0397      
7589 C Revista Portuguesa de Filologia 2004 Linguistics 2103 Historical Studies     0870-4139      
8634 B Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 2203 Philosophy      0870-5283      
7590 B Revista Portuguesa de Historia 2103 Historical Studies         0870-4147      
41103 C Revista Portuguesa de Marketing 1505 Marketing         0873-2949      
32689 C Revista Regional de Aracatuba 1105 Dentistry         0101-8140      
9059 C Revista Signos: estudios de lengua y literatura 2004 Linguistics         0035-0451 0718-0934    
4830 C Revista Soldagem and Inspecao 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0104-9224 1980-6973    
18625 C Revista Venezolana de Analisis de Coyuntura 1402 Applied Economics         1315-3617      
34969 C Revista Venezolana de Filosofia 2203 Philosophy          1013-2368      
7593 C Revolutionary Russia: journal of the Study Group on the Russian Revolution 2103 Historical Studies         0954-6545 1743-7873    
12898 B Revue Africaine de Theologie 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1016-2461      
5370 C Revue Agricole et Sucriere de Maurice 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         0370-3576      
12128 C Revue Andre Malraux 2005 Literary Studies         0839-458X 0025-892X    
7594 A Revue Archeologique 2101 Archaeology         0035-0737      
8225 C Revue Archeologique de l'est 2101 Archaeology         1266-7706      
8228 C Revue Archeologique de Picardie 2101 Archaeology         0752-5656      
8229 C Revue Archeologique du Centre de la France (Online Edition) 2101 Archaeology         1951-6207 0220-6617    
8227 C Revue Archeologique Narbonnaise 2101 Archaeology         0557-7705 0153-9124    
40189 C Revue Belge de Droit International 1801 Law         0035-0788      
10153 C Revue Belge de Musicologie 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0771-6788      
7595 B Revue Belge de Philologie et d'Histoire 2003 Language Studies 2005 Literary Studies     0035-0818      
6888 B Revue Belge d'Histoire Contemporaine 2103 Historical Studies         0035-0869      
7596 A Revue Benedictine: de critique, d'histoire et de litterature religieuses 2103 Historical Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0035-0893      
7597 A Revue Biblique 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0035-0907      
7598 C Revue d Histoire de l Amerique Francaise 2103 Historical Studies         0035-2357      
7615 A Revue d Histoire Ecclesiastique 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0035-2381      
31487 B Revue d Histoire Litteraire de la France 2005 Literary Studies         0035-2411      
32461 C Revue d'Analyse Numerique et de Theorie de l'Approximation 0102 Applied Mathematics         1222-9024      
41941 C Revue d'Anthropologie des Connaissances 1608 Sociology         1760-5393      
9061 B Revue d'Assyriologie 2003 Language Studies         0373-6032 2104-3817    
12905 B Revue de Droit Canonique 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0556-7378      
41940 B Revue de l'Energie 1503 Business and Management 1402 Applied Economics     0303-240X      
7599 A Revue de l'Histoire des Religions: histoire comparee des religions, histoire religieuse 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0035-1423      
9062 B Revue de Linguistique Romane 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0035-1458      
34788 A* Revue de Litterature Comparee 2005 Literary Studies         0035-1466      
5544 B Revue de Medecine Veterinaire 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0035-1555      
4831 B Revue de Metallurgie 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0035-1563 1156-3141    
8635 A Revue de Metaphysique et de Morale 2203 Philosophy          0035-1571      
6651 C Revue de Neuropsychologie 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science 1109 Neurosciences 1155-4452      
34556 C Revue de Paleobiologie 0403 Geology         0253-6730 1661-5468    
7600 C Revue de Philologie, de Litterature et d'Histoire Anciennes 2103 Historical Studies         0035-1652      
7601 A Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 2203 Philosophy      0771-5420      
12907 A Revue de Qumran 2103 Historical Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0035-1725      
9063 B Revue de Semantique et Pragmatique 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     1285-4093      
7602 B Revue de Synthese 2103 Historical Studies 2203 Philosophy      0035-1776 1955-2343    
8642 C Revue de Theologie et de Philosophie 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0035-1784      
3315 C Revue d'Ecologie: La Terre et la Vie: revue d'ecologie appliquee a la protection de la nature 0602 Ecology         0249-7395      
19005 C Revue d'Economie Politique 1606 Political Science         0373-2630      
18626 C Revue d'economie Regionale et Urbaine 1402 Applied Economics         0180-7307      
7627 C Revue d'Egyptologie 2103 Historical Studies 2101 Archaeology     0035-1849 1783-1733    
34853 C Revue des Deux Mondes: litterature, histoire, arts et sciences MD Multidisciplinary         0750-9278      
7603 B Revue des Etudes Anciennes 2103 Historical Studies         0035-2004      
12901 A Revue des Etudes Augustiniennes et Patristiques 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1768-9260      
7605 B Revue des etudes Byzantines 2103 Historical Studies         0766-5598      
39573 A* Revue des Etudes Grecques 2103 Historical Studies 2101 Archaeology     0035-2039      
31348 B Revue des Etudes Islamiques 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0336-156X      
12910 A Revue des Etudes Juives 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0484-8616 1783-175X    
7607 B Revue des Etudes Latines 2103 Historical Studies         0373-5737      
7608 C Revue des Etudes Slaves 2103 Historical Studies         0080-2557      
9064 B Revue des Langues Romanes 2004 Linguistics         0223-3711      
36975 C Revue des lettres et de traduction 2005 Literary Studies 2003 Language Studies     1992-2116      
34720 A Revue des Litteratures de l'Union Europeenne 2005 Literary Studies         1827-7047      
17677 C Revue des Questions Scientifiques MD Multidisciplinary         0035-2160      
8636 C Revue des Sciences Philosophiques et Theologiques 2299 Other Philosophy and Religious Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies 2203 Philosophy  0035-2209      
12912 A Revue des Sciences Religieuses 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0035-2217      
8644 C Revue d'Esthetique 2203 Philosophy          1969-2269 0035-2292    
12903 A Revue d'ethique et de Theologie Morale 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1266-0078 0750-1455    
35928 B Revue d'Etudes Comparatives Est-Ouest: economies et techniques de planification - droit et sciences sociales 1499 Other Economics         0338-0599      
30130 C Revue d'Etudes Tibetaines 1601 Anthropology          1768-2959      
11408 C Revue d'Histoire de la Pharmacie 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0035-2349      
7609 A Revue d'Histoire de l'Eglise de France 2103 Historical Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0300-9505      
704 C Revue d'histoire des Mathematiques: history of mathematics review 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1262-022X      
7610 C Revue d'Histoire des Sciences Humaines 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1622-468X 1963-1022    
11407 B Revue d'Histoire des Sciences: la revue pluridisciplinaire de l'histoire des sciences 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0151-4105      
7611 A Revue d'histoire des Textes 2103 Historical Studies         0373-6075      
34505 A Revue d'Histoire du Theatre 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2103 Historical Studies     1291-2530      
7616 A Revue d'Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine 2103 Historical Studies         0048-8003 1776-3045    
18628 C Revue d'integration Europeenne 1402 Applied Economics         0703-6337 1477-2280    
7617 B Revue du Monde Musulman de la Mediterranee 2103 Historical Studies         0997-1327      
8234 C Revue du Nord. Archeologie 2101 Archaeology 2103 Historical Studies     1166-486X      
30470 B Revue Economique 1401 Economic Theory 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     0035-2764 1950-6694    
6652 C Revue Europeene de Psychologie Appliquee 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1162-9088      
40363 B Revue Europeenne de Mecanique Numerique 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1779-7179 1958-5829    
30284 C Revue Europeenne des Migrations Internationales 1603 Demography          0765-0752      
34176 C Revue Francaise d'Acupuncture 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         0337-6877      
19006 B Revue Francaise d'administration Publique 1605 Policy and Administration         0152-7401      
39845 C Revue Francaise de Pedagogie 13 Education         0556-7807      
6653 C Revue Francaise de Psychanalyse 1701 Psychology         0035-2942      
19007 B Revue Francaise de Science Politique 1606 Political Science         0035-2950 1950-6686    
10905 C Revue Francaise de Sociologie 1608 Sociology         0035-2969 1958-5691    
34861 B Revue Franaise d'histoire du Livre 2103 Historical Studies         0037-9212      
40191 C Revue Generale de Droit International Public: droit des gens, histoire diplomatique, droit penal, droit fiscal, droit administratif 1801 Law         0373-6156      
7621 A* Revue Historique 2103 Historical Studies         0035-3264      
7622 A Revue Historique de Droit Francais et Etranger 2103 Historical Studies         0035-3280      
18629 C Revue Internationale de Droit Economique: lieu de rencontre international entre juristes et economistes 1801 Law         1010-8831 1782-1525    
8637 A Revue Internationale de Philosophie 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0048-8143      
6654 C Revue Internationale de Psychologie Sociale 1701 Psychology         0992-986X      
41192 B Revue Internationale de Securite Sociale 1607 Social Work         0379-0312      
35557 B Revue Internationale du Droit d'Auteur 1503 Business and Management 1801 Law     0035-3515      
36802 C Revue juridique polynésienne 1801 Law         1772-1644      
7625 B Revue Mabillon 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0035-3620      
16821 C Revue Neurologique 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0035-3787      
7626 C Revue Numismatique 2103 Historical Studies         0484-8942 1963-1693    
9066 C Revue Parole 2004 Linguistics         1373-1955 0035-1660    
8638 A Revue Philosophique de la France et de l Etranger 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0035-3833      
8639 C Revue Philosophique de Louvain 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0035-3841 1783-1768    
36690 B Revue Quebecoise de Droit International 1801 Law         0828-9999      
12129 B Revue Romane: langue et litterature. international journal of Romance languages and literatures 2005 Literary Studies         0035-3906 1600-0811    
9067 C Revue Roumaine de Linguistique 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0035-3957      
3002 C Revue Suisse de Zoologie 0608 Zoology         0035-418X      
12914 A Revue Theologique de Louvain 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0080-2654 0771-601X 1783-8401  
12915 B Revue Thomiste: revue doctrinale de theologie et de philosophie 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0035-4295      
32462 C Revues des Mathematiques de l'Enseignement Superieur 0101 Pure Mathematics         1766-8328 1257-9238    
7628 C Rheinische Vierteljahrsblaetter 2103 Historical Studies         0035-4473      
7629 A Rheinisches Museum fuer Philologie 2103 Historical Studies         0035-449X      
5169 A Rheologica Acta: an international journal of rheology 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering 0904 Chemical Engineering      0035-4511 1435-1528    
30204 C Rheology Bulletin 0904 Chemical Engineering          1469-4999 0045-3145    
40551 C Rhetoric and Public Affairs 2005 Literary Studies         1094-8392 1534-5238    
12130 C Rhetoric Review 2005 Literary Studies         0735-0198 1532-7981    
12131 C Rhetoric Society Quarterly 2005 Literary Studies         0277-3945 1930-322X    
21785 C Rhetoric Study MD Multidisciplinary         1000-3584      
12132 C Rhetorica Scandinavica: tidsskrift for skandinavisk retorikforskning 2005 Literary Studies         1397-0534      
7630 B Rhetorica: a journal of the history of rhetoric 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0734-8584 1533-8541    
16823 A Rheumatic Disease Clinics of North America 1103 Clinical Sciences         0889-857X 1558-3163    
16824 A Rheumatology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1462-0324 1462-0332    
16825 B Rheumatology International: clinical and experimental investigations 1103 Clinical Sciences         0172-8172 1437-160X    
16826 C Rhinology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0300-0729      
11410 C Rhizai: a Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1312-3963      
3548 C Rhizome 1301 Education Systems          1832-2328      
11509 B Rhizomes: cultural studies in emerging knowledge MD Multidisciplinary         1555-9998      
7631 C RHR 2103 Historical Studies         1771-1347 0181-6799    
32463 C Ricerche di Matematica 0101 Pure Mathematics         0035-5038 1827-3491    
10158 B Ricerche di Storia dell'Arte 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         0392-7202      
7632 B Ricerche Storiche 2002 Cultural Studies 2103 Historical Studies     0392-162X      
33754 C Richmond Journal of Global Law and Business 1801 Law         1933-7000      
44948 C RICS Research Papers 1202 Building         1740-7567      
21025 C RIDBA Journal 0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management         1752-8569 1473-835X 1362-7376 0265-5373
41937 C Rikkyo Economic Review 14 Economics         0035-5356      
9069 C RILCE 2004 Linguistics         0213-2370      
9594 B RIMA: Review of Indonesian and Malaysian Affairs: a semi-annual survey of political, economic, social and cultural aspects of Indonesia and Malaysia MD Multidisciplinary         0815-7251      
31314 C RIME 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1532-8090      
7634 A Rinascimento: rivista dell'Istituto Nazionale di Studi sul Rinascimento 2103 Historical Studies         0080-3073      
13193 C Rinsho Shinkeigaku 1103 Clinical Sciences         0009-918X 1882-0654    
18179 C Rio Grande Do Sul Brazil Fundacao de Economia e Estatistica Indicadores Economicos FEERio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Fundacao de Economia e Estatistica. Indicadores Economicos FEE 1401 Economic Theory         0103-3905      
10934 C Riron to Hoho 1608 Sociology         0913-1442      
42202 C Risk 1103 Clinical Sciences         1743-9477      
35065 A Risk Analysis: an international journal MD Multidisciplinary         0272-4332 1539-6924    
41935 C Risk Management and Insurance Review 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1098-1616 1540-6296    
35893 C Risk Management: an international journal 1503 Business and Management         1460-3799 1743-4637    
32924 B Risk, Decision and Policy 1503 Business and Management         1357-5309      
5799 C Rit Fiskideildar 0704 Fisheries Sciences         0484-9019      
5864 B River Research and Applications 0502 Environmental Science and Management 0907 Environmental Engineering     1535-1459 1535-1467 0886-9375  
12917 A Rivista Biblica 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0035-5798      
12918 B Rivista Degli Studi Orientali 2002 Cultural Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0392-4866 1724-1863    
1036 C Rivista Del Nuovo Cimento 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     0393-697X 1826-9850    
8236 B Rivista di Archeologia Cristiana 2101 Archaeology 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0035-6042      
2122 C Rivista di Biologia: biology forum 06 Biological Sciences         0035-6050 1825-6538    
7636 B Rivista di Cultura Classica e Medioevale 2103 Historical Studies         0035-6085 1724-062X    
8647 B Rivista di Estetica 2203 Philosophy          0035-6212      
8648 C Rivista di Filosofia 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0035-6239      
8645 C Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0035-6247      
31489 A Rivista di Letteratura Italiana 2005 Literary Studies         0392-825X 1724-0638    
8237 C Rivista di Scienze Preistoriche 2101 Archaeology         0035-6514      
12920 B Rivista di Storia del Cristianesimo 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1827-7365      
7639 B Rivista di Storia della Chiesa in Italia 2103 Historical Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0035-6557      
8646 C Rivista di Storia della Filosofia 2203 Philosophy          0393-2516 1972-5558    
12922 B Rivista di Storia e Letteratura Religiosa 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0035-6573      
31349 C Rivista di Studi Fenici 2002 Cultural Studies         0390-3877 1724-1855    
40092 C Rivista di studi italiani: RSI 2005 Literary Studies 2003 Language Studies     1916-5412      
37100 C Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia del Diritto 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0035-6727      
9072 B Rivista Italiana di Dialettologia: scuola societa territorio 2004 Linguistics         1122-6331 1825-957X    
30285 C Rivista Italiana di Economia Demografia e Statistica 1603 Demography          0035-6832      
10160 A Rivista Italiana di Musicologia 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0035-6867      
9073 C Rivista Italiana di Onomastica 2004 Linguistics         1124-8890      
1856 C Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia 04 Earth Sciences         0035-6883      
18856 C Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica 1606 Political Science         0048-8402      
41740 C Rivista Storica dell'Antichita 2103 Historical Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0300-340X      
7643 B Rivista Storica Italiana 2103 Historical Studies         0035-7073      
4126 C Rmz-Materials and Geoenvironment 0912 Materials Engineering         1408-7073 0035-9645    
2290 A RNA 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1355-8382 1469-9001    
36829 B RNA Biology 0604 Genetics          1547-6286 1555-8584    
4274 B Road and Transport Research: a journal of Australian and New Zealand research and practice 0905 Civil Engineering         1037-5783      
44922 C Road Materials and Pavement Design 0905 Civil Engineering         1468-0629      
3624 A Robotica 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0263-5747 1469-8668    
3623 A Robotics and Autonomous Systems 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0921-8890 1872-793X    
41932 A Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing 0910 Manufacturing Engineering 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing     0736-5845      
8239 A Rock Art Research 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts 2101 Archaeology     0813-0426      
4070 A Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy     0723-2632 1434-453X    
4128 C Rocks and Minerals: mineralogy, geology, lapidary 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy 0403 Geology     0035-7529 1940-1191    
385 B Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         0035-7596      
9385 C Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature 2003 Language Studies 2005 Literary Studies     1948-2825 1948-2833 0361-1299  
10519 C Rocznik Historii Sztuki 1201 Architecture 1901 Art Theory and Criticism     0080-3472      
9074 C Rocznik Slawistyczny 2004 Linguistics         0080-3588      
37104 C Roczniki Filozoficzne 2203 Philosophy          0035-7685      
16828 B RoeFo. Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Roentgenstrahlen und der bildgebenden Verfahren 1103 Clinical Sciences         1438-9029 1438-9010    
7646 C Roemische Historische Mitteilungen 2103 Historical Studies         0080-3790      
7647 A Roemische Quartalschrift fuer Christliche Altertumskunde und Kirchengeschichte 2103 Historical Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0035-7812      
8083 B Roemisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum, Mainz. Jahrbuch 2101 Archaeology         0076-2741      
20585 C Roeper Review 13 Education         0278-3193 1940-865X    
33758 C Roger Williams University Law Review 1801 Law         1090-3968      
44972 B Roman 20-50. Revue dÕŽtude du roman du 20 sicle 2005 Literary Studies         0295-5024      
33759 C Roman Legal Tradition: a journal of ancient medieval and modern civil law 1801 Law         1551-1375      
12135 C Romance Notes 2003 Language Studies 2005 Literary Studies     0035-7995      
9075 A Romance Philology 2004 Linguistics 2005 Literary Studies     0035-8002      
9386 A Romance Quarterly 2003 Language Studies 2005 Literary Studies     0883-1157 1940-3216    
12138 C Romance Review 2005 Literary Studies         1524-7112      
12139 B Romance Studies 2002 Cultural Studies 2005 Literary Studies     0263-9904 1745-8153    
9076 A România literară 2005 Literary Studies         0048-8550      
1378 C Romanian Journal of Chemistry 03 Chemical Sciences         0035-3930      
12140 B Romanic Review 2005 Literary Studies         0035-8118      
40264 C Romanica Gothoburgensia 2003 Language Studies 2005 Literary Studies     0080-3863      
9077 B Romanische Forschungen 2005 Literary Studies         0035-8126      
7644 C Romanistische Zeitschrift fuer Literaturgeschichte 2103 Historical Studies         0343-379X      
7645 C Romanistisches Jahrbuch 2103 Historical Studies         0080-3898 1613-0413    
10520 C Romantic Russia 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing 20 Language, Communication and Culture     1521-1975      
12143 B Romantic Textualities: literature and print culture, 1780-1840 2005 Literary Studies         1748-0116 1471-5988    
11628 B Romanticism on the Net 2005 Literary Studies         1467-1255      
37017 B Romanticism: the journal of romantic culture and criticism 2005 Literary Studies         1354-991X 1750-0192    
31491 B Romantisme: revue du dix-neuvieme siecle 2005 Literary Studies         0048-8593 1957-7958    
12144 C Rossica Olomucensia: casopis pro ruskou a slovalskou filologii 2005 Literary Studies         0139-9268      
17678 C Rossiiskaya Akademiya Nauk. Doklady: svodnyi vypusk MD Multidisciplinary         0869-5652      
2082 C Rossiiskaya Akademiya Nauk. Izvestiya. Seriya Biologicheskaya 06 Biological Sciences         1026-3470 1062-3590    
17560 C Rossiiskaya Akademiya Nauk. Vestnik MD Multidisciplinary         0869-5873 1531-8435    
8240 A Rossiiskaya Arkheologiya 2101 Archaeology         0869-6063      
3993 C Rossiiskii Khimicheskii Zhurnal 0904 Chemical Engineering          0373-0247      
10828 C Royal Institute for Inter-Faith Studies. Bulletin 1608 Sociology         1466-2361      
10161 A Royal Musical Association Research Chronicle 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1472-3808      
15422 C Royal Naval Medical Service Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0035-9033      
1761 C Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Earth and Environmental Science 04 Earth Sciences         1755-6910 1755-6929 0263-5933  
42060 C Royal Society of New South Wales. Journal and Proceedings MD Multidisciplinary         0035-9173      
2112 C Royal Society of Queensland. Proceedings 06 Biological Sciences         0080-469X      
2113 C Royal Society of Victoria. Proceedings 06 Biological Sciences 05 Environmental Sciences     0035-9211      
2093 C Royal Society of Western Australia. Journal 06 Biological Sciences         0035-922X      
12145 C Ruah: a journal of spiritual poetry 2005 Literary Studies         1072-4524      
32164 C Ruanjian Xuebao 0803 Computer Software         1000-9825      
1703 C Rubber Chemistry and Technology 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry     0035-9475 1943-4804    
4129 C Rudarstvo 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0353-9172      
4130 C Rudarstvo - Geologija - Metalurgija 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0350-2627      
7649 C Rudiae:ricerche sul mondo classico 2103 Historical Studies         1124-5344      
4131 C Rudy i Metally 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0869-5997      
40515 C Runway 1901 Art Theory and Criticism         1448-8000      
13681 C Rural and Remote Health 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1117 Public Health and Health Services     1445-6354      
20145 C Rural Educator 1301 Education Systems          0273-446X      
7650 B Rural History: economy, society, culture 2103 Historical Studies         0956-7933 1474-0656    
34241 C Rural Social Work and Community Practice 1607 Social Work         1833-3060 1321-6627    
22045 C Rural Society: the journal of research into rural and regional social issues in Australia 1608 Sociology         1037-1656      
10906 A Rural Sociology: devoted to scientific study of rural and community life 1608 Sociology         0036-0112 1549-0831    
20737 C Rural Special Education Quarterly 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         8756-8705      
36987 B Rusistika 2003 Language Studies         0957-1760      
35611 B Russell: the journal of Bertrand Russell studies 22 Philosophy and Religious Studies         0036-0163 1913-8032    
1427 C Russian Academy of Sciences. Colloid Journal 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)         1061-933X 1608-3067 0023-2912  
1918 C Russian Academy of Sciences. Izvestiya. Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences 0405 Oceanography     0001-4338 1555-628X 1023-6317  
35087 C Russian Academy of Sciences. Izvestiya. Physics of the Solid Earth 04 Earth Sciences         1069-3513 1026-3527 1555-6506  
30877 B Russian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical Notes 0101 Pure Mathematics         1067-9073 0001-4346 1572-8876 0025-567X
35586 C Russian Academy of Sciences. Oceanology 0405 Oceanography         0001-4370 0030-1574 1531-8508 0584-5556
19009 C Russian and Euro-Asian Bulletin MD Multidisciplinary         1327-4899      
1379 C Russian Chemical Bulletin 03 Chemical Sciences         1066-5285 1573-9171 1026-3500  
20588 C Russian Education and Society: a journal of translations 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1060-9393 1558-0423    
4615 C Russian Electrical Engineering 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1068-3712 1934-8010 0013-5860  
3817 C Russian Engineering Research 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1068-798X 1934-8088 0038-9811  
34554 C Russian Geology and Geophysics (Print Edition) 0403 Geology         1068-7971 0016-7886    
7651 C Russian History 2103 Historical Studies         0094-288X 1876-3316    
3994 C Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry 0904 Chemical Engineering          1070-4272 1608-3296 0044-4618 0021-888X
3430 C Russian Journal of Biomechanics 10 Technology 06 Biological Sciences     1812-5123      
1545 C Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry 0302 Inorganic Chemistry         1070-3284 1608-3318 0132-344X  
3316 C Russian Journal of Ecology 0602 Ecology         1067-4136 1608-3334 0367-0597  
1498 C Russian Journal of Electrochemistry 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)         1023-1935 1608-3342 0424-8570  
1380 C Russian Journal of General Chemistry 03 Chemical Sciences         1070-3632 1608-3350 0044-460X  
2442 C Russian Journal of Genetics 0604 Genetics          1022-7954 1608-3369 0016-6758  
1546 C Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 0302 Inorganic Chemistry         0036-0236 1531-8613 0044-457X  
386 B Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics 01 Mathematical Sciences 02 Physical Sciences     1061-9208 1555-6638    
3003 C Russian Journal of Nematology 0608 Zoology         0869-6918      
4833 B Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1067-8212 1934-970X 0021-3438  
32466 C Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     0927-6467 1569-3988 0169-2895  
1596 C Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry 0305 Organic Chemistry         1070-4280 1608-3393 0514-7492  
1499 C Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)         0036-0244 1531-863X 0044-4537  
2663 C Russian Journal of Plant Physiology 0607 Plant Biology         1021-4437 1608-3407 0015-3303 1070-3292
9078 A Russian Linguistics 2004 Linguistics         0304-3487 1572-8714    
12146 A Russian Literature 2005 Literary Studies         0304-3479      
712 B Russian Mathematical Surveys 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics 0105 Mathematical Physics 0036-0279 1468-4829 0042-1316  
558 C Russian Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         0021-3446 1066-369X    
4834 B Russian Metallurgy 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0036-0295 0869-5733 0485-7372 0485-7364
11629 B Russian Studies in Literature: a journal of translations 2005 Literary Studies         1061-1975      
8650 C Russian Studies in Philosophy: a journal of translations 2203 Philosophy          1061-1967 1558-0431    
12147 C Russkaya Literatura 2005 Literary Studies         0131-6095      
33761 C Rutgers Computer and Technology Law Journal 1801 Law         0735-8938      
33763 C Rutgers Journal of Law and Public Policy 1801 Law         1934-3736 1934-3744    
36698 C Rutgers Journal of Law and Religion 1801 Law         d000-0989      
33764 B Rutgers Law Journal 1801 Law         0277-318X      
33766 B Rutgers Law Review 1801 Law         0036-0465      
36699 C Rutgers Race and the Law Review 1801 Law         1524-847X      
41928 C SA Public Law 1801 Law 1602 Criminology     0258-6568      
9825 C SA Sports Medicine 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1015-5163      
8241 C Saalburg Jahrbuch 2101 Archaeology         0080-5157      
41104 C SAARC Journal of Educational Research 1301 Education Systems  1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1391-1880      
4380 C Sabo Gakkaishi 0905 Civil Engineering         0286-8385      
7653 C Sachsen und Anhalt 2103 Historical Studies         0945-2842      
7654 C Sacris Erudiri 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0771-7776      
41105 C Sadhana: academy proceedings in engineering sciences 09 Engineering         0256-2499 0973-7677    
44867 B SAE International Journal of Aerospace 0902 Automotive Engineering 0901 Aerospace Engineering     1946-3855      
3550 C SAE International Journal of Engines 0902 Automotive Engineering 0901 Aerospace Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 1946-3936 1946-3944 0096-736X  
44868 B SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants 0902 Automotive Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering     1946-3952 1946-3960    
44869 B SAE International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing 0902 Automotive Engineering 0910 Manufacturing Engineering     1946-3979 1946-3987    
44870 B SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Electronic and Electrical Systems 0902 Automotive Engineering 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering     1946-4614 1946-4622    
44871 B SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Mechanical Systems 0902 Automotive Engineering 0901 Aerospace Engineering     1946-3995      
7655 A Saeculum: Jahrbuch fuer Universalgeschichte 2103 Historical Studies         0080-5319      
3129 C Saeugetierkundliche Informationen 0608 Zoology         0323-8563      
3717 A Safety Science 0913 Mechanical Engineering 1117 Public Health and Health Services     0925-7535      
7656 B Saga 2103 Historical Studies         0256-8411      
7657 C Saga Book of the Viking Society for Northern Research 2103 Historical Studies         0305-9219      
6655 C Saggi - Child Development Disabilities 1701 Psychology         0390-5179      
34917 C Saint Anselm Journal 2203 Philosophy          1545-3367      
33768 C Saint Louis University Law Journal 1801 Law         0036-3030      
7658 C Saitabi 2103 Historical Studies         0210-9980      
31412 C Salesianum 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0036-3502      
41927 B Saline Systems 0602 Ecology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0603 Evolutionary Biology 1746-1448      
34611 C Salmagundi: a quarterly of the humanities and social sciences 2005 Literary Studies         0036-3529      
12925 C Salmanticensis 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0036-3537      
13194 C Salud Mental 1103 Clinical Sciences         0185-3325      
13786 C Salud Publica de Mexico 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0036-3634 1606-7916    
19183 C SAM Advanced Management Journal 1503 Business and Management         0749-7075 0036-0805    
15337 C SAMJ South African Medical Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0256-9574 1995-1892    
41696 C Sampling Theory in Signal and Information Processing 0104 Statistics          1530-6429      
32467 C SAMSA Journal of Pure and Applicable Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         1993-8594      
40158 C Samuel Beckett Today - Aujourd'hui: annual bilingual review - revue annuelle bilingue 2005 Literary Studies 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing     0927-3131 1875-7405    
33769 C San Diego International Law Journal 1801 Law         1539-7904      
33770 C San Diego Law Review 1801 Law         0036-4037      
33771 C San Joaquin Agricultural Law Review 1801 Law         1055-422X      
846 B Sankhya: The Indian Journal of Statistics 0104 Statistics          0972-7671 0581-572X 0581-5738  
32472 C Sankt-Peterburgskii Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya 10. Prikladnaya Matematika, Informatika, Protsessy 0101 Pure Mathematics         1811-9905      
33772 B Santa Clara Computer and High Technology Law Journal 1801 Law         0882-3383      
33774 C Santa Clara Law Review 1801 Law         0146-0315      
15423 C Santo Tomas Journal of Medicine 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0371-3520      
15424 C Sao Paulo Medical Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1516-3180 1806-9460    
7660 C Saothar: journal of the Irish Labour History Society 2103 Historical Studies         0332-1169      
41106 C Sapostavitelno Ezikoznanie 2004 Linguistics         0204-8701      
5865 B SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research 05 Environmental Sciences 03 Chemical Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 1029-046X      
32473 C Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         1840-0655 0352-6100    
9604 C Sarawak Museum Journal 1601 Anthropology          0375-3050      
16829 C Sarcoidosis Vasculitis and Diffuse Lung Diseases 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1124-0490      
12148 C Sargasso: theater, film, poetry, performance, criticism 2005 Literary Studies         1060-5533      
21681 C Sari 2004 Linguistics 2005 Literary Studies     0127-2721      
34968 B Sartre Studies International: an interdisciplinary journal of existentialism and contemporary culture MD Multidisciplinary         1357-1559 1558-5476    
33775 C Saskatchewan Law Review 1801 Law         0036-4916      
8651 B Sats: Nordic journal of philosophy 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     1600-1974      
15425 C Saudi Medical Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0379-5284      
15032 C Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1319-0164      
40205 C Savigny-Stiftung fuer Rechtsgeschichte. Zeitschrift. Kanonistische Abteilung 1801 Law         0323-4142 0084-5264    
7831 A Savigny-Stiftung fuer Rechtsgeschichte. Zeitschrift. Romanistische Abteilung 2103 Historical Studies         0323-4096      
717 B Sbornik: Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics 0105 Mathematical Physics 1064-5616 0025-5734    
44979 B Scan (Ryde) 0807 Library and Information Studies         0726-4127      
34610 B Scan (Sydney): journal of media arts culture 2001 Communication and Media Studies 1203 Design Practice and Management     1449-1818      
7664 B Scandia (Lund): tidsskrift foer historisk forskning 2103 Historical Studies         0036-5483      
12149 C Scandinavian - Canadian Studies 2005 Literary Studies         0823-1796      
35607 B Scandinavian Actuarial Journal 0102 Applied Mathematics         0346-1238 1651-2030    
16830 C Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1401-7431 1651-2006    
18663 C Scandinavian Economic History Review 1402 Applied Economics 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     0358-5522 1750-2837    
12926 A Scandinavian Journal for the Old Testament 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0901-8328 1502-7244    
14163 A* Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences 1110 Nursing         0283-9318 1471-6712    
16831 C Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation 1103 Clinical Sciences         0036-5513 1502-7686    
10522 C Scandinavian Journal of Design History 1203 Design Practice and Management         0906-3447      
18479 A Scandinavian Journal of Economics 14 Economics         0347-0520 1467-9442    
20033 B Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 13 Education         0031-3831 1470-1170    
5685 B Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 0705 Forestry Sciences         0282-7581 1651-1891    
16832 B Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0036-5521 1502-7708    
42219 C Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology. Supplement 1103 Clinical Sciences         0085-5928 1751-1895    
7665 B Scandinavian Journal of History 2103 Historical Studies         0346-8755 1502-7716    
19721 C Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism 1506 Tourism         1502-2250 1502-2269    
15534 B Scandinavian Journal of Immunology 1107 Immunology         0300-9475 1365-3083    
16833 B Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases 1103 Clinical Sciences         0036-5548 1651-1980    
19276 A Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems 0806 Information Systems         0905-0167      
19191 C Scandinavian Journal of Management 1503 Business and Management         0956-5221 1873-3387    
9803 C Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         0905-7188      
4735 B Scandinavian Journal of Metallurgy 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0371-0459 1600-0692    
16834 C Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy 1103 Clinical Sciences         1103-8128 1651-2014    
14017 C Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care 1110 Nursing 1117 Public Health and Health Services     0281-3432 1502-7724    
6656 B Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0036-5564 1467-9450    
13787 B Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1403-4948 1651-1905 0300-8037  
16835 B Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0300-9742 1502-7732    
848 A Scandinavian Journal of Statistics: theory and applications 0104 Statistics          0303-6898 1467-9469    
42251 C Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         1757-7241      
16836 C Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0036-5599 1651-2065    
42220 C Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology. Supplement 1103 Clinical Sciences         0300-8886      
13788 C Scandinavian Journal of Work Environment and Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0355-3140 1795-990X    
19013 B Scandinavian Political Studies: a journal for the Nordic Political Science 1606 Political Science         0080-6757 1467-9477    
6657 C Scandinavian Psychoanalytic Review 1701 Psychology         0106-2301 1600-0803    
11631 B Scandinavian Studies 2005 Literary Studies         0036-5637      
12150 C Scandinavica 2005 Literary Studies         0036-5653      
8244 B Scando-Slavica 2004 Linguistics 2005 Literary Studies 2101 Archaeology 0080-6765 1600-082X    
41924 C Scanning: the journal of scanning microscopies 0299 Other Physical Sciences 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering     0161-0457 1932-8745    
7666 C Schede Medievali: rassegna dell'Officina di Studi Medievali 2103 Historical Studies         0392-5404      
36466 A Schizophrenia Bulletin 1701 Psychology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science 0586-7614 1745-1701    
13115 A Schizophrenia Research 1109 Neurosciences 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science 0920-9964 1573-2509    
36910 B Scholia: studies in classical antiquity 2103 Historical Studies         1018-9017      
20153 C School Community Journal 1301 Education Systems          1059-308X      
19920 A School Effectiveness and School Improvement: an international journal of research, policy and practice 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0924-3453 1744-5124    
19924 A School Leadership and Management 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1363-2434 0260-1362    
10712 A School Libraries Worldwide 0807 Library and Information Studies         1023-9391      
10740 A School Library Media Research 0807 Library and Information Studies         1523-4320 0899-580X    
11632 C School of Languages Postgraduate Research Papers on Language and Literature 2005 Literary Studies         1329-0622      
6658 C School Psychology International 1701 Psychology 1303 Specialist Studies In Education     0143-0343 1461-7374    
6659 B School Psychology Quarterly 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1045-3830 1939-1560    
6660 A School Psychology Review 1701 Psychology 1303 Specialist Studies In Education     0279-6015      
20629 B School Science and Mathematics: journal for all science and mathematics teachers 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0036-6803      
20621 B School Science Review 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0036-6811      
34242 C School Social Work Journal 1607 Social Work         0161-5653      
35713 B Schubert: Perspektiven 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1617-6340      
35758 C SchŸtz-Jahrbuch 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0174-2345      
12152 C Schuylkill (Online Edition): a creative and critical review from Temple University 2005 Literary Studies         1530-5147 1546-9816    
5545 C Schweizer Archiv fur Tierheilkunde 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0036-7281      
7667 C Schweizer Beitraege zur Kulturgeschichte und Archaeologie des Mittelalters 2103 Historical Studies         1661-4550      
10165 B Schweizer Jahrbuch fuer Musikwissenschaft 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0259-3165      
4132 C Schweizer Strahler 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0370-9213      
5724 C Schweizerische Zeitschrift fuer Forstwesen 0705 Forestry Sciences         0036-7818      
7670 B Schweizerische Zeitschrift fuer Geschichte 2103 Historical Studies         0036-7834      
6686 C Schweizerische Zeitschrift fuer Psychologie 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1421-0185      
12927 C Schweizerische Zeitschrift fuer Religions- und Kulturgeschichte 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1661-3880 0044-3484    
32474 C Schweizerische Zeitschrift fuer Volkswirtschaft und Statistik 0104 Statistics          0303-9692      
17478 A* Science MD Multidisciplinary         0036-8075 1095-9203 0096-3771  
40495 B Science and Christian Belief 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0954-4194      
17681 C Science and Culture: a bi-monthly journal of natural and cultural sciences MD Multidisciplinary         0036-8156      
20624 B Science and Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0926-7220 1573-1901    
36958 A Science and Engineering Ethics 2201 Applied Ethics         1353-3452 1471-5546    
36293 C Science and Global Security: the technical basis for arms control and environmental policy initiatives 1606 Political Science         0892-9882 1547-7800    
35135 B Science and Justice MD Multidisciplinary         1355-0306      
41605 C Science and Nursing: Ciencia y Enfermeria 1110 Nursing         0717-2079 0717-9553    
36416 B Science and Public Policy 1606 Political Science         0302-3427 1471-5430    
32925 B Science and Society: a journal of marxist thought and analysis 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0036-8237 1943-2801    
9826 C Science and Sports 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         0765-1597      
17634 C Science and Technology Management Research MD Multidisciplinary         1000-7695      
39844 B Science and Technology of Advanced Materials 0912 Materials Engineering         1468-6996 1878-5514    
3627 A Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy 0912 Materials Engineering     1362-1718      
11415 B Science As Culture 1608 Sociology 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     0950-5431 1470-1189    
17537 C Science Asia MD Multidisciplinary         1513-1874      
9250 A Science Communication 2001 Communication and Media Studies 1503 Business and Management     1075-5470 1552-8545    
17636 C Science Development MD Multidisciplinary         0250-1651      
20610 A* Science Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0036-8326 1098-237X    
20673 C Science Education International: the ICASE journal 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1022-6117      
20631 B Science Education Review 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1446-6120      
20674 C Science Educator 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1094-3277      
31371 B Science et Esprit 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0316-5345      
35818 Not ranked Science Fiction Film and Television 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         1754-3770 1754-3789    
11633 C Science Fiction Studies 2005 Literary Studies         0091-7729      
12153 C Science Fiction: a review of speculative literature 2005 Literary Studies         0314-6677      
17552 C Science in China Series A: Mathematics MD Multidisciplinary         0250-7870 1862-2763    
5013 C Science in China Series E Engineering and Materials Science 0912 Materials Engineering         1006-9321 1862-281X 1001-6511  
388 B Science in China. Series A: Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         1006-9283 1674-7283 1869-1862 1006-9232
1381 C Science in China. Series B: Chemistry 03 Chemical Sciences         1006-9291 1862-2771    
2124 C Science in China. Series C: Life Sciences 06 Biological Sciences         1674-7305 1869-1889 1006-9259 1006-9305
1757 C Science in China. Series D: Earth Sciences 04 Earth Sciences         1006-9313 1862-2801 1006-9267  
1037 C Science in China. Series G: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     1862-2844 1672-1780 1672-1799  
11416 B Science in Context 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0269-8897 1474-0664    
17683 C Science in New Guinea MD Multidisciplinary         0310-4303      
17684 C Science International MD Multidisciplinary         1013-5316      
17502 C Science Letters of the National Academy of Sciences, India MD Multidisciplinary         0250-541X      
18125 A Science of Computer Programming 0803 Computer Software         0167-6423 1872-7964    
3551 A Science of the Total Environment MD Multidisciplinary         0048-9697      
17550 C Science Progress: a review journal of current scientific advance MD Multidisciplinary         0036-8504      
40611 C Science Signaling 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1945-0877      
11417 B Science Studies: an interdisciplinary journal for science and technology studies MD Multidisciplinary         0786-3012      
10907 A Science, Technology and Human Values 1608 Sociology 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     0162-2439 1552-8251    
40328 C Science, Technology and Society: an international journal devoted to the developing world 1608 Sociology 1603 Demography      0971-7218 1940-0322    
9730 B Sciences des Aliments 0908 Food Sciences         0240-8813      
17686 B Scientia Canadensis MD Multidisciplinary         0829-2507      
5725 C Scientia Forestalis 0705 Forestry Sciences         1413-9324 0100-4557    
1777 C Scientia Geologica Sinica 0403 Geology         0563-5020 1004-3543    
5404 C Scientia Horticulturae 0706 Horticultural Production         0304-4238      
17687 C Scientia Iranica: international journal of science and technology MD Multidisciplinary         1026-3098      
17688 C Scientia Magna MD Multidisciplinary         1556-6706      
31086 C Scientia Marina: international journal on marine sciences 0704 Fisheries Sciences 0405 Oceanography     0214-8358 1886-8134    
31492 C Scientia Poetica 2005 Literary Studies         1431-5041      
32475 C Scientia. Series A: Mathematical Sciences 0101 Pure Mathematics         0716-8446      
719 C Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae 0101 Pure Mathematics         1346-0862      
35094 C Scientific Drilling 04 Earth Sciences         1816-8957 1816-3459 0734-5615  
17689 C Scientific International Journal MD Multidisciplinary         1548-9639 1554-6349    
41061 C Scientific journal of the South African Veterinary Association 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1019-9128      
15344 C Scientific Medical Journal of Ahwaz University of Medical Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1026-8960      
17690 C Scientific Research and Essays MD Multidisciplinary         1992-2248      
34177 C Scientific Review of Alternative Medicine and Aberrant Medical Practices 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         1095-0656      
20332 A Scientific Studies of Reading 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1088-8438 1532-799X    
10624 A Scientometrics: an international journal for all quantitative aspects of the science of science, communication in science and science policy 0807 Library and Information Studies         0138-9130 1588-2861    
42252 C Scoliosis 1103 Clinical Sciences         1748-7161      
34588 C Scope: an on-line journal of film studies 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         1465-9166      
10523 C Scopolia 0403 Geology         0351-0077 0354-0138    
8245 C Scottish Archaeological Journal 2101 Archaeology         1471-5767 1755-2028 0305-8980  
7673 B Scottish Archives 2103 Historical Studies         1358-0264      
37131 B Scottish Bulletin of Evangelical Theology 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0265-4539      
5726 C Scottish Forestry 0705 Forestry Sciences         0036-9217      
2035 C Scottish Geographical Journal 1604 Human Geography 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience     0036-9225 1751-665X    
7675 C Scottish Industrial History 2103 Historical Studies         2040-5421 0266-7428    
1858 C Scottish Journal of Geology 0403 Geology         0036-9276      
18669 A Scottish Journal of Political Economy 1401 Economic Theory 1606 Political Science     0036-9292 1467-9485    
12928 A Scottish Journal of Theology 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0036-9306 1475-3065    
7676 C Scottish Labour History 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0586-7762      
9388 C Scottish Language 2003 Language Studies         0264-0198      
35363 B Scottish Law and Practice Quarterly 1801 Law         1360-7782      
15338 C Scottish Medical Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0036-9330 0367-4800 0367-1038  
21033 C Scottish Society for Conservation and Restoration Journal 2102 Curatorial and Related Studies         0959-2369      
12154 B Scottish Studies Review 2005 Literary Studies         1475-7737      
41185 C Scottish Youth Issues Journal 1607 Social Work 1699 Other Studies In Human Society     1469-0780      
10166 B Screen (Oxford) 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         0036-9543 1460-2474    
10525 B Screen Education 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         1449-857X 1443-1629 1323-3386  
10526 B Screening Noir: a journal of Black film, television and new media culture 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 2001 Communication and Media Studies 2002 Cultural Studies 1557-3109      
10167 A* Screening the Past 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 2103 Historical Studies     1328-9756      
33948 C Scribes Journal of Legal Writing 1801 Law         1049-5177      
7678 C Scrinia Slavonica: godisnjak Podruznice za Povijest Slavonije, Srijema i Baranje Hrvatskog Instituta za Povijest 2103 Historical Studies         1332-4853      
41742 C Scrinium 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1817-7530      
34717 B Script and Print: bulletin of the Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand 2005 Literary Studies         1834-9013 0084-7852    
40068 C Script ed 18 Law and Legal Studies 10 Technology     1744-2567      
12156 C Scripta 2005 Literary Studies         1516-4039      
7680 C Scripta Historica 2103 Historical Studies         0358-710X      
4837 A* Scripta Materialia 0912 Materials Engineering         1359-6462 1872-8456 0965-9773  
7681 C Scripta Mercaturae: Zeitschrift fuer Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte 2103 Historical Studies         0036-973X      
5980 C Scripta Nova: revista electronica de geografia y ciencias sociales 1604 Human Geography         1138-9788 0210-0754    
12929 B Scripta Theologica 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0036-9764      
7682 B Scriptorium: international review of manuscript studies and bulletin codicologique (book reviews) 2103 Historical Studies         0036-9772      
34924 B Scriptura: international journal of bible, religion and theology in southern Africa 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0254-1807      
10527 C Scrivener Creative Review 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing 20 Language, Communication and Culture     0227-5090      
11634 C Scrutiny2: issues in English studies in Southern Africa 2005 Literary Studies         1812-5441 1753-5409 0041-5359  
7883 B Scuola Archeologica di Atene e delle Missioni Italiane in Oriente. Annuario 2101 Archaeology         0067-0081      
6799 B Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Annali. Classe di Lettere e Filosofia 2103 Historical Studies         0392-095X      
41599 A Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Annali. Classe di Scienze 0101 Pure Mathematics         0391-173X      
40940 B Sea Changes: The Journal of Women Scholars of Religion and Theology 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1445-0798      
4835 C SEAISI Quarterly Journal 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0129-5721      
33777 B Seattle Journal for Social Justice 1801 Law         1544-1245      
12158 C Seattle Review 2005 Literary Studies         0147-6629 0004-5004    
33778 C Seattle University Law Review 1801 Law         1078-1927      
14663 C Sechenov Physiological Journal 1116 Medical Physiology         0869-8139 1027-3646    
9389 B Second Language Research 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0267-6583 1477-0326    
34500 C Secuencias: revista de historia del cine 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         1134-6795      
39741 Not ranked Security and Communication Networks 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics         1939-0122      
36243 C Security Challenges 1606 Political Science         1833-1459      
19016 A Security Dialogue 1606 Political Science         0967-0106 1460-3640    
17404 B Security Journal 1602 Criminology         0955-1662 1743-4645 1359-1886  
19018 A Security Studies 1606 Political Science         0963-6412 1556-1852    
1859 A Sedimentary Geology 0403 Geology         0037-0738      
1860 A Sedimentology 0403 Geology         0037-0746 1365-3091    
5326 B Seed Science and Technology 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         0251-0952 1819-5717    
2664 C Seed Science Research 0607 Plant Biology         0960-2585 1475-2735    
12930 B Sefarad: revista de estudios Hebraicos, Sefardies y de Oriente Proximo 2002 Cultural Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0037-0894 1988-320X    
7683 C Seia (Macerata) 2103 Historical Studies         1126-3393      
40684 B Seismological Research Letters 0404 Geophysics         0895-0695      
2354 C Seitai No Kagaku 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0370-9531      
2355 C Seitaibunsi Kaiseki Kenkyu Senta Dayori 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1344-6924 0916-1554    
7684 B Seizieme Siecle 2103 Historical Studies         1774-4466 0294-1414    
16839 B Seizure-European Journal of Epilepsy 1109 Neurosciences         1059-1311 1532-2688    
2665 C Selbyana: the journal of Marie Selby Botanical Gardens 0607 Plant Biology         0361-185X      
39647 C Selcuk Journal of Applied Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics         1302-7980      
9827 C Seleccion: revista espanola e iberoamericana de medicina de la educacion fisica y el deporte 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         0214-8927      
720 A Selecta Mathematica 0101 Pure Mathematics         1022-1824 1420-9020    
19777 C Selection and Development Review 1503 Business and Management         0963-2638 0265-1610    
30340 C Self and Identity 1701 Psychology         1529-8868 1529-8876    
34716 Not ranked Semantics and Pragmatics 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     1937-8912      
12931 B Semeia Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1567-200X 0095-571X    
1137 B Semiconductor Science and Technology 0912 Materials Engineering 0204 Condensed Matter Physics     0268-1242 1361-6641    
1138 C Semiconductors 0204 Condensed Matter Physics 0206 Quantum Physics     1063-7826 1090-6479    
389 A Semigroup Forum 0101 Pure Mathematics         0037-1912 1432-2137    
390 C Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 0101 Pure Mathematics         1286-4889      
11635 B Seminar: a journal of Germanic studies 2005 Literary Studies         0037-1939 1911-026X    
7686 B Seminari Romani di Cultura Greca 2103 Historical Studies         1129-5953      
10528 C Seminario de Arte Aragones 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts         0487-3491      
16840 A Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism 1103 Clinical Sciences         0049-0172 1532-866X    
16841 A* Seminars in Cancer Biology 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1044-579X 1096-3650    
2292 A Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1084-9521 1096-3634    
16842 C Seminars in Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         1085-5629 1558-0768    
16843 C Seminars in Diagnostic Pathology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0740-2570 1930-1111    
16844 B Seminars in Dialysis 1103 Clinical Sciences         0894-0959 1525-139X    
40024 B Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences     1744-165X 1878-0946 1084-2756  
16845 A Seminars in Hematology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0037-1963 1532-8686    
15535 A Seminars in Immunology 1107 Immunology         1044-5323 1096-3618    
16846 B Seminars in Liver Disease 1103 Clinical Sciences         0272-8087 1098-8971    
16848 B Seminars in Nephrology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0270-9295 1558-4488    
16849 B Seminars in Neurology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     0271-8235 1098-9021    
16850 B Seminars in Nuclear Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         0001-2998 1558-4623    
16851 B Seminars in Oncology 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         0093-7754 1532-8708    
41274 C Seminars in Oncology Nursing 1110 Nursing 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis     0749-2081      
16852 B Seminars in Perinatology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0146-0005 1558-075X    
16853 B Seminars in Radiation Oncology 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1053-4296 1532-9461    
16854 B Seminars in Reproductive Medicine 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1526-8004 1526-4564    
16855 C Seminars in Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine: pulmonology, critical care, allergy and immunology, infections 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1069-3424 1098-9048    
40034 C Seminars in Speech and Language 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0734-0478 1098-9056    
16856 B Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis 1103 Clinical Sciences         0094-6176 1098-9064    
16857 C Seminars in Vascular Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         1528-9648 1529-3505    
8655 A Semiotica: journal of the international association for semiotic studies 2004 Linguistics 2203 Philosophy      0037-1998 1613-3692    
12932 C Semiotique et Bible 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0154-6902      
31350 B Semitica 2002 Cultural Studies         0373-630X      
3130 C Senckenbergiana Biologica 0608 Zoology         0037-2102      
21687 B Senri Ethnological Studies 1601 Anthropology          0387-6004      
10169 A Senses of Cinema 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         1443-4059      
11636 C Sensibilities 2005 Literary Studies         1323-8418      
9731 B Sensing and Instrumentation for Food Quality and Safety 0908 Food Sciences         1932-7587 1932-9954    
4616 C Sensor Letters 0301 Analytical Chemistry         1546-198X 1546-1971    
34304 B Sensors 0301 Analytical Chemistry         1424-8220 1424-8239 1424-2818  
4508 A Sensors and Actuators A-Physical 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0912 Materials Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0924-4247 1873-3069    
1500 A Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical: international journal devoted to research and development of physical and chemical transducers 0301 Analytical Chemistry 0912 Materials Engineering     0925-4005 1873-3077    
36380 B Sensors and Transducers 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1726-5479      
37106 C Sensus Communis: An International Quarterly for Studies and Research on Alethic Logic 2203 Philosophy          0037-3052 1934-421X    
21688 C Seoul Journal of Business 1503 Business and Management         1226-9816      
21689 A Seoul Journal of Korean Studies MD Multidisciplinary         1225-0201      
1660 C Separation and Purification Reviews 0301 Analytical Chemistry 0904 Chemical Engineering      1542-2119 1542-2127 0360-2540 0079-676X
3928 A Separation and Purification Technology 0904 Chemical Engineering  0301 Analytical Chemistry     1383-5866 1873-3794 0956-9618 0950-4214
1382 C Separation Science and Technology 0301 Analytical Chemistry         0149-6395 1520-5754    
32476 C Sequential Analysis 0104 Statistics          0747-4946      
41911 C Serbian Astronomical Journal 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences         1450-698X      
32696 C Serbian Dental Journal 1105 Dentistry         0039-1743      
4617 C Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1451-4869      
39593 C Serdica Mathematical Journal 0101 Pure Mathematics         0204-4110      
41903 B Serials Review 0807 Library and Information Studies         0098-7913 1879-095X    
36050 C Service Industries Journal 1506 Tourism         0264-2069 1743-9507    
32166 C Service Oriented Computing and Applications 0805 Distributed Computing         1863-2386 1863-2394    
19863 B Services Marketing Quarterly 1505 Marketing         1533-2969 1533-2977 0748-4623  
33781 C Seton Hall Journal of Sports and Entertainment Law 1801 Law         1931-4825 1059-4310    
33782 C Seton Hall Law Review 1801 Law         0586-5964      
33783 C Seton Hall Legislative Journal 1801 Law         0361-8951      
391 B Set-Valued and Variational Analysis: an international journal devoted to the theory of multifunctions 0101 Pure Mathematics         1877-0541 1877-0533 0927-6947  
36415 B Seventeenth Century French Studies MD Multidisciplinary         0265-1068 1752-2692    
12159 C Seventeenth-Century News 2005 Literary Studies         0037-3028      
13789 A Sex Education: sexuality, society and learning 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1117 Public Health and Health Services     1468-1811 1472-0825    
6663 A Sex Roles 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 1701 Psychology     0360-0025 1573-2762    
41902 Not ranked Sexual Abuse in Australia and New Zealand: An Interdisciplinary Journal 1103 Clinical Sciences         1833-8488      
6664 C Sexual Abuse: a journal of research and treatment 1701 Psychology         1079-0632 1573-286X 0843-4611  
41901 C Sexual and Relationship Therapy 1701 Psychology 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences     1468-1994 1468-1749 0267-4653  
2443 C Sexual Development 0604 Genetics          1661-5425 1661-5433    
13790 C Sexual Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1110 Nursing     1448-5028 1449-8987    
2666 C Sexual Plant Reproduction 0607 Plant Biology         0934-0882 1432-2145    
36628 C Sexualis Lex 1801 Law         1447-4522 1446-9324 1323-3572  
32824 B Sexualities, Evolution and Gender 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1479-2508 1461-6661    
32825 A Sexualities: Studies in Culture and Society 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 2002 Cultural Studies     1363-4607 1461-7382    
40444 B Sexuality and Culture 2002 Cultural Studies 1608 Sociology 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1095-5143 1936-4822    
40609 C Sexuality and Disability: a journal devoted to the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in rehabilitation and community settings 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science     0146-1044 1573-6717    
13792 C Sexuality Research and Social Policy 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1605 Policy and Administration     1553-6610      
16858 B Sexually Transmitted Diseases 1103 Clinical Sciences         0148-5717 1537-4521    
16859 B Sexually Transmitted Infections 1103 Clinical Sciences         1368-4973 1472-3263    
12162 C Shakespeare 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2005 Literary Studies 1745-0926 1745-0918    
34587 B Shakespeare Bulletin: a journal of performance, criticism, and scholarship 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing     0748-2558 1931-1427    
12163 C Shakespeare in Southern Africa 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2005 Literary Studies     1011-582X      
12164 A Shakespeare International Yearbook 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2005 Literary Studies     1465-5098      
35820 B Shakespeare Jahrbuch 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2005 Literary Studies     1430-2527 0945-5094    
10170 A* Shakespeare Quarterly 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2005 Literary Studies     0037-3222 1538-3555    
12166 A* Shakespeare Studies: an annual gathering of research, criticism and review 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2005 Literary Studies     0582-9399      
10171 A* Shakespeare Survey 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2005 Literary Studies     0080-9152      
34770 A Shakespeare Yearbook 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2005 Literary Studies     1045-9456      
12933 B Shaman: journal of the International Society for Shamanistic Research 2204 Religion and Religious Studies 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine     1216-7827      
17691 C Shandong Light Industry Institute. Journal MD Multidisciplinary         1004-4280      
15034 C Shanxi Medical Journal 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0253-9926      
12168 B Shaw : the Annual of Bernard Shaw Studies 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2005 Literary Studies     0741-5842 1529-1480    
12169 C Sheila-Na-Gig 2005 Literary Studies         1083-1274      
3431 C Shengwu Gongcheng Xuebao 10 Technology 06 Biological Sciences     1000-3061      
33784 C Shidler Journal of Law, Commerce and Technology 1801 Law         1547-0695      
4133 C Shigen Chishitsu 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0918-2454 1344-1698    
21283 C Shijie Hanyu Jiaoxue 13 Education         1002-5804      
36413 B Shima: the international journal of research into island cultures MD Multidisciplinary         1834-6049 1834-6057    
15426 C Shimane Journal of Medical Science: an official journal of Shimane Medical University 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0386-5959      
6336 C Shinrigaku Kenkyu 1701 Psychology         0021-5236      
15427 C Shinshu Medical Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0037-3826      
30232 B Ships and Offshore Structures 0911 Maritime Engineering          1744-5302 1754-212X    
16860 A Shock 1103 Clinical Sciences         1073-2322 1540-0514    
4381 B Shock and Vibration: shock and vibration control - crashworthiness - structural dynamics - impact engineering - sound 0905 Civil Engineering         1070-9622 1875-9203    
1299 A Shock Waves: an international journal on shock waves, detonations and explosions 0203 Classical Physics         0938-1287 1432-2153    
40175 C Shofar (Ashland): an interdisciplinary journal of Jewish studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0882-8539 1534-5165    
34609 C Short Story 2005 Literary Studies         1052-648X      
3131 C Shoulei Xuebao 0608 Zoology         1000-1050      
5800 C Shuichan Keji Qingbao 0704 Fisheries Sciences         1001-1994      
32477 C Shuxue de Shijian yu Renshi 0101 Pure Mathematics         1000-0984      
392 A SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 0102 Applied Mathematics         1536-0040      
393 A* SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics         0036-1399 1095-712X    
18128 A* SIAM Journal on Computing 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics         0097-5397 1095-7111    
394 A* SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0102 Applied Mathematics 0363-0129 1095-7138 0036-1402 0887-4603
395 A SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics     0895-4801 1095-7146    
396 A SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 0101 Pure Mathematics         0036-1410 1095-7154    
397 A SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics     0895-4798 1095-7162    
398 A* SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics         0036-1429 1095-7170    
399 A* SIAM Journal on Optimization 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1052-6234 1095-7189    
400 A SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics 1064-8275 1095-7197 0196-5204  
401 A* SIAM Review 0102 Applied Mathematics         0036-1445 1095-7200    
659 B SIAM: Multiscale Modeling and Simulation 0102 Applied Mathematics         1540-3459 1540-3467    
723 C Siberian Advances in Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         1055-1344 1934-8126 1560-750X  
32479 C Siberian Journal of Numerical Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics     1560-7526      
724 B Siberian Mathematical Journal 0101 Pure Mathematics         0037-4466      
12170 C Sibila: revista de poesia e cultura 2005 Literary Studies         1806-289X      
7688 C Sicilia Antiqua: an international journal of archaeology 2101 Archaeology         1724-9112 1825-4780    
8248 C Sicilia Archeologica: rassegna periodica di studi, notizie e documentazione 2101 Archaeology         0037-4571      
12171 B Sidney Journal 2005 Literary Studies         1480-0926 1192-1757    
7689 B Siedlungsforschung Archaologie-Geschichte-Geographie 2103 Historical Studies         0175-0046      
39840 C SIGCSE Bulletin Inroads 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences         1096-3936      
9083 A Sign Language and Linguistics 2003 Language Studies 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science 1387-9316      
9084 A Sign Language Studies 2003 Language Studies         0302-1475 1533-6263    
4509 A Signal Processing 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 1005 Communications Technologies 0165-1684 1872-7557    
4510 B Signal Processing-Image Communication 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0923-5965      
39575 C Significance: statistics making sense 0104 Statistics          1740-9705      
32826 A Signs: journal of Women in Culture and Society 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         0097-9740 1545-6943    
8249 C Silesia Antiqua 2101 Archaeology         0080-9594      
40268 A Silk Road Art and Archaeology: Journal of the Institute of Silk Road Studies, Kamakura MD Multidisciplinary         0917-1614      
5686 B Silva Fennica 0705 Forestry Sciences         0037-5330 1457-7356    
5727 C Silva Lusitana 0705 Forestry Sciences         0870-6352      
2409 C Silvae Genetica: Zeitschrift fuer Forstgenetik und Forstpflanzenzuechtung 0604 Genetics  0705 Forestry Sciences     0037-5349      
10175 A Simiolus: Netherlands quarterly for the history of art 1901 Art Theory and Criticism         0037-5411 1875-6379    
12173 B Simone de Beauvoir Studies 2005 Literary Studies 2203 Philosophy      1063-2042      
6665 C Simulation and Gaming: an international journal of theory, design and research 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1046-8781 1552-826X    
39839 C Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1569-190X 0928-4869    
32168 B Simulation: transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0037-5497 1741-3133 0036-1925  
17694 C Sinet: an Ethiopian journal of science MD Multidisciplinary         0379-2897      
33785 C Singapore Academy of Law Journal 1801 Law         0218-2009      
18234 B Singapore Economic Review 14 Economics         0217-5908 1793-6837 0047-5599  
21697 C Singapore Journal of Education 13 Education         0129-4776      
17406 A Singapore Journal of Legal Studies 1801 Law         0218-2173      
2037 B Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 1604 Human Geography 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience     0129-7619 1467-9493    
33787 C Singapore Law Review 1801 Law         0080-9691      
12174 C Singapore Literature 2005 Literary Studies         0129-3117      
31125 C Singapore Management Review 1503 Business and Management         0129-5977      
15339 C Singapore Medical Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0037-5675      
17407 A Singapore Year Book of International Law 1801 Law         1793-0448      
12175 A* Sinn und Form: Beitraege zur Literatur 2005 Literary Studies         0037-5756      
21705 C Sino - Japanese Studies MD Multidisciplinary         1041-8830      
41108 C Sino-Christian Studies: An International Journal of Bible, Theology and Philosophy 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1990-2670      
21706 C Sino-Western Cultural Relations Journal 2002 Cultural Studies         1041-875X      
8657 C Sistemi Intelligenti: rivista quadrimestrale di scienze cognitive e di intelligenza artificiale 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     1120-9550      
37241 B SITES: a Journal for South Pacific Cultural Studies 2002 Cultural Studies         0112-5990      
7691 A Sixteenth Century Journal: journal of early modern studies 2103 Historical Studies         0361-0160      
16862 C Skeletal Radiology: journal of radiology, pathology and orthopedics 1103 Clinical Sciences         0364-2348 1432-2161    
8658 B Skepsis 2203 Philosophy          1105-1582      
14861 C Skin Pharmacology and Physiology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1660-5527 1660-5535    
16864 B Skin Research and Technology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0909-752X 1600-0846    
40955 C Skirnir: journal of the Icelandic literary society 2005 Literary Studies         0256-8446      
10533 B Skrien 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         0166-1787      
9086 C SKY Journal of Linguistics 2004 Linguistics         1456-8438 1796-279X 0785-3157  
12176 B Slant: A Journal of Poetry 2005 Literary Studies         0893-7095      
7693 A Slavery and Abolition: a journal of slave and post-slave studies 2103 Historical Studies         0144-039X 1743-9523    
8251 B Slavia Antiqua: rocznik poswiecony starozytnosciom slowianskim 2101 Archaeology         0080-9993      
9088 C Slavia Occidentalis 2004 Linguistics         0081-0002      
9089 C Slavia Orientalis 2004 Linguistics         0037-6744      
9087 C Slavia: casopis pro slovanskou filologii 2004 Linguistics         0037-6736      
34804 C Slavic Almanac: the South African journal for Slavic, Central and Eastern European Studies 2003 Language Studies         1025-3386      
20161 A* Slavic and East European Journal 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2004 Linguistics     0037-6752      
35594 B Slavic and East European Performance 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing     1069-2800      
12177 A Slavic Review: American quarterly of Russian, Eurasian and East European studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 2005 Literary Studies 2103 Historical Studies 0037-6779      
7696 C Slavic Survey 2103 Historical Studies         0037-6922      
9090 C Slavica 2004 Linguistics         0583-5356      
9091 C Slavica Slovaca 2004 Linguistics 2005 Literary Studies     0037-6787 1336-2364    
9092 C Slavisticna Revija: casopis za jezikoslovje in literarne vede - journal for linguistics and literary studies 2004 Linguistics 2005 Literary Studies     0350-6894      
12180 C Slavonic and East European Review 2004 Linguistics 2005 Literary Studies     0037-6795      
12181 B Slavonica 2004 Linguistics 2005 Literary Studies     1361-7427 1745-8145    
41896 C Slayage 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         1546-9212      
16865 A Sleep 1103 Clinical Sciences 1701 Psychology     0161-8105 1550-9109    
41171 B Sleep and Biological Rhythm 1109 Neurosciences 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics 1701 Psychology 1446-9235 1479-8425    
16866 C Sleep and Breathing: international journal of the science and practice of sleep medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences 1701 Psychology     1520-9512 1522-1709    
36467 C Sleep and Hypnosis 1701 Psychology         1302-1192      
16867 A Sleep Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences 1701 Psychology     1389-9457      
41890 A Sleep Medicine Clinics 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences 1103 Clinical Sciences     1556-407X 1556-4088    
16868 A Sleep Medicine Reviews 1103 Clinical Sciences 1701 Psychology     1087-0792      
7694 C Slezsky Sbornik: ctvertletnik pro vedy o spolecnosti 2103 Historical Studies         0037-6833      
8252 B Slovak Archeology 2101 Archaeology         1335-0102      
34821 C Slovak Theater 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         0037-699X      
7695 C Slovanske Historicke Studie 2103 Historical Studies         0081-007X      
9525 C Slovensko Etnolosko Drustvo. Glasnik 1601 Anthropology          0351-2908      
9607 C Slovensky Narodopis 1601 Anthropology          1335-1303      
9093 C Slovo (London) MD Multidisciplinary         0954-6839      
3432 A* Small MD Multidisciplinary         1613-6810 1613-6829    
18480 A Small Business Economics: an international journal 1503 Business and Management         0921-898X 1573-0913    
36108 C Small enterprises research: the journal of SEAANZ 1503 Business and Management         1321-5906      
6325 B Small Group Research: an international journal of theory, investigation and application 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1046-4964 1552-8278 0090-5526 8756-0275
5458 B Small Ruminant Research 0702 Animal Production         0921-4488 0197-7393    
39739 C Small Scale Digital Device Forensic Journal 1701 Psychology         1941-6164      
36408 B Small Wars and Insurgencies 1606 Political Science         0959-2318 1743-9558    
5688 C Small-Scale Forestry 0705 Forestry Sciences 1402 Applied Economics     1873-7617 1873-7854 1447-1825  
32480 C Smarandache Notions Journal: research journal 0101 Pure Mathematics         1084-2810 1053-4792    
5016 A Smart Materials and Structures 09 Engineering         0964-1726 1361-665X    
44872 B Smart Structures and Systems 0905 Civil Engineering 0901 Aerospace Engineering     1738-1584 1738-1991    
34243 C Smith College Studies in Social Work 1607 Social Work         0037-7317 1553-0426    
9095 C Snippets 2004 Linguistics         1590-1807      
3931 C Soap and Cosmetics 0904 Chemical Engineering          1523-9225 1523-0481 0091-1372  
12935 C Sobornost 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0144-8722      
36160 B Soccer and Society 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1466-0970 1743-9590    
19019 C Social Alternatives 1606 Political Science         0155-0306      
9608 A Social Analysis: international journal of cultural and social practice 1601 Anthropology  2002 Cultural Studies 1608 Sociology 0155-977X 1558-5727    
5982 B Social and Cultural Geography 1604 Human Geography         1464-9365 1470-1197    
18631 C Social and Economic Studies 1402 Applied Economics         0037-7651      
17409 A Social and Legal Studies: an international journal 1602 Criminology 1801 Law     0964-6639 1461-7390    
9609 A Social Anthropology 1601 Anthropology          0964-0282 1469-8676    
6668 C Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0301-2212      
6050 B Social Biology 1603 Demography          0037-766X      
18482 A Social Choice and Welfare 1607 Social Work         0176-1714 1432-217X    
6669 A Social Cognition 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0278-016X 1943-2798    
41885 C Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 1701 Psychology 1109 Neurosciences     1749-5016      
10909 B Social Compass: international review of sociology of religion 1608 Sociology 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0037-7686 1461-7404    
6670 B Social Development 1701 Psychology         0961-205X 1467-9507    
34244 C Social Development Issues: alternative approaches to global human needs 1607 Social Work         0147-1473      
9610 B Social Dynamics MD Multidisciplinary         0253-3952 1940-7874    
6671 C Social Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0037-7724 1930-3653    
40938 C Social Enterprise Journal 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 1503 Business and Management 1402 Applied Economics 1750-8614 1750-8533    
30183 A Social Epistemology: a journal of knowledge, culture and policy 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0269-1728 1464-5297    
9611 C Social Evolution and History 1601 Anthropology          1681-4363      
10911 A Social Forces 1608 Sociology         0037-7732 1534-7605    
7697 A* Social History 2103 Historical Studies         0307-1022 1470-1200    
40892 C Social History of Alcohol and Drugs 1701 Psychology         1930-8418 0887-2783    
11421 B Social History of Medicine 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0951-631X 1477-4666    
11468 A Social Identities: journal for the study of race, nation and culture 1606 Political Science 2002 Cultural Studies     1350-4630 1363-0296    
10912 A Social Indicators Research: an international and interdisciplinary journal for quality-of-life measurement 1608 Sociology         0303-8300 1573-0921    
40776 B Social Influence 1701 Psychology         1553-4510      
41884 C Social Issues and Policy Review 1605 Policy and Administration 1608 Sociology     1751-2395 1751-2409    
11049 C Social Justice Research 2201 Applied Ethics         0885-7466 1573-6725    
17410 B Social Justice: a journal of crime, conflict and world order 1602 Criminology         1043-1578      
19861 C Social Marketing Quarterly 1505 Marketing         1524-5004 1539-4093    
40161 C Social Movement Studies: journal of social, cultural and political protest 20 Language, Communication and Culture 16 Studies In Human Society     1474-2837 1474-2829    
10913 A Social Networks 1608 Sociology 1601 Anthropology      0378-8733 1579-0185    
35165 C Social Neuroscience 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     1747-0919 1747-0927    
34923 C Social Philosophy Today 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     1543-4044      
10914 B Social Policy and Administration: an international journal of policy and research 1605 Policy and Administration         0144-5596 1467-9515    
39838 A Social Policy and Society 1607 Social Work 1605 Policy and Administration     1474-7464 1475-3073    
10915 C Social Policy Journal of New Zealand: te puna whakaaro 1605 Policy and Administration         1172-4382 1177-9837    
41883 B Social Policy Research Papers 1605 Policy and Administration         1833-4369 1442-7532    
10916 C Social Politics: international studies in gender, state, and society 1608 Sociology         1072-4745 1468-2893    
10917 A Social Problems 1608 Sociology         0037-7791 1533-8533    
13116 B Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0933-7954 1433-9285    
6713 C Social Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1864-9335 0044-3514    
6672 C Social Psychology of Education: an international journal 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1701 Psychology     1381-2890 1573-1928    
6673 B Social Psychology Quarterly 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0190-2725 1939-8999    
35224 C Social Research: an international quarterly of the social sciences 1608 Sociology 2203 Philosophy      0037-783X 1944-768X    
40462 B Social Responsibility Journal 1608 Sociology 1605 Policy and Administration     1747-1117      
39837 A* Social Science and Medicine 1601 Anthropology  1608 Sociology 1117 Public Health and Health Services 0277-9536 1873-5347    
22058 B Social Science Computer Review 0807 Library and Information Studies 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences     0894-4393 1552-8286    
7698 B Social Science History 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0145-5532 1527-8034    
30378 C Social Science Information: information sur les sciences sociales 0807 Library and Information Studies         0539-0184 1461-7412 0037-7864  
21707 C Social Science Japan MD Multidisciplinary         1340-7155      
35649 A Social Science Japan Journal MD Multidisciplinary         1369-1465 1468-2680 0563-8054  
20666 C Social Science Quarterly MD Multidisciplinary         0038-4941 1540-6237    
21708 A Social Sciences in China MD Multidisciplinary         0252-9203 1002-4921 1940-5952  
10918 C Social Security Bulletin 1608 Sociology         0037-7910 1937-4666 1553-0949  
34245 C Social Security: journal of welfare and social security studies 1607 Social Work         0334-231X      
35332 A Social Semiotics 2001 Communication and Media Studies 2002 Cultural Studies 2099 Other Language, Communication and Culture 1035-0330 1470-1219    
32926 A Social Service Review 1607 Social Work         0037-7961 1537-5404    
11423 A* Social Studies of Science 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0306-3127 1460-3659    
34769 A Social Text MD Multidisciplinary         0164-2472 1527-1951    
41882 C Social Theory and Health 1608 Sociology 1601 Anthropology      1477-8211 1477-822X    
8661 A Social Theory and Practice: an international and interdisciplinary journal of social philosophy 2201 Applied Ethics 2203 Philosophy      0037-802X      
34247 B Social Work 1607 Social Work         0037-8046 1545-6846    
34248 C Social Work Abstracts 1607 Social Work         1070-5317      
34249 C Social Work and Christianity: an international journal 1607 Social Work         0737-5778 1944-7779    
34250 C Social Work and Social Sciences Review: an internal journal of applied research 1607 Social Work         0953-5225 1746-6105    
34251 C Social Work and Society 1607 Social Work         1613-8953      
20481 B Social Work Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0261-5479 1470-1227    
34252 C Social Work Forum 1607 Social Work         1536-691X 0021-6712    
34253 A Social Work in Health Care: the journal of health care work 1607 Social Work         0098-1389 1541-034X    
34254 C Social Work in Mental Health: the journal of behavioral and psychiatric social work 1607 Social Work         1533-2985 1533-2993    
34255 C Social Work in Public Health 1607 Social Work         1937-1918 1937-190X 0897-7186  
34257 B Social Work Research 1607 Social Work         1070-5309 1545-6838    
34259 C Social Work with Groups: a journal of community and clinical practice 1607 Social Work         0160-9513 1540-9481    
41109 C Social Work: a professional journal for the social worker 1607 Social Work         0037-8054      
32738 C Socialno Delo 1607 Social Work         0352-7956      
17695 C Sociedad Cientifica Argentina. Anales MD Multidisciplinary         0037-8437      
32481 B Sociedade Brasileira de Matematica. Boletim, Nova Serie 0101 Pure Mathematics         1678-7544 0100-3569    
35070 C Societa Geologica Italiana. Bollettino 0403 Geology         0037-8763      
1011 C Societa Italiana di Fisica. Nuovo Cimento B-General Physics , Relativity Astronomy and Mathematical Physics and Methods 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     1594-9982 1826-9877    
3132 C Societa Italiana di Malacologia. Bollettino Malacologico 0608 Zoology         0394-7149      
6920 C Societatea Numismatica Romana. Buletinul 2103 Historical Studies         1012-0890      
34581 C Societatis Geologorum Poloniae. Annales 0403 Geology         0208-9068      
2072 C Societe de Biologie. Journal 06 Biological Sciences         1295-0661 0037-9026    
2810 C Societe Entomologique de France. Annales 0608 Zoology         0037-9271      
729 B Societe Mathematique de France. Bulletin 0101 Pure Mathematics         0037-9484      
17696 C Societe Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles. Bulletin MD Multidisciplinary         0037-9603      
2849 C Societe Zoologique de France. Bulletin: evolution et zoologie 0608 Zoology         0037-962X      
3134 C Societe Zoologique de France. Memoires 0608 Zoology         0750-747X      
10920 C Society and Animals 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 16 Studies In Human Society     1063-1119 1568-5306 1328-8202  
36051 B Society and Business Review 1503 Business and Management         1746-5680      
18632 C Society and Economy 1402 Applied Economics         1588-9726 1588-970X 1588-9734  
10921 A Society and Natural Resources MD Multidisciplinary         0894-1920 1521-0723    
41110 C Society for Integrative Oncology 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1715-894X 1544-6301    
42147 B Society for the Anthropology of Europe 1601 Anthropology          1535-5632 1556-5823    
10919 C Society: social science and modern society 1608 Sociology         0147-2011 1936-4725    
39622 B Socio-analysis : the journal of the Australian Institute of Socio-Analysis 1503 Business and Management         1442-4444      
3004 C Sociobiology 0608 Zoology         0361-6525      
21690 B Socio-Economic History 1402 Applied Economics 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     0038-0113      
44950 B Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         0038-0121 1873-6041    
18633 C Socio-Economic Review 14 Economics         1475-1461 1475-147X    
8791 B Sociolinguistic Studies 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     1750-8649 1750-8657 1576-7418  
30620 B Sociolinguistica: Internationales Jahrbuch fuer europaeische Soziolinguistik 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0933-1883 1865-939X    
10922 C Sociologia 1608 Sociology         0049-1225 1336-8613    
10923 A Sociologia Ruralis 1608 Sociology         0038-0199 1467-9523    
10924 C Sociological Forum: official journal of the Eastern Sociological Society 1608 Sociology         0884-8971 1573-7861    
10925 A Sociological Inquiry 1608 Sociology         0038-0245 1475-682X    
10926 A Sociological Methodology 1608 Sociology         0081-1750 1467-9531    
10927 A Sociological Methods and Research 1608 Sociology         0049-1241 1552-8294    
10929 B Sociological Quarterly 1608 Sociology         0038-0253 1533-8525    
10930 C Sociological Research Online: an electronic journal 1608 Sociology         1360-7804      
10932 C Sociological Spectrum: official journal of the Mid-South Sociological Association 1608 Sociology         0273-2173 1521-0707 0038-027X 0160-3469
10933 A Sociological Theory 1608 Sociology         0735-2751 1467-9558    
10935 C Sociologicky Casopis 1608 Sociology         0038-0288 1210-3861    
10936 B Sociologie du Travail 1503 Business and Management         0038-0296 1777-5701    
10937 C Sociologisk Forskning 1608 Sociology         0038-0342      
9612 C Sociologus: Zeitschrift fuer empirische Ethnosoziologie und Ethnopsychologie 1601 Anthropology          0038-0377 1865-5106    
34715 Not ranked Sociology Compass 1608 Sociology 2001 Communication and Media Studies     1751-9020      
10938 A* Sociology of Education: a journal of research in socialization and social structure 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0038-0407 1939-8573    
10939 A Sociology of Health and Illness: a journal of medical sociology 1608 Sociology 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 1117 Public Health and Health Services 0141-9889 1467-9566    
10940 A Sociology of Religion: a quarterly review 1608 Sociology 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     1069-4404 1759-8818    
10941 B Sociology of Sport Journal 1608 Sociology         0741-1235 1543-2785    
10942 A* Sociology: the journal of the British Sociological Association 1608 Sociology         0038-0385 1469-8684    
9096 C Socjolingwistyka 2004 Linguistics         0208-6808      
12182 C Sodobnost: revija za knizevnost in kulturo 2005 Literary Studies         0038-0482      
36486 C Soft Computing 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science 0102 Applied Mathematics 1432-7643 1433-7479    
30185 A Soft Matter 0904 Chemical Engineering  0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)     1744-683X 1744-6848    
32169 B Software and System Modeling 0803 Computer Software 1702 Cognitive Science     1619-1366 1619-1374    
32170 C Software Process Improvement and Practice 0803 Computer Software         1077-4866 1099-1670    
18133 C Software Quality Journal 0803 Computer Software         0963-9314 1573-1367    
18059 B Software Testing, Verification and Reliability 0803 Computer Software         0960-0833 1099-1689    
18131 A Software: Practice and Experience 0803 Computer Software         0038-0644 1097-024X    
31052 C Soil and Sediment Contamination: an international journal 05 Environmental Sciences 03 Chemical Sciences     1532-0383 1549-7887    
5270 B Soil and Tillage Research 05 Environmental Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 0167-1987 0933-3630    
5272 A* Soil Biology and Biochemistry 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 03 Chemical Sciences 0038-0717 1879-3428    
3554 A Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering 0404 Geophysics     0267-7261 1879-341X    
4383 B Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering         0038-0741      
5243 C Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 0503 Soil Sciences 0607 Plant Biology 0703 Crop and Pasture Production 0038-0768 1747-0765    
5274 A Soil Science: an interdisciplinary approach to soils research 05 Environmental Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 0038-075X 1538-9243    
5277 B Soil Use and Management 0503 Soil Sciences 0703 Crop and Pasture Production     0266-0032 1475-2743    
4275 A Soils and Foundations 0905 Civil Engineering         0038-0806      
10943 B Sojourn: journal of social issues in Southeast Asia MD Multidisciplinary         0217-9520      
4074 A Solar Energy 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy 1201 Architecture 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0038-092X      
4073 A Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy 0912 Materials Engineering     0927-0248 0165-1633    
1084 A Solar Physics: a journal for solar and solar-stellar research and the study of solar terrestrial physics 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences         0038-0938 1573-093X    
4839 B Soldering and Surface Mount Technology 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0954-0911 1758-6836    
3995 C Solid Fuel Chemistry 0904 Chemical Engineering          0361-5219 1934-8029    
1141 B Solid State Communications 0204 Condensed Matter Physics 0912 Materials Engineering     0038-1098 1879-2766    
1142 B Solid State Ionics 0204 Condensed Matter Physics 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural) 0912 Materials Engineering 0167-2738 1872-7689    
1143 B Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 0204 Condensed Matter Physics 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)     0926-2040 1527-3326    
1144 C Solid State Phenomena 0912 Materials Engineering 0204 Condensed Matter Physics     1012-0394      
1145 A Solid State Physics 0204 Condensed Matter Physics 0206 Quantum Physics     0081-1947 0081-1955    
1147 B Solid State Sciences 0204 Condensed Matter Physics 0302 Inorganic Chemistry 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry 1293-2558 1873-3085 1466-6049 1463-0176
1148 C Solid State Technology 0206 Quantum Physics         0038-111X      
1149 A Solid-State Electronics 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0038-1101 1879-2405    
7699 C Solska Kronika: zbornik za zgodovino solstva in vzgoje 2103 Historical Studies         1318-6728      
32482 C Solstice: an electronic journal of geography and mathematics 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         1059-5325      
1383 C Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange 0301 Analytical Chemistry         0736-6299 1532-2262    
40782 C Solvent Extraction Research and Development, Japan 0305 Organic Chemistry         1341-7215      
2294 C Somatic Cell and Molecular Genetics 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0604 Genetics      0740-7750      
14542 C Somatosensory and Motor Research 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0899-0220 1369-1651 0736-7244  
10536 C Sonus: a journal of investigations into global music possibilities 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         0739-229X      
8662 A Sophia: an international journal for philosophical theology and cross-cultural philosophy of religion 2203 Philosophy  2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0038-1527 1873-930X    
8663 C Sorites: digital journal of analytical philosophy 2203 Philosophy          1135-1349      
910 C SORT 0104 Statistics          1696-2281 0210-8054    
3433 C Soshiki Baiyo Kenkyu 10 Technology 06 Biological Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences 0912-3636      
10944 C Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya 1608 Sociology         0132-1625      
13195 C Sotsyal'naya i Klinicheskaya Psikhyatriya 1103 Clinical Sciences         0869-4893      
10537 C Sound Ideas 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1174-2267      
10177 B Source: Notes in the History of Art 1901 Art Theory and Criticism         0737-4453      
35610 C South African Actuarial Journal 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1680-2179      
8253 B South African Archaeological Bulletin 2101 Archaeology         0038-1969      
5801 C South African Association for Marine Biological Research. Bulletin 0704 Fisheries Sciences         0259-0050      
18135 C South African Computer Journal 08 Information and Computing Sciences         1015-7999      
32690 C South African Dental Journal 1105 Dentistry         1029-4864 0011-8516    
7702 B South African Historical Journal 2103 Historical Studies         0258-2473      
9393 C South African Journal of African Languages 2003 Language Studies 2005 Literary Studies     0257-2117      
5478 C South African Journal of Animal Science 0702 Animal Production         0375-1589 0081-2536    
41111 C South African Journal of Art History 1901 Art Theory and Criticism         0258-3542      
41875 C South African Journal of Botany 0607 Plant Biology 0602 Ecology     0254-6299      
1384 C South African Journal of Chemistry 03 Chemical Sciences         0379-4350 1996-840X    
40455 B South African Journal of Communication Disorders 1103 Clinical Sciences 2004 Linguistics     0379-8046      
41873 C South African Journal of Criminal Justice 1602 Criminology         1011-8527      
18634 C South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences 14 Economics         1015-8812      
18664 C South African Journal of Economic History 1402 Applied Economics 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     1011-3436      
18235 B South African Journal of Economics 14 Economics         0038-2280 1813-6982    
41855 C South African Journal of Education 1399 Other Education          0256‐0100 2076-3433    
5405 C South African Journal of Enology and Viticulture 0706 Horticultural Production         0253-939X      
41852 C South African Journal of Environmental Law and Policy 1801 Law         1023-1765      
1861 B South African Journal of Geology 0403 Geology         1012-0750 1996-8590    
20388 C South African Journal of Higher Education 1301 Education Systems          1011-3487      
41850 C South African Journal of Industrial Engineering 09 Engineering         1012-277X      
32171 C South African Journal of Information Management 0807 Library and Information Studies         1560-683X      
30379 C South African Journal of Library and Information Science 0807 Library and Information Studies         0256-8861      
10178 B South African Journal of Musicology 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0258-509X      
8664 C South African Journal of Philosophy 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0258-0136      
5278 C South African Journal of Plant and Soil 0503 Soil Sciences 0607 Plant Biology 0703 Crop and Pasture Production 0257-1862      
13196 C South African Journal of Psychiatry 1103 Clinical Sciences         1608-9685      
6675 C South African Journal of Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0081-2463      
17487 C South African Journal of Science MD Multidisciplinary         0038-2353 1996-7489    
3005 C South African Journal of Wildlife Research 0608 Zoology         0379-4369 1996-8477    
33791 A South African Journal on Human Rights 1801 Law         0258-7203 1996-2126    
33950 A South African Law Journal 1801 Law         0258-2503 1996-2177 0038-2388  
41845 B South African Mercantile Law Journal 1801 Law         1015-0099 1996-2185    
849 C South African Statistical Journal 0104 Statistics          0038-271X 1996-8450    
5438 C South African Sugar Technologists' Association. Proceedings 0706 Horticultural Production         0373-045X      
35825 C South African Theatre Journal 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1013-7548      
41576 C South African Yearbook of International Law 1801 Law         0379-8895      
9804 C South Africian Journal for Research in Sport Physical Education and Recreation 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         0379-9069      
18483 C South Asia Economic Journal 14 Economics         1391-5614 1940-1566    
21712 B South Asia Research MD Multidisciplinary         0262-7280 1741-3141    
18897 A* South Asia: journal of South Asian studies MD Multidisciplinary         0085-6401 1479-0270    
31145 C South Asian Journal of Management 1503 Business and Management         0971-5428      
40298 Not ranked South Asian Journal of Population and Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics     1560-4373      
41573 B South Asian Language Review 2004 Linguistics         0971-0485      
30101 C South Asian Popular Culture 2103 Historical Studies 1601 Anthropology      1474-6689 1474-6697    
12185 C South Asian Review MD Multidisciplinary         0275-9527      
41352 C South Asian Studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         0266-6030      
21714 C South Asian Survey MD Multidisciplinary         0971-5231      
22298 A South Atlantic Quarterly 2005 Literary Studies 2002 Cultural Studies     0038-2876 1527-8026    
12186 B South Atlantic Review 2005 Literary Studies         0277-335X      
30294 C South Australian Geographical Journal 1604 Human Geography         1030-0481      
2956 C South Australian Ornithologist 0608 Zoology         0038-2973      
33792 C South Carolina Journal of International Law and Business 1801 Law         1936-4334      
33793 C South Carolina Law Review 1801 Law         0038-3104      
12187 B South Central Review 2005 Literary Studies         0743-6831 1549-3377 0038-321X  
33794 C South Dakota Law Review 1801 Law         0038-3325      
19026 A South East Asia Research MD Multidisciplinary         0967-828X      
30102 C South East Asian Review MD Multidisciplinary         0257-7364      
21752 B South East Asian Studies MD Multidisciplinary         0563-8682      
31351 A South European Society and Politics 1606 Political Science 1608 Sociology 2103 Historical Studies 1360-8746 1743-9612    
21718 C South Pacific Journal of Mission Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1033-5854      
36811 C South Pacific Journal of Natural Science 0608 Zoology         1013-9877 1726-0787    
19027 C South Pacific Study MD Multidisciplinary         0916-0752      
33795 C South Texas Law Review 1801 Law         1052-343X      
21722 A Southeast Asian Affairs MD Multidisciplinary         0377-5437      
44951 A Southeast Asian Architecture 1201 Architecture         0218-9593      
403 B Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         0129-2021 0219-175X    
13797 C Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0125-1562      
21679 C Southeast Review of Asian Studies MD Multidisciplinary         1083-074X      
31295 C Southeastern Archaeology 2101 Archaeology         0734-578X      
33796 C Southeastern Environmental Law Journal 1801 Law         1080-2010      
10540 C Southeastern Journal of Music Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1047-9635      
11637 B Southerly: a review of Australian literature 21 History and Archaeology 20 Language, Communication and Culture 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing 0038-3732      
40375 B Southern African Humanities 2101 Archaeology         1681-5564 1015-0935    
30252 B Southern African Journal of Demography 1603 Demography          1682-4482      
41560 C Southern African Journal of Environmental Education 14 Economics         0256-7504      
41556 C Southern Business and Economic Journal 14 Economics         0735-2476      
19189 C Southern Business Review 1503 Business and Management         0884-1373      
33797 B Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal 1801 Law         1077-0704      
33798 A Southern California Law Review 1801 Law         0038-3910      
33799 B Southern California Review of Law and Social Justice 1801 Law         1935-2778 1088-3525    
36801 C Southern Cross University Law Review 1801 Law         1329-3737      
7703 B Southern Cultures 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1068-8218 1534-1488    
18236 A Southern Economic Journal 14 Economics         0038-4038      
5731 C Southern Forests: a journal of forest science 0705 Forestry Sciences         2070-2620 1991-9328 1991-931X 1029-5925
7704 C Southern History 2103 Historical Studies         0142-4688      
34608 C Southern Humanities Review 2005 Literary Studies         0038-4186      
33800 C Southern Illinois University Law Journal 1801 Law         0145-3432      
10541 C Southern Indiana Review 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing 20 Language, Communication and Culture     1932-6866      
5728 C Southern Journal of Applied Forestry 0705 Forestry Sciences         0148-4419 1938-3754    
33801 C Southern Law Journal 1801 Law         1056-2184      
12189 B Southern Literary Journal 2005 Literary Studies         0038-4291 1534-1461    
15340 B Southern Medical Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0038-4348 1541-8243    
33788 A Southern Methodist University Law Review 1801 Law         1066-1271      
10542 C Southern Quarterly: a journal of the arts in the South MD Multidisciplinary         0038-4496      
34686 A Southern Review: communication, politics and culture 1608 Sociology 2001 Communication and Media Studies 2002 Cultural Studies 0038-4526      
33803 C Southern University Law Review 1801 Law         0099-1465      
40453 C Southwest Journal of Linguistics 2004 Linguistics         0737-4143      
40548 C Southwestern American Literature 2005 Literary Studies         0049-1675      
3007 C Southwestern Entomologist 0608 Zoology         0147-1724      
7705 C Southwestern Historical Quarterly 2103 Historical Studies         0038-478X 1558-9560    
9276 C Southwestern Mass Communication Journal 2001 Communication and Media Studies         0891-9186      
3318 C Southwestern Naturalist 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences     0038-4909 1943-6262    
33805 C Southwestern University Law Review 1801 Law         0886-3296      
7706 A Sozial.Geschichte: Zeitschrift fuer historische Analyse des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts 2103 Historical Studies         1660-2870 0930-9977    
10945 C Soziale Welt: Zeitschrift fuer sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung und Praxis 1608 Sociology         0038-6073      
11469 A Space and Culture: the journal MD Multidisciplinary         1206-3312 1552-8308    
39836 B Space and Polity 1604 Human Geography 1205 Urban and Regional Planning     1356-2576 1470-1235    
1085 B Space Science Reviews 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences         0038-6308 1572-9672    
34283 B Space Weather 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences         1542-7390 1539-4956    
7707 C Spagna Contemporanea 2103 Historical Studies         1121-7480      
12190 B Span 2005 Literary Studies         0313-1459      
18285 B Spanish Economic Review 14 Economics         1435-5469 1435-5477    
9097 B Spanish in Context 2004 Linguistics         1571-0718 1571-0726    
6678 C Spanish Journal of Psychology 1701 Psychology         1138-7416      
4659 B Spatial Cognition and Computation 0909 Geomatic Engineering          1387-5868 1573-9252    
36315 B Spatial Economic Analysis 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         1742-1772 1742-1780    
6679 B Spatial Vision: an international journal on computation, perception, attention and action 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0169-1015 1568-5683    
30209 A SPE Drilling and Completion 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1064-6671 1930-0204    
4077 A SPE Journal 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1086-055X 1930-0220    
30210 A SPE Production and Operations 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1930-1855 1930-1863 1064-668X  
30211 B SPE Projects, Facilities and Construction 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1942-2431      
4078 A* SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1094-6470 1930-0212    
32692 C Special Care in Dentistry: managing special patients, settings, and situations 1105 Dentistry         0275-1879 1754-4505    
20709 C Special Education Perspectives 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1038-6475 0814-0960    
3135 C Species Diversity: an international journal for taxonomy, systematics, speciation, biogeography, and life historical research of animals 0608 Zoology         1342-1670      
35826 C Spectator (Los Angeles, 1987): journal of film and television criticism 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         1051-0230      
34303 C Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 0301 Analytical Chemistry 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)     1386-1425 1873-3557    
41112 C Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 0205 Optical Physics 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences 0301 Analytical Chemistry 0584-8547 1873-3565    
41553 C Speculum Juris 1801 Law         0584-8652      
7708 A* Speculum: a journal of Medieval studies MD Multidisciplinary         0038-7134      
16869 C Speech and Language Therapy in Practice 1103 Clinical Sciences         1368-2105      
9098 A Speech Communication 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science 0167-6393 1872-7182    
34546 C Speleogenesis and Evolution in Karst Aquifers 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         1814-294X      
11639 B Spenser Studies: a Renaissance poetry annual 2005 Literary Studies         0195-9468      
39708 B SPIE Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 0909 Geomatic Engineering          1931-3195      
12191 C Spiegel der Letteren: tijdschrift voor Nederlandse literatuurgeschiedenis en voor literatuurwetenschap 2005 Literary Studies         0038-7479 1783-1776    
16870 C Spinal Cord 1103 Clinical Sciences         1362-4393 1476-5624    
16871 A Spine 1103 Clinical Sciences 0903 Biomedical Engineering      0362-2436 1528-1159    
40799 B Spirituality and Health International 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1743-1867      
40216 B Spiritus: journal of Christian spirituality 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1533-1709 1535-3117 1082-9008  
3136 C Spixiana: journal of zoology 0608 Zoology         0341-8391      
36184 C Sport and Exercise Psychology Review 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1745-4980      
9828 C Sport and Geneeskunde: the Flemish/Dutch journal of sports medicine 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1874-6659 0016-6448    
9805 C Sport Biomechanics 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1476-3141 1752-6116    
9806 A Sport Education and Society 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1357-3322 1470-1243    
35589 B Sport History Review 2103 Historical Studies         1087-1659 1543-2947 0712-9815  
7709 C Sport in History 2103 Historical Studies         1746-0263 1746-0271 1351-5462  
40593 B Sport in Society 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science 1801 Law     1743-0437 1743-0445 1461-0981  
33023 A Sport Management Review 1504 Commercial Services         1441-3523      
19505 B Sport Marketing Quarterly 1505 Marketing         1061-6934 1557-2528    
6680 B Sport Psychologist 1701 Psychology 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science     0888-4781 1543-2793    
9829 C Sport Sciences for Health 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1824-7490 1825-1234    
35322 C Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 2201 Applied Ethics 2203 Philosophy      1751-1321 1751-133X    
35334 C Sporting Traditions 2103 Historical Studies 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science     0813-2577      
30305 C Sports Engineering 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1369-7072 1460-2687    
35362 C Sports Law eJournal 1801 Law         1836-1129      
9811 A* Sports Medicine 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         0112-1642      
35163 C Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy Review 1116 Medical Physiology         1062-8592 1538-1951    
42253 C Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy, Rehabilitation, Therapy and Technology 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences     1758-2555      
41146 Not ranked Sports Technology 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1934-6182 1934-6190    
41547 C Sportscience 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1174-9210      
40942 C Sportverletzung - Sportschaden: Grundlagen - Praevention - Rehabilitation 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         0932-0555 1439-1236    
10543 C Spot 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         1049-0450      
34607 C Spraak och Stil: tidskrift foer svensk spraakforskning 2004 Linguistics         1101-1165      
40280 A* Sprache im technischen Zeitalter 2005 Literary Studies         0038-8475      
9100 C Sprache und Literatur 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     1438-1680      
9102 C Sprachreport: Informationen und Meinungen zur deutschen Sprache 2004 Linguistics         0178-644X      
9103 B Sprachtheorie und Germanistische Linguistik 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     1218-5736      
9105 C Sprachwissenschaft (Heidelberg) 2004 Linguistics         0344-8169      
8254 C Sprawozdania Archeologiczne 2101 Archaeology         0081-3834      
16872 B Springer Seminars in Immunopathology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0344-4325 1863-2297 1863-2300  
1038 C Springer Tracts in Modern Physics 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     0081-3869 1615-0430    
31494 B Spunti e Ricerche 2005 Literary Studies         0816-5432      
32693 C Sri Lanka Dental Journal 1105 Dentistry         1391-0728      
41545 C Sri Lanka Economic Journal 1402 Applied Economics         1391-5894      
33807 C Sri Lanka Journal of International Law 1801 Law         1391-5568      
30286 C Sri Lanka Journal of Population Studies 1603 Demography          1391-3433      
42256 C St Antony's International Review MD Multidisciplinary         1746-4528 1746-451X    
33808 C St. John's Journal of Legal Commentary 1801 Law         1049-0299      
33809 C St. John's Law Review 1801 Law         0036-2905      
33810 B St. Louis University Public Law Review 1801 Law         0898-8404 0738-5390    
31413 C St. Mark's Review: a journal of Christian thought and opinion 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0036-3103      
33811 C St. Mary's Law Journal 1801 Law         0581-3441      
39835 A St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal 0101 Pure Mathematics         1061-0022 0234-0852 1547-7371  
32483 C St. Petersburg University. Vestnik. Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         1063-4541 1934-7855 1025-3106  
33812 C St. Thomas Law Review 1801 Law         1065-318X      
31423 A St. Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0036-3227      
7711 B Stadion: Internationale Zeitschrift fuer Geschichte des Sports 2103 Historical Studies         0172-4029      
7712 B Stadsgeschiedenis 2103 Historical Studies         1872-0676      
31223 C Staff Papers of the International Monetary Fund 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment 1402 Applied Economics     1020-7635 1564-5150    
21035 C Standort: Zeitschrift fuer angewandte Geographie 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience 0502 Environmental Science and Management     0174-3635 1432-220X    
33813 B Stanford Environmental Law Journal 1801 Law         0892-7138      
33814 C Stanford Journal of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties 1801 Law         1553-7226 1553-7951    
30152 C Stanford Journal of East Asian Affairs MD Multidisciplinary         1550-767X      
33815 A Stanford Journal of International Law 1801 Law         0731-5082      
33816 B Stanford Journal of Law, Business and Finance 1801 Law         1078-8794      
33817 B Stanford Law and Policy Review 1801 Law         1044-4386      
33818 A* Stanford Law Review 1801 Law         0038-9765 1939-8581    
33819 B Stanford Technology Law Review: an online high-technology law journal 1801 Law         1098-4267      
30239 B Stapp Car Crash Journal 0903 Biomedical Engineering          1532-8546 0585-086X 0883-2161 0883-2153
32469 C STAR 0104 Statistics          1548-8837 0036-8741    
9677 B Starch 0908 Food Sciences         0038-9056 1521-379X    
19030 C State Politics and Policy Quarterly 1605 Policy and Administration         1532-4400      
852 B Statistica Neerlandica 0104 Statistics          0039-0402 1467-9574    
853 A Statistica Sinica 0104 Statistics          1017-0405      
41541 C Statistical Analysis and Data Mining 0104 Statistics          1932-1864 1932-1872    
39646 B Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology 01 Mathematical Sciences 06 Biological Sciences     1544-6115      
32487 C Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes: an international journal devoted to time series anal 0104 Statistics          1387-0874 1572-9311    
32304 C Statistical Journal of the IAOS 0104 Statistics          1874-7655 1875-9254 0167-8000  
32488 C Statistical Methodology 0104 Statistics          1572-3127      
30990 C Statistical Methods and Applications 0104 Statistics          1618-2510 1613-981X 1121-9130  
855 B Statistical Methods in Medical Research 0104 Statistics  1117 Public Health and Health Services     0962-2802 1477-0334    
856 B Statistical Modelling: an international journal 0104 Statistics          1471-082X 1477-0342    
857 B Statistical Papers 0104 Statistics          1613-9798      
858 A Statistical Science: a review journal 0104 Statistics          0883-4237      
861 A Statistics and Computing 0104 Statistics  0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics     0960-3174 1573-1375    
32489 C Statistics and Decisions: an international mathematical journal for stochastic methods and models 0104 Statistics          0721-2631      
860 B Statistics and Probability Letters 0104 Statistics  0102 Applied Mathematics     0167-7152      
20506 B Statistics Education Research Journal 0104 Statistics          1570-1824      
862 A* Statistics in Medicine 0104 Statistics  1117 Public Health and Health Services     0277-6715 1097-0258    
41707 C Statistics in Transition 0104 Statistics          1234-7655      
32490 C Statistics Surveys 0104 Statistics          1935-7516      
859 B Statistics: a journal of theoretical and applied statistics 0104 Statistics          0233-1888 1029-4910 0323-3944  
33820 A Statute Law Review 1801 Law         0144-3593 1464-3863    
4276 A Steel and Composite Structures: an international journal 0905 Civil Engineering         1229-9367 1598-6233    
4277 B Steel Construction 0905 Civil Engineering         0049-2205      
5018 C Steel Grips Journal of Steel and Related Materials 0912 Materials Engineering         1611-4442      
4843 C Steel in Translation 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0967-0912 1935-0988 0038-920X  
44873 C Steel Research International 0910 Manufacturing Engineering 0912 Materials Engineering     1611-3683 1869-344X    
33821 B Stellenbosch Law Review 1801 Law         1016-4359 1996-2193    
40670 C Stem Cell Research 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1873-5061      
3434 C Stem Cell Reviews 10 Technology 06 Biological Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences 1550-8943 1558-6804    
3381 A* Stem Cells 10 Technology 06 Biological Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences 1066-5099 1549-4918    
16873 C Stem Cells and Development 1103 Clinical Sciences         1547-3287 1557-8534 1525-8165 1061-6128
12193 B Stephen Crane Studies 2005 Literary Studies         1061-6136      
16874 B Steroids 1103 Clinical Sciences         0039-128X      
33822 C Stetson Law Review 1801 Law         0739-9731      
863 B Stochastic Analysis and Applications 0104 Statistics  0102 Applied Mathematics     0736-2994 1532-9356    
32491 C Stochastic and Stochastics Reports 0104 Statistics          1045-1129      
864 B Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 0104 Statistics  0907 Environmental Engineering     1436-3240 1436-3259    
866 B Stochastic Models 0104 Statistics  0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 1532-6349 1532-4214 0882-0287  
867 A Stochastic Processes and their Applications 0104 Statistics          0304-4149      
868 B Stochastics and Dynamics 0104 Statistics  0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 0219-4937 1793-6799    
32492 C Stochastics: An International Journal of Probability and Stochastic Processes (formerly Stochastics and Stochastic Reports) 0104 Statistics  0102 Applied Mathematics     1744-2508 1744-2516    
32694 C Stomatologie 1105 Dentistry         0946-3151 1613-7698 0175-7784  
32695 C Stomatologija: Baltic dental and maxillofacial journal 1105 Dentistry         1392-8589      
32646 C Stomatology 1105 Dentistry         1003-9872      
7714 B Storia della Storiografia 2103 Historical Studies         0392-8926      
12194 C Storytelling, Self, Society: an interdisciplinary journal of storytelling studies 2005 Literary Studies         1550-5340 1932-0280    
41532 C Storytelling: a critical journal of popular narrative 1999 Other Studies In Creative Arts and Writing 2002 Cultural Studies     1536-0555 1940-5006    
41528 C Strabismus (London) 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry         0927-3972 1744-5132    
40016 B Strahlentherapie und Onkologie: Zeitschrift fuer Radiologie, Strahlenbiologie, Strahlenphysik 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         0179-7158 1439-099X    
41142 B Strain: an international journal for experimental mechanics 0912 Materials Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering     0039-2103 1475-1305    
41524 C Strange 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1447-4670      
9108 C Strani Jezici 2004 Linguistics         0351-0840      
40658 C Strategic Analysis of the Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis 1606 Political Science         0970-0161 1754-0054    
19525 C Strategic Direction 1503 Business and Management         0258-0543 1758-8588    
31128 C Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 1503 Business and Management         1932-4391 1932-443X    
19523 A* Strategic Management Journal 1503 Business and Management         0143-2095 1097-0266    
19524 A Strategic Organization 1503 Business and Management         1476-1270 1741-315X    
40497 Not ranked Strategic Outsourcing: an international journal 1503 Business and Management         1753-8297 1753-8300    
30430 C Strategic Studies 1606 Political Science         1029-0990 1811-9557    
19527 C Strategy and Leadership 1503 Business and Management         1087-8572 1758-9568 1363-8483 0094-064X
2026 C Stratigraphy 0403 Geology         1547-139X      
1863 C Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation 0403 Geology         0869-5938 0869-592X 1555-6263  
9815 C Strength and Conditioning Journal 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1524-1602 1533-4295    
6682 C Stress and Health 1701 Psychology         1532-3005 1532-2998 0748-8386  
16876 C Stress: the International Journal on the Biology of Stress 1103 Clinical Sciences         1025-3890 1607-8888    
41518 B Stringendo 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1327-6808      
3818 C Strojarstvo 0913 Mechanical Engineering         0562-1887      
3819 C Strojnicky Casopis 0913 Mechanical Engineering         0039-2472      
3719 C Strojniski Vestnik 0913 Mechanical Engineering         0039-2480      
16877 A* Stroke 1103 Clinical Sciences         0039-2499 1524-4628    
35323 C Stromata: antigua ciencia y fe 2203 Philosophy          0049-2353      
3820 A Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization: computer-aided optimal design of stressed solids and multidisciplinary systems 0905 Civil Engineering         1615-147X 1615-1488    
18485 B Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 1402 Applied Economics         0954-349X 1873-6017    
1385 C Structural Chemistry: computational and experimental studies of chemical and biological systems 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)         1040-0400 1572-9001    
4279 B Structural Concrete 0905 Civil Engineering         1464-4177 1751-7648 0307-8434  
4272 B Structural Control and Health Monitoring: the bulletin of ACS 0905 Civil Engineering         1545-2255 1545-2263 1365-0556 1122-8385
4282 C Structural Engineer 0905 Civil Engineering         1466-5123 0959-6577    
3821 B Structural Engineering and Mechanics 0905 Civil Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering     1225-4568 1598-6217    
39834 C Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal 0104 Statistics          1070-5511 1532-8007    
3556 A Structural Health Monitoring: an international journal 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering         1475-9217 1741-3168    
4288 A* Structural Safety 0905 Civil Engineering         0167-4730      
44952 B Structural Survey 0905 Civil Engineering         0263-080X      
2295 A Structure 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0969-2126 1878-4186    
1504 A* Structure and Bonding 0302 Inorganic Chemistry         0081-5993 1616-8550    
41113 C Structure and Infrastructure Engineering: maintenance, management, life-cycle design and performance 0905 Civil Engineering         1573-2479 1744-8980    
31352 C Studi Culturali 2002 Cultural Studies         1824-369X      
9109 A Studi di Filologia Italiana 2003 Language Studies 2005 Literary Studies     0392-5110      
9110 B Studi di Grammatica Italiana 2004 Linguistics         0391-4151      
9111 C Studi di Lessicografia Italiana 2004 Linguistics         0392-5218      
7717 B Studi e Materiali di Storia delle Religioni 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0393-8417      
9112 B Studi e Problemi di Critica Testuale 2005 Literary Studies         0049-2361 1826-722X    
35608 C Studi Economici e Sociali: rivista di vita economica 14 Economics         0391-8750      
7719 A Studi Etruschi 2101 Archaeology 2103 Historical Studies     0391-7762      
31495 B Studi Francesi: cultura e civilta letteraria della Francia 2005 Literary Studies         0039-2944      
7720 B Studi Italiani di Filologia Classica 2103 Historical Studies         0039-2987      
9114 B Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica ed Applicata 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0390-6809      
9115 C Studi Linguistici Italiani 2004 Linguistics         0394-3569 1724-160X    
7721 B Studi Medievali 2103 Historical Studies         0391-8467      
7722 A Studi Micenei ed Egeo Anatolici 2103 Historical Studies         1126-6651      
10545 C Studi Piemontesi 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2005 Literary Studies     0392-7261      
7723 C Studi Romani 2103 Historical Studies         0039-2995      
31496 B Studi Umanistici Piceni: atti dei congressi internazionali di studi umanistici 2005 Literary Studies         1126-4764      
7725 C Studi Veneziani 2103 Historical Studies         0392-0437 1724-1790    
10183 B Studi Verdiani 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0393-2532      
40951 C Studi Vivaldiani 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1594-0012 0393-2915    
11640 C Studia Anglica Posnaniensia: international review of English Studies 2005 Literary Studies         0081-6272      
9116 C Studia Anthroponymica Scandinavica: tidskrift foer nordisk personnamnsforskning 2004 Linguistics         0280-8633      
7726 C Studia Celtica 2103 Historical Studies         0081-6353      
7727 B Studia Comeniana et Historica: journal for comeniology, history of 15th-18th century, history of region 2103 Historical Studies         0323-2220      
7729 B Studia et Documenta Historiae et Iuris 2103 Historical Studies         1026-9169      
34371 C Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica: a journal of geophysics, geodesy, meteorology and climatology 0904 Chemical Engineering  0401 Atmospheric Sciences 0404 Geophysics 0039-3169 1573-1626    
9117 C Studia Germanica Gandensia 2004 Linguistics         0081-6442      
7730 B Studia Hibernica 2103 Historical Studies         0081-6477      
7734 C Studia Historica Historia Antigua 2103 Historical Studies         0213-2052      
7735 C Studia Historica Historia Contemporanea 2103 Historical Studies         0213-2087      
7732 B Studia Historica Historia Medieval 2103 Historical Studies         0213-2060      
7733 B Studia Historica Historia Moderna 2103 Historical Studies         0213-2079      
7731 B Studia Historica Slovenica: casopis za humanisticne in druzboslovne studije/humanities and social studies review 2103 Historical Studies         1580-8122      
9118 C Studia Humaniora Tartuensia 2003 Language Studies         1406-6203      
8258 B Studia Iranica 1606 Political Science 2004 Linguistics 2005 Literary Studies 0221-5004 1783-1784    
12940 A Studia Islamica 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0585-5292      
7736 C Studia Judaica 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1506-9729      
9120 C Studia Kognitywne 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     1641-9758      
8666 A Studia Leibnitiana: Zeitschrift fuer Geschichte der Philosophie und der Wissenschaften 2203 Philosophy          0039-3185      
9121 B Studia Linguistica: a journal of general linguistics 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0039-3193 1467-9582    
12196 C Studia Litteraria 2005 Literary Studies         0562-2867      
12941 A Studia Liturgica: an international ecumenical review for liturgical research and renewal 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0039-3207      
8667 A Studia Logica: an international journal for symbolic logic 0101 Pure Mathematics 2203 Philosophy      0039-3215 1572-8730    
404 A Studia Mathematica 0101 Pure Mathematics         0039-3223 1730-6337    
12942 C Studia Missionalia 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0080-3987      
31377 A Studia Moralia 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0081-6736      
10184 C Studia Musicologica 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1788-6244 1588-2888 0039-3266  
10185 C Studia Musicologica Norvegica 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0332-5024 1504-2960    
9122 C Studia Neophilologica 2004 Linguistics         0039-3274 1651-2308    
12944 C Studia Oecumenica 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1643-2762      
30103 A Studia Orientalia MD Multidisciplinary         0039-3282      
35276 C Studia Patavina: rivista di scienze religiose 2203 Philosophy          0039-3304      
35336 B Studia Phaenomenologica: Romanian Journal for Phenomenology 2203 Philosophy          1582-5647      
35272 C Studia Philosophiae Christianae 2203 Philosophy  2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0585-5470      
8669 C Studia Philosophica 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0081-6825      
35266 C Studia Poliana: revista sobre el pensamiento de Leonardo Polo 2203 Philosophy          1139-6660      
6683 C Studia Psychologica: journal for basic research in psychological sciences 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0039-3320      
9124 C Studia Romanica Posnaniensia 2004 Linguistics         0137-2475      
8670 C Studia Semiotyczne 2203 Philosophy          0137-6608      
9125 C Studia Slavica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 2004 Linguistics         0039-3363 1588-290X    
8671 B Studia Spinozana: an international and interdisciplinary series 2203 Philosophy          0179-3896      
12960 C Studia theologica 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1212-8570      
12945 A Studia Theologica: Scandinavian journal of theology 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0039-338X 1502-7791    
7737 C Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai". Historia 2103 Historical Studies         1220-0492      
6 C Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai". Mathematica 0101 Pure Mathematics         0252-1938      
34370 C Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Geologia 0403 Geology         1221-0803 1937-8602    
7738 C Studia z Dziejow Rosji i Europy Srodkowo-Wschodniej 2103 Historical Studies         1230-5057      
7739 C Studia Zrodloznawcze 2103 Historical Studies         0081-7147      
7740 C Studien und Mitteilungen zur Geschichte des Benediktinerordens und Seiner Zweige 2103 Historical Studies         0303-4224      
8260 B Studien zur Altaegyptischen Kultur 2101 Archaeology         0340-2215      
21728 A Studien zur Indologie und Iranistik MD Multidisciplinary         0341-4191      
9349 C Studies about Languages 2003 Language Studies         1648-2824      
9127 A Studies in African Linguistics 2004 Linguistics         0039-3533      
12198 C Studies in American Fiction 2005 Literary Studies         0091-8083      
34496 B Studies in American Humor: the journal of the American Humor Studies Association 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 2005 Literary Studies     0095-280X      
12199 B Studies in American Indian Literatures 2005 Literary Studies         0730-3238 1548-9590    
40174 B Studies in American Jewish Literature 2005 Literary Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0271-9274      
12200 C Studies in American Naturalism 2005 Literary Studies         1931-2555 1944-6519 0896-6362  
30431 C Studies in American Political Development 1606 Political Science         0898-588X 1469-8692    
3522 C Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 09 Engineering         1383-7281      
406 A* Studies in Applied Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics         0022-2526 1467-9590    
10546 A Studies in Art Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0039-3541      
30080 B Studies in Asian Art and Archaeology MD Multidisciplinary         1380-782X      
35827 B Studies in Australasian Cinema 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         1750-3175      
20920 B Studies in Australian Garden History 1201 Architecture         1448-3858      
35619 A Studies in Bibliography 2005 Literary Studies 2103 Historical Studies     0081-7600      
11641 C Studies in Canadian Literature 2005 Literary Studies         0380-6995      
12946 B Studies in Central and East Asian Religions MD Multidisciplinary         0904-2431      
12947 A Studies in Christian Ethics 2201 Applied Ethics 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 2204 Religion and Religious Studies 0953-9468 1745-5235    
19033 A Studies in Comparative International Development 1601 Anthropology  1606 Political Science 1605 Policy and Administration 0039-3606 1936-6167    
19035 C Studies in Conflict and Terrorism 1606 Political Science         1057-610X 1521-0731    
8261 C Studies in Conservation 2101 Archaeology 2102 Curatorial and Related Studies     0039-3630      
20793 A Studies in Continuing Education 1301 Education Systems          0158-037X 1470-126X    
35919 B Studies in Dance History 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1043-7592      
35828 C Studies in Documentary Film 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         1750-3280      
8674 C Studies in East European Thought 2203 Philosophy  2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     0925-9392 1573-0948    
18237 B Studies in Economics and Econometrics 1403 Econometrics  1402 Applied Economics     0924-5170      
18636 B Studies in Economics and Finance 14 Economics         1086-7376 1755-6791    
20767 B Studies in Educational Evaluation 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0191-491X 1879-2529    
20427 C Studies in Educational Policy and Educational Philosophy Discourse 1605 Policy and Administration         1652-2729      
11817 C Studies in English Literature 2005 Literary Studies         0039-3649 0387-3439    
12201 B Studies in English Literature 1500-1900 2005 Literary Studies         0039-3657 1522-9270    
34922 B Studies in Ethics, Law, and Technology 2201 Applied Ethics         1941-6008      
40371 C Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism 1601 Anthropology  1801 Law     1473-8481 1754-9469 1353-8004  
35829 B Studies in European Cinema 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         1741-1548 2040-0594    
6051 C Studies in Family Planning 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0039-3665 1728-4465    
10547 A Studies in French Cinema 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         1471-5880 1758-9517    
19331 A* Studies in Higher Education 1301 Education Systems  1303 Specialist Studies In Education     0307-5079 1470-174X    
10548 B Studies in Hispanic Cinemas 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         1478-0488 2040-0608    
34912 B Studies in History (New Delhi) 2103 Historical Studies         0257-6430      
35006 B Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science 0039-3681 1879-2510    
35005 B Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1355-2198 1879-2502    
35004 A Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science 1369-8486 1879-2499    
12202 C Studies in Hogg and His World 2005 Literary Studies         0960-6025      
10549 B Studies in Iconography 1901 Art Theory and Criticism         0148-1029      
12948 C Studies in Interreligious Dialogue 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0926-2326 1783-1806    
9128 A Studies in Language 2004 Linguistics         0378-4177 1569-9978    
11470 C Studies in Latin American Popular Culture 2002 Cultural Studies         0730-9139      
36730 A Studies in Law, Politics, and Society 1801 Law         1059-4337 1875-8088    
20774 C Studies in Learning Evaluation Innovation and Development 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1832-2050      
21037 C Studies in Locational Analysis MD Multidisciplinary         1105-5162      
8675 C Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0860-150X      
32494 C Studies in Mathematics (Washington) 0101 Pure Mathematics         0081-8208      
34787 C Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Teaching 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  2005 Literary Studies 2103 Historical Studies 1050-9739      
10551 C Studies in Musical Theatre 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1750-3159 1750-3167    
736 A Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics 0102 Applied Mathematics 1403 Econometrics      1558-3708 1537-4610    
9395 C Studies in Philippine Languages and Cultures 2002 Cultural Studies 2003 Language Studies     0119-6456 0116-0516    
9129 C Studies in Philology 2005 Literary Studies 2004 Linguistics     0039-3738 1543-0383    
8676 B Studies in Philosophy and Education: an international quarterly 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0039-3746 1573-191X    
11512 B Studies in Physical Culture and Tourism 2002 Cultural Studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society     0867-1079      
36996 B Studies in Polish Linguistics 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     1732-8160      
18696 C Studies in Political Economy: a socialist review 1401 Economic Theory 1606 Political Science     0707-8552      
11513 B Studies in Popular Culture 2002 Cultural Studies         0888-5753 1553-4200    
35003 C Studies in Practical Philosophy: a journal of ethical and political thought 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     1389-0506      
21662 A Studies in Qing History 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1002-8587      
21038 C Studies in Regional and Urban Planning MD Multidisciplinary         1106-2606      
12949 B Studies in Religion 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0008-4298 2042-0587    
12204 C Studies in Romanticism 2005 Literary Studies         0039-3762      
34495 B Studies in Russian and Soviet Cinema 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         1750-3132 1750-3140    
20615 A Studies in Science Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0305-7267 1940-8412    
12205 C Studies in Scottish Literature 2005 Literary Studies         0039-3770      
9130 A* Studies in Second Language Acquisition 2004 Linguistics         0272-2631 1470-1545    
9131 B Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0169-0124      
35958 Not ranked Studies in South Asian Film and Media 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         1756-4921 1756-493X    
12950 C Studies in Spirituality 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0926-6453 1783-1814    
1505 C Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)         0167-2991      
10946 B Studies in Symbolic Interaction 1608 Sociology         0163-2396 1059-728X    
11642 A Studies in the Age of Chaucer 2005 Literary Studies         0190-2407 1949-0755    
10552 B Studies in the Decorative Arts 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts 1203 Design Practice and Management     1069-8825      
20797 A Studies in the Education of Adults 1301 Education Systems          0266-0830      
5439 A Studies in the History of Gardens and Designed Landscapes 1201 Architecture 1901 Art Theory and Criticism     1460-1176 1943-2186 0144-5170  
9351 B Studies in the Japanese Language 2004 Linguistics         0491-3337      
12206 B Studies in the Literary Imagination 2005 Literary Studies         0039-3819      
12207 B Studies in the Novel 2005 Literary Studies         0039-3827 1934-1512    
10553 C Studies in Theatre and Performance 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1468-2761      
12208 B Studies in Travel Writing 2005 Literary Studies         1364-5145      
12209 C Studies in Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Literature 2005 Literary Studies         1555-7839 0145-7888    
30609 C Studies in Western Australian History 2103 Historical Studies         0314-7525      
12951 B Studies in World Christianity: the Edinburgh review of theology and religion 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1354-9901 1750-0230    
10414 C Studies on Art and Architecture 1201 Architecture 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts     1406-2860      
3008 C Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 0608 Zoology         0165-0521 1744-5140    
11643 A Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century 2005 Literary Studies 2103 Historical Studies     0435-2866      
36974 C Studies on World Religion 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1000-4289      
7743 C Studii Clasice 2103 Historical Studies         0081-8844      
7747 C Studii Si Cercetari de Istorie Veche Si Arheologie 2101 Archaeology         1220-4781 0039-4009    
7749 C Studii Si Materiale de Istorie Moderna 2103 Historical Studies         0567-6320      
12952 C Studii Teologice 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1011-8845      
12211 C Studio One 2005 Literary Studies         0364-457X      
7116 C Studium 2103 Historical Studies 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     0928-303X 1876-9055    
20760 B Studying Teacher Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1742-5964 1742-5972    
9104 A STUF - Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung 2004 Linguistics         0942-2919      
12212 C Style (DeKalb) 2005 Literary Studies         0039-4238      
34606 C Subjectivity: international journal of critical psychology 2002 Cultural Studies 1701 Psychology     1755-6341 1755-635X 1471-4167  
41114 C Substance Abuse 1701 Psychology         0889-7077 1547-0164    
41502 C Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy 1701 Psychology         1747-597X      
41515 Not ranked Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment 1701 Psychology         1178-2218      
6684 B Substance Use and Misuse 1701 Psychology         1082-6084 1532-2491 0020-773X  
34768 A* Sub-Stance: a review of theory and literary criticism 2005 Literary Studies 2002 Cultural Studies     0049-2426 1527-2095    
15036 C Suchasni Problemy Toksykolohii 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1609-0446 1609-0470    
11428 C Sudhoffs Archiv: Zeitschrift fuer Wissenschaftsgeschichte 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0039-4564      
7751 C Suedost-Forschungen: Internationale Zeitschrift fuer Geschichte, Kultur und Landeskunde Suedosteuropas 2103 Historical Studies         0081-9077      
33823 C Suffolk Journal of Trial and Appellate Advocacy 1801 Law         1535-3419      
33824 C Suffolk Transnational Law Review 1801 Law         1072-8546      
33825 C Suffolk University Law Review 1801 Law         0039-4696      
39738 C Sugar Cane International: the journal of cane agriculture 0703 Crop and Pasture Production 0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management     1468-6031 0265-7406    
11429 C Suhayl: journal for the history of the exact and natural sciences in Islamic civilization 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1576-9372      
6685 B Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior: the official journal of the American Association of Suicidology 1701 Psychology         0363-0234      
21485 C Suimon Mizu Shigen Gakkaishi 0905 Civil Engineering         0915-1389      
12213 C Sulfur: a literary bi-annual of the whole art 2005 Literary Studies         0730-305X      
5729 C Sumarski List: znanstveno-strucno i stalesko glasilo hrvatskoga sumarskog drustva 0705 Forestry Sciences         0373-1332      
21736 C Sun Yat-sen Journal of Humanities MD Multidisciplinary         1024-3631      
21737 B Sungkyun Journal of East Asian Studies MD Multidisciplinary         1598-2661      
9133 C Suomalais-Ugrilaisen Seura. Aikakauskirja 2004 Linguistics         0355-0214      
9614 B Suomen Antropologi 1601 Anthropology          0355-3930      
7752 C Suomen Kirkkohistoriallinen Seura. Vuosikirja 2103 Historical Studies         0356-0767      
8264 B Suomen Muinaismuistoyhdistyksen Aikakauskirja 2101 Archaeology         0355-1822      
1150 B Superconductor Science and Technology 0204 Condensed Matter Physics         0953-2048 1361-6668    
1151 C Superlattices and Microstructures 0204 Condensed Matter Physics         0749-6036 1096-3677    
41115 C Supervising Scientist Report MD Multidisciplinary         1325-1554      
19339 A Supply Chain Management 1503 Business and Management         1359-8546 1758-6852    
20732 C Support for Learning 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0268-2141 1467-9604    
13803 C Supportive Care in Cancer 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0941-4355 1433-7339    
35024 B Supramolecular Chemistry 03 Chemical Sciences         1061-0278 1026-7816 1029-0478  
33826 A Supreme Court Economic Review 1801 Law         0736-9921      
36733 B Sur - International Journal on Human Rights 1801 Law         1806-6445      
5020 A Surface and Coatings Technology 0912 Materials Engineering 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)     0257-8972      
1506 C Surface and Interface Analysis 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)         0142-2421 1096-9918    
4845 B Surface Engineering 0912 Materials Engineering         0267-0844 1743-2944 0269-2848  
3822 C Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1068-3755 1934-8002 0013-5739  
41056 C Surface Investigation: X-Ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques 0204 Condensed Matter Physics         1027-4510 1819-7094    
1152 B Surface Review and Letters 0206 Quantum Physics 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)     0218-625X 1793-6667    
1153 B Surface Science 0206 Quantum Physics 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural) 0204 Condensed Matter Physics 0039-6028      
1154 A* Surface Science Reports 0204 Condensed Matter Physics 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)     0167-5729      
16880 B Surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         0039-6060 1532-7361    
16881 C Surgery Today: the Japanese journal of surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         0941-1291 1436-2813    
35162 C Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy: journal of clinical anatomy 1116 Medical Physiology         0930-1038 1279-8517 0930-312X 0343-6098
16882 B Surgical Clinics of North America 1103 Clinical Sciences         0039-6109 1558-3171 0186-0216  
16883 C Surgical Endoscopy: surgical and interventional techniques 1103 Clinical Sciences         0930-2794 1432-2218    
16886 C Surgical Infections 1103 Clinical Sciences         1096-2964 1557-8674    
16878 C Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy and Percutaneous Techniques 1103 Clinical Sciences         1530-4515 1534-4908    
16888 B Surgical Neurology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     0090-3019      
41162 B Surgical Practice 1103 Clinical Sciences         1744-1625 1744-1633    
8266 C Surrey Archaeological Collections 2101 Archaeology         0309-7803      
36215 C Surveillance and Society 1602 Criminology         1477-7487      
39713 B Survey Methodology 0104 Statistics          0714-0045      
16889 A Survey of Ophthalmology 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry         0039-6257      
8198 C Survey of the Field Excavations 2101 Archaeology         1211-7250      
41709 C Survey Research Methods 0104 Statistics          1864-3361      
4384 B Survey Review 0912 Materials Engineering 0404 Geophysics     0039-6265 1752-2706    
44953 C Surveying and Built Environment 1202 Building         1816-9554      
4385 C Surveying and Land Information Science: an official journal of ACSM devoted to the science of surveying and mapping, land information, and related fields 0905 Civil Engineering         1538-1242 1559-7202 1052-2905  
34369 B Surveys in Geophysics: an international review journal of geophysics and planetary sciences 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences 0404 Geophysics     0169-3298 1573-0956    
41116 B Surveys in Operations Research and Management Science 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics     1876-7354      
19036 A Survival 1606 Political Science         0039-6338 1468-2699    
8267 C Sussex Archaeological Collections 2101 Archaeology         0143-8204      
44302 C Sustainability Science MD Multidisciplinary         1862-4065 1862-4057    
44300 C Sustainability: Science, Practice, and Policy MD Multidisciplinary         1548-7733      
44301 Not ranked Sustainability: the journal of record 0502 Environmental Science and Management 1605 Policy and Administration     1937-0695      
5910 B Sustainable Development 0502 Environmental Science and Management 1205 Urban and Regional Planning 1604 Human Geography 0968-0802 1099-1719    
41494 C Sustaining Regions 1608 Sociology         1446-2974 1446-2982    
387 C SUT Journal of Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         0916-5746 0496-6597    
9134 C Suvremena Lingvistika 2004 Linguistics         0586-0296      
31354 C Svensk Exegetisk Aarsbok 2002 Cultural Studies         1100-2298      
12953 C Svensk Religionshistorisk Aarsskrift 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0283-0302      
12954 C Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0039-6761      
10555 C Sveta Cecilija: casopis za duhovnu glazbu 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         1330-2531      
32697 C Swedish Dental Journal 1105 Dentistry         0347-9994 0348-6672    
18637 C Swedish Economic Policy Review 1402 Applied Economics         1400-1829      
11430 C Swedish Journal of History of Medicine 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1402-9871 0347-8998 0303-6480  
10188 C Swedish Journal of Musicology 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0081-9816 1403-5715    
12934 C Swedish Missiological Themes 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0346-217X      
40586 B Swift Studies 2005 Literary Studies 2103 Historical Studies     0938-8036      
34512 C Swiss Journal of Geosciences (Print Edition) 0403 Geology         1661-8726 1661-8734 0012-9402  
35161 B Swiss Medical Weekly 1103 Clinical Sciences         1424-7860 1424-3997    
12214 B Sycamore Review 2005 Literary Studies         1043-1497      
36880 C Sydney Journal 2002 Cultural Studies         1835-0151      
11644 B Sydney Studies in English 2005 Literary Studies         0156-5419      
5730 C Sylwan: czasopismo lesne 0705 Forestry Sciences         0039-7660      
2510 C Symbiosis 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     0334-5114      
37217 C Symbiosis: a journal of anglo-american literary relations 2005 Literary Studies         1362-7902      
2667 C Symbolae Botanicae Upsalienses 0607 Plant Biology         0082-0644      
7753 B Symbolae Osloenses: Norwegian journal of Greek and Latin studies 2103 Historical Studies         0039-7679 1502-7805    
10947 B Symbolic Interaction 1608 Sociology         0195-6086 1533-8665    
32496 B Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 0105 Mathematical Physics 0101 Pure Mathematics     1815-0659      
10556 C Symmetry: culture and science 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         0865-4824      
34803 A Symploke 2005 Literary Studies 2203 Philosophy      1069-0697 1534-0627    
32498 C Symposia Mathematica 0101 Pure Mathematics         0082-0725      
12216 B Symposium 2005 Literary Studies         0039-7709 1931-0676    
35568 B Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     1480-2333      
13197 B Synapse (New York) 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0887-4476 1098-2396    
42178 B Synergy 0807 Library and Information Studies         1448-5176      
14374 B Synergy: imaging and therapy practice 1105 Dentistry         1360-5518      
1597 A Synlett: accounts and rapid communications in synthetic organic chemistry 0305 Organic Chemistry         0936-5214 1437-2096    
9136 B Syntax and Semantics 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0092-4563      
9137 A Syntax: a journal of theoretical, experimental and interdisciplinary research 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     1368-0005 1467-9612    
35001 A* Synthese 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science 0039-7857 1573-0964    
12218 B Synthesis (Knoxville): an interdisciplinary journal MD Multidisciplinary         1080-2754      
1549 C Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal Organic, and Nano Metal Chemistry 1007 Nanotechnology 0399 Other Chemical Sciences 0302 Inorganic Chemistry 1553-3174 1553-3182 0094-5714  
34921 C Synthesis Philosophica 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0352-7875      
1598 B Synthesis: journal of synthetic organic chemistry 0305 Organic Chemistry         0039-7881 1437-210X    
1600 C Synthetic Communications: an international journal for rapid communication of synthetic organic chem 0305 Organic Chemistry         0039-7911 1532-2432    
1155 B Synthetic Metals 0912 Materials Engineering 0204 Condensed Matter Physics     0379-6779      
33828 C Syracuse Journal of International Law and Commerce 1801 Law         0093-0709      
33829 C Syracuse Law Review 1801 Law         0039-7938      
33830 C Syracuse Science and Technology Law Reporter 1801 Law         1555-4996      
31355 C Syria: revue d'art oriental et d'archeologie 2002 Cultural Studies         0039-7946      
20446 B System 1301 Education Systems          0346-251X 1879-3282    
39833 A System Dynamics Review 1503 Business and Management         0883-7066 1099-1727    
3137 C Systematic and Applied Acarology 0603 Evolutionary Biology         1362-1971      
2511 B Systematic and Applied Microbiology 0603 Evolutionary Biology         0723-2020 0172-5564    
2410 A* Systematic Biology 0604 Genetics  0603 Evolutionary Biology     1063-5157 1076-836X    
2668 B Systematic Botany 0603 Evolutionary Biology         0363-6445 1548-2324    
3009 B Systematic Entomology 0603 Evolutionary Biology 0608 Zoology     0307-6970      
5547 C Systematic Parasitology 0707 Veterinary Sciences 0608 Zoology 0605 Microbiology  0165-5752 1573-5192    
3320 C Systematics and Biodiversity 06 Biological Sciences         1477-2000 1478-0933    
9615 C Systemes de Pensee en Afrique Noire 1601 Anthropology          0294-7080      
19468 C Systemic Practice and Action Research 0806 Information Systems 1608 Sociology     1094-429X 1573-9295 0894-9859  
4512 A Systems and Control Letters 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0102 Applied Mathematics 0167-6911 1872-7956    
15713 C Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         1939-6368 1939-6376 0148-5016  
41143 C Systems Engineering 0806 Information Systems         1098-1241 1520-6858    
36598 B Systems Research and Behavioral Science MD Multidisciplinary         1092-7026 1099-1743 0731-7239 0005-7940
9138 C Taal en Tongval: tijdschrift voor taalvariatie 2004 Linguistics         0039-8691      
10189 C TAASA Review 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         1037-6674      
30120 C Taiwan Journal of Democracy 1606 Political Science         1815-7238      
19037 C Taiwan Journal of Southeast Asian Studies MD Multidisciplinary         1811-5713      
9155 B TAL 2004 Linguistics         1248-9433      
1661 A Talanta 0301 Analytical Chemistry         0039-9140 1873-3573    
20716 C TalentEd 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0815-8150      
12219 C Taller de Letras 2005 Literary Studies         0716-0798      
40950 C Tamara Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry 1601 Anthropology          1532-5555 1545-6420    
409 C Tamkang Journal of Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         0049-2930      
11645 B Tamkang Review: a quarterly of comparative studies of Chinese and foreign literatures MD Multidisciplinary         0049-2949      
12220 C Tampa Review 2005 Literary Studies         0896-064X      
410 C Tamsui Oxford University Journal of Mathematical Sciences 0101 Pure Mathematics         1561-8307 0258-5375    
21738 B T'ang Studies MD Multidisciplinary         0737-5034 1759-7633    
4136 C Tankuang Gongcheng 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1000-3746      
17700 C Tanzania Journal of Science MD Multidisciplinary         0856-1761      
1944 C TAO: Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 0401 Atmospheric Sciences 0405 Oceanography     1017-0839      
12221 C Taproot Literary Review 2005 Literary Studies         1520-8729      
12955 B Tarbiz: a quarterly for Jewish studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0334-3650      
34605 A Target: international journal on translation studies 2003 Language Studies         0924-1884 1569-9986    
7757 C Tarih Incelemeleri Dergisi 2103 Historical Studies         0257-4152      
5689 C Tasforests 0705 Forestry Sciences         1033-8306      
7758 C Tasmanian Historical Studies 2103 Historical Studies         1324-048X 0816-6617    
9616 C Tautosakos Darbai 1601 Anthropology          1392-2831      
33831 A Tax Law Review 1801 Law         0040-0041      
41472 C Tax policy journal : an annual summary of tax policy issues 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1833-1726      
17425 C Tax Specialist 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability 1801 Law     1329-1203 1039-2572    
3138 C Taxa 0608 Zoology         1342-2367      
19147 B Taxation in Australia 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         0494-8343      
2669 A Taxon: international journal of plant taxonomy, phylogeny and evolution 0603 Evolutionary Biology         0040-0262      
31356 B TC: a journal of biblical textual criticism 2204 Religion and Religious Studies 2005 Literary Studies     1089-7747      
10190 A TDR: the journal of performance studies 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 1901 Art Theory and Criticism     1054-2043 1531-4715 0012-5962  
36940 B Te Reo 2004 Linguistics         0494-8440      
20757 B Teacher Development 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1366-4530 1747-5120    
20758 B Teacher Education and Practice 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0890-6459      
20779 C Teacher Education and Special Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0888-4064 1944-4931    
20759 B Teacher Education Quarterly 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0737-5328      
20747 A Teachers and Teaching 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1354-0602 1470-1278    
20740 A Teachers College Record: a professional journal of ideas, research and informed opinion 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0161-4681 1467-9620    
35711 B Teaching and Learning in Medicine: an international journal 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences     1040-1334 1532-8015    
41337 C Teaching and Learning in Nursing 1110 Nursing         1557-2013 1557-3087    
20580 B Teaching and Learning: journal of natural inquiry and reflective practice 13 Education         0887-9486 1930-8906    
20739 B Teaching and Teacher Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0742-051X 1879-2480    
20113 C Teaching Artist Journal 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1541-1796 1541-180X    
20501 B Teaching Children Mathematics 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1073-5836      
20752 A Teaching Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1047-6210 1470-1286    
41467 B Teaching English with Technology 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1303 Specialist Studies In Education     1642-1027      
37086 C Teaching Ethics: The Journal of the Society for Ethics across the Curriculum 2203 Philosophy          1544-4031      
41460 B Teaching German 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0042-062X 1756-1221    
19316 A Teaching in Higher Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1356-2517 1470-1294    
20507 B Teaching Mathematics and Its Applications 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0268-3679 1471-6976    
6687 C Teaching of Psychology 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1701 Psychology     0098-6283 1532-8023    
37109 C Teaching Philosophy 2203 Philosophy  1301 Education Systems      0145-5788      
20775 C Teaching Public Administration 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0144-7394      
22303 B Teaching Science 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1449-6313 1442-5556 0045-0855  
20780 C Teaching Sociology 1608 Sociology 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy      0092-055X 1939-862X    
40269 B Teaching South Asia (Missouri) MD Multidisciplinary         1529-8558      
20776 B Teaching Statistics: an international journal for teachers 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0141-982X 1467-9639    
20777 C Teaching Theology and Religion 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1368-4868 1467-9647    
31152 C Team Performance Management 1503 Business and Management         1352-7592 1758-6860    
11432 C Techne: Research in Philosophy and Technology 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1091-8264      
9251 C Technical Communication 2001 Communication and Media Studies         0049-3155 1938-369X    
20121 C Technical Communication Quarterly 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 2001 Communication and Media Studies     1057-2252 1542-7625    
1039 C Technical Physics 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics 0299 Other Physical Sciences     1063-7842 1090-6525 0044-4642 0038-5662
1040 B Technical Physics Letters 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics 0299 Other Physical Sciences     1063-7850 1090-6533 0320-0116 0360-120X
10719 C Technical Services Quarterly 0807 Library and Information Studies         0731-7131 1555-3337    
4618 C Technichna Elektrodynamika 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1607-7970      
4137 C Technika Poszukiwan Geologicznych, Geosynoptyka i Geotermia 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0304-520X 0040-1161    
9617 C Techniques and Culture 1601 Anthropology          0248-6016      
35160 B Techniques in Coloproctology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1123-6337 1128-045X    
16890 C Techniques in Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         1089-3393 1531-6572    
16891 C Techniques in Regional Anesthesia and Pain Management 1103 Clinical Sciences         1084-208X 1558-4534    
10557 C Technoetic Arts: a journal of speculative research 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         1477-965X 1758-9533    
33005 A Technological Forecasting and Social Change 10 Technology         0040-1625 1873-5509    
19039 B Technology Analysis and Strategic Management 1503 Business and Management         0953-7325 1465-3990    
11434 B Technology and Culture 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0040-165X 1097-3729    
36440 B Technology and Disability 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1055-4181 1878-643X    
16892 B Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1533-0346 1533-0338    
10948 C Technology in Society 1608 Sociology         0160-791X 1879-3274    
39591 C Technology Innovations in Statistics Education 0104 Statistics          1933-4214      
20234 B Technology Instruction Cognition and Learning 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1540-0182 1540-0174 1027-1015 0022-4774
20271 B Technology Pedagogy and Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1475-939X 1747-5139 0962-029X  
41122 C Technology Source 1301 Education Systems          1532-0030      
869 A Technometrics 0104 Statistics          0040-1706 1537-2723    
22304 A Technovation 1503 Business and Management         0166-4972      
35710 B TechTrends: for leaders in education and training 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         8756-3894 1559-7075    
9732 B Tecnologia de Alimentos 0908 Food Sciences         0564-6758      
44954 C Tecnologia y Construccion 1202 Building         0798-9601      
1889 A* Tectonics 0403 Geology 0404 Geophysics     0278-7407 1944-9194    
1890 B Tectonophysics 0403 Geology 0404 Geophysics     0040-1951      
4847 C Tekhnologiya Metallov 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1684-2499      
7760 C Tekmeria: contributions to the history of the Greek and Roman world 2103 Historical Studies         1106-661X      
4386 C Teknik Dergi 0905 Civil Engineering 0909 Geomatic Engineering      1300-3453      
8270 B Tel Aviv: journal of the Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute of Archaeology 2002 Cultural Studies 2101 Archaeology     0334-4355      
5091 C Telecommunication Systems 1005 Communications Technologies         1018-4864 1572-9451    
36800 C Telecommunications Journal of Australia 1801 Law 1005 Communications Technologies     0040-2486 1835-4270    
5090 A Telecommunications Policy MD Multidisciplinary         0308-5961 1879-3258    
5102 C Telekommunikatsii 1005 Communications Technologies         1684-2588      
5094 C Telekomunikacja Cyfrowa: technologie I uslugi 1005 Communications Technologies         1505-9405      
32172 C Telematics and Informatics 0806 Information Systems 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences     0736-5853      
13804 C Telemedicine and e-Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences 0903 Biomedical Engineering  1556-3669 1530-5627 1078-3024  
9252 A* Television and New Media 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 2001 Communication and Media Studies 2002 Cultural Studies 1527-4764 1552-8316    
1943 B Tellus Series A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 0401 Atmospheric Sciences 0405 Oceanography     0280-6495 1600-0870    
1989 A Tellus. Series B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology 0401 Atmospheric Sciences         0280-6509 1600-0889    
36753 C Telopea 0603 Evolutionary Biology         0312-9764 0077-8753    
19040 B Telos 1606 Political Science 2203 Philosophy      0090-6514 1940-459X    
35000 B Teme: casopis za drustvene nauke 1601 Anthropology  2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0353-7919 1820-7804    
12956 A Temenos: studies in comparative religion presented by scholars in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0497-1817      
33956 C Temple Environment Law and Technology Journal 1801 Law         0885-2987      
33835 B Temple International and Comparative Law Journal 1801 Law         0889-1915      
33836 B Temple Law Review 1801 Law         0899-8086 0040-2974    
33837 C Temple Political and Civil Rights Law Review 1801 Law         1062-5887      
10192 B Tempo (London, 1939): a quarterly review of modern music 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0040-2982 1478-2286    
8271 B Tempus 1601 Anthropology  2101 Archaeology     1323-6040      
13198 C TEN-Contemporary Psychiatry in Focus 1103 Clinical Sciences         1527-0815      
5216 C Tennessee Agri Science 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences         0040-3229      
40927 B Tennessee Historical Quarterly 2103 Historical Studies         0040-3261      
33839 C Tennessee Law Review 1801 Law         0040-3288      
14275 C Tennessee Nurse 1110 Nursing         1055-3134      
12222 C Tenso: bulletin of the Societe Guilhem IX 2005 Literary Studies         0890-3352 1944-0146    
12957 B Teologinen Aikakauskirja 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0040-3555      
8678 C Teorema 2203 Philosophy          0210-1602      
8679 C Teoria: rivista di filosofia 2203 Philosophy          1122-1259      
11435 C Teorie Vedy 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1210-0250      
19704 C Teoros: revue de recherche en tourisme 1506 Tourism         0712-8657      
9140 C Terminologie et Traduction 2004 Linguistics         0256-7873      
9141 B Terminology: international journal of theoretical and applied issues in specialized communication 2004 Linguistics         0929-9971 1569-9994    
34364 C Terra 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         1012-7089      
1891 C Terra Antartica: an Antarctic earth science journal 04 Earth Sciences         1122-8628      
4387 C Terra et Aqua 04 Earth Sciences 09 Engineering     0376-6411      
1759 A Terra Nova 04 Earth Sciences         0954-4879 1365-3121    
9618 C Terrain 1601 Anthropology          0760-5668      
17426 B Terrorism and Political Violence 1602 Criminology 1606 Political Science     0954-6553 1556-1836    
20363 B Tertiary Education and Management 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1358-3883 1573-1936    
19998 C Tesl Canada Journal 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0826-435X      
20451 B Tesl-Ej 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1072-4303      
20770 C Tesol in Context 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1030-8385      
20432 A TESOL Quarterly: a journal for teachers of English to speakers of other languages and of standard English as a second dialect 2004 Linguistics 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy      0039-8322 1545-7249    
32739 C Tessera 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         0840-4631      
870 B Test 0104 Statistics          1133-0686 1863-8260    
1601 A Tetrahedron 0305 Organic Chemistry         0040-4020 1464-5416    
1602 A Tetrahedron Letters 0305 Organic Chemistry         0040-4039 1873-3581    
1387 B Tetrahedron-Asymmetry 0305 Organic Chemistry         0957-4166 1362-511X    
4738 B Tetsu to Hagane-Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0021-1575      
5217 C Texas Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences         0096-6061      
5218 C Texas Agricultural Experiment Station Miscellaneous Publication 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences         0097-6334      
32699 C Texas Dental Journal 1105 Dentistry         0040-4284      
33840 C Texas Hispanic Journal of Law and Policy 1801 Law         1547-4887 1075-8461    
33841 B Texas Intellectual Property Law Journal 1801 Law         1068-1000      
33842 A Texas International Law Journal 1801 Law         0163-7479      
33843 C Texas Journal of Oil, Gas and Energy Law 1801 Law         1559-2189 1937-0466    
17495 C Texas Journal of Science MD Multidisciplinary         0040-4403      
33844 B Texas Journal of Women and the Law 1801 Law         1058-5427 1943-1155    
33845 C Texas Journal on Civil Liberties and Civil Rights 1801 Law         1930-2045 1085-942X    
33846 A Texas Law Review 1801 Law         0040-4411 1942-857X    
35361 C Texas Review of Entertainment and Sports Law 1801 Law         1533-1903      
33848 B Texas Review of Law and Politics 1801 Law         1098-4577 1942-8618    
9397 A* Texas Studies in Literature and Language 2003 Language Studies 2005 Literary Studies     0040-4691 1534-7303    
33849 C Texas Tech Administrative Law Journal 1801 Law         1942-9789 1942-8588 1545-3804 1068-5634
33850 C Texas Tech Law Review 1801 Law         0564-6197 1942-860X    
33851 C Texas Wesleyan Law Review 1801 Law         1081-5449 1942-8634    
35836 A Text 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1327-9556      
12225 A Text and Performance Quarterly 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2005 Literary Studies     1046-2937 1479-5760    
41117 C Text and Presentation 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1054-724X      
9143 A Text and Talk: an interdisciplinary journal of language, discourse and communication studies 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     1860-7330 1860-7349 0165-4888  
9144 B Text Technology: the journal of computer text processing 0803 Computer Software 2004 Linguistics     1053-900X      
37027 A Texte: revue de critique et de theorie litteraire 2005 Literary Studies         0715-8920      
41455 B Textile History 2102 Curatorial and Related Studies         0040-4969 1743-2952    
3629 A Textile Research Journal 0910 Manufacturing Engineering 0912 Materials Engineering     0040-5175 1746-7748    
10193 A Textile: the journal of cloth and culture 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts     1475-9756 1751-8350    
12226 C Texto Critico 2005 Literary Studies         0185-0830      
11647 A Textual Practice: an international journal of radical literary studies 2005 Literary Studies         0950-236X 1470-1308    
11514 C Textual Studies in Canada: Canada's journal of cultural literacy 2002 Cultural Studies         1183-854X      
12227 C Texture 2005 Literary Studies         1061-6365      
12228 B Textus: English studies in Italy 2005 Literary Studies 2099 Other Language, Communication and Culture     1824-3967 1825-6589    
34508 C Thalassas: an international journal of marine sciences 0405 Oceanography         0212-5919      
19200 A The Academy of Management Perspectives 1503 Business and Management         1558-9080 1943-4529 1079-5545  
35252 C The Acorn 2203 Philosophy          1092-6534      
32844 B The Adam Smith Review 1401 Economic Theory         1743-5285      
3573 A The Aeronautical Journal 0901 Aerospace Engineering         0001-9240      
41451 Not ranked The African Journal of Information Systems 0806 Information Systems 1503 Business and Management     1936-0282      
3435 C The African Journal of Mycology and Biotechnology 1002 Environmental Biotechnology         1110-5879      
40656 B The Air and Space Power Journal 1606 Political Science         1555-385X 1554-2505 1535-4245  
40725 C The Alabama Review: a journal of Alabama history 2103 Historical Studies         0002-4341      
11681 C The Ambrose Bierce Project Journal 2005 Literary Studies         1939-4578      
31420 C The American Benedictine Review 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0002-7650      
35676 B The American Biology Teacher 13 Education         0002-7685 1938-4211    
18181 A* The American Economic Review 14 Economics         0002-8282 0065-812X 1532-5059  
8302 A The American Journal of Bioethics 2201 Applied Ethics 1117 Public Health and Health Services     1526-5161 1536-0075    
34129 A The American Journal Of Chinese Medicine 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         0192-415X 1793-6853    
8710 B The American Journal of Semiotics 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0277-7126      
15661 B The American Journal of Surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         0002-9610      
3196 A* The American Naturalist 06 Biological Sciences         0003-0147 1537-5323    
36119 B The American Sociologist 15 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services         0003-1232 1936-4784    
35400 B The American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 1801 Law 1605 Policy and Administration     1557-3753 1068-428X    
6752 A* The Americas: a quarterly review of Inter-American cultural history 2103 Historical Studies 2002 Cultural Studies     0003-1615 1533-6247    
11687 C The AnaChronisT 2005 Literary Studies         1219-2589      
1608 A* The Analyst 0301 Analytical Chemistry         0003-2654      
41444 A The Anatomical Record Part B: The New Anatomist 1116 Medical Physiology 0606 Physiology      1552-4906 1552-4914    
20938 A The Annals of Regional Science: international journal of urban, regional and environmental research and policy 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         0570-1864 1432-0592    
11697 C The Antigonish Review 2005 Literary Studies         0003-5661      
36729 C The Arbitrator and Mediator 1801 Law         1446-0548      
44923 B The Architect 1201 Architecture         1001-6740      
9450 A The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology 1601 Anthropology  1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing     1444-2213 1740-9314 0314-9099  
56 B The Asian Journal of Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         1093-6106 1945-0036    
1048 A The Astronomical Journal 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences         0004-6256 1538-3881    
1053 A The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences         0935-4956 1432-0754    
1057 A* The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences         0004-637X 1538-4357    
11524 B The Atlantic Literary Review 2005 Literary Studies         0972-3269      
8327 A The Australasian Journal of Logic 2203 Philosophy          1448-5052      
36901 C The Australian cinematographer 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         1440-978X      
41450 C The Australian Community Psychologist 1701 Psychology         1320-7741      
5299 C The Australian Cottongrower 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         0159-1290      
18190 B The Australian Economic Review 14 Economics         0004-9018 1467-8462    
14056 C The Australian Electronic Journal of Nursing Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1322-8676      
33107 A The Australian Feminist Law Journal 1801 Law         1320-0968      
18331 A The Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 1402 Applied Economics         1364-985X 1467-8489 0004-9395 0034-6616
20652 C The Australian Journal of Education in Chemistry 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1445-9698      
36014 C The Australian Journal of Emergency Management 1605 Policy and Administration 1103 Clinical Sciences 2001 Communication and Media Studies 1324-1540 0817-4024    
11099 B The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1326-0111 0310-5822    
64 C The Australian Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     1449-5910      
13435 C The Australian Journal of Rehabilitation Counselling 1607 Social Work         1323-8922      
44874 C The Australian Naval Architect 0911 Maritime Engineering          1441-0125      
35890 C The Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering 1507 Transportation and Freight Services         1822-427X 1822-4288    
11710 C The Baltimore Review 2005 Literary Studies         1092-5716      
30475 A* The BE Journal in Theoretical Economics 1401 Economic Theory         1935-1704 1555-0478 1534-5955  
18299 A The BE Journal of Macroeconomics 1401 Economic Theory         1935-1690 1534-6021 1534-6013 1534-6005
6121 B The Behavior Analyst 1701 Psychology         0738-6729      
41440 C The Behavior Analyst Today: a context for science with a commitment for change 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1539-4352      
12654 B The Bible and Critical Theory 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1832-3391      
41824 C The Bible Today 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0006-0836      
10273 C The Blue Notebook: a new journal for artists' books 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         1751-1712 1751-1720    
2571 B The Botanical Review 0607 Plant Biology         0006-8101 1874-9372    
15822 B The Breast 1103 Clinical Sciences         0960-9776 1532-3080    
36178 B The Breast Journal 1701 Psychology         1075-122X 1524-4741    
10277 A The British Art Journal: the research journal of British art studies 1901 Art Theory and Criticism         1467-2006      
8341 A* The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science 0007-0882 1464-3537    
17028 A* The British Journal of Criminology: an international review of crime and society 1602 Criminology 1801 Law     0007-0955 1464-3529    
15830 C The British Journal of Diabetes and Vascular Disease 1103 Clinical Sciences         1474-6514 1753-4305    
18741 B The British Journal of Politics and International Relations 1606 Political Science         1369-1481 1467-856X    
34193 A* The British Journal of Social Work 1607 Social Work         0045-3102 1468-263X    
35427 C The Brooklyn Journal of Corporate, Financial and Commercial Law 1801 Law         1934-2497      
11725 C The Bryn Mawr Review of Comparative Literature 2005 Literary Studies         1523-5734      
33151 C The Buffalo Public Interest Law Journal 1801 Law         0897-1331      
44891 Not ranked The Built and Human Environment Review 1202 Building         1759-0574      
476 A The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 0101 Pure Mathematics         1079-8986 1943-5894    
31133 C The Business Review, Cambridge 1503 Business and Management         1553-5827      
37016 C The Byron Journal 2005 Literary Studies         0301-7257      
6957 A The Cambridge Classical Journal 2103 Historical Studies         1750-2705 0068-6735    
11537 C The Cambridge Quarterly 2005 Literary Studies         0008-199X 1471-6836    
35491 C The Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies 1801 Law         1528-8870      
45043 A* The Campbell Collaboration Library of Systematic Reviews MD Multidisciplinary         1891-1803      
2004 B The Canadian Geographer 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience 1604 Human Geography     0008-3658 1541-0064    
41567 C The Canadian Journal of Career Development 1608 Sociology 1699 Other Studies In Human Society     1499-1845      
15870 B The Cancer Journal 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1528-9117 1540-336X    
11739 C The Caribbean Writer 2005 Literary Studies         0893-1550      
11741 C The Carolina Quarterly 2005 Literary Studies         0008-6797      
30393 C The Cato Journal: an interdisciplinary journal of public policy analysis 1606 Political Science         0273-3072 1943-3468    
14513 C The Cerebellum: an international journal from neurosciences to clinical perspectives 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     1473-4222 1473-4230    
11750 C The Chariton Review 2005 Literary Studies         0098-9452      
3860 C The Chemical Engineer: the essential magazine for the chemical and process industries 0904 Chemical Engineering          0302-0797      
21253 C The China and Eurasia Forum Quarterly 1606 Political Science         1653-4212      
18754 A* The China Journal MD Multidisciplinary         1324-9347 0156-7365    
36302 C The China Review: an interdisciplinary journal on greater China MD Multidisciplinary         1680-2012 1015-6607    
21268 C The Chinese Economy: translation and studies 1402 Applied Economics         1097-1475 1558-0954 0009-4552  
6969 C The Chinese Historical Review: the journal of Chinese historians in the United States 2103 Historical Studies         1547-402X 1043-643X    
10300 C The Classicist 1201 Architecture 2103 Historical Studies 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts 1076-2922      
20080 C The Clearing House 1301 Education Systems          0009-8655 1939-912X    
41437 A The Clinical Respiratory Journal 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology 1107 Immunology     1464‐780X 1752-699X    
34261 C The Clinical Supervisor: the journal of supervision in psychotherapy and mental health 1607 Social Work         0732-5223 1545-231X    
20525 B The Clinical Teacher 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1743-4971 1743-498X    
11760 C The Coastal Review 2005 Literary Studies         1930-2797      
40146 Not ranked The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist 1702 Cognitive Science 1701 Psychology     1754-470X      
33200 B The Columbia Journal of European Law 1801 Law         1076-6715      
9209 A The Communication Review 2001 Communication and Media Studies         1071-4421 1547-7487 0305-4233  
11769 C The Comparatist 2005 Literary Studies         0195-7678 1559-0887    
17794 A* The Computer Journal 08 Information and Computing Sciences         0010-4620 1460-2067    
33216 C The Connecticut Public Interest Law Journal 1801 Law         1932-2046 1932-2038    
40080 C The Conradian 2005 Literary Studies         0951-2314      
36109 C The Consortium Journal of Hospitality and Tourism 1504 Commercial Services 1506 Tourism     1535-0568      
33225 C The Corporate Governance Law Review 1801 Law         1449-9029      
6205 A The Counseling Psychologist 1701 Psychology         0011-0000 1552-3861    
40917 C The Court Historian 1901 Art Theory and Criticism         1462-9712      
34506 C The Cryosphere 0405 Oceanography 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience     1994-0416 1994-0424    
41452 C The Cyprus Review: a journal of social, economic and political issues 1606 Political Science 1608 Sociology 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 1015-2881      
11547 B The Dalhousie Review: a Canadian journal of literature and opinion 2005 Literary Studies         0011-5827      
32564 C The Dental Assistant 1105 Dentistry         1088-3886      
18507 B The Developing Economies 1402 Applied Economics 1605 Policy and Administration 1205 Urban and Regional Planning 0012-1533 1746-1049    
19996 C The Development Education Journal 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1354-0742      
30442 C The Diabetes Educator 1110 Nursing         0145-7217 1554-6063    
34603 B The Dostoevsky Journal: an independent review 2005 Literary Studies         1535-5314      
18342 B The Economic and Labour Relations Review 1402 Applied Economics         1035-3046      
18205 A* The Economic Journal 14 Economics         0013-0133 1468-0297    
18208 A The Economic Record 14 Economics         0013-0249 1475-4932    
18351 A The Economics of Transition 1402 Applied Economics         0967-0750 1468-0351    
32861 B The Economists' Voice 14 Economics         1553-3832      
20024 B The Educational Forum 13 Education         0013-1725 1938-8098    
10329 C The Eighteenth Century Current Bibliography 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         1930-1812 0161-0996    
11818 B The Eighteenth-Century Novel 2005 Literary Studies         1528-3631      
33879 C The Elder Law Journal 1801 Law         1070-1478      
36554 C The Electronic Journal of Academic and Special Librarianship 0807 Library and Information Studies         1704-8532 1525-321X    
17845 C The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries 0806 Information Systems         1681-4835      
10598 B The Electronic Library: the international journal for the application of technology in information environments 0807 Library and Information Studies         0264-0473 1758-616X 1527-1161  
20231 A The Elementary School Journal 1301 Education Systems          0013-5984 1554-8279    
2208 A* The EMBO Journal 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0261-4189 1460-2075    
11114 C The Emily Dickinson Journal 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 2005 Literary Studies     1059-6879 1096-858X    
18355 C The Empirical Economics Letters 14 Economics         1681-8997      
16056 C The Endocrinologist 1103 Clinical Sciences         1051-2144 1539-9192    
5833 C The Environmentalist 05 Environmental Sciences 16 Studies In Human Society     0251-1088 1573-2991    
19084 A The European Accounting Review 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         0963-8180 1468-4497    
35634 C The European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences 14 Economics         1450-2275      
19540 B The European Journal of Finance 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1351-847X 1466-4364    
17587 C The European Journal of Technology and Advanced Engineering Research MD Multidisciplinary         1450-202X      
22169 A The European Legacy: toward new paradigms 2103 Historical Studies 2203 Philosophy      1084-8770 1470-1316    
11562 B The Explicator 2005 Literary Studies         0014-4940 1939-926X    
41203 C The F. Scott Fitzgerald Review 2005 Literary Studies         1543-3951 1755-6333    
41434 C The Family Journal: counseling and therapy for couples and families 1701 Psychology 0608 Zoology     1066-4807 1552-3950    
2078 A The FASEB Journal 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0892-6638 1530-6860 0014-9446  
2212 B The FEBS Journal 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics     1742-464X 0014-2956 1742-4658  
33319 C The Federal Lawyer 1801 Law         1080-675X 0279-4691    
152 B The Fibonacci Quarterly: a journal devoted to the study of integers with special properties 0101 Pure Mathematics         0015-0517      
35354 C The Film Journal 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         1542-0868      
41204 A The Financial Review (Statesboro) 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         0732-8516 1540-6288    
40172 C The Finnish Yearbook of International Law 1801 Law         0786-6453 0788-4397    
33332 B The Florida Tax Review 1801 Law         1066-3487      
10347 C The Flutist Quarterly 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         8756-8667      
16134 C The Foot 1103 Clinical Sciences         0958-2592 1532-2963    
41767 C The Fourth R (Santa Rosa): an advocate for religious literacy 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0893-1658      
10857 C The Futurist: a journal of forecasts, trends, and ideas about the future 1608 Sociology         0016-3317      
9972 A The Galpin Society Journal: for the study of musical instruments 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0072-0127      
35974 B The Geneva Risk and Insurance Review 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment     1554-964X 1554-9658 0926-4957  
33348 B The Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law 1801 Law         1525-6146      
11858 A The Germanic Review 2005 Literary Studies         0016-8890 1930-6962    
36150 C The Globe 1604 Human Geography         0311-3930 0811-9511    
7125 B The Great Circle 2103 Historical Studies         0156-8698      
2888 C The Great Lakes Entomologist 0608 Zoology         0090-0222      
33363 C The Green Bag: an entertaining journal of law 1801 Law         1095-5216      
30405 C The Harvard Journal of World Affairs 1606 Political Science         1068-1485      
8426 C The Harvard Review of Philosophy 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     1062-6239      
34881 A The Haskins Society Journal: studies in medieval history 2103 Historical Studies         0963-4959      
16187 C The Heart Surgery Forum: a cardiothoracic multimedia journal 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1098-3511 1522-6662    
11872 C The Hemingway Review 2005 Literary Studies         0276-3362 1548-4815    
11873 C The Henry James Review 2005 Literary Studies         0273-0340 1080-6555    
33890 C The High Court Quarterly Review 1801 Law         1449-9037      
20783 C The High School Journal 1301 Education Systems          0018-1498 1534-5157    
7175 C The Historian (East Lansing): a journal of history 2103 Historical Studies         0018-2370 1540-6563    
7220 A The History of the Family 2103 Historical Studies         1081-602X 1873-5398    
1805 A The Holocene: a major interdisciplinary journal focusing on recent environmental change 0403 Geology 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience     0959-6836 1477-0911    
5440 C The Horticulturist 0706 Horticultural Production         0964-8992      
11883 C The Hurricane Review 2005 Literary Studies         1932-0892 1074-0228    
10363 C The Hymn: a journal of congregational song 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0018-8271      
35398 B The I C F A I Journal of Alternative Dispute Resolution 1801 Law         0972-6969      
39737 C The I S M E Journal: multidisciplinary journal of microbial ecology 0605 Microbiology  1002 Environmental Biotechnology     1751-7362 1751-7370    
30565 C The ICFAI Journal of Applied Economics 1402 Applied Economics         0972-6861      
18377 C The ICFAI Journal of Monetary Economics 1402 Applied Economics         0972-9291      
17600 C The ICFAI Journal of Science and Technology MD Multidisciplinary         0973-2268      
18689 C The Independent Review: a journal of political economy 1402 Applied Economics         1086-1653      
35233 C The Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 2203 Philosophy          1445-7377      
35971 B The Information Management Journal 0806 Information Systems         1535-2897 1050-2343    
17909 A The Information Society 0807 Library and Information Studies         0197-2243 1087-6537    
7246 C The Innes Review 2103 Historical Studies         0020-157X 1745-5219    
35701 Not ranked The Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1541-5015      
32066 C The International Arab Journal of Information Technology 08 Information and Computing Sciences         1683-3198      
34659 A* The International Communication Gazette 1903 Journalism and Professional Writing 2001 Communication and Media Studies     1748-0485 0016-5492    
20573 C The International Electronic Journal of Health Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1106 Human Movement and Sports Science     1529-1944      
31130 C The International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 1503 Business and Management         1554-7191 1555-1938    
40102 Not ranked The International Gramsci Journal 1606 Political Science         1836-6554      
32313 C The International Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education 0101 Pure Mathematics         1744-2710 1362-7368 1351-0789  
11385 B The International Journal for the History of Engineering and Technology 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1758-1206 1750-3523 0372-0187  
19087 A The International Journal of Accounting 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1094-4060 0020-7063    
39931 C The International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies 1701 Psychology         1742-3341 1556-9187    
20874 A The International Journal of Architectual Computing 1201 Architecture         1478-0771      
2222 B The International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1357-2725 1878-5875 0020-711X  
31202 C The International Journal of Business and Finance Research 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1931-0269      
35620 A The International Journal of Children's Rights 1801 Law         0927-5568 1571-8182    
41430 B The International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1176-9106      
33893 B The International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations 1801 Law         0952-617X 1875-838X    
35329 A The International Journal of Cultural Policy 2002 Cultural Studies 2001 Communication and Media Studies     1028-6632 1477-2833    
22201 C The International Journal of Developmental Biology 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0214-6282 1696-3547    
36138 C The International Journal of Digital Accounting Research 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1577-8517      
36441 C The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability MD Multidisciplinary         1832-2077      
34136 C The International Journal of Essential Oil Therapeutics: exploring the bioactivity of aromatic plants 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         1532-2106 0962-4562    
33895 C The International Journal of Human Rights 1801 Law         1364-2987 1744-053X    
20233 B The International Journal of Learning 0807 Library and Information Studies 1303 Specialist Studies In Education     1447-9494 1447-9540    
19348 B The International Journal of Logistics Management 1503 Business and Management 1507 Transportation and Freight Services     0957-4093      
35687 C The International Journal of Management Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1503 Business and Management     1472-8117      
40234 C The International Journal of Microsimulation MD Multidisciplinary         1747-5864      
4204 C The International Journal of Pavement Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering         1029-8436 1477-268X    
4205 C The International Journal of Pavement Engineering and Asphalt Technology 0905 Civil Engineering         1464-8164      
14091 C The International Journal of Psychiatric Nursing Research 1110 Nursing         0968-0624      
6320 B The International Journal of Psychoanalysis 1701 Psychology         0020-7578 1745-8315    
33440 C The International Journal of Punishment and Sentencing 1801 Law         1449-9045      
41034 C The International Journal of Risk and Safety in Medicine: side effects of drugs - devices - surgery - prevention - liability 1103 Clinical Sciences         0924-6479 1878-6847    
41427 B The International Journal of Sport and Society 1599 Other Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services 1608 Sociology     1835-7490      
39930 C The International Journal of the Arts in Society 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts 1833-1866      
7251 B The International Journal of the History of Sport 2103 Historical Studies         0952-3367 1743-9035 1462-1495  
41426 C The International Journal of Virtual Reality 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing         1081-1451      
4390 C The International Journal on Hydropower and Dams 0905 Civil Engineering         1352-2523      
20148 C The International Journal on School Disaffection 1301 Education Systems          1478-8497 1747-9207    
41425 C The International Scope Review 1608 Sociology 1606 Political Science 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 1374-1217      
41424 B The Internet Journal of Academic Physician Assistants 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1092-4078      
15568 C The Internet Journal of Asthma, Allergy and Immunology 1107 Immunology         1532-0642      
41423 C The Internet Journal of Cardiology 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1528-834X      
41421 C The Internet Journal of Medical Technology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1559-4610 1540-2657    
2537 C The Internet Journal of Microbiology 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     1937-8289      
41420 C The Internet Journal of Nuclear Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         1539-4638      
14780 C The Internet Journal of Pharmacology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1531-2976      
41419 C The Internet Journal of Radiology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1528-8404      
5639 C The Internet Journal of Veterinary Medicine 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1937-8165      
34713 C The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 2003 Language Studies         1750-399X      
35271 C The Irish Journal of French Studies 2005 Literary Studies 2002 Cultural Studies     1649-1335      
7263 B The Irish Sword: the journal of the military history society of lreland 2103 Historical Studies         0021-1389      
31498 A The Italianist 2005 Literary Studies         0261-4340 1748-619X    
41138 B The JALT CALL Journal 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  2003 Language Studies     1832-4215      
18558 B The Japanese Economy: translations and studies 1402 Applied Economics         1097-203X 1944-7256    
11460 C The Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory 2002 Cultural Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     1530-5228      
30546 B The Journal for Education in the Built Environment 13 Education 12 Built Environment and Design     1747-4205      
34822 C The Journal for MultiMedia History 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         1528-3844      
40640 B The Journal for the Public University 1608 Sociology         1449-5481      
44932 C The Journal for Transdisciplinary Environmental Studies 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         1602-2297      
10601 A The Journal of Academic Librarianship 0807 Library and Information Studies         0099-1333 1879-1999    
35646 C The Journal of Academy of Business and Economics 14 Economics         1542-8710      
20784 C The Journal of Accelerated Learning and Teaching 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1534-6536      
35937 C The Journal of Accounting Case Research 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1192-2621      
11908 C The Journal of African American Children's Literature 2005 Literary Studies         1557-2684      
5187 A The Journal of Agricultural Science 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences         0021-8596 1469-5146 0354-3498  
6347 C The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 1503 Business and Management 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science 0021-8863 1552-6879    
40325 Not ranked The Journal of Applied Law and Policy (JALAP) 1801 Law         1836-6953      
20881 A* The Journal of Architecture 1201 Architecture         1360-2365 1466-4410    
35934 B The Journal of Asset Management 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1470-8272 1479-179X    
11913 A The Journal of Beckett Studies 2005 Literary Studies         0309-5207 1759-7811    
40737 C The Journal of Biocommunication 0606 Physiology          0094-2499 1936-4563 0274-497X  
19994 C The Journal of Border Educational Research 13 Education         1548-3185      
19150 A* The Journal of Business (Chicago) 1503 Business and Management         0021-9398      
10388 B The Journal of Canadian Art History 1901 Art Theory and Criticism         0315-4297      
16325 C The Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery: a journal on cardiac, vascular and thoracic surgery 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0021-9509 1827-191X    
2233 A* The Journal of Cell Biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0021-9525 1540-8140    
3139 C The Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 0608 Zoology         1561-0713      
19171 C The Journal of Change Management 1503 Business and Management         1469-7017 1479-1811    
1453 B The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)     0021-9614 1096-3626    
11915 B The Journal of Children's Literature Studies 2005 Literary Studies         1743-0526      
32608 C The Journal of Clinical Dentistry: the international journal of applied dental research 1105 Dentistry         0895-8831      
34966 B The Journal of Clinical Ethics 2201 Applied Ethics 2203 Philosophy      1046-7890 1945-5879    
42114 B The Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine 1199 Other Medical and Health Sciences 1103 Clinical Sciences     1550-9389 1550-9397    
8864 A The Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics 2004 Linguistics         1383-4924 1572-8552    
34133 C The Journal of Complementary Medicine: the independent peer-reviewed journal for healthcare professionals 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         1446-8263      
31099 C The Journal of Cost Analysis and Management 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability         1541-1656      
6385 B The Journal of Creative Behavior 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0022-0175      
15887 C The Journal of Czech Physicians 1103 Clinical Sciences         0008-7335      
8865 A The Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1081-4159 1465-7325    
21437 C The Journal of Econometric Study of Northeast Asia (JESNA) 1403 Econometrics          1880-6988      
18573 B The Journal of Economic Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0022-0485      
18661 A The Journal of Economic History 1402 Applied Economics 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     0022-0507 1471-6372    
18413 C The Journal of Economic Inequality 1402 Applied Economics         1569-1721 1573-8701    
20027 B The Journal of Educational Research 13 Education         0022-0671 1940-0675    
13093 C The Journal of Electroconvulsive Therapy 1103 Clinical Sciences         1095-0680 1533-4112    
9278 C The Journal of Electronic Publishing 1903 Journalism and Professional Writing         1080-2711      
19666 C The Journal of Environmental Education 05 Environmental Sciences 13 Education 12 Built Environment and Design 0095-8964 1940-1892    
8469 A The Journal of Ethics: an international philosophical review 2203 Philosophy  2203 Philosophy      1382-4554 1572-8609    
2946 C The Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 0608 Zoology 0605 Microbiology      1066-5234 1550-7408    
2090 A The Journal of Experimental Biology 06 Biological Sciences         0022-0949 1477-9145    
35752 C The Journal of Film Music 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing     1087-7142      
19566 A* The Journal of Finance 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         0022-1082 1540-6261    
35990 B The Journal of Gambling Business and Economics 1504 Commercial Services 1402 Applied Economics     1751-7990 1751-8008    
2486 C The Journal of General and Applied Microbiology 0605 Microbiology          0022-1260 1349-8037    
6416 C The Journal of Genetic Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0022-1325 1940-0896    
1808 A The Journal of Geology 0403 Geology         0022-1376 1537-5269    
4646 A The Journal of Global Positioning Systems 0909 Geomatic Engineering  1005 Communications Technologies     1446-3156      
20407 C The Journal of Graduate Education 1301 Education Systems          1354-0653      
16393 C The Journal of Heart Valve Disease 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0966-8519      
40095 A The Journal of High Energy Physics 01 Mathematical Sciences 02 Physical Sciences     1029-8479      
19360 C The Journal of High Technology Management Research 1503 Business and Management         1047-8310 1879-1638    
12786 C The Journal of Higher Criticism 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1075-7139      
41822 Not ranked The Journal of Hindu Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1756-4255 1756-4263    
39590 B The Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures 0101 Pure Mathematics         1512-2891      
19713 B The Journal of Hospitality Financial Management 1504 Commercial Services         1091-3211      
41838 C The Journal of Human Resources and Adult Learning 1503 Business and Management 1301 Education Systems  1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1817-2105      
7319 A The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History 2103 Historical Studies         0308-6534 1743-9329    
18581 A* The Journal of Industrial Economics 1402 Applied Economics         0022-1821 1467-6451    
18008 B The Journal of Information Systems 0806 Information Systems         0888-7985 1558-7959    
35549 B The Journal of International Maritime Law 1801 Law         1478-8586 1353-551X    
18433 B The Journal of International Trade and Economic Development: an international and comparative review 1402 Applied Economics         0963-8199 1469-9559    
12789 C The Journal of Israeli History: politics, society, culture 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1353-1042 1744-0548    
35239 A The Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 2203 Philosophy  2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     1053-699X 1477-285X    
7321 B The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 2103 Historical Studies         0075-4277      
35546 A* The Journal of Law and Economics 1402 Applied Economics 1801 Law     0022-2186 1537-5285    
33921 C The Journal of Law in Society 1801 Law         1538-5876      
35439 B The Journal of Law, Economics and Policy 1801 Law         1553-4367      
33926 A* The Journal of Legal Studies (Chicago) 1801 Law         0047-2530 1537-5366    
40231 C The Journal of Legislative Studies 1606 Political Science         1357-2334 1743-9337    
8853 C The Journal of Linguistics 2004 Linguistics         0021-5597      
18024 A The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 1567-8326 1873-5940    
16422 C The Journal of Manual and Manipulative Therapy 1103 Clinical Sciences         1066-9817      
36577 C The Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 0907 Environmental Engineering         1438-4957 1611-8227    
16423 C The Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1476-7058 1476-4954    
584 A The Journal of Mathematical Behavior 01 Mathematical Sciences 13 Education     0732-3123 1873-8028    
34964 A* The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy: a forum for bioethics and philosophy of medicine 2203 Philosophy  2201 Applied Ethics     0360-5310 1744-5019    
2538 C The Journal of Microbiology 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     1225-8873 1976-3794    
30266 C The Journal of Migration and Refugee Issues 1801 Law         1832-0643      
6434 C The Journal of Mind and Behavior 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0271-0137      
21580 C The Journal of Ming-Qing Fiction Studies 2005 Literary Studies         1004-3330      
15157 C The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics 1108 Medical Microbiology         1525-1578 1943-7811    
14617 C The Journal of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions 1116 Medical Physiology 1109 Neurosciences     1108-7161 1106-109X    
10013 B The Journal of Music and Meaning 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1603-7170      
30097 C The Journal of North African Studies MD Multidisciplinary         1362-9387 1743-9345    
13658 A The Journal of Nutrition 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics 0702 Animal Production     0022-3166 1541-6100    
4701 B The Journal of Ocean Technology 0911 Maritime Engineering          1718-3200 1025-7187    
40705 A* The Journal of Organic Chemistry 0305 Organic Chemistry 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry     0022-3263 1520-6904    
7333 A The Journal of Pacific History 2103 Historical Studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society     0022-3344 1469-9605    
33530 C The Journal of Philosophy, Science and Law 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1549-8549      
1197 A The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part A: Molecules, Spectroscopy, Kinetics, Environment and General Theory 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural) 0904 Chemical Engineering  0307 Theoretical and Computational Chemistry 1089-5639 1520-5215    
1467 A* The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part B: Condensed Matter, Materials, Surfaces, Interfaces and Biophysical 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural) 0904 Chemical Engineering      1520-6106 1520-5207 1089-5647  
35015 A* The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C: Nanomaterials and Interfaces 0303 Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural) 0904 Chemical Engineering  1932-7447 1932-7455    
9775 C The Journal of Physical Education New Zealand 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1172-5958      
20551 C The Journal of Physician Assistant Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  1399 Other Education      1941-9430 1941-9449    
3169 A* The Journal of Physiology 0606 Physiology  1116 Medical Physiology     0022-3751 1469-7793    
18893 A The Journal of Politics 1606 Political Science         0022-3816 1468-2508    
19582 B The Journal of Portfolio Management: the journal for investment professionals 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         0095-4918      
36170 B The Journal of Positive Psychology: dedicated to furthering research and promoting good practice 1701 Psychology         1743-9760 1743-9779    
32636 C The Journal of Practical Hygiene: improving communications among dental professionals 1105 Dentistry         1072-7965      
41051 C The Journal of Prediction Markets 1402 Applied Economics         1750-6751 1750-676X    
36169 C The Journal of Problem Solving 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1932-6246      
20333 C The Journal of Reading, Writing and Literacy 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1743-0534      
12799 A The Journal of Religion 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0022-4189 1549-6538    
12801 C The Journal of Religion and Theatre 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1544-8762      
20724 C The Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1471-3802      
19622 C The Journal of Risk Finance 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment         1526-5943 0965-7967    
35426 B The Journal of Science and Technology Law 1801 Law         1548-520X 1548-5218    
3279 C The Journal of Shellfish Research 0608 Zoology         0730-8000 1943-6319 0077-5711  
36579 C The Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management 0907 Environmental Engineering         1088-1697 0745-6999 0099-1821  
33930 C The Journal of Southern Legal History 1801 Law         1047-9228      
9780 C The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness: a journal on applied physiology, biomechanics, preventive medicine, sports medicine and traumatology, sports psychology 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         0022-4707 1827-1928    
22249 B The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0960-0760 1879-1220    
18041 A The Journal of Strategic Information Systems 0806 Information Systems         0963-8687 1873-1198    
16500 C The Journal of Supportive Oncology 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1544-6794      
273 A The Journal of Symbolic Logic 0101 Pure Mathematics 2203 Philosophy      0022-4812 1943-5886    
40340 C The Journal of the Australia Institute of Professional Intelligence Officers 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1039-1525      
32144 C The Journal of the Institute of Telecommunications Professionals 0805 Distributed Computing         1755-9278 1477-4739 1470-5826  
42149 C The Journal of Theoretical Accounting Research 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment     1556-5106      
33933 C The Journal of Water Law 1801 Law         1478-5277 0959-9754    
19140 C The Journal of Wealth Management 1501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment     1534-7524 1520-4154    
33548 C The Journal of World Intellectual Property 1801 Law         1422-2213 1747-1796    
10755 C The Journal on Information Technology in Healthcare 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences         1479-649X      
33456 C The Journals of Legal Scholarship. Issues in Legal Scholarship 1801 Law         1539-8323      
40184 C The Judicial Review: selected papers 1801 Law         1038-8559      
18901 C The Korean Journal of Defense Analysis 1606 Political Science         1016-3271 1941-4641    
41415 C The Kyoto Economic Review 14 Economics         1349-6786 1349-6778    
34593 B The La Trobe Journal 1901 Art Theory and Criticism         1441-3760      
39830 B The Language Teacher 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0289-7938      
16563 B The Laryngoscope 1103 Clinical Sciences         0023-852X 1531-4995 1091-756X  
41414 C The Latin Americanist 1604 Human Geography 1402 Applied Economics     1557-2021 1557-203X 0049-1527  
40349 B The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals: a practitioners' journal 1801 Law         1569-1853 1571-8034    
20827 C The Learning Assistance Review 13 Education         1087-0059      
35900 C The Learning Organization: the international journal of knowledge and organizational learning management 1503 Business and Management         0969-6474 1758-7905    
8510 B The Leibniz Review 2203 Philosophy          1524-1556 1069-5192    
10612 B The Library Quarterly 0807 Library and Information Studies         0024-2519 1549-652X    
34765 A* The Library: the transactions of the Bibliographical Society 0807 Library and Information Studies 2005 Literary Studies 2103 Historical Studies 0024-2160 1744-8581    
2618 C The Lichenologist: an international journal 0607 Plant Biology         0024-2829 1096-1135    
11963 C The Licking River Review 2005 Literary Studies         1087-7509      
8933 A* The Linguistic Review 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0167-6318 1613-3676    
36995 C The Linguistics Journal 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     1718-2301 1718-2298    
34601 B The Lion and the Unicorn: a critical journal of children's literature 2005 Literary Studies         0147-2593 1080-6563    
11965 B The Literary Review: an international journal of contemporary writing 2005 Literary Studies         0024-4589      
7394 C The Local Historian 2103 Historical Studies         0024-5585      
34600 C The Looking Glass: new perspectives in children's literature 2005 Literary Studies         1551-5680      
33595 C The Loyola University Chicago International Law Review 1801 Law         1558-9226 1943-1279    
10420 C The Lute 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0952-0759      
11979 C The MacGuffin 2005 Literary Studies         1527-2346      
11983 C The Malahat Review 2005 Literary Studies         0025-1216      
11989 C The Mark Twain Annual 2005 Literary Studies         1553-0981 1756-2597    
35888 C The Marketing Review 1505 Marketing         1469-347X 1472-1384    
11990 C The Marlboro Review 2005 Literary Studies         1084-452X      
39829 B The Mathematical Intelligencer 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     0343-6993 1866-7414    
36071 B The Mathematical Scientist 01 Mathematical Sciences         0312-3685      
5084 C The Mediterranean Journal of Electronics and Communications 1005 Communications Technologies         1744-2400      
30229 C The Mediterranean Journal of Measurement and Contol 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1743-9310      
41413 B The Mental Lexicon 2004 Linguistics         1871-1340 1871-1375    
1827 C The Mineralogical Record 0403 Geology         0026-4628      
34625 C The Mississippi Quarterly: the journal of Southern culture 2005 Literary Studies         0026-637X      
33939 A* The Modern Law Review 1801 Law         0026-7961 1468-2230    
39828 C The Montana Math Enthusiast 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1551-3440      
10060 B The Moving Image 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 2102 Curatorial and Related Studies     1532-3978 1542-4235    
33642 B The Natural Resources Journal 1801 Law         0028-0739      
14624 C The Nephron Journals 1116 Medical Physiology         1660-8151 1660-2137 0028-2766 1018-7782
16827 C The Neuroradiology Journal 1103 Clinical Sciences 1109 Neurosciences     1971-4009 1120-9976    
10465 C The New Bookbinder: journal of designer bookbinders 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts         0261-5363      
12023 C The New Delta Review 2005 Literary Studies         1050-415X      
19960 C The New Educator 13 Education         1547-688X 1549-9243    
30418 C The New England Journal of Political Science 1606 Political Science         1550-1604      
7466 C The New Mexico Historical Review 2103 Historical Studies         0028-6206      
5441 C The New Plantsman 0706 Horticultural Production         1352-4186 0143-0106    
10753 B The New Review of Children's Literature and Librarianship 2005 Literary Studies         1361-4541 1740-7885 0269-0500  
35805 A The New Review of Film and Television Studies 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         1740-0309 1740-7923    
40601 A* The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 2203 Philosophy          1533-7472      
335 B The New York Journal of Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         1076-9803      
32656 C The New York State Dental Journal 1105 Dentistry         0028-7571      
10100 C The New Zealand Journal of Music Therapy 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1176-3264 0113-9479    
17663 C The Nigerian Field MD Multidisciplinary         0029-0076      
35616 B The North American Journal of Economics and Finance 14 Economics         1062-9408 1879-0860    
12037 C The North Stone Review 2005 Literary Studies         1046-9389      
32562 C The Norwegian Dental Journal 1105 Dentistry         0029-2303      
1077 C The Observatory: a review of astronomy 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences         0029-7704      
41119 C The Obstetrician and Gynaecologist 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1467-2561 1744-4667    
41411 B The Ocular Surface 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry         1542-0124 1937-5913    
17496 C The Ohio Journal of Science MD Multidisciplinary         0030-0950      
16686 A The Oncologist 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1083-7159 1549-490X    
10477 C The Online Journal of Bass Research 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1552-9657      
20081 C The Ontario Action Researcher 13 Education         1715-2461      
41408 Not ranked The Open Addiction Journal 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1701 Psychology     1874-9410      
34599 Not ranked The Open Applied Linguistics Journal 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     1874-9135      
3426 C The Open Biotechnology Journal 10 Technology 06 Biological Sciences     1874-0707      
34302 Not ranked The Open Chemical Physics Journal 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)         1874-4125      
35156 C The Open Dentistry Journal 1105 Dentistry         1874-2106      
35717 Not ranked The Open Education Journal 1399 Other Education          1874-9208      
34559 Not ranked The Open Geology Journal 0403 Geology         1874-2629      
34281 Not ranked The Open Magnetic Resonance Journal 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics         1874-7698      
41410 C The Open Mechanical Engineering Journal 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1874-155X      
40630 C The Open Microbiology Journal 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1874-2858      
41407 Not ranked The Open Nuclear Medicine Journal 1103 Clinical Sciences         1876-388X      
41121 C The Open Optics Journal 0205 Optical Physics         1874-3285      
40890 Not ranked The Open Physiology Journal 1110 Nursing         1874-3609      
40772 Not ranked The Open Rehabilitation Journal 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1874-9437      
44942 Not ranked The Open Urban Studies Journal 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         1874-9429      
10112 B The Opera Quaterly 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0736-0053 1476-2870    
10481 C The Orff Echo 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         0095-2613      
12055 C The Oswald Review: a national journal of undergraduate research and criticism in the discipline of english 2005 Literary Studies         1520-9679      
41139 B The Otemon Journal of Australian Studies 16 Studies In Human Society 21 History and Archaeology     0385-3446      
12057 C The Oxfordian 2005 Literary Studies         1521-3641      
16720 C The Pain Clinic 1103 Clinical Sciences         0169-1112 1568-5691    
40331 C The Peace and Conflict Review 1606 Political Science 1699 Other Studies In Human Society     1659-3995      
5211 C The Philippine Agricultural Scientist: an international journal of tropical agriculture and related sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences         0031-7454      
8573 A* The Philosophical Quarterly 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0031-8094 1467-9213    
9824 C The Physician and Sportsmedicine: a peer reviewed journal of medical aspects of sports, exercise and fitness 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         0091-3847      
20649 C The Physics Teacher 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0031-921X 1943-4928    
5479 C The Pig Journal 0702 Animal Production         1352-9749 0956-0939    
2274 A* The Plant Cell 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1040-4651 1532-298X    
2649 A* The Plant Journal 0607 Plant Biology         0960-7412 1365-313X    
34998 C The Pluralist 2203 Philosophy          1930-7365 1944-6489 0889-065X  
39827 C The Police Journal: a quarterly review for the police forces of the Commonwealth and English-speaking world 1602 Criminology         0032-258X 1740-5599    
12872 C The Pomegranate: the international journal of Pagan studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1528-0268 1743-1735    
12086 C The Pottersfield Portfolio: some of the best new fiction, creative non-fiction, poetry, and artwork in English from Atlantic Canada and elsewhere 2005 Literary Studies         0226-0840      
17381 C The Prison Journal 1602 Criminology         0032-8855 1552-7522    
2280 C The Protein Journal 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1572-3887 1875-8355 0277-8033  
6594 B The Psychological Record: a quarterly journal in theoretical and experimental psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0033-2933      
7541 A The Public Historian: a journal of public history 2103 Historical Studies         0272-3433 1533-8576    
10899 B The Public Interest 1608 Sociology         0033-3557      
12097 C The Pudding Magazine: international journal of applied poetry 2005 Literary Studies         0196-5913      
18276 C The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics 14 Economics         1098-3708 1936-4806    
18277 A* The Quarterly Journal of Economics 14 Economics         0033-5533 1531-4650    
16787 B The Quarterly Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 1103 Clinical Sciences         1824-4785 1827-1936 1125-0135  
2115 A* The Quarterly Review of Biology 06 Biological Sciences         0033-5770 1539-7718    
34903 C The Queensland Journal of Labour History 2103 Historical Studies         1832-9926      
40188 C The Rabel Journal of Comparative and International Private Law (RabelsZ) 1801 Law         0033-7250 1868-7059    
34796 A The Radio Journal: international studies in broadcast and audio media 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 1903 Journalism and Professional Writing 2001 Communication and Media Studies 1476-4504 2040-1388    
371 B The Ramanujan Journal: an international journal devoted to areas of mathematics influenced by Ramanu 0101 Pure Mathematics         1382-4090 1572-9303    
34616 C The Raymond Carver Review 2005 Literary Studies         1940-6126      
11622 C The Reading Matrix: an international online journal 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1533-242X      
20321 A The Reading Teacher: a journal of the International Reading Association 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0034-0561 1936-2714    
10708 C The Reference Librarian 0807 Library and Information Studies         0276-3877 1541-1117    
10904 C The Responsive Community: rights and responsibilities 1608 Sociology         1053-0754      
8221 B The Review of Archaeology 2101 Archaeology         1050-4877      
18278 C The Review of Austrian Economics 14 Economics         0889-3047      
18615 A The Review of Black Political Economy 1402 Applied Economics         0034-6446 1936-4814    
18279 A* The Review of Economic Studies 14 Economics         0034-6527 1467-937X    
908 A* The Review of Economics and Statistics 14 Economics         0034-6535 1530-9142    
34805 A The Review of Education - Pedagogy - Cultural Studies 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy  2002 Cultural Studies     1071-4413 1556-3022    
9398 A The Review of English Studies: the leading journal of English literature and language 2003 Language Studies 2005 Literary Studies     0034-6551 1471-6968    
19594 A* The Review of Financial Studies 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment 1402 Applied Economics     0893-9454 1465-7368    
33945 C The Review of Litigation 1801 Law         0734-4015      
8630 A The Review of Metaphysics: a philosophical quarterly 2203 Philosophy          0034-6632      
18475 C The Review of Network Economics 1402 Applied Economics         1446-9022      
30428 C The Review of Policy Research 1605 Policy and Administration         1541-132X 1541-1338 0278-4416  
33755 B The Richmond Journal of Law and Technology 1801 Law         1091-7322      
12133 C The Robert Frost Review 2005 Literary Studies         1062-6999      
19008 C The Round Table 1606 Political Science         0035-8533 1474-029X    
7652 A The Russian Review: an American quarterly devoted to Russia past and present 2005 Literary Studies 2103 Historical Studies     0036-0341 1467-9434    
33760 C The Rutgers Business Law Journal 1801 Law         1937-0563      
33947 C The Scholar: St. Mary's Law Review on Minority Issues 1801 Law         1537-405X      
7674 C The Scottish Historical Review 2103 Historical Studies         0036-9241 1750-0222    
12155 C The Scriblerian and the Kit-Cats 2005 Literary Studies         0190-731X      
34737 B The Senses and Society MD Multidisciplinary         1745-8927 1745-8935    
10715 C The Serials Librarian: the international journal of continuing print and electronic resources 0807 Library and Information Studies         0361-526X 1541-1095    
7687 A The Seventeenth Century 2005 Literary Studies 2103 Historical Studies     0268-117X      
34598 B The Shandean: an annual volume devoted to Laurence Sterne 2005 Literary Studies         0956-3083      
9399 C The Sign Language Translator and Interpreter 2003 Language Studies         1750-3981      
10531 C The Silver Age: Russian literature and culture 1881-1921 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing 20 Language, Communication and Culture     1070-972X      
40474 C The Social Educator 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1328-3480      
36407 C The Social Science Journal MD Multidisciplinary         0362-3319 1873-5355    
36443 C The Social Studies 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0037-7996      
10931 A The Sociological Review 1608 Sociology         0038-0261 1467-954X    
41839 C The Sociology of Law 18 Law and Legal Studies         0437-6161      
35279 Not ranked The Soundtrack 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         1751-4193 1751-4207    
30429 C The South African Journal of International Affairs 1606 Political Science         1022-0461 1938-0275    
8665 A The Southern Journal of Philosophy 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0038-4283 2041-6962    
41409 C The Southwest Journal of Criminal Justice 1602 Criminology         1939-442X 1938-9930    
11620 B The Space Between: literature and culture, 1914-1945 2005 Literary Studies         1551-9309 1542-8109    
33806 C The Sports Lawyers Journal 1801 Law         1089-5191      
36410 C The Sri Lanka Journal of the Humanities MD Multidisciplinary         0378-486X 0009-0840    
32484 C The Stata Journal 0104 Statistics          1536-867X 1536-8734 1097-8879  
33952 C The State and Local Tax Lawyer 1801 Law         1093-6785      
41536 C The Steinbeck Review 2005 Literary Studies         1546-007X 1938-6214    
19031 C The Stockholm Journal of East Asian Studies MD Multidisciplinary         0284-883X      
4280 B The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings 0905 Civil Engineering         1541-7794      
8668 B The Studia Philonica Annual 2203 Philosophy  2204 Religion and Religious Studies     1052-4533      
3319 C The Sunbird 0608 Zoology         1037-258X      
33827 A The Supreme Court Review 1801 Law         0081-9557      
16879 C The Surgeon 1103 Clinical Sciences         1479-666X 0035-8835 0374-8405  
33954 A* The Sydney Law Review 1801 Law         0082-0512      
34859 B The Sydney Organ Journal 2103 Historical Studies         0817-2285      
33955 C The Tax Lawyer 1801 Law         0040-005X      
20761 B The Teacher Educator 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0887-8730 1938-8101 0039-5897  
10558 C The Textile Museum Journal 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts         0083-7407      
21750 B The Tibet Journal: a publication of Tibetan studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         0970-5368      
31179 C The TQM Journal 1503 Business and Management 0299 Other Physical Sciences 0399 Other Chemical Sciences 1754-2731 0954-478X    
9158 B The Translator: studies in intercultural communication 2002 Cultural Studies 2004 Linguistics     1355-6509      
34764 C The Turnbull Library Record 0807 Library and Information Studies 2005 Literary Studies 2103 Historical Studies 0110-1625      
12245 C The Undying Fire: the journal of the H.G.Wells Society, the Americas 2005 Literary Studies         1536-9501      
34043 C The UNE Law Journal 1801 Law         1449-2199      
34020 C The University of Baltimore Intellectual Property Law Journal 1801 Law         1081-5058      
35595 B The Upstart Crow: a Shakespeare journal 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2005 Literary Studies     0886-2168      
5990 C The Urban Lawyer: the national quarterly on state and local government law 1801 Law         0042-0905 1942-6593    
19952 C The Urban Review 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0042-0972 1573-1960    
11650 C The UTS Law Review 2005 Literary Studies 1801 Law     1442-4959      
34492 B The Velvet Light Trap 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         0149-1830 1542-4251    
5559 A The Veterinary Journal 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1090-0233 1532-2971 0007-1935  
5565 B The Veterinary Record 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0042-4900 0214-3909    
3322 C The Victorian Naturalist 06 Biological Sciences 05 Environmental Sciences     0042-5184      
18149 B The Visual Computer 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science     0178-2789 1432-2315    
32113 A* The VLDB Journal 0804 Data Format 0805 Distributed Computing     1066-8888 0949-877X    
40598 B The WAC Journal 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1544-4929      
40717 C The Way: a review of Christian spirituality 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0043-1575      
20084 C The Weaver 13 Education         1329-881X      
17711 C The Western Australian Naturalist 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences     0726-9609      
3022 C The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 0608 Zoology         1559-4491 1938-5447 0043-5643  
31297 C The Wisconsin Archaeologist 2101 Archaeology         0043-6364      
12276 C The Worcester Review 2005 Literary Studies         8756-5277      
16529 Not ranked The World Allergy Organization Journal 1103 Clinical Sciences         1939-4551      
34115 C The World Arbitration and Mediation Review 1801 Law         1934-3310 1934-3329    
18287 A The World Bank Economic Review 14 Economics         0258-6770 1564-698X    
18492 A The World Economy 1402 Applied Economics         0378-5920 1467-9701 0309-1961  
35756 A The World of Music 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0043-8774      
9310 B The Yearbook of Langland Studies 2003 Language Studies 2005 Literary Studies     0890-2917 2031-0242    
35333 B The Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 2002 Cultural Studies 2005 Literary Studies 1077-4254 1471-681X    
12285 B The Year's Work in English Studies 2005 Literary Studies         0084-4144 1471-6801    
8680 C Theandros 2203 Philosophy          1555-936X      
10194 C Theater 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0161-0775 1527-196X    
10196 C Theatre History Studies 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2103 Historical Studies     0733-2033      
10197 A* Theatre Journal (Baltimore) 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0192-2882 1086-332X    
10198 C Theatre Notebook: a journal of the history and technique of the British theatre 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0040-5523      
35864 C Theatre Research in Canada - Recherches Theatrales Au Canada 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1196-1198 0226-5761    
10200 A* Theatre Research International 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2002 Cultural Studies 2005 Literary Studies 0307-8833 1474-0672    
10201 B Theatre Survey 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0040-5574 1475-4533    
40530 C Theatre Symposium 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1065-4917      
35841 B Theatre Topics 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1054-8378 1086-3346    
35861 B TheatreForum: international theatre journal 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1060-5320      
31397 B Theoforum 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1495-7922 0013-2349    
12958 C Theologia Reformata 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0040-5612      
41744 C Theological Education 2204 Religion and Religious Studies 1303 Specialist Studies In Education     0040-5620      
12961 A* Theological Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0040-5639      
12962 A Theologie und Philosophie 2203 Philosophy  2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0040-5655      
12965 A Theologische Literaturzeitung: Monatsschrift fuer das gesamte Gebiet der Theologie und Religionswissenschaft 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0040-5671      
12966 A Theologische Quartalschrift 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0342-1430      
12967 A Theologische Revue 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0040-568X      
12969 A Theologische Zeitschrift 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0040-5701      
12971 B Theology and Science 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1474-6700 1474-6719    
40720 C Theology and Sexuality 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1355-8358 1745-5170    
12972 A Theology Today 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0040-5736      
1991 B Theoretical and Applied Climatology 0401 Atmospheric Sciences         0177-798X 1434-4483    
3720 B Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0102 Applied Mathematics 0905 Civil Engineering 0167-8442 1872-7638    
2411 A Theoretical and Applied Genetics: international journal of plant breeding research 06 Biological Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 10 Technology 0040-5752 1432-2242    
39826 C Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 0102 Applied Mathematics         1450-5584 0353-8249    
1300 A Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics 0102 Applied Mathematics 0203 Classical Physics     0935-4964 1432-2250    
412 B Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 01 Mathematical Sciences 02 Physical Sciences     0040-5779 1573-9333 0564-6162  
39825 C Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling 06 Biological Sciences         1742-4682      
1510 B Theoretical Chemistry Accounts: theory, computation and modeling 0307 Theoretical and Computational Chemistry         1432-881X 1432-2234    
18143 A Theoretical Computer Science 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 0803 Computer Software 1702 Cognitive Science 0304-3975      
17431 A* Theoretical Criminology: an international journal 1602 Criminology 1801 Law     1362-4806 1461-7439    
32928 A Theoretical Economics 1401 Economic Theory         1933-6837 1555-7561    
3934 B Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering 0904 Chemical Engineering          0040-5795 1608-3431    
33978 A Theoretical Inquiries in Law 1801 Law         1565-1509      
35133 C Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science 1203 Design Practice and Management         1463-922X 1464-536X    
9145 B Theoretical Linguistics 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0301-4428 1613-4060    
8681 B Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics: philosophy of medical research and practice 2201 Applied Ethics 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 1103 Clinical Sciences 1386-7415 1573-1200 0167-9902 0166-2031
30253 A Theoretical Population Biology 0501 Ecological Applications 0602 Ecology 0604 Genetics  0040-5809 1096-0325    
34490 C Theoria (Denton): historical aspects of music theory 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1554-1312      
11437 C Theoria et Historia Scientiarum 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0867-4159      
34997 A Theoria: a journal of social and political theory 2203 Philosophy          0040-5817 1558-5816    
40072 A Theoria: a Swedish journal of philosophy 2203 Philosophy          0040-5825 1755-2567    
34996 C Theoria: revista de filosofia, teoria, historia y fundamentos de la ciencia 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 2203 Philosophy      0495-4548      
743 B Theory and Applications of Categories 0101 Pure Mathematics         1201-561X      
34995 A Theory and Decision: an international journal for multidisciplinary advances in decision sciences 1702 Cognitive Science 2201 Applied Ethics 2203 Philosophy  0040-5833 1573-7187    
10203 A Theory and Event: an online journal of political theory 2203 Philosophy          1092-311X      
10204 C Theory and Practice 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 1303 Specialist Studies In Education     0741-6156      
18145 A Theory and Practice of Logic Programming 0803 Computer Software         1471-0684 1475-3081    
6688 B Theory and Psychology 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0959-3543 1461-7447    
20034 B Theory and Research in Education 13 Education         1477-8785 1741-3192    
20676 A* Theory and Research in Social Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0093-3104      
10949 A Theory and Society: renewal and critique in social theory 1608 Sociology         0304-2421 1573-7853    
40440 C Theory at Buffalo 2005 Literary Studies 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 2203 Philosophy  1535-5551      
2125 C Theory in Biosciences 06 Biological Sciences         1431-7613 1611-7530 0006-3304  
40683 B Theory into Practice 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0040-5841 1543-0421 1555-4023  
39736 A Theory of Computing 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 1702 Cognitive Science     1557-2862      
18146 C Theory of Computing Systems 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics 0805 Distributed Computing 0102 Applied Mathematics 1432-4350 1433-0490    
872 A Theory of Probability and Its Applications 0104 Statistics          0040-585X 1095-7219    
871 C Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 0104 Statistics          0094-9000      
41712 C Theory of Stochastic Processes 0104 Statistics          0321-3900      
34597 A Theory, Culture and Society: explorations in critical social science 2001 Communication and Media Studies 2002 Cultural Studies 1608 Sociology 0263-2764 1460-3616    
36374 C Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis 1103 Clinical Sciences         1744-9979 1744-9987 1091-6660  
14862 B Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences 0301 Analytical Chemistry     0163-4356 1536-3694    
44911 C Therapeutic Recreation Journal 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0040-5914      
13805 C Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1178-203X 1176-6336    
14863 C Therapy: open access in clinical medicine 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1475-0708 1744-831X    
5548 A Theriogenology 0707 Veterinary Sciences 0702 Animal Production     0093-691X      
1511 C Thermochimica Acta 0301 Analytical Chemistry         0040-6031 1872-762X    
3996 C Thermodynamics at Texas A and M 0904 Chemical Engineering          0147-1503      
41405 C Thermology International 1103 Clinical Sciences         1560-604X      
7763 B Thesaurismata 2103 Historical Studies         0082-4097      
10950 B Thesis Eleven: critical theory and historical sociology 1608 Sociology         0725-5136 1461-7455    
1156 A Thin Solid Films 0912 Materials Engineering 0204 Condensed Matter Physics 0910 Manufacturing Engineering 0040-6090      
3825 A Thin Walled Structures 0905 Civil Engineering 0901 Aerospace Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0263-8231      
6689 C Thinking and Reasoning 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1354-6783 1464-0708    
20768 C Thinking Classroom: a journal of reading, writing and critical reflection 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1392-947X      
35250 C Thinking: the journal of philosophy for children 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0190-3330      
12229 C Third Coast 2005 Literary Studies         1520-8206      
19044 C Third Sector Review MD Multidisciplinary         1323-9163      
35798 A Third Text: third world perspectives on contemporary art and culture 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts     0952-8822 1475-5297    
33979 C Third World Legal Studies (Year) 1801 Law         0895-5018      
7764 A Third World Quarterly: journal of emerging areas 1606 Political Science 1605 Policy and Administration     0143-6597 1360-2241    
40755 B Thirdspace: A Journal of Feminist Theory and Culture 2002 Cultural Studies         1499-8513      
12230 B Thomas Hardy Journal 2005 Literary Studies         0268-5418      
12231 C Thomas Hardy Year Book 2005 Literary Studies         0082-416X      
33980 C Thomas Jefferson Law Review 1801 Law         1090-5278 1073-676X    
33957 C Thomas M Cooley Journal of Practical and Clinical Law 1801 Law         1097-0800      
33981 C Thomas M. Cooley Law Review 1801 Law         1060-1007 1943-1163    
40281 A* Thomas Mann Jahrbuch 2005 Literary Studies         0935-6983      
12232 C Thomas Wolfe Review 2005 Literary Studies         0276-5683 0148-1789    
8685 A Thomist 2203 Philosophy  2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0040-6325      
16893 C Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         0171-6425 1439-1902    
16894 A* Thorax 1103 Clinical Sciences         0040-6376 1468-3296    
20413 C Thought and Action 1301 Education Systems          0748-8475      
20082 C Thresholds in Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0196-9641 0361-106X    
16895 A Thrombosis and Haemostasis 1103 Clinical Sciences         0340-6245      
16896 B Thrombosis Research: vascular obstruction, hemorrhage and hemostasis 1103 Clinical Sciences         0049-3848      
22306 B Thunderbird International Business Review 1503 Business and Management         1096-4762 1520-6874 0020-6652 1525-0369
33982 C Thurgood Marshall Law Review 1801 Law         0749-1646 1942-6607 0092-3559  
36149 C Thymos: journal of boyhood studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1931-9045 1872-4329    
16897 B Thyroid 1103 Clinical Sciences         1050-7256      
4138 C Tianranqi Gongye 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1000-0976      
32741 C Tidskrift foer Genusforskning 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1654-5443 0348-8365    
9620 C Tidskriftet Antropologi 1601 Anthropology          0906-3021      
32829 C Tidsskrift for kjonnsforskning 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         0809-6341 0806-6256 0333-0265  
9146 C Tidsskrift for Sprogforskning 2004 Linguistics         1603-5925      
7766 C Tiempos Modernos: revista electronica de historia moderna 2103 Historical Studies         1699-7778      
5640 C Tieraerztliche Praxis. Ausgabe K: Kleintiere - Heimtiere 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1434-1239 0303-6286    
5549 C Tieraerztliche Umschau: Zeitschrift fuer alle Gebiete der Veterinaermedizin 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0049-3864 0026-9263    
9147 C Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap 2004 Linguistics         1384-6930 1875-7286 0921-2620  
5641 C Tijdschrift voor Diergeneeskunde 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0040-7453      
5983 B Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 14 Economics         0040-747X 1467-9663    
7767 A Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 2103 Historical Studies         0040-7518 0167-8310    
12974 C Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidszorg en Ethiek 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1572-0179 0925-2819    
8272 C Tijdschrift voor Mediterrane Archeologie 2101 Archaeology         0922-3312      
9148 C Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde 2004 Linguistics 2005 Literary Studies     0040-7550      
10561 C Tijdschrift voor Oude Muziek 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0920-0649      
7770 B Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis 2103 Historical Studies         0040-7585 1571-8190    
9149 C Tijdschrift voor Skandinavistiek 2004 Linguistics 2005 Literary Studies     0168-2148      
7771 A Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis 2103 Historical Studies         1572-1701 0303-9935 0920-9875 1380-5517
12975 C Tijdschrift voor Theologie 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0168-9959      
7772 B Tijdschrift voor Waterstaatsgeschiedenis 2103 Historical Studies         0927-3336      
7773 B Tijdschrift voor Zeegeschiedenis 2103 Historical Studies         0167-9988      
40790 B Tijdschrift vor Lerarenopleiders 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1876-4622      
33983 C Tilburg Law Review: journal of international and comparative law 1801 Law         0926-874X      
44949 B Time and Architecture: Shidai Jianzhu 1201 Architecture         1005-684X      
36911 B Time and Society 1608 Sociology         0961-463X 1461-7463    
15431 C Timisoara Medical Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1583-5251 1583-526X 0493-3079  
10562 C Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck. Veroeffentlichungen 2102 Curatorial and Related Studies         0379-0231      
2297 C Tissue and Cell 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1116 Medical Physiology     0040-8166 1532-3072    
16898 A Tissue Antigens 1103 Clinical Sciences         0001-2815 1399-0039    
44822 A Tissue Engineering 0903 Biomedical Engineering  0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology     1076-3279      
40040 A Tissue Engineering  Part B: Reviews 0903 Biomedical Engineering  0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology     1937-3368 1937-3376    
3382 A Tissue Engineering Part A: Tissue Engineering 0903 Biomedical Engineering  0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology     1937-3341 1937-335X    
40039 A Tissue Engineering. Part C. Methods 0903 Biomedical Engineering  0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology     1937-3384 1937-3392    
2224 C Tissue Reactions 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0250-0868      
20738 C Tizard Learning Disability Review 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1359-5474      
41404 C TMC Academic Journal 1606 Political Science         1793-6020      
4846 B TMS Letters 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1550-2570      
13806 A Tobacco Control 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0964-4563      
16899 C Tobacco Induced Diseases 1103 Clinical Sciences         1617-9625 2070-7266    
12236 C Todas As Letras 2005 Literary Studies         1517-1000      
4620 C Tohoku Daigaku Dentsu Danwakai Kiroku 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0385-7719      
15341 C Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0040-8727 1349-3329    
745 B Tohoku Mathematical Journal 0101 Pure Mathematics         0040-8735      
4850 C Tohoku University Science Reports of the Research Institutes Series A 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0040-8808      
20319 C Tojet 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1303-6521      
32500 B Tokyo Journal of Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         0387-3870      
35360 C Tolley's Trust Law International 1801 Law         0962-2624 0269-5782    
12237 B Tolstoy Studies Journal 2005 Literary Studies         1044-1573      
9152 C Tonos Digital: revista electronica de estudios filologicos 2004 Linguistics         1577-6921      
41123 C TOP: An Official Journal of the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics     1134-5764 1863-8279    
34994 C Topicos 2203 Philosophy          0188-6649      
1041 B Topics in Applied Physics 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     0303-4216      
1512 B Topics in Catalysis 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural) 0904 Chemical Engineering      1022-5528 1572-9028    
5642 C Topics in Companion Animal Medicine 0707 Veterinary Sciences 0799 Other Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences     1938-9736 1558-2272 1096-2867 0882-0511
1388 A Topics in Current Chemistry 03 Chemical Sciences         0340-1022      
20703 B Topics in Early Childhood Special Education 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         0271-1214 1538-4845    
16900 C Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation 1103 Clinical Sciences         0882-7524 1550-2414    
9153 B Topics in Language Disorders 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0271-8294 1550-3259    
32929 B Topics in Macroeconomics 1401 Economic Theory         1534-5998      
1603 B Topics in Stereochemistry 0305 Organic Chemistry         0082-500X 1935-1275    
16901 C Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation 1103 Clinical Sciences         1074-9357      
30142 B Toplumsal Tarih 2103 Historical Studies         1300-7025      
7774 B Topoi-an International Review of Philosophy 2203 Philosophy          0167-7411 1572-8749    
413 B Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 0101 Pure Mathematics         1230-3429      
414 A Topology 0101 Pure Mathematics         0040-9383 1879-3215    
415 B Topology and Its Applications: a journal devoted to general, geometric, set-theoretic and algebraic 0101 Pure Mathematics         0166-8641 0016-660X    
8274 B Tor (uppsala): tidskrift foer arkeologi: journal of archaeology 2101 Archaeology         0495-8772      
34916 A Toronto Journal of Theology 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0826-9831 1918-6371    
12238 C Torre de Papel 2005 Literary Studies         1056-8336      
2616 C Torrey Botanical Society. Journal 0607 Plant Biology         1095-5674 1940-0616 0040-9618  
33984 B Tort Law Review 1801 Law         1039-3285      
33985 C Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Law Journal 1801 Law         1543-3234 1943-118X 0885-856X  
7775 C Tortenelmi Szemle 2103 Historical Studies         0040-9634      
33986 B Torts Law Journal 1801 Law         1038-5967      
19379 B Total Quality Management and Business Excellence 1503 Business and Management         1478-3371 1478-3363 1360-0613  
40458 A Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions 2103 Historical Studies 1606 Political Science     1469-0764 1743-9647    
35448 C Tottel's Journal of Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law 1801 Law         1746-7632 1746-4455 1478-2634 1366-2996
34699 A* T'oung Pao: international journal of Chinese studies MD Multidisciplinary         0082-5433 1568-5322    
36110 C Tourism 1506 Tourism         1332-7461 0494-2639    
19687 A Tourism Analysis 1506 Tourism         1083-5423 1943-3999    
35887 B Tourism and Hospitality Planning and Development 1506 Tourism         1479-053X 1479-0548    
19689 B Tourism and Hospitality Research: the Surrey quarterly review 1504 Commercial Services 1506 Tourism     1467-3584 1742-9692    
36279 B Tourism Economics: the business and finance of tourism and recreation 1506 Tourism 1402 Applied Economics     1354-8166      
19692 B Tourism Geographies: an international journal of tourism place, space and the environment 1506 Tourism 1604 Human Geography 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields 1461-6688 1470-1340    
36280 C Tourism in Marine Environments 1506 Tourism         1544-273X      
19693 A* Tourism Management 1506 Tourism         0261-5177 1879-3193    
19694 B Tourism Recreation Research 1506 Tourism         0250-8281      
19700 C Tourism Review 1506 Tourism         1660-5373 1759-8451 0251-3102  
19695 C Tourism Review International: an international journal 1506 Tourism         1544-2721 1088-4157    
35886 C Tourism, Culture and Communication 15 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services 20 Language, Communication and Culture 16 Studies In Human Society 1098-304X 1943-4146    
19719 C Tourismus Journal: Zeitschrift fuer tourismuswissenschaftliche Forschung und Praxis 1506 Tourism         1433-5948      
19696 B Tourist Studies: an international journal 1506 Tourism         1468-7976 1741-3206    
33987 C Touro Law Review 1801 Law         8756-7326 1942-9843 1075-8453  
37009 B Town and Country Planning 1605 Policy and Administration         0040-9960      
21040 A* Town Planning Review 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         0041-0020 1478-341X    
16902 B Toxicologic Pathology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0192-6233 1533-1601    
1389 C Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry 03 Chemical Sciences         0277-2248 1029-0486    
14864 B Toxicological Reviews 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1176-2551 0964-198X    
14865 A Toxicological Sciences 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1096-6080 1096-0929    
14866 A Toxicology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0300-483X      
14867 A Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0041-008X 1096-0333    
14868 B Toxicology in Vitro 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0887-2333 1879-3177    
14869 B Toxicology Letters 0502 Environmental Science and Management 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences     0378-4274      
15039 C Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1537-6524      
14870 B Toxicon 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0041-0101 1879-3150    
14871 C Toxin Reviews 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0731-3837 1556-9551    
44957 C Toyo Construction Technical Research Reports 1202 Building         1340-3249      
21756 B Toyo Gakuho MD Multidisciplinary         0386-9067      
21757 B Toyo Shi Kenkyu 21 History and Archaeology 16 Studies In Human Society     1018-1946      
3827 C Toyoda Koki Kokai Giho 0913 Mechanical Engineering         0917-172X      
7777 B Toyoshi-Kenkyu 2103 Historical Studies         0386-9059      
8275 B Trabajos de Prehistoria. Nueva Serie 2101 Archaeology         0082-5638      
40452 C Trabalhos em Linguistica Aplicada 2004 Linguistics         0103-1813      
34993 A Traditio: studies in ancient and medieval history, thought, and religion 2203 Philosophy  2103 Historical Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies 0362-1529      
12977 C Tradition (New York): a journal of Orthodox Jewish thought 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0041-0608      
21041 A Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Review 1201 Architecture         1050-2092      
39735 C Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin 0704 Fisheries Sciences         1025-7497      
9162 B Traduction Terminologie Redaction 2003 Language Studies         0835-8443      
2298 A Traffic 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         1398-9219 1600-0854    
40605 C Traffic (Univeristy of Melbourne) MD Multidisciplinary         1447-2538      
44875 B Traffic Engineering and Control 0902 Automotive Engineering         0041-0683      
30196 B Traffic Injury Prevention 0902 Automotive Engineering         1538-9588 1538-957X 1028-6586  
4293 C Traffic Quarterly 0905 Civil Engineering         0041-0713      
19318 C Training and Management Development Methods 1503 Business and Management         0951-3507      
32502 C Traitement du signal: signal, image, parole 02 Physical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences     0765-0019 1958-5608    
7780 C Trajecta: tijdschrift voor de geshiedenis van het katholiek leven in de Nederlanden 2103 Historical Studies         0778-8304      
34992 C Trans - Form - Acao: revista de filosofia 2203 Philosophy          0101-3173      
10563 C Trans - Transcultural Music Review 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1697-0101      
40282 C Trans: Internet journal for cultural studies 2005 Literary Studies         1560-182X      
4663 B Transactions in GIS 0804 Data Format 0909 Geomatic Engineering      1361-1682 1467-9671    
36378 C Transactions of Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering 0913 Mechanical Engineering         0315-8977      
3561 C Transactions of Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1075-8623      
5767 B Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 0704 Fisheries Sciences         0002-8487 1548-8659    
416 A* Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 0101 Pure Mathematics         0002-9947 1088-6850    
7782 A* Transactions of the American Philological Association 2103 Historical Studies         0360-5949 1533-0699    
3442 B Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers 0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management         0001-2351      
7783 C Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society 2103 Historical Studies         0068-6611      
8688 C Transactions of the Charles S Peirce Society 2203 Philosophy          0009-1774 1558-9587    
7784 B Transactions of the Historical Society of Ghana 2103 Historical Studies         0855-191X 0073-2648    
17603 C Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science MD Multidisciplinary         0019-2252      
2040 A Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 1604 Human Geography 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience     0020-2754 1475-5661    
4777 B Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0020-2967 1745-9192    
1760 C Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy Section B-Applied Earth Science 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0371-7453 1743-2758    
3584 C Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences 0901 Aerospace Engineering         0549-3811      
17631 C Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science MD Multidisciplinary         0022-8443 1938-5420    
41403 C Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan 1005 Communications Technologies 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering     1382-3469      
17649 C Transactions of the Missouri Academy of Science MD Multidisciplinary         0544-540X      
17661 C Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences and Affiliated Societies MD Multidisciplinary         0163-9013      
17662 C Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences MD Multidisciplinary         0028-7113      
9157 A Transactions of the Philological Society 2003 Language Studies         0079-1636 1467-968X    
7785 B Transactions of the Royal Historical Society 2103 Historical Studies         0080-4401 1474-0648    
4713 A* Transactions of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects Part A: International Journal of Maritime Engineering 0911 Maritime Engineering          1479-8751 1740-0716 0035-8967  
40312 A Transactions of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects Part B International Journal of Small Craft Technology 0911 Maritime Engineering          1740-0694 1740-0708    
17489 C Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa MD Multidisciplinary         0035-919X      
17494 C Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 2103 Historical Studies 2102 Curatorial and Related Studies     0372-1426 0376-2750    
13807 B Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1108 Medical Microbiology 0605 Microbiology  0035-9203      
44876 A* Transactions of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers 0911 Maritime Engineering          0081-1661      
4513 C Transactions of the South African Institute of Electrical Engineers 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         0038-2221      
17703 C Transactions of the Tianjin University MD Multidisciplinary         1006-4982 1995-8196    
17721 C Transactions of the Zimbabwe Scientific Association MD Multidisciplinary         0254-2765      
33988 C Transactions: The Tennessee Journal of Business Law 1801 Law         1942-6585 1942-6577    
5531 B Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1865-1674 1865-1682 0931-184X 1124-5352
11472 C Transcultural Studies: a series in interdisciplinary research 2002 Cultural Studies         1930-6253      
10564 C Transfiguration: Nordisk tidsskrift for kunst og kristendom 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         1399-1353 1604-3049    
417 A Transformation Groups 0101 Pure Mathematics         1083-4362 1531-586X    
41724 C Transformation: an international journal of holistic mission studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0265-3788      
35275 B Transformations MD Multidisciplinary         1444-3775      
41402 C Transforming Anthropology 1601 Anthropology          1051-0559 1548-7466    
31357 C Transforming Cultures eJounral 2002 Cultural Studies         1833-8542      
16903 A Transfusion 1103 Clinical Sciences         0041-1132 1537-2995    
41401 C Transfusion Alternatives in Transfusion Medicine 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1295-9022 1778-428X    
16904 B Transfusion and Apheresis Science 1103 Clinical Sciences         1473-0502 1878-1683    
16905 C Transfusion Clinique et Biologique 1103 Clinical Sciences         1246-7820 1953-8022    
16906 B Transfusion Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         0958-7578 1365-3148    
16907 C Transfusion Medicine and Hemotherapy 1103 Clinical Sciences         1660-3796 1660-3818 1424-5485  
16908 A Transfusion Medicine Reviews 1103 Clinical Sciences         0887-7963 1532-9496    
3383 A Transgenic Research 10 Technology 06 Biological Sciences     0962-8819 1573-9368    
2412 C Transgenics: biological analysis through dna transfer 0604 Genetics          1023-6171 1607-8586    
40438 C Transit 1507 Transportation and Freight Services         1551-9627      
1550 C Transition Metal Chemistry: an international journal 0302 Inorganic Chemistry         0340-4285 1572-901X    
32930 C Transition Studies Review MD Multidisciplinary         1614-4007 1614-4015    
36994 B Translation and Interpreting Studies 2003 Language Studies         1932-2798 1876-2700    
12240 B Translation and Literature 2005 Literary Studies 2003 Language Studies     0968-1361 1750-0214    
40454 Not ranked Translation Studies 2003 Language Studies         1478-1700 1751-2921    
36993 C Translation Watch Quarterly 2003 Language Studies         1832-6951      
16413 B Translational Research: the journal of laboratory and clinical medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         1931-5244 1532-6543 0022-2143  
31114 B Transnational Corporations 1503 Business and Management         1014-9562      
41400 C Transnational Curriculum Inquiry 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1449-8855      
35359 B Transnational Law and Contemporary Problems 1801 Law         1058-1006      
11621 B Transnational Literature 2005 Literary Studies         1836-4845 1832-0813 0157-3705  
21761 C Transoxiana: journal libre de estudios orientales MD Multidisciplinary         1666-7050      
16909 B Transplant Immunology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0966-3274 1878-5492    
16910 C Transplant Infectious Disease 1103 Clinical Sciences         1398-2273 1399-3062    
16911 B Transplant International 1103 Clinical Sciences         0934-0874 1432-2277    
16913 A Transplantation 1103 Clinical Sciences         0041-1337 1534-6080    
16915 C Transplantation Reviews 1103 Clinical Sciences         0955-470X 1557-9816    
4294 C Transport Engineering in Australia 0905 Civil Engineering         1324-1591      
3937 A Transport in Porous Media 0904 Chemical Engineering  0905 Civil Engineering     0169-3913 1573-1634    
40708 A Transport Policy 1507 Transportation and Freight Services 1205 Urban and Regional Planning     0967-070X 1879-310X    
3563 A Transport Reviews 1507 Transportation and Freight Services 1205 Urban and Regional Planning     0144-1647 1464-5327    
32503 C Transport Theory and Statistical Physics 01 Mathematical Sciences 02 Physical Sciences     0041-1450 1532-2424    
33959 C Transportation Law Journal: industry leader in multi-modal law, economics and policy 1801 Law         0049-450X      
4297 B Transportation Planning and Technology 0905 Civil Engineering 1205 Urban and Regional Planning     0308-1060 1029-0354    
4298 A Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 1507 Transportation and Freight Services 1205 Urban and Regional Planning     0965-8564 0191-2607    
36284 A* Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 1507 Transportation and Freight Services         0191-2615 1879-2367    
36285 B Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 1507 Transportation and Freight Services 1205 Urban and Regional Planning     1361-9209 1879-2340    
4301 B Transportation Research Part E - Logistics and Transportation Review 1507 Transportation and Freight Services 0102 Applied Mathematics 0103 Numerical and Computational Mathematics 1366-5545 1878-5794    
6691 C Transportation Research Part F-Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 1701 Psychology         1369-8478 1873-5517    
4302 A Transportation Research Record 0905 Civil Engineering 1205 Urban and Regional Planning     0361-1981      
4300 A Transportation Research. Part C: Emerging Technologies 0905 Civil Engineering         0968-090X 1879-2359    
4303 A Transportation Science 1507 Transportation and Freight Services 0102 Applied Mathematics     0041-1655 1526-5447    
4295 A Transportation: an international journal devoted to the improvement of transportation planning and practice 0905 Civil Engineering 1507 Transportation and Freight Services 1205 Urban and Regional Planning 0049-4488 1572-9435    
33042 C Transportmetrica 1507 Transportation and Freight Services         1812-8602 1944-0987    
12978 C Transversalites: revue de l'Institut Catholique de Paris 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1286-9449 0294-4308    
7786 C Transylvanian Review 2103 Historical Studies         1221-1249      
41399 C Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences MD Multidisciplinary         1842-2845      
16916 C Trauma 1103 Clinical Sciences         1460-4086 1477-0350    
36168 B Trauma, Violence and Abuse: a review journal 1701 Psychology         1524-8380 1552-8324    
36470 C Traumatology 1701 Psychology 1103 Clinical Sciences 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1534-7656 1085-9373    
44973 B Travail, genre et sociŽtŽ 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1294-6303      
9159 C Travaux de Linguistique: revue internationale de linguistique francaise 2004 Linguistics         0082-6049 1782-1576    
34763 B Travaux de Litterature 2005 Literary Studies         0995-6794      
16917 C Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease 1103 Clinical Sciences         1477-8939 1873-0442    
31499 C Travessia: revista de literatura 2005 Literary Studies         0101-9570      
16918 C Treatments in Endocrinology: guiding your management of endocrine disorders 1103 Clinical Sciences         1175-6349      
16919 C Treatments in Respiratory Medicine 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1176-3450 1175-6365    
41398 C Tree and Forestry Science and Biotechnology 0705 Forestry Sciences 0706 Horticultural Production     1752-3753      
31084 A Tree Genetics and Genomes 1001 Agricultural Biotechnology 0705 Forestry Sciences 0604 Genetics  1614-2942 1614-2950    
5690 A Tree Physiology: an international botanical journal 0705 Forestry Sciences         0829-318X 1758-4469    
31085 C Tree-Ring Research 0705 Forestry Sciences         1536-1098 0041-2198    
5691 B Trees: structure and function 0705 Forestry Sciences         0931-1890 1432-2285    
17439 B Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice 1602 Criminology         0817-8542      
1663 A Trends in Analytical Chemistry 0301 Analytical Chemistry         0165-9936 0167-2940    
41346 C Trends in Applied Sciences Research MD Multidisciplinary         1819-3579      
34280 A Trends in Applied Spectroscopy 0205 Optical Physics 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)     0972-4516      
2299 A* Trends in Biochemical Sciences 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry     0968-0004 0167-7640    
3384 A* Trends in Biotechnology 10 Technology 06 Biological Sciences 09 Engineering 0167-7799      
16920 A Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1050-1738 1873-2615    
2300 A* Trends in Cell Biology 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology         0962-8924 1879-3088    
6693 A* Trends in Cognitive Sciences 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science 1364-6613      
3321 A* Trends in Ecology and Evolution 0602 Ecology 0501 Ecological Applications 0502 Environmental Science and Management 0169-5347 1872-8383    
16921 A Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism 1103 Clinical Sciences         1043-2760      
9678 B Trends in Food Science and Technology 0908 Food Sciences         0924-2244      
2413 A* Trends in Genetics 0604 Genetics          0168-9525      
15536 A Trends in Immunology 1107 Immunology         1471-4906 1471-4981 0167-5699  
32504 C Trends in Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         1229-1404      
2512 A Trends in Microbiology 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     0966-842X      
15185 A Trends in Molecular Medicine 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0304 Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry 1101 Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics 1471-4914 1357-4310    
14544 A* Trends in Neurosciences 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science     0166-2236 1357-7115    
41397 C Trends in Organized Crime 1602 Criminology         1084-4791 1936-4830    
15186 A* Trends in Parasitology 1108 Medical Microbiology 0605 Microbiology  0707 Veterinary Sciences 1471-4922 1471-5007 0169-4758  
14872 A* Trends in Pharmacological Sciences 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0165-6147 1873-3735    
2670 A* Trends in Plant Science 0607 Plant Biology         1360-1385      
21802 A Trends of Recent Researches on the History of China 2103 Historical Studies         1002-7971      
35155 B Trials 1103 Clinical Sciences 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology     1745-6215 1468-6694    
33990 C Tribal Law Journal 1801 Law         1936-1262      
3997 C Tribologie und Schmierungstechnik 0904 Chemical Engineering          0724-3472      
3721 A Tribology International 0913 Mechanical Engineering         0301-679X 1879-2464    
3722 A* Tribology Letters 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0912 Materials Engineering     1023-8883 1573-2711    
3723 A Tribology Transactions 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1040-2004 1547-397X    
41144 C TriboTest Journal: tribology and lubrication in practice 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1354-4063 1557-685X    
17704 C Tribulus MD Multidisciplinary         1019-6919      
12979 B Trierer Theologische Zeitschrift 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0041-2945      
8164 A Trierer Zeitschrift fuer Geschichte und Kunst des Trierer Landes und seiner Nachbargebiete 2101 Archaeology         0041-2953      
33991 C Trinity College Law Review 1801 Law         1393-5941      
34915 B Trinity Journal 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0360-3032 0360-2915    
31331 A TripleC: cognition communicatio co-operation 1702 Cognitive Science         1726-670X      
12241 C Tristania: a journal devoted to Tristan studies 2005 Literary Studies         0360-3385      
10565 C Trivium 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing 20 Language, Communication and Culture     0082-660X      
7789 C Trocadero: revista de historia moderna y contemporanea 2103 Historical Studies         0214-4212      
5220 C Tropical Agriculture 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         0041-3216 0048-1580    
5550 B Tropical Animal Health and Production 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0049-4747 1573-7438    
40734 C Tropical Biomedicine 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         0127-5720      
36360 C Tropical Ecology 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences     0564-3295      
5802 B Tropical Freshwater Biology 0704 Fisheries Sciences         0795-0101      
5172 B Tropical Grasslands 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences         0049-4763      
15040 C Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1596-5996      
13808 C Tropical Medicine and International Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1360-2276 1365-3156    
41395 Not ranked Tropical Plant Biology 0607 Plant Biology 0604 Genetics  0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1935-9756      
2733 C Tropical Plant Pathology 0607 Plant Biology 0703 Crop and Pasture Production 0605 Microbiology  1982-5676 1983-2052 0100-4158  
5643 C Tropical Veterinarian 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0794-4845      
3012 C Tropical Zoology 0608 Zoology         0394-6975 1970-9528    
5372 C Tropicultura 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         0771-3312      
33992 C Trusts and Trustees 1801 Law         1363-1780 1752-2110 1355-5529  
9622 C Tsantsa: Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Ethnologischen Gesellschaft 1601 Anthropology          1420-7834      
21762 B Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies MD Multidisciplinary         0577-9170      
36739 B Tsinghua Law (Qinghua Faxue) 1801 Law         1673-9280      
12243 C Tsuda Review 2005 Literary Studies         0496-3547      
34178 C TSW Holistic Health and Medicine 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         1749-494X      
16922 A Tuberculosis 1103 Clinical Sciences         1472-9792 1873-281X    
41714 C TUGboat 0199 Other Mathematical Sciences 0807 Library and Information Studies     0896-3207      
10566 C Tuhinga: Records of the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa 2102 Curatorial and Related Studies         1173-4337 1171-6908    
33993 B Tulane Environmental Law Journal 1801 Law         1047-6857 1942-9908    
33960 C Tulane European and Civil Law Forum 1801 Law         1045-8891      
33994 B Tulane Journal of International and Comparative Law 1801 Law         1069-4455      
33995 B Tulane Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property 1801 Law         1533-3531      
33996 B Tulane Law Review 1801 Law         0041-3992      
33998 A Tulane Maritime Law Journal 1801 Law         1048-3748      
33999 C Tulsa Journal of Comparative and International Law 1801 Law         1073-192X      
34000 C Tulsa Law Review 1801 Law         1538-9979 1942-986X 0041-4050  
34596 B Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature 2002 Cultural Studies 2005 Literary Studies     0732-7730 1936-1645    
16923 B Tumor Biology: from basic science to clinical application 1103 Clinical Sciences         1010-4283 1423-0380    
16924 C Tumori: a journal of experimental and clinical oncology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0300-8916      
44893 B Tumu Gongcheng Xuebao 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1000-131X      
21763 C Tunghai Journal MD Multidisciplinary         1024-2287      
4304 A Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 0905 Civil Engineering 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy     0886-7798      
36390 B Turcica: revue d'etudes turques: peuples, langues, cultures, etats MD Multidisciplinary         0082-6847 1783-1822    
9163 C Turk Dili Arastirmalari Yilligi Belleten 2004 Linguistics         0564-5050      
6694 C Turk Psikoloji Dergisi 1701 Psychology         1300-4433      
9164 C Turkbilig: turkoloji arastirmalari 2004 Linguistics         1302-6011      
9400 B Turkic Languages 2003 Language Studies         1431-4983      
4621 C Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1300-0632 1303-6203    
31087 C Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 0704 Fisheries Sciences         1303-2712      
419 B Turkish Journal of Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         1300-0098 1303-6149    
15435 C Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1300-0144 1303-6165    
16925 C Turkish Journal of Pediatrics 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0041-4301      
30287 C Turkish Journal of Population Studies 1603 Demography          0259-6334      
5480 C Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 0702 Animal Production         1300-0128 1303-6181 1010-7592  
3140 C Turkish Journal of Zoology 0608 Zoology         1300-0179 1303-6114 1011-0895  
20769 C Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education 1301 Education Systems          1302-6488      
30143 B Turkish Studies Association Journal MD Multidisciplinary         0275-6048 0737-2353    
7792 C Turun Historiallinen. Arkisto 2103 Historical Studies         0085-7440      
44958 B Twentieth Century Architecture 1201 Architecture         1353-1964      
7793 B Twentieth Century British History 2103 Historical Studies         0955-2359 1477-4674    
12244 B Twentieth Century Literature: a scholarly and critical journal 2005 Literary Studies         0041-462X      
44974 B Twentieth Century Music 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1478-5722      
21764 A Twentieth-Century China 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 2103 Historical Studies     1521-5385 1940-5065    
41353 C Twenty - First Century Society 1608 Sociology         1745-0144 1745-0152    
21338 B Twenty-First Century MD Multidisciplinary         1005-2984      
39734 B Twin Research and Human Genetics 0604 Genetics  1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science 1832-4274 1369-0523    
7794 A Tyche: Beitraege zur Alten Geschichte, Papyrologie und Epigraphik 2103 Historical Studies         1010-9161      
40165 C Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg: journal of South African law 1801 Law         0257-7747 1996-2207    
31399 C Tyndale Bulletin 2003 Language Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0082-7118      
35358 C UC Davis Journal of International Law and Policy 1801 Law         1080-6687      
34003 C UC Davis Journal of Juvenile Law and Policy 1801 Law         1942-6712 1942-6704    
34004 B UC Davis Law Review 1801 Law         0197-4564 1943-1732    
34006 B UCLA Entertainment Law Review 1801 Law         1073-2896 1939-5523    
35357 B UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy 1801 Law         0733-401X 1942-8553    
34008 B UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs 1801 Law         1089-2605      
34009 C UCLA Journal of Islamic and Near Eastern Law 1801 Law         1536-5107      
34010 C UCLA Journal of Law and Technology 1801 Law         1943-1716      
34011 A* UCLA Law Review 1801 Law         0041-5650 1943-1724    
34012 B UCLA Pacific Basin Law Journal 1801 Law         0884-0768      
31359 A Ugarit-Forschungen: internationales Jahrbuch fuer die Altertumskunde Syrien-Palaestinas 2002 Cultural Studies 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields     0342-2356      
15288 C Ukrainian Chemical Journal (English) 03 Chemical Sciences         0041-6045 0372-4204    
748 B Ukrainian Mathematical Bulletin 0101 Pure Mathematics         1812-3309 1810-3200    
749 C Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 0101 Pure Mathematics         0041-5995 0041-6053    
15436 C Ukrainian Medical Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1562-1146 1680-3051    
9733 C Uljarstvo: casopis za industriju biljnih ulja, masti i proteina 0908 Food Sciences         0351-9503      
15437 C Ulster Medical Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0041-6193      
41393 C UltiBASE Journal 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy      1443-7023      
8689 C Ultimate Reality and Meaning: interdisciplinary studies in the philosophy of understanding 2203 Philosophy          0709-549X      
17705 C Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences MD Multidisciplinary         0970-9150      
40786 A Ultramicroscopy 0205 Optical Physics 0299 Other Physical Sciences     0304-3991      
44877 B Ultrasonic Imaging 0903 Biomedical Engineering          0161-7346      
16928 C Ultrasonics 0203 Classical Physics         0041-624X 1874-9968    
34301 A Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)         1350-4177 1873-2828    
16929 B Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0301-5629 1879-291X    
16930 A Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         0960-7692 1469-0705    
16931 C Ultrastructural Pathology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0191-3123 1521-0758    
3999 C Ulum va-Tiknuluzhi-i Pulimir 0904 Chemical Engineering          1016-3255      
41965 C Uluslararasi Hukuk ve Politika 1801 Law         1305-5208      
34014 B UMKC Law Review 1801 Law         0047-7575      
34042 C UNB Law Journal 1801 Law         0836-6632 0077-8141    
34015 C Unbound: Harvard Journal of the Legal Left 1801 Law         1932-3808      
32742 C Uncoverings: research papers 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         0277-0628      
16932 C Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         1066-2936      
873 C Understanding Statistics 0104 Statistics          1534-844X      
44831 B Underwater Technology 0911 Maritime Engineering          1756-0543 1756-0551    
41194 C UNESCO Observatory Journal: Multi-disciplinary Research in the Arts 1999 Other Studies In Creative Arts and Writing 1399 Other Education      1835-2776      
17706 C Uniciencia MD Multidisciplinary         1011-0275      
20395 C Unicorn Online Refereed Articles 1301 Education Systems          1447-5111 0311-4775    
34016 C Uniform Commercial Code Law Journal 1801 Law         0041-672X      
41715 B Uniform Distribution Theory 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics 0104 Statistics  1336-913X      
752 C Union Matematica Argentina. Revista 0101 Pure Mathematics         0041-6932 1669-9637    
31400 A Union Seminary Quarterly Review 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0362-1545      
10568 C Unitas: a quarterly review for the arts and sciences 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         0041-7149      
34017 C United States-Mexico Law Journal 1801 Law         1089-8948      
12980 C Uniting Church Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1323-6377      
31281 C Universal Access in the Information Society: international journal 0806 Information Systems         1615-5289 1615-5297    
17714 C Universe MD Multidisciplinary         0043-9592      
8305 C Universidad de Granada. Catedra Francisco Suarez. Anales 2203 Philosophy          0008-7750      
15043 C Universidad de Los Andes Facultad de Farmacia Revista 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0543-517X      
33752 C Universidad de Puerto Rico. Revista Juridica 1801 Law         0886-2516      
8968 C Universidad de Zaragoza 2003 Language Studies 2005 Literary Studies     1137-6368      
5644 C Universidad del Zulia. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Revista Cientifica 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0798-2259      
33751 C Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico. Revista Juridica 1801 Law         0041-851X      
10569 C Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Instituto de Investigaciones Esteticas. Anales 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         0185-1276      
4852 C Universidad, Ciencia y Tecnologia 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1316-4821      
12246 C Universidade de Lisboa 2005 Literary Studies         0870-6336      
35129 C Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Letras. Geografia 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         0871-1666      
32700 C Universidade Estadual Paulista. Revista de Odontologia 1105 Dentistry         0101-1774      
32506 C Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Instituto de Matematica. Estudos e Comunicacoes 0101 Pure Mathematics         0103-1015      
32507 C Universita degli Studi di Parma. Rivista di Matematica 0101 Pure Mathematics         0035-6298      
12247 C Universita degli Studi di Siena. Facolta di Lettere e Filosofia. Annali 2005 Literary Studies         0392-9345      
35326 C Universita degli Sudi di Firenze. Dipartimento di Filosofia. Annali 2203 Philosophy          0394-5073 1824-3770    
32508 B Universitaet Hamburg. Mathematisches Seminar. Abhandlungen 0101 Pure Mathematics         0025-5858      
30632 C Universitas Comeniana Acta Mathematica 0101 Pure Mathematics         0231-6986 0862-9544 0373-8183  
35176 C Universitas Philosophica 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0120-5323      
5373 C Universitatea de Stiinte Agronomice Si Medicina Veterinara Lucrari Stiintifice Seria a Agronomie 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         1222-5339      
32510 C Universitatea din Craiova. Analele. Seria: Matematica, Informatica 0101 Pure Mathematics         1223-6934 0253-1860    
6721 B Universitatis Scientiarum Debreceniensis. Acta Classica 2103 Historical Studies         0418-453X      
12248 C Universite de Bordeaux III. Centre de Recherches sur l'Amerique Anglophone. Annales 2005 Literary Studies         0399-0443      
34018 C University College Dublin Law Review 1801 Law         1649-1327      
34019 C University of Arkansas at Little Rock Law Review 1801 Law         1527-5787 1942-8286 0162-8372  
41392 C University of Auckland Business Review 1503 Business and Management         1174-9946      
34021 C University of Baltimore Journal of Environmental Law 1801 Law         1062-6212 1942-826X    
34023 C University of Baltimore Law Review 1801 Law         0091-5440      
34024 A University of British Columbia Law Review 1801 Law         0068-1849      
20083 C University of Cape Coast Institute of Education Journal 13 Education         0855-0883      
40270 C University of Ceylon Review MD Multidisciplinary         0378-3936      
33961 A* University of Chicago Law Review 1801 Law         0041-9494 1939-859X    
34025 B University of Chicago Legal Forum 1801 Law         0892-5593 1942-9177    
34026 B University of Cincinnati Law Review 1801 Law         0009-6881 1942-8391    
34027 B University of Colorado Law Review 1801 Law         0041-9516      
34028 C University of Dayton Law Review 1801 Law         0162-9174 1942-9207 0363-2148  
34030 C University of Detroit Mercy Law Review 1801 Law         1058-4323      
34032 C University of Hawaii Law Review 1801 Law         0271-9835 1942-9223    
35356 B University of Illinois Journal of Law, Technology and Policy 1801 Law         1532-3242      
34034 B University of Illinois Law Review 1801 Law         0276-9948 1942-9231    
33962 C University of Kansas Law Review 1801 Law         0083-4025 1942-9258    
34035 C University of La Verne Law Review 1801 Law         1944-382X 0160-2098    
34036 C University of Louisville Law Review 1801 Law         1942-9274      
34037 C University of Maryland Law Journal of Race, Religion, Gender and Class 1801 Law         1554-4796 1538-8743    
33963 C University of Memphis Law Review 1801 Law         1080-8582 0047-6714    
34038 C University of Miami Business Law Review 1801 Law         1047-2819      
34040 B University of Miami Law Review 1801 Law         0041-9818      
34041 A University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform 1801 Law         0363-602X      
10570 C University of Michigan. Bulletin of Museums of Art and Archaeology. 2102 Curatorial and Related Studies         0270-1642      
33965 A* University of New South Wales Law Journal 1801 Law         0313-0096 1447-7297    
33669 B University of North Carolina School of Law Banking Institute 1801 Law         1096-7249      
36726 C University of Notre Dame Australia Law Review 1801 Law         1441-9769      
34044 C University of Ottawa Law and Technology Journal 1801 Law         1710-6028 1715-006X    
34045 B University of Pennsylvania Journal of Business and Employment Law 1801 Law         1940-8064 1097-4938    
34046 B University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 1801 Law         1521-2823 1942-8561    
34047 B University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law 1801 Law         1938-0283 1086-7872 0891-9895  
34049 A* University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1801 Law         0041-9907      
30288 C University of Petrosani. Social Sciences. Annals 1603 Demography          1582-1501      
34050 B University of Pittsburgh Law Review 1801 Law         0041-9915 1942-8405    
5190 C University of Puerto Rico. Journal of Agriculture 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences         0041-994X      
33967 B University of Queensland Law Journal 1801 Law         0083-4041      
34051 C University of Richmond Law Review 1801 Law         0566-2389 1942-9819    
3829 C University of Rijeka Technical Faculty Engineering Review 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1330-9587 0353-281X    
34052 C University of San Francisco Law Review 1801 Law         0042-0018      
34053 C University of San Francisco Maritime Law Journal 1801 Law         1061-3331      
34055 C University of St. Thomas Law Journal 1801 Law         1549-2028      
35618 C University of Sydney Papers in T E S O L 1303 Specialist Studies In Education         1834-3198 1834-4712    
34056 B University of Tasmania Law Review 1801 Law         0082-2108      
33968 C University of the District of Columbia Law Review 1801 Law         1539-5693 1942-6739 1063-8601  
33969 C University of Toledo Law Review 1801 Law         0042-0190 1942-9851    
34058 B University of Toronto Faculty of Law Review 1801 Law         0381-1638      
34048 A* University of Toronto Law Journal 1801 Law         0042-0220 1710-1174    
34711 A University of Toronto Quarterly: a Canadian journal of the humanities 20 Language, Communication and Culture         0042-0247 1712-5278    
34063 C University of West Los Angeles Law Review 1801 Law         0899-7446      
33970 B University of Western Australia Law Review 1801 Law         0042-0328      
34060 C University of Western Sydney Law Review 1801 Law         1446-9294 1327-1644    
34458 C Univerza v Ljubljani. Filozofska Fakulteta. Oddelek za Geografijo. Dela 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         0354-0596 1854-1089    
33028 C UNLV Gaming Research and Review Journal 1506 Tourism         1535-7589 1531-0930    
41124 C Update on Cancer Therapeutics 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1872-115X      
15440 C Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0300-9734 2000-1967    
12249 C Uranie 2005 Literary Studies         1150-1553      
5985 A Urban Affairs Review 1604 Human Geography 1205 Urban and Regional Planning     1078-0874 1552-8332 0042-0816  
9623 C Urban Anthropology and Studies of Cultural Systems and World Economic Development 1601 Anthropology  1699 Other Studies In Human Society     0894-6019      
20927 A Urban Design International 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         1357-5317 1468-4519    
40777 C Urban Ecosystems 0501 Ecological Applications 0602 Ecology     1083-8155 1573-1642    
20146 C Urban Education 1301 Education Systems          0042-0859 1552-8340    
5693 C Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 0705 Forestry Sciences         1618-8667 1610-8167    
21043 C Urban Forum 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         1015-3802 1874-6330    
2041 A Urban Geography 1604 Human Geography 1205 Urban and Regional Planning     0272-3638 1938-2847    
7795 A Urban History 1205 Urban and Regional Planning 2103 Historical Studies     0963-9268 1469-8706 0306-0845  
7796 B Urban History Review 1205 Urban and Regional Planning 2103 Historical Studies     0703-0428      
8282 B Urban Morphology 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         1027-4278      
5993 A Urban Policy and Research: an Australian and New Zealand guide to urban affairs 1605 Policy and Administration 1205 Urban and Regional Planning 1604 Human Geography 0811-1146 1476-7244    
44959 Not ranked Urban Research and Practice 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         1753-5069      
5994 A* Urban Studies: an international journal for research in urban studies 1205 Urban and Regional Planning 1604 Human Geography 1402 Applied Economics 0042-0980 1360-063X    
34710 C Urban Water Journal 0905 Civil Engineering 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience     1573-062X 1744-9006    
44960 C Urbanistica 1205 Urban and Regional Planning         1125-6257      
35154 C Urologic Clinics of North America 1103 Clinical Sciences         0094-0143 1558-318X    
14278 C Urologic Nursing 1110 Nursing         1053-816X      
16933 C Urologic Oncology: seminars and original investigations 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1078-1439 1873-2496 1081-0943  
16935 B Urological Research 1103 Clinical Sciences         0300-5623 1434-0879    
16936 B Urology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0090-4295 1527-9995 1731-0377  
16937 C UroOncology 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis         1561-0950      
3013 C Ursus 0608 Zoology         1537-6176 1938-5439 1936-0614  
19763 C US Bureau of Labor Statistics: Monthly Labor Review 1402 Applied Economics         0098-1818 1937-4658 0027-044X  
30122 B US Japan Women's Journal: English Supplement: a journal for the international exchange of gender studies MD Multidisciplinary         1059-9770      
15041 C US Pharmacist: the journal for pharmacists' education 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0148-4818      
12250 C Us Wurk: tydskrift foar Frisistyk 2005 Literary Studies         0042-1235      
18147 A User Modeling and User Adapted Interaction 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 0806 Information Systems     0924-1868 1573-1391    
4853 C Uspekhi Fiziki Metallov 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1608-1021      
1391 B Uspekhi Khimii 03 Chemical Sciences         0042-1308 1817-5651 0036-021X  
34061 C Utah Law Review 1801 Law         0042-1448      
8691 A Utilitas 2203 Philosophy          0953-8208 1741-6183    
874 C Utilitas Mathematica 0101 Pure Mathematics 0104 Statistics      0315-3681      
4623 C Utilities Policy 1605 Policy and Administration         0957-1787      
34991 C Utopia y Praxis Latinoamericana: revista internacional de filosofia iberoamericana y teoria social 2203 Philosophy          1316-5216      
40373 C Utopian Studies 2002 Cultural Studies 2005 Literary Studies     1045-991X      
34062 C Utrecht Law Review 1801 Law         1871-515X      
7797 B Utrechtse Historische Cahiers 2103 Historical Studies         0169-5886      
3141 C Uttar Pradesh Journal of Zoology 0608 Zoology         0256-971X      
22309 A Vaccine 06 Biological Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 0264-410X 1873-2518    
1042 C Vacuum 0912 Materials Engineering         0042-207X      
35068 B Vadose Zone Journal 0503 Soil Sciences 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience 0703 Crop and Pasture Production 1539-1663      
12251 C Vagant: tidsskrift for litteratur og kritikk 2005 Literary Studies         0802-0736      
10571 C Valoer: konstvetenskapliga studier 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         0283-751X      
34064 C Valparaiso University Law Review 1801 Law         0042-2363      
13809 B Value in Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1098-3015 1524-4733    
34065 C Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment and Technology Law 1801 Law         1942-678X      
34066 A Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 1801 Law         0090-2594      
34067 A* Vanderbilt Law Review 1801 Law         0042-2533 1942-9886    
12252 C Variaciones Borges: journal of philosophy, semiotics and literature 2005 Literary Studies         1396-0482      
35603 C Variance: advancing the science of risk 1402 Applied Economics         1940-6444 1940-6452    
11652 B Variants: the journal of the European Society for Textual Scholarship 2005 Literary Studies         1573-3084      
16938 C Vasa: Zeitschrift fuer Gefaesskrankheiten - journal of vascular diseases 1103 Clinical Sciences         0301-1526      
7798 C Vasconia 2103 Historical Studies         1136-6834 0212-6397    
15886 C Vascular 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1708-5381 1708-539X 0967-2109  
16939 C Vascular Health and Risk Management 1103 Clinical Sciences         1178-2048 1176-6344    
16940 C Vascular Medicine: the international journal of research review and clinical practice 1103 Clinical Sciences         1358-863X 1477-0377    
14874 B Vascular Pharmacology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         1537-1891 1879-3649    
17707 C Vasculum MD Multidisciplinary         0049-5891      
13810 B Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1530-3667 1557-7759    
5442 C Vegetable Crops Research Bulletin 0706 Horticultural Production         1506-9427 0509-6839    
2671 B Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0939-6314 1617-6278    
3650 A* Vehicle System Dynamics: international journal of vehicle mechanics and mobility 0902 Automotive Engineering         0042-3114 1744-5159    
4394 C Vejhistorie 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1600-776X      
7799 C Veleia: revista de prehistoria, historia antigua, arqueologia y filologia clasicas 2103 Historical Studies         0213-2095      
3014 C Veliger 0608 Zoology         0042-3211      
34487 C Velox: Critical Approaches to Contemporary Film 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media         1941-8019      
12253 C Venezuelan Literature and Arts Journal 2005 Literary Studies         1075-2021      
36112 C Venture Capital: an international journal of entrepreneurial finance 1503 Business and Management         1369-1066 1464-5343    
34914 C Vera Lex 2203 Philosophy          0893-4851      
7800 B Verbum: analecta neolatina 2005 Literary Studies 2103 Historical Studies     1585-079X      
34761 B Vergilius 2099 Other Language, Communication and Culture 2103 Historical Studies     0506-7294      
6695 C Verhaltenstherapie: Praxis - Forschung - Perspektiven 1701 Psychology 1103 Clinical Sciences     1016-6262 1423-0402    
8692 C Verifiche: rivista trimestrale di scienze umane 2203 Philosophy          0391-4186      
37115 C Veritas: Revista de Filosof’a y Teolog’a 2203 Philosophy  2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0717-4675      
31373 A Verkundigung und Forschung 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0342-2410      
34068 C Vermont Journal of Environmental Law 1801 Law         1936-4253      
34069 C Vermont Law Review 1801 Law         0145-2908      
21048 B Vernacular Architecture 1201 Architecture         0305-5477      
36324 C VertigO: la revue electronique en sciences de l'environnement 05 Environmental Sciences 16 Studies In Human Society     1492-8442      
5645 C Vet On-Line 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1360-1962      
12983 B Vetera Christianorum 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1121-9696      
5481 C Veterinaria e Zootecnia 0702 Animal Production         0102-5716      
5646 C Veterinaria Mexico 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0301-5092      
5647 C Veterinaria Tropical 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0379-8275      
5551 C Veterinarni Medicina 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0375-8427      
5648 B Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1467-2987 1467-2995 1351-6574  
5649 C Veterinary and Comparative Oncology 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1476-5810 1476-5829    
5650 B Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0932-0814      
5552 B Veterinary and Human Toxicology 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0145-6296      
5553 B Veterinary Clinical Pathology 0707 Veterinary Sciences 0608 Zoology     0275-6382 1939-165X    
5554 C Veterinary Clinics of North America: Equine Practice 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0749-0739 1558-4224    
5555 C Veterinary Clinics of North America: Exotic Animal Practice 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1094-9194 1558-4232    
5652 C Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0749-0720 1558-4240    
5556 C Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0195-5616      
5557 B Veterinary Dermatology: an international journal 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0959-4493 1365-3164    
5653 C Veterinary Forum: real practice real medicine 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1047-6326      
5558 A Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 0707 Veterinary Sciences 0704 Fisheries Sciences 0608 Zoology 0165-2427 1873-2534    
44309 C Veterinary Medicine 0707 Veterinary Sciences         8750-7943 1939-1919    
5560 A Veterinary Microbiology 0707 Veterinary Sciences 0605 Microbiology      0378-1135 1873-2542    
5654 B Veterinary Neurology and Neurosurgery 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1526-2073      
5655 B Veterinary Ophthalmology 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1463-5216 1463-5224    
5561 A Veterinary Parasitology 0707 Veterinary Sciences 0605 Microbiology  0704 Fisheries Sciences 0304-4017 1873-2550    
5562 A Veterinary Pathology 0707 Veterinary Sciences 0704 Fisheries Sciences     0300-9858 1544-2217    
5563 B Veterinary Quarterly: reviews on animal diseases 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0165-2176 1875-5941    
5564 B Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1058-8183 1740-8261    
5567 B Veterinary Research Communications: an international journal publishing topical reviews and research articles on all aspects of the veterinary sciences 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0165-7380 1573-7446 0378-4312  
5566 A* Veterinary Research: an international journal of animal infection and epidemiology 0707 Veterinary Sciences 0605 Microbiology      0928-4249 1297-9716    
5657 C Veterinary Sciences Tomorrow 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1569-0830      
5568 A Veterinary Surgery 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0161-3499 1532-950X 0149-3949  
5658 C Veterinary Technician: the complete journal for the veterinary hospital staff 0707 Veterinary Sciences         8750-8990      
12984 A* Vetus Testamentum 2103 Historical Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0042-4935 1568-5330    
7802 A Viator: Medieval and Renaissance studies 2103 Historical Studies         0083-5897      
1513 B Vibrational Spectroscopy 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)         0924-2031 1873-3697    
17460 C Victims and Offenders 1602 Criminology         1556-4886 1556-4991    
34070 B Victoria University of Wellington Law Review 1801 Law         1171-042X      
7805 C Victorian Historical Journal 2103 Historical Studies         1030-7710      
39824 B Victorian Journal of Music Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1036-6318      
11519 A Victorian Literature and Culture 2002 Cultural Studies 2005 Literary Studies     1060-1503 1470-1553    
11654 B Victorian Periodicals Review 2005 Literary Studies         0709-4698 1712-526X 0049-6189  
11655 C Victorian Poetry 2005 Literary Studies         0042-5206 1530-7190    
12255 B Victorian Review: an interdisciplinary journal of victorian studies 2005 Literary Studies         0848-1512 0703-5500    
36876 A Victorian Studies: a journal of the humanities, arts and sciences 2005 Literary Studies 2103 Historical Studies     0042-5222 1527-2052    
12256 C Victorians Institute Journal 2005 Literary Studies         0886-3865      
31401 B Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0970-1079      
3323 C Vie et Milieu: periodique d'ecologie generale 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences     0240-8759      
11442 C Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0929-6328      
41390 A Vienna Online Journal on International Constitutional Law 1801 Law         1995-5855      
30254 B Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 1603 Demography          1728-4414 1728-5305 0259-0883  
7807 A Vierteljahrshefte fuer Zeitgeschichte 2103 Historical Studies         0042-5702      
32512 C Vietnam Journal of Mathematics 0101 Pure Mathematics         0866-7179      
15342 C Vietnamese Medical Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1545-1844      
21768 C Vietnamese Studies MD Multidisciplinary         0085-7823      
41389 C Vietnam's Socio-Economic Development 1402 Applied Economics         0868-359X      
12985 A Vigiliae Christianae: a review of early Christian life and languages 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0042-6032 1570-0720    
9167 C Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics 2004 Linguistics         1697-0381      
40957 C Viking and Medieval Scandinavia 2005 Literary Studies         1782-7183      
8283 B Viking: tidsskrift for norroen arkeologi - journal of Norse archaeology 2101 Archaeology         0332-608X      
33972 C Villanova Environmental Law Journal 1801 Law         1049-2631      
34071 C Villanova Journal of Law and Investment Management (Online Edition) 1801 Law         1523-5513      
34072 C Villanova Law Review 1801 Law         0042-6229      
34073 C Villanova Sports and Entertainment Law Journal 1801 Law         1074-9187      
21049 C Villes en Parallele 1201 Architecture         0242-2794      
36724 A Vindobona Journal of International Commercial Law and Arbitration 1801 Law         1439-9741      
42181 B VINE: The Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems 0806 Information Systems         0305-5728      
7808 B Vingtieme Siecle: revue d'histoire 2103 Historical Studies         0294-1759 1950-6678    
12257 C Vinyar Tengwar 2005 Literary Studies         1054-7606      
11226 A Violence Against Women: an international and interdisciplinary journal 1602 Criminology 1699 Other Studies In Human Society     1077-8012 1552-8448    
17466 C Violence and Victims 1602 Criminology         0886-6708 1945-7073    
15538 B Viral Immunology 1107 Immunology         0882-8245 1557-8976    
16941 B Virchows Archiv: an international journal of pathology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0945-6317 1432-2307    
34075 B Virginia Environmental Law Journal 1801 Law         1045-5183      
34076 A Virginia Journal of International Law 1801 Law         0042-6571      
34077 B Virginia Journal of Law and Technology 1801 Law         1522-1687      
17708 C Virginia Journal of Science MD Multidisciplinary         0042-658X      
33973 B Virginia Journal of Social Policy and the Law 1801 Law 1605 Policy and Administration     1068-7955      
34078 C Virginia Law and Business Review 1801 Law         1930-627X      
34079 A* Virginia Law Review 1801 Law         0042-6601      
36916 B Virginia Magazine of History and Biography 2103 Historical Studies         0042-6636      
34080 C Virginia Sports and Entertainment Law Journal 1801 Law         1556-9799      
34081 A Virginia Tax Review 1801 Law         0735-9004      
37013 C Virginia Woolf Miscellany 2005 Literary Studies         0736-251X      
9168 C Virittaja 2004 Linguistics 2005 Literary Studies     0042-6806      
2513 A Virology 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     0042-6822 1096-0341    
35153 B Virology Journal 1108 Medical Microbiology         1743-422X      
3830 C Virtual and Physical Prototyping 0913 Mechanical Engineering 1203 Design Practice and Management     1745-2759 1745-2767    
32701 C Virtual Journal of Orthodontics 1105 Dentistry         1128-6547      
34497 B Virtual Reality 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science 0909 Geomatic Engineering  1359-4338 1434-9957    
2514 C Virus Genes 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology     0920-8569 1572-994X    
5659 C Virus Infections of Vertebrates 0707 Veterinary Sciences 0605 Microbiology  1108 Medical Microbiology 1388-3852      
2515 B Virus Research 0605 Microbiology          0168-1702 1872-7492    
37250 A Visible Language 1203 Design Practice and Management         0022-2224      
16942 B Vision Research 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry 1109 Neurosciences 1702 Cognitive Science 0042-6989 0887-6169    
3924 C Vision Tecnologica 0904 Chemical Engineering          0251-4478 0798-1643    
36282 A Visitor Studies 1506 Tourism         1064-5578      
9624 A Visual Anthropology 1601 Anthropology  1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 0894-9468 1545-5920    
10573 A Visual Arts Research: educational, historical, philosophical and psychological perspectives 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts     0736-0770      
6696 B Visual Cognition 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1350-6285 1464-0716    
9253 A Visual Communication 2001 Communication and Media Studies 2004 Linguistics 1203 Design Practice and Management 1470-3572 1741-3214    
10575 C Visual Culture and Gender 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing 20 Language, Communication and Culture 16 Studies In Human Society 1936-1912      
34837 B Visual Culture in Britain 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media     1471-4787      
41125 C Visual Geosciences 0499 Other Earth Sciences         1610-2924 1436-2511    
16943 C Visual Impairment Research 1103 Clinical Sciences 1702 Cognitive Science 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry 1388-235X 1744-5167    
14547 B Visual Neuroscience 1702 Cognitive Science 1109 Neurosciences 1113 Ophthalmology and Optometry 0952-5238 1469-8714    
10206 A Visual Resources: an international journal of documentation 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts 2099 Other Language, Communication and Culture 0197-3762 1477-2809    
35845 B Visual Studies 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts 2002 Cultural Studies     1472-586X 1472-5878 1067-1684  
41385 C visual:design:scholarship 1203 Design Practice and Management         1833-2226      
15044 A Vitamins and Hormones: Advances in Research and Applications 1103 Clinical Sciences 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences     0083-6729      
5407 B Vitis: journal of grapevine research 0706 Horticultural Production         0042-7500      
8693 B Vivarium 2203 Philosophy          0042-7543 1568-5349    
5660 C Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0303-9021      
32513 C Vladikavkazskii Matematicheskii Zhurnal 0101 Pure Mathematics         1683-3414 1814-0807    
18150 B VLSI Design 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences         1065-514X 1563-5171    
5374 C Vocarstvo 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         1820-5054 0350-2155    
39823 Not ranked Vocations and Learning 13 Education         1874-785X 1874-7868    
41843 C Vodohospodarsky Casopis 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience 0905 Civil Engineering     0042-790X      
15045 C Vojenske Zdravotnicke Listy 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0372-7025      
9626 C Volkskunde 1601 Anthropology          0042-8523      
16946 C Volta Review 1103 Clinical Sciences         0042-8639      
34262 C Voluntary Action 1607 Social Work         1465-4067      
34263 C Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations 1607 Social Work         0957-8765 1573-7888    
31333 C Vooraziatisch-Egyptisch Genootschap "Ex Oriente Lux". Jaarbericht: annuaire de la Societe Orientale 2002 Cultural Studies         0075-2118      
8694 C Voprosy Filosofii 2203 Philosophy          0042-8744      
7810 B Voprosy Istorii 2103 Historical Studies         0042-8779      
30614 C Voprosy istorii estestvoznaniia I tekhniki 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         0205-9606      
12259 C Voprosy Literatury 2005 Literary Studies         0042-8795      
6697 C Voprosy Psikhologii 1701 Psychology         0042-8841      
9170 A Voprosy Yazykoznaniya 2004 Linguistics         0373-658X      
12272 C Vorarlberger Landesmuseumsverein. Jahrbuch: Freunde der Landeskunde 2005 Literary Studies         1011-8748      
36386 B Vostok: Afro-aziatskie obshchestva - istoria i sovremennost' MD Multidisciplinary         0869-1908      
12986 C Vox Patrum 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0860-9411      
9171 B Vox Romanica: annales helvetici explorandis linguis romanicis destinati 2004 Linguistics         0042-899X      
16947 B Vox Sanguinis: international journal of transfusion medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         0042-9007 1423-0410    
7806 A VSWG: Vierteljahrschrift fuer Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte 2103 Historical Studies         0340-8728      
36472 C Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies 1701 Psychology         1745-0128 1745-0136    
10207 C Wacana Seni 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         1675-3410      
34595 C Wadabagei: a journal of the Caribbean and its diaspora 2002 Cultural Studies         1091-5753      
32830 B Wagadu: a journal of transnational women's and gender studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1545-6196      
34485 A Wagnerspectrum 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1614-9459      
39822 B Waikato Journal of Education 13 Education         1173-6135      
34082 C Waikato Law Review 1801 Law         1172-9597      
34083 C Wake Forest Intellectual Property Law Journal 1801 Law         1936-8666      
34084 C Wake Forest Law Review 1801 Law         0043-003X      
12261 B Wallace Stevens Journal 2005 Literary Studies         0148-7132      
12262 B Walt Whitman Quarterly Review 2005 Literary Studies         0737-0679      
40682 B War and Society 2103 Historical Studies 1608 Sociology     0729-2473      
34085 C War Crimes, Genocide, and Crimes Against Humanity 1801 Law         1551-322X      
7813 A War in History 2103 Historical Studies         0968-3445 1477-0385    
12263 C War, Literature, and the Arts 2005 Literary Studies         1949-9752 1046-6967    
35846 B Wasafiri: Caribbean, African, Asian and Associated Literatures in English 2005 Literary Studies         0269-0055 1747-1508    
12264 C Wascana Review: of contemporary poetry and short fiction 2005 Literary Studies         0043-0412      
34086 C Washburn Law Journal 1801 Law         0043-0420      
34087 C Washington and Lee Journal of Civil Rights and Social Justice 1801 Law         1942-5732      
34088 B Washington and Lee Law Review 1801 Law         0043-0463      
34089 A Washington Law Review 1801 Law         0043-0617      
19045 B Washington Quarterly 1606 Political Science 1605 Policy and Administration     0163-660X 1530-9177    
32514 C Washington State University. Mathematics Notes 0101 Pure Mathematics         0043-082X      
34090 C Washington University Global Studies Law Review 1801 Law         1546-6981      
34091 B Washington University Journal of Law and Policy 1801 Law         1533-4686      
34092 B Washington University Law Review 1801 Law         0043-0862      
4691 A Waste Management 0907 Environmental Engineering         0956-053X      
4692 B Waste Management and Research 0907 Environmental Engineering         0734-242X 1096-3669    
3565 C Water MD Multidisciplinary         0310-0367      
4624 C Water and Energy International 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0999 Other Engineering     0972-057X 0367-9993    
4306 C Water and Environment Journal MD Multidisciplinary         1747-6585 1747-6593    
4693 B Water Environment Research 03 Chemical Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 09 Engineering 1061-4303 1554-7531    
4307 B Water International 0905 Civil Engineering         0250-8060 1941-1707    
34029 C Water Law Review 1801 Law         1521-3455      
22311 C Water Policy 1605 Policy and Administration         1366-7017      
4694 A* Water Research 0799 Other Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 0907 Environmental Engineering     0043-1354 1879-2448    
39821 A Water Resources 05 Environmental Sciences 03 Chemical Sciences 04 Earth Sciences 0097-8078 1608-344X 0321-0596  
5283 C Water Resources Impact 0799 Other Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences         1522-3175      
30189 C Water Resources Management 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience 0907 Environmental Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering 0920-4741 1573-1650    
4695 A* Water Resources Research 0907 Environmental Engineering 0905 Civil Engineering     0043-1397 1944-7973    
4309 B Water SA 09 Engineering 05 Environmental Sciences 04 Earth Sciences 1816-7950 0378-4738    
4696 B Water Science and Technology 09 Engineering 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences     0273-1223 0306-6746    
4310 B Water Science and Technology: Water Supply 09 Engineering         1606-9749 1607-0798 0735-1917 0074-9583
1992 B Water, Air and Soil Pollution: an international journal of environmental pollution MD Multidisciplinary         0049-6979 1573-2932 1567-7230  
3015 C Waterbirds: the international journal of waterbird biology 0608 Zoology         1524-4695 1938-5390 0738-6028  
10808 C Watsonia 2102 Curatorial and Related Studies         0043-1532      
1302 B Wave Motion 0102 Applied Mathematics 0203 Classical Physics     0165-2125      
17710 C Wavelength Magazine MD Multidisciplinary         1359-1193 1362-7856    
1303 B Waves in Random and Complex Media 0203 Classical Physics 0205 Optical Physics 0299 Other Physical Sciences 1745-5030 0959-7174    
33974 C Wayne Law Review 1801 Law         0043-1621      
3724 A Wear 0913 Mechanical Engineering 0912 Materials Engineering     0043-1648 1873-2577    
1993 C Weather 0401 Atmospheric Sciences         0043-1656 1477-8696    
1994 B Weather and Forecasting 0401 Atmospheric Sciences         0882-8156 1520-0434    
32174 C Web Intelligence and Agent Systems: an international journal 0899 Other Information and Computing Sciences 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing 1702 Cognitive Science 1570-1263 1875-9289    
34093 C Web Journal of Current Legal Issues 1801 Law         1360-1326      
10724 C Webology 0805 Distributed Computing 0807 Library and Information Studies     1735-188X      
5328 B Weed Biology and Management 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         1444-6162 1445-6664    
5329 B Weed Research 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         0043-1737 1365-3180    
2672 A Weed Science 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         0043-1745 1550-2759    
5375 C Weed Technology 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         0890-037X 1550-2740    
31500 A* Weimarer Beitraege 2005 Literary Studies         0043-2199      
3630 C Welding in the World 0910 Manufacturing Engineering 0912 Materials Engineering 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy 0043-2288      
4740 C Welding Journal 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy 0912 Materials Engineering     0043-2296      
7814 C Welsh History Review 2103 Historical Studies         0043-2431      
20059 C Welsh Journal of Education 13 Education         0957-297X      
8778 B Welt der Slaven-Halbjahresschrift fur Slavistik 2003 Language Studies         0043-2520      
12988 C Welt und Umwelt der Bibel 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1431-2379      
21775 B Wen Shi Zhe Xue Bao MD Multidisciplinary         0508-3052      
40286 B Werkstatt Geschichte 2103 Historical Studies         0942-704X      
12266 C Wesleyan Poetry Program 2005 Literary Studies         0511-4934      
20085 C West African Journal of Education 13 Education         0043-2997      
15046 C West African Journal of Pharmacology and Drug Research 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0303-691X      
12267 C West Branch 2005 Literary Studies         0149-6441      
10578 C West Coast Line: a journal of contemporary writing and criticism 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing 20 Language, Communication and Culture     1182-4271 0043-311X    
19046 A West European Politics 1606 Political Science         0140-2382 1743-9655    
34094 C West Indian Law Journal 1801 Law         0253-7370      
15441 C West Indian Medical Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0043-3144      
34095 C West Virginia Law Review 1801 Law         0043-3268      
15442 C West Virginia Medical Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0043-3284      
11656 A Westerly 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 2005 Literary Studies     0043-342X      
12269 C Western American Literature 2005 Literary Studies         0043-3462 1948-7142    
17469 C Western Criminology Review 1602 Criminology         1096-4886      
2042 C Western Geographer 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         0313-8860      
7815 C Western Historical Quarterly 2103 Historical Studies         0043-3810 1939-8603    
12270 C Western Humanities Review 2005 Literary Studies         0043-3845      
5732 C Western Journal of Applied Forestry 0705 Forestry Sciences         0885-6095 1938-3770    
36053 C Western Journal of Communication 15 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services         1057-0314 1745-1027    
14165 B Western Journal of Nursing Research 1110 Nursing         0193-9459 1552-8456    
34096 C Western Legal History 1801 Law         0896-2189      
34097 C Western New England Law Review 1801 Law         0190-6593      
3324 C Western North American Naturalist 06 Biological Sciences         1527-0904 1944-8341 0017-3614  
34098 C Western State University Law Review 1801 Law         0362-8892      
7816 C Westfaelische Forschungen 2103 Historical Studies         0083-9027      
34484 B Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 1903 Journalism and Professional Writing 2001 Communication and Media Studies 1744-6708 1744-6716    
31418 B Westminster Theological Journal 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0043-4388      
10580 C Westwind (Los Angeles): U C L A's journal of the arts 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         0508-6191      
3325 C Wetlands Ecology and Management 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences     0923-4861 1572-9834 1386-3509  
5871 C Wetlands: the journal of the Society of Wetland Scientists 05 Environmental Sciences 06 Biological Sciences 04 Earth Sciences 0277-5212      
12271 C Whiskey Island Magazine 2005 Literary Studies         1089-1277      
34100 C Whittier Law Review 1801 Law         0195-7643      
13812 A* WHO Technical Report Series 1117 Public Health and Health Services         0512-3054      
3142 C Wiadomosci Zootechniczne: biuletyn informacyjny 0608 Zoology         1731-8068 0209-2492    
40580 B Wicazo Sa Review: a journal of Native American studies 16 Studies In Human Society 20 Language, Communication and Culture     0749-6427 1533-7901    
34101 C Widener Law Journal 1801 Law         1548-4076      
34102 C Widener Law Review 1801 Law         1933-5555      
20806 B Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning 1301 Education Systems          1466-6529      
16948 C Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift: the Middle European journal of medicine 1103 Clinical Sciences         0043-5325 1613-7671 0303-8173  
40271 A* Wiener Zeitschrift fuer die Kunde Suedasiens und Archiv fuer Indische Philosophie MD Multidisciplinary         0084-0084 1728-3124    
7821 C Wiener Zeitschrift zur Geschichte der Neuzeit 2103 Historical Studies         1681-701X 1012-5809    
22312 C Wilderness and Environmental Medicine 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science         1080-6032 1545-1534 0953-9859  
3017 C Wildfowl 0608 Zoology         0954-6324      
3018 B Wildlife Biology 0608 Zoology         0909-6396 1622-7662 0761-9243  
3143 C Wildlife Biology in Practice 0608 Zoology         1646-1509 1646-2742    
3019 A Wildlife Monographs 0608 Zoology 0602 Ecology 0501 Ecological Applications 0084-0173 1938-5455    
3020 B Wildlife Research 06 Biological Sciences 05 Environmental Sciences     1035-3712 1448-5494    
3021 B Wildlife Society Bulletin: perspectives on wildlife conservation and sustainable use 0608 Zoology 0502 Environmental Science and Management 1605 Policy and Administration 0091-7648      
34103 C Willamette Journal of International Law and Dispute Resolution 1801 Law         1521-0235      
34104 C Willamette Law Review 1801 Law         0191-9822      
34105 B William and Mary Bill of Rights Journal 1801 Law         1065-8254      
34107 B William and Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review 1801 Law         1091-9724      
34106 B William and Mary Journal of Women and the Law 1801 Law         1081-549X      
34108 B William and Mary Law Review 1801 Law         0043-5589      
7822 A* William and Mary Quarterly: a magazine of early American history and culture 2103 Historical Studies         0043-5597 1933-7698    
12273 C William Carlos Williams Review 2005 Literary Studies         0196-6286 1935-0244    
35173 C William James Studies 2203 Philosophy          1933-8295      
34109 C William Mitchell Law Review 1801 Law         0270-272X      
8285 C Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine 2101 Archaeology         0262-6608      
4312 B Wind and Structures: an international journal 0905 Civil Engineering         1226-6116 1598-6225    
44878 C Wind Energy 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0915 Interdisciplinary Engineering     1095-4244      
41126 C Wind Engineering 0907 Environmental Engineering         0309-524X      
34110 A Windsor Review of Legal and Social Issues 1801 Law         0838-3596      
33975 A Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice 1801 Law         0710-0841      
34809 A* Winterthur Portfolio: a journal of American material culture 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts 1203 Design Practice and Management     0084-0416 1545-6927 0084-0408  
4514 A Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 0805 Distributed Computing         1530-8669 1530-8677    
4515 B Wireless Networks: the journal of mobile communication, computation and information 0805 Distributed Computing         1022-0038 1572-8196    
5093 C Wireless Personal Communications: an international journal 1005 Communications Technologies 0805 Distributed Computing     0929-6212 1572-834X    
31501 A* Wirkendes Wort 2005 Literary Studies         0935-879X      
32175 C Wirtschaftsinformatik 0806 Information Systems         0937-6429 1861-8936    
34111 A Wisconsin International Law Journal 1801 Law         0743-7951      
34113 A Wisconsin Law Review 1801 Law         0043-650X 1943-1120    
37114 C Wissenschaft und Weisheit: Franziskanische Studien zu Theologie, Philosophie und Geschichte 2203 Philosophy  2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0043-678X      
35172 C Wittgenstein Studien 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     1868-7431 1868-7458 1439-7668  
21050 C Wohnrechtliche Blaetter 1201 Architecture         0933-2766      
7823 A Wolfenbuetteler Renaissance Mitteilungen 2103 Historical Studies         0342-4340      
10211 B Womans Art Journal 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 0270-7993      
30465 B Women and Birth 1110 Nursing         1871-5192 1448-8272 1445-4386 1031-170X
32744 C Women and Criminal Justice 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 1602 Criminology     0897-4454 1541-0323    
11231 B Women and Health: the multidisciplinary journal of women's health issues 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine     0363-0242 1541-0331    
9402 B Women and Language 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 2003 Language Studies     8755-4550      
10212 B Women and Music: a journal of gender and culture 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing     1090-7505 1553-0612    
32833 B Women and Performance: a journal of feminist theory 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0740-770X 1748-5819    
6698 C Women and Therapy: a feminist quarterly 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 1701 Psychology     0270-3149 1541-0315    
11236 B Women in French Studies 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 2005 Literary Studies     1077-825X      
32745 C Women in German Yearbook 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1058-7446      
32746 C Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1938-1581 1063-6161    
32747 C Women in Welfare Education (Online) 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1834-4941 1320-3584    
10581 C Women of Note Quarterly: the magazine of historical and contemporary women composers 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing     1068-2724      
40490 C Women: a cultural review 2002 Cultural Studies 2001 Communication and Media Studies 2005 Literary Studies 0957-4042 1470-1367    
32743 C Women-Church 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         1030-0139      
13815 C Women's Health 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine     1745-5057 1745-5065    
13816 B Womens Health Issues 1117 Public Health and Health Services 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine     1049-3867      
7824 A* Womens History Review 2103 Historical Studies         0961-2025 1747-583X    
34114 C Women's Rights Law Reporter 1801 Law         0085-8269      
32748 C Women's Studies in Communication 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         0749-1409      
35240 A Women's Studies International Forum 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 2002 Cultural Studies 1801 Law 0277-5395 1879-243X    
32749 C Women's Studies Journal 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         0112-4099      
32838 A Women's Studies Quarterly 1699 Other Studies In Human Society 2002 Cultural Studies     0732-1562 1934-1520    
32839 B Women's Studies: an interdisciplinary journal 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         0049-7878 1547-7045    
9280 B Women's Writing 2005 Literary Studies         0969-9082 1747-5848    
5026 C Wood and Fiber 0912 Materials Engineering         0735-6161 0043-7654    
5027 B Wood Science and Technology: journal of the international academy of wood science 0705 Forestry Sciences 0912 Materials Engineering 0607 Plant Biology 0043-7719 1432-5225    
12275 B Woolf Studies Annual 2005 Literary Studies         1080-9317      
9174 B Word (New York, 1945) 2004 Linguistics         0043-7956      
10213 A Word and Image: a journal of verbal/visual enquiry 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts 2002 Cultural Studies 0266-6286 1943-2178    
9173 C Word and Music Studies 2004 Linguistics         1566-0958 1875-8134    
9094 B Word and Speech 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0037-7031      
40181 Not ranked Word Structure 2004 Linguistics         1750-1245 1755-2036    
12277 B Wordsworth Circle 2005 Literary Studies         0043-8006      
13817 C Work 1117 Public Health and Health Services         1051-9815 1875-9270    
10952 A Work and Occupations: an international sociological journal 1503 Business and Management         0730-8884 1552-8464    
6699 B Work and Stress 1503 Business and Management 1701 Psychology     0267-8373 1464-5335    
36113 C Work Organisation, Labour and Globalisation 1503 Business and Management         1745-641X      
10953 A Work, Employment and Society 1608 Sociology 1503 Business and Management     0950-0170 1469-8722    
10214 C Working Papers in Art and Design 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts         1466-4917      
11659 C Working Papers on the Web 2005 Literary Studies         1478-3703      
35599 C Working USA: the journal of labor and society 1503 Business and Management         1089-7011 1743-4580    
12278 B Working With English: medieval and modern language, literature and drama 2005 Literary Studies         1740-8547      
12279 C Works and Days 2005 Literary Studies         0886-2060      
42105 B World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology MD Multidisciplinary         2070-3740      
17712 C World Applied Sciences Journal MD Multidisciplinary         1818-4952      
8286 A World Archaeology 2101 Archaeology         0043-8243 1470-1375    
32932 B World Bank Research Observer 1608 Sociology         0257-3032 1564-6971    
34116 A World Competition: Law and Economics Review 1801 Law         1011-4548      
35194 C World Council of Enterostomal Therapists Journal 1103 Clinical Sciences         0819-4610      
5376 C World Crop Pests 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         1572-4379      
40837 C World Cultural Psychiatry Research Review 1701 Psychology         1932-6270      
40803 C World Customs Journal 1899 Other Law and Legal Studies         1834-6707 1834-6715    
18491 A World Development 1402 Applied Economics         0305-750X 1873-5991    
18239 B World Economics: the journal of current economic analysis and policy 1402 Applied Economics         1468-1838 1474-3884    
9175 B World Englishes: journal of English as an international and intranational language 1303 Specialist Studies In Education 2003 Language Studies     0883-2919 1467-971X    
41376 C World Future Review: a journal of strategic foresight MD Multidisciplinary         1946-7567      
40144 C World Futures: the journal of general evolution 2203 Philosophy          0260-4027 1556-1844    
13120 C World Journal of Biological Psychiatry 1103 Clinical Sciences         1562-2975 1814-1412    
4625 C World Journal of Electrical Engineering 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1991-1114      
5892 C World Journal of Environmental Management and Urbanization 0502 Environmental Science and Management         1990-8768      
16949 C World Journal of Gastroenterology 1103 Clinical Sciences         1007-9327      
30433 C World Journal of International Relations 1606 Political Science         1819-8619      
18640 C World Journal of Management and Economics 14 Economics         1819-8643 1998-1392    
15443 C World Journal of Medical Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences         1817-3055 1990-4061    
2517 C World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 10 Technology 06 Biological Sciences     0959-3993 1573-0972    
32702 C World Journal of Orthodontics 1105 Dentistry         1530-5678 1941-6741    
30434 C World Journal of Peace and Security 1606 Political Science         1991-1300      
16950 C World Journal of Pediatrics 1114 Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine         1708-8569 1867-0687    
14036 C World Journal of Planning and Development 1606 Political Science 1117 Public Health and Health Services     1991-1319      
30435 C World Journal of Political Studies 1606 Political Science         1991-1327      
16951 B World Journal of Surgery 1103 Clinical Sciences         0364-2313 1432-2323    
42254 C World Journal of Surgical Oncology 1112 Oncology and Carcinogenesis 1103 Clinical Sciences     1477-7819      
5912 C World Journal of Sustainable Development 0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management         1819-8651      
16952 B World Journal of Urology 1103 Clinical Sciences         0724-4983 1433-8726    
3144 C World Journal of Zoology 0608 Zoology         1817-3098      
19697 B World Leisure Journal 1504 Commercial Services         1607-8055 1026-1133    
12280 A World Literature Today 2005 Literary Studies         0196-3570 1945-8134 1535-9492  
19049 C World Policy Journal 1605 Policy and Administration         0740-2775 1936-0924    
19050 A* World Politics 1606 Political Science 1605 Policy and Administration     0043-8871 1086-3338    
13200 C World Psychiatry 1103 Clinical Sciences         1723-8617      
36124 B World Resource Review 1603 Demography          1042-8011      
35885 C World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development 1503 Business and Management         1746-0573 1746-0581    
41375 C World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research 1507 Transportation and Freight Services         1749-4729 1749-4737    
36377 C World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics 1111 Nutrition and Dietetics         0084-2230 1662-3975    
5914 C World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development 0701 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management         1741-2242 1741-2234    
19991 B World Studies in Education 13 Education         1441-340X      
41196 C World Tensions 1606 Political Science         1809-3124 1983-5744    
19051 C World Today 1606 Political Science         0043-9134      
18493 C World Trade Review 1402 Applied Economics 1801 Law     1474-7456 1475-3138    
3567 C World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education 13 Education 09 Engineering     1446-2257      
33031 C World Transport Policy and Practice 1507 Transportation and Freight Services 1205 Urban and Regional Planning     1352-7614      
32110 A World Wide Web 0805 Distributed Computing         1386-145X 1573-1413    
5459 B Worlds Poultry Science Journal 0702 Animal Production         0043-9339 1743-4777    
14166 A Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing 1110 Nursing         1545-102X 1741-6787    
34913 C Worldviews: global religions, culture, and ecology 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1363-5247 1568-5357    
40603 C WormBook 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0604 Genetics      1551-8507      
12990 B Worship 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0043-941X      
35151 B Wound Practice and Research 1110 Nursing         1323-2495      
16953 B Wound Repair and Regeneration 1103 Clinical Sciences         1067-1927 1524-475X    
41127 C Wounds: a compendium of clinical research and practice 1103 Clinical Sciences         1044-7946 1943-2704    
4854 B WRI Journal 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0970-4477      
20346 C Writing Center Journal 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0889-6143      
11660 C Writing on the Edge: a journal about writing and teaching writing 2005 Literary Studies         1064-6051      
35833 A Writings on Dance 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0817-3710      
9254 B Written Communication: an international quarterly of research, theory, and application 2001 Communication and Media Studies 2004 Linguistics     0741-0883 1552-8472    
9404 C Written Language and Literacy 2003 Language Studies         1387-6732 1570-6001    
41368 C WSEAS Transactions on Biology and Biomedicine 06 Biological Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences     1109-9518      
35884 C WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics 1503 Business and Management         1109-9526      
3569 C WSEAS Transactions on Electronics 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1109-9445      
40945 C WSEAS Transactions on Fluid Mechanics 0904 Chemical Engineering          1790-5087      
3570 C WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1790-5022      
4516 C WSEAS Transactions on Systems 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering         1109-2777      
4139 C Wutan Yu Huatan 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1000-8918      
10584 C Wychowanie Muzyczne W Szkole 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          0512-4255      
34117 C Wyoming Law Review 1801 Law         1942-9924      
37113 C Xavier Review 2203 Philosophy          0887-6681      
2357 B Xenobiotica: the fate of foreign compounds in biological systems 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences     0049-8254 1366-5928    
16954 B Xenotransplantation 1103 Clinical Sciences         0908-665X 1399-3089    
34851 A Xibei Mingzu 2103 Historical Studies         1000-4076      
30289 C Xibei Renkou 1603 Demography          1007-0672      
44961 C Xin Jianzhu: New Architecture 1201 Architecture         1000-3959      
17715 C Xinan Jiaotong Daxue Xuebao MD Multidisciplinary         0258-2724      
34279 B X-ray Spectrometry 02 Physical Sciences 03 Chemical Sciences 01 Mathematical Sciences 0049-8246 1097-4539    
21786 C Xu'a nay MD Multidisciplinary         0868-331X      
4140 C Xuanmei Jishu 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         1001-3571      
7036 B XVIIe Siecle 2103 Historical Studies         0012-4273      
12991 A* Yad Vashem Studies 2002 Cultural Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies 2103 Historical Studies 0084-3296      
7826 A Yale Classical Studies 2103 Historical Studies         0084-330X      
35253 A* Yale French Studies 2005 Literary Studies         0044-0078      
34118 B Yale Human Rights and Development Law Journal 1801 Law         1548-2596      
34119 A Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law, and Ethics 1801 Law         1535-3532      
33976 A* Yale Journal of International Law 1801 Law         0889-7743      
32840 A Yale Journal of Law and Feminism 1801 Law         1043-9366      
34121 B Yale Journal of Law and the Humanities 1801 Law         1041-6374      
34123 A Yale Journal on Regulation 1801 Law         0741-9457      
34124 A Yale Law and Policy Review 1801 Law         0740-8048      
33977 A* Yale Law Journal 1801 Law         0044-0094 1939-8611    
12281 C Yale Literary Magazine 2005 Literary Studies         0044-0108      
17716 C Yale Scientific MD Multidisciplinary         0091-0287      
40217 C Yalkut moreshet : holocaust documentation and research 2103 Historical Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     1565-477X      
2957 C Yamashina Chorui Kenkyujo Kenkyu Hokoku 0608 Zoology         1348-5032      
3832 C Yanshi Lixue Yu Gongcheng Xuebao 0913 Mechanical Engineering         1000-6915      
35963 B Yanshi Xuebao 0403 Geology         1000-0569      
4396 C Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao 0905 Civil Engineering         1000-4548      
20178 C YC: Young Children 1301 Education Systems          1538-6619 1941-2002 0044-0728  
31360 C Year Book of the Leo Baeck Institute 2103 Historical Studies         0075-8744      
40409 C Yearbook for European Culture of Science MD Multidisciplinary         1860-7837      
10216 A* Yearbook for Traditional Music 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0740-1558      
12282 C Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature 2005 Literary Studies         0084-3695      
34709 C Yearbook of English Studies 2005 Literary Studies         0306-2473      
35457 B Yearbook of European Law 1801 Law         0263-3264      
12283 C Yearbook of German-American Studies 2005 Literary Studies         0741-2827      
35351 A Yearbook of International Environmental Law 1801 Law         0965-1721      
40193 A Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law 1801 Law         1389-1359 1574-096X    
35348 C Yearbook of New Zealand Jurisprudence 1801 Law         1174-4243      
36593 B Yearbook of Oriental Studies MD Multidisciplinary         0080-3545      
9628 C Yearbook of Physical Anthropology 1601 Anthropology          0096-848X      
9405 C Yearbook of South Asian Languages and Linguistics 2003 Language Studies 2004 Linguistics     0971-9539      
8616 C Yearbook of the History of Metaphysics 2202 History and Philosophy Of Specific Fields         1379-2547      
35403 B Yearbook of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. 1801 Law         1389-6288 1569-5743    
2518 A Yeast 0605 Microbiology  0699 Other Biological Sciences 1003 Industrial Biotechnology 0749-503X 1097-0061    
12286 C Yeats Eliot Review 2005 Literary Studies         0704-5700      
763 C Yokohama Mathematical Journal 0101 Pure Mathematics         0044-0523      
13201 C Yonago Acta Medica 1103 Clinical Sciences         0513-5710      
15445 C Yonsei Medical Journal 11 Medical and Health Sciences         0513-5796 1976-2437    
8287 C Yorkshire Archaeological Journal 2101 Archaeology 2103 Historical Studies     0084-4276      
36079 C Young Consumers 1505 Marketing         1747-3616 1758-7212 1464-6676  
41183 C Youth and Policy: the journal of critical analysis 1607 Social Work 1699 Other Studies In Human Society     0262-9798      
10954 C Youth and Society 1608 Sociology 1701 Psychology     0044-118X 1552-8499    
17474 B Youth Justice 1602 Criminology 1801 Law     1473-2254 1747-6283    
41366 C Youth Studies 1608 Sociology         1008-1437      
13818 B Youth Studies Australia 16 Studies In Human Society         1038-2569      
41181 C Youth Studies Ireland 1607 Social Work 1699 Other Studies In Human Society     1649-8747      
30578 B Youth Theatre Journal 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         0892-9092 1948-4798    
17475 C Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice 1602 Criminology         1541-2040 1556-9330    
10588 C Yuefu Xin Sheng 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing         1001-5736      
41710 C Zadok Perspectives 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0810-9796      
8697 C Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa 2203 Philosophy          0044-1619      
30574 C Zagreb International Review of Economics and Business 14 Economics         1331-5609      
12287 B Zagreber Germanistische Beitraege: Jahrbuch fuer Literatur- und Sprachwissenschaft 2005 Literary Studies         1330-0946      
4856 C Zairyo to Purosesu 0914 Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy         0914-6628      
765 B ZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics / Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 0102 Applied Mathematics         0044-2267 1521-4001    
5661 C Zariya Veterinarian 0707 Veterinary Sciences         0794-5086      
15289 C Zavodskaya Laboratoriya. Diagnostika Materialov 0301 Analytical Chemistry         1028-6861 0321-4265    
9177 C Zbornik Matice Srpske za Filologiju i Lingvistiku 2004 Linguistics         0352-5724      
10589 C Zbornik Matice Srpske za Likovne Umetnosti 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts         0352-6844      
17718 C Zbornik Matice Srpske za Prirodne Nauke MD Multidisciplinary         0352-4906      
35602 A ZDM: The International Journal on Mathematics Education 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy          1863-9690 1863-9704 1863-7892 0044-4103
13202 C Zdrowie Psychiczne 1103 Clinical Sciences         0044-2003      
3145 C Zebrafish 0608 Zoology         1545-8547 1557-8542    
7830 C Zeitgeschichte 2103 Historical Studies         0256-5250      
8289 A Zeitschrift fuer Aegyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde 2101 Archaeology 2002 Cultural Studies     0044-216X      
10591 C Zeitschrift fuer Aesthetik und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 1901 Art Theory and Criticism 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts 2203 Philosophy  0044-2186      
12994 A* Zeitschrift fuer Althebraistik 2004 Linguistics 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0932-4461      
12995 B Zeitschrift fuer Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0948-0587      
9179 A Zeitschrift fuer Anglistik und Amerikanistik: a quarterly of language, literature and culture 2003 Language Studies 2005 Literary Studies     0044-2305      
1551 C Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie 0302 Inorganic Chemistry         0044-2313 1521-3749    
6701 C Zeitschrift fuer Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie 1701 Psychology         0932-4089      
8290 A Zeitschrift fuer Archaeologie des Mittelalters 2101 Archaeology         0340-0824      
9180 A Zeitschrift fuer Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archaeologie 2002 Cultural Studies 2004 Linguistics     0084-5299 1613-1150    
40185 C Zeitschrift fuer Auslaendisches Oeffentliches Recht und Voelkerrecht 1801 Law         0044-2348      
9181 B Zeitschrift fuer Balkanologie 1601 Anthropology          0044-2356      
7837 C Zeitschrift fuer Bayerische Landesgeschichte 2103 Historical Studies         0044-2364      
9182 B Zeitschrift fuer Celtische Philologie 2003 Language Studies         0084-5302 1865-889X    
9183 A Zeitschrift fuer Deutsche Philologie 2004 Linguistics 2005 Literary Studies     0044-2496 1865-2018    
9184 C Zeitschrift fuer Dialektologie und Linguistik 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0044-1449      
12997 A* Zeitschrift fuer die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0044-2526 1613-0103    
40075 C Zeitschrift fuer die Gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft 1801 Law         0084-5310 1612-703X    
7838 C Zeitschrift fuer die Geschichte des Oberrheins 2103 Historical Studies         0044-2607      
12998 A* Zeitschrift fuer die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der Aelteren Kirche 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0044-2615      
6702 C Zeitschrift fuer Entwicklungspsychologie und Paedagogische Psychologie 1701 Psychology         0049-8637      
9630 C Zeitschrift fuer Ethnologie 1601 Anthropology          0044-2666      
40199 C Zeitschrift fuer Europaeisches Privatrecht 1801 Law         0943-3929      
12999 B Zeitschrift fuer Evangelische Ethik 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0044-2674      
34594 B Zeitschrift fuer Franzoesische Sprache und Literatur 2003 Language Studies 2005 Literary Studies     0044-2747      
32842 C Zeitschrift fuer Frauenforschung 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         0946-5596 0724-3626    
16955 C Zeitschrift fuer Gastroenterologie 1103 Clinical Sciences         0044-2771 1439-7803    
1767 B Zeitschrift fuer Geomorphologie: annals of geomorphology - annales de Geomorphologie (a journal reco 0406 Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience         0372-8854 0044-2798    
31503 A* Zeitschrift fuer Germanistik 2005 Literary Studies         0323-7982      
9187 C Zeitschrift fuer Germanistische Linguistik: Deutsche Sprache in Gegenwart und Geschichte 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0301-3294 1613-0626    
16956 C Zeitschrift fuer Gerontologie und Geriatrie: Organ der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Gerontologie und Geriatrie 1103 Clinical Sciences         0948-6704 1435-1269    
7839 B Zeitschrift fuer Geschichtswissenschaft 2103 Historical Studies         0044-2828      
13000 C Zeitschrift fuer Gottesdienst und Predigt 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0722-8856      
7840 A Zeitschrift fuer Historische Forschung: Vierteljahresschrift zur erforschung des Spaetmittelalters und der fruehen Neuzeit 2103 Historical Studies         0340-0174 1865-5599    
31504 B Zeitschrift fuer Interkulturellen Fremdsprachenunterricht 2003 Language Studies 2004 Linguistics     1205-6545      
40348 B Zeitschrift fuer Japanisches Recht 1801 Law         1431-5726      
13203 C Zeitschrift fuer Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie 1103 Clinical Sciences         1422-4917      
13002 A* Zeitschrift fuer Kirchengeschichte 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0044-2925      
6707 C Zeitschrift fuer Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie - Forschung und Praxis 1701 Psychology         1616-3443 0084-5345    
35149 C Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural) 0904 Chemical Engineering  1433-7266 0044-2968    
34983 C Zeitschrift fuer Kulturphilosophie 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0939-5512      
10218 A* Zeitschrift fuer Kunstgeschichte 19 Studies In Creative Arts and Writing         0044-2992      
9189 C Zeitschrift fuer Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0049-8653      
1043 B Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung. Section A: A Journal of Physical Sciences 0201 Astronomical and Space Sciences 0306 Physical Chemistry (Incl. Structural)     0932-0784      
1552 C Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung. Section B: A Journal of Chemical Sciences 0302 Inorganic Chemistry 0305 Organic Chemistry     0932-0776      
14877 B Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung. Section C: A Journal of Biosciences 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences         0939-5075      
7841 A Zeitschrift fuer Neuere Rechtsgeschichte 2103 Historical Studies         0250-6459      
40183 C Zeitschrift fuer Oeffentliches Recht 1801 Law         0948-4396 1613-7663 0942-010X  
7842 B Zeitschrift fuer Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung 2103 Historical Studies         0948-8294 0044-3239    
13005 B Zeitschrift fuer Paedagogik und Theologie: der Evangelische Erzieher 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1437-7160 0014-3413    
7843 A* Zeitschrift fuer Papyrologie und Epigraphik 2103 Historical Studies 2204 Religion and Religious Studies     0084-5388      
8698 A Zeitschrift fuer Philosophische Forschung 2203 Philosophy  1702 Cognitive Science     0044-3301      
6706 C Zeitschrift fuer Psychiatrie, Psychologie und Psychotherapie 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     1661-4747 1431-8172 0723-6557  
6711 C Zeitschrift fuer Psychologie mit Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Psychologie 1701 Psychology 1702 Cognitive Science     0044-3409 0323-8296    
6712 B Zeitschrift fuer Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie 1701 Psychology 1103 Clinical Sciences     1438-3608 0340-5613    
40198 C Zeitschrift fuer Rechtsvergleichung, Internationales Privatrecht und Europarecht 1801 Law         0514-275X      
16958 C Zeitschrift fuer Rheumatologie 1103 Clinical Sciences         0340-1855 1435-1250    
9190 B Zeitschrift fuer Romanische Philologie 2004 Linguistics 2103 Historical Studies 2003 Language Studies 0049-8661 1865-9063    
9192 C Zeitschrift fuer Slavische Philologie 2003 Language Studies         0044-3492      
9193 B Zeitschrift fuer Slawistik 2004 Linguistics 2003 Language Studies     0044-3506      
10955 C Zeitschrift fuer Soziologie 1608 Sociology         0340-1804      
36227 C Zeitschrift fuer Sportpsychologie 1701 Psychology 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science     1612-5010 0945-6031    
9194 B Zeitschrift fuer Sprachwissenschaft 2004 Linguistics 1702 Cognitive Science     0721-9067 1613-3706    
13008 A Zeitschrift fuer Theologie und Kirche 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0044-3549      
7844 B Zeitschrift fuer Unternehmensgeschichte 2103 Historical Studies         0342-2852      
40197 C Zeitschrift fuer Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft: Archiv fuer Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht 1801 Law         0044-3638      
9631 C Zeitschrift fuer Volkskunde 1601 Anthropology          0044-3700 0258-1639    
7845 C Zeitschrift fuer Weltgeschichte 2103 Historical Studies         1615-2581      
7846 C Zeitschrift fuer Wuerttembergische Landesgeschichte 2103 Historical Studies         0044-3786      
32516 B Zeitschrift fŸr Analysis und Ihre Anwendungen 0101 Pure Mathematics 0102 Applied Mathematics     0232-2064 0138-4872    
422 A Zeitschrift fŸr Angewandte Mathematik und Physik 0102 Applied Mathematics 0105 Mathematical Physics     0044-2275 1420-9039    
13001 A Zeitschrift fur Katholische Theologie 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0044-2895      
8701 C Zeitschrift fur Kritische Theorie 2203 Philosophy          0945-7313      
13003 B Zeitschrift fur Missionswissenschaft und Religionswissenschaft 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0044-3123      
6709 C Zeitschrift fur Padagogische Psychologie 1701 Psychology         1010-0652      
6710 C Zeitschrift fur Personalpsychologie 1701 Psychology         1617-6391      
32843 C Zeitschrift fur Sexualforschung 1699 Other Studies In Human Society         0932-8114 1438-9460    
4315 C Zement - Kalk - Gips International 0905 Civil Engineering         0949-0205 0722-4400    
36923 B Zentralasiatische Studien 2103 Historical Studies         0514-857X      
8291 B Zephyrus 2101 Archaeology         0514-7336      
21508 C Zeylanica MD Multidisciplinary         1022-0828      
9186 C ZFF: Zeitschrift fuer Fremdsprachenforschung 2004 Linguistics         0939-7299      
4664 C ZfV - Zeitschrift fuer Geodaesie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement 0909 Geomatic Engineering  0905 Civil Engineering     1618-8950 0340-4560 0044-3689  
21798 C Zhejiang Learned Journal MD Multidisciplinary         1003-420X      
5733 C Zhejiang Linxueyuan Xuebao 0705 Forestry Sciences         1000-5692      
42158 B Zhejiang University Journal (Science A): applied physics and engineering 02 Physical Sciences 09 Engineering 01 Mathematical Sciences 1673-565X 1862-1775    
3438 C Zhejiang University. Journal (Science B): international biomedicine and biotechnology journal 10 Technology 06 Biological Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences 1673-1581 1862-1783 1009-3095  
2613 C Zhiwu Shengli yu Fenzi Shengwuxue Xuebao:Journal of Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology 0607 Plant Biology         1674-2052 1752-9867 1671-3877 0257-4829
17720 C Zhongguo Kexue. B Ji: Huaxue MD Multidisciplinary         1006-9240      
30255 B Zhongguo Renkou Ziyuan yu Huanjing 1603 Demography          1002-2104 1872-583X    
40970 C Zhongguo Yixue Kexueyuan Xuebao 1103 Clinical Sciences         1000-503X      
44962 C Zhongguo Yuanlin 1201 Architecture         1000-6664      
34179 C Zhongguo Zhongyao Zazhi 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         1001-5302      
44350 C Zhonghua Minguo Xinzang Xuehui Zazhi 1102 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology         1011-6842      
13205 C Zhonghua Shenjingke Zazhi 1103 Clinical Sciences         1006-7876      
18642 C Zhongnan Caijing Daxue Xuebao 1401 Economic Theory         1003-5230      
34180 C Zhongyi Zhenggu 1104 Complementary and Alternative Medicine         1001-6015      
32518 C Zhurnal Matematicheskoi Fiziki, Analiza, Geometrii 0101 Pure Mathematics         1812-9471 1027-1767 1817-5805  
10592 C Zhurnal Nauchnoi i Prikladnoi Fotografii 1902 Film, Television and Digital Media 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts     0869-6144      
2127 C Zhurnal Obshchei Biologii 06 Biological Sciences         0044-4596      
14668 C Zhurnal Vysshei Nervnoi Deyatel'nosti 1116 Medical Physiology         0044-4677      
12289 C Zibaldone: Zeitschrift fuer italienische Kultur der Gegenwart 2005 Literary Studies         0930-8997      
9196 C Zielsprache Deutsch: die Zeitschrift fuer den Deutschunterricht in der Erwachsenenbildung 2003 Language Studies 2004 Linguistics     0341-5864      
5222 C Zimbabwe Journal of Agricultural Research 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences         0251-1045 0035-4813    
20086 C Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research 13 Education         1013-3445      
5662 C Zimbabwe Veterinary Journal 0707 Veterinary Sciences         1016-1511      
21808 B Zinbvn MD Multidisciplinary         0084-5515      
7849 C Ziva Antika 2103 Historical Studies         0514-7727      
31374 A ZNT - Zeitschrift fuer Neues Testament: das neue Testament in Universitaet, Kirche, Schule und Gesellschaft 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         1435-2249      
3029 B Zoo Biology 0608 Zoology 0707 Veterinary Sciences     0733-3188 1098-2361    
3146 C Zoocriaderos 0608 Zoology         0798-7811      
3147 C Zoologica Poloniae: Archivum Societatis Zoologorum Poloniae 0608 Zoology         0044-510X      
3030 B Zoologica Scripta 0608 Zoology         0300-3256 1463-6409    
3031 A Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 0608 Zoology         0024-4082 1096-3642    
3032 B Zoological Science: an international journal 0608 Zoology         0289-0003      
2851 C Zoological Studies 0608 Zoology         1021-5506 0001-3943    
3034 C Zoologichesky Zhurnal 0608 Zoology         0044-5134 0013-8738    
3148 C Zoologisch-Botanische Gesellschaft in Oesterreich. Verhandlungen 0608 Zoology         0252-1911      
3036 B Zoologischer Anzeiger 0608 Zoology         0044-5231 1873-2674 0044-5193  
3037 B Zoology 0608 Zoology         0944-2006 1873-2720    
3149 C Zoology in the Middle East 0608 Zoology         0939-7140      
3039 B Zoomorphology: an international journal of comparative and functional morphology 0608 Zoology         0720-213X 1432-234X    
5532 B Zoonoses and Public Health 06 Biological Sciences 07 Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences 11 Medical and Health Sciences 1863-1959 1863-2378 0931-1793 0931-4229
3115 C Zoosystematics and Evolution: Mitteilungen aus dem Museum fur Naturkunde zu Berlin 0608 Zoology         1435-1935 1860-0743 0232-5519 0373-8493
3042 C Zootaxa 0608 Zoology         1175-5326 1175-5334    
44963 C Zpravy Pamatkove Pece 1201 Architecture         1210-5538      
5460 C Zuchtungskunde 0702 Animal Production         0044-5401      
12290 C Zuckmayer-Jahrbuch 2005 Literary Studies         1434-7865 0177-1183    
5377 C Zuowu Xuebao 0703 Crop and Pasture Production         0496-3490      
13010 B Zwingliana 2204 Religion and Religious Studies         0254-4407      
34961 A Zygon: journal of religion and science 1608 Sociology 2203 Philosophy  2204 Religion and Religious Studies 0591-2385 1467-9744
2301 C Zygote: the biology of gametes and early embryos 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology 0967-1994 1469-8730