The 5th Southern-Region English Programming Language Seminar (S-REPLS)
S-REPLS is a regular informal meeting for those with a professional interest in programming languages in the South of England region. The past four meetings consisted of 50-90 participants from academia and industry with invited and contributed talks ranging from abstract areas in semantics and type system theory to nuts-and-bolts implementations of mainstream and avant-garde compilers and programming languages. We will hold the next meeting at the University of Oxford Department of Computer Science. The meeting will take place between 11.00-17.00 on Thursday, 12th January 2017, i.e., the Thursday before POPL. Schedule (Abstracts)10:30 Sign-upThe meeting is free of charge, but for logistical purposes please indicate on this Doodle poll if you plan to attend. Local informationFor directions to the University of Oxford Department of Computer Science, see the Department’s directions page). Lunch and dinner will not be provided. For lunch, there are many restaurants and/or take-away options in the vicinity of the Department. Alternatively, if you are arriving from the train station or bus station, you can grab a sandwhich on your way to the department.
Mailing listAll S-REPLS related communications are made via the mailing list: This mailing list has very low traffic. If you have professional interests in programming language in the region, we encourage you to sign up. SponsorshipPlease let us know of potential sponsorship opportunities at: Ohad Kammar <ohad . kammar (at) cs ox ac uk> Past events have had academic, industrial, and government sponsorship for invited speaker costs, and/or catering costs (lunch, dinner, or refreshments during the break). Organising future meetingsIf you would like to organise future meetings at your university or company, please get in touch with the steering committee: We would be grateful if you could please circulate this event in your department/company. We hope to see you there,