Romain Brenguier

Romain Brenguier
Completed Projects:
I am a research assistant at University of Oxford.Working on the project Towards comprehensive verification of stochastic systems
Until september 2015 I was at ULB, member of the ERC inVEST project
See my dblp profile for a list of publications.
Please see my github profile for a list of projects I contriute to.
- Praline: Tools for synthesis in multi-agent systems: computes Nash equilibria of concurrent games modelling interactions in a protocol.
- AbsSynthe: A tool for the synthesis of reactive circuits. It competed in the SyntComp competition and won the first place in the sequential synthesis track in 2014 and in 2015.
- Speculoos: A set of tools for generating AIGER circuits. Has been used to generate several sets of benchmarks for the SyntComp competition.
- Reglisse: A tool to generate hardware description (AIGER and Verilog) from safety conditions given by regular languages.
- Ocaml-cudd: An Ocaml interface to BDD and ADD functions of the CUDD library.
- Ocaml-aiger: An Ocaml library to read, write and manipulate AIGER files.
Selected Publications
Assume−Admissible Synthesis
Romain Brenguier‚ Jean−François Raskin and Ocan Sankur
In 26th International Conference on Concurrency Theory‚ CONCUR 2015‚ Madrid‚ Spain‚ September 1.4‚ 2015. Pages 100–113. 2015.
Details about Assume−Admissible Synthesis | BibTeX data for Assume−Admissible Synthesis | DOI (10.4230/LIPIcs.CONCUR.2015.100) | Link to Assume−Admissible Synthesis
The complexity of admissibility in Omega−regular games
Romain Brenguier‚ Jean−François Raskin and Mathieu Sassolas
In Thomas A. Henzinger and Dale Miller, editors, Joint Meeting of the Twenty−Third EACSL Annual Conference on Computer Science Logic (CSL) and the Twenty−Ninth Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS)‚ CSL−LICS '14‚ Vienna‚ Austria‚ July 14 − 18‚ 2014. Pages 23:1–23:10. ACM. 2014.
Details about The complexity of admissibility in Omega−regular games | BibTeX data for The complexity of admissibility in Omega−regular games | DOI (10.1145/2603088.2603143) | Link to The complexity of admissibility in Omega−regular games
Pareto Curves of Multidimensional Mean−Payoff Games
Romain Brenguier and Jean−François Raskin
In Computer Aided Verification − 27th International Conference‚ CAV 2015‚ San Francisco‚ CA‚ USA‚ July 18−24‚ 2015‚ Proceedings‚ Part II. Vol. 9207 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Pages 251–267. Springer. 2015.
Details about Pareto Curves of Multidimensional Mean−Payoff Games | BibTeX data for Pareto Curves of Multidimensional Mean−Payoff Games | DOI (10.1007/978-3-319-21668-3_15) | Link to Pareto Curves of Multidimensional Mean−Payoff Games